HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530606_REGULAR6/8/53 149 -- ,- I ;' Il$anbers answering roll were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson. Bredesenrs motion, approving Enutss of Meeting of Nay 25, 1953, was seconded by Child and carried. 'K - Nayor Erickson announced Council would take sealed bids on insurance, pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids-ksuran ce published in 3dina-No;Cningside Courier Hay 28 and June 4, 1953. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication for advertisement, ,which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. presented. Bank moved for refwal of bids to Assistant Village Engineer Zikan for public opening and tabulation in Bngineer's office. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Three sealed bids were Later in the evening, opened bids were returned to Council and were found to be as-follows: cmms 11. raJyuA& GjmERAL DAVID AGENCY SEXTON CO. AGENCY lGIinneapolis - Ninn eapolis Ninneapolis (P r emium) (Premium) (Premium) BUIXDEXU RISK I"CE - NEH VILUCa U - completed value form r.rith..&j$ Co-Insurance I - I fat.) with 100% Go-Insurance - Yr, $33 8.&k ci39ii.40 $321.60 ' Not e: This coverage includes : Fire,Ex%ended Coverage,Vandalism & Nalicious Nischief -$240,000 s "JDSTOBdI l3JSURANCE - HEN WLTEX TANK -.I I $75,000 - vdtklOO$ co-insurance . c $108.00-1 Yr. 270.00-3 Yrs. - 432.00-5 Yrs. =t - (Alt) - FIR3 AND EXT- COYEXAGE - IW~l~ATlB TANK n with 100% co--insurance 180.00-1 Yr. 192.00 .. 450.00-3 Yrs .499.20 720,00-5 Yrs. 806.40 Bank's motion referring bids to Village Nanager for report at next meeting was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Nayor Erickson announced Public Hearings on Proposed Tmprovements, pursuant to 1INotice of Hearings on Proposed 3jnprOvements11 published in Edina-Korningside Courier Nay 28 and June 4, 1953. Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication covering these turo notices; and the affidavits were approved as to form and --- ,o.rdered placed on file, The first Hearing held pursuant to said notices uas on the proposed GRADIBTG AZVD GRAVELLING OF OXFORD Am BETlilEEN 31. 5LsT AND 171. 52ND STFEETS. I4anager Nitchell' presented one *estimate, including Vater- Sabilization, Ln the amount of $3,748.73 as against 1,204.60 assessable feet, for $3.U per assessable foot, per assessable foot. >fro Etchell recommended Oil Stabilization, and skated that a, temporary turn-around must be proveded at If. 52nd.Stree-b. following Resolution and moved its adoption: u_ His alternate estimate, with Oil Stabilization, was 5%,469.29, or ,$3.71 Child offered the €ESOLUTION ORDEBING lX€"i€'WmT i STRBET. DP~~~BW NO. E.45 B;F, IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Nbnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published, in accordance with provisions of Chapter 398, Einnesota Laws 1953, on the proposed-improve- merit consisting of Grading and Gravelling of Oxford Avenue between W,5lst and W.52nd Streets; and at the hearing held at the Lime and place specified in said notice the Council, has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and ~ behg fully advised of the pdrbinent facts does hereby detemnrLne to proceed with the colfisbruction of said jmprovenent, including, Grading, Gravelling and Oil ' Stabilized Base; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to,,in all subsequent proceedings as Street linprovement No. C-45, and the area to be specially ass'essed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting * and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Rotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there , Chad, aye; Danens, aye; i 2-- Next vas Public Hearing on proposed OIZI~XIIIG, GRBDIZIG, WET+T;rtqG OEBIG OF JACflSOiJ AE3NE ~.EEXJ EXGi0-m LUE &JD ;*mO>EY Ammo of Cost, as read, pias $&,098,'53, fo;r.$3d+3 per assessable foot; this including tr;.o applications of oil. There were no objections to the impmvment from the floor, and no wA.tten objections had been received prior to the Hearing. offered the, following Eesolution and moved its adoption: IZltcheUrs Estbte Danens RESOLUTION ORDEBING II.zPR6VE*EKT I Sm E4P€bYJEtm*E NO. CJ& P BE I" RESOLVDI by the Council of the Village of Edina, ljfinnesotaj that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published, in accordance with pro- visions of Cbpter 398, IWesota Laws 1953, on the proposed impmvment consisthg or" the Opening, Grading, Gravdling and Oiling of Jackson Avenue betwen Belmore Lane, and IZaloney Avenue, and at the hearing held at .the time and place Gpecified in said notice the CounciX has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being filly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of s&d hpmvkment; that said irnpmvement is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street hpmve- ment No. Cej, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include aU ldts and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street 5n which said improvement is to bs construct~:d., Xotion for Adotpion of Resolution was seconded by Bank, ad on Rollcall there I -% Pursuant to Iqotice of Hering cited on preceding page, Public Hearing vas then called on-the proposed- Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of the East-Eest Lllley, between Zenith and York Avenues and between IT.59th and Tr.60th Streets. Ihager CitcheU.*s Estimate oZ- Cost was read at $371019, for 1.72 per assessable foot. A delegation was present to inquire about proposed grade, but there were no objections to the improvement from the floor, and none had been received by the Clerk prior to the public hearing, Bank offered the follow5ng Resolution and moved itsadoption: - RESOLUTION ORLEFtIPJG lE€'BOWXTIIT GRi;DDG IiPE~XTJT NO. E46 I IT RESOLXED by the Council of the Village of IWna, IEnnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published, in accordance -with pro- visions of Ch&er 398, lJinnesota Iam 1953, on the proposed irnpmvunent consisting of the Grading, f2ravellj.n.g and Oiling of the East-Vest Alley between Zenith and York Avenues and between !r059th and Ue60th Streets, ana at the hearing held at the the and place specified ;in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertineqt facts does hereby determine to proceed withthe construction of said improvement; that said improve- ment isehereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequat proceedings as Grading Impzovement Ho, G.46, and %he are3 to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots ad tracks of land abutting .and .fronting on the ,all$y to be improved, .c T I I-Iotion for Adopkion of Resolution was were five ayes and no pays, as Bank, aye; and Xrickson, aye; fEEST : - on Rollcall there aye; Danens, aye; ' L /& '6, t Nayor .V-T'ge Clerk I-Iayor Erickson next called Public Hedng on proposed Opening, Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of Xerxes Avenue between 11066th and f.T.67th Streets, pursuant to 1Joti.de of Hearing cited on preceding page. Hanager Hitchell's Estinate of Cost was $L,225.68, for $2.06 per assessable foot. no objections had been received prior to %he Heming. Eesolution and moved-its adoption: BE E RZS0LVE;D by %he Council of the Village of Edina, I&?.nesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published, in accordance with pro- . &sions of Chapter 398, ~~~esota Lairs of 1953, on the proposed hpmvmenk consist- ing of the Opening, Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of Xerxes Avenue between 11.66th ad 11.67th Streets, and at the hearring held at the the and place specified '5n said notice the Council has duly considered the Views of d.1 persons interested, and being fully advised of %he ptrtinent facts does hereby determine to proceed vith the construction of said improvement; that said impmvcnent is hereby desiaated ad shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Inprovaent TTo, (3-47; and the area to be spec5.aXL.y assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of lad abitting and fronting upon the street to be wnstructed. - There were nq objections from the audience, .and Child offered the followbg RESOLTJTIOH 03DEiZIXG JXPBOVE2GlT STFLEET IEmWE:TJT 1'30, C-47' ??d& &-d ~T~Z~TJ€31a~'~ 5-S 6/8/53 3.61 Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on BollcaI.1 ATTEST: there were five ayes and no nays, as Danens, aye; Bank, aye; -andrErickson, lrapr 1 Village Clerk Proposed Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of Xerxes Avenue between w.67th and W.682;h Street was ne& considered at Public Bearing, pursuant to notice previously cited. ' Manager &fitchellfs Estimate df Cost was given as $1,423.73, or $2.38 per assessable foot; There wyre no objections from the audience, and no written objections had been received prior -to the Hearing. A delegation asked tha6 this work be exgedited so that they might have a passable street before winter. offered the f oUowing Resolution and moved its adoption: Child RZSOLUTCOX ORDERIilJG l"mmm 1 STREET DXF'ROYEiENT NO*, C-48 . €33 IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Tillage of Edina, Hinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice -of hearing to be duly published, in accordance with provisions of Chxpter 398, Ninnesota hws 1953, on the proposed improvement consisting of the Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of Xerxes Avenue between W.67th and f.T.6&h Streets, and at the hearing held at the t'ime and place specified in said notice the Council. has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed wit5 the constrtx-tion of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to 5n all subsequent proceedings As Street hprovement No. C-48, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include a3.1 lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street in which sdd improvement is to be constructed. Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by B&, and on Rollcall, there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution P , Bredesen, aye; Child, aye;-Danens, aye; pyy t C /U//k-&%S -i/, 6Tayor At this the, it being 7:55 P.N., Child moved to kxcuse Nqor Erickson and Trus.i;ee Bredesen fromthis meeting, for attendance at a meeting with the School Board. Napr Pro-Tem Child then announced to the audience, that Publict Hearings would be held by the remaining quorum of the Council, in accordance with Notices of Hearings presented earlier; but that approving action could not be taken until return of the othkr two membkrs; He called Public Hearin&, and proceedings of said Hearings were as foSlotus: - 1. On PROP&%D BUiCICI'OPPIXG OF IJOODLAND CIkC3c;E AND K56TH STRXET FRO31 FRiUJJCE EAST THEREDF. Engineer's Esthgte of Cost was $a3264.53, or @.l2 per irssessable Foot. foot basis, and audience was told that thh has been the consistent assess- ment policy for abdve-ground improvements; that corner lots ~&ll be assessed for both sides of lot. for a yew or two, untilbts are built on; stating that this subdivision is now abut a third built up. Gthers asked that Council expedite dust relief. No written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. I&?. Child then ordered Hearing closed, upon motion Bank, seconded by Danens and carried. Notion seconded by Bank and caried. I , AVZ TO HDUGa- BRIDGE AND Wa56TH SmT FRO14 PjiRI;'PLclf=E TO 170 FBT Discussion was-had as t-o policy of assessment on front t_ One owner suggested that b&&ctioppZng be deferred - 2. On PROPOSED BISICICCOSPING OF TOYiWS BOAD I"EDJ Wa48TH AND W,49'2X.I S1cREETS. Engineer's Estimate, of Costi, $1,883.63; Cost per Assessable Fooii;, $1.55. Mo objections from audience, and no written objections received prior to Hearing. at dl possZble. Danens moved that Hearing-be closed. Ik. Leo Quist requested completion of work this summer if 1-fotion seconded by n Bank and carried. I. 3. on P"n0FOSED CTJRB AKO G-UTTEt I3 TOlfiGS BOAD BZT" TTa48TH III\JD lfot$9TH STIXGZTS Engjxeer's Estimate' of Cost, $2,93L2&; Cost pqr Bss,essable Foot, (jZ.42.- No objectionsc from &dience, ana not written objections received prior to Heaing, Bank moved that Hearing be closed. I!&. Leo Quist asked that project be e:qedited. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. c 4. On PROPOSED OILIXG OF BBJTON' AmJIE, CODE TO TIiJGDldE. of Cost, $195.00, or s.15 per hssessqble Foot. or usri'c;ten. Zngineer's Estimate Bank's motion closing Hearing was seconded by Danens, carried. DJo-objections, either oral 5. On PROPOSED BLRCIlfOPPTNG OF DAL€U"E I!TEI!RJB, 93UTITVmT &&!Ti3 TO UUBIKCZ7;;T DR. Zngineert s Zstima6e of Cost was $)2,46'j'*SO, or $1.67 per Assessable.-Foot. No objections, oral OF writiten. Bank's motion closing Hearing was seconded by DGens and- carried. r 6/8/53 6, On aPi?,OFDSZD BULGKFOPPIIJG OF OAK GATE^ AQE$Tl.JE mmJ M.5E3TH STmT &D VJmy VXE'tJ ROAD, 'Engineer's ,Esthate of Cost was $12,3&0.08, or $2e61 per Assess- able foot; this to include construction of a drainage structure at the inter- section of tT.63th Street, to keep this street from washing out, There ins a delegation of sone ten or tGLve persons present at this Hearing, but thsre were no objections; and no .r.rritten objections had been received prior to the Hea?9ngm Danens' motion closing Hearing was seconded by Bank and carried, On PEOFOD~ BGCiEOPPDlG OF 0;IFOIZD AVXitLiZ FEOZ-1 NOI?XH &DE OF BhmY HI3J.S \ 7. AQDTTION ,TO .DIVBiOH S-T. Engineerts Esthte of Cost, $3,185,463 ,for $2m'61 per Assessable FaOt, No objections from the audience,< and no written objections received prior .to the Hearing, Danens' motion. closing Heming pes seconded by Bank and carried. 8, On POPOSZLl BLAICiTOPPDlG OF CHCE2J AVBJUE FI303-l TTo 58TH TO Wm5qTH S-, Zngineer's Estjllkzte of Cos& qs @.,715m90, for $1.36 per Assessable Foot. Engk-eer I&tchell, eqkained that this .c.rill be an ineqxmxi.ve project because of planned construction of Curb and Gutter, .r.rhich rill reduce width of blaclrtopped street to 27 feet, and because of good base material in this .loc&.ity, prior to Hearing, carried, I. No objections from audience, and no T.rritten objections received Bank's motion Closing Hearing vas seconded by Danens and 9. On EiFOSZD -Zf2XIaOPPEJG OF FAIRFAX A?DXUl3 ~01~~ Wo5c3TH TO TJm59TH STmm Zng5neer's Estivate of Cost vas $3>954m1!5, or 23.30 per Assessable Foot; this cost 'co include the filling of Fairfax Avenue fronits present dead end to U.5sth Street, There was a delegation of some four or five residents at this Hearing, who agreed tha% they mnt a road comparable to StmJOhnS Avenue. There were no or& objections, and no objections received prior to the Hearing, Danenst motion dosing Hearing was seconded by Bank and carried. I. A request was entered from the floor for a Watch Out €or Children" sign at 'the corner of :J,591;h Street and Fairfax Avenue.- Bank's motion, referring matter to Public SafePIy Committee, vas seconded by Danens ad carried, 10, On PBOPQBD BLACIZOPPDJG OF LKL SmS DJ %i)3NEROOK ADDITICN lZitfD OF IZSTBXOZIK LUE, Assessable Foot, filed prior to Hearing. expedited, and carried. Engineer's Estmte of Cost was $7,200.90, or i.ilm96 per No objections from audience; and no written bb jections A delegation of' two requested that project be Danens' motion that Hearing be closed vas seconded by Bank 11', On PROPOSED ELXXTOPPIIIIG OF kV0I~E TEEtACJ3 FBQX NZGIE.TELY NO, 100 TO I.T.EcTI . - PLr4G3, Engineer's Estimate of Cost was \j3,790,80; for 551.67 psr Assessable FOOL He explained that this will be an hkxpensive project because OS - construction-of curb, and gutter, which reduces width of street. ?;rere no objections from the audience,, and no written objections had beeH seconded by Bmk ana carried, There - filed, prior ,to ,the .Hewing. Danenst motion tbt Heaoing be closed was . -%ym Xrickson and Trustee Bredesen retmed at this the, "and Erickson presidedo Ihgineerts Estbate of Cost was S69205m86, for i.jl.67 per Assessable Foot. There xepe no objections from the audience, and"no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing, wassecolycled by Bredesen and carried. 12, On PEORWD BLICWPPDJG OF Ef.mJG A9XNUB BZWEEPT TTo57TH &Jl3 TTe60TH SThTSm Childts motkon closing Hearing c1 At this tine the Fublic Hea&ngs wre interrup5ed by a delegation of tm residents from Tlm56th %Tee$, Vest qf Highway Nom 100, ~ho pleaded for restoration of Blackbp jwt as soon as possible, to relieve them from dust condi$ions, explarined that 3lackbop hzd been destro$ed fiy sewer construction; that trucks use their street for a route between Highway 100 hd Highway 169; that dust conditions have been pbewable, 1-Ianager Hit cheU. stated that *this* street has near-top priority on list of blacktopping projects for this'year; that there does not need to be a public hearing on this project because it is simply repair. 13.. On PFiXli)i?OSED BL!LCI&OPPD$G OF DJITH MEiQXJZ BZEiZZiJ TT.56TH AWD W.60rH S-TS. They &@neer*s Zsixixzte. of Cost was $6;802;38, for $2.80 per Bssebsable Foot, He recomended* against blacktopping betweeh TTm 59th and t1,bOth Streets because utilities haFe not been put he Delegation asked for Blach%pj here, stating that these new houses all have new weUs and cesspoo-ls and will. not be petieioning for utilities for some years, improvment, either ora3 or vzitt'en. was seconded by Danens >nd carried. on PXIpojED GEj.IIDL:G AITD GXAVXLLING OF .&C33CXOl?T AVElKE BX" 1Te5EfTH LUII TJe6OTH ST%!LXS. FoOPIm to Hearing, . There were no objections to the Bredesent s motion closing Hearing c f + a, &@neerts Estimate of Cost for project, including ditching and instaJlation of Catch Basins, 'was ;)8,833.32, for ij3.04 #sr lissessable -.. Eo objections from audience, arid no mitten objections filed prior Danens' notion closing Hearing was seconded by Child and carried, I. J 6/8/53 263 Clerk Bank then submitted Affidavit of Publication for Wotice of Hearing-Proposed Vatemnain Improvement, *I published in Edina-Iiorningside Courier Nay 28 and June 4, 1953, which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. with said Notice, Fublic Hearing was held on the follovting: b accordance 1. Concord Avenue from existing 12" 1ki.n leading from well. site, to Va;Lley View Road. c 2. 1~60th Street from Concord Avenue to Farnell Avenue; in Pamell Avenue from ~.60th Street to Valley View Road; and in Virginia &venue from tf.60th Street to Valley View Road. Construction of 12" Village l?atemnain "&ensions and Appurtenances in Construction of 681 Village Ifatemain Extensions and Appurtenances in Hmager IEtchell presented plat showing Assessable District for Trunk, Rain (12") ; which was in accordance with that stated in Rotice of Hearing; giving his Estimate of Cost as $2.06 per Assessable Foot for all properties in this Trunk district; and 86.02 per Assessable Foot Lateral Thin assessment. He eqlahed that the cost is high becmse the district is sal for this trunk main. There were no objections from the audience, and no objections had been filed prior to *the Hearing. Several persons asked that project be expedited in order that homes now under construction cqn be served immediately. following Besolution and moved its adoption: msoLlIoI~ ORDERJNG n~mom~EI\pT %A=W ICJ~PF~OVEXECNT NO, 58, Child offered the BE IT RESOLmD by the Council of the,Village of Edina, Ijlinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published, in accordance with provisions of Chapter 398, lilinnesota I;aT.7s 1953, on the proposed improvement consisting of C.onstruction of "Jilla$e TiJatermain Extensions and Appurtenances as follows: c 1. l!?Y Ifatemin Extension and Appurtenances in Concord Avenue from &&sting 12" Xain leading from well site, to V5lley View Road. 2. 611 Watermain ZkLensions and Appurtenances in W.6Oth Street from Concord Avenue to Parnell Avenue; in Parnell Avenue from V.60th Street to Valley View Road; and in ViFginia Avenue from ~~60th Street to Valley View Road. and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Cduncil has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsewent proceedings as Watermain Improvemen% No. 93, and the area to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improve men^ includes Lots 13 to 18, inclusive, Block 8, and Lots 1-3 to 24, inclusive, Block 9,. Fairfa iEddition, and all lots and tracts of land within the boundaries described below: I I "Commencing at a-point on Concord Avenue which is thirty feet South of %he centerline of 7~60th Street and Concord Avenue; th. East to the Northeast corner of Tot 14, Block 2, Valley View Terrace 2nd Addition; th, Sly along the East lot lines of Lots 16,15,14,13,12 and lI,Block 2, Valley View Terrace 2nd Addition to the Southeast corner of Lot U, Block 2, Valley View Terrace 2nd Addition; th. NKLy along the North lot lines of Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, Valley View Terrace 2nd Addition and LOts 8,9,.and 10, Block 2 a-nd Lots 7,8,9 and 10, Block 1, Virginia Avenue AdcEtion to centerliiie of Pamell Avenue; tho North along Pame11 Avenue to the Centerline of ~~60th Street; th. West 100 feet more or less; th. North 289.06 feet more or less; tho East to Concord Avenue; th. South to point of 1 - Uotion for adoption of Resolution vias seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there e- Clerk Bank then presented affidavit of Publication forWotice of Hearing on Proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement, Xay 28 and June 4, 1953, which affidavit wastapproved as to form and ordered placed on file. showing proposed route of sewer, and proposed assessment district. the cost of construction as ah Estimated $15,889.39; explaining that the proposed assessment for the Fairfax Avenue portion T.riLL be $5.68 per assessrble foot for Lateral, plus $1.00 per Assessable Foot for Comection Charge to Joint Sewer District No. I, because this skwer will run to 5'fith Street arid then East to Wooddale. be $5.68 for Lateral., plus $2.65 Connection' Charge to Sewer District Xo. B-1, inasmuch as this sewage rsill flow in W,5&h Street 'co Ashcroft, Avenue and then Bouth. Xlanager f4itcheU reminded the Council that a portion of this projec%- -6;hction of Sanitary Sewer in I?. 5&h Stree% between Concord and S&. Johns I;venues+hed dready been approved -under the nane Yhnitary Sewer bpmvment No. 55", and. suggested Council e:.rpand this projec'c, heretofore approved, to include the larger project. There were no oral or written objections filed. published in Edina-Norningside Courier - Pursuant to said Notice, Village Engineer presented plat, He gave For the balance of the project, Bstimated Cost vfil ' I 3.54 6/8/53 S,everal people in the delegation asked that project be expedited in order to serve dwellhgs now. under construction. and moved its adoption: { Child offered the followjng Resolution RZSOLl.lTZOX OlUl?B,iiIG lX?B@EX$J'Il SI"JmlaY SET;I%R II*EROmE?T IiTO. 55 El3 IT €i!JSOL;TIED by the Councill of the Village of Edina, Eimesota, -bbt this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be dulypublished on the proposed improvement wnsisting of Construction of Sanitary Laterdl Sewer Exbensions and Appurtenances 5x1 the following streets: Concord Avenue between IT. 5&h and W. 59th Stree$s. Concord Terrace, Ashcroft Avenue betueen TI;, 56th Street and existing mahhole South thereof . V.58th Street, from Lshcroft Avenue to 127 feet, more gr less, TTest thereof. 77.5tkh Street. P'rom Ashcroft Avenue to St. Johns Avenue. St. JohnsoAvenue, fron IT. 33th Street to ,appro,dmately 290 feet HoAh thereof . FaLrfax Avenue, from TJ. 5&h Street to appro:htely 2E0 feet hrorbh thereofe in accordance wikh provisions of Chapter 398, IIinnesota La;r~s 1953; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the viem of d1 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby deterpine to pmceed with the construction of sa5d improvemnt; that said improvement is hereby designated and shjll be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvuuent No, 55; and the area proposed to be assessed for said impmvaent includes all lots and tracts of land in Concord Grove Addition and Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, Block 8, Fairfax Addition, TJ.5fith Street from Fairfax Avenue to VooddaJe Avenue. /- . B% IT FURTHZIi P!SOLVBD that this Xesolution rescinds that Resolution adopt6d by this Council Xay ll, 1953,- designating Sanit'sry Sewer Improvment 110. 5.5 to include sanikary sever construction only on 5% 5&h Street between Conwrd kid St.Johns Avenues. - I.Iotion for adoption of aesolution vas seconded by Damns, and on Rollcall there were Zive ages and no nays, as follows: *i Bredesen, aye; Child, gy 2' Danens, aye; Bank, aye; ad Erickson, aye; and the Resolution TELS adopte g/L$&?jb.p f 2Jayor .- --JB-. 1-ire Pal H. Cedargren, 5944 Oaklam Avenue, requested permit to ex+end his garage to within fifteen feet from the lot line of this corner lot. f.Toehlert s recommendation that Council require compliance *with Zoning Ordinance (which rewires 20-foot set-back from corner lot line) was reviewed. vas taken by Council of setbackstof garages on neighbring corner lots, and Bredesen moved that application for pennit be granted. Bank and carried, Building Inspector Cognizance I.Totion seconded by I%=, John Reinan's request for pernit to &nstruct'dwelling on Lot 11, Block 5, Virginia Avenue Addit ion, to face ParneU. Avenue rather than 1.J.62hd Streek as per plat, was heard. 3redesen's motion that Public Hearing on petition be set for llonday, June 22, was seconded by Child and cwried, Eanager IZtchell reported I,%. Peder I.fickelsenfs request for perxi% to add to the IJorbh side of the present filling station at kterlachen and Highway &69; adding that Building Inspector Iloehler recommends that an eight-foot open area betvreen presenti restaurant and propsed exbemion, rather than the four-foot space 1-k. 2Eckelsen &shes; this to provide for some ventilation for the restaurant, Child's motion, that permi.% be granted, providing the area between the restaurant ' and the South xall of proposed addition is eight feet, was seconded by Bredesen and carrLed. . Xr, Child notified Council and audience that SL Stephens Church wishes to w3.thdrar.r its application for permit to rent villageowned property Zt 9th and Yooddae for parking lot. Church's action, vas seconded by Child and carriedo. Xk. Paul Foss asked that Council appoint a Citizen's Committee to promote the development of the'propaAy at 50th and Wooddale as a park . He vas informed by I-Iayor Zrickson that this matter is a Park Board function and that Council does not wish to interfere with hardts responsibilities; that 5% is the prixllege of 3ena residents to Corn their ovm committee to work with Board, if %hey wish Bredesenfs motion, that Park Board be notified of to do so: ?-Go- Roy Johnson presented Preliminary Plat of Wubdivision of S.125 Ft. of 11.494.85 Ft, of 1st 38, Auctitorfs Subdivision 196, rqwes'cing permi.% to build, motion, approving Preliminary Plat and granting permission to build mediately up09 approval of Find Plat, was seconded by Child and carried. had been recornended for approval by P1-g Commis2ion as of June 3. Bredesen's Prelbxhary Plat 6/8/53 155 The following petitions were presented, having been received by the office before -June 1, 1953: . 1. -For the Blacktopping of Zenith Avenue between W.55th Street and the 2. For the Blacktopping of Concord Grove Addition. 3. For ?Ta%emain Construction in Concord Terrace. &. Por Watermain Construction in Valley View Slope Mitition. 5. For Sanitary Sewer Construction in Valley View Slope Addition, 6. For Oiling Southview Lane from Concord Ave. to Nomandale Road. 7. For BlacMopping of W959th Street, Tingdale to Code. '8. For BlacMopping of Richmond Drive and Richmond Circle. and also & Petition for Oiling of W.&h Street from France to Xerxes, this last petition having been received June 5. IIanager IEtchell recommended that Council continue to accept Oiling petitions after June 1, because these projects are relatively minor ones. He also reported that the Oiling of Southview Jane can be discussed at the public hewing scheduled for June 22, on a previous petition for ELacktopping of Southvie;w Lane. Bredesen's motion, accepting all petitions received this evening, and scheduling Public Kearings thereon for X-Ionday, July 27, pending further report by Village Engineer as to cost (in - accordance with Chapter 398, -hws of 1953) and excepting from acceptance the petition for Oiling of Southview Lane--which will be discussed at the proposed Black-bopping hearing June 2%- was seconded by Bank and carried. Village Attorney Windhorst 1 s written opinion of Ray 27, regarding Council' s 14a-y 25th action with regard to Subdivision of Lbts in Normandale Addition. vas reviewed. This opinion states, in pad, -Itth attempt by the Council to permit the construction of two dwellings on a single lot would, in effect, be an amendment Qf the zoning ordinance, and the necessary procedure for the mendment of the zoning brdinance has not been followed, resolution passed Hay 25th void to the extent it purports to authorize such subdivision trithout replattingOrt Bank then offered the following Resolutioh and moved its adoption: i ' Nokth Lot Line of Lot 28, Block 3, Sqeley!s 1st Addition to Hawthorne Park. .5 cr -/ . k I J-- ' This makes the . Ei3SOL6ilION RJ3GARDING SUBDIVISION . ' OF IMTS IN HORWUJDB~ ADDITION T3=YB, The Xdina Planning Commission has recommended that -the ,owners of each lot in Blocks One fl), Two (Z), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (?), Eight (8), Nine (g), Ten (lo), Twelve (12), Thirbeen (U), Fourteen (U), Fifteen (15), -Sixteen- (16), Seventeen (I."), Eighteen (18) and Nineteen (ly), Itormandale Addition, be permitted to subdivide their lots into two parcels-of equal &ength and depth at points midway between East and t;'es% lot lines, and ImM, After hearing recommendations and- objections at a pubiic hearing before the Council held on Xay 25, 1953, pursuant to published notice thereof, the Council has approved such recommendztion of the Edina Planning Commission, but to Subdivision 3, Sectipn 3, of The Zoniiig Ordinance, of Edina, and tine is of %he essence to various interested parties to commence-construction on their property. redrestate may replat .their property and such replats -Will be bnediately approved on behalf of the Village without any additional formal action thereon, provided such replats cqnforn to the technical requirements of the Coning Ordinance of Edina. I XHBUL~, Such approval wizl be ineffective without an amendment I+KM, THERETORE, E83 ST RESOLVED That the owners of the above described Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Eollc&l there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Eeso ATTEST 1% we; aye; Y V5llage Clerk Village Attorney's opinion on above subject also set forth a propoaed amendment to Zoning Ordinance, to allow Council to issue permit for erection of more than one hope on one lot "in event lot is of adequate size and is so located and laid, out that ii; could be divided into two or'more lots, each of which would c-ly with all the provisions of t'ds ordinance--*tLmfter public hearing. Discussion was had as to cost to Village for this procedure, as compared to for further study and report by Engineyr and Office. Village Attorney's openion uith reg&d to reqyirenfents for developers--re: contribution in money rather than dedication of park property--was reviewed and d-iscussed at some lengbh, Opinion was ordered placed on file, without I cost to owner for platting;-and Bd myyed that matter of adoption be delayed Bredesen and carried. :r ii Xotion secbnded by ' further action. 6/8/53 ROT Ha Petersonts application for a 4x6' Sign in Valley View Slope Addition approved by motion Child, seconded by Bank and carried, 1 ) The-application of Iiumboldt Plunbing'Company' for Pluniber's Ucense for period eqiring April I, 1954, was approved by motion Child, sec0nded.b~ Bds and carried, - PetitAon was filed, signed by residents of Edinbrook, asking that Council maintain Ediribrook platting standards for the I.fcNe1E.s property at intersection of Highways 100 and 169, which is now up for sale. be accepted and that Council. take no action until application for building or platting is made for this land, Xokion seconded by Bredesen and carried,, 1-k. A. ?7m hpe presented petition for permit to open, and provide drainage for, Griffit Street between Belmore Lane and Spruce Road; moving roadway 20 feet to the east, consenting to vacation of the 20-foot western portion of the present roadway, and providing &&,age from street, though his property to a pond which lies at the back of the prOprtymr Bank's motion that Public Hearing on this petition be scheduled for Ronday, June 22, was seconded by 'Bredesen $nd carried, ChiLdrs motion, that petition Village At^mrney Vindhorst presented the opinion of the fittorney General, stating that izI is legally possible for Hemepin County to reimburse the Village of Edina for the cyst of Paving an eleven-foot strip imnediately llest of the centerline of France Avenue, between 1:. 51st and 17, %th Streets Opinion ordered placed on file, for flrrther negot7btions with County, Ihnager IE-bchell presented Preliminary Plat of Wxor Zake Ridge", together with Planning Comissionts June 3rd recommendation for approval, approval of Preliminary Plat or" lW.,rror Lake Ridge1! was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Iknager Ritchell and Trustee Child reported that the St.Louis ?ark Council is unwilling to enter into contract with Edina for use of Park's garbage incinerator, until such time as St.Louis Park has had more eqerience in the operation and,cost of operation of the incinerator. They reviewed the new law which makes it illegal to feed uncooked garbage to pigs after JULY 1, 1953; thus virtually elmating the Giwrison Pig Farin as a garbage dump.for Zdina, %a Child suggested it migh-L,be possible to use a deep ravine on the Davis property on Valley View Road, covering garbage adequately, mkil such time as other wrimgements might be mde, At-borney f.Tindhorst suggested possible negotiations with Ehneapolis for a Southvest IZLnne- apoLis-Edinz job% incinerator that Xdina is unable to conply with the new law as of July 1, 1953. action taken. Child's motion for I-Ianager 1.li.t cheU. was instru died to write *the State l10 further Kmager f.litchell recornended "c'nat Council take bids as soon as possible for an additional truck for -&he Public Yorks Crevr, June 22, 1953, at 1:30 €'.E., for Dunp Truck for Public Works Crew ~ras seconded by Bredesen and carried, Bank's motion, that Council take bids . I-Ianager Eitchell reported that it has been impossiliLe, because of rush of work, to complete Estima%es of Cost on several projects ten-batively scheduled for kzblic Hearing June 22. He asked that Council defer Public Hearings on these pro jects until Eonday, July 13. Public Hearings tentatively scheduled for June 22 on the follorring projects be postponed until IJondqy, July l3: Sn accordance vith I-fanager's rsquest, Bank moved that Sdtary Sewer in West &9bh Street between S'leestbrook Lane 6: Pukana Lane. Tfatermain in TTe49th Street between ?Testbrook be t!3 Pukwana kne. Blacl,-toppiag Of ?fa60th Street, Xerxes to Beard ..Bpening,Grad5ng and Gravelling of Mi5'ax live., IJm62nd to TTm64th Ste &tion was seconded by Bredesen and carried. 1hzger Xitchell then reported, rrith regard to pet2kion for BlacMopping Beard Avenue between 'ITa60th and 1~61s-i; Streets, that petitions for Sanitv Sewer arid TTatemia in this street itill soon be heard by CounciL at Public Hearing; %hat he believes Hearing on Blaclrtopping should be postponed pendring completion of under- ground hprovments, ziqyor &ix.kSOn 3as e;CCIISed from lieeting at this they Petition irr protest agost Grading and Gravelling or" TJ.57th Street bebieen Xemes and York Avenues vas filed, con'taining signatures of owners of 7% of abu'c'ckg properties. was seconded by Bank and carried, Dimens so noved. Xotion seconded by Child and carried, presiding ,Mace of &v&hg, Bredesen's mo%ion that petition be accepted and 'chat project be tabled, 1 6/8/53 167 I. , -'&nager IJitchell presented detailed cost estimates on severd improvement projects for which Hearings had been tentatively scheduled for June 22, repo&ing on feasikility of projects; and Baik;. offered the follol~ng Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEAENGS - ON PROPOSED IiiPRO~~~fTS BE IT RESOLVEP bJr the Council- of- the .Vil&age of Edina as ~ol10-c.r~~ The Village Engineer, having submitted to this Council. a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed improvements described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as t-o the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to*be placed on file in the office of the ViLlagz Clerk. at 7:30 P.%-, to consider said improvenents and for the purpose of a publLc hearing of the views of all persons interested %herein. place and purpse of. said meeting to be published. in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of said publications to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be jn substantially the fol3owing form: 1. 2, This Council shall meet ah the Village Hall on Itonday, June 22, 1953, - 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of a the, NOTICE OF €!EAB73NG OX -- - PROPOSZD R*PPGWjENTS * The Edina Village. Coyncil will meet at the Village Hall, Ifonday, June 22,- 1953, at 7:30 POL, to consider the following proposed improvements, 1 to be anstmeted under. the authox5ty granted by lhesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. Village Zngineer as set forth below: 3. BlacMopping of Southview Lane, fir. 100 to Concord he. The approximate cost of such improv-ements is estimated by the tr/ ESTINATD COST &,090.12 2. Blacktopping of Chowen Ave., 13.59th to V.60th St. 4. Oiling - Zenith Ave,, W.57th to W.58.th St. ~. .3,270*& * 3,055.00 3. Blacktopping of Xerxes Ave., $$.60th St.-to 1~62nd St. - 240.00 5. Oiling and Sandiing - Harrison- Aye., N. Village Ximits to *. Belmore Zane 166 .OO 6. Oiling tJ.59th- St., Kellogg &ve. to Oaklawn he. - 90 00 7. Oiling - Beard Ave., If.57th to W.58.th St. 198.00 3 y-340 & 1&,396.00 . 8. Construction of Vkllage Vatemah Extension and Appurtenances 9.t Construction bf Sanitary Sewer- Extension and Appurtenances in LO . Constmctibn of Village Watermain Exbension and Appurtenances ~11. Constmction of Sanitary Sewer Extension and Appurtenaces to in Beard Ave.,-,from W.60th St.- to ,520 Ft. So Beard Ave., P$om W.60th St . to 440 fi. S . to serve Nomiandale Court 7,?'68*rCr, ' serve Normxndale' Court * 8,542.26 *I The area proposed to be assessed far proposed bprovements 1 to 9, inclusive, includes all lots and tracts of land abut'cling the specified street . 'The 'area proposed to be assessed for proposed improvements lo and XI. + tract of unplatted property in -Set. 33, T. 117, R. 21, hovm as ? ' to" be improved. '+ E includes Pace1 No. 310, and all lots and tracts. OP l&nd -b IkmWk&a. CowLe A 3mI.D c. 3my1 Y$l.!&agei Gte32k ~ I ' yigaga ofqEc&3 ' I.lot-jon for adoption of gesolution was seconded by DanenS, and on RO~CKU, there Trere four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, we; Danens, aye; Ba&, aye; -- and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Nayor Pro Tan . .# Nanager $Etchell reporbed request from Fire Department as to Council policy on allowing Public IJorks Crew members (both Fire Department members and those men who are not members of t'ne Department) to aid the Fire Department in fighting grass fires. . It vas pointed out that most of %he Fire Department members are away from the Village during the day; %ha% Public Eo~ks Crew is sometimes drafted to .fight fires . Discussion was had* BW~. &uggadxid1 authorizbg I'Ianager T.Litchel1 to employ two full time aen, to be selected by Fire Department, to service machines and work under the jurigdiction of -%he Fire Departneat during the grass fire season, ago that Depar'kmenh can call on I&. I4id&hell for Village employees in case of dire need. So ac-sion talcen. I 3. Manager Nit cheU recommended purchase 1 of :a Taci'c Calculating &chine for ;I;;k95.00, for %he &gineering Department. Bank moved for purchase of machine in' accordance with Xanagerf s recommendations. lJIotion sqconded by Eredesen ,&d carried. - 6/8/53 f IJanager IGtchell presented Analyses of Assessnents, and Bssessneni; ROUS for the . follorring improvement projects, costs being as set forth below. 1 1. SJQ~~~BY SZ~ NO. 35 - Construc&ion of Sanitay Sewer and Appurtenances in Concord 2Ivenue from X59'ch to lJo663th Street. Tot& Cost, 38,633.19; Cost per ( Assessable Foot, 47.03. SAISITARY SZ..ER IJO. &I. - Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurbenances in Tomes Road, T7.49th St. to 283 Feet 1;lorth. Tot&, Cost, $1,463.00; Cost per Assessable Foot - ft2.43 SIzIJiTARY SXZR 30. 42 - Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in. Slooddale, TT.60th to ?7.61st St., and in Fairfax, W.60th St. to 582 Ft. So. - Totdl Cost, $9,226.79 - Cost per Assessable Foot for Trunk,, :j2.65; Cost per Assessable Foot for Iateral - $2.54 - Totzd - g5.19. < 2. 30 4. S&TPPII-RY m,m no. - Construction of Sanitaqy Sewer and Appurtenances in ~ Chmjen Ave., ~1.6QtF~treet to 980 Feet 1\50, - Total. Cost, $4,685&; Cost 50 t 6. 7. 80 90 10. 11. 120 13 u. 15. 16. 17 18, per Assessable Foot $2.36. SABITPLY Z.BR IJO, 47 - Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appuztenanc.es in Zenith .he. from IT.5E-th St. to 615 Ft. So. - Total Cost, $+,037.00; Cost pas Assessable Foot - tj2.66 plus $1.00 Connection Chge. to SeTrer DIStricti $le SWWJTtY SZ.33 ITO. a - Constmction of Sanitary Sewer ad Appurtenances in Chowen Ave., 8.60th to f~61st St. - Total Cost, $2,104et!&; Cost per Assess- able Foot, &.28, VATEi&2l3S ~~~0~~~~ NO. 41 - lh Bm olrview he., 17. 54th to TI. 55th St . Total, Co,st, 54JL9.~; Cost per Assessable Foot, $&03. @!l3B.l~f RFEOmZZ XO. 4.2 - In Ilindsor Aveo, Code to Hansen Road.. TotaJ. .Cost, ;30,026.64; Cost per Assessable Foot. - $4.08 for Emall. Lots; $3.54 for kge Lots. TTlWaJ DiPZOVXJ2ilT IJO. 43 - In St. Johns Ave., TT.59th to 11.60th St. - Total Cost, ;j4,0€33,4S; Cost per Assessable Foot, &&O. T.Tm.mIJ lX!?ROmZ;E NO. 45 - In V.56th St., Code to Hansen Road - Total Cost; $5.$97.,06; Cost pzr Bsse,ssable Fpot, $3*37. TJhWLmJ TLiF'ROVZ2XT 130. 46 h Zenith Av-e., 3*T.5$th to TJ.59th St. - Total: Cost, &,z~3.33; cost per AssespaUe Fo-ot, $3677._ lTmsSiCII Il-PEWZlr NO. 47' - In Chowen, Ave., TT. 59th io T1060th St. - Total Cos$, &,470.39; Cost per Assessable Foot, $3.56. 1Tm.DsI IfPRO%X!XT 130,- 52 - In Ch0r.m &re., 17.60th to 1f.6ist~ St. - Total. Cos$, $2,r?,38.7.4; Cost per Asses,sable Foot, $2.96.~ Sm EPZOVGEIST 1tO. B-9 - Curb and Gutter, Er.ring &ve. between TI. 57th and- 8.sh Sts. - Total Coat, &,l49..06; Cost- per Assessable Foot, $3.45. STREi' L.ZZO?lX.XJT 210, 1E.12 - Gurb and Gukter, DaZrpple Ave. - Total Cost,. $3,982.06; Cost per Assessable Foot - $2.61, 5TFGZT Ifip2OVi3%iiT ITO, B-13 - Curb and Gutter at 5601 beard Ave. - Total Cost, l2552.23; Cost per ilssessable Foot - $3.10, S- E%pF,m.aJT ITO. E-24 - Grade & Gravel - Abkott &res. and betireen TJ05%h and I.J05%h Stso Cost per lissessable Foot, $1.60. ad Trestbmok ke - Total Cost, $11,338.&9; Cost per Assessable Foot, $3.51. . - ,Uley between Zenith & Total Cost - $1,913.62; - Sm E.P3OlGZJT 150, C-26 - Grade, Gravel and Stabilized Base - Edinbrook 7 19.. SmT IL.3irZQmmTT 110. C-32 - Gride ahd Gravel - B&olNiew iIv&, 1Te62nd to' ~ 20. IJ.64th St. -Total Cost, 5$4,191091; Cost 'per Assessable Foot, $1.64. and Zenith Avenues and between Ve5Fh and M.60th Sts. - Total Cost', $l,O&,UC; Cost per Assessable Foot, s.73. The above assessment rolls were carefully examined, and Bredesen offered the follow- ing Besolution end moved its adoption: STIEZiT XPBbVZZ&T EO, G38 - Grade and Gravel - I{-S 1;3_ley between iibbott z. momm PROVIDDIG FOR smcm Ass'%ssIam HEr'iRIlIGS I33 IT RESOLVXD by the Council of the Village of Edina, as ,follows: 1. .The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amount to be spzcially assessed for §.QTIT-LRY SEBR fL.IPTJ3Tll.a4TS NOS. 38,&L,42,L&+,47 and 51, TTmFmJ ILSROVXL3iTk5 IIOS. Q,r&z,43,45,l+6,@' and 52, and SW B.E%6S XOS. 3-9,B-l2,~13,C-~,F-26,C-32 and C-38, against the respec%ive lots, pieces and parcels 02 land ~rithin the district affected by each of said improvments, .- and said proposed assesments having been filed xith the Clerk, tha smie are herskxr approved, ad said Clerk shaJ-1 keep the same on file in his office and open to public inspection pending hearing thereon as herein provided. of notice hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed-assessls, and the - Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to bz published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior to said- meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following Tom: IJOTICE IS 1a-E CXVEZ that the Council of the VUge of Cdrina T.rill meet at the Village Hal1 on ihnday, JuZly 20, 1953, at 7:30 P.E., to hew and pass upon all. objectiogs, if any, to the proposed assessments forthe folloTI.ing improvenents, Trhich assessmnts are now on file in the office ofA the Village Clerkt and open to public inspection: -- _- 2. This Council sW meet at the time and place specified in the form ".- I xm~~cz OF mmm ON sm-IW; msmsimw 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 8. 9. 10 . 11. , 12. 13 l4. 16 . 7. 15. 17 18. 19 20 . 6/8/53 159 Sifi\5Ifl'iiRy SZER NO, 38 - Concord Ave., tT.59th to W.6Oth St. SAiilIT:iRY ~;ER NO, 42. - Tomes Road, fJ.49th Street to 280 Ft. North S&JDiiRY SEER NO. 42 - Wooddale, :r,60th to ik61~t Street, and Fairfa, SAiVrfRY S&ER ITO, 4Lc - Chowen he., 11.6Oth St. to 980 Ft. North. SAIiQIJI'I'd~Y SZX%3R NO, 47 - Zenith he., TT.58th St. to 615 Ft. South. S.fmmUg DPROVBBITT 1\50, 41 - Brookview Ave., ?IB 54th to IT. 55th Street %Jams3IN D.!iPFQWEEIIT NO. 42 - 'CJjndsor Ave., Code -to Hansen Road. XATERL~LXN D~~OVEKE" NO. 43 - St. Johns Live.,- W.59Lh to lJ.60th Street. IWm-aN IX~?KN~~JGNT NO. 45 - W.56th St,,- Code to Hasen Road, ?JiiTl3FJwIltJ DJPROTGZNT NO. 46 - Zenith Ave., W.58Lh St. to W.59th St. IJL%~~ULIN 134PB3EiG2JT NO. 47 - Chowen &..e., W.59Lh to TT.60th Street. S.JA"UN IK@i3O~Z3IT liob 52 - Chowen he., W.60th to I;r,blst Street, STREJT IEPRO~~~ NO, B-9 - Curb and Gutter,. Ewing between V.57 &: W.58th stsb STRELT IiPROVEi~EW NO, I3-12- Curb and Gutter3 Dalrymple Avenue. STREET D~P~WJEI~T NO, B-13- Curb and Gutter at 5601 Beard Ave. STREET ITPi!lOVBIEbJ!T NO. C-24 -Grade & Gravel - N-S Alley between Zenith & S-T I%IkOW,mT No, C-26 -Grade, Gravel and Stabilised Base - Edinbrook STLW It~ROVEBIW NO. C-32 -Grade and Gravel - Brookview Ave,,f.J.62nd to STKuT j3PEOWBNT NO, C-38 -Grade and Gravel - N-S Alley between kbbott S.UIITEBY SBiEFt NO, 51 - Chowen Ave., 1~60th to s/T.61st- Street. - IiT.60th to 582 Ft. South. -( Abbott and between IzT+5&h and Ifb5%h Streets. and TTestbrook Lane. -e ttb6th 3%. and Zenith and between lf.59th and tti,6Oth Sts. The area proposed to be assessed for the &st of the- above named hpmvanenks includes all lots and pieces and parcels of land fronting and abutting the portions of the streets in which said improvenents are made. BY ORDZR OF TH% Vmkm COUNCIL. -- EVAID C, BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina ,Notion for adoption of- Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no aays, as follows: and Child, aye; and the Resolution vras.adopted. Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Bank, aye; Mayor Eo Tern Bredesen's motion, for approval of Village Payroll, amount $8, 511.41, and Liquor Store PagrrolL, amount i%,2&2.18, for period. June 1 to 15, and Overtime for-tIay, all as recorded in detail in Payroll Ledger, and for approval of the following Claims, was seconded by Danens and carried: 323-9 32520 22521 I2522 L2523 u524 z525 22526 L2527 ~2528 L2529 22 530 L2531 La732 L2533r L2534 L2535 5822 9061 9026 90 59 9028 c CLAIM No. L2 518 TO: c Amma - Distiller-s Distributing Company 34,310 44 - -- FEUOUS BPandS, &c. NcKesson & Robbins 1; 429. 90 Old Peoria Company, Inc. 63.79 Automatic Alarm Corporation 25. 50 Bertelson Brothers 3.25 Caprenter Paper Company 54.13 Distillers Distributing Company 1,318 74 Griggs, Cooper & Company 90.21 NcKesson & Robbins 227.25 BEller-Davis Company 47.50" David Agency, Inc. 650.90 Lynn Johnson Company 53.00 Northwestern Bell Telephone Company 2.4.60 State of Ni.m. Officer of Liquor Control Commissioner 10 boo Van Paper Supply Company 22.23 David Agency .r 213 60 Ed. Phillips & Sons Company 7 9 256. $3 1 Suburban Hemepin County Relief Board POOR FUND $ -327.23 Dale Green Coo 20.05 * PAFX F~TLI Hooten Clemers 26.55 f) __. 46.60 SBrn mi& Xrs. ITinton P. Johnson 3 _. 3.00 TJJDEEt FUND 14. B. Skinner Cob $ 16.65 6/8/53 CLmI NO. TO: 9031. Edina Pure Oil Co, r. 9032 IIdnary C: Ibafft, Lag & Rmgland - 4,319.11 c .- 25,000.00 Lzmber Stores, I&. 32.40 Zdinq-Uorningside Qourier P ll2.20 9036 ~ Crom Rubber Stamp CQ. 30.00 9037 " David Agency, kc,. 5.00 9038 IJorell & IJichols, bc, * 495.43. 9039 J. 8. Coan, Postmaster 3 90.18 9040 - ZIpls. Star tk Tribune . - 23.45 904l ~ George !J&ompson jl * h 6.72 9043 I-Iodern Sanitary Supply Co. - a 40.69 9044 Ween Agency fi 24.042 9045 Carlbom Harness Store - 1 8075 Jack hver e 3-40 00 14.00 9D46 9047 C. 2. Johnstone 9048 John A, DeXuth . woo0 9049 e *le sigls, Inc. I 294~6 9050 Brom Clothjng Coo 7.50 9029 i.;U-tual General Agency 55.4.8 903 Itasson Oils, kc, F 1. 70a64 9031 Edinz Pure Oil 1.75 9060 Delegard Tool Co. 29.90 Liquor Fund [ ;z 9035 c 90&2 . John Olson -e 10043 9024 George TKllson 19.75 9025 G. ii. Orr &go Co. 297 00 9026 Dale Green Co. 17.05 9035 Ediiia-1-Iorningside Courier 67 0 50 9027 Construction Bulletin , 36.00 t 9023 2'thur IC. Petersen 2, 04s. rio Ers. H. Habeghorst , 1.70 ',fLLter Hans en P 1.70 Lloyd C. Holder 1.70 Andrew Lebor.rsld 1.70 ;Iallace_ H. Johnson 1.70 "ls. Bornan Groth le70 Hamy do Casey -2.9 I' IC Eor-th;.rest ern TTzb ion& Bar& I 1: . Borthmstern Elation& Bank 1,022 . 34 1,091000 i- I: . ,!n It !* r i - !t . 522.00 5813 563-5 5@16 5817 5818 5819 5820 IIanager lEtchell requested Council acbion on designation of official street nae 02 I1Benton Avenue%e%ween Tingdale Avenue and Hornandale Road. setting Public Hearing for Xonday, July 27, at 7:30 P.IJ,, vms seconded .by Bredesen and carriedo - Uanager iXtcheU. recomended that Council advertise for bids for rates of rental for equip;nent to be used in case Village does its own placktopping. motion, that bids on eqaipment rental rates be taken Ilonday, June 22, 1953, a% 7:30 P.TI,, vas seconded- by Bank and carried. Bredesen noved for approval of Ilk. Herman Strachauer's request for ped% to put up six or eight signs around the Pillage, adverbising Lions Convention June 1&,15, ancl 16, providing he will see that signs are taken dmm immediately after convention. Ilotion seconded by Bank and carried. 11 I1 11 It 11 It !' 750 2.8 I !t 47005 i 5m First Bation& Balr of Zipls. - 4,505.38 3 ll,4l.Se65 I I! 2,072.N I I! I1 11 !' !! 2,072.80 11 !! 20.00 SP~~aASSZSSGTS I Danens 1 motion, Bredesents Ibager Et &ell report-ed controversy over placing of utilities poles in TIesFvmod Court. Court in accordance xkth the accepted final plat, vas seconded by Bkedesen ad Bank's notion, approving the placement of utilities poles in Vestwood I 6/8/53 ma 14anager Xitchell reported City of Hopkinsf request for an infomd meeting between Hopkins and Edina Councils, for discussion of a proposed roadway on the old Streetcar right-of-way, between Highway No. 100 and Hopkins. Bank's suggestion that Village Nanager ask Hopbs to arrange a meeting, at -the Edha Tillage Hall, if possible, for Hopkins, Edina, Hennepin County, S"ceet Railway officials and any others who might be interested, was approved I J by Council. 1 Nanager Ritchell's report of 142. Eldon 1I:Torris' request for an extension of - Storm Sewer constructed as lrStorm Sewer kprooement No. 21" (by either ditching from end of present sewer, or actually extending sewer pipe into creek) was - referred to Public Iforks Comi-btee for investigation, by mokion Child, seconded by Danens and carried. Iknager Hitchell reported the Planning Commission's recommendation for approval of Er. George Christopher* s Preliminary Pl&. Plat in accordance with Corm$ssion's recpmendations, was seconded by Dmens and carried. Bank's motion approving Preliminary Phnager 1JEtcheU reported Planning Commissionfs approval of Final Plat of Voncord Grove Bank's motion for qprovd. of Final Plat of Voncord Grove Addition" in accordance with Commission's recommendations, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Xanager Nit cheU. reported the Planning Commission* s request for Council- policy on matter of conducting mother Public Hearing on Fc. Peder Nickelsen~s petition for shopping cenker at Highways 169 and 100, Vest of Highway No. 169. suggestkd that Ilk. Child be appointed to talk this matter over with Nr. I.lickelsen, to ascerkain his plans for this property. Preliminary Plat of tWighwood Addition to Edina Highlands1! was presented with report by IJ~. Etchell that Planning Commission had approved, subject to many corrections. Danensl motion that Plat be referred back to Planning Commission in connection with $laster Plan. The matter of UP. lKL%er Jarnberg's petition for the Rezoning of bts 3,4,5,6, 9,lO,ll and 12, Block 4, Tingdsile Eros. Brookside to ~tmultiple housingl1 was reviewed in connection with Planning Commission' s recomendztion for subnission - of a re-plat before approval. of double bungalows facing W.50th Street. moved for referral back to Plznning Commission pendiag re-plzb. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, su't;rject to certain changes to be made by developer. I It was r Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. r. r Bank The B.N. Nemerov Preljminary Plat on Xerxes Avenue between 'W.76th and ST.7&h Streetswas approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Danens -and carried, after Mk. Nitchellt s recomendation for approval, ES per Planning Commission Neeting of June 3. . Preliminary Plat -of '%agar Square", which had received Planning Cornmission approval&& June 3, vas approved by CouncXL, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Bank and carried. 'Pre3.hinary Plat of Walnut Ridge", which had received conditional approval of Planning Cbmmission on June 3, was approved by Council subject to condition stipulated by Commission, by motion Bank, seconded by Bredesen and carried. * I Preliminary Plat of Walley View Slopdt. was reviewed, together wLth Planning Commission' s recomendations for corrections. be asked to re-submit to Planning Commission vms seconded by Bredesen and Bank's motion that developer I carried. Preliminary Plat of "Subdivision of Lot 30, Rolling Green" was approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Bank and carried, pursuant to Planning Commissionts June 3rd recommendation. Eir. Hem Strachauer, Chairman of Park Bozrd, appeared before the Council. and 751as advised by Mr. Child of the action taken by 5%. Stephen15 Church in t.Sithdraw- ing its request for parking lot. During conversation with 1-k. Strachauer, he reporbed a gift from. the TTooddaJ-e €TA to the Park Board of: $350.00, to be used for recreation purposes. , 1-Imager I4it chell presented detailed plans and specifications foiarthe proposed exbension of the llYvonne Terrace Storm Sewer!*, recommending that it be constructed as soon as possible. together with EngineerIs Estimate or" Cost, which was $9,616.00 for the new exLendon; $+,659.48 for that part of the stom sewer already constructed; making total. estimate of $l.l+,275.L@, to be spread over a district comprised of the old assessment area plus a new area to the North, its adoption: h The proposed assessment district was reviewed for the Council, Bank offered the follotlring Resolution and moved 6/6/53 F/.Z3@3;uTIOTI P3OVIDEtG FOB PUBLIC €lEhB,DlJG 162 O:r P;~CIF~~ STOSE szm nmomaj~ as to the v &"*A BE IT WOLnD by the Council of the Village of &kina as follotrs: 1, Thp Village Zn-gineer, ha9inc submitted to this Council a meliminam renn.l.t, prove- i ment, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, .L u ?--r-- feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer lbprovenent described in th P Fnm of Notice.of Heming seL forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such 5x1 20 This Council She meet at the TXllage Hall on Xonday, July 13, 1953, at 7:30 of aU persom interested in said proposed hprovments. 3. The Clerk is herebr authorized and directed to cause notice of a time, place and purpose of seid neeting to be publishect. in the official ner.rspaper once a week for i-i~ro successive t-reeks, the second of said publicaLions to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice sM1 be h subs%anti&ly to consider SLC public hearing of the the following form: 1 7 NO TI^ OF €EiZARDJG 011 PEOF'OSED STORK SlWIB 5JEW~~J3tXC The Xdina Village Council will neet at the Village- Hall, IJonday, July 13, 1953, at 7t30 P.3.1., to consider "ne following proposed inprovaent, to ba constructed under the authority granted by I.linnesota Latis of 1953, Chapter 398. . The appro2Aate cost of such 5aprove;Zent is estimated by the Village Engineer to be {$.&,275.48: Construe-Lion of Village Storm Sever and Appurtenances commencing at the intersection of Vindsor and Kent Avenues; th! to Bent Avenue and ~kuxi.clc Place; th. Southerly inlkrv~ck Place to Yvonne Terrace; tho Southwesterly between Lots 13 and 14, Stow's Yvonne Terrace, to outlet I The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said Stom Sewer lin,orvanent includes all lots aod tracts of land xLth3n the following described boundaries: Weginning at a point 50 feet South of the Northeast corner of Lot 24., Stovrts Yvonne Terrace and Vest line of State Highiqy LOO; tho Eortherly to centerline of Yvonne Terrace; th. 'Jesterly dlong said centerline to Zast line of.I;ot 2, said Addition; tho 11oortherl.gr to Hortheast corner said lot; th. Xesterly to a pint 32 feet Ilesterly of NortheasP, corner Lot 3; tho Uortherly to a point 70 fee-b Southerly fron centerline of IIent Avenue, on Line between Lots 2.4 and 25, €$lock 1, Edina Park; tho TJesterly parallel to ICent_&ve, to TJester3.y kine of Lot 19, said Subdivision; tho Northerly to line between Lots l.4 and 15, ELack 1, Tlestchester Knolls, continuing to Iiortherly end; tho Easterly to lifortheast corner Lot 14; tho Hortherly between Lots 26 and 27, Block 1, -to Vindsor he.; th. IJorLher-ly Lo line between Lots 12.7c13, Block 2, Richmond HXUs; th. iiortherly to 1Toll.th end thereof; th. Tlesterly to line between Lots 3 and 4, Block 2; th. Northerly along said line to Ricwond Drive; th. Northwesterly to line between Lots ll and 2.2, Block 1, and Northerly 50 feet; the TTesterZg parallel to Eicbmond Drive to East line of Lot 8, Block 1, Richmond Hills; the on an arc around Richmond Circle to 3ortheast corner of Lot 4, Block 1, Elichtnoncl Hills; ~ tho TJesterly to ii'ortizrresterly corner of Lot. 1, -Block 4, Richmond Hills; th. Southwesterly to Southmst corner of Lot 3, Block 5, Il'estchester Ikons; th. Easterly along Tr'indsor Jive. to line beheen Lots 4 and 5, Block 3, VestChester %rolls; tho Southerly 50 feet along said line; the Easterly parallel to Tlhdsor Ave. to line between Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, Slestchester Tnolls; tho Southerly to IJortherly line bett-Ieen Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, Edina Park; th. rjresterly along said IToortherly line Lo line bekeen Lots 4 and 5, Block 2, Edha Park; the Southerly through center of Lot 13, DTylund's Place, to point on Northerly l&e of f;ot 12, Stor.r's Yvonne Terrace; th. Southeasterly parallel to and 20 feet Northeasterly from Southvres-kerly line of Lots 12, 13 and l.4, Sto~r's~Y~vome Terrace; tho Easterly-md $0 feet Southerly and parallel to centerfine of Yvonne Terrace to Xast line of I;ot zr&, S-boir's Yvonne Terrace, the point of beginning." - ~ EQlLLD C, BMC, Village Clerk I Vuage of Edina, Emesota 1 IOtion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there vere four ayes and no nays, as s"ollo.c.rs: child, aye; and the Resolution ims adoptvede Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and Village Clerk I - Chainqm Hemnn Strachauer of the Edina Pwk Board appezred to report a gift to the Eoard of ,~35OOOO froa the ;Tooddale P"'. He vas informed at this %ire of the action taken by St, Stephen's Church with regard 3x1 the proposed Parking Lot a% 50th and Yooddale, 110 action taken by the Council on Park Board mtters. c 6/8/53 4163 Public Hearings held earlier in the evening were revievred at some length, md o1fered the followhg Resolution md moved its adoption: R%SOLWIOI~ ORDBRKNG STREET I[IIPxO~*~~S 33 IT Tc%;jOLtD by the Council of the Village 02 EcEna, liinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published, in accordace with provisions of Chapter 398, I-Ennesota Laws 1953, on the follodng proposed improvements : 1. -Blackbopping of Iroodlid Circle and Y.56th Street from France Avenue to Ibnehaha Bridge, snd V.56th Street from Park Place to 170 Feet East thereof. 3lacICtopping of Tomes Boad between V.l+dth and 5.[.49th Streets. Curb and Gutter in Tovmes Road between Ts.4&h and 11.1?,9th Streets. Oiling of Benton Avenue between Code and TLngdde henues. Blacktopping of Ddrymple Avenue bet&en Southview Lane and Lakeview Drive. Blaclcbopping of O&l-abm Avenue between t7.5Pith Street and Talley View Road, z Blacktopping of O,.rford Avenue from North Line of Beverly Hills Addition to Division Street Blacktopping of Chowen Avenue between ITe 5SLh and 71.59"Gh Streets Blackbopping of Fsirfax Avenue between ?;7,5&h and TJ.59th Streets. Yestbrook he, Blackbopping of Yvonne Terrace from Eighway No. 100 to ".aT?.rick Place. BlacKcopping of %&ng Avenue between TJ.57th and V.60th Streets. Blacktopping of. Zenith Avenue between 1.3'. 5&h and TJ, 60th Stree'cs Grading and Gravelling of Ashcroft Avenue betvreen V.5Gth and ST. 60th Streets. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, 8. 9. 10. Blac!rtopping of all streets in Edinbrook Lddition, and of U. 12. 13. I& I- and at the hezings held at the time and place specified in saik no-kice the Council has duly considered the views of 211 persons interested, and beiig fully zdvised of Yne pertinent facts does hereby detedne to piaoceed r.ri"ch the construction of said improvements j that said kaprovements are hereby designated aid shall be referred to in all subsequefit proceedings, as follo~s: STTGT E'~P~v~~m 1IULzm --- Blackbopping of tToodland Circle znd V.56th Street frorz France Avenue to IEmiehaha Bridge,. ad 37.56th Street from Park Place to 170 feet East thereof i.- 56 A- 54 ~-i7 QyL:2. A-37 , 3.-4.8 A- 52 &-2S Elac!rLop:>ing of Tovmes Xoad between 'I J.&&h and 'I.J.1!,9th Streets Oiling or' Ben-Lon !*venue between Code and Tingdd-e ..',venu-es ELacl&op;$ng of Ddryaple Avenue, Sout hvietr Lme to Lakeview Drive Cuxb and Gciter in Tovmes Road betvrezn Ire4&h and 'IJ.49th Streets Blacfdopping of 0d:lavm Avenue between TI. 5Ei"ch Street and Valley View Road BlacIrtopping of Oxford Avenue from Horth Line of Beverly Kills Addition to Division Street Blaclrtopping of Chowen Avenue from W0 5&h to :f, 59th Street BLac@oppbg 02 dl streets in Zdinbrook Addition and of tJestbrook Lane Bla&topping of Yvonne Terrace fP0n Hi&Way 1b0 100 to fhmLck Place BlS~c~<~opp~g of 275ng ikvenue between 77. 57th ad 1~060-th Streets Grading md Gravelling of Jshcroft Avenue between X.5@ch and 'IT. 60th St-reets A-33 ~-jackt,q)pbg of Fairfax Avenue frorn 76. 5Sth to If. 5%h- Street :!-22 &A-4.3 -1-26 s;Td& ~1724- A-55 C-4.2 ~1aclAopphg of Zenith :\venue between :J056th Znd 1~~60th ??Lreets c:nd -the area to be specially assessed for said h~provements sliall include all lots ad -i;rac-i;s of land abutting and fronting upon the street in which si3;id irqrovmeri% is to be constructed, BZ IT FUiW5% FZSQLSUD that the Village Xngineer is hereby directed .bo coiaplek pland and specifications for the above nmed projects, in accordance with prel-ary- plans Ziled with this Council at this. neeting; and the Clerk is hereby Lutlmrized and directed to adverbise for bids, in akcordance with Cha,pter 398, Lam 1953, on all of said 5.mprovements except Street ImproverlLents XOS. 0-42 C-42. .I@@ 1 6/8/53 F'UXTEZ3 EGULVD Gnat -the Vaage Snsineer, being a 3sgistered Engineer, is herebr suGiorized and directed to %perwise the v;orZ: on each of said 5aprovaents \ ITos. 0-42 md C-42, cvld upon conpletion thereof, allso to suhit a detailed report, certified by him, =ad file Lie sane wi%h tie VUlage Clerk, s1iovLng in generd -the cosrplete cost 02 the voclc!;, and speci.fic&ly the follovring: (a) (b) (c) Find. Costs 02 %he various uni'l;s or" xark done. I2aterials furnished for the project, and the cost of,each ita thereoz. Cost of lzkor, cost of-equipT;Lent hired, and supervisory costo . Said reporb shafl elso coztain a ce-&ificzte by said XngLneer that %he rrorlc vas done according -bo plsas and specifications tix?r&r. Xotion for adoiSiiori of the BeSolution was seconded by Dmas, and on FtollcaU. there were ILO$.u.r qyes and no nays, as follovs: DX@I~S -*, aye; and 3EmkL, ayc; an& the Reso Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; &yor Fro Ten Tne hbur being ire* late, Breaesen moved for adjournment. Xotion seconded by 3a-k and unanizously cemied. Xee'cing adjourn l2:3O A.X., Tuesday,- June 9. / 3-