HomeMy WebLinkAbout19521208_REGULAR1dlINUTES OF TKE EEGuLx17.3mING OF THE EDINA VIL;LRm COUNCIL, HEI;D NONDAY, DECiBEGEi 8, 1952; Bfll 7:30 P.l4., AT THE , EDIN,& VILLAGE &U& 8 t , .' - Nembers answering Rollcall were Child: Danehs, Otis and Erickson. 5 p< - Minutes of Regular Iteeting of November 24, 1952, were approved as submitted, by motion Otis, secolfded by-Chilb and carried. Nr. Daniel Bren of Twin City Rapid Transit Company ca&e before the Council to state that the 'Edina bus line will not be iliscontinued a$ of Decmber 9, as had been originally planned; but that the bus-is losing money for the company every day and that it will be impossible for the Company ,to continue the-line at the present patronage.- In response to schedule inquiry by the Council, I&. Bren stated tha5 tkie service had been originally set up-to aid the shoppers rather than dailyrcommuters because it was felt that most Edina residents drive back and forth to work; that it now becomes evident %ha% the present service does . not meet Edina needs at all; that he advocates an &tension of the Coma-Harriet bus line (as soon as convers5on to busses is accomplished) from 54th and France out 54th Street to Wooddale and down TJooddale to 27.56th Street., Mk. Danens suggested that the-first bus into Edina 'in %he morning could carry"a heavy load if properly routed, and Council was in agreement that a change in present schedule, to accommodate commuters, would be of benefit to both Edinians and the Company. I&. Bren promised to investigate €hese suggeskions, and to gi+e reasonable notice before discontinuance of the present line. Continuation was had of November &th public Hearing oii proposed Storm Sewer to serGe Boran's Edina M&or and that &rea between 58th and 61& Streets and between 'Abbott and France Avenues. Shager ?XitchelX reviewed his Eskimates of Cost, given at the November 24th-I!eetingy recombling his Plan No, 2, which invoJves * one line to serve Edina Eior; and another Soutlie&y'line-d&n France Avenue and across private properf$ &to a slough Tress of France. 3fr. Etchell explained ~ that before action can' be taken on this plan it will be necessary to secure easements to accommodate the main, and 50 purchase priv&e property for "pending"* W.6Oth Streets, ' asked %h&t' construction work 6,. completed this winter, to avoid water damage t'o Chowen Avenue next sprbg. E&. Roy Peterson, otjner of low lot at 60th and Chowen, refused to regrain from filling his xoty unless Village dll Windhorst ruledthat the Village does n6t ha%e %he power to give such protection; &. 3Etchell recommenaed against win%& construction for the reasomthat it will be considerably more e'lrpense, that streets will suffer extensive damage from winter construction, and that the work is' usually not- as satisfactory- from- a fvture main.r;enance standpoint.' -I@. fat chell reposed to+ Council that, with his Plan,No. 2, there would be additional area benefited, t&ich had not been given notice 6f K'karing. Utilities Committee, who had made investigation of the probl&n 5n the field with Mr. Etchell, and who added his recoSxim&ndat5on to that of I@. NXtcheU, moved that the Chunch approve ih principle*tKe- Village Engineer'us plan No. 2 for constru$ion of Stor& Sewer to'serve Boranrs Edina Mdor an8 that area set forth in the Notice of Hearbg on Improvement, and that -all necessary preliminary work be accomplished toward said construction. was unanimouslf carried. Nessrs. Richard Hahhorne and Roy H. Peterson komplained once again of the condition of Chowen Avenue between IJ.59th" and V.60th Street, stating that She' fill dumped in the street by the Public-Vorks crew today wS1 not help them at all; that the water v~ll stay in the large po'cltets in the street 'because there is no place for it to drain. ~ 1hnager Ejiitchell stated- tliat the street Wiu. be gravelled at an early date if the pTesent 'fill does not help; th'at Village will do'all' it can to make the street passable; that finished job cahnot be done until Counci.1 adverbi es for bids again in the spring. Public Hearihg $as had on proposed Grad'ing and Gravelling of Oxford- Avenue -between W.5Lst and W.52nd Streets, in accordance with Notice'of Bearing appearing in Xdina- 3iorningsi.de Courier Novanber 13 and 20,1952. Affidavit of Publication of Notice was read by Clerk, approved as *to fo-m and ordered placed on file. 'Engineer mtchell's Estimate of Cost with Water Sta%ilization was-read as &,748.00 .or = $3.ll per assessable'foot; with HI Stabilization, as $4.,469.00 or $3.71 pm assessable foot. Tb&i 1EtcheI.l stated thst it is feasible to put- the -North half of the street to grade; that %he South half involves a grade of plus-lO$ and, in &ne spot, a tliirteen foot fill;-that he Pecommends the-graaing of only the North half of the street at this time, and that not-until Spring. that there is a possibility that petitioner Bogen might be willing to move one. of Iris houses, using the Till fr0rnttM.s property to fix1 s~me of his low lots, thus making it possible to reduce the grade and secure an acceptable stree$. &. Wt chell recommended that- Heming be continued to second Remar. leeting in Febrmary, 1953, for further study. Kotion seconded by Danens and carried. C .. e - lfr. Iilichard Hamthome, owner of properties on Chowen Avenue-between IF. 59th and ' give him protection from 1iaEility for damages"shou1d an accident occurr Attorney Because of thib technicality, 142. Child ofthe Public Motion was seconded by Danens and - _. - 'a 3 L $1. - - It was reported Child so moved. I =/GI52 hblic Hearing vas had on Petition of Bo G. Avenue .between If. 51st md 7TO52n&i Street for Street. Affidavit of Publication of Notice Bogen for permit to Grade T.Tilliam privilege or" using cErt from this of Hearing, published in Zdina- Eorningside Courier Ilovaber 13 and 20, 1952, was read by Clerk, approved as to form id ordered placed on r'ile. Hrb IEtchell reported that according to plan the street will be cut approaximately two feet between 512.6 and m0 TiiUiam Avenue, iiith the grade running both vrsys from this elevation. Xr. Nolan, 5UO 'William, inquired as to whether the Council ~dll"require the gravelling of the street as part of the contract with I&. Bogen, and was informed that this is not in the pXan; that contractor vri71 be required to save whatever gravel is now nn the * street and replace it after grading. Kr. 1EtcheU stated that wrk could not be done at this the; that he recommends that it mit'untZ1 after s,treets are stabilized in the spring. Because it seemed inprobab1;e that Xr. Bogen would be 'I.ril2ing to do a finished grading job for the 250 yards of fill irivolved, Child moved that petition be rejected. Ibtion seconded by Dams and carried. suggested to property owners on the street that they present a petition for the improvement in the regular tray. Clerk read 11Mfidavi.t of Publication in Edina-TIorningside Courier as of Hovember 20 and 27, 1952, fop No%ice of Hearings on Assessments for Oiling Impmvaents.I* kfiidavit vas approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said- Notice; public hearings were had on the following Oiling Assessments, wtth objections, if any, recorded wi%h each assessment: Street bpmvanent 0-1 8t 0-29 - Oilag Beard Avenue between TT.56th arid-IT.58th' Streets (1950 and 1952) .* Total Assessable Cost'$236.93; Bssessa5le feet, 2,368.22; Stre& hprovanent 0-2 - Oiling Eving Avenue; W; 57th %o 8,5&h Stree? (1950) , - Total Assessable Cost $L&L.l3; Assessable feet, 1,200.94; Cost per,Assessable foot, &XL?5$ No objections, oral or mitten, Street 3npmvement 0-3 & 0-21 - 0i.ling'Drer.r Avenue, lf05€%h*to 1.1,6&h Street (1950 and 1951) . Total. Assessable Cost $!+93.70; Assessable feet, 2,5253- Cost per Jssessable foot, &1955. Inquiry made as to status of project. Informed that this is dust-coat assessment only;. has nothing to do with blacktopping. Avenue. Totid. Assessable Cost $$226.96; Assessable feet, 2,553.l-4; Cost per Assess- able foot, $50$@. No objections, oral or mitten. c Street Impmvement'O-6 - Oiling i>f Triicy Avenue from Highway 169 to North Boundzry Line of Countryside Addition (19.50) 0 Total Assessable Cost. $324409; Assessable feet, 5,095.U; tost per Assessable foot, &c)636. *One objection, on gmunds that Notice of Improvement Hearing had not been received, _and that street is in bad condition. Attorney explained that mailed notice is not necessary. is dust-coat assessment only. I-hager 1Zi.tcheU pmmised to investigate and repair ins0r"a.r as possible the txo spots in questiono It was - r Cos€ per-Assessable foot, :).0565. No objection, oral. or witten, .* -. No objections, "oral or mitten, Street hpmvenent 0-4 - Oiling of -Southview be from Unity Avenue to Conoord - Objector infomed that-this Street Iinpbvanent 0-8 et 0-31 - Oiling York Afrenue-between IL55th to E.56th St. (1950 & 1952) . Total assehable Cost (j2GO.56; AssessabLe' feet, 1,210.27; Cost per Assessable foot, &2318: N6 objections, ora or written. * - Oiling lI.5&h Street from TToodda3.e to Bkookv5er.r (19% and 1952) . Tota,&ssessable Cost %LL4.&; Assessable feet, 1,677.08; Cost per Assessabl&-foot, $.i2795. Street Improvement 0-19 eC 0-38 - Oiling York henuembetween X5&h and V,59th ' Streets (1951 eC 1952) . Total Assessable Cost (j330.40; Assessable feet, 1,193.16; Cost pzr Assessable foot, &17633. No ob"jections, ora or mitten. Street Improvement 0-23 - Oiling Grove Street betveen-Tihgdale and Code Avenues (l95L). able foot, $.lOlS. Street Improvement 0-24 - Oilfig ErJing fivehue bet~rem*Tl.5%h and TT.60th Streets (1951) Total .Assessable Cost $233.48; Assessable feet, 2,507; Cost per Assess- able foot, $.0931. Street Tmpmvenent 0-25 - Oiling T1.59t;h St., Kooddale to Fairfax. (1952) . Total Assessable Cost &6.30; Assessable feet, 537.18; Cost per Assessable foot, 3.08619, 170 objections, oral or written. Street Improvement 0-27 - Oiling Richmond Drive, Norman"dde €load to Richmond Circle. (1952). Street Improvement 0-28 - Oiling TT.59th St.; Oaklam t0 Kellogg Av& (1952) - Total Assessable* Cost %..4.62; Assessable fe'et,. 536.60; Cost per Assessable foot, 4.O83l. Street Improbanent 0-32 - Oiling Harrison Ave, , Nbrth Village- hts td Belmore Lane, (1952) . Total Assessable Cost ;j7'7.U; AsseFsab3.e feet, 2,104; Cost per Assess- No object;ions, oral or written, hq&y about blacktop. Total Assessable Cost $LO8,23.; Assessable feet, 1,062.99; Cost per Assess- No objections, oral or vritten. I No objections, oral or .r.rritten. Totd Assessable Cost $82.72; Assessable feet, L,908.60; Cost per -Assessable foot, $.0.4335. No objections, oral or written. qo objections, or& or written, * able,foot, Cj.06986. No objections, oral. or mitten. No objections, oral. or m5tten. 1 * linprovcznent 0-33 - Oiling Xerxes Avea between 'IT.6Oth'and Wdhd Streets. Total hsessable Cost $121.16; Assessable feet, 1,1290; Cost p& Assess- Street hpmvement 0-37 - Oiling' Zenith heo, between TIo 57th ad ?To 5%h Streets Total lissessable Cost =]79.97; Assessable feet, 1,468.30; Cbst per Assess- (1952) . able foot, s.09392. (1952.) . able foot, S;.05446. Eo Objections, oral or written. r 7 rl I 12/8/52 1% Street Tmprovement e39 - Oiling lT.59th St.; KeUogg to Vooddale Ave. (1952). Total Assessable Cost $44.90; Assessable feet, 530.60; Cost per Assessable foot; (j.0846. Street hpmvement 0-kl - Oiling Belmore Lane, Harrison he. *to 'Blake Road. (1952) Assessable foot, $.1257,. Vritten objection from Ilks. T-folly Mewlaria, complaining that this is a side-lot assessment,t and that linprovement did little good because oiling was done late in fall. Danens offered the following Resolution and moved i'cs adoption: Ed3 IT RES0LN"rJ) by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, l!4innesota, as follows : assessments for Oiling - ' I. ,I I No objections, either oral or written., Total. Assessable Cost $354.51; Assessable feet, 2,819.44; Cost per €ZSOLUTION ADOFTIIG &ID COKIFm.SING 73SsESSmS TO3 OILING . , 1. I?? is hereby found, determined and declared that the followhg proposed Street Improvement 0-1 & 0-29 - Bekd Ave., 56th to 58th St. (1950 & 1952) . Street Improvement 0-2 - Ei&g he., 57th-to 58Lh St, (1950) Street hprovement 0-3 & 0-2L - Drew Aver, 58th td 60th St,,(1950 & 1951) Street Tuiprovment 0-4 - Sou'chview'bne, Unity Ave. to Concord Ave, (1950) Street Improvement 0-6 - Tracy Ave., Hy.169 to Countryside Addn, (1950) Street Improvement 0-8 & 0-31 --York Ave.; 95th to 56th St. (1950 & 2.952) Street Bprpvement 0-18 & 0-30 - 58th-St,,.Wooddale to Brookview (1951 & 1-952) Street Eipmvement 0-19 & 0-38 - York Ave., 5&h to 59th St. (1951 & 1952). Street Improvement 0-23 - Grove St.;'Tingd&e to Code (1951) Street hprovement 0-24 I; Ewing- he. , . 58th to 60t@ (lyn} Street lmprovenent 0-25 - 59th St., 'Ifo6ddaJ.e to Fairfax (1952). Street Tmprovement 0-27 Street Improvement 0-28 - 59th St., .OaHawn to 'Kellogg (1952) . Street hprovement 0-32 - HarrTson' Ave,, N.Vi1.. -Lidts to Belmore Lane (1952) , I Street improvement 0-33 - Xerxes Ave;; 60th to 62nd St. (1952). Street Tinprovemen. 0-37 - Zenith Ave., 57th to 58th St. (1952) . Street Tmprovement 0-39 - 59th 3t ., KekLogg to Wooddale (1952) . Street Improvement 0-41 - Belmore Xane, Harrison Ave. to Blake Rd.. (1952) and each of them, have- been propei-ly Uculated in accoraance with the provisions of Ninnesota Statutes Section 412.U1; that notice has been duly published, as . required by law, that this Council ai~ould meyt to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to--amend said proposed assessihents as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolutiop; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has'been given . to all interested persons to present %heir objec%ions; 'and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the jhprovements for tihich such' assess- ment is levied in the amount se€ opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land respectively. The amourits so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land described-in said respective assessmenb, and said proposed assessments are hereby ^adopted and coxfinned as the- proper special. ,assessments for said- improvement$. respectively. The ass-essment agahst each lot, tract or paxcel, shall be a lien concurrent vLth"g6neral taxes upon the @roperty descrzbed 'therqin and all thereof.* The total amount of. each such assessment shall be payable Fjitli general taxes for the year 1952, collectible in 1953. County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, dth each- then unpaid installment, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor +all thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the- mmner prodded by law. 'Said duplLcate shall be designated as' the "Assessment Roll for Oiling TmprovementsS' and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be siniilarly designated by the County Treasurer and reniitted to the Villstge Treasurer and by hL6 credited to the , - Richmond- Dr. , Normandale. to aichtond Circle (1952) . r- -- . - z . c '2. -- 3. The Clerk shall, as soon as may-be, prepare and.transmit, to the Permanent Impmvment Revolving Rmd Sinking Fund Account. _< 1;fotion for adoption of the ResolutLon was seconded by Child, and on Rollca;LI- there were four ayes and no. nays, as follows: ye; Danens, aye; Otis, 9 and Erickson, aye; and the Resolut ornex Gordon Peterson and hi& clLents, Xrs. and E&. Stanley Zwert, 8 Edina, Court, asked for relief from the bad parking situation Xiqert ealained that when there is parking on both sides of the street there is bs&fie&ent room for cars to pass; t$at cas enter from both ends of the Court, meet in the middle and tlien are forced to-back out onto 50th Street; that this-is a decided traffic hazard for school children attempting to cross the court, and &SO for onkoming 50th street traffic, recommendation against "Resident Pa&ingll was reviewed.. Suggestion IraS made the Court,. l&s. Police Captain ~~CGarY'S 12/5/52 that Zdina Court be made a One-Xay Street, that parking be. allowed on one side ody, andkhat this be establiphed as a two-hour Par&& Zoneo follov&ng Resolution and moved it2 'adoption: BE IT BJEiOIXED by %he Council of the Village of Edina, tkat Wna Court shall be and hereby-is established as a One-Way Street, with entrance at the East, BE IT FlJRTm B3SOLED that the prking of motor ve@cles shall be allowed on the residence. side of this street only, E3E IT F'IJR!TW RESOLVED that that portion of Edina Court on which the parking of motor vehicles is allotred shall be established as a llTwo-Hour Parking" Zone. 3.2 Child offered the RESOLWIOlT ZSTilEXJSHING WFIC €&XTUTIOlTS FOX EDIf;iA COURT -. I 3Totion for adoption of the.Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there - were four ayes and no nays, .as follows: Chi Erickson, aye; and the Besolution was adopte ns, aye; Otis, aY_e; and I .. 1.b. Garlson,* 5937- Grimes Avenue, +~&ire% as to VilGge- Specifications for 'the shaping of backslopes, bums and shpulder sl_opes, cpntractor has not complied with specifications in graGng &rant s Edina Emor . He 'stated thzt he believes the He also reported that three standpipes have been protruding at least eighteen inches above the street, creating a defwte traffLc hazard, I&. IE€chell stated that he Wuld investigate both complainb- yith lfr. Carlson on Tuesday, December 9. Request from the Board of Park Cods&oners Tor c&ce&t€.ion of a-debt to the %* Genera Fund for Special &sessm~tss pn park proper3y paid in 19%, amount $@,79, was read. At*brney I@dhorst stated tgat SUCK a cancel-lation is legid. if there is a surplus in :the Gene-raX Fund sufficieyt to take ca_re of this amount. Childts motion, that ,Council Cancel Park Fund's @&8.79 deb3 to General Fund for special assessments paid in 19% on pmk prop,erty, and that-the Gerieral Fund be charged with this disbursement, was seconded by Danens and carried. I.%., S. So Thorpe, Jr. presented petition for p&ait to-constmct three double dwellings on Xotp 314 and 35, lluditorts Subdivision 172, an area of 232 x 136% feet Tacing IL49th Street. Xt-Eorney TEndhorst advised that Council must conduc% a public hearing on this petition-before taking action. Wdts motion, that Public Bearing be scheduled for Xonday, January 12, 1952, at 7:30 Pol.f., was seconded by Danens and carried. .- *- T-k, Thorpe IU attempt to have a plat in this office by that -time, - Hessrs ., Bekevold and Gardner, Asst . bsineqs Agent and President, respectively, of Loqal 224, reqiested a salary increase of 15Q-per hour, or $26.00 per month, for employees. Xr. Gardner informed the Council, that the members of Local 22.4 have voted to "invoks fact'finding" in case the Council, shows no disposition to negotiate.- Upon Council's Znquiry to IIr. Xind,horst concerning this matter- (later in the evening), Village Attorney stated that Council has the right to reare proof of the Unionfs right to negotiate for Village employees. investigate action by surrounding municipalities. Child' s motion, that investigation be made bong surrounding Villages as to their negotkations with this Union,-and that Council request proof of Edina Village Employee mabership in the Urlion, vas seconded by Danens and carried. I-k. B..Melson presented claim iyl the amount of $25.&L, for damages to his auto- mobile, suffered When Police Depar%ment gave him a push. Child's motion that Claim be referred to Insurance Undermiters was seconded 'Ijy Otis and carried. I&. Hoffman, 672.4 Xerxes Avenue; complained that his block had not been plowed out for three days after the recent storm, a nevily developed area; that Street Commissioner vas unaware of the nurnber of people liking in this block; -th& in the future the block vmuld receive the same I&-. Richard IT. Gierbsen, represeriting Valt er D. Giertsen Compfw, requested F2fial Payment on Street Improvement Ho, E-L-Paving .of France Avenue, Lfr, lG3ichell presented Esthate of Pqment totalling $U;924,83, inforag Council that tot& payment will be $65,138.00 for this project, an under-run or" some $3,000 ag&st contract-this being principally on blacMtopping quantities for intersections. 1.k. IEtjchel-1 stated that a hold-back of some 1[;3,8OO i.iOu3-d be adequate to replace the portion sf the paving which might possibly prove faulty this vLrhere IThdhorst ruled that Performance Bond is in effect for one year after conpletion, and suggestion was made that Council inform Bonding Gompany that there is still 8 question as to quality of wrk, amount of $U,924,83 and that Bonding Company be notified that qu&Lty of vork is still inquestion, as secopded by Danens and carried. - Suggestion was msde that Council. : f .. . I l!k. IEtchelI explained that tinis is . serarice as other territories. - . Attorney Child's motion, that Final Payment be made in Check No. 8359 issued. 12/8/52 113 Er. John Cardarelle presented Final Plat of Greenleaf Ranor, together with performance bodd in amount of 4$3,000, as guaranty for the grading of the streets. have been met. bhnager E%itchell concurred in this statement, recommending acceptance of Final Plat by the Council. Find. Plat-of Greenleaf Xmor in accord with recommendations made by Planning Commission, was seconded by Danens-.and carried. He stated that all necessary requirements of the Planning Commission Child's motion for approval of * I -e. Cardarelle then presented Finax Pla5 of Brmmts Subdivision, Manager Ei.-bchell recommended. approval. Danens moved for Council appioval of Final Plav of Brumrs Subdivision, A long discussion was had on the proposed-Water System for Brooldex Heights First Addition requested by Nr. E,C. Stow, 'developer. Nessrs. Stow and Carbon (contractor purchaser of 60 lots within tkie subdivision) and Attorney Hosmer Brown were present r"or the Stow interests. 'Village Attorney Windhorst reported that the Attorney General has- mled-that the Council may advertise ?or bids for the drilling of a well in the-subdivision with specifications to incorporatb specid long-term financing from waZer revenues; that it is legd. to spe5iafTy assess developerrs properties (together with some additional properties) after the required public hearing, for cost of construction of mains. bk. Viadhorst suggested that some agreement be reached beforehand between Council and I&. Stow as to the amount to be paid from water revenue (on a per-gallon pumped basis, perhaps) for well cost. Matter referred back to Village"2ttorney and Mr, Brown, Xessrs. IBtchell and Stow, Tor further consideration and agreement on the numerous details involved. Ik. Stow asked for approval of his FinKt. Flat of Brookr5ev Hei&ts First Addition. gravelling of streets were reviewed by Er, lEtchel1, who explained that 3Ir. Stow has evidenced willingness to remedy small drainage probhs existing, ad that streets have not been gravelled onIy because of contemplated witemnain construction. Heights First Addition subject to submission of bond guaranteeing gravelling of dl streets in the subdivision was seconded by Danens and carried. Planning Commission* s recommendation for ttbtdlding height". amendment tq Zoning Ordinance--iuas reported by Nr. l!B,tcheIl. &. William Crear, representing Southdale, as&d for opporSuni5y to confer with Commission again before action is taken by Council, Request granted. * ltlanager 'IEt chelX presented a detailed recoinmendation on 'the method of assdssment for Richfield Sanitkry Sewer Outlet, recommending that 25% of the cost be levied as an ad valorem tax against a11 properties; that the balance of the cost be spe cizlly assessed against all pro-perties within the Village except those proprties *already assessed or to'be assessed for the Joint Sewer District No. 1 Outlee, at an estiinated rate of-S.25 per Tront foot for platted properby; $40.00 per acre for unplatted proper&y., Report *also showed possible future assessments for Trunk Ser.rers within &Ena. Considerable discussion had, but no action taken. Notion seconded by Child and carried. .- I Planning Commission recomndations for drainage remedies and for' Child's motion for Council approval of Final. Plat of Brookx5W .. .. ._ The matter of the proposed new garbage collection contract, and advertisement therefor, was again brought before the Council and discussed. 0t;ist motion, that Council advertise for %ids for two-yeas garbage coZlection contract, with price negotiations possible at Me end 0% the first year, such negotiations to be based on comparative labor costs only, was seconded by Danens and carried. Application by Edlis Chalmers for permit to' erect an outdoor adirertising sign on the fSest side of County Boad #18, $00 Teet .North of Highway No. 169, was'reviewed. Child's motion that permit be granted was seconded by Danens and carried. Polic'e Beport for November was filed and was referred to Public Safety Contmj-%tee The m%ter of needed sidewalk-repairs was once again brought before the Council. Efatter referred to Village Attorney Windhorst for best method of procedure on this. " Nr. Etchell presented Preliminary Plat oE' &Ielody Ynolls Third Addition. reported Planning Commission's recommendation for appmval subJect to IEt?. Hansen's secufihg dedications for bordering streets--which Rr, Eansen has agreed to do. Danens moved for approval of Preliminary Plat in accordance with Planning Cormrissiorft s recommendations. 3 * * _I by mosion Child, seconded by Otis and carried. ._ I -. He . Notion seconded by Child and carried. AtAorney Windhorst reported request' to- Pwk Board for use of Village Water for flooding I-Ellpond for skatijlg rink. policy, he stated that policy should cover any risk entailed in this operation. flanenst motion, that request for permission for use of Village water for flooding lEllpond for sakting rink be granted, After examination of liability iqsurance Kotion seconded by Otis md carried. 12/8/52 Report was made by 1.k: I.Etchel1 of Chicago Bridge and Iron Company1s notification that Xater Tank steel ~$11 be shipped in February; that Tank should be corzpleted not &. 1E.tchell. reported that equipment for 50th and Halifax Stop-and-& Signal trill be on hand tne week of December 15. lfr. Eitchellts report on the r'unme,,diate need for traxcavator and traaer, and recom- mendation Tor rent& of same for a short; period, was. revietred. Council accept offer of rental of traxcavator and trailer frpm now until Jkuary 1, L953, for sum of $l.OQ, was seconded by Danens and carried. 5 I> later than June 1. r 1 - Child's motion, that -. The follor.ling cl& for damages to pmprty, qFeged2.y resulting from the regrad5ng and surfacing of KelLfioG J.ven?ie, v~re filed:' Douaas J. Kac2rthur - 5908 Kellogg- he. - $450.00 Richard H. TkiLf - 5932 Kellogg &e. - $450.00 V.Verne Ulrich - 5905 Kellogg he. - tj500,OO WdIs motion that Clai-ms be denied and that Village Attorney beihtructed to so notify cl&ants, was seconded by Danens and carded, XIr0 ZEtkhell reported request of Officers Richards Job Classification. Er. IEtchell. reported Police Captain IfcGaryTs *reapmendations fo;: driveway @wers who shove snow into street) . Dismssion had, but no. action talcen. I L. J. Reinhart - 5936 Kellogg ilve, - @400.00 - r; Lindberry for change Discussion had, but no action taken. I. XWinance licensing snow plor.ring contractors (to eliminate tmrble with 2. Signs for Wo Left Hand Turns off 50th Street in hshess histrict. Rotion by Otis, for payment of the following Payrolls, was seconded by Child and carried: 1 Village Papoll for 12/1 to 12/15 and Overtime for llovember Village Pzyroll for u/16 to 12/31 Liquor Store Payroll for 12/1 .to 12/15 and Exbras for Firemen's Pzyr03.l for 11/30/51 to &L/30/52 Xquor Store Payroll for 12/16 to 12/31 -I 1; 267.71 651.23 3,4k.zb Otis, for payment of the following Claims, vas seconded by Chdd and Eot ion by carried: GLAI3.f NO. TO: - 1:. Poucher hinting eC Xthographing Coo . Hennepin County Relief Board 8234 Berg & Famham Lumber Stores, Inc. Hovrard I-jerrimzn Village of Edha General Fwnd T&m &. Country Hdvre. American Cast Iron Pipe Co, Twin Ci>y Testing and Engr, Lab. Ydmg Fuel GO. Delaney Bros. Northwestern National Bapk lW#itmx First Uational Bank Xorthwest ern National Bank Horthwestern National Bank Northwestern National Bank ir 11 $273.65 I 100;00 *100;00 1,590.00 U.56 31~~00 6.00 56.67 66.00 8193 8335 8336 8337 3 1,973.65 8203 82u. 8266 83k2 . 8353 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 + I 1 F+st National Bank First National Bank 5175 5776 577'2 First Xational Bank Northwestern National- Be c 5779 5781 5784 5783 8230 8231 $340 8202 8217 ,8229 ' 8246 8241 8251 8252 I 8253 8254 8255 8256 8257 8258 8259 8261 8262 8263 . 8264 8265 8266 8340 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 83 51 $3 52 8353 8355 8357 8358 8194 8195 8201 8205 8206 8207 8210 6213 8218 8219 82225 8228 8236 8246 824-7 8355 8192 8196 $197 8198 1899 8203 8212 8214 8215 8223 8224 8225 8227 12/8/52 TO: Northwestern National Bank Northwestern National Bank Peder IYTickelsen Northwestern National Bank Northwestern National Bank First National' Bank: Peder JBckels en. - .- -- _- Eod-gers Hydrauli'c, Inc. TolXz, Icing %Day . Robert J. Ellison Construction Bulletin H. =Be Rogers Coo Earl Sewall Ashworth & Sons Bart-Carlone, If. tu - ir - 1I ft 11 Lt 11 Victor Carlson & Sons Pe'cer Lmetti % Sons Orfei & Nariani -11 n I1 - - n Pt -. . by fsr Eichard Wollf . Twin CiQ Testing & Engr. Lab. Peder 1E.ckels en Ashmrth & Son -!! v J.-fL Danens,& Son Phelps .Drake GO 3j. *KO Courier Genera E'und' . Delaziey Bros. J.'.A. Danens & Son Ashworth & Son 'rn 11 - tt 11 .,- +, .. Grandview Direct Service Bob Knotdes Ford' Co; Flour City hsh Go.' * Brookside Service %tn. U.S. Supply Go. 11 I1 11 Epls.,Gas GO,, - - Delegard Tool Co. ' S-beele Signs &-Services Service Tool $c Equipment CO, Reinhard Bros. Faper, GIimenson % Co. Le-ef Bros'.-kc. * A-If company, Tnc. Law Notors Co. Edina Pure Oil Service SeX-Eor Dist. Coo Jde H. Rush Carroll. A. Johnstone Lo* V. IEller Underwood Corp. Dfck Palen Photographs Ciancy Drugs, Inc. Bertelson Bros. Institute for Traifiing in Ir.TunD Adm. Dietrich Lumber Coo Norm& Joos Nixin. FireExb. Co. -. Td~l & COUntq HdW& . -I .. I6 29.29 - CONSTRUCTION FUI'JD 73 i 96 $56,742 59 -. 2.92 6.75 a 12/8/52 CUXi3.i NO; TO: 3 8228 - Blacktop Service Coo ) 8233 8237 - 8238 82-39 _. 82&0 ai m3 8245 $248 8249 ~ 8266 8267 8268 8269 8250 8270 a71 8272 8273 8274 8275 8276 8277 8278 8279 82rn 8281 8282 8283 $284 8285 8286 $287 8288 8289 &90 8291 8292 8293 8294 8295 - $29'7 8298 I 8299 8300 8296 $301 8302 $303 8304 8305 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 833.3- 8312 8313 83.4 8315 8316 $317 8318 8319 8320 $321 23322 8323 8324 8325 8326 8327 8328 8329 8330 ' 1Eller-Davis Co. 2,461i27 George P. Grega 10 000 H. Godfrey Nelson 15.00 Bosholt Eqyip, ent Co. 16,SO Constfaction blletin 11.20 K. A. Xogers Co. 112.02 3%. Ryan 37.50 Lyle Signs 12.66 v. SIarner Hardware 3.50 . Ilotiern sq. SGpply CO. 58.75 Earl Sewall 142.60 Twin City Testing and Engr. Lab. 160.00 Xarian K. _Kidder 12.88 Eleanor. No+ Irizarry 10 . 88 Luella B. -Vebber 10.88 Edna C. P?terson 10.88 1-iaurene Eeville 10.88 1-2s. Xvelp Horton 16.$8 Karjorie 5. Rossiter 12.88 Berenice H. Treed 10.88 I.=aSy L. Pcpers 10.88 Clarice &., Hollingsyorbh 10.88 Ida Bishog Strong 10 . 88 Carl Z. Ysahl 10 034 Ida L. Smith 13.43 Eu%kIT. * zipoy 11.43 iiuth 1.1. Volk 11.43 Joyce L. &ace - 32.043 Helen V. &Jmer 11.43 Dora Schaqss llk.00 Virginia 1;. Beard 12.00 Patricia E. Ibrzy 12;oo Lavern IC. :.Ti3liams 12;oo Florence gallberg 12.00 Rae L. Duggan 13 25 Gladys V. .Caneron ll.25 Dorothy J, ilooygren 11.25 Ceil Delmey ~ 11.25 I.lar$- Bose 3ngler 11.25 IJks. 0laf.I.i. Bye i3.62 Zks. Earle Spencer ne 62 I-L-s. Lw&s Jones 11.62 1.2s. ROY I,Vi Xi. 62 xks. E. Lz xodlin 1L62 13s. Wed Bsplund 5.00 Iks. Ifellie Strate 13.25 Frances Sonnenberg 11.25 Betty Jane Doolittle 1L25 1L25 Inez Stark 14.00 12.00 l2mi.e P. Wt i2; 00 3ma S.. Noyt 12.00 Gertrude Eve 12.00 19.62 11.62 Wzabetk ?;:ood TTehr u. 62 Kary ZLiz.abeth Chaney u. 62 Virginia P. Hughes 11.62 Shirley Taylor ii.25 .)' mry E, :rillson Patricia Salisbury Camille Kortum Ethel S. % ' Dorotnea .Obermeyer 13 025 . Euth Kent I-Iodgson 11.25 EabeL X. Yillson 11.25 IIazizn C. Bailey 11.25 Lil Kesler 11.25 Edna. L.. Qillner 14.00 12000 12.00 Jordis Bqlfany Ursula BLood Eazel C. .Sr.ranson 12.00 Florence-Freudenthal 3.19 7.32 13 *4A 11.44 11.44 11.4.4 ' - 11.44 Xerlyn Zq Xhite Zdit3 Vzste I;arlys Hg&horne Euth Lo Schneider aixabeth EL Covnick I-Zldred L. &@ey 8332 8333 8334 $338 8341 8343 8350 8351 - 83 53 83 54 L2224 L2225 ' 1,2226 I2227 L2228 L2229 L2230 22231 L2232 U233 m234 112235 L2236 U237 ~2238 L2239 L2240 L2241 I2242 L22.43 L2244 32245 ~2246 22.247 L2248 =a9 L2250 22251 L2252 L2253 L2254 L2255 B257 L2258 L2259 ~2256 ~2260 ~2261. 12262 ~2263 112264 22265 22266 ~2267 12/8/52 TO: John E. Olson - Goerge Thompson I F. Richard Obermeyer Jack Xerideth Richard C. Sonnenberg bhnesota Hospital Serece &sn. Nelson Dry Goods John A. De3:Tuth Ediria Xom@ngside Courier Delaney Bros. T.fcGowan Contracting Co. Automatic Alarm Corporation Distillers Distributing Coo Ebin Brothers Coo &B.S. Incorporated NcKesson & Bobbins- bziller-IJavis Company Northwestern Bell Telephone Company - Underwood Corporation Weuser Busch, Inc. - Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. Clausen .& Sons, lhc. . Coca Cola Bottling Gompany 0.K.Droney Beverage Company Ebin .Brothers Campany G.Z.S. Incorporated Gluek Brewing Company Gold Ked& Beverage Compariy Griggs, Cooper and Company -- Kueth er Distributing Conpany Nassolt Bottling Company Niller-Davis Co . Npls . Brewing Conpany ' Npls. City Club Distr. Co. hiorris Distr. Co. Nordquist Sign (50.' Old ,Peoria-.Company, Inc . Richfield Printing Company ~ Pabst Sales Company Ed. Phillips & Sons- (50; Purity Beverage-Conpany Rex Distr. Company H. A. Rogers Company Seven-Up Bottling Company. Shelly Distr. Company Shell Oil Company Sunderland Supply Company Carpenter Paper Company Itinn. HosDitd Service Assn. -~ -. ~ .-- - ._ .. A"T ;j57.26 * 3.43 15;68 2;31 2.76 3.00 - 4.72 78.25 10 . 34 220 000 20 70 ' 25.50 3,758.74 628. 54 2U. 84 86.86 1; 50 14.00 120% 218.91 179.59 547 76 70 72 537.18 46.00 183 . 00 167 94 59.28 128.30 63. Ef6 31.15 4.13 861.68 165.53 107 S4.4 4.90 125;36 12.00 319. 55 191 04 152.32 . 4.32 . 139.20 104.88 104.30 . 44.29 63.00 45;23 15.10 17 FUND - IEdland IGtiond. Bank (IT. Holding) ,206 55 Ed. Phillips ,& Sons Co, . 4; 934-0 26 Val. Bjornson, Treas. @RA ' 72.24 3,003.21 474.10 LIQUOR FUND Griggs, Cooper & Company LEd-TJest Uine CO., Inc. . American -&inen Supply Co. 11.65 $18,&1.72 -. r There being'no further business to come before the Council, Child moved for adjournment. IIotiisn seconded by Otis, and carried. Tuesday, December 9. IdSeeting adjourned at 12: 50 _R.N., - Y