HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530707_ADJOURNEDXotion by 3redesen thzt con-bract for Street h-proveneiit ITo. C-44 be asrded to low bidder, Pfeiffer Construction Coo, zb price of 22,707.75, was seconded by 3mk and carried. 1.k. Zikm %hen presented bids opened this evening for various 3ani.C;~;~ Sewer and iTa,termain projects, which bids had nob yet been taisula-bed bu% were found -bo be as, fo1lor.r~: Barb Carlone Phelps-Drake Go . Peter Lm&iii Lmet-bi G Sons "AI* V. Terry O'Brien Const. Coo Childts motion, referring bids Lo Village Ezlgineer for %abdation and repor-b a% ne& sneeting ms seconded by Danens and carried, The how being late, with considerable business s-bill to come before the Council, Zank moved for adjournment until Tuesda.y, July 2S, immediately after 3oard of Review HeeLing. fzotion seconded by Bred c ,- - - Kli9bT&5 OF &lJOmaD POETION OF JULY 7TH B~~LW OF Pmm'l lmIiVG, IELD TUZSDAY3 JULY 28, 1953, AT 1 7:30 P,H., AT 3DDlA VIUIm &EL. iiembers of C&ncil conveni-ng as Board of Review were Danens, Bank, and Zrickson. Village Assessor Creiglton presented coapleted Books of Valuation, totd VeXua-Lion, %a1 ad Personal, being i$12,100,000; or an increase of $L,025,000 over last p(l.r.1~ vduztions. Inquiry vas mde by Council as to method of assessing gravel pits and &tripping j./ lands, ad Cou-ncil was infomed of procedure. There was no one present to presen'c my grievance on his valuation; and, after approved, 1 due review of books, Bank moved that Books of VaLuation for few 1953 be Irotion seconded by Danens and car2ied. r - There being no further business to come before the Board 0% Review, Danens moved for adjournment. i-lotion seconded by Bank and ca 8:15 P.X. i - C '. c