HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530223_REGULAR2/9/53 65 Nanager 1B.t chell asked for Council approval of salaries tentatively established for the field men on the RichfLeld-Edina Sanitary Sewer crew, explaining %ha% the following salaries are Net per BIonth; that no overtime rill be allowed although men will be expected to work as long as the contractors work each week: Bank moved for approvd.. of salaries as scheduled. Hotion seconded by Danens and ~arried.~ - l lfanager Xitchell reqyested authorityc to, send Ass&. BLdg. Inspector Ray Nyberg to the Midwest Building Conference in Iowa, with ekpenbes paid. He stzted thart expenses would be about @W. Bank?s motion, approving Ek. Nybergts tripto Hidwest Building Conference, was seconded by Child and carried. #. Detailed report was received from the office, OZL moneys available for, investment. Child% motion, that funds be invested as recommended, subject to approva3 by Auditors and excepting those several funds where it'may be possible to call prepayable bonds, was seconded by Bank and carried. Child moved for adjourhent, Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Meeting adjourned at U:55 P.31. . bstrurnent Ifan, $450; Inspector, $400; Chainmen, $350; Office 1-Ian, $350. . P .- - .t. t /- 64f2+d I r *e 1. I ? , l4IWTBS OF THB FLZGlllXR XEZT7NG OF TH3 EDINA V ILUa COUMCIL, HELD TCOUD&Y, ITEBRULRY-23, 1953, A'P ?:30 Po&, AT THE EDINA VlXmX HA&&. t .- - Befor? the Regular Xeeting was convened an informal meeting of the Council and the Liquor Commission was had, with the Liquor Commission recommending an increase of $100 per month in the 'salary of Liquor Store Ifanager EppLey. 4% 730 P.M., the Regula Neeting of the Council was convened, with members Bredesen, Child, Bank and Ericksm answering Bollcall, Bank moved' for approval of the Minutes of the Regular Neeting of Nonday, February 9, 1953, as submitted. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Nayor Erickson announced that Council would take bids on a Tandem Roller, pur&ant to &vertisement for Bids appearfig in Edina44orningside Courier and Construction Bulletin Februzry 5 and 32, 1953. forhaid advertisements was read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered * ' placed on file, Snd in accordance therewith, the following sealed bids were publicly opened and read: - BASS BID AUmm IIlL Ho ZLEGIXR CONf'ANY, ImTWOLIS iW5ZO $6,568.00 RUFFRIDGE- JOHNSON 3XlU 19. GO., "IUWPOLIS Affidavit of Publication 5; 5€lO .OO GOPI-EZ BQUI€"T SUPPLY GO., MINXEAPOLIS 5, 262.00 5,112.00 The Clerk announced that these had been the only bids received. tha% bids be referred to Vil3age Engineer for tabulation and report at ne& meeting. Notion secijnded by Ekedesen and carried. At this time, representa%ives of two other companies presented copies of bids made and mailed Febmary 20. Some discussion was had as to including these bids, and CMl$ mova that the following bids be induded with other bids and tabulated by Village Engineer providing . said bids, when they arrive, show a postmark not later than February 20. Motion seconded by Bredesen' and carried. Child mou'ed (EI.;ORGE T. RYAN COH?'ANY, "EAPOLIS $5;24OeOO A4 COIG'ANX, 3NC. OF MI". ' 54 55LOO The mattdr of award of Sand, Gravel and Rock Bids taken February 9, came next before the Council for wnsideration. Trustee Darnenst return, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Nanager Ifitchell then presented Tabulation of Insurance Bids taken February 9, recommending that lJoRE(MEN'S CORPENSATION COVERAE be awarded to low bidder, Hardware Nutuals, at #l,$&94; that COl-mmSm ON lEHImS be awarded to low bidder, Hardlare Mutuals, at $616.60; that VOLUNTEER FIRiBEN GROUP ACCIDENT COTERAGE be awarded to First Edina Bank (their bid being equal to that of David Agency and Marsh & NcLennan, at $164.50); that FIE3 AND EXTENDED COVENGE-LXQUOR STORE STOCK be awarded to low bidder, David Agency, at $213.&0; that FIRE: ANf) l?XJ!Ei$DBI COVERAGE ON vnr$c;E TCQ1;HOUSE be awarded to second-low bidder, David-Agency, at $316.58 (their bid being only $.U hi&er than that of lov~ bidder, Mutual' General. Agency which offers coxrerage in two cmpdes; and that BURGURY-ROBB3ERY FOR LIQUCR STmX be awarded to low bidder, I.la3.sh 8t McLemm, at $655.90 (their bid being only 8.02 lower than that of David Agency+ I Child's motion, that bids be held until I c 6 2/23/53 There was considerable discussion by the Council with regard to the avrard of-these bids, inasmuch as bias were very close in several cases, and inasmuch (2s it has been C0unci.1~~ po7,icy heretofore to confine coverages to as few companies as possible for the purpose of securing the best possible service from those fer.r, and at the same tiqe, to assure continuance of competitive bidding. Bredesen moved as follows: 1. That Hanager Blitchellts recommendations for award of TDRR@WS COXPBNSATION - INSURANCE AIVD COI.~~JSI~ ON FIXET to Hardware 3iutuals of Stephens Point, ISisconsin, low biaer, at prdums of. $1,845.9l+ and 8616.60, be accepted. 2. That Ihager I.rttchell*s recommendation for award of i;fffzE AND EXJ!E2JDI%E) COVEB&E&L?QUOR STOIEE STOCK, to David Agency at premim of 8a3.60, be accepted. 3. That Council'a~rard bid on VOLUNTEEZ FIREEN GROUP ACCIDEHT INSURIWCE, David Agency, at premiums of $$l.&o50 (3 bids identical), 0655.92 (second-low by 8.02) and $316.58 (second-low by $.U), unless First Edina State Bank and. I;iarsh & I XcLennan already have policies with the Village-in which case Volunteer Firemen Gmup Accident Insurance be awarded to First Edina State Bank, and €hz#ary-Robbery for Liqor Store be awarded to Ikrsh-l-kLennan, Hotion wqq semnded by Bank and carried. The Clerk reported that pursuant to the request of the Richfield Village Council - and jn accordance with permission infbrnally granted by members of the Edina Council, the sale of the $S!B,OOO Joint Sewer Improvement Bonds of the Village had been deferred to Karch 2, 1953 at a special meeting to be held at 8:00 oaclock P.'fI. on said date, and that notice of sale of such bonds had been published accordingly. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried such action was approved, ratified and confhed and a special, meeting of the-Council was called and d*ected to be held on Wch 2, 1953, at 8:OU o'clock P.f.I.', for the purpose of receiving, opening and considering sealed bids for .and awarding %he sa& of said Joint Sewer Improvement Bonds. In line, with these thoughts, BURaY-mBmY FOR EQUO3, STOm, AND FlRFt AND EXT.ENDED COVXR.AGE-TOOLKOUSE, all to . .* The Clerk then presarted affidmits of publication of notice of sale of $80,000 Watenmrks Revenue Bonds of 1953 of the Village; bids for which were to be opened this datd, in acardancervith the resolution adopted Janucsy 26, 1953, and said affidavits were examined, approved and directed to be placed on file. tkn reported that 4- sealed bids had been received pursuant to said published * notice of sale, which bids were thereupon opened and publicly read zq4 considered, and the highest,best bid of .each bidder was found to be as follovqz t or Interest Rate The Clerk Name and Address of Bidder IIamger of Bidding Account or R&es I Premium $88.00 Bredesen moved for referr& of bids to Village Enginem for tabulat3on in detail and report at next meeting, &tion seconded by Child and carried. - -------------_--- Later in the evening, the tabulation of bids having been made, Bredessnts motion rescinding his previous motion for Crelay of report to next meeting, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried. 'I 1 Trustee Child then introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AWXRTIING Sp;LF, 03 T.IA!EE?J?O€W .lXGVWUE BONDS OF 1952 BE IT RESOLXED by the Council of the Village of ma,' Ekesota, that pursmt to advertisement for bids heretofore duly $ubXshed for the purchase of - $80,000 T.latenmrks Revenue Bonds of 1953 of the Village to be dated Harch I, 1953,- thiseCouncil &is mnsidered,all bids received and does hereby find and determine 3IAHHElZ4iB-~, II?C. ofoSt. Paul, Uinnesota, to puFchase said bonds at a price of par knd accrued interest plus a premium of $88.00, those bonds maturing ii.1 the years specified below to bear interesk at the respective rates per'annum set bpposite such mturity years: $ that the highest and best of such bids is that of J3AROT;D E, IWD & CO~L f€PrnY AND Maturity Principal 2/23/53 Interest Naturity Principa,Z bterest 67 c Amount Rate 1 Dates Amount Rate ' Dates (Eszim 35;OOO 2.75% J 1954 $5,000 2*75$ 1961 1955 - 5;OOO 2,755 1962 5po . 2.75% 1956 55000 2e75% 1963 5;OOO 2.75% 1957 5yQOO 2075% 1964 5,000 2.75% 1958 5,000 2.75% 1965 5,000 2, 75% 1959 5,000 2.75% 1966 10,000 2075% 1960 5,000 2075i& 1967 , 10,000 2.75% f3E IT l?URTHER Rl3SOLQED that the Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract v&th said bidder on the part of the Village for the sale of said bonds upon the terms specified in said bid; that the good faith cheek furnished by said bidder shall be retained pending delivery of the bonds and payment of the purchase price, and that the checks of other bidders sha be forthwith returned to thme The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Ekedesen, aye; Child, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson and the resolution was duly passed and adopted, t Trustee Child then introduced tlie following Resolution and moved its adoption=: RESOLUTION PR0VS)XNG FOR THE ISSUANCE OF IJATZEWORKS B3VENlE e BONDS OF 1953 r BE I" RIBXJBD BY TKE COUNCIL OF THE VII;fAGE OF' XDIMA, 2mSOTA: 1. -- X% is hereby found and determined that the Village has heretofore acqired pursuant to law ad now owns and operates a municipal waterworks plant and system 3s a public utility under tlie jurisdiction and control of this CouncL) and it is necessary that said utility be improved at this time by the instdl-' ation of a new wate? tank and tower at a cost estimated to be approximately #80,000, in excess of revenues of said utility now on hand and available 'for the financing of said improvement; that it is necessary and expedient that said swh be borrowed by the issuance of the revenue bonds hereinafter described, payable from the net revenues So be derived from the future operation of said ' utility and any additions and betkrinents thereto; that there' are now outstand- ing ahd payable from said net revenues $130,000 lfatercuorks Revenue Bonds of 1947, dated July I, 1947, authorized by the resolution adopted July LO, 1947, entitled Resolution Providing for the Issuance of Waterworks Revenue Bonds for the Purpose of Providing Noney for the Purchase and Impmvement of the Waterworks Plant and System," which resolution is by reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof; that the net revenues of said utility for the twelve months immediately preceding the date of issuance of the additional bonds herein authorized are estimated to be substantially more than one and one-quarter times the average of the annual principal ahd interest require- ments, for the remainder of the term of- said bonds dated July 1, 194'7, upon all'of said bonds plus those authorized, wherefor the Village is authorized to make the bonds herein authorized payable from said net revenues on a parity with said bonds dated July I., 1947, under the provisions of paragraph 8 of said resolution; that the bonds herein authorized have been duly advertised and sold at public sale upon the terns and conditions herein set forth, and that a11 acts, conditions and things rewired by the Constitution and laws of the State of Ennesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed precedent to the issuance and delivery of said bonds have been done, do exjst, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as 30 reqired, 2. Revenue Bonds of 195311 and shd.1 be each in the denomination of $1,000 and in the aggregate principal. amount of $80,000, nunibered serially from 1 to 80, inclusive, and dated as of Nmch 1, 1953. in the amount of $5,000 on-Narch 1 in each of the years 1954 thmugh 1965 and $10,000 on Ifarch 1 in each of the years 1966 and 1967, Bonds nuxibered 1 though 50 shall be payable at their respective t ted maturity d t without option of prior redemption and prepasment/~~~~~~~~b~~e~h~~ shall throgh be each Vfllage on Fmch 1, 1963 and any interest payment date thereafrt;er, at / a price of par plus interest accrued to the date of redemption, and in/subject /demptlon to and re- inverse order of their serial numbers, prior to the date specified for redemption of any of said bonds the ViUage Treasurer shall mail notice of the call thereof to the holder, if berm, and to the bank at which principd and interest are then payable, and said Treasurer shall maintain a record of the names and addresses of holders of prepayable bonds of said issue, so far as such The bonds so to be issued shall be designated as the Waterrmrks Said bonds shall mature serially Not less than thirty days /prepayment , . 2/23/53 information is made available to him, for the purpse of mailing said notices. The bonds of said issue bearing the serial numbers listed below shall bear interest at the respective rates per annum set opposite such serid. numbers: Serial Nuinbers Inte$est Rates 1-80, Inc. 2.75% 58 P The interest on each and all of said bondd shall be pay&ble September 1, 1953 and sdannudlly tkreafter on Wrch 1 and' Septerriber 1 of each year. Both principal ana interest shall be payable at' NQRTEJESTERN' NATIONAL BANK in Einneapolis, Rinnesota, and the Village heireby agrees tb pay the reasonable and customary cbrges of said paying agent for the receipt and disbursement thereof, and to account for the same as an expense of the operation of said 3. Said bonds and the interest coupons appurtenant thereto shall be in substantially the following form: i utility. * NO a VIIJk4GE OF EDINA KNCX-1 ALL ~~~~ BY THESE PRESEXTS that the Village of Em, a duly organized municipal corporation of Hennepin County, 11-ii.nnesota, hereby achowledges itself to be specially indebted and promises to pay to bearer, but solely out of the Sinking and Interest Account 09 the Vater- works Fund, the sum of ONE THOUSAND D0T;LQRS on the 1st day of Harch, 19- or, if this bond is prepayable as stated below, on a date prior thereto on which it shall have been duly called for redemption, and to pay in- terest on said principal sum out of said fund and account from the date" hereof until said principal sum be paid, or, until this bond, if prepay- atsle, shall have been duly called for redemption, at the rate of per annum, payable Septenber 1, 1953 and semiannually thereafter on the 1st day of l.larch and the 1st day of Septanber of each year, interest to maturity being payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the Merest coupons appurtenant hereto. Both principal TI.To AND THREE Qu- per cent ( 2.75 $1 ? - __ - - and interest are payable at in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the NORT€EJESD.WJ IQATIO;-;IAL BANK in E*mAPoLIs, I*mamOlilA J respe&Sve Cates of pawent is legal tender for public and: private debts. $80,000, all of like date and tenor except as to serial number, maturity date,- and redemption privilege, issued for the purpose of providing moneys for the -improvement of the rvatemmrks plant and system owned and operated by said Village _as a public utility, by the installation of a new water tank and tower, and is issued pursuant to and in flxzl conformity with the Constitubion and laws of thj State bf IEnhesota and the ordinances of said Village thereunto enablLhg, and pursuant to resolutions heretofore duly- adopted by the Village Council, including a resolution dated February 23, 1953, entitled ltResolution Providing Tor the Issuance of fiatenmrks Bevenue Bonds of 1953."' , This bond is one of an issue in the total principal mount of Bonds of this issue bearing serial numbers 1 through 50 are payable at their respective stated maturity dates wikhout option of prior payment. Bonds of said issue bearing serial numbers 51'through 80 are each hbject to redaption and prepavment, in inverse order of serial numbers, on &rch 1, 1963 and on any . interest paymat date thereafter, at a price of par and accrued interest. The Village will mail notice of call of any bonds thirty days przr to the date specified for redemption thereof to the bank at which principal and in-berest are then payable'and to the holder, if known. Holders of prepayable bonds desiring $0 receive such notice may register their names and addresses and the serid. numbers of their bonds with the Village Treasurer. conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Ennesota to be dpne, to exist, to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, in order to nake it a valid and binding specid obligation of the Village according to its terms, have been done, do exist, have happened and have been perfornied in due time, form and manner as so required; that the Village has pledged and appropriated to the Sinking' and Interest 'Accoqnt and Reserve Account heretofore created T.rithin its Water- works Fund, out of the net revenues to be derived from the operation of said utility, including all future additions thereto and bettemnts thereof, C lflt Is HEREBY Q&TIJ?m>, MCITED, COVENUW AND AGREED th& all acts, . - periodic papnents to be made at 2/23/53 times and in amounts required to pay3 when 69 due, the principal of and interest on this bond, and aU. other obligations * payable from said accounts,’ and tb maintain a reserve securing said naments; that it will at all times maintain r&es and charges for all servicis,- ‘ facilities, products and by-products of said utilkty sufficient to produce gross revenues adequate to pay all current, reasonable and necessary costs of operation and maintenance of said utility, and to produce excess or net revenue in amounts and at tines sufficient toemeet the requirements of said Sinking and Interest and Reserve kccounts; that in and by said authorizing resolution the VSlage has made and entered into further covenants forthe security of the holders from time to time of the bonds of this issue, each c and all of vJhich*Will be fully and pmmptly performed by the Village-and its offic_ers and agents; and khat the issuance of this bond did not cause the or s t atut ory limit at ion. 1 indebtedness, general or special, of the Village to exceed any constitutional liRT WEmSS IlIiEBBOF the Village of ’Edina, Hennepin County, Ybesotk, by its Village Council, has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the signature of its Nayor, attested by the Village Clerk, and the corporate seal of the Villageeto be affixed hereto, and has au0 this bond to be dated as of WdZ 1, 1953. @.W,. ,M &or t I Attest (coupon om) NO - or]. the 1st day of March (September),-19-, the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, E4innesotai will pay to bearer, out of the special. account and Tund defined in the bond to w‘nich this coupon appertains, the sum of DOLLARS lawful money of the Ugted States of America at _. in Y for interest then due on its Waterworks Revenue Bond, No. . (Facsimile signature) (Facsimile signature) Nayor Village Clerk . (coupons clause: earlier 4. Said numbered 21 and upwards shall also contain the redemption” . ) bonds shall be forthpdth prepared for execution under the WiLess the bond described below is called for -- direction of the Village CIe& and shall be executed-on behalf of the Village by tk signatme of the Xqyor, attested-by the Clerk, and the corporate seal of the ViUage shall be affixed thereto, and the appurtenant interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printGd, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers. When so executed and authenticated, + the bonds shall be delivered by the Village Treasurer to the purchaser thereof, upon payment of the purchase price heretofore agreed upon, and the purchaser shall. not be obligated to see to the‘application thereof. 50 The Village hereby covenants and agrees with and for the security of the holders from time to time of each and a31 of the bonds herein authorized that until the full papat of such bonds and the - hterest thereon it m ill conthue to maintain its Waterworks Fund and the separate accounts-therein, in accordance with the provisions of said resolution of July 10, 1947 and with the further provisions set forth below, viz.: 5.1 The proceeds of said bonds, except ‘premium and accrued”interest, shall be paid Sn”c0 the Capital Expenditure ikccount of said fund and applied. solely to the payment of such items as, by sound accounting practices, con- stitute capital expenditures- for tihe improvement of said utility as des- * cribed in paragraph1 hereof, pmdded that any amount in excess of re- quirments for said purpose afber completion of said impmvenent shall be transferred to the Sinking and Interest J.Jccount, and saLd premium and acerued interest shall also be credited to the Sinking and Irrterest-&ccount. ducts, and by-products of said utility, and of any future additions thereto or betterments thereof, shall be credited to the Unappropriated Eardgs: Account of such fund, and from said account shall be paid all but only such items as by accepted accounting practices constitute noma, reason- able and current costs of operation and maintenance of said&ility, and the gross revenues fmm time to time received in said acmunt in excess of sum reqared to make current and prompt payment of such costs den due and to maintain a reasonaae reserve therefor are herein t emed ‘!net revenues*f8 c F 5.2 All income and receipts in respect of service, facilities, pro- 2/23/53 5.3 The= shall be credited quarterly to the Sinking and Interest Account 1 of said fund, on or before the first day of Narch, June, September and Decmbep in each year, out of said net revenues, a sum not less tharfone-quarter of the momt required to pay prindpd and interest due on the bonds issued hereunder and any other obligations payable from said account during the then ne& ensuing tvrelve months. IJoneys in said account shall be used only to pay such principal and interest as the same shall become due.< 5.4 BJ1 of the remaining net revenues shall be credited to the Reserve Account of sdd fund until the bdLance therein shall be at least equal to the sum of the principd. and interest payments due on all bonds payable fra tha Sinking and Interest Account during the tgan ensuing twelve months. I.loneys in the Reserve Account shall be used only for the payment of maturing principal and interest on said bonds when monegs in the Sinking and Interest Acmunt are in- sufficient, and if ever so used said reserve shdlcbe restored to the above stated amount out of the next net revenues thereafter received. requirements shall be paid into the Surplus Account of said fund, and moneys in said account may be used to pay for extensions, improvements; replacements and additions to the utility, or mv be used to prepay bonds'pa;pable from the Sinking and Interest Account as and whan the sane become redeemable according to their tews, or my be pledged to the payment of junior 3ia bonds issued as hereinafter pmvided, and a separate account or accounts may be established to segregate surplus net revenues so appmpriated and pledged; but no moneys accruing to said Surplus Account shal be used for any other purpose or transferred to any other find of the Village until all bonds payable from the Sinking and Interest Account shall have been fully pid. . 5.6. The lratemmrks Fund and the separate sub-funds or accounts therein shdu be maintained on the books of the Village separate and apart from dll other funds. The moneys pertaining to said fund shall be deposited in one or more banking accounts with a duly qualified depository bank or banks, but such - accounts need not be separate from o%her bank acamnts of the Village; provided that any honeys in said find not -immetEately required for operation and main- tenance and debt service mqy be invested under direction* of the Village Council in ganeral obligations of the United States of kdnerica or the Village of Edina, or in the bonds or" the Village pagable from the Sinking and Interest Account. Reserve Account and Surplus Account are at any time insufficient for the papent in full of interest &ccrue"d ana principal payable on all outstanding bonds payable from the Sinking and Interest Account, such moneys shall be applied first to the payment of said accrued interest, and any remainder shall be applied in payment of said outstanding bods, the earliest maturing bonds to be paid first, prodded that the moneys available for payment of bonds due on the same date shall be prorated equally among all bods payable on said date, The Village reserves the right of issuing refunding revenue bonds for the purpose of refunding any such matured bonds for the payment of which moneys on hand are insufficient, which refunding bonds may be made pyable from the S-g and Interest Account on a parity as to interest with other bnds payable from said account, but shall mature subsequent to the laBest maturity of the bonds which are outstanding and payable from said account at the time of such refunding. shall be deemed to require th6 holder of any revenue .bond to accept a refunding revenue bond in exchange therefor. 5.8 The Yillage reserves %he right and privilege of issuing additional revenue%onds, payable as to both principal and interest from the Sinkina and Interest Bcmunt on a parity wtth but not superior to the lien and charge in favor of the bonds issued herewxier, but only on the conditions that such - additional bon& are needed to pay for necessary improvements to or extensions of said utility, and that the net revenues of said utility as herein defined, for the period of twelve months next preceding the issuance of such additional bonds, shall have been in an amount at least one and one-quaX'ter times the average of the annual amounts of principal and interest pagable upon dl1 then outstanding bonds payable from the Sinking and Interest kccount plus the addi- tional. bonds so to be issued, computed for the remainder of tihe term of said I 5.5 A31 net revenues from the to time received in excess of the foregoing I 5.7 In the event that the moneys in the Sinking and Interest Account, However, nothing herein outstanding bonds. 5.9' The Village will not at any time issue or incur any ouigations payable from the ne% revenues of said utility except as provided in parts 5.7 and 5.8 hreof, Webs the lien of such obligations upon said net revenues is eqressly made junior-and subordinate to the lien on such revenues in favor of all bonds payable fromthe Sinking and Interest Account. 5.10 The Village uriU continue to oprate said waterworks plant and system as a revenue producing u"L;illty and v&U. cause the same to be maintained in a good ad_efficgent operating condition and free from all liens upn the physical properties thereof, and irill not sell or otherwise dispose of any part thereof unless the same be replaced by some other part of equd utility, and-vr5.U not authorize or enfranchise any other utility to furnish water supply and service to any premises capable of service bytha municipal utility. I 2/23/53 61 5.U The Village will at all times fix, maintain and coUect rates and -charges for all services, facilities, products and by-products of the &mty furnished to the,Village and its inhabitants andeal1 other customers such that the net revehues received therefromvfllbe at least sufficient to meet all requirements of the Sinking and Interest Account; and the Reserve Account* as above set forth; and no free service will be given, and the VUlage will include in its budget and pay currently and promptly the reasonablwcost and value of all service furnished to the Village. ~ 5.12 It -will cause proper books and records of account to be kept, in * which true and correct entries trill be made of aLz water charges intposed and all collections and receipts therefrom, and showing the' application thereof and aU ewenditures from the Waterworks Fund. Such books shall be audited annuably by the public examSner or other competent public accountant, Said books of. account shall be open to inspection and copying by any bondholder or his agent. or attorney, and the Village Clerk shall upon request furnish certified copies of any portion thereof $6 such bondholder, agent or attorney, upon wment of a reasonable fee therefor. 5.13 It till pmcure and keep in force insurance on the vjatemrks plant and machinery and equipment therein against loss or damage by fire, tornado, vrindstonn and all other causes customarily insured against for like properties, and tKLl procure and keep in force suitable-fidelity bonds covering employees in charge of said utility, such policies and bonds to be given by insu$ers h good standing and in such amounts as the Village Council shall determine to be adeqate to protect the Village and the holders of all revenue bonds from loss due to any such- casualty, and in the event of any such loss the proceeds of such insurance or fidelity bonds shall be used to make good such loss or to replace or restore the utility, ling additions and extensions of water dns by appivpriate special improuen ment proceedings, resulting in the levy of special assessments 'against .property benefited by such additions or extensions, and in such case the proceeds of such special assessments may be used to pay for such improvanent or to pay bonds or other obligations +issued to finance such improvement; provided that, if such improvements are financed from surplus net revenues of the util;ity, special assessments levied therefor -shall be credited and paid into the Surplus Account, or if such improvements are financed by the issuance of revenue bonds payable from the Sinking and Interest Account, special assessments levied therefor shall be paid into the Sinking and Interest bccdunt; but collections of .special assessments shall not be included in the net revenues of the utility within the meaning of part 5.8 hereof. . 5.,15 +Each and a,ll of the foregping providions of this resolution&bh in any wise tend to secure or assure prompt and full papnent of the principal of and interest on bonds issued in accordance herewith will be promptly and fully perfonned and carried out by the Village and its officers and agentsr 5.16 The holders of twenty per cent or mope in aggregate principal amount of revenue bonds of the issue herein authorized r.rhich are at any time .outstanding may, either at law or in eq~ty, by suit, action, mandamus or other proceedings, pmtect and enforce the.rights of all holders of such bonds or enforce and compel the performance of any and all of the covenants and duties herein specified to be performed by the Village'or its officers or agents, including the fixing and maintaining of rates and charges and the collection and pmper segretation sf revenues and the application: and use there&. The officers of the Village are-hereby authorized and directed to prepare and.furnish to the purchaser of the bonds herein authorized and to the attorneys approvtng the legality thereof, certified copies of all resolutions, o$&nances and other acts and proceedings of the Village relating to'the issuance of said bonds and the provision of funds for the pa;yment thereof, and all such other certificates and affidavits as to facts shown by.the records of the Village or facts otherwise knovm to them as may reasonably be-rewired to evidence-the vailidity or marketability of the bonds herein authorized; and all such certified f . 5.U Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent the Village from instal- 6, ,, copies, cedificates and affidavits shall be of the Tillage of Edina as to the correctness Itayor . fC 'I contained. -. The motion for the adoption of said Resolutfon WilS duly seconded bY Bredesen, and on Rollc&J. there were four ayes and no Child, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye-; 2nd duly pass'ed and adopted. ATTEST: XayoY llage Clerk 2/23/53 Continuation of December 8, 1952 Public Hearing on proposed Ckading and Gravell- ing of Oxford Avenue betveen W.5lst and TL52nd Streets vras'had. Ihager Hitchell: reported that nothing further has been heard of the neighbors' proposktion that Nr. A,G. Bogen move a house, to accomplish a reduction' of the steep grade, Childts motion that*Hearing b continued to Begular l-leeting of April. 13, 1953, for fiwther Mornation, was seconded by 'Bank and carried, t f.Lr0 Smisek appeared before the Council 0nce:agai.q to request the rezoning to Comuunitk Store District of the corner of State Highway No. 5 and Cahil3. Road. The Flanning Commissionts recommendztion.againinst such rezoning was read, and vas discussed r.rith petitioner, rho zras asked to bring in a detailed plan for the building hg wpects to construct. I&. Smisek demurred at this suggestion, explakiq that he intends to construct a concrete block building to be used as a garage, and can see no purpose in submitting a detailed plan. Bredesen moved for acceptance of Planning Co&ssion*s recommendation against rezoning of the Smisek property to Community Store. Attprney HosI;ler Brown appeared dth his client, James HcNellis, to inquire the reason for the Councilts February 9th action in awarding Garbage Collection Contract to Arthur Et. Petersen at $.So per dwelling per month, whereas E&. I-IcNellist bid was 8.10 per dvdling per month lower, ,After ascertaining that the majority of the Council is opposed to compulsory rubbish collection, I&. f.TcNellis withdrew his objections, explaining that his bid was made primarily on the premise that he vould be allotred to collect garbage-food and beverage containers at a bid rate of $1.10 per month; that he is not interested in * collection of garbage only at his bid figure af 0.70 per dwelling per month. Xr.43. Go Stow presented plan for proposed pumphouse in Brookview Heights First Addition. Childts motion, that plan be accepted subject to fU1 approval of 3uilding Inspector TTeehler, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Uotion seconded by Child and carried. -c Er. Stow made inquiry as to the present status of I&. Arleigh Smith, his utilities engipeer, in the Laying out of the presently proposed water s.ystem--vrhich differs sonewhat from that laid out last year by Ibk. Smith on authority of the Counc5.3.. Tillage Engineer Ifitchell explained that the Village engineering force was much too busy last year, .to make the required plans for E4??. Stow; that he (I&. Etchell) had recommended the =plopart of Nr, Smith for the-purpose cited; that 14~. Smith has requested $l,OOO for services already performed, which, 5.n I&?. I-Etchell's opinion, -is high; $hat the Village force is now available for present plans .and specifications. ISr. Stow suggested that Hr. Nitchell consult with E?. Seth 4n an attempt to secure an agreement on price for services performed. motion, that Village Xngineer take over engineering vork for Brookvietr Heights watepnain at this time, inasmuch as this will. be a special assessment project, vas seconded by Bank and carried. Hessrs. Peterson, EWker, and Uerring, residents of School pistrict fJ0. 16, made a plea for the Council to negotiate with the Southdale Center people for %heir vrithdrawd. from the Richfield Schiiol District in which they are now located, and their transfer to the presently-to-be-consolidated School District 16 & 17. They stated, as one point in favor of such transfer, the fact that Richfield has no high school and is not likely to have one in the near future. with interest, and informed petitioners that it is believed no leg& action can be taken to force such a transfer. ChiZdts Councsf. listened "'J . Ifr. Russell Iiund requested some.action on his pmposal of January 12, for parking along the Vest side of Halifax Avenue, etc. planning Commission's recommendation: of February U, stating that in the opinion of Commission, 3ir. Zundts plan would complicate rather than ease the bad 50th Street parking problem, vas read; recomeadation also offering suggestions as to change of plan. Counc3.l discussed these recommendations with I&. Iiund at some length, during which discussion it was suggested that First Edina Bank-move West of Halifax and leave its 714% Street property open for pzrking purposes. Hr. Oredson of the Bank seemed to be agreeable to this proposal. IIr. Lund was asked to bring in a new plan, locating the bank T-Jest of Halifax Avenue and showing Townes Road cut through. I&. S.S. Thorpe, Jr., representingthe Vestry of St. Stephens i3piscopdl Church, requested that the Council allo.r.rthe Church to use approximately 150*~200t of the ViUage-owned property at the Southwest corner of ITooddale and TL50th Street for parking purposes; the Church to pay for suitable grading, surfacing, and.the landscaping necessaw to maintain the general attractiveness of the corner, After discussion and a review of Park Board's recommendation for said parking lot, Child moved that request of St.Stephens Church for use of the Southvrest corner of 50th and Tloodddle be. referred to Vilzage Attorney Windhorst, and that he be directed to work with 1-k. Thorpa, representing the Church and to repolrt to Council as soon as possible. 1.Sotion seconded by Bredesp and carried. c I 2/23/53 63 Petition was filed for the Blacktopping of W05$th Street'from Tingdale Avenue . to Code Avenue. I&, 3!tchellfs recommendation vias that action be delayed - until geveral d&ellinffs. are constructed along this .street. Chad1 s motion, that petition be accepted but that further action-be delayed until, meeting of June .8, 1953, was seconded by Bank and carried. Public Health Nursing Report for January, 1953, was reviewed and ordered placed on filei. &idland' National Bank's February 17 notice of their exchange of*$3,000 of 1-7/% U.3, Certificates of Indebtedness which matured February 15, 1953, - for a lQe amount of 2-1/4$ Certificates of Indebtedness maturing-February l.4, 1954, was sead;: Child's motion approving said exchange was seconded by Bank and carried, -: ~ Clerk read claim of Zva B, Stedje in amount of $15,000 for injdries to person and damages to propertr suffered in an accident at Sunnyside Road and Browndale Avenue, Attorney and Insurance Company was seconded by Child and carried. Communications from City of Hopkins and Village of Golden Valley, stating that neither comity expects to fight the Einneqmlis Gas Companyt's rate ;increase, were read and ordered placed on file. - (c .. . ,I{ -1 I" *. I. Bredesents motion for regerral. ofdab to Village Sunnyslope Association's remest for a meeting with Council and Citizeds Committee for discussion on site for new village- hall was read; said meeting being tentatively set for Wednesday, Februarv 25, at 8:30 P&L $5r. 1f.F. McMkhon:, 6201 Parnell Avenue, building contractor:, asked tpermissidn to relocate bufiding sites on lots facing W,62nd Street beheen Earnell and Concord Avenues, explaining that if dwelXngs are allowed to face south they ~vU-1 face the rear years of the dwellings across the street. &fro Md&&on das asked to brhg iki a sketch.showing present dwellings and their relatkon t'o his' proposed re-locatidn prdject, ' ~1 ,I reading ofthe following Ordinance, and Bredesen moved its p ORDIISFANCE NO, 12-1 . AN ORDIKANCE; &%i%DING OIDINBCE NO. 3.2 QF THE VILIAGE, PROVIDING WE TEXPORARY B*PlXX2GES, AND CWGIXG-PROVBIONS A3 TO r mm t c Clerk made secona adopt ion: The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Ehesota, does ordgin I, Section 1 of Ordinance No, 12 of the Village is hereby amended as follows: * by inserting the following after the definition of **Casual employment'?: or function of the Village, where thexduty is of indefinite duration,, .and is stated by the appointing duthority ox Village Pf&nag& to ibe temporany, and is compensated for on a monthly or wee2rly basis, mf p l*Temporary shall mean eniployment in ariy department i 2, There shall be added to said ordinance a new section as follows: Section 6.5 Temporary Appointments. Whenever the appointing authority considers it td be essen-bial to I I A, lJhen &de the efficient conduct ofthe business of the Village, it may provide for the temporary employment of one or more persons, Attemporary employee need not .- be chosen from the employment list for the position to which he is appointed, even though such positionris included in.the position-classificatSon plan described in section 7 of this ordinance, but section 3B hereof shall apply Bo Conditions of Temporary Employment. each taporary employee, and none of the sections of this ordinance-shall spply to such employees except this section andlsections 3B, 11, 12, 17, 18 and 22, tkmporaw employees at my time, for any reason it may consider sufficienk. Section 18A of said ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows : and permanent ynployees at the rate of one working day for each calendar month of full time service or major fraction thereof. %&ion for adoptho-n cr,f the Ord$ymce was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as fol2ows: to tXie selection of such temporary employee, t The appointing authority shd.1 fix the terms of emplpyment; of The appointing authority shall. have the right to discharge * 3. Sick leave with pay shall be granted to all provisional, probationary, * 1 Bredesen, aye; ChiZd, 'aye; eclsred adopted, C ' ' Ma$or 2/23/53 Hanager f.litcheUts report, that the 60th Street-Ghowen Avenue Storm Sewer project is being held up pending codtrnent on the part of Katherine Cornelius as to sale of a part of her propyty for drainage basin, vas noted. Childts motion, that' 3fr. &tcheU. be authorized to notify liirs, Cornelius that condemnation proceedings. are in order if some agreemenf; cannot be reached in the near future, was seconded by 3ank and carried. Xanager Hitchellts report of notice by'the League of Xinnesota Xuicipalities of several "w%i-liquor store'! bills before the Legislature was noted and ordered ITanage; Hitchell reported further on remodeling plans for the Liquor Store,vrith Counch instructing I-fessrs. litchell and ";ippley to consat distillers as to proper dimensions for sales space, before. proceeding further. placed on f$le. -. 1 1 Eknager r.5itchellts recommendqtions for attendance at the League U.of 1.1. short courses by the following Village employees: Gretchen lilden,Laura Kright, and Bernice Johnson, Friday morning, Narch 20; Ben Voehler, Tfaeer and Sewage Operator's schqol, and Joe Zikan and Ihager 'I.Litchell, Engineers' school, was accepted by motion Child, seconded by Bank and carried. 3bager lti.tchefi% detailed report on possible methods' of assessment for the Richfield-Edina Sewer Interceptor was reviqwed and discussed. Bredesen's motion, that kterest Rate on Assessment for Mchfield-Edina Sewer Interceptor be established at five percent per annum, was seconded by Bank and unanimously carkied, Childts motion, that the Village office fozce be authorized to rstart asses-smqn-b work on the Richfield-idina Sewer Xqberceptor on the basis of a I$ IUl Ad Valorem Tax Levy, 850 per acre, and $look per front foot for pla%ted properties, I.rith said platted properties to be assessed on a graduated table basis, using as basis of assessment - I. All properties under 50*; 2. properties 50,-70'; 3. Properties 70'-90'; 4. Properties ~~-XLO'; 5. hcoperties 110*-130'; 6.. Properties 130*-150'; 7. Properties over l5O*., was seconded by Bank and carried. Discussion vas had as. to office space for the typists working on the proposed assessment for the Richfield-Edina Interceptor Sever, it being informally decided to rent the Grange.Hal1 at $100 per month. Iknager T-Etchell*s reuort of Fireman Ev. Daviest request for reimbursement in amount of $15.22 for set of chains damaged vhile he was on way to fire, was read, together -with his statement that Village does not carry insurance for this type of loss, and carried. c Planning Commissionts recornendation of February Jz, for approval of I-b. F.T. ftressets request for subdivision ofELo&10, HendelssQhn, into two lots of 175tx330t and 426,58@30t, vas reviewed. Bredesent s motion that Planning Commission recommendations be accepted and that subdivision of lot be allowed, was seconded by Child and carried. Council. read and reviewed Planning oCommissionfs February 11 *recommendation with regard to Hr. Eressets application for permit to build a Nursery Office facin6 HaXones Avenue, these recommendations being as follows: that Council grant &Ire &esse permit to build a temporary building, said building to be removed by I&-; &esse at my time adjacent properby ovmers object; that Council renew permit from year to year;-that Council retain the right to refuse a ped% should circwnstances varrant its rejection. Coamission*s recommendation be accepted, was seconded by Child and carried. I&. laitchell presented Preliminary Plat of **Idylmod Addition", located on Zast side of Blake Eoad and directly south of Parktmod Road and platted by E?. John BLoomberg. cPlanning Commission* s Februaw 11 recommendation for approval was noted, and Bredesen moved that Preliminam Plat of Idylwood Addition he approved. Xotion seconded by Bank and carried. Bank moved, declining request. Uotion seconded by Child 4.2 I Bredesenf s motion, that Planning Find Plat of lfVaUey Vevr Terrace 2nd Additionl* was presented, togebher with Bredesen moved for approval of Final Plat. Notion seconded by Bank and carried. of Lot 24,Block 3, Grandview Hts. Addn; Lots 1,2,3,4,7,12,13,l,15,16 and l?, Block 7,Tirigdale Bros.Brookside, including that portion of the S1/2 of Yancey Street vac"ated, located between extensions nort;hward of the %.and Velines of Lots 1 and 17,Block 7; and Lots 1 and 2,Block 8, Tingdale Bros. Brooksider(as 'petitioned for by Harry Gustafson-Peder lZckelson) was reviewed. setting Public Hearinn on petition %o rezone above named property for Elondav, 'Planning Commission*s recornadation for approval with some restrictions. n ' Planning Commission's recommendation for the ReaonFng to Community Store District * Child' s motion, i -rrh 2?-1 53 2% 7:qO .A. vas seconded by Bredesen and carried. 2/23/53 65 Several mitten suggestions and recoqendations by Police Captain 14&- knd . - ) lrlanager Ifitchell for traffic control in the business district at 50th and France were referred to the Public Safety Commi.ttee,mfor distxsslon at'a tentative meeting scheduled for Nonday evening, brch 2, Nanager Iitchell~s reDort of City of Unneapolis Traffic &$@eer Ralph Sprungmants dissatisfaction with Council's decision to place stop sign at IJorthwest Corner of Xerxes Ave. and W.6Oth %re&, was read. &. &Etchell was instructed to have stop sim installed at Northwest Corner of Xerxes Ave. -and ta.60th Street, as previously recommended. 0 c. Nanager MitcheUfs recommendation, that Council delay $heL5aking of bids on the followjng projects until -Itonday, April 13, 1953; wad read: 'l / P. Blacktopping-Xwing Avenue, 5&h to &thb . I, Blacktopping-Oaklam Avenue, 58th ko 62nd. Curb and Gutter, Chowen.Avenue, 58th to 49th Gravelling; Zenith he,; 5&h to 60th Gravelling, Chowen' h?b, 59th to 60th. * Grading and Gravelling, hhcroft he., 58th to 60th -r . Grading and Gravelling, Wb5$th St;, France to Bmokd.ew t ' Bredesen* s motion, that Cduncil accept Ih-iager P.Litchellfs recommendation and take bids for .the above named -projects on Monday, April 13, 1953, was seconded by Bank and carried, Childts motion, for payment of Village Payroll-, 'amount #8,354.56, and Liquor Store Payroll, amount $655.32, Tor period February 16 to 28, inclusive,' 1953, and as recorded in detail in Payroll Ledger, and for payment bf the following Claims, was seconded by Ekedesen and carried: ,. LI L' ..I 1' -* I L.2372 E2373 h2374 E2375 L2376 G2377 E2388 E2379 E2381 86lt, 8650 8651 86.43 8649 8628 8640 Canada Dry Ginger Ale, bcb 113 76 Clausen & Sons, Tnc. . 475.& Coca-Cola Bottling Company - 42,0&. . Distillers Distributing Company 1,006. $5 0,M.Droney Beverage cob . Gluek Brewing- Cob 372 b 23 203.72 Gold Nedal. Beverage Company 31.97 Kuether Distributing cob 42-00 Nassolt Bottling Company 26.55 *. Ri.ller-Davis Company 6.25 I&nneapoZis Brewing Company 531.91 * vt ,-* .e Ilinneapolis City Club Distr.Co. 83.70 Pabst Sales Co. 233~86 Rex Distributing Company 1Q.brS - Eoyal Beverage Distr. Co. 42.00 Seven-Up Bottfig Company 43.04. -Shelly Distributing Company - 162.20 * L 1% - E.dland National Bank 179.20 P4i.m. HospitaX Service Assn.. '' '7.55 Val' B jornson,Preas of PERA - 7.4;94* Zbin Brothers- Company - * 1,477.65 Distillers Distributing Company 2; 280.60 ,- Old Peoria Company, Inch 2;51lf56 r Griggs, Cooper & Company 3,887 b 59 Griggs, Cooper & Company 317010 NcKesson & Robbins 45.15 I4idland Natiohal Bank-For Investrned '- 100,000.00 ' .I$ Northern states .'Power Compky 4r.59 Old Peoria Company, kcb. 125.36 42.38 1,541 69 I455. 93 . Ed Phillips 6c" Son cob Ed Phillips &* Son' Cob Ed Phillips & Son Coo Griggs, Cooper & Company - k96b3h H.A. Rogers Co. '. 18.89 Itidland Na-610~-For Investment 30,000.00 Phelps-Drake Coo .509.72 'Orfei & Hariai.li 6,902.35 Phelps-Drake Co. n8b 50 Town & Countr? Hardware 3.08 * PAEKSFUM) Northern Stat@s Power Coo 54.76 $ -. 55.a * ( 8288 8589 8590 9591 8592 8593 8594 8595 8596 8597 8598 8599 8608 86U9 86U 8615 8616 8619 8620 8621 8628 8629 8639 86Q 8646 8647 8648 8599 8608 8609 8610 8625 8626 8628 8629 8630 8631 8632 8633 8634 8635 8636 8637 8638 8640 8599 8601 8602 $603 8607 8605 8606 8621 8622 8623 86% 8630 $643- 8643 2/23/53 TO: Ed Ryan, Sheriff of Hem. Cy. Fred L. Gray Ins.Agency Construction Bulletin Dietrich Lumber Coo Sel-lwfor Distributing Co. IEller Hardware Bertelson Brothers Lyle Signs, Inc.- UcGormn Contracting Co ,, Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. lbrton Salt Co. hstleford Equipment Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Ninnesotil. Fire Extinguisher Go. American Linen Supply Coo H. db Rogers Co. Burroughs Adding Nachine Coo Rydeen Agency Eugene Elsen & Sons Young Fuel Go. Tovm eC Coukry Hdwe. En. H. Ziegler Co. Northern States Power Coo lKUer-Da;is * &.ne Safety Jppli*ince CO. League of 1.tinnesota E.iunicipaU.ties Clancy Drugs, Inci Northwestern Bell Thephone Coo I-Ennesota Fire Ext&guisher Coo .I herican Linen supply GO. Delegard Tool Coo Don & John Uolander" xdina Pure oil ~edce Tom & Country Hardilslre 'Ejm. H. Ziegler CO.,~ kc. u. so Supply coo * Hpls. Gas Go. Leef Bros., Inc. . fnternationd. HarveHter Coo ~ I Bob finodes Ford Cor A-If Company kcb ofvI.linn. Reinhard Brothers Cpmpany Service Tool & Esuipment COO Northern States Peer Coo - Underwood Corporation t- t -_ H. Re ToU COO Northwestern Bell Telephone Coo Badger Neter Hfg, Cp. American Cast Iron Pipe Coo City Treas., City o$l-fpls Delaney Bros. Addressograph-Kult ihaph J.R. Coan, PostmastFr Young Fuel Go. American IfaterVorks* Assn. ITaterous Company Chicago Bridge & Bin Go. U.S. Supply coo Northern Sta-bes PoGr Coo Edland NatLBank-FFr Inws'hent cpy Treas., City of Hpis. Addr es sogr~ph-I-ibltipaph C o JOB. Cow, PostmastFr Northern States PowFr Cb.. Edland Natl. Bank-For Investment ~ddressograph=~~~ti*~aph Co J.R. Coan, Postmaster Zrs. Gale Sperry Hidland Natl. BankiFor It 11 11 It T. AKOUNT $ 9.00 7.50 21.20 13 88 23.65 I 13.34 19.45 35.65 8.55 226.59 1940 53 3000 *. U6.45 4. 50 6.25 &a22 ,~06,00 325.50 47.94 3.50 3L31 13.77 13,222091 5.38 6.00 1.71 17.70 8.08 3.00 20.20 2.40 2.00 17.07 i61.99 r ma- l R 1 1 1 -. -- 2/23/53 8644 Xidland Natl. Bank-For Investment 8644 It 11 !I 11 11. $45090.00 FIR SIiG.FUND #l PIR SKG.FUND #2 . $16000 .OO PI3 SKG.FUND #3 6000.00 $llooo.oo 1950 IIEROVE. 8611 Dorsey,Colman,Barker,Scott & Barber $112.62 1st &.3rd SIB. 8645 IWland National-For Investment 10,000,OO $10~2.62 1950 DE'ROVE 86k5 Midland Natl, Bank-For Investment 8611 Dorsey,Colman,Barker;Scott & Barber 8612 Dorsey,Colman,Barker,Scott & Barber 1;067.00 I 86&5 Midland Natl.Bank-For Investment 1,o'OO.OO - - 8613 Dorsey,Coha,n,Barker,Scott & Barber y5796 Nidland Nat LBank-FOR 11: 11 11' 11 y5796 11 11 11 II. Y5796 11: 11 It' 11. a5797 T"T 11' 11. 11 11 91 *' 11 ' Y5797 It - . 11: It 11 It. Y5797 Y5797 It 11 11. 11. 11 n. lf It! 111 11. y5797 If 11. !I I1 Y5798 11 ir 11 I1 y5799 Y5799 Y5799 II 11 11 I! It 11 11 11 Y5799 I1 11 11 II 11 11 It smm DIST.& $ 2000.00 smm DIST&I $1000.00 3 -4500.00 smm DIST.#U SEXER DIST,#$ $ 7000.00 SlZNEB DIST4#12 9 7000.00 SEXER DIST.#3,5 $ 3500.00 LlEtm DIST,#lh 8 2000.00 .. Schedule of recommended investments, as revised by Auditor, was presented; totalling $71,500 in 3-months maturities, $126,000 in &months maturities, $60,000 in. 9-months maturities and $92,000 in Year maturities, together with schedule of callable bonds, was presented for confirmation and approval.; __ auditor's detailed schedule, was seconded by Child and carried. 'Bank's motion, authorizine purchase of the above listed investments, as 68 2/23/53 Bank then offered the follov6ng Resolution and moved its adoption: e. R3SOLUTXOIJ C33AliTING AUTHORTllY TO ,VILU4GE TO J3" SURPLUS .RJ!$DS BE IT €&SOLVED that this Council does hereby &ant authority to the Ildina V&Uagci Eanageq fromtime to time to make investments of surplus fbnds of this Village in U.S. Go@. Securities, with the approval of Itidland National Bank, investment agents; notice of said inves%ments to be reported to this Council at the first Regular Council. Neeting succeeding each of said investments. 1.ldtion ,for adoption was se4onded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Child, , aye; and Zrickson, aye; and the Resolution wzs adopted. ATTEST: / & 6, /if V'ZLlage Clerk 1bbager litchell reported the Park Board's request that the Council take bids on a 1-1* Ton Pick-up Truck, with "additional equipment, according to specifications furnished by the Board. suggestions and take bids Nonday, Narch 9, on truck as per their specifications, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Bhager' I2itchell reported that the Village Public ;Forks Crew is now too busy cleaqing streets to help in the clearing of snow away from hydrants. authority for Utilities Supt. Iloehler to hire a small loader for this work. No action vas taken on this request, although I&. 1-Etchell was requested to solicit, the aid of the Boy Scout and Cub Scout organizations in wrk of this 'I B;qnk*s.motion, that Council. act;, in accordance with Board's He asked 4 kind, I.ianag& Etchell reported application for permit to set house at an angle at 5101 Kent Ayenue. Inspector Woehler, inasmuch as the dimensions of the lot make it impossible to locate-the house otherwise; that a drainage easement should be secured before permjot is issued. Cliildrs motion, that permit be granted subject to drainage easemat, was seconded br Bredesen and carried. Ihnageg 1-Etchell presented his recommendations for purchase of one Jap Transit 0 $200 fr0m.H. Ilogers Company, and for one +rley Level 0 $160 and one Buff Transit 6 $UO, from F, Geiger Conpany, all three instruments being second-had. He stated that the Engineering crew is urgentlyh need of these instruments and that the rent of saiq instruments for any length of time r.rill be considerably more costly than outright purchase. Bank*s motion for acquisition of the engineering instmats recommended by Village I-Ianager was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Child moved'for adjournment to tfednesday, February 25, at 7:30 P.1.f. He stated that this locationmeets the approval of Building . Ilotion seconded by 13- and carried. I-leeting adjourned 124.5 PoIL # A Village 6,& Clerk ,. D '. I