HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530209_REGULARi4lIWlES OF T€E SPJ3CItiL i4XETIIVG OF THE EDZPTA-V IIiLtiGE: CQUNCIL, HEID I4XXJDH, 3'EB€iUI&Y 2, 1953; i'T 9:30 P.I.T., AT THE' r mIl!t& m1m HALL - R .. - Pursuant to - cdl and notice, the Nee'cing was convened at -the Village Hall Rollcall C Nqor Erickson announced that four members of the Council had been present" at the opening of the Bids for the Richfield-Edina Sani'cary Sewer Project, at the RiChfidd Village Ball this evening, Child moved and Danens secoYlded that said bids be referred to tkie Tillage Engineer for tabulation and report to be subnitted to this Council at.its next regular meeting. Notion carried. at 9:30 PA, with members Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson answering I . - I. *-- Planbers answering Rollcall were Child; Danens, Bank and Erickson. Einutes of-the Regular TJTeeting of January 26; and the Special Xeeting of February 2, f953, were approved as .submitted, by motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried. C - ,.- - - .. - Pursuant to the reading by the Cle$k bf an Affidavit of hb1icat;ion for t1AdvertS.s ement for Bids;Insurance, '8 appearing in Edina-Xorningside -Courier Januasy 15 and 22, 1953, .the following insurance bids were publicly opened COMPZNSATION GRowp. ACCIDEI\JT INS; 'IxIE;LAQi: TOOLHOUSE . and read: IfORKIrn 'S VOLUNTEER FEE2&2? FIXE & Ex1poCOVo INS. (stat .) #3,000 PRIINXPfi $XL+ 000-80%- C0-h~ . . - . . . . .@64;g%Yr. . $316.58-3 Yrs. . David Agency Marsh & NcLennan 42,195.60 164.50 158.29-1 Yr. 'or Curt Johnson ' 2; 155';70 - First Edina St.Bank 2,195.60 164.50-Yr . 158;29-1 Yr. -or 395.73-3 Yrs.or '63326-5 Yrs. - - 314.47-3 Yrs.or Nut 'LGeneral Bg* cy I -.. - I 395.73-3 'yrs. . .*. I. - I. I I 496e31-5 Yrs. , I. -.. I* Hdwe .Mutuals (Est ) 1, 845 9.4 COMFaE ~ BURGL4RY & ROBBERY' FIRE & ElrroCOq, 1 HENSIVE LIQUOR STORE-$5,OOO LIQUOR STORESTOCK-- yEHIClXs CBSH: $10,000 'MDSE. ~PO~ING'FORM-$lOO,000 - David Agency - $- 905x7. @655;9&3Yrs; $213.60TYr. Marsh & FXcLennan l,lI.2.35 First Edina St.Bank 1,112.35 322; 50-1 Yrior 216.75-Yr. Mut %General LBgt cy - .* - 213.76-Yr. (2 Companies) Child*$ motion, that;' bids be referred to' Tillage EngLneer for analysis and report at next; regular meeting, was seconded by Danens and carried. .262;36-1 Yr;or 267.OO-Yr.Plus Audit .. 655; 90-7Yrs. . -- . .I . .- 806025-3Yr~* 1- - - Hdwe.Nutua1s (est.) 616.60 .- I 2/9/53 Clerk Bank read Affidavit of Publication for "Advertisement for Bids-Garbage CollectTon and Disposalz1 pubbkshed in Edina-Romingside Courier January 15, 22, and 29, 1953. Said affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, and pursuant thereto, the following bids were publicly opened and read: FOR COLLECTION FOIZ COIXEZTION OF -OF GARBAGE. (Per I.%, Per Dtrlg.) - i GABEUX AND FOOD (Per xo. Per Dwlg.) AND 3EV.CONTAINERS. +ONLY Rhfield Sanitat'ion Co. . ' * $s;05 $1020 * Troodlake'Sanitary Service, Bc, 1;oo 1.60 Artknxr IC, Petersen ;80 R James 1tcNellis & Albert A. Svoboda . 70 1.10 Danenst mo%ion, that contract be renewed +3h Pirt;hur'K, Petersen at gs bid of 5.80 per month per dwelling for collection of garbage only, tms seconded by Child and carried. Nanager litchell presented tabulation of Gasoline bids takb- January 26, repding that Brookside Service Station is low bidder with bid of $.045 per gallon discount from retail prices, He recommended that bid bi! awarded to Brooksilfe Semce StatXon-at their bid price, and Child so moved. Notion seconded by Bank and carried. - Hanager I.Et&ell asked that bids for Sand, Gravd and Rock, taken January 26, be set over t6 February 23, for his furth'er study &d checking of samples. Danens so moved, No-bion seconded by Bank and carried. Nayor Erickson announced Public Hearing on Petition to Vacate-Portion of Benton Avenue.. Clerk Bank read AfZidavit of Publication and Posting, for-"Notice Of Hearing," published in Edina-Xorningside Courier JaziUary 22 and 29,_1953, and posted on official bulletin boards Jahuary'l.4, 1953, which affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on f ne, Ilfanager f-Etche31.' explained that there trill still be a full 60-foot right-of-way after this vacation, There were no objections from the audience, and no Objections had been received prior to the Hearing. Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptiont --- RJBOLUTION VACATING STREmt (Por€ion of Benton Avenue1 I-, petition of a majority of the wmers of red. properby abutting that portion of Benton Avenue described as follows: lfCommenc?.ng at a point on the North-line of Benton Avenue as shown on the plat of Edina Heights, said point being five feet East .of the SE corner of Lot 8, Block 2 in said plat; thence sl%ry along a curve tangent to said North line of Benton Avenue and having a radius of 240.8' a distance of ll7.&' to a point, of reverse &me; thence SKY along a reverse curye having a radius of 155.6t a distance of 75.22' to a point on the ekkension southerly of the Weqt -e of bt.7, Block 2 in said plat; thence North along said extended line 45.25'. to the sf;T corner of said Lot 7; thence E, along the.11. line of Genton Avenue ,as showq on said plat of Edina Heights 3 o tQe poinb' of .begimg, ft ' ha has been zjuly filed with the VfLLage Council; and qaid.Counci1 has met at the time _and place specified*in a notice duly published and posted and has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the interest of the public that said .portion .of said street be vacated, now therefore BE; IT €E$I.. by :the Village Council of the Village- of Edina that that portion of BentonAvenue hereinbefore described be and is hereby vacated. ' Eotion for adoption of the Resolution was duly seconded,by Ranens, and on RoUc&l there vere four ayes and no nays, as followx- Chi aye; Bank, aye; . -~ 1- 3&, Sedgefiick presented petition to*Vacate a portion of IT. 5'7th Street between York and Xerxes Avenues. Nondqr, Xarch 9, -1953, mat 7~30 P,TL, was seconded by Danens and cbied. &so Coddington was present to suppox% her petition for the-Grading'and Gravelling of Griffig Street, signed by owners of 50% of the ahtting property. Childts *' motion, that Public Hearing be sch6duled for Nonday, Narch 9, 1953, at 7:30 P.;I., was seconded by Danens and carried, Ik, Eldon I.forris of the Liqyor Commission was present to arrange a meeting of the Co&ssion and the council as of Honday, February 23, 1953, at 7:30 p*K* Child's mo%ion; scheduling PubI3.c Hearing on petition for 1 -- - _. .. . _. .- . __ -_ - .- __ .- 2/9/53 - Richfieldts protest against increase in gas rates to suburban commnnities, by IEnneapolis Gas Company, was read and was discussed at some length, together with copy of Richfield's fb!esolutican in protestal. Resolution and moved its adoption Child offered the follol~ng ~OLWION REWTTNG TO m-LB GAS CWANY €?.LEES I-, the Wnneapolis Gas:Company has announced an increase in consumer TEEREAS, with sid increase, consumers in the Village of Zdina are required I-, the letter from said company seeking to explain said increase gas rates, effective January 1, 1953, svhich is applicable to the Vfilage of ' , Edina, and . to pay from-25$ to 50% more for gas than residents of the City of 14inneapoli.s immediately adjacent to the Village of Edina, and states that the increase is to "defray its increased expenseslf rvhile the comparative earnings statement submittea by said company shows that the proceeds of said increase wiL1 go solely to the increase of profits before taxes, and - v&ll be used to pay state and federal income taxes, while the said earnings stateinent shows thak the %ax rate on the profits from said increase will be connection is higher in this village than in said City; that the percentage of residences connected is higher than 'in said City; and that the cost of new installations is higher in said City than in this Village; HOW, THEREFORE, BE ZCRESOLTTED: 1. That'this Council enter a,yigorous protest to said Company against said %crease. 2, That the Village Nanager be hereby authorized and directed to request a meeting between this Council and representatives of said company to discuss said increase. 3. That a copy of this resolution be sent to the mayor of each suburban municipality adjoining the City of Semeapolis, to the said heapolis Gas Company, and to the legislators representing the districts in which the Village of Edina is located. Motion for adoption of the Resolation was seconded by Danens, and on Rollca12, there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution -.I I-%, sa2d letter states that 57.67% of the proceeds fmn such increase .. only 44. 57%, . and lEBEU3ASy this Council. bdieves that the rate of consumption per residential I 1 _. Applications for Food, Czggrette, ~ and Off-sale Beer Xcenses for Grandview Pharmacy, to expire April-1, 1953, were presented, having been approved by Captain NcGaqy., Child moved for Council approvaZ of licenses. Kotion seconded by Danens and carried. Mr, 'F., R, Zein's petition for Watermain- Service in W. 57,t;h- Street and h Xerxes Avenue to serve hts 1 and 2, Block I, Brookline Addition, was read. motion- accepting petition and scheduling Public Hezring on improvement for .. Monday, Narch 9, 1953, was seconded by Bank- and carulied. Ireinman Plumbing md Heating Companyt s appIication for Plumber.3 s Xicense to e emire April 1, 1953, was approved, by motion Danens, seconded .by- Child and carried. Police Report -for January was reviewed and ordered placed on file. hager Blir'tchell presented detailed.' plans, specifications, and recommendations for Remodeling Village aquor Store. Plans were reviewed and discussed. at some length, it being decided to delay advertisement for bids pending possible decision to shorten sales area. Manager 1dEtchell reported that Chicago Bridge and Iron Company has now delivered four cars of steel for the new water tank, &nd that erection of the tank will. begin Honday, February 16. * Child's -- 1 .- . I ,- No action taken. - Nanager Mitchell reported that Phelps-Drake Company, contractors for Storm Sewer ' No. 19, have now submitted substantiating figures for their claim'of $509.71 for pipe laid, He recoMended-tha€ claim be paid. After 'considerable discussion Child moved that &aim be paid. Hotion seconded by Bank and carriedr ,+ Ilr *- 8. - ,* I 2/9/53 As part of the discussion on the Phelps-Drake claim, it was bmught.otit that a written order should be issued by the 7Tillage Engineer ordering any work or materids not sDecified in original contract. all contracts for public utilities or public works be made to contain a clause to the effect that %my extra work after starting of contract must be approved by the Village Engineer in writting before extra work is begun," vas seconded by Panens and carried. Hessrs. Withrow and Johnson appeared to inquire about the mning of 5201 W.70th Street, at which locality they are now operating table mateand sheet metal businesses, enterprise-and that there is very little chance that it vfiJ.1 be so zoned. discussion, Child moved that Etessrs, Withrow and Johnson be given six months? grace in moving, with the understanding that if they experience exkreme difficulty in finding new quarters they ma;g come before the Cohcil again at the end of ninety days, Eotion seconded by Danens and carried. Child's mdtion, that from now on They were informed that this property is not zoned for commercial After . .. -L- -I Attorney Hosmer Bmm and Xr. E.C. Stow, together with Village Attorney t'iindhorst, refiewed for the Council the presently proposed plan for vraker service in Stow*s BrookviewHei&ts Addition (evolved after it was ascertained that former plan . to finance well from water revenues was impractical.): The new plan set forth was as f 0llor.r~: 1. The Village v6.U construct water mains and assess cost of same against benefited property, - 2. .All. of the wate&ns' constructed in this project T.rill be in the Brookview Heights section, and there i.riu be no assessment against property other than Brookview Heights property, 3. The Village tdll then grant a franchise to I&. Stow for operation of a water utility; this being a perpetud. franchise, with option for Village to purchase well, and containing adequate safeguard to Village as to rates and an agreement that it rdll be I&, Stowrs responsibility to maintain water service, read meters, bill and collect for such service, 4. Ihen the Village advertises for bids for Tlatermain contrack, bidns shall contain a 30-day award clause, in order that bonds may be issued before contract is awarded. 5. As of the night actual award is made for the contract, I&. Stow is to have an executed contract with a responsible well driller, in order that . Village and bond buyers will have assurancp that this utility is to bz a complete unit. ' Nr. 1E.ndhorst explained chat in case of a future purchase by the Village of the Stow well, it might be necessarv to hold a general election to validate this purchase. Village EngLnezr lJitcheXk reminded Council that it is absolutely necessary to have the well. in operation before the mains can be tested. Further discussion was had as to preliminary arrangements, and Child offered the follow- ing resolution and moved its adoption: moLuTIoN SrnD?G PUBLIC I-BmTpSG .WrnW?, mPXom*m. I-, the Edina VLllage.Counci3. desires on its otm motioq to improve the - follow2ng streets by construction of Village Watermains and Appurtenances therein, * all as authorized by Laws 1949, Chapter 119, as amended by Laws 1949, Chapter 30; 1. Ridgevievr Drive, from W.66th St. to South Bound- of Brookview Heights I 2, Warren Avenue, fmrn'T.T.66th St0 to Danens Drive. 3. Naomi Drive, fmm V*66th St., to Danens Drive. 4. Nomandale Road, from North Boundary Eke of Brook6er.r Heighbs Fhst Addition; to Duggan Plaza. 5. 11.66th Street, fmm E. Boundary Line of Brookvim Heights First Addition, 60 Danens DrZve, fmm*Duggan Plaza to Ridgeview Drive. 7. &?adow Ridge North, from Duggan Plaza to xdgeview Drive, 8. LMr Avenue, fmm Danens Drive North to Headow Ridge Horth. 9. -Duggan Plaza, from State Hi&way No. 100 to Ridgeview Drive. 10. Circle Dr. PION, Tl3EmOm, BE; IT ~0~~ by the V,lage CouncXL of the Tillage of Edina that it is deemed necessary and-expedient to hprove the aforementioned streets by construction of Village Irate-s and Appur'tenances there,b, and that on the 9th day of l.Iasch, 1953, at 7:30 P.X., th3.s Council IJEL neet at the Village Hal1 in saidVillage and will at said time and place hearthe parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and sdll decide whether or not to undertake such improvement in &ole or in pa?% I . First Addition. .. I **. I . to RidgevietrDriw. * BE ST. IXBTHljR RESOLVED ,that the area proposed to be assessed for said bpmve- men% includes all lots,-blocks and tracts of land I.rithin the following boundz@es: commencing at the point of intersection of State Hi&~.ra;y Np0 100 ad t& N, Boundary me of Bmokview Heights First Badition; tho South'on State Highmy No. 100 to IT.70th St.; tho i3B.y along IT.70th So to the 110 Section Line of Sec. 9, Tc.lp. 116 N., R.21T.f.; th, Nly along said section ' line to IW Cor. of said section; tho Nly along I?. Section Line of Sec. 4, TIQ, 3.3~5 B., R. ZlII., to S, Boundary Line of Brookview Heights First 6 U \i &idition; th. W. along said South Boundary Lins', to SI Cor, of Lot 18, l Block 8, Brookview Height's- First Addit ion; tho "ly along If, line of hts '1 through lS,.Block 8, to"M Cor, of Lot 1, BL 8, Brookview Heights First Addition; th. E, to a pt. 30 ft, N, of the NE Cor, of Lot 1, BL 1, I$roohiew Heights First- Addition; th, S,. along the E, lot*lines of Lots " i to 6 inclusive; Bl, 1, Brookview Heights First Addition, to the "if Cor, of Lot 11, B1, 1, said Addition; tho E, along Lots 11-and 12, BL 1, said Addition, to"E Cor, of.hS'l2; B1, 1; tli, So 100 ft., to a point 80 Ft, I$, of NE Cor, 'of Lot 13,-Bl, 1,~ErooMevt Heigtits P&t Addition; th, Si to the NE Cor, of Lot 17, B1, 2, s&id-.Addition; th, E, 42Q Ft., to a pt. 4.0 Ft, E:of NE Cor. of'kt ?I, Bl, 1, said hddition; th, S. to NU Cor. of Lat 23, B1. 1; th, E, to pint of beginning,1ti I. I. . - + Notion for adoption of tlie-Resolution was seconded.by Danens, &d on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and P@dLP~ Nayor , -. --- ~ Child then moved, directing Village EriEfineer to prepare plans and specifications for the above named waterrna5xi improvement; arid authorizing Clerk to advertisri: for bids for same to be taken Xonday, &rch 93 1953; at 7:30 P,M, Notion seconded by Danens and carried. fii Harry Gustafson-appeared on behalf of a petition presented to the Council in late 1952, for the rezoning to Community Store District of the following- properties: -% 24, Block s, Grimdview Heights Addition; Lots 3.,2,3,4,7,12, 13,l&,15,16 and 17, Block 7, in Tingdale &os. Bpookside, including that portion of the South 1/2 of Yancy Street vacated, located between eXCt;ensions northward of the %st and Vest l5.nes.of Lots 1 and 17 of said Block 7, but r excepting therefrom any portion of said-lots taken by State of PEmesota for Highzqr purposes; hts 1 and 2, Block 8, Tingda3.e Bms. Brookskie. It was brought out in discussion that this property had bhen a-paPt of the large reatoning project in the general area oT Highway No, 100, T.T.SOth Street, and Highway No. 169, which rezoning had been defeated last fall, referral of Nr, Gustafson's petition-back to the Planning Commission for recommendation, Hotion seconded by Child and carried. -- =- Bank moved for .. Rro Mayeron of G,M, Orr Company, and I&, "itchell, VWge Engineer,presented to the Council a tabulation of the estimated cost of the joint interceptor sewers to be constructed under cooperative agreements with the Village of Richfield and the City-of Einneapolis,, under the terms of each of the bids received on Febxuary 2, 1953, pursuant to the notice of advertisement for bids heretofore pubxiched by'the Villhges of 'Richfield and Edina, The names and addresses of-all bidders and the estimated base price of the work under the terms of their respective bids were as follovm: Orfei & Nariani;-St,Paul ' . Phelps-Drake Co; , . Inc., EEnneapolis F ,Morettini & L, J.NcWLty, Inc, , St .Paul . 998,3300 90 - St .Paul 888;431.37 846,U-7.00 929 309 *OO 1,156,982 70 - P.Lametti, Const,Co.-Lameeti & Sons, Henry Nodland Coo * Sandstrom & Hafner, Ddutk Al. Johnson Const, Go,, lEnneapo3-is * Western Underground Const , Co , l4pls -- . .- :. - -.I S, J, Groves eC Sons Go," The Engineers then presented to the Council the following computation of the portion of the cost of said sewers estimated to be payable by the Village of Edina under the tern or" the agreement with the Village of Richfield, and pursuant to the proceedings heretofore taken authorizing Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 53: '4 2/9/53 harest Bld on Pmject No. 174 (Orfei & lflariani Co.) Less Items to be "Pa5d for by Richfield Alone Add 10% for Engine&ng, Contingencies and Other Expenses -Add Es6inde of Cost of Ifork to 6e Performed by City of *of Hinne&$olis Week Total Cost $7751997049 Total Cdntract Cost * $1,3?9,?96.2: Joint Contract Cost 603,7.40*7 rdPrest Bid oi Project No. 175 (Phelps Drake Co,) -r zg@%!f -c *e t* i 135;176.72 Total. Contract Cost and Incidental Costs G3-,4.86,943096 " r 390,000,OO *f. *r ..c - Ninneapolis *Pl& 10% for Engineering,, Contingencies rlnd 'Other Costs " '* . 39,000.00 =c &,915,943;96 c- c I 6- Village of Edinats Share (.4.4$) of Estimated Total Cost The Engineers reported that the foregoing computation is based upon the unit prices specified 5n the lotrest bids receiv6d for the urork, applied to the quantities of work and materials estimated in the plans and specifications and biddkg documents heretofore appmved by the Council; and %he cost of that portion of the work which is to be performed by the City of IIinneapolis is based updn a tenkatjve estimate which is the subject of negotiation at this tbe, and is ab0 subject to variation according to the exact quantities of work and materials finally detemiaed to be required. The EngLneers recommended that the bids of OrfeL &>Sarimi and Phelps- Drake Coo be tentative:y accepted, contingent upon the acceptance of the same also by. the Village of Richfield and upon thb sale of' bonds by the Village of Richfield and the Village of Edina in amaunts sufficient to pay their" respective portions of the total. cost, and upon terms satisfactory to the respective Village Councils. The Engineer reported that it is understood that'the-VUlage of Richfield contem- plates the issuance of bonds in the amount of $L,100,000, trhieh is deemed to be sufficient %o pay said ViUage's portion of the estiinated cosk; and the Engineers recommended khat the Village of E&na adverbise for sale bonds. in the amount OS I $s50,000, , After considera$ion by the Councfl of the bids received and of said tabulation, Trustee Child introduced the following Re'solution and moved its adoption: 332 EEX@3D by the Council of the Village of Edina that notice has been heretofore duly published of advertiseqen% for bids for the construction of joint inteyceptor sewers to be constructed under cooperative agreements vith the Village of Richfield and the City of Xinnequofis, which improvement has kretofore been duly ordered and designated as lfSanitary Sewer Improvanenk 110~ 53," and the CdunciL having rece2ved and exanined all bids = received pursuant to said notice and being fully advised in the praises does hereby find and determine that the lowest responsible bidder for the work and materials designated az llproject No, 174f* in the plans and specifications for said impmp'ement is Qrfei and lhriaxi Go. of St. Paul, Ermesota, and that the' lotrest responsible bidder for the mrk and materials desj.gnated as !'Project no, 17511 in the plans and specificatAons for said improvement is Phelps-Drake CO., of Enneapolis, IJinnesota, and the contracts for the construction of .said Projects Nos. 174 and 175 are hereby provisionally awarded to said respective low bidders, uppn the conditions that the ViUage of Richfield shall approve such. award and shall make and enter into a contract for sale- of bonds of said Village in an anotmt not less than $1,100;000 for the plxrpose of-financhg its share of the cost of said improvrment, anid that the VfUage of Edina shdU sell its bonds in the amount of $850,000 foe the purpose of -financing its share or the cost of said improveaer$, . upn terms d'eemed by this Council to be satis- factory and for the best interests of the Village, The mtion -for .the .adoption oP the foregoing resolution vas duly seconded by ' The Village Clerk then presented a pmposed form of notice of sale of $850,000 Joint Sewer Improvement Bonds of the Village to be issued for the purpose of financing the ViJlagG of -ana's share of the cost of said improvement, setting forth the proposed mkur5ties and redemption provisions of safd bonds and other terms of sale, which not;ice was approved, and upon motion &ly made, seconded and cwried the Clerk was directed to cause said notice to be publish& in the officm netspaper of the Tfillage and.5.n the Commercial Irest at ~bewo~s, mesota, and the date for such sale was set for a special meetbg to be held Xonday, %rch 2, 1953, at 8:OO O* clock Po% 63 2/9/53 l!ianager ICitcheU. reported on the Highway No, 100 Traffic Control Meeting held with Mr, ILJa Hoffmann, State Highway CommSssioner, this last week, discussion ensued, Child offered the following Resolution and moved its Considerable e+ adoption: -. RFSOLUTION FOR TWIG CONTROL- I ON STBTE TRUNK HIGHKXY NO.. 100 WITHIN TI3E 'V-E OF EDfTi\A BE IT RESOLVED by the VLUageXouncil.of the Village of Edina, %Z.nnesota, that in the interests of public-safetv and adequate traffic and pedestria control for this. growing commUr;ity,' this Council make a request to the Commissioner of Highways, &a M. J, Hoffman,' for the following: -. 1. d reduction in the speed on-Trunk Highway No, 100 between TS,!Bth Street and Valley View Road, in the Village of Edina, from a ' + maximum of 50 milks per hour to a maximum of 40 miles per .hour. XnstaLlation of s%andard traffic signals a% the intersection of Valley View Road knd Trunk Highmy Nom lm; this Village -agree- ing to pay one-h&f of the cost of said 'installation, and agree- ing to maintain $aid signals after installation, 3,' installation of flasher type school. si@als'at the intersection of Southview Lane and Trunk Highway No. 100; this QXlage agree- I hg 76th the 'Ediia-Morningside School Board, to comply with the fol3owing requirbents for said signa, as set forth by the Stake Highway Department: 1, dJ-1 tlriring.for such device must be maerground. 2, A patrol, officer or school patrol: officer must be on duty at all tines -when the signal is 'in operation, I * 3. A time cycle *as established shall be adhered to, and no . additiond. cycles shall be establishe'd. 4, Tn case of school signa, operation and maintenance thereof must be the responsibility of the Edina-lbrningside School Board. If, for any-reason, any of the above conditions are not lived up to, the State Highway Department reserves the right to ranbve the signa or have it removed upon thirty daysr notice, .- 2, ' U * 5. HE IT. &JRTHEE €@SOLVED, that this CounciI request %hat-such changes in traffic and.pedestriari conkrol be-made by the State Highway Department at the earliest possible date. ktion,for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall * .. K -a ' there'were'?four ayes and no nays, as ays; and Erickson, age; and the Resolution . 4 &yor _, - Manag& Hitchell reported that Lehn E1ecCri.c 'Cofnpany, 'contractor for Stopand- Go Signals at 50th and Haifax rvill install a Ugreen arrow" to permit right- hand tprns off 50i;h Street; for $I.45,26; that-they VCZI. install manual. control button on signals for $12,50. CUldts motion, that manual control button be ordered installed was secFn3ed by Bank and carried, &, EtcheU reported therequest of Draftsman- Jack Eereath for three weeks' - non-paid leave of absence, Bankmoved for grant of request, I4otion seconded - Qrdinance Nom l2-1,1* an ordinance amending the Personnel Ordinance by darify- - ing %enporary emplogmen~~, and granting sick Ieave to all "provisional,. probationary, and permanent employees" was oxfered for Sks First Beading, with-- second reading scheduled +for Monday, Februam 23, by motion Bank, seconded by - - Child ,and ~carried. r Nanager IEtchelX pres6nted detailed report of the salaries of Police Officers Richards and Undberry, who have requested reclassification of salaries. H6 recornended that both officers be re-classified to Pay Range Horn 29-&-$309.00 per month. Child moved for reclassification of salaries of Officers Richards and Lindberry to Fay.Range NO, 29-B, as recommeslded byllmager Eatchell, effective February 1, 1953. c - - -- by Danens and carried, ~ 'i - I Hotion seconded by Damns arid carried. 2/9/53 Hzuager Hitchell reported a request by the Police Departanent for permission to change its regulation uniform -bo the Itregulation blues" worn by the 1-Sinneapolis and other local Police Depatments. He stated that most of the hen now need new uniforms and that the blue-grqy are much more expens5.m and do not wear as long as the Ilblueslf. Danens' motion; that rewest for change in offidd. uniforms be granted to Police Depzrtment,' with Nanager fq€itchel.l to work with Department to effect a change-over deadline, was seconded by Bank and carried, Cud's motion, for approval of Pillage Payroll, amount $8,596.50 and Licpor Store Payroll, mount $1,327.76 for period February 1 to 15, 1953 and Overtime for Januarv, &Ll as recorded in detail in PayroU Ledger, and for payment of the following Claims, was seconded by Danens and carried: i 8562 8563 8564 8565 $567 8568 8566 8568 8580 Dr, B. Paul Carson, Jr, F,H,Geiger SdLes Go. Edina-Norningside Courier Richard Obemeyer Edina-I-iomingside CourZer Grandview Direct Service Stn. John 8, Ddkth - George Thompson 1: tr - 11 - 55.00 299.71 Pfeiffer Constmction Co. 208.73 8573 3flil.t;on Jobes 8582 Sandstrom & Hafner 8583 8585 tr 1: ?' 1,046*9z $1,792.63 . $589 II - It n '. 182.25 CONST. FUND \ 5795 Suburban Rem, Cy. Relief Bd, 8568 Edina-Borningside Courier 8568 Edina-ETornlTlgside Courier 8568 EdinaAforningside Couri er 8575 fl. L. Horr, Jr, . 8576 Xrs, Paul E. Prescott 8577 . Arthur K. Petersen NFJ ZJatl. Bank of Npls. 11 II II n II 8569 8570 193 1st It.IpncFJE @J-,177*03 *, 8572 N[.T Natl. Bank of 3Spls. I L2332 Famous Brands, Indo * 91.56 L2333 Z.fcKesson gC Robbins 1, U-6 *75 182.20 2.00 L2334 Hid-Vest Xime Company E2335 I-Wr-Davis Co . L2337 1-E.m. Form Printing Service 94.08 E2338 HH 3ell Telephone Co. I l4.10 - 59;32 L2339 F.J. Quim Paper Co. L2340 Shell Oil Company L2341 L2343 E2342 The qtt& of an-appointment to the Village Board of Park Comnissioners vas discussed at some length, with the Council's feeling being that all nominees are exceptionally competent persons forthe Board andthat for this reason the decision to appoint any one of the fop is a difficult one. Ritchar, 433. Brolmdale Avenue, to a three-year tern on theSBoard, eqirhg December 31, 1955. Hotion seconded by Child and carried. utilities Supt, Ben Xoeehler~s request for permission to purchase portable pmp for water department., at price of about $350.00, tms approved by motion Child, seconded by Darns urd carried. L2336 Ih. Fire Xxbinguisher Co6, bc. 4.50 * - . 20.77 4,709 81 L33Urn " rnD - Ed. FhiUps & Sons Company Griggs-Cooper Co . -333.58 * 99,969.& - 11 It ti 2311.03 Bank moves for appoinbnent of I&, James R. 2/9/53 65 Nanager 1B.t chell asked for Council approval of salaries tentatively established for the field men on the RichfLeld-Edina Sanitary Sewer crew, explaining %ha% the following salaries are Net per BIonth; that no overtime rill be allowed although men will be expected to work as long as the contractors work each week: Bank moved for approvd.. of salaries as scheduled. Hotion seconded by Danens and ~arried.~ - l lfanager Xitchell reqyested authorityc to, send Ass&. BLdg. Inspector Ray Nyberg to the Midwest Building Conference in Iowa, with ekpenbes paid. He stzted thart expenses would be about @W. Bank?s motion, approving Ek. Nybergts tripto Hidwest Building Conference, was seconded by Child and carried. #. Detailed report was received from the office, OZL moneys available for, investment. Child% motion, that funds be invested as recommended, subject to approva3 by Auditors and excepting those several funds where it'may be possible to call prepayable bonds, was seconded by Bank and carried. Child moved for adjourhent, Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Meeting adjourned at U:55 P.31. . bstrurnent Ifan, $450; Inspector, $400; Chainmen, $350; Office 1-Ian, $350. . P .- - .t. t /- 64f2+d I r *e 1. I ? , l4IWTBS OF THB FLZGlllXR XEZT7NG OF TH3 EDINA V ILUa COUMCIL, HELD TCOUD&Y, ITEBRULRY-23, 1953, A'P ?:30 Po&, AT THE EDINA VlXmX HA&&. t .- - Befor? the Regular Xeeting was convened an informal meeting of the Council and the Liquor Commission was had, with the Liquor Commission recommending an increase of $100 per month in the 'salary of Liquor Store Ifanager EppLey. 4% 730 P.M., the Regula Neeting of the Council was convened, with members Bredesen, Child, Bank and Ericksm answering Bollcall, Bank moved' for approval of the Minutes of the Regular Neeting of Nonday, February 9, 1953, as submitted. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Nayor Erickson announced that Council would take bids on a Tandem Roller, pur&ant to &vertisement for Bids appearfig in Edina44orningside Courier and Construction Bulletin Februzry 5 and 32, 1953. forhaid advertisements was read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered * ' placed on file, Snd in accordance therewith, the following sealed bids were publicly opened and read: - BASS BID AUmm IIlL Ho ZLEGIXR CONf'ANY, ImTWOLIS iW5ZO $6,568.00 RUFFRIDGE- JOHNSON 3XlU 19. GO., "IUWPOLIS Affidavit of Publication 5; 5€lO .OO GOPI-EZ BQUI€"T SUPPLY GO., MINXEAPOLIS 5, 262.00 5,112.00 The Clerk announced that these had been the only bids received. tha% bids be referred to Vil3age Engineer for tabulation and report at ne& meeting. Notion secijnded by Ekedesen and carried. At this time, representa%ives of two other companies presented copies of bids made and mailed Febmary 20. Some discussion was had as to including these bids, and CMl$ mova that the following bids be induded with other bids and tabulated by Village Engineer providing . said bids, when they arrive, show a postmark not later than February 20. Motion seconded by Bredesen' and carried. Child mou'ed (EI.;ORGE T. RYAN COH?'ANY, "EAPOLIS $5;24OeOO A4 COIG'ANX, 3NC. OF MI". ' 54 55LOO The mattdr of award of Sand, Gravel and Rock Bids taken February 9, came next before the Council for wnsideration. Trustee Darnenst return, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Nanager Ifitchell then presented Tabulation of Insurance Bids taken February 9, recommending that lJoRE(MEN'S CORPENSATION COVERAE be awarded to low bidder, Hardware Nutuals, at #l,$&94; that COl-mmSm ON lEHImS be awarded to low bidder, Hardlare Mutuals, at $616.60; that VOLUNTEER FIRiBEN GROUP ACCIDENT COTERAGE be awarded to First Edina Bank (their bid being equal to that of David Agency and Marsh & NcLennan, at $164.50); that FIE3 AND EXTENDED COVENGE-LXQUOR STORE STOCK be awarded to low bidder, David Agency, at $213.&0; that FIRE: ANf) l?XJ!Ei$DBI COVERAGE ON vnr$c;E TCQ1;HOUSE be awarded to second-low bidder, David-Agency, at $316.58 (their bid being only $.U hi&er than that of lov~ bidder, Mutual' General. Agency which offers coxrerage in two cmpdes; and that BURGURY-ROBB3ERY FOR LIQUCR STmX be awarded to low bidder, I.la3.sh 8t McLemm, at $655.90 (their bid being only 8.02 lower than that of David Agency+ I Child's motion, that bids be held until I c