HomeMy WebLinkAbout19521027_REGULAR$ENUTB OF THE RZGULUZ XEEX'ING OF THE 1 EDIXA V- CWNCIL, HEX5 XONDAY,. OcTOB3R.27, 1952, ATJ:30 P*I-So, .AT THE EDINAV- HA&L I -- l?unbers answering Roll"call were Bredesk, Child, Danens, Otis, and Eri~kson. Because there-was a large &d interested dhegation present, Nayor kickson announced that the first matter of business would be the review of bids for Street hpmvqnent No. C-32, the Grading and Gravelling of Brookview Avenue between.T.T.62nd and IL64th Streets. Nanager IKtchell presented a tabulation of e bids shomg Ashwor$h & $on to be low, vrith $9,O36.5O0 He recommended that bid be rejected, and that Council re-advertise for bids to be taken in Ifarch, 1953. DelegatZon objected to cost of project as set forth in Ashmrth*s bid, and also objected to delaying the project for another six months,' for the reason that they must have street graded before they cian get gas main installation.' They filed a petition requesting that specifications for project be changed, to include no stabilization except to mix clay with gravel on the surface of the grade. &. Etchell's opinion was that there is not sufficient graveLnow in the street to effect a..satisfactory jobL Child's motion, that bids be rejected; that Engineels be directefl to make' a re-study, of .specifications, and that Coun~Ll take bids on pro jecg withc specificatiops agreeing @sofar as possible with suggestions set forth in petit,ion, with bids to be taken Novgmber 10, was seconded by Danens and carried, Pub13 Hearing was ne& called on Petition tp Vacate the North-South Al$ey in Block 12, Eendelssohn, Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing in Edina- Morningside Courier October 2 and 9, 1952, was read, approved as, to form,1 and ordered placed on file, as was Affidavit of Posting,,datFd Septexiber 29, 1952. Eanager, Nitchell recommended vacation of the-a&leyo There were no obj ections, and Bredes6n offered the follotfing Resolution and moved its adoption: t * I- L i R;EsOLuTIm VACATING ALLEY l3U BIX)CK 12, .T*iEXDElSSOHN TjHEZEAS, lyigg-in Block 12, Neqdelssohnr Addition, VQlage of Edina, Hennepin Cpunty, Mime- sota, have petitione for the vacation of -said alley; and . IlHFEEW, one week's published notice and post& notice of a hearing to be had on said petition on October 27, 1952, at 7:30 Po119,, has been given and made, and a hearing has been had there& by the Vil&age_Council: NGI,. Td, EX 1T RESOLVED-by the Village, Counck of the Village of Edina, Heqnepin County-, Ibbe sot a - that - "That certaip &ley running a northerly and southerly direction and lying ia Block l2,,HendelssohnY as the same is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds-of Hennepin County, Kbnesota, is hersby vacated; provided that said Dillage excepts from this vacation pro- ceedings and reserves unto itself and its assigns an easement for, all public utility purposes, including, without lim$ting the general nata- of said reservation, an easement for electric, gas, sewer, water, and telephone eqyipment on, over and under the center ten feet in width of the alley hereby vacatedOt1 fnaj<rity pf the, owners,of. the land .abuttixg on the NorthSouth Allpy I I Erickson called Public Hearing on petition to face dtdling on Lot 1, Block 7, &ran's Edina Hanor, on France Avenue (rather than on lf05t3th Street as platted). Clerk..read copy of Notice of Heving mailed to affected property 0l.nez-s on Octctber 23, which notice was approved. as to form and ordered placed on file. Hr, R. E. Paul, next door neighbor, objected to garage's facing ll05&h Street* Ehilding kspector Woehler stated he believes the garage is intended to be on the North side of the house. providing house is to be located as per sketch- attached and providing garage is on South side of house, was seconded by Danens and carried. . . Public Hearing was had on petition of Superior Seaparator Company for permission to ye Lots 2,3,4,23,2&,25, Block 7, Vest EWneapolis Heights for Pasking Lot purposes. A delegation of some twenty or.xlers.-of neighboring properties were present in response to a Notice of Hearing mailed October 23, which notice was read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Delegation was unanhous in its opposition to this use of the property, and Child moved that petition be denied. Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Child's motion, that Builhing Inspector be instmcted to issue permit 10/27/52 273 Pursuant to llNotice of Hearing-Improvesnents, Courier, Sepgaber 25 and October 2, 1952, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to forn and ordered placed on filk, Public Hearings- were ha& on +he following improvements in accordance with said Not-ice., published in Edina-Horningside .I ... .L, . .. 1. Public Hearim-Grading and Gravelling of Ashcroft Avenue between lf.58th and W.60th Street, Engineer Nitchell presented two costs - 1, .With tfater-Stabili-. __ ztation - Total, $9,673.0O3 or $4.04 per assessable foot. - 2. With Oil Stabili- zation - Total, $10,338.32, or, $4.32 per assessable foot, He, xecomgended the Oil Stabilization, and also recommended delaying bids until the first Council Meeting in March,. 1953. . There were no objections from the audience, and no wirtten objections had been received prior to the Hearing. Child offered the following. Resolution and moved its adoption: ' RESOLUTION ORDERING iWROYE3ENT S'PlXEZT IMPROITE%ENT Ns). C-42 BE IT RESOLTTED by the Council of ,the Village of Edina, Ninnesota, that this Council heretofore caused noticB of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed impmvement consisting of the Grading &d Gravelling of Ashcroft Avenue between 7f.58th and 7.1.60th Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified'in s-aid notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, includ- ing Oil Stabilization; that said improvement-Grading. Gravelling and Oil Stabilization of Ashcroft Avenue between If. 58th and 1?,6pth Streets-is hereby designated and shall be referred to in dl subseqpenej proceedings as Street , hprovement No, C-4.2, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvaent is,to be constructed. I I Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no.-nays, as follows: Ek dyes aye; Child, aye; Danens, aye; Chis, aye; and Erickson, aye; ATlp&5T : e esolution was adopted. ~ p.. J ' C/f! /&,* , L P ltqyor Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adopfiion: WOLUi!ION @PROVING PLANS AND SPECI- FlCATIONS FOR- Ej!@EZT ~~OVB@~..NO.G42 AND DIRZCTING ADVEZTISD4EXi' FOR. BIDS EE IT RSSOLXED by the Village ,Council of. the Villagq of .Edina: fore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby.appved. Courier and ConstructioncBulletin the following notice for bids for the con- struction of said improvement :: ~ . . l2 The .plans and specifications for Street Iinpmvesnent No. G-42 heretoll. 2, The Clerk shall case to be publishedtwice in the Edina-Noringside +Au%tBTIsBm FOE BIDS - S- l3PROm. W2 The Edina Village Counca. wZL& meet -at the Village Hall, 4801 If. - 50th Street on the Second &Ionday in March, 1953, at 7:30 Po&, to open and sonsider sealed bids for construction of Village Street I@provement No. C-42, consisting of the Grading, Gravelling ahd Oil. Stabilization of Ashcroft Avenue between V.58th and W.60th Streets. fications for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk. be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting +nd accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. ., Work must be done as described and specified in plans and speci- Bids qst BY ORDER OF WGE COUNCILe -- P. .-.. _.. - .-James H. Otis, Glerk 3. Each and all of the terms of .the foregoing advertisement for bids age hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by D ens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows* %ped &aye; Child, aye; Danens, aye; Otis, aye; and Erickson, aye;.8&)?&&3olation 9s adopted. c 2. &s Engineer Eilitchell's Estimate of Cost for Blacktopping with Water- Base was read at $4,&07.88 or 33.S per assessable foot; with Oil Base, at &,730.82 or 83.77 per assessable-foot. He recommended the Oil Base, and that Council take bids the first meeting in Ifarch, 1953. A delegation of five expressed approval of the project c withthe oil base, and child offered the following Resolution and moved its - adoption: 5 _- - * - RESOLUTION ORDEEING I&ROVI3SN'i! STBSEZ IEmWm.NO, A-48 , Mf RESOLVED, by the Council of -the Villgge of Edina, Xinnesota., that this Council heretofore- caused notice, of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of the Black%opping of Exing Avenue between t.T.58th and t?,bOth Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the view of all persons interested, and baing fally advised ofthe pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of s&d improvement, with Oil Base; that said improvanent--BlacIrtopping with Oil Base of Biding Avenue between W.58th and t.r,6Oth Streetsr is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent pmeedings as Street hprovenent No, A-48, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall indlude all. lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improve- mat is to be constnrcted. I . - Hotion for adoption of the were five ayes -and no nays, as Otis, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the ATTBT: . .. 'vt &yor CI Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ADmISmENT FOR BIDS . . . *. (7 RESOUPPION APF!R.OVTNG PLANS AND SPECIFICmONS FOR Sm lN??ROVEI4l3l$C, NO, A-48 _A&D .RIREmmG BE: LT RESOLVED by the ViUage Council of the Village of ,Edina: . .l,-_The plans and specifications for Street Improvement go. A-48 prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the are hereby approved. * r. heretofore Village Clerk 2, The Clerk shalf-cause to be published twice in the Edina-Elorningside Courier and the Constnrction Bulletin the follodng notice for bids for the con- struction of said improvanent:. ADVERI'ISEZ~NT FOR BIDS I STFLXZT DPROVE*ENT N13e.A-48 _- - The Edina Village Council -t&U meet at the Village Hall, 4.801 IL&h Street on the Second Eonday in March, 1953, at ?k30 P.l~L, to open and consider sedle$ bWs for -construction of Vaage Street 3qprovement No. A-48, consisting of the Blacktopping of Ewing Avenue betwea tL58th and 1LbOt;h Street, using Oil Base, p& and specifications for said hpmvenent on file in-office of Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash papent for work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned -before time of sqid meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bo&, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of . Work must be done as described andspecified Wont of bid. BY QRDER OF V-GE COUNCIL, .+ __ .. J&ES H. ;TIS, Clerk- 3. Each &d all of theterms-of the foregoing adrreljisenent for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said hpmvanent. ; and Erickson, aye; and the Resoluti .. Public Har&m -.Curb~and Gutter in=Er.ring Avenue between W.SEfth and V.60th Sts. EngheePis Estimate of Cost was $6,8ok,oo or. g2.70 per assess.3bXe foot, ..Tfiere were some- objections from the audience,- and Child moved that Public Hearing be. continued until November 10, for further checking-on the *p&ition filed, lbtion seconded by Danens and carried. 10/27/52 275 4. Public Hearing on Curb and Gutter in Chowen Avenue between W.58th and W.59th Streets. Engineer Mitchellts Estimate of sost was read at $3,399.30 or $2.70 per assessable foot. Theze were no objections from the auaience, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. Mr. WtcheU advocated. delaying bids until Harch of -1953. child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE M1 RESOLVXD by the Copncil. of the Village of. Edina, Ninnesota, that this Counci?, heretofore caused notkce of hearing to be duly puuished on the pro- posed improvement consisting of Construction-of Standard Village Curb and Gutter in Chowen Avenue betweea IL58th and W.59th Sfzeets, and at .the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly.*considered the views of all persons interested, and being filly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby detennhe to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improveneat is hereby designated and shall be - referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Impmvvanent No. B-U, ahd the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts * RE;sOLTJTIOM WDnZlNG IMPIR("T STm llVRC"T.NO. bl.4 of land abutting and fronting upon the stree$s in which said impmvanent is to be constructed. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as ATTEST: n , aye; Child; aye; Damns, aye; Otis, aye; and Erickson,c Ir Nayor Pmens then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: e. RESOLUTIbIt APPROVJXG PUNS AND SPECIFICkTxWS . FOB-S'PW$f RR3WQ?3NT7No* &U+.WD .DmmIG . .ADvERTIS-T FQR BllSS .. , . ' .. . Jl! RESOLVED by the VkLage Coy.n~il_of_the_Yilbge of Edina: . 1. .The plans an& specifications for Street Improvenent Vo. 2. The Clerk sl$l cause to be published twice .b' the Edinadorningside ' hereto- fore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Vi.llage Clerk are he,reby appmved. Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the h construction of said impmvernentf: ADVERTlSj'BB~ FOR BPS. . STFtBb! IMF'ROVEPBNT NO. .B- The Edina Village Council ,wi-.& meet. at - the 3Ilage Hall, 4801 31. 9th Street, on the Second Konday in March, 1953, at 7:30 P.EIL, to open qnd consider sealed bids for construction. of Village Street Bprovement No. B-3.4, consisting of construction of Stmdard Village*Curb and Gtitter in Chowen Avenue between I?. 58t6 and 31.5% h Streets. Work qust be done ,as deicribed and specified in plans and speci- -fications Tor said improvement on file in office of Village Clekk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be con- sidered unless sealed and filed with uddersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to VillaEe Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. *c < . -. BY ORDER OF 3. Each ~ id -all hereby adopted as the impmvesnent . v1mm COUNCIL. I$ r- - 0-f 6he tehs of the-foregoing advertisement for bids are terms and conditions of award of the contract for said ._I JBBS H. OTIS, Clerk Motion for adoption of the Resolution was st5conded by Child,-and on Rollcall I Avenue and Blake Road. Engineer Mitchell e+lained that petition for improve- ment is worded in such a inanner that he is not certain as to just what is wanted, &, Gordon, Noleen. asked that street be brought to permanent grade and then oiled. Mr, T4itFhell presented profile of street Bt its present grade, explaining that drainage problems permit very little change. that omers wait, for the grading, until it can be co-ordinated with the storm sewer pmject which will be sponsored by the Northwestern Edina Tinprove- ment Association. have the street oiled at this time, with a study to be made of grading project. He suggestetl The delegation present decided that it would be best to Child offered the followhg Resolution and moved its adoption: NO. 0.41 AND AUTHORI~ING CDNSTRUCTION * BY BAY LABOR AND WE33 S-VISION OF c - VlZLAttEENGTMEER HE IT IlEsOLVED by the Village Councir.-of-the Village of IBina as follows: 1. .This .Council has heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed inpmvement of Belmore Lane between Harrison Avenue and Blake Road by Grading and Oiling, and at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly ponsidered the views of all persons interested, and being ftzlly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction listed below, which improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to as follows: Street Improvement No. Oil&g of Belmore Lane between Harrison Avenue and Blake Road 0-kl 2. The area to be specially assessed for said impmvement shall indude all lots and tracts' or" land fmnting and abutting upon the street in which said jmpmve- ment is to be constructed. specifications and an estimate of cost of said improvment, hnrx&ich it appears and it is hereby found and determined that total cost of said improvement will be less than. ~!XIO.OO; therefore, this Council is authorized by law and does hereby determine to p'urchase dire'ctly the materials for Qach of said impmvements and complete' the same by employment of day labor. and directed to supervise the work on said improvement, and upon completion thereof, also to subnit a detailed report, certiried by him, and file the same tLth the Village Clerk, showing in general the complete cost of the work, and specifically the following:. (a) (b) (c) 3. The Village Engineer has heretofore submitted to the Council plans and r 4. The Village Zngineer, being a Registered Bngineer, is hereby authorised Fir@ Costs of the various units of work done. Ifaterials furnished for the project, and the cost of each item thereof. Cost of labor, cost of e<ui@uent hired, and supervisory mst. Said report shall also conMn a certificate by said Engineer that the wrk was done according to plans and specifications therefor. Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was and on Rollcall there , aye; Deens, aye; st Public Hearing "on the' agendd was that on the proposed Watermain Impmvement in Xerxe's &re6Ue between ll.T.57th and W.58th Streets. Engineer rntchellts .Estimate of Cost was 67,772.80 as against 7702.5 assessable feet, for $10.20 per .assessable foot, plus &25,per assessable foot connection"charge. He esplained that the cost is exceptio&ly high because we must bring main along If.58th Street for one block and because only one side of Xerxes Avenue can be assessed for,the entire project. There were no objections from Ithe audience, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. Trustee Danms stated that developer Lein is anxious to have the work done as soon as.possiblec5.n order that property may be built up this fall, Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RES0LI;oED by the Council of-the YillagF -of Em, lhesota, that this Council heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed impmve- ment consisting of Construction of Village Ifatemin &&ension and Appurtenances in Xerxes Avenue between 11.57th and %5&h Streets, and at t€ie hearing held at the time and-place specified in said notice the Council has duly omsidered the views of dL1 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construeion of said hprovement, including construction of watermain exbension and appurtenances in 1?.5&h Street between Fork and Xerkes Avenues, this latter being an necessary addition to ori@nd. construction; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Va&emain Improvaent No. 53, and the area to be speck- assessed therefor shall -5.ndude dll lots and tracts of land abtmg and fronting upon Xerxes Avenue between W.57th and 1h5&h Streets. RESOLUTION ORD-G Di.1EFtOVDEBIT IIAT3E" JilulpI~~ NO. 53- 0 ETotion for adoption of the Resolution was were f$ve ayes and no nays, as follows: Otis, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the UTEST: - -* a Village Clerk' 1/ I 10/27/52 Danens then offered the following Resolution and moved its adopbion: . RXSOLUTION APPROVJJG PUNS AiiD SPECIFICmIONS FOR t1A-m. ~P€?.QV€QENT NO. .52. Atill DIREmING . ,A%)mImIENT FORBIDS: . . BE IT RESOLXED by the Village Council-of the Village of Edina: . ,1, The plans and specificati'ons for Watermain Improvement No, 53 and 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Norningside heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the officepf the Village Clerk are hereby approved. Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement * I 1 DQIBTlSNENT FOR BIDS IfATERNAIN IMPRO9X"T 9, The Edina Village Council will.me@ at the .Village Hall, 4SOl W.f;oth Street, Monday, November 10, 1952, at 7r30 P.K, to open and consider sealed bids for Village Watermin Improvement No. 53, consisting of Construction of Village Watermain. Extension. and Appurtenances in W.5tkh Street between York and Xerxqs Avenues and in Xerxes-Avenue bettreaz W.-58th wd W,5'&h Streets. cations for said improvement on file id office of Village Clerk. submitted on basis of cash payment for mrk, No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accanpanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk h-amount of tenlpercent of amount of bid. Work must be done as described and specified in plans and specifi- Bids must be C^C t I e..- - BY ORDER OF VILJAGE COUNCIL,' r- c .-.. __ 'JBMES H. OTIS, Clerk *-r 3.- Each and all of .the terns of the-foregoing advertisemen6 for bids are herebyadopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said impmvment . .- Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded -by Bredesk, and on *ROllCall there were five ayes and no- nays, as follows: a13redes e; Child, ay.e; Danens, aye; Otis, aye; my3 Erickson, aye; and ATTEST: ution was opted. p&> ; *& .I IfayDr I Niller of Miller Hardware and &so Bucket%, 'presented plan for parking at the stores on the northwest corner. of 54th andoFrance Avenue South. requested that Village permit a 20-foot curb cut to allow agrees at the South end of this property. Child's motion, that request for 20-foot curb cut be grated if this meetSmith Hennepin County Highway Department appmW, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. - F r A delegation of four? led byNrs. Kohner, asked for sufficient repairs to Deweyhill Road, now, to make it passable this winter and ne& sp~?bg. Mr.- Nitchal eg&ci.ned that a grade change will mea a heavy assessmnt against the pmperty abutting the street, and delegation agreed that this=is not wanted at this time. They askedthat snow fence be put up, and. that street be bladed. Mrs. Gunderson of the delegation stated that a Nr. KXLker had dammed up his property to make a lake, and that this has caused her pmperty considerable damage. Childts motion that both the above matters be referredw to the Village Engineer and .Public Works Cormnittee was seconded by Bredesen and carried. -_ luir. John Cardarelle asked Council for permit to reduce grade of Brove Street, from Tra6y Avenue one blockEast. I@. Cardarelle stated that owners of abutting properties are Tiery much in favor of this 'operation because it will correct a drainage problem for them, and Nmager Mitchell reconmended this re-grading. Bredesenrs motion, thafi permission be granted"for the hpmvement at the expense of the d&eloper, E. J; Beuter. They I d c < - * 1 < I Motion seconded by Dmens. Roy Petersonfs notification of his readiness to begin work on the sewer and water instdlations in Drew Avenue from 60th Street, north about 230 feet, and his reqpest for arrangements-by the Village for some means to empower him to collect for proportionate share of cost from those persons across the street who may wish to corn& €0 these lines, were read and discussed. MP. Peterson was advised to begin his project, and Attorneylhdhorst was directed to draft an ordinance granting franchise to Mr.-Peterson,. for pqyment of principal and of interest at 5% per annua for not more than eight years, by those wishing Nr. Jacobs of- United Research and Development Compny, devexopers of Virginia Avenue Addition, again requested permission to bring to grade 1~62nd- Street c fromvirginia Avenue to Parnell Avenue, and Concord Avenue from Valleg View Road to W.62nd $%re&, in oraer that Sanitary Sewer contract might be awarded. Nanager D 1 to make connections. t /,- r. 277 278 { IEtcheU. recommended that permission be granted, to be completed under Village specifications, and that Sanitary Seyrer contract be awarded to low bidder, Orfei and &riani at their bid of $28,200.3'7, providing they T.rill agree to construct part of the sanitary sewer this year and wait until spring for the baance of the construction untu spring if necessary. Bredesenfs motion authorizing United Research and Developerit Company to grade Concord .Avenue between Valley View Road and V.62nd Street, and V, 62nd Street between ,Concord and Parnell Avenues, with stahg to be done by the Company and checked by the Village Engineer, was se-conded by Danens and carried. Childts motion, that bid taken September 22, for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.50- Virginia Avenue Addition and sqrounding streetslbe awarded to low bidder, Orfei and Earid on the, basis recommended by the Village Bhager, was seconded by I&?. Guy Drake, Jr., representing Fhelps-Drake Company, appeared at the request of >Tanager Etchell concerning the e@en&on of Stom Sewer No, 19, Considerable discussion ms had as to allowing this extension 0n.a cost-plus basis as an addition to Storm Sewer #19 contract, Childts motLon, that Village Engineer be instructed to extend contract for Storm Sewer #19 on a Cost Plus 15% basis, vrith ceiling prices to be as follows: - Size Naterial. De th of Cut Quantity in Feet Unit kce Total 4r , $18.60 9 74oW 66 !- 7012 -46% 92 4e!! RoCoP. 0 us 6. . 230? 7.12 1637.60 - 1 Headel, Winged 0 200.00 200.p ll5 Lin. Ft. Open Ditch Excavation @ 3.70 &?j* 50 325 Lin. Et. Riprapping open ditch 0 1000 ~ 325.00 85 Cu, Yds. 1" to1$1/21! Rock in Place O 6.00 510,oo , Bredesen and carried. .cI c c 1 f 481t RoCoPo -b-- R0C.P. 04? l25 Cu. Yds, Fill Needed - No Charge to be made for this. was seconded by Bredesen and carried. &, Alfred H. Jones, former employee, asked for two weeks' termin& leave pay and seven and one-ha daysf paid vacation, claiming to have a ttpermanent employeerr rating under the new ordSnance. 1% was brougfit out that the ordinance does not provide for necessity of giving two weeks: notice before lay-off, even for permanent enployees, Ekyor Eridcson recommended that one week's terminal leave pay be allowed, as well as one week*$ vacatioq pay, and Bredesen so moved. Motion seconded by Child and carried. Petition was filed, signed by owners of 51$ of abutting pmperties, for the Vacation of IT, 5lst Street between Oxford Avenue and the Vest Section Line of Section 28, Towqship 117; Range 21. Hearing be set for Nonday, Novanber 10, 1952, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. 3fr. E. Go .Therne11, petitioner for Improv&ent s, aiked Councilis disyosition of bids f0r.Sanita-y Sewer and Watemnain Impvements in Chowen Ayhue beheen V.60th and W.6lst Street. Ifanager Ititchell presented tabvlation of bids, showing the comb&ned bid of Orfei plg Xarianito be low. He recommended-award of bids to low bidder. Childas motion, that aqrd of bids be made to Orfei and Narhn5. for Sanitary Sewer Zupvanent No. 51 and Watermain Tnpmvement No. 52 h amokts of $&787a55 and $2,29S& respectively -..Total, $3,985.55, was seFonded by Danens and carried. I * - Childts motion, that peti$ion be accepted and that Public Iatter of 152. Gene Cooperis request for Village to force final inspecti& at M1'7 "6, Sunnyslope Road was discussed at some lengbh, with Village Attorney Vindhorst stating that the Village has no liability for forcing inspection, Et?. Windhorst volunteered to talk with W. Cooper about this matter, Cl& of Homer T. Carlson, amount $96.9, for damages resating from his TIS striking a streetcar rail at France Avenue arid If.4qth Street, was'revimed. .. Childys motion, that claim bereferred to insuragce hderwriter6, Gas seconded 3k.- Child fand 1.k. Mitchell revitbed at length the matter of the Richfield Sanitary Sewer Connection, stating that at the last meeting of the Joint Sewer Committee Richfield madenan osfer of cost to Edina in amount of $79,00& Discussion was had, with Commit%ee being authorizkd to agrekto an Edba cost of no more than 40% of the entire cost of the interceptor sewer. lianager Ititchell's recomendatiors as to bids taken October 13 were carefully reviewed, being as f olloivs: 3l.62nd Streets, Recpmendation, that Council reject bids and re-adverjise for bids to be taken in Ikch, 1953. to Brookview Avenue. Recommendation, same as above. . by Bredesen and carried. I Street Iinwovement No. A-47 - Blacktopping Oaklam Avenue between ILWh and _Street Improvement Qo. E27 - Grading and Gravelling of lL5Sth Street, France - 10/27/52 279 Street Bwovement No. 639 - Grading and Gravelling of Alley between Beard and Abbott Avenues and between ;I'3;%th and lL59th Streets. - Recommendatidn, that bids be rejected, and that Coun+cil authorige Engineer to have mrk done by day labor. Grading and Stabilizing of Chowen he.. between W.59th and W.6Ot16 Street. - . Recommendation,%hat bids be rejected-because thex are too high; tha% bids be readvertised for first meeting in Narch, 1953; that Village Engineer be authorrized %p place 4=hch layer of gravel on street with Village labor, purchasing material, so that street may be passable this winter. Graveling and Stabilizing Zenith Avenue between liL58th and W.60tk Street, - Recommendation, that bids be--pejected because thex-are too hi&; that bids .be re-advertised for first meeting in March, 1953; that Village Engineer be authorized to place 4-inch layer of gravel on street 9th Village labor, purchasing material, so that street may be passable this winter. Grading and Gravelling of Concord Avenue between Valley View Road and $7.- 62nd Street. .- Recommendation, that bids be rejected in favor of offer bx United Research and Development Company to do this work ah their om expehse. Bredwen's motion, that bids be rejected, work be done, and Council agree to readvertise for bids on the above named projects- in accordance with Village Engineeris recommendations, was seconded by Danens and carried. I&. Mitchell recommended award of bids on Street Znprovement Bo. %ll--Gurb and Gutter in Beard Avenbe between V. 57th and l?~S&h Streets-=to bidder Victor Carlson and Sons, at $3,393.20.-- Bredesen so moved. Motion seconded by Child and carried. . I Bredesents motion, that bid for Street Improvanent No. C-l+O--Grading and Gravelling of the north portion of the North-South &.ley between Beard and Abbott and between W.56th and W.57th Streets--in mount of $536.35, recommended by &b &itchell, was secoqded by Child and carried. Nr. V&tchell requested more time to study Stop-and-Go Sign bids, and Child moved for delay of action on these bids to .November LO. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. Warranty Deed fmm J.E. Bora, Contractor & Builder, Inc., for that part of m1/4 of SEl/k of Sec. 19, hTtsp. 28, Range 27 which abuts &rants Edina Nanor on the West, was tendered, property being conveyed for tfpubfic .park purposesttr Bredesents motion, that warranty deed be returnedko bran with x?eq.uest that, dedication be changed to read "for public purposestt. Child and carried. * cx. Bequest for Plumberts License, by Earl E. Christopher,9438 $1, lliver Road, The applic&tion of Country Club Floral Company, for permit to construct a lighted sign on their premises, was reviewed. I@. McGaryts notation to the effect that sign will be within 500 feet from nearest dwelling was read. Bredesen's qmtion, that the application be sent back with the notation that pehission of neighboring property owners must be received. before approval is given, was seconded by Danens and carried. The application of Jay's Cameras for permit; to constrkk sign at 3901 l'T.%th Street was received. Council received petition of, Nessrs. Peder Mickelsen ahd Harry Gustafson for the Rezoning to Community Store Disteot of Lnt 24, Block 3, Grandview Heists Addition, hts 1,2,3,4,7,12,13,L,15,15,16 and 17, Block 7, Tadale Bms. Brook- si&e and bts 1 and 2, Block 8, Tingda3.e Bros. Brookside.. Bredesents motion, that this-petition be referred to Attorney Windhorst for opinion as .to necessity of conductbg public hearing thereon, was seconded bY Danens and carried. - i I * * - + Notion seconded by was honored, by nlotion- Bredesen, seconded by Child and car@ed. __ .a 1 Bredesents motion that license be issued was seconded by 6- Danens and carried. I bl I f Petition for curb and gutter and blacMpping in St.Andnews Avenue between Southview Me and Lakeview Drive was filed. Bredesents motion, that petition be accepted and that Counci1.schedul.e Public Hearing thereon for the second meeting in January, 1953, was seconded*+by,Child and carried. Mh Stanley Ewertrs request for kesident Parking Only'l on Edina Court was reviewed and discussed. Manager and Police Department for..recomendations was seconded by Child and carried. Bredeseu!-s motion, that matter be referred to ViUage r 280 Bredesenj s mtion, <. file, was seconded 10/27/52 - that Public Health-Nursing Report for September be placed on by Child and carried. Xr. LA. Potter's request that .Village .repair sidewalk at his residence was read and discussed. .Hatter was referred to Village Nanager with power to act. CMcago Bridge and Iron Company's Octobek 24th notification that water tank steel is tentakively scheduled for shipment in February, 1953, was qoted and ordered placed,on file. I_ Wager l#Etchell asked for Council-dispo@.tion of the matter of assessment for-the Bhcktopping of PLrCqth Street between France Avenue and lhple Road. Ikmager asked to consult .with contractor with regard to his bringing street to meet curb. The matter of repair of driveways and lams on Kellggg Avenue was broqght to Councilt s attention by Xanager Nit chell and was. discus sed. Because it was t hou@t that some complainants have just complaints and that others are not justified in asking for repairs by the village, it r.rtt;ir opinion of Council that each request mt be taken on its om merits. NanagerXit chell &ported that Barnes-lbttison Gompan; Is requesting papent for the curb and Wtter project in Lakeview Drive. He stated that part of the job does not meet Village specifications,,will have $0 be raoved and redone. HeF did recommend, however, that Village make payment pf 70% pf contract price at this time. Bredesents motion, that 705 of contract be paid to sontractor, vas seconded by Child and carried. - Eazager Mitchell reported that he has recently viritten letters to several of the engineering crew, advising them that they are, *%emporary, employeest1. The matter of such notLfication was referred to Village Attorney, fpr opinion at next regular meeting. Nmager Ititchell reported ;that there is a point at which the highway may be crossed by the contractor for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 35 TJithout involving too much bad soil condition. Council asked Nanager to consult with Rickelsen to find out irhethec he still wishes sewer service $or his commercial development beford making any plans for this c;ros&ng. Orfei & PIariani's claim for 86,000, including some work classqied as ffqxbra work^^ under the .contract wasagain discussed. Eatter tabled until next meeting for further details by Nanager. c 5 < - 1 - r' I * Peder * c Request-of Edina Holding C~mpaw for Storm Sewer a+ong the Vest side of 1Jooddal.e Avenue vas again brought before the Council by IQnager Xitchell. Jjecause it could not be determined that the Holding Company has the proper ease&& for the sewer, Bredesen moved for referral. to r-lfanager for further details. Notion seconded by Child and carried. E.fanager Ifitchell reported request of shop mechanic for purchase of Wc$ Charger and Transmission Jack, purchases totalling less than $500.00. *Childts motion, that both requests be granted if purchases are made late enough to be included in next; year's budget, was seconded by Utis and carcied. Imager Ifitchell reported that dog catc'ner has been notified to patrol only one day per week beginning November 1. Deputy Clerk supplembted report with contractor's communication to effect that he 1611 confine his*patrolling to eight hours per week but believes it would bs better to patrol a short time each day for two or three days each week. be notifi-d ;to patrol no less than two howp p,er pa& no more than 8 hours peF week from November -1 to April A, 1953, was sqconded bs, bhilki and cakried. Hr. George hitnerts request for storm sewer reported by l+k. litchell, and was referred to Attorney Vjndhorst for opinion. c c I Bredesen's motion, that dog catcher 3 I zmneapolis Gas Compaiyts request for permit for main installations in valley View Road from Vooddale .td Brookview, and in Brookview Avenue to lf.64th Street were reported bx Eanager SEtchell. PIotLon seconded by Banens and carried. F t Xanager 3Etchell rewested authorization to order Street Light;s at intersections of 5')th and 60th Streets viith Chovren,Avenue; 58th Street-and Xerxes Avenue; Tyler and $aloney Avenues; 59th Street and Fairfax Avenue. W. Child stated that he believes some of these lights have already been authorized. Child's motion, authorizing such of the above street Lights as have not alreadfbeen ordered, was seconded by Danms and carried. Child moved that permits be granted. 10127152 281 I Mr, Bredesen reported E&. E. C, Stow's offer to construct =ins and:weU*and pump for Brookview Beights at his om expense, providing that thepvillage will purchase the system from him at such time as sufficient dwellings are built to insure req~red revenue for Village. Supt. of Public Utilities Woehler reminded Coyncil that there are legal matters tonbe taken into con- sideration before o$fer can be considered; Le,, if Village purchases system can they assess for,mxins, or are the mains the property-of the purchasers of the lots? Hatter was discussed at same length, and Childmoved that. it be tabled until farther details are furnished by Xr, Stow in writing. Kotion seconded by Bredesep and carried. Mr. Bredesen reportid.&. Russell hdts offer to dedicaie the Southeast corner of the FIallace property for-municipal parking lot purposes-providing he will be reimbursed for it if the general municipal parking lot program is completed; also, his, suggestions as to the,development of the balance of this property, which suggestions include possible reduction ,of aqea limitations for multiple dwellings in this district and the platting of the property to plan for double dwellings as a buffer strip, wd the opening of aaew road west of the proposed parking lot. Mk, Bredesen also stated that, as an alternative,. Mr.O%d,&suggested that the bank .be allowed to build on this property, with apprapriate parking lot therefor. but no action taken.. Child moved for payment of the Village Payroll, amount @8,743.5&, and Liquor Store Payroll, amount t97U.88, for period Betober: 16 to. 31, inclusive, - as recorded in detail in Payroll Ledger, and for payment of the following claims:. %tion seconded by Bredesen and carrie,d, ~. 7824 ' Dick Palen Photographs 8 *90 .I 7827 Nelson Dry Goods . 2.95 7830 ' Reinhad B~os~ Coo a 25010 7832 - Richfield. Lbr. Coo 280 70 7836 , Melvin SoderquQt 20.00 7838 Thompson Lbr, Co. loo40 7842 k . Town & CounZ;ry Hdwe, 16067 7844 - . A, R. IW.liams R 75000 . 7845 Americ-w Linen Supply Coo 16.00 Cwsiderable disuussion, m CLURNOo - A;MouNT - 78k6 Ernst & Ernst 2,950000 8848 Ed, Ryan, Sheriff 57000 - - 7859 C. J, Hoigaard Coo 51.10 2.04 7857 Dietrick Zbr, Go, 94040 *. 7865 J, H, Kilgore Lbr, Coo - r . 5205Q 7866 Leef Bzothers - 7872 Twin City Testing & Engr, Lab. 60000. 7873 Glacier Sand & Gravel Go. 537.27 I1 7875 Bertelsog Bros. 4025 7877 * McGawan Contracting Coo 145.24 .+ 7878 City Treasurer, City of Mpls. 610 ,GO Ge00 T,Rym Coo 130 TO - 76045 7879 7880. u. so. Supply coo 7881 Republican Creosoting Coo 273076 7882 Mpls. S%ar & Tribune 35.10 ,7883 Northern S.t;ates Powei. Co. 1,037 0 66 7886 I?. W, Bell Tel, go. n XU0 56 7889 Thompson Lbr, Co, 10.40 7892 Modern Sanitary Supply, Coo 9.25 Glenn Johnson Contracting Coo 58000 7894 P 11 II I1 186.00 7893 Hiller-Davis Go. 805.21 7897 Construction Bulletin 1Q*m 1.- 7895 7861 I I Hooten Cleaners LOO 7891 Delaney Bros. &9050 10.00 I 55.00 7872 Twin Cgty Testing Lab, ' 175.45 7902 r , F. H, Geiger. 7906 H, A. Rogers Coo 7908 Xdina @undry 40 25 3 027 IO,&? 7909 - Edina Hardware 7910 Miller. Hardware 29.05 3460 To '7913 Donald Hazzard 7915 Edina 'fol&teer Fire Dept, J-529 5 47 12ko00 7916 270 50 7917 '7918 c, Po Luff 7919 Robert.- B, Christy 15.00 U-7075 1220 50 7920 Paul Tf, McNellis - 48000 7921 7922 7925 1951 Imp, 2nd Series Skg. Fund 10,23703 5 $B,6860& . 21 c Richard Oil Coo Glenn gohnson contracting COO , I Edina-$'Iorningside Courier 1950 Imp, 1st & 3rd Ser, Skg, Fund* 7924 1950 Imp, 2nd Series Skg, Fund 36.22 GENERLIl; FUND 7822 7828 7830 7833 7840 7842 7843 7a5 784? 7849 7856 7860. 7864 7866 7868 7874 7876 7883 7886 7887. 7888 7897 7899 7900 7901 7903 7904 7906 79ll 7912 793.4 7823 7826 7829. 7831 7834 7835 7837 7839 78&6 7858 7825 7842 7846 7850 78% 7852 7855 7870 7883 7884 7885 78% 7907 78r6 7883 7w 7853 7854 7869 7811 7812 7813 7840 1-b. Tor0 Inc, No If, Fire Coo Reinhard Bros. Coo S. J, Rutherford Coo ,- Ho Ro Toll Coo Town & Country Hd~eo lknner Coo berican Linen Coo \ Rihm Xotor Coo Twin City Bolt & Supply Coo Hopkins Xotor Sales Coo kcbstrial Truck Parts, Inc. Leef &os,, Into 1 4fpls. Iron Store Chas, Olson & Sons, kc, International Harvester Coo 3 Northern States Power Coo No U, Bell Tel, Go.. Brobkside Service Station Npls. Gas Coo Construction Bulletin Phillips Petmleum~Coo Standard Spring Coo tho H, Ziegler Coo, Inc, Northern Welders Supply Coo IT, E, Ildq coc H. k, Rogers Coo Edina Pure Oil- coo Firestone Stores I Do 90 Lubricant Coo, Into e E r First Natl, Bznk of Npls. &chard b, I.litcheU. Xrs, E, 3, Bfoxwis R, Po Nyberg lks, FredE, Rymon, Jr, T Arthur Sieverbon . r tks-o EU~S Rich Mrs, lfm, So Stueber , P Co Bo..Tillm~~i 9 p Ernst & Emst Curtis F, Feyder R, Roger Noen. Town & Countrg. Hdwe, Ernst & Ernst * Volpe & Boskey Badger &ter Go, + American Cast *Iron Pipe Coo Central Supply Coo Twin City Testing & Engjneering-Lab~ Northern States Power Coo 1 ., Water Works Engineering village of Edha N, IT, Bell TeL. Coo Japs Olson COG e. Independent School Dist . a7 Itidwest Badge & Novelty GOO Ernst & Ernst-' Northern States Power Coo Toltz, King &:D&, Inc. - Berg & F~~rnhp.Co. Cambridge Brick Cb, Twin City Testing & Engr, CO; Glacier,Sand &,Gravel COO ri Rogers HgdraUSc, InC0 f. n 11 11: 11 *' . !!E !! !? !! F m f I. . 10/27/52 4 4 283 ? FUND - CW NO. TO: ANOIDT 7897 Constnrction Bulletin 48 187.60 Rodgers Hydraulic, IncK s H, A, Rogers Co, . 19.50 Richard Oil Coo , 438030 American Linen Supply Go. 11.65 Canada DG~ Ginger Ale, 'Inc, 169.86 Clausen.& Sons, Inc. . 678.52 &heuser t- Busch 243.08 Coca Cola Bottling Go. 63. a 0, N, Droney Beveqage Co, 615047 Cold Spring Distributing Co. 69.36 Gluek 3rewing Go, 292.80 Gold NedaJ. Beverage Coo w. 98 Kuether Distrirbuting -Go, 31.36 Mbmeapolis Brewing Co, 1,U6.05 Norris Distributing Go. 157.15 - Northern States Power Co. ' W 025 Pabsts SaLes Co. 237.90 Purity Beverage Co. + 239.20 F. J. Quinn Paper Go. 2s. 58 Rex .Distributing Go. lOl.48 Seven-Up Bot tl5ng Go. 123.30 Distillers- Distributing 60. 5,108.70 Ebin Brothers Co. 1,796093 Famous Brands, I~c. 1,363 16 G.B.S ., Incorporated 301.85 WGriggs, . Cooper & -Cor 19947.51 E. N. Lohmann Go. 81.86 NcKesson & Robbins 5,456 50 Miller -Davis COO ut. 28 Northwestern Bel Tel. COO - l4.00 Ed+ Phillips & Sons Co. r 9,533.03 F, J.. Quinn Paper Co. 61.38 Minneapolis City Club Distributing Go. 156.24 CONSTRUCTION FUND $2,507001 1 c c c I -* c It was reported--that Don McClellan is again violating the Zoning brdinance by operating his business at his residence. for action. Mr, Child's mot5on, that Village Wgineer be directed to investigate the plugging af a ditch installed sometime ago for drainage purposes at.France and 59th, near the Harry Swenson home, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Bredesen moved for adjourr&ent. carried. Eeeting adjourned at l:@ A.L, Tuesday, October 28. C Matter referred to Police Department - T Notion seconded by Child and unanimously C c I ?= c t f c , c *