HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530511_REGULAR1211 FUND - 4/27/53 cum NO. - TO: I AQIOUNT I_ Town & Country Hdwe. 9x3 88
Northwestern Bell Telephone Coo 17.40
8$83 Addressograph Mu-ltigraph Corp. 7.20
8854 8869 Killer-Davis Go.
8f377 $878 Northern States Power Coo
8836 J. -A. Danens & Son, Inc. 1s6.90
C Japs-Olson Coo 79.85 *
8833 7, $03038 8632
8810 Awa Survey & Tnstrument Coo Uo 95
St307 - Poucher Printing & Lithographing Coo 8.4-0 50 $89 670 0 53
I WJeeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Coo 12.75 *
. 66.30 Mueller Coo
Ohicago Bihdge & Iron Coo
Fire Chkef %tne1 was present to inqire about Council's decision to discontinue
use of Mobile Telephone Service.
Department could have used money for first year's installation for some other
service had they known of Council's intent. No.supplementary action taken,
The hour being late, Bredes& moved for adjournment.
and carried.
He was informed that Council believes cost is
Mk. Bfitael states his regrets at Council action inasmuch as Fire
Motion seconded by Child
Neeting adjourned at 11:35 POPI,
NAY 11, 1953, AT 7:30 P.EL, AT THE
EDINA V1CS;GAG.E HALL c -. .-" -..
Mmbers Bredesen, Child, Danens, B&k and Erickson answered Rollcall.
Bredesent s motion,. for approval of Minutes of Regular IVreeting of ipril 27,1953,
was seconded by Danens and carried.
Clerk Bank submitted Affidavits of Publication fo; Advertisements for Bids, in
Edina-Horningside Courier and Construction Buzletin April 30 and &la@ 7, 1953,
for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 54 and Watermains Nos. 55 and 57, which
affidavits were approyed as to form and ordered placed on file.
moved for referral of sealed bids on these projects to Assistant Tillage
Engineer for public opening. Motion seconded by Danens and carried.
in the evening, Assistant Engineer Zikan presented opened bids, which were
as follows: ..
Bredesen then
$5 3.218 4 5 $75 3080 50 $23 977.00
Phelps-Drake $0. 4,034.70 8,565000 3,360.00
Jack fdelch Const. Coo (1 4,640 0 70 8,038.20 2,657.00
8,026.80 2,755080 Bart ,Carlone, ,St. Paul . C Nm. V. Terry Excayating Coo 4, 551.20
DeGraf f Wolff 5, 519 30 8,136.75 2, 92Lc.00 Peter Lametti - 5,0320.39 8,847.& 3,077052.
Lametti& Sons 5,853 55 8,816.30 3 024. OO
Bredesen then moved, referring' bids to Village Enaneer for tabulation and
report at ne& regular meeting.
Village E4anager Mitchell's recommendation for award oP bids on Pit Run Geavel
and Stabilized Ifaterial taken January 26, 1953, WBS noted. -Child's motion,
rejecting all bids on these materials was seconded by Danens and carried.
Nanager EGtchell recommended award of bids taken April 27, as follows:
CUTBACK ASPHALT-BE l,2,3 AND EOAD OIL SC-1 - To Richprds Oil Company
ROAD TAR-RTk-TO RT6 - To Republic Creosoting Company mJUISIFIED' ASpmT-RS2 OB SS1 - To American, Bitumels & Asphalt company
HOT RlEaDY MIX ASPHALT AND HOT WY MIX TAR - To Earl Sewell & Sons, all
Motion seconded by Danens and carried.
Motion seconded by Danens and-carried.
At prices-bid April 27.
recommendation by Village 14anager.
Bredesen moved for-award of bids in accoraance 16th
Police Captain Z?icGaryis recommendation for award of Police Car bid to Brellenthin
Chevrolet Company was.discussed at some length,
be clarified, Child moved khat. bids be referred back to Public Safety Committee
for further study and report at next meeting.
Because tabulations could not
Motion c seconded by Bank and
" I
Public Hearing was held on the petition of 1.b. Qoris Per.roT.raruk for peei to
construct double dwel~gs on Lots 10 and 11, Block-1, South Harriet Park 2nd
Addition (5236 and 52&0 France Avenue_ South), Clerk submitted copy of Rotice of
Hearing mailed to property otmers within 5QO feet of proposed project, which ms
approved as to form and ordered placec on file, Er, Pewowaruk presented a
petition signed by most of his neighbors, sujporting his request.
Inspectorts report, that property is sufficiently large for double dwellings; that
it is adaptable for such use, but that it may be restricted by deed to single
family dwellings, was reviewed, There were no objectgons from the floor, and no
objections had been reqeived prior to the gearing. Child's motion, that Village
Council grant petitionfor double dtreZl&ngs, and that Building Inspector be instructed "c;) issue pezpits for pame was seconded by Bank and carried.
Clerk read Affidavit of Publication in Edina-Morningdde Courier April. 30, 1953,
for Wotice of Hearing-Change of Street Name, which affidavit vas approved as to
form and ordered placed on file,
conducted a Public Hearing on proposed change of name of ItNelson Avenueti to
Yiprucq Road!'.
received $Mor to the Hearing,
favor of having this street nFe change made official.
ing Ordinance, moving that Council wsive second reading and adopt Ordinance as
Pursuant to said Notice, the Village Council
There were no objection_s at the {Hearing, and none had been
Clerk Bank reported that 1.b. James DeIliep is in
Child offered the follow-
The Village Council of the Village of Edina, $Ennesota, does-ordain as follows:
t ..
Section 1. Ordinance No, 164 of the Village is hereby amended by adding,
after Section No, 13, the following:
? r
*I&, Nelson Avenue is hereby renamed Y3pruce Roadll.
I c
Section 2, This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage
and publication according to law,
Xotion for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Bank, aye; and @ickson, aye; and the
Village Clerk
Bredesen 4y2$ Child, aye; Danens, aye;
itext: Public Hearing was that on two petitions for permits to face dwellings in
non-conformance with Z&g Ordinance, 'on 7;ot 7, Block 4, and ht 3, Block 1,
Virginia; Avenue Addition,
to all owners of properby within 500 feet of said proposed dwellings, which
Notice tias approved as -to form and ordered placed on file.
objections from the flaor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing, on the facing of the dtrelling on Lot 3; Block lo As to Lot 7, Block 4, the
neighbor to the North inquired as-to the setback of the dwelling and was informed
it would be 35 feet from Virginia Avenue, 35 feet from If.62nd Street, and 20 feet
from rear lot line,
or" an entrace, and establishment of street address in accordance with plat, tms
the lots to face the streets rather than the avenues; that he has no objection to
the faCings requested, -Bank moved for approval of petitions. 12otion seconded by
Child ana carried,
Clerk read copy:.of Notice of- Hearing,mailed AprXL 30,
There were no
Building Inspector troehlerrs recommendation for the maintenance I Developer Jacobs, stated he believes a mistake was made in platting
Public Hearing ms held on the proposed Gradipg and Gravelling of Halifax Avenue
in HaJ_ifax Avenue Addition, pursuant to Wotice of Hearing-Street Tmprovemen$s, 11
published in Edina-IJorningside Courier April 29 and 30, 1953.
Affidavit of Publication for Notice, wiiich vas approved as to form and ordered
placed on file, Nanager IEtcheU recommended that Developer Yund be required to
grade his ovm road, inasmuch as it lies entirely t.lithin his subdivision.
motion," that Council ;inform Nr, Yund that road must be graded and gravelled
sufficiently to make it passable, by him at his own expense, was seconded by
Child and carried,
Clerk read
Pursuant to 1Wotice of Hearing-Street Improvements, It published in E@a-lXorningside
Courier April 23 and 30, 1953, Hfidtzrvit of Publication for which was read by Clerk,
approved as to form ad ordered placed on file, Public Hearing was had oq the
proposed Gravelling and Blacktopping of H~iLifax Avenue from the' Centerline of ~1.62nd Street to a point 487 feet, more or less, South therkof, Hanager Hi.tchell reported
that street has not yet been cut through, to grade and provide sufficient gravel for passable street, and delaying action on Blacktopping petition until construction of dwellings on the street, vas seconded
Child's motion, that developer be required
5/11/53 123 by Danens and carried.
Clerk read Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearings-Street Zmprovements,lr
published iin Edina-Korningside Courier April 23 and 30, 1953, which Affidavit .
was approved and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant thereto, Public Hearing .I
was conducted on the proposed construction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter ,.
in &&ng Avenue between W.S&h and 1~60th Streets. PGnager Mitchell's Estimate
of Cost was read as $6,409,15 as agqinst 2,520 Assessable Feet, for $2.54 per
Assessable Foot, Qelegation present asked that construction be ewedited with
all possible speed, in order that they might have their street blacktopped. this
StlMmer, There were no objections to the Curb and Gutter improvement from the
audience, and no objections had been received,prior to t e Public Hearing.
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its k doption:
BF, IT RESOLVED by the Counc$l. of the Village .of Edina, Minnesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro-
posed improvement consisting of Construction of Stmdard. Village Curb and
Gutter in Ewing Avenue between If, 58th and 3J.60th Streets; and at the Hearing
held at the time and place specified in said,notice the Council has duly
considered the views of dl prsons interested, and-being fully advised of
the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of
said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be '
referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. B-16,
and the area to be specially assessedtherefor shall include all lots and
tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improve-
ment is to be constructed,
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on RoZlcall
there were five ayes and no. nays, as follows:
Danens, aye; Bank, qye; and Erickson, aye; an
Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; '
eggution was adopted, PfifdW 14PX
Upon questions fromthe Ewing Avenue delegation as to just when they could
expect construction to start, Engineer Mitchell explained that plans and
specifications are not yet complete; that he wishes to advertise for all
curb and gutter projects at the same time, in order to secure as'good a
price as possible.
to advertise for bids for this curb and gutter project, to betaken at the
earliest possible date after plans and specifications are completed,
seconded by Child and carried.
Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearings-Street Zmprovements, ls published
in Edina-Hbrningside Courier April 23 and 30, 1953, was read, ,approved as to
form and ordered placed on Eile; and, pursuant to same, Public Hearbg wits
had on the proposed Blacktopping of Chowen Avenue between W.58th and 'Ef,59th
Streets, Manager Xitchell's Estimate of Cost was read as $1,896.57 as against 1,255 Assessable Feet, for $1.51 per Assessable FOoL-it being understood that
present rnaterialswuld be used for stabilization. M4.. GOA, Anderson, 5820
Chowen Avenue, requested that work be dqne as soon as possible; stating that
the street is clay'and that materials therein-would not be suitable for
stabilization; but that affected property owners are anxious for apgood road
and are Willing to pay for it.
moved its adoption:
Bredesen then moved that Council authorize Village Hanag&
Child offered the foUowing Resolution and
RjEsOLUTION ORDERING IPPROVElillENT % STE3ET IM€'RO%EZENT. NO. A- 52 BE IT RES0LVE;D by the 6ouncil of the Vwage of Edina, 14innesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro-
posed improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of Chowen Avenue between
W,5&h and If.59th Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place
specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all
c persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does
hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, includ-
ing it krr Oil Stabilized Base and a 2" i%t; that said improvement is hereby
designated and shall be referred to in a3.1 subsequent proceedings as Street
hprovement No, A-52; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall
include dl lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street in
which said hprovement is to be constructed.
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was duly seconded by Danens, and on
Bredesen, aye; Child,
future projects, Child
Blackbopping Specifications
be a 411 Stabilized Base and
129 5/l3./53
To clarify the matter of Blackbopping specifications for
moved that it is the sense of this Council that Standard
for 3dina residential streets not carrying heavy traffic f a 211 Zat. Hot'ion seconded by Dawns and carried,,
- P r. -c Chowenkvenue delegation spoke again of their dust difficulties, and Bredesen
moved, directing Qillage Engineer to advertise for bids to be taken on Street
Improvement Ro. A-52 just as soon as plans and specifications therefor are ready.
gotion seconded by Child and carried. r -i
Public Hearing on proposed Blkktopping of 17oodland Lane from Voodland Circle to
md of street was called next, pursuant to "Notice of Hearing-Street Improvements,11
published in Edina-IJorningside Courier April 23 and 30, 1953; which affidavit was
read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Trustee Danens
recommended installation of curb and gutter before blacktopping, stating that street
vfl not be a satisfactory one othenise, because.of grade.
and gutter is not mnted in this area.
for or against the improvement; and, because of the Councilts action of this
evening, no Estimate of Cost was given.
and moved its adoption:
It was noted that curb
There was no one present to speak either
Child offered the following Resolution I RESOLUTION ORDERING II.IPIzOVEUENT .
SW IkPEOVEZ4EiKC NO. A-53 ''la *
ElZ IT RE3lLvED by the Council of the Village of Edina, LWesota, that this Council
heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published-on the proposed improvement
consisting of the Blacktopping of i'loodland Lane, from Woodland Circle to end of
street, +d at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the
Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully
advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed yith the copstmction
of said improvement, including 431 Oil StabiliEed Base and 2" lkb; that said improve-
ment is hereby designated and shall be referred $0 in dl subsequent proceedings as
Street Impovement No. A-53; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall
include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the stree-bs in which
said improvement is to be constructed.
Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolut'o p'dopted.
9 Bredesen, * e3 Child, we; Danens, aye;
6# ~~~~,)~ Nayor 2/~:4..mfl
Village Clerk c
Child then moved, directing Village Engineer to aGvertise for bids on the above
Street Improvement No. A-53 just as soon as plans'and specifications therefor have
Clerk read Affidavit -of Publication April 23 and 30,1953, in Edina-Norningside
Courier, for llNotice of Hearings-Street Znprovements,
as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said Notice, I-Iayor Erickson
&led Public Heazhg on proposed Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of John Street
between l&iLoney Avenue and the Turn-Around. Engineer Nitchellts Estimate of Cost
was read at $3.48 per assessable foot for 840 assessable feet; this to include
grading and gravelling and possiblytvm or three coats of oil if one does not
suffice. Ttm property owners asked that constmctkon be expedited. Bredesen
offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption:
_been prepared, Rotion seconded by Danens and carriedo -
~ihxicb affidavit was apprqved
BZ ITRESOLVED by the CouncXL of the Village of Edina, IIinnesota, that this Council
heretofore cased notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve-
ment consisting of Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of John Street bettieen E&d.oneg
Avenue and Turn-Around, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested,
and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed
with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desig-
nafed and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street hprovement
No. C-U; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shallhcJude all lots
and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said hprovement
is to be constructed.
Xotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded'
were five ayes and no nays, as follor.rs:: Bredesen,
on Rollcall there
Danens, aye;
&k, aye; and Brickson, aye; and the Resolution was
'VilJage Clerk
1 = 5/u/53 - 225 Continuation was had of Public Hearing on proposed Sanitary Sewer hprovement,
in Concord Grove Addition; this HeavLng being continued from April 27, 1953;
and the improvement under consideration being construction of Sanitary Sewer
in the following Streets: I
W.58th street between Wooddale and Concord Avenue; -,, Concord Terrace between St.Johns Avenue and Concord Aveque;
Concord Avenue between IT. 58th St, and Concord Terrace;
St. Johns Avenue and Fairfax Avenue between 1fo5$th St. and the
North Line of Concord Grove Addition.
Assistant 3hgineer Zikan explained that part of the proposed sewer drains to
Wooddale and the balance to Concord Avenue; that costs are different on these
two sewers. fi. Haverly, petjtioner, explained that at this time developers
are aJNcious to have only that portion of the sewer in W.58th Street between
Concord Avenue and St.Johns Avenue; that he is willing to go along with
whatever cost is necessary to have this line layed; that he would like the
balance off the project to- be considered with petitions just filed for
Sanitary Sewer in Concord Avenue. There were no objections from the audience
to this t1.5Ekh Street line, and no written objections had been received prior
"co the Hearing,
j BE IT RXSOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Itinnesota, that this 9 I \ Council heretafore cased notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro-
'r posed improvement consisting of Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewers and
Appurtenances in IT. 58th Street between Wooddale and Concord Avenues; Concord
Terrace between S$. Johns Avenue and Concord Avenue; Concord Avenue between
W. mh St. and Concord Terrace; St. Johns iivenue and Fairfax Avenue between
W.58th St. and No Line of Concord Grove Addition, and at the hearing held at
the time end place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered-
the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent
facts does hereby determine to proceed with the consbruction of only that ,
Sanktary Lateral Sewer in 31.5FJth Street between Concord and St, Johns Avenues;
that s&d!improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all
subjequent proceedings as Sal-litary Sewer Impmvement No. 55; and the area to
be specially assessed therefor shall include aU. lots and tracts of land
fronting upon the street in which said improvement is to be constructed.
Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was duly seconded by Danens, and on I
c -.
Childts motion, continuing Public-Hearing on the balance of the petition for
Sanitary Sewer in Concord Grove Addition until Public Hearing on the Concord
Avenue Sanitary Sewer, schedule& for Concord Avenue Hearing being Juhe 8,
was seconded by Bank and carried.
I*. S. 3. Thorpe,- JT.,~ presented St. Stephen's Church Parking FLan for qillage
park property at Southwest Corner of 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue.
was read.
are left intact, and with the understanding that this parking will be on a
lease basis as being drafted by Village Attorney,
and carried.
Report was made that the Village Zoning Ordinance (Section &-l-(f)) is incoqre@
in its description of property within the Community Store District, inasmuch as
"Hi&way No, 5" has been changer? t'o Highway No. 169-212 since the adoption of
the Ordinance;-that E, a. Gross is now applying for permit to construct and
operate a filling station on the corner of Highway No. 169 and County Road #la,
which property has already been rezoned; that to clarify property desqription
the Zoning Ordinance should be amended.
moving that Council waive second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as read: ORDINmCE NO. 261-3
Bredesen moved for 'approval of plan providing three Norway Pines
Motion seconded by Child
..- Board's recommendation against destroying or moving three old Norway Pines - '-
Bredesen offered the%follot&ng Ordinance,
The Village Council of the Village.of Edina, ltinnesota, ordains:
Section I, Section 4, Subsection 1-(f) is hereby amended to read
"The land on the northeast corner of Highway No, 169-212 and County Road N0.18,
measured 150 feet on Highway No, 169-212 and 150 feet on County Road No. 1811.
Section 2,- This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage
and publication according to law.
Notion for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcan there
were five ayes and no nws, as follows:
Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Ordinance Bredesen Child, aye; Danens, aye;
.k Child then moved, granting permission to construct a filling station at the
northeast corner of Kighmy No, 169-212 and County Road No, 18. &lotion seconded by Danens and carried.
A representative from Sandquist Construction Company asked that Council have an
outdoor privy at 5813 Ashcroft Avenue removed, inasmuch as there is now Sanitary
Sewer in the street and this residence can connect to it, Dr, Campbellts report,
requesting that Gouncil issue order for removal, ;i.ras reviewed, Discussion was also had concerning Nr, BWeborough's reluctance to c0rnpl.y with CounciL order,
issued some.time ago, for removal of outdoor privy at 5909 Concord Avenue.
Bredesents motion, that Clerk be ordered to serve notice on the owner or occupant
at 5813 Ashcroft Avenue that, inside toilet must be installed and connected to the
Sanitary Sewer 2r.Ashcroft Avenue within thirty days from date of notice and that
outdoor privy on these premises aust be destroyed, was seconded by Danens and
Bank moved that Clerk be ordered to serve notice on Ur. Blakeborough that he ms$
install inside toilet at 5909 Concord Avenue, connect to Sanitary Sewer in Concord
Avenue, and destroy outdoor privy within thirty days from date of notice,
IZotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
E. Peder 1-Eckelsenrequested permission to move dvd.ljng from Lot 24, Block 3,
Grandivew Heights Addition to Lot a, Block 5, Grandview Heights.
motion, setting Public Hearing on petition for Nondqy, Nay 25, 1953, TBS seconded
by Danens and carried, &. Peder Xidcelsen requested information from the Council as to where the
responsibi-fity lay for the resurfacing of the road a pzrking lot torn up by
Sanitgzry Sewr No, 36 contractor Orfei and l.lariani at the time of sewer construc-
a coat or two of oil, and direct* 1:fanager Nitchell to take cost of such repair
to Orfei and l4ariani as a claim,/&&%@conded by Danens and carried.
Child'noved, authorizing Street Dppartment to level this off and apply
Kr. Verlin Balfanz requested Council disposition of his request for permit to
maintaja a black dirt pit at the COCO Peterson Farm on Valley View Road, Planning
Conmission's recommendation €or permit on a year-ho-year basis for ,this operation
was reviewed; and Child moved that permit be granited to Er. Bdfanz on a year-to-
year basis in accordance with Plztnning Commission recommendations.
142. Jack Gardarelle requested that Council authorize building permits on Lots 7,s and 9, Smilden's Edina Highlands,' and on hts 10 and ll, J,E., hndersopts-Edina
Highlands, both of-which Preliminary Plats have been approved by the Planning
Gomission, but which Final Plats have not yet been approved.
perinission be granted subject to building inspector's approval, and with $he
stipulation that Village rill accept no responsibility for damages in case Final
Plat does not agree with approved Preliminary,
Child moved that
&tion seconded by Bredesen and
3k0 ELC. Stow reqyested Council authority to contractor to order pipe for
pratermain No, 56, in Brookview Heights First Addition, inasmuch as contractor
infoms him he can eqect no less than 10 weeks' delivery. Child moved that
Engineer be instructed to inquire from American .Cast %on Pipe Compqny as to
Lime of delivery of pipe for Stow Vatexmain Project, Notion seconded by Danens
and carried.
'on Lots &le and 23.10, Block Eight, Brookview Heights 1st Addition (well site),
advising Er, Stow of documents to be filed with Village before completion and
final approval of ~dl.
President Oredson of First Edina State Bank asked pePmissfon for Bank to build
a bank building 110 feet long on their 132-foot lot on the North side of .c.l,t$9$
Street; providing parking facilities at the Vest side of the building; and
leaving a 25-foot alley at the back of the bGding.
ResolGtion adopted b 1946, fk6ng the maxinun depth of buildings on the North
side'of f.r,49& Street at $0 feet.
restriction would not'necessarily apply to the bank, inasmuch as it was thought by the earlier Council to provide room for rear loading platfoms,-etc. Child
offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
At this tine, Village Attorney Tlindhorst presented Title Opinion
Review vas had of the
It was the consensus of opinion that this
'- BE: IT RESOLVED by $he Village Councii of the'village of Edina:
r. .*
I I, That that Resolution adopted by the Fdina Village Council October ui., 1946, entitled "Resolution-$Test 49& Street?', which establishes
maxirnu depths for buildings on the North side of said West 49$ Street
at 80 feet, with a minimum of fifty (50) feet to be proeded behind
each buiLding for parking and service driveway be,amended.
2.' That amendment to said Resolution.consist bf a waiver of said &foot
maximum building depth on @rbp&ty described as "the South 177.5 feet
* of Lot 32, and the North 1/2 of Lo% 34, Auditor's Subdivision NR. 172"
in favor of a max5m.m building depth of 110 feet for this property,
That the waiver described in Paragraph 2 of this Resolutidn be made only if the buUt?,ing constructed on the above described property is
for exclusive use as a ba@,and parking space for said bank is
provided on the Nest side of said proposed bank building in an
area not smaller-than 49 feet by 110 feet.
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Brgdesen, and on RoZlcdl
there were five ayes and no Gays, as follows:
Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and Brickson, aye; Bredese , aye; Child, aye;
dlution was adopted, p* I. . L/f45J*>h7
1 - Mayor
Blr. Oredson then presented again the Parking Plan for W.5Oth Street and France
Avenue, stating that most property owpers in the district have now signed
petitions for parking lots.
Lo be substituted in the 50th.Street area formerly planned for the bank,
together pith a park buffer strip at the West of the Ifallace property; a
plan for the closing of Halifax Avenue and the opening of Tomes Road
extended, Discussion followed, during which it was @&tied %ha% I.' '*
Planning Commission had once approved,. this plan,
give even tentative approval on the closing of Halifax Avenue because of
the traffic problem involved in this change; and Bank moved that Council
take matter under advisement, for decision at next regular meeting if
possible. Ivfotion seconded by Child and carried,
Messrs. Harold Utleyand RaLph Johpson of the Citizens Committee on the-
New Vilbge Hall reported that American Legion Post $471 Housing Foundation,
Inc. will not accept the offer made by the Vil&ge Council at their meeting
09 April 27; that Legion wishes to be sure of parking privileges. They
of land needed for the new'Village Hall, the Village v&ll deed to, the Legion
the small tract of land covering Legion Hall encroachment on Village property;
and the Village will deed to the Legion a forty-foot strip of property abutting
the presently owned Legion! properby on the East and extending from Eden Avenue
northerly to the Norbheast corner of that property owned by the Legion after
The plan presented tonight called for parking
Council was. hesitant to
I .%
presented a plan w'aereby the Legion will deed to the Tillage the two trac%s i
conveyance to the Village of tbe.two tracts cited above-with this latter
deed to contain a restriction that said forty-foot strip is to be used for
parking purposes only andthat if used for other purposes is to revert to
i \
,,, '+ the Village of Edina,
Village Pfanager be authorized to inform the Legion by letter of Council's
intent, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Child's motion, directing Village Halager to order C.R. Field Co. to begin
work on the new Village Hall as soon as possible, was seconded by Danens and
carried. f -
Com$hent on Snow Plowjag in the lfNorthwest"@gle of Edinaf' this past winter
was read by the Coupcil with interest, and ordered placed on file,
hague of l~esota Nunicipalities' invitation to League Convention to be held
in Virginia June 11, 12 and 13, was read- and ordered placed on file.
Notification of "Governorts Safety Awird Presentation Dinner to be held IVIay 13,
was reported. No action taken.
Petition for the Dustcoating of Zenith Avenue between V, 57th and W. 58th Streets
wascfiled carsying simatures of owners of 52% of affected proper&ies. Child's I
motlon accepting petition and scheduling Public Hearing on same for 3Ionday,
June 22, was seconded by Bank and carried,
Childts motion, that this plan %e approved, and that I
c .)_
i.lanager Hitchell and C&&tman of Public Vorks Committee Danens reported the very
serious dust conditions now existing in the newly developed portions of the Village,
and the many rewests for immediate alleviation thereof. Childts motion, approving
the immediate oiling by the Village Fublic 'Vorks Crew of all streets where Oiling
or Blacktopping petitions are now on file, .in order that dust emergency might be"
remedied,' was seconded by Danens and carried.
The mtter of aLfov5ng contract Dog Catcher to accept moneys for the impounding of
dogs came before the Council, T.ri.th Deputy Clerk reporting that it is often most
inconvenient for Village residents to make payment for same at the Village Hall,
return to pound for dog, etc.
mitten to dog catcher and system of receipts and report to Clerk be arrived at,
in order that .complete check of dog catcher's receipts may be made at Village
Hall, was seconded by Danens ad carried.
B&*s motion, that letter of instruction be
School Supt. Huhlmants request for the laying aside of the petition filed with tlie
Juvenile Court in the recent ltobscene pictureslr case was read. Public Safety :
Committee reported on its investigation in this matter. Bredesen movedthat Village Attorney be instructed to'attanpt to delay the court appearance of these
juveniles untU after June 1,
Rayor Erickson, beiug &, was excused from the Neeting at this time; and Hayor
Pro Tern Child presided for the balance of the %feeking.
Deputy Clerk Alden reported that because of a change in the State Law governing
Special Assessment Procedure, public hearings scheduled earlier for Uiqy 25, would
have to be postponed until June 8. Bank's motion, rescheduling Public Hearings
on the following proposed inpmvement projects to Nonday, June 8, 1953, at 7:30
P.lI., was seconded by Bredesen and carried:
I Efotion seconded by Bank and carried.
p, Blac'xtopping of TJoodland Circle and lT.56th Street between France Avenue
Opening, Grading, Gravelling and Oil-& of Xerxes Avenue between W.66th
Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of 'Xerxes Avenue between t.r,67th and 11. '
Construction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter, and Blacktopping, Tomes
z and Park Place.
and X67th Streets.
68th Streets.
Road between TI,@th and W.49th Streets.
s7p -
The following improvement petitions were filed, carrying signatures of owners &f
more than %$ of the affected properties:
Sanitary Sewer and Watermain in "Normandale Court",
Oiling, TT* 59th Street between Kellogg and Oaklawn Avenues.
Sanitary Sewer, PTateraain, and. Blacktopping, Beard Ave., W.60th to
OQing and Sanding of Harrison Avenue between Belmore Lane and North
Oiling of Uindsor Avenue, 5000 Block. .
.. W.6Lst St. (This ptition carries signatures of only 50s of owners).
ii Village Mts.
Bredesents motion,* that Public Hearings on these petitions be scheduled for Ronday,
June 22, ,1959, at 7k30
l?mager 3EtcheU. reported Park Board Chahman Strachauer'rs rewest for meetiw Tdth CownciL for discussion on propos6d SI- pool. Ik. 1Etchel.l urns instructed
to arrange meeting for Thursday, Nay U, at 300 p.L
Hinutes of April 2nd PIeeting of Edina Park Board irere noted and ordered placed on
Petition for the Rezoning to WiLtiple Dwelling Propertyit of kts 3,.4,5,6,9,lO,ll
and 12, Block &, Tingdale Bros. Brookside, was referred to the Planning Commission
by notion Bredesenj seconded-by Bank and carried.
Council reviewed and discussed Ihriicipal. Judge BumZs* report of the dutie's, and responsibilities of the Clerk of Court, Bredesen moved that Clerk be paid $100
per month for his first three mon"chs1 service, and $lfjO.OO per month thereafter,
Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
Petition for traffic control signs along U.56th Street between Vooddale and
Brookview was accepted and referred to Public Safety Committee for report,bg
Police Report for month of April, 1953, ~ras reviewed- and ordered placed on file,
by motion Bank, seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Bank's notior;, approving the following Plumbers' Licenses for period to.April 1,
1954, was seconded by Bredesen and carried:
motion Bank, seconded by Bredesen and carried. 1
Twin City Plumbing & Heating CO., 2912 Bloomington he.
Browne Plumbing Conpqy, 5821 If. 36th Street
5/u/53 129 The matter of assistance for mechanic Blake was discussed, with CQaiman of hblic
Works reporting that such assistance was not needed at the present time according
to recommendation of pblic Works Foreman Jon&$.
Council discussed matters of Heating, BuUding and Electrical Codes, Building Inspector 3roehler recommended adoption d these codes, wLth licenses to be put
into force at the beginning of the ne& license yeas Building Inspector Woehler to proceed with preparing an outline of Electrical,
Heating, Gas and Building Codes, with the idea of Council's adopting same for
readiness by next April 1. Kotion seconded by Biwlc and carried.
Fuel Oil bids were.dispsed, pursuant to advice by auditors that Council should
take bids on this material,
for year's requirements for fuel oil in,Vjllage Hall and Liquor Store, was
seconded .by Bank and carried.
IJIanager 3Etchell asked authoritg to purchase insurance for new Village Hall.)
Bank's motion, that Village Manager be authorized to purchase comprehensive '
Bredesen and carried.
Manager llitchell presented Proposed Naster Plan for &tension of Valley View
Road, and Re-arrangement of-Block 2, Peacedale i$cms; said plan having been
approved by the Planning Commibsion at its meeting of May $. kager Mitchell
explained that this is simplythe Commission's idea of the best way to lay out
this area; but that if Council adopts it, future developers should stay with
thiw plan; also explaining that-to'follow plan one house must be moved,
motion, that recornendation of Plannim?g Commission be accepted and that Plaster'
Plan be adopted, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Ikager Mitchell reported the Planning Commission's Nay 6th approval of Mr.
Theodore Vallacherrs request for permit to subdivide his lot fronting on France
Avenue and being cut by Halifax.&venue proposed, into two lots East of Halifax;
one to be 55*&40t and other 55'11165'.
Council proceed with condemnation proceedings for acquisition of Beard and
V+lacher properties for Halifax Avenue right-of-way, was seconded by Bredesen
and carried, ~
&tter tabled.
Bredesen moved, directing
Bredesents motion, that Council'advbrtise for bids
coverage on Village HaXl-as soon as footings are covered, was seconded by - - 1
,, -.
'Discussion tvas had. Bank's motion, that
Fhl Plat of Wlover Lane Addition-2nd Unit1f was presented, together with
Planning Commission's recommendation for approval pending advice by Attorney
as to legality of name and lot numbering,
be approved in accordance with Commission's recommendation; and that devezoper
be notified that Council is not -pleased with his method of platting, was seconded
by Bank and carried.
Preliminary Plat of IfStiener & Koppelmants Addition to Edina Kighlands was
presented, together with Planning Commissionts recornendation for approval.
Danens' motion, for approval of iPrelhinaxy Plat, was seconded by Bank and
Mr. Mitchell presented Preliminaz+y Plat of "Victorsents Addition to Edina
IIighlands, $1 with Plann-Mg Commission's recommendation .for approval.
Danens for_approval of Preliminary Plat was seconded by Bank and carried.
BredesenIs motion, that Final Plat
Notion by
Plat of, TLokents Adhition" located at Southwest Corner of 60th and York, and being
Preliminwy and Final Plat, was presented. Planning Commission's recomenda-bions
for approval as-both Preliminary and Final Plat were reviewed. .Danensl motion
that Plat be approved as Final Plat was secpnded by Bredesen and.carried-+
The Planning Comkssiont s recomfn;?ndat ion that owners- be allowed to subdivide
Lots in Nomandale Addition into.,two-.equal lots; this recornendation as result
of I&-. Paul Swanson's request for permit to subdivide Lot .&> Block 3, was reviewed.
Bredesen moved thathblic Hearing on matter of-subdivision of Lots in Nomandale
bddition be set for Itonday, Hay 25, 1953, at 7:3O P.H. Motion seconded by Bank
and carried. L r
Planning Commissionts recommendation for subdivision of property on Xerxes Avenue
between 75th and 76th Streets into five lots (rather than the six lots requested
by developer Vandenover) vas discussed.
of property into five l3ltAOO' lots.
S & H Construction Companyfs Preliminary Plat of that part of the Lewis E. Jones
farm lying North of Highway NO. 169 and East of Blake Road was presented, together vrith .Planning Conrmissiont s Nay 6th recommendation for approval,
approval of Preliminary Pla% as presented. li;botion seconded by Bank and carried.
* "C "C
Bredesen moved for approval of subdivision
Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
Bredesen moved
I-hager I.Titchell*s request for permission to attend Reserve summer camp June 28 to
July12, in lieu of 1953 vacation vas granted by motion €lank, seconded by
Bredesen and carrigd.
Iknager XitcheIL presented request from I2rs. Peter 0. Hawkes for permit to build a
retaining vmXL on her lot line3 38 feet high on North property line and 4& feet on
the South property line, vas read, together with kilding Inspector Woehler1s
recomfitendation for grant of request.
vas seconded by Danens and carried.
Sredesen's motion for approvd. of Pillage Payroll, amount $9,052.66 and Liquor Store
Payroll, .amount $1,173.73 for period Nay 1 to'15, inclusLve and Overtime fyr April,
d1 as recorded in detail in Payroll Ledger, and for payment of the follovnng
Claims, vas seconded by Bank-and carried:
em7 iherican Legion, Hsg. Foundation 230.00,
Bredesents motion that request be granted
mm - cLAIT.I NO. - TO: N*rollN!i! 8896 City Treasurer, City of Rpls, m,
8898 A, H. Cheese a*65\
8899 George Thompson 7 o 91\ c
8900 John Olson lee13
8901 John A. Deliuth 201.75,
$902 South Side Plbg. Coo 25.00b
8903 Construction Billetin 45020\ 8904 Edina-Xorningside CourieF 82070~.
Kenneth TI. Johnson 6.00. 8907
$98 I Phillip Bacon 5,OO~ ,-
8909 *So J. Tennis 7oOOt
8910 Jack Lever 5oOO*
893-3- Lo v. IEller &oOO\
893.2 R. C. Sonnenberg I 10.00,
8913 %dirard B, Sherman moa. 89U L. Ti. 1.Tiller 27. 50~ mEm m
8915 Edward B. Sherman rn!OO\ $883. 38
8888 ,
Construction Bulletin 8*$0\
Edina-l.lorningside Courier 6. 30,
Geo. A. 17ilLson 39e504
Construction Bulletin. 79.20,
* Edina-Kornjngside (lourier - 99.00,
Phelps-Drake Co . * 10,234.81,
Orfei & I.Ias;iani 26,007.05,
Peder IEclcelsen 553.4&
Suburban Henn. Cy. Relief Bd.
J. A. Trudeau '1.70~
LE. bert 2. 554
'i.T.0. Satrum 20 55\
1-1, Fleck I 1.70s
I-k. Raus ' 2e45,
Joseph TJ. Veaver L70\
Arthur K. Petersen 2 9 033 0 607
First Natl. Bank Qf l.ipls*
82,046.25 .
1951 morn,
Ebin Bros. Company 916*65\
Famous Brands, hc. 2,685072,
IicKesson & Robbins 3,005 09 \
Ed; Pahillips & Sons Coo 123.331.
Griggs, Cooper & Company , 619.08% - Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. 10,480 e854 LIQUOR FUND
Griggs, Cooper 8t Cornpaw
1 Ol@ Peoria Company, Inc. 62.68,.
$19,303 036
1,409 96 1
It was recomended by the Public Safety Committee that Wloir-Children" sign be put
on Bedford Avenue south of Interlachen; and Bank-so moeed. 'IJotion seconded by
Child ad carried.
Bank reported the recornendation of the Public Safety Committee that One-Tay
Parking be establishednon Sunnyside Avenue and Arden Bmce Ad Bropmdale Avenues.
Bank then moved that this Council forthwith-establish One-Way Parking restrictions
on Sunnyside Avenue and Road from North Village Limits to'end of street, and OE
Arden, Bruce and Brovmdale i'ivenues, North of .I.1.50th Street; with Parking to be
allowed only on the North side of Sunnyside Avenue-Road, and only on the side of street opposite fire hydrants, on Arden, Bruce and' BroTmdale Avenues.
seconded by Bredesen and carried.
.. -..
5/11/53 3.31 Bank reported that Public Safety Committee recommends installation of green
'*Right-hand Turn" signals against the red light at Halifax Avenue, for turns
both<North and South, and moved for installation of.sai@ signals. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
The matter of stop sign at Tyler and EMLoney,Avepes was discussed, with Nr.
Bank,reporting that Public Safety Committee recommends installation of Stop , Sign on Tyler Avenue. where it enters Maloney Avenue from the North, and also
a ~fSlow-Chil&en*~ sign in the,middle of the block on Tyler. He moved for said sign hstallations, and Bredesen seconded motion,
The matter of Assessment for Storm Sewer hprovement No. 21 cane before Coupcil - for discussion, with Nanager Mitchell requesting that Assessment Hearing be
laid over until the meeting of June 22, which will mean a postponment from
June 8.
be heard June 22 rather than June 8, was seconded by Bank and carried.
T$e hour being very late, with considerable business still. before the C&ncrill
for consideration, Qredesen moved for ad joument until Nonday, May 18, 1953,
at 7:30 Pol$, Notion seconded by Bank and carried. Neeting adjourned at
-1 .c
Notion carried.
Bredesenfs.motion, that Assessment for Stoxm Sewer Improvement No. 21
E:3O A.M.3 Tuesdq, May 12.
Village Clerk
I ... - I I - *- c
Neribers answering Rollcall were BTedesen, Child, Danens,' Bank and Erickson,
Mayor Erickson read a letter from St. Stephens Church, offering to contribute
$500 toward the salary of a Wommunity Youth Leader,
youth activities supervision-and administration. Bredesen's motion, that the
offer of3t.Stephens Church be aocepted with thaulks, acceptance of #!3lO to be
dependant upon possibility of securing other funds for this purpose, Motion
Mayor Erickson presented, for Council confirmation, the following appointments
* for an "Edina Youth Commission,fi this -body to serve as advisory to the Council
and for-the purpose of coordinating various youth activities within the Village:
Discussion was had as to
seconded by Child and carried. e - -
Mr. Nervin C. Dillner, 56U Concord he, - Chairman
&s; Chrles C, Hoyt, 4615 Browndale'A-ve,
' Mrs. Arthur A. Sehlin, 6209 Crest &ne c
I&. Fred V. Eogers, 5623 Concord Ave,
P$r. George 31, Posselt, 6709 Nomandale Road c t
192, V,A. (Babe) LeVoir, 54QZ Rikhmond Lane c
Eks. 'Lawrence A. tTilsonj 6301 IQildred he.
IJ~. Ray E. Norman,. 6424 Rolf Ave. - I&, Floyd K.?Nye, 5805 York Ave, Ivir. Austin D. Norton, 5032 Juanita be. (Or other maber appointed by
Nk. Robert Ljndbery, - 3% Norroe he.
Appointments confirmed by common consent ofcCouncil, without formal action. -
Trustee Child siiggested that-the School assume a leading roll. in these proposed:
ybuth activities, cooperating with Village Park Board and the other agencies
especially dth regard to its facilities for entertainment.
Ivhyor Erickson reported Park Board Chairman Strachauer's request that Councif.
gb on record as favoring a proposed St\rirmning Pool in the Village.
discussion was ha6 on this matter; and Bank offered the follothg Resolution
Oz Black, 5124 Halifax Ave.
r Isaac TTdton. League)
and moved its adoption:
study of needed recr6ationa.l facilities in Edina, by Dr, G.B. Fitzgerald and
his University of IGinnesota group, at no expense to this Village. ' BE I'J! FURTHER RBSOLVED, that this Council go on record as favo&.ng a
reappraisal of this. question in conjunction with the Park Board when %he afore-
mentioned group has made its study--especially with respect to acquisition of
property for proposed recreational facilities,
IT RESOLVED, 'that the Edina Village Council go on record as -favoTiag a
Hotion for adoption was
ayp and no nays, as
and Erickson, we; and the Resolution