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JAIJUARY 12, 1953, kT-7:30 P.li., 2.E THE
mINA vma HkLL .. --- Itembers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson.
Enutes of the Begular Heeking of December 8, and Special 1-Ieetings of December 15
and 29, '1952, were approved as submitted, by motion Child seconded by Danens and
btr. Harry Nayeron of G.14, Orr Company presented completed Plans and Specifications
from State Eoasd of Health; that plans have been submitted to C5ty of Uinneapolis,
which is now making up estimates for cost of constmction*of City portion; that
Village ikttorneys from both Villages have approved General Condi5ions in
specificatiions; that Richfield engineers have approved plans and specifications.
Village Engineer ?X.tchell recommended that Council give its approval subject to
his final checking.. Child's motion, %Bat 'Plans and Specifications for Eichfield-
Xdina Interceptor Sewers be approved subject to final check by Xdina Tillage
Engineer; that Zdina Council advertise in ~dina-Xorningside Courier for bids to
be taken at the office of the Village Clerk of Richfield on February 2, 1953.
Hotion seconded by Danens and carried.
__ -
He explained that approval has been had
l$ayor Erickson announced Public Kerning on petition of S.S. Thorpe,'Jr., for
pemt to construct three double. dwellings at 3929,3933, and 3937 V.49th Street.
Copy of mailed notice af hearing was read by CIerk. Xr. Thorpe presented Final
Plat of Allatats First Addition, approved by Planning Commission as recorded in
Itinutes or" their January 7,1953 Eeeting.
Fjnal Flat of illlataa's First Addition, was seconded by Dkens and carried.
There were no objec$ions from the audience to the construction of double dwellings
at this location, and the Clerk had received no objections prior to the Heaing.
Childts motion, that-Building Inspector be directed to issue permits for double
dwellings in Allata's First Addition upon submission of proper qplications for
same, was seconded by Bank agd carried.
Phnager RLtchell presented Tabulation of BTds taken late in 1952 for Tractor
and- Trailer, showing Win. €I. Ziegler Company to be high bidder, with their
$$13,170.60 bid. .He recommended awarding bid to highest bidder because of the
machine's larger, heavier construction and because of its known perfo-mnce
record and low mabtenance cost. Ifanens' mbtioh, "chat Council award bid for
Tractor and Trailer to 513m.H. Ziegler Company at bid price of $10,940.60 for
Caterpillar Tractor and #2,23O.OO for Trailer, was seconded by Bank and carried.
Plr. Fred Welsh advised the Council that two property owners; have refused ti0
sign deeds for the proposed extension of Hdifax he south to Voodland Circle,
He asked that condemnation proceedings be initiated.
?lindhorst for his opinion as to action to be taken.
E. Ih. J. Crear, representing Southdale Center, presented the Pladg Commission! s
proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding height of buildings and
making it possible for Council to grant permit for building of a height not
greaterthan 70 feet aljove surrounding ground level. Child's motion, that
amendment as offered be approved in prMciple and that Village ILttorney be
instructed to draft an ordinance incorporating these provisions, was seconded
by Danens and carried.
Planning Commission1s January 7th recommendation for Council appmvva3. of Olson
Construction Company1 s application for permission to replat four lots of 46-foot frontage on Eonroe hvenue just north of Behore he was read.
that Commission's recommendation be accepted and application be appmved ,was
seconded by Danms and carried.
Council revievjed City of IEnneapolis' notification of raise
25Q per 100 cubic feet for municipalities and villages outside City.
Utilities Supt. Tfoehlerts reconmendation for Edina increase in rates to 306
Gross, 274 ijet, per 100 .cubic feet for Edina-users of I-b'meapolis vmter was
reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as read:
Child's motion, that Council approve
Natteer referred to Attorney
aredesents motion
tEtter rates to
Child offered the follovdng Or&nance, moving that Council waive second
1/12/53 OEDJXANCB NO, 241-1
An Ordinance Amending Section 3(a) of Ordinance No.=
of tlrre Village of Edina, Relating to Rates for the
7 . Tillage Vatemmrks System
.. Subsection (a) of-Section 3.of Orcknance No, of the Tillage of %dina is hereby amended to read as follows:
(a) ?rater mnsumed irill be charged on the basis of neter readings at the following rates per 100 cubic feet gross:
..* - Gross . - Net
first 3,000 CU. ft. X9.8e, 18$ - t next 3,500 CU. ft. 18et7# I?@ next 4,500 CU. ft. 17.6~ 1.60
" excess over 11,000 CU. ft. 16.59 15$
The gross rates shaU apply unless the bill is paid within the
discount period, in which case the net rates shall apply., Tfater
consumed in the district described as the East side of Beard
Avenue from 54th Street to Fuller sad both sides of Abbot% Place
306 per 100 cubic feet gross, or 274 per 100 cubic feet if paid
within tk discounk period. The aforementioned excepted district
is sekvic'ed with water purchased by the Tillage from the City of
Xinneapdlis, and the Council has duly considered all pertinent facts
and finds that the kiigher rate is fair and reasonable.
"from 34th Street to Beard Avenue will be charged at the rate of
?Jotion for ado&ion of the Ordinance as read was seconded by Danens, and on Roll-
call there were five ayes as follows: Danens, aye;
' ISIayox
1 *,
Petition dated December 13, 1952, for Vacation of that portion of'Benton;Av&ue
hereinafter- described, vas filed:
+ Womncin'g at a poht on the North line of Benton &venue as shown on the
plat of Edina Heights, said point being five feqt East of the SouthEast
Corner of Lot 8,Block 2 in said plat; thence Southwesterly along a curve
tangent to said Torth line of Benton Avenue and having a radius of a0.8
feet a distance of 517.82 feet to a point of reverse curve; thence
Southwesterly along a reverse curve having a radius of 155.6 feet a
distance of 75.22 €e& Co a point on the exbension southerly of the Vest
Line of Lot 7, Block 2 in said plat; thence IJorth along said extended
line 45.25 feet to the Southrrest corner of said Lot 7; thence Ea$ dong
the Uorth line of Benton Avenue as s'n0.r.m on said plat of Zdina Heigh%s ~
to the point of beginning.11
Child's notion, setting PubIic Hearing on above petition for vacation, was
secaded by Danens and carried.
1tIinneapol.k Gas Conpan-g's January 5th notification of increase in rates to
suburban users vas revieFred and ordered placed on file.
City otC I.iinneapolis' report that they are willing to inst&l Stop Sign at 60th
and Xerxes Avenue providing Edina trill agree was reviewed. As there seexled to
be some confusion as to whether sign 5s to stop 60th Street traffic or is to
stop Xerxes traffic at 60th Street, the matter tas referred to Village Engineer
for firther investigztion, Consensus of Cquncilts opinion was that Xerxes Avenue
traffic should be stopped*
The following utilities petitions, filed by Eickelsen ad Fronk, were accepted
and Public Hearing scheduled for Xarch 9, subject to approval, of Fbal Plat, by
motion Dulens, seconded by Ghild .!ad carried:
Petition for Sanitary Sewer 5x1 VdLley View-Road from Concord to hshcrofk, and
Petixon for Tfatemain in Valley Yiex Raod from Concord to St.Johns and
in Ashcroft Lvenue from Valley View Road to N.6Oth Street.
in Ashcroft Avenue from Valley View Road to :"f.both Street.
Clerk Bank read Protests of Ii.C.Carlsen,' Jr. and Darrell 1;. Holt, residents of'
3dina Court, agabst recent parldng restrictions established for the Court.
action taken. Deputy Clerk directed to answer codcations.
' 1/12/53 27
'1 c
Recommendations of Fir. Austin De Norton, former .Nunicipal Judge, were referred
by Hayor Erickson to the Council as Committee of the ?&ole, for review.
Police Department keports for December, 1952, and for Year 1952, were revLewed.
Bredesen's motion, that reports be referred to Public Safety Committee and
that letter of commendation be forwarded to Police Department for their
excellent safety record, was seconded by Bank and carried.
Viilage Attorney Windhorst s recommendation fqr settlement of Johnc T . Heinrich's
$68.40 damages claim for an. amount of $57.55 was read.
claim be allowed in amount, of $57.55 was seconded by phild and carribd.
Clerk read request by Board of Hennepin County Commissioners for an 3dina
Council resolution requesting more funds for highway and road use from Federal.
Bank offered the f allowing-Resolution and- moved its adoptio?;
3redesents motion that
Copies of St.Louis Park and Richfield resolutions were reviewed.
IflBRERS, the American PITunicipal lrlssociation~ at its meting and convention
this year passed a resolu$ion asking the Federal Government for more funds for
Highway and road use, and inasmuch as this resolukion contains the following
informat ion: That the Government collects appro ;dmat ely two billion dollars each
year from the States, and only about one-fourth of that amount is returned, the
balance being diverted for other than highway purposes; and
municipalities of greater size than 5000, which -eliminates several of our cities
in Hennepin County from having this money spent in their coprorate limits;
theref or e,
l3E IT RESOLVED that the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ninnesota,
go on record favoring this resolution as passed by the American BIwicipal Assoc-
iation, and also favoring three other .r-esolutions correcting wordings which are
now contained in -the Federal Act, namely, to define more properly secondary roads
so that-Government funds are available for portions of these roads that traverse
incorporatedmunicipalities, and so that the cities of more than 5000 population
can participate in the expenditure of federal funds; and
Senators, our U.S, Representatives, and our Hennepin County Delegation, to the
State of IQinnesota Legislators, to the Enneapolis City Council, and to the
cities of. Robbinsdale, Golden VaLley, Hopkins, St .Louis Park, Richfield and
Crystal, and that we request their support in this-resolution
lTREE!LU, None of the Federal Funds so returned to the States are spent in
BX IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we send copies of this resolution to our U.S.
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rol1caJ.l
I -
Application of Gerald A. Paulsen, dba Grandivew &rket, 5033 Vernon he. So.,
for Off Sale Beer-License, from January 13 to April 1, 1953, was filed, with
Police Captain NcGary's approval appended.
license was seconded by Danms and carried.
Ibnager I+EtcheLl recommended against payment of Ralph Ibberson's claim jli amount
of $235.00 for the re-sodding of his lam after construction of curb and gutter
in Lakeview Drive. In makingthis recommendation, TCr. IGtchell stated that itA
is customary for property owners to make their own repairs, when needed, after
such construction. Child's motion that claim be denied was seconded by Danens
and carried.
Bredesent s motion for approval. of *
r- Petit ion' by CitiGens * Improvement C&nmittee, Northwest Angle of Edina, for
more prompt and efficient snow removal in their area, was discussed at some
the central portion of the Village fi,rst, to keep snow from being packed' down
by traffic and to give service to the greatest number of ci%izens.
asked that some arrangements be made to service the Iqorthwest Angle if possible,
inasmrrch as these people must leave for work earlier khan most, and inasmuch
as the area is now well built up.
possibility of routing one truck to plow this area early.
Request was filed for Street Lights in LaBuena Vista, and was referred to
Public Utilities Chairman for investigation and refiort.
Chairman Dznens of Public Works Committee' advocated snow removal of
Iik. Ch-itld -
12f.r. Ititchell was asked to investigate
%3 f . 1/12/53
Petition, dated Decexber 26, 1952, siwed by Honer R. Ilinney, 5828 Slooddde Avenue
ad seven other TIooddale Avenue owners, requesting that assessments previously levied
for Toodckle ILt-enue Ssni-kiq- 5emr and Tfater &!in be re-spread to indude unassessed
but benefited properties, was filed with Council,, Child moved for referral of
petition to Public Utilities Committee for investigation 3nd report. ICo&ion seconded by Danens and carried.
Deputy Clerk presented Business Interruption Insurance Policy for Liquor Store,
wr5.tten at ssoJC$lO coverage with St.Pau1 Fire et 1-larine'ksurance t'ompany of St.Pau1,
David Agency, agents, at g93 .OO first-year permium; stating undemrrit ers have- been
approved by Ernst and Zrnst, imli'cors. Child1s-motion, that policy be appmved and
prdm paid,-r.ras seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Petition for installation of Street Eght at Edinbrook Lane and State Highmy $100
was Pead, ard vzs referred to Public-UtLLitiies Committee by motion Child, seconded
by Danevls and carried,
I Petition Tor either "ivo Through Streetll or "Uead End Streett1 signs at entrance to
Edinbrook Lane vas filed. Child's motion referring petition to Police Department
for recomxendation vas seconded by Bredesen and carried.
>imager Hitchell requested Council consideration of present Two-Ton Load Limits on
Irrterlachen Blvd., stating that County is vxilling to post for as much as nine tons
except in spring; that complaints have been received on restrictions now imposed;
that it has been practice to issue special penpits for those over-load vehicles
making deliveries along the Blvd. Consensus of opinion that had Limit remain at
two tons; that truckers and Police Department be informed that permits can be
arranged at Village Hall.
Katter of turn-around permit for bus at 56th and Vooddale was referred back to
Village l.Tauager for furthsr investigation.
Danms' motion that %us Stop Sign" be removed from 11.49& Street immediately upon
discontinuance of present bus line .was seconded by C;&Lld and carried,
? IJanager I.iitchell reported request of Village Hall architects for permission to
employ TT.rin City Testing Laboratories to make testings of ground at pmposed new
village hall site.
the facing of the new hall.
of Xorrell et Iichols as to thc facing of the building, but no action taken.
motion, authoriaing lirchitects to direct Twin City Testing kbratories to make
the necessary tests, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Ne also conveyed architects' request that Council determine
Di-scussion was had with regard. to asking the opinion
Iknager" 3Et chell reported that the 1.5inne sot a State Highway Department has decided
tht the 50th Street-Hy.10eHy.169 intersection is now adequately lizhted; that
they will not go along on the cost of any additional lights for this area; that
they will not object if the Villages wishes to instaXL additional. lights at its
oim expense, Danens' motion, that this matter be referred to Public Safety
Committee for investigation, was seconded by Child and carried.
Tom Hodgson inquired as;to the status of the prqposed Stopand-Go Sign at
Xllson Road and Highvay no. 100. Ek. -T.IitcheU repor,ted his request that the
II5&way Department align IJillson Road-as a part of their South-of-5Oth Street
repairs. Danens sugestelf that 1.EtchelI. request grades ard specifications from
Hi&way Department so that Village can do this r.rork; in preparation for signs.
Zir. I.Titchell was asked to check r.rith the Highway Department immediately, ,to
determine the quickest way to have signs installed, and to seport back to the
council &tits next neeting.
The matter of financing the New TTater Tank again came before the Council,, with
Supt. of Utilities 3oehler's report that $80,000 would be sufficient inasmuch as the Va-bemhrks Fund has a good cash balance at the present time. Childts noeon,
that Council determine at :,@O,OOO as the amount of the bond issue to finance new
water tank, and that Council take bids for said bonds as of February 9, at 7:30
P.lL, was seconded by Bredesen and carx?ied.
karbage Collection Contract VGS discussed at some length, with Bredesen advocating taking of bids on a three-year contract, vkth rubbish collection included, Danens
moved that Council advertise for bids on two-year contract, taking alternate bids
as follows: I. On collection of garbage only3 2. On collection of gsrbage and food
and beverage corhsiners; said bids to be taken Uondqy, Februarg 9, 1953.
seconded by Ea& arii carried.
Trustee Danens recommended a street-sign survey, inasmuch as there are now several areas badly in need of signs. Bredesen's motion, directing Police Dep~ment to
conduct a survey to determine vhat street signs are necessary and to report to
Village l-ianager so 'chat signs may be ordered, was seconded by Child and carried.
1/12/53 29 &. Danens reported that he has instructed the office to hold up transmittal
because he feels that flextra work" claims by the Company (for.banking manholes
with blacktop) are unfair inasmuch as contractor must apply mat at later date,
banking manholes at that time, Tuhager Kitchell reported that the contractor
was requested to do this work to elbinate decided traffic hazards; that there
is nothing in Village specifications compelling him to do so until application
of mat; that this type of work costs him more than application of regular mat,
Bredesenf s motion, approving Danens' action instructing office to delay
payment, and directing li'anager to advise contractor to appear before the
Council for discussion of matter, was seconded by Child and carried.
Mr. E. G. Stow, and Lttomey Hosmer Broim, asked for Gouncil disposition of
request for Well and petition for Water Nains for Brookview Heights Addition, '
Copy of Attorney General's opinion as to procedure in advertising for well
was filed, as follows: .
QUESTION: - Is the-Village of Edina authorized to advertise for bids for
to Ashworth ct Sons Company of checks approved by the Council, December 8, 1952, I 1
the drilling of a well with the specification that payment
. therefor rcill be made upon a gallonage basis as water from
the well is used? - !*--Therefore, if .the village council of Edina should determine,
in the exercise of its sound discretion, that the proposed
method of payment for the well is for the best interest of the
village and is not for the purpose of limiting competition, it
is our opinion that the Village of Edina has the authority to
specify in its advertisement for bids for drilling the well in
question that the bidder accept payment on the basis of a
specified sum pzr gallon of water produced from this particular
Nr, Stow pleaded that construction of well and watermains be expedited, so that
builders might be in position to furnish water this spring.
that Village of %dina advertise for bids for well, upon plans and specifications
to be prepared by Village Engineer and VUage Attorney and including llg&lonagelr
basis of financing; and that Council schedule Public Hearing on proposed
watermain improvement and take bids for said improvemen.t;', all on Nondq,
February 23, 1953, at 7:30 F.N,, was seconded by Danens and carried.
$Ire Robert Soelberg of Brookside Service Station protested against the ViLlagets
I: taking its gasoline business elseyhere. Laboratories verifying quality of gasoline he sells.
complaints on gasoline quality and had suggested that Village buy elsewhere for a short the to determine whether complaints were justified,
reported he has now received reports to effect that vehicle is no different with
other gasoline.
Servic; station no action was necessary,
HNscl%tz: -.
Childvs motion,
He produced tests from Twin City Testing
PIP. Danens stated he .had
hyor Erickson
Inasmuch as Village trade has already been restored to Brookside
Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BX IT I-EBB3Y PGSOLVED, that.Ni@and gational Bank of IiIinneapolis be, and
hereby is, designated as an official depository for the Public Funds of the
Special Assessments and Poor Funds of the Village of Edina forthe calendar
year 1953.
there were five ayes-and no- nays,
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on RoUca3.1 as
Vl"i3-lage Clerk
Bank offered, the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ~SOLIPTIOI~ APF3OTTDJG ASSIGMENT OF
RESOLVED, that the Village Council of %he. Village of Edina approve the
assignment by its depository, the 1Zi.dland National Bank of IEnneapolis, of
$75,000 Federal Land Bank Consolidated 24/48 Bonds due February 1, l955/53 as
good and sufficient collateral for Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in
the said depository, -
Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Bollcall
there were five ayes and no nays, as follours:
Bredynme; Child; aye; Danens,
Bank offered the followhg Resolution and moved its adoption:
€33 IT EESOLVZD, that the - persons I holding off ice. as I.fapr, 3hyor Pro-Tern,
Treasurer. or Clerk or Deputy Clerk of this Tillage be, and they hereby are,
authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business
i&th Widland Xational Bank, of Ilinneapolis (hereinafter referred to as the bank)
such authority including authority on behalf of or in the nae of this, Village
from time to time and until mitten notice to the contrary to- the bank, to sign
checks against aaid account, which checks shall be signed by the Ilayor or Ikqpr
Pro-Tan, Village Glerfc or Deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer. is hereby aubhorized and directed to honor ad pay any check against such account
whZch is signed as above described, vhether or not said check is payable to %he
ortier of, or deposited to the c'redit of, any officer OF officers of the Village,
including the signer or siaers of the checks.
Blotion for adoption of the ResolutLon vas seconded by Danens, and on EolZcz3.l
The bank
there were five ayes and no nays, as
; and Bidkson, aye; and the
Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
B3 IT l3ERlBY ??OZW that the First,EdLw-Stake Bank, Edina, I.iinnesota,
authorized to do a banking business in 1-hnesota, be and kereby is, designated
as offici& Pepsitory of the Public Funds of the General, Xquiwent Rental,-
Seth Bmtal, Garbage Collection, I.later?:torks, Xquor, Pemanent bprovment
Revolving, fernanent bpmvanent Revolving Debt Service, 'and all Pemnent
Bprovement~Funds of the Village of Edina, County of Renneph, I.Linneso%a, for
the calendar year 1953.
TI FURTRER EESOLlm, that this designation is subject to the right of
said Village of Edina to aociify, vacate, and revoke same according to law,
'ifotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; Cilild, aye; Dartens,
aye; and the < 75!L7+i-
\. IzayOS i-'
Tillage Clerk
BwiL, offered t'ne follor;ing Resolution and moved its adoption:
td% ~Oi;N;1;D. that the Village .Council. or" the Village of Edina approve
the assigrment by its depository, t& First Edina Stzte Bank of It;6na, E.;inne-
sota, of the following, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of
Adina Public Wds deposited in said deposibry:
U,S,Treasurg Bond 2-3/8$ Due 6-15-58 $3$151/52 2 0 ~i100,OOO - [j;330,000
U,S,Treasurj Eond 2-3/$$ Due 6-U-58 $523So/83 4 0 10,000 40,000
U.5. Treasmy Eond 2-1/43 ke 6-15-62 f&3'L6/7 2 0 100,000 200,000
U.S.Treawy bnd 2-1/23 lxle 9-15-72 #67579 10,000
U.S,Treasury Bond 2-3/€$: Due 6-15-58 $3$l.48/50 3 0 100,000 300,000 $7 50,000
Eotion for adoption of the Resolution
there were five ayes and no nays, as , aye; and Erickson, aye; and tp
Bank offered the following Resolutiori and moved its adoption: SIGI(TAT0RY I&2S OLUTIOIT
I33 XT ~OL~, that the persons holding office as IIayor, iiayor Fro-'rem,
Treasurer, or Clerk or Deputy Clerk of this Village be, and they hereby are,
atrthorized $0 act for this Village in the transaction of qny banking business
with First Zdina State Bank or" XdLna, I.IinnesCrt;a, (hereinafter re3erred to as the
Bank), such zuthority including authority on behalf of or in the nme of this 7ELJ.age fmm tire to tine and until written notice to the contrary to the bd,
1/12/53 31
to si@ checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the PiaTyor
or Nayor Pro-Tem, Village Clerk or Deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer.
The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check agahst
such account which is signed as above authorized, whether or not said check is
payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers
of the Village, including the signer or signers of the check.
;+lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rcrllcall.
there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: d, aye; Danms,
A IJrayor
EJayor Erickson recoinmended appointment of Trustee Child as Nayor Pro Tern for
year ls3, and Bank' offered the following BesolutioB and moved its adoption:
El3 IT RBOLD, that -Trustee .Fred S. ,Child--be appointed layor Pro Tern
of the Village of Edina for the caladar year 1953.
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on 'EZollcaI.3
there were four qyes and one not voting, as follows: en, aye; Child,
not voting; Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, he Resolution was
lilayor Erickson presented Standing Committee Assigmnenks for 1953, and Bank
Qff ered the f ollor& g Resolution and moved its adopt ion:
. THE YEAR 1953.-
E IT RESOLVED that Codttee,.Assieents for the members of the Edina
VilGge Council- for the year 1953 shall be as follows:
. .Bredesen, Chairman;_Child ar$_Danens
Child, Chairman;, Bank. and Danens
.Bank, Chairman; Bredesen and-Erickson
.Danens, Chairma@.;. Bank and Child
COI.~~IITTEE ON Pmrc mms -
Ebtion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danms, and on Rollcall
there were five ayes and no nays, as
aye; Bad:, aye; and El"ickson, aye;
aye; Danens,
-, Izayor
Bank offered the following Resolutibn and moved its adoption:
~soI;uzIIO~~ WEING APPROVAL TO , - BUDGST, ilW333D IN.. 1952. TOB 3%&3,-l.9.63
€33 IT RZSOLV-ED, thaS-.t+he. bgdg&_adopted by-the 1932 VLLlage Cuuncfl, for
the year 1953, be approved as follows:
T Dl!KL EST DJIATI~D EXEXDT~S F OR eGBBXr~L FUXD - $34.3, , 4.9 5 600 ISSS ESTIKJA'EB G3W& FUND €@CEIPTS- - - - lll,4.95.00. .
APPROPFXATIOIIJ FOR GENjlm FUND-. . . $232,000 -00 ,, LiPPEOPRSiiTIOIf TOR PlZ3 FUND - -, 16,200.00
1,000 .oo
~IppE33PEiATIOiLT FOB PO05 FUSJD - . 4.,000.00
(1950 1st & 3rd Series hprovements)
(1951 ls'c Series Imprqvements) 1,600.00 I -
(1952 1st Series Improvements). . * 7,400.00
EIotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danms, and on Rollcall
e; and the
illage Clerk
E@ rr IZEsOLrn
as follows,*.for-the
OR vII;tGm omaqbu?m
that the salafies of Elected Village Officials be established - ye= 1953:
Reuben F. Zrickson, Hayor
ZKLd C, Bank, Clerk.
Fred S. Child, Trustee
Joseph A. Danens, Trustee
,&hur C. Sredesen, Jr., Trustee
Jo'm J. Duggan, Treasurer
Donald S, Eurris, Judge I.iwnicipal
Irving C, Iverson, Special Judge
$-!B.OO per Nonth
60,CO I' '1
60.00 I! !1
60.00 r_t !!
6q.00 ! I!
50.00 !I ?I
125.00 'I "
25,OO per ?leek, with
Kotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were five aps and no nap, as
nd Erickson, aye; .&-id the
Kayor Erickson presented his recommendations for appointnents of Village AlAorney,
Assistant Village Attorney, Clerk of Court and Health Officer, and in conf&mation
of said recommendations hnk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
E&?, 1[T RESOLm that appointments be ,made. and salaries established as herein-
after set forth, said appointees to serve for the year 1953 and until their successors
are duly appointed and qualified:
John IT, Xindhorst Village Attorney :,;Lop , 00
Ilichard-3. Olson Clerk of Iiunicipd COUA 150,oo
Curtis I;, Roy iZsst . Village Jttorney 1 75oOO
Dr. Lowell 1.1. Campbell - Village Health Officer 40.00
. liotion for adoption of the Besolution was seconded by Danens, .and on Rollcall there I
vere Eve ayes and no nays, as follows:
d Erickson, aye; and the
Bank offered tk follovLng Resolution and moved its adopbion: nsoLuTxou APPOINTING EXE'J'UT~ OFFICER
RESOLIED, that Sidney R. 1-Etchell-is hereby. qpointed.as Executive Officer and
Kana8er for tke V'lage Council of the Village of Edina and all of its cormittees,
I I and falage Engineer for the Village of %dins.
fw-ctions-and activities in charge of each Committee in its absence.
strued as-a delegation of legislative or discretionary administrative power of the
Village Council,
RZSOLm, further, that he shall have charge of and direct all the ministerial
EESOLED, further, that nothing herein contained shd.1 be or is to be con-
Xotion for ado&i.on of the Resolution
were five ayes and no nays, as follotrs:
; and Fridcson, aye; and the
dillage Clerk
B list of Village Bnployeas on the payroll as of January 12, 1953, vas submitted to
tb Council.
established January 26, 1953, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Child's motion,..appointjng said Village Employees, at salaries to be
1/12/53 33 I
Bank offered the f6nOWing Res'61-6ion and moved its adoption:
El3 iT RESOLSED. that salaries- of *members of- the Edina Volunteer Fire
Department be, and they hereby are, established as follows, for the year-
Chief of Fire Dept. - $50.00 per Yr. Salary
$25.00 per Yr. Salary
and 2.00 per Hr. per Fire Attended
~ and 2.00 per Drill Attended .
Asst. Chief
and . 1.75 per Hr. per Fire Attended
1.50 per Hr. per Fire Attended
' and 1.75 per Drill Attended
Firemen '
, and 1.00 per Drill Attended
' Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bre es , we; Child, aye;
t,.% glution was adopted. p*T--*/ G+--
Clerk publicly opened and read the sealed bid of the Edina-Norningside Courier
(this being the only bid received) for Official Publication for 1953; said bid
being at statutory rates for legd pub1ljcations.- Child's motion, that Edina
Elorningside Courier be designated as Official Publication for Village of Edina
for year 1953 was seconded by Danens and carried.
Hayor Erickson recommended the appoin+ment of Hessrs .&mis, Hallman and
Bredesen to the Liquor Control Commission.
ation Child offered the following Resolution. and moved its adoption:
In confirmation of this recommend-
Bredesen. Jr. be. appointed as members of the Edina -Liquor Control Commission,
for terms as follows, beghing January 1, 1953:. -
Xotion for adoption of th4 Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and one not mting, as follows: Bredesen, not voting;
Child, aye; Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and
Bredesents motion, that PIr. T. L. Todd be re-appointed for a three-year term .
on the Planning Commission, said tern to begin January 1, 1953, was seconded
Child and unanimously card ed.
Bank* s motion, that Council elrt"end its contract with Suburban Hennepin- County
Relief Board temporarily, pending submission of new contract, was seconded by
Bredesen &d carried.
Childts motion,'that Council take bids January 26, 1953, for the year's require-
ments .for all Village motor equipment, was seconded by Danens and carried.
D,anenst motion, thzt Council take bids January 26, 1953, for the year's reqpire-
ments for sand, gravel and rock, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Ghild's motion, that Council take 5ids February 9, 1953, for Village insurance
requiremen$., was seconded by Bank and carried.
With Council's confirmation, Uayor Xrickson appointed Charles A. Johnson as
Weed Inspector for Village forfi year 1953.
IJIaager N.i.tchell reported that'several matters are delaying the 6Qth Street area
storm sewer: 1. Assessment district may have to be enlarged. 2. It has been
impossiblp to negotiate for proper drainage easements. Platter delayed for further
report by Xi?. Ifit chell.
Childts motion for payment of Village Payroll, amount 37,761.74 and Iiiquor Store
Payroll, mount :&773088; for pe-xiod January 1 to January 15, 1953, as recorded in
detail in Pa;grl.oU Ledger, and for payment of the following Claims, vas seconded by J *
) Bredesen md carried:
8449 849
845& 8452
a54 8.455 8456 8461
8457 8459 I 8460
8455 8462
L2285 12286 L22W
L2290 - E2291 L2292
L2293 a294 I2295
BernGd Fdch
J.R. Coan, Postmaster
Tho S. Heydt
@ericen Legion Housing Div.
Joyce Insurance, hc.
Village of 3dina .
George 3. Thompson
H. C-dfrey Relson
Ed. Ryan, Sheriff
John Ddhth
5'h; IaIcCrea
Robert 1;. idsas
John J.. Jones
Village of Edina
R.E. 'Fruedenthal
&mold R. Stom
Village of Edha
Arthur 1:. Petersen
Carpenter Paper Company
Distillers Distributing Co .
Ebin Brothers Go,
I1 11 - tt
Griggs, Goclper &.Go.
I.lcKesson & Eobbins
I+€id-?fest Vine Co.
Il'orthr.rest'ern 3ell Telephone Coo
Old Peoria CC~., Inc.
Ed. Ph&llipS C: Sons CO.
F. J, Quinn Paper Coo
Victor Adding I.iachin6 Co.
Village of Cdina-Xater Dept
Griggs, Cooper G: Company
Ed. Pillips tk Sons Go.
F~DOUS Bands, Ince
lO.00 i4i. 50
10.00 60,oo
250 OO
25.68 31.12
20 77 2,161.76
3,096029 106.56
39.95 502.66
272 20
l4.0 00
19loU- 178.28
27 94
233 59 71 1,621.12
Ere Hernann H, Strachauer of the Board of Park Commissioners presented !he Eoardts
list of appoinheubs for Yea 1953, as follor.rs:
ComSssiQn Representative, Tirilliam 11. Lewis; Secretary for Board and Recreation
Director, Eoward 17. Llerriman. Bredesen moved for Council approval of appointments
as listed, Xotion seconded by Child and carried. r
llr, Strachauer asked the Councii to defer making aa appkbnent to 12. Gcog@.nts
position on the Board until present mernbers have some time eo consider recornlend-
ations, Msmuch as I.%. ?cog* has just notified Board of his hability to serve
another term,
%bo Strachauer presented Eoa,r$'s recornendation for a contribution of "not mors
thah $500 ,to the City of Hopkins as aid in supporting Hopkins' Shady Oak $each,
He stated that a survey taken last year has determined that 1.6s of attendance at
this beach is cons3itutqd by Edina residerrts.
recornrendation for :<;500 'contribution to City of. Hopkins for Shadr Oak &akd Beach,
Eotion seconded by Child and caded.
Chairman, H.H.Strachauer; Planning
I 110 action taken by Council on appointment.
Bank moved approval of Park Board's
Esna Svmng pool discussed,
I&. Strachauer then requested that Bard be granted 'the difserence 'between a
maxjmum tvm-miI.1 levy against present faxable valuation and the 316,200 set forth
in the budget, this difference being some 3&,000.
wuld go Par tovard employ5ng two badly needed fulz-t%ne park emplope;ii,
there- FES no foml action
should be grated this additional. $4,000 for its activities c this year.
He explained tht tlfis money
Council it was consensus of opM6n that Park Board
35 1. 1/12/53 '
-< The Edina Taxpayers Association's Advisory Boardfs resolution tlsuggesting
that consideration be given to the employing of a qualified ou'cside con-
sultant to secure e-qert advice on the spreading of the assessments for
Edinats share of the cost of the Richfield-Edina Joint Sanitary Sewer--tI
was- read and discussed at some length. Manager ILEtchell was inforndly- directed to secure info-rmation for Council as to city firms supplying such
. "\
Ilk. Bussell T. Lund presented a tentative plan for the Dougjlas ?Tallace
properby between 49th and 50th Streets and just ?Jest of Hal.ifax.;ivenue.
This plan included the const-ruction of four double dwellings on the IJorth
135 feet of the property, one multiple or *double dwelling on the 7;1,60th
feet, facing W..!Dth Street, and the balance to be parking lot. Child
moved that Planning Comzaission be notified that Er. Lund has submitted
a new plan for the development of the ?Tallace property, which plan has the
approval. of the Council.
Bredesen moved for ad joarment .
Motion seconded by Danens and carried.
c T
Xotion seconded by Child and carried.
PIeeting adjourned at 12:lO A,%, Tuesday,
- t
JAWARY 26, 195'3, AT 7:3OJ?.I:Z., AT T1-B
&mbers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens and Erickson.
Clerk Llden acted as Clerk.
EIinutes of Regular Neeting of Janury 12 were approved as submitted, by
motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried.
IIayor Erickson announced Public Hearing on proposed Curb, Gutter and Blacktop
for St ..,indretJs Avenue between Southview Lane and Lakeview Drive. Affidavit
of Publication for Notice of Heaqjng, published in Edina-Xorningside Courier
January 8 end 15, 1953,. was read by Clerk. 3ngh-eer Nitchell~s 'estimate of
cost for 6"-curb and gutter was $3,947.00 as_ against 1,-45l. assessgble feet,
for $2.72 per assessable fodt.
to thirti feet, with a cut of not m6re than?four inches at the South end of
the street; "that repairs to plzi~ms &d smallrepairs-to drives would undoubtedly
be necessaq after curb and-gutter bnstruc6ion; thst cost of this repair must
be borne. individually by the property owner3 that 2&foot curb radii would be
constructed for driveways. ^His esthte of -cost foe Blacktopping--wi.th 611 - -
sub-base, 4'; bituminous stabilized base, and 211 wearing course--was $5, 940.54
as against 1, $30 assessable -feet, for $3.$$-per assessable foot, A delegation
of some sh-pmpertJr owners .heard tfiese estimates; kd, while the cost of A
blackbopping was thought to be high; there Gere no objections to the improve-
ments from the floor.
the meeting.
BE IT RESOLO by the Council of the Village of Edina, 3Ennesotaa, that this
Council heretofore caused nptice of-hearing-to be day published on the
proposed improvemen? consisting of construckion of Stbdard Village Curb and
Gutter in Sh.imdrepq Avenue between-Southvi&w Lane 5nd Lakeview Drive, and- at
the hearjng held at the time and place specified in-said notice the Counci1 ..
has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fuuy
advisedof the pertinent fasts does-hereby _detehe to proceed with the
constructioq of said improvoement; that said improvement is hereby designated
and shall bp referred to inT all subsequent proceeding5 as Street Improvement
No. E-Yj, and the area to b? speciarily asseksed thekefor shall include all- -
lots and tmcts of Jand abu&ting ana frontkg upon the streets -5.n which said -- impmvement is to be constructed. "
He eqlained that streetkould be widened'
The Clerk had received no written objections prior to
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved - its adoption:
lilotion for adoption sf the Resolution was duly - seconded - &by Daens, a%d
Rollcall there were four afes and no nays, as f s: Bredesen, aye;
s., aye; and %ric$son, we; ion was adopted.