HomeMy WebLinkAbout19521013_ADJOURNED268 . < I kL3 iT FUR!i!HER2E3QLVBD that the State EIighwqy Department be requested'to make &mediate installatian of traffic control signals at btersectiontof 3il.lson Road and. Trunk Hightiqy Bo, 100. Kotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on.Rollca31 there were ofour ayes and no nays, as follows: and Child, aye; and the EesoZution was adopted, ATTEST: r Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, ap; ~ -- i /!-J7;;. /d/-- - Acting Napr '(Tillage Clerk ,- The hour being late, with many items of business still to come before the Council, Hawthorne moved for adjournment to Tuesday, October l.4, at 7:30 Pm1*Zm, at the Village Hall. Kotion seconded by Bredesen and c 3 -c .. ..-__**- - *.- - I-fernbers a&w&ng Rollcall were Bredesen, Chiid, Danens, Hawthorne and Eric1Lcson. .Petition, dated OcLber l.4, 1952, for the Grading'and Gravelling of ParneU. Avenue between V'ley View Road and U.62nd Street, signed by o~iners of more- than 51% of owners of abutting properties, was f ged. accepted and that Mlic Hearing be set for.Eonday, November 10, was seconded by Bredesen and carri-pi. Hawthomeis motion, that bids be taken IXonday, Novenher 10; at 7t30 PmIL, for the Grading and Gravelling of Pawell Avenue between Valley View,Road and V.62nd Street, 3hager Nitchell'reported thai he had contacted hrfei'and Nar$aqi, low bidders on the Virginia Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project, in qccordance with Council*s instructions of last evening; that contractor is-agreeable to partial construction this year and I-%. Enoch Sward's written re4est.of Octoier 2,,for rglease of easement granted in February, 1947, for @orin Sewer acpss the West Ten (10) feet Lot Nineteen (191, Auditor's S&division Nurnber 172, was read, Re&ease.of eas.ment is asked because there nQw seems to be no possibility of constwpting said storm sevrer. motion that Council take the necessarg steps to-return to I&. Sward the easement -, I. Hawbhornet s motion, that petition -be was seconded I by Child and carried._ - I -- - c - bance next year. No action,taken. ,a Hawthorne's granted, was -seconded by Bredesen. and carried. "C The Village of-Richfieldts proposal for the hiring of a l1sanitation inspector" to serve both villages in inspection of hotels, taverns, restaurants, etc., was read . and discnssed. Child's motion, that Richfield be notified that Edina does not feed that it needs a full or part the sanitation inspector at tbis tine; that our needs are limited and that our Health Officer performs the duties of a sanitation inspector, was seconded by Hawbhorne and carried,' Attorney IEndhorst's opinion that assessments for tree trimming 1tmust be on'the basis of the benefits received" precipitated a lengthy discussion on the manner and methods of tree trimming assessmmts. It was first thought best to call for a Village-wide public hearing on this matter, and Bredesen moved, setting Public Hearing for Honday, Novder 2&. Notion lost for rmt of a second. Diswsion followed with regard as to the pmbleim of deciding vhat areas are to.be triamd this next year, matter of trimming, removing, and planting trees on assessment basis; Since it became apparant that a policy could not be fodated at this meeting,_Child moved that natter be tabled for further study. Hotion seconded by Danens-and carried. IIr. Child reported at length on the joint meeting of the Edina and Richfield Sanitary Sewer Cormnittees. contract with Richfield (and-J-bneapolis) for said sewer cons~ruction. - 2. Edina may issue bonds to cover,cost, wit$out vote of electorate. - 3. assessment for cost of construction of sewer, - was reviewed. Nessrs. Child and I). 1E.t chell presented report by G.I,I, Orr, Richfield's consulting engineers, showing the comparative Edina and Richfield costs; fqom which it was thought that Edina trill bear too great a proportion of the "capacitg" cost. 3Ir. Child suggested that Toltz, King and Day recheck their estimate o$ 18 cu. ft, per second flowage * Attorney Tlindhorst's opinion that - 1. Edina my enter into Edina may make . 10/U/52 269 before the next meeting of the two Codtees, inasmuch as there seems to be no reason to believe-that Minneapolis can cut Edina off fromrits present sewage outlet. The m&er of a possible re-estimate of maximum population to be served in Edina was also discussed. &. Child reported that he has rece$ved from Northern States Power Company an, estimqte in amount of $1,4lO for installation of two ornanent&l. light posts in Arden Avenue. Petition for Vacation of that port& of Drew Avenue lying South of FT.55th Street and abutting Lot 1,- Block 6 and Lot 5, Bloc$ 7, Woodbury Park Near Lake Hqr&et, was filed. Monday, November 10, 1952, at 7:30 Po&, .was. seconded by Child and carried. M4; John Bloombergts request for th; lighting of .the orn&en.tal light -which he I has installed at cWoodend Drive and France Avenue was repwted by 'Manager Etchell. Child's motion, that connection be wdered, was seconded by Bredesen and carded. Village Attorney Winaorstts opinion, that General Fund may legally'pay to Mi?. Peder MQkelsen those amounts ,due Ifr. Mickelseq for .connection charge to water main for Colonial Grove Third Adation. and Wood End Drive, pending payment by Mi., Herbert Bloomlherg in. accordance with ageement with Village, was read and discussed. Child's motion, that amount in question, be paid to &. lEckelsen from the General Revenue Fund, was seconded by Danens and carried. Letter from'Hennepin County League of Toks and N&icipaiities, with regard to the tax valuations matter now before the State T.ax Commissioner, was reviewed and, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Bredesen, , was +ordered placed on file. Eilr. Ghildts report accepted by Council. He was asked to contact petitioners and make report at !next ~ regular meeting. 1 * Hawthopets motion, $hat Public Hearing on petition be set for -1 c The Ibesota Railroad and Warehouse Codssiont s notification of their approval of the bus route along France Avenue between W.44th and V.54th Streets, was noted 1 -* and ordered placed on file. - -. __ Request of Minute Nen*s Club of Colonial Church or Edina for permit to sell Christmas trees on the lot adjoining the Shell Semce Station and facing Halifax Avenue, was granted by motion Child, seconded b;Jr Danens and carried. Petition.signed by owners of 100% of abutting properties, requesting the Black= $oppGg of FJjndsor Avenue between Code andrdead-end, with said work to be. done- at the same-time Code Avenue between tf.56tfi and IEndsor is blacktopped, was - - reviewed. Plr. EEtcheIJ told *Council that contractor will. start on Code Avenue this week; that, therefore, there is not time-to have the required public hearing on this project. Childrs motion, that Village Attorney be asked to draft an agreement for_ signature -.by getitioners, .-waiving- public hearing and assuming assessment for work; and tha5 contractor be notified to make %his 'addition to his contra& for Blacktopping of Code Avenue, Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. The following applications for Sign Permits were granted, by motion, Hawthorne, ' seconded by Child and casried: ~ , c Wttn Purl Shop, 50U France Ave.-So. Arthur Murray Studio - 3917 W.hh -st, M. E. Dahl - 3933 31. 50th St, I Lilli~,?~ 3423 lf.50th-Sto * * Agreement, drafted by Attorney t?indhorst and signed by contractor Gibbish, for cancellation of the Gibbish Contract for Grading hd Gravelling and stabilizing W.58th Street between France and Brookview Avenues (Street Improvement No. C-27) was preserrted. Hawthorne's motion, 'that Mwor and Clerk be.authorized to sign ., cancellation agreement ^on,b&haJ.f of the Village, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. . I- o Nss Sophie Stensonrs request for permission to connect the residence at 6100 Bmokyiew Avenue toathe watemain on Oaklawn Avenue, was discussed. bI;ou&t to- Councilts attention that a-Consumerts Deposit; is required from $hose persons not assessed for utilities who-make connection into an asdessment district, said deposit to be equal to full dmount of assessment for comparable lot; that petitioner must bear full cost of installation of main, besides cqnsumer's .. deposit. Child's motion, that reqyest be granted on condition that M;iss..Stenson make requi-red mnsumerts deposit and that connection be made in priyate propert;y. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Request of Norman 0, Hilleren, Editor of Edina-Norwgside Courier, for reimburse- ment by Village of*$122.50 for overtime iqcurred by Courier in releasing for pbU- Gation the Village ?'Personnel Ordinance" was reviewed. Ordinance was-not given to Courier until very late; that.&. HiUerents claim is justified. Hawthorne and carried. It was a It was brought out that Dan~nst motion that request for pqyment be grantedwqs seeonded by t 270 i Claim of Robert Bo Christy, 4512 Rutledge Avenue, iu amount of $37.07, for damages to tire at Bmokside Avenue just .off Interqchen Blud. (immediately after fill by Village) was. read. It .was noted that &. Christy's-tirerhad 18,000 miles at time this damage was suffered; and Harhhorne mved that claim be allowed in amount of $15.00, Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. J C. Ik. C. Po Zuf.Ps claim for $27.50, covering damages sustained to his car while drivingon-Chmen Avenue near 58th Street ivas filed. Ha&hornets motion that claim be allowed, -was seconded by Bredeseq and carried, Hr. Paul TL &Itellis* claim, amount @.+$7.75, far damages sufferedko automobile when-it Qt a protruding manhole housing at the intersection 02 IL6Oth Street and Abbott Avenue, was allowed, by motion Child, $seconded by Danens qnd cwied. - Childfs motion, that the above c1ai.m be referred to insurance underwriters for settlerent with the Village. Hotion seconded by Danens and carried. Request by Roy H. Peterson and Richard L. Hawthorne for permission to knstnrct saaitary seyer and- water in Drew Avenue- from 60th Street, 'North, according to bid of -0rfei & l.Iariani, amount $3,239.17, was reviewed. Haidhome's motion, that matter be referred to Village Engineer for discussion with petitioners as to extra charges involved-charges for connection to trunk mains, engineering charges, etc; Notion seconded by Danens and carried. Police Report for September, 1952, was read. filed was seconded-by -Bredesen and carried. . r. Xr. EEtcheU. reported that complaints -have been received from the residats at 5316..&-ookview Avenue concerning the ,condition of the trees in the park area across the skreet; thaf Village park trees are in poor shape in many places; that Bill Curtis Tree Service trill &em up this particular park area for a sum of 8300. Hawthorne's motion, that Village Hanager be directed to ccmsult with Park-mrd, %elling them the Village Council believes something should be 'fone on-this matter, was seconded by Danens and carried. - 1 * 1 C Hawthornets motion that report be E&. EtcErell reported that, on his om initiative, he had readvertised for bids on the follovcing mrkt 1, - Gravelling and .water -stabilization, Chowen Avenue - 58th to 60th Street. 2. - Gravelling a& water stabZLization, Zenith Avenue - 58th to 60th Street, 3. - Grading, gravelling and water stabiL@;ation-on I.J,5&h Street between 4. - Grading, gravelling and water stabilization of Conaora Avenue 'between France and Brookview Avenues. b * Valley View Road and 62nd Street. t * Hawthorne 9 s motion, that Council oonfiriu Vilfirge Nanagerr s action in re-advertising for bids for the above naned projects, was second?& by Child and 'carried, Quarters for the Engineering Crew, now housed in a vr&g house behind the Village Ha, were fisassed. the VKLlage Hall; inasmuch as the crew will be reduced .soon. I It.was recommended that the Xngineers be moved back into- The matter of purchase of a Traxcavator vvas disc-sed at some length, notion that Councfi take bids aovember 10, 1952, on a &chine of the TrZxcavator type, and trailer, specifications for same td prepared by Village Engineer, r.rith specifications to state that bids are to remain open for 60 dafs, was seconded by Danens arid carried. The matter of a mew appointment to the Planning ComLssion was discussed. Eecommeftdation tils made for appointment- of Hr. T. La Todd, ,and Bredesen moved for said appointment. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. Ek. Danens $olunteered to contact Ik. Todd with regard to his .accepting appointment. Breqesents - I . r Nr. 3Etcbll reported that the State Highway Department reqvests ,Council action on the closing of the 50th Street entrances to Pukwana Lane and lEnnewawa Avenue; that they wish prompt action, inasmuc& as they +re ready to begin pork immediately, Hathhornets motLon, that matter befreferred to the Public Works ttommittee with power to act, was seconded by Wedesen and carried.- *. Mr. Ralph Ibberson's request for permission to re-grade and sod his Qwn and rep+ his.sidewa3.k at Village expense, to meet the nexvly congtructed curb, vias reviewed. Cbildls motion that request be denied was seconded by Hawthorne and Preliminary Plat 6f 1fShaughnessy's Ist Addition," was presented, 'together with Planning Conq?nissionts-recommenda%i.on for approval rdth stipulation that Village does not constyuct,qaintain a road on the 3Gfoot dedication, this being Ilk. Shaughnessy's responsibility, Planning Cornmissionts recommendation. - carried. - c Hawthorne moved for approval of Prdiminary Plat lin conformance t&th . IWi.on seconded by Danens and carried. 10/3.4/52 271 Final Plat of Wmendahlts Edina Highlandst1 was presented, together with Planning Commission's recommendation for approval thereof. Hawthorne1 s motion for approd,of ,Final Plat subject to signature by Planning Conmission was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Mr. My Peterson's Preliminary Plat of nine lots North of W.60th Street and borde&g on Chowen. Avenue and Drew Avenue South, was presented, together with Plaming Conmission's recommendation for approval. Bredesen moved for approyal of Prqliminary Elat. %tion seconded by Danens and carried. Final Plat of Thernellts**Edina Bel-Air Third Addition was presented, with Ik. Ititchell reporting .that recommendations made by Planning Commission had now been made. Bredesen moved $or approval sf Final-Plat. Motion seconded by Child and carried. Preliminary Plat of Bloom's Subdivision was presented, together with Planning Cornmission's. recommendations. Plat was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. I Bredesent s mtion for appmval of Preljminary The request of $fro C. 11. hs, for vacation of the stub street on Yvonne ' Terrace, was reported,,- together with Planning Coh.rmission**s recommendation for rehbntion of a 20-foot access and drenage easemeat. Bredesents motion, setting Public Hearing on petition to vacate, for Nonday, November 24, 1952, was seconded by. Hawthorne and carried. Child's motion authorizing a loan from the Liquor Fund to &he General Fund amount $5O,OOO, on a short tern basis, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Bredesen's mtion, authorizing a loan from the General Fund to the Construction Fund-in the amount of $25,000, to be repaid upon receipt of proceeds from improvement bnds sold, this evening, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. &yor Erickson nominated thE3 following residents to the Edina Citizens Connrwittee on Government Revision: Mines. Leo Fink, ETarcus Sundheim, Edw. Volk, Silas Anderson; Messrs. Geqrge Porter, Ward Lewis, Thos. Hodgson, - Gene Oredson, I3urch Bell. and Ralph Bogs. kv&hornefs mtion, that appoint- ments be made in accordance eth Mayor Erickson's nominations, was seconded by Bredesen and unanimously carried. Clerk Hawthorne presented his resignakion fromthe Council, to be effective October 15, stating as his reason, the increase in us own work and the fact that his new position requires him to work evenings. Danenst mtion, that resignation be accepted with regkets, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Mayor Erickson nominated Mr. James H. Otis, 6l4.3. Normandale Road, for the position of Village Clerk, for the unexpired portion of Ifx..Hawthornets term of office. Clerk for the period October 16 to December 31, 1952, was seconded by Child and carried. Hawthorne moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by D I Bredesents motion, that Eifk.. James H. Otis be appointed as .-. Villhge Clerk. - I t en. c I ..