HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530427_REGULAR4/20/53 Report was made of the deaEh, last Fr&day, of NP. Ben .Bo Moore, long-time Village Clerk; arid ChiXd offere6 the following Res,olution and aoved its adoption: i r, - RESOLfiION, AT TIIE DEATH OF tC -BEN B. MOORE IJHEREAS, Ben B: Moore served w Village Clkk of the <illage of Ediw for sixteen years, during which time the growth of this Village greatly increased the duties and responsibilities of the Clerk,-and c c -- I-, Ben Bo Noore served tws comnnxniky and many others as an official WH&E.AS, Ben B. Noore has been a leader in planning and executing many of the =ague of Eipesota Nunicipa?,ities, and c improv&ents for thi& Village, devoting many years in the interests of making this codty a bette: plage in which to reside, Council convey to the family of Ben B, Moore its expression of sorrow at the loss of a public spirited and unselfish friend of this Village. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there BE IT RESOLVED by the Village +Council of the Village of Edina, that this c were five ayes and no nays, as Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye;. and the Mayor I There' beihg no fur3her business, to" come+ befare this Neeting, Bredesen moved for adjobrment, ll:20 P.51. Notion secanded by D c * f ., , .. - -" Ifembers answerhg hllcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson. ltinutes of Meetings of April 13 and 20, 1453, were approved as submitted, by motion Danens, seconded by Bredesen and carried. t First matter on the agenda was %he Taking of Bids on several projects; namely, 1, Sanit&qy Sewer Tmprovaent No, 54, in Valley View Road and Ashcroft rAvenue. 2. Watermain Ipprovement No, *55, in Valley View Road and Ashcroft Avenue. 3. IlTatemain Improvement No. 57, in Xerxes Avenue betweb W,57th and f.T,56th Streets. t C&k, read Affidav5hs of Publication for "Advertisement for Bids" for each of these prp jects, said publication being in-'Edina-Norningside Coueer and Con- Structiok Bulletin April 16 and 23, 1953. form and ordered placed on ale. Asst. Engineer for Public,Opening, in Engineerts_ Office, Notion secondFd by Bank and carried, jhgineer Mi-t;chell reported, boweyer, that proposals for ~ the Watermain Improveanent Projects carrigd specifications for 200# pipe, whereas bid shoulg have covered l5O# pipe; that he believes these bids should, therefore, be r&urnedtt, bidders, unopened, and Council should re-advertise on khese two projects. Some bidders stated that their Sanitary Sewer kprovaent No, 54 bids are tied to the Watermain projects; and, after opeqbg Sewer bids, Asst. Engineer Zikan confirmed this statement. Child then moved that Council return bids for WatemaLn Improvements Nos. -55 and 57 to bidders, unopened; reject all bids on Sanitary Sewer Improvement 80, 54, and re-advertise for bids on all three projects, with bids to be taken Nay 11, 1953, at 7:30 P.M. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. 1 * Said Affidavits were approved as to Qedesen then moved, referring bids to - - c Clerk then read Affidavit of Publication for "Advertisement for Bids-Road Oil and Tar," in Edina-14orningsi.de Courier and Construction Bulletin April 16 and 23, 1953, Affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. motion, referring bids to Assistqnt Enpeer for Public Opening in Engineerts Office was seconded by Bank and =carried, Zskan ,reported said bids to be as foUowsr- Bredesents Later in the evening, Assistant Engine-er r C z r r- C c I r %I2 I Fer Gal. Per Gal. Per Gal. !CaBACX ASPHAI;T-.lIC1,2,2 \ Loaded, At Plant $ 09 91 $0 IO25 $1015 Delivered by RR Tank \ *Delivered,by Tank Truck .lo23 ,00998 e1057 REPUBLXC CRXOSOTIE CONPANX4IPUo (ONLY Ba) ROAD TBR-RTk TO RT6 8 Per Gal, Loaded, at Plant 8.18 Delivered,by Tank Truck - Car to Edina %,Track - delivered by I1R Tank E .lo62 . .u2 Delivered,by Tank Truck Delivered by RR Tank Car to Edina %,Track Hrn my 1.IIx ASP= haded, at Plant - Delivered, ,in Trucks HOT READY HIX TAR Loaded, at Plant Delivered, b Trucks Dvlens then moved referral to Village '&mager for report <and redomendations at next regular meeting. Uotion seconded by Child and carried. Clerk read Bffida5.t of Publication of '1lAdvertisement for Bids-Dog Catcher" apparbg in ma-3forningside Courier April 16 and 23, 1953; which affidavit vras approved as to fom and ordered placed on file, Clerk Bankcreported having received onLy one bid=-that of 1-Ierry Hills Kennels; and Said bid was referred to kssistan'c "Engineer for public opening 5.n En@neerts Office by motion Bredesgn, seconded by Bank and carried. Later intthe evehg Assistant Engineer Zikan reported the bid to be $3.50 psr How Patrolling; $1.00 per day per dog, Board and Rodm; 61.00 Asphyxiation per dog; tMs being the same bid as was had for the 1952 contract. Bank moved that ljid for l.l[emy Hill Ke-els be accepted, Notion seconded by Bredesen and carned, Clerk read affidaet of Publication for 'IAdvertisement for Bids-Street Im,orovements,ll publi-shed in Edina-Horningside Courier and Construction Bulletin April 16 and 23, 1953; irhich affidaet, awering advertisements for the following impmvements, vas ;is c CL c approved and ordered placed on file: < '. 1, A-&7-Blackbopping, Oaklavm Ave., 11,5&h to 37.62nd St. - * I 2, 3. Ea, Gravelling, Chowen Ave., lL59bh to W.60th St. - C-19 & 28, Gravelling Lenith kreD,'t7.5$th to TT.60th StD I ' 4, C-27, Grading and Gravelling, lTo5€kh StD, to BX'OOkVieW. i" i ,The C3,erk reported that no bids had been received for these various projects, and 3ianager E,tchell recommended that bids be postponed indefinitelgr, that Council delay indefinitely the taking of bids on the above named four projects, Ghild"s motion, vas seconded by Danens and carried. r i 6- c With regard to bids taken at other meetings, Nanager Ritchel.3. recommended that discussion on balance of Sand and Gravel bids taken January 26 be referred to later this evening; and that Police Captain IJcgaq requests that award of bids on Pplice Car be &ferred until next regular meeting. Bank!s motion, that Council ect in accordance with lhager's recommendations, was seconded by Danens and carried. &yo$ qickson announced Public Hearing on Proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement for ' ItConcord qove Adfition," in accordance with 1'Notice of HearingI1 published in ' =a-Norningside Courier Harch 26 and April 2, 1953. This affidavit xas read by . . Clerk, approved as to fom and ordered placed con filee Nanager 1EtcheU presented His Estimate of Cost vas $15,889,39 - - plans, stating that the setsr r.rould run two ivays. as agdnst 2,796 assessable feet, for $5,68 per assessable foot for Lateral Construction, plus $2.65 connection into Trunk Simer B-1, Childts motion, that Public Hearing be continued to IJonday, Ism 1l, for fhrther study, IBS seconded by Bredesen and carried. the plan of the developers to serve only one block of the new Addition with sewer. 1 il There were no objections from the floor. Petitioner Haverly then stated that it is now -.4 I : 4/27/53 113 Next Public Hearing was that- 03 the Proposed Grading and Gravelling of 1TO58th Street between 1zTooddd.e and Conkrd &venues. IVianager $Etchell*s Estimate of Cost was $9,62230 a's against 2,224 Assessable Feet, for $4.33 per Assessable Po&. Bb. Haverly, petitioner, asked that impravement be. expedited, There were no objections from the floor, and no objections had been received prior to the Hearing. The Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearing" on this improve- ment, in Edina-Morningside Courier l?larch 26.and April 2, 3953, was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Resolution .and moved its adoption: , / ?, Clerk Bank then offered the following RESOLWXON ORllERING IP*5?ROm4EXI! - STREET ~0~~ N0.C-4.3 ,-, FE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published-oh €he pro- .,' posed improvement consisting of Opening, Grading and Gravelling of lT05$th f ; q' Street between Wooddale and Concord Avenues; and at the hearing held at the ',r time and place specifie9 in said notice the Council has dhly considered the ik3 Views of a31 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facti does hereby deternine "co proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvaent is hereby designated and shall be referred to in a1 subsequent proceedings as Street hpmveanent No, C-43, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of the Resblution vas seconded by Danenb, and oncRoUcdl C en, aye; Chifid, aye; ; Bank, aye; and Erickson, I Jpllrsuant to 'kotice of Hearing-Proposed Gravel& and Blacktopping, Westwood COW~~,~', appearing in Edina-Norpingside Courier March 26 and April 2, 1953, as per Liffidavit of Publication read by Clerk, approved as to fom- and ordered placed on file, Nayor Erickson announced public hearing on this aforementioned fntprovement. Nanager Eitchell's Estimate of Cost was read at $5,5&1052 as against 2,261.94 Assessable Feet,, for $2.4.3 per Assessable Eoot, There were no objections from the flopr, and no objections had been received prior to the Public Hearing, adoption: Child offered the following Resolution and moved its' (3 RESOLUTTON OPdEXLNG lXf?ROm@m 'I STREFT l&30~ NO. A-50 \' Eli3 IT RESOLVED by the Council of the V$KLage of Edina, T:Enrksota, that this [';J, Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- >,(,, - ''3 . posed improvement consisting of Gravelling and Blacktopping of Westwood Court; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being filly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improveanent is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improve- ment No, A-50; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shal include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said jmprovment 5.5 to be constmdted., Motion for adoption of the €&solution was seconded by Danens, andron Rollcall c c -- L. . Clerk B& read Affidavit of Publication for IfNotice of Hearing-Proposed Black- topping," .appearing in Ed*-Norningside Courier April 9 and 16, 1953; and, pursuant-to said Notice, Public Hearing was held on the proposed BlacMopphg of Fdrfax Avenue betireen Woodda3.e Avenue and W.6Oth Street, lawager Nitchellt s Est-te of Cost, for OiJ. Stabilization was #5,709.60 as against 1,618 Assess- able Feet, for $4.15 per Assessable Foot; for %later Btabiliaation, $5,526.02, or $3.05 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the floor, and no objections had been received prior to the Hearing, resolution and moved its adoption: Child offered the following &/27/53 IXESOLWON OHXEtING II.ZPRO~*~T STRIET DFROVBliNT NOoA-51 BE ITJBSQLVED by the' Council of the Vilbge of Edina, l-rinnesota, that this Cowdl heretofore cGused notice .of hearing to be duly published on the proposed- hprove- ment consisting of the Blackbopping of Fairfax Avenue between T'foodddle Avaue md 5.J.60th Sreet; and at the hearing held at the tine and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the view of all persons interested, 'and being fay advised ofthe pzrbinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said 2mprovemen.t; fs hereby designated and shall be referred to in dl subsequent proceedhgs as Street Iinpvement No, A-2, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and Zracts of land abutting and fron%;iPlg upon the streets in which said improvement is Hotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Danens, and on Rollcatl there ) to be constmcted. : ' - I' were five wes and no nays, as follows: Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the -L Xayor Ekickson announced Public Hearing on Petition of Rr, W Wan T, Rentzer, I owner of Iot 10, Block 2, Richmond Hills 2nd Addition, for connection to Ifatemain Improvepnent No, 4.2. TIatenm5.n Connection,lI appeasing in Edina-Xorningside Courier-Rarch 26 and April 2, 1953; ttnich was approved as to form and orderedplaced on file, out in discussion that 'I..lr, &&eer believes @~300,00 is a fair charge for this connection. Assistant Joe Zikants report, estimating cost OS Vatemin Iinpmve- ment No* 4.2 to be $4.00 per front foot; charging fk, f-fatzerts lot with 137d front fee% (this computed as an average lot, although his lot carries considerable greater front footage on Highway No, 169); charging this lot with $550.00, and reducing variabl'e sized lots to 83.95 per front foot 3.n original Ifatemin fmprove- mw-t No, ,!$2 distYict, vas reviepzed for Council and Ik. EImtzer. Although Ik. - 1-kntzer pro%ested to this high cost, he acceded to it in order to obtain water for his lot, Clerk read Affidavit of Publication for "Hotice of Hearing- 1% was brought Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: -C IzF;sOLUTIW ORDERING Xi*&RoVB*~ 6 4 CO2G*ZCTION OF LOT 10, BLOCK 2,. RZCHZZOND HT7;fs 2ND P ADDITION TO TJmNIN D*PRO"ERT &IO, &2 . '$ aE I'E rzEsOLvED BY THE Council of the Village of Edina, lilinnesota,*that this Council j __ heretofore. cased notice of hearing to be duv published on the proposed 5.mPxvement *I 1- consisting of the Connection of kt 10, Block 2, Richmond Hills Seomd Addition to TJatemain Znprovrnnent No, 42, in_W.ndsor Avenue between Code Avenue and Hansen Road; an-d at the Hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the ici Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fdw advised of the pzrtinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the con- struction of said jmprovenent; that said improvement is &ereby designated and shall be referred to in afl subsequent proceedings as an addition to Watermain lmprovrnnent Ho. @; -and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracb 02 land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said bpmvemen% is to be constructed, Rollcall there were Ebtion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by 3 Danens, aye; Bank, five ayes and no nays, as follows: c -L. Bredesen, aye; ckson, aye; and the Resolution was a -LQ., I Contract for Suburban Hennepin County Relief Bead for Yeax 1953 was presented. Clerk B& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: B IT qOL', That the contract submitted by the Suburban Hemepin County Relief Board of the County'of Hennepin for the administration and SuprVision of poor relief b the Village of Bdina be accepted and approved: and BB EFmHER RESOLTIED, th&t the proper officers of said Village of Edina be directFd fo eFe&te said contract incduplicate and when executed to return one of said contracts to the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board* The question pzas on thebption of" the resolution, and the IloU being dUed there - moLmrox FOR CONTRACT c 1,gme five ayes and no nays, as follows: lhybr 4/27/53 115 { Hr. Paul E.H. Swansonis request for permit to subdivide Lot 4, Block 3, Noman- dale Addition into two lots vas referred to Planning Commission for recomen- dation by motion Bank, seconded by Child and- carried. Clerk reported Cbunty Supervisor of Assessments' nbtification of Tkesday, July 7, 1953, as date for Edina hard of Beview Meeting. that meeting be held July, 7, 1953, at 7t30 P.I!I., and th9t Nr. Haegn.be so notified, was seconded by Child &d carrieh, Petition'for Whurch Stop Signs" at Edina Baptist Church vms supported by a ,= delegation led by Vi, Frea S. Welsh, 5522 France Avenue South, motion, that petition be referred to Public Safety Committee and Captain of Police, with power to act, was seconded by Danens and carried. Application of "Disc and Needle1! Record Shop for 3*~6* Overhanging Sign at 5006 France Avenue'South vms reviewed, Bredesen' s .motion, that Wzmporary perbit11 be granted, with notification that sign must be removed on 30-dayst notice-by Council, was seconded'by Danens and carried, Bredesenis motion, bedesen's Application of E & H Standard Service, if169 and E&n Avenue, for Cigarette License, was approved and license granted, by motion Child, seconded by Bredesen and camied. 1 / '1 ' Grading, Gravelling and Oiling 6f that Alley between W. 59th and W.60th Streets . '*'-I 2, Grading and Gravelling of Jackson Avenue between Belmore he and * WLoney Avenue. Oiling of Benton Avenue between'Code and Tingdale Avenues: Sanitary Sewer in Concord &venue between lj.59th and t.1.58th Streets. -1 The following petitions were presented for Council consideration, dl petitions having been signed by iveU over the required 3% of abutting property owners: 1. ,ti 3. 4. 1 [ 1 carried. Bredesen's motion, that petitions be accepted and Public Hearings on same be scheduled for Monday, June 8, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., was seconded by Bank and Xnquiry of 11Normandale Community Service Councilfl about Service Roads along State Highway No. 100 was read, Highway Department concerning the speed on State Highway No. LOO, was t seconded by Bredesen and carried. Summons and Complaint fileb by contractors, Orfei and Ihriani, rin the amount of some ($2,400, for extras on Sanitary Sewer hprovement No. 36, was referre& to Village Attorney Vindhorst for imrestigation by motion Bredesen, seconded by Child and carried, Kanager IEtchell'stated that, to his knowledge, the con- tractor has no basis for his claim, The following applications for Plumbers' Licenses for year April 1, 1953 to April 1, 1954, were approved, by motion .Child, seconded by Bredesen 'and carried: " \ Child's motion, -that Council be -informed by Mitchell by letter of this Counci1f.s most recent conferences with the William Carbon, 2400-lOth he. So, Statewide Plwnbging and Heacing Co,,Inc., 2200 FJ,66th St, TTdlace E. (Gene). Cooper, 5500 Benton Ave, ,.Johnson fBrother,s Plumbing Company, 430 Excelsior Blvd. r* Petition was filed, for the Grading and Oiling of %Lflth Street between Xerxes and that Alley lying between Xerxes and York Avenues. petition be-accepted and that public hearing be delayed for @rther study by Child's motion, that Village Engineer, was,seconded by Danens and carried. I 1 1 - {Getition was filed for the Grading Ad G5avelling of Xerxes Avenue between ~.66tb and W.67th Streets, together with Office report that Village*still needs an#easement for some 75 feet along this street. Childts motion, that petition be accepted, that 'FublicrHe&g be scheduled for Nonday, kfay 25, 1953, at 7:9 P.M., and that Village Attorney be directed to negotiate for easement, together with instructions to initiate condemnation proceedings providing said easement I -k If I Kcqot be secured, was seconded by Danens and carried. Petition for permit to face dwelling at Lot 3, Block 1, Vjrginia Avenue Ad~tion on Vbginia Avenue rather than on W,60th Street vas reviewed. Bredesenrs motion, scheduling Public Hearing on this matter for llonday, I-fay Is, 1953, at .7:30 P.I4., was seconded by Bank and carried. I\Tanager Ititchell presented petition that Wouncil order the posting of the entrancesho LaBuena Vista Subdivision pY;ohiEitingthe usage of the streets therein by shod horses.1t Child's motion, that petitioners be notified that there is no ordinance which makes usage of roads by shod Kames illegal, but that Council has instructed Police Department to contact owners to see if this matter cannot be worked out satisfacturily, was seconded by Danens and carried. . c - 4/27/53 I * -c .. f 1 Petition T~S presenied for lrSlovr Signs1r' at corner of Bedford Avenue and lhterlachen Boulevard, and vas referred-to Public Safety Codttee and Captain of Police for recommendation, by motion Bank, sFconded by Bredesen and carried. Nr. Leo Quist besented ptition for Curb and Gutter and Blacktopping on Tbtmes Boad betmen TTo4$th and 11.49th Streets. Upon I&. Quist's statement that petition is signed by opmers of more than 3% of affected properties, Bredesen movedraccepting petition and scheduling Public Hearings on these improvements for Nonday, &~,y 25, 1953, at17:30 P.1.T. Hotion seconded by Bank and carried. Eanager %Etchell reported receipt of proposel from Edinz? Am-wican Legion P6st No. 47l Housing FauAdation, Inc., in tr'nich they agree to dedicate to the Village the property needed for the,neir Village Hall W return for sufficient property to cover the encroachment of their building upon Village property, access to and peman7n-b parking rights to any parking 1ot"created to serve the Village Hall, and 91,000.* Dr..Erickson then reported a meeting, at which the Legion aveed to reduce their price to 8300,'parking rights, and the 18" of ground, more or less, now in question; the $30 being computed at the same price per acre as was paid to Our Lady of Grace Church for its property, .A difference of opinion developed among Council members as to advisability of granting permanat parking rights. Child moved that Legion's proposition of $300 and dedicationcof sufficient land to cover encroachment of legion building be accepted providing nothing in writing is required as ts parking lot; that this Council vrill make its arrangements for parking and other Councils must make theirs. citl~ied. "Bredesen then offered the following Resolution, moving that it be adopted and forwarded to the Legion together vxith notification of CounciLts accepkmce of purchase price for Village Hall property: -It P z- t I Notion seconded by Bredesen and - RESOLUTION - PARKING % rnf nLs;Ac;E HALL SEI3 BE IT RESOLVED, that it is the sense of this Council: 1, That .permission be and hereby is granted to Edina American Legich Post #471 to use, for parking purposes; the proposed parking areatat the site of the new Edina Village Hall, at such time as said area is not needed for Village Ha31 parag p~oses. 2. That this perqission is subject t? cancellation by the Council at any D time. r I.rotion for adoptLon of Resolution was seconded by Bank, apd on RolllcaXL there mre four ayes and one nays, as follow: Bredesen, &e; Danens, aye; BX~IC, aye; and Erickson, nay; ad the Resolution vas e rfayos Valage Clerk . c Gonsiderable discussion was had as to awvd of bids on New Village Hall, pith %nager l.iitche.11 recornending acceptance of the low bid, and Dr. Erickson favoring deduction of Uternates three and f5ve. Village Attorney Windhorst gave Ms opinion on various methods of financing pMje~t. Architect &-afi% was asked about deduction of &Iternaces as favbred 'by Isbyor Erickson, and stated that this work would be more e*ensive if it had e0 be done separately. that bid of C,O.Field Company, inTamount of $273,758.00, for construction of new Edina Village Hall be accepted, and directing architects to prepare contract for same for approval by Vill^age Attorney, vas seconded by Danens and carried. Nanager lilitchell presented Final Plat of Roy Peterson's 2nd Addition, stating that Planning Codssion*s inst&ctions have now been folloved, and .that he recommends approval for record. Bredesents motion, approving Final Plat of Roy Peterson*s 2nd Addition, T~S seconded by Bank and carried. &hnicip&. Judge thurris April 23rd recommendations as to salary for his teaporarg and nevrly appointed Clerks of Court was read, Bredesents motion, referring 1.k. Burris to Council request of April 13 for list of duties of Clerk, vas secon4eC1 by Child and carried. P Xi-. A. G. Bogen rinquired about propriety of now proceeding with his Grading project on 'fXUiadvenue and =asr informedt that approval of sever& property ovmers is Jret to be recgived; that he will be infbrmed by Manager ZJitchell. as to when he may proceed with wrk. n 1.k. dl. Gross requested information as to the usage of the Northeast Corner of Eghvmy Ho. 169 and County Road No. 18, with jntent in mind df constructhg filw station thereon. Bank's motion, I ? t . P I C" " He vzs referred to Office for,Mornation on zoning, n 1 4/27/53 117 Petitions were presented for Waternain Improvements in the follotdng streets:. 1. 2. (Wm6Oth Street between Concord and Parnell Avenues Concord Avenue between i;f,58th and I?.6lst Streets 1 - (Concord Avenue between W.6Oth Street and Valley View Road ' (Virginia Avenue between 1~60th Street and Valley View Road " I I ~ \ I 1 I (Parnell Avenue between W.6Oth Street and Valley View Road Nanager Mitchell +recommended cpnstruction of 12" main dovm Concord Kvenue if possible; with balance of streets connecting by-6" mains, as a matter of expediency. . Childfs motion, that petitions be accepted and that Public Hearing be scheduled for Ifonday, June 8, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., was seconded by Bredesen and carried. \ '_ -The mt'ter of allocation of cost for construction of a Sanitary Sewer in York Avenue, from 1?.55th Street to a point 154 feet, more' or: le&: 1Vokth thereof, came before the Council pursuant to an inquiry by the Audikors. reported that this construction actually constitutes a repair to Sanitary Sewer No0-1L3j inasmuch as the sewer originally constructed in the alley proved too shallow to serve abutting lots, Child's motion, that costs for constru,ckhg the York Avenue Sanitary Sewer be allocaked to Sanitary Setver'District PJo, 13, was seconded by Bredesen and unanjmously carried. Reportwas made of investment of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 53 funds, and Bredesen moved, approving investment of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 53 funds in U.S. Treasury Notes at a cost of $398,180, to yield $400,000. Notion seconded Deputy Clerk I 9 by Bank and carried. c <<t IhageF >fit chell reported on the preliminary rmrk regarding the beautification of Vcllage pumphouse Sites; stating that the total cost of materias for the three locations is, estimated to be about @.60,00. No action was taken. Nanager Ititchell asked for'C6uncil disposition as to the maintenance of Xerxes Avenue73etween FJ.5ltth and tJ.62nd Streets. He was instructed to attempt to work out some amicable arr5ngement"with the City of heapolis in this matter. &. Mitchell's report of the Public Safety Committee's inspecteon of stop signs at Interlachen and Schaefer Roads and Blake Road; and their subseqyent recommen- dation'that Stop Sign at coriier of Schaefer and Interlachen be moved to the corner-of Interlachen and Blake, making this a two-way stop, was discussed. Child moved that recommendation of Public Safety Committee be abcepted, and that Stop Sign be taken from Schaefer Road and moved to comer of Blake Road and- .ln"r;erlachen. Nanagei KtcheU1s report of 'the Public lborks Committee's recommendation that 1?.4qth*Street between France Avenue and Maple Road be given an additional mat to brifig blacktop to curb, was read. Crew be authorized Eo constnkt an additional mat in accordance with Committeets recommendation, and that the cost thereof be added to the assessment, was seconded by Danens and carried. Manager Etchell reported that Our Lady of Grace Church has taken some dirt from the new Village- Hall site for their-roads and parking 16%. No action %allen by council. 3hager IEtchell~s report of Xr. A.G. Bogen's operations on IKl.li& Avenue was accompFied by M2.-Childss comment that owner Nolting will be Satisfied if I&. Bogen grades the entire street. The mat.ter of Special Assessments for Tax Forfeited Properties being returned to State qf &Ennesota same befoqe the Council and was ascussed at length. off erea the- Tollowing Resolution and .moved its adoption: c C Ifoftion sednded by Bank and carried. Childts motion, that Village Public Works c c - c r c. $."CC No action taken, Bank EESOLWION DETE~IIKCNG TOTAL, &lOUNTS +THBT WUJZD HBVE BEBX ASSESSED AGAINST CERTAIN PAR@LS OF TAX FOREElfFED LANDS IF SUCH PBOPERTIES HAD BEEN $UBJEW TOC TO EB&QSSB) IIg _THE NATTERS OF TKE DPROYE3ENTS NAEED TN THE FOWENG SCHEDULE; AND DIFBCTING TKE VIJL4GE. CI;E;RK TO PRZPAR33 .AN ABSTRACT SHOI7fiNG T€E DESCRIPTION OF EACH PARCEL OF NON-PADEIfl OF TA,ZS AND THE TOT& A"T THAT TXXJID HAVZ BFEN ASSESSED AGUNST EZliCH PARW E? IT ,HAD BEEN SUBJECT TO ASSESS1\IENT; APJD'DSRECTING Sa VILLAGE CL$'€?K TO CERTIFY THE SAT@$ TO W COWY AUDITOR PlJFtSUBNT TO THE: PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER ASSESSI~-T AT THE TD~E OF DEXERNINATIDN BY. THE vrm ;GE COECIL OF THE FORFETTIED TO THE STATE FOR ?. *. , UMS OF TXENNESOTA Be it Resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Wha, Ninnesota: I-, at the time of the determination by the Vil-lage Council of the Village of Edina of the total aoun%s of money to b; assessed in the proceedings of the improve- ments listed below, cedain parcels of land had been_ forfeited to the state and were therefore not subject to assessment. NW, THEREFORE, Pursuant to Chapter LWS of l&mesota the Village Council does hereby determine that each of the parcels of land- hereinafter.described would hare been assessedthe amomks set opposite each such described parcel, if such parcel had not been tax-forfeited lands and therefore not Tbject to assessment, and the Village Council does he%by detennine that bach of said parcels, has been benefited in an amount equal to and in excess ofrthe amount set opposite each of said parcels: EACH LOT:: UYTS 3,5,6,8,9,10,U,12 and 13, Block,l4, CIJWBXNDtS StTBDTVISIQX OF EENA ABB-OTT PARK C Sewer Dist. $43 Trunk - @6flofj0 Outlet Cke. to ~i c E LOTS 1,2,8, BIx>GK 6, FIARFAX ADDITION' - t uyf 24, BLOCK 6, FAIREXX ADDDION l. UYT 3, BLOCK 7, FplRFAX,ADDITION .I I t 1 IMT 3, BLOCK 1, FAIRFAX ADDITEON -- &S &,8,9,10,ll and 12, FAIRFAX ADDITION *. EACH IXX! Sewer Dist. $8 Tmnk - $67.9 Outlet .Chge.to TSD#!L 50.00 TOTAL m EACH MT *. Storm Sewer #19 i EACH L&' LOTS l,2,3,4,5,6,7, -BLOCK 18, FAIRFAX ADDXI!ION . -- San.S ewer #%l \. -c .* (Outlet Chge.) $ 12.00 -XX% l8,19,20,2l and 22, BLOEK 18, F-NC ADDmION EACH LOT ~an~ewer $EL 50 ., .. m 8, BLOCK 2, GOUISSICCTHU I 239 k/27/53 ADD^ ION * 24, FAIEEAX ADDITION EACH U)T San. Sewer $%d $12.00* San.Sewer #13 $138.60 &egy.the - Ifatemain #5 St.hpr.#&lO The Village Clerk is hereby directed to mak,e an abstract wd description of each parcel of land forfeited to-the state for non-payment of taxes at the time of the determination by $he Village Council of the amounts to be assessed in these proceedings, and showing, in accordance with this resolution, the total amount that would have been assessed against each such parcel of land if it had been subject to assessment. abstract to the County Auditor of Hennepin County f-or presentation to the Board of County Commissioners of Xennepin County. The said+ Village Clerk shall certify such Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follaws: B Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the X ; Child, aye; Danens, aye; . Nayor Child's motion, authorizing payment of the ^f ollowing Claims, and Village Payroll, mount $&?,407,2l, and Liquor Store Payroll, amount $655.32 for period April 16 to 30, inclusive, 1953, was seconded by Bank,and carried: cum NO. FUND - ANOUNT #ll. 65 7 TO: American Linen Supply Company ..c-- -- Anheuser-Busch, &c. 220 . e3 Behelson- Brothers 1.65 Candda Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. 109.74 Carpenter - Paper Co . * 29.81 Clausen &Sons 561.58 Coca Cola- Bottling Company 41.36 Distillers Distributing Co . - 2,999.79 0.M. Droney ,Beverage Co . 481.20 Ebin Bros; Coo 183,078 F~OUS BmdSy kc. 1,043.02 Gluek Brewing Coo 150*31 Gold NedaL Beverage Go. c 52.66 . Kuether Distributing Co . I 32.04 l'4cKesson .& Robbins 728.45 Massolt Bottling Coo loo71 Ed-West Wine Go . , Lnc. .- 187.50 . c Npls . Brewing Co. i- 852.07 . lfpls. City Club Distr. Coo 1~9.60 National 'Cash Register Coo 127.38 Northern-States Power Go . 43.16 Old Peoria Company, kc. - .- 130.10 , Pabsta Sues Coo U5.29 Rex Distkifsuting Go6 - 206.72 Royal Beverage Distributing Coo- 76.32 Seven Up- Bottling Coo * 90.72 . Shell Oil Company 59.19 Thos. No'bre eC Company r 12.65 Sheelly Distributing Coo 159.90 Val Bjornson, Treas of F93R.A - 68,231 Minn. Hdspital Service Assn. 7.55 * "Land Xatl. Bank of Npb. 154.15 Griggs, 'Cooper & Company - - 5,440006 NorthweStern Bell Telephone Coo lA.60 Ivttnn. Form Printing-Service 94.08 Griggs,*Cooper & Company - 2 9 918, 33 Glacier'Sand & Gravel Coo u.09 ConstruCtion Bulletin 18.00 J. A. Danens & Son . 15.00 - H. A. Rogers Go. 23. 40 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Northe& States Power co Thorpe Bros., kc. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. 343.50 17 r Miller-Davis Company 8364.50 *. 4/27/53 C .C’ AGOUlE $48000 J. A. Danens & Sons, I~CO 255.20 14cGovran Contracting- Coo 8.04 Lyle Signs, Inc. 92010 Itimesota Fire Extinguisher Coo 3.75 - TO: Ed. Ryan, Sheriff of Henn. Cy. - Bmvm Clothing Coo ’ 10.18 .I 5.A. Danens 6: Sons, bcb l44.P Blacktop Service Coo 186. !XI. Glacier Sand & Gravel Coo 9&. 68 Construction Bulletin 12.80 Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. P 3x0 50 Tovm & Country Hdvre. 230 78 I.liller-Davis Coo 534.49 Beinhard Bros. Coo 99. 50 Northwestern Bell Telephone Coo 450 50 Northwestern Bell Telephone COO 315.35 Northern Sates Power Go. 19 200 &5 J.R. Coan, Postmaster 90.18 Ebncsota Fire Equipment COO 4L87 Bertelson Bros. 1% 50 Crook B Hanley, Inc. 10 50 1.kxeti.n F. Falk Paper Cob 7.45 st. Paul stamp Vorks 53.78 1.filler Hdrre . 5.75 Edina Hdwe. 2.74 101. 60 Clancy Drug Store 2 004 Dick PalenrPhotographs 15.10 2.00 Hooken Cleaners 62.88 liepublic Creosotbg CO Young Fuel. Coo 360 58 15.00 Grismld Si& COO InternationaI City Hgr S. Assn. 35.00 City Treas., City of %)lso EO@ Typewriter Coo c 4.70 000 city Qesting & Engineerhg Lab. 1,309000 ~ J, A. DZZSIIS & Sons, XJICO Atqua Survey & Instma* Cob 227.50 m.29 do A. Danens &. Sons, Inc. c i8i.00 6.25 Pmerican Linen Supply COO H. A. Rogers COO * 116.38 f 8845 J 8846 8&7 8&9 $850 8851 8~52 $853 8854 8869 ssrlo 8875 8W6 dm7 - 8800 8881 - 8831 $830 $828 %827 8826 8825 8824 8823 8821 8820 $819 8818 8817 8816 8815 88U 8813 8812 8810 8N9 8808 * 8829 s53 8855 8856 8857 88% 8860 8861 - $862 8863 8864 8865 8866 8867 8868 SS?l 8@72 8s?3 8874 8875 8877 8879 8884 8843 8842 88U 8840 8839 8838 8837 8822 $809 Construct 5on Bulletin e. Ifm. H, Zie&.er CO., I~CO r .I Paper, Clemenson & Coo r Phillips Petroleum COO . f-thneapolis Gas Company David dgency b Do A. Lubricant Coo, Bc. Bib Xotors e Dahlberg Bros., Inc., Suburban Electric COO Service Tool &.Equipat COO I-iachdrexs Company kef Bros-., kc. H, R. Ton Company . Firestone Stores chas. Olson & Sons, Tnc. Reinhard -Bros. c. Northwektern Bell Telephone CO c 14orthern.States Power COO gdina Pure Oil Service COO Brookside Service c.00 Northrestern Tire COO ’itwin Ci%T Bolt & Supply COO Brulin & coo, Inc, #. Delegard Tool GOO B & B Seat Covers COO Dick Sonnenberg berican Linene supply. cO*. k & COO) Inc. f Be C. Duncan COO P “ Uo so Supply cob r l. I