HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530309_REGULAR3/9/53 ~ ' 75 I <' .I-. - . -- -2 - ~ . ,. klerabers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Bank and Erickson, Bredesen moved for- approval of Ifiutes of ileeting of February 23, as submitted. Notion seconded by Child and carried. Clerk submitted Affidavits of Publication for llAdvertisement for Bids-llatermain Improvement,fl published in E-a-Norningside Caurier and Construction Bulletin on February 26 and Narch-5, -1953, which affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant to said Advertisement for Bids, the following bids were publicly opened and read for proposed Matem&n Zmprovement in Brookview Heights First Addition: F. F. Ilorettini, St. Paul, $En.+ $94,-567.15 Phelps-Drake and Co.,.Inc., Ninneapolis 80,122.80 Jack 3. JJelch Const. Co., Hinneapolis 83, 276.90 Bart Carlone, St. Paul 81,175 . 80 Orfei & Nariani, St. Paul, 971864.41 Peter Lametti Const. Go., St. Paul 775029.15 Lametti dnd Sons 85,397.28 'clhn. -V. Terry Excavating Co;, S6.Louis Park 106,730 , 0 5 Chi1dt.s motion for ref err& of bids to Village Gngineer for tabulation and report ak the ne% regular meeking was seconded by Bredesen and mrried. Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Norningside Courier and Construction Bulletin, February 26 and Earch 5, 1953, for f?r'ldvertisement fw Bids-Truck1! were presented by Clerk, approved as ?to form and ordered placed on file. - Sealed bids were then publicly opened and read for a truck for Park Board use, bids being as foUows: Child moved for referral of bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at next regular meeting. I e.. C IJillys Xinneapolis, Inc. $2,586.67 qahlberg Bros, , Hopkins 3,453.53 Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried, &Imager Ititchell. presented tabulation of bids taken February 23, on Tandem Roller, recommending that bid be awarded to Gopher Equipment Supply Company, Ninneapolis, low bidder at the price of $5,262.00, including fluid coupling. Bredesen moved for award of bid to Gopher Equipment Supply Company in accordance vsith Nanager's recommendations, Eotion seconded by Child and carried. Public Hearing was called on petition-to Vacate l-J.57th Street between York and Xerxes Avenues. Clerk presented &ffidavits of Fublicztion and Posting, publication beirig in Edina-Morningside Courier Febqary 19 and 26, 1953. These affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Etchell explained that petitioner wishes to reserve a 20-foot easement for p&lic alley in the center of W.57th street between York and the North-South Alley lying between York and 2:-erxes; that he wishes W.57th Street entirely vacated between the east boundary line of the present! alley and Xerxes Avenue, and mnts to build on the 60-foot tract Created by vacation. IIessrs. Shemnan, Robinson, Reed, IJartenis and Larson, residerrts of Xerxes and York between 56th and 57th Streets protested any vacation because of potential drainage problems and because of resulting inaccessability to their garages . Child' s motion denyjllg petition for vacation was seconded by Bank and carried. . Hayor Erickson annbunced Public Hearing on ?latemain bprovement in Xerxes Avenue from 3.57th Street. to approximately 130 ft. North of V.57th Street. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication February 19 and 26,1953, in Edina- Norningside Courier, of IfNotice of Hesxing,Z which affidavit was appr0ve.d as to form and ordered placed on file. lknager Etchell's esthate of cost was $957.74 as against 130 assessable feet, or $7.37 per assessable foot. 1Jlit;cheLl also presented Suptoof Public Utilities Voehler's repost, in cppqsition to this short line for the reason that a tie-up is needed along Xerxes from 8.57th to sS.56th Street and then across 56th Street to York Avenue. Sherman, 5600 Xerxes, and Robinson, 5612 Xerxes, stated that they would not object to this- recommended tie-up. and moved it8 adoption: LIanrzger - Nt?. I . Lfessrs. Chil-d then offered the following Resolution . F&3OLUTION'SXCTING €IZARING C - IfATJBXD B4'FRO~~~fl . 7mm@, the Village,Council desires on its ovm motion to improve Xerxes Avenue between W. 57th and IT. 56th Street, and W. 56th Street between Xerxes and York Avenues by .construction of Valage Vateqain Extensions and Appudemnces therein, all as authorized by Laws 1949,..Chapter 119, as amended by Lam 1949, Chapter 430, now therefore, - 76 3/9/53 €83 IT EBSOLTED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is deemed necessmy and eqedient to make the f.,Tatemnain Improvement heretofore set forth, and that on the 13th daJr of April, .1253, +at 7t30 POL, this Council will meet at the Village Hall, in‘said Village and TCXL at said time and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and vriXldecide whether or nqt to undertake such improvement, in vhole or in part, BIZ 33’ Fmm RESOLVZD, that the mea proposed to be assessed for this improvement -i@udes_all lots ad tracts of land abutting Xerxes Avenue between d. 47th and X,56th Streets, CI Rotion for_ adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four syes and no- nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; Bank,, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution v@sCady$t .do f.rayor -* L c r CC Public Hearing P& hid on proposed Sanitary Sewer $npr&nent in’V.z&lqy View Boad between Concord Fd &.hcroft Avenues and in Ashcroft Avenue between Valley View bad and n-f.60th qtre<t. Hearing1’ Eublished iq EdZna-Uorningside Courier February 19 and 26, which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, liIanager Kitchel3.t~ ]Estimate of Cost xas read at $7,923.32 as against 1,471.36 .assessable feet, for $5.38 per assessable feat for Construction, plus $2.65 per assessable foot for Connection Charge $0 Trunk Sewer 1$0. El, for a tot& of @,03 per assessable foot. l*kO V,E, IQman, owner of the property South of Valley View Road inwired as to the possibility of assessment for both Valley View and Concord mains. Fro&, petikioner, asked that Council expedite this improvement if possible. There were no objections from the audience, and no written objections had been received prior to the meeting, its adoption: Clerk presented Affidavit of ,Publication for IINotice of Hi’. Ebil Child offered the following Resolution and moved ~OIIrn~O~ OmmnG ~-PROrn*~Irn I Council-heretgfore caused notice of hearing to be duly gublished on the proposed improvement consisting of Construction of Sanitary Sewers and Appurtenances in Valley View Road between Concord and Ashcroft Avenues and in Ashcroft livenue between Vallgy View Eoad and V.6Oth Street, and at the hearing held at the time and=place specified &n said notiqe the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being f&y advised of the pertinent facts does hereby &%ermine to proceed with the construction of said iriprovement; that said . bprovaent is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent pro- ceedings as Sanitary Sewer hpmvement No, 5&, and the area to be specially assessed therefor sha3.l indude all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in dnich said improvement is to be construc&ed. Rotion €or adoption of the Eesolution ~ras seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall r there were four ayes and no natys, as follows: and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was aye; Bmk, aye; IJIayor I Child then offered the follotring Resolution and moved its adoption: ~OLUT~J AFPEOVIXG PL~S AID smcvrc.ma;.TS FOR S&TITi&Y- SEZ TlPmvi$q.IXc NO* 54 .m. I . DE3CTIXG ADVZRTBEZI‘?T FOB BIDS BZ pf RiBOLSBD by the Village Council. of the Vqage of Zdina: . ~ ’ . . .1. - -The-p’ians ad specifications €or Sanitary Sewer hprovement 110. 54 here- tofore prepared by the Qillage Bngineer and pow on file in the office of the Village Clerk are -hereby approved, Courier and the Construction EkXLetin the following notice for bids for the 2, The Clerk shall case td be published tw&ce in the Edina-l-~omings”ide coristructioE of said improvement: 4DVERTIsEti~D FOR BIDS StkKGThY SlmSFi B:rnOrnZIT 1m. 5 The Xdina Village Council. w.iu .meet at- the Village Hak, &8Ql V0 50th r Street, f.fonday, April 27, 1953, at ?:3O P.I.I., to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Village Sarritary Sewer Improvement i$o* 54 consisting of Constmction of Sanitaqy Sewers and Appurtenances in Valley View Road between Concord and Ash- croft Avenues, and in Ashcroft Avenue between Valley View Eoad and M,GOtki Street, .. * c 3/9/53 77 3ork must be done as described in plans and specifications for said Bids must be submitted on No bids will be considered unless sealed and improvement on file in office o$ Village Clerk. basis of cash payment for work, deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten per cent of amount of bid, 1 filed with undersipped before time of sxid meeting and accompanied by cash -t c BY OJ3.DZR OF VZMm COTJI?CZ, -*. 7 . . ._- *- -, .- Evald C, Bank, Clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bLds are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement , Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Eollcall '%bere were four ayes and no-.nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; Bank, aye; Xrickson, aye; and the Resolution was a. pt ---. @'@&+ Hayor Next Public Hearing held was that on proposed Watermain B$rovement for Valley View Road bekween Goncord and St Johns Avenues- .and Ashcroft Avenue between Valley View Road and I;r,60th Street, "Notice of Hearing" published in Edina-Norulingqide Courier February 19 and 26, 1953, which affidavit was approved as to fop and ordered placed on file, Nanager Etchell's Estimate of Cost was read at $8,174.25 as against 1,549.86 assessable feet, .for $6.05 per assessable foot. ,There were no objections from the audience, and no m-itten objections had been received prior to the Hearing, Nr, Fronk, petitioner, asked that iraprovement be expedited, if possible, Bank pffered the following Besolution and moved -its adoption: Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication for RJ3SQLUC ION OEUIETZIbTG EJl?EWZ~E~ CounciL heretafore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed hpro vement consisting of Construction of Village Ifatemain Extension and Appu1*Zje- mances in"Val1ey View-Road between Concord and St.Johns Avenues and in Ashcroft Avenue between Valley view Eoad and Jf.6oth Street, .and at the hearing held at - the time and place specified in said.notice-the Council has duly considered the views of d.1 persons interested, and being fully-advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said hprovdment; thak' said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Watermain Xmprovement No. 55, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall .include a11 lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed, . Motion" for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no-_nays, as aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Bank then offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION .&PrjaOVING PWJS AN3 SmCIFICATION@ - FO@_ WA~EJQQXh. ~.PROFl3-!lZQT-NQ. .5.5.-@ DJEE:CTI&G c . -, ADIERTISBJWT FOR BIDS . . . .. Bl3 IT RESOLXED by the Village Counc&l. of $he 'nillage-of Edina: ..I,. _The plans and specifications for Tlatemain Improveme@ No. 55 hereto- fore prepared by the Tillage Erngineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, The Clerk shaU cause to-be published twice in the Zdina-lforningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the = 2, I construction of said improvement: .AD~TLT FOR BIk IJAT,~X.~AII~,.IMPROVXBNT .m," 55 I The "kdina Village Co~c~_wLll meet a% the TLLlage Hall, 4801-Tf,50th Street, Nonday, April 27, 1953, at 7:30 P.lf., to open &nd consider sealed bids for construction of Village 1Tatemnxi.n bprovement Wo, 55, consisting of- Construction of Village Wate-ptain ExLensions and Appurbenances in Valley View Road between Concord and- -%.Johns &venues and in Ashcroft Avenue between Va-Uey View Road and If, 60th Street. . cations for said knprovement on file in office of Village Clerk, submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and f5led with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cashibposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid. Flork must be done as described and specified in plans and specifi- Bids must be 79 3/9/53 * BY OaER OF V'IU4GZ COUTJCU;. __ .. - ~ .- - - - -1 . I Evald C. Bank, Clerk j' 3. Each and dl of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of award of the contract for said jmprowent, Rotion for adoption of the Eesolution was seconded by- Bredesen, and on Rollcan there were four ayes and no nays, as follows:* aye; Child, aye; Bank, aye; and Bickson, aye; and the Resolution pes e Public Hearingrras had by the Council on the proposed Grading end Gravelling of Gri2fi.t Street between ~ehore Lane arid Nelson Avenue, pursuant to 1llJotice of Hezring" +published in Zdina-IJorsingside Courier-February 19 and 26, -1953. presented Affidavit of said Publication, .c.r'nich vas approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Engineer SEtchell. explained that %he grading of this street trould cause a very bad drainage problem because of destruction of a drainage basin by the filling of abutting lots and Q resulting backing up of the water onto Griffit Street and Belmore Lane. made of drainage problems in this area and that it becomes apparent that a stom sewer is needed to serve this entire 1Sorthwest @dins area. Grs$it objected to a assessnat for grading, stating*%hat her prqperty will not be benefi$ed because dvdling is over 100 feet fron the street; and Ik. Roy l.lyirre objectepd because of drainage problems. It was noted that a petition for Vacation of Griffit btreet has been filed thth the Council. of fiecision on this proposed improvement until further S%U@J can b,e made as to stom sewe? remedy. lio%ion sewnded by Bredesen and carriedo &. Frank T. Smisek presented a letter, again requesting Co&ercial mn&g for his property at corner of Highway Xo. 5 and Cahill Road. him that the Planning Conmission has recoazmided against this rezoning, and that the Council is accepting Planning Commission's recomndations. No further action -taken. Clerk He advised the Council that a preliminary study has been Rrs. Xodlin, 204 Child mbved for postponembnt It vas again exrplained to 1.k. Bruce Yimd presented plan for double dwelling at 3917 i.f.60th Street. .@mer explained that he xishes to have the basement apartment occupied by a menber of his fanily, and stated that he muld never rent it out. $. to make such chges in the plan as are required by the Zoning Ordinance before presenting it to I&. 3oehler for approval. Eessrs. Haverly and KaUquist presented Preliminzry Plat of Woncord Grove Additiont' located on the Grace ?End property betveen Yooddale and Conard Avenues and just - Xorth of :.T,5€kh Street. PIr. Yund was advised t; fl I .a -t. \ ~ : I2r. Xi.tchel.1 reported that Planning Comission has 4. Child moved for approval of Preliminary Addition.If Uotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Haverly and Hallquist pr:seni;ed petition for Grading ad Gravelling of Street betveen Si'ooddale and Concord Avenues. Petition carries signatures of !jl$ 02 abutting properties. Bredesents motion, scheduling mblic Kondzy, April 27, 1953, at 7:30 P.IL, was seconded by petition for Sanitary Sewers in Concord setting Public Hearing on petition for Ifonday, I was seconded by Bank and carried. L permit A3r. Heyers requested/to live in a trailer on Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, Fairfax Addition IrhiXe he is building a dwelling there.- Child moved for denial of request . I4otion seconded by Bredesen and casried. Xi?. John Saltman, 7700 ITevhn Avenue South, dba Tloodiake Forest Prodects, requested rcnevlczl of pernit to sell firewood. I4cGary would prefer that 13. Saltmm be required to furnish police department with record of his sales. Bredesenls motion, that pepmit be granted, conditional upon ye. Saltmm's furnishing to the Police Department his sales records, pelznit being for period LprS I, 1953 to Aprs 1, 195.4. carried. t. leks. Sowder presented witten assent by several neighbors on Brookview Avenue, for the trailer house located at 6l41 OakfLawn Avenue. She explahed that her parents are living in the trailer; that this is a $emporarg proposLtion ody;' that trailer has not been of€ its wheels. has been filed-with the office on this matter. postponed for thirty days, pending-further investigation, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried. It yas reported that Czptain Notion seconded by Bank and 1.k. IEtchell reportdd that a complaint Child's motion, that action be 3/9/53 19 I I Mr. Lien asked for prompt action on his petition for Blacktopping. explained that Gravelling must be included in this project. Public Hearing on Gravelling &d Blacktopping of %Jestwood Court for Nonday, April 27, 1953. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. The follovdng applications for Plumberst Licenses for the year April 1, 1953 to April 1, 1954, were presented, *together .with office report that required bonds are in, fees paid, and final-inspections completed. of the following licenses for-the period April 1, 1953 to Aprii 1, 195.4: 14k. Eitchell, \ Child movea, setting Bredesen moved for approval Earl F. Beaudry, 2901 Lyndale Ave. So. Belden Porter Company, - 65-69 Nl 17th St, 0, Bergerson & Son, 5013-France Ave. So. krnold Bing Plbg. & Htg. Co.,4945 S.Upton Ave. Louis Klugman, U.15 Wash.Ave. No. J.1vTcClure Kelly & Compqy, 8. J.Klingelhut, 5302 Lyndale fkve. So. 2601 Stevens Ave. So, - ~ ,Borkrnan B~os. Co., 708-S.106h St. dlaylo ck Plbg. Co. , 7731-4th Ave. So. 1311. Et. Bowler, 511 E.Lake St.* G.Eurman Plbg. & Htg.C0.,2269 Johnson St.N.E. Robert J.. Carlson, 6020 Drew hve. So. _. Henry C.U.l$elson dba Castle Plbg.Co. Clarke Plbg. & Htg., kc., ?53 Plymouth Bldg. Dahlberg & Karkhoff Plbg. John C. Doyle, 3751-4th kve. So. Ifalter B. Burkhardt dba Edih Plbg. Benjamin Farr, 76% PQmouth Ave. Hugo E.Guntze1 Plbg.. & Htg., 517 Plymouth N. Roy T. Gustafson, 3206 Bloomington Ave. Raymond E, Haeg, 2340 Ee143nnesota River Road Joseph ILHanrehan,4949 Xerxes Ave.-.Ss,. -. Henry Harem, 9740 Humboldt Ave. So.. . Harris Bros. Plbg. Coo, 217AW.Lake St. Gust Hoglund,- 6532 2.Lake St, . Hopkins Plbg. & Htg,Co., 711 Exeelsior kve. Hughes Heating & Plbg. CO.) 230 E,K&e 5t. Ralph Hultgren, 5428 Nicollet Ave. . A.J.Johnson dba Graiid Plbg. Co. 142 73.3&h St. 2010 %erion Ave. p~~. 5501 Franie. Ave. So. Hopkins 3809 Grand he, 1J.H.Staddan dba 0.F.Kohl Coo IYlinneapolis Plbg. Coo ,U20 Nicollet Tom Notako Plbg. eC Htg. Co. H.B.I~ichols,,!+360 Sunnyside Rd. Norbloom Plbg. & Htg. Co. 3742 Chicago Ave. Clare NordwalL,1715 Chicago be. Northside Plbg. & Htg.Co. Paragon Plbg. Coo, 4940~34th he. So. Bdward D. Paulson, 4555 Grand Ave. Ge0.G.. Pennp Plbg.,1533 N.Lilac Dr. Bhoppe Plbg.& Htg.Co. ,2117 Lyndale N. H.O. Soderlin,3'731 Chicago Ave. So. Side Plbg.Co., I400 Wash. Ave. So H.B. Stone,2101 If.67th i;t. Superior Plbg. & Htg.Co. 1008 Narquette kve, . &L60 Vernon Ave. . . 1715 N. Plymoyth 1743 Xedicine Lake . Dr. Notion for approval of iicenses was seconded by Child and carried. l4r. E.C. Stow suggested that -method of assessment for blacktopping be changed, -to give corner lots relief from paying &itire cost of side streets. UP. Child explhed that this method of assessment has been followed for years, that IEnneapdlis and most other neighboring communities follow it. Xr. Stow suggested that Council petition Twin City Rapid Transit Company for bus service out France Avenue to 1L62nd Street, then across to Valley Qiew Road and Tfooddale, then back along 1'JooddaJ.e to tJ.56th Street. already made this request but thzt Comgany would not honor it. Applications for the following licenses, for year April 1, 1953 to April 1, 1954, were preserrted, together with written approval by Police Captain 'IcTcGary and office report that Fire and Hea1thrkspectors had found conditions satisfactory: CO"Y 4DDEESS LICENSE Brauerls 5$-$&.00 Store . 39Q5Jj250th 5%. Food - No action taken by Council. He vms told that Council had Beer - Off Sale Beer - On Sale Food Cigarette Pinball (3) Cigarette Beer - Off Sale Cigarette Brown De@ Cafe 3915 llo50th St. Clancy Drug Company 3948 IT. 50th St. Food Correllts Dairy Store .. Food 3907 i.i.5.4th st. Country Cash Store Beer - Off Sale Food Cigarett E! Country Club Ice Cream Go. 5036 France Ave. Food 5348 France dve. Beer - Off Sale Beer - Qn Sale Don's Lunch ' . Fodd Edina Cash Grocery 4920 Brookside Beer - Off Sale f Food 4404 'Valley View Road ~ .. Cigarette ccmm - ' Edina Country Club I c > r Xdina Td. Company Sdina Texzco Edina Theater Gorp. Fanny Fmer Candy Shop 'Garner _Food Harket - Grandivex3 Cafe @andview Direct Serhce Grandview Uarket' .. I_ Gregg Pharmacy Hackenmuller €<eat I&rket Hkty Tasty Cafe Gegle's - Bakers Rove GO., Inc. kterlachen Couhtry Club c- .. National Tea Co, Nolants Golf Terrace Cafe Wity Dairy Store Smit Stores- $94 Trislerfs Grocery - Village Inn 17ooddal.e Grocery t -. 3/9/53 4154 Zden he, 5400 France he. 3911 Ti, 50t h St, 5000 %ace he, 43& Brookside five, ' 5002 Vernon Aver . 5000 vsrnori 5033 Vernon he. *- 4954 France &.e, . .. ** 50l.S France be. 4930 France he. 4429 Valley View Road b948 France Ave. Food Cigarette Liquor Cabs (16) cigarette Theatre Food Food Food Cigarette Food Cigarette Cigarette Beer-- Off Sale Food - Cigarette Food Cigwett e - Food Food Cigarette Food Food Cigarette Beer - On Sale Food Cigarette =%or Beer - Off Sale Food Cigarette Food Cigar et t e Beer - Off §&e Beer - On Sale Food cigarette Beer - Off S@e Food Cigarette BGer - Off Sale Food Cigarette Beer - Off Sale Beer - On Sale Food Cigarette Pinball Beer - Off Sale Food Cigarette Food Food- - Zipoy's Grocery I Gigarette Cagarette - Beer - Off Sale Child moved that licenses be grarrted. Iktion seconded by Bank and carried. . League of Zlinnesota IZunicipalities Planbing Conference to be held at the University of Kinnesota Uarch 23, v@s an?xmced. Dr, Ralph Peterson presented Pre'l'riminary 'Plat of his properby vest of I,fonnandale, stating that because of difficulties in getting Ek. Benjamin Hart to dedicate road, Dr, Peterson is putting entire road on his. mm property. reported the Planning Comnission's recowendation for appmvd. of this plat. Child's motion for acceptance of Dr, Peterson's Preliminary Plat, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. - Police Report for I.:onth of Febdary, 1953, was submitted, Child's motion that it be referred to Public Safety Committee was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Ek, I-Li'CcH.1 I.iUnicipal Judge Do&ld Wrikts recommendation that those matters peAaining to the Court be deleted from Police Report was read and discussed. 'motion, that Council continue to be furnished with the same infomation that is now contaiued in the plice reports, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Child's 3/9/53 81 Hennepin County Agricultural Societyy's request for Edina contribution toward Hennepin County Fair was disapproved, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Bank and carried. Chicago Bridge and Iron Companyts bid of $525 for installation of two red lights on the new water tank; &25 extra if lights are to be installed at quarter points, was reported by I.Zr. FEtchell. asked from local electricians, but that it will. be difficult to secure them because of the special, hazards inwlved in installation, action pending receipt of local bids. i He stated t-hat bids are being Council delayed Nr. 'ifilliam T. lfentzer1s request for ??atemain Connection for Lot 10, Block 2, Richmond Hills 2nd Addition, at a cost of not more than @OO, was reported. Ere Joe Zikan explained thzt this lot was not included in the watermain assess- ment for-Richmond Hills 2nd Addition, because it cannot be directly served from the main in Richwood Drive; that connection from that main would mean an ease- ment across private property, and some topographical difficulties. &. I lfentzerrs repest is actually for connection to the main which extends to the corner of Windsor Avenue and Hansen Road, assessment for which has not yet been: levied; aEd that owner would like to be indluded in this assessment district. Hatter was discussed at some length; and Child moved that Public Hearing on 7:atermain Connection for bt LO, Block 2, Richmond Hills 2nd Addi%ion be set for Idionday, April 27, 1953, on the basis of assessment at the rate of 1&3'5 foot frontage cost on2findsor Avenue; with the addition of this assessment to be divided bettveen the assessments for the odd shaped lots in the original assess- ment district, . Kotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. -I Child's motion, that Police Department be directed to investigate trailers and basement dwellings throughout Edina, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Representatives of Southdale Center were present and entered into discussion on the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance establishing Whopping Center Districtsm. Bredesen' s motion, that Public Hearing on proposed ilmendment to Zoning Ordinance be scheduled for IvloncJay, Nay 11, 1953, at 7:30 P.'ff., was seconded 'by Bank and carried. -. Reqwst was made for permit to locate dwelling the wrong way of a platted lot in TTirginia Avenue Addition. this because .it will establish precedent for this. -area. Petitioner was asked to confer with builder Md-fahon who had made this same typp of request at a previous meeting, to see .if the center lot in this block could be divided between the two corner lots, Nayor Erickson announced Public Hearing on Proposed Vatermain Jhpm vement for Brookview Heights First Addition, Clerk presented dffidavit of Publication for "Notice of. Hearing,l' pubAished in Edina-liorningside Courier February 19 and 26, 1953, which affidaet was approved and ordered placed on file. and Brown were present, to discuss the proposed franchise, which was reviewed at some length by the Council and Village Attorney Wndhorst. presented deeds for Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Brookview Heights First l$ddition, as location for proposed well, and letter from Bergerson-CasweU, fi?c,,well contractors, notifying the Village that they have entered into contract with The Stow Company for the drilling and construction of a well on the above named property, said constructions to be in accordance with Village specifi- cations, Easements to the Southerly 60 Ft, of Lot 10, Block 8, and to part of Lots I2 and 13, Block 1, Brookview Heights First Addition were also presented. I&. PEtcheU explained that Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, have been approved by the State Borad of Health as-site for well, and that Village P4a.nager and Public Utilities Supt. also feel tht it is satisfactory, Child offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council waive second reading and adopt Ordinance as read: Building Xnsp ector Woehler recommended against 'z Nessrs. Stow l~k. Stow 1. omnimm Itso. 244. AN. omiNmp3 GRANTING R &CH1$5 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF. W ?JAW lQ3Ji *id@ -lU?PljRTIj3U$?lCZS. lhIJa O~RAT~O~?-,OF .A-.I?ATERR_$?ST12J S:JI'l!&Tl -A. .-...--e' . -._ L ER@GRIB#D-A@I@. - . . ~ . I The Uillage Council of the Village, of &@.nay Hennepin County, fkmesota, do ordain as follows: sometimes referred to as the "Licenseelf, to construct and operate a private water system by drilling a well on hts One and TWO (1 and 2) , Block Eight (8) Brookview Heights First Addition, and connecting said well to water mains hereafter installed by the Village in the following described area: Section 1. B franchise is hereby-granted to The Stow Company, hereinafter i 83 3/9/53 tfComencing at the point of intersection of State Highy No. 100 and the North Boundary Line of Brookvierv,Heights First Addition; th. South on State Hi@h$ay No. 100 to Tr.?Oth Streek; th. Southwesterly dong ?f.7Oth Street to the West Section Line of Section Nine, Township One Hundred Sixteen F$orth, Range %en%>.-one Vest (Sec.9, ~wp.i16~,,~.21~.) ; th. Northerly along said sec$ion line to NorthTgest Comer of said section; tho Xortherly along ?$est Section Line of Section Four, Tovmship One Hundred Sixteen North, Range Twentyyone TJest (Sec.4, Twp.llbN.,R.21IT.) to South Boundary Line of Brookview Heights First Addition; th. West alonggaid South Boundary Line, to Southwest Corner of Lot Eighteen (18)~ KLock sight (81, Brookview Heights First Addition; th. Norkherly ,dong West line of Lots One (I) through Eighteen (18), Block Sight (e), to Iforthwest Cprner' of Lot- One (1) , :Black Eight (8) , Brookview Heights First-Addit ion; th. East to a point Thirty Feet (30 f$*) North of the Hortheast Corner of kt One (1) , Block One (l), Brookview Heights First Addition; .tho South &ong %he East lot lines of Lots-One (1) to Six (6) inclusive, Block One (l), Brookview Heights First Addition, to the Northwest Corner of Lot Eleven (ll), Block One (l), said Jkddition; th. East along Lots Eleven and Twelve (II and 12), Block One (l), said +idfition, to the Northeasf; Corner, of Lot Twelve c12), Block One (11, th. South One Hundred Feet (100 ft.) to a point-Eighty Feet (80 ft.) Vest cf the Northeast Corner of Lot Thirteen (13), Block One (l), Brookview Heights First Addition; th. South to the Northeast Corner. of bt Seventeen (17), Block One (l), said Addition; tho- East Four Hundred and TwenCg Feet-(420 ft.)' to a point Forty Feet (kO-ft.) East of the Northeast Corner of ht !Twenty-one (21), Block One fl), said Addition; . th. Soukh to the Rorthwest Corner of kt Twenty-three (23)., Block One (1); th. East to point of beginning." Section 2., En connection with the operation of said private water system under-said franchise Licensee shall be permitted to charge and collect water service charges for the water service within the area described in Section 1 above or in such other area as may be approved by .the Village from time to time at no more than the charges for the same or similar service charged and collected by the Village in the operation of its public water system. and agrees: ment, pressure tank, pump house, and other equipment necessary to provide the water service herein contemplated, which well and equipment, together with the land on which located, are hereinafter collectively referred to as the ttweU..ll Said well shall be constructed on Lots One and %rim (1 & 21, Block Eight-(8), Brookview Heights First Addition, in accordance with specifications approved by the Village Zngineer and now on file with the Clerk of the Village and within thirty days after completion of saidweLl Wcensee shall cerjifyto the Village .the cost of construction thereof exclusive,of the cost of said pressure tank and the cost of said land, which amount, upon acceptance by the Village, shall be the llQriginal costt1 of the well. (b) To mentain said well free from all Uens other than the'lien for taxes not yet due. (c) To firnish urater service within- the area described in Section I. hereof and to operate and maintain said water syptem, including said well and all mains comected thereto, in substantially the same manner and condition as the Village shall operate and maintain its public water syst.m+ said area at-such places as it deems proper at the cost of the Village and to furnish without cost to the Village wa%er needed $or fire Protection and for other proper and customary public uses within the area specified in section 1: I r Section 3. "Said Licensee in accepting the franchise hereby granted covenants (a) To construct at its sole cost a well, and to provide pumping equip- ,(d) To permi% the Pillage to connect fire hydrants onto the mains $ hereof. Licensee at any tae for an amount equal to the original cost of said weU to Licensee, less depreciation t'nereon equal to four (4) per cent per anum on tlie cost of the pump and other equipment (except the pressure tank) purchased by the Licensee, ' and two (2) per cent per annum on the cost of drilling the well, including therein the cost of the pipe, from June 1, 1953., to the.date of said opt ion. In the event that Licensee for any reason shall fail to perform the covenants and agreements contained in Section 3 hereof and if Licensee shall fail to remedy said default within ten days after mitten notice from the Village specifying the nature of said default, the Village shall have the option to purchase said well for the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). Exercise of said option to purchase shall be evidenced by mailing to Licensee a, copy of a resolution adopted by the Council of said Village stat- ingthat said option is exercised as of a specified date and by tender to Xcensee of the option price provided herein on or before said specified date. Tn addition to the option price above specified under either of said options the Village shall buy fromthe Licensee a11 unbilled accounts for water and dl accounts for water billed and not more than sWy days delinquent. (e) . Upon exercise by the Village of either of said options, Ucensee shall execute and deliver to the Tillage such conveyances and other ins%t;ruments as may be necessary or desirable to vest title to said well in the trillage and thereupon the franchise hereby granted shall terminate. Section 4. -(a) The Village shall have an option to purchase said well f2om (b) (c) (d) 3/9/53 Section 5. Licensee shall be under no obligation to furnish water service .86 to areas outside gf the area specified in Section 1 except for fire pratection as hereinbefore provided, but the Licensee and the Village may mutuaJly agree to- render water service to areas outside the area specified in Section 1. The franchise hereby grantedvmzy be zssiped with the ansent of thevillage. Upon acceptance of this franchise by said Licensee the obligations inposed upon. said Licensee shall be. binding upon him, his heirs, executors and assigns. Acceptance of the franchise hereunder shall be evidenced by -a r.rritten statement of acceptance filed by Licensee with the Clerk of this Village idthin thirty dsys after the adoption of this ordinance. This ordinance shall be in fuLl force and effect from and &er its passage and publicstion. r Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Section 9. I4otion for abp~on of the Ordinance as resd was seconded y B@, and on Rollcdl g e;+thild, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. ATTEST: I ~ .&A 4!..$pww / there were four ares and no -nays as f ollovrs: B=despXipi< P 6#AJ Nayor Village Clerk 1.lanager Hitchell then gave his Estimate of Cost for the pmposed Ifatemah hpmve ment in BrooMeeW Heights First Addition, eawlaining that bids ta$en this evening are lower thzn eqected and that consequently th5se estimates ifill be a little high. His estimate for the cost per foot, if. assessed against Broolrview Heights First Addition only, would be 46.51; that if the trunk mains are assessed over the.entire area as set forth in the.Notice of Hearing, (including Brookview Heights First Addition) all assessable footage in both areas would pay 0.92 per foot for a trunk charge, and the Brookview Heights First hddition would pay $5.00 per foot for . laterals, making Brookview Xeights First Ziddition total charge $5.91, and the charge to the balance of the area $*91. be some over-sized mains in the area not yet platted, and that this lather area r.rould be penalized if it was assessed for the present trunk mains. 1-k, Stow, owner of Br0oErvier.z Heights First Addition, vas agreeable that the entire cost of the presently proposed impmvement be assessed to Brookview Heights First Addition, Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 3 He explained that there will necessarily n%SOLUTTON O.WERDJG IIPRmmE . TLfl~~~~ IIIPizO~*~E., NO- 56 . BE IT SOLm by the Council-of -the.Village of,_Edina, IEnnesota, that this Council heretofore-caused notice of hearkg to be duly published on the proposed inprove- ment consisting of Construction of Village Vatermain and Appurtenances in the Ridgeview Drive, from V.66th St. to South Boundary of Brookview Heights First Addn. Tkren rlvenue, from W.66th St. to Danens Drive. Nami Drive, from U.66th St. to Danens Drive. Normandale Road, from north Boundary Line of Brookview Heights First Addn. to Guggan Plaza. 11.66th St., from 3. Boundary Line of Brookview Heights First Addn. to Ridgeview Drive. Danens Drive, from Duggan Plaza to Ridgeview Drive. Link Avenue, from Danens Drive North to 1-iead0r.r Ridge North Dugan Plaza, from State Highway No. loo to Ridgeview Drive. .I following streets : ". I. 2, 3. &, 5. 6. 7.. Zeadow Izidge North, .from Duggan Plaza to Bidgeview Drive. 8. 9. c LO. llircle Drive. and at .the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice t$e Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of %he pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with construction of said improvement, except that a wa-bermain shall .not be constructed on Link Llvenue; that szid improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred $0 in all subs5quent proceedings as UatermLn Improvement No. 56, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land in Bro0kvier.r Heights First Addition. Xotion for adoption of Resolution was duly aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution ~rqs there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: 'I Child then offered the follovring Resolution and moved its adoption, after eqlain- ing that Advertisement had been made before it was finally determined that mains should not be constructed in Link Avenue; that plans and specifications had been subnritted to bidders without %he Link AvFnue main: FQR_WATEEMA.~J- JJjPR0-T -NO. .. 56. &IiSD .CONFI€@I- The Plans and specigications for Watemain Improvement No, 56 beretofore a< . I . . ,JNG ADT$&TISE;IVIENT FOR BIDS. BE IT R3SOLVED by the Ellage Counc$l .of, the .yillage of .Edina: prepared 'by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the .Village Clerk are hereby approved. - The action of the Clerk in causing to be published twice in thq Edina- Norningsi.de Courier and the Gonstruction Bulletin the following aotice for bids forthe construction of said improvement is hereby approved and confirmed: . $1, 2. * ADVERTISE" FOR BIDS - TlAm@IN DmWEW. NO. 56 The Edina Village Go~cil~will meet at the Village Hall, @Ol K5Oth Street, Monday, Narch 23, 1953, at 7:30 P.%, to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Village Ifatemin Itnprov-ment No. 56 consisting of Village Water- mains and Appurtenances in the following streets: -- .. 1, 2. 3. 5. 6, 7. 8. . 9. 10. 4b Eidgegew Drive, from W.66th St. 1st kddn. . Naomi Drive, from lf.66.th St. to Danens Drive. Nomandale Road, fxom Ho~h Boundary Line of Brookview Heights 1st Addn. to Duggan Plaza. 'W.66th St., from E. Boundary Line of Brookview Heights 1st &ddn. to Danws Drive, from Duggan Plaza to Ridgeview Drive. Xeadov Ridge North, from Duggan Plaza to Xdgeview Drive. Link Avenue, from Danens Drive North to Ngadow Ridge Eorth. Duggan Plaza, from.State Highway No. 100. to Ridgeview Drive, Circle Drive. South Boundary of Brookview Heights ?%men Avenue, from W.66th St. to D&ens Drive. -- Ridgeview Dr. -_ - York must be done as described and specii'ied in plans and specifications for said Qprovement on file in office of Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis bf cash payment for ~0rk. No bids will. be ansidered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten per cent of atnoun$ of bid, BY ORDER OF VIm4GX COUNCIL. -__ --- - ...-_ ._ Evald C. Bank, Clerk . 3, Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids 'are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for s@d improvement . 1 Plotion for addption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Nayor - -. Child moved for approval of Village Payroll, amount $8,2G.49 and Liquor Store Payroll, axtount 0$-,U2.50, for period lb.rch.1 to 15,, inclusive, and Overtime for Febmaw, all as recorded in detail i;? the payroll ledger, and for payment of the E2384 L2385 E2387 E2388 E2390 L2391 L-2392 E2393 E2394 L-2395 1;-2396 ~2386 8660 8682 8659 8663 8666 TO: Old Peoria Co,, Xnc. PIid-lJest Viqe Co., Inc. Distillers Distributing Go. American Linen Supply Company nuto~tic-Alarm"Corpor-t' a. ion Famous Brands, kc. Northwestern Be11 TeL Coo Ed. Phillips & Sons Coo gd. Phillips & Sons Co, F. J.. Quinn Paper Go. Ray Welter Qil Burner Service shela Oil Company Griggs, Cooper & CompAy - Xdina Hardware Pfeiffer Const . GO. Subruban Hem. Cy. Relief Bd. Edina-Xor Kingside Courier G.M. 6rr Eng. CO. 1,73&.06 11.65 25.50 312.10 14.60 638.66 440 92 37. k9 16.50 48.41 2,681 . 26 .. .. LIQUOR FUND $6,671.28 . NO . 86 - { 8658 8674 8675 8678 8677 8678 8667 8668 8669 8670 e671 8672 8660 8661 8663 8664 8665 8673 8680 8681 TO: - First Rational Bank 3/9/53 D. C. Hey XPS. S. A. Zzcher Harvey Paterson Tf. S. Taylor i&hur IC. Petersen Clifford Robins on Donald I.iaCi.;iLLan 6 .Thomas Uelson Bruce Carlson Howard IJ. Xerriman c J. E. Goan, Postmaster E&a Hardware F, H. Geiger Sales Co. Edina-Xomingside Gouri er George Thompson Sewer District Xo; 53 J. Et, Coan, Postmaster John A. Deliuth XoreU & IJichols- C. ($ 7.60 37.40 15.60. 2,020 . 00 9040 GARBAG3 FUND $ 2,O~Q.OO ~ Bbtion was seconded by Bank and carried. Director of Civil Defense, Palen, was present to hear the discussion on the eo- posed Civil Defense Ordinance. certain provisions, Bredesen moved €or referral of Ordinance back to Attorney Windhorst for his further report. Because agreement could not be reached as to Kotion seconded by Child and carried. D'iscussion was had of the dif3idty Kr. iirthur K. Petersen is having in secur- ing a garbage dump outside Edina, and the possibility that Edina_ and St.huis Park might join sometine in the future, in ,a joint garbage dump or incineration plant. Kayoor Erickson zppointed Chairman of Public Utilities Child as a committee of one to contact St.LoUis Park with regard to their feeling jn this matter. - Bredesents motion, that Village Ebnager and Police Captain be authodzed to employ another police officer at the salary recomended in klager's recommen- dation of liarch 9,1953 (6275.00 psr month for first six months, and $297.00 thereafter) vas secoded by Bank and carried. Bredesen's motion, that Village Xanager be directed to advertise €or a t$rd squad car for the Police Department, bids to be taken April 13, vas seconded by Ekmk and carried. Bredesen mbved for adjournnent of Xeeting until 3:OO P.I-T., Saturday, Ibch l4* Hotion seconded by Child and,carried. Heeting w adjoumed at 12:OO I2idni@t. 7 k~6& pf - -_ Village Clerk I 3/3-4/53 BfmZS OF THE HAFtCH l4, 1953 POETION OF THE-REGUUB KEZTZEtG OF THE mG3 COVnrGa .HED.MOIL)AY, I&BCH 9, 1953, .i Nembers Bredesen, child, 3ank and- xrickson answered Rollcall at the Village Hall, at 300 P.I.I., Saturday, Narch 14. Manager Etcheil's recommendation for changing of street name of llNelson Avenueat to llSpruce Road" .was reviewed. Childfs motion, that Public Hearing be scheduled fdr.Honday, Nay.11, 1953, on this matter. Xo$ion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Nanager ftitchell recommended that Council advertise for bids for a light snow plow for the Dodge truck, inasmuch-as the one now used is too heavy, causing high maintenance costs. plow suitable for use on the present Dodge truck, vras seconded by Bank and carried. -_ r * Child's motion, that bids be taken Nay 24, for a light Public Safety Committee's recommendations for elimination of left hand turns from 50th Street into parking lots, and for establishment of one crosswalk on 50th Street between France and Halifax Avenues, said walk to have bush-botton controlled signals synchronized. with France and Halifax signals, were reviewed. Bredesents motion, directing Village Attorney to draft an ordinance prohibitj,ng left hand turns off 50th Street between France and Halifax Avenues, and establishing -one crosswalk on 50th Street between France and Halifax Avenue (said walk to be at a place designated-by the Chairman of the. Public Safety Coranittee,Village IIanager and Captain of Police, with signals to be synchronized with France and Halifax Avenue signals) was seconded by Bank and carried. Manager "Itchell reported Police Capt&n &Gary' s request for an ordinance licensing and regulating small snow plows, which have consistently retarded the movement of traffic and made extra work for village snow plows, by pushing driveway snows into the village streets. Bank's motion, directing Village Attorney to draft an ordinance licensing private snow plows and regulating theii. operations. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Ifanager Ititchell's recommendation for the establishment of Int erlachen Blvd. and Blake Road as !*through streets" to aid in the movement of the heaqrtraffic on these streets was discussed. moved its adoption: Bank offered the following Resolution and RESOLUTION DESIGITATING THROUGH STmTS . (InterLachen Blvd. ~ and Blake Road) . BX IT RESOLVED by this Village Council, that in the interests of public 87 safety and convenience the follovhg-streets be and hereby established- as Through Streets: Interlachen Boulevard Blake Road, from State Highwy No. 169 to North Village Limits. fIotion for adoption of -the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no .nays, as follows: , aye; Child, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resoluti Preliminary Plat of 3ZRoy Peterson's Second Addition" was presented, together yith Planning Commission's recommendation for approyal. approyd of Preliminary Elat. Bredesen moved for . Notion seconded by Bank and carried. Nanager Mitchell presented 1tPre15.minary Plat for Subdivision of Blocks 12 and 13, Edina Highlands General -Plan.ll approval vras noted, and Bredesen moved for approval. of I)reliminary Plat . Planping Commission's recommendation for I Hotion seconded by Bank and carried. BIaager I&i.tchell presented for approval the new fee scheduled by Norell & Nichols, Inc., Planning Consultants. that developers-be charged for aid in platting given by Planning Commission; also, that developers be charged a fee equal to some 5% of the value of their property in order that a park acpisition fund might be built up, Bredesen moved for approval of the following fee schedule: Principal of Fim - $4.00 Hr. plus 50% for overhead and profit. Senior Zngineer-Draftsman - $2.&O Hr. plus 100% for overhead and profit. Junior Xngineer-Draftsman - $1.85 Hr. plus 100s for overhead and profit. \ After some discussion, including suggestion Notion seconded by Child and carried. 8 3/uc/53 Discussfon vras had as to recommended sal$ry increases for street laborers 1S.filles 1 and Nelson. Eatter tabled until return of Chairman of Public Xorks Danens. r Emager fB.tcheU reported that he has been unsuccessful in his attempt to secure a codtment from the Cornelius interests with regard to purchase of a portion of their land for drainage purposes; that .they are interested none, and want $27,500 for the entire tract. be instructed to initiate condennation proceedings for necessary easements; also suggesting that Public Hearing be held as soon a.s practicable on the proposed improvement, insofar as the additional benefited district is cpncerned. Child's motion, that Village Attorney Ifhdhorst be instructed to secure all the necessary easements for the proposed stom sewer with the exception of that on the Cornelius pmperty; and that in regard to the Cornelius pmperty the Village Hanager be authorized to inform owners that unless mne satisfactory price on the property can be negotiated the VUage ~6l.l. start condemnation proceedings forthtlith, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. selling or He recornended that Village Attorney Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: KESOIQTIOR SmIpG HXQING 7 STOEEIIT SE;'ER RIEiOVBENT l?HERE&S, the Village Cowpi.&. desAres. on--its otm motion to hprove the dist@&t hereinafter described by construction of Pillage Storm Sewer thereln, all1 as authorized by Laws 1949, Chapter U9, as amended by-lazzs 1949, Chapter E33 7T EEXDLNED by the Village council. of the Village or' E&na that it is deemed necess+ry and expedient to make said Storm Sewer Improvement, and that on the llth day of 3.laJr, 1953, at 7:30 P.X., this Council 1152-1 meet at the Tillage Hal1 in said Village and r.rill at,s+d $he andbplace hear the parties interested therein-In reference to such improvement, and VU decide Whether or not to undertake such improvement, in whole or in part; the district proposed to be improved being the following: ' &3O, now therefore - I c I I