HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530727_REGULARFinal Plat of 'TJdnut X.dgefl IWS subnitted for qprod; xith Ifaager 22tchell
ezplaining Vnat plat is in order except for signature reijpirments,
aotion apph~g Final Plat of fkdnut Fhdge, subject to the meeting of sirnature
reqy5remen%s, was seconded by Danens and carried,
2.2. XndhorsL*s opinion, -that VUege nust take bids for repzirs on Firs-Z; Lid
Panel Truck, inasnuch as es-Lkat,ed cost rrill be more than $go, ins redelred,
B&'s notion, -khat bids be taken on %his work on August 10, was seconded by
Child and carried.
Deputy Clerk Llden reported t2na-L overthe will be necessary for CO~Q~L~''' =aon of the various specid. assesment, roUs now in progresso
Clerk be authorized -to put in overtine as required and to hire exbqa bel$ as
needed, was seconded b;t. CiTild and carriedc
,) I
Bdds mbtion, that Deputy
There being no Zurther business to come before the Council, Danens noved for
adjournment, IJotion seconded b3r Child and carried, XeetZng adjourned ta% .11:25
P.IaIo, Kondzy, July 20,
-- I 1
Kembers answering Ro2.hall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Er-tnk and Erickson,
IGnutes of Gouncil Ceethgs of June 8 and 22, and July 13, 1953, were approved as
sub~tted, by notion Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried,
been receivsd prior bo the %s,rhm,
Total Assess-
per &stissable
objectigns had
respective ensujng >ears
or.-ner of- an3 lot, piece or pace1 of land assessed hereby nay pay the xrhole of such
assessmznt or instaal4ment -thereof Tiithout interest to the Village Treasurer-and
thereaf-ber ach pyi~nt my bk maae i:%th accrued interes-b, to--the CQW~Y Treasurer;
pmvided "chat if any zssessmgnt3 or installnents Ynereof be pr~paid to the Village
3. Prior to cerbification of the assessinents to the Countjr ,~uditor, the
noticy the Village Clerk ad Comt~ ,YudiQor, and the
prepaid shall be canceUed on the books of the
203 7h7/53 The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepre and transmit to the Couty
Luditor a cerbified duplicate of said assessmc?te, ~5th each -then unpaid iilslall-
mei?'i; ad hterest set Zorth separately, to be e;&erded upon the proper .ba;r lists
of %he Coun'~y, and thhe Countr Auditor shall thereafter czuse said assessnsats to
be collected in -&e mmmer-provided by laire Said duplicetes shall be dzsigpzted as ~~Assessaent Bolls for Sanitary Sewer Iinprovcncnts I4os. .!@ ad 46; Street kpiovc
mnts Uos. -'A; 24; C-16 and C-36,d md a11 mounts collected in respect of the
assessmints thirareh corkined shdl-be similarly designated by the Counby -
Treesurer ad reni-bded -bo the Village -Treasmer hd by him credited to -bhe
SinI:ing find ,iccomts as follows:
From ~lssessmexbs for Street Iraprovement IJo. A-6 to Sinking Fund Account of
1950 hprovment Fund, Second Series.
From Iissessirents for Sanitary Sewer Lmprovenzent ifo, 40, and Street Improve-
ment No, c-16, 'GO Sjdsing Fund ~lccount of .1951 hpro.a\;l;lent Fund, Second Series.
Brora irssessments for Sanitary Sewer kprovernent ifom L>6, end Street Jhprove-
ments Ibs, &E3 and C-36, to Sinking Fund Lccov_rrt of 1952 Gxprovanent Fuind, First
Xobion for adxpbion of Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on 201lczXL -L;here mre
Fursuant to Wotice of Iieaiings on Proposed hpmvements,ll published in 3d5nc-
i-ionijmgsi.de Courier July 16 and 23, the Council ne>& conducted Fublic Heziags
on various proposed improvemeats listed below. Clerk Bank: pre'sent ed .iffidavi.-G
of Publication for Xoti-ce, pihich was approved as to fora and ordered placed on
file, ad Council woceedings were as follows:
completion of Stom Sewer for which we avarded bids this evsning,
no objections to the improvement, and no objections had beea riled prior
thereto, (IJ~AC Page for Resolution lippfoving) .
per Assessable Foot. He explained that this includes 61' excava-bion, 4''
Ee e4xplaained tnat i31ackLopptng will not be constructed until after
There were
TO CODE 11VL Eanzger XitcheU-ts. Estimate of Cost was &.,O37,OL,, for &.?5 '
bitdous base, &d 2" ma. Nelson, corner of Tingdale and ?fo59-l;h
Street, complained of drainage difficulties, and Ika Schmi-i;ka, 5121 '5-f. 59th
Street, reminded Council that public utili'cies are not ye'c in street,
asked that Blacktopping be postponed until uS;iLities ,work is completed,
There trere several property owners present, and upon a vote being taken,
all agreed to the postponement of blackbopping 15x1 favor of gravelling ad
oiling. Child moved for abandonment of proposed Blackbopping project. I
Ifobion seconded by Bredesen and carried, (See next page for Gravelling and
Oiling XesoLu-tion) .
Estimate of Cost was &',03c&.04. and no objections had been filed prior to Hearing, & this the X-ke IE3chell
recornended against b1ack"copping this year inasmuch as this is a ne-trly developed trac'c and no houses are as yet under constrv.ctiono Child's motion,
. that Cou-ncil postpone consideration of Blackbopping in Concord Grove ,iddn.
iinti7 195L.. was seconded by Danens and carried.
There were no objections from the audimce,
Child -then offerad Yfle follor;ing Resolution and moved its adoption:
BZ IT FEXlLTZl by-bhe Comu%l. 02 the Village of Xdina, Ihmsota, tbjt -bhis Councu
here-Lofore caused notice .of harings to be duly published, in accordaAce Tlith pro-
visions of Cizpter 398, il"iinnesota Laws 1953, on the r"ollov5ng proposed hprovamts:
~~~ liJ3lZoVLZpI"S iTOS,A-57 ~-2 \
BlacYGopping of Zenith ilvenue from Xe55th Street to ILTgr-Lh Lot be of
Lot 26, Block 3, Zeeley's 1st kkin. to 13aikkorne Park.
Blacktopping of Ve5Sh Street, from T5.ngdd.e he. to Code Ave,
and at the hearings held xb %he tine and place specified in said notice -the Council
+ has duly considered -tie t6ei.s of a11 persons interested, and being szlllg advrised or"
the pertinent facts does hcrebr determine to proceed iiith the improvemeflts listed
beqov; that sdd hpi-ovaents are hereby designated aci shall be referred $0 in all
subsequent praceedings as Solloils:
S-T EFECIGiutqT iJ0, I, ' Blacl&oppinl; of Z.;nith iivenue from V055th Street io
Xorth Lot Em of Lot 26, Block 3, Seeleyts 1st
Idhe Lo 1-Ia:rthorne Pmk.. 11-57 . 2, Gravelling and Oilinq or" $:.59$rh Street,. from
ad the area Lo be specially assessed for each improvenent shall' include z2.l lots and tracts of lad aisutthg ad fronting upon the street
is to be =deo
Tingdde Ave. to Cpde dve. C-51
xhich said hproveraent
to e9nplete preparation of plans and specifications for said hpmveaents, 2nd the
clerk is authorized to enter an adve&isemmt for bids for said j,Jqrovae&s, in
accordance 15th .Chapter 396, Ihneso$a bws 1953, as soon as practic&le afi;er
cozpletion of plans and specific&ions by Village Zngi~~eer.
ilotion for adoption 01 Resolution vas seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
Fmx-ER BZOLmD .I;i?at the Vilhge &gineer.is hereby authorized ad directed
- irere five ayes cnd ao nays, as
Bank, ajre; and Zrichon,. aye; apd the
Child offered the $ollouing Resolution and moved its adop-Eon:
BZ 3T-FGSOLXdQ by the Council of the Village of Edina, XEnn&sola, *that this Council
hereto%ore caused notice of hearing to be duly published, in accordance :Lth pro-
-isions of Chaptep 2178, ~~esota Ijws 1953, on the follorring propssdd hprov&ent:
r. Construction 0; 3anita-ry La$eral Semq and lippurtenmces in Ashcrof+b .*ne.
and at -the hewkg held at the tine and place specified in said notice the Council
has duly considered thz vieirs of al;L persons interestcd, and being fidly adrised
t of the pertinent facts does hereby deter;nine to proceed rfith said inprovemnt;
that, said hprovmen'c is herebj- designated and shall be eeferred to in all sub
c sequent proceedings as Jmitaxy Sever hprov-gnat Uo. 59; a4 the area to bz -
specidly assessed for said bprovaent shall ikcluae LLl lots and tracts of land
zbuttb and fronthg upon the street in rihich said hprovexent is to be =deo
li'&T'?Ei Z~OI,~ -that -t;he Vfihge Xngineer is herebr mblnoriaed and directed
';to coqlete prepzmtian of plans and specificakions for said hprovment, md tihe
Clerk is au'zfloripd to mtec an advertisenent for bids for said iriqcrov'aent, 5n
accordance rpiQii Ciiapter 398, lfinnzsota hm 1953, as soon i;s practicae after co;~pl~tio~ of plws ad spscifications by Village Zngineer,
L <
from VLLley 1rie.i~ Boad to 7.62nd Strcet,
c BE
I *x I
* i-iotion for adoption of Resolution vas seconded by Bank,, and on Tlollcall there aye; Dimens, aye;
Petition was fired by He J, Ratelle, for pedt-to co~struct a single dwelling
on ht 1, Block 4, Countryside Addition (6136 Ridgetray Road), facing said
dwelling on Slestridge BZvd, rather than on Ridgeway Road, Bmkts motion, that public hearing on petition be coaducted Szugust 10, was seconded by Bredesen
and carried.
Council reviewed petition of Paul X, Olson & Son for
dwelling on $io% 4, Edina Terrace. (5201 !T.Lk&h.Si;reet$. Bmkls motion, 'chat
public hearing be coxlciv.cJced &ugust 10, was seconded by Danens and cemied,
edk to build. double
Pursuant to ITotice of Hsaring on Proposed liipmvaent,rt published in Edb-
kLorningside Courier Jar 16 and 23, 1953, Affida~t of Publication for :;i?ich
notice vas subnitted br Clerk and approved as to fom, CouncU conducted Fuislic
1*Construction of Z4I1 and 33" Sanitary Trunk Sever ad Appurtenances -bo be
laid fr~m Valley Vieti &ad ad TT060th Sto, Sou-bherly in Valle~~ Vier.7 Rozd.
across U070th St,; tho 3oxLheasterl.y to ?I07.hd St. exbended; ti, Zsterly znd
- Southerly to 11.73rd 5.;;. and Xast to Xerxes Ave.; tho South to T.75th St, md
connecting to 33" Richfield Trunlc Sewer to I.rinmeapoli.s; md Construction of
?kl1 and hp and tfakermain qnd AppurLenznces from V'leg View RoEd ad
rAshcmft Avenue, in exi-sting Vdleg View Road and Vdley Vim Ed, exhended
Southerly, to ~~66th St,; th. to France Ave, and South on France Lvz. to
:1,70th s-to
lhager i.;i-e;chell reported to Council on meeting held rrith Hamepin Com-bg officials
this,past week; setting forth tne Countyls plan for action, rrlzich involves no
irlmediate road construction in Edina, possible re-construction on Prance il-venue in
1955, ad lu%u..re plms fop Valley View Road exbended, but f3a codimats agcinst
spendkg Coun-by funds for* i*ighL-of=-iny acquisition,
plans for Zzixmmin construction, ad considerable discussion ensued as to the
most econofnical and practical plan under TAich to proceed. Uessrs l&t0 J, Creer
and Guttma of Southdzle vere present to stress the urgency of brkging the
.trunk mter and se;;ar rmins into their developaent as cLuic!d.y as Fossilole,
flrilbge Attorney Zkuillorst ofi'ered his opinion as to the legality of the project
as conteaplated by Yne Council, ad 1-iaager iEtcheU. gaye as his &t5..rabe or" Cost,
1268,165,00. 'ifnere ;;ere no ,objections to the hpmvaent fron the audiace, ad
no l,.ri-tten objec6ions had beeii filed prior Lo the Hexring,
follo~ring Besolu-Lioc 2nd noved its adoption:
, I-Iearing on the folloaring ptoposed improvaent: 'I --
I Hs presented four dXferaiit
B~c offered the
mm,mrcilJ orxmmc cxsmucmxr OF
ry:rr- .,*ua LJD SZ~LB~EZ~ZNXZ~IT KO* 65
,~GD p;gjpi&.%ViGJ OF FL'&S iiiD
At this time -tlp attormy 13s asked i2 it, is necsssa-rg to advex%"sse for the edire
abgt-e inpx-ow.:-ent 2-b one tho.
that portions 02 the Znprov~~x~t cm be let out on bids.
Tie Attorney stcted that this is not necessary; ChiLdts mo*tion, that
* 7/27/53 p ~~ 6 !do7 Council plan to take bids for construction of the Trunk YeTJer set forth as
part of ?Ja-ter and Sewer linprovement Bo, 65, and fo-r the >rater !Jell, on August 21,
psnding comp1et"ion of plans and specifications therefor by Vilhge Engheer ad
approvzl *thereox by Council, was seconded by Bredesen and. carried,
A* this time rekLe7.r was made of IJmager IGitchellts Twitten report c0nce-g
problem to be considered before actual construction of tile Sadtary Tmdc jesrer:
O'Dtahing-eaSeEExAts or d-eeds r"or practic&ly all of -the line, (Tk. I~itch~l~
~ecomfiend'ed khat Ihnager be given auGm&ty to procurs easemznts or dee&, or Lo coltidem if necessary,)
2. 1i.ccmate location by regisbered surveyor of exact subdivision and section lines for final plans ad. so that sewer and easaxentz nay be -Lied in, (I&-,
2i.t chell 1 s recommctzbion vas for assigmient of CoUltier, surveyor for
Southdale, for this job.)
Eaoval 09 porier pole line on zppmxina-te Centerline of :Terxes LIivenu-e bekram '7kd and 75th S'creets. @re i';itchell stzted 'chat ITorthern $bates Poirer Coi<xiny has promised to rengve poles prior to Septaber 150)
Avenue betireen 73rd aid 74th Sts,
for constkctkon of line, (&n&ger Tiit cheU recomended %hast Tolka, I&g
.znd Day, $c. be employed to furnish the necessaqy men for this projecb
in eveat Tillage crew is not available for this assignment,
Ch-iLdts nokion, @m-tc-the abcve matters be handled in the rmnner recormended by
the Villzge Ihmger. ITotion seconded by Eank and carried,
Petition Sor Sa;n$iiai-$ Sewer in Y:f,4S"ch Street ,b etsreen Totsnes 2oad aid ?race Avmu-e
tras presented bybIko Fdph E. Eilley, 3905 ;f0&&h Street, saho complained OS serious
cesspool -troubleo
pjojeck, md take bids %hereon, both on SepLeinber Why, was seconded by Child ad
carried, .
The claim of Ure :Ira'Leam, 5901 Oaklawn, in imounC of $2@, for 'addi-biond. costs
incurred by plunbers in finding Sewer Connection, was filed,
ia rliscussion th& Connection vas in right place but iras broken end full 02 dirt.
No action tsas taken,
there is no Tillage iiability,
Clab of$ober% L, Sehaub, for extra experlses incurred because Sewer Ellld ',fi'cer
Cllomcctidns were not run into curb at a01 Vindsor Aveme, in amount of $3.9e002
YELS filed,
for Se:i.er ConnectLon and $90".00 for f:ater Connection, was reviewed, -Child$ s
notion Cor pament of claim in anoun-b of $1~S,OO to-cover exbra expenses for
Ssr:er and- !rater Comec'cions, was seconded by DGeiis and carriede .
&Imager &EtcheU?s recpest for authority to advertise for bids on Auggst 10,
for some 7,000 sq.. ft,, more or less, of sidewalk repair, its granted by motion
Bred-esen, seconded by Danens and carried.
2.1aager f.Etchen..req,Luested authority to advertise for bids $0 be bk12n h-&lSt 2-49
for c3rclone kTDe-fence around the 59th Street Yater Tank--2$6 feet of fencbg md
12-foot gate.
neT1 IJater Tmk,ms seconded by Bank and. carried,
l(ma,ger Ei.tchell..! s reguest for mplopent of Richard Olson as $bsistmt to Village
Iianager on a 'ceaporary basis for full -time work for ne& three or four months, a%
qI:;300eO0 per month, vas granted by motion Sank, seconded by Danens and carried,
f#hager XLZtchelL- presented "progress" snap on Richfield-Xdina Sesser.
directed to check on tlle e;rtras already incurred- on Orfei h IIariae *. portion of
contract, and -bo rimke report,
XImager $&tchell. reported request of Bob Christy €Or e@knSion of Leave of ilbsence
from Edjna Police Department.
;Lbsence be grated, 'eras seconded by Ehnk and carried,
5* 6.
%&lOVd. Of C%b of appro:.;lma;tely 3500 cubic ya,rds on Y.33 fb, of xerxes
OViaWng pf property for Ueter House 9% 75th and Xerxes &venue
Staking of fin& alignment and grade and/or resident engineer irrspectar
3ankis motion, that Council conduc'r, Public I~eariiig on this
1% was brouw DU%
Eke Xeaxn was told to check, back with his plunber; that
ite, BEQ 3oehlerf s recomendation for allorv&nce of a::LjSmOO; e>L:.O.OO
Child-ts motion, that Council take bids Auguste2&, for fence for
* I# He was
Bredesen's motion, that e*enSi*n of ~~~ve of
Bredeken' s notion, appToving Village Pap5Ll., amount $9> 959.97 and Village Liquor
Store TayroU, aoun-t :.j671.25, for period ending July 31, W51, as recorded-in
detail in Payroll Ledger, and for pajment of -the follothg Claims vas seconded by
Danens and carried:
9276 Japs-Olson, Ince
/- i
9284. 9285 92S6
9287 9291
9202 9217 921%
9219 9220 9221 9222 9223 922&
9232 9233
9235 9236
93-37 I 92&8
92 53
9274 923%
9200 9248
9272 9273 9274 9279 92bQ 9283 -
92v 9z&3 9289
9199 9201
9203 9204
920 5 9206
9239 324.7 9260 92Gl 92-92
(Con-binued from 3. 3chatzleen Coo
IIiller-D-av-is Coipany
SOSO Daens 4 Son
COOo Fieid Co,
!I Ii tl
c+'merican. Linen skpply Coo
?;.,:io Lahr. Coo
uese Sugply coo
'itirin city Bolt f2 Supply coo
Suburban Clievrolet
Reinhard &os,
;bderii Sani%z~r Supply Coo
Iizmson Oils, Ex. .
NOR. Toll coo.
Chase OLson G Son
North Siar Iiotor Parks
Leef &ose, Inca
3Zmscgolis Gas Co.
Eob 1 s Broolrside Service
ihe 13, Zeigler Coo, Into 2T.X Bell Telephone Coo
ITortliern 3iates Power Coo
%Iclina Fuze Oil Service
Yestern T.Jiidshield Co .
Page 208)
Glacier Sad & Gravel
H,Lo Rogers Co.
I. iTeU. Eell Telephone Co.
Zichards Oil Coo
Toltz, Icing & Day, Inco
hveriie Butler Sod Coo
G.11. Orr Zag. Coo
J,d;. Dznens & Son
3,L Daens G: Son
Victor Carlson G: Sons
J.L Danens b Son -
JoLo Dmens (2 Son
?helps-Brake Co a
Orfei & .Zari.mi.
* Orfei G 2iai5ani.
9207 - 9208
9209 9244 9253 9260
1 9198 93-99 9210 9222 9212 - 9213 *
92u ?
9215 9241 9a2, 92.43 92&5
rlevieir Fublications
Crook &. Banley
Thqer B Storn
S.J. Xutherford Coo
Ros enwald-Cooper
ds-Lleford Equipment Coo
Paul IJptrom
Tom & Country Hdwe.
Village of 3dina
Ihleen ';"old
Eogers IiandicraPi
City Treas., City or" IIpls.
11 ? !I I! ,.!I
R.J. Ihngan Co, -
IiTortlxm Skates Power @o .
'ITilIage of 3dina
Japs-Olson Coo
It 11 11 tP I1
- ..-
GlaciAr 3md & Giavel Coo ' I
Review Publications
?k-Lerous Campany
Uiidemrood Corp. *
<Oscar Ibbers Coo -
cCen%ral*Supply Coo- 6
Berg k Fa-mham
i'iddr ess o graph-IAxl-iiigraph Corp
I.iutu,al Genercl Agency
B-ristol Co.
Dzlaey Bros. -r
HOGO Dirks coo -
(Continued on.ITex$ Page)
Ihager i.;jc"ccheLZ redomended ag&st allowing the owner of the mushmorn cellar
in Slryline .to dmp clebris onto Village park propzr%y, Village Attorney ?lindhorst
was requested to corkult further, with owner, to ascelr9;xh h5+ intcn-bions as to
said dmping, and coking of debris, and to report -tS, Council later,
Ih&,nager i.Z%chell's &itten reports dated this &$e, conceuning the- reqest of e. Berg, 6100 3r001&ew .%venue, for Sanitary Sewfir, was revierred.
that Berg cesspool ik norr r:orE.ng sztisfactorily; that Dr, CmpbeU has given
permission for drainkield in case owner again has trouble; tihat pebi%ion for
Sanitary Sever camob be processed this par.
I Report stated
Rewrt accepted, x*iPlhou% forual
Xotion by 3redesen thzt con-bract for Street h-proveneiit ITo. C-44 be asrded to
low bidder, Pfeiffer Construction Coo, zb price of 22,707.75, was seconded by
3mk and carried.
1.k. Zikm %hen presented bids opened this evening for various 3ani.C;~;~ Sewer
and iTa,termain projects, which bids had nob yet been taisula-bed bu% were found -bo
be as, fo1lor.r~:
Barb Carlone
Phelps-Drake Go .
Peter Lm&iii
Lmet-bi G Sons
"AI* V. Terry
O'Brien Const. Coo
Childts motion, referring bids Lo Village Ezlgineer for %abdation and repor-b a%
ne& sneeting ms seconded by Danens and carried,
The how being late, with considerable business s-bill to come before the Council,
Zank moved for adjournment until Tuesda.y, July 2S, immediately after 3oard of
Review HeeLing. fzotion seconded by Bred
,- - -
JULY 7TH B~~LW OF Pmm'l lmIiVG,
IELD TUZSDAY3 JULY 28, 1953, AT 1 7:30 P,H., AT 3DDlA VIUIm &EL.
iiembers of C&ncil conveni-ng as Board of Review were Danens, Bank, and Zrickson.
Village Assessor Creiglton presented coapleted Books of Valuation, totd VeXua-Lion,
%a1 ad Personal, being i$12,100,000; or an increase of $L,025,000 over last p(l.r.1~
Inquiry vas mde by Council as to method of assessing gravel pits and &tripping j./
lands, ad Cou-ncil was infomed of procedure.
There was no one present to presen'c my grievance on his valuation; and, after
due review of books, Bank moved that Books of VaLuation for few 1953 be
Irotion seconded by Danens and car2ied. r
There being no further business to come before the Board 0% Review, Danens moved
for adjournment. i-lotion seconded by Bank and ca
8:15 P.X.
i -
C '.