HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530810_REGULAR7/28/53 I is TZ3 OF ADJOUMti'F,D POzlION OF JUVZ 27`1H RE, GULM =11,211IG DF TIE Z DI"JA VILL1GE COUNCIL IMID TU SD IY, JULY 2% 1953, AT 8:15 PJI., at TH3, EDETA VI.MM, Ht1LI, a Kembers ansrre#ng Rol I call for this meeting, rr'nich was convened immediately, after close of Board of Review 11eeting, were Danens, Bank and ErickEon. Clerk Bank presented letter from Father Forrey of Our I,a,dy of Grace Church, inquiring about action of Council frith regard to traffic conditions on NormLn.dle Road. 11anager 11itchell was instructed to prepare letter of explanation., contain- ing review of Council - action to date, for circulation to interested persons. :-.ritten report rras filed, concerning proposed assessment for Sanitary Serer Improvement I;o. 53--Richfield-Edina Interceptor. Council agreed informally, to reduce proposed },;50.00 per acre assessment to :.135.00 per acre; and to reduce proposed <,A.04 per foot platted property assessment to %,',';1,00 per foot. 11anager 121tchell - as asked to inform Southdale ormers that their assessment would be based on a usage basis - -13.9; of Assessable Cost; and to secure from Village ttorney Ilindhorst his written opinion on legality of such assessment. Plans were made to conduct Public Hearing on Assessment as of Septasmber 21. Uritten report -eras filed on Method of report wad approved by Counci l. assessment for France Avenue Paving, which r Discussion was had on method of, assessment for Sanitary Serer Improvement No. _36-- assessment being much over esti {c?te. As full report had not been prepared, this matter crap laid over to nei;:b regular meeting., i Bank then moved for adjournment, l- ioti.on seconded by Danens and carried. 11eeting adjourned at 9:50 P.Ii0 r fi Village Clerk IMMES OF TIM MGM0 IMIN- 1G OF Tf L' DYi: k Vi -shiGE COUpICIL, IUD IMILMAY, .AUGUST 10, 1953, 1 7 :30 P -1Z., AT THE 1DETA VILE.M H.aL liembers ansira-ring Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens and Brieltison. Daueby Clerk Gretchen Tilden acted as Clerk. { D'redesenr s Motion, for Gpy_roval of 'rho 3iinutes of the Adjourned Portion of the July 13th naetinZ, held Jul;, 20, was seconded by Child weld carried. The first neuter of business -vmss the taping of bids. Affidavit of Publication for "Advertisement for Bids - Repairs to First !Ad Truck, published in Edina- I.o-rningside Courier tnd Construction Bulletin July X30 and August 6, 1953, t-ras presented, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Uo rids were received. Kenager I;itchell recommended that Council re- advertise, tn_t]h bids to be taken . E-ust 24. Child so moved. 116tion seconded by Danens anal carried. Affidavit of Publication for 'Utdvertisement for ;ids -Grade ^ Gravelt.kM eltopping,rr published in Eddim Eorningside Courier and Construction Bulletin July 30 and August 6, 1953, was than presented. 11anager ialtchell e plained that he had complated plans anal specifications for the projects listed in the Ldvertiseraent for Bids; and, beccuse of the lateness of the season, had entered said ad- vertisement. Danens then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption_: : 3G PI��IS ��JD ^PEC�Z_ ,0LTIQT JP _ 71'(J C2IOIS FOR STR lam 3,O1rT Id0S. C -27, -37 S = 8/10/53 213 1. Grading and Gravelling of "U.56th Street between France and �-Zlook-'Tiew Avenues (0-27';F ! 2. °? uclitopping of DalzWmple ��venue between Southvievr Lr ne and Labe- t view Drive (A:,-37--")- _ 3. Blacixtopping of Oxford avenue betvreen Hollyuood Road and Division Street (A 33�„) 1,,.. Bln cktopping of Oaklavrn Avenue betzreen I1-55th and r`i.62nd Streets 5. Blacktopping of W.60th Street between Xerxes and zbbott LVenues 6. Blacktopping of .111 Streets in Edinbrook addition, and of s•Testbrook Lane (a.-22 L («Street Improvement Number not inserted in advertisement). rk must be done as described and specified in plains and specifica:cions for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk. Bids must be sulmaitted on 'oasis of cash payt.ent for work. Ho bids will be considered unless sealed and filed vrith undersigned before time of said meeting and accoi ,ipanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to Village Clem in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. Bidder may bid on any or all projects. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY 01 R M OF TZ11 VTLUM COUNCIL. EV!JD C. D :=:TM, Village Clerk_ Village of Edina 3. Each and all of the texas of the foregoing advertisement for bids -are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of avrard of the contract for said improvement. 11ot:ion for adoption of Resolution vras seconded by Bredes:n, and on Rollcall there were -four ayes and no nays, as follovrs t Breen, eye; Child, aye; Danens,. aye; and Erickson, aye; and the R o ras adopted. 3 ! S1: IT:4.1'0 i Deputy Clerk Sealed lids were then received in accordance vrith said "..dvertisem.ent for Bids - Grade 2. Gravel: Blacktopping," and were referred. to the Assistant Village Engineer for public opening in the Engineer's Office, by motion Den.ens, seconded by Child and carried. Later in the evening, and found to be as follows: �.D u011; .3dina; _ STIR`' 1` 113TOIT !, JT HO. C -27 - Grade & Gravel - ,.. 566.1 5 458th Street, France to Brookview STR332 I1`-3'Rn . `TT ITO. A -37 - Blacktopping - E,IRM ;E S :LL, St.Louis �.Louis Pare k Der-ympls .ave., Southview Lane to Lakeview Dr. 41,7'77.00 STI=I, T 12-MR011M 0 T NO. A -33 - Blacktopping - r 5II ;,.TL,S t. Louis Park Orford .'ve., Hollywood Road to Division St. ',;29955,00 •SZRM,T E., 140 MMIT HO. A 1;.7 - B Ls�Clebopping - ES L SL .,M St.Louis Part: 0al lav"m. Lve., 19.58th to W.62nd St. :;:7,076.00 ST ;T I4RRM.MZ2iT 110. I -59 - Blacktopping - ErURL St.Louis Pexll- W.60th Stree t, .Ierx.es to 1bbott 1ve. . ?3, U57. 50 S L �T = =aOV�' I T Z0. A-22 c. i�-1�3 - Bla.ckto oin - 3 a r ,,St.Louis P 11- p� UL�L �,." Bd7 n'arook�ddition and i�est'o-roolt Lane < 1;., 98'3,00 Inasmuch as there was only one bidder on each of -these projects, Dunens moved for referral of 'Aids to Village Engineer for comparison i,. ch Estimates and other 'aids taken this year, and for report at nezb regular meeting. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Hanager liitchellt s vrrit'ten recommendation for award of contract for S il-TITM SM. 11113,0. ;_ 1T ITO. 55 - -in Concord Avenue and Concord Grove �Iddition - -to low bidder, :Tm. V. Terry, at price of 1)'13,560,30., was reviewed. Child's motion for aiza:rd to 15m.V. Terry, at >l3, 560.30, ims seconded by DE-nens end carried. Child then moved for avrard of contract on ?'Tail^T..BZrMT I`22,0 % ITO. 58 - -in Concord r venue Gnd %T of Virginia >:"ve. Addn. - -to 101•r bidder, Bart Ca-rlone, at bid price of ';19,611.10, as per ITana�ger Kitchell" s recommendation. Notion seconded by Dan.ens and carried. Childts motion, for avrard of contract on I iu mnulnT No. 62 - -in Valley View Road and S� of Virginia Lve. ",ddn. - -to low bidder, Bart Carlone, at bid Write of ``0 6 �' ' ' ',10,0 5, as per Ic�ager I� ccnelZ s recozartenciation, v.as seconded by Danens and carried. n1 8/10/53 Purusuant to Ir otice o2 it?' i`1T1 - Lv {i�.�l , �t �iL�D1 Ln�J �ed in ZEdi na 1 ornit gsida Courier July 30 and _,xgast 6, 1953, Public ale xLig eras held on the petition of k ede' r i acl�elsen for the -retoni� -.g ax certni n pro;�erty along State Hig� xmy "Jo. 169, for the purpose of constructing a motel thereon; and also M 11iclLelsenis petition for P--nai t to construct three double dwellings on that property lying batirevnx t he property proyosed to be rezoned :? -nd �;.52rid Street. li fidavit of Publication for ilotice of He r ± ng vras approved as to form and oj?dered placed on file. Planning Cori sr ions s July 1 -rreco::ae.andati:on for re- zoning iras reviewed. A delegation was present to ma -ce inquiries about Kr. ilickelsents plans, and to be sure that- the remaining property in this tract zould be platted. Ixfter a Beta -:led presentation of preliminary lat, and doscricition of I.I. y:ickelsen as to plans for his proposed motel, there Taere no objections fron the cudicnce. No written objections had been filed prior to the x caring, and P;redesen offered the follor:ing Ordinance, moving its adoption as trritten, and also moving thc,:t it be zrri:tten into the records that it is the sonse of this Council that Other motels in this locality be discouraged: 77-6RDRIAIRCE ITO. Z61-4 10 O1-MBLUCE M MIDIM TZ-1 2:01II M OP MEIMICi� �7+� 7-�� ry {t ��± ry-�T tt^7' OF TI-M V_I1I '�i.G;3�.,,' OF ''DTTA �7 w TIC �I=iGD COMITCII OF T= J .'.•S.i M- OF a:tDMA, 1J..L1T_.1Ji 0TA, OIID,* TSB : h Section 1. Section 4, Comimunit;; Store Districts, paragraph 1, of Ordinance _To. 261 of the revised o_dinances of the Village of ;diva is hereby amended bJ a,d =.g wb the and of said paragraph 1, as amended by O-rr in nce iio. 261 -1, a new subparagraph reading as follows: 11(w) That past of the East Eight Hundred Fort Five (845) feet of Governuant lot Seven (7), Section Twenty EiCITtu (28), Totaislaip One ?Indred Seventeen (117), North Range %.enty One (21) 'Test of I he Fifth (5th) Principal. 1,'eridian,T described as follows: Saginrin _at a point on the South line of tho Uorth'�Seven zundred cnd Ei_ -ht f est (706' ft.) of Government lot Seven (7) rrlli.ch is Three Feet (30O Ft.) ,East of the ;Test bounda.:ry _ line of the sa,ir: ErLzit Digirt TIundred Forty -Five (6' .5) feat of Goverment Lot Seven (7), thence Korth on a line parallel with said :Test bound,:ry ling: a distcnce of five hundred forty (510) feet, thence East on a: line parallel with the north boundary lane oy sal d Gover=ent lot S rvan (7) a distance of ,three hundred thart7,r (330) feet more or less to the ;Test3rly line of Trunl. Iii-, -,ay ilo. 169, thence Southerl- a7.on ; the ITeoterly 1_ne of said hight.ay to the gout ? -r-. _ : ,�oL:noary line ne of �thb Ilorth_ Seven ; iundred d Ei girt Feet (706' f' .) of said Government lot Seven. (7), thence ;' ezterly along said South 'bound w —,.r line to the point of 'beginning.tt provided that the only uses-permitted in the area just described shall be those permitted in the-Open Development District, and motels. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in firrL -force and effect from and after its passage sage accoroin- to law. %;otion for adoption of the Ordinance was 1:ere Lour ayes and no nc:ys, '_'s follows: and Ericlrson, ayo; and the Or dinan6e. -t:*as , i. Deputy Village Clerk Child- then seconded Bradesvnt s motion, discouraged, and motion carried* seconded by Child, , and on Rollcal.l there Iredesen, ayes. Child, aye; Danans, aye; adopted. !ayor t I that other motels in this vicinit ;T be �redesen then moved for special permit for construction of three double duallings on that tract of laud between the property rezoned for motel and IF.52dn Street. l- 'otion- seconded by CI-i l,d and carried. 8/10/53 Council ne;eu considered in public hearing the petition of H.J. Ratelle for 215 paxTait to construct a single dwelling on Lot 1,, Block 4., Countrysid6 Addition (6136 Ridgq3.vay Road) facing said dwelling on Uestridge Blvd. rathorn than on RidgewW road. Copy of notice- mailed in accordance ixith Zoning Ordinance 7,,Tas presented,,. approved as to form., and ordered placed on file. There were no objections from the audience and no objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. Bredesen's motion, that permit be granted to face. dwelling on Tlestridge Blvd., was seconded by Child and carried. Public , Hearing was then hel ' d on petition of Paul E. Olson & Son for permit to construct a double dwelling on Lot 4,- Edina Terrace (5201 11-46th Street). Copy of notice mailed in accordance vxith- Zoning Ordinance was presented, approved as to form., and ordered placed on file. There were no objections from the audience, and no objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. Child's motion that petition be granted was seconded by Danens and carried. I Next on the agenda were Public Hearings on several proposed Street Tmprovements. Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearing on Proposed Improvaments.,11 published in Edina -11orningside Courier July 30 andliagast 6, 1953, ix� s -1 1, pr ap-proved as to form and ordered placed on file; and pursuant to said notice tll7e Na.yor called, in order of notice., public hearings on the following improvements. Action of Council was as. recorded below: 1. Public Hearing on Oiling of I7.58th Street between France and Brookview. 1,11anager Kitchell's Estimate of Cost was -,'3453-30, or .3.15 per assessable foot. There were no objections at the Hearing, and no objections had been filed previous to the Hearing. (See Resolution Ordering Improvements). 2. Public Hearing on Oiling of Xerxes Avenue between W#541 �T th and ',,56th Streets. Manager Ilitcheilts Estimate of Cost 7vras ,,-179-55, or 4`?'-15 per assess- 'able foot. There were no objections at the Hearing., and no objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution Ordering T11provement)e 3. Blacktopping of Richmond Drive between Nomandale Road and Nindsor Lvenue. 1•17anager Kitchell Is Estimate of Cost -eras `,A3,017.78, or ��' ,,3.63 per assessable foot. Uessrs. Babe LeVoir and Howard Hall objected to said improvement by the Village., stating that the developer, Pearson Bros.,, had given all purchasers to understand that the developer -would stand the cost of this improvement. Child moved., that Hearing be continued -until further notice from property oimers viith regard to their settlement with Pea rson Bros. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Bredesen then offered the following Rewl-ation. and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION' ORDERING L OVZ, MRMIS ST IT L.T.-E.011M NOS. Q742 11,TD 0-50 33 IT 32301-WEED by the Council of the Village of 2 ' dina, I-Iirw-esota., that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be dull polished, in accord- ande -rdth provisions of Chapter 398,, Minnesota Laws 1953., on the proposed improvTaents consisting of the Oiling of Xerxes Lvenue between U.541th and 11. 56th Streets, and the Oiling ,of 11. 58th Street between France and Brook dew .i.venues; and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Couxaci I has duly considered the vies of a? :1 persons interested., and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the improve eats as stated above, and said improvements hereby are desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: STREM EIIIIONTIZIIT 110. Oiling - Xerxzes Avenue between 77-54th and IT*056th Sts, 0-49 Oiling - W. 58th St.,, between France and Brookaew :'naves. 0-50 BE IT 1 PRTIMia RIM33LNUD,. that the Village Engineer has heretofore submitted to the Council plans and specifications and an estimate of cost of said Street Improvements No" O—IL ,q and 0-50., from -vLich it appears and it is hereby found and dete=ned that the total cost of said improvements will be less than ..,:5,,000; therefore, this Council is authorized by .1aw and does hereby' d to purchase directly the materials for each of said improvements and to.com- plete the saxn-as by amplo5rment of day labor. M, T_-i MM UM, that the Village Engineer,., being a, Registered nagineer, pe v se the i..ork on said x jTroveiaents�, is hea�eby authorized and directed to,su, r i and upon completion thereof, also to submit a-detailed report, certified by I ing in general the coraplete him., aid file the some -vdith the Village Clerk, shol,,r cost of the iiork, and specifically the folloizing: (a) Final Costs of the various units of work done. (b) Naterials furnished for the project, a-Tid the cost of eada item thereof. (c) Cost of cost of equipment hired, and supervisory cost. Said report shall also contain a certificate by said Engineer that the work was done according to plans and specifications therefor. Illotion for -adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rol I call the - re were four ayes and no nays., as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Child, C,17*0; end Erickson, aye; "and the Resolution was_ AT TEST % r Deputy Village Clerk 101� 216 6110153 -1 delegation from Josephine arvenua , between 65th and 66th Street, supported I-reitten -oetition for Grading,, Gravelling and Oiling of this block. Kr. lZoore., 6520 Josephine Avenue uh ., asked , zt t',-is petition be placed on an "emergencyl' basis because of the bad ''.shouts occurring here. Bredesents motion, 'Ghat Public Hearing be scheduled for Lugust 2J,, e er r� a U , pro the Public ""IbrIks Comitt e r o s that this is an emergency proposition, ':as seconded by Child and carried. 12r. Brastad of 'Zicluzood Drive requested '.mediate actioa, on.the construction of / 01411;G'Gee 16:ichi•:ood Drive. ,Ee ­,-as. informed that the Public 1,'orks, is MaRing plans to correct this bad co--adition. , a 's. Bi Council = -vr..s prese7mb to present to the Go cil his petition for the vacation of the North-South Yvo�me Terrace Stub. Child moved that th-is matter be referred back to the Planning Co=A-ssion for their consideration, •rith the suggestion that the Council can see no further use for this road. Notion seconded by Danans Mcd carried. 111r. Don E. Bates, 5212 Kellogg :venue, requested permit for constraction, of a private stAzniming pool. . Child moved that petition be accepted but that no action be taken until after consultation as to possiblq violation of sewage contract i,zith 11inneapolis. Lotion seconded by Danens and carried. Dr. -J.!-' I. Fox ., Presideifu of -the Lake Harvey T-laprovemant Lssociation, taUced on the bad traffic situation on Roa-mandele, Road., stating that he had recently been ,given information from the State Hidmsy Department that the K&xzey i-rill install stop signs at Hommandale and 11illson Road just as soon as Willson Road is straightened by-the Village. -A resume-of the traffic situation., to date., was given b,7 Ncliager 1-1itchel I . Dr. Pox requested that Council authorize funds for this straightening. In this connection, but after Dr. Fox had left the Noeting, Kanager 12itchell &sked that Council approve his report., for publication. Tids approval 1-ras given, 'and Child moved, authoring the - straightening of *'•TiUson Road as soon as the Fdgiruay Department has furnished the necessary engineering reports. Kotion seconded-by Danens and carried. Petition vas filed for installation of Stop Sign at Sunnyside Road and 11coddr,1 e Avenue. Child moved thst, this petition be re. erred. to Public Safety Committee. motion seconded by Danens and carried* Petition ims filed for Oiling 1-17-59th Street, "Wrooddale to Fairfax Avenue. Ila-nager Kit c7hel I reported on the f easibility of doing this i-=k this f -al., gi-ving, as- his ;!18 0 " 5ru., or , ) Estimate of Cost, �.15 per assessable foot., and presenting -plans and specifications therefor. (See. Resolution for Hearing, on this page) The Council then reviewed, plans, specifications, and I-L-nager Kitchell's Estimates of Cost, on three other - :r 11 a I that pro Oiling projects. iAth 1 . 1atche d-rising work may yet be done this year; and Child offered the folloaing 2.,esolution and moved its adoption: rZ3OjU"jI0j.T T-4QVIDrT IG _R0.04 PUBLIC MT.,jrLIj.C-3 07,1 FROPOSEED rLT`OVA MM3 BE IT R213 MM by the Council of the Village age of 3dina as 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council & preliminary report as to the fea i. sibiii�r,y f o the proposed improvements described in the Fol-Il of Rotice of Hearing set forth below., and as to the estimated cost of such improvenents,, _ -7 , e in rne7 d report is hereby z-p n -0 f c said ._proved and directed to be placed o e of the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet at the Village, on 1,16x�dwy, kugast 24., 1953., at 7-90 P,,14'0., to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. 3. The Cleel: is hereby zixtuhorized and directed to caus6 notice of the ttime., 'Place and jpurpose of said meeting to .be -,published in the official neT;sp=, er once a week for t':-:Lo successive TrOehs, the second of said publications to be not less than t-hree days from date of said meeting, whdch notice shall be in substantially the folloiAng fom*. M * In -3 111MICL OF I X!C oil P-1,01--OSED Ml��,OVZZ]TS t 1p the Village ncii 31 mebt 11onda.-.,,, ,',u,--ust 2k,, Edina Vill, &W.-Al. that �Ge Cou 1 1953, at 7:30 P-.`-, and ':kill at said time and place consider the folloiAng pro- the authority grca-ited by :2inn-sota posed Lni-,rprovezieats� to be constructed under L-auss of 1953., Ch---,YGer 398, The appradnate cost of such inmprovauents is estimated by the Village Engille ear to be as follows: ows: EVI . 003T 1. t. Joh- s A Oiling - 3 -a ve., '459th to u.60th St. �,X179.65 2. OilLag - "T.5 -Sth St;., -Iooddale Ave. to 0,-1101auna Ave. 17576 A ,U Eooddalle Alve. to F airf ay- 1I.Va. - 60:58 3. Oiling - 5" 1-1 St - �, Oj I Lng _ jt-,,-, St. f ron ?5 Blo ck 6j, 4. %L _:4. lot lot Lot L jj&xi�iet Kanor 2nd *,.ddn. to France • ,L%re- 464-07 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost Of said improvements includes all the stre;�ts proposed to be itnproved-* lots and tracts Of lmd n:ojr�u-1ujjjC, upon t L::j Via? I acre Clerk Villlaze of Ed—*-na 8/10/53 217 lotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Danens;, and on Rollc, l there were 'Lour ayes and no nays, as follows: Bred se , aye; Child., aye; Panens, aye; and Frickson, aye; and the Reso?k_ i r adocted. I- 1`1'1' "S 1: _ V I'layor Deputy Village Clerk Petition was filed, signed by Messrs. Haverly and Hallauist, developers of Concord Grove Addici.on, for permit to connect Lots - 7, 8, 9,10,1 'Mad 12, Concord Grove '&di_Gion t%rith that wGtermai.n located in I-T.5Cth Street between St.Johns and Concord Avenues. Child moved-that petition be accepted, and that Public Hearing thereon be set for Monday,, August 24, 1953. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Letter from Parker S. Nolan, Union Representative, requesting wage increase for Village employees vies -read and ordered placed on 'file. Petition from Frances 11. O'Connor , fo-r permit to grade and Gravel Jackson venue between reli ore L_ne and North Village Limits, was accepted, and Hearing was scheduled for Iionday, August 24, by motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried.. t Irir. Of Connor asked that pei i ssior_ be granted ,for removal of dirt in his oira high lots abuttink.d`ackson_•.z"�,.veiiue -. ~, explaining that permission was formerly granted to Fred Swanson, Contractor, for this works Child moved that permit be granted. notion seconded by Danens and carried. I£r. 111.1en A. Kaufmann, 561.1 Dalrymple Avenue, complained of delay in black - toppi ng Dalrymple. He was informed that bids were taken this evening; that only one bid has been -received; that if bid is comparable ti -rith estimate of cost it should be - awarded at -next meeting. attorney Dcnald S. Burris, Mr. M.T. Williams, present oi-mer, and the option- purchaser of Lot 10, 1:udi.torl s Subdivision No. 196, asked for the rezoning of this lot to Corimunityy Store District to allow a chicken raising operation thereon. This property is on County Highway No. 18, .8 miles South of Highway No. 169. In discussion it was brought out that this operation has - been established for some years, that there has been no complaint; that the chicken houses will be contained on some two acres of the large tract; and, that while Council does not wish to consider the actual rem ning of the property, a special use - permitfoc�qu qfd. Child then moved that a special -use permit bd granted for chic e raising operation on Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, said permit to be automatically u7.tended for an additional two years providing-there are not serious objections from ot-:r�aers of neighboring properties; and i-rith the understanding that there is no commercial rezoning undertaken by this action.. Koti.on seconded by Bredesen and carried. Final Plat of 11 irror Lakes Ridge" :eras presented, together i,6!rh Planning Cormai.ssiont s recor_imandati.on for approval upon remedy of some minor details. fir. Iii cchall reco._- ,mended acceptance providing all exceptions are remedied to the .ngineer t s satisfaction. Bredesen moved approval, subject to rc orraction of exceptions listed, and subject -to initialing of plat by Chairman of Planning Cornraission. Motion seconded-by Child and carried. - I L. L.m. pe requested permit for construction of dwelling -on Lot L', Mirror La Ices Ridge prior to filing of plat. Kr. Iliteh6ll recommended approva*- Bredesen moved approval of request iriththe understanding that purchaser be appraised of the fact that Final Plat has not yet been filed. !lotion seconded by Danc_zs %nd carried. Jifter an ex.,oleization by 11.1 n-ager INtchelI, Bredesen roved that ap� roval .given at meeting of July- 20, on Preliminary Plat by lar. Henry Schmidt, 5111: South Dlahe Load (See Page 198 of I.Unttes) be rescinded. Motion seconded by Child and carried. .Final plat of the John Bloomberg plat, "Idyli-mod,tt was prese?zced. Pli nin.g Coi�ission recormiandrations were -reviewed. Bredesen moved approval of Final Plat of idy1 wood, subject to correction of exception rem xd? ng street profi es and subject to initialing by Planning Comm ssion. Chairman. Izotion seconded by Child and carried. The matter of fTm. V. Terryts request for au-c horny to open a black dirt and \1 gravel pit at I;213 IT-70th ;street came once again before the Council, Trith the Planning Cormissiont s recommendation for approval conditioned by submission of performcnee bond guaranteeing certain t -,yTti of operation. Child s motion, that a Co2nittee of the Village Council and the Plwhn:uzg Coirxi.ssion be appointed to inspect the grounds before any action is tcRen on this matter, iras z econded by Bredesen and carried. 210 8/10/53 Planning Co:----,is--ion's ,.u,,cTost 5th recon=endatioiV with regard to Preliminary pl of Subdivision of at souic'.1muest col-ner of "Oth mid Fr�nce were reTmio;,,,ad. Bredesen moved J.'or ep-.i--,rova- of Preliminary Plat by 0.,-*.L. Hintz. i:o`Clion seconded by Child End cariiod. Planning Commis;Aonts Laust 5th reconr of Pro endition for approval 1 LI a itainary Plat by Theodore 71a1lacher, subdividing one lot into three lots c-long H-_0 if=. '-venue extuended, t.-ere revieill:ad. Bredesen moved for approval of Pi,elirancry Plat. Lotion seconded by Child and carried. Council reviewed Planning Co=issionls Lugust 5th reco=uendation the approval of the request of Lund Ilazu.so, Ing., for permit 'Go,erect four tvo-family di,,rallin,-s on S U "'.49th I reet; these r,-co:a---.c;,nd.euions being for approved co--atinF,--nt upon developunent of par'Xing plans in their entirety. Bredesents notion, that Public Roaring be scheduled for 1,u_--ixeu 2Z�, 1953, at 7:310 P.I.'.,, on the .Liund-IMmse petition. 11ot-a.on seconded by Chi)-.d end carried. Planning Co=isAonts conditional approval of Final Plat of III.--occasin Valley" ems discussed by Council. 3redesen moved approvcl of Final Plat - j u to " sub ect correction of e.-,:cqptions listed by Co: C-Ission End subjeet to initialing by Planning CoLMission Ch- airman. ',,o-rion seconded by Child and carried. Bredesen moved for approva-1 of J.L..A. Znderson subdivision of Bloclk 23., Lr3ridelssohn., in accordance T;:!Ah 5th recom, endations by Planning Commission. Motion seconded by Child and cLrz ^ied. Bredesen moved for ariprova- of Final Plat of Gunnar Johnson's Re-Plat of Lot 30, Rolling Lugust- Rolling Green,, in accordcnce iAth Planning Comm- s' approval given 5- 116tion seconded by Child end carried. Petition for the Blac]tuopping of Zenith Avepue bet-ween 'T,',r .57th and '4T.5U-h Street ::as filed ed i.TGh Council. 33redeson moved accepting petition and scheduling Public ID Hearing on same for first meeting in I-Ioxch, 1954- 4'.otio-n seconde• by Child cnd carried. r PeuitiorBin opt osBtion to siderv.-allc,, curb and gutter in Zenith ;:.venue betipsn "..-.57th and U-52.th Streets i,=e noted and ordered placed on file by motion Dredesen., seconded by Child and c,,rried. A letter from the 111.-Iorthn =-t tangle of Edina" complaining about road conditions -eras noted and ordered referred -to ,Public ',.,Iorks Committee. Petition vas filed for the Gra(�-ing and Gravelling of the alley between TMIlliam and Hanl-,orson Avenues and between "'T. 51-at and ',,T. 52nd Streets. Child d moved that petition be rejected, and that Council schedule a Public Hearing on the possible Vacation of tl-dis al? ey, for Monday,, Illovember 9., at 7:30 P.K. Kotion seconded by Danens and carried. The following applications for Plumbers' Licenses Trare presented, and were apyroved by notion Child, seconded by Danens and carried: Houghton Plurnlbin,-, and Xealcing Co.., 5809 ITicollet ;,Venue Doyle C: 013rien ]?I-w:fainC,., Inc., 3809 Mcollet ;,.venue 2orman Plumbing Co-,zpany., 9737 Lynd.-I e Ave. So. 314 lv_x- J. Deters,,' 9 Sumter Ive., St.Louis Park The recuest of E.G. Thernell for condemnation of the East 1/2 of Beard Arenue beu-ueen ,1.60th and ,7.61st Streetp -mas, reported by Uancger Litucholl, referred to Vile Public i'.1brIks Committee, by motion Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried. 1.2r. Robert Ludgate of the Village Utter Department requested an increase in salary. He cited raises given other employeas in the middle of t]ae rear. 12r. Ludgate was told that the Council cm-inot consider any increase except in relation to its budget for 195k,; that re-classi� ication of Village employees -All be considered at that JU- Liao. Considerable discus.-.ion was had on possible storm sewer remedy for the 'Y'vorne Terrace area. Ch:'dl s motion, that Public Hearing on this improvement be tentatively sc7ijeftLiaed for September pending additionz-A report by Village Engineer, was seconded by Bredesen and curried. 1-17mager -i:itchell reported a petition filed for Storm Se,:,-er on fi:oodend Drive. Chil-d1b motion, that rotition be referred to Public '.Torhcs Cori-rd-ttee for investi- gation, imas -seconded. by D==11s and carried. 8110153 I I.Z@nc,ger 11itchell reported Trustee Danens' recpest that Electrical Ordin,,qce be pub into effect just as soon as possible; and Village Office was directed to write for model ordinances for Electrical., Gas and Heating codes. Kresse of Northern States Power Company e:q)lained that under the State law, Northern States - Power must have evidence of inspection by a State inspector before they can connect a dwelling -r-rith their lines; that all municipalities in the State which do not have their oim--ordinances are now operating under this law. Child ts notion, 'for installation of the following -street lights: 1. At K-ent venue and ";Tarwick Place 2. At, Brook-imew Avenue between 6254 and 6300 and for the moving of the light at 60th Streat and Noxm,=-idale to the Sout1west corner of the intersection, -vras seconded by Danens and carried. Ki% I-1itchel I Is detailed -written report concerning the problems encountered in the plans for Blacktopping of 17bodland Road; mainly drainage problems, with the possibility necessity of construction of a short storm serer, -was reviewed, and was referred to Public ;Torres Committee for investigation., by motion BredesenP seconded-by Child and carried. 219 Bredesen's notion., for payment of Village Payroll, amount '%.)9.,277.53 and Liquor Store Payroll,, anount ��l,,187.02 -, for period August 1 to 15., inclusive, as recorded in detedl in Payroll Ledger, and for payment of the folloi-ring clams,, was seconded byChild and carried: CIA= 'NO. T Ow *0 - YUGUITT FURD 9'-W Jack Meredith .3,01 9301 Fred.Jonas 6.02 9302 Don Pederson 2.80 9303 -1-1orris Self 15-19 9304 John.Olson 8.68 9305 Geo. Thompson 388.64 9306 1-Telson Dry Goods 5.90 9307 Izaerican Print:Uig Co. 61.85 9- �o8 Leir Bonn Co. 9.25 9309 Griswold Co. 19.65 9310 League of -171innesotal1unicipalities 209.00 9311 T-vin. City Testing & alig. Lab. 6.00 9323" Lyle- Signs, Inc, 8.1;.0 9329 Edimrd. Sherman 14.00 9331 R1, C, Sonnenberg 12.00 9332 Joe -Rush 14-00 9332 Bu-bl-er and Co. 96 MITE" MID 9333 Dale Green Co. 1:50 1 436,85 1 ING. C,7' 1T.*1 9325 James icltellis 181. 10 POORt, FUND 5824 Suburban Henn. Cy. Relief Bd. -,g.ggt CONSTRUCTION 9296 Esdina-I'Iornin-gside Courier 217.80 9297 Construction Bulletin 92.00 9298 Geo.- I-Tillson 18-75 9299 Robert L. ;Schaub 40-00 9311 Tt.n City Tewbing and .Eng. Lab. 17050 9379 Ashworth Son 1084.87 9380 it it � . 4;115.03 9 381 Victor Carlson 5,782.59 9382 ".art Carlone 450-00 *)853-84 93383 Lshi,.,orth L Son U5.30 12., OV'-,:1TT FITI MS Z,,TZ:: 9320 Northwestern Natl* Bank (L952 -1st Series) %650.46 9321 "1 It it (1951-1st Series) 1,01;-9.23 9322 it rr rt (1950-3rd Series) 553-44 9323 tt (1950-2nd Series) 1,188.1,,I,. 9324 (1950-Ist Series) . 682.1Q 13.,123-97 5825 First National Bank of Hiolso 1; 592.88 S3R" 5 26 IT it 6,488. k % !� 8,081.58 P.I.R. MTD 9299 Robert -L. ScI'laUb st 98.00 9312 %rs. 11'alsh 1.70 9313 L. H. Hein 4.25 9314 H. P. Skoglund 27-40 9315 Irthur 'LK. Petersen 2,027. 85 6EIGE CfYL CTDIU 9326 Irt Harris x2,062.00 i2ZA a 8I10%53 C_ =1 10. TO: .: +i0IIPT U; 9316 Gaorze ��. Totten, Jr., Count- Treasurer x97.46 9317 �'- -T ° , '- .41s' s`�..CSI, i.- i414�'I�.I.. ..:«;,,YJ.... 0.1. 1,295-73 9310 �r rr a rr rr 7.,459-88 nl 9319 �� ITOr 4�:.ew Le1'n laa,.L, ona,I. J"�mmk 1,102.75 i� rt..�.0 D=-T. 9327 Ch ppw a Freight, Inc. 10.22 „ %9, 966.01 9333, Elliot dF" el 1. 5.20 9335 ". ehf field lumfovr Co. 87.97 9336 Gardner -Hardware 66.00 " 9.37 1 esley Pearson 62.25 9338 Leonard L. Dvorak 47.70 9339 . A.ph L. '111alverron 29.15 93h0 Jznes L3 =n 7.95 93L;I- Don Deve;n-zer, 15.90 931:2 Harry Driest 18.55 9343 Richard L. 11CFeters 350.E t - 9344, l rs. , 1 i 4 betb D. Borg r 5 1_3.� 9345 John ShofIhan 75.00 9347 Pny�? i s Stillm" m 1:5.00 9348 GLry 11, h an.son - 120.00 93119 firs. DOn v n Stetson 150.00 9350 ?etty aid 150.00 9351 12 :r-�?-drn D. I?wbcott 150.00 9352 Ronnie Lundouist 150.00 9353 Joa- mo Huseby 135.00 9354 1- rs. Letty Lou Ila_nnah 20.00 9355 3arbara Ellig 55.00 9356 Janet Diebold 55.00 9357 'usau Danielson 150.00 9358 Richard Ca Coombs 150.00 9359 Janice Carlson 25.00 9361 -11mcy 'u,dorzon 150.00 9362 Jul icxme E. Read 90.08 9363 if r' 75.00 9361 Robert U. Reid 67.50 9365 Jezm ::artin 135.00 9366 n n . 15.00 9367 Gerald I 'mayon 70.50 9x68 TOM L -Oe 65.25 9369 Dic'_-. Siebert, Jr. 66.00 9370 Jay Diebold 71.25 9371 _ober-ca, Cole 54.00 9372 Donald :ic.•1311m 110.00 9373 Jim Pc rher 33.75 9371, David 3 ehlin 17.25 9375 Robert U. ve:id 400.00 9376 Jim. Eurr:is 37.50 9377 .asren L. 3eson 200.00 Piai KliD 9378 Hop1,6ms recreation ion Co,:mAsLion 500.00 "')4A28.52 T,9635 T,9635 ud. Phillirs QS: Co. 5,482.00 1-9636 u it n 55,19 L2637 a rr. rr 624.63 12638 GriEgs, Coo; er 2, 613.80 LIT 0 ` T1 D L2639 rr rr 3,459.85 ::12,265.47 8/1-0/53 In line T,,:I:bh Kanager 1--litchellts e:�Tllana;tion that the, proposed "Blaol-tto-p-p-ing C:� of T. 56th Street between Park- Place and a point 175 feet 3ast thereof- had been inadvertmYbly omitted when publisihin!T Notice of Hearing on t-Tie Mack- topping of IToodland Circle and "IT. 50-'Ih Street D mens, of:tered the following Resolution and moved its ado-yUon., rG13OLUTICIT P.R.OVIDLIG FXT,, PU3L!C-T TG ON MLOPOMD 3 U=1721 E3?TROV=I-= BE ML R2130M M by the Council- of the Village of ;din as 'follows: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed iamrove-,-ient described in `U"JhUe Form of Notice of Hearing set forth beloi,.r, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed op, file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. This Souncil shat I meet at the Village Hal I on '4.ondlay., August 24., 1953., at 7:30 P-117.., to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. 3. The ClerI,, is, hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the tizae, place and - official purpose of said. meeting to be published LI the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of said publi- cations to be not less than threes days from date of said meeting, TA-L, ch notice shall be La substantially the followi ng form: DrIME OF :-EIMLIKI 011 KROPWED SUL= E:PnS,07M=-,T YOTICE 13 =TZ C- ;t that the Edina Village Council 11 meet I :qnd � ay., : iueuot 24., 1953, at 7:30 P-1111:-, at the Village .1-1all, and ?.-ill at said ti-.e C� and place consider the folloi•dng proposed iaiprovaaent. to be constracted under the authority granted by I innesota Lairs of 1953, Chapter 3908: Blaek,topping of 'IT-56thStreat betwa-en ParIc Place and a point 175 Feet East thereof. The appro--dnaibe cost of such iqprovainaent is estimated by the Village I-age Enr-,-naer to be 7.00. C, Tho ,-,roposed area to be assessed for the cost of said iii-aproverlent includes all lots 'anal tracts of land abutting upon the portion of street proposed to be LiTproved. ZV= C. B1271K. Village Clerk • Village of Edina IZotion for adoption of Resolution vras seconded by Dredesen., and on 1"..ollcell there i-.Tere four ay-es and no nays, as follows: Bredesen,, aye; Child, aye; �,,,s adopted. Danens, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the F. lUlti:o-q� AT T Z ST 1-21.yor Deputy Village Clerk, Ilm-ager Mitchell then presented completed Plans and Specifications for several projects, Tjnich z-,-ere reviewed by the Council; and Bredesen offered the folloTrIng Resolution and moved its adoption: FjMLjj"LjUj,I :-,PP.R.0'\TDI-G PLAITS -M, SM-CIFIC."TIONS 20R SAIYZILMY SMZML. r-MMM. 7-1-1"1 1100 59, 17,!M—Ka- .T 1:211 I:,:P:!07T.I=TI- NO. 63, STMT- rI2D2OV!I= S IMS. C-33., C-k,11, YdTD J142, ;ITTD D=CTMG BE IT 7,133DITUM by the Village Council of the Village of 'E'dina'. 1. The plans and specifications for 5,711MIrff S21M, rTQTIZFT 11-0. 59, T D:PInOV=Z]--,7M NIOS - C-33 1,10. 63, and STI=� D , C-L1 'and heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 1 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published tirice in the Edina-11orningside Courier and the Construction 'bulletin the folloiring notice for bids for the construction of said Lan rovements: =LZITT 7023. BIDS SMTrIU-IIY SMER: I,-JIAMF:-5MT: C-:LV@nTG :,T,TD M,10,�M'OPPMG i:TROVZ=TS 11IM:103 13 1 GMIN that - the Edina Village Council iAll meet "ond.L`.- august 24 Edna Villag Hal 1., 4801 T,". ;� -at 7:30 P U U 195', at the Zdi- e ,0th Lotr.:)at, and, at said time and place open and consider s e -a ed bids for the folloi.ing i-riorovements: 1. 3`OMIRZY 5,17:23 fl:2211=11,T NO. 59 - Construction of Sat-lit=-y Lateral Sewar =d Appurtenances in Ashcroft Iva. between Valley Vier road ,and -,,T.02nd St. 2. ZIP-ROIFMaIT iTO. 63 - Construction of Village Uatex-main xe- rom from -' Extenoion-and appurtenances in Valley View Road f to St.JoImis in Ashcroft 1ve. from Valley View Road to INT.62nd St.; in St.jo,,MS ,.:Ve. 0, a ' Val ley Viej.r .L,,Oad. to 7T .62nd '30t. M 92) 8/10/53 9260 - ST = 11?uF% :'0- C -33 - C wad i ng, C and Oil Stabs liced D-se-- ITooddal e from VF-11 ey View Road to Garrison Lme, and Garrison Lane from `.00ddal e . ra.., to end inclu&-Ing Turn-around. J+ STIR l 1 UIO. C-L,,,l -, Grading cmd- Gravelling, of Lane from U-54th St. to Ubodland Circle. 5• E_TI�ZT: :T 7:10. ;,,42 - Blacltopping of 1.1oodcrest Drive between 11.55 and 11-55', Streets. Bidders nay bid on any or all projects. "N'ork must ba done as described and specified in plans and specificetions for said improvamezr'us on filo in office of Village Clerk. Bids must be subm cted on basis of cash pasymem, for work. Ho bids rill be considered unless sealed and filed with unders' Fned before of said meeting and acco.apmied by cash deposit., bid bond- or certilied c1hecI.- payable to Village Clerk in amount of te.-LI percent of amount of bid. The Council reserves tha richt to reject any or all bids. BY 0,':-@ Z-Fu OF TTI:] 0017,11CIL. ZV.'M C. W-IT.K., Village Clerk Village of Edina 3. Each mid all of the tems of the for,-gaing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of amxd of the om-zu-raot for said inprovemmelit. there '7 K-otion for ado, -lion of ',,o-solwtuion -tras seconded by Child, and on "Rollcall ' ere were four eyes and no nays., as follows. Bredesen., aye; Gild, aye; Dale= s5 aye; and "SriCl:son, aye; and the resolution was adopted I MM: 4 I-layor Deputy Village Clerk !-mager Iatchell then presented completed plans for construction of the -..-'ell 1 5- for sF IT'o ,nitary, sewer and T7&Gei-j,-,in L-aprovement , 6 Southdal -vfnich plans were reviewed by the Council. Child offered the follmring Resolution and moved its adoption: MOLTITIO111-11 JAPPI'MMG, PUL's �.dlm SPEC IFICAKITHS Oz", 0 r I ,7,',SrJZCTLJ0!T, Ox . ?SELL "oW, J,!2MM72MI MTT) SAIT.-LTIM 11 n3 MTI M2.22-TIZZIT NO. 'M Diet CTIIIG ADVITUISMM"T FOR BIDS B3 IT ME OMM, by the Village Council of the Village of Edinta 1. The plans and sp6cifications for CUNSTRUCTIC"IT OF 1311 FM IT=K:r-.MT k1m S�iT ri Iff S'=-4 �u�- --,T ITO. 65., heretofore prepared by the Village EnL-inaer and now on File in the of:.-'ice of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clan'_, shall cause to be published trice in the EcUma-:Hbrningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the follmAng notice for bids for the construction of said improvementm ADV3K-,TISZ-:I—MT FM BIDS FOR NATEM:,11111 `20D SITITMY Sz= =-:27-= rL NO. 65 - construction of Gr=J that ses-led proposels for the is IMIM""I'L .7 ;;ell -v..dll be received at the t office of the Edina Village Clerll:, 4,801 .iT. ,15 U h Street, in the Village of 2c'Liina, Mixin. until 7.'30 0- tike dGh day of ., un 2J, ,ugudt, 1953, and -vrM then be publicly opz)ned. Bids are imd�ted for a 1200 G.P.11. ,.ell, complete in every detei 1. -1d spaces must be upon proposal for-as and in accordance idth the plans an fications -viki ch =y ba obtained at the off ice of the Village Clerk upon request. Each bidder zaust oWbizifi-ttiAth his bid a certified cheolk., cashier's ched1l: or bid bond with a security company as surety, in am mouxru etu—al to V be7ya precept of his base bid. The reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to vaive informalities. BY cr- OF 117 VILL= CCTKICIL. z7:11D C. Rr7K' Village Clerk Villa [;e of Edina n a:-Id all 0- tile terms of tile foregoing advertisement for bids are -3. C7 L hereby adopted as the t3rms . and conditions of am-rd of the co.-tract for said improvan-ent. Ir �a i ns , an IL cal 1,10tion -,or =do-ption. of the Resolution as seconded by D e. d on Roll 1 there ware four ayes and no hays., as follows: Brede 5enr eye; CII:Q-cl, aye; D, ---tai s, ay�; -11ie'mon., ayes; and the ResolirUo- �raslLdopted I I T T Z r-3T Mayor Deputy -Village CleVk 1. 8/10/53 Manager 1•1itehell then presented completed Plans and Specifications for Jbhe Sanitary Trunk, Seuer for -t,,Tateimiain and Sanitary Sawer Iraprovenent No. 65, i.xhich plans and specifications were reviewed at some length by the Council. Child offered the folloi,dng Resolution and moved its adoption: =,3DLTJT1071,T ApPrOOV _UTC- PI,.A.TTS MD SMOUIC.T11011S. FUR &UTITIUff TIMIK, SIMMI., MR '11-MiTME U1211 XIM S.,71­Tr1-Mff-SMM,R 32MEZOMMUT 110. 65, IND DIrECTETC1 AM ri-M 1 31M. HZ IT IMOLNED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The Plans and specifications for construction of SAHMUTZ TRUIX 3E4;221 FOR 7,LM-2 11T., -UM &UTITARLY 33M L-TRYVT_MZ5;11T 1,10. 65, heretofore prepared d by .'r re the Village ]Ingineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause -to be published at-least once in the Edina- '� b 10 11ox-ningside Courier -and Construct ion - Bulletin, at leas three weeks be"' re the date cK2 said bias are to be accepted, the. fol I oi.:ing'notice for bids for the construction of said Lqproveiaent: ADV. ITISM FOR, BIDS WaTITI TATIT11. SEMUrl FO,1' 2t,y Ss M Z,ZT.',.=-Z31JT NO. 65'. The 21 dina Village Council will meet at the .Village I age Hall, 48801 W. 50th Street., Honday., . September 14, 1953, at 7:30 P.1%, to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Sanit4ry Trunk Sewer and appurtenances for Uwber%iain and Sanitary Sewer Mnprovemf nt No. 65, 'as follows: -ices 2.,L,,00 Lin wi ..Ft. of 2411 Sanitary Trunk Sewer, and Lppurten therefor,, from TT.'691th St. and Valley View 'Zoad, Sough and East to T ,.72nd St. and -ice F ' rm Lvenue; and 4,,760 Lin; Ift. -of 33" Sanitary Trunk Sewer and Ippurtenances therefor, from France-11vanue and 72ad St., Southerly and Easterly on ;T. 73rd Street to 73rd Street and -Kerxes Avenue; South on Xerz:es Lve* to 'J.75th St., to connection with Mchfield-�Edina Trunk Sewer. Bids are invited for sever .laid complete in every detail. Bids must be on proposal fojms and in accordance with the plans and specifications i-inich may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon request and a deposit of "'10.00, i-faich deposit iAll be returnable upon the return of said _1011ins and specifications. 7Ibrk must be done as described - and specified in plans Paid specif-16ations-for said improvement on file in the office of the Village 6lerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids i-j-111 be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check, payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten perzent of amount of bid. BY COMM CF TBEI, VILTL.LGO COMTOIL. BVIM C. B."EK, Village Clerk Village of Edina 30 Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertiseae7j.-It for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of airard of the contract for sai d j.mprovement. I•lotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows., B ade n,, aye; Child, aye; mas Danens, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Re lu,) �;o s adopt do I ST AT T 3 ff141 IIqr or Deputy Village Clerk At this time Manager Ilitche,21 presented Tabulations of Assessments for the Blacktopping of 1-449th Street between France Avenue and 11aple 'Road, cnd for w `several �011ing projects now completed. Assessment Rolls were reviee w d at length by the Council, and Child offered the folJo-vrj:ag*.rResQ1ution and moved its adoptiont. - RESOLUTION PROVIDING F03 SPECUM JISSE35=1T M-i 1RIEGS B3 rl R21--O LV1,43D by the Council of the, Village' of Edina,, as fol I ows 1. -The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amount to be F, 2,1 -11, ,,2aJCE, AVZ. " D specially assessed for the B_T.�C1UOPP:[ITG OF N-49MI STS ,'T M L i.unmi- zn:o, for su=T UTLMMl12TTS - NOS. 0--�42,0-L,,3,0-4,4,0-�,-5.,.0-46.,- and 0-48., and for the OIIIM,'�'G OF, ENOLAND RWID BM=' 'I ITOODDILM AM-3. !d ID BRO(YUMT ;-M, against the respective lots,, pieces and. -parcels of .land -vj:!:'uhin the. district affected by each of said, improvements,. and said proposed assessments having been filed with the; Clerk, the same are hereby approved, and said Clerk, s hal 1 keep the some on file in his office and open to publict inspection pending hearing thereon as herein provided. 223 224 8110153 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assessments, and •h6 Clerliz IIS hereby directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper at least 30 days ricior to said meeting., vrnil ch notice shall be in substantially the folloi-.-Ingr form: i'MUCE OF I-Q'1TM.`GS 011 SMMI A3S235:ZrLS 110TICE IS =- MY GIST th:::b the Council. of the Village of "dins. trill meet at the Village Hall on Ilonday., S'e-,10tenber 14., 1953, at 7:30 P.':., to hear and pass upon' all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for the following Injorovemey-ft's., -v?hich assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerl-, and open to public inspection: 1. BU-XIVIOPPLIG OF STIRti W, i- ,=T 1111 TD 1:APM 1 2. O= 1. ji ' Benton ire., Code 11va. to Tingdale live. (042) 20 Southvieu Lane, Concord :eve. to 11ormand.0 e Rd. (0-1.3) ,T,r ' �,T 36 Zenith :,ve._, .057th to A,56th 3t. (0-44) Kellogg 4. 059th 3t., 'Kellogg ,?eve. to Oaklavm Ave. (0-45) 1 II.Village Limits to Belmore T,:..ae (0-46) 5. Harrison c i 6. Beard -U-57th to vr 64 058th St. (0-48) 7. IToodland Road betwean Uboddale ,eve, and Brook-view Ave. The area -proposed to ba assessed for the cost of each of the foregoing inwove-afents consists of all the lots, pieces and parcels of land abutting said specified improvEnests. EV."ILD C. Bi:JK,, Village Clerk Village of Edina, 'lotion for adoption of Resolution v.-as seconded by Bredesen and on R'ol I c- al I there were z-Dzw ayes and no ncys, as follo-,-x: Bredesen., *1 Ye., Oftild.7 Lye; Dane.ns., aye; and r3riee:son, aye; and the Resolution i-.-as adopted. MEIST: 113yor Deputy Village Clerk, The nest Assessment Roll presented by the Village Engineer was that for UST =7 T Zi-MOU-31 'i10 D-1 r- 3 OF 1 Vam- m? LIT 110 P."W-MG., CITI-0 ;,!-.D MUM ON IDZ FR: f 01; 1: 1 MLtchel-1 reported th,-;:b the total cost of this project vras z,?74,,232.80; County Share -*] Lo Edina Cost at �' being, ,. -2,9�3-07.,lea%ring T tal Ed� %,61,309.07., of ifnich General Fund will bear 2/3 of Paving Cost-,'37>0-94.62., leaving ;„18.,945-70 as agcinst 3,595.01 Residential "ssessable Footage for"5.27. per Foot; and 125 Commercial Footage at -;15-81, plus Curb ­480- Bredesen then offered the folloiAng resolution a1-id moved its adoption: L' MITI r-16OVIDLIG 17011 SFEML MIMMM, ST-11 ZIIR0VI=rL 110. 31-1 BE IT -'7250LVM, by the Council of the Village of Edina, as follo=: 1 1. The Clark ,-znd Eng-ineer having c-alculated the proper anourrlu to be special .y assessed for SULI TY-u'.01F�IZIT 1,10. E-1., against the respective lots, pieces uid parcels of land affected by said improvement, and said prop osdd assess- rent ha-m—Ing ba an filed ed with the Clerk, the same is horeby cp proved, and srd d Cleek, sh--11 11:aep the s�"-e on file im Ais office and open to pii6lic insp-action pending hearing thereon as herein provided. 2. This Council sh,11 raect at the time and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter contcined to pass upon sad pro-osed assess-uent., and the Clerk is hareby diiacted to cause notice of the time., place and purpose of s-;7i d meeting to be published in thr--) official newspaper at least 30 dqrs prior to szi*d meeting, i-ii-Lich notice s'14,11 be in substantially the follo-Ans form: I!Cpj.ICI; OF Oil A35F,333= ti STTa-;T =MUT1.72 110. B-1 PAVZTG CIF 2 TD y �'! GU;.L!TM ULT INMEST SIDE OF namcii; x,= iaOTICE -13 i il -' -7 1 -1 1 -M-FMY C---LV,-!.:,, that the Council of the V lage of ,dina will neet at the L :T rmandcl e Road., 1;.onday., Lty Room of the ::dhu-z,.--7..orningside Hight School., 5701 40 :September 21, 1953, at 7:30 olclodlc to hear and pass u.con -1111 objections, if ux�b -i -Test gild Gutuer in the any, to the proposed a3sezzincd6 for the cost of Paving, CI said of France *.venue the !Torth VMc ge Limits and U.4cith &Z"Uraeu and bet,.:aen 5-1st E:ad 1% 54th Straats. This assas,..'Daeirtu is noi-,- on file in. the Office of the "Village Cleric aad o-,;--,--n to yablic, inspection- The area proposed to ba ao.sessed for the - a-bove nci,-ed j-nproirE~Iaat includes M lotu s J. the strc6t uI-lich has and tracts oil 1,=-Id lroiltinr and abutting upon the portion .of baen- #aproved. MUD G. Vill---ge Clerk Village of 71dina 11 -a there :_lotion for ado-,ption of I-tlesolwtuion -,-ras seconded by Danens., and on '.c,.o c 1 ere ware four aZres -:.nd no as folloust Bradesen,, ay;y'ol C d, DanMs a-,ve; and Erickson, c;, e; and, the resolution was ado-,pte 'Degirtuy Village 01�:rlc 8/10/53 225 11r. latchell then presented Tabulation of lzsessment and Assessment 2L all for SrIT I .� i�41. Ss,:.l.,lti Il.}.14VjT1:wilT I•iO.; 53 -- 14IC111' 1.L'JIW-EDialx 11,1214CLP1{I4S, sia.d assessments having been figured in accordance with -,Tr evious instructions by the Council; as follot -rs o 1. An rssessment for each lot, piece, and parcel of land within' the Village Limits,- not already assessed or to be assessed for Joint Sewer' District No. 1.,, 2. Assessment of }1.00 per from.foot for all platted property and for all acreage on which preliminary plats have been presented., with 150 F oet TIa�uXtiwn. 3. Assessment of = „35.00 per acre on all unplatted property except: A. Lakes and Ponds shown on 1954 .trial ;Survey., zrhich will be deemed not ,,benefited. c B. platted property of over two acres in area, which has frontage of over 150 feet on streets., which will be charged at ,; ;1.00 per front foot for actual frontage ' t - 0. Southdale properties, which will be charged on a usage basis of 13.9 of entire sewer capaatt, and 13.91 of total cost. -3. An Ad Valorem Tax of 1.5 N.-ills for Construction 1.1anager ii--tchell e ;golain.ed that this assessment must be on estimate; that it is novr known that at least one of the two contracts awarded for this project will •run con..: siderably over contract cost. assessment trs revietred at length and much ,'. iscussion had thereon. Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption. SOLUTION PROVIDING FCR SPECZ iLL s SESSi T BElal1`ICx -S Il1IIT.i RY S M, Z't1� R ZPROV°1 1`Q,IT ll0a 53 B E IT PESOLUD by the Council of the _Village of Edina, as follows: 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper mount to be specially assessed for SAMIT ARY SEA 2R I1,2RrJM:,INT 1,10. 53, against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within the district affected by said Tiiprove,nent, and said proposed assessment having been filed with the Clerk, the sane is hereby approved, and said Clerk shall keep the same on file in his office and open to public inspection pending hearing thereon as herein provided. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter conteined.to pass upon said proposed assessment, and the Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of the time, place aizd purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior to sail meetic.g, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF MiRMG ON 13SEaoi'XTI C r OR S1\I1URY Sa.,''.uR LM1 L: :WV JZ1a 1,10. 53 RICIT U ID -, MINA .6:i I&DICEPT ORS NOTICE IS z7TZ Y Glit. q that the Council of . the . Village of Edina frill meet a; the Community Room of the Edina Morningside I3igh School, 5701 Noi -mmddl e Road, Konday, September 21, 1953, at 7 :30 P.11'.., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the Edina portion of the cost of construction of two .Interceptor Sewers lying' i-, within the Village of Richfield and the City of :t i_nneepolis in order to provide adequate Outlets for the sewage, of the Village of E,di iaa, said interceptor sewers being as follows: Interceptor Seiner No. 1, commencing at cI.65th Street and Xerxes Avenue, md Lunning East to Humboldt Avenue; thence South to T .66th Street;, thence East to 11th venue Soutfr; thence ;North to ef.63rd Street; thence Easterly to Stm dish Avenue; thence Easterly and Northerly ' to a junction with t he Train City San.it wry District Seger at 29th a venue South and 53rd Street; Interceptor Sewer No. 2, commencing at 75th Street and Xerxes .'.Venue South, running E ryst to Fremont :lvenue South; thence South to 1:"`.76th Street; thence .East to Blaisdell :;venue; thence ;North to ;:.73rd Street; the, nce .East to Chicago- - .venue; thence North to W.70th Street; thence crest to Columbus J'Wenue; thence North to ,w.66th Street and a Junction with Interceptor 'Wo. 1 above, This assessment is now on file in the Office of the V.iIL.1 ge Clerk and open to public inspection. Th-_ area proposed to be assessed for the above named imyrovement includes the followiizg properties: 1. M lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: TIBeginning on .pier” .es :venue at its point of intersection irlth ;forth line of �1.62nd 3traet e:dcended -! ast; thence South on Xerxes *.venue to South Village L zd:bs; thence "rest, on South Village Limits, to "Test Village Limits; thence Borth on "rest Village Limits to North Village. Limits; thence East on North Village Limits, to the "Uest line of Section ?S, Toi:nship 117 N., Range 211U; thence ;aouth on the .lest line of said Section 28 znd Section 33, Township 1171�T, 'range 21 ?�r, to a point Ttiro Hlurift od ,and ;seventy J. st {270 ft.), more or .less, Nortl of :,T .56th Strtiet extended "t Test; thence 3oi.7theasterly, Five hundred and Eighty feet (5SO ft.), more or less, to point on the !Test line of Lot P., Registered Land Survey %TO. 18.0 trhich intersects with a n 6 8110153 M02 line e:ztended -,.-ast :�rou the Southwest Corner of Lot lb.,. E rlundl s Pla ce; thence East, On �ssaaid e:: ailed li:ae cxid parallel to :;.56th S_tr-cat" to the Klorthl..evb corner of lot 12, Stowl s Yvoivao Terrace; th. Southeasterly to the South lot line of lot 14., Stour's Yvoi-me Terrace; th. vast aloner.the South lot lines of Lot 11,, to '21,., inclusive., Storts Yvonne Terrace., to the West line of ,Mate 'Hifill.,cy 1,10� 100 ("lormaaciale ""ozd); th. South along said State HiL-Ijuray 110. 100 to ,.58th Street -el -.Icended ;lest; th." Zastt on U. 58z' 'th St. exbended -,:est and U. 58th ;street, to the :.rest lot lLae of lot 13 Block 5,, Fairfa—z 1,ddition; th. South dbng the I-,'es'u lot lines of Lots 1 through 12, Block 5., Fairfw:I'vddition., to ?T-59th - Street; th. Fast t on I% 5'tt'-,' Street to the East lot line of Lot 13., Block 4, Fairf ax. It'iddition; th. Iorth 0 ong the East lot line of Lots 13 t o 24. inclusive, �loc' c 4., F to 'th Street; th. East on- " 56th Street to the ?Test lot o airf a:c -Iddition., 'L/-, 1' 53 line of lot 1, Bloclk 2, Loran' s Edina IZ=zor; th. ,,South along the ;Test line of Block 2, Loran's Edina '.-Inor, to the South line of 1-1,-Al-if az '_venue ", ddition; _th: :last along t --:e South line of I-Ial i fax Avenue Lddition., to 11rence Avenue; th. East on the South line of Halifax Avenue liddition extended East, to Beard .l, venue; th. South on Beard .venue and Beard .1venue e:Ltenrded South, to its intersection i.'Ith the north line of !'.62nd Street extended East; th, East on said Uorth line of .!.--62nd Street to ::,er:-_es .1vanue, the point of beginning. 2. All lots and tracts of land abutting France :venue betvlaen U-5,85th and U.60th Streets. I 3. Lots 13 23 3 and 4, Bloek 1, Harriet IL-nor 2nd :.ddition. This area includes M- lots and tracts of land not heretofore assessed., or to be assessed., for the costs of Joint Sewer District ITo.-I improvement. t FI 031= OF r21:1-1 VIMT:11GO, CONG-1 TI. 4V!Z.D C. B.,'M, Village Clerk Village of Edina 1.-otion for &doption of the rLezolution iras seconded by Bredesen and on R9 11-C 1 - I there were four ayes and no nays., as follows: Bredesen., eye; Child, aye; Danans,, aye; and Ericir-son, aye; and the Resolution T, eo z <U�e' d a ATTZST: I 'r-y x / " 11 Deputy Village Clof,:,-- There being no further business to come before this meeting, Bredesen moved for adjournment. notion seconded by Danens and =ried. 1,"eeting adjoulmed at 11:50 P.11* Deputy Clerk