HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530707_REGULAR1/1/53 Pursuant to "Eotice of Eo&d of Review Keeting, published in Edina-Eorntngside Courier and posted on Official FAiLletin Boards Sin accordance 15th State Statu&?, the Wna Tillage Council me% Tuesday, July 7, 2.953 at 7:3O P.11., at the Village HrtJl $or *he ,purpose of -revieuing Village Assessor Creightonts. Books of VaLuation for the .Year 1953. CouncU mabers acting as Board 02 Review were Bredesen, , Damns, 3adc and Zrickson. Assessor Crei&ton explailed for revietr, un-hil Vne latter to July 28. - r- to the hard that his valuations v15.U not be rea* part of July, and asked for a continuance of Xeeting 1.2. Prmcis, o:mr of Lot 18, Block 2, Brookside Heights Addition, pras the onlr tapapr present; and he conplained that taxes are too hi.@ on this lot, 'ilsseszor Creighton eWained that he had not filed a homestead exemption ce&Wcate on this p~operty, Bredesents motion, thst Eoard of Review Iketing be continued to Tuesday, Jay 28, at 7:SO POCO, was seconded by Bank and carriedo c c- Clerk IE'HTXES OF THE SE3CIKL 1*mDIG!OF THE EDE~L VILL4GZ OOmJCsL, HEID TUBDAY, JULY 7, 1953 AT 8:3O.-P.Ii. AT TIiZ ED1tJ.A VUGE IIZL Pursuant to due call and notice, 'the Edina Village Council, convened in Special %ssion at the Village Hall at 8:3O Pol~io, Tuesday, July 7, 1953, intmediately after ad joument of Bard of Eevietr Ueeting, Ikmbers answering ftollcall were Brcdesen, Danens, Bad: ad Eickson. Chairnan of Fublic ?:orlcs ComnLttee Danens advocating award of bid to b'cermtfonal Harvester Co~ipany at their bid price 02 $3,921,54 plus l,$173e'70 for Special Equik- nent; this zrmrd to be mde in the interests of stan4adizing-Village notorized equiprtent and thus cut-iA~g I;lain'cenance costs. Bank's motion, that Council accept the rem-menda'cion or" the Public TTorks CommitLee for award of bid on truck to International Harvester Compmy even thouzh this is not lopr bid, in thec interests of standardization ol" notorized equipment; and that &he. office be autliofized to purchase a Full Cab Siield and Special Bo* (Heil) for said truck provifing -hh6 extra cost for both i%em is not nore than &?5,00, vas seconded by Dmem and carried, Assis'can-b Engineer Zikm eqiLained Xi?. COG, Thernellts request for _pernit to change the grade of Beard and Choxen Lvmues edended, by mkhg a fill, of sone sL.&een feet; tlds to ymit lots dong the s.l;reets'-to be served by Sanitaq Sexare Zihn infomed the Council that this tmuld change plans alreadx drafted, for -the propsed Storn Serrer-X.63th Seroet ;Ll?ea; and for Sdtary Sever and :fate& inprovu;lents. 5"rcdescn's notion, thzh 1.k. Thernell be notified that %he Council rill consider the pmpsed .grt3.de change proViCiing he eipesses tkllingess to p~iy for additiond. encheering costs made necessary by such change, rias seconded by B?anlr and carried. Public Safe-hy Co,dttee Chairman Bank reviewed recorrrilendations of the bornnittee, With regard to Police Departnent request for rehbursaaent for tine spen% in i.IUnicip& Court. Banl: then moved that Council accept recomendations of 'public Safety ComQttee adth~t Police Officers rho appear in Court be pzid d,OO per Court Session or one and one-half hours as conpensatory tiiie off, Xotion seconded by Bredesen ad carrfieda Bd then moved -t'nat Council. accept recoxendations of Public Safety Coimi*bee and zw?fiori.ze the Court, -to securz medical advice in certain cases as nw.dedo Xo'cion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Discussion T.~S had as to proposed method of assessing for the 2Sxhfield-2-a -mkerceptor Sewer . 'Bids taken Jane 22 Tor a Dump Truck trere reviewed at considerable lengbh, with 1' m0 I There being no further business to ame moved for adj~u-~en-i;, ;;&ion seconded by at 1O:QO P.1:. 4 Village Clerk I