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8/24153 227 IM�UUS OF TIM II: Gi G U M H 1, TIG OF TiM U, )14A VII!diGB CCUICIL, MLD ''014DI,IYI AUGUST 24., 1953, AT 7:30 P. U., EDINJA VULMB ILUILL- 1.1ambers answering "Rollcall were Bredesen., Child., Danens, 13ank and Erickson: ks6n' Childs I s motion for approval of 11inutes of Neeting of July 27, 1953, was seconded by Danens and carried. First natter on the agenda was the taking of- bids on several improvement projects. Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina--Norningside Courier-and Con- struction Bulletin August 13 and 20., 1953, iihich were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Danens then moved f or referral of -bids to the Assistmt Village Engineer for public opening in the Engineer's Office. Seconded by Child and carried. Later in the evening, bids were presented acrd found to be as follows: S111, MARY NATZIU:011 S T K' MI T STME-111T STIRIM111. SL M - ,159 kq63 - L,:,P. ��'0-33 UY. M-Y-Ok-l".2 ;,Lshcroft- Val ley V. Ifooddale & Halifax Wo od c r e st Wiew-62nd Slope Garr'isonl. Lane 55-55 i St. Peter Lametti 4;1, =L. 6 5 7., 009 i, S& Phelps-DraIlce Co. .1,993-00 8.,067-35 Bart Carlone 2,275-50 7,618.00 7'i'm. V. Terry 2.,372.60 8.,497-50 DeGraff-Uolff 2,440-75 8.,972-75 F. Illorettini 2.,579-50 8, 84.0 - 7 5 Lmetti & Sons 2,823-70 8,446-70 Pfeiffer Const, Co. I `4,336-70 Danens then moved for referral of all bids received to Village Engineer for tabul- ation., comparison with estimate, and report at the next regular meeting. 1:26tion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Pursuant to 111"Avert-isement for Bids-=,,Iell for Sanitary Sewer and ".1ateimain IMP?ove- ment No. 65.," - publishedin Edina-1.1orningside Courier and Construction Bulletin :august 13 &nd 20., 1953, ,'Ufidavits of Publication for which were submitted Eby Clerk, approved as to f orm., and placed on file., -se;fl ed bids were received f or scid well and -Jere, by motion DEnens, seconded by Child; ref erred to the '&ssistaa t Village .Engineer for public opening in'the engineer's offices Later in the evening said bids were reviewed and found to be as follows.- Layne -11imaesota Company :;61970-00 Bergerson-Caswell, Inc. 9,160.00 Keys :fell Drilling Company ompany 10.,320.00 McCarthy 7.7ell. Company 10.,360.00 Child moved for referral of bids to Village Engineer for tabiLilation aad report at ne�ct regular meeting. 11btion seconded, by Bank qnd,carried. Clark Bait -i2-z then submitted to Council II'M davits of Publication in EJdina_i.brn:h-igzide Courier _Ad Construction Bulletin August 13 and 20., for "Advertisei-aent for Bids- Fence if,Id- eh affidavits here approved as to f orm ,a4d•,ordered pla ced on f ile & Da-1 c then moved referring aids to "*qs's,,tt;�_4j 1 r,. - ,t4eagq Engixieer Jor public opening in the Village Zngineerts Office.O'Mg- _,c d iere reveieg,-d and found to be as follows: ' Cyclone Fence Division, Amn. Steel 1', ire U. S. Steel ,1.,000.00 Croun Iron ;Yorks L.,nn. Fence C. Iron 17orks 3ole 3 ;,y Iron "'Torks -0:00-urlay Pei-ice Co. DEl .-Uelas Bros* CI'-dld i.,-iovad for referral of b. no;-,'G rej-_Iar meeting. 'X.'Lotion 1,$079-00 Inc. 1,200.00 11263-00 1,264.00 ds to Village EngLaeer 1' or tabuldtion seconded by Bank and carried- - c nd report at of Public,.Aion in Edina_- ornhagside Courier., for I'AdvertiselaeWb f or , e�, )&ir� to First ""'Id I rack," published "ug V st 13 Mad 20, 1953, w s. 0 U At ted by Clerk -egfor approved es to fort. &I'd ordered placed on file. Daneas raov U-1 and ncLe s�IUj,:LIjjL_ "eco ha Of bids to �Issistu M-t Village, 31ngi1jear for public Opening in Magineer e* c �a rater in the evening 12r. Zikan informed Council that only one bid had been racefiva Charles Olson � 03ons 825-00 , Plus- Met'ra Mc. 4.50 Per TILL laterisl - Cost Plus 25j 2i I fonens then novad for referral of b " id to Village ngIne0j: ' - "or coi-xparison with estimate and rsco-aLue-adation at jje:�_,u- regular rrjeeting. 1.otion seconded by Bm-k cAd carried. n6l 8-2-4153 6,1748 1 :Z!Uer Of On SidelrLk Zer,-%Irs code nez:b before the Council, Clerl: having presented IfJ_E'id::ATGs of -Publication in -dina_;I,,,"O an -Dulletin "ui-,rtist 13 and 20 4$ rningside Courier d Construction 195�., which, -,7.,ore approved as, to form for tr.,dVar-Iuise.,--e nt for .103idll and ordered placed on file. Danens moved for referral of bids to _s sis'U sn-t Village Zifineer for public opening in VilIzge 7,,ngLrJeeris Office. "otion seconded b4r CUM. cnd carried. Later in the evoning, :ssistmt :Ingineer IMMin presented op-aned bids' iukaich reviewed and found to be as follol-Is: C.:,.. Carlson E. C. Uartnson e.;134 L 50.00 Victor Carlson t'--: Sons 31650.00. 7.,400.00 Danens then moved for referral of bids to Village Engineer for recomr-aendation at n&.-,;t meeting. I:btion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Clerk then presented lIffidavi:t of Publication ox- "Notice of Hearing on Petition for Permit to Construct Double Dwellings," published in Edina,-' ,"orningpide Courier au-eust 13 -and 20., 1953; and., Wxsumt to said notice., 1.1ayor EricImon called Hearing on the patition, of Lund--�.:ruse, inc.., for permit to construct four double dwellin's on the tract of land described as follows: "North 135 feat of the ",,lest 40 feet o3 Lot 36., and Illorth 135 feet of -Lot 37., 11111 in Luditorts Subdivision No. 172.11 A large delegation vras' present to inquire about this project; and several of them raised objections--l-Ir, and VictorLldams, 'on the grounds t'.,_zu they wish t, -o con - struct a double bungalow on their o-i-m property and the -proposed ITorth extension of Halifax Avenue i.;ill. leave them insu^f fid'ien't room io do so. (They suggested that pazymiBu be discussed to;,,ether irith entire 1.:uni9ipaI* Parking Lot program). Several others objected to the idea of any ,=Ibiple dwellinEs, and Child moved that this mat-ter be postponed tatil, the matter of the Pq'rld#g - Plan is considered. l_76tion seconded by dank and carried_, i-rith Bredesen voting nay. Pursuant to-I'llotice, of 'Hearing on Petition for AssessmerAu for Connection to Ueber- main ihiprovezaent No. 24,n published in Edina4l'ornJuagside, Courier Lugust 13 and 20,, 1953, ,iffidavit of Publication for ifaich was read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, K-eyor 3rick-son. called Hearing on the petition of Ilessrs. Haverty and Hsllcuist, developer - s of Concord Grove-, Addition., for permit to connect Jots 7.,8>9,10.,11 and 12., Concord Grove Addition i-rith the watermain located on I.T.58th Street between St.Johns and Concord Avenue., and to be assessed for `said connect-ions • es a part of Uatermain Thprovement No. 24, 11r. 11itchell ex-plairied that the assess- ment for V &iet will be ").70' per front foqt, for Trunk 11atermain- 33.95' der front f .7 p Lateral •atermain; and that assessment should be spread over a pariod of seven years, unich is the remaining .term of assessment for Uatermain No. 24. There were no objections to this assessment, and no viritten objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. Child offered the folloiAng Resolution and moved its adoption*- I RIOU MOIT MIG MID MTF MMIG 103OLT AS5333:ZIPE FCFLIII 00:51BOT10111 OF LOTS 7.,839.710_,Il AIM 12., GD2002D GIM-11-4 LVDII. TO T&,,TATMKILII,.T EMOU.2"IR 110. ?4 33 IT M130MM by the Village Council of the Village of Edina., 1;innesota., as follows: - 1. It is hereby found., determined and declared tha=t the proposed assess- me-at for Connection of Lots 7,,8,9.,10.,I1. and 12., Concord Grove Addition frith the -viatermain located on ',,58uh Street between St.Johns end Concord Avenue--:,`atermadIn Improvement Ko. 24, has beeA properly ca-culated in accor4mcei-.rith the provisions of Ij-'xmesota Statutes Sees ion U, 2.Z,4 .; that notice has been duly published, as raQxired by law_, that t.'--is Council would meet to hear ard pass upon all objections., if any, to am-and said•proposed assessment as might be necessary, aind to &6Dpt the. same by resolution; t'hat paid proposed asses:; ment has at all ti,-.as since its filing been open for public inspwct•on, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to prosent theirQbject_ions; and that each of the toys, pieces and parcels of I,-Id enumerated L-ra, the,assessment ims and is specially benefited by the con- struction of the -Li*,,Tcovaiiant for i,,,hich such assessment is levied in the auOunt set opposite the he description of each such lot, piece and parcel of lurid, respectiVelY. ) 2. The axiounts so set out are hereby levied ago; nst,the r a L2 e eu ive lots, pieces and parcels of Lurid described in said assessment, and said proposed Issess,-_,ient is hareb'Y adopted r-nd confirmed as he -proper special -assessment- for said improve-men�u. The asses.�,uent agnst each lot, tract or parcel, , together t h the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from tLije to tLie unpaid, at the rate 'of -Live py rcent per za�,uiuu from t1he date of thi3 resolution, shall be a lien L -Li a co7,lr -It :it!-, Senerc�i to-nans upon the property described t�,erein and all tlaeraof- uVre, -inue.1 instrnl Imants The tot -a u mount of suc7li assessment shall be :pa-,�z1bla in eQi al ai 'coy eirher ez.tendinF over a period O_f seven years., tile first 01, said Lastallments3 TA:,Uil interest on the el)!uire assessment from the date hereof to aug"-t 15., 1954, to be paya1ble with _canera: taj:os for the year 1953, and one of the remaining ins-nIl- mants -iat a -1 lmentL;, to be ,, ii-i!ch one year's iij:�.erest on ti and all SubseWent inst, -pav mbla -,-:ith gtaneral t=es for the years 1954 through 1959, collectible ii-i ' the ensuin., years- di: or Friar, to cerluifica-tion. of the assesonen1c, to the GOIMtY -1u b " the 3. 0 U the ifhole of 01,ner of any IeG3 piece or parcel of lw--d assessed hereby iaaly Pay 229 such assessment or any installment thereof t ;dthout interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessmelitus or instal lm.ents thereof be prepaid to tha Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clorl;. and County 'xil tor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the boobs of the County =auditor. .4. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County :.uditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, ti•s ith each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by latr. Said duplicate shall be designated as the tr.'lssessment Roll for Connection to ' :ratermain 1• p ?oveaent IToa 21{.,11 and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the Sinking Fund . %ccount of the 1950 3.mI--o ovement Fun.d :second Series. %lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no, nags, as follows: Bredesen,,�a,ye; Child, afro; Danes, 7aye; Bank, afire; a-nd 2rich-son., aye; and the Re utr*on s adopted. C.�/. 11_a j'or Village -Clerk Public Hearing was then called on t'Petition for Permit to Grade Jackson .1vanue between B31more Zane and Noe6h Village Limits," this being petition by Trances K. Of Connor for permit to -grade street at his own .ezpense for use of gravel. Kanager Xiit chell recommended that Council grant permit, stating, however, that the Village needs fill for Jackson Avenue south of Belmore Lane; that contractor should be required to furnish this fill. Two representatives of the Lindbery estate, oimer of alb tt- ig properties, asked that if Council decides to allow this petition they enter into an agreel,ient i -rith the Contractor, stipulating date at wed ch he must be finished, specifying grades, etc. There were no actual objections other thy. -th s,t of the 7indberys, zrho objected only to the fact that other contractors had requested this penait- and had been denied. Danens moved that. request be granted, provided a contract is entered into, specifying finishing date and requiring perfori,Lan.ce bond. I.iotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. I1ext on the agenda were Public Hearings on several Oiling laprovements, purasu4azt to "Notice of Nearing on Proposed Street 1mlxrovements," published in Edina- i -ornin si de Courier auvust 13 and 20, 1953, :iffi.davit of I rich Publication i >ras submitted by Clerk, approvad as to f orm and ordered placed on file. Nanager Ifiitchell e.Plained that the Ewstima to of Cost, on each project, is. 5; =.15 per assessable foot. There trare nos objections to the following improvements, and no trritten objections had beer-1- received prior to the Dearing: L. Oiling, St.Johns 1ve., T-T -59th to u.60th St. 2. ailing, ;T. 5S%h St., !�`ooddale to Oaklavm. 3. Oiling, ir.60th St., from R. Lot Line Lot 12, Block 6, Harriet II�:,n or 2nd `.ddn. to France 2V'enue. lis to the Oiling of ',..59th ;t., zooddale :,ve. to i'ai-rfa: '-van, there were tWo objections to doing the woek this year; both objectors stat_ng that s ince it is ricer so late in the fall they believe benefit will not be received from the work. Bank offered the follo-An.g Resolution and moved its adoption: P :OI�U -TloiT O1� ti.zi'IG �,X. "OVTIG PICT. s .4!!YD SP GIFICZELGITS r T 1'EFOR,, 1ZD llimTTQi,I 1I G �,Qnaz BY MY VZOR B r2 ' " "-'t� ail by the Council of the Village of Edina, I- am e�ta, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the ,proposed i ra-,povam.ents consist-i nv of the follovring :- - 1. Oiling St.Johns .eve., 1.59th to 11.60th Street. 2. Oiling - Ir.56th Streit, TJlooddale Ive. to OaIclatrn Ave. 3. Oiling - I.59th-St.s Woodda? e ,'ve. to .1i.rfa: van L;.. Oiling - :,.60th 3t..,-from 3. Lot Line Lot 12, plocIc 6, Harriet 1-a or'2n.d ,,eLdn. to -r=,. ce .venue Guld at the heari gig Held at the time and place specified - i n said notice ti�a Council has G, c�iy- cozloidered the viet•,-s of all persons interested, a.nd being fully advised of -,the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed w:Uh the construction of said improvwlents; that said L proverilents are hereby designated and salaZl be referred to in ;11 jubsequant proceedings as ST11=1 _ 1. Oiling - St.Johns Ave., U- 59-ti1 to ,•:'.60th Street 0--50 2. Oiling - 145th Street, ?rooddale van to O,a ?latm :ova. 0-51 1. OiiLic, - U.5;th t., ,..00ddale _,.ve. to Fairi Ave. C -52 L;.. Oiling - :I.oOth ,lt., from T. hot nine Lot 12, B1ocI 6, 0_53 Har'7'ii;t i;^aior and dvti. to Faralce :venue _ MI e% /'-� 33 IT LVII:D that the plans and ape cifi cations for `Straet T-, , ?O-rem u r a e r�'- 1103- 0-150 to 0-53, incluzivel, heretofore prepared by the Village 3n9ineer cnd now on file in the office of the Village Clerl: are hereby approved. M U --230rTZJ- that the Villare Magineer -'azs herato2ore submitted to the Council estimate of cost of each of said LnroveL--ients., from iA--*ch It a.-opears and it is hereby found c-adl determined that total cost oIL each of ,L snid :Lx,:r OVA :io,-its izill be less than therefore, tais Council ic authoriLad by lai'l mid does hereby detarz-0-ne to purchase directly the i:_ateria-s -' r each of said Liprovezie-y 10 Gs and complete the zuie by cmployjacn1h, of days labor. i" LD ,:Lt 'Ile Village MaLineor., baizri,- -a 'eL--Istered M-1,gizaaer, is BE 12 ,I-t'.-L-JI30LV -U'-I- U .�J Lt. IJ hereby aw,',horiLed znd d ratted to supervise the .:orh, on each of ar-id L� ova7- -ants, and upon coa-oletion thereof, also to subz-dt - et led report ce '" a d ci et'l -- ied by - him., and file 'Ghe .-ith the �ri-llt�ge Clee_-J shol-.-Ing in Lunarcl the cx-111late cost of the -%oe1z, and specifically tha fol I oi-.-Ing: (a) Final Costs of the various units of'i-,Tork done. (b) : atcrials furnished for the project., and the cost of each item thereof, (c) Cost Of labor, cost of equipment hired., cnd superviwry cost. Said report shall also corAucin a certificate by said Engineer that the v.roxll: iras d9ne according to plans and specifications therefore B� IT !Lj)LVLD that said v.oVIc on Street Imxrove"ient No. 0-52 shau be delayed until the Spring of 1954. K'otion for adorAion of 'Rem lution i-ras seconded by Dan ens., and on I~ 011.c all there i-,-ere five ayes and no n— s., as follows: Bredesen, --re- Child, ye; ll-,4i,)ns_, aZre• c 0.0., ed Bard:, ay.:; Lnd 1]riclxon., and the 'Resoluti Ani I- s U- A&;t-:z-z2 Unyor ViAage Clerk Reaxt matter on agenda: was the Public Hearing on the Proposed Blad-,to p g - in of T.r , 56th Street betwo;zz Parl.: Place and a point 175 feet ]-at thereof. Lffidavit of Publication for "ITotice of Hearing" in 2dina-11."orningside, Courier "u_--ust 13 and 20, 1953, iras presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. :111anager 11itchell e:,-plai ned that leis project has already been incorporated as a part of Straat Improvement 11o. L-56; that the Notice of Hearing for .'-56 inadvertently omitted notification to 11-56th Street bati-.-een Pax0l: Place and 175 feet East; that bids have been received for the entire project, and have been anuarded conditionally., upon outcome of this Hearing; that Estinated Cost of project, based upon bid of lour bidder, is ;"'867.00 as against 242 assessable feet, for "3-75 per assessable foot. There were no objections at the Hearing., =-d no objections had been received prior to the Hearing; the office having - received several calls from one oiaier asllzing that vrorIc be ezzqedited to relieve bad dust conditions. Danens' motion, that the Council- confirm its action of June 8, ma-"--ing the above project a part of Street Trawove-ment Uo- L-56; and that contraet for s,-Id ..,orlk be unconditionally awarded to Jay IT. Craig Co.upany., i-ras seconded by Child and unanimously carried. 117 miager :Zitchel I t a written report., reca"rAending that bids talzen ILugust 10 be awarded to the only bidder:br each project., was reviewed by Council. Umager 1-Ii-tchell reported that bids are below estimates and are co..iparative with other bids received this season for Blacktopping and Grading, and Gravelling projects; that 'because because of the lateness of the season., he is afraid that re-advertising -ould mean that cannot be done this year. Danens then offered a notion L, for at.-ard of bids as follo�,s: On Straet Mhpro-vezi-ent IT.Io. L-22 & A-I,--3 - IS-lacktopping of 111 Streets in Edin- brook and of ',.estbrook Lease - to Earl Sevrall, at bid price of ',.,?x.,983.00. 0-n Street Improvement :1o. 1*:-33 - BlacktoppinG of O:dord Lvenue frora 'L,T orth line of Beverly Hills Iddition to Division Street - to 2arl Sewall, at bid price of ,,12,958-00. On Street kaprove:ac-nt -L.o. L.-37 - Maektopping of Dalryi-aple -'.venue fram Lake- %riew Drive to Soutinriew L:me - to Earl Ser�M-11, at bid price oX .,;1,777-00. Cn Street 12aprovencrit :10. -'-47 - Blacktopping of.OaIaai;n Avenue from IT.50th to .1062nd Street - to 2:irl Sevza-ll. at bid price of 07,076.00. On Street ITaprovene-at -17o. A-59 - BlaclIc-Lopping of IT,60th Street from Z. line of Lbbott Ivenue to Xer.F:ez ',venue - to Earl Seumal at bid -0 5 rice Of %i3.,857-50- On Street Laprovencrrtu Iro. C-27 - Grading and Gravelling of "1.5Sth Street from 7 C, - �*4, 0-60' to Brool'-'riew :,Venue - to J.A. Danons Z: Son, at bid price of .45. I-otion was seconded by B::nII-, and carried. A delegation of four residents from indian Hills, upon con:,plaininZ of road conditions, i-.-ara inf- or-,-, ed b-,r Ilonn.For '11it chell that the Council Public '10r1:3 Cor-7.a hacFtourcd this area m-id had agreed that streat Supt. "HIarx-,;,r Jonas shall So over t'lis ar.' e very carefully, Go over silt pockets and then fill I ith sand wid graVA; MI i:ashout-s immediately as a =?oter. of public safety; pz,.+,ch ;:hatevar holes must-- be patch d; then oil all the straets--that, this project- has priority I.o* -12 - -:i Zupt. is now -,.,orldliL on -.'o. 7• , Daleg, ion left -11-i 1�0 U happy. 2b,153 231 I1.assrs. Hesary Basil and Daniel KcCormack, 5u33 and 5837 Lbbott - ivenUe !;OZ ?tYz, started their troubles concerning their garages w1ai ch had been constrc.7cted I- &th6ut perrni.ts, w_ii_ch have been found to be closer than five fast to the alley line, and Building r. r -r , n �� s t ifai ch Building Supt. .men ;,oenler has -them to move. Thay ;rc�es„n�ed letters from neighbors, agroei ng to offer no objections to their iB apinr their garages at present sites. I:.r. Taoe.Laer reco-i-nmended that garages be moved, to conform frith zoning ordinance. Child moved that Council withhold decision on this matter until after further consideration; that contractors be asked to attend ne:-.t Council I:.eeting with regard to this matter. Motion seconded by Dm-ens and carried. I . Floyd Ilya, 5805 York Avenue, supported zrritten petition for pon t to grade the alleyvray iron 56th Street co Lot 23, Block , ' •' °, � `� � '' 'r 1 Harriet ilan.or 2nd �idu1�'�on in accordance Frith ?Tillage specifications and at his oz•m e .-Loense- -all in order that he raigieb gain entrance to his. garage. Tu. Hye's petition stated th:t a:.ners of Lots- 1 and 2, and Lot 24, Block 1, 11arriet Kmor 2nd Addition, have no objection, to his proposal. fir. I itchell recorimended that petition be allowed. Bank moved that petition be granted subject to check by Village 1agineer of other property orners abutting this alley—with propar tuy oirner to get - viritten ;slD? oval. TTotion seconded by Danens and carried. Hr. Skelton, i-r'no started his address as 61;16 ;..66th Street and 6L,16 Xerxes avenue, requested perzat for dog Fennel. Inasmuch as the actual location was oomeir'nat in doubt, Child moved that this matter be -referred t o the Village .Engineer for further investigation. 71-70tion seconded by Danens and carried. Z. Edina Pure Oil Company's application for license to sell cigarettes was PpL7roved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Bank and carried. Petition was received for changing the none of "Josephine Avenue" betzreen U8 50th and ';.51st Streets to !R XMILED;*.E, !40AD. Bredesen moved that petition_ be accepted a-ad t;.-�-t Public Dearing on sane be scheduled for September 14. i:oti.on seconded by Child and carried. The coi.-plaint about streets, registered by Firs. Thos. lvallon, 5901 :ishcroft Avenue, vm, s referred to the Public ;,cnrks Committee f or investigation, by motion Child, seconded by Bredesen nnal carried. Village Motorney 7 i ndhorst t s notification of the intent of 11r. U.R. Olsen, 5513 Park Place, to file claim ag&st the Village iras received and noted. Delegation was again present to demand the immediate drading and Gravelling of Josephine - "venue between T.65th and u.66th Streets, to prevent iTrashouts. Delegation was disappointed that action had not already been tcwken. Iir. ilitchell advised that tha Public : ?arks Committee has inspected the street and does not consider its iri - rove bent an emergency. Child moved that Villa ge Engineer be instructed to lJrepare plans, and that public hearing be scheduled f or September lbs. Kotio n seconded by Bredesen acid carried. iu. Tillimn V. Terry was present to support his petition for the opening an maiiataining of a black dirt and gravel pit at the Delaney farm on 11.70th Street. iiana,ger Iitclaell read the recommendation made by Planning Commission represent– � atiles and the Council Public 111"orks Committee after a field survey, to the affect that this is definitely a commercial operation in an open develop-rent district; that such operations would be detrimental to the Village; and that application be denied. Bank moved that recommendation of Public T,orks Committee be followad, and that Ur. Terry's petition be denied. Iioti on seconded by Child and carried. Tfrs. H^lla- of Halla Hursery was present with regard to plans for construction of office, root cellar, drafting room, truck garage, etc., a building of some 50xI -85 feet, 2wtely 1/2 Tx.-y between Uil.lson Toad and Men ;:.venue and facing State I away To. 100. VJI lage arttorney 77iin.dhorstI s irritten interpretation of the Village Zon: ng Ordi.;:1 zi ce with regard to "horticultural nurseries and greenhouses" -as revi --aad. Duriizv discussion it was brought out that the Hallas have received permit from the State Psi hway Department for entrance onto Hightrw 1,,o. -100. Child's notion, that muter be referred back to Planning Com- Assion Tiith the suggestion that the Council is not in accordance. with entrances onto Hi_E -hway Ho. 1CO3 was seconded by Bank and carried. fir. Don .Bates, 521-2 Kellogg, requested Council disposition of his recent petition 'for perlait to construct a private srri -adng pool. Tanager !Muchell reported that the Cit r of 11i.nn.eapolis ti,-ill consider drainage int6 sewer no infraction of Village sewer agreement �ri tin then; that �;tate Board of Health cledn, s no jurisdiction inasnuen as this is a private pool. Bredesen moved h pazsait be grazntad. % otion seconded by� Child and carried. M? -'/24/53 - 8' final approval of his plat Hlrlylwood 11 :3?. John Bloon;)arg- -ras present to roquest I objecting to r i IZI-te'nal 1 t s raco."andatuion that developer be re qu�rod to install Curb--and Gutter as an rid in maiintaining, streets. 12o. Bloomberg stated that he considers curb and _r-uttar detrimental to the subdivision; that he Trill be glad to maintain streets at hi.- o,.,-n e- -.pan-se until such time as blacktop pin,- is in. I:V. ILLtelkiell e:qolaii-.r d that b,-.catuse of the steep grades the Village will be forced to spend considerable maintenance moneys to keep the street passable., unless gutters are installed or the developer uaii-ecains str&A hinself. 'Ile rocon:aended that developer be raoaired to post bond in an amount co. insurate w th the anount est—imated to '--cop streets Lo L,'ood condition. Child moved that Council approve Final Plat of "Idyl-.-ood" subject to developer Bloombargts furnishing, Village with, bond to cover cost of .-Z:Int*dnL-iC gutter washouts-, for a tora of taro years. Lotion seconded by Baih and carried. 11nager la"tch-al, ray ortad rejult of lads negptic:bions -v;ith contractor for curb 11 to loi- 'l. ,ter foot o 'nd Cutter in LaIz--vises Drive., contractor b-ii i inF a 7 -10 p- f for L e -a, eras concansus of CouncL 1 300 liznoeal L L. There i.-as no formal action t--',�en., -blat it opinion that Villase, and Ittorney be %authorized to secure best p;)ss:rble settlement 'Lro:,l contractor. I 1:m-ager :.itchell Cave his 3stimate of Cost on the straij'atening, of th-- -2-211son 2.oad- 116=,andcle intersection c:u less thnzia . fl,000. Ho action was t4-;0-':Bn in,;snuch as Council had &I-ready authorized this -..-oex. Mnager 1:itc'--iclI r6portcd the rel:Luost of the .dirk" -'..orningzide '3ehool !:oard for Ca-IcalleGio.-LI Of Special for iuwovamonts., noteably Storrm Oe-rer ;,�f19e Village ..-Uuorney 7indl-lorst reported that such aszes�iaeYts lare absolutely legal -and that, ins:snuch as Council has irsued bonds agdnst pa- ent of - 3 0 h assessments, they cannot be cancelled. BanIcts motion, that Village . 'Ittorney be instructed to iwite ":r. ]'uh]nan to this el ect, vies seconded by Bredesen and carried. ::wt-Lisar for -naEer 11itchell rZqcortod the reco= Tr --ndation of 12r. Darrell a ffic the 1-anne-sota I-Ii Departnant, against the e:-.pendituxe of funds for a) Stop and Go Si ku at Sou-uhvie-wr IL:�ne and :Ioxnaadcle 21,oad; and Council r---L that the School Ebs-rd be so inforLiid by this office in order that coat of such ins"u"71, lation M-d nain-'U- dance' ba included in the School 'J"OC-rd's budget if Board still w-Ishes mach. signal. 1lan 1 ag� 13tcAoll reported the request of a IIr. 7"I-nsonl and one other, for p--i-mit to constra7eu curb and -i-7u tt-er "but"u-ii-ic; their own lots, at their e:--,panse., md according to VillaZa s.pacifications. Cozsiderable discussion had concennin- -he ar-I)eLr- ance of such -n i aca,.ianl const-ro.&cion; and Brodesen r-ovz;d that the ';arson recuest and sitiilar rocuestos be denied. I-Zotion seconded by G'-,dl-d and carried. I .-znq - -*Ic' ilts r�,�Iucst for confirmation of ZuildinE- Inspectorts action in For —2:t he L issuing, buildLic- p,--r-Lit on a part of T-ot 2-6, 1.011ing Graen., prior to sub:iiszion and a-n,' roval of FinLl Plat thereof was road and discussed. Dlm-h-ts notion that P �I action of EuildinZ L-ispactor be a—proved, but that in the future L11 cpplicm -ts for .building pzrz-, cs be rec_uired to cwipl-y with platuting regulations., etas seconded by GhUd `...rid carried. 11na-ger '�Ztchell L-iqquired as to the action he is e:zpactcd to t.-I:e i,rith regard to consultation -,i,.,ith -X:!xfLei-pol J s with regard to joint-incinerator plan. Ch-J-1 d' s motion, that this Council does not., at present tine., coixu*act City of 111moapolis i.d:tuh regard to Soing in :kbh them on their incinerator, eras seconded by Dane-as and carried. The matter of the :", elz.olsen :�-btel project came before the Council., with 7-1ekelsen's request for permit to grade 17.5ppd Street at his ovn e-%:po-nse. Danf-'-ns noved that request be granted. 1.0tion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 1:2,nager IZ:tchell reportsd the need for someone to i.,ork in the office Saturday' mornings.., to ans-u-ar telephones ;7-nd'ta'x,,e the personal complaints -of those residents i.;ho cannot corae into the office ez-,cept on Saturdays. Bonjhts motion, that :2r. 121t,chell, be authorized to attempt to secure the services of Richard (-)Ison,, eu Une-and-ona-half; arid, if vmable to do so,, to secure someone else for this job. :-'o'U ion seconded by Danens and carried. Deputy Clefz rap orted that the �Lny Tax SbUlerawt is nmr ready wb the County* ..uditorts Of ce. Ew-L's motion ra 11-y .L:C-i , authorizing Village Treasurer to 3e(U Tz:c ISett-Ilemant, from County Ludituor i,.-as seconded by Child and. carried. , Discuse,ion vas had as to Tru-isfer of Funds from Liquor Dispensary Fund 2-h-ma to Ganerall Fund for 'Jew Village Kall. Bredesen's motion, for trcnsfar of "",;U'Q.'C00 from Liquor Dispensary Fund to Genera, to be used for pmyment on Ilew Village Hall, I., tie seconded by Danono and carried. 8/24/5.3 233 Messrs, Crear and Guttman were present to tender petitions for Sanitary Sewers: and Watermains to serve Residential Southdale. They asked that,Council make every effort to expedite these projects in order.that construction might be completed this falll. Manager Nitchell. then presented plans., specifications.9 and estimates of cost for these two improvements., which were reviewed at some length by the Council. Mr. Mitchell..stated. that it is feasible -to complete both projects this fall if bids can be taken at the next regular meeting. Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER 1TPROV3'I.ENT; APPROVING PLANS.AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ° SAID 321PROVEC4WT; AND DIRECTING ADVERTISE. MENT FOR BIDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of .the Village of = Edina. as foLows,t: 1, 7ne Village Engineers having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as.to the feasibility'of the proposed 6anitary Sewer Improvement described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth belovts and as to the estimated cost of such improvements said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. a r .2.r This Council shall meet at the Village Hall. on Monday, September 14s 1953. at 700 PJI.s to consider in public hearing the views of all persons -i terested in said proposed improvement, 3, The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of a times place and.purpose of said meeting to be-published in.the' official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks., the second of said publications to be not less than. three days from date of said meeting. which notice shall be in substantially the following forma NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVRWT » SANITARY TATEUL SEWERS FOR. RESIDEDIT1141 SOU D A E NOTICE IS HMREDY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Mondays September l4s 1953,- at 7:30 P.M.., at the Edina Village HaU- j and vri13: at said time and,place consider the proposed improvement of Residential Southdale « an area between %66th and W.70th Streets and between France Avenue . and a ld.'he 1//2 mile West thereof w by construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewers and Appurtenances tfierein. Said proposed improvement is to be.-constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota yaws of 1953. Chapter 39; The approximate cost of such improvement is estimated by the• Village Engineer to be $81.743.00. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes: all lots and tracts of land between W.66th and W.70th Streets and between France Avenue and a line 1/2 mile West thereof,. . EVAID . C. B&Ws Village Clerk Village of Edina. �4. The plans and specifications for said proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement. heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. , 54, The Clerk, shall cause to be published twice in the Edina- Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR p� -7 �T T�AxR�Y" STE�ir , .. �_ ° RESIDE9TIAL VOU 1DA • E The Edina - Village Council will . meet at : the_ Village• Halls . x.801 W. 50th Street. i4onday. September 114. 1953s at 7.30 P.M.p to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Sanitary Lateral Seweers and: appurtenances to serve Reaidential, Southdale -an area between_W.66th and W,70th Streets and between France Avenue and a line 1/2 male West thereofp as fol.lgtils:: F t 8.7 .0 Lin. Ft. 911- V.C,,P, and Appurtenances therefor, x 250 Lin, Ft,12�1 V.C.?1, and ,Appurtenances *th:erefor. 2,400 Lin, Ft. 61U V.C.P. and ,Appurtenances therefor. Bids are invited -for sewer laid complete in every detail. Bids must be on proposal forms and in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office 6f the Village Clerk upon request and a deposit of $5.00s Wich deposit will be returnable upon return of-said plans and specifications. " Work must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Glerk. Bids roust be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered. unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit$ tbid bonds or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. FVA1D C. BA1 s Village Clerk Village of Edina. 6, Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bads are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Y r 4 f ~ 234 8124/53 M%tion for adoption was seconded by Bank, and on Rolleall there were five ayes and no nays as follows: Bredesen, aye; .Child, aye; Danevz, e; and Bank, and Erickson., aye; and the Resolution was adopted. A ^MESTp -t' 61.1 1 *Mayor Village Clerk Child then offered the fo3.io Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED - ttATERMIN .IMPROVEi9EN t; APPROV- ING PLUS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SAID DIPROM ENT;.ANA DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR .BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, as follows: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as-,to the feasibility of the proposed Ziatermain Improvement described in the fora. of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such inprovement, said report is 'hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Z. This Council shall meet at the Village Hall on Monday, September 3)4, 1953, ` at 7.30 P.M., to consider in public hearing the views of all persons .intjerested in said proposed improvement. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the, time, place and.purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once • a week for two successive weeks, the second of said publications to be not lesa than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED 32- TROVEMENT -e WATE AIN FOR _ . RESIDENTIAL SOUTHDAIE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the.Edina Village Council i .11 meet Monday, September 24, 1953, at 7:30 Ps?:Z., at the Edina Vi1;lage Hall, and wi3; at said brae and place consider the proposed improvement of,Residential Southdale - an area between 1-466th and f -470th Streets and between France Avenue and a 3 Lm 1/2 mile `[Jest' thereof - by construction of Village Watermain Extension and appurte•* nances therein. Said proposed improvement is to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The appro.,dmate cost of such improvement is estimated by the Viillag•e Engineer to be X60,103.00. The area proposed to be assessed 3Cor the cost of said improvement includes all lots and tracts of land between it.66th and I1.70th Streets and between France Avenue and a line 1/2 mile I1est thereof. EVALU C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina 4. The plans and specifications for said proposed Watermain Improvement, `heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the.office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 50 The Clerk shall cause to be published, twice in the Edina- 1-forningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR RESIDENTIAL SOUT BALE- NATERP•SAIN The Edina Village Council i-TI11 meet at the Village Hall, 4801 We 50th Street, �2onday, September 14,,.1953, at 7:30 Polls, to open and. consider sealed bids for construction of Village Natermain Extension and appurtenances to serve Residential Southdale -an area between. W*66th and T1.70`th Streets and bet-ieen France Avenue and a line 1/2 mile West thereof, as follows: � _ 8,550 Lin, Ft, Of C.I.P. 700 Lin. Ft. $" C.I.P. 800 Line Ft.12tt' C.S.P. 2$560 line Ft. � qtr Copper Pipe w and appurtenances t4prefors Bids are invited for watermain laid complete in every details Bids nest be on proposal farms and in accordance with the plans and specifications Mich may be7 obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon request and a deposit of $5.00, which deposit will be returnable upon return of said plans and specifications, Work must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cah payment for work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed irith undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten petcent of amount of bid. BY ORDER OF THE VILIAGE COUNCIL. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina 6. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvements Motiofi for adoption was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcal3_ . there were five ayes an o, as fo13o s•• Vdesle� aye• Ch *ld aye; r:Dp , e; and Bank, aye; an _.off � e eso u ion tads a opted. Village 01 erk Mayor c,/4153 235 Xnxiager 11itchell then reported difficulty in securing easements for Janitary Truniz, 'ewar, -i as this sewer is routed through some private jwopz�rty to inasmu-cl tLka adw-ntzagaof topography. ChildTs motion., =t1horizing Village to Go ahead .;-Ith his pre1iriina2.,-jv work for accuisition Of trunk sv,,,er easements and to confer w-ZUh Village Attorney 77indhorst, Glacier 0-and and Grr,-avel and Fli:bte intore6ts to see vfhat action is to betaken, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. 11L.naser 12Ltchell then presented plans for a remedy of the dr.-Lndge situation L in the Yvonne Terrace Richmond Hills area L , said -plans the regrading of one street and the blacktopping of a large intersection. He e:'-plained thet the Public "76rks Committee has toured this area and feels that his plan presents an economical solution to present drainage problems. He gave as his Estimate of Cost, ;,;'2.,735,10. Child then offered the follo-ming Resolution and moved its adoption: TZ30UP1101T I-",L.OVIDLTG FCEE, FU3LIC I= ETIG QN- 1'. 2F03QD `TO.-ZdZ ;3 2,R L23 rO -�230JTZZD by the Council of the Vil2age of Edina as follows: 1. The Village Engineer., -having submitted to this Council a repliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer improveiaent described in the ZoiTa of Notice of Hearing set forth balow J- _, and as to the estimia;ibed cost of such Lngrove-aient,, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file L-1 the office of the Village Clerk. py, September 11+,� 2. This Council shall meet at the Village Hall on 11ond. 1953, at 7:30 P.i.E., to consider the public hearing of the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. 3. The Clerk- is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time,, place and purpose of said meeting to be published-in the official news- paper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of said publications to be not less than three days from date of said meeting., -which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE -OF Ill- G ON PROP013 M. ST ORL: SZ11 =1 LITIROVZ71DIT The Edina Viliage Council -vrill meet at - the ,Village Hall, I.-onday, September 14, 1953, at 7:30 P-"1- -, to co n si d er t he following proposed Storm Sewer Lcprove- U asota Laws of 1953., Lierr,u to be constructed under the authority granted by ULM Chapter 398. The approximate cost of such improvement is estimated by the Village Engineer to be `2 U I of the regrading Q ,735,10; and the improvement consists and "blaclmopping of the intersection at 11ariack Place and Kent Avenue., the removal of two e=Lsting catch basins, and the constructions of four new catch burins. - The area proposed to be assessed for the cost: of said L�rixiovement includes all lots a-ad tracts of land vjithin the folloiring described boundaries: 11.3eginnin,- at the SY Cor. of Lot 26,, Bl.- 1., Uestchester Maolls; th. 1111orth to I-Tindsor .ve.; th. East to the IrE Uor of said lot 26; th. North along the East property line of said Lot 26 to the North lot line of Lot 13, 231. 1p ",restchester 1snolls; th. U. on 1-Forth property lines of Lots 13 and 1L to the SE coa:ner of lot 3., Bl. 2, Uestchester Knolls; th. 1ay- along East line of s� d Lot -., to the ITS Cor.- thereof; th. HIMly. to line between lots 11 end 1.2, 131. 1, Richaond hills, and 1,11y 50 feet; th. Uiy parallel to Richmond Drive to East line of Lot 8., Bl. 1, Rlichmond Hills; th. on an arc around, Richmond -Circle to 1,7.7 Cor. of Lot 4., Dl. 1., Richmond Hills; th. �Jly to 1T.Jay cor. of lot 1, Bl. 4, Richmond Hills; th. 3111y to 311 Cor. of Lot 3., 31. 5, 1.1pstohester Knolls; th. Ely along T 'Testchester I'Moll's ; th. Sly ,:indsor Eve. to line ' between Lots 4 and 5, Bl. 35 50 feet along said line; t-1-1. Ely parallel to ,Tindsor 1%va. to line between Lots 2 and 3, 31. 31., lUestchester 11a oils; th. Sly to M1 corner of Lot 2, B1. 3, - "Uestchester Dolls; th. E. to SE Cor. of Lot l., 14. 3., '.-Testchester Knolls; th. t 'r 1,1.01y to Sj Cor. of lo 18., Bl. 1, I.-Test chester ":nollo; th. 171orth to the 11 �! Cor. of said Lot 18; th. East to point of beginning." EWMD C. B, , Village Clerk Village of-Edina T"'o-1- for adoption of resolution eras seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there IT o1- is !,,l re aens were five ayes and no nays., as fol I ows: Bredes I -,9" , Child, d., a, ye; DGi aye; Bank as adopted. aye; and '36rick-son, aye; and the Res 00 1J'A A— ilt-5ror Village Clerk, Manager Mitchell requested Council approval of "Extra Work" in the amount of. $320.00, for Watermain Improvement No, 56, to cover furnishing and installation of eight ten-inch 1/16 bends on Duggan Plazza. Bank's motion., approving said extra work.,was seconded by Danens and carried. Hanager.Mitchell then reminded Council. that Auditors have ad soon as 'advocated assessing, as possible,. for the cost of. construction of Storm, Sewer ImIrovem-eat No. la. He . presented.Tabulation of. Assessment, and . Assessment. Ro11 for. same, which was. reviewed at length by the Council. Child then offered the followdng Resolution and moved its adoption: . RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSt.ENT HEARMG.-- ST0Mt.SE6JER., .zR0yg=T N0. 1$ BE IT RESOLVED by the ,Council of. •'�Ta;.Uage�oi.•Edina, .as •follows: •_ -,� 1 The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the propoer amount to be" specially assessed for STORl�t SEA -MR 13riPRO WT N0. pieces and IS,. agai.ndt- the respective ots; parcels of- land• Vrithin, the district affected by said Improvement, arici said proposed assessment;" having been filed frith the - Clerk, the same is- hereby approved and `said Clerk "sha.11 keep the same on file e iri s office and open to public inspection pending hearing thereon as her provided,- 2*"' - _ _ - - _ - - 2,� "' This Council "shalt' meet at the- tiuze "and 'place' "specified in the form of isotice hereinafter contained- to pass upon said "proposed" assessment, - _and the Clerk is hereby - directed to- cause notice of the time; place and purpose of sUd-meeti.ng to be published in the official newspaper 'at - least '30' days prior to said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the folloldmg form NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSIENT FOR STORif SEEDER M R N0, 18, NOTICE IS HMEBY GIVJRN,that •the �Edinllage..CounC1 -will meet i%ndoy, October 5, 1953s.# 7 30_pox., at the Edina Village_ Hall, and will at said time and place hear sand pass upon pbjections, i.f any, to the proposed assessment for the cost of Storm Sewer .Improvement No. 18. Said proposed assessment is now.on file in the iOffice-of Village Clerk and open to public inspection. The general nature of said mprovement is as follows-* Construction of Village Storm Sewer in Yvonne Terrace; in Warwick Place between Tti,'.56th Street and Yvonne Terrace,_and thence Southwest, over private property to pond. The area proposed to be- assessed for said improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at the SE Cor. of Lot 23, Stowts Yvonne Terrace; th. TAT. along the S. line of Stowts Yvonne Terrace to a, pt,,,943 Ft, 1.1, of the SE Cor. of sqid Lot 23; th. Mlly. along the'N3jy line of lots 14. '15. Yvonne Terrace to the NIT Cor. of _Sot 12, Stowts. �'vonne Terrace; th. Nly for the,,Nti Cor. of Lot 4, Block 2,_ Edina Park; th. E. to,.th_e SU Cox. of Lot 2, Block- 2, EdiAa_Park; th. N- to the NA Cor. of lot 1, Block 2, Edina Park; th, E. to the 1Z Cor. of Lot Block 2,. Edina Park; th, NEIy to the STT Cor, of Lot Ia., Block_l, Westchester Knolls; th. N. to the NIT Cor. of said Lot 18; _th, E. to a pt, .28P Ft. E, of the N -1 Cor. of said Lot 18; th_, P- 'to the MT"Cor. of Lot 20, Block 1, Edina Park; th, E,�to the NE Car. of Lot 5, _Block 1, Edina Park;-th.-S. to a pt. 285 Ft. S. of the NE Cor. of said Lot 5;-th. E., to the MIT Cor. _of Lot 2, ,Stowts Yvonne Terrace; th. Beginning," << BY CRQER OF THE Vn AGE COUNCIL.. N EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk w Village of„Edina I-lotion for adoption of the Resolution. was seconded byr Bredesen, and on RolIcall there were 49¥eayes and no_,nays, as ollows: Bred sen, aye; Child, aye; Banns, aye; Bank, ,ye, and Erickson, and the Resolut'aits /goptedR� ATTEST:� �: --/ j/ /-! -r^► -. .. . ...... I Mayor ...... . Village. Clerk.... ..... The next Assessment Rolland Tabulation of Assessment,presented was that for Storm Sewe-r•Improvement No. 20. This assessment was reviewed by the Council, and Child offered the following.Resolution and moved its adoption:. RESOLUTION PROVIDING, FOR M�ECUL ASSESSMENT ' H ING. STMI.SWER.IIMOM ENT'NO. 20 ' BE IT RESOLVED by the Council. of . the . Vi] ,gage, o f Edina . as _follows : A _l. _ .The Clerk and Engil?eer having calculated the proper - amount to be specially assessed -for STOMi SWER IM- OWIENT NO. 20, against the respective lots, pieces'and parcels of land;,withan� the clistricta affected by said Im1wovement, and said proposed assessment having been filed with t &e Clerk, the same is hereby approved, and said Clerk shall keep the same on file in his office and open to public inspection pending hearing thereon as herein provided. 2. This Council shalt meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assessment, and the Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior to said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSEMENT FOR STopm =.zR neROVEPum NO. 20 _ .NOTICE IS HEMBY Gl= . that . the . Council . of . the .Village . of Edina will meet at the Village.- Hall. on. Iionday, .October 5, 19 3, at ,730 of cloak P.ZT., to hear and pass. upon all objections, ii any, to the proposed assessmentr,for Storm Sewer No. 20 in the N-S Alley between Halifax. Avenue and Mnnehaha Blvd* thence t•Test through Lot 37 across X nnehaha Blvd. to Village property. This.assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. 8/24/53 237 The area proposed, to be, assessed for.skid_ improvement ,. consists of. the following. parcels` .of landt lots l to -10 inclusive, ..Block 2, and .sots 37 to 42, inclusive.,Block_2, South Harriet_ Park_ Second Addition. BY ORDER OF THE VILLiGE COUNCIL. M EVAID, C.` BANK, Village Clerk Motion -for adoption of the 'Resolution' was secofided by Dhhdhd; 'and' on Roll - all there �rere five 'ayes and" io nays; a §'follows•.' Bredese ;''aye; Child, aye;yDanens, aye, Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; pd,t Ye Resolution was adopted. ATTEST: mayo r �i� -ice- -� •. ` Vil age Clerk.. Village Att ©rriey`Wii%dl orst 'reported "the complaint -of Mr.E.' L. `Williams that 'he is 'being uhjustly'assessecT for -'Sari tai Sewer Im�ovement No:` 46, °'iiiasmuch •as- " his property has been connected with a -Sani t&j- Sewer`f or- s ome -ten -years and is not benefited" by this "new- s ewerl3:ne :at a11, `even' though' 'it- -doses abut "his property: Mr. TrtindYiorst "advised 'a° re- assesshi< for` this' Seiaer'; inasmuc i as 'the Coin nil- mud be able -to prove ` b'enefit ` to' lega'C lyf 'levy an ' assessirient,; " "- Manager " Mitchell diem presentWa tabiilatidfii of'.assessinexity abed Assessment Roll for`the re- assessment'for" cost 61 f -thiis line; and Bredesen offered the following Reso- lution and moved its adoption; RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR 'MAkING ON RE -ASSESSMENT , FOR SANITARY . $E= . IMFI OVMMNT NO: 4 _ BE IT RESOLVED by the 'Counneil •of 'the ViMige`of :Edina; The Clerk`"and Engineer having calculated the, proper "amount to be' specidily; assessed'`for'•SANITAFY SEWER .D1'ROVENIENT.'N0' ' -46; aga3:nst "the respective• lots�-paeces and .parcels'of' land withx i'the d str at•'affected by sic d ?aiiprvverrient', arid- " said' proposed " assessment" Iiavirig' tiee& 6163 with the Clerk "the " same` is hereby approved ancT'said CIerI ia1:7. keep th wine ©n` file in" his` office anti open to public inspection pending hearing thereon as herein provided: -_ _. _ _.. _ 2'*--- This •Coiinci:l shall: "meet " -dt -the time &Wplaace- specjfa.ed•in 'the form -of notice_ l ereiiiafter coiitaiiied `to'�pass`iipon- isaid''prop©sed 'assessiient, and- the Clerk ls- `herdby directed 'to` oaia se 'noti ce- of "the t1k6— place_ amid purpose of' said "meeting'to be`publ shei�in tYle official newspaper at' "least 30`days'pri6r to said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following forma NOTICE` OF HEARING. ON , Fff ASSESSEENT , -FOR SANITARY SEWER-IMPROVEMENT NO. "46 'NOTICE 'IS• HEREBY- GIr15- that' the 'Edina- Village'Council iii ll keet' at the • villa&:Hall,on- Xdnda"y,` October 5;' 1953, at- •7:30" P.M:; .and w= at "said ti ii and place consider` the- proposed Re- A'ssessmerr .for Sahitary 'Sewer Mjr gveinent No'. "11i -= constriction of•'aanitary_,Ldteral "Sewer acid Appurtenances -in HaUfat- Avenge froiri Ei. "sting" Manhole 75 feet North" of Centerliidertof'W :54th-Str'eet to 54th Street " and - in; 'W6 34th' "Street' from- Ha7:ifax 'AVei66 to 170 feet`,East p tTiereof =-in lice of tie' as`s`essment r ®l3:omsly confirmed by the Council at its " ' This re- a §sessmeiit "wll.el3mifiate" f`rain the original assessiiient roll tfie assessment in the amount'of x$409.50 against -'the following described property: "If 75' ft " ofN.1 /2 ". of NEI /4- of =/4 "of NE1 /4 exc. rd., _.. . _ . in_Sectio i 19; °'Towrisl ip 2$N, 'R`ange"21a.'�; _,._ .. _,...r such ro era"' ha _ _ with p" p y wing prev�.ously been connected �w�.£h: -a 'munZCip "al• sanitary "• • sewer main and being deemed not to be benefited by the above named improve- ment.___...�._.........._ "... .. ..,.. _ __......_• =t' is proposed that `the assessment or3;girially oracle on 'tha.s property shdU . be" apportioned' a-dong the reivai.:Zi iig• properness'_ �a;butting' .ori . said 'Sanitary Sewer ?mprovement -NO • 6 w- i:ch will raise' "the" "assessment -ori "said remaa;n3:ng properties -from app#ximately 45.46 per assessable foot to appro.'Mmately $6.27 per assessable foot. ._.._.:__. ETALD ` C. ` BANK;- -Village Clerk "V illage' of ldana ` Notion `for adoption" 'of `the Reso]:ut� ori was - seconded' by �ane�is; and - on Roll call there were five •ayes' "dfi rio nays as followst' Brede "sen; ` e; Child, V aye; ` *Da�T, aye, Bank, aye; and Eriekson,aye; and thee es ution was adopted.' �. mayor. Village Clerk The matter-6f a- `re� 46se6sk6i t" for the "cost of TIAtermairi I rr6i e6 rient No -41:9' -" to reduce tYie' assessable: `front- footage' ori`Lot "16; ciek 7 ;, 0auth' Harii6t "gark;" " was c136&ssed, "Deputy Clerk reporting_. that. Iizs °- r "ec}uest•for- reduction cane from this neighbors- of the•'owner -'of 'this lot •as' welt as from -the '•owner, "MhWelf, 1 neighbors having stated. that 'the C©urici1.iac� prev3 -ously - m e aom3.se for said reductiori. 'Manager IMitchell''then presented an aorended assessment roll" ' which was reviewed by the Council; and Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING HEARING- _- ?At 8/2•/53 FOR. HEARING ON RE- AgSF,SMEET 1 - Y ' Z"=_Ug Zt:�x OVEt1YENT N0: _q ° _ •--- ... . .. _ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council. of the Village ^bf Edina, as follows :' "_ 1. - The Clerk and Engineer -having calculated the pro#er akbunt- tb be "~ specially assessed for ZTATEM -U TN--n2ROvm,.i T'NO; 41,p -Aga;iist• the ;respective- lots, pieces and' parcels -of land V thin- the district - affected by-said Mproveaierit; and said proposed assissment Tiavirig 'Vdbn -fil6if W th the Clerk;' the - s am-6 is hereby" approved; - and *said` Clerk- shall- keep the ;same bri file in " his office a-act open to public inspection pending hearing thereon "as herein provi.ded:, " Z-__ This Council. shall meet at - the time and- place 'specified- in the' f oral Of Notice hereinafter contained' to pas- 's'updA'isaid proposed assessment, aiid the Clerk is -Hereby directed to - cause - notice time, place and- purpose of said ineeting-t o- be published" in the official; newspaper at- least -'30 - days prior to said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form; NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED RE- ASSEWXNT FOR WATEf�iA3Tt 11g'ROVE�fENT No 'NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIM that . the Edina' Village Council -W ill- meet - Monday, . " October 5..-1953.,- at 7:30 -PON.; at ' the . Edina Village Hall., and- will "at said time arid` place - hear and pass -upon all objections, -if "any, to the "proposed^ re- assess- , met for the cost -of 't•Tatermain lhproveaient `No.' X41.-- COristruction iif Village ITatermad and Appurtenauces in -Brookview Avenue between ` tT:S4th -and' W *55jth Streets. ` SUd proposed -Re= assessment' is'now on f3.].e in the office of the Village Clerk and `open - to public inspection: _ .. _ . _ .... _ . _ .. , - .. , ` Said proposed re= assessment -wi" - rdduce the assessable footage oii Lot -16, Block 71 South - 'Harriet Park;- from .12x.15- assessable feet to -9O" asses6able feet; will "add additional costs omitted -in error. froth -the original assessment- roll; and will apportion`thld entire Cost of -construction 'over 90 'assessable feet for lbt- 16 ;'Block 7;'South Harriet'Park; 60 -feet" for - "each' of mots 11 to 15; inc., Block 7, and 1 to 10, inc.; Block $, South Harriet Yank: - _.. EVALD_'C. - BANK-,' Village Clerk Village of - Edina, Motion` for adoption 'of the - Resolution was - seconded- by Danefis' aiid 'on Rollcall " tlieie Were five ayes and no nays, " as 'follows: " y B ' de end �" - aye; `Child, aye; Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Res 1�!''n is adopted.° ATTEST: .� ^ Mayor Village Clerk Manager Witchell then 'presented "Tabulations -of "Assessm a -hts,- and :i£ssessmeht Rolls - for tbree-'small- Grading and Gravelling projects;, recommending that- Fublic Hearings thereon be schedul'ed for October- 5; -1953: R6116 =were teviewdd by the Council, and Danens offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLi3TION PROVIDING FOR HEARINGS . ON` ASSESS11ENTS _ FOR STREET 31-UR OVE -ZNTS NO X 35�C-37, AND - BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village-of Edina$ as "follows: - `" = - 1'.' -.'The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper ' amounts 'to be -specially."assessed for STREET IXEROMUMTS NOS:" 'C =:33; 0C 37M AND -G-4D, against the: respective Sots, - pieces- and parcels 'of land within the districts affected by- said Mtproveinents, and said proposed - assessments *having" been filed -with the 'CTerk,- the- same are, hereby approved- and Bald Clerk - shall keep the 'sane on 'file' in `his office and open to "public inspection pending heatdrigs tliereon`as- Yierbin provided. " 2. - This Council - shall. -meet it -tiie time and- place' specified- in the -form of notice- -hereinafter- contained to pass upon said proposed a's "sessments; aiid -the 'Clerk 'as hereby directed-to= cause- notice of U e' time,"place- and" purpose of 'said mi6dting-to be published in the official newspaper at- least 30 days prior to said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following foam: NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESMMUS: - - - FOR 32- MOVE -IMS `NOTICE IS HEREBY'GIVEN than the'Council of the- Village of Edina wM meet'at the VIllage Hall on Monday, October 5.,_1955P - at 7:30 -oY clock FolL, -to hear 'and pass upon all objections. U any, to the proposed-assessments- for -the hollowing impeove- ments- which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open.to Public - inspection: _ " '-Y. ,Street Improvehi6nt- No.'C -35-- Grading, gravelling and opening of Concord Avenue' from Southvi.ew Dino to W*60th Street -:.. _ ... 2. Street Improvement' No: U�- 37-- Grading,'Gravelling of Richmond Drive in ` Richmond Hi116 ' 2nd" Addition; Sherwood Road froiri Highz-iay No: -169- to 'R3.c%ond' Drive. w ..3 Street Improvement- No.- - C =4O-- Grading' Wad- Gravelling and ailing North South alley between Beard and Abbott Avenues -and b etween 11106th and U* 57th Sts: - - The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of ,each of the foregoing Improvemen s consists of all the lots, pieces and parcels of land abutting said specified improvements.- EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina - motion for adopti6ii of the - Resolution was - seconded- by Bredesen, and- on -Rblleall - there -were fie ayes and no nays, M as follows: Bredesexi�yaye; Child, aye; Danens, aye; Bank, e; and Er' ks , ay and the Resolut`iq �s ado ed. ATTEST : "•- . ..-f^- . l�,C Xwor = 8/24/53. ,Manager Mitchell then ev.%ewed" for l ounca�; the. assessment: Rolls and, Tabulations' of Assessments for'some' ;thirteen °impri�vernents; on which -he: fecomhi6fi ied- 'Assessment Hearings October 5. Child .offered the follow>xa.g_ Resolution and moved its adoption:; RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - i31rARIIIC -, . BE IT RESOLVED b.* the `Coiirie . of` tfie _Village "bf -,Edi ia; as f bjj6ws:' ....... _ 1. _ `The Clerk acid Eng .nesr 'having " alctzlated the .proper ` amount" `to- be special ly "assessed `for` `those iiiiprover�ents "set `forth "in iie "form of Not de- 6f Hearing set forth below, a9aizi6 'the respective lots, pieces "and pat° cell of _ land` within t1ie- district affected_"by "each - o`f ' said•'improvdiddhts,_ aig said_ i6^ ,posed assessments liavii g- been r3.T6d ' idth the` °Cl'e'rk; - th&e 6aii. a aiie lfoteb; ' #ipio ved, and_ said Clerk siialT keep `the` sairie `oia'fil'e iii his'offi6e and open to public inspection pendixig h6&tings "th6r'eori "as'her -h provided-. -' . _. _._._._. ..,. _. -- 2. This Cothdii shdil . meet `at° tliT tithe ericl plaoe specified` rz :the form of notice Yiereiria `ter contairied -to pass'upan `said' "propiised "as`se s`sbient, and: the Clerk is lfereby directed td ' cause 'notice' of' tYie time; - place'a nd - purpose of- said - meeting 'to- b6- piiblibhed iri the official newspaper` at °least 3O `days prior` `to said meeting, which notice shall. be in substantially the following form: , NOTICE_OF HEARINGS -aN ASSESSI NTS. _ _ ..FOR- WROVRIMITS^ ------ NOTICE MS HEREBY "GIVEN . that ' the, Coundil* • of -the V311a ge :`of 'Edina' mil I.` i idet rand pass Village- Ball, on Monday, . `Octibbbr 5, "1953, at ; 7;30 6.1- dioek -P.11 J td -hear ii all o�i,�ectacins, >` ariy; t© tbe_ .proposed assessments" for`the. . `._. fallowing improvements, "wide as sessments are now on. file :1n, the .office of the Village 'cler`k "and"o'pen ' -to' 'publ7.c ii?spectl ont .. _ .... _ ..... _ _ . 1. " Saxiitary`'Sewer 146. 50- 46iiatrdcti6n.,of- S'anitoity Setrez'and appurteiancea as fblldi6 -1 Mi`Vix�giiiia Ave. `fboia -ff. 6oth 'St. t,-o'Vii'.- 62nd St. "'2. , In Virginia Lone: ' . 3'.._ ?n Parnell: Ave. froza Val1 ey, 'View Rd. t' o W :62iid St 4. * In W. 62rid; 'St. `:f`rom- Parnell. "A.ve� `to Gonci?rd live,` 5. .In Val ley' V3:ew Rd, from`Pariiell Ave. to Concord A.ve. 6. In Concord Ave. from 1- 1.60th M to tsT. `62nd St.` _. _. 2. - Sahitar; 'Fewer, No. 52` Coh&tj?U6 ioii:` oT'-Lateral Sanitary `S,ewer' ai d apptirtenariaes;an:W.60tfi`St." from games' vd .test, and in Halifax Ave.' " from; vT 60th -st. `1to` .a ,pt. 7,177:'5; ft : 'South::'UWi dof� 3. SbAitary'S`d er No. 54-__ Construction, of TAteral San3.tary;S'eiier ad" appurteriances 'in- 'Asharoft` *e-. -from ITo60th, St. to'Valley'View Rdd . • in Valley View - Rd. .from Ashcroft' Ave. 'to a pt `2$9 ft.' `more`dr 7:e ss; West . 4- Street'Improvement "No. L-29- _Blacktopping of ,Abbott .Ave. (between W058th St. `and 140'60t�i 'St, 5. Street" -T prd- idk6nt "No..A.. 30 - Blacktopping of W.59th St. between Beard .eve, and-, ".A.ve _ _..., ... . 6. Street` lmprdv. dWeiit No:.L 32-- Blacktopping of Tyler Ave* between Maloney Ave. ` and" Beliaiore _ Lane. _ . ... , , 7• Street 'Tmprovenient `No. 1--35; Blacktopping of Drew Ave. between W.58th .__. . _._...__. $. Street' Improvement `No.•A.- 38-Blacktopping of Fairfax Ave, betwem'T.59th 'and. W:60tn -St. „ � • r , .. _ . _._ .. _ _ .... .. 9. Street Improveineiit No A. 39 - Blacktopping o� all Streets in Parkwood - Knolls.`2nd- Adeiri:` 106' Street' _.Iprov6ment "No. x-40 - Blacktopp3.ng, of KeLtogg Ave. J. etween`W.5Eth . -Ste and IT.62nd -St: _ _ .... _ _ 11. Street'' Tmprdir6z .exit N6.'-4 -�4 -= Blacktopping of Lakeveiw Drive between ~ u� . "" Wooddale- .kve." and. `St•:Jolin "s A;ate� • ,� 12. Street improvemeint No. .A,1;•5 lacktoppang of Code Ave. betwec-n.. W.56th St,' Arid Wbidsor' , 13. Street Improvemennt °Nc>..A- 46-- Blacktopping of Parkwood Rd, in Park -mod 1no1Ts. Third Adds. -Th6 area pro' o -d to lie - assessed 'for "'San .tart' "Se%>rer No: 52 uicludes is 2 to 5, lx}c�, Block 1, 'and`16ts 1 and. "-2, Block 2; "Ha13:f k A.ve:_Addn. _. _.. The area proposed ta- be assessed- for' tYie 'cost of eacYi` "of 'the balance` of " ' the foregoing inproveirients consists` "6f all the lots, pieces and parcels of land .. _,i. -. abutting said specified improvements. , EUW' O. ' BANK;;' "Village Clerk - 'Vi1.l.age "of Motion 'for adoption of the Resoltition� wa"s seconded bar Bred`esen,' `and` oii R632cal -3: there were five ayes and no ;nays:, `as fo>:lows "i "Bredes� , `aye; Child, aye; Danens, aye; ' Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and, the �dso was adort ed. ATTEST: �, � .. ... .. Mayor Village Clerk At this time a "written report aoncerriaiig: tie Assessii3ent for sanitary SewerY 36 'bras` presented �Y the °D`eputy Clerk; this report incxtiding___ proveirient� No. _: _ _ - statement that ' ;90 is avail -ble for transfer fr`oui' Sem'dr Distrs ct No. $` � if such transfer is - legal:. V 23age Attorney' Windhorst` rialed'that said transfer is`legal -iilasm bh as 'Sewer'- 1m.�ovement' No'* 36 gunk_ is a continuation'of" Sewer *rn A trunk as originally planned. Child then moved for trm sfer of-98,9900 '� 8/24/53_ from Seiler= Dist rict No: " Funds to cart nary Sewer Tizi;r ovement No: 36, to 'lower the assessment for Sanit' Sewer ' � ImZr ovement Na. 36 trunk sewer. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Pursuant -to Deputy`Clerkxs report' discussion "was had -on the- practicability of assessingI2W Railroad for ".-Lateral Seder.' 'It was brought'out that - the - Village Ms--e into' an "agreement vrith 2fi nneapolis - Street Railviay - Cojapany - not "'to assess their- right -of way, for Lateral leviers; -that the same conditions exist at the railroad right -of -way; that 'such assessment is most diffiiul't to collect.` ChUdrs motion; that Council does' not - attempt tc assess 25N�°S Rai�rar Company for lateral sewers, was seconded by Danens and carried. Ranger latchell theiri presented Tabi:lation - of "Assessment; &lid Assessuerit -Rol : " ibr`Sanitary Sewer - Improvement No. 36, which vas revi.ewed-dhd� d3s cusseclat-dome length'pby the Council. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESDIM70N M' OVIDING FOR HEARING ON ASSESS1.7M - SANITARY SE M. jj-aWV ZNT BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of -Edina, as follows: _ le - '_The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the` proper amount to -be-- assessed for SANITARY SZ1ER 'M- 1PROVR.JENT- N0. 36;- against the respeativa -' Tots,' pieces_,anT parcels of ^land t4thi:ri 'the districts affected by sad' lmprovdaisht; and said" proposed- assessment having been° fi-Ied 'witii the Clerk, _ th e wane are hereby approved; and said C1erk'shall keep 'the same on file`iii'his_ office and open to Public inspection pending hearing thereon -as h,6feiii' provided. 20 This- Council shall: meet' at` the time and place - specified :!A 'the" form of notice 'hereinafter" contained to pass upon `said proposed .as sessnent, ' and the Clerk is hereby directed to eduse_tnotice of the time, place a, d purpae - of 3a33 meeting -to" be`ITpublidhed do the official ridv& aper at least -30 des rrior to said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE- -OF ASSESSNM FZMING -- _ 'NOTICE' IS HUWY` "GTV,EfiI that 'the' Council' of - the Village "of Edina wirl. feet at -the `Village Hall.`on X61iday, ;October`s, _1953,',at 7:'30.P.21.,'tb_he6r and pass upon all-objections, if any; to tlfe "proposed "assessment- far - 1Sanit'ary Sewer Iuproveinent- No. 36. This - assessment is now on file in the of Tice of the Ville@ Clerk and open- to "public'irispecti bri: _ 1. 1 C'oiistruction of District - Sewer- and'appurteriences in *Motor Street fm ` e2isting - 2ianhole on 'Ndrth Avenue "to Rutledge -Avenue: _ 2. Construction of Lateral 'Sewers in Brookside -Avenue : fromi- W- 4th Street_ - to Interlachen- Blvd:, and -iri 'Hwy.- l69 =2i2 to `Lot "29, 'Block -3, Grandview_ heights Addition; in Division St'r "eet `from Rutledge "Avenue "to 250.feet East, and in Rutledge Avenue from 1T.44th St: to.W.48th St: The area proposed -to be `assessed_ - for 'Di:strict- Sewer- includes all Lots -aiid tracts of land withid the following described boundaries, except those lots and tracts -of land already"assessed'for District Sewer' No e *8 r "Beginning' at the -NTT cor.' of Sec. 28T.37R.2 the S.- along# tTae' ;1; . Hest , line of said Section to the SiT Cor.' -of' Lot 7, Bl.. 6, "Br6bkzs de Height's, -the Ne -to'thd' SE' Cor. of Lot 18, Ble 7; 'Brookside Heights; the S.to 'the `SW core -of Lot - 82- Bl.' -7; Brookside Heights; the -Be to the SE- Cor: of -Zot 17, Bl. 8; 'Brook- side Heights; the N. to the S T Cor: of ' Trot ' 7; . Block- 8; Brookside Heights; the E.'to'the SE Core of'lot 18; Bl. 9,` Brookside Heights; the , toZt.51t,StN .; th. -E. 'in W. 51st St. to the SW Cor: ' of Lot -12, " Bl. l', _ Bro6kd: de Heights; fist Ee to the, SVT- Cori of said lot 12 Brookside Hea_ghts; the Se "to SW C'or ' of lot 1.0," Bl. 4; Grandview - Heights; ' "th: ' E. - to Highway -1'69- 21.2; ' the " MF y along Trunk Highiray No. ' 169 -212 to its - intersection With `Br6oks: ode Avenue; - the°' N. along' Brookside Avenue to its intersection tdth the S." lot - line` of tot 43, _ _ -- - Auditort s- Subdivision No. 176 if extended West; the "Ely - ,along the S. _ lot`li ne of -Lot 43, Auditor' s Subdivibi6h Na.' 176 and- lot_ 35', `Brookside Terrace'to _ 22innehaha .Creek; the "in` a meandering" course along 21i rinehaha- Creek to- 1144th Street; -the' 111:1 along 1.1; 4th Street `to the 8, lot_ line of lot`$;' AuditcarYs - Subdivision No. ' 176; the Nly along tiie E. _ lot `linos - of tAts $, 6.5.E .3; - Auditor" s' Subdi vi son No. 176 to N. Village Limits; the Uly "to point` 'of betini:ng e" ._ The- area proposed to be assessed -for lateral Sewer 'i:ncludes all lots -arid " - tracts. of land abutting Rutledge Avenue - between 2totor Street and %48th Street`; _ all. 'lots and'tracts . of land- abutting Division' Street between Rutledge- .side Avenues; all lots aid t rdets 'of land" abutting Brookside Avenue on -tbe "test between Motor Street - and Interlachen Blvd., and lots 29, 30 and 31, Block 3, Grandview Heights Addition. EVALD C., "BMK$ Village Clerk - _ Village 6f' Edina - 216tion for - adoption of Resolution was `seconded by'Danens,- arid' on -Ro11.ca1-1'tb re_ were-five ayes and no nags; As - follows:' 'Bredesen, ; I" aye; Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutiorf" dpt ed. -ATTEST: _ 2iayor Village Clerk " At this time Manager. Mitdhell: presented several`Talk -h tions - of Assessment,:a .:.; A"ssessm.ent- Roils,: 6A which' he recommended. - public .hearings`fo-r _Septdinber`28' `Rolls and Tabulations were re viewed , y the Council, , and Danens ' offered 'the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RMOLUTION PROVIDJNGG FOR HEARINGS Off ' ASSESSMENTS. FM . STS AND , WAT=M :R BE IT RESOLVED by the Council;:of'tI e.i IXdge "of-Edi d, as follows: "" 1.` -The "Clerk - grid "Engineer 'Having" cal.WhUd -the proper amount to tie` specially assessed'for the Iprovements .Iisted: lj -the7f&k -Qf . notice o f - hearing hereinafter contained,-- against' l hd "respective Tats; pie ces ' an dd xa,r cel's` of Zand- w th3:n the- 'districts . "affected by- said improirem:eri-ts;`�-&dXd ;acl ' prop6 sed' assessnena having been fa:lea 'with the "Clerk j "the same' a re " hereby apps oved - ' T said` Cle 3k "` shall. keep 'the'sad6 of file- in*hie '6ffice and open togblie irs pecta n pendng hearings thereori' -as h6reari provided. . .- - -, 2;'- TIi3:s " "Coiiiicii shall n�etat'tlie tie aiid'pl "ace'specified ari the._._. form of notice. hereinafter- co_ntai,ned to . pass upon ".said `propc$`d asses`sments., did the Clerk is hereby directed to cause' notice- of,the time,, place arid. ' purpose' of said meeting- to- be pi:iblished "in the official newspaper' at- least 30 days prior to said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE.OF HEARING.ON'.ASSESSHEENTS° ' FOR -. 'RO=9=1 NOTICE"T'S HEREBY 'GIVEN`- that : th6 'Council of the Vi n* e o f'Ed via " w * kie t at the" Village Han" on KondaySbr2" 953' t' -70 P I. to' hear e6d ' ` m a , pass iipbiii all. objectIdhd, ., f"any; to the proposed' �assessmerits fbr'the following improveirientb' -'wh ch'asses&ents -are ,now on file in the. office of the Village Clerk and open to'public inspection: " STREET" UTI'ROVEMENT Nth. B-11, Curb axis Gutter iri.Beard`Ave: "between'W.57th arid-'14SSth- "Sts:" B -14 - Curb aid Gutter iii Cliowen_Ave. ; tieW66n: Tf. 58t1i avid If.59th Sts. B-16 - Curb and Gutter iii Ew=` g".I.ve'* between IL 58th and W.60th` Sts« ` B -17 - Currb' -and Gutter `in Townes_Rodd between'O.48th and �1:49th_ St's. 0-22 - Grading and Gravelling `ox" t hat_ -alley between York and Xerxes A.ves . and between 1,459th and Tt:60th "Sts. C-23 - Grading and - Gravelling' of St.:Jo.hiis 'Ave « "between'W:59tli and - ` w.60th'Sts.,"a d'- w- .bGth`St.. between St.Johns Ave. and a pt. 1'35 F . W« of ?dirfax Ave. 0-29 - Grading arid" Gravelling ' of ..that .Alley between Beard and Abbott Ales. anal. betW6bA Wo 59th and W 6oth� "St`s. C;34 - Grading and Gravelling of All __.S_. tree_t_.,s.._.i..n .. .. B- o- ran's Edina Mnr. WATEN- DTRO�NT NO. r 48 - . Construction' of VilTage' Watermairi Extension grid Appurtenances- in Edeninoor S-6-0- -between Edenmoor in Richmond HiUz. 2nd Addn. and ' Sherwood Road: -_- ...: -... 49 - Construction of - "iTillage_ '��atermain . Extension a nd Appx rtenan. ces in Philbrook 'Lahe, _..._...y,.. .... _... _ 51 - Construction= of ' Village, Waterman ri Exten "sign "arid Aprtenancea' in° Concord Ave. `from'southviei .T;ah6 to a.`pt «. :54:4 Ft « S'o`: 'tYiereof. 55 - Constzu etion c ff lillage Watermnin Extension aniJ. APPuAeiiances J.n AAeroft Mte.: between 11.60th -Ste- bad Vjjley Vied: Rd., ai d -n Valley View Rd. between � Ashcroft and Concord A.ves 57 - . Coiistraction of "Vil:lage` Wat.errnai.ri Extension and Appurtenances n . Xerxes Me-. f'ron W.57th'i o W «'56th: St. . The area propo dd'to be' assessed for the cost' of't`he foreg :lag "inprovements^ includes a11. lots, pieces and parcels of land abutting's'aid.' "specified improvements. ZVATD` C. -BANK;- 'Villag e Clerk . �.. -. .... V1age of :Ech.i, _ Motion for aclopta on of ` Resolution -was seconded by' Chip, clad o ri R6liefi the re here f veayes`ai?d.no nays,asiollo�rs:� Bredesei;✓;ye " 1d; afire; Danen3, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resol� ton adopted. TTFST; . or '+ b-_ Vi age .Clerk... Tanager, tfitchell t -heh - rr6serited - prellihiiiary "pl ans,. specif c'& ions and Estimates of Cosh -oil- three _imn idiremeht p'roject"s," `stating that' all three projects _'are feasible yet 'this Fall thdt -he "would- recominei d- Publia 'Heaii gs `or wine ie ` set for- September i4. fall- " then. offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: r RESOLUTION 'PROVIDING FOR. PiJBLIG . HEARING ON- MR-OMM BE IT RESOLVED by `the, Council of'. the - Village "of Edina 'as :full dws. 1 The Village Erigineer� liavirig sub i.£tedi'to the"Council a:, p`r`eliminary report as to tile: feasibility_ of` the--'-- oposed improvemen described'" in 'the foriu of "Notice of- Hearing 'set forth belovr,m 4nd as -to- the. estlinated Bost of such improvements; said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Mr- 8/24/53 .. 'This Council 'shall- meet at .the. Village Hall. on' M- nday, September 14, 1953, at 7:30 PICT., to- consider iii public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed'-improvemerits - 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and. directed.to• cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published: in" the' o ffid.al' newspper once a ireel� for twd'- successive weeks; the second ' of 'said - publications to be not' less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substaitialy the following form: NOTICE OF HEARINGS ON PROPOSED' UPROMENTS The Edina Village Council will meet at 'the Village "Hall;' lfondgr, September 14, 1953;'-4t 7.00 P.M.,- to- consider 'the following proposed improvements, -to be con= - structed under- the aiuthor- y granted by Tii nnesoth laws of 1953; - Chapter 3�8 . The approximate cost of such improvements is estimated by the Village Engineer to be as follows: _._ .. ___ _ 1. , .._ _. __ __. .._.w_. EST. COST 1.. Blacktopping 'of SToodland Road between Wooddale Avenue and." Bro okview Avenue' - _ _...... _ _ . - .. - ... $4s078-40 2. Grading and Gravelling of Josephine Avenue between w.65th and vr.66th Sts: _ . 2,$00.00 3. Construction' of -- Sanitary "Lateral: Sewer and - Appurtenaa ces ' 3n 17.48th. St, between Vdvnes'Road' and France :Ave:`` -` '2, -824:$5 .__. � � Thd area proposed -to- b'e assessed for the cost of �said_'3hproveiaeiits ' ldcludes` all lots anti tracts of land abutting upon the streets proposed to be improved. EVA7Ii' C. `SANK;- vil 3a ge Clerk V 333996 of Fd3iia 1-16t on' `for 4&o tion' of "the Res61ait!:6n was ' seconded by Bredbb6n, and.' on-Rollcali `' there were live ayes' and no' mays; `as follows: � �1redes n, aye ;_ Child, aye; Danens, aye; Bank,,aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Res i was adopted. ATTEST: Village Clerk Mr.'ifitchel3�s 'r`eport of Completion of finallplaiis�on several "projects; together with his recommendation that Council: take bias orC these projects, dad, re =adve Use ' for bids"on the projects for which "no'dies mere - received tas'evening, was reui.wed, and Child offered the following Resolution and moved ,its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS .AND S1t ICATIONS FOR STREET 314PROVEtIENT NO. A-2$ LUX ' IMPROVE MT NO. 61, SANITARY SMER 32iPROU, r MENT . NO, 6S AND SANITARY SMER 3MEROV.E�EENT NO.- - - g -AND DMCTING ADVERTISE MM FOR BIDS BE IT' RESOLVED by 'the - Village Council of the Vi.11 % a of Edina: ' 1. The plans' and specifications for STREET M -TROVE MT N0, A 2$, ZTATERtMN 3I1PROV.NiIENT NO. 61, ' SANITARY SESiER"7ilPROVEID IiiPROVE� NT -NO: ; heretofore - prepared 'by the Village Engineer and now on file, in the *off1de of the Village Clerk arb'hereby approved. _ . -., �... 2. "The -Clerk shall" cause ' to be 'published t wide .in t lie,Eddina- Xorningside Courier' and the Construbti6r BMeti n the - following` notice for' bids -for" t he' construction of said improvements and of other improvements heretofore approved. AMMISMUMT FOR BIDS BLACKTOPP3NG: , GRADING ,AND GRAVELLING: -SE M:- XATEMUNS " _,NOTICE IS' HEREBY- GIVEN'that- tR6 Edihi ; V13 -16ge Council will meet "at -the* Village Hall ;" 48013-T.50tY Street; on 2Tond.' -"September 14'$ 1953, _at 7:30 P :X:, and will at said time and place open and consider' sealed bids -on the following improvements: STMkET UffROVE1 -TM N0: A-28 - Blacktopping of Fairfax Ave. between ST. 58th and 1459th Sts. _.. _ STREET MIPROVEJENT' NO. A -42 - Blacktopping of Woodcrest Drive between 11T. 55 and W-552 Sts. STREET IIIPROVEMM NO: `C -33 Gradiaig; Grave """g bad' Oil Stabilized Base- Wooddale Ave, from. Valley View`Rd:`to Garrison'Dane, and Garrison Lane from Wooddale Ave. to and including- Turn - Around: _ SANITARY SE or 3 ROVEIMT NO. 5$ _ °Consti^uctioiri of Sanitary ?sterol Sewers and Appurtenances in 1-1.49th St. between Westbrook Lane and Pukwaaa Zane....... ._ _ ..._._, _..._... _..... - -- WATERUAIN ' 32-TROVE .MT 'NO; ° 61- _ Constriietdon o f - Villag a `f4t ermain az`sion and Appurtenances in W.49th St. ,betweeen- ZTestbrook La ie 'aiid'Pukwana`Lane! s&TRARY SEM� C 32- UROVMIENT NO. ' Construction of Sanity _I tei;&- . . Sewers 'and Appurtenances in* 1- .48th Bt: 'between Townes Rd. and Fra2 ceAve. Bidder may bird on aiiy or` all imp'r'ovemefitse T,Tork "riuist "be done-'as described and speciTied'iri'piai "s`aind spea.fications"'for said improvements on file in office of Village Clerk.. Bids must -be sixbn&A' 4n basis of cash- - payment- for work. No bids wit be- 'ddhe3.dered: 'Ura.e5s sealidT_ and lile' d with�iindersigned before time 'of said meeting and- aecompaiied- bydash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Villeg a Clerk in amount cf ten V/ 24/53 243 ten percent of amount of bid. ' BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVAI:ti` C'. -BANK;' Tillage Clerk V page' .of Edina Notion for- adoption 'of' Reeoluta oiri eras 'seconded -by. Bredeseh, 'and o ri Rollea1. 3 there were fa ve' ayes and 'no nay's, as follows: Bredesan; aye; ..Chzld, aye; D a en s, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; .and the Resolut' xm 7was-:Ica :ted. ATTEST: d:a�- I~ "yor V3114ge Clerk Motion by Child ". seconded- by Bredeseif aii& 'carried; app1?6Ving_' 1U* a `Payroll; amount $10,253. $43' aid Liquor Store Payroll, '- 'a�nouiit� $655:32; ' ;for 'p eriod August 16 to 31, As recorded in detail in Payroll Ledger, and approving for payment the following Claims: , C�= TO: __. n AllLfUlYI FUND 935 H. Godfrey Nelson 9386 Wm:- MCKeand`" 10:00' 9387 Mrs. Mike Hdik _ _ _.. 1:85 9388 Ed. •Ryan,Sheriff"of - .Helm' 'Cy. 28:54 9389 City- Treas:; "City of Mp1s. 12:28 . 9390 Schaub OM66-Supply Co. 390'90 9391 Crook &. Hanley_- 5375 9392 UTater 'Works Engineering 500 9393 George Thdiapson - 26; 53 9394 xdi.ris`Self'" 17.22 9385 John E. Olson . WOO 9,390 Fred" J. Jonas __ 5,88. 9397 MnOr Hardware 9398. Modern"Sanitary "supply Co. 16:75 9399 Dick Paleh" Pho- bd& ph`s %00 9400 Mine 'Safety - Appliances ` , 37:27 9401 Miiixiesota 1:xd Extinguisher Co. - � 2; 50 9402 John A. Demuth - _ . 143:00 9403 Stewart-Paint -Mfg. Co. ..5.9 ;00 9404 Lyle`'Sign, Inc; 168 :50 - 9405 Bergerson- CasweLt -' .`" - 24:75 9406 Republic Creosoting Co. , _ -15:84 9407 J'. A. Dahens & Son ' . 157 :1:0 9408 ildtor Carlson & Sons, Inc. 371:10 9409 Water Fund 540:64 .9421 Town'& Country- Hdwe., '';95 9422 H: A. Rogers Obe" " ' 99 :20 9423 N.1f, Bell-'Telephori& Co. 146:44 9424 Ediha -;P . -Oil Serv3:ae ";35 - 9426 Glacier *Sand & "Gravel '.3:99 9427 Richards Oil Co. - 555:35 9428 J� A. Ddnexis & Son, Inc. 180 00 9429 Earl: - Sewall.._ _. . _ _ _ .. 197:13 9433 American Linen'Supply Co. 7:P 9436 Hit Fire Ext. * *Co. ' "3M 9437 Richard'. Olson :. 32:27 9438 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 9444 Petty QLsh 18:79 9446 Hardware 11utuals '--12;23 9452' Northern States PcxTer Co. 1,15953 9463 Rosenwald Cooper. 34 :80 9464 Chris Mittel 700- 9465 Liquor Fund.... s _..... 25,9527;03 9466 Minri, Hospital Service.Assn. "7.55 9467 IMl-er" Davis ` • _ _ _ _ . ---2'3,4:54 9468 Suburbaxi Chevrolet Co. 1; 620:24 - 9469 9. O. Field -GO. 16,127 :64 9480 American 'Typetirriter Co. .".11600 - 9441 A7:ek Creiglitori ' 1, 99100 9482 Earl` `S.` Johnson- 292.50 9403 Ifilliauf G. ,Scott ,_ . 241:54 9484 Winefred Creighton 1,200 :00 9485 A. C. _Strnger -195:00 9486 Dorothy Fischer 656 :00 9487 Dorothy K. Otis 108WO 9488 ?.;ouella ,A:..;S i ' 96 On 9489 Mary D. Mt- ight 392:00 9490 Viola Doty------- ` _ " 42Q:00 GEIMM' FUND 9493 McEnary & Krafft, Lang & Raugland 6•P $54,157.00 8/24/53 CLAM NO. TO:* AMOIMT FUND 9423 N.tT.' Bell Telephone Coe 18 ;30 9424 Edina Pure Oil Service'-, �- .3:35 4 9430 Service Tool & Equipment Co. -28 ;58 9431 N-. H; Hanseanann 183:68 9432 Hpis. Gas Co:. 19:09 9433 American Linen Co. 5:00 9439 Brookside - Service Stn. 619:66 9444 Petty Uash_ _ _ _ '3:35 9447 Hardware RutdAls 34:59 9448 Reinhard Bros. 59:23 9449 Leef Bros, 2; 9450 Northern'States -Power Co. '31 ;06 9453 100:89 9454 ruternational`.Harvester Co. 15:40 94'55 Dahlberg Bros.. . ' - .. 76:77 9k.56 Charles Olson'& Son6, Inc. 46:12 .907 B & B Seat Cover Coo. 29 ;00 9458 K & W'Co _ -of Minn# 148 ;42 9459 Zen. Ho—Ziegler 205 ;86 ' 9460 The 'C.00dhead C.o; _ _ 329 --% 9461 U, S. 'Siupply_.Co. 79:33 NORMG CAPITAL FUND 9462 Standard Unit Parts Co. 59.0 Us098.57 9423 H:A; Rogers Co: 9750 9423 R.W. Bell Telephone Co. . 6:93 9425 Ess -Bros. &-Sons .' ' 33:00 9426 Glacier 'Sand &- Gravel Co. 57.82' 9427 Richards Oil Co. 1,149:65 9428 J. A. Dzinezis & Sony 432:00 9429 Eirl'Sewall 435:81 9435 J. A. - Danens & -'Son. ' ` 110 ;30 9438 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 47:50 9444 Petty Cash . . . n I'll .. 2:84 9470 Victor Carlson & Sons 3,361:03 9471 Victor Carlson & -Sons '612.51, 9472 J; A; Danens &-Son,- 11098;00 9473 G. 11, Orr Engineering Co. 258 ;2$ 9474 Ortei & Mariam '188 ;12 9475 Victor Carlson & Sons 3;256:30 9476 Orfei & Mariani 1,216 ;99 9477 Baru Carl'one " 476 ;08 9478 Peter Lametti 15,866:53 9479 Peter Lamettl 140 ;73 9491 Oeei & Marian' 27;009:73 CONSTRUCTION FUND 9493 Phelps,-Drake Co. 232582.64 $79,470.49 9421 Town- & Country Hdwe.. 8;42 - PARK FUND-- 9444 Petty Cash r -1.05 $ 9.47 - SMU R REIt3TAL• FUND 9460 Northern States Power Co. 9.56 9410 General Fund _- _,. 1,980:92 9411 I- forking Capital Fund 146:51 9412 Crane Cod_.... .33,65 9413 Rpls Honeywell; Inc. 189;58 9414 The Bristol Co. '. 480:00 9415 Cambridge -Breck-Co.. _ ., _ _ _ .... 50:00 941:6 Water Works Uept.; City of Mpls. 121;50 9417 Berg & Farnham Co. '23:60 9418 Don Murray_ 300 ;00 9419 G.-K. Berlin - :' 14 ;00 9420 Charles 1,7:' Seaktoh'C6, 720;00 9421 Town '& Country Hdwe. 17-:43 8423' N.-1-4 Bell Telephone Co. 13 ;85 9425 Ess Bros. & Sons 93:00 94" Petty -Cash_ _ 7:48 9405 Central Supply Co. 7.37:07 9451 Northern States Power Co. 930 ;63 11ATEM10M, FUND 9467 iii.11er -Davis I 2.60 0 5.,281-82 8/24/53 245 CLAIM NO.: TO AMOt7NT FUND L2629 Eban. Bros. Co: 69:00 L2630 Famous;Brands;.Inc" " " 161.64 12631 Griggs., Cooper- &s:Companyy 1117::7$ 12632 Old Peoria Company, Inc. 111.'80 L2633 McKess6h & Robbins` - - 277:90 L2640 American Lindh- Supply Co. - 11::$0 L2641 Anhdii er;Buscb - -- Iffc 115:55 L2642 Canada Dry Beverages 333.E L2643 Caperiter Paper' Co'. -, . 15:55 L2644 Clausen & Son's, - -Thc. - ' 1,235:24 L2645 Coc& -Cola Bottling -Coy- "' 74:00 L2646 Distillers'Distributing- Go: - "- 210.45 L2647 0: M., Dr"oriey`Beverage Company 249:53 L2648 Gli'dk Brewing Company "' 420:59 L'2649 ` Methd]Jr' Distributing' Coy ` y 182.18 12650 Mardhant Calculators, Inc. 2:50 L2651 lwdblit - Bottling Co. ' " 1:90 Lz652 Mirineapol i:s Btd ng"Co. 1,520:43 - 12653 Wabheapol:i:s City -Club Distr. Co. 629:92 126.54 Pabst -Sales Company 201:16 L2655 Rex Distr:.G&ipaYiy 233:77 R L26'56 1:16.0-al" B-evef age - Company ` - 102:-$4 . L26-51 Seven =Up Bottling- Cp6paiff " 86:64 1265$ The 'Casa "Prima Citrus Company '6:00 T L26.59 Thomas - Moore -& -Co 10,12. L2660 Van -Paper Supply Company 32.96 12661 Anderson— Agency . _ .. _ . _ .. 34:40 L26-62 Distillers Distributing Co. 1,237:$2 L26-63 EWh- Bros6: 'Compahiy' . 92:00 L2664 Famous ' Brazids, Tiff 649.61 12665 Mid -Wrist Mine - Company; 'Inc. " 171:40 12667 Old Peoria Company; Trio. 1,256:x.9 L2668 Ed. `Phillips_.&. sons ._Co. ` . ,55:46 L2669 North:er'n State`s''. over C`o. `" 40:21 L2670 Village of Edina- General Fund 60,000:00 L2671 Eugene B.- Thomas_ _- -, -- . _. _ ._. , 5 ;00 12672 Mini': 'Hospital Service Assn. 7.55 L2673 Midland Natl. Bank'of -. ir�ithlieId Takes 141: 45 L2674 Val- Bjdrnsoa,- Treas` of `the PERA '.-69:32 LIQUOR FUND L2675 Griggs, Cooper & Company 2,626.0$ 075,517.33 SMM- #53 FUND 7434 Construction Fund X70,000:00 _ w _ ... 1950 =FIRff SERIES 9441 N.W. Natl. Bank $1,005.75 - 1950;- SECOND SERIES 9442 N.W, Natl. Bank x $202025.00 . - 1950 =THIRD SERIES 9443 N.W. Natl. Bank , 6 21002.50 Chairman of-- Public Safety Committee, Bank,, presented the following recommendations of_ the Committee: _.. _.. _.. _ ... _- -- _. .. 1; For Church Stop Sign. _at- Mull' Road and W.70th St; - . 2. For ttWatch Out for Children" signs - 1-.at- Wooddale &'56th;'l at St -Johns & 56th. 3. For "liatch Out for Children "� signs - 3, as requested, on'%58th'St..bbti -_ a - - _ _ __... _.. _- _ _ -Hal:ifax and Fray co 4. For Stop Sign at Southwest 'corn.er, ' 'Parkwod 'Iioad and Blake. ' 5. Against "Church Stopti Si gii_ .a -50th. kid Thdi&iola. 6. ,Against Match Out for Children" .signs -on Roushar °Road - (only" 1V reside'des, 'here). 7. For "Watch Ou-t for- Childrenit signs' in four block stretch between Wooddal a and Concord Avenues on W.`59th Street. $: For 'Watch Oat for Childreintt signs' on Southvietr Lane; " NOrkandale -t o ' Concord. 9: TFor Vatch Out for Children"' signs "N' 56th - Street, Wbodda'i e t o Brookvi.ew. 10: Against ttSlowtt signs on Interlabl en; East'and' "Ifest of B1aNke Road. 3-1. For Pedestrian "Stop -arid -Gott Signals on If* 50th Street- -that Council advertise for ]Ads same to be taker' September 14'0. _ 12: gfonr For Sto � Si '" at -corner' of - Sunnysi de and W66ddal:e, " to -stop Wooddal a traffic. 13: For the m6 of- Crosswalk at "53rd aiicl`France as- suggesi;.ed. 14. For installation of 'several "- posts'to keep cars from-parking on boulevard accross "from Edina Country Clu " Child moved -for approv MT of the' recommendations of the Public Safety Committee. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. There toeing "no further business'�to' come before this meeting. Bredesah moved for ' asjourinitent. Motion seconded by Child and carried eeti.ng adjourned t 12,:1.5 A.M., Tuesday, August 250 -9 Village Clerk .