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3/23/53 ' , 89
~ mm vram CO~NCIL~ HX~~~NDAY,
Mllf2CH 23,-1953,-AT_7:30 P&*, A? THE
- .- EDINaVEMEWL . .. _- - . -..
Members answering Rollcall were C&d, Bredesen and Erickson.
Minutes of the Special Neeting of Ma;rch 2, and the Regular Meeting of E.Tarch 9, 1953,
were approved as subetted, by motion Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried.
First matter on the agenda wqs the ta&g of bids on six typewriters, in acmrdancs
w2th Advertis anent for Bids-Typewrit ers, appearing ,in Edina-Morningside Courier
and Construction Bulletin Ifarch 5 +d-12, 1953, Affidavits of Publication for
which were read by Deputy Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file.
The following sealed bids were publicly opened and read, being the only bids
received: -
STANDARD CA€@@X 15" cmam - TPEWR~m (2) TXFEWRII.'E;RS (41 Underwood Corporation (Net, Inc,Trade-In) @&$3,00 $650.00
Royal Typewrit er GO, - 230,OO 650.00
Valets Typewriter Sales (for Smith-borona) 195,OO 570oOO
Remington Rand ,220,oo 650400
r 7
After discussion, including talk by Remington agent, Bredesen moved for award or
bid to Undemod Corporation,
in the evening it was determined that Underwood had made ab error in bid; that bid
Bredesen's motion, rescinding his first motion and making award of two 15':
carriage .typewriters and one standard Carriage typedt er to each Undemod and
Royal Typewriter Company, with Underwood to assume trade-in cost, was seconded by Child and carried.
Notion seconded by Child and carried, Then, later
%- for Standard Carriage Typewriters, including trade-in, should have been $$205,004
1 Manager Btchell recommended delaying avmd of bids on sand, gravel and rock until
the next regular-meeting. Child so moved. fiiotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
f-fanager Etchell reported the Park Boardts recommendation for rejection of a13 bids
taken EIarch 9, for a Bark Board Truck. Bredesenfs motion that aU truck bids be
rejected was seconded by Child and carried.
The matter of the Public Hearing scheduled for this evening, on the proposed rezoning
of certain properkies in Grandvievr Hei&ts and Brookside Heiats Additions came next
before the Council, in accordance with !‘Notice of Hearing on Petition to Rezone,ff
published in Edina-&mingside Courier Wch 5 and 12, and posted on Officid. Bulletin
Boards Bkch 3. Affidavits of said Publication and Posting were read by Deputy Clerk,
approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Because there were only three members
of the Council present, Bredesen moved for continuance of Public Hearing to Ifonday,
April 13, 1953. Hotion seconded by Child and carried.
A delegation from the 5800 Block on Fairfax Avenue presented a petition for the filling
of a vacant lot at 5Q.l Fairfax Avenue (kt I.&, Block 5, Fairfax Addition) grfor the
safety of all the children within the area, and to prevent unsanitary health conditions.tl’
Delegation sited Village Ordinance No. 56, Section 7, in maintaining that the Village -
bmught out in discussion that this is a 1’naturdltl low spot, and not a man-made
as to possible action. BIotion secoded by Child and carried.
Hr. C. K. Katter led a delegation asking about Ashcroft Avenue between l7.5$th and
ITe6Oth Street. 3hager Hitchell reported that a Storm Sewer is badly needed fn this
area. Discussion was had as to possible ways of grading the street to secure
drainage, With Hr. 1.EtcheI.l maintaining that a hlly satisfactory street cannot be
constructed unless a storm sewer is included. Child moved, directing Village Engineer
to make survey of possibility of storm sewer and to get a group from the area together
with the Public Utilities Committee for a meeting as soon as his figures are ready for
report. Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
$Ilk. Verlin B&Lfanz presented petition for permit to open and maintain a black dirt pit
on the C.C. Peterson Farm, Valley View Road; excavating to a depth of six to eight
feet, at a point approximately 250 feet from the road. Childts motion, that matter
be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation, was seconded by Bredesen
and carried.
be responsiliLe for any damages for accidents occuring at this location. It was
Bredesen moved for referral of matter to Village Attorney for his opinion
Tht hhcmft Avenue delegation also inquired as to the matker of the outdoor privy at
the dwelling of Floyd Blakeborough,5909 Concord Avenue. I&. Child reported that Nr,
Blakeborough has been doing some modernizing, Rewest vas made to office to write
3k. Blakeborough to ascertain his plans for connecting with the Village sanitary
sewer. No Wther action taken.
A delegation of ovners of unplatted properties was present to protest the proposed
method of assessment for SiidakySawer linprovement No, 53.
they iould be notified of an assessment hearing at such time as the assessment was
actually filed uith the Clerk,
The Fairfax Avenue delegation bqired as to what is to be done with stom vrater
at such time as I.1.5M;h Street is graded thugh,
Committee asked t.0 study this situation.
They were informed that
No action 158s taken at this time.
** - c t
Village Engineer and Public Utilities
l e &. Smisek applied for permit to buud amresidence on the property at Cahill and
HighGay No, 5, for which he had previously requested rezoning,
wrilding Inspector IToehler on this matter.
Twin City’Rapid Transit Company’s Ifarch 16th notificatZon of its intention to dis-
continue service to 56th and Wooddale wastread, h. BEtchell repo?hed that the
R&wq and Tlarehouse Commission has not yet authorized such discontinuance.
action taken,
The letter from fi. Charles L. Horn, Chairman of the llU.nnesota Emergency Conservation
Committee,” inquiring about the proposed ‘ITreasure Wet1 to be constructed on private
property by”Mr, Shirley Knudson, was readdand ordered placed on file.
was direct& to acknoiqledge 3Tr. Horn’s inqpirg, and also to inform IIP. Knudson that
he must have an excavation permit before construction begins.
2.k. Robert T, Carlson’s request for sewer on Summit Avenue vas reviewed, together w2th
action by Council. last year, to reject bids for this construction because of excessive
cost to’ property owners, inasmuch as owners on one side of street, only, can be
it d-ght be ascertained whetheimajority of property ovmers still wish this improvement,
He vas asked to see
f.Ianager Xitchell
Engineer 3IitcheI.l was asked to inform petitioner of cost, in order that
Public Health Nursing District’s report for Frebruary was filed. mer some dismsion,
Child moved that a report be requested on service rendered in Edina and the service
which the Council can expect for Edina residenbs. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Mr. Fred V. Rogers' reminder of plans for landscaping pumphouse properties
caused a discussion, during which Mr. MitcheXl was directed t-0 contact 3%. ;Ralph
Johnson for landscaping advice, and to acknowledge Mr. Rogers' inqiry.
f 1 r 1
A request fmm the Navy Club -for permit to conduct a mobile display af Bobert
Ripley's oddities collection was denied, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Child
and carried.
Notification was made by League of Kinnesota Nhnicipaltities of thaNinnesota
State Fire School to b.e held April 27 to Nay 1. Child moved that permission
be granted to two delegates to attend the school, with eqenses- paid.- Ifotion seconded by-Bredesen and carried. r
Bredesen mowed for approval of the following sign licenses, for the period
April 1, 1953 to April 1, 1954, motion being seconded by Child and carried:
BsUesonts Store for Men BeUesonJ a, 3912 Y. 50th St. $1.00 77 .
Berg & Farnham Company Berg & Farnham, Atbp warehouse . at tL5lst St..& Eden Avenue 1.60 69
Brauerrs 5# to &.OO Store Brauerts,-3*5 W..SOth Sti 1.00 60
Brush's Shoes (H.E.Brush) -Brush's 39L9 FJ.5Oth St. 1.00 43
Blvd. & Nirror Lakes Drive * 1.00 18
169 opposite G1eason.Road * 1000 158
Clancy Drug- Company ClWCy' S, 3948 W. 50th St. - 1.00 136
Burke, Lillian - LUlian's,r 3923 V.50th St. * 1.00 171
Burton, H.Ri, Inc. *. lfiroc fakes in Edina, Interlachen r
Burton, H.Ra, Inc. Indian Hills Corp.5 N. .side of Hy.
In - (Temporary-O,Hgg*)
Coca-Cola Bottling Company Coca-&la, 4.404 $.View Road LOO 56
(S .Bo St ens on) L.12,Bl. 22,Fairf ax.
(Es. Ma Tedman)
- . Correll's Dairy Store-Cold Beer,
Coca-Cola Bottling Company Coca-Cola, 4429 V.Vi.ew Road- 1.00 57
Correll's Dairy Store
.. 3907-W.54th St. ~.00 47 Country Club Ice Crean Co. Countq Club Tce Cream Coo : 5036 France Ave. ~ 1.00 76
Docken, E,Gi (Betty). Country Club Floral Coo
f - - 55Of~France Ave. S. - 1.00 175
Edina Children's Shop,Inc. KLad-erne Store for Children
.3910 W. 50th Sto 1.00 130
Edina Hardware Edina Hdwe.-k944 France Ave. So. 1.00 36
Edina Theatre Corp. - Ediria Theatre-Ent. to Pkg. Lot, 3911 W.5Oth St, * 1.00 62
Edina Theatre Corp. * Edina Theatr e-Overhanging 1.00 62
Fanny Farmer Candy Shop . Fanny Farmer-5000 France Ave. So. 1.00 .a
Fanny Fanner Candy Shop Same as above 1.00 w42
Auditur% Subd. #196- 4.00 70
Fish, F.C. Sign Service Notor Fuel-Kmz Oil, Lot 2,
- General Outdoor Adv. Go, B.F.Nelson Mfg. Co. - Hyo#169-212, r - lL2 No of Cy. Rd. #18 5.25 5
General Outdoor Adv. Co.
General Outdoor Adv. do,.
Grandview Direct Servo
Grandview Direct Serv. - Same as above
Grandview Direct Servo Same as above.
Grandview Market - 5033 Vernon &Ve. Grandview Marke%
Gregg, Henry H. * Greggts Pharmacy, 4954 France Ave.
Gregg, Henry H,
Nicollet Hotel - Hy. 169 & Olinger
rSouthdale Center, on S. side of W.
Direct Service, Interlachen Blvd.
Rd. (SE- Corner) 5.25 .6
66th St.,.between France & York.. 1.26 3.69
.& Highway#l69 - n - .- Loo " 73
1.00 74
1.00 75
1.05 150
Green, The Dale Coo Dale Green,- 7601 Nomandale Rd. c 3000 104 -. On roof of market -
So. - Oyer doo'may at entrance) 1.00 '39
Same a5 above - prescriptions
Halla Nursery - 3h trinagle bordered
Compounded 1.00 40
Gragg, Nenry H. Same as above (against bldg.) 1000 134
Halla Nursery
Halla Nursery -Has Nursery (over. driveway to .grds) lo%-. 8 . 1.00 32 Hartzell Mobr Gompany - Chrysler-Plymouth,4936 France
Hauscliild, O.D., Inc;
by State Hy.#lOO, Eden Ave. & Sqillson 1. 0 7
Hartzell Motor Company Edina G~age,4936 France 1.00 33
* Hasty Tasty Shops * Hasty Tasty, 3907 T.1.5Oth St. - - i,oo -66
O.D. Hauschild, 5050 France
. (E. side of bldg.)* . 1.00 91
1.00 55
* 'Hauschild, 0.D.; Inc. * Same as above (SO side of bldg.1 ' 1.00 92
Hove's, 3940 IL50th St. (front) 1.00 54
Hove!s, 3940 tJo50th St. (rear) Hove Company, .kc.
Hove Company, Inc.
Irgens, $arguerite V.
Krueger, Road A, (dba heger
. Signs)
RcGuire, T.irs., 3. F,
tfeyers Outdoor Adv. Coo
Xeyers Outdoor Adv. Coo
Xerers Outdoor Bdv. Coo
KnittNhrl Shop .
). @=wrary-Ohgg. 1
1.00 174 Jay's C&ras,3Wl W.5Oth St.
&P.Johnson Sdes Coo - Antrim
Frank ICnapp, Allis Chdlmers Sales
Edina Shopping Center - Hy.#l69
between G&eason.Rd. # Cy.Rd. #18 2.88 176 Wrs. D.F. l&Guire - Shemmod Ed.
& Eden he, c 1.00 98
Dodge, Plymouth, Jacobson, Bfpls.
1000 UO .a[ Cor. of Cahill Rd. & Hy&
DW Fresh Ice Cream - Hio%To of C
.Npls. .on H6.169-left side of rd.
going to q$Sb 1.00[ ut5 Hamm's Beer - Nif Cor. of Cam Rd,
& Hy. 5,. on Wspk property . 1.00 160
Xiller Hdv~e.,~ 5846 France Ave. So. 1.00 k6
&. Valley Yiew Rd. 1.00 ' 17
1.00 178 & Service, County Road fit3
Hpls.,Northfi&d &-Southern
Himray, Arthur Dance Studio (33ge)7kthur liurray's, 3917 lT.50th SG. lr33 ~ 172
National Adv. .I Coo
National Adv. - Coo
*~ation& MV.-CO,
HNM 2- 225g E., of IT. line of Goy$,
Ebyer-Gilfillan .Coo (Ford)
A.T. Hansord Coo (Pontiac)
Int 8,.Se~~28,~~..ll'l, R. 23. . 1.00 ' 105'
,Hy.169-23.2 (Vessey Property) Z,W 30
i. Levds E. JonesrProperty- 1.00 128
National Outdkr Display Coo
Hational Outdoor Display Coo
National. Outdoor Display Coo
National Tea Company .-
National Tea Compaqy
Nordquist. Sign Coo
Oreck, $far&,& Associates
Pearson Bros.
Purity Dairy Store
Roberts, Oscar Company, .
Roberts, Oscar Company
Roberts, Oscar Company
Scott, Store #94
EIalkerson Sales-U,S. Royal
EIy.$69-2L2 7 2.2 NLSo #IO0 1.00 3.42
Fr@+inclElk, k933 France So. 1.00 31 'Walrlu+ Kill, ?ooddale Grocery
4.429 V.QlewRd. 1,oO 58
4930 France Aye. So. (on bldg.) 1.00 96
Park;ing - 3945 Vo%h St. 1.00 48
@atlo Tea Coo, 3945 IGSath St. - l*OP . 50
Eo of CS. I& #l8 -* ' 1.00 10
3946 lL5Oth St. 1.00 3.37
EIyONo, 169-212 ID00 163 bits Dairy, 5018 France So. I 1.00 44
Oscar Roberts Co, 7200 France So. 1.00 102
$1 7mO France So. 1.00 103
!? tr !! 7200 France So. 2.00 -131
Scott ,%ore, 3906 W.50tb StD 1.00 94
Blank (none) ViUage ~nn - I
National Food Stores - Qstomer
Pocbadt Ibr. COO, m.169, 1/2 3'ti.b
karvin Qreck & Associates
Pearsoq.Ebs., Shenmod Rd. &
m le
Spring, The Company The Spring Conipan~-for Wna
Highlands, Byreshire Blvd. a69
(IL side) m -* 1.00 113
Spring, The Company
Spring, The Company .
Thayer & Storm
Thernell, EO& con st^ Cor ..
Thrope Bros., Inca
Thorpe Bros. ," ke0
Trislert s Gmcery
Sqe Site.- (E. Sib) 1.00. uzc
Road and Hy.,169 1.00 115
Thayer &. Storm, 3911 W. 50th St. 1.00 93
Gordon Themell, SE Cor. of, 60t&
& France, facing comer 1.00 157 Thorpe Bros., Lot Sdes . V.View Rd. & R.R. Tracks 1boo 121
Thorpe Bros., bt Sales
Trisler's .- Kanps &e Cream .5405 France.Aver So. " 1000 86
l,Arrow) Edina Highlands, Hansep
H.E.Thernell, E.G. Thenell,
Cresc,ent Drive-VaLley View &sa , 1.00 " 123
Child moved for approval of the foUovLng genera3 licenses uncon&t>onally, and for
approval of the following Plunbers* Licenses subject to appmvdl. by Building' Inspector
Woehler: 1 -I
J.Dorek, dbya Edina bw&g Center, 5030 'France he. - Food, Cigarette, Off-sale
Beer, onlcsale Beer, 16 Bowling Alleys", 1 Pinball T4achine.
John L, IliesJOl IL3rd St. -
Spe8z & Berg, 6021 Qndale Ave. So.
Robert X.Bahneman,5816 ftellogg Bve. .
NelVin E. Sagar,5902 Nomandale Rd.
%@. *Carlson, 2400-10th Ave. So,
Edward Lo Peters,3036-%it Ave. So.
Warren F.Syfnson, 6625 Norgan Ave, So.
Plunibers Licenses: -t
Bernard P. PIOoney,2816 Harfiet Ave. SQ. ,"
* '.
I Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried:
3/23/53 93
i Council received application from StoPeterts Lutheran Church, France and
Fuller, %or permit to install two directionalsigns on Village boulevard
properties, Child moved for denial of request and for direction to Village
Manager to notifyChurch of such denial, together with-explanation as to
reason therefor. Motion. seconded by Bredesen and carried.
State Department of Taxations' notification of Finance Officers' meeting at
City Council Chambers, Room 317, City Hall, April 2,- at 10 A.M., was read and
Petition was filed- for the Blacktopping of Fairfax Avenue between Wooddale and
W,60th Street, siged by owners of 100% of benefited property, CMld moved
for acceptance of petition and scheduling Public Hearing on sane for Monday,
April 27, at 7:30 POX. Motion seconded by-Bredesen and carried. + -
Discussion was hag as to assessments t-o be levied for various old construction
projects; i.e., Blacktopping of W.49th Street between France and liraple Road,
Storm Sewer ii.l the- Yvonne Terrace area, .and- the Beard Avenue Stom Sewer.
Deputy.Clerk asked- to have. report for Council not- latep than April 13, on
all three projects, in order that Assessment Hearings may be scheduled.
Child moved 'for payment of Village Payroll, amount $8,442.73, and for Licpor
Store Payroll, amount #655.32, for period March 16 to 31, inclusive, as recorded
in dekail in Payre11 Ledger, and for payment cxf the following Claw, motion
being seconded by Eiredesen and carried:
CLAIk NO, 3 " - 8685 . H.A. Rogers Company 8686 8687 8688
8690 8691
8695 8696
' 8697
8703 8704 . 8705 8796 8707 W32 8734 873 5
8738 8737
87W 843 8744 8745 8750
87 53 8760
8732 8746 8747
$7 52
GlacierTaand & gravel Coo
Constructioh Bulletin
Young Fuel Coo
American Unen Coo
Petty Cash
Jay's Cameras
Richard- C. Sonnenberg
Ted% Johnson, Hopkins Police
Brovrn Clothing Co,
Modern Sanitary SuppP7 &e
Eertelson Bms.
Astleford Ecpipment Coo
Dick Palen Photogrphas
Raynard- Po Nayberg
John E,- Carderelle
Edina Laundry
ITilliamson Stamp Company
Ed. Ryan, Sheriff-of Hmn. Cy.
M-innesota Fire Extinguisher Coo
Reinhard Bms.
Eugene Thomas
General- Electric Supply Go,
Gaylord R. Berlin
MZ&vest. Conference of Bldg.Insp, .- 10,oo
Charles A. Johnson
Gerold Xerf eld
Richard- Obermeyer
Eugene Elsen & Sons
Lehn Electric
Eiller Davis Go,
Northern States Power Coo
N.Y, Bell Telephone Coo
Hwdware Nutuals
Eugene 'Thomas
Farnhm Stationery Supply
Thomas P. Lee
Dean BEller
Northern States Power Coo
Constrtiction Bulletin
Winstoxi W. Rad
GlacZer Sand & Gravel
Northein States Power Co.
-. -
( CgA$+INO. TO=
American Linen
‘ 8690 Petty Cash NO7 Reinhard Bros. 8708 8709 Edina Pure Oil Service 87452 Goodyear Service Stores
8733 Delegard Tool Coo. 8712 Brookside Service Stn, 8713 Brookside Service Stn. 87u Sulxlrban Chevrolet 8715 %in. He Ziegler 8716 . Kasson Oil Co. 8717 ‘1 H.R. Toll Company
8718 Standard Spring Co. 8719 kef Bros.
8720 .. Dependable Ihtors
€&%?3. 8722 , Dahlberg Bros., Inc. 8723 c. Paper, Calmenson & Co. 8733 Neal Swant Service
8739 I 8752 Worthern Stases Poirer Coo w53 N.lL Bell Taephone Co, W% Up&. Gas Company
Don& JohnBolander, Belt Line Shell
1kU.n Radio & Electric Co.
Hennepin Digt . Boiler Inspsctor
Service Tool & Equipment Co,
H.A. Rogers *
Tolta, King kD&
ArleighC. Smith
Ashworth & Son
11 ‘1- !’ I!,
!! ?!.
?’ Ye
Glacier Sand% Gravel Co.
Young Fuel Co,
Petty Cash
Chicago Bridge 6 bn Co.
centra supply co.
Delaney Bras,,
United Seal CD.
Kunicipd. Eqqipment Go.
Sagar Plumbing Co.
Eugene Thomas.
IEUer-Davis $0.
Northern Stat.es Power Cor
MOIL Bell TelFphone Coo
FUND .----
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
Canada Dry Beverages
Glausen.& Sans, Inc.
Coca Cola Bot%ling Compzny
Distillers Distributing Go.
0.P.f. Droney Beverage Coo
Famous Brands, Inc.
Gold Xed& Beverage Co.
Gluek Brewing Co,
31cKesson & Rabbins, Inc.
3Ti.ll.er-DaVis Company
Xpls. Brewjag Go.
14pls. City Club Distributing Go.
Pabst Sales Company . Rex Distrihting Cor
Rdyal Beverage Distributing Coo . Seven-Up Bottling Company
Shelly Distributing Go.
Griggs, Coopsr & Co.
Old Peoria Company, Inc.
Ed, Phillips.& Sons Go.
Val Bjornson, Treas of (PER&)
Em, Hospital Sedce Assno
Hidland National Bank of IIpls.
f.liaSSOlt Bottling Coo
Ebb Bmso GO,
- Eugene Be Thomas
6.55 9.72 782.15 162.30
379.79 161.4S
54.32 760 80 336.78 345.82
2,04l.28 517.38 53.43 50 e00 66.33 7.55 JA3.70
3/23/53 85 FUND - cum NO. TO: AmmT
L2425 Bertelson Bros. - 1.79 LIQUOR FUND 2
1 ~2426 Ed. Phillips & Sons Go. 517.32 $10,604069
- =4zrc Northern States Power Company $ 44052
Bredesen's motion, that Village Council' take-bids for ConstmctLon of New
Village Hall on Nonday, April 20, at 7;3O,P.N., was seconded by Child and
ckager l4itcheJ.l reported th& Chicago- &id& and Iron Company's bid of
carried, 3-
$525.00, for installation of lights on tbe-new wgter tank is the lowest one
received-that locdl companies do not Sean interested in this mrk,
motion, that Chicago Bridge and Iron Company be awarded contract for 1ighf;s
on new water tank was seconded. by Bredesen and carried,
Manager Mitchell reported that the cost of printing new Village maps can be
defrayed by advertisers who are adous to have their ads included.
motion, that advertisements be allowed on Village maps for distribution' to .the
public, was seconded by Bredesen and ca_rried,
Manager Eitchell1s recommendation for the employment of one btrumentc Plan and
khree Cha_inmen was discussed. Child'& motion, that Nk,+ Mitchell be authorized
to employ the additional- temporary help he has requested was seconded by
Bredesen and carried,
Bfanager M5tchell also reported the Park Boardls request' for Park Foreman ana
maintenance man, at respective sdlagiqs schedules of #&6-$$3Cl.7, and $244-297
per month, Bredesen's motiod, for emploJnnent* of two park board employees at
, recommended salaries ..was seconded by Child ani carried,
Bredesen then moved for adjournment. -Notion seconded by Child and carried.
FAF'RIL*13,~19!53, _AT 7:30 P.M., AT-THE
.- . . ._ EDINA KpI;I; .
Members answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson;
IJIfnutes of the March l.4 portion of Erch 9 Adjourned Neekng, and of Narch 23
Regular Neeting were approved as submitted, byaotion Bredesen, seconded by
Danens and carried.
Clerk read Affidavits of Publication- in Edina-Morningside Courier and
Construction Bulletin April 2 .and 9, 1953, for Ilkdvertiseraent for Bids-
Police Car,!! which affiday5.t was amroved as to-form and ordered placed on
file. Because of the press of business, Bredesen moved that these bids,
which the Clerk reported to be seven in number, be referred ,to the Assistant
Engineer for public opening in his office. Xotion seconded by Danens and
carried. *we Later in the evening, Assistant Engineer Zikan returned the
following opened bids, explaining that it had been impossible for him to
tabulate them because of- different bid. bases:-
Bob Knowles Ford Co, (Fora) @13 '5ou.00 %22'589 .
...- -.. 1- -
- $119.00
Dahlberg Bros., Inc. (Ford) ,+I., 526.45 56.70 l40.00
H,J.Minar Coo . (Ford) 1,493.18 U.32 90.67
Boyer-Gilfillan Notor Go. (Ford} l,L339.OO-With Accessories L
Suburban Chev.Co, (Chev.) ' ;t,56,3&0~ ~ " 11 .L
Brellenthb ChevrCo, (Chev.) 1,595.00 ?? Hwtzell Motor Go. (Ply.) - 1,668.44 !t z
(No Certified Check accompanied Nbar Bid)
Bredesen then moved that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at the next regular meeting, Hotion seconded by Bank and carried.
c <
C - c c c t t.c:rt