HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530413_REGULAR3/23/53 85 FUND - cum NO. TO: AmmT L2425 Bertelson Bros. - 1.79 LIQUOR FUND 2 1 ~2426 Ed. Phillips & Sons Go. 517.32 $10,604069 - =4zrc Northern States Power Company $ 44052 Bredesen's motion, that Village Council' take-bids for ConstmctLon of New Village Hall on Nonday, April 20, at 7;3O,P.N., was seconded by Child and ckager l4itcheJ.l reported th& Chicago- &id& and Iron Company's bid of carried, 3- $525.00, for installation of lights on tbe-new wgter tank is the lowest one received-that locdl companies do not Sean interested in this mrk, motion, that Chicago Bridge and Iron Company be awarded contract for 1ighf;s on new water tank was seconded. by Bredesen and carried, Manager Mitchell reported that the cost of printing new Village maps can be defrayed by advertisers who are adous to have their ads included. motion, that advertisements be allowed on Village maps for distribution' to .the Childts Childls public, was seconded by Bredesen and ca_rried, I. Manager Eitchell1s recommendation for the employment of one btrumentc Plan and khree Cha_inmen was discussed. Child'& motion, that Nk,+ Mitchell be authorized to employ the additional- temporary help he has requested was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Bfanager M5tchell also reported the Park Boardls request' for Park Foreman ana maintenance man, at respective sdlagiqs schedules of #&6-$$3Cl.7, and $244-297 per month, Bredesen's motiod, for emploJnnent* of two park board employees at , recommended salaries ..was seconded by Child ani carried, Bredesen then moved for adjournment. -Notion seconded by Child and carried. C '3 , n F. T4llUUTES OF THE EEGULftR I!4EETING OF THE FAF'RIL*13,~19!53, _AT 7:30 P.M., AT-THE t mINA VI~~~UNCIL, HEI;D.MoNDAY, cc .- . . ._ EDINA KpI;I; . Members answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson; IJIfnutes of the March l.4 portion of Erch 9 Adjourned Neekng, and of Narch 23 Regular Neeting were approved as submitted, byaotion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried. Clerk read Affidavits of Publication- in Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin April 2 .and 9, 1953, for Ilkdvertiseraent for Bids- Police Car,!! which affiday5.t was amroved as to-form and ordered placed on file. Because of the press of business, Bredesen moved that these bids, which the Clerk reported to be seven in number, be referred ,to the Assistant Engineer for public opening in his office. Xotion seconded by Danens and carried. *we Later in the evening, Assistant Engineer Zikan returned the following opened bids, explaining that it had been impossible for him to tabulate them because of- different bid. bases:- Bob Knowles Ford Co, (Fora) @13 '5ou.00 %22'589 . ...- -.. 1- - ADDITION FOR BJSE BID .e AGCESSORIES WE. 'ENG'INE - $119.00 Dahlberg Bros., Inc. (Ford) ,+I., 526.45 56.70 l40.00 H,J.Minar Coo . (Ford) 1,493.18 U.32 90.67 Boyer-Gilfillan Notor Go. (Ford} l,L339.OO-With Accessories L Suburban Chev.Co, (Chev.) ' ;t,56,3&0~ ~ " 11 .L Brellenthb ChevrCo, (Chev.) 1,595.00 ?? Hwtzell Motor Go. (Ply.) - 1,668.44 !t z (No Certified Check accompanied Nbar Bid) Bredesen then moved that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at the next regular meeting, Hotion seconded by Bank and carried. .-. c < C - c c c t t.c:rt ( I-bager Hitchell reported that it had been impossible for the Engineering Depart- ment to complete plans and specifications on the balance of the bids advertised for opening this eveningj and recommended that such bids be postponed until the following dates: B-l.4 - Curb and Gutter, Chowen Avenue, 1!.5&h to 11.59th Street - Bids 5/11/53 A-47 - Blackbopping, Oaklawn Ave., I.r,5&h to lL62nd Street I ) C-I9 & 28 - Gravelling, Zenith+Ave., V.58bh to 11.60th Street ) - Bids 4/27/53 C-27 - Grading and Gravelling, IJ.58th St.,France to Brookviev) VatermA fmprovement - Xerxes he., 11.57th to V056th St., etc, -Bids l+/27’/53s I E21 - Gravelling, Chomn he.; 1J.59th to W.6Oth Street 1 I pending out come of tonight t s public hearing, .c - - Child’s motion, that Village Council take bids on the .above named projects in accordance vrith lhager Ititchell recommendations, vas seconded by Bank and carried. SAND, GRAVEL AND ROCK BIDS taken January 26, 1953, were next considered by the Council, -wi.%h- Clerk reading Pfeiff er Construction Companyts withdrawal of bid on Pit Run Gravel. Nr. 1;litchell reported as follows: 1.. On Torpedo Sand, LG. Astleford Coo is low bidder, vdth @.80 per cubic yard at plant, but Public Vorks Foreman Jonas recommends purchasing from Glacier Sand and Gravel Company at 5.98 per cubic yard,,, because of the supekior qality of their sand; that only smkll purchases are made of this ita each year. Danens’ motion, that bid of Glacier Sand and Gravel Company, 3.98 per cubic yard, be accepted, was seconded by Bank and carried. 2. On Buckshot Gravel, Ennesot,a Sand and Gravel Co. and 31cGov.m Contracting Conpaqy have placed identicdL bids; that Nr. Jonas recommends purchases from . Itinnesota Sand dnd Gravel Company. and Gravel Company for Buckshot Gravel at 12.39 per cubic $ad at plant be accepted in accordance &th recommendation, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried. 3 ,gC 4. Pit Itua Gravel and Stabilized Haterrial, &be lEt&ell asked that award be delayed until next regular meeting, to ;fcLar further investigation as to relative quality of materials bid on. Child so moved. Notion secondedby Bredesen and carried. plant. award to HOG. Astlefon3 Go. Hotion seconded by Child and camied. BIDS ON I“IATEF~ IMPRO.IENT NO. 55 were considered with view to award. Elantager I.Iitchell reported that the bid of Peter kqetti, St. Paul, is low at $$77,029.15. He recommended award of bid to low. bidder, with &he following stipulations: 1. That well be completed and tested before Watermain construction comences~ 2% That approval of @ate Board of $IedLth be-secured before construction begins. XI-. I’Etchell reported, also, that 3a arriving at the quotations for this construc- tion, a 3O-foot wide road was contemplated; and that it now develops that Mk. Stow is plannjng a 36-foot wide road, .r.rhjch vrill. result in an tlexbratt cost of some $1,000 due to fact that curb boxes for individual house connections must be set out three feet fruther Zrom the water line than had been fi&~red. moved for award cf bid to Peter Lametti, St. Paul, with the stipulations recommended by $mer Xitcrhell. 1-btion seconded by BFedesen and carried. approving the proposed 36-foot vide roadve in Brookview Heights, together with the resulting estimted extra to cost ,pf watermain project. ’blotion’ seconded by I c Bankts motion, that bid of Wnnesota Sand 5. On Pea Gravel, &Go Astleford Go. is low bidder at $2.26 per cubic yard at -1-k. BEtcheU. recommended award to low bidder, and Danas moved for 3k. Child Dan& then moved 0 Child and carried. ?. /The next matter on the agenda was tie Continuation of &rch 23 Public Hearing on petition to Remne to Community Store Distdct sever+ propeAies fi Grandview Heights, Tingdale Bros. Brookside Additions. Planning Commission Recommendations of June 25, 1952, approving the proposed Rezoning, were reviewed by Cauncil. There wepe no obj ections frop the floor, and ,no objections had been rec&ed by the Clerk-prior to the Hearing. Ehnk offered {he follo.r.ring Ordinance, moving that the CowlcZI. waive its second,reading and adopt &&*Fce as read; e. The Viusge Council CRDDI~cE OF THE KtLLAGE OF EDINA. of the Village of Edina, - Nhnesata, ordains: * L Section 1. Section 4 of Ordinance No.*261, entitled “The Zoning Ordinance of Edina,” is hereby amended, by inserting after Paragraph No. 1, Subsection (s) the following: (t) Int 2.4, Block 3., Grandview Heights Addition. I: (u) Lots 1,2,3,4,12,13,U,15,16 and 17,Block 7, Tingdale Bros.Brookside, including that portion of the South 1/2 of Yancey Street vacated, located between extensions northward of the East and West lines of bts 1 and 17 of said Block 7, but exceptingtherefrom any portion of said lots taken by the State of 1-linnesota for State HiEI;hr.ray purposes. z (v) Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Tingdale Brothers Brookside. f E Section 2. This Ordinance'shallbe in effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. Notion for adoption of the Ordinance as read was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. I d?H4/&&M Haym 1 /;. -r * Next Public Hearing held was that on proposed 1~atemnai.n linprovemmt in Xerxes Avenue between 11. 57th and fJ.56th Streets, and FT.56th Street between Xerxes and York Avenues. Affidavi$ of Publication in Ed&na-Morningside Courier March 12 and 19, 1953 a? IINotice. of Hearing'L was read by Clerk, apmved as to form and ordered placed on file. Manager MLtcheU*s Estimate of Cost was read at $4,962.06 as against 430.53 assessable feet, for gU.52 per assessable foot, plus a.25 per assessable foot for connection. charge to Mickelsen main, total #ll.77 per assessable foot. de expla-ined that cost is very high because only. one side of Xerxes Avenue can be assessed for entire extension. &k. Clifford Robinson, 5612 Xerxes, and Nr. Reid, a new property Owner on the street, objected to paying for the bross line on H.56th Street; advocating that the main be mn to 54th and Xerxes and then across. Mr. Mitchell explained that there are no petitiohs before the Council for exbensions along these two blocks, and that a cross-line should be put in at this time to insure clear water. He read a Cost Esthete of $6,91 per assessable foot for the line on Xerxes Avenue only; and Messrs Robinson and Reid explained that they are willing to take their chances on rusty water 1 for the difference in assessable cost. and moved its adoptionz I 1MITERM;AIN l"XWEMEwT,NO. BE IT RESOLVED by the CounciJ of the Valage ~f.Eddina~~N&esota, that this CouncQ heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed improvement cdnsisting of Construction of Village trlatemdn and *Appurte-c nances in Xerxes Avenue between W.57th and N.56th Street- .and in W.56th Street between Xerxes and York Avenues,--and at the. .hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being,fully advised of the pertinent facts does a hereby determine to proceed with the construction of Watermain and Appurte- nanees in Xedxes Avenue *between W. 57th and 35,56t h Street; that said- Improve- ment is hereby desigmted and sh@l be referred to-in all subsewent proceed- ings as Watermain Improvement No. 57, and the area to be specially assessed therefor -shall. include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street to be improved, Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bank, andpon Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child offered the following Resolution n €iEX&UTION 0-ING I1vDpROW@%T C - Bredesen, 7- ; Child, aye; Danens, aye; ; and Erickson, aye; and the Resol,&i a adopted. -. (#y 3?2i2A/k#-- Mayor ' * r Childts motion, that Village Council take bids on the abOve,Waterma;in Improw- ment No. 57 on Monday,. April 27, 1953, at 7:3 P.M., was secg.llded by Bank and carried. Public Hearing was had on proposed Sidewalk Repairs throughout the Village in accordance with ttNotice of Hearing-Proposed Sidek Repairs,'' published March 26 and April 2, 1953,.Affidav$t of Publication for which was read by Clerk, apprwed as to form, and ordered placed on file. >'Imager Mitchell explained that because this type of work had not been done by the Village since 1948 it wils impossible to give an accurate estimate ocf cost. He- did furnish those persons present with a tabulation ,of the square footage of their sidewalks needing replacement. E. Nitchell recommended that those persons tkshing to have this work done privately be allowed until June 1; that Village do whatever work is not done by that date, Bank's motion, that Village obcain ' Q? / 4/13/53 a cost on this work, advising each affected pmperty omer of the cost to him if the uork is done by the Village, and also advising him that he may have the work done privately bef6re. June 1, 1953, was, seconded by Bred&sen and carried. ' / A delegation from 31.58th and brook via^ asked if the grade had been se% on Brook- view Avenue between W.58th and K59th Streets. &," Ititchell stated that it has not been set; that the grade is pot good from a drainage standpoint; that the stqeet has never been improved, and that if grading and gravelling is to be done a-petition for same is needed. The delegatfon complained that 18temd.n Contracbr had not yet filled in amund stop boxes and that there aie sever& deep and hazardous holes in the street. Childts motion, that contractor be requested to fill at stop bo,xes, and that mtter of road grade be referred to Public Works Committee, was seconded by Bank and carried. Two gentlemen appeared, to plead the case of the trailer at 6U-62.45 Oakhvm Avenue, stating that a family emergency requires that it be used as a dtrelling. Office reported the fil- of a petition in protest to the trailer. T.lk. TJindhorst explained Palage Ordinance Lo the gentlemen, and Child moved that owners of property be given thirty days in which to have trailer removed as residence. &tion seconded by Danens and carried. E. A.G. Bogen reiterated his last fall's request for pedssion to grade and gravel Iiilliams Avenue fronting hts 17, le and 19, Block 9, and &ts 6, 7 and 8, Block 8, Brookside Heightits Addition, with a writjien petition stating that Such w-rk would be done entirely in accordance with Village sp,ecifications in return for use ocf dirt on his lots. Nr. Child protested, on the grounds that the entire block on Mllim Rvenue between tl.5lst and 11. 52nd Street needs a grading-gravelling job Fwd it is unfair to. present residents" to ,allow work on a portion of the street in this manner. Considerable discussion vas had, and Child moved that I&. Bogen's p,etition be accepted subject to the approval of the other residents in the .block. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Petition, signed by omek of 56% of the abutking pmperties, fir the" Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of John Street between Elaloneg Avenue and Tun-amund, was supported by delegation. Bredesents motion, that petition be accepted and public hearing set for Ilonday, Hay.U, 1953 qt 7:30 P.&, Frits seconded by Damns Banktsmotion that Public Hearings be set for Itonday, 5&!y 4 , 1953, at 7:30 P.N. on the following ttrp improvement petitioqs was seconded by Danens and carried: 1. Grading arid Gravelling of Xerxes Ave., betvreen 67th and 68th Streets. . 2. Oiling of.Xerms Am., betpreen 66th and 6&h Streets. 1 q ' 1, \ and carried.. *. " =J - Eessrs. Bill @Sahon (buoder) and Leo Olson (owner) requested pendb to face house the long way ofthe platted lot at Lot 7, Block 4, Virginia Avenue Addition. The Zoning Ordinance vas reviewed, and Bredesents motion, that Fublic Hearing be set for this request at the earliest possible Regular Xeeting according to Ordinance, was seconded by Child gnd carried. Dr. Ralph Peterson presented for approval his Final Plat of mttNoxmandale CourtOtf l+lanager M.tchell recommended Council approval subject to correcting the scaling an& the entrance of public utilities easemeni;s thereon. Bredesen's motion, approving Final Plat of Nomandale Court subject to corrections outlined by Xanager Nitchell, was seconded by Child a@ cqrried. I- I mspective purchasers of Lot 6, Varden Acres inquirad as to possibility of using this property (or other non-commercial property in the Village) for site of dog kennel. Village Ordinances were reviewed for them by Village . Attorney Windhorqt, and-they were told that VillagecCouncil is not ready to amend its?prdinances to allow such an establishment. l-bs. Orville Hintz, 6016 France, presented plan for Subdivision of ht. Wager I-Etchell*s recommendation this r.ms referred to Planning Commission for recommendation and report, by motion Bank, seconded by Danens and carried. 3k. Ured A. Keil., 7130 Nomandale Road, again presented appliyation fop permit to consf;rud a garage for conduct of his mod-lot and nursery hrsiness. I&. Keil explained +hat he expects to discontinue the wood-lot portion of his business and convert to nursery operations only, and Xr. TTindhorst explained that JJhorticulturdl nurseries" are alXotred in the open development district under the Zoning Ordinance, the provision that garage doors open either North ok South, was reviewed; and E4r. Keil explained that this is impractical for his purposes because of the terrain. Bredesents motion, that request for garage permit be granted, was seconded by Child and carried. Hr. John Bloomberg supported his petition for t6e Blacktopping of Woodland Lane betr.reen T.Toodlans;l Circle 'and the dead end, askhg that ITOX% be don-* Upon irhich totstorethis %tomc$ive equipment used The fact that a permit had once been isgued by the Gouncil, with c - --kf13/53 @9 at %he same time that Woodland Circle blacktopping is constructed. that petition be accepted and that Public Hearing be set for Honday, Nay ll, 1953. lfr. Boris Pewowaruk,- 5232 France Avenue South, requested permission to build * two double- bungalows on the property between his residence and the Edina Baptist Church, 5300 France Avenue. Qredesen's motion, Ithat Public Hearing on this request be set for Monday, May 11, 1953, was seconded. by Danens ,and carried. Mr. E* C. Stow inwired about the'Vdmv Storm Sewer Assessment." Child's motion, that Public Heasing be sqt,for Nay 24, was seconded by Danens and carried. %* Later in the evening, after review of report by Office, Child moved that Public Hearing be postponed pending Manager IEtchell's recommen- dation as to additional district to be served. Motcion seconded.by Bredesen and carried. &. Lewis E. Jones asked that the Stop Sign recently installed at Blake and + Interlachen be changed to stop Interlachen traffic, because of the difficult? in entering Interlachen from Blake after stopping on the Blake hill. M4.. Nitchell recanmended furtber s$udy on this matter, and Child moved that the matter be referred to the Village Engineer and the Police Department for stu@ and report. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Mr. Gene Oredson, President of the First E$ha Bank asked for Council con- sideration of the bank's problem 9s-to future site. the Bank tmld be allowed to build on W.4B Street in case their other plans do not materialize. Dr.. Peterson inquired about the proposed speed reduction along Normandale %ad, and was informed of the Highway Department's inforznal concession inaofar as speed reductions, traffic control signal at Valley View Road, and School Signal at Southview Lane are concerned. read a report of a traffic survey recently conducted by the State Highway' Department, which survey is discouraging insefar 9s Southview Lane signal. is concerned. No action t-aken. Application for Food License for &s. Evelyn M. Garlisle, operating as IIDariwipt," 5OOl Vernon Avenue, was approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by ChU'd and carried. ea. Geo. To Bergrenqs complaint that rats are entering Edina from the Minneapolis 58th Street swamp was referred to the Village Heqth Officer for investigation, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Child and carried. The matier of contract for Dog Catcher, which should be renewed in day, came before the Council. service April 27, was seconded by Danas and carried.' Two anonymous comdca-j;ions, advocating Edina's adoption of the leashbg ordinance under consideration by St. Inuis Park, were noted, and discussion was had ag to further consideration of this. subject. No action taken. Police Report for Exarch was reviewed and was ordered placed on file. Bank moved i Notion seconded by Danens and carried. c He was infonned that I Mr. Mitchell then Bredesents motion, that Council take bids ,for this ' The following Si@ License Applipations were discubsed; Approval of she was made by motion Bank, seconded by Danens and carrieaf: APPLICANT IX)CATMN ANI) mmmBm<- - FEZ "mm 3904. W.%lth.S$.(B+ycber .Pole*& Bid&) $2.00* ' 65 Pure Oil Company 9th "d hat if^^ - PURE. * .1.00 51 Joe.' s .Barber Shop Pure Oil Company Highway jf5169,Roushq Propsrty-PURE ZttSEk.00 "125 InterXachen Country Club Main Bnt.to erds.--CHEN CLUB _1.00 ui. Pyramid Company ~~70th st. -~ 1.00 164 I Dale Sign Compazly Jct,Hy.#5 & Cahill Road -,WCHl HOUSE LOO 162 Grandview Pharmacy 5008 Vernon (post on-af Cor.Propertg) 1.00 154 I'" !! .- !! (Post below Dgxg Sign, - ., back) 1.00 180 RENEFTAL C' Edina Plumbing COO - 4926, France Aye. So.-BhT BROS.-- 1.00 ' 167 * -EDINA SW-P&BC+o . __ 1. II It If (pt.Edge of Eoof-En%.) - 1.00 155 Southwest Realty Co. Edina Coverkinti Church SW C%o;. Olinger & Tracy-SOUTBmT REALTY 9th & Indianola - L~m SIGN from roadway on.Indianola -- New SOUTHMBT ~UJXDI$SleOO Eew (7.~4~~~6~3u3lp" COmN CEiURCH + To be 10;. from Sidewalk on 50th; 101 4/13/53 The foILow5.ng pititions were presented, all being signed by'kore than 50% of owners of aktting properties: 1. For Blacktopping of Chowen Avenue between TLSh and T.J,59th Sts. 2. For Curb and Gutter in Ewing Avenue between TL58th arid 1.T.60th Sts. 3. For the Grading and Gravelling of €ialifax Avenue, Halifax Avenue Addition and Roy Peterson's Secmd dddition. - 3redesents mtion, that petitions be accepted and that Public Hearings be set on same for .Nonday, Hay U, 1953,ms seconded by Danas and carried. ' NrO Rich'rd E. Olden, Clerk of Court dismissed by %micipal Judge Donald S, Burris, presented his side of this matter b the CouncU. No action taken. SouthdaSe Center 'representatives presented the following petitions for &provenenlxs for this development: 1. Petition for Sanitary Sewer 2. Petition for 1fatermaj.n 3. petition for Stom Sewer I Er. Crear told the Council that the developers feel that it is most important 'that the subject of sanitary sewer be settled as soon as possible, inasmuch as they wish to place residentid. property on sale in the fall. Nr. Crear cited the large volume 02 mrk before the Ehgineer, before even full scale preliminary plans can be perfected; and Ilr.*NitcheU recomaded the employment of consulting engineers for this project. Bredesen moved that petitions be referred to the Xanager I ,z meeting.- Notion seconded by Child and carried. Village Attokney Windhorst presented to the Council final draft of "An Ordinance hending the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Edina by Making Provision Therein for a Regiond. Shoppbg District and Defining the Boundaries Thereof.!' After discussion as to changes made from the first draft, Child moved that . I Public gearing be set on this proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment for IfondaY, EIay 25, 1953, at 730 P.X. Mo'kion ivas seconded by Bredesen and carried. The matter of Nardware'Xutuals' notification as to change in liability coverages was referred to Village Attorney T'tindhorst for report. Twin City Rapid 3'ransi.C Conpany*s karch m-h request for permission to route a bus -over t.l,&th Street beheen Glan Place and Brookside Avenue was read and discussed. During discussion, Iff?. 3EtjleU reported that it &s the Company1s tentative plan to exbend this Line down Brookside to Hightw No. 169. There was a question as to the condition of W.44th Street for these heavy-vehicles, but itpfas Council's opinion that Edirq residents in this area are in need of public trarkportation, and with this in mind Child moved in favor of granting the Conpanyts request. Notion seconded by Bank and unanimously carried. Ur. Honer &eyts letter, concerning Sktary Seder for Concord Avenue Addition and its effect upon assess~ent for I'loodddle Averme property owners , was reviewed. for investigation. Notion seconded by Bank and carried. The folloihg applications for Plumbers Licenses for the year April 1, 1953 to April 1, 1954, were appraved s&ject to appmvaJ. by Building Inspector, by notion BredGsen, seconded by Child and carried: Geo. Lowe (Low Plbg. Coo 4252 Nicollet Ave. (New) Richfield Plbg. Go.; 7642 Lyndde Ave. So. and the Public Utilities Committee for study and report at the next regular - I' c Bredesenmovedthat makter be referred to Public Utilities Committee (Renewal) Std. Plbg. & Applimce Co.,$OL5 IXhnetonka "1 r. .L, Oren E. Ifehan,4129 '6.I.Bdwyt,Robbinsddie 11 A, ' Lake St. ?lbg. CO., 3005 Oakland Ave. (%elf) Ed.J.'lWgaii GO., 101 E&th St. (Renewal) * - t - 3hnicipal' Judge Donald Burris* notification of the dismissal of Richard E. Olsen as Clerk of COW, and his request that CouncLl estabxish the salary of Ured H. Cheese, newly a3-pinted Clerk oP Court, at $l..OO per morcbh; were read and discussed. Brkdesen1s motion, that Judge Burris f'wnish the Council. with a list of the Cobt Clerkts dutres in order that the Council might better set his salary, was s6mrded by.Child and carried. Discussion &as had by' the Council as to the possibility of employing Hr. Richard E. Olsen, fom-er Clerk of Court, as an aide to the $Imager in the capacity of answering conplaint cdus and investigating same, inasnuch as he is now available for part-time work &,has had sone legdl training, arid is me11 acquainted with present Village office procedure. Xr. Burris thet there was no neglect of duty by I&. OLsen. Nr. &Etchell be authorized to contact 1-k. Olsdn and to hire him on a temporary and part-time basis for the position discussed, at $150.00 per month. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. b *- Cogxlzance vas taken of the statement by Bank moved that hh-3/53 101 kger Mitchell recommended that Council take bids as soon as possible on1 bituminous SUrfaCGg -material for 1953 requirements. "ViZlage Council take bids Monday, April 27, 1953, at 7t30 P.31., on 1953 requirements for Road Oil and Tar in$ccordance with specifications by Village Engineer, was seconded.by Bredesen and carried. Park Board Chairman He-rnarh Strachauer reviewed for tihe Council the Park Boasdts plans for future impyovement of park and playground properties. He recommended that Council @turn Tax Forfeited l;ot 8, Block 2, Goulddthts Addition and retain the other properties, even,though the Park Board has .no itmediate plans for development. The malYter *bas reviewed at some length by Mk. Strachauer and the- Co&cil, in connection ti;ith the propertyts value in relation to costs for -%nprovements in abutting stree%s. Bank offered the following Resolution ahd moved its adoption: RF;SOLUTION FOR DEDICATION BACK TO STAB OF _MlX$ESQTA. OF. Tk FORFEEED . ws, .- Cmdts emotion, that I .., BE IT %SOLVED by the Village'CounciJI of the Village of Edina: 1. .. -. It- is hereby 2ound and determined that on August 10, 1945, the State of lvIinnesota cPTeyed to the Village of Edina the followhg deserLbed- %ax f orfeitcd Sandsyuse as public- parks and playgrounds. Lots 3,5,6y8,c9,10,11,12,13, Block 14; Lots 5,ll and 12, BlockB, "DlS SUBDMSION OF B"A ABl%TT PARK; .Lots 1,2,3,22,23 ,and &,.Block- 6;.Lot 3, Block 7; Lots 1,2,3,19,20, 21,22,23,& Block 8; hts 7,8,9,10,ll,12, Block 10; Lots 3,4,8,9,10,l-l,12, Block I; Lots I, 2,3,4;5,6,7,8,9,10, ll, 12,13, U, 15,16,17, le, 19,20, Blo ck 16 ; Block 18; Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,24, BlocE 24? FAIRFAX ASDITION; - - Lots 1,2,3,4, 5, 697, 8,?,10, Il912,16,22, Block 15; Lots 7, $9 9,~O,U, 12,139J-4, 15,16,17,18,19,20,~,~2,23,~, Block 17; btS 1,2,3,4,5:, 6,7,18,19,2~,21,22, Lots 1,2,3,&, 5,6,7,8, Block 2, GOWDSMI%H?S .DDITION; Lots ~,15,16,1?,22,23,~,25, Block+3, IdEST &lINliJEApOLB H"ZS: Lots 13,U+,15,16,17,18,19, Block 19, NVD SECOND ,mDaIoN* -* c 2. It is found necessary and expedient and in the-best interests of the Vivage of Ed- and its inhabitants, that the contemplated use of the follow- ing lo$s and tracts of land included in said-conveyance for public pwks and plQygrounds purposes be abandoned, and the sane is hereby abandoned as to the following lots and parcels of land: Cl!&lX~~S SUBDIVISION OF EMNk ABBOT%! Pm; bts 3,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13, Block U; Lots 5,U and 12, Block 13, .bts.L,2,3, 22,-23 and 24,+Block.b; Lot"3, Block 7; Lots 3,4,8,9, 10$,12, Block I; Lots 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,~,9,10;~,12,16,22, 'Block 3-5; UtS 1, 2,3,4,~,6,7,18,19~20,~1,22~ Block 18; FAIRFU ADDITION; to conveythe.propert7 described in Paragraph 2 herbof back to the State of Kmesota, and said onfficials shall execute such conveyance herewith, in form approved by the Attorney General. Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,21C, Black a, ' ._ - ,Iot.8, Block 2, GOULDSMTITHtS bDITION. 3. 'The byor and Clerk of this .Village.are hereby authorized and directed I Hotion for adoption of the Besolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall Park Board Chairman Strachauer reported that the Park Board has *received numerous requests for facilities for evening soft-bdll; that the Schoml Board is nilling to allow sufficient space on the High School grounds for a diamone that.football lights cannot be used; that the financing of a minimum of lights sufficient to allow evening soft pall play trill cost $6,000; that Park Board is WiUing to take $1,000 of its funds for this project providing Village vdU, furnish $3,000 and School Board vrill furnish $2,000; that Park Board will start league play this year if such financing.can be arranged. motion, that Council make $3,000 available to the Park Board-for financing li&ts,for evening soft ball, providing the balance of the funds are provided by,the School Board and PFk Board in accbrdance with fi. Strachauer's state- ment, was seconded Zjy Child and carried. - Bank's I -> I '. .. 102 4/13/53 Child’s motion, for Eayment of Village Payroll, amount $8,075.33 and Liquor Store Payroll, arnwnt 61,174.4.0, for period April 1 to 15, 1953 and overtime for Hwch, ’all as recorded in-detail in Payroll Eedger, and for papent of the foUowing blahs, was seconded by Danens and carried: 7 8794 Old Peoria Company, &Cb 1,494.07 227.98 a. 60 Ebin %others Compny Northwestern Bell Tel. cob’ Griggs, Cooper & cob - 2,062.44 Bertelson kosb 24.33 Hardware fkiutirdls Casualty cob 30.65 1.W.ler-Davis Company 37.00 Village of Edina 3.m Ed, PhilLiPS & Sons GO. 29046.95 Griggs, Cooper & COO 6,699.82 Edina-Nomingside Courier Hardware Xutuals I~E.me$polis Star &‘ Tribune Edina I.lunidpal Liquor Store Emchant Calcdato rs, fnc. City Treasurer, City of H’pPLs b Review Publications Gopher Eqipment i% Supply cob r’r I -. Hardware lisltualls c &burban He&. Cy. Relief BoaPd * * c :r.. R.Roger Xoen 66 .OO Hardware Ihtuals 6.62 . Arthur Petersen j’b. Harold R. Fowler Kenneth Bo Freeman IJixj, L.00 Isaacson Go W. Barrett F.H,Talbot I*ks. Po Cutler best Olson f-k’~. D&Gage L ‘Neal F, PAge 8 1,978003 . 1950-2nd SER. 4 Edina-Homingside Courier 26.20 : I4pls. Star & Tribune 9.60 City Treasurer, City of Xpls b 3.71,600.00 G.X. Orr*EnEngineering cob * 275.44 s .s .#53 ( CONST. Gb1.1, Orr Ehgineering Co. 15,0190 55 $186,930*79 - c Office reported thaC some $672,000 of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 53 Fund moneys r.rill remain after this evening’s expenditures, some of which will not be needed for some time. as to amount needed to pay contractors within the n& few rveeks, and to invest the bdance of the funds in %-day maturity U.S. Gavement Securities, was seconded by Child and carried. Bank’s motion, .that Village &Imager be directed to inveskigate 103 &lager Etchel.& suggested that wouldyEave efer tke o Water Tank painted I1Ed$naf1 -on two sides, about $50.00, ,Bank's motion; that Village M=-&'elL.-he_ directed to investigate the cost of "chis additiond. painting, and aeport at nexb regu1a.r meeting, vras seconded by Bredesen and' carried. kager TfitcheUIs second recomm6rdation for salary adjustment f& Street Laborer's was reviewed and discussed at sone length. (r Bfr, Darks reportid thak the faux mdn being. discussed are'ppod rvoxkers and dependable, ani dBserve the salary incre'ase recommended. fication as of April' 16, L 1953, for .those bublic works' employees listes below, and that they be paid accordingly, wds *seconded by Danens and carriFdr i side would probabxy be 4 b, I Bank'rs motion, that the Council approve re-dassi- L Jacob Schmak L 60 --Class 20-F Present Rate to be $2$4,00 &mes McNdYiS to - Class 24-D . I? If $275.00 4 %. Y to - Class 24-E u ,* !! .I !'% 1,' v !I d @286.0Od .. r( , Leslid Miuer Oscar 'Nelson to - Class 24-E 11 - !! !I I! $286.00 d" - -. Civil Defe&e Director Palen asked for Council's confirmation for his proposed wire to Vashington with. regard to Federal Appropriations for Civ2.1 Defense, Child's motion, that action of Civil Defense Director be approved, was seconded by Bank and carried, The hour bkng late, Bredesen moved for adjournment of meeting until 7:3O €',M,, Monday, April 20. 12:15 A,&,,! Tuesday, April l.4. U"U.,.d". d. \z .J . .I . ./r Notion seconded by Child and carried. Meeting adjourned at v *- I z. 1 MIN'UW OF THE PDJOURNED PORTION OF THE u APRIL k3, 1953 'MEEX'QG 'OF. T.& .EDIN& VELtGE COUNCIL, HEID MONDAY, APRIL 20, -1953, AT- 7:30 P. M,,.AT THE-EDINA .vTL;I;IIGE HALL, " I I ,I- -- .. Membyrs answering Rol&all were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson, Clerk read Affidavits of Publication for publication .of 11AdyqAdsement for Bids- F&st matter before the Comcil wasc the" TA.EING 'OF 'BIDS 'ON NEW TI"%IAGE &LT,." Vi;Llage Hall, in Edina-Norningside Courier and Constm ction Bulletin on April 2 and 9, 1953, which affidavits were appmved as to form and ordered placed OIL file. Bids were then. publicly op,ened and read, in the amounts recorded on Page XO& of this Ninute Book; ,Child then moved tha't said bids 'be feferred 30- Village $anaier, hchtects and Citizenk' Committee for report at next regular meeting, if possible. Notion 7 ,/ -, Clwk reported that nineteen bids had been received, secolided by Danens and carried. 1 *I &yori Erickaon notified the Council of, a meeting of the Board of Hennepin County Comkssioners, Tuesday, April 3.4, at which time the consolidation of School Distfdsts 80s. 16 and 17 rvill be considered. Several manbers evinced inberest in attendin/+ Village Attbrney Windhorst reported that there has been no change in Attorneyt Genera's opinion yLt h regard to liability for cashing checks at Municipal Liquor Store, ,, -' d I .I 4 .I . "'."-e refusal to accept advance papnent from Edina on contract Plant charges (with resultant saving of interest to Edina) place& on file. The macter -of IiabELity for damages' remlting fpom -ille'gaJ_ -sale' of liquor iln tkre Nunicipal' Vquor Store was brought to Councilts attention by an insurance sales letter, This matter was referred to Village Attorney Windhorst for further investkgation by motion Bredesen, sewpled by Bank and, .carried. Mr, JtB.XcDonaldls April 6th protest to the proposed construction of the new Village Hal1 was .read, discussed, and ordered placed on file. Asst. Engineer Joseph Zikan reported that &. Homer Carlson has asked that petition fo* Sanitary Sewer on Summit Avenue be withdrawn. This request was on behalf ,of the property owners, after they had been informed that cost would be approxinately $lO,OO peE fYont Tootz, C'kildrs motioh, that 3roj"ect 'be a%andoned, " * and that pr,eliminary costs be charged to General Fund, and carried. ' % - *+ * *c = Lv X.* Notion seconded by Bank