HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520922_REGULAR9/22/52 __ *. TXiN7l!ES OF THE REGULAE 1*mING OF THE' ET)INA VIiUGE COUNCIL, HE&D IJ.ONDAY, * SEPTE.~ 22, 1952, AT 7t30 PJL, AT THE EDLNA VILLliGE HKLL 234 i c Xanbers answering Rol.&LLl were Bredesen, Danens; H9wLhorne and Child, with Child presiding , EEnu!es of dtl August:I-ieetings of the Eena ViXLige Cohcil and of the September 8th Remla? Xeeting, were *approved as submitted, by mot5on HaFhhorne, seconded by Danens and carrie8. &yo; Pro Tea Child announced that the first miter of business was the taking*of bids on various projects, in ~di~-~~~orn~~side"Couri~r and Constru+ion Bulletin on the respective dates listed below for each project, were read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said kdyertisements for Bits, the following sealed Affidavits of Publication for Advertisenent for Bids bids were publicly opened and read: BWCKTOPPt G - DRJW & EKING .. M. io &afft Pfeiffer,Const.Co. (Adv. ) 9/U&l8,152 S,J.'Groves & Sons (Oil) $1,077.70 1 (Wa$er) 1,077 70 Ashhr$h & Spns (qil) $8,057005 [Ifat er ) 7, 153 98 Q - Vest 62nd St., Condord to Parnell, " ...--- 'in - Concord Ave.,-Val.ley View Rd. to 6. 62nd Stm r sAN.sE;Im " xm 1.mt SANOSGrn S&~.smJEB T?Am ItiUN DREW ATE. Dmr AXE, VIRGIN^., PHIUBOOK PE~ILBROOK . 59t&60th 5qth-6Oth AmoADilN, . MNX (Adv.) 8/28-9/4,52 8/28-9/4,52 8/28-9/4,52 9/ll-l%. 52 9/11-18,52 Phalps-Drake Coo $3O,58809O C~17y686m70 8 9,076m80 - Bart Carlone 8 4,071.40 8 3y9N.20 352732.75 lOy713mOO 8yU5.90 Ferron & Fuller 3,426080 3,542m90 31,044m38 lOy716mkO 9,218.60 Peter Lametti 3yU8*27 4,$3oP 31,057.38 8y779m12 8,7'72017 Harry Jm Krech 3,040.15 4, 508.50 29,996061 10,020.25 S;278m90 Orfei & Xaaani 3,206.23 39875m3k 28y200m37 8,576068 8,008m52 1Ti~ TerryExc, Coo 3,885m85 39867.60 9,1$.8.45 8y343m50 Fm Km Raven 39,562m25 &unetti & Sbns i 33,W6.~O Ibager $Etchell explained that he t6h.d like $0 have as many/of the bids taken this evening awarded at tonight's meeting in order that work my proceed at* once; that there is tabulating help available, Danens' motion, for referral of a31 bids to- Village Zngineer for, tabulation and report later this evening, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. ' as possible /' ,' It was noted at this time tbt no bids had'been fgceived for Street Improvement '4 No. C-32--the Grading and Gravelling of Brookview AvGnue between IIm62nd and W.64th 'Streets. 3km Pauley once again objected to the improvement with the three-foot I 1 cut at the crest of the hiU, and was ruled out of order by the lkyor. Rotion ! by Danens, that Council readvertise for bids on this project, to be taken Eonday, October 13, 1952, at 7:30 P.T4., was seconded by Bredesen and carried. \l&ager Hit cheU presented Co~cil ,with .a tabulation of bids taken September 8, for a new police squad ear, revest for a heavier car than those bid on--i.e., Police Special (125 HP V8 Police Special) vrith-special police type equipen*,. or, as decond choice, a- Chevrolet with heavy duty motor. Nr, XitcheUts tabulatioh included priees he had obtained on heavy duty equipment required; and, on his recornendation, Hawthorne moved that bid fos Police Car be awarded to Bob Knowles Ford Company, 725 I?. Broadway, for one 2-Door Ford eqhped vrith V-8 X!5 HmPo 1tpolicet1 motor, Police Heavy Duty Seat Frame and Front Seat Assembly; Policy type shock absorbers, - Police Type hssis springs, Police Type floor mats, R. & Lm arm rest and door puU, 6+y tires, direction signals, heater and defroster, right hand sun visor, 2 spot . lights, and seat covers, for a total of $1,815mOOy less $1,100 trade-in allowance for old Chevrolet, for a Met Difference of $715.00. and carried, 3k. 3E.t chell explained 'that the bid submitted by Victor Carlson & Sons on September '8, 1952--the only bid received--is in line with previous curb and gutter bids, He recomended-that this bid, for Street Improvednt E12, Curb and Gutter in Dalrymple Road, ,be awarded to bidder at $3,85&mOOo per Bngineer 1 s recornendation. He then read the Police De'prtmentls September 18th Hotion seconded by Danens . H&hhome moved for award as Xotion seconded by Danens and carried* -, . . 9/22/52 285 Public Hearing was had on proposed Blacktopping of Oaklawn Avenue betxqeen 'CJ.58th and W.62nd Streets. AfXidavit of Publication for frNotice of Hearing" in the Edinadorningside Courier August 28 and September 4, 1952, Tias read, -approved" as to fom and ordered placed on file. Engineer Nitchell*s Estimate of Cost was $19,088.00 as agdnst 4,736.2- assessable feet, or, $4.04 per assessable foot. Two reitten ob jections--from A. Hewis, 5920 Oaklawn, and Eileen 'Leon, otjmer of Lot 8, Fairfax Addition--were filed. There were no objections from the audiezxe. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: EJSOLUTION ORDERIXG IJ!JIIPRUVE$$ERT BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of.the Village of Zdina, Pbesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of Oaklawn Avenue between W.58th and w.62nd Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to-in all subsequent proceedings as Street hprovement No. A-47, and the area to be specidly assessed-therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improve- ment is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seeonded by Danens, and on Eollcallthere were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Harhhorne, STEEZT DPmm*mE NO. A-47 1 aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolutiop was adopted. I. *- 3E?$8rn I Acting Kayor ,e Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its -adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS c\ FOR Sw I!J~)?ROWE~~- NO. A-47 ll.M>. DIRECTING . .ADvERTISB%iXC FOR BIDS. BE IT RESOL, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: prepared by the Village Xngineer and now on file in the office of the Pillage Clerk are hereby approved. The Clerk shall cause to be published tw5ce in the Edina-Norningsi.de Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement 2 1. The plans and.specifications for Street hprovement No. A-47 heretofore 2. ADVi3RTISBBNT FOR BIDS smm ~O~JrENT IQ .A-47 The Edina Village Council will. meet at the Village Hall, 4801 'if. 50th Street, Monday, October 13, 1952, at 7:30 P&, to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Village Street Improvement No. A-47, consisb ing of the Blacktopping of Oaklawn Avenue between W.5gth and V.62nd Streets. I fications for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk.# Bids mqst be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time o$ said meeting wd accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified checx payable ta Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of aoun-t of bid. BY ORDER OF VILm COUNCTZ. Work must be done as described and specified in plans and speci- No b&ds will be considered __ Bower Hawthorne, Clerk - . 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. - ' Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.. Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; I ATTEST: t Acting Eayor ' /y /$-/Ad2 Village Clerk Public Hearing was next conducted on proposed Grading and Gravelling of the Streets in and surrounding Virginia Avenue Addition; Le., W.6Oth and W.62nd Streets between Concord and Parnell Avenues; Parnell Avenue between N.60th and 1~62nd Streets; Virginia Avenue and Virginia Lane in Virginia Avenue Addition. Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing in Edina-Norningside Courier August 28 and September 4, 1952, was read, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file, raised from those persons on w.62nd Street, and those owners of properties bordering Virginia Avenue Addition on Concord Avenue and Parnell Avenue. Objections were not as to cost. and the removal of the trees in the street right-of-way. objecting petition. Much discussion was had, with the representatives of Before an Estimate of Cost could be read$ there were objections - They were against the changing of the grade &. White presented 236 Vir&a Avenue time, Bredesen \ 9/22/52 'Y Addition speaking in favor of the project at the earliest possible offered the foQowing Resolution and moved its adoption: - I IESOLTjfrION ORDER IN^ II.IPROTEZ*IEN!P "t STREET R.E"EISENT NO. G-39. . adoption of the R&olution vas seponded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and one nay, as follopa: Hawkhorne, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolutibn failed for r.rant of a four-fifths affirmative vote by Council. Bredesen, aye; Danens, anay; - At this time Public Hearing was had on proposed Grading, Gravelling and Blacktopping of Sf.60th Street between France and Xerxes Avenue. Engineer Hitchell explained that the regrading of the street, as proposed, vas to correct a bad drainage situation at 60th and Abbott Avenue; that upon further investigation Engineers have discovered that present street grade cannot be changed because a cut at any point will not leave sufficient cover for .r.ratermains; that a storm sewer is necessary, because drainage problems cannot be eliminz.fed by ra>grading. Child recommended that an ememgency grading job be done on lT,60th Street, to put the street into condition for travel, pending construction of a .storm sewer, and that the street be oiled. Hawthornets motion, for an emergency grading and oiling job on 't'i.60th Street, was seconded by Danens and carried, Hawthorne then moved that the proposed Grading, Gravelling and BJacktopping of lT.6Oth Street between France and Xerxes Aveque, as an assessment project, be abandoned, carried. Hotion ,seconded by Bredesen aid Acting Xayor Child announced Public Hearings on proposed Sanitary Sewer and Water &ins in Drew Avenue between W,59th and If.60th Streets, Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing in Edina-Horningside Courier on August 28 and September 4, 1952, tras read, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file, Engineer Hitchell read his Estimate of Cost. At this time Nr, Robert Carter presented a petition signed by owners of ten lots on the street, objecting to both improvenents. Roy Peterson, owner of 234 front feet .and sponsor for improvements, stated that petition was circulated on the advice of the Village Office after he had requested permission to install. mains for his om houses; that he would agree to abandonment of the project if he can have permit to install his ova mains on a basis corqparable to the Intickelsen water franchise. He was asked to see I-Jr, 1.titchel.l regarding plans and specifications, and. to get a written request for his improvements before the Council as soon as possible. of improvement, Bredesen moved that proposed Sanitary Sewer and I'iater Ilains in Drew Avenue be abandoned. Er. There now being less than 51% of properties in, favor Notion seconded by Danens and carried. The matter of petition for-Improvement of the North-South Alley between 11.56th and W.57th Streets wd between Beard and Abbott Avenues, by Grading and Gravelling that portion of the alley lying North of the South .Lot Line of .Lot One, Block Eight, BrooWe Adation, and Vacating that portion of the alley lying South of said lot line, was next discussed at Public Hearing. Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing on Petition to Vacate Alley, and Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing, Gradingand Gravelling of North Part of Alley, in Edjna-Eorningside Courier on August 28 and September 4, 1952, .and Affidavit of Posting for Notice of Hearing on Petition to Vacate Alley, were read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Engineerts Estimate for Cost of kpro~g North Park of Alley . was read. At this time there was much discussion from the floor, with those present abutting the South part of the &ley agreeing to assume their share toward the cost of the grading-gravelliqg of the North portion, providing the South portion is vacated. Bredesenthen offered the folloving Resolution and moved its aGoption: BE IT RESOLVBD by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ibesota, that *this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed hprovenent consisting of *the Grading and Gravelling of that portion of the North-South &ley lying between Beardand Abott Avenues and between TJ.56th and 17,57th Streets which is located North of the South lot line of Lot One, Block Eight, Brookline Addition, and the vacating of that portion of said Alley uhich is located South of said South lot line of said Lot One, Block Eight, Broolrline Addition; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said' notice the Council has duly considered the views of a71 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Grading hprovenent No, C-40, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the alley in which said improvenent is to be constructed. IEESOLUTION ORDEBDIG It*PROVB*ENT GRADING ZNPEO~.~ NO. c-40 - Xotion for adoption: of the Resolution vas seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Bredesg, aye; Dyen?, aye; Hawthorne, ' . Village Clerk 9/22/52 237 -- - - __ During the Hearing on the proposed Grading and Gravelling of the North portion of Alley between 56th and 57th Streets, Beard and Abbott Avenues, a letter was the best type of snow-plowing that ViTlage can do, inasmuch as a turn-around hBs not been provided. Discuhsion was had with regard to using the drivelJa3t at 5624 Abbott Avenue for means of turning, by Village snow plowing equipment. Nr. Nitchell was instructed to contact Nr. Johnson concerning contract for this. Bredesen then offered the following Resolution and moved adoption: filed, citing the willingness of the affected property owners to accept . - ' ' RESOLUTION -PPROVII\TG-P1;AIJS AND 3PECIF'ICATIONS FOR GRBp7NG .IMPROliBf@JT NO, CS~O*AND'DIJZECTING . ~~T~~~i FOE BIDS BE IT RXSOLVZD by the Village Council .of the Village of Edina: fore $repared by the Village Engineer ggd now on file in the office of ihe Village Clerk ar6 hereby approved. Courier-and the Construction Bulletin the follodng notice for bids for thed construction of said hprovement: 1. The plans and Gpecifications for Grading linprovem6nt No. C-4.0 hereto- . I 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in-the Edina-Norningside B-?EEiTX%IBNT FOR BIDS GRADING IIXFROWmT NO. (5-40 "he %dina Village Council will- meet at the Village Hall, 4801 U.5Oth Street, Ifonday? October: 13, 1952, at-7:_30 P.&I., to open and consider sealed bids for %he construction of Village Grading hprovement No. C-40 consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of that portion of the North-South Alley between Beard and Abbott Avenues and 'be~weeb IzT.56th and W.57th Streets which i$ ldcate'd North of the South Lot Line of Lo$ One, Block Eight, Brookline Addition. for said improvement on file in officepf Village Clerk. on basis of cash payment for work. filed with undersigned before time of said ,meeting and accompanied "by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable-to Village dlerk in amour& of Ten peke& of amount of bid. ' @rk must bebone as described and specified in plans and specifications Bids must be subdt6ed No bids will be considered unless sealed and "t " <' BY ORDER OF T?ILUGZ COUNCIL. . r I Bower Haxkhorne, Clerk r 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are <- hereby adopted as the terns and'conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. c Notip for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and nonaysa as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolutio E Bredesen, aye; Danens, ay6; c c e Villagg Clerk Ha_wthorn& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: EES6LUTION VACATING &JXY - h . l~cRE%S, a majority of the-owners of'.%he land abutting on the alley herein- after described, -in the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, have- petitioned for the vacation of sai,,d alliy; and ' liTH;EW two weeks' published-and posted notice of a hearing t6 be had on said-petition September 22, 1952, at 7:30 P.M., has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council: NO??, THEREFORE, ED3 IT RESOLV3D by the Edina Vilfage Council, Hennepin That portion of the North-South Alley lying between Beard and Abbott Avenues and between W.56th and W.57th Streets which is loFated South.*of a line extended Vester'ly along the South Lot Line of Lot One, Block Eight, Brookline Addition, is hereby vacat.ed; provided that the Village of Edina excepts from this vacation proceeding and reserves unto itselfaand its assigns an easement for all public utility pruposes, including, without limiting the general "nature of said reservation, -an'easement for electric, gas, sewer, water and telephone equipmefit, on, over, and under the center ten fFet in width of Che'alley F County, Rinnesota, that -. c hereby vacated. -.. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded-by-Bredesen, ana on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen,*aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was ad ATTIST 2 238 9/22/52 Public Hearing was had on proposed Assessments for Various improvement projects, as set forth in Wotice of Hearing on Assessments for Improvements,1t published in Edina-Korningside Courier August'14 and 21, 1952. Affidavit of Publication for said Notice was read by Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. Acting Mayor Child explained to the audience that Council r;rOuld conduct HeGings on'the entire group of assessments, iri order listed in notice, reserving its action until all Hearings had been completed. St.Johns and Concord Avenue and between Tower and t.J,56th Street. Tabulation of Assessment Roll showed cost to be $3,389.51; assessable footage, 1,747.19 feet; Cost per Assessable Foot, $,;94. One protest, as to quality of work. ASSESS-EW FOR S'laEET II.IpROvET.IENT NO.A-l.l--Bhcktopping of All Streets in Prpspeef; HiUs:ancl Prospect Hills 2nd Additions. Tabulation of Assessment Roll showed cost to be $&758080; assessable footage, 10,593.51; Cost per Assessable Foot, $loll.- No objections from audience, and no written objections filed. Abbot% and Beard Avenues. Tabulation of Asses3nen-b Bo31 showd cost to 'ue $560.59; assessable footage, 463.3 feet; Cost per Assessable Foot, $1.21. * No objections from audience, and no written objections filed. Zenith and Abbott Avenues. Tabulation of Assessment Roll showed cost to be $967.43; assessable footsge; 543.5 feet; Cost pw Assessable Foot, $1.78. objections froni audience, and no written objedfkons filed. France Avenue to Rinnehahti Creek. Tabulation of Assessment Roll showed total cost to be $5,931.21, of which GeneraJ. Fund will pay $1,707.19, and Assessable Cost VPX be $3,405.60 to otmers of ResidentiaX Property; '$818.42 to Business Property; the cost per Assess'able Foot to Resideritid Property being @2.80; to Business Property, $2.71, No objections from audience, and no written objections filed. ASSBSm FOR STFUB" 3NPitOVBD3JT NO.Gl5-Grading and Gravellling of St. Johns Avenue from TL59th Street to and including temporary turn-around a& North End of St.Johns Avenue near FT.58th Street. $1,209.61; assessable footage, 1,197.64 feet; Cost per Assessable Foot, $1.01. objections from audience, and no written objections filGdc Proceedings were as follows: * ASSESSI-EIXF FOR Sw DPROVZ"T NO, A-8--Black%opping of Tower Street Eetween ASSESS-Em FCR STREFT R.IPROVE"T N0.A-19-Blacktopping of W. 57th Street between I ASsEsBBlJT FOR Sw D.PEOVEKEN'T N0.A-20-Blacktopping of IT. 57th Street between No ASSESSI.IEEJT FOR Sw I1ERO~E~u'l:"NO,%~--Cur"o and Gutter in V454th Street from Tabulation of Assessment Roll showed cost to be No $sSESS.BIQ FOR ST0xjt.T ~;EB NO. 16-31 TT;&th Street between Fkowndale and Glenn' Avenues. Tabulation of Assessment Roll showed Total Construction Cost to be $3,306.96, of which 52,364.72 is to be paid by Generh Fund, Total Assessable Cost behg-$9@.24- as against 120,800 Square Feet, for $.0078 per Assessable Square Foot. Rr. Clark, Engineer for Erinneapolis Street Railway Company, protested on grounds that Company receives no benefit because they om t'high" land and have never had drainage ~roblem. Nethod of Storm Sewer Assessment-emlained in detail to Hk. Clark. - Ve58th and IT.60thStreets. ASSlkZibENT FOR SANITARY SEZBR R@€iOVEXEXC NO; 34-41 Ashcroft Avenue between Tabulation of Assessment Roll showed cost to be $9,4L5.02 as against 2,395.68 assessable feet, for $3.93 per assessable foot. No objections from audience, and no written objections filed. ' ASSESSBUT FOR SANEm SEVER ITPEOVEi~ NO. 39-In St.Johns Avenue from TT.59th Street to a point 450 feet, more or less, North thereof. Roll showed cost to be $3,231.00 as against 900 assemable feet, for $3.59 per assessable f 00%. No objections from audience, and no written objections f iled. Tabulation of Assesspent &SESSm?T FOR TmIW DpIzO~-~m NO. 3&-& Ashcroft Avenue between W ,5&h and 11.6Oth Streets. Tabulation of Assessment Roll showed cost to be $10,493.08 as against 2,395.68 assessable foot, for $4.38 per assessable foot, from audience, and no mitten objections filed. No objections ASSESSi-m- FOR IImiU IMPROVEZBNT NO, 40--& St. Johds Avenue between IT, 58th and W.59th Streets. Tabulation of 'Assessment Roll shoved cost to be $4,5$1.00 as agaiqst 900 assessable feet, for $5.09 per assessable foot. No objections from audience, and no written objections filed. Hawthorne offered the followinn Resolution and moved its adODtion: RESOLUTIGN ADOPTING AND CONFIRtJING ASS&S.WS EB IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the .Village of Edina, Xinnesota, as follows: for the following improvements : Concord Avenue and St. Johns Avenue between Tower and IT.56th Streets. and all Streets in Prospect Hills 2nd Addn. Beard Avenues, Abbott Avenues. 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessments STEEXI' I"B+~~ NO. A-€h-BLacktopping of Tower Street betvreen St.Johns and Sm IXPROVZiiZRil NO. A-11--Blacktopping of all Stqeets in Prospect Hills Ad&. Sw IE.PROVBEXT 130, 8-19-Blacktopping of 11.57th Street -between Abbott and STR@T IC.SPROVEXZNT NO, A-2O--Blackhopping of Ii.57th Street between Zenith and STREET IIEROW4B4T l?O. E,!t--Construction of Standard Curb and Gutter. in TT,54th Street from France Avenue to iGnnehaha Creek. Sm IXPB.O~-B~ HO. C-lS-Grading and Gravelling of St.Johns Avenue from T.T.59th Street to and includingtemporary turn-around at North Znd of St.Johns Ave. near W.5&th Street. I -- 9/22/52 @3y %it- .'/ STOm SB@R IMPRWBTENT NO. 16--h 'EIT.4.4th Street between Browndale and SANITARY SEX'ER. DPROVEMENT NO. 34--In Ashcroft Avenue between V.58th and SuITARy SENER lXP-R("Tr NO. 39-k St. Johns Avenue from I?. 59th St. to 450 feet North. T;JdTm-%m B-l'l?ROVX"T NO. 38-In Ashcroft Avenue between W.58-t;h and 1~60th Streets. WATI%!i! IMP3O"T NO. 40--In St.Johns Avenue between W.%th and W.59th Streets and each of them, have been pmperly calculated in accordance with the provisions of Ninnesota Statutes Section 41204@; that notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council wo*pId meet to hear and pass UPOR all dbject&ons, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as mLght be necessary, &d to adopt the sane by resohtion; that said proposed assessments have at all tines since their filing been open for public inspection, and opport*mity has been gi4en to all interested persons to present -their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces aiid parcels of land renumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by, the construction of the improvements for which such * assessmen+J is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. pieces and parcels of ;and d9scribed in said respective assessments, and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said impro_veanents, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest ac&uing on%he fdll amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annwxl from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent rvith general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof. The tot& amount of each assessment for Blacktoppingrand for Curb and Gutter shall be payable in egual annual installments extending over a- period of five years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to August 15, 1953, to be pay- able with gendrd taxes for the year 195.2, and one of; the remaining install- ments, with one yearrs interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be qayable vkith generaletaxes for the years 1953, 1954, 1955, and 1956, collectible &-I the respective ensuing years. payable in equal annual installments extending over a period-of three years, the first of said instsillments, together with interest on the entire assess- ment from the date hereof to kLugust 155 1953, to be payable wLEh general taxes for the year 1952, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and a11 subsequent installments, to be payable with geni?ral taxes for the years 1953, and 1954, collectible in the respective ensuing years. and 3Jatermain lhprovements shall be payable in- ewal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said instalments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the da%e hereof-to August 15,1953, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1952, and one OF the remaining , installments, with one yearfs interest on that and all subsequent ilzstallments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1953 through 1951, collectible- in the respective ensuing years. owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any-assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a cerkified duplicate of said assessmen$s, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause &aid assessment to be collected in the manner provided by law. duplicate shall be designed as the ttAssessment Roll for (each improvement specified by number)" and all amounts collected in reshect of the assessnents therein contained shall be similarly desigpated by the County Treasurer and *rmitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to Sinking Fund Accounts of the following Improvement Funds: To the Sinking Fund Account of the i950 First Series kprovement Fund - collections from Storm Sewer Improvement No. 16. To the Sinking Fund Account of the 1950 Second Series hprovement Rzsld - collections from Street Improvements Nos. %-8 and &-1L To the Sinking Fund Account df the 1951 First-Third Series Improvement find - collections fron Sanitary Sewer Improvemmt No. 34. To the Sinking Fund Account of the 1951 Second Series Improvement FGrd - collections from Street Improvement Nos. A-WL A-20, fz-4 and C-15; Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 39 and l%ternain Improvements Nos. 38 and 40. Glenn Avenues. . 1?,6oth Streets. t 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, 3. 4. The total amount of each assessment for Grading and Gravelling shall be 5. The total amount of each assessment for Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, 60 Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor; the -such assessment or any installment thereof without interes5 to the Village 7. Said 9/22/52 ( &tion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on-Rollcall there vere four ayes and no nays, as follows: Biedesen, aye; Danens, aye; Child, aye; ' and Hawthorne, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, - p/2& cting &yor - Village Clerk E. Johnson presented petition for Stop Sign at Cahill Road and W.7Oth Street, explaining that grade school classes are now being conducted in. Calvary htheran and St.Patrick's Catholic Churches at this corner;.that construction trucks travelling W.70th Street must be slowed up. the Pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church asked for t.us Stop Sign as protection for Sunday.Schoo1 children also. Hawthorne moved, referring petition to ViUage Ihager with power to act. .Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 142. John Cardarelle presented copy of Spring Companyts Edina Highlands (over-all plat), stating that the plat for Rosendahlts Xirror Lakes, which is a part of the over-all plan, has been held up by the Council pending Spring Companyts dedication of 'park property; that Spring is relactant to dedicate until they have Village ashrance of aid in constructing roads through said park properby. Park Boardts Recommendatzm, and Council Action of September 10, 19a, were reviewed, 1-k. Cardarelle being assured that Council. would act in accordance with action of September 10, 1951, I.feeting, Ncr further action taken. Hr. Carderelle reqyested that Council grant permission to the otmer of Tract D, Registered hd Survey No. 86 (on old Cooper fam) to construct a dwelling on. this property, in view of fact that developers now intend to file a plat for said tract. permit for dwelling on this particular tract as soon as Planning Commission has approved - Prelimimry Plat, was seconded by Danens and carried. SupGrior Separator Company* s representiative presented the Companyts/permission to . use pro#erty they have recently purchased just South of Stl'eetcar Eight-oS-lky in Vest Bti.nnea@olis Heights Addition -for Parklng Lot purposes. referring request to Planning Commission for recommendation, was seconded by Danens and carried. . I~tr.-Eoy Peterson, owner of 234 feet on Dre-cr Avenue at ~60th Street, presented letter Teqesting permission to install .Sanitary Sewer. .and Water in Drew Avenue from 1'1.60th Street, No~bh. the rewested instdllations according .to Village specifications, pith stipdation sebnded by Bredesen and carried. __ t . ? Havhhorne's motion, that Building Inspector be authorized to issue building application for Hawthorne* s motion, C Hawthorne's motion, authorizing 3Sk. Peterson to make nthat he prill not begin work until plans are approved by Village En&neer, Plea was &de by &. and f.frs. Kedney, new residents on Chotren Avenue between 59th ahd 6&h Streets, that the Grading project on Chowen Avenue be completed immediately. 'grading project is finished; that they have gas furhace and other gas appliances they cannot usk until gas is in; that manholes and curb boxes are protruding from the street for some two to three feet, causing a most hazardous condition to drivers'. c They explained' that the Gas Company ~~511 not hstall mains until Xanager ELtchell reported that Gibbish Excavating Company is now seeking to dis- contin6e work on Charen Avenue between 59th and 60th Streets, and has asked for cancellation of contract to grade W. 58th Street between France and Brookview Aves. Considerable discussion was had on this matter, with lfanager 12i.tchel.l explaining that the Company was asked to delay the balance of construction in Chowen Avenue until-after Sewe? and Water Installation; that Company had been given an exbension of time for completion of project equal to delay eqerienced because of *said installation. until. after expiration oftthis three week extension. Attorney's opinion was that contract cannot be considered in default Bredesen moved that the Village Isfanager be directed to contact 1-k. Gibbish or his. representative tomorrov, to deternine trhether or not Gibbish Excavating Company intends to finish this project (grading and gravelling of Chowen Avenue betmen Tr.59th and TJ.6Oth Streets) on or before October 6, 3952; stating that if the work . is not finished by that time the Qillage.~iXL consider the contract in default, I-fdion seconded by Danens and carried, Bredesen moved that in the event Gibbish Excavating Company indicates that they ~&ll not complete work by October 6, 1952, the Village proceed to use dirt from the W.60th Street cut "20 fill ChorTen*Avenue and determine whether or not this project can be completed bf employnent of day labor. I-iotion seconded by Hathhorne and carried. .-* - - 1 I 9/22/52 &%-2B-- Hawthorne moved that, i-f Gibbish Excavating, Company indicates t'hat rmrk x&ll - ' not' be completed by October 6, 1952, or if kllage Manager deterrmines thd Gibbish Excavating Company will not be able to finish projest by October 6, the Village Council, as an emergency measure, authorize the Village Manager to expend up to $1,000 for wbrk to complete this project. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. ' As to the Grading and Gravelling of V.58th Street between France- and Brookview Avenues, Attorney.PErd.horstts opinion was sought as to the legality of now awarding contract to second-low bidder on bids taken for this project as of June 23, 1952, said bidder being Ashtrorth & Son-Company, amount $5,'(6&00, providing this bidder will agree, now, to take the work. Mk. Windhorst to call Xanager Mitchell tomorrow on legality of this arrangement. Hawthorne *S motion, that Village Council advertise for bids to be taken -Ifonday, October 13, 1952, on the Grading and Gravelling of W.58th Street between France and Brookview, in ,case it is not legal to award contract to next-low bidder as discussed above, or in case said bidder will not agree to accept award, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, k$ui*%y was made concerni&* petition filed in 1951 for the Blackboppin& of St.hdrews Avenue. Delegatim was %old that Blacktopping had been delayed for construction of underground improvements, and was advised It0 present new peti- tion together wi$h petition for Curb and Gutter. . Complaint was made as to condition o? street at present time, and Nanager Ifitchell PFS directed to investigate and to cor$ect inso;far as maintenance procedures will allow. Mk. Richeson, 4390 Wey Avenke, requested that Rent Control in the Village be abolished. A Mr. Nelsbn re&ested permission to bansfer approxiw&ely five feet from one of his Edina &lanor lots to the adjacent lot, which he also ovms at present time. He vr$s informed thFt there is no objection to this procedure providing the lot from which he transfers the five feet remains large enough to satisfy minimum lot requirements. \ - c I P * Council took no action on matter of Rent Control. Mr. Leonard Gebo appeared once agad, to request the Rezoning to Community Store District of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Edenmoor Addition, many recommendations for the Rezoning of this property were reviewed, and Hawthornegs motion,that request be granted was seconded by Danens and carried. Bredesen offered the 'following Ordfnance Amendment and moved its adoption; and that Council waive second reading: hl!J ORDWfCZ Planning Commissionts ! TO ~~~ THEi: ZONING ORDINAN(3E OF TI-@ The CoAcil of the Vill:ge of Edina, ,Hennepin County, ?hesota, does irdain ? VILLAG% OF EDINA, HEX$llPIN COUNTY, I 1mmA I ' as follow: Sec. 1. Section IV of the Zoning OGdinance of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, as passed by the Village Council on the 25th day of May, 1931, as thereafter amended, is hereby further amended by adding the e f ollordng additional paragragh immediately f ollowjng paragraph (f-14) I (f-15) bts 2 and 3, Block 1, Edenmoor Addition. Sec. 2.. This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and publication accord@g to law. C Notion for adqtion of Ordinance was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall. there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution for adoption o ATTEST: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; H awthorne, a/-- Acting Nayor -r , Village Clerk I c - The matter of the proposed Rezoning of properties along State Highway No. 169 cane again before the Council. to act on this matter at the Neeting of October 13, 1952, was seconded bx -3redesen and carried. Attorney Ward B. Lewis' notificatiin that T;;lest End Improvement Association has now settled matter of set-back for buildings on the F.R. Lein plat, lWestwood Court," was reviewed. . recommendation for,approval of plat, and Hawthorne moved that Final Plat of Vestwood Courtll be accepted. kr. Peder Mickelsenfs request for kediate payment by the Village for the connections in the Bloomberg Colonial Grove Third Addition and Wood Bnd Drive Addition was read and was referred to Village Attorney, by motion Havi'thorne, seconded by Danens and carried. Hawthornets motion, that Council be prepared 1 I Manager Mitchell reported the Planning Commission's Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. - , __ dv55 9/22/52 ' MI.&. A. Go Bogents petition for permission to grade Villi& Avenue between lT.51st and TI,52nd Streets at his 0r.m expense, using dirb. fron cut to fill his lo.i;% abutting the street, vas read. Havhhornets motion that petition be denied vas secohded by Bredesen and carried. . II c The following requests for pemits to sell Christmas Trees tfere filed: Zbst Addit ion. of 50th and Ifooddale. Consiqerable ,discussion ,was had, r.rith Council being in agrement that Christmas Tree permits should not-be given to non-Edina residents, and that Village omed property should sot be used by private organizations for commercial purposes. Hawthorne*s motion that both requests be denied was seconded by Bredeqen and tprried. ? Office reported that everything is in order for issuance of Plumberts Licenses to the folloxdng applicds: Q Hiss Betty Hoff, 2513 North 36th Avenue - to sell trees at Lot 3, Stevens IaEnute 14en of Colonial Church of Edina - to'sell. trees at 3outht:lest corner Hilmer C. Guntzel, dba Hugo E, Guntzel Plumbing & Htg. Co, 517 Plymouth N. George J. Johnstone, dba South Side Plumbing CO., UOO l?ashington Ave. So Hawthorne's motion, that licenses be granted, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried. 2.Iidland National Bank*s notification of their Exchange of Village U.S. Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness 1-7{8$ maturing August lst, for a new 2-1/8$ note issue due Deceniber 1, 1953, was read. action in exchanging securities in amount of $2l,OOO in manner set forther .in their letter, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Hennepin County Buditorts September loth notification that Board and Room at the Hennepin County Home r.rill be @.00 par day, effective January 1, 1953, r~as read and ordered placed on file. hblic Health Hursing report for I.lonth of August, 1952, was reviewed, and ordered placed on fife. - Poli'ce Reports for 1-fonths of July and August, 1952, were revier.red and ordered placed on file. " Statement prepared by County Commissioner So Earl binsworth, showing *lComparison of Assessorts True and Nl Values to Certified Actual Values," was noted. Hathhornet s notion, referring statement to Village Assessor, vas seconded by Danens -and carried. Hawthornels motion, confirming Bankts 0 t 1 c I.ri.inicipal Judge Austin D. Nortonts recommendation for increases in the salaries of Court Clerk, Richard Ed Olson, and Assistant Village Attorney, CurtPs Roy, vras discussed. Hawthorne's motion, that salary of Court Clerk be set ~:-'$l50.00 per month beginning Qctober 1, 1952, and that maiiter of salary for Assistant Village Attorney be laid over to budget meeting, was seconded by Danens and carried, with Bredesen voting no. "* 3ir. OJ?. Hawkins* letter trith regard to confusion in street names among neighboring municipalities was noted and ordered placed on file. August 20th recommendation of Ernst & Brnst, Auditors for a Fire Pzm'bection hvg of One ell per Year, was read and referred to budget meeting. Thorpe Br0s.r August 12th request for permission to survey Vil3.age-or.rned Lake Uornelia property .for purpose of determining future improvement operations in thirs =ea, vas read. Bredesen and carried. e , I Danensl motion that pernnission be granted, was seconded by Request of A.E. Brown for vacation of road between his property at 5116 Arden Avenue and Hinnehaha Creek, was reviewed. abuts TTillage-otmed park groperby, and as such, is an asset to the Village. HaTJthomeTs motion that request be denied ~ras seconded by Bredesen and carried. Nr. F.J. Cihakts requesk for hstallation of No Parking signs on the North side of Southvietr Lane from Unity Avmue to Highway No. 100 was refiewed. Police Depart- mentls recommendation for said signs was read. for installation of signs as requested, vras seconded by B$edesen-and carried. The re&est of the Police Department for a policy of *'Right cHand Turns 0nl.y~~ on 3J.SOth Street in the France Avenue Business District vas read. Discussion IFAS had, and Hawth6rne moved that recommendations be referred to Public Safety Committee and Village Naaager, and that Village Nanager be authorised and directed to consult with the Edina Commercial Club on this matter. Hotion seconded b$ Bredesen and cazried. It vas brought out that road also 1 n Hawthorne! s motion for authorization *. t 9/22/52 Petition filed by W. B:Ford, 401 Blake Road, for the vacation of the alley in Block 12, Ilendelssohn, was reviewed, Hearing on petition @e scheduled for Monday, OctoGer 27, 1952, vms se&onded -by Hawbhorne s motion, that +Public ' Danens and carried,,' B Manager &Etchell reported on Edina Country Club's request for permission to run a tile line to the Creek for drainage purposes. permission providing a slope easement is secured fromhold Chester, was seconded by Danens and carried. The matter of request for vacation of the Xvonne T,errace stub was again con- sidered, No formal action was taken, but it was informally decided that owners t of abutting properties may seed or sod this &ub and use it until such -time as it may expedient to public welfare to have it opened, Manager Mitchell presented check made to Phelps-Drake Company, amount some $&,OOO, as result af claim by them for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 37,v~hich claim includes cost of sod' re-laid along Normandale Road. Hawthorne's motion, that check for Phelps-Drake Company be held up pending appearance by.a represen6ative of the Company at the next regular meeting, was seconded-by Danens and carried. c I Hdwthornets motioa granting 'l ? n r- e r. Nr. E, C, Stow, developer of Brookview BePghbs Subdivision, requested that, the Meeting, on ITater Service for his subdivision, scheduled for Bogbmber 10, be set ahead as far as possible, so that building contractors op thp 101 lots he has sold may know whether or not to expect village WaterL Discussion-brought out tpe fact that mains should now be constructed large enough to serve those within the area topographically able to be served- from this tank, and Hawtihome offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SEX'TING JBARING FOR , PROPOSED IlXTEZXAIN X4PROVE"T 1 WHEXEAS, the Village Couqci1,desires on,its own motion to &e the Water- main Improvement set forth below, all as authoriz,ed,by Laws 1949, Chapteq 119, as amended by Laws 1949, Chapter 430: - IP to 6~~-~atemains and Appurtenances in that portion of Duggan Plaza . which is located in Brookview .Heights First Addition, which is located in Brookview Heights First Addition, Drive North, which is located in Brookview Heights First Addition. which is located in Brookview Heights First Addition. Danens Drive North. I c . east Corner of Brookview Heights First Addition to 'GJy,7Oth Street, and Naomi Drive, - Drive Horth, _" -t now therefore BE TT RESOLW by the 'Village Council of the Village,of Edina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to make the Natermain Improvement here3ofore set forth, and that onethe 13th day of October, -1952, at 7:30,P,H,, this Council will meet at the Village Hall in said Village and vdllat said-the and place hear the parties interested" therein in reference to such improvraent, and will decide whether or not to undertake such improvement, in whole or in part. I El3 23 FURTHERIRES0XVED, that the area proposed to be*assessed for this improvement includes all lots and tracts of Land &thin,the foxodng ._ described boundaries: "Comm. at the ST Cor, of Sec, 30, Twp,28, R. 2.4; th,'-E, 9lopg the South line of-said section to the SN Cor. pf the %1/2 of the 5.1/2 of Sec. 30, Twp.28, R.24; th. North to the NW Cor, of the SEI/& of Sec.30, Tt.rp.28, R. 245 th. $1, to the IW Cor, of S1/2 o$ said section; th, N, to the NE Cor, 0% S1/2 of Sec, 4, Twp, 116N, R, 21N; the W. along the No line of the Sl/2, to the NN Cor, of the NE1/4 of the SE1/4. of See, 5, Twp. 116, R. 21; th, S. to the SW Cor. of the NE1/4 of the m/4 of Sec, 5, Twp. 116, a, 21; th. E, to the SE Cor. of the NE1/4 of- the SX1/4 of said section.;. th, S. to the centerline of W.70th St,; tho* E. along the centerline of-V,?Oth St, to the EN cor. of Sec, 30, TWO- 28, Re 24, which is poinb .of beginning. Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Havhhorne, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. 6" lhtermain and Appurtenances in that portion of Neadow Ridge North 12" to 10" to 8'1 Watermains and Appurtenances in that portion of Damens to 611 lfatermains and Appurtenances in that portion of Ridgeview Drive 10" Watermain'ancJ Appurtenapces *Warren &venue from W,66th Street 'bo 12" to 61' Watermain and llppurtenances in Nomandale Road from the North- 8" Watermain and Appurtenances in W,66th Street. between Ridgeview Drkve 611 Watemin and Appurtenances in Naomi Drive from w.66th Street to Danens .c - - 8 9/22/52 Application was had €or permission to sell firewood, by Ilke Alfred A. Keil, 7130 Paormandale Road. on I&; Xeilts operations gf last winter. ito expire April I, 1953, was seconded by Bredesen and carried,, . It vas brougHt to Council that no complaints had been. received Hawthornets motion, that permit be granted, Tabulations of Bids received this 'evening having been completed, Hanager 14EtcheU. presented them for Councilrs cansideration, Tabulation of bids for Blacktopping of Drew and Er.ring Avenues between 1T.60th and Mo61st Streets and of 1f.6~ Street between Drew and Ewing Avenues, showed Ashworth & Sons Company to be low bidder, at $8,057.05 for Oil Stabilization--the bid of $1,077.70 for S.J. Groves and Sons, as read earlier in the evening, being ea unit price only. lf~. 1-Etchell recommended that bid be awarded to low bidder. motion'for award of bid to Ashworth. & Sons Company at Oil Stabilization bid of $8,057.05, was seconded by Danens and carried. Tabulation of, bids <or the Grading and Gravelling of the North-South Alley between Abbopt and Zehith Avenues, and M,59th and 1~60th Streets showed Ashworth & Sons Company to be low bidders, at $574.85, low bidder. 9574.85, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Bredesenrs . c I I,@. 'fiitchell recommetlded award of bid to Hotion by Danens for award of bid to Ashworth & Sons Company at Tabulation of bids takq this evening for' Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvements in Phi;Lbrook be, showed low bidder to be Orfei & liariania, at $8,5tN.& for Sanitary Sewer, $8,080.52 for lrateraaino Ib. Ith.-chell recornended award of bids to low bidder. stated above for Sanitary Sewer and 3Jatermai-n Improvements in Philbrook Lane, said award to be subject to approval by State Board.of Health as to. plans and specifications, PELS seconded by Bredesen and carried, HavhhorneJs motion, for award of bids to Orfei and Harid at prices 1 Hawbhornets motion, that bids taken this evening for Sanitary Sewer and Tatemain hprlsvaents in Drew Avenue between 1T059th and Wo6Oth Streets be rejected, vas seconded by Danens and carried. Hawthornets motion, that bids taken this evening for Sanitary Sewer and Grading and Gravelling in and surrounding Virginia Avenue Addition be laid over to Heeting of October 1.3, was seconded by Danens and carried. a HaT.rthorne's motion, that bids taken this evening for the Grading and Gravelling of ~~60th Street between France and Xerxes Avenues be rejected, was seconded by Danens and csrried. Bredesents motion for .Paynmt of Village Payrolls, amount $9,457.31, and Liquor Store Payroll, .amount $659.4.l, far period September 16 to 30, 1952, and for payment of the fallowing Clabs, ins seconded by Hawthorne znd carried: " CL4m NO, TO: - AbiOUXC - "D . 7606 Heqnepin County Review $l42.50 7605 Crook § Hanley, Inc. 69.00, 7608 Nelson Dry Goods Coo 2.95 7609 H, R. Toll Co. 3.85 90 11.73 76U Dick Palen Photographs 7612 Reinhard 3ros. Go. F. H. Geiger Sales Go. 15.00 7617 Young Fuel Go. r 20.22 8.73 7613 7623 Pockrandt Lbr. & Fuel Co. ClanCy Drug, Inc. 079 4* 54 7626 7629 Dorsey,Colman, Barker,Soott & Barber 1,932.22 7630 Eiller-Davis Co. . 467.10 Eugene €3. Thomas 36. 50 345.50. J. A. Danens & Son, Incs t" 1.70 Town & Country Hdwe. - 4.23 7628 l*Eller HdpE. $0. 7632 7633 7636 7637 E Lethe I'3er.rell 7641 Bertelson Bros. "F .* 2.00, 7640 7642 e Hazel C. Stranson 16.50 Edna C. Peterson d - . 16.50 7643 - . -16.50 7644 ,Bo 50 7645 c 18-13 7646 16.13 7647 .- 16.13 76-49 16.13 7650 17.31 7651 16.31 7652 7653 Florence L. Joslin Schaub Office Supply Coo 9 . - )I 5.00 , PC 16.50 - l-larian K. Kidder Luella- €3.- TTeber Ida I;. Smith Rnth VOW Helen Fdlmer Janice Hawthorne Dora Schauss : Eleanor 1.i.- Irizarry- r 16.13 7648 Ruth Til. Zipoy - 662 9/22/52 ' . .. CLAD4 NO. TO: 7654 Patricia Murry 7655 76 57 7657 7658 7659 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 7665 7666 7667 7670 7669 7672 7673 7676 7682 7684 7685 7686 76@7 7688 7689 7691 - 7692 7693 .. 7694 7695 7696 7697 7698 7699 . 7700 c Virginia Beard Adeline Lindboe Dks. OzM. Bye Dks. Roy Myhre Nrs. Lewis E. Jones Xrs. E, W. Spencer ES. E. L. Ifodlin Phs. Fred Asplund Nellie _Strate Betty Jane Doolittle Edith I. Ulhan Lil ICesler Fay E. -Carlson Richard Oil Coo H. A. Rogers Co. Modern "Sanitary Supply Co. Rosholt Ecpiprnent Coo 4 Brown Clothing Co. American Linen Co. Republic Creosoting Coo 14. 31. Neville Clarice A. Hollingsworth Ida Bishop Strong . &ks. &ry 1;. Powers Narjorie S. Rossiter Eleanor E. hundson Nae 1;. Duggan Rrs. Ceil Delaney Gladys V, Cameron Tks. Sigrid A, Ifesterberg Inez At Stark . Clara van Camp Patricia Salisbury &ma S, Hoyt Nancy H. Perry 7701 Virginia D.-Hughes - .. 7702 Jordis ,S . Balfany 7703 - ' Xary E4izabeth Chaney 7704 Ethel S. Link 7705 - Camille 14. Kortum 7706 7707 7709 7710 7711 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 7719 7720 7721 7722 7723 7725 7726 7727 7729 7730 7733 7630 7669 7674 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 774l 7742 7777 7778 7779 7780 7788 Dorothea Obermeyer &rian,C. Bailey Ruth K. Kodgsen Nabel If. Willson Elizabeth A. Lytle Mks. Flarence- Hallberg Res. Florence Fruedenthal Mrs. Edna Dillner Bks. Ursula Blood Mrs. Alice Twite D. Eleanor Oren Xdith %Taste Elizabeth K. Covnick Ih. H$ldred L. Bagley Jeanetse L. Tibbs F. H. Geiger? Sales CO. Undermod Corp. Fillmore '& Bradbury, Inc. Geo, T, IJalker & Coo Northern States Power Coo I c - i 16-31 16.31 '. 18.13 16.13 16.13 16 13 16.13 5.00 11.75 15.75 15-75 15.75 15-75 47 10 25.90 12.60 5.09 5.70 49.76 15.55 15.55 . 15.55 15.55 17.75 i 474S2 . 15.55 -15.75 15-75 15.75 t 15.75 j. ' .18.50 16.50 16.50 16. % 16.50 -. .I , 15.00 -15.00 . * c. 15.00 - 15.00 17.00 17.00 1- 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 -? U* 25 14.25 I UI-0 25 U.25 * 19.06 14.25' 17.06 17.06 17.06 ' 54.97 ' 57 . 90 1003 . 98 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. I4illerrDavis Co . H. A. JLogers Co. A. a. KKliaIls Carl 6. &ah1 Bemiqe 24. Johnson Earl Sewall EdinaSand & Gravel Northern States Power Co. Dietrick Lumber Coo Ed. Ryan, - Sheriff of Hennepin County S. J,*Tennis Jack Leber Harry-C. Hansen Phillip Bacon ?&so Evelyn Norton 97.83 305.48 89 037 16 45 870.00 15.00 87.42 28.98 84.67 : 1.00 90 70 30.00 10.25 5.25 5.25 5-25 16.25 GEI'IERAL FUI!JD $7,594.94 1 ;E 7615 7616 7624 7627 7635 . 7639 7640 7672 7675 7677 7678 7681 7682 7683 ' . 772rc 7728 7729 7730 7731 7732 7775 7745 7747 7787 7631 7634 7640 7729 7730 7735 7669 7640 7774 7784 7729 7618 7619 7620 7621 7622 77u 7611 7625 7629 7635 7638 - 7669 7670 7671 76N 7734 7739 7740 7752 1753 77 54. 7755 77% 7757 7758 77 59 7760 7761 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 . 9/22/52 TO: - Ho Ro Toll-Coo A-Ff Cob kc. of Nplso Twin City Bolt Bc Supply Coo Zulectic T-beLding Alloy Corp. Leef BrOs.-Inc, Ennesota Fire Extinguisher Coo Phillips Petroleum Coo Richfield hber Co. Bins Pure-Oil Co. Tovnr & Couptry Hdvre. Nodern Sanitary Supply Coo Northwestern Tire Coo Phillips Petroleum Coo Standard Spring Coo Tho H. Ziegler Coo, Inc. American fiinen Coo Leef Bros.; Inc, Himesuta Fire Zxtinguisher Coo Uinneapolis Gas Company Northern States Power Coo Northwestern Bell Telephdne Coo WOE. Inhr Go. Firestone Stores Brookside Service Station Village of Edina Park Board Dahlberg Bros., Inc. First National €lank of Ifpls. J.A. Danens & Son, Inc. Northern States Power Coo Northrrestefm Bell Telephone Coo Ben Wuehler H.A. Rogers Coo Dorsey,CoMan,Barker, Scott et Barber VirgLnus Stolman Northern States Power Co, Mdth Supply Coo TOWI & COWtq Hd~eo BO J. f*hg&n Coo Do If. Rush" Go C. Lokefi Henry Nystrom 1.k~. ThomaS Holem Everett 11. -Davies Peder EickGls en pick Palen Phot ographs Ilodgers Hydrulic, Inc. Rfchfield %umber Go. Dorsey, Cofhaan,Basker, Scott & Barber Orfei & Xakiani H. A. Rogers Coo Richards Oil Coo f'lilson Rlbrecht Coo Construction Bulletin Edina Taxi'Company Edina Sand' and Gravel Coo Edina Td Company " Ashworth Sons Coo ? -f! ! "?! '! ?! "V 2 !! -!! I! tl -?' !! !! -!! I! !! . - I1 I! !! -!! I! !! " '! I! 11 - 11 ?! -!? !! !! '! !' e c I3 " It II Orfei- & Niriani II ' 11 f P . $6.05 - 0 u- 9/22/52 TO: Terry Eycavating Coo Jm-km Danens & Son Banes-Hattison, Inca. Ashworth & Son Orfei & Mariani Terry Excavating Go. Ashworth & Son Gibbish Excavating Corn - 11 It I1 It It 11 CLAIM NO. 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7781 7783 77a 7786 7792 77@ 7749 7750 ,7751 ~2096 L2OB7 22098 L20 99 L2100 L2101 L2102 L2103 32104 mo5 L2106 L2107 Lao8 L2109 L2110 L2111 It2112 12113 U111, c L2115 ~2116 L2117 32118 L2ll9 ' I2120 L2121 If2122 m3 ~2124 I2125 Howard Neriman t r Leonard 1;. Dvorak t Elsie Bm I Karker .. Harry K. Nelin 3420 45 2453 62 509.94 511.61 738.63 111.30 2112 85 6233.18 3312 *33 S83 91 t41a90 10.00 22.00 American Linen Supply Coo- $12 45 Anheuser Busch, Inc. 322 * 32 Carpenter Paper Coo ~ * 19,s Clausen & Sons, Inc. 777.32 Coca Cola Bottling Co. of NhIIrn, Inca 58.06 Cold Spring Distributing Corn 99.34 Distillers Distributing Corn 1898.26 0. 11. Droner Beverage Coo 641.60 Famous Brands, Inc. 590 64 Gluek Brewing Corn 161.62 Gold Hedal Beverage Corn ,. + 69.16 Kuether Distributing Corn 88.22 1tlassol-b Bottling Go. 29.60 IEller-Davis Coo 3.00 Ehneapolis Brewing Coo 1291.02 14inneapo2is City Club Distributing Coo 296.22 Norris Distributing Corn 251w90 Pabst SaLes Corn- 352.75 Mity Beverage Coo, Inc. 200 e14 Fa J. Quinn Paper Coo. 41.34 Rex Distributing Corn 80 64 Seven-Up Bottling Cam m.40 Distillers Distributing Coo 2335.18 Ebin Brothers Coo I 1020.76 Ed. Phillips & Sons Coo 877.47 Griggs, Cooper & Go. 4439d3Ef McKesson & Robbins 355.54 Northern States Power Coo 44.57 Old Peoria Corn, Inc. 513.47 Canada Dqy Ginger Ale, Inca . 193.16 247 FUND - n . C C 1 \. COIJSTRUCTION FUND $51>014m48 - . I i C c Notion by Hawthorne, authorizing and Directing Pillage Treasurer to secure June, 1952 Tax Settlement from office .of Hennepin County Auditor, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. . Hawthorne's motion, authorizing Loan from General Fund to Construction Fund in amount of $35,000, was seconded by Bredesen and carried& Deputy Clerk reported that before October 1, Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Debt Service Funds vkll contain sufficient moneys. to pay bonds and interest for the ensuing twelve months, and that, therefore, it wiJ.1 not be necessary to make a tax levy for any portion of the payments. offered the follovLng Resolution and moved its adoption: Hawthorne RESOLUTION C-WCELLING l33Fi.I~~ DPROVBBE;" rzEVOLVING FIJW VliLOm4 TAXES COT;I.IECTiBa SXCI'H 1952 GENERAL PROFERTY TAXES 'TmRE&3, the Village Council of the Tillage of Edina has, by Resolution adopted Novenber 6, 1947, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of principal and interest of its Permanent hprovement Revolving F'und Bond Issue Series December, 1947; said ad. valorem .tax in ,the amount of $23,520.00 being collectible 16th and as a part of other general property taxes ins aid Village for the year 1952; and I-, the Village Gouncil of the Village of Edina, has, by Resolution adopted August 9, 1948, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of principal and interest of its Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bond Issue of 1948; said ad valorem tax in the amount of $18,200.00 being collectible 16th and as a part of the general property taxes in said Village for the year 1952; - - and -248 9/22/52 d IJlBBEAS, the Village Council of the Village of Edina has, by Resolution adopted June 27, 1949, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of principal and interest of its Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bond Issue of 1949, said ad valoran tax in the amount of $7,.200,00 being collectible with and as a prt of other general. property taxes in said Village for the year 1952; and levies providing moneys are on hand for payment of principal and interest for said bond issues; and it has been determined by this Council that the required monep are on hand for the papnent of said principal and interest. that those ad valorem tax levies made by Resolutions of this Village Council adopted November 6, 1947, August 9, 19@, and June 27, 1949, in the amounts of $23,520.00, W3,20O0O0, and $'7,2OO..C?O, respectively, and coliectible with and as a part of other general property taxes in said village for the year 1952, be and hereby are cancelled. autho-rized and directed to. cancel the above described ad valorem tax levies and to delete said levies from taxes to be spread for the year 1952, WHEREAS, 1.finnesota Statutes, Section 475.26 permits the cancellation of said NOX T@3FlE$QRE, EE JT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina BE 3!T FUBTHER RESOLSEX) that the County Auditor of Henneph County, Minnesota, be Notion for adoption of %he Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Child, aye; and theResolution was adopted. .) ,- /L c Acting &yor Village Clerk HawLhornets motion, that Budget Xeeting of the Councill be scheduled for Ifonday, September .29, 1952, at 7:3O P.E:I., was seconded by Danens and cwried. I* Nanager Nitchell reported on- the survey made by To-ltz, Khg and Day and Village Engineers with regard to possible Sanitary Sewer Connections to the Rizhfield Outlet Sewer. He repor%ed that there are two possible connections--one at 65th Street and one at 75th Street. Richfield an Estimate of 2.55 Cubic Feet of Sewage to enter the 65th Street Outlet; 15.45 Cubic Feet per Second for the 75th StreetOutlet. were Preliminary rough estimates of the cost on feeders to these Outlet Connectibns. Estimates presented were as follows: Me recommended that Village of Edina report to Also presented Trunk from 57th and France to 65th and Xerxes Trunk to 65th and Xerxes via 60th Street ancL0aELar.m Trunk from 57th and France to 75th and Xerxes Trunk via 0aklaT.m ad 62nd Street to 75th and Xerxes $631,800 e (High line) 594,600 (High line) 200,000 (;398,600 CI Hawthorne's motion, that '12ichfield be notified that Sewage estina'ced to enter the 65th Street Outlet rLLl be 2.55 Cubic Feet per Second; that for the 75th Street Outlet,. 15.45 Cubic Feet per Second, was swonded by Bredesen and carried. Public Utilities Supt . Ben I.loehler's recommendation for increase in Vater Rates beginning xtth the January 1, 1953 ,billing (for vater consumed last quaster ip 1952) was revierTed zt length. moved its adoption; waiving Second Reading of Ordinance: Haihhorne offered the following DrdihaAke:: ad % AH OrWINiWQ liIEI4DING THAT CERTAIN ORDDJAN& PmCRIBING RATES, CHARGES AND €?ZGW'IOl,JS FOR i I1DOPiXD JANUARY 24, 1949, I?J?TITI;ED OED13~c&NCE b - THZ VILL.4GiE OF DINA IJATEEWORIE SYS'IXtI The-Village Council of Edina do ordain as follows: SECTION 1, Council January 24, 1949 and entitled llhn Ordinance prescribing rates, charges and regulations for the Village of Edina Waterworks Systeat,!' are hereby amended to read as follows: . Section-3, Paragrsph (a) of that Ordinance adopted by the Village Wection 3, (a). ITater consumed will be charged on the basis of meter readings at the following rates: * , - (ff paid within Discount Period Presented) -t Per 100 Cu. 3%. - For First 3,000 Cu. Ft. 4,198 C $018 - Per 100 Cu. Ft. - For Nexb 4,500 Cu. 3%. .I76 .I6 except that water consumed in the district described as the East side of Beard Avenue from 54th Street to Fuller and both sides of Abbott $lace from 54th Street to Beard Avenue-.(.riU be charged at the rate of 23.3 per 100 cubic feet gross, or 21# per 100 cubic feet if paid vrithinthe discount period presented. The aforementioned excepted district is serviced with water purchased by the Yillage from the City of I.linneapolis and the Village Council has duly considered all pertinent facts and finds that the higher rate is fair and reasonable. Per 100 Cu. 3%. - For Next 3,500 Cu. Ft. 03-87 017 Per 100 Cu. Ft. 15 - .For Excess over U,OOO Cu.Ft. .I65 c - 9/22/52 249 SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force :afker its pasiiqge ?568 opublication according to law. Notion for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded .by-Bredesen, and on RollcaZl there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Child, aye; and the Ordinance wits adopted. t S Bredesen, aye; Daxiens, aye; .- Acting Nayor % The Deputy Clerk having presented a tabulation of improvement contracts atvarded since the last Improvement Bond Issue, with the report that the Village will need additional moneys very shortly for payment to contractors now working on improvement projects, and the Village Attorney having given his opinion as to a bond sale, Hawthorne moved authorizing and directing Clerk to compute the itmounts of bonds necessaryto issue and to prepare and-entqr Notice of Sale in the Commercial Vest, Ninneapolis, and the Edina-Norningside Courier for sale of said bonds on Monday, October 13, 1952, at ?:3O P.M. E'lotion was seconded by Bredesen and unanimously carried, C ger Nitchell reported to Council that Stom Sewer is needed in the Vicinity oran*s Edina Ifanor, at 60th and France, and along 60th to the East of France. Hawthorners motion, that 'Village Engineea be authorized and directed to prepare ?plans and specifications for Storm Sewer, together with district to be assessed therefor, and that Council conduct Public Hearing on this proposed improvement as of Monday, October 27, 1952, PEAS- seconded by Danens and camied. to Monday, October 6,1952 at Edina High School : Danenst motion for ad journmendwas seconded by Bredesen and carried. adjourned at l2:lO A.M., Tuesday, September 23. Meeting < nager Mitchell reported that the State Highway Department requests a Reso- ion eliminating entrance to Highway No." 100 from Service Road [East Side) e- Danens offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:' ~SOL~ZON TOR ELIMINATION OF 63RD STREE2 - ENTRANCE TO STATE HIGHWAY NO. 100 FROM ,. SERVICE ROAD (EAST SIDE) BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of ,the Village .of Bdina, Hennepin County, Ninnesota, that this Council believes the best interests of the public will be served by eliminating the 63rd Street Entrance to State Highway No. 100 frorpthe Service,Road running parallel to said Highway at the east side thereof. BE IT FURT€JER RESOLVED that said 63rd Street Entrance shall be, and hereby is , eliminated . Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ATTEST: P Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; 1 e c Acting Mayor /%/a, Village Clerk