HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530413_ADJOURNED103 &lager Etchel.& suggested that wouldyEave efer tke o Water Tank painted I1Ed$naf1 -on two sides, about $50.00, ,Bank's motion; that Village M=-&'elL.-he_ directed to investigate the cost of "chis additiond. painting, and aeport at nexb regu1a.r meeting, vras seconded by Bredesen and' carried. kager TfitcheUIs second recomm6rdation for salary adjustment f& Street Laborer's was reviewed and discussed at sone length. (r Bfr, Darks reportid thak the faux mdn being. discussed are'ppod rvoxkers and dependable, ani dBserve the salary incre'ase recommended. fication as of April' 16, L 1953, for .those bublic works' employees listes below, and that they be paid accordingly, wds *seconded by Danens and carriFdr i side would probabxy be 4 b, I Bank'rs motion, that the Council approve re-dassi- L Jacob Schmak L 60 --Class 20-F Present Rate to be $2$4,00 &mes McNdYiS to - Class 24-D . I? If $275.00 4 %. Y to - Class 24-E u ,* !! .I !'% 1,' v !I d @286.0Od .. r( , Leslid Miuer Oscar 'Nelson to - Class 24-E 11 - !! !I I! $286.00 d" - -. Civil Defe&e Director Palen asked for Council's confirmation for his proposed wire to Vashington with. regard to Federal Appropriations for Civ2.1 Defense, Child's motion, that action of Civil Defense Director be approved, was seconded by Bank and carried, The hour bkng late, Bredesen moved for adjournment of meeting until 7:3O €',M,, Monday, April 20. 12:15 A,&,,! Tuesday, April l.4. U"U.,.d". d. \z .J . .I . ./r Notion seconded by Child and carried. Meeting adjourned at v *- I z. 1 MIN'UW OF THE PDJOURNED PORTION OF THE u APRIL k3, 1953 'MEEX'QG 'OF. T.& .EDIN& VELtGE COUNCIL, HEID MONDAY, APRIL 20, -1953, AT- 7:30 P. M,,.AT THE-EDINA .vTL;I;IIGE HALL, " I I ,I- -- .. Membyrs answering Rol&all were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson, Clerk read Affidavits of Publication for publication .of 11AdyqAdsement for Bids- F&st matter before the Comcil wasc the" TA.EING 'OF 'BIDS 'ON NEW TI"%IAGE &LT,." Vi;Llage Hall, in Edina-Norningside Courier and Constm ction Bulletin on April 2 and 9, 1953, which affidavits were appmved as to form and ordered placed OIL file. Bids were then. publicly op,ened and read, in the amounts recorded on Page XO& of this Ninute Book; ,Child then moved tha't said bids 'be feferred 30- Village $anaier, hchtects and Citizenk' Committee for report at next regular meeting, if possible. Notion 7 ,/ -, Clwk reported that nineteen bids had been received, secolided by Danens and carried. 1 *I &yori Erickaon notified the Council of, a meeting of the Board of Hennepin County Comkssioners, Tuesday, April 3.4, at which time the consolidation of School Distfdsts 80s. 16 and 17 rvill be considered. Several manbers evinced inberest in attendin/+ Village Attbrney Windhorst reported that there has been no change in Attorneyt Genera's opinion yLt h regard to liability for cashing checks at Municipal Liquor Store, ,, -' d I .I 4 .I . "'."-e refusal to accept advance papnent from Edina on contract Plant charges (with resultant saving of interest to Edina) place& on file. The macter -of IiabELity for damages' remlting fpom -ille'gaJ_ -sale' of liquor iln tkre Nunicipal' Vquor Store was brought to Councilts attention by an insurance sales letter, This matter was referred to Village Attorney Windhorst for further investkgation by motion Bredesen, sewpled by Bank and, .carried. Mr, JtB.XcDonaldls April 6th protest to the proposed construction of the new Village Hal1 was .read, discussed, and ordered placed on file. Asst. Engineer Joseph Zikan reported that &. Homer Carlson has asked that petition fo* Sanitary Sewer on Summit Avenue be withdrawn. This request was on behalf ,of the property owners, after they had been informed that cost would be approxinately $lO,OO peE fYont Tootz, C'kildrs motioh, that 3roj"ect 'be a%andoned, " * and that pr,eliminary costs be charged to General Fund, and carried. ' % - *+ * *c = Lv X.* Notion seconded by Bank Y cn 3 h w 0 9 F- ut cb Y w ui' Y G; F-' b M F- , 8 w 8 \. -4 w 0 w \. E in 0 I N Y g. 0 N -4 0 0 \. l.n. P $" Y v1 0 0 I. f F'P 8% E 0 z $3 .5 ovlo P - Y ut ,P r Pu7 NO vlo P w Y ?: 0 4 vl P 03 0 0 bur 8wp For 00 00 f 0 0 P eo -0 00 we 00 00 FY WI-' 00 00 Pb u wt 0 0 0 * 0 0 F m co 0 0 N 0 0 r F-R, 00 00 F'Y -Fwt 00000 00000 *ea*. 0 P lu P u7 0 8 80 Mvl 00 &/zo/53 103 Discussion was had with regard to the pmposed traffic restrictions on "T.5Oth Street between France and Halifax Avenues. Bredesen offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council waive secord reading and adopt Ordinance as read: OWlXANcE NO. 191-1 AN ORDdANCZ A$&%JDTNG-THE TRAFFIC 0RDI"CE OF THE VIWE OF EDZNA BY ADDING. NEkf PROVISIONS THERETO . PI~RXCTTXNG THE COWCIL TO RESTF~XCT. TURNING OF , - WIGW AND TO ESTABLISH CROSSIJW - . ... "- * The Village Council of the Village-of Edina, ,Ennesota, 'ordaip: ~ *Section 1. Section 710 of Ordinance No. 191 of the ?Revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina is herebx amended by adding thereto a new-subsection as follows: 11710.7 The Village Council may from time to time cause signs to be erected on or adjacent to streets of the Village prohibit- ing left or right turns, or both, at intersections or between intersections. No driver of 'a vehicle shall &ke any turn so prohibited." Section 2. as follows: "807. Crosswalks between Intersections. The Village Council may from time to time establish crosswalks between intersections. Such crosswalk shall be indicated by lines or other Grkings upon the surface, and the Council. may cause traffic-control signals to be installed to control traffic at such crosswalk. adjacent in6erseutions $ which traffic-control signals are in operation, pedestrians shaU not cross at any place except in a marked qros~wsilk.~I - -. Section 807 of said Ordinance No. 191is hereby amended to Between Motion for adoption of "the above Ordinance as read was seconded by Bank, 'and 'on Rollcal3. there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and E adopted. Bredesen, aye; 1 Rayor . 1 Bredesen then moved that Vdlage Manager and Police Captain KcGary be directed to install traffic signs on W.5oth Street in accordance with Public Safety Committee -recommendations adopted by this Council March l.4. ' Motion seconded- by Bank and wried. Discussion was had as to the possibility of charging developers as payment for time spent by the Village on plats. It was suggested that such a fee be on a square foot basis, part to be paid upon submission of the beliminw and the balance on submission of Final plat for approval. in this-regard, Council also discpssed the propriety of requiring developers to contribute for parks, in lieu of the "5;k: of landtt requirement now made. Attorney Windhorst was Bank then moved that Village Attorney be directed to draft an Ordinance requiring fee for developers,. said fee to be paid in two installments; and directing kager &€itchell to prepare an estimate of reasbnable fees to charge in order to defray the expenses of the Village ih the matter of platting. secohded by Bredesen and carried. The matter of old charges for Storm Sewers #12 and #I&, incurred in 1947,1948 and 1949, 9or preliminary- surveys and estrntes in connection with these projects, came before the Council in connection with the audit now in progress* Office reported that these charges were kept open last year because it was throught that the stom sewers might possibly be constructed in connection with the France Avenue Paving project; that Storm Sewer $12 vas rejected by %he property owners and- Storm Sewer #l4 tabled; that costs incurred are -$@,361,65 for $32 and $275.90 for #l4. both the above named projects as having been abandoned, and that charges for same be charged to the Genera Fund, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. The matter of assessments for old projects was discussed. Viillage Engineer be directedto examine possibilities for completingthe Blacktopping of W,49th Street between France Avenue and Kaple Road, reporting at meeting of April 27 in order that Council may make plans to..assess this project, was seconded by Danens and carried. asked to investigate the legality of this procedure. .. r Motion Child's motion, that Gouncil consider , Ghildrs motion, that 1 Assessment study, &, Gilbert of of Storm Sewer in the Yvonne Terrace-Richmond Hills area still needs %Etchell reported, Toltz, King and Day, for additional survey on this project, in order that a report might be ready for-the Council May U. Bank's motion for employ- ment of Toltz, King and Day for StornSewer Survey, was seconded by Child and carried, ' He asked that he be authorized to employ 14r. 1.k. BEtcheU recommended that the assessment for the Beard ad Chopen Storm Sewer be levied, stating that the present sewer can serve no additional, property, in his opinion. Bredesen's motion, that Public Hearing on Storm Sevrer No, 21 be set for Honday, June 8, 1953, was seconded by Bank and unanimously carried, &, l.iitcheU. reported that because of property acquisition difficulties and other problems recently encountered he is not readywith full and mmplete report on the proposed additional assessment area for the 60th street stom sewer, He recommended that Public Hearing originally scheduled for Honday, &.y ll., be re- scheduled for I.fonday, June 8. Childls motion, thak Council re-schedule Public Hearing for 60th Street Storm Sewer for E.Tonday, June 8, 1953; vms seconded by Bank and carried. lfanager 3EtcheU, reported that' he has been unable to seare the *e of engineering aide he wishes because qualified men Council has been I.rilling to off& and because they also want some gumanty of He reported need for a full-time, permanent Insbrumat Ehn-Design Han, with a degree in engineering and considerable experience, and recommended that the salary be @$5,oo per month; also stating that the employ- ment of Consulting Engindering Service is the only alternative, which involves an overhead fee of lOO$ over the engineer's salary, hager be authorizedto emplor an btrument lhn having higher experience qualifications than the present Insrument Man, at a salary of $!$?5.00 per month on a permanent basis, was seconded by Child and carried. +i. ? more sdlaiy than the . a permanexit position, Bankrs motion, that V'lage Manager $Etchell presented for Couricil approval the Preliminary Plat of "36l.dents Addition to Edina Highlands,li I'eporting the Planning. Commission's recommendation for approval. Danens' motion for approval of Preliminary Plat was seconded by CMld alld carried. Preliminary Plat for ItDonna Ridge Addktiont' vas presented for approval, together vAth Planning Commissiont s recommendations. Bredesen's motion for approval of Preliminary Plat was seconded by Danens and carried. &. HitcheU-reported >fro Robert Obemeyer's request for permit to build on proposed Lot 4 of "Donna Ridge Addition,l1 before filbg of Final Plat. Dane=* motion that pem&t.be allowed in view of-fact that this is small subdivision and invr>lves no new streets, vas seconded by Child and carried, Hk. John Lo Anderson's recipest for pdssioa to subdivide Block 23, EIendelssohn, r.rhich lies South of Naloney Avenue and East of Blake Road, into two tracts, vras reported by I-&. 4itchell, together with Planning Commission1 s recommendation for approval, Danenst motion for approval of subdivision of Block 23, Xendelssohn, vas seconded by I3knk and carried. hnager Xitchell recommended tk continued use of the Fire Department I-Iobile Xinneapolis Savings and han Coo having paid the first yearts charges, and that cost for this year is $273.00, Discussion was had as to the necessity for this utility, during vhich it was brought out that the Police Department is on hand a% fires and other emergencies and can make contact by police radio. , notion that Nobile Telephone be discontinued was seconded by Dan- and caried, Jbager $Etchell reported tke need for a stock pire of culver% pipes. as prices secured seemed to be identical; Bbager vras asked to secure additional figures and report back to Council at the next meeting, Kanager $Et cheU. reported Police Captain '3I,lcGary* s recommendations for the lanhg of TL5Obh Street in four lanes tg Halifax Avenue and 5n two lanes beyond that, Bredesen's motion, that. recommendations be referred-to Public Safety Co&t$ee, vas seconded by Bank and carried, Request by the Police.Dep&mmt for compensation in money rather than for compensatory tjqe off for time spent in Court was referred to Publi-c Safety Committee for reconsideration,. t- by motion Bank; seconded by Child and carried. f Telephone; reporting that payment of fees is nov the responsibility of the Village, I Bank's Inasmuch .P c. o UW53 201 Discussion was had as to Mr. Palen's recornendations on the proposed CZvil Defense Ordinance which has been befoTe the Cquncil for adoption. Bredesen offered the '- foUowing Ordinance, moving that Council waive second reading and adopt Ordinance as read: ORDDJUCE NO. 82 AN ORDINANCE Pl?OvsDING FOR C17fn, DmSE AND FOR PROTjECTION AND PROMO!TION OF PUBLIC SAFZTY, HEAI;TH, AND.WEIFfBE IN THE vLIL4CZ OF EDXNA DURING CIN'ZE DEFENSE 33MER~G~ -_ - The Village Council of Edina does ordain: Section 1, Policy ana pur^ o se. occurrence of disasters of unprecedented size and destructiveness resulting from enemy attach, sabotage, or other hostile action, and in order to insure that pre- parations of this Village will be adecpate to deal with Buch disasters and generally to provide for the common defense and to protect the public peace, health, and safety, and to preserve the lives and property of the people of this Village, it is hereby found and declared to be'necessary: (a) To establish a local Civil Defense agency; (b) To provide for the exercise-of aecessary powers during Civil Defense emergencies: (c) To prnvi.de for tk rendering of mutual aid between this Village and other politrical subdivisions of this state and of other states with respect to the carrying out of Civil Defense functions. and the policy of the Village that all Civil Defense functions of this Village be coordinated to the maximum extent practicable with the comparable functions of the federal governat, of this state, and of other states and localities, and of private agencies of every type, to the end that the most effective pre- parations and use may be hade of the nation's manpower, resources, and facilities for dealing with any disaster that may ocmr. I- Subdivision L Because of the existing and increasing possibility of the Subdivision 2. It is further declared to be the purpose of this Qrdinance I f P Sedion 2, Def&itions. ' "Civil Defense" means tb preparation $or and the carrying out of all EmergencJI functions, other thn functions for which military forces are primaray responsible, to prevent, minimize and repair injury and damage resulting from disasters caused by enemy attack, sabotage or othe?, hostile action. These functions indude, without limitation, f ire-fighting services, police services, medical and health services, police services, rescue, engineering, air-raid warning services, communications, radiological, chemical and other special. weapons defense, evacuation of persons from stricken areas, aner7gency.welfare s ervices, emergency transportati on, existing or proper%y assigned functions of plant protection, temporary restoration of public utility services, and oaer functions related to civilian protection, together with all. other activities necessary or incidental to premration for and carrying out, of the foresing functions. WiviZ Defase emergency" mans an emergency declared by the governor under the-Ninnesota Civil DefenseAct of 19%, fiar~s 1951, Ch. 694$ Sec. 301. rtCi~l Defens e forcesff means any personnel emplbyed by the Village and any other volunteer or paid-member of the local Civil Defense ' Agency engaged &.carrying on Civil Defense functions in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance or any mle or order thereunder, Section 3, Establishment of Civil Defwe Agency. Defense agency, which shall be under the supervision and oontrol of a director of Civil Defense hereinafter called the director, appointed by the mayor for an indefinite term and mqy be removed by him at my tibe. The director shall have direct responsibility for the organization, admini- stration and operation of the Civil Defense agency, subject to the directioh and control-of the mayor, The Civil .Deffnse agency shall be organized into such divisions and bureaus, consistent with state and local Civil Defense plans, as the dbector deems necessary to provide for the efficient perfom- mce of local Civil Defense functions during a GiTiil Defense emergency, Civil Defase advisory committee, hereinafter called the lJCommitteefr. of the committee shall be appofnted by the mayor to represent Village depxrt;- mats and other groups concerned with Civil Defense. The mayor shall be chair- man and the director shall be secretary of the committee. The codttee shall advise the director and the council on all matters pert&- to Civil Defense. Each member shaU serve without compensation and. shall hold office at the pleasure of the mayor. Subdivision 1. Sul$ivision 2. Subdivision 3. , Subdivision 1. There is hereby created within the Village govermma?t a Civil The director shdl be He shall serve without salasy, but shall be paid.his necessary expenses. Subdivision 2. There is hereby created within the Civil Defknse agency a I4e&ers PO8 4120153 I Section 4, Powers and Duties of the Director. The director, r.iith the ansat of the war, *shall represent the Vil-hge on any regional or state organization for Civil Defense. He shall develop proposed eU61 aid agreements with other political ,qlb&visions pct& or outside mrgency too great to be dealt with unassisted and he shall present such agree- ments to the council for its action. Such arrangements sha31 be consistent v&th the state Civil Defense plan and during a Civil Defense emrgency, it shaU be the &ty of the Civil Defense agency and Civil Defense forces to render assistance in accordance wi&h the pmvisions of such mutual aid arrangenents. Subdipision 2. The director shall make such studies and surveys of the:manpor.rer, industries, resources and facilities of the Village as he deems nemssary to de- termine their adeqpacy for Civil Defense and to plan for their most efficient use in time of a Civil Defense emergency. The director shzll prepare a comprehensive general plan for the Civil Dgfense of the Village and shall present such plan to the council for its approval. When the council has approved the plan by resolution, it shall be the &ty of all municipal agencies and all Civil Defense forces of the Village to per- form the duties and functions assigned by the .plan as approved. The plan may be modified in Iih manner from the to time. Cia Defense activites of the Village to the end that they shall be consistent and fully integrated r.ritkr the Ci~l Defense plan of the federal government and the state and correlated with the Civil Defense plans of other political subdivisions within the state. Subdivision 4. In accordance IAth the state and Village Civil Defense plan, the director shall institute such training programs and public information pmgrms and shall take all other preparatory steps, induding the partial or full mobilization of Civil Defense forces in advance of actual disaster, as may be necessary to the pmqt and effective operation of the Village Civil Defense plan in time of a Civil Defense emergency. raid alerts or other Civil Defmse exercises as he may deem necessary. Subdivision 5. The director shall utilize the personnel, services, eqipment, sapplies and facilities of exLsting departments and agencies .of the Village to the naximum exbent practicable. The officers ad personnel of all suchrdepartments and agenciks sku to the mr;* exbent practicable$ cooperate with and extend sudrr services and facilities to the local Civil Defense agency and to the governor upon request. The head of each department and agency, in cooperation with and under the direction of the director, shdll be responsible for the planning and prograrmhg of such Civil Defense activities as tAll involve the utilization of the facilities *of his department or agency. -. The director shall, in cooperation xtth existing Village depart- ments and agencies, affect, organize, recruit, and train Lair-raid wardens, auXi- liary police, auxiliary firemm, emergency medical personnel, and any other personnel that may be rekired on a volunteer basis to carry out the Civil Defense plans of the Village and the state. To the exbent that such emergency permnnel is recruited to ament a regular Village department Or agency for Civil Defense emergencia, it shall be assigned to such department or agency for Purposes of a-tpatioa and command. ?The director may dismiss any Civil Defense volunteer at any time and require him to surrender any qipment ardi identification furnisbzd by the Village. .. ~~b~&~i~n'?. Consistent uAth the Civil Defense plan, the director shall pro- d& & equip emergency hospitals, casualty stations, ambulances, ateem, evacuation ceders, an8 other facilities, or conveyances for the care of injured or homeless persons. issued by the governor with reference to civil Defense. The director shall direct and coordinate the gaer@ operatiom of a local Civil Defense forces during a Civil Defense eEtergenCY in COnfOdtY Tcth corrt;mning reglatbw arri instructions of state Civil Defense authorities. The heads of depadmmts and agencies shall be @Verned bY his orders in respect Subdivision 1. 1 . the state for reciprocal Civil Defense aid and assistance Tzl a Cia Defense Subdivision 3. I The director sha coordinate the He .may, from &ne to time, conduct such practice air- Sub-sion 60 I Sabdiddon g, The director saadsion 9. carry out dl orders, rules and regLzla;tions thereto. provide and ecpipt some suitable place in the Village a mntrol center and, if rewred by the state Civil Defense plan, an a~liary control center to be used 0;: during a Civil Defase emergency as headquarters for direction and coordination of Civil Defesnk forces. He skall arrange for represenkation at the control center by dcipaJ- departments and agencies, public utilities and other agencies authorized by ?federal or' state authority ko carry on Civil Defense activities during a Civil Defense emergency. control center of necessary fa&.lities for communication with and between heads of CiviJ Defense divisions, the stations and operating units of municipal services and other agencies concerned with Cia Defense and for communicason with other chdties and control caters within the surrounding area and with the federal and state agencies concerned. Subdivision 10, Consistent vith the Civil Defense plan, the director shall He shau arrange for the installation at the 4. Subdivision 11. During the * .' first h/20/53 3 days of a Civil Defense emergency, if: 209 4 the legislature is in session or %he governor has couples his declaration of the emergency with a call for a specid session of the legislature, the director may, when necessary to save life or property, reqydre any person, except members of the federal or state military forces and offecers of the state or any othern political subdivision, to perform services for Civil Defense purposes as he directs, and he may commandeer, for the time being, any motor vehicle, tools, appliances or any other property, subject to the ovmer's right to just compensation as provided by law. .c Section 5. Gemral Provisions on Civil Defense Workers. in the Civil Defense agency who advocates or has advocated'a change by force or vtolence in the constitutional form of government of the United States or in this state or the overthrow of any government in the United States by force or violence, or who has been convicted of or is under indictment or information charging any subversive act against the United States, Each person who is appointed to serve in the Civil Defense agency shall, before entering upon his duties, take an oath in miting as prescribed by the Rinnesota Civil Defense Act of 1951, Section 403. in case of a Civil Defense emergency for which the regular municipal forces are hadewate or for necessary training and preparation for such emergencies. All volunteers shall serve wittiout compensation. Subdivi&on 3. Each Civil Defense volunteer shall be provided with such suitable insignia or other identification as may be rewired by the dkrector. Such identification shall be in a form and style approved by the federal govemcnt. No volunteer shall exercise any authority over the persons or property of others xvithout his identification. wlunteer shall use the identification of a mlunteer or otherwise represent himself to be an authorized volunteer. duty except on written order of the -chief of the police departmmb . employees shall not apply to volunteer Civil Defense workers but shall apply to paid employees of the Civil Defense agencyr Section 6, Emergency Regplakions prepare for such an mrgency for which adequate regulations have not been adopted by the governor oc the council, the mayor may by proclamation promulgate regulations, consistent with applicable federal or state law or regulation, respecting: protection against air raids; the sounding of air raid alarms; the conduct of persons and the use of property during a1aw.S; the repair, maintenance, and safe-guarding of essenrtial pcblic services; emergency health, fire and safety reggla%ions; trial drills or practice periods required for preliminaxy training; and dl other matters which we required to pratect public safety, health, and welfare in Civil Defense emergencies, attack, alarms, or illumination during air attacks shall be adopted or take effect unless approved by the State director of Civil Defense. writing and siaed by the mayor, shall be dated, shall refer to the parti- , culm Civil Defense emergency to which it pertains, if so limited, and shall be filed in the office of the Village Clerk, where a copy shall be kept posted and available for public inspection durigg business hours. of the existence of such regulation and its availability for inspection at the clerk's office shall be mnspicuously posted at the front of the Vilhge Hall or other headqyarters of the Village and at such other places in the affected area'as the mapr shd.1 designate in the proclamation. Thereupon the regulation shall take effect immediately or at such later time as may be specified in the pm clamation. By like pmclarna%ion the mayor may modify or rescind any such regulation. at any time. the end of 30 days after its effective date or & the end of the Civil Defense emergency to rhich it relates, whidever occurs first. ordinance, mle or regulation inconsistent with an emergency regulation promulgated by the mayor shall be suspended during the period of time a'nd to the extent that such conflict exists. Subdi~sion 1. No person shall be employed or associated in any capapity Subdivision 2. Civil Defense volunteers shall be called into service only I No person except an authorized Subdivision 4. No Cidl Defense volunteer shall carry any fiream thile on Subdivision 5. Personnel procedures of the Village applicable to regular Subdivision 1. Whenever necessary to meet a Civil Defense eiergency or to No regulation governing observation of enew Gircraft, air Subdivision 2. Every proclamation of energency regylations shall be in Notice ' ' Subdi~sion 3. The council may rescind any such regulation by resolution , If not sooner rescinded, every such regulation shall ewire at hY c c Section 7, Civil Defense Agency Procedure, specid fund to be known.as the.Civi.1 Defense fund. placed the proceeds of taxes levied for Civil Defense, money transferred from other funds, gifts and other revenues of the Civil Defense agency. shall be made expenditures for the operation and maintenanck of the Civil Defense agency and other expenditures for Civil Defense. Regular accoun~ng, Subdivision 1. .There is hereby established in the Village treasury a Into this fund shall be From it PBO 4/20/53 disbursement, purchasing, budgeting and other financial procedures of the dty shall apply to the Civil Defense fund insofar as practicable; but budgeting require- ments ajnd other financial procedures shall not apply to expenditures: in my case when their application will prevent mmpliance with termas and corditions of a federa or state grant of money or property for Civil Defense 'purposes. fiscal year, prepare and present to the council for the infomation of the council and the public, a coqrehensive report of the activities of the Civil Defense agency during the year. Section 8, Conformity and Coopmation with Federa and State Authority. Every officer and agency of the Village shall cooperate with federal and state authorities and with plthorized agencies engaged in Civil Defense and emergency measures to the fullest possible extent consistent wilA the performance of their other duties. The provisions of this ordinance and of all regulations made thereunder shall be sub je ct to all applicable and controlling pmvisions of federal and state laws aid of regulakions and orders issued thereunder and shall be deemed to be susperded and inoperative so far as there is any conflict therakth. any agency created under federal or state authority for Civil Defense purposes as a special policeman of the Village, with such police powers and duties lkthin the Village incident to the functions of his position, not exceeding those of a regular policeman of the Village, as may be prescribed in the appointmat. Every such special policeman shall be subject to the supervision and-mtrol. of the chief of police. Subdivision 2, The director shall, as soon as possible after the end of each c The mayor may appoint any qualiflied persons holding a position in 1;Iotion for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded by Danens, and on RollcalL there were five ayes and no ws, as follows: Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Ordinance VAS ago d, Bredesen, ayejTTC Td, age; Danens, we; ATTEST: i&l?.L L4k" // L"*L&Lq /-.-:&>a 0r Hayor V-ge Clerk Eanager I-Etchell reported the need .for a two-man "utilityl' crew for anall repair projects thmughoub the Village. Bredesenrs motion, that VSlage lhger be authorized to employ a two-aarz r~utiU~ll crew; that said crew be directly under his jurisdiction; and that Council - - investigate this operation at the end of sixmonths to determine its actual worth to Village citizens, was seconded by Child- and carried, hager 3.EtcheU reported that he is having difficulty in securing the E;Uil&Lng Inspector's cooperation in Uanager's plan to require builders to secure street grades before building. Some discussion vas had as to the planned prqcedure in the matter; and Bank moved that Building Inspector be instructeg to follow lknager's orders in the matter of establishing street grades before building pennits .are issued, aril any other orders which he may issue. 'I.fotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. hger IEtchell asked confirmation of his plan to write Lakeview'Drive okers concerning their desire as to possible replacement of defective qurb and gutter, Bank! s' mti on, instructing Village IIanager to cont act property owners on Lakeview Drive as to replacement of curb and gutter, and to follow tbugh txith contrachr and bonding company to complete this-project satisfactorily this year, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried, Considerable discussion vas had on this subject, T-Iamger Itit chell requested authorization to spend approximately $l5OoOO to sod the rear banas on the properties Vest of France Avenue, to insure against erosion ad the breaking of the banks along the sidevmlk. Bredesents motion, authorizing Hessrs. Child and 1-Etchell reported their informal discussion with Clerk Justad of St.Louis Park, regarding possible use by Edina of the St.Louis Park garbage indrierator. No action -taken, r Twin Citg- Rapid Tr$nsittConpany~s notification of their extension of the 'Hooddale Bus to I7.60th street, and their new charge of lo$, was read and ordered placed on file, Hr, Joseph Zikan made a report on the proposed connection of Lot 10, Block 2, Richmond Hills 2nd Addition to the Windsor Avenue T-Iain, stating that if this lot pays $550, it ~rLl.1 reduce the cost of the irregularly shape4 lots on IEndsor from an assessable cost of $4.00 per fmnt foot, to $3.95 per front foot, report r.ras made as matter-of information to Council, before Hearing on connection to be held Ap&l 27. said expenditure, was seconded by Danens and carried. .a i- c This t 1&?. Bredesen was delegated to discuss with David Agency the possibility of securing a blanket bond of 81,000 for liquor store employes in connection with burlary 4/20/53 Report was made of the deaEh, last Fr&day, of NP. Ben .Bo Moore, long-time Village Clerk; arid ChiXd offere6 the following Res,olution and aoved its adoption: i r, - RESOLfiION, AT TIIE DEATH OF tC -BEN B. MOORE IJHEREAS, Ben B: Moore served w Village Clkk of the <illage of Ediw for sixteen years, during which time the growth of this Village greatly increased the duties and responsibilities of the Clerk,-and c c -- I-, Ben Bo Noore served tws comnnxniky and many others as an official WH&E.AS, Ben B. Noore has been a leader in planning and executing many of the =ague of Eipesota Nunicipa?,ities, and c improv&ents for thi& Village, devoting many years in the interests of making this codty a bette: plage in which to reside, Council convey to the family of Ben B, Moore its expression of sorrow at the loss of a public spirited and unselfish friend of this Village. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there BE IT RESOLVED by the Village +Council of the Village of Edina, that this c were five ayes and no nays, as Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye;. and the Mayor I There' beihg no fur3her business, to" come+ befare this Neeting, Bredesen moved for adjobrment, ll:20 P.51. Notion secanded by D c * f ., , .. - -" Ifembers answerhg hllcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson. ltinutes of Meetings of April 13 and 20, 1453, were approved as submitted, by motion Danens, seconded by Bredesen and carried. t First matter on the agenda was %he Taking of Bids on several projects; namely, 1, Sanit&qy Sewer Tmprovaent No, 54, in Valley View Road and Ashcroft rAvenue. 2. Watermain Ipprovement No, *55, in Valley View Road and Ashcroft Avenue. 3. IlTatemain Improvement No. 57, in Xerxes Avenue betweb W,57th and f.T,56th Streets. t C&k, read Affidav5hs of Publication for "Advertisement for Bids" for each of these prp jects, said publication being in-'Edina-Norningside Coueer and Con- Structiok Bulletin April 16 and 23, 1953. form and ordered placed on ale. Asst. Engineer for Public,Opening, in Engineerts_ Office, Notion secondFd by Bank and carried, jhgineer Mi-t;chell reported, boweyer, that proposals for ~ the Watermain Improveanent Projects carrigd specifications for 200# pipe, whereas bid shoulg have covered l5O# pipe; that he believes these bids should, therefore, be r&urnedtt, bidders, unopened, and Council should re-advertise on khese two projects. Some bidders stated that their Sanitary Sewer kprovaent No, 54 bids are tied to the Watermain projects; and, after opeqbg Sewer bids, Asst. Engineer Zikan confirmed this statement. Child then moved that Council return bids for WatemaLn Improvements Nos. -55 and 57 to bidders, unopened; reject all bids on Sanitary Sewer Improvement 80, 54, and re-advertise for bids on all three projects, with bids to be taken Nay 11, 1953, at 7:30 P.M. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. 1 * Said Affidavits were approved as to Qedesen then moved, referring bids to - - c Clerk then read Affidavit of Publication for "Advertisement for Bids-Road Oil and Tar," in Edina-14orningsi.de Courier and Construction Bulletin April 16 and 23, 1953, Affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. motion, referring bids to Assistqnt Enpeer for Public Opening in Engineerts Office was seconded by Bank and =carried, Zskan ,reported said bids to be as foUowsr- Bredesents Later in the evening, Assistant Engine-er r C z r r- C c I r