HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530713_REGULAR185 ~ Uembers astmzing Eollc&Ll were Bredesen, Child, Danens, . Bank and Erickson. - ? Danens moved for delay to ne& regulak rieetiig on action xor iEnutes of ZIee.!ing of June 22. Uotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, The first matter on the agenda was the taldng of bids.' Clerk submitted Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Xorningside CourieF ad Construction Bulletin, July 2 and 9, 1953, for Advertisement for Eids-Blaekbopping; Stomn Sewer; Sewer and Wa'cer- maims, which agfidavits were approved and ordered-placed on file. Sealed bids were then referred to the Assistant Engineer for public oienirg in the Village Engineer's office, by motion Damns, seconded iby Bredesen and carried. -3 % -23 $5 3; .kter in 'cle evening bids were returned to th& Council and- found to be as foJlows: J2>y IT, Craig .&r1 Sewall J.V. Gleason Co. Blzcli-bop Service Bmy & Carlson Ashworth &i Son If, 57TH 5To- )I I! 11 If If All bids were then referred to the Tillage Engineer for report at the nexb meting, by notion Bredesen, seconded by Child and carried. I% was reported by Village Engineer that Curb and Gutter bids, taken June 22, should be awarded to Vic-bor Carlson PC Sons because they vere the only bidder bidding according. to specifications . Hos. B-14,15,16 and 17 to Victor Carlson & Sons at their bid prices of June 22, and. confirming the signing of contracts for same by Eayor and Clerk, was seconded by Danens and carried. Office reported tha'c International Harvester Compny v&ll charge $12.00 over bid for special sized dump truck body, and 325,60 over bid for full cab shield. * Bznkls mo'cioh, Vflat Council authorize Village Iknager to order above two item at qpoted price, was seconded by Danms and carried, Tdk. I4itcheU asked -that Council delay action on award of Snow Plow, and Zquipmen% Rental Rates bids taken June 22, until he has had time to study them fukther. Bank's notion, khat Council delay action until meeting of July 27, was seconded by Danens and carried. Ihyor Zx4.ckson then caled Public Hearings on several proposed asiessments, in confomance with fllTo%ice of. Hearing on Assessment& for Street kprovements A-16, f~-l7,Cpll, C-12; SanitarjT Sewer hprovement No. -38, published in 'Edina-liorning- side Courier June L, sd .Id-, 1953. Clerk submi-l;ted Affidavit of Publication -- for nubice, ldiich was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Bank's motion, awarding bids for Street hpmvemenix I 1.lanager I 7/13/53 $87 4. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unparid iistalhent and interest set forth separat-ely, to be extiended upon the piwper tax lists of the County, and the Audi-tor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. designated as the ll&sessment Rolls for SWm ZXRXX7ZaJTS A-16, A-17, C-11 and C-18, and for SlQqITlBY SEER EZPROWiaqT iJ0. 3@' respectively, and all an0un.t~ collecbed, in respect of the assessments tlerein- contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by hizi credited to Sinking Fund Accounts, as follows: Prom Assessment for Street hprovement No. C-11 - To. Sinldng Fund for 1951 IkpTovement Bonds, First Series. From Assessments for Street Improvemeiits Nos A-16, 11-17 and C-18, and froin Assessments for Sanitary Sewer Improvement 1130, 38 - To Sinking Fund for 19% linpmvement . Bonds, Second Series. Uotion for I adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: ; Bmk, aye; and Erickson, qye; an Said duplicates shall be Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; ion was adogked. 'iIayor Zrickson then announced Public Hearing on Proposed Stom Sewer for T1.60th Streek area, pursuant to llJJotiice of Hearing on Proposed Stom Sewer Tmpravemmt," published in Edina-Xorningside Courier June 25 ad &&y 2, 1953. iritchell ezqlained that there has been a very recent change in plans for this proposed sewer because of an application for permit to change strset grades. He recommnded that Fublic Hearing be continued to July 20, to enable engineers to make further study of the new plan, continued to l*fonday, July 20, 1953, at 7230 Polio, was seconded by Danens and carried. The ne;& Fublic Hearing announced was that to serve Borants 3di.m &nor and a small are% %a& of France Avenue. in Xdina-Ifomingside Courier June 25 and July 2, 1953 of f%otice of Nearing on Proposed Storm Sewec,a~ which affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Because ,Village Gngbeer was busy with someone else and unavauble I"or i*epoA at the moment, Child moved for continuance of Hearing until later in the evening. ihyor Erickson then called Fublic Hewing on proposed storm sewer for Zenith Avenue, from IT. 55th Street, ~ north. Clerk Bank presented Affidavit of Publication 'fn Zdina-iiorningside Courier July 2 and 9, 1953 of ">Totice of Hearing on Proposed Stom Sewer Inproyement,ll which affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. t'j3,309,00 as against some 175,000 Sq. I%., for $,019 per assessable square footo . IJorman Rafshol, 5616 Zenith, asked for explanation of plans, and after hearing thax from Engineer Wit chell, ob jected to construction of uqderground sewer because ~Qinneapolis has been getting along with thousands of gutters and A statement was then made that the people who tmu.l.d benefit are not in the assessment district; and it was eqlained that said lots C~XXLQ~ EJ drain into the sewer. A letter of objection from J.B.ljlcDonald, 3320 U.55th Street, vas read; and Nessrs. Donald. H.tJohnson, 5625 Zenith Ave., and John Zreitz, 5605 Zenith Ave. adding their verbal objections. by a large majority of 'close persons in the assessment district, protesting to this proposed improvemen-b, TELS presented. A31 those present seemed to believe that zn zbove-ground gutter, and spillway, would provide sufficient drainage a-b less cost. Elk. T2itchelL e,qlained that the tType of above-ground sewer it would be necessary to construct would, becanse of heavy reinforcing, be much more costly than the proposed underground construction in his opinion. eqlained that the Public Uorks Cormittee has exanined the present spiUymy with -&e engin&ers and is of the opinion that the Saitay Sewer ill shodly be in danger unless something is done to keep the street from washing out further. I&. Gustav Hamre, 3300 3J055th Street, spoke for the hpmvement, s-bating that the back of his lot trilL be badly damaged unless present washout is correctedc Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adopbion, stating that in doing so he wishes to say that Council has decided that the proposed impmvement (underground stom sewer construction) is the most economical way to talde of Iknager Bank's motion, that Public Hearing be Clerk Bank presented AffidasrzLt of Publication Xotion seconded by Bank and carried. (See Page 188). VLllage,Zngineer &itchell's Zstimte of Cost was re+d at i/' 41 spillways for many h petition, siwed It was the drainage: - RJ3S OLJJTION WERIIITG ILPdOV-GIEXT BE IT XEXlLSGD by "ne-Council of the Villqge of Edina, lEnnesota, that "cis Coun heretofore caused notice of hearing to be dxly published, in accordance with provisions of Chapter 398, 3besota I;ws 1953, on the proposed hprovement consisting of Construction of Village. Storra Sewer and Appurtenances as follows: - ST~N SBEB IIJLprzovamjT PTQ. 22 rcil 7/13/53 Village Stora Serrer ad Appurtenances at the intersection of Zenith Avenue and 7,55-;;h Street, and tho north in Zenith Avenue a distance of 300 feet, more or less, w-d at the hearing held at the timine aid place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully adrvised of Vne perfiben% facts does hereby deteraine -bo proceed rrith the coh- struction of said hpmvenent; that said improvsment is hereby designated and shall be referred to If-ll a1 subsequent proceedings as Storm Sewr kpmvaent Xo. 22; and the area to be assessed for the cost of said proposed hpmvsment includes a2.l lots and tracts of lad rrithin tne follorling described boundazi-es: f*Beginning at a point 60 feet Horth of the centerline of 11.57th Street on the East line of Zenith Ave.; th. East to a point in the approlnza2le center of Lot 3, Block 4, Brookline Addition; th. Xorth through cen%er of lots to-North'line of Lot' 12, Block 2, Harriet hm Addition, and continuing XJorth, 30 feet East of Tkst line of Lob 16 through 27, but omitting Lots 23 and 24, Block 3, Seeleyfs First Addition to Havrbhorne Park; th, 1J'esterly across Zenith he. to TI, line of Zenith he,; tho Southerly to a point 60 feet North or" South line of Lot I, Block 3, IJhite Investment Coqanyts Edden AWey; th. 'ITestsrly to the Vest line of said lot; th. Southerly to a, point 40 feet lTorth of Southeast comer of Lot 2, said Block 3; th, Vesterly, parallel to ?f,55th Sto, to centerline of Lot 7, said Bloc!: 3; th. South across 1;. 55th St., to Southresf-, eorner of Lot 6, Block 4, Tlhite Investment Conpmyrs Hidden Valley; tho Xast to Southeast corner of Lot 4, said Block 4; th. South on a line bekeen Lots u& and 15, said Block 4, to V056-iih St.; tn. 2ast to ITorth-Sowbh dle37 in Block 3, Harriet Lavm Adciition; th. South -on said L'il_ley to Southvrest corner of Lot 2, Block 5, 13rooUine Addition; th. East on South line of said Lot 2, to a point 60 feet Tfest of Cast line; thr South, $ar$Llel to_Zer&%h Avenue, to appro2~- mately -the cmterline of La% 3, Block 5, BrooUine AdcE%ion; tho Zasterly to :lest line of Zenith Avenue; Vi?, Hortheasterly to point - of be,*g. z1 / % , , I Xotion for a&$ion of Besolution vas seconded by Bank, and on Rollc$~.l there mre five ases and no nqys, as ~Q~~OWS: . Hayor Kilage Clerk -Styor Zrickson then called for resmption of Public Hea5ng on proposed Stom Sewer for Eca-c.nts ma lranor and aree-Bast of Yrance Avenue, 2stimAe of Cost was ~rl3,791.00 as agsinst 739,000 square feet, for $.0186 per square 200%~ ikssrs. M:, ilelson, Cl!outier and Joseph, ormers of properties in Auditor's Subdivision :loe 312, all objected-on grounds -iht their rater dmins to the %is%, an6 also on gmmds that France iLvt?nue should be rapired to drzhge. opposed to excess cost. 15. Richards, 3904 Crines he, gave his opinion -tmt 5% is imdvkable Lo install sbm sewer until after curb and gutter is put in. iir. 3ora stated he bElieves s-mrn sewer should have been installed before propesy was inpromdo Upon devslopmmk of a genera argmeqt on the I'loor, Child mo%d that project be abandoned, Kotion seconded by Bank and carried, Public Hewing KZS then cdled on Proposed Storm Sewer a$ Be.xd Avenue md TJ.55th S-treet and then IJortk on Eemd Avenue. -Affidavit of Publication 02 lVotico of Heia5hg on Proposed Stom Sewer Irilprovaentlf published in Zdina-Tbrningside Courier July 2 and 9, 1953, was presented by Clerk, approved as t~ fom and ordered placed on Pile. iit this time, D. D.Z. Thorne, 3332 TTe55th Streek, asked th% Council consider petition of 100s of the omers of properiiies to be assessed, objecting to hpmvement. by this jqxovment axe not included in the assessment district. that-project be abwdoned, vas seconded by Child and carried. 3EWr Ericfcson then announced Fublic Hearing on proposed exiiension 03 the ~~~~nne Terrace Stom SatierI1 norbherly to the intersection of Yindsor and Kent Avenues, pursuat -to t1Botice of Hearing on Proposed Shim Semr lnprovmen%I published in Xdha-IIornh@.de Courier June 25 and JuL-;r 2, 1953. afTidauit of said publicstion, which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, I.hager 2Ii-I;cheuts estimate of cost was $9,616.00 for the e2kension; $4,659.48 for kine present sews, for a total of $l4,275.48, to be assessed over illl zrea of 556,175 sGare feet, for ;).016 per sware fool;, becmse of 'the re-grz~ilg of certdn streets since COnskntC~~On Of -the Present serrer it is necessar;. to construct this exbension; that present .seTrer cannot .the &fition& drcjmge; awl that at one poin"c there is a rrpondlt of two or three hu_vldred feet after every heavy I?&; dS0, VflEit as present lolf lots being filled -31e condition is beconing StezIuy 1:Orse. A! brge CroI-rd WELs present / Ir -I. -37. -Zhgjneer ILtchell's -rue 2-2. Jack Eorm stated he wants a s%om sewer ixiprovenent but is . I3e stabed that the -three lots most benefited Bank's notion, Clerll presented He eqlsined that \. 7/13/53 for -this Hearing, all protesting hea-bedly against the improvement on the gmuds that there is no need for it. Among those making themselves heard were Nessrs. Rmitzer, 5037 V.56th Street; Cooney, 5033 ICent ?he.; R.B. Barnes, 5049 S;findosr Ave,; and Dr. Fred Ppppe, 50&L Ken% Ave. After many incpiries from the audience, and 8 long review of -the previously constructed portion of the sewer, 1.Iayor , Zrickson ask6d if there were anyone present in. favor of the project. spoke in favor, and Danens moved in favor of abandonment. by Bank and czimied, uith Child and Bredesen voting Ray. Public Hearing was next held on proposed Constru.ction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and >Tatemin in I'J.49th Street between Vestbrook Lane and pukt.Jana he, pursuant .to lfBo-Lice of Hearing oh Proposed hprovementslf published in Edina-Xorningside Courier June 25 md July 2= 3953. Affidavit of said publication vas presented by Clerk, approved as to fori, and ordered placed on file. ZsLimates of Cost were read as foUows: IlTo one Xotion was seconded Bngineer IEtchellts Sanitary Sewer - $2,542e13 as against 556.5 assessable feet, for $4.57 'tJatema5.n per AssessaB Foot. per Assessable Foot. - ;$2,683.26 as againstSjg.5 assessake feet, for $4.82 There were no objections to either improveaent from the audience, and no objections had been filed prior -bo the Hearing, moved its adoption: Child offered the following Resolution and ESOLUTION ORDERING Ih?EOVBfi,rTS I smmxw sm~ IZPEO~EI'E NO. 58 ifiTzi!i!u,nr ~~:ip;;ommn NO. 62 I3B IT PdSOLE3D by the Council of the Tillage of Zdina, IErmesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearings to be duly published, in accordance with prodsions of Chapter 395, Ikesota Laws 1953, on the proposed inprovemenis consisting of Construction of Sanitary Sewer Wension and Appurtenances, and Construction of Village 'lzatermain Extension and Appurtenances in W.49tli Street between Vestbrook Lane and PUktJana Lane; and a% the hearhg held at %he -kim and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby detei-i;.line to proceed T&Yn szid hprovemen%s; md. said improvements aye hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as f ollorw : Xij?2OEZiX ii0. 58 LiKOV&3iR HO. 61 t Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenarnces, as SA%nTITARY S@T& Construction of Taterhain Xxbension and i&u.rtenances, as ffAmZ-E~m And the area proposed 'to be assessed therefor shall incl2de d.1 lots aid tracts or" land a'uvYiing and fronting upon Yne street in which said improvements ars-to+ be made. Pursumt to Wotice. of iiemings on Proposed Irqjrovements, lr published in 3dhia- I+Iorningaide Courier July 2 and 9, 1953, the Village Council held Public Hearing on proposed Opening,. Cradbg- md Gravelling of Halifax Ave. between :~62nd and V.64th S"ci.ee'cs. approved as -bo form and ordered placed on file. CosJ~ wzs read at <:5,03k096 as against 2,522.22 Assessable Feet,. for :)2.00 per had been filed with Clerk p-rior to Hearing. Besolwtion and moved its adoption;: Copy of Affidavit of Publication was presenJied by Clerk, Bngineer Ui,tchellfs Zs-birxzLe of I ' Assessable 2'oub. There were no objections from the audience, and no objections Child offered the follo.l.ring P%SOLUTION ORDZXiXG ItiPEOVXZEL! STT3T IXFXIlZ3Z3iIT 1bIO. C-50 6 B3 Ti! XSOLVZD by the Council or" the Tillage of Zdha, Xbmesota, -that th5s 3, Council heretofore caused notice oZ hearing'to be duly published, in accordance rvifGh provisions of Chzpter 398, Xhnesota Laws 1953, on the proposed impmve:flent consisting af tlle Opening, Grading and Gravelling of I-IaIifax llvenue beheen 17.62nd and Y.~L&II S-Lrsets; and at the hearing held at the tihe and place speci- fied in said notice the Council has duly considered the view of all persons iiterested, and being fully advised or" the pertinent facts does hereby determine to pmceed with sdid improvezen-t; that said hproveaent is hereby designated and slid1 be referred to in all subseqient proceedings as Street hprovment IJo, C-50; and Yfie area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street in rhich said improvemeiz-b is to bs ridea *' ; I .\ * i.i'o-Li.on for adoption of .Eesolwt$on was seconded by Bank, ad on Bollcall there imre five a>-es ad no nays, as 7/13/53 i lisneger E-cchell then presented conpleled plans aid specificctions for severd Ci-9 jec-Ls heretofore ap9roved, reqpestrlng thct -the Cov:ncil take action OS z~.T;a2$.5s3.iig for bicis tiierefor; dzid plans aid specificztions irere tiioi?oL1.&Ly reviewed by %he Tillage Couicil, md 3mlr oziered the foIlorrbg Zcsoluhion 2nd moved its adoption: 33 IT FZS3Lm by the Village Council of -the Village of Sdina: 192-2 7/13/53 1,knageP IZi,-LchzKL*s preliminary plans, estin?stes of cost, and repoYis as t-0 feasi- bility of the proposed insrovments described in the Fora of Eotice or Eeming set forth below, on several piojects tentatively scheduled fbr public hearing this smer, were reviemd by &he Council and Tound to be satisfactory; and Dmens offered 'ciie follorilllg Besolution and moved its adoption: ny-i &=,3ftTQ'IO;J Fd(jlTmGTG FtJx p$jzIc ~~~$~~~~~ Oi3 P2OPOSED PBCJEGTS * EE JT EZSOLYED bx the CoumS. of the Village of Edina as follovrs: reprt as to the 2easibrlELy of the proposed inprovezents described in the Fom of Xo-bice of Iiezring set forYn below, and as to the estbated cost of such hprovexents, said re,ort is hereby approved ad directed to ke placed on file in the office of tile' Pillage Clerk, Tilis Council shall neet at, the Village ~3aJ.l on Ibndzy, JuQ 27, 1953, at 7:30 F.X., to consider in public hearhg the Views of all persons interested in said procoscd inpsovmeiits. place and purpose of said uleeixbig -bo be published in %he officid rm;sptz;irer once a yi2& for -Ltn successivz ~reeks, -be second of sa5d pu'ulicxbions to be not less than Ybee days fron date of said neeting, vrilich ndcico shall be in substa-tia?lly 1. The Tillage Sngineer, having submi'tted to the Council a pkelSminzry I 2. 30 The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to case notice of the tine, -Yae follorring fom: "IWICE OF -HZLZ,Z!GS ON I $96, L1 7/13/53 the imv special aSSeSsment law, by tvhich it is possjJole to issue bonds pl-oviding at least 20$ of the Cost of the knproveaent is to be assessed, md uscussion lras had on the pwmed hprovements, t.ri"ch the express idea of no keGate assess- ~nts except for Southdale properties. ;tnasmuch as Xaager I.l"i-t;cheZl &id not have a11 esbiiiates of Cmediate and deferred assessment2 for the Cou-ncil, Child moved that Public Hezings on proposed 3anitaary Tru& Sevrer and 12" ?Jatemin be continued to Ibnday, JUZy 20, at 7:30 P.1-I. 1dio"con seconded by Bank: and carried, Child then moved, authorizing Village Ehgineer to prepare plans ad specifications for all improvement projects authorized this evening except Stolm Setrer kpmvemmt 110. 22; being Sanitary Sewer Iriprovement No. 5$, 'I'iatermaii? hprovemmts TJos. 61 rznd 62, Street Improvements ifos. A-59 and C-50, and to advertise for bids for said seumded by Bank and carried. * hPmva1entS as quickly as said plans and specifications are completed, i.I&ion Rar E.=?chddtrequested perhit to construct a dwelling on the prope1"l;y Lo be Iao~m aS kt 4, '%!e-Pkh or" Block 1, Xmna Abbot% Park," by Frank ?Lm,ick; Thich prelb- inai-y Pla-G had been approired by Plauuzing Corission J-dy 13. Building Inspector be dirkbed to issue building permit requested. i-Iot$on seconded by Dimens and cahied. 12e. Roy Peterson requested approval of Final Plat of 11Vjlle7~ View Slope". Planning Commission's July recommendations were reviewed; and EIaager 1E-b cheU recommended app~oval., subject to a check by Zngineer to make sure Cormdssionts stipulations have been met. Slope be approved subject* to approval by Village Engineer was seconded by Danens and carried. %. Cunnar J&nson's Fin+ Plat of We-Plat of Lot 30, Rolling Green" was presented. of signatures and witnesses, kas seconded by D-mens and carried. I&. S.V. Reedy, 50.40 Iiinneiaarra, complained of the tlcommercialll activity present, now at the Grange Hall, ne,* door. dust, and wishes to ask the Village to oil Old Hopkins €toad; also, that if this commercial activity is to continue, he wodd like to have his propzrby rezoned. He slated that he is agreeable to pqying a 159 per fronk 200% assessment for oiling of Ilinneuavra Avenue if this can be done. Public Vorks Foreman be iylstmcted to oil Old Hopkins Road (this to be at Village Eqense) and to iyrclude, as an emergezlcy project, the Oiling of I.llzuzewavra kvenue, from the Grange Hd-1, north; wiVn assessment hearing on this latter project to be at later date, was seconded by Danens and carried. Tbk. Floyd Blake,bo-mugh agpeared once again to learn Council's disposition of Order -bo Connect with Sanitary Sewer issued some tine previously. Tnspector Ben fioehler waq present to report on this matter, as per Coucil's instmctions. proviliing indoor Sanitary: facilities unless he adds a room to his hone; that it is practicaJ_ly impossible to provide heat for such facilities; that the outdoor privy has now been moved into the garage; that he has contacted Ri,TL, Trho state they t.riLI not vgthhold loans on neighborhg propedies because of privy in garage. Child's motion, that matter be postponed indefinitely, so -Lh& i-L; might be t&en u~ with Hedth Officer, was seconded by Danens and carried. idk. Hosmer Bmrm repested Council opinion on matter of plattkg that portion of the :Tdbce property North 02 the proposed ihnicipal Parking Lo%, and facbg 5'.49-L;h Street into four lots dth View toward securiw pe~ts for double bngalovrs thereon, The matter Of SeCWing aCCeSS to the lots fmm '&e proposed pahg lot did not find particular favor ELUlOnb COunCil rilcqbers; Bank; moved that matter b? referred Lo Planning ~OdSsion for their l?eColX@n- dation, l.ke B~~~~~ sepoyked t11a-b he has now secured documents rrecessary for clear -biiA@ on TJbdhorst for investigzition md reprko pkIr, c. IIeigwGs First p*ddition TJas granted, by motion Child, seconded bY DWens and carri ecl Child moved that Child's motion, that Final Plat of Valley View bhild's nation, that Find Plat be approved, subject to the addition He stated that-the tra€€ic czuses considerable Childts notion, that Village .I... Builfing He stated $hat there is no possibility of E?. E3lakeborou.sh's -- Siotion seconded by Child and carried. stow concgfly I(rate-r we11 site, ibiatter referred to Village Attorney requ-est fOy ped% JCO comtruct a T~zc~ Office in ~~00~Cv-i~~~ Ur. Vernon 5. Schweiger, 5109 W,56th St., pleaded for "a spillway or ~;omet'hing of '6115s nature11 to drain the mter from the coimer of-56ch and Code, Eredesen's rfiotion, -Ylat this matter be referred to Village Zngineer for fur-tiher in~:esliga"cion, was s ecoiided by Child %sld carried. 3 7/13/53 Child's notion, €or approval -of Village ad Liquor Store Pa3woUs for pai-iod July 1 to 15, inclusive, 1953, all as recorded in Payroll Ledger in detail, and in am0un-L~ of $3,979.24. and \jlr21kL,.8:T respectively, ad for zpproval of papiten& of the following Claims, vas seconded by Bank ad carried: iluxnn! CLm.1 NO. FUiD - -* 91-52 liinneso'ca. Tree Service i.; 2.00 Dick $lan Photographs 1.70 9153 915.4 9155 9156 - 915s 9159 9160 9161 9162 9163 9164 9165 9166 9167 9169 9179 9183 91@7 9188 t 91m 9133. 91= 91m 3393 93.49 9150 9151 9179 9167 I 9157 9184 4. 97 14.. 56 5.n 75000 200 00 10.00 20.00 520 1.9 26.90 l4.00 I2 000 23 000 23.50 tmerican LegLon 260.00 Constru ction Mletin John Olson Edin z-Xor&gs ide Courier John 1z. Ddhfih I herican Cast bofi Pipe Coo Clricam Bridge G Iron Coo %dim-Xornbgsi.de Courier 11 $1 It If Su'urba Hem, Cy. Relief Bd. 20030 uo 4e 98.46 uo 20 6.30 2,053 60 o (35 iks. Fred q0 Ileal &%hw X. Petersen 7il-5.41 11. €30 2 000 17 34 3,169 52 485 . 08 2,074.26 17s.60 I 1/13/53 I i.Iiss Sophie Stenson's petition for the Openins, Grading and Gravellhg of Brookviev :";venue between <1,60th and. 11,61st Streets was discuss6d at len&h, It vas brought out 51 discussion that this ~~5.11 be an extremely ezrpensive pro ject because of the amount of fill needed; and izk. I4itcheU. s'cated that he do&ed that a passable road can be maintained. Hiss Stenson, oTmer of four lots abuyting %he right-of-way, explained that she wishes to build but cannot do so because lots now have no aXcess. She asked if access could be permitted from the &ley or through private property, but i-b ms thoufht that this would make lots too shallow for building purposes. Xiss Stenson is not the only oimer of abutting properties, she was asked to secure other signatures on petition, by mobion Bxtk, which motion also directed Pillage Zngineer to prepare Estimate of Cost on project after 'chese-' additional signatures have been secured. Notion was seconded by Bredesen end carried, Petition for Sanitary Sewer in Brookview Avenue between V.61st and 11.62nd Sts. was Iiled by i.Zss Stenson and by 2-k, Berge, 6100 Brookxtiew. immediate consideration of petition by Council, to relieve him of cesspool difi'iculties. not drain; that his basement is 373.11 of sewage most of the the; 'chat his young son is ill and that this insanitary condition may be pertly to blmie for his son's conclition, to ascertain the seriousness of .this emergency and report at ne& regular meeting, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Inasmuch as lire Berge asked' He stated that his cesspool is in fifty Peg% of clay and ~dll Childts notion, directing Tillage Engineer Etchell 193 t, Ilk, IC, J, Sundquist requested that Council provide a public roadmy where there is now a pYivate driveway to Concord School; this in order to make presently unplatted pr6perties available for development. In dis cussibn . most menbers of the Council gave opinions that this is a request which is in order; and Ynat such public roadway would be to the public interests. Child moved that I&. lii%chell be instructed to contact Er, Kuhlma vith the idea of getting School 3oa,rd's ideas on this matter, and ht %he same time conveying to Ibk, ICuhLman the Council's sentiments in the mtter, Uotion seconded by Bank and carried, Child's motion, that Village Engineer be directed to draft specifications for adequate fence to protect New Village 3ater Tank, was secoaded by Bank and CE+,-S& e d E.%., Gene 0-edson presented to the Council %he "Eclina Commercial Club Study of Public Parking3! with relation to proposed municipal parking lot at the 50th and-France business district. recomend&i.on of 5uly 1 was reviewed.' 'Bank moved that recormenddtion of the Planning Conmission on the 50th Street parking situakion be accepted, I-iotion seconded by Damns and carried, &.nager TGt chell Pecomix-ided approval of Fhal Plat, *TJalnut. Ridge" subject to satisfaction of requirehents set forth by Planning Comrdssion July 1. Child so moved, *Xotion seconded by Danens and carried, Discussion ensued-, and Planning Conmission's The llRoad Scheme andhid Development Pattern" of Southdale was approved by motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried, ,after discussion and reviewe of Planning Commission's approving recommendation of July le I&, Cardarelle requested permi"c by the Council for i-k, Roy Johnson to build in "Xo ccasin Valley, 11 preliminzry plat of which has been approved. authorizing Building Inspector to issue said permit, was seconded by Child and carried. Bank moved for authori"zation to Village Treasurer to secure Advance of $75,000 on Nay Tax Sek'clement. Bank' s mo-Eon, I:Iotion seconded by Danms and carried, Bredesen's motion, confirming investment by Village >Imager July 2, of Sanitary Sewer hprovement No. 53 Funds, as follows, was seconded by Bank and carried: e::70,000 - U,S, Treasury Bills, due 8-13-53 - 1.75$ - Cost $69,857.08 70,000 - U.S, Treasury Bills, due 9-24-53 --1,92$ - Cost $69,686.1)0 210,000 - U,S. qreasury BiIls, due le-1-53 - 2.10% - Cost 20S,8900&6 50,000 - U,S, Treasury 2-1/€$ Notes, due 12-1-53 50,121,21& - -Cost Rickelsen-Gustafson PrelLminary Plat of certain property along Highway No , 169 was presented, together with petition for the rezoning of a certain part of said property to Community Store District, for purpose of constructing a I.iotel, Planning Conmission' s July 1st approving recominefidation was reviewed; and Child moved for acceptance of Planning Corrmrission's redommendation and for the scheduling of a Public Heming on the peti'cion to rezone for 'Elonday, liu&st 10. l4o"c;ion seonded by Dimens and carried, Fir'& National Bank's request, made through First Zdina State &,nJs, for exchange in col1,ateral pledged Janwy 15, 1953, for an equal amomt $4-50,000 of miscel- laneous U,S,Treasurjr Bonds and Notes was approved by motion Bedesen, seconded 7/13/53 by Zaik ad carried,, r' At this tbe Tiillage Attorney 51 bdhorst advised the Council of the necessity of publishing a new ilb-;;ice of &&ring covering "cne Southdale praposed imp-ovemmt, inasmuch as t'ne original notice does not contain "cqe construction of TTel.1 and hp as ,par% of the inproveuent contenplatedo Bank offered the follorxlrig Besolution End moved its adoption: R?%WLU"ra+J FZ0VIDIE:G 803 PU&iC EUEITTG 1. The Vi&ge Zngineer, hav5ng subgtted to the Council a preLiminary report as to the feasibility 02 the proposed hproveqent described in Vne Forn of ;Totice of Bearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such irilpirovaent, sdd report is hereby approved ad dbected -bo be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 7:30 PJ..I., -to consiaer in public hearing'the views of dl prsons interested in said props ed jnproveaent . place and purpose of said neeting to be published in the official net&., wer once a week for tm successive r.reel:s, the second of saidrpublications to be not less 'cna three dqys from date 02 said meeting, rhich notice shall be in shbstantially tle foUovrF.lg fom: 2. This Council shdl meet at the VillagevHdL1 on I.londay, July 27, 1953, at 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to case notice of the the, E fj0'L'TCE OF N%LRDTG ON PrnP0Sf;;D E.PROrnZItr I The mina Billage Council rrill meet at the Village Hall, on IXonday-, July 27, 1953, at 7:30 POI;., to consider thc following proposed improvement, to be constiwcted under the m-bhority granted by lEnnesota Iaws of 1953, Chapter 39% mte cos% 02 such improvamt is estimated by the VUage Engineer to be $268,165000. Thz approxi- Constr%tion of 2L:Y and 3311 Sanitary Trunk Sewer and Appurtenmces, to be laid fmn Valley Tfieir Ed. Fcnd V.69th St., Southerly on Valley View Xd. across 7:.70th $Lo; tho Sou-bineasterly to 1T.72nd St. extended; tho Easterly and Southerly 'LO II.73rd St. and East to Xerxes lure.; tho Sou-th^-Lo X.75th St. and connecting to 33" Bichfield Trdc Sewer t6 Ikeapolis; and Construction of VeU and hp, and 12" ?Ja.tel.i&in and I!&pr.tenances from , Vd-ley Tiew Ed. and Ashcroft heo, ;in-e:&stine %l.le;r View Ed, &d Valley View Ed. eiycended Southerly, to TT066th St.; th. -e;O France ihe. md Sonth on France rlve. to V.70th St. The area propsed to be assessed for "che above maed hprovme-rl includes all lots and tracts of lad r~3,hin tine folloxing described boundaries: 1-1 SoutlnddLe Snoppiilfz Center--A spare plot, consisting or" appox6 90 A. gross, kounded on -the IS. b~ T.T.66th St.,_%. 6y York Ave., S. by V.6pth 7 2. I Village of 3dina