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L2094 DO95
Ebin Brothers r Gob
Edina Commercial Club
Ed. Phillips & Sons CO.
Griggs, Cooper & GO, *
NcKesson & Robbins
Mid-West Wine Co. , Inc,
Northwest ern Bell Telephone Coo
Old Peoria Go., kc.
Motion for approval of cla;imS and payrolls was seconded by Danens and carried,
n, ,fpger Mitchell recommded that Council take bids for Sanitary Sewer and
ab , .?i 'L
,;'I, as of Monday, September 22, 1952, at 7:30 P.N., was seconded by Danens and
Water Main in Philbrook Lane as of ?donday, September 22, 1952.
authorizing bids to be taken for-Sanitary Sewer and Water Elkin in Philbrook Lane Childts motion,
I I .I \ carried. \ -
kager Xitchell recommended the appoin-bment of a Sewage Committee for consul-
tation with Richfield as to Richfield Sewer Outlet,- Havrthorne*s motion, that
members Cwld and. Danens, Viliage Attorney lfddhorst , ~ Village Nanager Nit chell,
and the-present Chairmain of the Edina Taxpayers Association Sewage Comnittee-
be appointed as Edina Sewage Committee,. was seconded by Child and carried.
fi. Mit'chell recomendedt that Council. advertise- for bids for Stopand-Go Signal '-
for the 50th and Halifax-intersection as soon as possible, Hawthornets motion,
that Council take bids on Stop-and-Go signal as-of Monday, October 13, 1952,
was seconded by Danens and carried. &. Mitchell stated that the VilXage Public Works Crew and Equipment is too
busy to undertake the construction work necessary for the Grading and Gravelling
of the following alleys; which construction has been approved by the Council.
for Ilwork by day labor under supervision of Village Engineer":'
He requestetl permis5ion' to rentr the< ewipment necessary to effect this construc-
tion thZs f&dl.
equipment aizd hire "operators on- an hourly basis- for construction of two alleys,
-# 7-
Alley between York and Xerxes ad between W.59th and W.60th Streets.
Alley-between York and Zenith and between tL58th and W~59th Streets.
Hairthornets motion; that Village Nanager be authorized to rent
named above; was se'conded by CUld and carried.- *c
petitions signed by Themell Company and others, for
Sanitary Seber and Water Ndn 3nprovementx.in Chowen Avenue between W.6Oth. and -
wa61st Streets. He recommended' thak Council hold a Public Hearing and take b&ds-
13, 1952.* Hadhornets motion, accepting lbnager's
scheduling Public Hearing .and authorizing taking of bids for
Monday, October 13, 1952, at- 7:30 P*.M., was seconded by Child and carried.
Discussion was had of the petitidns for Street Vacations on the agenda but no
action was taken,' and matter was laid over to next' heeting.
Hawthorne moved for adjournment.
Motion seconded by Danens and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 12~20 A.M., Tuesday, S-er 9
r qE€TBm 11, 1952, AT 9:30 A& AT
Council Ifembers Child, Bredesen, -Danens, .and Hawthorne met at the Village Hall,
'Thursday, September 11, 1952, as a,Canvassing Board to review returns of the
September 9th Special Village Election on adoption of :'An Ordinance Establishing
a Merit System, Calssified and Unclassified Positions, a Position Classification
Ph, a Promotion plan, a Personnel Board, a Compensation Plan, an Examination
andtAppointment P1af1 &nd a Basic Personnel Policy for the Employees of the
'Village of Edina,- Einnesota.~ Returns were as foUowst
TOTUL 7 .3723- BXi
815 NO
Aft-er review by all members present,.Hawthorne*s motion that Results of Village
Special. Election held September 9, 1952, on Ordinance Adopting a Position Classi-
fication Plan, be accepted. Xotion seconded by Bredesen id carried.
Hawthorne then moved for adjou$nm&t df Canvassing Board Meeting, I Notion f seconded
by Danens and carried. Clerk