HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530511_ADJOURNED5/11/53 3.31 Bank reported that Public Safety Committee recommends installation of green '*Right-hand Turn" signals against the red light at Halifax Avenue, for turns both<North and South, and moved for installation of.sai@ signals. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. The matter of stop sign at Tyler and EMLoney,Avepes was discussed, with Nr. Bank,reporting that Public Safety Committee recommends installation of Stop , Sign on Tyler Avenue. where it enters Maloney Avenue from the North, and also a ~fSlow-Chil&en*~ sign in the,middle of the block on Tyler. He moved for said sign hstallations, and Bredesen seconded motion, The matter of Assessment for Storm Sewer hprovement No. 21 cane before Coupcil - for discussion, with Nanager Mitchell requesting that Assessment Hearing be laid over until the meeting of June 22, which will mean a postponment from June 8. be heard June 22 rather than June 8, was seconded by Bank and carried. T$e hour being very late, with considerable business still. before the C&ncrill for consideration, Qredesen moved for ad joument until Nonday, May 18, 1953, at 7:30 Pol$, Notion seconded by Bank and carried. Neeting adjourned at -1 .c C Notion carried. Bredesenfs.motion, that Assessment for Stoxm Sewer Improvement No. 21 E:3O A.M.3 Tuesdq, May 12. Village Clerk ImS OF T€IE ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE YAY 11, 1953 MEBTING OF .T€@ EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, MAY 18, 1953, AT 7~30 P.N., A,T THE-EDTNA V1LJ;AC;E HALL. I ... - I I - *- c Neribers answering Rollcall were BTedesen, Child, Danens,' Bank and Erickson, Mayor Erickson read a letter from St. Stephens Church, offering to contribute $500 toward the salary of a Wommunity Youth Leader, youth activities supervision-and administration. Bredesen's motion, that the offer of3t.Stephens Church be aocepted with thaulks, acceptance of #!3lO to be dependant upon possibility of securing other funds for this purpose, Motion Mayor Erickson presented, for Council confirmation, the following appointments * for an "Edina Youth Commission,fi this -body to serve as advisory to the Council and for-the purpose of coordinating various youth activities within the Village: Discussion was had as to seconded by Child and carried. e - - Mr. Nervin C. Dillner, 56U Concord he, - Chairman &s; Chrles C, Hoyt, 4615 Browndale'A-ve, ' Mrs. Arthur A. Sehlin, 6209 Crest &ne c I&. Fred V. Eogers, 5623 Concord Ave, P$r. George 31, Posselt, 6709 Nomandale Road c t 192, V,A. (Babe) LeVoir, 54QZ Rikhmond Lane c Eks. 'Lawrence A. tTilsonj 6301 IQildred he. IJ~. Ray E. Norman,. 6424 Rolf Ave. - I&, Floyd K.?Nye, 5805 York Ave, Ivir. Austin D. Norton, 5032 Juanita be. (Or other maber appointed by Nk. Robert Ljndbery, - 3% Norroe he. Appointments confirmed by common consent ofcCouncil, without formal action. - Trustee Child siiggested that-the School assume a leading roll. in these proposed: ybuth activities, cooperating with Village Park Board and the other agencies especially dth regard to its facilities for entertainment. Ivhyor Erickson reported Park Board Chairman Strachauer's request that Councif. gb on record as favoring a proposed St\rirmning Pool in the Village. discussion was ha6 on this matter; and Bank offered the follothg Resolution Oz Black, 5124 Halifax Ave. - r, r Isaac TTdton. League) IC ' Considerable and moved its adoption: . lXi3SOLUTJON FOR STUDY OF r. REWTMNAL FACILITIX study of needed recr6ationa.l facilities in Edina, by Dr, G.B. Fitzgerald and his University of IGinnesota group, at no expense to this Village. ' BE I'J! FURTHER RBSOLVED, that this Council go on record as favo&.ng a reappraisal of this. question in conjunction with the Park Board when %he afore- mentioned group has made its study--especially with respect to acquisition of property for proposed recreational facilities, IT RESOLVED, 'that the Edina Village Council go on record as -favoTiag a *c Hotion for adoption was ayp and no nays, as and Erickson, we; and the Resolution 5/18/53 I-hager ktchell and Deputy Clerk presented amended Assessment Boll. for Storm Sevler Ho, 21; total cost- being $3,132.97;. $6,607.46 being cost of District Sewer; $1,405*y., the cost of the'hteral Sewer; and $l2.0.00, the cost of Becording with County Auditor, It was eqlained that, upon field survey, original assessment district had been reduced-from a total of 1,629,825.85 assessable square feet to a total. of 1,550,912.93 assessable square feet; that this reduction in assessable footage, together with additiondl costs inmrred after preparation of original roll, had kcreassed the cost per assessable square foot from $.00372 to $.OO@6. Also, that property had been-added to assessable square footage for lateral sewer because of vacation of an alley, decreasing cost pr assessable square foot from Q,OO96 to . $.00935. Child offered the- following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION F'ROVLDlhTG FOR ASSBSm HEARING - STORU SEXEZ It4E33vET.JENT N0.21 - BE IT RSSOLVED by the Council of the-ViJlage of Edina, Qs follows:. r 1. The Clerk and Xngineer having calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for STOX4 SEER BEBOVE!JEKC NO, 21 agaipst the respective lots, piecescand parcels of land wihhin the. district affected thereby, and said proposed assesment having been filed with-the Clerk, the same is hereby approved, -and said Clerk shall keep the same on file in his office and open to public inspection pending hewing thereon as herein provided. of notice hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assessment, and the Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior to said meeting, vhich notice shall be in substantially the followjng form: 2, This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form NOTICE OF €DURING ON kssESS-m?T FOR , STORkl SEUEZ D~PEOWEKC NQd 21 NOTIC33 IS HEREBY GWT that the Council of, the Village .of Edina ~d.1 meet at the Tillage Hall on Xonday, June 22, 1953, at 7:30 o'clock Po31,, to hear and pass upon all- objections, if any, to the propoqed assessment for Storm Sewer hprove- ment No, 21, vhich assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. The general nature of said improvement being as A, follor.rs: .. Construction of Storm Sewer and Appurtenances in Beard Avenue between ".57th and s"i,56th Street; in Chowen Avenue between IT.56th Street and that 20-foot lane running betvreen hts 3,4,5, and Lot 6, Block 2, Edina Hills; and in said 20-f oot lane, f roz Chowen Avenue, Northwesterly toward Rinnehaha Creek. Construction of Storm Sewer and Appurtenances in the North-South A@ig b tween Beard and Abbott Avenues, from the South ht Lines of hts 4 and 9, f@&!t Lam Addition to TT.56th Street; and in W,56th- Street from Alley to Beard Avenue. Veginning at intersection of V,57th Street and Drew Lvenuef tho North 100 ft. B, The area proposed to be assessed for ItA" includes all lots and tracts'of land to qprohtely centerline of Lot 4, Block 2, Brookline 2nd Addition; th, East to appromtely centerline of Lot.3, Block 2, Brookline 2nd Addition: th.'Nqrth to Itortheast corner of said Lot 3; the East-to point 70 ft. TQy from Southeast corner of Lot 15, Block 2, Edina Hills; the Nly parallel to Chowen Avenue to point in South line of Lot ll, Block 2, Edina Hills, 70 ft, TLLy from Southeast- corner; tho NEly on an arc to point on my line,of Lot 6, Block 2? Edina Hills 35 ftm &fly from SZ corner; tho SELy to centerline ChotreQ Avenue; th. 2Z.y to intersecf5on Beard Avenue; th, North in Beard Avenue to a point 65 ft. more or less , *North of' center- line of intersection of T.T.56th Street and Beard Avenue; the E. to E. line of Lot 10, Block 4, I,%te Investment Company*s Hidden Val1e;rr; th, N, to NX corner of said lot; th, E. to ?E corner of Lot 15, Block 4, White Investment Companyrs Hidden Valley; th, So along E, line of said lot to V,56th Street; th. E, to NorthSouth =ley between Abbott and Zenith Avenues; the S, along said alley to ST1 corner of Lot 2, Block 5, Brookline Addition; th. E, to a point midway between the East and Irest lot lines of kt 3, Block 5, Brookline Addition; th. S. to T;To57th Street; th, Ely to a point between the East and Vest lot lines of Lot 22, Block 3, Brookline Addition; tho Sly along a line nidm3 between East and Vest lot lines of Lot 22 through Lot 12, Block 3, B-rooUe Addition to W,!%th Street; th, E. in 1{,58th Street, to a point midmy between the East and Vest lot lines of Lot 1, Block 2, Harriet Hanor 2nd Addition; th. S. along a line midway between East and Tkst lot lines of Lots 1 through 8, Block 2, Harriet Hanor 2nd Addition, to a point on the North lot line of Lot 9, Block 2, Harriet Canor 2nd Addition which is 71 ft. E. of the centerline of the North-South Alley between .Zenith and York Avenues; th. IT. along North lot line of Lot 9, B~Qc~ 2, Harriet %nor 2nd Addition to the North-South alley between Zenith and 'iork Avenues; th. F, along said alley to SE corner of Lot 16, Block 2, Har-fiet Ichor 2nd Addition; +th. TJ. along South lot line of said Lot 36 to Zenith Avenue; tho 3. in Zenith Avenue to its intersection with T.T.59th Street; tho 170 song 11, 59ih Street to a point 71 So E, of centerline of North-South &ley betvreen Abbott and Beard Avenues; th, S. on a line midway between East and Vest lot lines of Lots 1 through 7, Block,5, Harriet knor 2nd Addition; th. lay to TTorthfiSouth Alley beheen Abbott and Beard Avenues; tho S, to East-Vest Uey betT.reen TT.6oth and V.5wh Streetis; th. tJ. along said alley to Beard -%venue; tho IJorth in Beard Avenue to a point 58 ft. South of the Hortheast cornep of Lot 9, tithin the follovkng boundaries: I- I intersection of Chowen Avenue; th. N. on Chowen Avenue to Z.J.57th Street; th. W. along W.57th Street to point of beginning.It l ' Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and bn Roll6all there were five ayes- and no nays, as Danens, aye; Bank, aye; snd Erickson, Nayor Bredesen then moved that Council receas for discussion with Planning Commission on plan for municipal parking, at 50th and France Business District. Hotion seconded by Danens and carried. Council then met with PlanSaing Commission, which had been called- into Special, Session by Chairman Krafft. Hembers of Commission, Krafft, Todd,, Ryerse, Odell, Hiatt and Raugland were present., as was 14Ir. Law, Consultant. Hayor Erickson presented to the Commission a plan, entitled tlProposed Plot of Property West of Halifax and North of 50tK Street;%his being a plan presented by the business men at 50th and France for proposed Kmicipal Parking.. Plan includes the extension of Halifax Avenue northerly to 1!.49$h Street; a 8tmultiple housing z(3nert on the South side of r.W.49th Street, extending approximately 135 feet South bf 49th Street, between France Avehue and the rear lot lines of those lots facing Maple Road; a proposed IJcunicipal Parking kt on the Wallace property Nest of Halifax Avenue, extending from . the South line of the proposed 1tmultiple dwelling zone11 to W.pe Street, and from Halifax*Avenue, west to a point 50 feet east of the/ og lines of those lots facing Naple Road, this parking lot including an entrance onto 30th Street at its Vest line; a 50-f00.f; %ecreational area" (including tennis courts) extending West from the proposed parking lot to the east lot' lines of the properties facing Maple Road, and North from 50th Street to the proposed ~9nul.tiple dwelling zone. Plan also contains provision for an alley between present 11 community store districtll and- proposed *lmultiple dwelling zone11 and dending from France to Halifax. *. Planning Commission and Council discussed this proposed project at length. Chairman Kraffb called for Commission's recommendation to the Council. Odell moved %ha% Planning Commission go on record as approving in principle the Vroposed Plt of Property West of Halifax and North of 50th Street," provided: - 1. Parking Areas which now exist as parking lots and that additional area shown on plan (with exception of that parking area which is now owned and under control of bank) be acquired by Village for municipal parking purposes; all costs of acquisition and main- tenance to be assessed against benefited commercial properties; and Y?ecreational arealt indicated on said plan is permanently dedicated to the Village as Park; and Halifax Avenue is extended through to W.49th Street; 2. 3. that Conrmission does not favor proposed tennis court but prefers to consider solid landscaping against fence line in park area; and that Commission does not at this time favor the proposed alley between France and Halifax Avenue; that the recommendation ofthe Commission is with the understanding that final plan, with specific boundary lines for proposed ttmunicipal parking1' areas be submitted before work on project is begun. Motion was seconded by Hiat% and unanimously carried. The proposed plan for 11mulzicipal parking South of If. 50th Street, entitled Plan 368-E, was discussed with relation to establishment of the two lots as one project. to the Council approving this plan; and that Commission recommend to Council that the two plans be considered as one project. Motion seconded by Hiatt and carried. Raugland moved that Commission reaffirm its former recommendation There being no further business to come before the Commission , Special Neeting was adjourned, by motion Todd, seconded by Raugland,and carried.. Council reconvened, at call of Mayor, at 9:30 P.1-1. 5/18/53 1 .' ,( by tlie Comcil in its deed from Village to he&can Legion Housing Foundation for a forty-foot strip of land'to be used for parking purposes was reviewed. Child's c motion, that the latest agreement by the I;egion-;to accept deed for for$y-foot - parking strip, excluding reversion ciause but containing deed restriction that land shall be used for parking purposes only--be accepted, IIo-bion seconded by Bank and carried. l$anager Hit chell's in%tten report 6th reg&d to the 'reversion clause required ? zwger I-EtcheU's report as to cost for painting extra sign on new kater ~ank vas discussed. the contract and that Council. pay for no additional lettering, vas seconded by Danens and carried. Child's motion, that Council approve only the one sign supplied xith Bank mved that the name EDItLrP, be placed on the new Eater Tank as recommended by I+ianager IEtchell. Kotion seamded by Danens and carried. Police Captdn I-lcGaryls request for tvro additional days' vacation for Officers Hoffman, TTrobLeskd, I-ierfeld and Dahl, as reward for their exbra mrk in the recent two juvenile cases, was considered, Bredesen moved that Captain HcGary be advised that the matter of vacation, as reward, for four ofgicers, was considered, and was rejected because Council is anxious to follow vacation schedule as set up for all Tillage employees. 1.btion seconded by Bank and carried. Eanager 1.EtcheU'B reqpkst for permission to employ a field-office crea from Engineer Arleigh bMth, Ifayzata,- to secure levels and cross sections and plot up information on all blacktopping projects to be finished this year by Ashworth Company was discussed at some length, a week or ten dqys in the field; with an office man inside for about ten days, ChildJs motion, that Nanager Nitchell be authorized to employ Wineer Arleigh Smith's creir, in accordance with his recommendations, for work on the AshT.Jbrth projects, was seconded by Bank and carried. I &, Hitchell stated the crew would spend Hanager IEtchell then informed the CounciL. that a qualified blacktop inspector trill be needed just as soon as Ashmrth goes to vork, and for the full time the contractor is working, to insure tnrk according to specifications. He suggested employment of such an inspector, from fixin City Testing Laboratories, at $140.00 €or a fortphour vnrk week and $4.00 per hour for anything over forty hours. Bank's motion, that Twin City Testing Laboratories' man be engaged in accordance pith Xanager -lEtchell's recomendations, was seconded by Danens and carried, Bredesen then moved for adjournment. adjourned at LO:25 P.1.T. Hotion seconded by Bank and carried, 3Ieeting c A& dL& I Village Clerk