HomeMy WebLinkAbout19521013_REGULAR254. \ IZembers answering EoIlca33 w6re Child, Danens, Hawthorne," and SricGon, with Bredesen coming later, as recorded belovr, I-Enutes of the Regular Ueeting of Septembgr 22, 1952, were approved - as dbmitted, by mtyon Child, seconded by Danens and carried; c Attorn& DeForest Spencer 0% Borsey, Colman,Barker,Scott -and &ber -submitted draft of IlRevised Ordinances of the Village of E.di*na, IG.nnesota,~* ex$laining*at length the-procedure for adoption of new ordinances, and reviewing for Council the purpose of this codikcation and the rork which has made it possible. was complimented by the Council for 'his own efforts in the preparation of the codification. I 110. 1 Attorney Spencer Hawthorne offered the follotring .Ordinance and moved its adoption: JiJ Cl?.DIIi&J~ REPEALING THE EXISTITJG ORDIWJCES OF THE ViIJXGZ OF EDINA, A.D@TING THE IiEVISW i_ QW~T~QJCES- OF THE VIUm OF EDUJA, PIEOVIDIMG EO2 THEIR -mIbN AND p%EtIODIJ: REVISION, &TD SPECIFYmG Pl$NALTIF;S FOB WIR VIOMl!ION. , I . -. C. .- ' The Village Council of the'village of Edina, I.&esota, ordains: "C Section.Tt, :ZXISTIISG OB,JlIN&JcEs WlUIED. AU ordinances of the Village now efisting, are heTeby repealed, as of October 30, 1952, 1 Section 2. *REVISED OPDIBUIGES ADOPTED. There is hereby adopted as and for the ordinances of the Village of Edina, 'fh'qesota, that certain revision and codification of its ordinances contained in a printed volume entitled IIRevised Ordinances of the Village of 2kEna2 I.rinnesota," as the same has been presented to tb5s Council at a regularly called *meeting held on the date hereof. ordered to be filed with and as a part of the official records of the Village in the office of the Village Clerk. October 30, 1952, and from and after said date shall be all the ordinances of Edina, except as they may frorp time to time be repealed, amended or added to by ordinances duly adopted by the council on or after the date of adoption of this'ordinance, which is October 13, 1952, cause of action, obligation, right or liability hitherto created by, or instituted pr f5ng hder the temps and prpxlsions pf any of. %be prdinmces repeaed bereby sm by siu$ repeaj. Be abp35sfiea, mi&Led, altered or amended-, but such action, suit, proceeding, cause of action, obligation, right or liability shdl continue in full force and effect without regard to the terms and provisions of this ordinance, subject to further action by the Village in accordance with law. Said printed volume is herewith S&d Revised Ordinances shall become effective as of I Section 3. €!ZOIXEDTCTGS ur?JDER PRETIOUS OIzDDI&JCEs. 110 action, suit, proceeding, Section 4, &.ZsDI.maS izrsD NE;f.I ORDICJANGES; PERIODIC RJ3VISION.. Amendnents to said Revised Ordinances and new or-@.nances shall, become effective upon their addption in accordance with the laws of the State of IEnnesota. shall. annually, or at such other interval of time as it may determine, cause said Revised Ordinances to be periodically revised to include amendments thereto, and new ordinances The Village Council , I Section 5. BIsTRI?3mIaJ TO THE PUBLIC. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a sufficient .cpantity of said Revised Ordinances for general distribu6ion'to the public, and to publish in the official newspaper for at least two successive weeks a notice that copies of said Revised Ordinances are available at his office. printed such portion or portions of sqid Revised Ordinances as may be convenient and desirable, and to keep them available for distribution in his office to interested persons. He shall cause to be printed and distributed from time to time such menbents to ordinances and new ordinances as the Village Council nay direct, 'in accordance with Section 4 hereof, He is further authorized and directed to cause to be separately Section 60 DEFDJITIONS. In all ordinances contained in said Revised Ordinances - or hereafter. adopted, ~mrds+.shal.l have the following meanings, unl6ss otherwise stated: Wlerklf means the Valage Clerk of the Village of Edina. Wouncil1~ means the Village Council of the Village of Edina. 9fayorIt means the IZayor of the TTillage of Edina, !!Person" means any natural person, partnership, firm, trust, extate, __ association, or caporation, vherever permitted by the context, and "Treasurer11 means the Village Treasurer of the Village of Edina. the singular includes also the plural. "VillagelJ means the Village of Edina. !!Village-Clerklt means the Village Clerk of the Village of Edina. "Village Council1' means the VilXage Council of the Village of Edina. !!Village Treasurer1' means the Village Treasurer of the Village of Edina. Section '7. T".l3ITORIU APPLICATION. Unless otherwise expressly stated, - ardinances shall be deemed to apply only t-o aats done in the Vjillage, or to the omission of acts which should have been done in the Villager e 2555 I Section 8. SECTION WINGS, The section headings appearing in the various ordinances$ which are inserted between the number of the various sections and the text thereof, shall not be given any weight- in the interpretation of any ordinance or any section thereof. - Secti6in 9. SEPARABILITY. If any ortiinance contained in the Revised. Ordinances, or hereafter. enacted, or any part of any such ordinance or amendment thereof shall be held to be invalid or suspended under the hnstitution or laws of the 6nited States, or the Constitution or laws of the State of Mkmesota, such. invalidity-or suspension shall not be deemed to apply to any other -ozdinance or part thereof, or to any other part of the ordinance a part d which was so held invalid or suspended, unless specificsiLly provided otherwiser -c +P .. Section 10. EiS?IDEWE. Said Revised Ordinances are hereby declared to be prima facie evidence-of the law of the Vkllage. - P r Section 11. PENALTIES. Wherever not otherwise-provided, any violation of any ordinance or any part-therepf shall be a misdemeanor. commission of a misdemeanor, wherever a different penalty is not prescribed by ordinance, shall be imprisonment for not more than three months, or a fine of not mor6 tha $100. &* .- The penalky for $lotion for adoption of this Ordinance was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall1 "there were four ayes and no nays, as ATTEST: aye; Danens, aye; Havdihorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; Nayor < Gfillake Clerk a. James Hazlitt, representing Phelps-Drake Go., contractor for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 3'7, requested payment for sodding along %ate Highway No. 100, in accordance with tews of contract, reminding Council that sod, at $l.OO,per Square Yard, is a part of the proposal accepted by the Council. for this sewer inprovement. The hext matter on the agenda was the taking of bids on several improvement projects duly advertised in Construction Bulletin and Edina-Horningsidq Courie? as per dates list& for each improvement. In each case, Clerk read Affidavit of hrblication for lfAdv&isenkSnt for Bids," which affidavit was ,approved as to. , form and ordered placed onYiXe. 'Bids were-then publicly opened and read, as . folloavs: (See action later in Ifeeting) . - STOP-AND-GO SIGNAL ST*DP*NOo %EL FOR--~OTH STREXI .?ND a CURB&RTTER Ia.T$l?~AVE, COHm E@.ED,$&58 ST,, " 1. (Adv. .9/18 eC 25/52) c. Victor Carlson & Sons - * $3,393.20 Lehn Zlectric CO., Rnoka - Controller - Plus 40*00 40oOO t CommonwedLth Electric Go . SANnBY smm 51am*arr3 m. $2,332.00 (Alt .-$2,197.00) $2,790 000 (fit .43, 476 000) Terry Excavating Go . Bart Carlone Harry 5. ICrech Lanetti & Sons Orfei & mariani 'c * F , a b 256 \* Y Blackb$ping-0alila-c.m ILve *- .M.58th to W.62nd St. $23,636 . i1 $23,368.16 Grading, Gravelling and {&$IXEET E.2FOVZZUT 130, C-32 (Ad-ve 9/25 Gc 10/2/52) 5 '1 *\ TIater Stabilization - Brookview (1 1 Ave., V.View Rd. -V06&th St. 99 036 50 GLWIEG EbZ€?Rm-mE EO. E39 (Adv. 9/25 eC 10/2/52) tp Grading and Gravelling- c WEG IXPEDW~?T 110. E40 (Adv. 9/25 t& 10/2/52) 1:-3 fUey between Beard and Abbott, 7T.58th & Tie 59th StS e $9UJO . .- Grzding and Gravelling- No Portion of 11-S Alley between Beard & Abbott,W,56th & i%57th Sts. $536 35 J I STi~ IKZRom.mjT NO. E27 (ReAdv.9/25 eC 10/2/52) Grading and Gravelling? Pl.58th St., France to Brookview GRpI>ZG dl\TD GRAVEXLDJG (Adv.102 9/52) Concord he.-Valley View Road x (="RADDG AND STAEXLEIEG (Re-Adv. l0/2 & 9/52) Chowen Ave., V.60th St. to. $3,258,50 to 8.62nd St, $3,757.69 33,347 10 f 0 3%. No&h lO$D ST&3ILIZliCG (Re-Adv. 10/2 & 9/52) Zenith Ave. V1.5$th to t~60th St. 85,57@*20 PITZE'm COifSmUCTIOX Tiat er Oil Skabl. Stabl. 39,261,40 $7,382 72 Danens' motion, that all bids taken this evening be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and repprt at next; regular meeting, was seconded by Havhhorne and carried. Affidavits were presented showing publication in the Edha-Komingside Codier, the official newspaper, and in the Comercial ?lest, at Ifinneapol&, Ennesota, of notice of sale of $420,000 Improvement Bonds of the Village, bids for Tfhich were to be received at. this meeting, Said notice was examined, and upon motion. duly made, seconded and carried, the terms of the bonds and of the sale thereof as set forth in said notice were approved, and sad affidwits were directed to be placed on file in the, office of the Clerk. presented, which b@s were thereupon opened and publicly read and considered, and the highest and best bid of each bidder was found t'o be as follows: Sealed bids received pursuant to said'notice were then &me and iiddress t Interest Rate < 2.75% Plus Separate Coupons at rate of 1% per annum from SepL,53 to Sept., 54 -- . or Rates (Avo $to .2*92937$) Premium $29 0 50 Trustee Child offeredthe following Eesolution and moved its adoptionr I RBSOLT1T_ION AVARDTNG. SAXE OF $426.00 - &.20,000 DIPBOKGIEXIT BOIDS BE IT RBOLm by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ifbmesota, that the % highest an& bes$ bid received for the purchase of $420,000 hpmvezent knds of the Villageto be dqted Novnnber 1, 1952,' pursuant to law and the notice 03 sale heretofore duly published, is the bid of NCJRTE~"@Q~ 'NATI:OI?JAL B4NK OF I~IXGWE'OLIS, 3;ND BSOCLWJ35, to purchase the same at a price of par ?and accrued- interest to date of delLvery, plus a premium of w6.00, the bonds to bea?? h'tkrest at the rate of 2.755 per annum, and said bid shall be and is hereby accept6d. The Xayor and the Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed .to make and execute a contract for the sale of said bonds on the part of the Village in'accordance with the terms of said bid. The Village Clerk shall return the good faith check heretofore furnished by said purchaser, pending delivery of the bonds and payment of the purchase price, and shall forthwith return the checks of other bidders. 10/13/52 Motion for adoption of said Resolution was duly seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no Hawthorne, aye; and %rickson, aye; and and adopted. ATTEST: Mayor Trustee Child then offered the following Resolution-and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION CmTING 1952 FIRST SmTES IXF'RO'VB~+lE3IT FUrilD, PROVIDING FOR AM) APF'ROPRXATING SPE@XL BSESSL~S &ID- AD V'OREjf TAB% Fog THE DIRE@ING ISSUANCE OF 13~fGEOUE&ENT BORDS SUPPORT AND IIIIIINTENAIJCE THE~EOF, AND tP follows : . .. ad does herefiy fhd, determine and declare that the Village of Edina has duly determined, after public hearing as required by law, the necessity of the construction of each of the improvements described below and the area proposed t6 be assessed t-herefor, and has ordered, received and approved plans 6nd specifications and entered into contracts therefor after due advertisenent for bids; that the total benefits resulting from each of said improvements to the lots and tracts of land subject to assessment therefor and to the'village'at large will be not less than the total cost of such improvement; that the total cost of each of said improvements, including all expenses incurred and to be incurred from its inception to its completion and all fees and expenses in connection therewith, is estimated'to be the amount set opposite t6e number and the designation of such improvement in the following tabulation: (Paving, Curb and 6utterj (blacktopping) BE IT RESOLVBI by the Council of the Village of-.Zdina, Ninnesota, as 1. This Council has investigated the facts necessary to ascertain I Street Ilknprovement Street Improvement C E-1 381,016.93 A-25 39,507032 Street fiprovements (Grading and- Gravelling) C-S9 and C-28 8 33283.35 c-21 c-22 C-23 $44 C-25 c-26 C-27 C-29 C=30 c-33 c-3kct c-35. . C-36 c-37 c-38 (. 42 44 45 ' 46 47 49 - 3; 472 15 479.49 5, 517.01 834.35 t E 13945.53 ' 9,354.47 4,969092 10,125,20 $48, 447 25 A-29 A-30 A-32 A-31 A-34 A-3 5 A-36 A 40 11-41 A-45 A-L!.6 -$;; 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 49 B-8 i3-9 B-10 73-12 B-13 4; 307 000 3,790 16 4, $3 5.20 '21,243.66 ' 5,445.68 22,629.38 3,761.60 5, 013 82 Water &in 8 20,795.23 3 4,635.63 11,123 , 66 6 Y 433 . 89 4,553.33 4,590020 - 1,463.67 6, s27 . 68 28,688.10 5i356.81 ' 5,773 072 F 4,547.72 938.57 3 23,106.58 ' and the aggregate cost of said hprovments is estimated to be as followst: c PaGng, Curb and Gutter $81,016-* 93 Grading and Gravelling 76,711.59 119,1113 03 Sanitary Sewer Blacktopping Ifat er "in 88,536 040 23 106 58 Curb and Gutter 48,447 2 5 * f. 7&%i% 10/13/52 that in accordance -with the &sting ordiBances of the Village, special assessments levied to pay the cost of the grading and gravelling &provements above dkscribed are Payable in three (3) ar'inual. j-nStaentS; and those in respect of the black- topping are payable in five (5) annual installments; and those in respect of the remainder of said hprovements are payable in ten (10) auaZ hstalments, each installment of all assessrdents including interest on the then unpaid balance of such assessment at the rate of five per cent (5$), computed as provided in Rirkesota Statutes, Section ld.3.2.44l.j that the Village now oTms easements and rights of. r.my vver all streets and o'cher properties required for the construction 03 such improvements; that each of said improvements having been instituted at appmmately the same the, such improvements can be more economically and efficiently completed if consolidated as one bprovemnt, wherefore the proceedings for said respective &provaents are hereby consolidated and in aJ-1 subsequent proceedings the sme shall be deemed and considered to be a single combined public improvement; that it is necessary and expdient for the Village to borrow at this tjne the sum of $&2O,OOO, for the pqose of Bying e&penses incurred and to be incurred in connection &th said imprOvements, by the issuance of general obligation improvement bonds in accordance vith the provisions of lZnnesota Statutes, Section 412.4712 as aended; and khat all acts, conditions and things required'by the Constitution and laTrs of the State of Ennesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed pre- l*~ to the issuance and sale of said bonds have been done, do exist, have happened ad have been psrfomed in due form, time and manner as so required. "1952 First Series hprovmen'c Fund,if to be held snd administered by the Village Treasurer separate ad apart from all other funds of the Village. be continued ad maintained in the manner herein specified until all of the improvement bonds herein authorized and interest thereon shall have been fully paLd, In said fund, there shall be maintained a special Sinldng Fund Account, and a separate Construction Account Tor each of said kuprovements. The proceeds of sale of the improvement bonds herein authorized, except accrued interest received thereon, shall be credited to the respective Construction Accounts in anounts pro- portionate to the respective estimated costs of the impmvezents, and fmm'said accowts shall be p~d all costs and expenses of maldng said improvements, as incurred and'allowed, and the moneys 51 said accounts shallrbe used for no other - purpose; proktded that if upon completion of each of said improvements there shall rem5.n my urieqkded balance in the Construction ilccount thereof, such balance my be used'for ?&e bnpletion of any other improvenents hereindesignated for Tfnich the funds heeein-provided may prove ihsufficient, and upon eonpletion of all of said jmprOvex6nts any uneqended bhlances in said Constraction Lccounts shdl be transferred to the Sinking Fund Account. Fund Account-all collections of the special assessments "andrad valoren taxes herein a&eed to be'levied, and! t3l.l accrued interest received upon delivery of said bonds. The moneys ifi said account shall be held and used only for the papnent of the principal ofland interest on said bonds as such payments become due, or to prepay- and redeem the she when srnd as such bonds becone prepajrable; as hereinafter set forth; provihed, that in the event that it shall be detkrmined by the Council to be necessary -to"borkow additional noneys for the paynent or the cost of said bprove? Eents, and i? sukh cost shall prove to exceed the mount hereinabove est-ted, - and if the Village shall undertake and agree to levy special assessnents and/or - general taxes in excess 02 the mount of assessments heyein'specified, the Village shall.have the right and power to issue additional. improvement bonds payable from- said sinking Fund Account on a parity with the bonds of the issue herein authorized, but the ao&t of dl bonds issued in respect of said fiprovments shall not exce-ed the total cost thereof or the total amount of the assessnents and taxes levied therefor. except as pqovided in paragraph 4 hereof, shdl be paid by the lev of specid assessnents >pori al.1 assessable lots and tracts of land lying x-ithin-the assessable %rea$ hzretofore specified in the respective resolutions ordering said hprovpats, based upon the special benefits rec&.ve& by each such lot and tract. Tne billage hereby covenants and agrees tha% it- T.rill do and perfom, as soon as may be, aJ-1 acts and tllings necessary for tBe final and valid levy of said specid assessnents, and all collections of saTd assesments are hereby irrevocably-appropriated to said 1952 First Series Improvment Fund. event that any such assessment be at any tine held invdlid mith respect to any lot or trac+ of lad, &e to any error, defect or irregularity in any action or proceedbg $aken or to be taken by the Village or by this Council or by my of the TUhgets officers or enployees, either in the md;ing d such assessment or in the performance of by conriition precedent thereto, the Village hereby covenmts and agrees that it v&l1 forthwith do aJ-1 such f'urther acts and take all such further . proceedings as shall be rewired by lavr to make such assessments a valid and binding lien upon said property. -Sail3 assessments shall be payable in ewal, consecutive, instauents, the 'first of rrj$-ch shall be certified to the county auditor for collection ?&th general tkuesL for the year 1953, and the remaining inSta.lbats for collection r*?-ith the general tkes for each subsequent COESecUtive Year til the * ,assessment is paid. r C I 2. There is hereby created a special fund to be designated as the Said fund shall There shall be credited to the SinkSng - c 3*- It? is hereby determined that the entire cost of said improvemmts, In the *t 10/13/52 259 4. As to Vater Ilain Improvement No. 51, the Village shall pay the It is hereby determined that there shall be paid by the Village of Edina portions of the cost of certain of said improvements as follows: difference in cost between the construction of a 12-inch water main as specified in the plans and specifications therefor and the cost of a &inch water main in the s&ne location, such portion being estjmated at approximately the sm of 4) 24,303.30 As to Paving, Curb and Gutter hprovement El, the Village shall - pay two-thirds of the cost of the concrete paving (exclusive of curbs and gutters) provided in the plans and specifications therefor, with the exception of that paving abutting on properties vhich are zone d for Community Store District purposes; such portion being estimated to be the sum of $59,712.01, pledged for the prompt and full payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds. For the purpose of paying those portions of the cost of said improvements which have been assumed by the Village of Edina, and for the purpose of providing, together with the estimated. collections of special. assessments, sums not less than 5% in excess of the mounts needed to pay said principal and interest when due, there is hereby levied upon all taxable property within the Village, a direct annual ad valorem tax for the years and in the amounts set forth below, phich shall be collected with and as a part of other Village taxes in the respective succeeding years: (a) (b) 5. The full fzith and credit of the Village shall be and is hereby Year . 19 53 - Amount $7 3 400 Year 1958 - 1954 7,400 1959 4,800 ' 1956 11 , 200 1961 10 , 400 1957 11,700 1962 10,500 1955 5,400 1.960 5,000 - r Said levies shall be beparable except to the extent and in %he manner pro- vided by 'i?innesota Statutes Section 475.61. the Sinking Fund dccount of the 1952 First Series Improvement Fund shall be insufficient to pay all principal and interest when due on the bonds herein authorized, the Council shall provide sufficient moneys for such pzyment from any other funds available therefor, and suc.h funds mq be reimbursed from the proceeds of said taxes and specid assessments when collected, and the Village shall have the power and authori.ty to levy any additional taxes required for-' the payment of said bonds and interest, which levies shall be without limitation as to .rate or amount. For the purpose of paying the cost of said jmprovements and in anticipation of the collection of said speciaL assessments and taxes, the Village shall forthwith issue and deliver to the purchaser thereof its negotiable coupon general obligation Improvement Bonds of 1952, First Series, payable primarily from said 1952 First Series Improvement Fund. Said bonds shall be dated November 1, 1952, shall be 420 in number and numbered from 1 to 420, inclusive, each in the denomination of $l>OOO, &a31 bear interest at the rate of 2.75% per annm, payable September 1, 1953 and semiannually thereafter on March 1 and September 1 of each year, and shall mature serially in order of serial numbers, lowest numbers first, on Narch I, in the mount of $70,000 in each of the years 1955 through 1957, $50,000 in each of the years 1958 and 1959, $20,000 in each of the yews 1960 through 1962 and $25,000 in each of the years 1963 and 1964. said bonds shd.1 be subject to redemption and-prepayment at the option of the Village on the first day of Narch or the Erst day of September immediately preceding its stated maturity date, at a price of par plus interest to accrue to the date specified for redemption. shall be made in order of the serial numbers of said bonds, lowest numbers first, and only out of moneys on hand'in said Sinking Fund Account in excess of the sum of the interest to become' due on all outstanding bonds on the then next, succeeding interest payment date. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to mail notice of call of any of said bonds for redemption to the holder, if kcopm, and to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable, and to maintzin a register showing the names ad addresses of the bondholders and the serial number of their bonds, so far as such infomation is made .available to hkn. of and interest on said bonds shall be payable at Northwestern National. Bank in Kinneapolis, Hinnesota, and the Village hereby agrees to pw the reasonable and customary charges of said paying agent for the receipt and disbursement thereof f ollmLng form: If at any time the moneys in 6. Each of Such redemption The principal, 7. Said improvement bonds shall be in substantially the 260 UNEED STATE3 OF IVIERICA STAT3 OF LIlXNE3CE.A - COrnflY OF HX@JEPDT I VILL4G33 OF BI3CITA R*mOm*BE BOITO OF 1952 FIRST Smm c No . t $1000 - EZK)?+I AIL KZiI BY TIBSE PRESENTS that the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Kjnnesota, aclmotrledges itself to be indebted and for value received of %larch, 19,, or on a date prior thereto on vhich this bond shall have been duly callled for redaption, and to pay interest thereon from the date hereof until said principal sum be paid, or until this bond has been duly caned for per annum, papble Sefieniber 1, 1953 and semiannually thereafter on the first day of Ibch and the first day of Septeniber of each year, interest to maturity being represented by and payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons appurtenant hereto. interest are papble at in any coin or currency of the United States of America ii'nich on the respective dates of payment is leg& tender for public and private debts. and full payment of such principal and interest as the same become due the fun faith, credit and tarrdng powers of the Village a& hereby irrevocably pledged, -promises to pay to bearer the sum of 014'33 THOUSi%JD DOLL4RS on the first day redemption, at the rate of per cent ( 5) r. . Both principal and >in ¶ For the prom@ --- 'This bond is one of an issue in the aggregate principal amount of &20,000, all of like date and tenor except as to serial number (, interest rate) and maturity, -all issued for the purpose of defrayhg expenses incurred and to be incurred in constructing necessary street improvements, sanitary sewers and water mains in said Village, and is issued pursuant tD and in fill con2ormitg with the Constitution and laws of the State of IEnnesota thereunto enabling, and pursuant to resolutions adopted by the Village Council, including a resolution adopted October 13, 1952, entitled ['Resolution Cceating 1952 First Series ikprnvemext Fund, Providing for and Approriating Special Assessments and Ad Valorem Taxes for the Support and Naintenance Thereof, and Directing Issuance of hprovement BOnds,lJ to which reference is hereby made for the coveqants and recitals of the Village relating to said bonds. This bond is payable primarily from the 1952 First Series Impmvanent Fund of the Village, to r.&ch fund there have been pledged and appropriated all special assessments and ad valorem taxes to be levied for the papent of the cost of said dprovments, but the VXLlage Council is required to pay the same out of any funds in the Treasury in the event that maneys on hand in said fund axe at any time insufficient to meet the payment ar" .maturing principal and interest. C t SEach of the bonds of said issue is subject to r,edmption and pre- papentcat the option of the-Village, at par and accrued interest, on the first day of lalarch or the first dqy of September immediately preceding its stzted maturity date. _Such redemption will be made only in order of serial nWers of the sjom3ds, lowest numbers first, and upon notice nailed, qt least thirty days prior to the date specified for redemption, to thE holder, if I) known, of each'bond so called for redemption, and to $he bank at which princi- pal and interest are then payable. must register their names and addresses and the serid. nuTlibers of their bonds with the Tillage Clerk. condLtions and things required by the Constitution and-laws of the State of IEnnesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to .be performed prelininary to and in the issuance of this bond in order to make it a valid and binding general obligation of said Village according to its terms have been done, do e&&, have happened and have been perforned,as so required; that the estimated collections of special assessnents to be levied and ad valoren taxes heretofore levied for the payment of the cost of said improvements and heretofore appro- priated for the paprent of said bonds and interest trill be in the yeas and in amounts required to produce sums not less than five per cent (55) in excess of the ~oun'cs required for such principal and interest pqymeqts; that addihional ad valoren taxes, if needed for the payment of such principal and interest, my be levied upon all taxable property in the Village Pithou*- limitzkion as to rate or mount; and that the issuance of this bond did not muse $he indebted7 ness of said Village to exceed any constitutional or statutory limi.tation, Bondholders desiring to receive such notice flf IS €EREBY cZRTIFIED, RECI!l%D, CO~~~~~ &El AG%EZD that all acts, . .. P 10/13/52 261 IX YITXZSS UEIERZOF the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, I-iinn::sota, I by its Village Council, has caused this bond to be executed in its bshzlf by the signature of its Ilayor, attested by its Village Clerk, and sealed v&th its official seal, and the interest coupons hereto appurtenant to be exembed and authenticated by. the fac-simile this bond to be dated as of Village Clerk Attest: (SBAL). <r t (Form of Coupon) n * No 0 *. On the 1st daybf Ifarch (September) j 19,, the Village of Edina, Hennepiq County, IiTinnesota, will pay to bearer at the sum of States for interest then due on its hprovement Bond of 1952, First Series, dated Kovember 1, 1952, Noo . (Facsimile simatu-re) ,in 'DOLLARS lawful. money of the United - (Facsimile signature) &yo r Village Clerk t I (The last two coupons att&ched to each bond shall inc1ude"the phrase: llUnless the bund described below is called for earlier redemption" . 3 Said bonds shall. be prepared under the direction of the Village Czerk and shall be executed on behalf of the Village by the signature of the mayor, attested by the VillapJe Clerk, and the corporate seal shsill be @Tixed thereto, and thz interest coupons shall' be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved, or lithographed facsimile signatures of said IJayor and Village Clerk. %ten said bonds have been so executed and authenticated, they shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon pay- ment of the purchase price heretofore agreed upon, and said purchaser shall not be obliged to 'see to the 'application of the purchase priceo The Village Clerk is hereby aubhorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Hennepin County for certification that the bonds herein' athorized have been duly registered. The officers of the Village and the County Auditor of Kennepin bunty are hereby authorized md directed to prepare and furnish to the pur- chaser of said bonds and to the attorneys appmving the LegaJ-ity of the issuance thereof certified copies of dl proceedings relating to said bonds and to the financial a,ffaiscs of the Village, and such oLherCaffidavits, certificate and information as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of ,said bonds as the-same appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such cFrtified copies, "certificates and affidavits, ind.u&ng any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the Village aspto the facts recited therein, C r c- 8. , 9. 10. The motion for the adoption of the goregoing Resolution was duly.seconded by Hawbhorne, and on r Child, aye; Danens, Resolution was declared duly passed and ado , ATTEST: - The next rgatter on agenda was that of Public Hearing on Proposed Yatermain =prove- ment, for Brookview Heights First Addition and an area Mediately adjacent there- to. , -in Edina-Xomingside Courier September 25 and,October 2, 1952, wbich was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. PIr. Joe Zikan, Assistant Engineer, explained proposed plan of constructing well, pump and tank in Brookview Hkights with mains therefrom large enough to serve persons in the area set forth in the Rotice of Hearing. Cost of Trunk Tiater Nain (sufficiently large to serve district) - $61,5G5.54 - Cost of 61' Main '(to serve Brookview Hts. Only) Re. Zikan explained that this 'figure would total $2S.O3 'per ut, Icomputhg lots at three and one/third lots per acre for a total of 829 lots in the district+ I Clerk read Affidavit of Publication for l+Notice of Hearing," which ap6eared Cost of main construction is estimated as follows: Difference in Cost between Trunk and 611 Nains --District ?T' - 262 i 10/13/52 Truste,e Sredesen- entered the meeting at this time Dr. Dornblaser, and llessrs. Struck, -Voodward, Ot Reilly, Loring and Olson, all owners of mplatted properties in- tk district, objected to construction of r.mtern&n at this time, claiming that it is not yet needed in their area inasmuch as improved properties already have wrkine; wells developer Stow, stated that L2r. Stow is concerned only with serving his own Brookview h-eights Addition with water; that it r.&i on ghe suggestion of the Village Engineer that additiond territory was added to the district to be served. Council. consider the improvaent on the merits of good municipal planning. I-Tanager Etchell then explained an alternate plan I.rizich wuZd entail construction of trunk mains from the new tank on the School Grounds and which would involve a much larger assessable area, with cost per lot to be $22.40, and laterals to cost $3.95 per assessable front foot. Clerk Havbhorne brought out in discussfon the fact that the Council has attempted to plan jmprovements in an orderly fashion to serve properties contiguous to those already being served by said improvaents; thzt the Stow develop- ment is not contiguous to any property now being served; that service of the Stovf developmcpt, under the origi$ plan, will hvolve considerable expenditure of moneys for well, pump and tank; that serwicg could not be obtained for some two years because of difficulty in securing steel allotment for t&, etc. motion, that petition for Vatermain Improvement be denied, was seconded by Child ad carrjed, < Attorney Karl He Covell, representing He asked that the Haw%horne's Xayor Erickson announced that Council vnuld conduc5 Publfc HBaringS on proposed Sanitary Sewer and Water 1ki.n Improvements in Chowen. Avenue between TJ.6Oth and 7~61st Streets. Clerk Hairbhorne read Affidavit of Publication for flNotice of Hearing, Sanitary Sewer and Vatem& Improvaents, Jl published in Edina-Xorningside Courier Septaber 18 and 25,--1952, which affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. I-Ianzger Ititchell's Estimates of Cost were as follotrs: For Sanitary Sever Xxhension - $2,244.35 as against 812.04 assessable feet, for $2.76 per assessable foot,.plus $1.90 per foot for connection to Sanitary Sewer For Ifatemin "dension - +J2,453.06 as against 812.04 assessable feet, for $3.01 per assessable foot, plus $,72 per foot for connection to Tlaternziin Improve- ment No. 39, for a total of $3.73 per Assessable Foot, There were no objections from the audience to bither improvement, and no rwik'cen objection had been filed prior to the Hearing. and moved its adoption: ' Improvement No. 35, for a total of $4.66 per Assessable Foot. Child offered the foXLowing'Resolution - RBSOLUTIOIJ ORDERING BPROVE4EXT ' SAKERF1Y SEMB II*P€tOVZZNT 51 BB IT EESOLWXD by the Council of the Pillage. of Edina, IGnnesola, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed hipmvement consisting of Construction of VXUage Sanitav Lateral Sewer and iippurt-enances in Chowen Avenue betveen T'1.6Oth and '~.~,bist Street, -and at the hearing held at the the and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvemat; that said hpmve ment is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subseqpent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement Ho. 51, and the area to be speciauy assessed therefor' shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street in w"ch said improvment is to be constructed. e; Danens, aye; , aye; and the Reso Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: imOLIjTIOl$ APPi?,OVJNG PLUS AND SECmClflIOIgS FOR SAITITARY SEI.?ZE I.-PJO. 519 AFJD I - BE IT Zz-ESoLi by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1,- The plans and speci2ications for Sanitary Sewer Improvanent Xo, 51 hereto- fore prepared by the Village aineer and now on file in the office of the Village 1' Clerk are hereby approved. 2.- The Clerkts actionpin causing,to bg published twice in the Edinz-1-Iorning- side Courier and the Construction Wletin the follovhg notice for bids for the construction of said iqmovement is hereby confirmed and approved: _- ~~~TI~~BWJ FOR BIDS S&ClT,hRY SI%lEXt Z*mtOm.BJT 51 * - "C T& Village Council r.&Ll met at the Village Ha%, GO1 IS.5Oth Street, $fond&, dctobgr 13, 1952, at 7:30 P.H., to open and consider sealed bids 2001" con- stqction of Vilkge Sanitary Sewer Impmvment ?io. 51, consisting of Construction of Village SaitOJ Lateral Sewer and Appurtenances in Chowen Avenue between T1.69th and W.bl.& Streets. a 10/13/52 263 Work must be done as described and specified j.n plans and speci- fications for said ,improvement on file in office of Village Cleric, be submitted on basis of cash payment for vwk. unless sealed and Bled with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or cerAified check payable to Village .. Bids must No bids T.zill be considered Cler& 1 amount of ten- percent of amount of bid. BY OR!ZR OF VILLAGE COVr\rCE, E - Bower Hawthorne, Clerk. 3. Each and all of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said impro vement Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on RollcU there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; Havrthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and - Child, aye; Danens, Child offered the followjng Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RBOLm by the Coun-cil of the Village of Edina, Eiinnssota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of Construction-of Village Yatermain Extension and Appurtenances in Chowen Avenue betwem W.6Oth and 77.61st Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of a3.1 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determinerto proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subseqyent proceedings as Vatexmain Improve- ment No. 52, and theiarea to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Notion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Uredesen, and on ZZoLlcaU. aye; Hawthorne, aye; and.Er&ckson, aye; and th A'ITZST: RESOLUTION 0RJ)ERDJG ILmOmamgT -there were f&ve ayes and 'no nays, as follows .- .f b Child offered th,e fbllowing Resolution and moTied its adoption: K.&39I,UTIOlV lilTiWVDG PLQJS iil\sD 3P~GPICd4TIOIIS FOE I&UmriU- l?Pl!LOVZ.aTT - NO. I 52-iVfD CQlIFBT*mJG l-iilI@RTISB~ZIfl, FOE BIOS ~ BE IT RESOLIED by -the Village Council-.of -$he Tillage of Xdina: fore prepared by the Tillage Xngineer and now on file in the ,office of the Village Clerk are hereby qproved. The Clerk's action in causing to be published Csdce in the %din+a- NorninSside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improveinejnt is hereby confirned and approved: 1. The plans and specificationsfor Uatemnain Improvement i\jo. 52 hereto- * 2. iDVZETISZi23T FOR BIDS - ti jxrrn.ai~ . a.mmmaia NO. 52 The Edina Village Council, yi11 meet at the Village HaU, &Sol W. 50th Street, Ifonday, October 13, 1952, at 7:30 P&, to open and consider sealed bids for construction -of ViUage Watermain mprpvement Ro. 52 consisting qf Con- struction of Village tla-terinab -Extension and Appurtenances in Chowen ':\venue between W. 60t h and f.J. 61st Streets . ficAtions for s&d hprovernent on file in office of Village Clerk. be submitted on basis of cash payment for work, unless sea;iyd and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and aceompied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village - S'Tork mst be done as described and specified in plans and speci- Bids muste ih bids will be consideTed '*Clerk j-n amount of-ten percent of amount of bid. BY ORXZ OF VPLL;IG;;: C3UNCIL L .-.. __ Bower Hawthorne, Clerk. 3. Each and aILl of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids ar? hereby 9dapted as the terms and conditions of award, of. the cpnt;r;zct for said improvemnt . 1 were five ayes and no nays, as f01lOTprS: 264 (J' 1 .L 'the ne&% Fublic Hesrhg held vas that on the Proposed Opening, Grahg and Gravelling of HdiSax fane betveeq ?T054.th Street and Voodland Circle. 02 Publication for lll!otice of Hearing,'* appeasing in Edina-Xorningside Courier September 11 and 18, 1952, vas read, approyed as to fom and ordered placed on file, Engineer IXtchell*s Zstbte of Cost itas read at $3.32 per front foot, Cor 1,426 front feet, Petition protesting the gpsning of the skreet was Sled by Voorlland Circle residents, ?rho claim that .said opening they =joy in living on a dead-end street, cannot be considered because they are not "benefited" property owners. no objections to the hpmvanent, but Ilfrs.-Vi.rginia Beard objected to- being asked to dedicate street right-of-way and also be assessed for hprovement. offered the f olloyring Resolution and'moved its adoption: XZidavit violate the priuacy They were informed tht their petition There were Hawthorne PiESOLUTION OED~IiiG B*PFtOVBDXT ' here%or"ore- caused notice of hearing to be &ly published on the broposed hpmve- ment consisting of the Opening, Grading and Gravelling of Halifax be betu;een Tf,%th Street and :,foodland Circle, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all p- orsons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts hes hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said inrprovenent; that said hprovment is hereby designated and sh& be. referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement Ito. C-41, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and trzcts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be construcKkd, Eotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded vere five ayes and no nays, as follows: Brede Hawthorne, aye; and XricJJson, aye; and-the R AmT: c Uc&l there Ah 'V'illage Zlerk Y F I.Ianager 1,Etchel.l reconmended that CounciL delay advertisement for bids until all ri&t-of-way easements are secured. Hawthorne so moved. flnd carried. Velch, sponsor of petition, agreed to aid this offices Upon 1Iayor Ericksonts announcement that Public Hearing r:ould be held on Petition for Vacation of a portion of Benbn Avenue, Clerk read Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Heming, which appeared in Edina-Norningside Courier September 18 and 25, 1952, furnished by the petitioner is insufficient for vacation proceedings. petitioner to have survey made ad to return with more complete description. Hearing closed without action bs Counc3.0 Kotion seconded by Daneos Er. I-EtcheXL then asked for help in securing easements, and 1-Ir. E.S. Village Attorney Vindhorst stated that the lea description He advised The matter of the Eezoning to Community Store District of a large &ea in the vicinity of Trunk IJLighwys ITos. 100 and 169-212, and V.fjOth Street (See Public Hearing of Xarch 24, 1952, Pages 32 and 33 of this Eabute Book) came once >gain before the Council. I&. John Anderson spoke oqce again in opposition to said Rezonirrg, citing its lack of need at this time. follow5ng Ordinance and moved its adoption: Havthome then offered the AI? O'LZDDJrnrn B-ZEJ'DING THE ZON3NG ORDDJAXCE OF THE VII;It4GZ OF XL)II$A,I*~OTR . the purpose of said Ordinance being to rezone to Community Store District the sereral properties in questiono by Bredesen, and on Rollcall, there were three ayes and tvn nays, &s follo~k: Bredesen, aye; Child, nay; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, nay; and &he Ordinance was lost for izant of a four-fifths affirmative 6. vote of the Council. I.iotion for adoy?tion of the Ordinance vas seconded 1.2. Beverly Nassifls written request for permit to erect a dwelling on Lot 1, Block 7, Borans Xdina Iknor, facing France Avenue instead of lT.5dth Street, was supported by 1%. Jackson of the Spring Company. recommaded against such deviation from Zoning Ordimnce, that Public Hearing on Petition be set for Iionday, October 27, 1952, at 7:30 P.IL, vas seconded by Bredesen and carriedo Nr. Peter Sundquist supported written request by Superior Separator Company for permit to use 2,3,1;,23,24.,25, ljlock 7, Yest 1Gnneapolis Heights for Park%ig Lot Purposes . in this mea was reviewed, be set for Konday, October 27, 1952, and that adjacent property owners be notified, was Seconded by ljredesen and carriedr Building kspector TJoehler Hawthorne$ s motion, n Planning Commission* s recommendation for mzintenance of present zoning Hawthorne's motion, that Public Hearing bn this patter c I 10/13/52 265 Ni-. Helge Thomsen, 5812 Drew Avenue, led a delegation from this block, objecting that the driveways would be replaced as part of the contract cost. to having their driveways “left high and ‘dryt1 hdz by grading contractor. They stated they had pe+t%edc removal of concrete driveways, with the understanding reported that this cost should not exceed @500.00; and it: was 13k. TJindhorstts opinioh that this work can be considered as “extra workxt. Hawthornefs’motion, that Cou-ncil au-thoriae re-construction of driveways on Drew Avenue as required, and to be determined by Village Zngineer, and that cost be assessed against all propehies benefited by Grading and GravellGg project. &lotion seconded by Danens and carried. Nr. Hitchell , i A delegqtion of Kellogg Avenue Tesidents coyplained of the same si$uation as t. to their driveways,”resulting from the widening of the street preparatory to BlacKcoppiktg. street several control points were established; that the difference in grade results primarily from the widening of therstreet, Hawthornets motion, that driveway approach reconstruction be restricted within the limits of street right-of-way, and assessed against all properties benefiting from the B$acktopping project, was seconded by Danens and carried9 3k: Harold EkCormick, representhg Socony Vacuum Oil Company, objected to the curb cuts at France and.V.54th Street. eighteen feet North, so that business places North of the station would have ample ingress and egress. lfanager Ititchell explained that the grade on the street has not been changed at all; that pavement has been constructed at established grade; th’at *County Highway Department has insisted on present curb construction, hng discussion ,followed, involving matter of parking 10% for stores immediately Horth of the station, grade for the station driveways, etc., and Child moved”that property owners be requested to furnish Council with plan for Parking at the next meeting, so that Council may take action at th&s time, I&. Stan. BjorMund‘of the Spring Company requested once agaih thai the C&ncil take action to assume one-half the cost of improving Duncrest Road, before Spring Companyrs signature is appended to *Final Plat of Rosendahlts Bdina Highlands (formerly Rosendahlts IError Lakes). impm vements which Village-owned properties abut. I*@. Ititchell ekplained that in order to secure drainage on the He asked that curb cut be extended Notion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, No action was taken by Council, other than reiterat2on of Council policy to asswne share o< Gost for all I_ , lk. Iiichard Palen led. a delegation requesting that the Grading and Gravelling of Garrison Lane be expedited,in order that residents may be assured of a road this winter, difficulty securing easements because of a Lap~Forsster-Garrison dispute as to boundary lines. Attorney TindhoTst agreed to’confer 76th I&. Lapp’s attorney concerning the easements in question, and it was the consensus of opinion that condemnation proceedings should be started if said easements cam& be secured othervsise. substituted for Xater Stabilization on this project, and those persons present all agreed. Zngineer be authorized to use Oil Stabilization on Garrison Lane-’”.fooddale Avenue project, Ebtion seconded by Danens and carried. ilssistant Ihgineer Zikan explained that he is havhg much 14r. Palen then asked that Oil Stabilization be There were no objections, and Haidhornets motion, that village e* Hr. Paul C. Dahlberi, 56%0 Kellogg Place, ,filed his written objection to the $6.22 Special ilss*essmenb for Stom--Set.rer ImproGement No. 19 levied against his property described as ffLot 2, except the E.28 feet thereof, and the E, 38 feet of Lot 3, Block 2,,Colonial Square, Hennepin County, ’Village of Edina,” lknager Eitchell explains that this property now drains to the East into private property and away from the Storm Sewer Improvement No, 19 watershed area. . . Hawthorne offered the following Zesolution and moved its adoption: TasOLuT ION clG\Smua\SG &smsF,am t FOR SOBJ~i SWER ILQILDEXE2JT ItjO. 19 FG3SOLJBD that the assessment against Lot 2, except the E.28 feet thereof and %he E, 38 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, Colonial Square, Henn9pin County, Village of Edina (5620 Kellogg. Place) in connection with the assessment for Stom Sewer Improvement No,. 19 be apd the ?me hereby is cancelled. EmTHER RESOLVED That the clerk shall certify to the County Auditor of’ Hennepin County the cancellation of said assessment and shall transfer from the general revenue fund of the Village to the Sinking Fund Accoqt of the 1951 Improvement Fund (Second Seqies) an pount eqpd to the assessment .hereby caQcelled, viz., *:;36.22. NOTE: STORM SmER #19 ASSESS1 d &itte~~wqq~ - sm pAcp Nn.ppI OF THTCi Row MINUTES AMENDED 11 10 52 TO INCLUDE FILING OF PETITION IN PROTEST 6F I 10/13/52 Xr. Yuna presented Prel.iary Plat of lIHali.fax slvenue iiddition,tI requesting that he be allowed to build, pending approval of Find,. Plat, I&. IZitchell eqlained that 1.k. Yund has complied with a1 requests made by the Planning Cormission on Octbber 1; thak Conmission approval of Final Plat is now a nere fom&Li-"cy, Na@horne * s' zotion, that Cowrcil approve Preliminary Plat and authorize issuance of Building Pedts in'accordance with this plat, subject to final approval by Planning Conmission and Council, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried. c Ek, Yund presented petitions for Sanitary Sewer and fSatermain"E&ensions to serve his new 1IHalifax &venue Addition, said ex-tensions to be on ~~60th Street West of France ELvenue, and in Halifax Avenue, South of ~~60th Street, that PubEc Hearing on petitions be set for l-fonday, November 10, 1952, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. HavSnornets motion, Dr. IC. Paul Carson& requested Council's disposition of his request for cancellation of Specid. Assessment for Sanitary Sewer El-1 (Outlet) levied against his unplatted property, &@.neer Ifitchell reported tlwt he had been over the ground;-that in €xis opinion it r;.ould,be hpossible tb plat this acreage into fourteen buildable lots because of -the hilly condition of this land, Tillage .lttorneyl;Zndhorst's October 13th mitten opinion--"the Council does have the poxer, under the Statutes, to cancel thiz assessmentll- was Pead, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and mved its adoption: (T+Iayor Erickson called out of I-Teeling during FUBOLUTION WJ~UDJG IIsSaSmE reading) SBnTARY SEE3 rnrnWSjT I?O* l3-1 RESOLTJED That the assessment agains.f; de folliwing described pfoperty in connec- tion-with the assessment for Sanitarp Sexrer linprovment No. 3-1 be and the same hereby is cancelled to the exbent that said assessment exceeds the sun of $120 ,00: L OU!iXET '' X.73 R. of 3.363 3%. of N.300 Ft. of Nl31/4 of IJtJl/4 and S.300 R, of * H0600 Ft. of i1,363 Re of IS1/4 of NKl/4, in Section 32, ToTmship ll7 IT,, Range 21TT.(3.0 acres) Ye290 Re or" IT. 303 R. of im/4 of IRZ/4 in dection 32, Toinnship ll7 I!., sage 21fJ (2.0 acres) (Origjpally Assessed -for $120,00) I and t (Origindl7 Assessed fo'r $ 48,OO) FELTXI3 FXXE.8D That there shall be credited against the portion of said assess- =en% which is not cmcelled an amount equal to Lne assessment included in the - 1951 tax statenent payable in 1952, exclusive of Mterest, 3TJETm ,/33SOLXEXI Thzt the uncancellled and unpaid portion of said assessment then be spread over' a period of nine years commencing with the y6ar 1953. l?U€tTHE;El BE,3OLi That the clerk shall certify to the County hditor of Henne pin County the cancellation of said assessment ahd sEaU transfer from the general revenue fund of the ;Billage to the Sinking Fund Account of the 1950 Improvement Fund a31 munt equal to the assessment hereby cancelled, Viz., $4S.00 . Rotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on E01lcd.l there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; ad Cud, aye; and the Resolution vns adopted. Bredesen, aye; Dmens, =ye; r I Acting iiayor . 32, John Bloomberg presented Final Plat for Colonial Grove Fourth Addition, Ihnager IEtchell repor%ed the Planning Commission's recommendation for approval, and Hawthorne moved that Fhal. PEat be approved for record. Zotion seconded by Sredesen and carried. ? I@, Jacobs of United Eesearch and Developmmt GO.) developers of Virginia Avenue Addition, asked permission to bring the Virginia Avenue Addition side of 7J.62nd Street to pernknent grade. After some discussion, Ik. Jacobs agreed to bring to grz?de all of 7;'.62nd Street in these txo blocks (rather than just the IT 4,orth half threof) at the expense of the Company, in order to assure Sanitasg Sewer con- struction this fall. Uanager Nit chell vas asked to contact -0rf ei -and Ifarid, low bidders on the sewer project, to negotiate with thw concerning partial con- struction now. 'Valley View Road and 1r.62nd Street cane before the Council, I&. Jacobs stating that kis company is unv-g to assume this expa~ie. petition for the grading of this street, in order that Public Hear- might be had yet this fall, and vas told tnat possibly construction could still go forward in the usual mer and be finished before the sewer contractor arrived at this pointh The mtter of the grading and gravelling of Parnell Avenue betmen He was asked to get a I Hawthorne's motion for payment of Village Payroll, amount ~11,547.99 and Liquor Store Payroll, amount $1,269.89 for period. October 1 to 15, inclusive and Overtime for September, as recorded in detail in Paymll Ledger, and for pay; ment of the following Claims, was seconded by Bredesen and carried: FUND - CU3lii NO. TO: NicmT 7736 Carl Y. Krahl (Void) ($1 5 . 00) 7797 I& . Florence Hallberg 1.00 7mO Robert Obermeyer 3.15 ._ 7802 F. Richard Obermeyer 86.73 t 7803 Jack Neredith 8.61 7804 ~. Donald Hazzard i 37.59 7798 Carl TI. ICrahl 22.56 7799 Edina-No rnings ide Courier 19 11 7801 George Thompson 91.21 7805 7806 7807 7808 7809 7810 7811 7 812 7815 7817 7819 7816 5765 7796 7799 7 818 7813 Dickman Knutson JohnX. Olson Ralph Corey , David Anderson Kenneth Russell David Dale Paul Blake J. R. Coan, Postmaster Nancee L. Doepke R. H. Paradeau John A. Ddiuth Bills Tree Serece C Suburban Hem. Cy, Relief Bd. Edina Ta~ Company Edina-Norningside Courier 3Jalter D. Giertsen Go. . 7 Howard If. Herriman Arthur K. Peterson JO~ R. coin, Postmaster Collector of &tern& Revenue Famous Brands, Inc. G.B.S. Iincorporated Griggs,.Cooper & Go. NcKesson & Robbins IEd-TTest Wine Coo , Inc. Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. Old Peoria Go., Inc.- Village of Edina-IIater Dept . Anderson Agency . Griggs, Cooper & Go. Griggs, Cooper & Co. Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. f . 28.l.4 26.32 46;62 27.09 28.21 1.54 70.00 32.00 174.51 5 10.00 158.00 t l45.00 90.00 189 30. 6,866.33 15.03 28.38 851.64 129.68 1,410~60 2,579.45 459.43 l4.00 2,852 97 3.00 25.12 1,213 89 4,866.38 49534.72 ,- $1 I- 002.39 . POOR FUND 3. .48.47 CONSTRUCTION FUND PARK 67,145*63 Hawthorne moved for transmittal to Phelps Drake Go. of check rUo.7785, mount :,j4,648.35, paid from Construction Fynd in settlement of Final Payment for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 37, which had been held uf3 pending clarification of sod matter. 1 &lotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Nanager Ultchell reported that the Uinnesota State Highway Department may be willing to effect the required change in the Itillson Road-State Highway No. 100 intersection preparatory to installing traffic control signhls there, but that they must have a request from the Village to do so. Hawthorne offered the EESOLUTIOPT FOR CHANGE IN ?TII;LsOIf ROAD. AND -FOR Ip.TSTAIJ24TIO~J OF- TWFIC . CONTROL SIGN&. A?,! THZ JUNCTION OF. ROAD AND HY. NO. 100 TmM the Ennesota State Highway Department is now completing ths State Highwar No. 100 and 169-212 intersection change, and is installing traff-ic control signals a% the intersection of State Highwq No. 100 and W.%th Street in this Village, and TImW the Ehnesota State Highway Department has approved the &stallation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Ifillson Road and Trunk Highway No. LOO, BE -IT XESOLW by the Village Council of the village of Edina, that in the interests of public -safety and convenience, this Council request; the State Highway Department to change the intersection at Trunk Highway No. 100 and ! i7illssn Road to a right-angld bend, and to a-ign said intersection with the intersection of Trunk Highway No. 100 and the entryway to Our Lady of Grace - - I Church.