HomeMy WebLinkAbout19521215_SPECIAL1, 12/15/52 13 "\!$
s.8 i
DZC3.m 15, 1952, AT 7~30 P.L AT THE
IZembers answering RoU_caU were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Otis and Erickson.
Ihyor Eickson announced Public Hearing on Proposed Sanitary i3ewer Outlets. Otis read Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearing on Proposed Saitary Se1,rer
Outletsi' appearbg in-Zdin~-~.romingsidelCourier IJovember 26 and Decenber 4, 1952,
which affidav5t was approved as to form and ordered placed on file.
Ilayor Erickson eqlained to the audience of about 100, that a speciaL Committee -
appointed by the Council md consisting of I-iessrs. Child and Danens of the Council,
Village Attorney TTindhorst, Village IIanager-Engineer Et chell, and 1.11.. iwthur Grim
of the Edina Taxpayers Association Sewage Committee, had been working for some months
with a like Committee from Richfield, investigating $he merits of the proposed
Richfield-Zdina outlet. He introduced Chairman Child of the Special Committee, rho
is also Chairman of the Xdina Council Public Tlorks Committee.
142. Child-reviewed for the audience the work by the joint Richfield-Zdina Special
Committee, stating that in the opinion of the Committee the Richfield-Edina
Outlet is expedient both economically and &!om a service standpoint; that Richfield
proceed with construction regardless of Xdina's action; that if Edina wishes
to be included now,action must be taken at once.
Uineer PXtchell for *explanation of the proposed plan.
Zir, I-Etchell prefaced-his eqlanation with a review of the growth or" Edina in the
Isst half century, quoting census figures.
show3hg an increase from I242 connections in 1948 to 2825 In 1952. Review vas made
of the present sewage contract with the City of Nhneaplis for a sewage outlet with
a maximum capacity of .four cubic feet; r.rhich outlet VU be overloaded very soon at
the present rate of population growth, and which outlet IIinneapolis is privileged
to close azter eq&ration of 30-year contract if Lts orvn sewers are filled. I4k.
I-Etchell then stated that the Special Committee from Bdina has studied five Sfferent
plans to remedy Edinats sewage problems, together with their comparative costs, as
f OllOtTS t
He called on Village 1-knager-
*. --t
He quoted Itsewer connectionlt figures
Plan 1. To erect a sewage treatment plant-oncthe I.liinnesota River. Cost behg
Plan 2. To construct a force main from Edina to Oakland and 1.linnehaha Parhqy
Cost of main being estimated at approximately
estimated at, approximately $3,000,000 and being thought prohibitive.
al5ngIlimehaha Creek.
$l,324,ZOO, "and plan necessi€ating a lift, station at a maintenance
cost of about :.).40,000 a year,
Cost of main being estimated at &lOO,OOO.
and 53rd Street, Cost estimated at- ';;1,100,000.
ceptor sewer to serve both Villages, at an estimated total cost to *
both Villages of 31,833,960, of which Edina's share would be $307,000,
Plan 3. To construct a gravity line along IEnnehaha Creek to OakLand Avenue.
Plan 4. To construct a separate sewer through,XLchfield-to 29th Avenue South
Plan 5. To participate vdth Richfield, =,-in the construction of an inter-
or l&$ of total, (These being two hterceptors, to East Edina 2,ini.t~). -* sir. I.Litchell explained that Plan 5 is being endorsed by the Special Committee
because of its comparatively low cost and because Plans 2, 3 and 4 I.rould involve
securing permission from I.linneapolis and Eichfield for use of their streets, .r.ri?ich
permission would be questionable, especially if -construction is delayed until after
Richfiela has made her permanent 5mprovementsS
Zdina taxpayers some &OO,OOO, but that to participate in it, Edina must take
action immediately. I He stated that Plan 5 t.ri31 save
1- I&&. IEtchell presented a map showing that portion of the Village which has sever
facilities, eiiplaining that the Council has considered the folloxdng method of
paying for the proposed intercepCor servers:
An ad vdorem 'tax Ievy of approximately 102 mills per year on && taxable
property in the Village, to cover 25% of the cos t.
140 spocid asggssment levy on that area which'has alrsady pzid an assess-
ment for connection to tha IZinneapolis outlet. A specid assesmen$ of $1.10 per front foot on platted property; $65.00
per acre on unplatted properby, for all property which has not paid an assesment for connection to the IEnneapolis outlet. IZr. IZitcheU emphasized
that these are estimated assessments only; that it is impossible to give
complete figures at this tihe.
hrbg his report, I-ir. ZXtcheU also emphasized that the proposal being considered
Lonight is for the interceptor sewers 0rd.z; that when trunk, sewers in Zdina, and lateral sevrers are prated they must be petitioned for and mea extra costs.
He shopEd a plan Tor future trunk mdns to serve the entire Village.
At this time the Hearing.was opened 12/15/52 to questions from the audience: 39
1. Er. Ivar Bolander, 12 Woodland Road and ovmer of considerable property west of the Beltline:-gHow do you justify a charge of $300,000 on 2,400 acres
of unplatted property,-%he o&ners .of vihich are the last to benefit from this
Proposed properties which may some ,day %e connected:to the sewer, with the Council this past year, and Council has no method of detemnining
when properties may be platted, and want connections to se\.rer.ff-'
2. 1-tr. Lewis E. Jones, 571'7 South BlaJie Road, owner of twenty acres of unplatted propefiy: "BeiiZg two ales away from proposed sewer, and having no
intention of p1att;ing my property, and being satisfied with ay cesspool, how
does the Council "Yigure I'm benefited?" Rr. I43tchell: I1You are simply buying insurance for possible connections lat,er on,1r*
blk. Jones: 'r.Are the Edina taqayers going to b-6 allowed to vote on this pro$ect?lt Village Attorney Windhorst: i?Attorneg General: has ruled that the . Tillage Gobcil has no authority to expend moneys for such ah election; that,
were such an election held, it could have no offjcial status.lt
4. Ifr. Hugh Brenrier: Whoula we have this enormous' e;qoense.for something
which E?. Hitchell awts is only a future possibXlity? Is there any fairness
in this?ll IsTr. Plitchell:
to serve..% of Edinaj therefore, all properties should be assessed, on the
premise' that they are privileged to connect.lf
5. lk. Lee I. Hiller: l11f the population keeps growing, faxes will keep increasing.
perhaps by making one acre a minimum Lot-rec@yement?1' Nayor ErZckson:
are here'tonight to discusi-'only the proposed interceptor sewer pro ject.ff.. 6. I&. Bolander: Weveral lift stations will be needed within the Village.
Isntt it possible to-assess according to the nuqber of lift stations needed to
serve a property?!' lk. IEtchell: "According to the plan of Toltz, King and Day,
only one force main and lift; station uiill be needed--that at 74th and no man dale.^^ 7. I&. Robert Short: What is the logic of assgssing rural farmers and people..
who already have the sewer?' I&.- Nitchell: . "Rural properties are developing
fast at the present time &d may need cohnect'joiz; proper;ties ivhich already have
the sewer ~611, under the presejnt plan, pay an ad vdoqem tax'as insurance for
future connection should Ninneapolis terminate contrac.t.ff Kr. Short: ''Isn't
the reason that we are here tonight to provide a future'connection for people
who already have the sewer?" E. KtcheL1: ttDefinitel,y not."
8. E.*. Lee Niller: KCs athere any reducfiion if one signs agreement that
he - will never connectinto this sewer?" 3Ir. l!EtchelL: ttNo.lr
9. 3fr. Pittelkow, 4503 ZLakeview Drive: "How wad'the 25$ ad valorem tax
arrived at?" Ifre Ietchell:
persons not.at present paying-an outlet charge. , It-was thought $hat an assess-
ment for the entire $EjoO,OOO would be too great; that those persons who have
already paid an outIet charge should bear some share of this cost inasmuch as
they may some day be' forced-to use the connection.1t 1fr. Pittelkow: ttSpeaking
.for neighbor, Pk. Samuelson, he suggests that cost--of new interceptors should be
addedto cost of present outlet and entire amount assessed over all Bdina
prsperties, the persons now paying an outlet charge to receive a credit.ll
'Hayor 3rickson:
been eliminated because of the great mount of clerical work iinvolved.11
interceptors that we are now-facing kith the Hinne;lpolis outlet---can be be cut
off some day?If . At'torney tfindhorst: $#There is no timec limit in the presen-b pro-
posed contraot with Richfieldet1 -
At this tine Xay& Erickson called on Wr. Robert Huston, former Sewer Engineer for Xinneapolis, who explained backsound of 'Ehe apolis-Xdina sewer
benefited by this pro ject?fr E,.ttorney IJindhorst: . '#The Village Council. conducts
an assessment hearing, akter. proper notice. Any person objecting to the assess-
ment levied against his property must file a written abjection at or before this
Hearing. in the Courts. There is no way to stop the improvement, %self, other than to
prove that the Council has acted foolishly or capriciously in ordering it in.11 Mayor Erickson then called for a show of hands, asking that the mtter of
assessment be divorced as much as possible fromethe matter of necessity for
jmprovement. Taxpayers Association was asked to report. He stated that the PldVisory. 'Boara
of the Associajxion favors the project but has taken no stand on the matter of
the assessment.
Nr. &Et chell:l1Assessrnent must be- made against
Twenty plats have been filed
llAs I staced before, the interceptor sewers are planned
Isnlt there some way the Council c-an keep the population static--
lW.th the problem-of assessment in mind for those
"This procedure has been considered by the Council but has,
10. Er. Fred V. Rodgersr "Are we faced with the- same problem r.Jith the Richfield
11. 1.k. Don Hamilton: Who is going to decide what property owners are
If Council levies assessment over this objection, there is recourse I
Before this was done) however, 1.k. Hibbert €Ell of the Edina
.. .
The sholv of hands was about even, for'and against the project, and lbfayor Erickson announced that; Hearing was closed. At this time I&?. Robert Short
demanded "mral re'presentation on a c6mmittee for assessmentt1 and an argument' developed bettvzeen him and the Council. II'otion was made, seconded 5nd carried,
that Council recess for half an hour, to reconvene at Village Hall.
*Upon reconvention of I.Ieeting at Village Hd.1, icth all mbbers present (and r:shile
Council vas w&ting for &borney Vindhorst to arrive] 1-Iayor Zrickson asked that
CounciL consider plans for the proposed New Vilzage Hd.1.
Otis moved that the architects be indted to submit new plans; and furnish estimated , costs, reducing fire storage space at least one-third, reducing area of the lobby ' ad unassigned space adjacent thereto by twelve feet, placing one vault in the
basement, directly beneath w3.t on first floor, and eliminating toilets in the
1Tortheast corner of the building, and that architects be'advised that the dum
estimated cost of tae.building, including grading and architects* fees, is to be
\ not in exqess of ~~200yOOOm I-lotion seconded by Child anq carried.
At 'this time lkyor Ericlrson requested Council action on the proposed Sanitary
Sewer project for which Council conducted Public Hearing earlier this evening,*
Council'reviewed at Lengbh the recominendatiohs of the Special Committee, as set
forth, at this evening's Hearing, as well as the questions raised 16th regard to
the proposed metnod of assessment,
and moved its adoption:
J 1 Plans were reviewed ad
Bredesen then offer'ed the following Resolution
this Council has heretofore caused notice of hearingto be dulypublished on the
proposed construction 02- tvo interceptor severs lmg within the village bf Rikh-
field-afid the City of IXmeapolis and described as follom:
. Interceptor Sewer 1JOm 1, comnencing at Tlm65th Street
and Xerxes Avenue, and running East to Humboldt Avenu?;
South; thence Uorth to W.63rd Street; thence Easterly to
Standish Avenue; thence Easterly and Northerly to "a junction
v&th the TtM City Sanitary District, Sewer at 29th Avenue
South and 53rd Street, and
Tnterceptor Sewer No, 2, 'commencing at V,75th Street
and Xerxes Avenue South,. running East to Fremont Avenue South;
thence South to 11.76th Street; thence East to Blaisdell Avenue;
thence North to FL73rd Street; thence East to Chicago Avenue;
thence IJorth to TTa70th Street; thence Test to Columbus Avenue;
thence IJoortkr- to Wm66th Street .and a junction with Interceptor
NO, 1 above,
in order to provide adequate outlets for the sewage of the Village, such improve-
ment to be constructed under cooperative agreements, with the VUage of BTchfielLd
and the City of Xinneapolis, to be'nade by the Edka Council in ac'cordance with
P-&mesota Statutes, Section &+la 59, lunder which agreements forty-four per cent
(.I+@) of the cost of said inprovement will be paid by the '4Ti7Uage of Edina and the
reminder thereof by the Village of Richfield; that at the hearing held at the
time and place speci3ied in- said notice the council. has duly considered the viem
of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent fa'cts does
hereby detemrcirle to proceed with the construction of said hi-provement as above
set forth; %ha% said hprovement is hereby designated as IlSanitary Sewer kprove-
nent Nom 53," and that the eaea to be specially assessed in respect of the portion
of the cost 02 said iqprovenent to be paid by the Village of Zdina shall include
all. lots and tracts os" land within the Village, save and except those lots* znd "
tracts situated within the boundaries of Joint Sewer District No. 1, as created
and descfibed in Ordinsnce km 232 of said Village, and those lots and tracts
whi.ch, although situated outside said Joint Sewer Diskrict 130, I, hime hej?e%ofme
bszn specially assessed for a portion*of the cost of the connection of the trunk,
sewer in said Joint Sever District NO, 1 with the sewer system of the City Qf
IJinneapolis a
= thence South to lfm66th Street; thence East to 11th Avenue I
Zotion for adoption of the Eesolution was seconded by Otis, and on Eollcall there
were five ayss and no nays, as follows: "Bredes
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutio
hild; aye; Danens, aye;
lage 3ttorney,Uind@orst presented for Council$ s consideration IlAgreenent betmcn
This agreenent was revierred at some the Villages of Richfield znd Zdina for Joint Construction and for Use and Ifain-
tenance of Certain Sanitary &tier Facilities." length and found to be satisfactory. Child offered the following Resolution and
noved its adoption:
with the construction 09 Sanitary Sewer Iinprovement No. 53; that-$ai; SaGtary
Sewer Improvement No. 53 represents a joint undertaking under cooperative
agreements with the VilIage of Richfield andrthe City of Ninneapolis; that a
proposed form of agreement between the Villages of Xichfield and Edina has been
submitted to this Council, -a copy of' said agreement, marked Exhibit A, being
attached hereto and herebymade a part hereof; that the Village or Richfield
has heretofore entered into an agreement. wit% G.K Orr Engineering Company,
a Xi.nnesota corpora%ion, a -copy of which, marked &hibit B, is attached
hereto; that the Hayor and CXerk of-this Village be, and they hereby are,
authorized and directed to execute the contract set forth as Exhibit A hereto
on behalf of the Village of Edina and to enter into an agreement in sub-
stantially the form of Ekhibit B with G,% Orr Engineering Company insofar as
the VilIage of Edina assumes responsibility for a portion of the costs of said
Sanitary Sewer hprovement No, 53; and that said G,X, Orr Engineering,Company
is hereby authorized and directed to prepare plans and specifications, bidding
forms and other contract e documents necessam in connection with said Sanitar,v
Sewer Improvement No, 53, dl in accordance with the agreement set forth in
said Exhibit €3.
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens,- and on Rollcall
there wer6 five ayes and no nays, as-foTlows:
Danens, aye; Otis, aye; andLErickson, aye; an.?*? w~ adopted,
Ekede e-ye; Child, aye;
I/- -
There being no further busihess to come before this meeting, Danens moved for
adjournment, Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Ileeting adjourned at
I- .. .-- ~ -_ .
Village Hall at $:3O P.M., )Ionday, Decmber 29, 1952, with the following manbers
answering RolLcaI.1: Bredesen, Child, Danens and Erickson. Deputy Clerk Alden
acted as Clerk. .
Proposed +Garbage Collection contract was discussed at some length, without
agreement by Council, and was referred to Meeting of January 12, 1952, with
advertisement for bids to be after that time and bids-to be opened itl. February,
rather than on January 26 as previously planned,
due ci and notice'by the Nayor,*the Neeting was convened at the
Assistant Engineer Zikan presented a letter, drafted by Village of Bichfield and
for signatures of engineers of both Richfield and Edina, requesting that the
City of W.nneapolis furnish Estimates of Cost and construct in 1953 that lhe-
apolis sewer connection from E. 62nd Street and 26th Ave. So, to E.53rd Street
and 29th he, So.
Bredesenis motion, that Council approve. letter for transmittal to City of
Blinneapolis, was seconded by Danens and carried,
Child's motion, approving December 22nd exchange of Collateral pledged by First
Edina .State Bank-release of $L+OO,OOO U.S.Tr$asury Bonds, 2&%, dated 1/8/52 and
due 9/15/56; ~jlO0,OOO U,S, _Treasury Bonds, 228, dated 2/26/48 and due 3/15/58;
$75,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds, 2$$, dated 9/30/48 and due 3/15/58, -for $300,000
U.S. Treasury C/I 1-7/8$, Gue 2/15/53; $200,000 U.S, Treasury Bills due 2/19/53
and ;~lOO,OOO U,S, Treasury -Bills, Tax Anticipation, "due p6/19/53--was seconded by
Danens and carried,
The mattar of Business kterruption Insurance for the-Edina Municipal Liquor Store
was discussed,
this type of insurance for-the Liquar Store providing premium does not exceed
iJl00 per year, and with Undemvriter approved by Auditors, was seconded by Child
and carried.
Office reported Mr, Windhorst's telephoned approval of letter,
Bredesent s motion, that 'Village Itanager be authorized to purchase
I .-