HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530126_REGULAR35 1. 1/12/53 ' -< The Edina Taxpayers Association's Advisory Boardfs resolution tlsuggesting that consideration be given to the employing of a qualified ou'cside con- sultant to secure e-qert advice on the spreading of the assessments for Edinats share of the cost of the Richfield-Edina Joint Sanitary Sewer--tI was- read and discussed at some length. Manager ILEtchell was inforndly- directed to secure info-rmation for Council as to city firms supplying such service. . "\ Ilk. Bussell T. Lund presented a tentative plan for the Dougjlas ?Tallace properby between 49th and 50th Streets and just ?Jest of Hal.ifax.;ivenue. This plan included the const-ruction of four double dwellings on the IJorth 135 feet of the property, one multiple or *double dwelling on the 7;1,60th feet, facing W..!Dth Street, and the balance to be parking lot. Child moved that Planning Comzaission be notified that Er. Lund has submitted a new plan for the development of the ?Tallace property, which plan has the approval. of the Council. Bredesen moved for ad joarment . I Motion seconded by Danens and carried. c T Xotion seconded by Child and carried. PIeeting adjourned at 12:lO A,%, Tuesday, - t c Ikfl3WTB OF Ti33 E3GULXR IBSX!XG OF TI33 JAWARY 26, 195'3, AT 7:3OJ?.I:Z., AT T1-B BXI$A VILLAGE HALL EDINA VEL4G.E GOUIJCIL, HXL;D XONDAY, - i I &mbers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens and Erickson. Clerk Llden acted as Clerk. EIinutes of Regular Neeting of Janury 12 were approved as submitted, by motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried. IIayor Erickson announced Public Hearing on proposed Curb, Gutter and Blacktop for St ..,indretJs Avenue between Southview Lane and Lakeview Drive. Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Heaqjng, published in Edina-Xorningside Courier January 8 end 15, 1953,. was read by Clerk. 3ngh-eer Nitchell~s 'estimate of cost for 6"-curb and gutter was $3,947.00 as_ against 1,-45l. assessgble feet, for $2.72 per assessable fodt. to thirti feet, with a cut of not m6re than?four inches at the South end of the street; "that repairs to plzi~ms &d smallrepairs-to drives would undoubtedly be necessaq after curb and-gutter bnstruc6ion; thst cost of this repair must be borne. individually by the property owner3 that 2&foot curb radii would be constructed for driveways. ^His esthte of -cost foe Blacktopping--wi.th 611 - - sub-base, 4'; bituminous stabilized base, and 211 wearing course--was $5, 940.54 as against 1, $30 assessable -feet, for $3.$$-per assessable foot, A delegation of some sh-pmpertJr owners .heard tfiese estimates; kd, while the cost of A blackbopping was thought to be high; there Gere no objections to the improve- ments from the floor. the meeting. - RESOLUT ION ORDIBg$G Bb@EOID"T BE IT RESOLO by the Council of the Village of Edina, 3Ennesotaa, that this Council heretofore caused nptice of-hearing-to be day published on the proposed improvemen? consisting of construckion of Stbdard Village Curb and Gutter in Sh.imdrepq Avenue between-Southvi&w Lane 5nd Lakeview Drive, and- at the hearjng held at the time and place specified in-said notice the Counci1 .. has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fuuy advisedof the pertinent fasts does-hereby _detehe to proceed with the constructioq of said improvoement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall bp referred to inT all subsequent proceeding5 as Street Improvement No. E-Yj, and the area to b? speciarily asseksed thekefor shall include all- - lots and tmcts of Jand abu&ting ana frontkg upon the streets -5.n which said -- impmvement is to be constructed. " Deputy He eqlained that streetkould be widened' The Clerk had received no written objections prior to Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved - its adoption: - STR&Z" E~PB6VXGNT RO. B-15- lilotion for adoption sf the Resolution was duly - seconded - &by Daens, a%d Rollcall there were four afes and no nays, as f s: Bredesen, aye; s., aye; and %ric$son, we; ion was adopted. I on Child, 1/26/53 Bredesen then offered the folI!ot&ng Resolution 'and moved its adoption: i - l3Z3OLUT!IOif OmJG IiEZOVXXJT sw X*PiLO~$T HO. B-49 33 I" RESOLEiD by the Council of thevillage of Edina, I.iinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearhg to be duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of Construction of Blackbopping in St .lmdrews Avenue between Southview Lane and Lakeview Drive, and at the hearing held at &he time and place spscified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent .facts does .( hereby determine .i;O proceed with the construction of said inprovment; that said improveaent is hereby designated and shall be referred to in dl subsequent proceedings as Street bpi-ovement Eo. A-49, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and-fronthg upon the streets in which said hprovement is to be constructed. IJotion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as ' I.Iayor Clerk read Affidavit of Publication €or Advertisement for Bids-Gasoline, published in Edina-Korningside Courier and Construction Billetin January 15 and 22, 1953; and pursuant to said Ldvertisenent the following sealed bids were publicly opened ad read, covering 1953 requirenen%s for gasoline €or Village equipen%: &WOI.CSIDX SXiLTICE ST~LTICN - ~V3xin.g Betail &Price less ii.045 per Gallon Discount.1~ wmmr D/S ST;BI~ - ffCMng Retail Price less 7% Discount." Ghildls notion, that bids be referred to TUage Engineer for report at nexb regular meeting, vas seconded by Bredesen and .carriedo The following sealed bids were opened for 1953 reqirenents for Sa.nd,Gravel and Rock, pursuant to Advertisement for Bids published in Edina-Xorningside Courier and Construction -Wetin Januzrs15 and 22, 1953, as per Affidavit of Fublicakion c read by Clerk: IF LOlBE% BY VmIm TRUCKS hYd. Ton * VILUIGZ TO - TOFED0 SAI?D-2000 'Cu.Yds . l&b.Sand & Gravel Coo - Oscar Roberts Company .75 3 .50 . Kapco Sand & Gravel Ca. - - i<cCa,r:an Corrtracting Go. .84 . 60 Glacier Sand & Gravel Coo - .81 58 K.G. Astleford Co. 074 50 Oscar Roberts Company 1.)2.40 <$lo 60 f~1ct;or:an Contracting Go, 2.35 . L6t3 PIT BWJ G&%?JE&2000 CUeSdS. Oscar Roberts Company +j .60 r> .4O Kapeo Sand & Gravel Co. l-Xo.r..m Contracting Co . . 84 . 60 Glacier Sand 5 Gravel Coo .76 54 13.G. Astleford Co . 55 045 J.A. Dank= & Sons . 095 - - ._ - IF DmJiJ) BY BIDDm TO ANY EDIN1 PODKC I Cu.Yd. Ton e Gl.69 *.j1.35 -LESS 5% CD 1.80 1.20 1.75 1.25 -Less 5$ GD 1.68 i.20 1.68 1.20 1.34 1.10 -Less 5s Cii d - -Less 5:: CD 3.0s 2.20 r. :3 0 52 *.32 35 2.88 2.20 -Less 5$ CD &tion by 3redesen that bids be referred to ViJlage Zngheer for tabulation and report at nexb neting was seconded by Child and carried. - 1/26/53. . 1- r- 37 X4r. River of the Ttichfield Sanitation Company inq_uired as to specifications for Garbage Collection, and PELS told to secure his information from the Clerk's office. Ur. Jolp F. Ledin, 3617 IT.55th Street, requested pemnit to build a double .garage 'exbending onto a portion of vacated Drew Avenue. dsst .Engr. Zikan <reported .that a corrugated metal culvert has been 'placed in this streek -Lo provide drainage to ,%he creek; that culvert will probably have to be moved if permit is granted. fuLl over-the culvert after- the garage is constructed. Building Inspector be directed to issue permit providing drainage matter is settled by Engineering Department was seconded by Danens ad carried. Tk. 3. T. Smisek Qetitioned for the rezoning to Community Store District of fpur hundred feet at the corner of Trunk Eghway 1Jo. 5 and Cahill FLoad. Child's motion that matter be referred to Village Planning Commission for recommendation was seconded by Bredesen and csrried. ii delegation of ?our Edinbrook Lane residents asked that their petition for an ornamental. street light at corner of Trunk Highway No. LOO and Edinbrook Lane be expedited. installation. this corner. street lights, later in meeting,) Er. Ledin maintslined that there ~&ll still be sufficient Child's motion, that t Kr. Child quoted a price of about $1,000 for said He recommended installation of an ordinary street light at This was agreeable to those present. (See action ordering 1*funicipal Judge Donald 5. Burris supported his letter calling Council*s attention to State,Statute which vests authority %or appointment and dismissal of Clerk of Court with the Judge, and-not with the Council. He asked that CounciL's appoint- men$ of Richard Olson as Clerk of Court be stricken from the Ninutes of the Council Eeeting of January 12, Sredesen's motion, directing Clerk to strike from the Ilinutes of the Village Counci1,Xeeting of January 12, 1953, that portion of the flEesolution Appointing Tillage Attorney-fl which appoints the Clerk of Cour%,-was seconded by Danens and carried. The Einnesota Xailway and Warehouse Comissionts Order of Januzj-y 16, setting forth route, schedule and five-cent fare for Edina Shuttle.Eus, was noted and ordered placed on file. I I The Edina-florningside Courierts find statement in amount of ,:jl?E3.36 for printing of legal. publications for the Village for 1952 was Tiled. This state- ment advised that Courier had been erroneously charging some 11% less than actual legal rate for publications, all during the year. nfter some discussion, Child moved that claim be approved. Notion seconded by Danens and carried, State Public Examiner's reqiiest for copy of Tillage Financial Statement for 1952 immediately after posting was reviewed and ordered placed on file. Council reviewed mitten advice from the Office of Dorsejr,Co~~,Barlrer,Scott and Barber to the effect that marketability of <$30,000 Xatemorks Revenue Bond Issue ~Jill be upset b- a,s&e just before sale of the proposed Richfield-Edina was read. Child moved that Council rescind its action to offer $SO,OOO Vatexworks Revenue Bonds for sale February 9, 1953. Child then introduced the following Resolution ad moved its adoption: / Sewer ,Bonds, and prop % sing sa$e of the Vatemforks Bonds on February 23, 1953, This letter also explained maturities established for bonds. IJIotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, ~OLUTZ0IV PIZOVIDDJG FOR PUBLIC SALE OF OF 1953 BE IT FtESOLVZD by the Village Council of the Village of Zdina, Ilinnesota, as follovJs: - 1 * - at this time to issue revenue bonds of the Village in the amount of t>80,000, for the purpose of paying a portion of the cost of the construction of an additional water tanktand tower for the municipd. PlatePrJorks systein, which bonds may be made payable from the net revenues of said system on a parity Jdth the outstand- ing Tratemrorks Bonds of -l9&?, dated July 1, 19&?, in accordance with the pro- visions of the resolution authorizing said bonds, which was adopted July 10,1947. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice herein contained for ,the purpose of receiving and considering sealled bids for snd awarding the sale of such additiond revenue bonds, and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of such meeting to be published in the official newspaper of the Tillage and in the Comercih Test, at ;?lir5neapolis, Xiinnesotz, not less than 10 days prior to the date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantidly the foUolhg form: - ;go,ooo ymmmrcs WE BONDS 1. It is hereby found ad determined that it is necessary and expedient I 2. .- Ilmia Im'di3Y GmT that the Council of the Village 02 zdina, Ibesota, riizl meet at the Village Hall, 4€Bl Vest 50th Street, in said Village, on Febmzry 23, 19% at €600 o'clock P.X., for the purpose of receiving, opening, and considering sealed bids for ad awarding the sale of i1;!30,000 negotiable f;Ta"cen;.orks Eevenue Bonds of 1953 of said Village, to be issued for the purpose of PVkg a portion of 'the-cost of construction of a new water tanl; and tovrer for the munic&dl water systera and to be payable from the net revenues of said system on a parity with the Yatenmrks Revenue Bonds of 1947 dated July I, 1947, nopr outstanding-b Vne principal mount of &30,000. The bonds so to be sold rdll, be dated as of Iiarch 1, 1953 and T.riU be in denomination of ()l,OOO each,- md - v&U bear interest at a rate .or rates to be designated by the successful bidder, eqressed September 1, 1953 and sexkinnually thereafter on ITarch 1 and Septmber 1 of each year, Said Bonds ~dll mature serially in the anount of $j,OOO on I-lmch 1 in each of the years 1954 through 1965 and &0,030 on lIarch 1 in each of the years 1966 and 1967. The hnds maturing after Ikrch 1, 1963 will be each subject to redaption and prepaypent at the option of the Tillage at pas, in inverse order oftheir seria nWers, on said date and any interest payment-date thereafter, Principal a-d interest v&ll be nade pqyable at such suitable banking institution in the United States as shall be mutually satisfactory to the Tillage and the successful bidder, ad within 40 days after said date of sale, the printed md executed bonds and the approving legal opinion of Kessrs. Dorsey, Cohan, Barlrer,Scott & Barber, of L.eapolis, I.bnesota, together with the customary non-litigation certuicat e. Delivery will. be made without cost to the purchaser at Ilinneapolis, Ilinnesota, or Chicago, 'Illinois, or elsewhere at the purchaser's espense. mailed or dehvered to thundersigned Clerk, and must be received prior to the the of said meeting. Oral auGtion bids mill not be considered. %sch bid must be unconditional and must be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check or bank draft in an amount not less than $1,600, payable to the Villgge Treaswer, to be retained by $he Village as liquidated danages in the event that,the bid is accepted and the bidder shall. fail to comply therewith, Bids will be preferred according to lowest net interest cost, computed to the stated maturity dates of the bonds, based upon the coupon rates and preinium Specified. than par .i.rill be considered and the Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids . an integrd multiple of 1/4 or 1/10 of 1s per annum, payable I The Village will furnish, irithout cost to the purchaser, Seapd bigs marked !'Bid for i'j80,OOO Pfatemmrks Revenue Bonds" nay be It0 bid of less c 3Y OXIB OF T€i$ Vmim COUNCIL c 6 &42.4 ViLlage Clerk 4801 Vest 50th Street . Edina, 'iEnnesota 3. Zach md all of the terns and provisions of the foregoing fom of notice are herebx adopted as the terns and conditions of said bonds and of the sale thereof, as fully as though separately set forth and resolved herein. Xotion for adoption of the foregoing resolution vias duly seconded by Dunens, and on Bolldl there ixre four ayes and - I Discussion as had vith regard to Council attendance for the opening of the Richfield-Xd5aa 'Sanitary Sewer bids to be held Ironday, February 2, 1953, at the Bichfield Village Hall, with Village Httorneythdhorst stating that as a matter of pol;icy,as my nembers of the Edina Council as possible should attend this neetbg. Child's notion, that Village Zngineer be authorized and directed to attend the February 2, 1.953 Richfield-Zdina Sanitary Sewer bid opsning, and to s&t r.rith Richfield Zngineers ad G.11. Orr Company representatives in a study of bids-taken February 9, vras seconded by Danens and carried. d delegation of Zour interesked property owners asked that the proposed exbemion of Hdifaar &me be eqedited. i.irs. Virginia Beard, who has refused to dedicate street right-of-way, objected to over-all assessment for work, claiming that the Trork necessary to psepara her property for street purposes is slight in coaparison -i.iith tht necessary for other properties. assessment. 2, Pernission to divide her propeYGy, 1301~ approx. 5001, into four sWy-five foot lots. 3. Replacement of all black dirt excavated from her portion of the right-of-way onto her abutting proparty. 4. Five-year assessaat~ Council stated that a parcel-by-parcel assessment cannot be considered; that black dirt prill. be saved and placed on the boulevards; that a five-year assesment is possi'ole, t She asked - 1, A parcel-by-parcel ActLon on prqosed I".ur-lot; platting was delayed until 12s. Beard t I 1/26/53 makes fhal decision on matter of dedication, although 60uncj.l did feel that this permission could be granted. 2ks. Beard asked for some time in which to arrive at a decision, and there was no further'action taken by the Council. The,matter of the one- other dedication which has not been received was discussed. Bredesents motion, authorizing and directing the Village Attorney to initiate condemnation proceeds for street right-of-xmy for Halifax Lane 2 exbension, providing negoti&ions fail, vas seconded by Danens and carried. The matter of cashing checks at the Ibnicipal Liquor Store was discussede Bredesenf s motion, directing the Village Lkttorney to secure from the Attorney General an opinion on the question, '?Does the municipal liquor store have the authority to cash checks if the Liquor Store ihnager agrees to be personally responsible for all losses," was- seconded by Danens and carried. Attorriey Xndhorst requested exbension-o f time in drafting the "Building Heighttt Amendment 30 Zonixig Ordinance, until it is possible to consult with Chaiman ~ k-afft of the Planning Commission further on this matter. It was announced that Police Patrolman Xrvin Cwnmings is resigning Fe?s-rv.+q~ I.,: and that 'IKlliam V. Hoffman, former patrolman, has applied for Cummingst position. Discussion was had as to sta-rting salary for Hoffman, inasmucli as he has already had some five years * experience with the Departmen%. Bredesen' s motion, that lianager I-Iitchell be directed to advise Captain &Gary that the .appointment or" ifilliam Hoffman at Classification 2-&% $321.00 per month, is approved, was seconded by Danens and carried. bnager TEtchell presented written report of sone 100 street signs needed. CkUdfs motion, that Village i&nager be directed to purchase Street Signs in an mount of not over $500.00, ordering those which, in his discre"con,are most needed at the present time, was seconded by bedesen and-carried. - 5 49-e '- Claim for sodding yard on Kellogg Avenue, filed by Xr. Zianest Jecobs, was ref erred to Village Attorney Tindhorst with instructions to notify I.%. Jacobs that claim has been denied, bx motion Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried. Blacktopping by Day Labor was discussed at sone length. eqlained that there. is a procedure by which this may legally be done; that it differs from usual procedure in financing - issuance of Certificates of Indebtedness rather than Improveaent Bonds - and in assessment, with mairdn assessmefit t.erm being three rather th& five years. Committee Dams stated he believes that at least 4O$ of cost could be saved by this method; that not more than four men would be nedded for a Blacktopping crew. No action taken. Etttorney Yindhorst Chairman of Public Vorks 'i€r. Richard Palen, 1952 Director of Xdha Civil Defense, presented recommendations for appointment of a Civil. Defense Committee, askingthzt membership on the conmittee be reduced from nine to five. Bredesen moved for appoiiitment 02 the following qembers to the Xdina Civil Defense Committee: - Richard PaZen, Director; Dr. Tinkhan, Public Health; Fred Prouse, Public CSafety; Sm- R. Nitchell, Public Vorlts;..J2rs. Sehlin, Administratfon; Rudy &of gren, Public trelfare. seconded by Danefis and carried. include a provision empowering the Eayor to call out Civil Defense personnel for ftcivil emergencylt . Application by Grandview Pharmacy for tw sign permits was discussed. moved for approval of the- sign to be placed on the post below Vrugtr sign, but for denial of application of si@ at back of store. "Iotion seconded by Danens and carried. Xotion Nr. Palen asked that the-.Civil Defense Ordbance Ratter to be referred to Attorney Tiindhorst. - Child Public Health Nursing Report for December, 1952, was reviewed and ordered placed on file. < IkIanager PJit chell s report of street lights needed now, was reviewed at some length by the Council. following street lights was seconded by Danens and carried: At intersection of: lJ&evnan ;he. & 3lt?ke Road 1~70th St. & Tracy Lve. John St, eC ISaloney he. lkloney he. 6k Tyler &ve* 77.69th St. &.Brook Drive P$aJ.,oney Ave. 8,: VanEfurn he. 65th 8i TTilryan Ave. Lialoney he. 8t Eonroe .he. 64th & 6\TilPjan Are. &S.IalLoney Lve. eZ ildarns he. 63rd & f.Jilryan Ave. Belmore Lane et ,:dams live. 63rd et Tingdale Ave. lionroe ;we. & Third St. 64th & Tingdale live. Belmore Lane Zc Griffit St. 64th & Varren live. Parkmod Road eC Shaeffer 350 65th & Tingdale iive. V.View Ed. & Gleason Ed. 63rd EC* Josephine Ave. Antrim Rd. & V.Vietu Itdo 65th & Josephine I4ve. Child's motion, that Council order the installation of the N.W. Cor. of Intersection Ij3t'ersection of ~z-~i~~~~j~ [and'kH 100 48th St. 6k Festbrook Lane Edinbrook Zqne EC TH 100 49th St. &_?Testbrook &me Brook DTive & Tracy Ave. 02 17047th EC TH 100. 40 1/26/53 Village Attorney XindhorSt presented draft. of an ordinance grating ser:er ad Trater franchise to Eo2 H. Peterson and R.L. Hathhorne. @hereof and adopt as read: Lfter considerable revier.r by COWC-, offered the Ordinance ?or adoption, moving that Council r.r&ve second reading ORDii~JAIKZ BO. I AN Q?LDI~JAXX GI?JU"ll\TG +I FWdfC:-IZSE C0iJsmCTIaJ DIE?: iiV2iKE SUJTH JUID 60TH S-T, PAJDX{G ITORTH LLOXG DRXI AVZlU3 SOUTH A DISTDJCE OF IPI?EO~-L~~LY 231.2 KZT. 1 OF d TLI!I!EZ ULZJ U.;[ID SX,WL ZXI'EiJSIQI CO;3ZJcEiG ilT The Tillage Council of the Village of Xdina do ordain as folloF.rs: Harkhome, hreinafter sonethes referred to as the V.+censees", to construct and place a water naih and sever extension, constructed in accordance with speci- fications approved by the Village Engineer, comencing at Drew Lvenue South and 60th Street and ex*ending ITorth along Drew Avenue South a distance of approxi- mately 231.2 feet. the Village facili-t;ies at Drew Avenue South and 60th Street and shall not be dis6onnected except with the consent of the council. Section 3. The entire cost of said water main and sewer e,utension shall be borne by said Licensees. hSection 4.. Said licasees shall permit the Village to mnnect fire hydrants on to said main at such places as iji deas pmper at the cost of the Village bug without charge by Licensees and; shall permit the Village or prsons authorized by the Village Council, to mnnect future e,utensions ISorctherly along Drew Avenue South to said water main and sever extension at the cost of the Villageeor such auUmr.ized prsons without charge by Licensees except as herein- after pmvided, Section 5. Said Licensees shall permit any person making application therefor and paying the connection fee hereinafter authorized, to connect on -to tine said water min and/or s.eTrer exbensiqn. Licensees shall collect a connection charge Tron &y ad persons conre ctirg on. to the said water main znd/or sever exkpion or to any exbasions of sai? water main and/or sewer extension, whether such ehensions are made by the Village or by private persons. said conmction charge shall be a front foot charge for the propmty to be served in accordance uith the following schedule: the sortion of Drey :venue South in &ich the water nxin and sever extension authorized hereby are located, -the connection charge for %he connection to the mter nain and/or sever e;z."cension shall be a sun computed as f01lor;s: cost 30 Licensees of constructing said water main and/or scmr extension, as the case mq-be, shall be divided by the total front Xootage of p-mperty bordering on that part of Drew 2venue South in vhich Yne water main a"nd sewer ex%ension hereby autholized are located, and tne result shjU be nultiplied by the front footage of the property to be servedby said water main and/or sewer e-% Jk ension, Included in the cost figures sild1 be interest at 5% per itmu, not conpunded, from Decqber 10, 1952, to the date of each respective connection, on the mecovere$ b&znce of such costs, provided, hoirevm, -%&at eight years' siL7(ple interest shall be the m.aximm interest chargeable. Ih deterpining mnrecoveredr costs, the share of such costs attributable to- pm~erty vrithin 'this area owned on or after Deceaber 10, 1952, by Licensees, shall be considered as having been recovered. If *t;le pmpwts to be served by the pmposed co&ections does not front on the-prtion of the street in r.ri.lich the water main ad semr eikension hereby 3,utbrized are locsted, the connection fee shall be coaputed on the basis of .>.25 per front foot for connection to Yne water main and/or $.25 per Zmnt foot Tor connection to the sever extension. shall not prevent impositions of such other charges or assesshents as*the Council my authorize. shall @.ve a receipt to the person paag such charge and the Licensees shall file a duplicate receipt, Irith t\e Clerk of this Village imnediately thereafter. franchise granted hereunder, and in such event the Licensees sMl*trt?nsfer ad assim of their right, title and interest in ard to the water main and Sewer . eAutension constructed kmxnder to -the Village vfcthout further cimge and there- upon the fight bf saS_d*=cens&es to mllect a connection charge herekder shall cease , exercised upon ten &yst written no-tice to said Licens&es, or either of thm, to purchase and acqjre dl 03 .the -&ght, -Etle and inkerekt of the LiCEiSees in and to the %rater main and sewer ekbension constructed pukuant to this ordinance by pzmg to sai;ri Ecasees the total moun-L of their un%ecovered Costs Plus interest thereon at the rate of 3$- pzr mul?l from DecenbeF 10, 1952, pivvided, hoTlever, that eQ$& ;-earst simple interest shall be tb* mcm interest cbrgeable. Section 1. A franchise is hereby granted to Boy 3, Peterson md R. 3;. Section 2. Said water main and sewer edension &dl be connected to - The mount of (a) If the property to be served by the pmpsed connection fronts on The entire (b) Payment of such connection charge Section 6. For every co~ ction charge hereby authorized, Licensees Said Licensees may at any tine surrender the ri&t and Section 7. Section 8, The Tillage shrill at -all tin& havi! an option to be % detemining wgcovered costs, the share *of such costs ~ 1/26/53 attributable to property within this classified area owned on or after ”/ i \ December 10,- 1952, by Licensees, shall be considered as having been r/ecpvered. total amount of the cost of said water main and sewer e,xkension plus interest as hereinbefore provided, all of the‘ir rights under this franchise shall terminate and they- shall assign and transfer a11 of their right, title and interest in and to said water men and s&er exbension to the Village without charge and the right of said Licensees thereafter to collect further connection charges 0.f any nature whatsoever shall cease. and-sewer extension, the Licensees shall file with the Village Clerk a statement of the costs of-said water main and sewer e,utensi.on. Section 9. kt such times, as szid Licensees shall recover the Section 10. Xithin 30 days after capletion of said water main 1 I Section 11, Section 12. The franchise granted hereby may be assigned only Upon acceptance of this franchise by said Licensees, ,.. Section 13. Acceptance of the franchise granted hereunder shall with the consent of the Village Council. t the obligations imposgd upon said Licensees shaLL be binding upon-then, their heirs, executors md assigns. be evidenced by a written sta$yment of acceptance filed by said Licensees with the Clerk of this Village within 30 days a€ter ‘the adoption-of this ordinance . pro4ided herein shall not relieve such person of the necessity of paying such other charges or assessments therefor as the Village Council. my hereafter impose. from md agter its passage and publication. Notion for zdoptbn of Ordinance as rkad vms seconded by Danens, and on Eol3.cd.l Section 14. The payment by my person of the connection charge - Section 15. This ordinance shall be in full force &d effect there were four ayes and no nqs, as Danens, aye; and Sric!ison, aye; and I.Iayor 3 .I- Ikinager EXtchell recommended the ptlrchasing of ‘ITodel 798 Transmission Jack and LT, Heyer 100 Amp. battery charger, at prices of about T.2’75 and :>lo0 respectively. Village I!;?mger,vias seconded by Dm&s and carried. Eredesen’ s motion, authorizing purchase of this equipment - by Xanager i-Etchell‘s recornendation for purchase of a five to eight-ton Tandem R6Uer as necessary for proper building ‘and maintenance of blackbopped streets, 1.k. Kit chell e,xplained that this expenditure of approximately $5,000 had been anticipated in budget appropriations for this year.? Danenst motion, that Council take bids Febmary 23, 1953, on Tandem Eoller, ims seconded by Bredesen and carried. considered. IIanager &Etche’Llt s reporb, containing quotation from State Highmy Department Traffic Engineer Darrel on recent traffic survey conducted for purpose of detemining necessity for speed,control and automatic senpphores on State Highway No. 100 -and ’at intersection of Highway IVo. 100 and Southvierv‘Lanet- “This survey, in my opinion, is I very enlightening in vie$ of the discussions which have been held with regard to this location and,in my opinion, the facts disclosed in the survey do not indicate a warrant for traffic control devides at this pointtt. the Police Capta3.n and other responsible citizens see State Highway Commissioner Hoffman at the earliest opportunity, to attempt to secure some constructive action on %his High~~Ay No. 100 traffic control situation. iknager llitchell was instructed to make an appointment with the State €Ii&way Cornmissioner for such an iriterview. i! report, ^prepared by Supt. of Public Util..ities Xoehler, estiniating Operating and PXntenance Costs of proposed Brookxiew Heights ?later System as compared with Estbted Revenues, was presented, and was red-ewed and discussed at some length by the Council. to furnish copy of tfis report to Et-. Stow, was seconded ljy Bredesen and carried. hasmuch as above report showed impracticability df financing well in the method contemplated, Child moved that Council rescind its I action directing adver”csement for well and street improvements, and postpone action until a later date. Lir. Kitchell recommended that a delegation of Councilmen, -- - Child’s motion, that I.Ianager TE.tche11 be directed I4otion seconded by Bredesen and carried, , -- I_ - 2.k. Hem- H. Strachauer, Chairma or; the Board of Park Comxissioners, presented ' the mes of I-Iessrs. Jmes R. Elitchay, Gilbert G. Giebink, and John .Tot Heinrich, ' and of 1.9rs. Xary Chaney Carson, as nominees for I&. Scogginrs position on the (Park hard, with the notation that ?&s. Carson's name has been entered by the Nomnanddle Cornunity Service Council. the Cornunity Service Council was also received.' ilction delayed for further consideration by Council. The vritten nomination of Iks, Carson by ihnager Kit chell 1 s reconmendation against installation of a Wo Tmough Street" or "Dead Child's motion, denying petition for signs, vas seconded by Dkens and carried. Ikmgsr EEt chell's recornendation for a Cut-off date on kproyment Petitions, to b3 Xay I, 1953 for all vrmk to be done in 1953, was discussed at some length. Childts notion, that the Council contapla€e no impmveaent work for tine year 1953 for whieh petitions have not been received by June 1, 1953, was seconded by Danens and carried; Ihager T'iitchell's report on pmposed Stop Sign at 60th Stree6 and Xerxes !-venue to stop trafr"ic on 60th Street, and calling Councills attention to fact that much more traffic travels 60th Street than Xerxes Lvenue and that 60th Skrezt is now a tbx-street and th2t it may be eqdient to preserve it as such, was discussed. The mtter or" stopping Xerxes traffic was also reviewed et so$e length. Child's motion, tPok instdlation of a Stop Sign at the iforthest Corner of X.60th Street and Xerxes Lvenue, to stop South-bound TrafZic on Xerxes Avenue, T~S seconded by Bredesen and carried. sign at corner of Highray ISo. LOO and Edinbrook he was reviewed, I 9-Imager 1.EbcheLI. requested Council. disposition of the Tree-Trimmhglt problem. It was brought out in discussion that some $3,500 had been appropriated in the 1953 Budget for Tre'e Trimjag and 'chat forthis reason spzcial assessmnts should not be levied. of different tree trimning firms 5& minor operat5ns, to determine those best qualified for large scale opsrations . Eanager I.;itchell was directed infomially to secure the services The natter of the %hnployees Advisory Committee11 which the Fersonnel Ordinance requires was reviewed at some length. Clerk Zva3-d C. Bank and Village Iianager SOB. Eitchell as members of this Comittee, Uotion seconded by Child and "unanimously carried. IWger Ki.t&ell requested Council approval-of salaies to @e paid to Inspectors for the Eichfield-Xdina Sanitary Sewer Project, st&ting that proposed salaries are higher thsn those paid by either-JXchP'ield or Edina for inspection vork. e@ained that these salaries are being offered because of the necessity of securing absolutely 'cop men for the job; that he vrill be at aichfield on Saturday, together with G.1L Orr Coapany represedativss and rXc'nfield engineers, to inter- view ap$icants . TLicUield and Zdina engineers and screening of applicants to determine their qualifications . .- The matter of a suggested menbent to the Personnel Ordinance, clqrifying two Ltens tkerein, vas postponed until Febmarg 9. Bredesen-moved for appointment of Qillage He Council withheld approval pending further consulta6ion be%vreen r, 't Child's xo'cion, acproving payment of Village Payroll, amount 28,176,20 and Liquor Store Payroll, amount *;765.13, bo%h for period January 16 to 31, 1953 and as recorded in detail in Payroll Ledger, and for payment of the following Claims vias seconded by Bredesen and carried: Lier- Stores Ilokesh I-ldve. iJor.tnern States Power 10.06 1.45 co . I 1 667.21 112. 50 4-51 13 1295.73 13 63 31-50 25.00 60 . 00 1/26/53 43 FUND II_ - TO: B~iOUI~T J. A. Danens eC Son $4.5 .OO Lmerican City Nagazine - 4.00'- Geo . T. ?Talker 7.35 - John T. Heinrich ~ 57.55 6.12. Coan, Postmaster - 60.12 State-of Ninn. Dept. of State - 2.15 Shaw ?Talker Co , - 17.5'8 Schaub Office Supply Co. - 102.50 Underwood. Corp. 8.30 H.A. Xogers Co. I49 04 Century Radio B Camera Shops - l-4.87 * J.H. Kilgore Lumber Co. 55.51 Jirstus Lumber - Co . - 26.93 Sel-Kor. Distributing Co . 9.00 Ilorton Salt Co. 104.03 Iitiller Hardware 6.91. Glacier Sand & Gravel Go. 2-47 . 21 Dick Palen, Photographs 2.40 City Treas. , ~ City of Hpls. 700 00 It 290 00 Burroughs Adding Nachine Co. 32.m Bertelson Brothers 10.30 A & B Electric . 72.50 Hodern Sanitary Supply Co. ' 27.50 latine Safety Appliances 14.08 . Lehn Electric Co. 1,977.30 To~m & Country: kdT$e. , Young Fuel CO. 83 . 66 a 6.25 N.If, Bell Tel. Co. American Linen Co. If 11 I1 IF 2.83 119 . 76 I N.S. P. coo l., 029 . 81 t Delaney Bros. 22.00 ZIinn. Fire Equip. Co, 96. 57 1 Internatior&l ksn. tbf Fire Chiefs 21.00 'r. Et' 5. -io Danens & Son' 8g68' 8507' ' '. Delaney' Bros." ' Peter Lametti P? 'ti <* It nt' $535 $536 8537 Ashworth & Son' 853% Barnes-lfat tison 8539 ' Bart Carlone Orfei 6: f-lariani 8540 S41 8542 ~ ' .!! !! 8543 ? !! 854.4 Harry- Krech & Sons $545- . ~ T& City T'esting and Engrg. 8546 Toltz, ' IEng & Day Q547r Terry Excavating Co. I 4p 11 re ~2296 Q29,7 L2298 L2299 ~2300 12301. L2302 wq3 E304 L2305 U306 22307 L2308 L2309 L2311 22313 L23l.4 L2315 ?L2316 U317 L2318 L23.10 ~2312 12.0'5 292.35 Anericaq Linen Supply GO. ' ;Meuser BUSC~; II-LC. 264 . 34 588.70 Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. Clzusen Sons, ~nc. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of 14inn. * 79.28 0.l.i.Droney Coo 687.06 Ebin Brothers Co. 48 5.Ql 31& 37 Famous Brands, Ihc. 393; 72 Gluek Brewing Co. Griggs, Cooper & Coo Eluether Distributing Coo 69.74 2he %.fL Lohmann Coo 26 . 32 1-icksson tk Robbins 4,613.55 Kassolt Bottling Co . 9.30 Ed-Vest Vine GO., Inc. 350.75 Ilpls. Brewing Coo 1,192.U I-ipls. ,City Club Distributing Coo U4-0 52 Northern States Power Coo 47.49 Old Peoria Coo, Znc. 83 58 Pabst Sales Go. 347 92 c I David Agency ' 93.00 Distillers Distributing Coo - 1,730 88 - 11 It It - 'I 23.00 483 17 (Continued on We& Page) I c 'I 1 , P 44 1/26/53 TO: Petty Cash - brity Bevsrage: GO. Rex Dis-Lributing Co. Seven-Up 3ottling Co. Shelly Distributillg Co . Zi. Phillips & Sons Co. Griggs, Cooper 6 Co. Griggs, Cooper 4: Go, .!!~:OUIU! $23.50 First IJatl. 3d; of Iipls, 3, 545.10 11 It 11 It Cor 63 SFZ C ,ELjSXS-XZTS City. Treasurer, IIpls . ~ 1,281.78 ;j 5,428.51 I ha ger Village offered -a 1/26/53 4t: i Zitchell presented to the Council his recormenddcions for salaries for employees, together with a list of Position Classifications. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Child l?3SOLUTIOIiI E3TiBLI3HIlVG PAY RAiG3 T.IuiBm YO2 POSiTIOIJ CLLSSsFIC,tliTIOIVS &jD ~TABLISHBirc SlLLi@IZS FOR VILLAm ZELOEES FOB C.&JZDi& .P * YE&? 1953 ~ -~ IT IBZSOLJBJI that Pay Range Xumbers for TTiUage of Edina Position - Classifications shall hereby established as follows: %e cutive Off ic er,lfanager, Engineer - Unclassified Assistant Sngine er Assistant Engineer (field) Instrument, Kan-Zngr. &id Draftsman Chainman-Insp ect or Chainman Deputy Village Clerk Deputy Village Treasurer U-tiliti es Clerk-Billing Special Assessments Clerk Secretary to Xznager Lccounting Clerk Clerk-Typist Temporary Typists e Utilities Supt. Er. 31dg. Inspctor Plbg. ksp. & Rsst. Bldg. ksp. Vater Dept. & Sewer $.rain% (~r.) tr * 11 11 (Jr.) cajjtain Q f Foli ce Patrohan - Street Commissioner 1-iachine Operator Tdck Driver Utility lie chanic - - Labor & Park Laborer . Parks 1-fanager, Licpor Store Asst .iiianager-I;iquor Store Salesman-Liquo r Stop e DAra Clerks-Liquor Store * Pay Range No. 38 l1 35 !! '! I! 28 * F ?!26 !- ! l_r 26 11 n 't 22 ?- 32 I! !! I! 24 I1 It !! 19 '1 22 !I ? !! 20 11 n I! 17 rn? (1 15 Uncla s s if ied Pay Range TSo. 38 11 tl 31 t' * ?! 27 I! '? 23 t! t' 33 It 1; 'J 29 t? lf - '1 33 !' m 'f 28 I1 !! !! 25 :: !! I' 28 Ej I! 11 29 ? 11 1' 20 !! I! * 'I 19 Unclassified PV Erne NO. 26 11 !f '1 20 Unclassified 11 83 -l! - 11 11 11 11 !I I' 21 ItJight Dispatch Ad Custodian-V.Hal.1 Unclassified I33 IT FUB!i3ER m0Lm that Position Classifications, Pay Range I'Jmbers and Salaries &i* Vslage Zmployees be established as the following for the Calendar Year 1953: PAY RJJTCZE: B.Zrnrn Sidney E. E.tcchell Joseph Zikan Grekchen S. Alden Bernice IT. Johnson Helene iCo zis kura Uright Eiargo Peterson Lialie. Berry Yinifred Bemis Jean Linlc Fred Jonas "nobert Obemeyer Jack Leredith George Thompson Donald Pedersen Bernard IJoeUer Bay IJyberg Samuel J.Roberts Robert Ludgat e .. Lloyd XcGary Hilding Dam I-Ienry TJrobleski Bert i-ierf eld Rob e& Christy Irvin Curmnings George Mler John Eicfiards Robert Lindberry Tiillia Q. Keydt dssistant 3ngineer Deputy Village Clerk Deputy Village Treasurer Utilities Clerk-Billing Special 3ssessments Clerk Clerk-Typist Secretary to FIanager Accounting Clerk Cle rk-T ypist Temporay Typists bs s is t a t Engineer ( fi eld) Instrument 1.ian-Zngineering Aid Drafts- Chainman-Inspector Chainman Utilities Supt . mldg . &spector Plbg . Inspector G: ds st . Eldg . ?rater Dept& Sewer Xaint. @re) Captain o f Police Patroban . 11 Pa 11 lr (Jr.) 1: l_r I1 !! I! 11 ' ? Night Dispatch Custodian-Tillage Hall WiAm SALARY-XO. Unclassified :?750 00 38-D 475.00 32-33 390.00 24-F 297 . 00 19-F 244.00 224 275.00 15-D 193 . 00 204 226.00 174 X)l.OO 15-D 193.00 Unclassified 1 0 15-I-k 3 54 406 . 00 28-F 347 00 26-33 309.00 22-F 275.00 38-D 475.00 31-33 375.00 27-I? 334*00 23-D 264.00 33-4 390.00 , 29-3' 36~00 294 . 361.00 29-'1;' 361.00 294 334.00 294 32l.00 29-4; 321 00 274 297,OO 264 309.00 294 297 . 00 Unclassified (See Later .'&'n.' Unclassified 11 &6 XPrnTrn 1 dmry Jonas . Peterg H.Dahlgren KO J .I.ierfeld John Tracy Arthur Jensen .Jape Tracy Joseph 13akole doPaul Blake Chrles Johnson T Talker Poltiski Jsnes ;+IcXellis Jacob Sckriralr Oscar Ii. i?elson Leslie P. "Iler Frank Kippley Ewry Casey- Lob Bein Ch2istian ;T.'fiattson -- F9;SITIOX CL:G3EIC;lli'iCiJ Skre 3% Connissioner Xachine Operztor Truck Driver Truck Driver Xachine Operator utility kchine Operat or kAE? cil-lnic Truck Driver .Tm ck Driver Wmrer G Park PaTks Lzbor er Woorer X~m.gcr-I;iquor Store ;;Sst .iknager-Liquor St ore liccounting Clerk-Liquor Store Salesinan-Liquor Store 2&ra Clerks-Liquor Stor e _- 21-F 25-F 254' 28-F 2g-D 2e-F 294 25F 254 204 19-l? 2l-F a-F Uncla s 2 ifi ed 26-F 174 20-F Unclassified IJotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Eollcrall there were four ayes and no nays, as follotrs: Bredesen, Child, aye; Uanens, aye; Xajor Fro-Tem Child presided for the bslance of the evening. Some discussion vas had as to the Position Classification and Salary for T;Tillian So Heydt, Ei@xh Dispatcher mid Custodian for Village Hall. that the pos2kion of Night Dispatcher be given the Pay Sage IJuber of 112011, that :Ellia?n S. Hegdt be classified as 1120-PI with a salary of $254.00 for t'ne Czlendar Year 1953; Ynzt the position of Gustodim for VUge €€all remain unc1assirr"ied and that Xlliaa 5, Hey& receive c~~53.00 per month Tor this position, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried. Ericlsonts notion, . There being no r"urther business to come before this IIeeting, ljredegen noved for I.:otion seconded by Dmens and 1-ionday, February 2, 1953, at - rr Village Clerk ..-_ .r P