HomeMy WebLinkAbout19521229_SPECIAL21 with the construction 09 Sanitary Sewer Iinprovement No. 53; that-$ai; SaGtary Sewer Improvement No. 53 represents a joint undertaking under cooperative agreements with the VilIage of Richfield andrthe City of Ninneapolis; that a proposed form of agreement between the Villages of Xichfield and Edina has been submitted to this Council, -a copy of' said agreement, marked Exhibit A, being attached hereto and herebymade a part hereof; that the Village or Richfield has heretofore entered into an agreement. wit% G.K Orr Engineering Company, a Xi.nnesota corpora%ion, a -copy of which, marked &hibit B, is attached hereto; that the Hayor and CXerk of-this Village be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to execute the contract set forth as Exhibit A hereto on behalf of the Village of Edina and to enter into an agreement in sub- stantially the form of Ekhibit B with G,% Orr Engineering Company insofar as the VilIage of Edina assumes responsibility for a portion of the costs of said Sanitary Sewer hprovement No, 53; and that said G,X, Orr Engineering,Company is hereby authorized and directed to prepare plans and specifications, bidding forms and other contract e documents necessam in connection with said Sanitar,v Sewer Improvement No, 53, dl in accordance with the agreement set forth in said Exhibit €3. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens,- and on Rollcall there wer6 five ayes and no nays, as-foTlows: Danens, aye; Otis, aye; andLErickson, aye; an.?*? w~ adopted, BTTIBT: Ekede e-ye; Child, aye; pu!/.'-Flrt Mkyor I/- - There being no further busihess to come before this meeting, Danens moved for adjournment, Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Ileeting adjourned at I- .. .-- ~ -_ . Pursuant Village Hall at $:3O P.M., )Ionday, Decmber 29, 1952, with the following manbers answering RolLcaI.1: Bredesen, Child, Danens and Erickson. Deputy Clerk Alden acted as Clerk. . Proposed +Garbage Collection contract was discussed at some length, without agreement by Council, and was referred to Meeting of January 12, 1952, with advertisement for bids to be after that time and bids-to be opened itl. February, rather than on January 26 as previously planned, due ci and notice'by the Nayor,*the Neeting was convened at the -* .-- Assistant Engineer Zikan presented a letter, drafted by Village of Bichfield and for signatures of engineers of both Richfield and Edina, requesting that the City of W.nneapolis furnish Estimates of Cost and construct in 1953 that lhe- apolis sewer connection from E. 62nd Street and 26th Ave. So, to E.53rd Street and 29th he, So. Bredesenis motion, that Council approve. letter for transmittal to City of Blinneapolis, was seconded by Danens and carried, Child's motion, approving December 22nd exchange of Collateral pledged by First Edina .State Bank-release of $L+OO,OOO U.S.Tr$asury Bonds, 2&%, dated 1/8/52 and due 9/15/56; ~jlO0,OOO U,S, _Treasury Bonds, 228, dated 2/26/48 and due 3/15/58; $75,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds, 2$$, dated 9/30/48 and due 3/15/58, -for $300,000 U.S. Treasury C/I 1-7/8$, Gue 2/15/53; $200,000 U.S, Treasury Bills due 2/19/53 and ;~lOO,OOO U,S, Treasury -Bills, Tax Anticipation, "due p6/19/53--was seconded by Danens and carried, The mattar of Business kterruption Insurance for the-Edina Municipal Liquor Store was discussed, this type of insurance for-the Liquar Store providing premium does not exceed iJl00 per year, and with Undemvriter approved by Auditors, was seconded by Child and carried. Office reported Mr, Windhorst's telephoned approval of letter, I_ I' Bredesent s motion, that 'Village Itanager be authorized to purchase I .- 22 &&her of Council-lhnager responsibility for cashing checks at the I.;unicipal Liquor Store tras brought before the Council, with Village Attorney Vindhorst being instructed to investigate the latest ruling by the Attorney General on this matter. Bredesent s motion for carried: 8367 8375 8376 8377 $378 8379 8380 8388 TO: Hocthern Hennepin - 11 payment of the following Claims, was seconded by Danens and States Power Coo 11 11 II 1031.46 County Re~ew _. 43.25 :Barnan Co. 10.80 Norton Salt Coo 111.00 Ed. Ryan, Sheriff of Hem. Cy. 25*50 Jmerican Wen Supply Co. 8.15 _- . J. k. Danens Q Son Glacier Sand 15 Gravel Co. Vorking Capita Fund ?Tat er Fund $ewer Rental Fund Joint Sewer District No. 1 Sewer District No. 8 Sever District ik. 13 Sewer District No. 15 Vat er Hain Dr. 3. L. Fitch F, H. Geiger Sales Go. Village of Edina Liquor Fund Northern States Power Co, Japs Olson Co. Northern States Paver' Co. Vat er Fund Vorkbg Capital. Fund General Fuhd J. B. Coan, Postmaster General Fund Xorking Capital Fund Working Capital Fund General Fund J. R. Coan, Postmaster General Fund Garbage Fund K. IT. Toussaint - - Japs Olson Go. iZ. TI. Bell Telephone Co. Northern States Power Cos- Sergers on-Cczswel'l. r Hennepin County Review P. I. R. Fund ?fat ermain jF4 Fund 'I.J;orHng Capita Fund J. 1;. Danens B Son '? '! '1 TJilson !&brech% - Edina Sand & Gravel Co. Genera Fund Frank Lindskoog General Fund If 11 11 1 IJorking Capital Fund n It 11 .. Xorthern Staf;es Power Co. " kerican Linen Company A, If. Hmerlund Reinhard Bms. Dahlberg Brosr coo Chas. Olson & Sons Phillips Petroleum Co. J. T. 1;iller Co. Japs Olson Co, Vat er Furid General Fund J. =2. Coan, Postmaster Generzl Fund 629.00 U.23 2@40 048 2.00 75.00 u7 0 57 25.00 25.00 3-7.09 * 67.81 55.50 45.34 50000 . 00 mw FUND e40 $81,594.89 . 43.17 10 53 63 50 100.00 662,io 10 000 3980 50 438.50 314.00 8.40 71.05 97.59 .154.00 20702 94 loo 000 100 eo0 - c f. . 23 5785 - 8390 $391 8392 8393 8394 8431 * 8432 $433 $395 8396 8397 8413 L2268 L2270 L2272 L2273 L2274 L2275 22276 L2277 L2279 1,2269 ~2271 TO: - General Fund 12/29/52 1951 Improvement series 1Fund 1950 . 11 It 3 Fiind Bond Sinking Fund $1 Bond Sinking Fund & Bond Sinking Fund #3 Bond Sinking Fund #l Bond Sinking Fund #2 Bond Sinking Fund #3 P.I.R. Fund P.I.R. Fund * F.I.R. Fund General Fund Distillers Distributing Company Ebin Brothers Company Famous Brands, kc. Griggs, Cooper & Company The 3.14. hhmm Company P4cKesson & Robbins %!Ed-t'Sest Wine Company, Inc. BEll,er-Da$Ls Company . Northern States Power Company Old Peoria Co., kc. m M tt It I $453 72 2'5e 56 22733 30 17388.45 6970 74 1702 5 . 00 6840 . 00 * 223OOoOO P.1.R. FUND $93,738.77 - BOND SKG FUND #1 . $ 1,234.23 . - BOND SKG 3"D #2 ;f;; 1,612.78 . BOND SKG FUND #3 $1 .626,kli. . 1950 Improvement FUID 2ND SERIES $, . 2.00 1995.89 268.74 2186.36 7202.36 2247 99 102.27 1618.84 737.85 6.50 37.92 LIC!UOR FUND 3559.71 $19,6642.43 Bredesenfs motion, authorizing and directing the Village Treasurer to secure the November .Tax Settlement from the Office of the. Hennepin County Auditor before the end of the year, was seconded by panens and carried. &. Zikan reported that complaints have been received concerning posts at 54th and Wooddale; that Street Commissioner Jmas suggests allovring ditch to fill with ice this winter and.thawed-out with steam in the spring, at which Lime pos'cs could be installed temporarily. Matter left to I*&. Jonas for best possible solution, by comon consent of Council. . .. A Nr. Schroederfs demand for -snow fence on his property was reported. reqyested that Mr. Schroeder be informed that it is not the Council's policy to provide snow fence for private grounds. Council Architect Edwin If. ECrafft, and the Citizens Committee on New Village Hall, presented revbed plans, dated December 11, 1952, revisions from original being in accordance with Council's recommendations of December 15, 1952. lllWum Buildingll was $206,825.75. architects to 'furnish working plans and specifications for New Village Hall on basis of the estimates and preliminary plans presented, was seconded by Child and - Estimate presented for Bredesen's motion, authorizing and directing carried. \ Assistant Engineer Zikan presented to the Village Council a new bus mute proposed by Twin City Rapid Transit Company to be substituted for the present Edina bus line, explaining that the Company is most anxious to have this route approved at once inasmuch as they intend to discontinue their present line almost immediately. A schedule was also presented, which it was thought would prove to be much more satisfactory to commuters than that on which the present bus is operating. considerable discussion as to the fare, Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLIED by the ?Tillage.Coq.cil.of the ViAlage of Edina that it approves of the.operation by En.neapolis Street Railway Company of a bus line over the follow- ing described rou$e in the Village of Edina: On France Avenue from W.&th Street to lT.54th Street; on W.54th Street from France Avenue to Nooddale Avenue; on Wooddde- jlvenue from TT.54th Street to I'S.56th Street, and then returning over the same route, After XESOLUTION &PROVING BUS ROUTE bus service over said route to be a substitute for now being operated over the presently existing Edinemeapolis Bus Line, with a lo$ cash fare within the Village of Edina. '.and replacement of the service 12/29/52 E IT l?U€LTm EBOLUXl that the Village Council hereby requests the Eailroaa and dsrehousk Commission of the State of ITEnnesota to approve petition of the Enneapolis Street RailGay Company and issue its bder granting a certificate of public con- venience and necessity pernittingthe operation of said bus line in accordance vrith the terms and conditions of this Resolution, 1-iotion for adoption of the Regolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Bredesen, aye- jXild, aye; Danens, aye; and Q c %!LA[&- Itbyor There being-no &&her business to come before this Special 1;eetihg; kedesen moved for adjournment. Eotion seconded by Danens and carried. I & /dd Deputy Village Clerk t 1 1 1. 1 I I E