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VIUGE COUTICIL, ' iBLD I:ior(su.hYi, JUPE @, 1953
Hanbers &swering Rollcall iqere Bredesen, ,Danens, Bank and Child, with Hayor Pro-
The first matter on the agenda was the Taking of Bids.
Affidavits of Fublica.t;ion for advertisements published in Edina-Norningside
Courier and Construction Bulletin June I3 and 18, for Curb and Gutter, and
then moved that Zngineer's action in causing adverkisements to be published
be approved and confirmed by the Village Council, and that bids be referred
to Assistant Zngineer Zikan for Public Opening in Engineer's Office.
seconded by Danens and carried. 3:- -?> % Later in the evening Ibm Zika
retumed to the Council the opened curb md.gutteS bids, which were found to
be as follows:
I(' Tern Child presiding. "*--
Clerk Bank'submitted -
I mTm &ID SOI$S -
Street Impmvement EL& - Curb and Gutter-
Street hprovement B-15 - Curb and Guttqr
Chowen Ave., W.5Efth to ?qlr,59bh St.
St!lmdrews kve., Lakeviey Dr, to
$3; 3E30 . 60 $3,416.60
South-vierv Lane It0 BID $5, Ill!.. 4-0
Street kpr0vemen-L ~-16 - eurb ,and Gutter I
&ring Ave., W.5gth to 1.1.60i;h St. HO BID
Street-bprovement B-17 - Curb and Gutter
Townes .Road, W.48th to T.T.49bh St, $3,137 . 60
$3,3&9 . 00
Bank then moved fir referral of bids to'Village Engineer for report at nexb
regular meeting. Ilotion seconded by Danens aid carried.
Clerk Bank then submitted Affidavits of Publica%ion from Edina-IIorningside
Courier and .Construction Bulletin for "Advertisement for Bids-Dump Truck:
Snow Plows" publishgd June ll and 18, 1953; and moved that sealed bids be
referred to Assistant-Zngineer Zikan for public opeaing in Village Engineerrs
Nr. Zilcan returned to the Council the opened'bids, wkch were found to be as
fOllO?rS :
-. >c
Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried." 3 %-,-:e -'' Later in the evening
"It0 mm
Intemtional Harvester Co.-lIpls.
Hodel E-184, 19 53 International
General Truck & Equipment Co .-St . Paul
Federal Truck Sales et Serv5ceXpls.
* $3921,54 3926.24 3974.10
Nodel- &71-30, 1953 BIG $3937.50 3994.00 39q4.36
IIode-l 2502, 1953 Federal cj3985 . 81
The I'foodhead Company-I.Ipls
f.Iodel FW0, a953 Ford
Node1 F-800, 1953 Ford
Hull-Dobbs CO rn-IlplS
Boyer & Gilf ihn Notor Co .-I-Tpls .
Hodel F-(300, 1953 Ford
Dahlberg Brothers, Inc.-Hopkins
Uodel F-f300, 1953 Ford
$457 5 . 00
44-47 . 00
Nichols & Schoening, Inc.-Ifpls. '
Elodel-VA-U:!.2, 1952 Dodge $5270 . 00
Glcdhill Road Idrachinery Co.-Galion, Ohio Gledhill 14odel 10-T-1-N $1,696.00 - $1,49 5 . 00
I? Above bid P.O.B. Edina-ltot Nountied I. I' Ruff ridge- Johnson Equipment Co -1lpls 1 /. Hodel 712 Good Roads $1,126.60 iiso am IJO BID
Lbove bid PoOmB, Edina-Not Mounted f '
banens then moved for referral of T)uLnpl Truck and Show Plow bids to, Village Zngineer
and Public Eorks Cod%tee, for report at ne& regular meeting. 5 Notion'seconded by
11 Eredesen and carried, I- i
Clerk Bank presented Affidavits of Publication for Udvertisenent for Bids-EquLpmt
Rentalt' published in Eclina-llorningsider Courier June U andl 19, 1953; r.rhich affida~ts
were approved as to fom and ordered placed on file; and Bank moved for refecrd of
'* sealed bids to kssistant Zngtneer Zikq for public opening ir~ Village Engineerts Office* .:- 3:- -v. ,. .:. .Q
bids, and bidders were found to be - 5. do Daas & Son; Kernit Graber; Terry
Excavating Co,; 3'osi;erE;ccavating Go0; Bert Haglind; Ray Skelton; Pfeiffer Const.
Co., and Curtis C. Sensonov Danens thenmoved for referrzl of bids to Village
afsineer €or tabulation ad report at ne& regular meeting. Xotion seconded by Bdc and carried.
hter in the evening, .I+&. Zilcan returned to the Council the opened
/ Acting LIayor Child then called Public Hearing on Proposed Assessment for Storm
Sewer hproment No. 21, in confomnance r.&th 1Wotice of Hearing" published isl
Edina-IJomingside Courier Kay 21 and 28, 19530 - Clerk Bank presented Affidavit
of Publication for said Botice, which affidavit was approved as to form and
ordered placed on file. VXKage Bngineer 1EtcheI.l presented Assessment Roll,
statingthat since %his roll had first been presenbedto the Council, some
s5.x lots on the TJest side 02 Zenith Avenue between T.f,56th and W.57th Streets had
been deleted from the Assessment District because they are not benefited by this
particalar Stam Sever; increasing cost of Tmnlc Sewer from $.094.26-per Square
Foot, to $.00432 for the remaining 1,530,231003 square feet in the Trunk DiStr5.Ct;
cost for the lateral sever being $,00935, for theJ50,262 square feet being:
assessede- R,.o gentlemen in the 5800 block on York objected on grounds that
they are not being benefited; as did I&, Johnson, 562.4 Abbott and $ko Humberger, 561'7 Abbott--vho coaplained that water is still standing in the street at 5609, 5617 and 561.3 Abbot% Avenue. Engineer fhtchell explained that this surface
. yrater eventually drains into -the.particular sewer under corkideration; thati
all objectors are actually in the drainage district.
Eesolution and moved its adoption:
Bank offered the follov~g
It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assess-
III~'& for ST0a.i
cdculated in accordance with the provisions of 1.Xnnesota Statutes Sectioa 1&U0&,41;
that notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council r;.ould
meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to mend said proposed assess-
ments as might be necesswj, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said pro-
posed assesments have at all times since their filing been open for public
inspeckion, and oppr-tunity has been given to all interested persons to present
their objections; and tnat each of the lots, pieces ad parcels of land enwmrted
h the respective assessmnts was and is specially benefited by the construction
of the bprovmsrit for which such assessment is- levzied in the am0un-L set opposite
the description of each such lot,-piece and parcel of land, respectively,
lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessmsnts, and
said proposed assessmnt is hereby adopted and confimnRd 2s the proper special
assessnent for sed bprovaent0 The assessment against each lot, tmc% or
parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full. amwt Gheyeol" fron
time to the unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annun from thee date of tlfis
resolution, shall be a lien concurrenk I;ith general -taxes uFon the property
described therein and all thereof-. The total amount of such assessnent shall be
payable in eqaf annual installments exbending over a period of ten years, the
first of said instalhen%s, togePiher with inkerest on the entire assessnrent from
the date hereof to August 15, 195& to be payable with general taxes for the year 1953, and one of thhe remainine; instaents, vrith one yew's interest on that and
d11 subseqpeDt hstallaents, to be payable with general taxes for the years 195.4
1962, collecti'ole in the respective ensuing years. 3. Frior certification or" thhe assesment to the County Auditor,
the owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby nay pay the whole of
such assessment or any instalhent thereof vithout interest to +he Village Treaswer
candctllereafter such papent nay be mde with accrued inkerest, to the County
*Treasurer; providkd that if any assesmen% or instaUler"i;s thereof be prepaid
-to the TLUage Treawer, he shall promp-bly notify the Village Clerk and County
Audi-tor, and %he assessmnt or instalbent so prepaid shzU be cancelled on the
*books of the Coun-by Auditoro 4. The Clerk shall, as soon as nay be, prepare apd,tT&&c bo the
County Lpfudi-bor a certified ciupliccke of s&d assessn;en%, j&%h each then unpaid
installraen.t; and interest set forth separa%el.y, Lo be &ended upon the proper
ta;c lists of %he County, and the County Auditor shall therea$bFr- cause said assessment -to be collected 5x1 the manner provided for bs law, Said duplicate
shau be dt&imated as -&e ltdssessmnt Ron for StOX'Bl SeYrer kpmV.aent
and a1 momts 'collected in respect of the assesmept tinerein contained sha7-l be
similarly designated by the County Treasurer and reraitted $0 the Valage Treasurer
and by him credited to the Sinlring Fund Ilccount of Pemanmt hprovemount Bevolving
Fund of the TJillzge of Zdina.
I[EM%?XXJT NO, 21, and each of then, havs been propedy
2. The arrounts so se-b out are hereby levied against the respective
lktion for adoption Of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on ~~ll~al,
there were four ayes and no nays, as follqws:
Bank, aye; and child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Bredesen, we; Dmas, aye;
Mayor Pro-Tem
-/ - -,
31aager I.litcheW pkesented Tabulation of Bids taken June 8, 1953, on &=der's Ris? insurance for New Village Hall, and on Fire and Exbended Coverage and
'(;\rindstorm ^ksurance for New 7Jater Tanka Builder's 2isk' coverage to low bidder, I4utual. Genera3 Agency, at year'rs premiwn
of :iT2Lm6Oo
lhnager, was seconded by Dane& and carried.
Ik, IWchell then explained the adirantage of securing Fire and Extended Coverage
for the New Water Tank, rather than jus% Rindstorm Insurance. avrarding bids to Charles Wm Se,xbon Company, on a five-year basis, at premium of
&'2OmOO, for the Fire and &&ended, Coverage Policy, be avmrdea in accordance with I&, lfitchellt s >ecommend.ation,a was seconded by
Danens and carried,
Bcting Xayor Child then announced to the audience that Council would hold Public
Hkarings on Proposed Improvements, in- conformance with Wotice of Heasings. on
Improvements,1r publish6d in Edina-Xorningside* Courier June 11 and 18, 1953. Bards presented*Affidavit of PublLcation for said notice, which was approved as to
form and ordered placed on file.
acted thereon, as recordeh below:
1. Public Hearing oh Proposed Blacktopping-of Southview Lane from Highwax
NO, 100 to Concord Ave.
$6,090.12, or $2.37 per Assessable Pootm A .letter from the Jell.
Schroeders,56U St.hdrews Avenue, in protest to the proposed method
of assessment--02 grounds. that this is a through-street, used for
access tofig@&!!el by general. public as well as school busses, and
therefore s ou e assessed against a large area--FJiLs read, and was
supported fron the floor by 14essrs .Blanch and Olson, 5615 and 5616
Ddrpnple Ave., who requested that pmject be delayed until CouncilL
can reach a more e;r,ui"cable asbessment method, At this time, the Council
also held Public Hearing on proposed Oilii?g of the street, in lieu of
Hitchell reporting an Estimated Cost of $,15 per assessable Toot.
Bank's mo%i.on, that Petition for Blacktopping be tabled indefidtely,
ms seconded by Danens and carried, Bank then offered the following
Re.solution and moved its adoption:
He recommended avrard of bids on the
Bredesents motion, that bid be awarded as recommended by.Village
He6 recommended
Bredesenls motion, that bids
Council then held the following Hearings and.
- Village Zngineerts Estimate of Cost was
There were no objections to this project: with Lk, *
h ?" J
BE IT BIBOLTIED by the Council of. the Village of Edina, l.Iinnesota, that this
Coupci$ heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly,published, $I acco-dance
wi-bh provisions of Chapter 39?, Ermesota hws 1953, on the proposed improvement
consisting of the BlacktoppingAof South6ew Lane from Kghway Nom LOO to Concord
iivenue; and at .the hearing held at the"Lime ana place specified in said notice
the Council has duly considered the vikvrs of all persons interested, and being
fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with only
the Oilinq of Southview Line from Highway No. 100 to Concord Avenue; that said
improvwnent is hereby designatgd and shall be referred to in "all subsequent
proceedings as Street Improvement No, OL43, and- the area to bk specially assessed
therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon
the street in vtnich said %nproqeraent is to be made.
BE; LT j?URT€EB MSOLTBI, that the Village Engineer has heretofore submitted to- the
Council plans and specifications and an esthate of cost of said improvement,
fram r9i'nich it appears and it is hereby found and determined that 'cotall cost of
said bprovement ~&ll be less than $5,000,00; therefore, this Council is authorized
by law and does hereby determhe to purchase CErectly the materials for -said
hprovment and complete the sane by emplopent of day labor0
is hereby authorized ana directed to supervise the work on sed bprovement,
and upon corapletion thereof, also .to submit a detailed report, ceriified by him,
ad file the same with the Village Clerk, shovdng in genera the comple'ce cost
of the prork, ,and specifically the follovkng:
FUPLTIER mOLVZD, that the Village Engineer, being a Registered Engheer,
Final Costs of the various units of wrk done,
&&erials furnished for-the project, and the COS% Of each item -bhereof*
cpst of labor, cost of ecpipment hired, and superesorY Cost.
Said report shall axso conten a ceriificate by snid
done according to plans and specificat?ons therefor.
Iiotion for adoption of Resolution we 1107s: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Bmk, We;
iw1 n iras. adopted.
that the work ~as
., seconded by Dams, ayld. On ROnCa
IIayor Pro Tern Clerk --.&
. 6/22/53
*. Public Hearcing on Proposed Blackbopping of Chovren Avenue betTreen V.59th and
V;6M;h Streeks. ihager EitchellIs Estima'ce of Cost was $3,270,24, or $2.51
per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the audience, and no objections had been filed prior to the Hearring. (See Later in Ueeting, for
Action Taken).
Public Kearinp on P-roposed BlacktopPhFz of Xerxes Avenue betvreen TT,6Oth and
TT.62nd Streets. Uanager flitchellls Estimate of Cost was $3,055.21, for :&3l
per assessable foot. A delegation asked that this improvment be tabled for
the presen'c, inasmuch as Public Utilities are not yet in the streek. They
asked for Oiling, instead; this being necessary to quiet the dust. Bankts notion, tiat Proposed Blacktopping of' Xerxes Avenue betmen T1.60th and 71.
62nd gtreets be tabled indefinitely, was seconded by Dgtnens and carried,
Ilanager I.;itchell's Estimate of Cost was 2.15 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections Zrom tie audience, and no objections hcid been filed pAor
to Hearing, (See &iter in Ileeting for approval.)
PGblic Hearing, on Proposed Oiling and Sanding of Harrison Avenue from North
Villaxe Wis to Belmore" Lane.
Assessable Foot.
object5ons had been received @or to the Hearing.. (See Gter in Neeting for
Public Heaing on Proposed Oiling of T.1.59th Street, KeUogg to Oaklavm live.
Engineer's Estimate of Cost, 4.15 per &sseSsable Foot. TJo objections frora
tbaudience, and no writ%en objections filed prior to Hearing. (See Later
in Ueeting, for apprbva~)
Public Keaing on Proposed Oiling of Beard Atre.
figineer's Estimate of Cost, G.15 per Assessable Foot,
the audience, and no objecpions prior to the Hewing,
(See Later in Ifeeting for approva of Oiling)',
Rzblic Hesring on Proposed Oilirix of Zenith Avenue, II.57th to IL5&h St.
I pngineer's EstLite of Cost vas ij.15 p"er
There were no objections from the audience, and no
71.57tfl to 1105&h Sto
Ho objections from
Bredesen theh offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BTZ Xi' ~OLVZD by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ennesota, that this Council
heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published, in accordance vith pro-
Visions of Chapter 398, Iiinnesota Laws 1953, on the proposed improvments consisting
of the Blaclrtopping of Chowen Avenue between X59th and 11.6Oth'Street, and of
Xerxes henue between 11.60Lh ana lTe62nd Streets, and of the Oiling of Zenith tlvenue
betireen ITo 57th and 3. 5&h Streets, Harrison Avenue betireen North Village Limits and
Sehore Lank, lT.5qth Street between Mellogg and OaMavm Avenues; and Beard Avenue
between 7T05f7th and 8.5tkh Streets;" and at the hearings held at the time,and place
specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of dl. persons
interested, and being fully advised of %We- psrtinent facts does hereby detemine
to proceed ~.riPln the impmvements as stated above, except tha% Xerxes iLvanue.betireen
Yoboth and TI06ad Streets shall be Oiled instead of Blacktopped; and that said
inprovements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequen%
proceedings as follows:
STFGZT IZ-IPROIGGmES NoSo8-58 0-44 TO &8,li,IC,
Blicktoppbg - Ci?or.ren iLve0 , fl, 59th to Tr060th Street A-58
0-47 0-44
Belnore he 0-46
O-L>5 0-48
Oiling - Xerxes i~ve., YobOth to 'f.J;62nd St,
Oiling - Zenith Ave., 11.57th to TI05&h Sto
Oiling znd S7anding - Harrison Ave., Horth Village Limi's to
OUing - iZ059th St., Ikllogg kve. tb 0akiLat.m Ave.
Oiling - Beard live., TI. 57th -'Lo TTo 5&h St, I FfJRTHER IBSOLVXD that the VillageEngineer is hereby quthorized to adveri;ise
for bids €or construction of Street Inprovunent Xo. 11-58, dL1 in accordance t5th
said Chapter 398, ibesota Earis of 1953, as soon as he considers it advisable so
to do
I$~FW.T~B FdSLW, tha5 the Village Engineer has heretofore subnitted to the
Council plans and speciriccations and an estimate of cost of said Street &pmve-
mats I,ios. 0-44. to 0-46, inclusive, from which it appeas and it is hereby r^ound
md de%ernined that ";ne total cost of said improvaents rill be less thzn <;5,030;
therefore, this Council is authorized by law r2nd does hereby deternine to purchase
directly the naterials for each of said inprove;ilents and to complete Yne same by
emplo&ent of, day L'abor .
BZ IT FIJlUHZi €t239Lm, that the Village Engineer, bebg a Registered Engineer, is
hereby au'chorized and directed to supervise the wrk on said jmprovmen& and upon
completioz thereof, also to submit a detailed report, cert5fied by hh, and file
the-sane with the Village Clerk, shoving in general the coslplete cost of the work,
and specifically the following:
F-1 Costs 02 the various units of vork done,
I.hter3zzl.s furnished foF %he project, and the cost of each ita thereof.
Cost of labor, cost 02 equipnent hired, ad supervisory COS%. Said report shall also con%erin r2 certificate by said Xngineer thzt the vmrl- 1 7m.S
doae according to plzns an& specifications therefor,
6/22/53 t 169 Public Hearing on Proposed Construction of Tillape Waternab Edension
l.Etchell* s Xstimate of Cost was $3,340.44, for $3.59 per Assessable Foot3
plus G.72 per Assessable Foot for .;connection to IJatermain lhprovement
fbm 39. No objections from the audience, and no vsriit-ben objections filed prior to Heering. (See Later in IIeeting for ApprovaL.)
Public Hezring on Proposed Construction of Village Sanitary Setj-er and
Appurtenances in Beard Ave. from 1~60th St. to &O R. So,
Etchellts Estimate of Cost was $4,936.00, for $5.31 per Assessable Foot,
plus $1.90 per Assessable Foot for connectiolz to Sanitary Sewer Improve-
ment No. 35. No objections from the audience, and no written objections
prior to Hewing. (See Later in fZeet3ng for Appmv&L~
Public Kerning on Proposed Construction of Village ?laternin Mension
and-, Appurtenances to serve Normandale Court
.of Cost was ijF3768.L&, for $4.67 per Assessable Foe%.
audience, and no written objections filed prior to Hearing.
Pub]-ic Hearing on Proposed Construction of Village Sanitary Sewer and
Appurtenances to serve Normandale Court . Zngineer 14i.t chell' s Estimate of
Cost was $8,522.26, for $5.13 per Assessable Foot, plus $1.09 per Assess-
able Toot fo'r connection to Sanitary Sever lin,orovement No. 37, and $LOO
per Assessable foot for connection to Joint.Sewer Improvement No. 1.
No object2ons from audience, and no objections .filed prior to Hearing.
and lbpurtenances in Beard he. frmW.6Oth St. to 520 I%. So. Engineer /
Engineer Hit chell' s Estimate
No objections from
Bank then offered the follotring Resolution and moved its adoption:
1 msoLuTIoN OrnrnrnG aPRmizlJTs- "I SLQ~ITBY SEkBR IN?EOVEiE$ES IWS, 56,57;
BE E FESOLm by the Coqcil of the Village of Edina, Ninnesota, that this
Couzzcil heretofore caused notice of hearings to be duly published, in accord-
ande with provisions of Chapter 398, IEnnesota Laws 1953, on the pmposed
hprovements consisting of the following; and at the hearing held at the time
and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of
all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does
hereby determine to proceed with said improvements; that said improvemen'cs are
hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as
listed below:
Construction of Village frJatermasin Mension and
Appurtenances in Beard Ave. from 31.6Oth St. to 520 So.
Appurtenances in Beard ilve. from W.6Oth 5%. to 4-46 Ft. So.
T&rnUZW Im?, ItTO.59
S.AN,SE%Et DCi?ei$o, 56
1 \ Construction*of Village Sanitary Sewer and
~ Construction of Village Watermain E&ension and
Appurtenances to serve Normandale Court;
Construction of Village Sanitaxy Sewer and
Appurtenances to serve Normandale Courb
IJmPJ.2IIq iW. N0.60
S&t.SETvDB DGl?.~JO. 57
and the area proposed to be specially assessed for the inprovements in Beard
Avenue shdl include all lots and tracts of land abutting and.fronting upon
the street in which said 5.tnprkernen-b is to be made; whereas, the area proposed
to be specially assessed for the improvements to serve Normandale Court shall
include that tract of unplatted property in Sec. 33, T.117, R. 22, hovm as
Parcel No. 310, and all lots and tracts of land in Normandale Coui3,
I3E 32 HJEtT€IER IXESOLVED as follows: The plans and specifications for TJatemnain Impmvments Nos. 59 and 60,
§anit;ury Sewer jhprovments Nos. 56 and 57, heretofore prepared by the Village
Engineer ad now on file in the office of the Village Clerk .we hereby approved. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-EJTorn@gside
Courier and the Construction the following notice for bids for the construction
of said improvments:
The Edina Village Council.-v&ll meet an Monday, 3uly 13, 1953, .a<
7:3O P.X., at the Xdina Village Hall, 4801 i.T.5Oth +Street, and will at sacid-time
and place open &d consider sealed bids for the follo%d.ng:
Construction of Sanitzry Sewer and Appurtenances in Beard he.
between '1~60th and ItJ. 61st Streets .
Cons-bructrfon of Village TJatemin Jktension and Appurtenances in
Beard Jive. between W.6Oth and 17. Gist Streets .
Construction of Sanitary Sewer ,and hppuj3enxnces to serve
Normandale Court . Construction of Village WatemFin Extension and Appurtenances
h. .I to serve ITomanda3.e Co@.
Detailed plans and-specifications for said projects are available a'c the %dins
Village Hall.
accompanied bybzdder's bond or certified check in mount equal to at least
c Bids will not be accepted unless sealed, identified on envelope, knd
r ten p&ceqt of bid.
. The Council reserves the right to rejec-6 any or dl bids. EViJD C. B.UJK, Village Clerk
Village of E&na .
6/22/53 3, Zach and z1Xl 0." the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids are 370
hereby adopbed. as Vne terns and conciitions of- award of the contract for said
t 7 iqpveaent. z-
1 lsiotion for adoptLon of. the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, ad in RaUa there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Dmens, aye; Bank, aye; and
Child, aye; and the Itesolution r.ms adopted.
-. z5.c4.8@dA IIapjj? Pro Ta
4 Acting Eayor Child then announced Public Hearing on E&. John Reinrur's reguest for
permit to face drrelling on Parnell, rathen -thanwon S.1.62nd Street--Lot PI, Block 5,
Virginia Avenue Addition. Clerk Bank submitted copy of lbtice of Hearing mailed
to ovmers of dl -property within 500 feet of this lot, vhich Xo%ica was approved
as to form and ordered placed on file. Building Inspector Yoehlerls recmnmndziiion
against such deviztion from Zoning Ordinace was reported by Lire laEtchell,
were no obJect5ons fron the audience, to the petikion; and no written objeckions
had been filed prior to the Hearing, The matter of the CouncKL's allomnce of
other Zoning Ordinance deviations of a,similar nature in this same dewlopent
ins reviewed by I&. IXtchell, aid Bredesen moved for approval of petition, Xotion
seconded by Dmens and carried.
There I .
I&. A. IT. Wpats pzti'iion for persnit to Grade Griffit Street fron Belnore Lane
to Ilaloney, md to provide drainage therefrm into a present pothole, part of irhich
is ovmed by himself, ne& came *before the Council for Public Hearing. Clerk Bank
submitted copy of ESotice of Hearing mailed %o a3L interested property owners; which
vias zipproved as to form and ordered placed on file, Uanager IEtchell gave Council.
and audience a detailed repod of 1.k. Zampefs in"cention--to move roadway 20 feet
to the East of the presently dedicated-street, consenting to vacation of Vest 20
feet of present mad; to run tile fromT'fest of Griffit Street through Lot 2,
Block 4, IIendelssohn, to pothole at rear of WGS 2, and 3, Block 4; to run tile
from low point of Behore Lane across Lot 5, Block 4, to pothole; and to grade
Griffit Street to Village speciZications--all at his oTm e:qense, 1-k. I-Iovrard
IJoore, 316 Blake Road, and one gentleman on Griffi-b Street, objected to this
proposed improvement; lk. lioore because of the probability of raishg water line
in the pothole; and the other gentlemen because nqm grade T.rrill ruin his storm
drain,* Considerable discussion was had by the Council; and Bank moved tbat Ik.
Lmpe's ptition be denied, ITotion seconded by Danaxs and carried,
Ik. Tf, -3, Strau&an> 4502 Edina Blvd., ~upported~his recent letter to Building
Supt. Ben SToehler, recgesting permit to install a radio antenna at his residence.
He reviewed for the Council tne safety factors of the %over, which is to be 55
feet high.
construction will devduate surrounding properties,
1-k. 33. 0. fkrtinson, 5609 Drew Avenue South, presented pet2Lion simed by sever&
residents on Drew ,5venue between TT.58th and We 59th Streets, requesting permission
to install curb and gutter at their residences and at their own expense. Because
petition does no% contdn signatures of all residents, and because Council does
not look favorablr upon piecemal curb and gutter in any street, Ifr. I.iartinson
vas asked to ccmplete %he petition, if possible. \.
1.2. Floyd Blakeborough appeared, to state once again that he cannot secure-a loan
t-0 install inside plwnbing and connect with Sanitary Sewer, in accordance with .
order given by Council, Bredesenfs motion, that problem be referred to B~LLding
InsFector for report at ne& meeting as to amount or" construction necessaqy to
make such installation, vas seconded by Danens and carried,
I-Sessrs. Haverly ad Rdlquist requested approval of Final Plat of llConcord Grove
stipulations have noir been met. '
Woncord Grove Lddition.11 liotion seconded by Danens and carried,
Petitj-on for Vatch Out for Children11 ,and for 1tSlor.r" signs on M.5&h Street at
approximately Halifax Avenue vas read, and by moti6n Bredesen, seconded by Dmens
and carried, ~ms referred to Fublic Safetg CoWttee and Captain or" Police vith
power to act.
Petition for Oiling 03 T.T,5&h Street betmen France ana Broohierr kvenues Upon
compl&ion of pading and gravelling project ;ras rsad, Bredwen's notion, that petition be accepted and Public Hearing be tentatively set for I.lon&y, July 27,
1953, was seconded by Bak and carried.
OZfice reported several telephoned anonylilous complaints that such
No formal action taken,
C n
I I&. Xtchell recomiended approval, stating that all Planning Ca&ssion1 s
Bredesen mqved for approval of Fin2.l Plat of
c- 3 -I
, :* ' '\
1 -4 5 Petition for Oiling 02 Xerxes Avenue between 8.54th and ?To56th Streets was filed,
7 Bredesents motion, tbt petigion be accepted and Public Heahg be tentatively
scheduled ~02 &ndaT, Jay 27, 1953, W,S seconded by BWk ad c~UTied*
'1 *
172 6/22/53 'fks. Virginia Beard appeared to ask for rebate for Grading and Gravelling
Assessment for Fairfax livenue between W.59th Street and T&n=kround. She stated that this assessment does not benefit her lot because the grading goes
only to the South end of it, leaving the lot inaccessible. ibImager Zi.tcheU explained thzt the grading has now been done, 'abutting Ilks. Bead's lot; th&,
in effect, she has simply been paying for this work in advance. Petition for abateraen-ti was declined, by comon consent of Council.
Fetition, filed after June 1, for IJatermain in Virginia IWe. between Valley
Viet7 Xoad and ?!.62nd Street; Virginia Lane between Virginia and Concord Aves.,
and Vallex View Rd. between Concord and Parnell Aves.
mitten recommendation of June 23, asking Council.. to deviate from its June 1
petition deadline in this instance, for the purpose of securing a 12" main
in Valley View Road, was reviewed by Council.
prelkrfinary plans, reporting that this is a feasible project, and giV;,ng his
Estimate of Cost as $12,955.68. Bredesen offered the follov&ng Resolution and
moved its adoption:
Nanager ?.lit chellf s
Xanager Nitchell presented
BE IT XWOLm by the Council of the Village of Edha as follovs:
1, The Tillage Engineer, having subn8tted to this Council a preliminary
report as to %he feasibility of the proposed IJatermxLn kprovement dekcx5bed
in the fom of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost
of such improvemeiit, said report is .hereby approved and directed to bB placed
on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
This Council shall meet at the Village Hall on &Ionday, July 13, 1953,
at 7:30 EST., to consider in public hearing the vlews of dl persons interested
in sxid proposed improvement.
The Clerk- is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of a time,
place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper
once a week for turn successive weeks, the second of said publications to be
not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in
substantially the following form:
The Zdine Village Council .r&ll meet at the Village Hall, EIonday, July 13, 1953,
at 7:30 POIIT., to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constmcted
under the authority granted by Ninnesota Lmrs qf 1953, Chapter 398.
appro&ximte cost of such improvement is estimated by the Village Zngineer to be $12,955.68:
Construction of 12" Tillage IJate-main v&ension and
Appurtenances in Valley Viqw Road between Concord
and ParneU Avenues.
Construction of 611 Village 'C.JB;termain Xxbension and
Appurtenances in Yirginia Avenue bet'ween Valley
View Road and 8.62nd St . , , and in Vir&ia Lane
between Virginia Ave. and 'Concord Ave.
The area proposed to,be assessed for the cost of said hprovement includes
all lots and tracf;s of land fronting and abutting upon the streets proposed
to be improved.
1. -
EVALTl C, Bm, Village Clerk
Village of Edina
I.lotion for adoption of Resolution urns seconded by- Bank, and on"Rollc&Ll Lizere
were four ayes-and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye;"Bank, aye;
and Child, aye; and the kesolution was adopted.
Uayor Pro Tem Chhd informed the Council that the Stow well has now been
completed. Village Attorney ifindhorst asked Council to ge,t clear title from
the S~OPJ Company for the p-ropq%y on which this well is located; and l&nager
IEtchell was asked to consult with Attorney Hosmer Brown about this mtter,
Village :lt'corney Vindhorst reveiwed for the Council the Attorney General's
opinion that Developers cannot be charged a fee for V2llage Planning work.
Bank's rno%ion, that Pillage Xanager be requested to write the League of
I-iinnesota 'iiunicipzlities, setting forth Council! s thoughts in %his matter
and rey-es-bing %hat they set proceedings in motion to make such charges
possible, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Rrs. Nan A. Niller's offer to grant to the Village a 3O-foo% easement for
Tfoodclale Avenue ri.ght-of-way providing she wi 1 h
feet for the cost of grading and gravelling ? &&h?&&e &%% lmgbh. Bredesen's motion, authorizing the Village danager to inform Res. XLLler
that her property will be assessed for only 200 assessable feet, rather thm
1 for 926.1 feet, for the cost of grading and gravelling of Yooddale Jlvenue, ( in return for grant of 3O-foot easement along 326.1 feet for Vooddale ikvenue
\right-of-way, vas seconded by Bank and carried.
aqs s ed for only 200 froab
KUage Attorney 1Jindhorst reported khat the mtter of refunding for overages
in Spacial Assessments Fmds is now a most dif1icul.t one, because the present
law does nqt state, definitely, to whom such refund shall be made if property
has changed hmds *during assessment period.
to 1.Ennesota StxLutes 19159, Section 435.04, vhich would peulmi-t any ,excess
collections under past mii future special assessment proceedings to be credited
to the General Funds of the Village, rather than refunded to the property o~ri~ers
costs of refunbents are excessive as compared to amounts-involved.
offered the following Resolution and moved :its adoption:
He presented a proposed lmendneat
It was -pointed out -Lht the mount involved is usually small; that
"ther? are serious doubts as to persons properly entitled to zefinds; and that
Bank then
1, That this Council request the League-of p14izmesota Ihnicipdities to
recommend to the 1955 Session of the f3nnesota kgislature that the Statutes
be anended to permit any excess collections under past md future spkcial.
assessment proceedings to be credited to the Genera Fund of the 'I.iunicipality
rather than refunded to properby owners assessedo
2, That the Clerk be authorized and directed to send a copy of $his
resolution to the Lease of iXnnesota 1lunicipdities.
3, That %he Yillage iCbtorney be directed to cooperate rd%h the League
of l.rinnesota I.;unicipdities,
with other municipalities, in attajning ach
Eo'cion for zdoption of the Resolution was seconded bjr Bredesen, d on Rollcall
there were four ares and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aTe;
Bank, aye; and Child, aye; and the
Ikyor Pro Tem
Summons and Conplaint, filed by Albert 0. Bergstrom in amunt of (;26,000, in
connection xLth the accident to the First Aid Truck, was referred to insurance
underwriters, Hzrdvrare i~utu&Ls of Stepens Pobt, ?-Tis consin, by mot$.on Bredesen,
secondedby Eknk and carried,
Summons and Coqolain-L, in connection with $675000 suit filed by Gzorge Eggleston,
for alleged dmages to property on Kellogg Avenue, vas referred30 ?Tillage
AViorney Tbdhorst, by motion Bank, seconded by Danens and carried.
Report was mde of request for lb5.lt.r~ Express Service into Edina,
was had on this mtter.
&press Cornpany, requesting service, -.was seconded by Bank and carried,
Council read request by attorneys for Peter S. Hanson, 5117 IL70th Street
for pernit for li&t commercial work on his farm property,
that pernit be exbended teqmrarily, ins secondeZc by Danens and carried.
Petition was filed with Council for the Blacktopping of SL,Johns Avenue between
". +- IJ.59th and '~.f,bOth Streets. Inasmuch as this petition had been received after
Jyne 1, Bredesen moved that petition be accepted but that Public Bearing on szne
be deferred until 1954, Uotion seconded by Bank and carried.
Bredesen's motion, that letter be mitten to Tkilvray
Bredesen's motion,
I-Imager I-Xtchell presented a detailed report on the costs of the proposed
renodeling of the l.hnicipal Liquor Store, asking Council's policy on having
all or ,wrt of this rrork performed at %he present the, Bredesenrs motion,
that Sign and Canopy work be done, and that Village Engineer be authorized
to secure bids for sme, vas seconded by Sank and carr2edo
.l%nager IEtchellts report, that there seems to be a tree disease pevaJ-ent in
-the Countr;7 Club at present time; that Professor Phillips of the University
vrill lnalre preljminary study of samefor cost of $100, vas discussed by Council,
Bank's motioii, that survey of tree diseese be authorized, was seconded by
Bredesen and carried,
I&?, Bredesen once again brqught the matter of tree trimming before the Council,
and vas inforiaed by lLk. lZtche11 that the .t;vm new Park Board enployees trill be
able to do the nost urgent part of this r;ork this coming winter.
The mtter of zpprovd of the Southdale I-Saster Plan T~S brought be3ore the
Council by iknager iZtCheXL, who recommended referral tb 13h-g Codssion
for forml action,
referring. Kaster Plan for Southdale to Planning Conmission for recommendation,
ws seconded by Bank and carriedo
- Bredesen's motion, accepbing Ikmzger* s recoAmendation and
6/22/53 273 The Edina Youth Commission's letter of June 18, ernbodying four requests to
%he Cou-ncil, was read and discussed at some length. Bction on these requests is recorded below:
1. Bredesenls motion, authorizing the Edina Youth Com@ssios to invite the Youth Conservation Commission of the State to make a survey and
evaluate community resources available to youth in Edina, at no
expense to the Village, and to invite the Village of Norningside to
join in request for survey, was second-ed by Bank and carried.
Bank's motion, that Edina Youth Commission be granted mthority to
c&l and convene a delegate assembly, in accordance vkth Coniissionls
request, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Bredesen's motion, that Council consider the objectives of the Edina
Youth Commission to be as follows, was seconded by Danens and carried:'
a. To act as a research and fact find'ing body.
bm To coordinate and correlate the existing facilities and youth -
activities in the community'insofar as there is no conflict with .
Park Board ad School Board.
B. To im'plement the recommendations and ideas subm2tted to it by
ttie organiiations, public and private, in our cominuni-ty.
Bredesenls motion, that Youth Co&ssion be infomed that Council cannot
disturb its regular stenographi'c services for this purposes, and that
such services are available to the Commission be outlined, was seconded
by Bank and carried.
ivlr. Xitchell's report of the State Highway Department's Itspeed" survey on
Norinandale Road (which report, he stated, will undoubtedly prove to the Depart-
ment that it is justified in retain'mg the present 5O-IPH ljmit on Nomandale)
was read, discussed, and ordered placed on file.
The mtter of subdivision of properties in %he Village was again discussed,
relative to the possibili-by of adopting a Zoning Ordinance frmendmenk permitting
such subdivision of platted property, after public hearing, bupI without platting.
Xanager .IEtchell went on record as recommending the present procedure of
requiring plats for all property subdivisions be con-binued. Bank mo.ved that
Council re-affirm its position following the correktly accepted procedure &I
subdividing land only by platting. Notion seconded by Bredeser and carried.
The matter of the Police Department's request for payment for tine spent in
Court was re-referred to the Public .Safety C0d-b-bee, for definite recommendation
at Heeting of July 13.
11-mager i-Ii"chell recommended that Petition for Storm Sewer for Southdale be
tabled for the present, and Bredesen so moved. Notion seconded by Bank and
Ihager lE&hell presented preliminary plans, and gave an %stimate of Cost in
unoun-b of :,;153,973.00 for the proposed Trunk Sewer to- be constructed from
Valley View Zoad and 69th Street southerly to connect with the Richfield
interceptor at 75th and Xerxes; %his sewer to serve, first, the Southdale
area, but eventually the entire Village. Bk. EEtchell reported that this
project is feasible, and. asked that Council schedule Public Hearing for July 33,
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
. carried. I. --
BE IT FdSOLmD by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows:
1. The Village Zngineer, having subm%bed to this Council. a preliminary
report as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitmy Sewer kprovement described
in the form of Hotice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of
such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file
in the office of the Village Clerk.
This Council shall meet at the Village Hall on lionday, July 13, 1953,
at 7:30 P.IL, to mnsider fh public hearing the views of all persons interested
in said proposed improvement. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time,
place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once
a treek for two successive weeks, the second of saZd publications to be not less
than -i;hree days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially
the following form:
The Mina Village Council will meet .at the Village Hall, Nonday, July 13, 1953, -
at D3O P.X., to mnsider the follodng proposed bpmement, to be constructed
under -the authority granted by Nhnesota GVJS of 1953, Chapter 398.
mate cost of such rimy?rovement'is estirriated by the Village Engineer to be $153,973 . 00 :
The approxi-
174 6/22/53 Construction of &I1 and 33" SaniQmy Trunk Sewer, 'to be laid fron Valley ' View €toad and 69th Street, southerly on Valley View Road across 70th St., ' southeasterly to 72nd St. exbended; the easterly and southerly to 73rd St. and
%ast to Xerxes Ave,; the South to 75th St. and connecting to 33" Richfield
Tm Sever to i.ii.naeapolis .
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said jmprova-aie% includes the
I. Southdale Shopping Center--A squme plot, consisting of approximitelg 99 acres gross, bunded on the north by 66th Street, East by York Avenue,
South b3 69th Street, and Vest b? France Imenue,
2. Southdale Besidentiijl and CormnerciaZ:
The 51/2 of the ICG1/4 and all of the SBl/& of Sec. 30, T.28, R.24,
bounded on the Xorth by 64th St., East by France he., South by 70th
St. and Vest by the Tf-S centerline of Seekion 30; approxha%ely 2-40 8,
70th St., and ?Test by France &er, approd.li3nately 38 A.
Borth to 66th St., 'Vest approlrimately 160 Ft., North to 66th St.,
Vest to York Ave., South to 70th St., Xast to Xerxes ?me, , thg
point of beginning; appro-tely 19 A.
\ €3.
Area bounded on the North by 69th St., East by York liire., South by
Area comencing at intersection of Xerxes five. and 70th St.; tho -
I il-s" EVJI;D C. BfiJK, Village Clerk
Village of Edina
Xotion for adoption of Resolution vas seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nap, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danerrs, aye; Bmk, aye;'
and Child, aye; and -the Resolution was adoptedo
1.3. Ri.tchell's ne& reporb was on proposed Uatemin Construction for Southdale
and a considercible additional district. He presented his prelwxy plans, and
an Estimate of Cost of ;;U4,191.00; stating that this is a feasible pmject, and
asking that Fublic Hezring be set for Uondzy, 'July 130
f ollovEng Resolution and moved i-hs adoption:
€53 IT IBOLVi3D by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows:
report as to the feasibility of %he proposed Xatemain bprovment described in
the form of Uotice of Eearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of
sucg iuprovement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on
file in the office of the Village Clerk.
at 7:30 P.I.;., to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested
in sa5d proposed hprovment.
place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper
once a week for tro successive weeks,-the second of said publications to be
not less than three-dqs from date of said raeeting, which notice shall be in
substantially the SollowCng form:
Bank then offered the
1. The Vmage Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary
2. This Council shall meet at the WLlage Hal1 on Xondqy, July 13, 1953,
. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the tine,
The Gdina Village Council trill meet at the Village Hall, Konday, July 13, 1953,
at 7:30 F.IT., to consider the folloT5ng proposed hprovment, to be constructed
under the authority granted by I.;innesota Lars of 1953, Chapter 398.
appro25mt.e cost of such improvaent is estimated by the Village Engineer to be
Construction of 12" watermain from Valley View Road and Ashcroft Avenue,
in existing Valley Viar-Road and Valley View Road exbended Southerly, to 6&h
St., tho Lo Prance Avenue, mcl South on France ilvenue to 70th St.
The area proposed to be-assessed for the above naned impmvement includes all
lots and "i;racts of land rrithin the folloxhg described boundaries:
YBeginning at intersection of lJo66th Street md Xerxes Avenue; -tho South on Xerxees Avenue to '2.7Obh St. exbended East; th. Vest on fL7Oth 5-b. &ended and
TT,70th St. to East boundzq line of Creston Hills Addition; %ha lror-bh dong said
Xast boundary line ad bmndwj line exzended ITorth, 'GO TT.64th Street edended;
th. 77. on ?I06&th St, exbended, to Concord Ave.; th. krth on Concord :he. to g16&d SG.; th. %gst to ;j,s.hcroft Avenue wrt;ended; th. Eorth on Ashcroft Avenue
elicended, -t;o Vaey Vjq Rd,; the Southeasterly on Va&ey View Road *bo inter-
section op OdaaVn 1Lvmue ad 11.62nd %.; th. %asterly on W062nd St. L-0 &ace-
dde live.; th. South on Peacedale J.ve0 to rJ.64th St.; tho Xast on V064th St. to -ace fivenue; %ha South on France Ave. 50 V.66th Sk.; the Xast on V066th
St. to Xerxes Avsnue, the point or" XVXJl C, %I& Village Clerk
195 6/22/53 %YkiiOn for adoption Of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on ~~nca
there re four ayes ad no nays, as follows:
Bank, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye;
'? 14"ianager >Etchell then -presented amended plans for the 1160Va Street area Stom
SeVW", which pbns add to the original construction, and also to the proposed
assessment area, by serving property to the South of that area originally set
forth by- Council resolution adopted Nay 25. Mr. 3EtcheLlrs Estimate of Cost on
construction, including addit ion& construction, was $106,637.00 . this new plan as feasible, and suggested %hat Hearing be scheduled on July 13.
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its,adoption:
BE IT ItESOLiD by the Council of .the Village of EGna as follows:
1, The WLlage Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary -
report as to the feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer &proveanent descxibed Ln
the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of
such *provemen%, said report is hereby %proved and directed to be placed on
file in the office of the Village Clerk.
This Council ghd1 meet at the Village Hall on Nonday, July 13, 1953,. ai; 7:30 P.IIz., to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested- in
said proposed improvement.
-3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the %we, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once
a week for two successive weeks, the second of said publiczbions to be not lesa
than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially
the followjng form:
He reqmmended
The Edina Village Council ~ci.ll meet-at t&~Village Hall, IJondZy, July 13, 1953,
at 7:30 P.II., to consider the following proposed bprovement, to be constmcted
under the authority granted by Ninnesota Lars of 1953, Chapter 398,
mate cost of such improvement is estimated by the Village Engineer to be $106,637.00.
The appkos-
Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances commencing at the
intersection of the East-Vest and- North-South Uleys between Abbot% and
Zenith Avenues and Horth of W.60th Stree3; th. tlesterly to &bot% he.;
tho South to 1~60th Street; th. West to Chowen .!he.; th. South on Chowen
to 't.vr06&it St., and North on Chowen Ave. from TrJ.62nd St. to f;T06Zst 3°C;
th. TJest on W.61st St. to Edng be.; th. contihued Vesterly across
easkment to Frznce ilve.; th. south on prance Ave. to a point 480 F%.
North of w.62nd St.; the Tlesterly on easement 713.34 Feet, to lake.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all
lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries:
"Beginning at point 200 Feet North of Section Corners 19,20,29 & 30, France Ave.
and 11.6@d St.; th. Easterly 300 feet to Vest line of Ewing he. 'exkended; Lh.
Sou'cherly on Exhg Ave. extended, to V.63gd Xt.; th. Easterly to point 160 fee%
Vest QT Chowen Ave. extended; th. Ifortherlyto w.62nd St. extended; tho Easterly
to point 100 feet ITest of Beard kve, ext-ended; th. Eortherl-3 500 feet; tho
Easterly 600 feet, more or less, to center of alley line edcended, between
AbboLt and Zenith Avenues; tho Northerly along said exbended alley through
centerline of Lot 12, Block-6, Harriet i4anor 2nd Addtion; th. Easterly 75'Feet;
th. Northerly through lots 9 to 1, Block 6, Harriet Hanor 2nd Addition, to
centerline of STe59th St.; th. Tlesterly on centerline of W.59th St. -bo a point
60 feet Yest of West line of libbott Ave.; th. South and parallel to Abbott Ave.
to point on North line of Lot 8, Block 5, Harriet Xanor 2nd Lddition; tho Irest
to Ibrthwest corner of Lot- 8; th. South -hs Zast-!.Test Uley between Abbot% =and
Beard Avenues; th. Uestcrly along said alley to center of Beard Aveiue; thO
IJorth 50 feet; th. Uesterly LOO feet; th. Northerly on line 100 feet Irest of
and pardlel to centerline of Beard live. to center of W.58th St.; -the Yesterly
to centerline of Chowen Ave.; th. Southerly to point opgosite South line of
ZOt 29, Luditor's Subdivision 312; th. STesterly to Southwest corner of Lot 29;
th. Southerly to Southeast corner of Lot 24, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312;
JGh. I-Testerly 58 feet; th, Southerly, IO0 feet Eas'c of and pwd-lel to centerline
of Drevr J-ve., 'to jouth line of Lot 19, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312; th.
Westerly to Sou'th-west corner of. Lot 42, auditor:'^ Subdivision No; 312; the Southerly through center of lots. to a point in Lot 47, i~uditorrs SubK 7 vision
Ifo. 312 easterly of Eortheast corner of Lot 49;-th. Westerly on Ttorth &&ne of
Lot 49 to centerline of France dve.; th.-Southerly parallel to centerline of
Fface ilve., to a point in Lot 48, Auditrhrts Subdivision No. 312 60 feet North
of centerliie of ~~~60th Street; th. Vesterly Lo centerline of France Zive.; the tJesterly done; r$oqth line to Northwes% comer Of Jht 11, Block 4, Eoran's IXLLJla
l.$aor; tho Southerly and 100 fee% Vest of and paIdlelt0 m?nterkiXE- Of pE~~2ce Ave. to a point 200 feet Borth of W.62nd St*; tho 130 feet ZasterlY Point Of
m-4~ C, BAHK, Village Clerk
Village of Cdina
Xotion for adoption of Besolution ms seconded by Danens, and on BoUcaU there r.;ere
Child, we; and the Eesolution vas adopted.
r' four ayes and no nap, as In0llo-cc.s: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Bank, qre; iind . 1
JIqyor Pro Tern
lans and read as his Estinate of Cost,
e intersection or" Bead Avenue md E055th
for some 200 feet, more or less. He explained that these plans had been drafted on the recamendation 03 the Public
Yorks Comiktee, rhich rsconmends that Public Hearing on this proposed project be
scheduled as soon as possible.
FG IT EZiSO- by the Council of the Village of Edina as f611ovrs:
The Village Rtgineer, having submitted to the Council a prelhimry rep&
as to Vne feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer hprovment described in the Fom
of Xotice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the esthated cost of such 5nprove
ment, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office
of the Village Clerk.
Bank offered the following Resolution and noved its
I 1.
This- Council shall meet at the Village Hal on Ilondzy, July 13, 1953, ~ a%
The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time,
.I.:., to consider in public hearing the views of d-1 persons interested- in
f.30 place ad purpose of said meeting to be published in the official. newspaper once a
week Tor tm successive weeks, the second of said publications to be not less than
three dws from date or" said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the
€ollor.ring form: .
The Edfcna Vi3.lage Council T&U neet E& the Village Hall, Eonday, JULY 13, 1953, at
7:30 PJi., to consider the followiag proposed bproment, to be constructed under
the authorit7 granted by 15.nnssota Laws of 1953,-Chapter 3980 The approxtmte cost
bf Such" hprovaent is estinated by the Village Engineer to be $2,046.00:
Construction of Village Stom Sewer and Jppurbenances at the lhtersection
of Beard .&venue and X55th Street, and th. North on Beard Lvenue for a
distkce of 200 feet, more or less.
The mea proposed to be assessed for the above named improvement .includes dL lots
V3eginning at a point t30 feet Xorth of the intersection or" TJe56th Street and Bead
he.; th. East to tsle East ling of Lot 10, Block 4, Vhite- &vestment Coapnyts
%d&n Valley; th. Uorth to IJortheast corner of' said Lot 10; ZGh. East to Southeast
corner' of Lot 7, Bloclr 4, Uhite Investment Company's Hidden Valley; th. ltorth dong
East line of said Lot 7 to its Northeast corner; tho North across T7.55th St. on
centerline of Lot 7, Block 3, TThite Investment Coqmyts Hidden Vdley to a point 40 fee% North of the South Line of said I& 7, Block 3; th. Vest to the. East line of
Lot 9, Block 3, :.fni.e;e bvestnmt Cofipany!~ Hidden Vdley; th, -1Jol.t;h to point 60
feet fron Sou%& lot line, saLd Lot 9; th, TJest to Irest line of Lot 10, Block 3,
:&ite hveStment Conpany* s Hidden Vd-ley; %k=-~e~k-~e-~e~~-6~-~ee~-~~~~-~e~~~
&&-tian th. Southwesterly across Beard Ave. to center of kt 1, Block 2, Edina
Hills; tho Tfesterly 50 feet; th. Southerly to South line of Lot 2, said Block 2;
tho East to Beard ILvenue and South to point of beginning.
I.:o'cio6 for adoption 03 Resolution vas seconded by Dahms, and on Rollcall there were four =ryes id no nays, as Pollotrs: Bredesen, aye; Danens, ayL; Banl:, we; ad Chad,
a~3 tracts of land i~ithin the following described boundaries: .-
mzIs C. B.i%X, Tinage Cle13:
Village of Edim -
I.Iaydr Pro Ta
3 VilGge Clerk
4 - L-, The ne>& Stora'Semr kprovenenc proposed by Village Ihnager IZtchell, in accordapce
with recomenda%ionsp by Milic Vorks Cokttee, was that beginning at intersection or"
Zenith A..J.exue and ?1,55th Street, and thence IIJorth in Zenith Avenue a distance of soas
300 feet.
mount of $3,?09.00. Danens offered the follotring Resolution ad noved its adoption:
E?, IT 23Z%LVED by the Council of the Village of %dim as follows:
-io the feasibilit.;. of -W p$opsed Storm Serrer hpmvment described in the Form of
ilotice or" Bearing set forth below, and CIS to the estimate cost of such jmsrovment,
sed report is hereby approved =rlld directed to be placed on Eile in the office of
the Pillzge Clerk.
iJr0 EitcheJl presented his plans, and read as his Esthte of Cost, the
I. The Village &@mer, having submitted to the Council a.piielhin&"y repod as
at 7:TO
in said
177 6/22/53 This Council shall meet at the Village Hall on IZonbqy, July 1.3, 1953,
P.X., to consider in public hearing the views 02 dl persons interested
proposed improvements. 1
-The Clerk is hereby athorieed and directed to cause notice of the the,
place and purpose of said meeting to be pub1ished.b the of2ici2L newspaper once
a week, for two successive weeks, the second of said publications to be not less
thn three dws from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially
the follor.~g form: 1
The Edina Vilhge Council 7/sill meet ab the Village Hall, IIonday, JULY 13, 1953,
at 7:30 P.iJ., to consider the following -proposed impmveinent, to be mnstructed
under the athority granted by iZinneso-ba Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The apprkd- mte cost of such improvement is estimated by the Village Engineer to be $3,309.00: - Constwction of Village Storm Sewer and Lppurtenances at the intersection
of Zenith Avenue and W.55th Street, and th. North in Zenith &venue a distance of 300 feet, more or less.
The area proposed to be assessed €or the above named improvement includes all
lots-and tracts of land within the following described boundzrihs:
glBegiYming at a point 60 feet Nor-bh of the centerline of TI.57th Street on the
Zast line of Zenith Ave.; th, East to a point in the approximate center of Lot 3, Block 4, Brookline Addition; th. North through center of.lots to North line
of Lot 12, Block 2, Harriet Lawn Addition, and continuing North, 30 feet Xast.
of Vest line of hts 16 through 27, but onitting hts 23 and 24, Block 3,
Seeley's PiTst Lddition to Hawbhorne Park; th. Vesterly across Zenith Ave. to
TJ. line of Zenith Ave.; th. Southerly-to a point 60 feet North of South line of
Lot I, Block 3, White Investment Conpanyts Hidden Valley; th. Ves'cerly -i;O Test
line 02 said lot; th. Southerly to a point 40 feet North of Southeast corner
of Lot 2, said Block 3; th. VesLerly, parale1 to W.55'ch %.,*to centerline of
Lot 7, said Block 3; th. South across-TT.55th St, -bo Southwest comer of lot 6,
Elock 4, Thite Investment Companyfs Hidden VaUey; th. East to Southeast
comer of ,ht 4, said Block 4; th. South on a line between Lots 15 and 16, said
Block 4, to Y.56th St.; th. East to North-South 1Uey in Block 3, Harriet Lavm
Addition; th. South in said Alley to Southwest corner of Lot 2,, Block 5, €kook-
line Addition; th. East on South line of said Lot 2, to a-point 60 feet TIesP;
of East line; -the South, parallel to Zenith Avenue, to approdmately the
centerline of Lot 3, Block 5, Brookline Addition; th. Easterly to 'Nest line of
Zenith Avenue; th. Northeasterly -to point of beginning.
T.lotion for adoption of Besolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollc3;Ll there were four qyes and no nays, as follows:
E'VU C. BANK, Village Clerk
Village of .Edina
Bredesen, we; Danens, aye; Bmk, we;
%. .A -.- Ifwager iiitchell then talked with the Council about the advisability of taking
bids as soon as possible for proposed storm sewer work, in order that
construction, if approved, be done before frost. His plans and specificatiohs
for these projects were presenked for Council review; and he recopmded that
bids be taken July l3--the same ni&t as public hearings are scheduled ?or the
projects. Bank offered the followizng Resolution and moved its adoption:
l3E IT RESOLJED by the Tillage Council. of the Village or" Edina:
ments described irr the Form of Advertisement €or Bids set 2orth below, heretofore
prepared by the Vjllage Zngineer and now on,file in the office of the Village
1, The plans and specifications for the five proposed Storm Sewer linprove-
herk are hereb$&proved.
Courier and the Const-ruction Eblletin the follov&g notice for bids for the
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Xdina-Kornirigside
construction of said improvements:
The Xdina Tillage Council will meet Konday, July 13, 1953, at 7:30 P.i-I., at the
Xdina Village Ilall, &Sol W.5Oth St. ,. ad will at said time and place open and
consider sealed bids for the following:
Construction of Village Storm Selier and :lppurtenances at the inter-
section of Zenith Lvenue and U.55-Gh Street, and the North on Zenith Avenue a
distance of 300 feet, bore orless. Cqnstmicbion of Village Stom Sewer and Appurtenances at the inter-
section of Beard ivenue and TJ.55th Street, ad th. North in Beard %Venue for
a distance of 200 feet, more or less.
6/22/53 - ' 3, Construckon of ?,Tillage Storm Sever and Lppurtenances as fplloxrs:
A, From a point at intersection of Grimes &me and €Ia%ifmc Lve.,
th. S2.y across Iialifax live. and through Lots 5 and 6, 3lock 2,
&rants Ceiina %nor, to QiUage-owned property.
From a point in Frmce ilve, East of South Lot Line of Lot 4,
Block &, Borm's Xrdina Iknor; tho 11. and ST across Lots 4 wrd' 5, 22 and, 23, Block r&, Boran*s Edina bnor, to Grimes Lve.;
tho IRlly in Gi-imes he. to Halifax he.; th. 3Jly in H&ifa=r
I've. -to South lot line or" Lot 6, Block 2, Eoran's Edina &mor;
tho 1x37 across Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Bora's Cdina.i&nor, to
Tillage-omed property,
Gons$i-uction of TUage Storn Sewer and iippurtenances conaenc&g
4, at the intersec-Lion of the Z:ast-::est and Xorth-South Ulep between A,bllott
and ZenLti? l'vsnues and 2Ior-i;n of Tr.bO%h St,; th. 'Ifesterly to Abbot-i; live.; th.
South to ~~060th St.; th, TI. to Chowen ;me,; -bh, Sout+ on Choven he. to
;f061st St.; and Uorth on Choven live. frop fl.62nd St, to 1r.61~t St.; tho
IJest on ?~.61st St. to Zvxing Ave,; tho continued Zesterly across easaent to
France Lve.; tli., South on Frmce he, to a point AS0 F'c. Uorth of tr,62nd St.;
th. Yesterly on easenent 713.34 fi. to ldie.
Construction of Village ;Stom Sever and Appwteqances comencing
st intersection of Ifindsor and :Cent Avenues; tho to Kent Ave. and ITm.ri.ck
Pl.; tho SouYaerly in Ifanrick Place to Ir.56th St,
Detailed plans and specificatLons r"or said projects are available at the
Ed.5.m Tillage Hall,
accorn;panied by bidder's bond or certified check in amount e-pal to at leas6
ten percent of bid, .
Bids rrrill not ba accepted unless sealed, identified gn envelope, and
. ZVXQ C. BABIE, Viliage Cleric
village of Edina 3* Each and dl of the terns of the foregoing advertiseaent for bids
Zre herebzr adopted as the terns and conditions of award of- the con3ract for
said 5mprovemen-b .:
Xotion for adop%ion of Eesolution was seconded by Dmens., and on Rollcall thsre
were four ares ad no nqrs, as follom: Eredesen, ,aye; Damns, azq Bmk, axe;
aye; and the Besolution xas adopted.
lhy05 Pro Ten
lhager Xtchell then ebbrated on the necessity of naking mjor rep&irs to
the outlet 02 the TJ.56th St.-Beard-Chown Storm Seirer, which has been found to
be washed out and broken for a considerable dikkahce.
plans and specifications be wepared for said construction, and that bids be
taken thereon at the earliest possible date, was seconded by Dmens and carried.
Ih. TEtchell*s pr&i-mhary plans, estimates of cost, and reports as to feasi-
bility of work, on several projects tentatively scheduled for public hearing
July 13, 1953, were reviewed by the CouncU and found to be satisfactory; with
Danens offering the following Resolution and moving its adoption:
Bank's notion, that
.- b
BE IT by the Council of the Village of Edina as ~ollovis:
1. The TTillage Engineer, havtng submLtted to the Council a prelininary
- report as to the feasiisility of the proposed Snpmvenents described in the Fom
of Eotice of" Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such
improvments, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file
in the office of the Village Clerk.
This Cow-cil shdl meet at the Village Halleon Xonday, July 13, 1953,
at 7:30 P.;.i., to consider in public hearing *he views of all psrsons interested
in s&d proposed improvemnts. The Clerk is hereby authorized ad directed to cause notice of the %be,
place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the offi'cial newspaper once
a vieel: for two successive veeks, the second of said publications to be not less
than three days from date of said meeting, which no5ice shdl be in substantially
f ELOPWrn Ilii?Rom"~~s
T& Xdina Village Council rill meet at the galage Hal, I-%ondW, July 13, 1953, at 7:30 P&, to consider the foUor;rin~ proposed bpmvamts, to be constructed
m&er tne authority gmnted-by Ifinnesota Law og 1953, Chpter 398. The approid-
mate cost of each inprovaent is estimated by the VUge Xngineer as set fodh
11 ,, %he following form:
41.fpurtenzncos in Yiol>sh St. frornTestbroolc Lane to Waraa Lae $2,54J-.13
1. Construction of Village sani'izrg Lateral Sever and
2. Construction of Village Vatemin zdension and %To COST
~~PP~ten~ceS W.49th St. from ‘IJestbrook
to Pukwma Lane
between W. 62nd and :L64th sts. $5, 034.96 Blacl.c”copping of V.6Otki St., from East line of
Abbott Avenue to Xerxes Avenue ~ $>,695,30
, $2,683.26 Grading and Gravelling of Hdifa Ave.
The 6ma proposed to be assessed for said impmvements includes &l lots and
tracts of land fronting and abutting upon the streets in Ifiich said bprove-
nents are proposed to be made.
%vh-f;D c. BfdaC, Village Clerk
Village of .Edina :Jotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows: and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Bredesen, qe; Danens, aye; Bank, aye;
1.b. Xitchelz*s plans and specifications for several Smii;ary‘ Set;rer md XJatemk
projects were viewed by Council; and Bredesen offered the follor.Sing Resolukion
and moved its adoption:
BX IT RE5iOLKXl by the Village Council or“ the Village of Edina:
The plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer Improvements Hos. 56 and 57, ad XxLermairi bprovements Nos. 59 and 60, heretofore prepared by the Village
Engheer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved.
2. The Clerk shdL cause to be published tuice in the %qa-Uornhgside
Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the
mnstnuckion of saLd improvements :
The 3dina Village Council irill meet I.Ionday, July 13, 1953, at 7:30TP.Di., ak the
Edina Village Rzll, 4S01 If.SC)th .$treet,-md will at said time and place open
and consider seded bids for the following:
&NERTISEBIT- FOB BIDS - smm :dm :rmaiz.ms
\ 1.
Constmction of Sani’cary Sever and Appurienances in Beard live,
between ‘I.J,60th and E.6lst Streets.
Constiwction of Village l[ztermah Meiision and Appurtenances -. / in Beard he. between Is’. 60th and W.61st Streets .
\ 3. Construction of Sanita-ry Sewer and Appurtenances to serve
1 Bommdzle Court . ? . 4. Constimc’cion of Village Yatermain Mension and Appurtenances
to serve Ilomandale Court.
Detsiled plans and specifications for said projects are available at the Edjna
Village I-€dl.
Bids x-rill not be accepted ‘unless sealed, identified on envelope,, and accompanied
by bidder’s bond or certified check in amount ecpd to at least ten percent of
The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
- BVALD C, BANK, Village Clerk
Village of Edina
3. hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of award of the contract for s&d
i-Sotion for adoption 6Q Besolution was seconded by Bank, and on T2ollcaZ1 there Ifere four ayes and no nays, as folloilrs:
Each 21d all of the terns of the foregoing advertiserizent for bids itre
Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Banlc, we;
aye; and the Resolution was
-. d
Y IIr. i4it chellf s plans and specifications for several Blacktopping pro jects were
reeetred, tJi.i;h consensus of opinion being that bids should be taken as soon as possi‘ole, to insure trork this year.
moved its adoption:
Danens offered the following Besolution and
FOR STm ZFROIGXEXXL‘S- iqOSdb24, 26,48,52, 54,58
The plas ahd specifications for Street Improvements NOS *;--24,26,489 52.3
54,58, heretofore prepared by he Village Ehgineer ad no17 on file in the office
& 1 ;ii tq’ 1~q’D pI”CTII\TG JXI~TISEZ\IT FOZ 2IDS
02 the Village Clerk- are hereby approved.
Cornier constpuction of said hiproveinen%:
The Cleric shall cause to be published tvdce in the Xdba-i*iornb@ide
the Const;inuction Bulletin the fo~otjing notice for bids for the
BUG13 OPPItJG The Edina TJillage Council iriU meet Konday, July 13, 1953, at 7:30 P.K., at the
Xdina '0illage Hdu, L&Ul TT05%h Street, and will at said time and place open and
consider sealed bids for Blacktopping the folJ.or.ring streets:
1. &&ng iivZnue between V.flth and ~~60th Streets, ~
2. Chowen Avenue betireen TI.%h and IT.6Oth Streets,
3. Tomes Eoad be-Ltreen :I.l&h and ';feLk9th Streets. 4. Yvonne Terrace between I-lighway Zgo. 100 and TJjrrkCk Place.
DetaiZid @XIS and speciTications for said projects axe available at the Edina
fTillage Hall.
Bids .t.rill not be accepted unless sealed, identified on envelope, and accoqanied
by bidder's bond or cerLiZied check in amount equal. to at leastten percent of bid.
The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids,
WNGD C. BAHK, Yillage Clerk
Village of Edina
Ilotion for zdoption of Besolution was seconded by Bank, and on Bollcall there irere
Tour ayes ad no nap, as follows:
Child, we; and the Eesolution was adopted, I Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Bank, we; and
I.Iayor Pro Tau
ic hearing tentatively scheduled for
in accordance with Ilamger IXtchellts
d Road, to Uonday, July 27. Bredesen's
Eeturning to the discussion of the prbposed 'W.bOth Street Stom Sewer'r project,
1k.- 13, chell reprted that negotiations for required drainage easements are at
a standstill.
appraisal on the property necessary forthe village to acquire for this project,
was seconded br Bredesen, ad carried.
3ankls notion, that Village Kanager be directed to secure an
I&m.ager liitchell1s report on the status of the sub-standard curb ad gutter on
Lskeview DriGe*uas dis cussed at sone lengbh. Bank's notion, %ha$ contractor be
ordered to replace sub-standard curb and gutter on Lakeview Drive, was seccmded
by Bredesen and- cariied,
I-hager IEtchell reported that he has ordered Ashmrth & Son Conpany to make
repairs to those mads ~k6..cln have broken up since congtruction of blackbop base
constructed last surmer; and to bring his wrlc up to Village specifications on
those pcojects i2iich have bad drainage.
IZtchell's action in ordering contractor to make xepairs, vas seconded by Bank (.
and carried.
lrvlager Etchell reported that new gavel pits and black dirt pits hay been
opened r.ri"nou% parait fron the Tillage Council. Eredesenfs notion, that V'age
Ihager be-directed to notify operators to discontinue gravel pit and blwk dirt,
operations until such the as the Council approves them.
Bank moved approval of Tiliage Payroll, mqunt $9,457.771, and Equor Store
Pa.Jroll., mount 355.32, for period June 1 to 25, inclusive, as reported in detail
on the Papoll Ledger; ad approd of the follov5.ng claims:
Bredesents motion, approving Ibager
t I F&D * CI,*&.2 i+FO. - TO: i3iOrnR - 9077 I&%in Podsnr Lssociates, Inc. *.j 42.00
Bobark Savory1 s Greenhouse 94.m 907s Piac FrnD
205.62 ;j 386.17 4-3075 9OCO 1301% Eursery
$082 Tom 2 Country Hdire,
P 9106 Bertelson Bras. w@ i:or'diern States Poxer Coo
3017 Village of Edira-Construction E'und
170 .OO
9590 56 4.40 33 68
I!:-0 . 24
29 . 60
9119 9125 9132 9133
9lG 9075 9079 95m 9081
9w 9115 9121
9123 913.4
9135 9137
9138 9140 9U1 9146
9063 9064 9065 9066
9067 9068
9069 9070 9071 9072 9073 9076 907s 9081.
90% 9037 9091. 9103 9104
91-05 9106
9107 9112 91x3 ' 9lU 9115 9117 9120 9122
9124 9125 9130
9147 9146
9087 9088
9089 9090 9092 9093 9094 9095
9096 9097 9096 9099 9100
9102 9101
Rorthwest Bell Telephone Go . $ 13.~535
Uorthern States Power Co. + 569.03
bergem on-Caswell - 3,609.14 (i5,84.4.S6
i.;riller-Davis Co . 61.75
George Tfalters 28 48 I JA'EE AWiiJL1-IIOT&
Ashworth & Sons 5,433.86 -
- J.B. Danens 6c Son, Inc. ~ 153.00 Glacier Sand 8C Gravel Go. 23.45
Xolts IJursery 1.50 H. A. nogers- Co. 23 01
Richards Oil. Go. 359.3-4 Ijlor'chwestem Bell Telephone Go e 13. $5 I3urroughs Adding Ikchine Co . 11.70
9Gnnehaha Gmnge 100.00 Phelps Drake Co. 23 , 076 U Orfei B Eh5auli 27 9 724.71
Ashworth & Son 2,588.96
I1 528.75
Bart -Carlone: 4,28;L, 67
Ear% Carlone - 6,611.0h. . COiEYZRUCTTOH FUND
Arleigh C. Smith 571 3-3 $81,509.91
I.l^inneapolis Lock & Key Supply Co. 5.75
Xfunicipal Yesr Book 10.00
Killer-Iiardvare Coo 3.45
IZinnesota Fire Ecpipnent Co. . 6.50
Delaney Bros; 36.00
J.A. Danens & Son, Inc. 11.25
A.R. l~illiams Fire Equipment Co. - 295.10
Berg 8C Farnhm 9.65
If 72-50
I' 11 r !! 365.50
Earl Sewdl . 139.41
Robert Savory! s Greenhouse U.25
Town et Count'jry Hdwe. 5.91
Tianner Co. - 5.03
Clancy Drugs, Inc. 2.22
1-i. J, Sodercpist 18.95
~ Shaw-?TaJ,ker Co. 24s 42
Eert elson Bros . I49 52
I! 11 . 11
It !! '! !! 85.00
H.S. Rogers Coo 75.68
Xarner Hdwe .- Co e 7.00
Review Publications 298.20
American Linen Supply Co. 6.00
' Republic Creosoking Co. 62.08 Richards Oil Co. 123 o 18
Northwestern Bell Telephone Go . ' 146.56
I'Sorthern Stztes Power Go 19158.74
Richard %. Olson. 25.20 1~5.00 TYi. P. Saeets
Ed. Zym, Sheriff of Hennepin Cy.
I.Tiller-Davi3 Co . 337 . 84
iillen Business IJachines Coo 1 495.00 -.
Xichard E. Somenberg 74.10
Einnesota Hospitd Service Assn. 7.55
8,628.92 CkIGR,XG FUID
336.25 326,71 . Ashworth & Sons
Arleigh C. Smith
iTanner Co. 10 . 6'7 ROC. Duncan COO 23-80
Boyer-Gilfillan - 17.24
Tiil1yrs Xnneqoolis, L~c. 30 90
Reinhard Bros. COO 34.65
3044 Y. E. Lahr Coo
3~. H.-Ziegler Coo
Paper Clilmensen 0 Coo 109.97 - 9.26
7.77 M. E. Toll coo
kef GPOS.
at ernationax Harvester CO 103 92
Firestone Stores 215-99
IIinneapolis Gas Company 58.55
u. 3. Supply co. 46.65
D. A. Lubricant COO, .lOO.lO
J*-o~j(~jG C&pE& Pm$il CJImNW C~S. Olson & Sons, kc~
9127 9128
herican r;in.en Supply Co.
Northwestern, Bsl1 Telephone Co .
Eobs Brookside Station
?Torthem S'c23es Power Co .
Suburban CheFolek Co.
ilorth Star Ilo-bor Co.
Dahlberg Eroa., kc.
d & TI co., Qlc. of Girxl.
J";'tnheuser hsch, Enc.
Bertelson Bros .
Clausen E: Sons, Inc.
J.R. Coa, Postmaster
Canada Drx Beverages
Co ca-Cola Eottling Company
Distillers Distributing Company
0.11. Droner Beverage Company
Zbin Brothers Conpany
Farnous Brands, Inc.
Gluek Bretring ~onpy
Gold Xedd Beverage Company
Kue'c'ner Distributing Company
KcXesson h Ebbins
ikchant Calixlator's, Lnc,
I-kssolt Bottling Company
,aineaFolis Brewing Company
Zmeapolis City Club Distr. Co.
Old Peoria Cmpny, Tnc.
Pabst Sales Conpany
Petty Cash .
Rex Distributing Cozpany
Shelly Distributing Company
Thomas Iioore. & Conpaw
Eopa Beverage Dis&-i&bing Company
Seven-Up i?otkling Coqany
l'erica Linen Supply Company
Griggs, Cooper G Gosipany
iad-7est :Tine Conpny, Inc.
ilor-iihern Stztes Fovrer Company
Xd. Pnillips & Sons Co.
kannesota I-Iospitd. Service iwm.
TJ~ Zjornson, Treas. (P=)
l=idland IM5onal Ea& of lipls.
7 -.
". 161.00 il15,553.39
?lotion for approml of payrolls and claims was seconded by Dmens and carried. ,
Xanager IZtchell reported repests by Bob Ludgate of the TWer Department,
Officer TTXLim TJ. I-Iofhan of the Police Depaytnent, and b7 tvo lzbrers, for
increases ia salary. Sredesen's moticm, that dl parties concerned be advised
that request +"or &ay increase is denied, dust to the desire on the part of the
Council to naintzin -YIe provisions or" the llPosition Classificationtr Ordinance,
vas seconded b~ Ea& and carriedo
Petition for %he oponhg of Brookxi& Avenue, a of tj&st StrGet, filed
by Xiss 5.3. Stenson, TBS reviemd, and tras referred'to the fiblic %rks
Codttee for jnvssti&ion and report, by notion Bmk, seconded by Eredesen
and carried.
Euilding Sup%. Yoelfiere requested Council Ackion to get 'road built
into bphouse at Soxb?nvievr Lane. He emlaked that no= be done to
inprove the yard un-bil--i;he i%ad is finisiled.
be amy of the omem 02 neighbo?5ng properbies, rec$dxing the soddins and
landscaping of this proprbya
be instructed to build. the requested road +mediately, was secpnded by Bancns
and carried.
$2. K3.t chell presented Tabulations of Assessment for several assesGItent rolls ".
as follows: sdtar;. SetIer &pmvenent No, 4.0 - In ~~~g and Drew Avenues between
if,69th and :r.61st Sts, - Total Assessable Cost, $5,361.62, for ca>2,92
par r2ssessabl.e Foot for Laterals, and :,ilL90 per Assessable Foot for
Corrnection to S&tary Sewer Improveaaent 190. 35, *for hts 1 thmu& 5,
Ne also presented petition, signed
Bredesen' s nabion, -til& Pu'uzic :lorIis Departnmt
-3 per iiss essable 2 oot , 3 A.6
183 6/22/53 3. Street kprovement 310 &-6 - Blackbopping bf Abbott Ave, between TJ. 56th
and Y.57Vn S-ts. - Total Assessable Cost, J2,374,61.; Cost per Assessable
Foot, $2.07,
Street bprovement No. E-8 - Curb &d Gutter in Yvonne Terrace from Hy,
100 to Varwick Place - Total Assessable Cost, $6,348.20; Cost per
AssessaEk Foot, C
3treet Improvment No. (3-16 - Grading and Gravelling of N-S Alley between
Yorlr and Zenith rives. and betiFeen TI.S&h md 31.59th Sts. - Total Assess-
able Cost - G3a.61; Cost per Asses.sable Foot, 2.30. 6. $tree% kprovaent ito. C-36 - Grading and Gravelling of Cancord he.
between tl,60th S-b, and Valley View Eoad. - Total Assessable Cost - (&,$32,01;
Cost per Assessable Foot - [;le51&,
i A,,
The above assessment rolls were reviewed by the Council, and Bredesen offered the
foUowing Resolution and moved its adoption:
mSoLmIa~1 PEovroIi~G PO3 SPFAXi&
EB IT F3JOLVXD by the Council of the Village of EdiG, as follows:
1, The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amount to be
specially assessed for SBTnJBY SEEB li-5IEOTG.EilTTS IXB. 40 w-d h6, pd for
STmJT liZi?OVZU3TS ETOS, A-6, EM, C-16 and C-36, against the respective Lots,
pieces and parcels of land within the district afzected by each-of said jmprove-
menbs, and said proposed assessinen'ss having been filed with the 'Clerk, the same
are hereby approved, and said Clerk shall keep the same on file in his office
and open to public inspection pending hearing thereon as hereirl provided,
form of notice hereinafter contained $0 pass upon said proposed assessments, and
the Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of
said meeting to be published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior to
saLd meeting, which notice sh&l.be in substantially the following form:
2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the
I\JOTICE IS FIERZBY GIVXN that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the
Village Hal1 on Ilionday, July 27, 1953, at 7:30 olclo& P.IL, to hear and pass
upon all ob jections, if( any, toc the proposed assessments for the following
.mprovements, which assessments are now on-file in the office of the Village
Clerk and open to public inspection:
1. Smita~ Sewer-Improvement No. 40 - Construction of Lateral Sanitary Sber
and Amurtenances in &inn and Drew Avenues between 1~60th and 3.61s.t Streets, I *1
2. Sanitary Sewsr Improvement No. 46 - Constkuction of Lateral Sanitary Sewsr and
Apmrtenances in Ealifax Avenue ffrom Existing &,nhole 75 Feet North of the
C&terline of W. 54th St, to W.54th' St , ; and
to &70 Ft, East Shereof, ' Street Improvement Iqo. A-6 - Blac'ktopping of Abllott Avenue between X.56th
and 3. 57th Streets. Street Improvement No. B-8 - Construction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter
in Yvonne Terrace from Hiahwas No, 100 to IfancLck Place.
'1.3; 54th St, from I3alifax bve.
&. .
5. Street Improvement No. c-i6 --Grading and Gravelling of that N-S Alley
between York and Zenith Avenues and between lf.5&h and lT,59th Streets. 6. Street Improvement No. C-36 - Grading and Gravelling of Concord Avenue
between rta.60th Street aYid'VaUey' Tipr Road,
The area proposed to be assessed for th'e cost of each of the foregoing ixiprove-
bents-consists of all the lots, pieces and parcels of land abutting said speci-
fied improvements. XVED C, BANK, Village-Clerk
Village of Xdina, l~lirn.
Iiotiion for adoption or" Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there
were four Eqes and no nays, as follows: Eredesen, aye; Dmens,-aye; Bank, aye;
e; and the Resolution
There being no further business to 'come before the Council at 'chis time,
Bredesen moved for adjournment.
adjoumed at 12:20 A.X.I., Tuesday, June 23.
Notion seconded by Bank and carried. SIeeLing