HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530713_ADJOURNED7/20/53 195 Iill'?UMS OF THE ADJOUMTED PGII.,TI0j7 OF THE -113GULtiR I- r'T -UIG OF T!Ei VILLA M] COT;TCTL OF JULY 13, 1953,' MID NUDID , JULY 20, 1953 AT 7:30 P -X., AT THE EDINA VIMIG IALL: Nembers answering RolIcalI were Bredesen, Child; Danens, Bank and Erickson: The first matter on the agenda vras the Continuation of July 13th Public Hearing on proposed Storm Sewer to serve the IT.60th Street area. Manager_I- atchell e: plained change in plan, elindnatin the line in Chowen :avenue from 61:st to 62nd-and substituting a shorter line; which would bring cost to }92,3C0.00 as against 2,872,20G square feet, for 0-0322 per square foot. air. Baldvrl.ri Halloway, representing Catherine Cornelius, objected to running the proposed sewer across the Cornelius property because, he said, this would raise the water level in the Cornelius swemp. Tyr. John Mooty., 6013 Evring Avenue, presenting two petitions in opposition to the sewer because it is "a grossly excessive e:%penditure of funds widen considered in relation to the possible benefits that may be derived," supported the petitions from the floor, asking that Council defeat the proposal; that property owners cannot afford to carry this additional tax burden; I-Ianager I itchell e��rolained that 13.L60th Street must be drained; that a good road cannot be had unless a storm sevrer is constructed to drain it. Bredesen moved that project be postponed until further study is made, and that no further action 'be taken by Council until after another published Public Hearing has been held. Motion seconded by Child and carried. Pursuant to "Notice of Hearings on Special Assessments,It published June 18 and 25s 1953, in the Edina Morningside Courier, affidavit of which publication was read by Clerk and approved as to form, - iayor Erickson announced that Public Hearings -would be held, in the order set forth in said Notice. Said Hearings vrere held, and action taken, as recorded below: 1. a11MC IL I S72,'ER LT'ROVZUI3I1T Nor. ki - In Tovmes Road, from W.[s9th Street to 280 Feet North. •ianager Kitchell read,Total Lssessable Cost to be ",y1,463.00; Total Assessable Feet, 600; Cost per Assessable Foot, 52.3. There were no objections from the audience, and no written objections had been piled prior to the Hearing. (See Pages 196 -197 for aesolution approving). 2. 510.iT.W SZ.T6R tIP1.OV.Li.-.0 iIT NO. L2 - In 1,16oddale Lvenue from W. 60th St. to W.61st Street, and in Fairfax Avenue from.l- T.60th St. to 582 Ft. South, Iianager 11i.tchell read Total Assessable Cost to be X6,076.76; Total Assessable Feet, 1,197.24; Cost per Assessable Foot for Lateral., X2.54- -plus 6;,2:65 ^pear, Assessable Foot on 1,188.69 Assessable Feet, for Connection.to Trunk Sewer District No. B-1 -- making total assessable cost for trunk -and lateral %,)5.19 per assessable foot. There were no objections from the audience, and no Smitten objections had been filed prior to the Hearing (See Pages 196 -197 for Resolution approving) . 3. S 11ITtT,2' SMM :a2IL0V.utIEIU KO. ' 44 - In Chowen avenue from I•T.60th Street to 980 Feet North. Manager Mitchell read Total Assessable Cost to be 31,685.41; Total a ssessable Feet, 1,979.2; Cost per Assessable Foot, =;;12.36. There were no objections from the audience, and no vreitten objections had been filed prior to the Hearing (See Pages 196 -197 for Resolution, approving) . 4. S;,NI1 ; ,RY 3Z.M ELZ'ROV��i_,gT N0.17 - In Zenith avenue -from -I- 58th Street to 615 Feet South, ,and in 1:.59th Street between Abbott and Zenith .avenues. 1.1anager Mitchell read Total Assessable Cost to be '4,037.00; Total. Assessable Feet, 11,7.00; Cost_per assessable Foot for Lateral, x2.66; Cost.per Assessable Foot for Connection to Joint Sevier District_ No. 1, :',1.00- -total ;3.66. There were no objections to the assessment from the audience, and no vrritten objections had,been filed prior to Hearing. (See Pages 196 - 197 -for Resolution approving). Hovrever, 11r.:11phus Krause, 5800 Zenith, camplained that sewage backs up in his basement because, of a poor connecting of tare mains at W.58th Street. He asked that this matter be remedied, and r•Ir. 11itchell advised that Village would do whatever could be done, as a matter of maintenance. _5. ii:PcZVZ.IaTI' ITO. 41 - In Brookview Avenue between If.5kth and ;,.55th Streets. lianager Mitchell read Total assessable Cost to be 11 ,119.80, Total- assessable Feet, 1,020.30; Cost per Assessable Foot, ;4.03. There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had-been filed prior to Hearing. Deputy Clerk idden reported two objections filed,verbally just before the Iieari.ng, to the effect that assessment has not been levied in accordance vri.th statements made by Council at Public Hearing on Improvement. Child moved for Continuance of .Assessment Hearing on l-Tatertaain Improvement No. 41 until ilonday, august 10. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 6. , q. c , dit M EJ RQ1T.%t MIT NO. 42 - In Windsor livenue from Code to Hansen Rd, ,Manager Mitchell read Total Assessable Cost to be '1l ,026.64; Total Assessable Feet, including Lot iO, Block 2, Richmond Hills 2nd Lddn., 2,456.34, for Cost per Lasessable Foot to all lots having 137.5 front feet and less, J4.08 per assessable foot; and cost per 1ssessab1e Foot to all lots having more than 137.5 assessable feet, s?'3,5h., Tliere were no objections from the audience, and no written objections had been filed prior to Hearing) (See Pages 196 -197 for Resolution approving). 7/20/53 T,� *r:-.-�- -•'-°T - ,�-� 1�0. 43 - -In St.Jobns :avenue from TT.59th to 'u.60th s 7. ii,fa.�..11:LL- :.ii.�.�T. .�1�S.C.. L.%�:�r -, � `n �.S 'ice Street. 1:==ger Kitchell read Total :.-assessable Cost to be ;,:4,083.48; Total Assessable Feet, 1,197.64; Cost per ,assessable Foot, 1;,3.40. There were no objections from the floor, and no wri.t�en objections had been filed prior to Dearing. (See Page 197 for Resolution approving). 8. ZT LQ:�'.� TT NO. 4 5 -.-.In N. 56th Street from Code to Railroad Tracks; Kanager Kitchell read Total Assessable Cost to be t�5,097.06; Total Assessable Feet, 1,71,7.20; Cost per assessable Foot 03.37. There were no objections from the audience, and no smitten objections had been filed prior to Hearing. (See Page 197 for Resolution a.provi.ng). 9. UMI 1:iuF Ii1'i.Oz ui.1 UO. 46 - -In Zenith avenue betvleen 1'. 58th. and I.T. 59th Streets. Iaanager Ilitchell read Total x1ssessable Cost to be 34,512.72; of which %f4,213.33 is for Construction of Lateral, ^as against 1,193.56 Assessable Feet, for 33.52 per assessable Foot for Laterals;` plus x,;.25 per !Assessable Foot for Connection Charge to Iii_ckelsen ..aterm.ai np _ making total of 03.77 per Assessable Foot. Two objections from the floor, and no t•rritteri objections had been filed prior to Hearing. (See Page 197 for Resolution approving). 10. ?;lu MUMF J~ ::Q ;yiT i10. 47--In Chowen avenue between IT-59th and 60th Streets'-O- Ila ar ger IitchelI read Total .Assessable Cost to be x;:4,470.39; Total Assessable Feet, 11253.2; Cost per Assessable Foot, -3.31 for Construction of Lateral I•Tain, and ;,;.25 per Cissessable Foot for Connection Charge to Ia.ckelsen 7'aterma,in, ma'_.•dng total of =3.56 per assessable Foot. Ido objections from the audience, and no written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See Page I-To. 197 for Resolution approtr.ng). 11. 'MMULUT L i'Prl1�T, i :T 110. 52 - -In Chowen avenue f rom ::.60th Street to U.61st Street. I:.anager 1121:tchell read Total Assessable Cost to be 'D'2,438.74; Total Assessable Feet, 822.04; Cost per Assessable Foot, 32.96. Ido objections from the floor, and no smitten objections had been filed. (See Page I110. 197 for Resolution approving). t a 12. STRMT IIhMM, "IT 110. B- 9 - -Curb and Gutter in 2zring avenue between II.57th and .:.58th. Streets. ll xiuger Kitchell read Total Assessable Cost to be ;, ,,149.06 as against 1,800.96 lissessable Feet, for 4-3.45 per :ssessable Foot. c-:r. Blandon, 5733 ,;3i°rg .avenue, inquired as to the reason for this increase in cost over estimate., and -uas informed that catch basins had to be ,constru6*d in comiection. .pith this project; this baing unnecessary ih most curb anal g4ztter construction. There were no objections from the audience, and no zrj :tten objections had been filed prior, to the Hearing. (See Page iTo. 197 for Resolution approvang). 13. STRZ� d' 110. B- 12 - -Curb and Gutter in Dalrymple jivenue Between Southview Lane and Laieview Drive. Kanager Iitchell read Total assessable Cost to be 33,Q,62.06,. as against ,l,516.31 Assessable Feet, for 1,-2.61 per Zssessable Foot. ITo objections from the audience, and no viritten objections had been filed `prior to Hearing. (See Page H0.197 for Pesol'ution approving) . A 14. S X=-7 .T:Kc,3!r ; , ,T ITO. 8 -13- -Curb and .Gutter at 5601 Beard :i:,�enue So. I.0 ,ger 1: itchell read Total :Assessable Cost to be3 552.06; Total L issesssble feet, 178.38; Cost per lissessable Foot, 33.10. Ko objections from the audience, and no written objections had besn filed prior to Hearing. (See Page :To. 197 _for Resolution approving) . 15. STER= UO. 2- 24-- Grading and Gravellin -11-3 Alley between :zenith and ::biota ;xenuas and between T;.58ch and TT.5;'th Streets. 1:_=[•ger Kitchell read Total. Assessable Cost at :,,1,913.62; Total !.ssessable Feet, 1,193.76; Cost per lissessable Foot, <<1.60. Ilessrs. %Toe -,and Berg mul at 5,8M and 58'05 iibbott Avenue corplained that the a,1ley had not been "V' c" in accordance with promises; that hater now drains across Lllev into their back yards, depositing silt and dirt after every rain,. They asked:,for concrete gutter and retaining trall. 11%natger Kitchell e::plained that, such construction would be very expensive; that it might be possible, as a maintenance matter and ;,Ithout too much e :mense, to construct a blacktop gutter to accomplish the same result. Bank moved that the matter of drainage remedy be referred to the Public :Tones Committee. K'otion seconded by Child and carried. 16. ,l �T I a Vu X17' I:TO. C -26 - Grading and Gra�rel ling and Stabi Zi -z ed Base in 2dir_brook ,Addition and I.estbrook Lane. %;onager '121tchell read Total, Assessable Cost at :_:11,338.49, as against 3,228.63 assessable Feet, for , ?3.51 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the audience, and no written objections had been filed :prior to the Hearing. (See Page ado. 197 for resolution approving.) 17. STR�;T TT 110. C-22 - Grading and Gravelling of BrookvvieW !Avenue between ::.62nd and 64th ;streets. Iianager 'I itchell. read Total assessable Cost at 'A,191.91 as against 2.1554-49 .Assessable Feet, for :1.64 per Assessable Feet. Kro and rlrs. Pauly, 6221, Broo kv-i evr, complained that street had been cut four feet instead of three, at their residence; that it had not been gravelled.' Kr. 1itchell reminded them of the change in original grading specifications, at the recyuest of property owners Tfho demanded inexpensive construction. He also stated that the crown of the road is three feet lower than it formerly T:As. There -uere no other objections to the asses meat, and no zrritten objections had been received prior to the Hearing.- (See Page ITo. 197 for Resolution approving). 18. FTTOty-LuTT K.O. C -38 - Grading and Gravelling of North-South Alley bettreen lsbbott and zenith ,Avenues and 11`059th and II.60th Streets. 11an ger I.litchell read Total assessable Cost atx,a,044.14, � as against 1,425.60 !Assessable Feet, for 3.73 per Lssessable Feet. There were no objections from -the audience, and no smitten objections had been received prior to Hearing. (See Page ado. 197 for Resolution a:pproviilg) . I r_711 ,m 7/20/53 197 19. Slii3ST IZZ SL TIM M- E10W LINT 1,10. 51 - In Chowen Avenue between 11.60h and 17.61st Streets. Na.nager Kitchell read Estimate of Cost at ; 2,104.46 as against 822.01T Assessable`Feet, fog 4 }2.-38 per iassessable Foot poi Const`(U6bion of Lateral, and ;;1.90 per Assessable Foot for Connection Charge to Sanitary Sevier ImproveL ent Wo. 35- -for Total of 'A.28 for Lateral and Connection. There were no objections from the audience,'. and no smitten objections had been filed prior to Hearing. Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 'rITPSOLUTIM AD01:T I IG 11M CON I+ r' -MIG ASS235 MITS : IL 51.q.,IIT!O.f SY.i1�,R T•TROV a . NTS NOS. 41,42,44.,47.,5T; 1191BRI-UlI T BJPROVA j ITS I303 . 42,43,45,46,47-752: STS'? ,u EIPROZIoTTS I%TOS. B- 9,3- 12,B --13; C -24, C- 26,,C -32 -LM C-3$ BE IT RL3OLUD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, i%inn.esota, as follows: 1.� -It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessments for � 1uI 5l; ?T1��'iuI� T1���4i���S IIOS, . L::` � 41,44447 42,43,45,&6,47 I'UM 52,;. X-M SUEZT n Z- 1i1.01MIMES P--9, B,12, 3 -13; 0-24,,0-26.,0-32 and C -38.s and each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of iinnesota Statutes ,Section 412.441; that notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council viould meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvements for which each assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the descriptions each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective asse:�sments, and said proposed assess- ments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improve- ments, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together vrith the interest accruing; on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the -rate of five percent per u=um from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent -mith general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof. The total amount of each assessment for SIOI`1'�Jlff SMT2,R AND NAT:,:MEI MPRO M- 02IT.S shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period o;i ten years, he first of said instalhaents, together vrith interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to Iugust 15, 1954, to be payable with general tales for the year 19539 and one of the remaining' instal- lments, vrith one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to ba payable -with general taxes for the years 1954 to 1962 inclusive, collectible in he respective ensuing years, The Total amount of each assessment for SIT �;T LD.% '4011��::�JiI'i "iTS L 9, B -12, L -13; (Curb and. Gutter) shall be payable in equal annual installments e ;t. ending over a period of five years the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to August 15,1954, to be payable vrith general taxes for the year 19539 and one of the remaining installments, vrith one year's interest on that and all subsequent'inst�llments, to-be payable vrith genera] taxes for the years 1954 through 1957, collectible in the respective - ensuing years. The total amount of each assessment for STR`1 T E-1PRONT SNITS ITC13, Cr24, C-26, C--32 and 0--38 (Grading- and Gravelling) shall be payable in- equal. annual installments ey- ending over a_ period of three years, he first of said installments, together vrith interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to August 15, 19549 to be payable vrith general taxes for the year 19533 and one of the remaining installments v&h one year's intere:�t on that said all subsequent i,nstallmentp to be payable vrith general tees for he yeas 1954 and 1955, collectible in the respective 'ensuing years. r s 3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County .iuditor, the ovmeru of any lot,,piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof - vithout interest to thq Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made vrith accrued interest to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the VIia.,g,,eTreasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment ortinstalluent so prepaid shall_ be cancelled on-the books of the County re uandotr��nsm I t to the County 4. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare ,�ivditor, a certified duplicate of said assessments, vrith each then unpaid i st l li ent of a�zd interest set fork separately, to be extended upon he proper tax Coudcq, and thb County Auditor shall duplicate-- e shall be�desi.gnaassessments ed as ItAssesmentc2,01-Is in the ;annex provided by l vr. y Said �� b, I ,T- s1i%liI zS ' Muir ;�, ITS zIOS.42, for S ;;.iJr2''iiil' i7 ;.e- it 1i �0V.y uIITb NOS. 1:1,42,1 ., 7,51, BT 'PROITa N TS 0 6 T:1� 1,103. B- 9,B -12, °B- l_3,C"24 .,C-26,C- 32,C O _3 , espectively at A5,4 ,47952; aTR and all amounts collected in County Treasurer and sremittedntov heCVillage Treasurer r and simi laxly designated by y by him credited. to Sinking Fund ;L9counts as follows: From Sanitary Se- ar Mnprovcments Nos. kI,42,L.,4 and 47, I•;atq-rvain improve ;aents ilos. 1:2,- 3,45,46,x7,` Street Improvements B-- 9,B --12 and B-13,, C -24, C-26 and C-»38, to the kinking fund Accound of 1952 Improvement Londs, lst Series. iron. s,atermain Improvement ITo. 52, Street Improvement IIo. C-32, and SanitarJ Set.per Improvement Ixo.51, to tha S i'`-i ng Fund Account of 1953 Improvement Bonds, lst Series. I:otion for acopi; ion of Resolution teas seconded by Child, and on noll:cal1 there were five ayes and no nqz, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; Danens, alre; Bank -, aye; �d :Eric cson, afire; and the Resolution t :k�- �doxit ATTEST: Iiwyar Village Clerk Kr. Fr,:�n}; Lanick, 45;6 O.:ford Avenue, presented Plat of "Re -Plat of Block 1, Eraa Abbott Park, for Council approval. Kanager I•Iitchell explained that this plat had bee>? approved az a Preliminary nary Plat by the Pla`nni!ng Commission. -redesent s motion that plat be approved by Council as Preliminary Plat; that approval. of plat as Final. Plat be made subject to siv-nature by Chairman Krafft. of Planning CorzAssion., was seconded by D ink and carried. N Mr. 'illiam Terry re,,ua; ted penindit to open gravel pit. Danens moved for referral of this matter to PlanninS Co�ai_ssion tr their recornendetion. (lotion seconded by Child and carried. "ayor Erickson •ne :db caywounced Continuation of July 13th Public Hearing on Sanitary Trunk Sewer and T ank ".atermain to serve Southdale and other properties. Kan.ager ilitchelI e.:plained that construction of a portion of these bro jests depends upon Hennepin County's plans for street developnent. He presented four di.ff eren'c plans for construction of :;uternai.n, and considerable discussion ensued. lit this tiro e, .Uutorney'::indhorst informed the Council that Notice of Hearing t:as incorrect, inasmuch as no notice was g=iven of proposed well and pump constria.ctior_. He advised another Hearing on July 27, in accordance frith resolution adopted by Council July 13. Discussion i ;ras closed.. pending July 27th Public Hearing. Sir. Chapman presented a study for prelimina-ry plat of former Dale Green property on Iloa andale .Road, ask-i_ng Council for Sanitary Sewer service. Some discussion was had, during urhich Ilat. Chapman eras appraised of procedure for securing utilities imp rovenencs and was ash.ed to secure a petition for sane. No action taken by Council. Trustee Bredesen eras excused from Meeting, and left at this time. Kr. Peder Ilickelsen presented Preliminary Plat of his prorerty'on Highway Uo. 169, and requested that Council rezone part of the property for the purpose of constructing a Motel therenn. lie presented formal petition for this rezoning from open Development District to. Co iun:Muy Store District, of the fol.la ring described property: "That par t of E. 845 Ft. of Govt. Lot 7, Sec.28,T.1171i, 'R.21T. beginning at a point on the South line of Govt. Lot 7 - which is 300 ft. y. of I•". boundary line of said E. 845 Y6. of Govt. -lotr 7, -th. ?i. on a line parallel Ath said U boundary line a distance of 51;.0 ft., th. E. on a lire parallel frith the N. boundary line of said Govt. Lot 7 a distance of 3j0 ft. more or less to the ;T].y line of trunk Hight :gay Do. 169, th. Southerly alone the ;flay line of said hig'at,+ay to the S.boundaxy line of said Govt. Idt 7, th. .Iy along said S. r boundary line to the point of beginning." He also asked that Council grant psrmi.ssion for construction of three' double dwellings on the Ilorth three lots of the ,proposed plat. Chil.dt s motion, that Rezoning Hearing on this property, scheduled for august 10, be extended to include Public Hearing on proposed double dtrellings for three northerly lots, -ras seconded by Danens and carried. Kana ger Kitchell reported 1-Ir. Hintze s request to subdivide his property at the Soi thtrest corner of i3.60th St. and France Ave. into three lots; and the Planning Commission's recommendation that lir. Hintz provide lots frith a minianum. 75 foot frontage, aeouiring additional property if necessary to effect recommended sub- division. Child's motion, that Council take no action until Planning Commission recommends favorably, was seconded by Danens and carried. Ilanager I;itchell submitted new Preliminary Plat by 12r- Henry Schmidt, 5111 South Blake Road; reporting the Planning ConmAssi.on's approval thereof. Bank's motion, that Council accept Preliminary Plat in accordance with Commission's recommendations., teas seconded -by Danens -and oarried. Iianager iitchell rev i ct,ad Krs. Virginia a Beardt s request for pers- fission to subdivide her property into six lots after Halifax Lane ,is extended through her prop-arty; and the Plamaing Comm "ssiont s approval. thereof. Child's motion, that firs. Beard be allowed to subdivide in accordance with her regaest, but that she be informed that she muse subm;cit usual Preliminary and Final Plats in order to do so, was seconded by Danens and carried. 7/20/53 199 inal Plat of 1114eadow bane 2nd Addition" was presented for approval. Bank moved for approval of Final Plat. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. Further discussion was had on the Terry request for permit for gravel pit on the Delaney property. Child's motion, ^that Clerk be authorized to make inquiry as to j just hoar gravel pits and.stripping land is being assessed, was seconded by Bank and carried. x Manager Ritchellts t;reitten report on the communication from the Street Railwray Company, offering right -of -way between France Avenue and Brookside Station at a price of '%-)75,000. Child's motion for Council rejection of Minneapolis Street Railway Corapany's offer, .wae seconded by Bank and carried. Manager Mitchell's written reportmt dated July 20, as to most recent developments concerning the Lakeview Drive curb and gutter matter, wras reviewed. Bankts motion, that matter be referred to Village Pittorney, was seconded by Child and carried. I1Ir. 11itchellt s recommendation, that request for" I7atch Out for Children" signs on ,'T. 56'uh Street betwreen 1looddale and St. Johns Avenues be honored, was discussed. Bankts motion, that signs be ordered and installed, was seconded by Danens and carried. I-imager %iitchell reported Iiennepin County's approval on proposed regitading of a portion of County Road 18, South of Maloney Avenue. He recommended approval. Childt s motion that plan be approved tiras seconded by Bank and carried. Manager i•Iitchell asked Council policy on the possibility of irldening the Edina side of Xeres Avenue by five feet - -in view of the loss of a fine row of trees. He stated that I•'Linn.eapolis has widened its side of the street, and is now grading a wri,dth of twenty feet, hoping Edina will do the same. Childt s motion, that Council now grade a max -.mum of fifteen feet; the feeling of the Council being that this street can be wridened later if traffic wrarrants it. Notion seconded by Bank and carried. Manager Kitchell reminded Council that AIr. Theodore Vallacher has been given permission to subdivide his property on France -�Ivenue, as a concession toward the granting ,of right-of-may for Halifax Lane. He asked that I.Ir. Vallacher be required to plat in accordance writh regular platting procedure. Bankts motion, that I%r. Vallacher be required to submit Preliminary and Final plats on his proposed subdivision, in accordance writh general platting procedure, wras seconded by Child and carried. The followaing, petitions were presented, rwrith Child moving that Public Hearings be scheduled thereon for Monday, August 24, 1953:. Petition for Oiling - St.Johns Ave., :7.59th to 411.60th Street. Petition for Oiling. - 17.58th St., Wooddale to Uaklaw,m Ave. Bank's _second to Child's motion was :carried: Kanager -Muchell ~reported -receiving the folloidng petitions for major improvbments: Petition for Sanitary Sewer in 1Y. 60th Street,, Concord Avenue to Parnell Avenue. Petition for Curb and Getter in Xerxes avenue between •T.55th and IT. 56th Streetw. Child's motion, that petitions be accepted, but that Public Hearings be deferred until.np-ring of 1954, was seconded by Danens and carried. I:.inneapolis Gas Cor_ipanyts financial statement, filed in compliance %rich terms of Gas Franchise, was briefly reviewed.. Child's motion that report be .filed wa's seconded by Danens and carried. 17-ritten demand from R.T. Heidbri.nk, 5532 Code .venue, that Village � furnish him writh proper drai edge and replace damaged sod, was referred to Village Engineer for investigation, by motion Child, seconded by Bank and carried. Bank moved that request for "Church Stop Signs'', made by Calvary Lutheran Church . at Cahill, be referred to Public Safety Committee. Iiotion seconded by Danens and carried. Police reports for May and June, 1953 were filed. I1Fo action taken. AX. Olson Plumbing Company's request for Plumbing License expiring prig, 1, 19535 was approved, by motion Danens, seconded by Child and carried. Address of licensee is 6048 Pillsbury :,venue. Request of Ben ?°Toehler, Supt. of Public Utilities, for permission to attend Am red T7atertirorks Convention at "innipeg, Sept. 1 to 5, with expenses paid, was honored by motion Bank, -4th suggestion that 11r. Woehler attempt to keep eyroenses to a minimum, seconded by Child and carried. I1Li.nutes of Park Board Meetings of Hay 7 were submitted; revietred, and ordered placed on file. 204 7/20/53 Final Plat of 1q•1a1nut P`:idge" t :ms submitted for approval.; tdth Iianager 1:.tcheal r explaining that plat is in order except for signature requir.raents. Childs } motion approving Final Plat of Walnut PUdge, subject to the meeting of signature requirements, ryas seconded by Danens and carried. , I -b?. l indhorst's opinion, that Village musk take bids for repairs on First Aid Panel Truck, inasmuch as estimated cost trill be more than 500, eras reviewed. Bank's notion, that bids be taken on this work on August 10, t, ra s seconded by Child and carried. Deputy Clerk :Uden reported that overtime vi.11 be necessary for coragletion of the various special assessment rolls now in progress. Bank's motion, that Deputy Clerk be authorized to put in overtime as required and to hire wt.3t�a hell as needed, was seconded by Child and -carriedo t r There being no further business to come before the Council, Danens moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Child and carried. Reeti.ng adjourned ,at •11:25 Monday, July 20. f Village Clerk " I•kTa:ItNZS OF TIM 1MGULAR I;' =aMdG OF TIM EDINA VIIL.AGB, CCUIICTL, TOLD LVDI7i AY, JULY 27, 1953, AT 7:30 P.Ii., is .T E EMU VILL. M HALL I•iembers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson. 11inutes of Council Ileetings of June 8 and 22, and July 13, 1953, were approved as submitted, by motion Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried. The first matter on -the 1agenda was the Taking of Bids on the improvment projects listed below. %ffidavits of Publication in Edina Ilorningside Courier and Construction Bulletin, July 16 and 23, were submitted by Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. Bank: then moved for referral of sealed bids to Assistant Village Engineer Zikan for public opening in Engineer's Office. TTotion seconded by-Bredesen and carried. Bids so referred were on the following projects: - 1. Street 1h -rovem.ent 110 - L--49 - Blacktopping of St.1indrews Avenue from Lakeview Drive to Southview La•.ne. 2. Street Improvement No. :L-59 - Bladctopping of ; estwood Court. 3. Street Improvement No. A-53 - Blacktopping •of Y-Toodland Lane. d.,.. Street M--provement 7.6. A-55 - B1acttopping of Zenith Avanue between TT.SCth and T•T.60th Streets. 5. Street I=. rovaaent ITo..- 56 - Black copping of UoodlLd Circle and U. 56th St. 6. Street impro event No. C4,3 - Grading and Gravelling of ;;.5uth Street from Uboddale Avenue to Concord Avenue. " 7. Street Improvement No. C-44 - Grading and Gravelling of John Street, Kalonay T�vehue to and including Turn - :around. 8. Sanitary Setter Inorovaiient ITo. 55 - In Concord Avenue and Concord Grbve Addn. 9. ;•.ate1n= -, llnprovda.ent ITo. 58 - In Concord livenue and I? of "Virginia Ave. . iddn. . 10. T•Iater-ain Improvement ITo. 62 -j In Valley View Road` and Si of Viriginia Ave. "ddition. (See %2inutes for Eater in Evening for subsequent tabulation and awards) . Mwmager Mtchell recors .-ended award of bids taken June 22 on Snow Plorrs to lore bidder, George T. Fin Conpazy, in amount of ' 1350 for tiro plo -ws. Child's notion, awarding bid to Gao. T. zyan Coza, any in accordance with 1-Tanager's reco=endations, was seconded by Danens and carried. 1 1-eager 121tchell recommended than all bids for equipment rent al. rates by accepted; faith the under standing that the lour bidder -All be asked for equipment in each case; the ne:•:t lot- bidder i f lorr bidder cannon furnish, etc. Bank: moved for acceytance of P-11 bids' as submitted, iAth understanding that low bidder Trial be culled first in each casee iTotion seconded by Child and carried. On Street l provmen�b No. A-26 & 4G-- Blacktopping of Etri.ng �Lvenue between LT. 57th "and ,.., , :7.60th • Strasts- �•i_nager ,.r�cnell recommended at:ard of bid. to Jay U. Craig Co Y., lorr bidder, at 0,051..97. Bredesent s motion, that project be atrarded to Jay Craig Co:suuray, at ;5,057.• 97, tray seconded by Child and carried. rat this bile there eras some discussion as to the condition of the street; and Child moved that �a ll��e do the imrk of gettin street to grade and supplying base material, before contractor bvging oprr ti ons. k =otion seconded by Dasiens and carried.