HomeMy WebLinkAbout19521111_REGULAR284 I n/10/52 . -I _- Kembers an&er&g Roll~& were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Otis and Erickson. Child's motion, approvingSnutes of Council Meetings dated September 2, October 6, 14 and 27, 1952, and amending Eiinutes of Efeeting of October 13, 1952 by adding thereto the presentation of Petition by residents 02 4500 and 4600 Blocks of Lakeview Drive in opposition to Assessment for Sbrn Sewer -7inprovement No, 19 on grounds that it is inadequate to completely serve thekr properties, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. c The next matter on the agenda was the taking of bids on various impmvements. Clerk read Affidavi-b of Publication for ttAdvertisement for Bids-Street Improvement No.C-3P which was published in Edirra-Norningside Courier .and Construction Bulletin on Odtober 30 and Noveriiber 6,1952, which affidavits were approved as to forin and ordered placed on file. \ and read the following b5$: this being the only bid received. that bid be awarded at once in order that laying or gas. mains migh$ bq expedited, Tm&w Child moved that Council go into executive session to'secure from its Counsel as to the legalitg and propriety of awarding bid. Notion was seconded by Bredesen and carried, 'mer five minutes Hawr &rickson again called Gouncil into regulas session. award bid. opinion to writing, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. bid for Street hprovement No, C-32 be awarded to J, A. Danens aqd Sons, hc., at Pursuant to Affidavit of hbl&ation for rtddvertisement ,for Bids, KaternxLn Zmprove- ment No. 53: published in-EdinadIorningside Goqriey and Construction Bulletin on October 30 and November 6, 1952, which affidavikq were read by Glerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Clerk publicly opened and read-the follow ing bids: * Eursuant to said advertasement the Clerk publicly opened J. A, Danens & Son, kc,, Edina $529 361 e00 f '9 Upon receipt of bid, &d a plea.from delegation '7 VillageJttQrney gave his opinion thGt Counsil is empowered to Child $hqfmoved that Child's motioa, t6at Village Attorney be,direqted to reduce his $2,361.00, Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. . *f J Peter Lametti Gonstruction Company $i6,0S4,91 Terry Excavating Company 6,102.80 .@.netti et Sons I 6,217.65 Bart Carlone 6,474013 Orfei & &riaxi 6jB5.95 I Childts motion, that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and reiort later .%his evening, was seconded by Bredesen-and carried. Clerk then re& Affidavits of Publication for itAdve.slt;isement for fids-Tractor and Trailer," which appeared 3x1 Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction E?ul$.etin on October 30 and Novenber 6, 1952, and, pursuant to said Advertisement, publicly opened and read the fol2owing bids: hrchert-Ingersoll, Inc, (Allis Chalmers Nodel HD5G tractor IElIiam H. Ziegler Go.. (Caterpillar D4 Tractor kth (Nartin Node1 w32s Ttro-T.Jheel and loader) B9,590.00 .- HT4 Loader 9l0,944.60 Trailer) 2,230.00 9,l45,00 A-ll Company Inc. of 1-En.n. (Oliver Nodel BGHT, Tractor Danens' motion, 'tht bids be referred to Village_Engheer for tabulation and report at next regular meeting, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Mr, Etchell reported at len&h on bids for the Stop-and40 Signal at 50th and Hdifax. fication Posts and ornamental posts, street pads, push-buttons, r.ralk signals, and other features. Hr, Lehn of Lehn Electric Company supported his bid of @2,197.00, using Highway Specification Posts, signals to be without inter-connecting controller, street pads, push buttons and walk signals. He stated that he can receive delivery of necessary materials for installation wi6hi.n thirty days. bid of khn Electric Company be accepted in amount of $2,197,00, vnth specifications to be as listed above, was seconded by Danens and carried. Clerk Otis read Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearing-Grading and Gravelling of Parnell Avenue," published- in Edina-Xorningside CourLer October 23 and 30,1952, which affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Trustee Child reported that developers IEckelsen-Fronk and United Research and Development Company have agreed to do this work at their own expense, to Village specifications. I+&. George Et;t;ner requested the grade of Parnell, and dLso asked that Valey View Road be cut, now, while street 5s town up by Sewer construction, to remedy bad dra:'urage situation. Engineer Etchell presented profile shodg drainage to be to the East, Discussion was had on the relative merits of Highway Department Speci- Childts motion, that 11/10/52 285 Child moved that agreement of Mickelsen-Fro& and United Research and Development Company,%o grade Parnell Avenue between Valley View Road and tf.62nd Street at. tIieir own expense and to Villagecspecifications, berapprovedo Notion seconded by Danyns and carried. Mayor Erickson,announced that Hearing is closed; that this wlll not be an assessment project, Pursuan6 to llNotice of Hearing-Sanitary Sewer and Ifatemain Improvements for Halifax Avenue Addi%ion," which was published in m.ina-Norningside Courier October 23 and 30,1952, as confirmed by Affidavit of Publication read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Public Hearings were held as follows 1. to Watermain Improvement already constructed in Nest 60th Street between Grimes and Halifax Avenues; and Construction of Tfatermain Exkension and - Centerline of West 60th Street and a point 177.5 Feet, morepor less, South thereof. "West 60th Street between Grimes and Halifax Avenues, and in Halifax Avenue between West 60th Street and a point 167 Feet, more or less, South thereof, 1. tfatermairv- $1,899.56 as against 6l.&,l2 feet, DT 8309 per foot for Lateral Mah, and @72 per foot- for connection to Water Uain ment No. 39, for #3,8ltestimated total, 8, per assessable foot for btePaJ, Main, plus 8~90 for connection to Sanitary Sewer hprovement No. 35, and $l,QO for connection to Joint Sewer District No, 1 - Estimated Total, &0&9,per assessable Zoot. There were no objections from the audiace and no objections had been received prior to the meeting. Mr, Bruce Yund, developer of Halifax Avenue Addition, asked that construction be expedited. ' and moved its adoption: f Connection of Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Block 1,. Halifax Avenue Addition, - appurtenances in Halifax Avenue between a point Ten Feet North of the -2, Construction of Sanitary Later& Sewer Extension and Appurtenances in Mi-, Mitchell repobted the costs to be as follows: Jinprovw Sanitarr Sewer - #1,591,54 as against 61&,12 assess#le-feet, for $2.59 Child offered the folloiving Resolution ~ RESOLUTIOI~ ORDERING DiPR0-T WATlCRlW IMPROVEBENT N0.54 BE IT RESOLV&;D by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore casea notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed impmvanent consisting of Connection of Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Book 1, Halifax Avenue Addition, to Watermain Improvement already constructed in West 60th Street between Grimes and Halifax.Avenues; and Construction of Watemqah Exbension and Appurtenances in Halifax Avenue between a point Ten Feet North of the Centerline of 1?,6Oth Street and a point 177.5 Feet, more or less, South %hereof, and 'at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council hasf duly considered the views of a3l peasons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby detedne to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Watedn Znprovanent Noc 54, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in Aich said impmve- ment is to be constructed, ' Motion for adoption of *he Resolution was duly seconded by Bredesen, and on redesen, aye; Child, ild then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING DPROVEMENT C SANI'IXRY. S33MEEt. RLP~~W NO. 52 €333 TI RESOLVED by the Council of %he Village of Ectina, Ihnesota, (that this Council heretofore'caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of Construction of Sanitary Latera3 Sewer and Appurtenances in W.6Oth Street between Grimes and Halifax. Avenues, and in Halifax Avenue between W.6Oth Street and a-point 167 Feetj more or less5 South thereof, and at the headng held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being ' ally advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said imprcwement; that said improvement is hereby designated - and shall be referred to in all subsequknt proceedings as Sanitary Sewer lhprovanent No, 52, and the area to be specially assessed thereforeshall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is tb be constructed. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was duly seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: . I- ' ' Bredesen, aye; Ckild, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Mayor I Nr, XitcheU. recopwaded that bids be taken for ITatermain Ihpmvaent No, 54 and Sanitary Sewer Improvenent No. 52 on November with it understood that'speci- fications.include statemat that only work to be done this year is construction of house connections on V.60th Street, recornmadations be accepted and that specibations include instructions to contractors to complete 60th Street House Connections this fall and balance of wrk ne& spring, was seconded by Danens and carried, Child then offered the fo&lowing Resolution and moved its adoption: Child's motion, that Village En@neer*s RESOLUTION APROVING PL!S AND SPECIFICAIPIbhTs FOR IfATERIfAIN IMPEWW NO, .54. AND DITEE(=TJ.NG ADVEIzTI~*fENT FOR BIDS BE d! RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby qpproved, Courier and the Construction Bul.ht3.n the following notice for bids for-the con- struction of s~d impmvamt: 7. 1. The plans and specifications for Ifatemain pprovenent No, 54 heretofore 2. The Clerk shall cause & be published twice in the Edina-lforningside a c I ADVEFtTLsB*ENT FOR BIDS WATEEMAIX IEIpRmbENT NO. 54 . The Edina Village Cop-@l r.riJl met at the Vil$ge Hall, 4801 W,!Dth' Street, Ifonday, November a, 1952, at 7:30 P.N., to open and' cansider sealed bids . for construction of Village llatermain Improvement NO, 54, cbnsisting of Construction of Village Vatermin Appurtenancep in V,6Oth Street- for Lots 1 to 4, IhGlusive, Block 1, Halifax Avenue Addition, ,and ConsFruction of Vkllage Watermain Extenkion and Appurtenances in Halifax Avenue between a point Tep Fept North of the Caberline of ~~60th Street and a point-177.5 Feet, more or lep, South thereof. for 's@d improvenent on file in office of V$llage 'Clerk? on basis of cash ppnt for work. filed with undersigned befwe time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid. Vork must be done as described and specified plans and spec'lfichtions Bids must be submitted No bids ;will be considex-ed unless sealed and BY ORDB OF VILLAGE* COUNCIL. - James H, Otis, Clerk 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said impmvanent . Notion for qdoption of the- there were five ayes and no nays, as aye; Otis, axe; and Erkkson, aye; ATTEST: . Eacp and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are . /?&ild then offered the following Resolution and moved i;t s adoptionr RESOLUTION APPROVING Pl2lKS AND SPECIFICATIO&3 9 -- t .-. FOR SANITARY. mm D~~~W-ENT €so. 52. AND . DIRE(=TnG ADVXRTISBB~ FOEl BIDS - BE; I? RE30LViXD by the Village .Council qf .the. Village of EFna: . fore premred by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, Courier and the Construction Bulletin the follovting notice for bids for the cQn- .lo The plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer Iinpmvement 'No, 52 hereto- The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Norningside 2. stmction of said improvement: AUV.tSSU*EIa TOR BIDS SANITARY SEHER fp@ROVEHENT NO. 52 The Edina village Council vriU meet at the Village Hall, 4.801 W,50th Street, Evfonday, "Novmber 24, 1952, at 7:30 Pm?*L, to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Village Sanitary Sewer Jhpmvaent No, 52, consisting of construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and Appurtenances in ll.60th Street between Grimes and Hqfax Avenues, ' and in Halifax Avenue between Wm6Oth Street and a point 167 Feet, more or less, South thereof, for said imppvenent on file in office of Village Olerk, on basis of cash payment for work. filed with undersigned before time of said meting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of anount of bid, Work must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications &ids must be sftbmitted No bids will be considered unless sealed and BY ORDkXt OF VILL4GE COUNCIL. m James H. utis, Clerk 3, Each and all of the tern; of the foregoing advertisement f.or bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said bppvaent . t 7 I i 1 Notion for adoption of the Resolution 11/10/52 was seconded by iiredesen, and on 287 c Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: .Child, aye; Danens, aye; Otis, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, ATTEST: Elredesen, aye; // M tY yor Erickson announced Continuation of October 27th fiklic Hearing on Prqposed Curb and Gu5ter for E@ng Avenue between l?.5&h and W,6Oth Street, I Office reported that less than 50s of owners have signed petition for this improvement, and Council was reminded of objections voiced on October 27th. Child moved that Public Hearing be closed and that petition be denied, Motion seconded by Danms and carried. Next Public Hearing called was on Petition for Vacation ofthat portion of Drew Avenue L*g South of W. 55th Street and abutting io% .1, Block 6, and Lot 5, Block 7, Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet. Affidavits of Publication of llNotice of Hearinglf in.Edina-Morningside Courier on October 23, 1952, and of Posting on three official bulletin boards October 21, 1952, were read, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. Nr, Dale Benson spoke for this Vacation. ~ There were no objections, either oral or written. Danens offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . RESOLUTION VACATING STEEXT DREW- AVENtTE SOUTH OF W. 55TH ST€&%T AND ABUTTING Urr 1, r BLqCB. 6, .AND UIT 5, BLOCK 7, I .lVUODBURY PARK-IWR LAX33 Hi%RIZX %HE-, petition .of a mgjority os the-owners of real property abutting that portion of Drew Avenue lying South of W,55th Street and lying between Lot One (l), Block Six (6), and Lot Five (5)., Block Seven [7), Voodbury Park near Lake.Ha,rriet, has been duly.. filed with the Village Council; and said Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice duly published and posted and has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the . interest of,the public that said portion of said street be vacated, now therefore, portion of Drew-Avenue lying South of W.55th Street ad lying between Lot One (l), Block Six (6) and Lot Five (5), m-ock Seven (7), IEJoodbury Park near Lake H&riet, and as the same is,now dedicated and laid out .within the corporaee limits of said Village of Edina, is hereby vacated. BE: IT RESOLJEII by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that that , Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by ais, and on RoU.call there were fivp ayes Qnd no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; Otis, aye; and Erickson, aye; and AWSST: r Mayor lic Hearing was had on Petition for Vacation of West 51st Street from Oxford Avenue-to the West Section Line-of Section 28, Township 117, Range 21, pursuant to llN&.ce of Hearing" published $n Edina-Morningside Courier October 30 and posted on three-official bulletin boards October 21, 1952, as confirmed by Affidavits of Publication and Posting read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr, Dweilson spoke for Vacation, and Manager Nitchell recommended it, There were .no objections, either oral or written, Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . RESOLUTION VACATING S'jXEZ'S! T 5lST. STREE=II ,Bmm. OXFORD -- AVENUE .@D.tGST SECTION LINE I OF SECTION.28, fill', 117,R, 21 llHE@EAS, petition of .a majority of the owners of real property abutting tkt portion of Vest 5lst, Street between Oxford Avenue and the West Section Line of Section Twenty-eight (281, Township One Hundred aha Seventeen (ll7), Range Twenty-one (21), ha5 been _duly filed with the Village Council; and said Council has met qt the tirme and place specified in a notice duly published and posted and has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the interest of the public that said portion of said street be vacated, now therefore portion of Vest. 5lst Street between Oxford Avenue and 'the FIest Section &e of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township One Hunt#ed and Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-one (a), and as the same is now dedicated and laid out within the corporate limits ofthe said Village of Edina, is hereby vacated. BE IT RESOLmD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that that 288 Notion for adoption of the Resolutionwas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes an3 no nays, as.follows: Brede Otis, aye; arid Erickson, aye; and the Resoluti fiild, aye; Danens, aye; Nayor i representatives of Volff Constizlction Company asked for final payment on their watermain project in Brookxievr Avenue between W.54th and IL55th Streets. 1.k. IEtchell asked to be allowed to report on this matter at the next regular meeting, Child's motAon, that matter be referred to Engineer 3.Litchell and Public Utilities Supt. .Xoehler for report at next meeting, was seconded by Otis and carried. Office reported that Country Club Floral Company has secured necessary permission from all property owners iiithin 500 feet from their proposed sign. that sign be appmved. 3.btion secorded by Child and carried. n Bredesen moved c C I lfr. George Ettner asked for Sanitary Sewer connection in Pmell Avenue, 20 feet South cof Valley View Road, with the understanding that he r.rill pay the required Consumer's Deposit for 182-feeteon Parnell, said amount to be deducted for any assessment to be levied later for sewer on Valley View Road. I&. -Witchell reported that Ik. Ettner has not dedicated full right-of-my for Parnell Avenue. Child moved that request for sewer connection be granted contingent upon dedication of street right-of-way. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Wr. Roy Peterson presented Final Plat .of ItRoy H. -Peterson's First Addition." f4r. >Etchell reported recent approval- by Planning Commission, . Childrs motion for Council approwl of Fhal Plat of Roy-H. Peterson1s First Additionj was seconded c by GI&&- and carried. .- * B&t >>-a I@. Eiruce Yund presented Final. Plat of "Halifax Avenue Addition.~I 3k. Hitchell recommended that plat be approved sub@ect to Planning Comission!s approval. Child moved for approval of Final Plat of ItHdLifax Avenue Addition11 subject to submission of street profile and approval by Planning Commission. Eotion seconded by Danens and carried. . Petition vas presented for Grading and Gravelling of Oxford Avenue between W.5lst gnd ?f052nd Streets. Hearing scheduled for Honday, .December 8, at 7:30 PoL, was seconded by-Danens and carried, P Bredesenls motion, that petition be accepted and Public. / SeveraL persons were*present to inwire about the results of negotiations 16th Richfield as to the joint interceptor sanitary:ser.rer. Nr. Child, Chairman of the Ee3ina Committee, reported that the tr.To:ETayors have been consulting on the basis of 4.4% for Edina, 56% for Richfield, as to construction cost. lvfanager %Etchell stated that the same pro-rata basis for maintenance is agreeable to fichfield. to the Richfield connection. 1-k. Hitchell explained that there are several alternatives: 1. Connection through 14inneapolis, along Elinnehaha Creek. 2. Route tlrrough Richfield, into Hi.nneapolis (in vhich case Edina wuld bear full cost, and run risk of refusal by Richfield for use of streets). 3. Semge Disposal Plant for Edina, vdth discharge into Ninneosta River. 4. Connection with Richfie3.d at 65th Street terminus now, and possibly connection with Bloomington; later. alternatives uJiu. be much more expensive %ban the presently contemplated connection, and that'each one involves hazards and uncertainties. Attorney IEndhorst presented rough draft of an agreement for the two municipalities, stating that he has not had sufficient time to examine thorougUy, that he ill send copies out for Council perusal at a later date. Objections were raised as ,%o the maintenance basis contemplated, inasmuch as Edina will not reach its capacity for several years. -Jizanager Xitchell explained that maintenance problems are more acute 3n the early years, .before capacity is reached, because of flat grade of main, allowing sewage to settle. Nr. Art Stringer explained to %ouncil the needs of people in his neighborhood for sewer. discussion was had by Council on referendum VS. public hearing, with Attorney IJindhorst advising that hearing must be held. Childrs motion, that Edina Council give approval to tentative agreement by Hayors af Villages of Edina and Richfield to divide Construction Cost of Joint Interceptor Sewer on a basis of @& for Edina, 56% for Richfield, and that the Edina Council schedule its Public Hearing on this liratter for Honday, Septqnber 15, 1952, with place to be determined later, was seconded by Danens and carried., That matter of maintenance-cost basis was Clerk Otis, newcomer to the Council, asked for possible alternatives &a Otis was appraised of the fact that any one of these I Considerable I left to Ehnager and Village Wher negotiations with Richfield. _- 11/10/52 289 Later in the evening, Mra Ben Moore of the Advisory Board of the Edina Taxpayers Association presented .the following Resolution: "Resolved that the Advisory Board of the Edina Taxpayers Association considers a joint project with Richfield to be a desirable and economic method of obtaining a needed sadtary sewer outlet for Edina, The Advisory Board furbher recommds that the Village Council proceed in this matter on its ovm motion without referendum." i/ Signed Hibbert-Hill, Pres. And Paul Latham, Secy,- T.lrm Moore also expressed his own willingness to be assessed for a portion of the cost, in order to insure a sewer outlet, should the Iheapolis outlet be cut off at some future date, I Hatters of Sanitary Sewer needing further consideration, it was decided that Council should meet Fridar, NQWmbW-?las Gommittee of the Whole, meeting to be at 5:OO PmMm . . -r- Disassionwas had as to Clerk Otisf council committee assignments, -Mayor Hckson nominated &a Otis for-all,assignments carried by Clerk Hawthorne, Bredesen so moved. I&. Tm La Todd vras contacted with regard to acceptance of an appointment to the Planning Comission. Child movedthat T,L. Todd be appointed to fill vacancy in Planning Commission, Motion seconded by Bredesen and unanimously carried, &a Lyle LundquistY52L7 Minnehaha Blvdm, askedthat reverse crown be put in the alley behind his home, to provide 'for drahge, and that the alley be oiled. Matter referred to Village Engineer for investigation and report at next meeting. Seconded by Danens and carried, Mr. Em C, Stow presented in writing his offer to construct a water system for Brookview Heights at his own expense, providing the Village will purchase same from him at a later date 'and upon certain conditions outlined in his offer, Long discussion was hqd, during which it was brought but that written offer disfers somewhat from verbal offer made to Public Utilities Chairman earlier. Attorney Windhorst stat:d that in his opinion such a project is legal and feasible, but that details should be fully understood by both'Gounci1 and developer before further negotiations can be made, Bredesen's motion, that matter be referred to Public Utilities Committee and Attorney Wiridhorst for investigation and report, was seconded by Otis and carried, Plr; Hosmer' Brown presented recommendations on traffic control of the Edina Commercial. Club Ekecutive- Committee, as follows: Green arrow for right hand. turns at 56th and Halifax semaphore and also at 50th and France, Flashers at designated cross walks on 50th to control pedestrian cp ssing during rush hours Additional= semaphore on France and Market Street. Disappmval of proposed elimination of left hand turns into parking lots from 50th Street. Chil&moved that letter be accepted and recommendations. therein be referred to Publirc Safety Committee. &, Fred Swanson, excavating contractor, objected to time limitsc placed on the grading of Blmore Lane &ontract, Swanson's contract be changed to read "June 1, 195311. Danens and carried. -. -. I&. Kt chell reported that Planning Commission has aow approved IfRosendahl*s Edina Highlands" for Cecord. Plat and appendage of Hayor's and Clerkts signatures thereto, . e n 1, 2, 3, 4, Notion secorded by Otis and carried, Child moved that completion date in Mkm Notion seconded by 1 Bredesen moved for Council approval -of Final. Notion seconded -.-* by Otis and carried, 1 Mayor Erickson was called from the meeting at this time, and Mayor Pro Tem Child presided for the baltance of the .meeting, State Highway Depaztmentts notification of completion of the traffic control signals at Normandale Road and Vm5Oth Street, and of Statefs release of signals to Edina for operation and maintenance in accordance with agreement, The claim of Mr, Charles Harris, 4626 France Avenue, amount $57.10, for alleged damages to property resulting from the paving of France Avenue, .was rsadi and discussed, by Village Attorney, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, was read and ordered placed on file, 1 t Danenst motion that claim be denied and that claimant be so notified 290 11/10/52 The nAmerican Federation of State, and County ITUnicipal Bgplojrees (31 notification that-70$ of Edina employees, excluding Liwor Store salesmen, belong to the local, and asking for further negotiations to settle grievance as to Itpermanentif, ! "Temporary,I1 and lfpart timet1 employees, was read. Hatter referred to Village Attorney T.Jindhors$ for report to Nr, Mitchell. 'Assistant -Joe Zikan reported that he has been unaELe to secure easements for Wooddale Avenuq-Garrison Lane right-of-way from &fro Lapp, Mrs, Nan l~fiU.er, or Ibs, Alma Duus, After .some discussion, Danens moved that Attorney lfindhorst be instructed .to initiate condemnation proceedings for this right-of-way, Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Notification by TI& City Rapid Transit Co, that the new bus &e is losing about $63.00 per day, and their notification of their proposal to discontinue the present bus line in favor of a line along the foUowing.route, was read? Womrncing at the present turnaround & Wilson and Nomaradale Roads; thence southerly on Nomandale Road to the first east and trest.road Horth of Edina Hi& School; thence easterly on that road to1Concord; thence northerly on Concosd to Ellington Avenue; thence easterly on Ellington Avenue and Vest 56th Street to Vooddale Avenue; thence northerly on Wooddale Avenue to Vest 54th Street; thence easterly on West 54th Street to the intersection of France Avenue and 54th Street (Edina Village Limits).*r Otis moved that Company be inxited to send a representative to meet with do&cs at Regular Neeting of November 24, for further discussion and explanation of Northwest Edina Impmvement Associationts request that Coun~il iive this area consideration in planning over-all sanitary sewer pmject, and that investigation be made of possibility of including this area in any future enlargement of Hopkins' sanitaqy sewer system, was read, discussed, and ordered placed on file. . z t Police Department Report for October rms ordered referred \o Public Safety Committee, by notion Bredesen, seconded by Danms and carried, . this matter, Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 2. &ran Builders, Inc.1~ pet%ion for street lights in &rants Edina Nanor Addition, was read, .Bredesents motion, that this petition be handled in %he manner usual to street light petitions, was seconded by Dams and carried, Petition for the Blacktopping of Chowen Avenue between V,59th and tf,60th Streets, signed by owners of 6% of af€ected property ottners, was filed. D+mst motion2 that petition be accepted and Public Hearing scheduled .for second.meeting in Narch, 1953, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Application for permit to construct si@ reading "Edina Shopping Center" on Highway No, 169 between Gleason Road and County bad #.8 was filed, together rkth written permission of owners of dr.relUngs within 500 feet of site. Danenst notion that permit be granted was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Complaht of Frank J, '!&pa, 4609 Wooddale Avenue, that water pressure is low, and that dead branch- hangs from boulevard tree and tree root has forced side- vmlk up, was read. Utilities Supt. Ben Woehler reported that he has already informed Hr, Tupa that his service main needs replacing. Iktters of tree and sidewalkwere referred to Street Commissioner Harry Jenas, for action. Public Utilities'Chaiman Child reported that he has infomd Eetitioners of Northern States Power Companyts $I&lO estimate for Street Lights on Arden Avenue sohth df 9th Street; that N~F, Lee will consult other persons in the block and report back to him at a later date. rr I 'I- 1 Ni=, A, G. Bogen's petition for permit to Grade I?illiam Avenue petpreen T7,51st . and W.52nd Streets for the privilebe of using the dirt from the street for his own pxposes was again reviewed, that Public Hearing be scheduled for: Nonday, DecIember 8, 1952, by Otis and carried. It was reported that Wdtermain Improvement No, 1,Fund must sell $5,000 of its investments before the first of the year, to pay its bods and interest. Bredesen's motion, authorizing sale of $5,000 Natermain Impmv&nent No, 1 Fund investmepts, vas seoonded by Danas and carried, Bredesen's motion, that Public Hearing be scheduled for l.Ionday, Septeniher 8, 1952, on .all oiling projects completed in 1950, 1951 and 1952, Iwas seconded by Danens and carried. c Danens moved that petition be accepted and 1-Iotion seconded t n ,114 - , 7 J., ' Public Utilities Supt , tfoehler asked for authorization to hire Bergersen-Caswell Company to clean the Hdifax Avenue well, stating that i-b is impossible to secure bids and that this work should be done at once. Kotion seconded by Danens and carried. .Otis moved for proper auLhori5atione 291 11/10/52 Motion by Bredesen, for papent of Village Pa~~oll, amount #8,567.12 and Liauor Store Payroll, amount $1,164.99 for period November 1 to 15, and Overtime for October, all as recorded in detail in Payroll ledger, was seconded- by Danens . and carried. Bredesen's carried.. motion for. payment of the following Claims was seconded-by Otis and I- U180 L2181 L2182 mg3 L2l.84 L2l.85 U186 m87 32388 La89 L2190 8003 8005 8005 mo5 E3006 8007 8008 8009 8010 8011 8012 8013 8OU 8015 8016 8017 8018 8019 8020 8022 8023 8024 8025 8026 8027 80s 8029 8031 8030 8032 8033 8034 8035 I ,8036 a37 8038 a39 7930 7935- 7932 7933 - 7934 7935 7936 7937 NO. - Ebin Brothers Company hst & Ernst .6ooe00 Griggs, Cooper & Co lY6rcrC.93 Famous Brands, Ince 570 93 GOB. S. ficorporat ed 21.43 NcKesson & -Robbins 755016 Old Peoria .Company, Inc, 19980.69 Ed-West Wine Company, Inc. 264.30 Ed. Phillips & Sons Company 276.01 State of Minn. Liqyor Control Commissioner LOO Griggs, Cooper & S;ompany 82.66 49 730 81 II 11 1 ir " it / Suburban Hennepk County Relief Board Arthur Ke Eetersen Edina-Komingside Courier __ i __ Edina-morning side Courier Edina-Morningside Courier Victor Carlson & Sons 11 .. J. 8. Danens & Son Ashvnrth & 80n , '! !!* !! 111 *! c t' !! '! ,. f I1 * ?, 11 f!. !! !!* !r ?, ! !- ?' ?I 2 !? cm I! Orfei & Mar-iani ' __ 11 It I? m tt I1 11 Zt 1? J! ?! J! ! J,' Bart Carlone Harry Krech- & Sons BarnesAtattis on, Inc. Pf eiff er Excavating Coo Phelps-Drake Coo Terry Excavating Coo I1 11. 11 Vdter Do Giertson-Coo Barnes-Natbison, Inc. E. 0. EIarti-nson Go. II - 11 It 7938 *se 7939 ' Mrs. 7940 &s 0 7941 -Carl 7942 =s 0 7943 &so 11 It 9 !! Eleanor M, Iriaarry Harian KO Kidder Edna C.. Pekerson' Luella B.. ldebber Naurene Bo Nevil-le - Evelyn Norton - Marjorie So Rossiter Patricia &may Clarice A. Hollingswor'th Nary L. Powers Ida Bishop Strong VI. Krahl Ida- Lo Smith Ruth M. BDOB 1 * -LIQUOR FUND " -$ll,281*18. -POm FUND -1 7944 Eks. Ruth Volk 11/10/52 ( %2 7947 7948 7949 7950 79s. 7952 7953 7954 7955 7956 7957 7958 7959 7960 7961 7962 7963 7964 n 7965 7966 . 7967 7968 . 7269 7910 7971 - 7972 7973 7974 7975 7976 7977 ~ 1978 I 7979 79rJo 7981 7982 7983 798k 7985 7986 7987 79s 7989 7990. 7991 7992 7993 7994 7995 7996 7997 7998 7999 8000 8001 m02 a05 23021 Helen Palmer. Janice Hawthorne Dora Schauss Lavern IC. Williams Jordis Balfany Alice C, Twite Virginia 1.T. Beard ELeanoy Amundson . 15ae Duggan Cecile "Delaney Gladys -Cameron Dorothy Norgren Olaf Bye Lewis Eo Jones Hilda 8. Spencer So A. Nessheim Nellie Strate Francis Sonnenberg Betty Jane Doolittle kry E. Ifillson . Genevieve No Holter Bertha IafcCraney Inez 8, Stark Exma So Hoyt Patricia Salisbuiy Gertrude C. Ewe Camille 1.1. Kort;um Virginia D,. Hughes 1k-y Elizabeth Chaney Ethel S. Link Zlizabeth. S'Jood Wehr Dorothea Ohermepr Lil 'EEesler Nabel 1.1, '6.Jillson Ihrian Eo .Bailey Ruth KO, Hodgson Florence Hallberg Edna Lo. Dillner Hazel Smnson Ursula Blood Florence Freudenthal Do -fieanor ,Oren Edith llaste, Jeanette Lee Tibbs Uildred Lo Bagley Elizabeth KO Covnick E. Olson . ROY 1-m Eo Lo ltodlh Donald Pedersen George Thompson F. Richard Obemeyer Jack lleredith . Kenneth Russell. Dickman Knutson BenXElo. - H. Godfrey Nelson John A. Ddhth Edina-Norningside Courier Ashworth 8; Son FUND .I t The' foUoving claims f ck damages allegedly resulting from Kdlogg Avenue widening operations were presented, together with Ik, Hitchellts report that claimants prill not allow Village to make any repairs, that bid has been received op landscaping all three lots involved, total bid being under K3QO.00; and Attorneg Vindhorstts opinion that there is doubt, under the cirlxmstances, that *any claim can be made: Richard E. Bmr.m, 600.8 Kellogg - $500.00; John €I0 Sylvester, 6012. Kellogg - 82310,OO; George E, Eggleston, 6013 Kellogg - 8675.00, Wedesen moyed for denial of claims, Village Attorney asked to so notify claimants. . lhager Ifitchell reported Fire Chief EEtzel's revest for purchase :of snow tires for Fire Truck No. 2, at $l$O.OO t~including.trade-in a,llowz@cell. Dqens* motion, approving purchas; of snow tires for Fire Truck No, 2, and ins%ruc$ing ?Wager Hitchell to make sure that useable tires are not traded in on purchase, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Notion seconded by Danens and carried. . 11/10/52 293 Manager Mitchell reported that Edina Public Works Crew, in putting up a street sign at 50th Street and Nomandale Road, inadvertantly cut a cable to the netf stop-and-go signal; that the Highway Department i.rill hold us responsible for cost of repairs, which should not exceed $50.00. of matter be deferred until claim is received, seconded by Danens and carried. Manager Idit chell reported that Hennepin County Highway Department wishes to purchase road oil from the Village of Edina for the oiling of Interlachen Blvd. near Cooper Avenue, sdd purchase to be applied against the $327.00 owing the Highway Department by the Village for storm sewer Qn W.70th Street; that offer has been made because Highway Department can purchase .no more road oil at this tihe. handled as recommended by Village Engineer, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Nanager Nit chell recommended that the Council accept the Planning Codssiont s recommendations against the rezoning to Community Store District of the Southwest Corner of 60kh and Xerxes, as requested by Mk, A. C. Raether. Motion by Danensr denying petition to rezone, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Mr. Mitchell reported request of Gopher State Tree Service, 7130 Normandale Road, for permit to build a four or five-stall garage on thei2 property (which is not zoned for Community Store). After SORE discussion, Danens moved for appuval of application providing garage opens to either the north or the south. Motion seconded by Otis and carried. lk, Ititchell read copy of letter written to a member of the temporary engineering crew, notifying him that he will be considered a '%emporary employeett even after termination of his first sixmonths of service, Mr. EiEtchell asked that Council approve this letter for future use in like cases. Considerable discussion was ' had on this matter, and Bredesen moved that letters witten to temporary employees at the end of fi,& sixmonthst period indlude a phrase that kmployee will become a 'permanent employee' if he is still on the payroll at the end of another six months' period. Notion seconded by Otis and carried. He recommended that settlement Bredesen so moved, Notion He recomended that offer be accepted. Danenst motion, that matter be &. Mitchell reported the request of Mks. Buckett, 54th and France, for the cutting back of her driveway. He stated that this is a very small job, and recommended it. Danens so moved. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. --. Mr. Etchell reported that there is considerable agi%ation from various groups for a stopand-go signal at Southview Lane and Normandale Road. that Council adopt a Resolution for such a traffic control signal, or, as an alternative, construction of an over-pass. Resolution and moved its adoption: He recommended Bredesen offered the following RESOLUTION R&QUESTXNG INSTALL&CION . OF TRAFFIC CODTROL SIGNAL AT-STdTE HIGNU .NO. -100 'AND SOUTHVmq LANE request to the State-Highway Commissioner of Minnesota for installation of a traffic control signal at the intersection of Southview Lane with State Highway No. 100, in order that danger to pedestrian traffic crossing the highway at this poin't, and vehicular traffic entering the highway from Southview Lane, an overpass at this,poin$ if-installation of traffic control signal is considered inadvisable at this time. Commissioner for his very early consideration of these matters. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Otis, and on Rollca31 HE IT RESOLVED that the Village Council, -of. the Village of Edina make may be decreased. t*l BE IT FURTHEB ICESOLVED that this Council request the construction of BE IT FURTHXR RESOLXED that this Council make request to the Highway there were four ayes and no nays, as Danens, aye; and Otis, aye; and the ATTEST: .. ,' Claim by J, To Heinrich for damages to his car was referred to Village Attorney Ifidhorst for investigation, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried. Deed tendered by JOE. Boran, for that property West of brants Edina Manor, to be used "for public purposes" was accepted and ordered recorded, by motidn Bredesen, seconded by Danens-and carried. Nr. Nitchell reported that Peter Lametti is low bidder on Watermain Improvfsnent No. 53, at $6,084.00. so moved. Motion seconded by Dams and carried. Bredesen moved for adjournment;. Motion sec He recommended award of bid to low bidder, and Bredesen at 1:lO A.M,,Tue&ay, Novenber 11. - 1 1 t c r I- - n I f-- \ !