HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530914_REGULARmrst on the agenda was the Talikg of Bids. 2Sfida.riits-of Publicationof 1tAdyeri;h.e-
qents for--3idsn in Ediaa=l&mingsiqe Co~ier and Construction BulleZh, on-the &a€es
llsted below, were read br CKerk, approved as to' form, and'ordered placed on file ; ana, pursuant to saLd pubEda%ions,- sealed bZds qere r.ec.ei-cied zihd were referri5d to ~
tlie BSs%€an% ViUagd En@neer for- public opning Ln the JZn@qeer*s Office, & motion
Cud, seconded by Barik and carried: I.
- .. _-.
Publication September 3 and 10, 1953.
it 11 n II n n.
ir -. -. Traffic I;ights -
S€ree€ linprovenenli No, A-28 '! Street wrovement NO; +A& -y
SCreet Jhprovement, No. C-33 - !!
Sgii5.e *Safer linprovenent 3~. 58 lfa%.emiaih wrovement No, 61: Q
Sanitary +wer in tT.4.$€iE Stl
Tomes Rd. to-Frarice
Saiiikary S&mr Bprovement NO. %5Trunk
ITaterrmbs-for Southdale .,
SMtary Lateral Sewers-Southdale . I1
(See llinutes of Later-in Ne.eting, for bids)
If tr-- ir-tt -tt
August 2cT ad 27,2953 '.- . .I
&gust 27 sand September 3,1953
It I1 a ir II IC
catch basin there, to cut off water before it gets &to the "svonne Terrace Stom
Sewer and floods out the people on Yvonne Terrace. Esthted Cost,.as givw, was
$2,735.10 as against 374,000 assessable scpzse fest,-for 8.0073 per square foot.
Assessment area was explained. Althoughthere were many questions as to the
assessable area, there were no objections to the improvement, and no written
objeckions had been received by the Clerk prior to the Hearing. Child offered
the following Resolution and moved its adoption: - .* REso~roN 0RDmme mmm.
I" RESOLVED BY THE Coxg-qQ ,o$"E;the,xiuage. of _JWLna, Minnesota, that- this
CouncQ-heretofcge. caused notice of hearing to b;e duly published fn accordance
yith provisions of Chapter 398, Ehnesota hws 1953, on the proposed improvement
consisting of the regrading and blacktopping of the intersection at Warwick Place
and Kent Avenue, the removal of two existing catch basins, and the construction of
four,new catch basins; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified
in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons
interested, and be*g filly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with said improvement; %hat said improveanent is hereby designated and
shall be referred to 5.n all subsequent proceedings as STOBI SEWER lNPROVE24El?T
NO, 23, and the area specially assessedtherefor shall_igclude.-dJ.lQts and ,
tFacts of land within the following described districtr
to WWsor Ave,; th. Eaqt $0 the NE Cor. of said Ix>t 26; tho North along the
East property line of-said Zot 26ito_the North 10% line of ht 13, B1. 1,
l!estchkster Knolls; th. W. on North propeyty li-nes of Lots 13 and Lli. to the
@ Cor. of b-t 3, Bl. %,-Westchester ffnolls; th, Nly along East lhe os said Mt.3, to the NE; Cor. .thereof; tho Nw1-g to line between lots 31 and 12, B1. 1,
Richmond Hills,-aqd Nly 50 feet; th..Jty parallel to Richmond Drive to East
@ne of bt 8, B1. l., Richmond HiUs;-th. on an arc a-qund, Richmond Circle to
NW Cor. of Lot 4, B1. 1, ;Richmond Hills3 th. my to Wly Cor. of Lot-1, B1. 4,
Richmond Hills; th. SWly to SW Cor. of Lot 3,-B1. 5, Ffestchester Knolls;. th.
~y-alLong.Windsor Avg..- to line- getween hts 4 and 5, 31. 3, Westchester Knolls;
th. E3.y along Vindsor he., to line belheen hts 2 and 3, 3, Westchester
&oUs; th. Slz to SW Cor. of bt 2, Bf. 3, Ibestchester KnoUs; th. E. to SE
Cor. of Lot 1, 31. 23- fjestches%er Knolls; th-.. my to Sf.Cor.n of Lot 18, B.lq 1,
ITestchester Knolls; th, North to.the "W Cor. of-said Qt 18; tho East to point
Notion for adoption of the Resoluticm was seconded by DSGns, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no-pays, as follows:
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was
' ltBeginning'at the SFT Cor, of Lot 26, Bl, 1, Westchester Knolls; th. North
*. of .--* ..
j Danens, aye; Bank, we;.
c f&-
,.. .I. .. :&Lyor* . . . ....
liayor Erickson then announced Public Hearing on the proposed Blackbopping of
Woodland Road between Wooddale.-Avenue. and Brookview Avenue. Affidavit of PubU- *. ca%ion for Notice of Hearing, iq Edina-Morningside Courier September 3 and 10, 1953, was read by Clerk, approved-as tq-form and ordered placed on fjle. Ibnager
Mitchell gave as his Bstimate of Cost $8,078.40, or $2.33 per Assessable Foot,
There were several objections raised-from a I&. John Olson, from a lady who
reaintiedthe Council that water was not yet QI the street, and from others who
do not wish the improvement at this tjme.
no recent petition for this improvement; that the CouncU merely wishes to
determine whether the people want the imprOvement,.jln order that Oil- costs
already incurred in anticipation of a blacktopping improvement c~" be added thereto, or whether these Oiling costs can be assessed, now.
from the conversation in the audience that the Blacktopping Improvement Ss not
desired at this time, and Chil&moved that the proposed Blacktopping Project be
abandoned. Notion seconded by Bank and carried.
It was explained that there has been
It becane apparent
- Public Hearing ks then had, on the proposed assessment for the Oiling of Woodland
.Road. - Clerk Bank presented Affidavit of Publicatiorn in Edina44orningside. Courier
August 13 and.20, 1953, of llqotice of Heaang," which affidav3.t was approved as to
fom and ordered placed on file. Kanager Ifitchell explained the audience that
this proposed assessment will cover two different applications of oil; that total.
assessable cost will. be $.29 per assessable front foot. There were no objections
to thLs assessment, and Child offered %he followjng Resolution and moved its
BE IT aEsOLW by the .V~lage.Counc~.,.of,the .Vslage of Edina, .Mixmesota, as
folloP@:. _- __ -
assessmint for. the OWg,of Woodland Road between Wooddale &venue and Brookview
Avenue, has been prqperly calgiLated 5.q accordance .*th tine provisions of
1. It is hereby fo&d, &ete&ed and deciared that the proposed
9/u/53 “‘Ztimesota Statutes Section 4J.20Yi3; that notice has been duly pblished, as
) required by law, that this Council vould meet to hear and pass upon all objections,
if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the sme by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all t~nes since their
filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all
interested persons torpresent their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces
and parcels of landemmerated in the respective assesments ~ms and is specidlly
benefited by the construction of said improvement in the amoun-b set opposite the
description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively.
pieces and parcels of land described tn said respective assessments, and said
proposed assessment is hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessment
for said improvement. The assessment agdnst each lot, tract or parcel, together
with the interest accruing on the fill amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at
the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a
lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and a;U
thereof. The total amount of such assessment shall be payable in one inst-ent,
with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to August 15, 1954, to
be payable with general taxes for the year 1953. 3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the omer of ar$k any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby mag-pay the
whole of such assessment r.rithout interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter
such payment may be made with accrued, interest, to the County Treasurer; provided
that if any assessment is prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he.shaU promptly
notifythe VCLIage Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment so prepaid shall
4. The Clerk shall, as_soon as may be, prepare and.transmit to the
County Auditor. a certified duplicate of said assessment, v&th each then unpaid
ins.tallment and interest set forth separateIy,t to be extended upon the propm
tax lists of the Councy, and the County Auditor shall thereafter, cause said
asses=?& to be collected in the manner-prodded by law. . Said duplicate shall
be desLgnated as the *lAssessment Roll for Oiling of FToodland Road,I* and all amounts
collected in respect af the asses-gents thgrein cont-gbed shag be,sMarly
designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the YUlage Treasurer and bs,
him create3 ta the Sinking Fund Account of the Permanept hpmvement mwlfig
2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots,
be cancelled on the-books of the County Auditor. .*
.. I .- .. r Furid cif th5s Village.- 3 -
llo%ion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danensz and on Pollcall there
were four ayes and no nays,.,as follows: C
; and the Resolution was a s, we; Ban$, aye; and
&stxxit-to tlNotice of Hearing” published in Edina4orningside Courier September 3
and 10, Affidavit of BbECatiQ7n for which notice tgs presented-by Clerk, approved
as to fo?, and order,@ placed on file; and Public Hearing was called on the pro-
posed Grading and Gravelling of Josephine Av_enue bebeen %65th and tf.66th Streets.
lkiager %Etchell gave as his Estjmte of Cost, 82,835.65 2s against 1,200 assessable
foot, for*$2.44 per assessable foot. He exglaiped that this project involves the
cutthg down of the intersection at 65th.and Josephine, so that the water will run
into the intersectionand then drain East to the Highway. Nr. Hdton, 6516
Nomandale Road, asked whether this estimate included an application of oil, and Ilk. HXtchel?, replied that such improvtktent is included in the est-te. There rere
no objeckions to the ianpmvement, and no written objections had been received prior
to the Hearing. A delegation of four residents asked that hpmvement be expedited
in order that they might have a passable street and relief from drainage problems
at once. Bank offered the. following Resolution and moved its adoption:
E@ 23 RESOLVED by the Count@ :of .-theLVi&$.age of .wna, Z.linn2sot2, that this Council
heretofoTe-csused notice of hearing tc- be duly published, in accordanc6 with-pro-
V;isions of Chapter 398, Wnnesota, Laws 1953, on the proposed *rove;nent consist-
ing of €he $x&i.ng and Gravelling of Josephine Avenue between 11.65th and IL66th
Streets; and at the hearing held at the kine and place specifi$d in said no5ice
the Council has duly considered the views of all,persons interested, and being
fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with said
improvement; and said inpmvesnent is hereby designatedead shallbe referred to in’ subsequent proceedings as STRZEC 33PI”T NO. C-52; and the area pro-
posed to be assessed therefor sha&l_,@cludeSll lots and-tracts of lbd abut;*-
and fronting upon the street in which saAd bpmvaat is to be made,
Notion ?or adoption of the Resolution was secon were four wes and no nays,-*as follows: Child,
Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was +do~ted. ,
on ’Rollcall there
V-ge Clerk *>
9/3-4153 34s Public Hemkg ne& held by the Comcil on proposed’constmction of sat=
Sewer 5ri tT.&&h Street between Tomes Road and France Avenue. Mag= &tcheU.ts Estbte Of cOSt..WaS given at $29824.85, Or $4.12 per assessable foot dthout ~ repbcement of Black%op. pursuant to Wo5ice of Hea@agl’ published -in Edina-Xornbgside Courier September
3 and 10, 3-953. Affidavit of Rublication for ‘said notice was suwtted, approved
as to form and ordered placed on €ile. Eilr. EtcheU then ql&ed tht one abutting lot could no% be served because+.thq..sewer will be too shauow; *ha% the
peczple on the North side of the street are connected with ocher sewer lbes; that
‘this leaves o@y three or four lots to bear. the assessment. e. eodller, olmer
Of. kt 1% asked to €P 0r1 rwwd as PnYbeStkng any assessment because he cannot
gek-sufficient fall to be benefited by the line. There were other objections from the floor, and Child moved for adjournment of. Hearjng to Monday, September 28,
1953, at 7:s 1FL.H. l$otion seconded by Danens. and carried.
Nwor Erickson-then *&mowed that Counkl would conduct Public Hedngs on
Assessments for kprovments, as-ligted in Wotice of HeThgs on Assessments fpr
@provements,** published in Edina-MorningsirJcft Courier August 13 and 20, 1953.
Clerk Bank prgsented Affida6t forw.sa%d Notice, which ps appmoed as to fom and
ordered placed on file; and Hearings were forthwith conducted and CounEil. action
%aka as recorded below:
ment show’ed,Tq%a;l- .&arftsg.able_Co&tg -be-m$4,079.44, for $1.89 per Assessable
Foot, Attorney Kazl Coven represated Ws. Peter Rawkps, 4854 Fgance, who
filed a-written objection based onaincreased cost oyer original estimate and
over original contract, and her ophion that %he street was not yet in good
condLtion. It was’explained that this is a very low cost for a Blacktopping project; tha$ Council has examined the street, feels that the job is good, and
that assessment is entirely .equitable.
assessment showed cos$ per -assessable foot to be 4$,08897 per assessable foot.
There ,were no objections filed at the Hearing, an& no written objeotions had
been filed prior thereto,
HEWCNG ON aSmS&%m FOR STRkiXC WROVBiENT 0-43-Oiling of
Sou$+hfiey Qgg.--Mr.. Eltchg&&!s.an-@,~gds. of. assessgent showed cost
per assessable foot-to be &09;30$ per gssessable foot. There were no objeotions
f iled at the Hearing, and po TJri;.t;ten ob jeotions had been, filed prior thereto.
analysis qf assessment showed cost per assgssable_foot to be $.O8286 pez
assessable €oat. There were no objections filed at, the iIearing,,and n~
written objections,had been filed prior thereto,
assessmen3 showed..cost peg assesssble foot -bo be $.04?31. There were no
objections filed Ezl; the Hewing, and no written objections had been filed
prior thereto. 6, mNG ON ASSEkMES2 FOR STE@iT XNPROWBNT 0-46-0iling of Harrison
Aye~ue fgoxn-ljg&h-.Talage &i.@ts to_$@oney, Ayanue. Nr. 14itchelI.t s -
analysis of assessment shoed cost per assessable f009 to be #&?09l0 There
were no objections filed and there had been no written objectbas filed. prior
to hearing. 7. I-IEARIIJG ON Rs;sEsm FOR STREZT IKE?ROVE4ENT 0-48-Oiling of Bead
Ayqgue .b@twsg~_W&%h aGd XYqSb S%FS&&. ..W E”fitcheu’s analysis of assessment showed cost par assessable Toot to be #.1291. There were no *
objections filed at the Hearing, and+no written objeGtions had been €iled
prior thereto.
Cud then offered the foLlowing Besolution and moved its adoptionr
Clerk Bank announced-,that this Hearing is being held
FRaNcE -.Am@,. c@lDR ,%f~gger:3l$.tcheIl? s g@ysis -of- assess-
2. HEPJE~~EJG ON ASSESSENT FOR STREW IXPBOWNT 0;,?+2-oi.ling of: ent ton
AYGP .from_ Coi?.e,ta. T~~@&R..~~WW.~-~ ,I@* ,sJriteheU.! s analysis of
4. €lEARXNG ON AssEsmlJrll FOR S!!X%%T L^MpRQvEsEMT +&-Oiling of
Zenith_Av~n.e_be~w~.e4 W&’?$h.,a~d ’I”fr.g$&.,s.trsets. -@. Ritchel.Zt s
5. fBUBXNG ON AS== NR STRE;ET I3EFiO- 0-4~0iUng of W.59th
street, &llggg,4~e.~ tQ&lCLayqv &ed@... ,!-Et @ell! s =aWsis of
gTgg.v, WWWNTS o-42,e43,%44,e45&46, w--- &@..fim FOB THE.3LACKTOPPTNG OF tT~4933 STREFll.
faE Tr RESOLVEID by the .V~3age,Cou~c~.o~,~h~,~~lage o€-+Edjraa:,-,H%nrmso.tay as fOUOWS8:
. ? nmts for S!CRE8T ItWvEfrlENTS 0-42, 0-43, 0-44, 0-45, 0-46
BUCKrOPP~G.,O$,.W&~H 3.- mq mp Amp
khw, &ve.,begn gropbrl;y,* G$&ula~ed&~ ,ag.%Zd~C%-.@.$h .t&.-PP-Y&SionS 05 E-esota
Statutes Section l&2.4.4l; that notice has been duly publkshed, as required by law, $ha% this .Comcj.l would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if anY, to mend
&id proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; tht said proposed assessments have at- all times since their fUng been open for
public bspection, and opportunity has been givea to all interested persons to
present their objections; and that each of the lots, pjeces and parcels of land
enumerated in the-respective assessments was and is speciay benefited by the
construction of the bpmvauents for which such assessment is leded in the mount
set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectivelye
*L -.(?A? 19-,.Xt is hereby foqd, determined and declared that the proposed assess-
0-489 and ~~~*Ro~, and each of
2, The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective
piehes and parcels of land describedeb said respective assessments, and said pro-
hents for said improvements, respectively, The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time
to time unpaid, at the rate of five percwt per annum from the date of this reso-
lution, shall be a lien concurrent with general txxes upon the property described
therein and all thereof. The tot& amount of each assessment for STREZT DPROTTE.
EENTS 0-42, 0-43, 0-44, 0-45, 0-46, 0-48, shall be payable 3n one @@-et,
togethgr at@ interest on the Fntirecassessment from the date hereof to August 15,
1954, to be payable with general tcaqes for the year 1953. The total amount of
MPZl3 RllAp shall. be pay-abl?. in.-equal-anpal. inst-&bnents.-@er@ing=oyer a period
of-five-pars, the first of said instalMents, together with Interest on the
entire sssessment from the date hereof to August 15, 1954, to be payable with
general taxes for the yeas 1953, and one of the remaining instalfmmts, with one
year's bterest on that and aU subsequent installments, to be payable with
genexdl"taxes'for the years 1954 thmygh 1957, collectible in the respective
ensuing years,
3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County AudLtor,
the omer of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby gtay pay-the whole
of such-assessment or any installmat thereof without interest to the Village
Treasurer and thereafter syh pagment,may,be made idth accrued interest, to B
the County Treasurer; pro@ded that if e assessments or installmats thereof be
prepqid to the Village Treaqrer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and
County Auditor,--and the. assessment or instdlhent so prepaid shall be -celled
on the book of the County Auditor,
County Au~t0r.a certified duplicate of said aqsessments, with each then unpaid
@istallgent and interest set forth separately, to be ex%ended upon the proper - tax lists of the County, and the Cqunty,hdi.tor shall thereafter cause said.
assessments to be-collected in thg manner provided by law,
be desikated as the UASsessment Roll for Street Improvanents 0-42, 0-43, Sl1.4~ 0-45, 0-46, Q-4&, and-for the Blackbopping-of W049tih Street .between France-Avenue
pd lkple Roqd, and dl aaounl;s collected 5.n rppect of the assessments therein cant-shed shall be similarly designated by the County Tzeasuxer and remitted to
the Village Treasurer and by + credited €0 the Sbking Fund Account of the
&&ion for'adoption ofIthe qesol&ion was, seconded hy Danens, and 09 Rollcall
there were four ayes apd no-pays, as follows:
and Mckson, aye; and the Resolution was ad?
[ posed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the pzoper special assess-
4. The Clerk shag, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the
Said duplicate shall
Permgnent Improvement Revolvhg Fund of this Village. ..
&xt Pubh Heasing was held on the petition of 3fr. FeUx Schmit and others for
the c&m@g. of the street name of *fJosephhe Av-auel! between 11.50th and W.Sls$
Streets, to EJO€&mAI;E RO*$ll, Copy sf Notice of Hearing, mailed to &l prppertr
owners, vas r@* by*Gl-e;ka .approved as to form, and ordered placed on file.
Xr. and3Irs. ScMt spoke In support of the petition, stating that they have
trouble gettiag deliveries because deliverymen look on thiq street as Nomandale
road. There were no objections to this proposed change in name, and no written
objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. *Bank offerpd the follotdrig
Ordinance, moving that .Coupcil yaive second reading and adopt Ordinance as read:
" ORDINANCE NO. lQ-3 A6 ORDINANCE &~~IJ+~VJl&AGE OF EDINA OhmmCE NO. A643 _-mITw *'!ASJ 9!rn?e@ JrnG m .*- - NgmG dAmr"ROARS, SgEEjjp..@qA- .Q.THE . __ mm.OF EDW - . ..
The Village Cohcil of the Vil&age. of-_JMimx .lJinqesota, does ordain as follows:
se.ctXon 1.5, he feuowing:
ienanea NOFWWKLG. ROW.
publication according to law.
Section %l. Ordinapce No. 164 of %he 'V-ge is 'hereby amended by ad- after
Section.2._-Th.is_~~ce shall be in Gffect from-and afier its passage and
18 Josephine A~myelI lmg betwe&; ~~.~th. and IT. fjlst Streets, is" hereby
Bank, aye; and Erickson,
9/w53 a51 Applications were received for two building pennits for Gasoline Filling"
Stations; one to be at County Road #U3 and State Mghvray No. 169-a2; and *e
other to be at Valley V&ew Road and-Kellogg .Avenue. Inasmuch as both these sites are, zioned.Comm@ty S$ore and &he Buil-g Inspector had approved plans
for stations, Child moved that Euilding Pennits be granted. Eotion seconded
>bo 't.J,R, Olsen's claim in amount of $100 for damage to his pmperty as result
of aj$ering the grade of Dever Drive,was. filed. Bank's motion, that claim be .referred to .Public Works Comi*tee and Village kt%orney for investigation, was
Mi?. Hosmer Brown, appearing in behalf of, .and as a member of, the Parking
CommZttee of the Edina Commercial Club, presented its tlMunricipal Parking Lot
Petition," purportedly signed by oyners of more than %$ of affected prhperties;
3ogether ~th a letter explaining the views of those owners who had not signed.
This petition sets forth ~JI legA3, detail the description of the property to
be acquired and includes properties'on both sides of tG50th Street in the
business .district and includes "All that part of &t 3.7 and the West 40 feet
of Lot 36 kcept the North 135 fset and except the East 110 feet--of the South
92 feet--this particular tract lyhg West of HalifG Avenue and North of_
tJ.5Oth Street.
Hearing-on sane be scheduled for Honday, October 26, 1953, at 7:30 P&,
At this time letters from several. pmperty owners in the 50th Street business
cjistrict, requesting Public Hearing 'before Courrcil action on the above mtter,
were presented and ordered placed on file.
Petition was received fmn Hala Nursery, for change in the nane of Willson
Road" T to HALU ROAD.
scheduled. for,Nongay, October 12. &lotion seconded by Danens an$ carzed.
kager l!G.t cheil then Gresented thef ol3.otdng petitions, recommending that
pub150 hear?ings be laid over un%ZL the spring of 1954, inasmuch as it is now
1, Petition for Blacktopping in Brookxiew Heights 1st Addn.,
2. Petition for Blacktopping 5111 Xdykmod Drive. 3. Petition for Blacktopping in Zf.58th Street, Kellogg-to Oaklawn. 4. Petition for Blacktopping in >to 58th Street, Wooddale to -Kellogg. - 5. Petition for Curb and Gutter -@ W.58-t;h gtre'et, Wooddale %o Kellogg.
Bankts motion that ptgtions be -accepted gnd Pubuc Hear-ings scheduled for &rch 8,
19!54# Hotion seconded by Cud and carried. -
by Danens and carried. -
seconded by Child agd caryied. . __ t" .. ..
Childls motion, thak Eekition. be accepted, and that Public
was seconded by Danens and carried. *-
Bank moved that petition be accepted and F'ublic.Hearing
very late for either blacBoppLng or arb Bnd gutter hstafiationr I*
Petition was then filed for 1Jaterhai.n Extension 3~ St,Johns Avenue from FL58th
Street to Concord Terrace. It was noted that this is simply+an exbensiog of
a project for which public hiaring has dready been had, and Child offered the
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
ON PROPOSED t.Jm-T,&Pmm , .
BE IT aEs0LvED by the;CosG&&-:$ .the,TU&ge-.og_S@g: . . . Li, *The_Village Eweer, having--submitted to the Council a preliminary
report as. to the feasibility of the proposed Waterplain Improvement described in
the' fora of Notice of Hearing set forth below,- and as to the estimated cost of
such hprovement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on
file in the office of the Village CXerk.
2, This Council shau meet at the Village Hall on Nonday, September 28,
1953, at 7t3O POL, to consider in public hearing the views of ap persons
interested* in said proposed improvement. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and direcked to causernotice of the
time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official news-
paper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications ?
to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be
Ln subshntidly the following fom:
IWFwrJ- &F@WNZ, - "> > *
NOTICE IS -BY &*, th&. the. Ed&a-.VUlage Council will. meet at the
Village. HaJl,+@~d+y,. Sepsgmber 28,. 1753, at 7:30 P.L, to consider the %prove-
ment of St.Johp Avenue by construction of: V%lSage-Watermain Extension and
Appurtenances therein, between Concord Terrace and
ment to be const-ructed under the authority granted by Minngsota Laws of 1953,
Chapter 398. The approximate cost of such improvement..is estima$ed by the
VUIage Engineer to be #1,636.20.
all lots and tracts of land abutting upon the street proposed to be improved.
58th Street; said hpmve-
The area proposed $0 be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes
EvdI;D C, BANfC, Village Clerk .. Y
yipage of_Wnc ..
9M53 gg2 ' 4. The plans and specifications for said proposed T1ateraai.n hpmvwent, -
together with that pFposed 11atermain Improvement in Con-gnd Terrace between
Concord Avenue and St.Johns Ayeme, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer
and now on file in the.o2ace of the Village Clerk are hereby qpmved.
Coluser and the Construction Bulletin the following notice-for bids for the
construction of ?aid improvenent:
50 The Clerk shfl cause to be published twice in the Edina-Eomingside
. 1-w BLPRQrn*rn The Edina Village Council iri"m?et-at .thF..ViJ.lgge Hall, 4801 V.!Dth Street,
Eonday, Sgtanber 28, 1953, at 7:30 P.T.I., to open and consider sealed bids-for constructjion of Village TTatermaiq %ension and Appurtenances in Concord Terrace
from Concord Avenue .to St.Johns Avwue, and in St,Johns Avenue frsm Concord -
Terrace to lL~8th Street. .
said jgprovement on file in office of Village Clerk. Bids must beabmitted on
b&s of cash payment for work. go bids trill be considered unless sealed and
filed with undersigned begore time of said meeting and accompanied by cash
deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of
liork qst be done as descriced and specifiGd plans and specGications for
ten percent of amDunt of bid. .* . BY OBEB OF VI- oOuDTCI1;. - .~-, - ~- - - --* - - c , . __. . .: -
WAD C, BW, Clerk $ach and a3l of the terns of the~,forego~..advf.rtisement far bids are .
hereby adopted as the terns and conditions ofakrd of the contract for said
3fotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on ROllcdll
there were four ayes and
and Erickson, aye; and the Danens, ay?; Bank, aye;
.*......,, { .Rgror. . . . ..
Ca, tiritten ;Joint Application for PernLW by Ih. V. Terry Excavating Coo, &c,, and
1-i.A. Delaney,lr for a *permit to-excavate c.rta& lands,. the property of .&I,A, Delaney, located at 4000 Vest 70th Street, purpose of said excavation be.% to
grade the properby on a five per cent grade to the South from the boundary- of
W.7Oth Street reducing the grade of the property to-more nearly approximt-e the
level of the surrounding area thereby making it more marketable and more desire-
able for home site locationsJ was supported bra representative for the Wm. V.
Terry Excavating Compaw, whp presented an appraisal by A. Do Strong & Company, for
$700 per acre before grading, $900 per acre after proposed grading. After spme
discassion as to the commercial side of the grading project insofar as Terry
Excavating Company is concerned, Child moved to accept this new petition and
Tefer it to-the Planning Cormnission for their recomme@ation. 3fotion seconded
by Danens and carried. .=
Pursuant to invitation by the Council to appear at this meeting, representatives
of Gorco Construction Company Fd one other garage building contractor appeared
to ansv&r_Councills questions as to why tito garages were constructed without
permits; said invitations having been issued as the result of Nessrs. Henry Basil
and Daniel IicComack, 5833 and 5837 Abbott Avenue, that they have been. ordered to move .their gqages to conform 96th .V&llage Goning ordinance. Contractors were
unable to give satisfactom ansrmrs*to the Councjl conce- their negligence.
in obtahing permits; and no agreeable sqtt&ement could be reached concerning
theaovbg of these garages, which are less than five feet from the rear lot lines.
Child's motion, that final decision be delayed until next re&= meeting; and that
a cdttee of the Council inspect the pqemises before that %%ne," was seconaed by
Danens and carried..
Zk. Selmer Hdla appeared once again for Council disposition of his applica%ion
for permit f;o build a garage, garden store, etc., with entrance from Normandale Road. X&tter tms referred to Village Attorney for further investigation.
3fr. Hal+ts specific in- was as to-just what could, or could not, be sold 6 a garden shop under present Zoning restrictions.
Eessrs. Crear and Guttmanwexe present to represent Southdale. la +i.scussing
long range plans, they suggested to the Council a cut of some thirty feat at the
intersection of 3L7Oth Street and France-Avenue, maintaining that such a change in
grade muld aid -ip the reclamation,of present gravel-pit properties now below grade,
Pianager Xitchell recommended that Council give serieus thought to tws suggestion, now, in order to lay plans for gr@e change if $t is thought to be advisable. Nr.
Crear stated that it would be at least a year and a half before action r.rould be
necessary. The matter of such a grade change, as relak- to Village projects for
sarer and water, was discussed, with Nr..Guttman saying that if intersection at
69th and France is cut 40 feet, it would mean a cut of some four feet for proposed
cgeU and pumphouse. taken.
Considerable discussion was had, pro and con, but no action
&suant to Wotioe of Hearing on Propose'd 3nprovemenWanktary Lateral Sewers for
REhsident5.d. Southdale, '8. and Wo$ice of Hearing on Proposed lkprouement-l~atermains
for Residential Southdale,
Septe&xiz 3* 1953, Mayor Bicksen called public hearings on %ese two proposed
projects. Clerk Bank presented.Mfida*ts of bblication for both Notices, which
affidavits were approved as to %om and ordered placed on fjle. Wager Etchel2
-&en gave as his Estfmates of Cost, the fqnoidng:
#Sl,743.00 as aghst 2.6,800 Assessable Feet, for $4.85
1 $64,60!@0 as against X6,800 Assessable Feet, .for -$3.85
pubxshed 3-n 'Edina-Xorningside Cowriw August 27 and
For Sanitary. Seuer
For Watermain
tr per Assessable Foot.
* c per: Assessable Foot.
He. explained that bitls are being reoeived by the Council for 'hese.projects .this
evening; that am.rds t;ril1 be made only if tho projects are approved by the CowcfZ.
Eessrs. Grew and Gu%tman, representing the Southdale interests, asked to go on record as favoring the improvements; also asking thatprejecb be expedj-ked, mere
were no objectibns to either ofrthese jlrrprovemetlts raised at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received by the Clerk prior theretoe Child then offered
&e following Resolution and moved %ts adoptiont 1
smmy sm mRomNT NO*. 60
BB IT RESOLVED by the Council of.the Village.of Edjna, Ennesota, th& &is Couimil
heretofore-cam& no-bice of heaing to be dluay published, in aceordame rdth pro-
Vj_sIons of Chapter 398, Minnesota Laws 3953, on the proposed improvement consisting
of Construction Village Sanitary hteral Sewers and Appurtenances to serve Residen%5dl
Southdale; and at the hearing held at the time ad place specified in said notice the
Council has duly considered the-views of all persons interested, and being fully
advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed dJjtkl the construction
of said bprovement; that said bprovement is herebx designated an& shall be referred
to 5.n ax1 subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvemen% Noo 60, and the area
proposed to be assessed for -khe*cost of said improvement includes all Lots and %?2ac%s
of land between Wr64th and W,qO%h Streets and between France Avenue afid a line 3-/2
mile West thereof.
Motion for adoption of ResolutiQn was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there irere
four ayes and no nays, as followsr Child, aye; Danen
aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Ba&, aye; and Ericlrson,
P 64- .,/ u &i-*
Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
B% IT BSOLVE;D by the Council 02 the ViWage of 'Ediyla, Einnesota, that this Council
heretofore-caused notice of hearing: to be duly published, in accordance ~5th pro-
risions of Chapter 398, Minnesota hws 1953, on the proposed jmprovement consisting
of Construction of Village Watennah and Appurtenances to serve Residential Southdale;
and at the hewing held at the &ime and place specSied in said not;ice.the CounciZ has,
duly consiciered the views of al2 persons inkeresteed, and being fully advised of the
perkinent facts does hereby determine to proceebwith the constructLon of said
Lmprovement; that said bprovement &s hereby designated and shall be referred to in
a72 subsequent proceedings as SiJate&ain Improvement No. 64, and the mea proposed Lo
be assessedi for the cost 02 said improvement includes all lots and tracts of land
bekeen W.64th ayld W.7Oth Stree-f;s and between France Avenue and a &e 2./2 mile
West "thereof. 6C
Notton for adoption of the Resolwbion was seconded by Bank, a
were bow ayes and no nays, as ZoXloi~sr Ohi
Ekickson, aye; and ta?e Resolution was adopte ATTEST: 1Y
IC 3
Bollcall there
Bank, aye; and
* 9 r
Ghild moved for paynent of Village Payroll, amount Q89,872,$3 wd Xquor Store
PapxXL, amom% $1,267,&, for period September 1, dio 15, 1953 as-recorded in
detail In fayroll LedgeP, and for payment of the following ck&ns:
'c GW*f NO0 TO:
Gs-tcmction &netin 9512 . Earl Sewall -
9513 Republic Creosoting 9sa Jayls Cameras 95x5 Smce Equipment Coo
9516 9511 * Crook & Hanley 9518 f Shaw ll&er Coo
9519 S, R, Goan, Postmaster, .
9520 6 Redew PUbUcafAons &IC.
9522 Lyle Signs, &c8
9524 = &@neering IIews-Eecord 9525 &tZef ord Equipmen% 9530 Edim Horningside Courier
Holt s Xwsery
Kenneth 8. Johnson 9w 9542 95k3 Lo V, 1.EUer 95% Geo, Thompson 9557 Don Pederson 9558 Eomis Self 9559 Jack Heredith
9560 .fied Jonas 9561 John Qlson 9555 Pfeiffer Construction Goc
9497 Construction 3uUetin 95% hbts Brookside SaWce
9497 Construction Bulletin
9k98 9499 Geo, A,.t.Jillson.
9500 9503 First Ena State Bank -
9512 Earl Sewall. 9513 ReSbUc Creosoting
9530 Edina Norningside Courier
To 3, Koeb.lez-
Go $1. @r lbgineering Coo
OtErian Construction Cow
Peter J, Mer, Clerk.of Court
9521 John A, D~ITXIW
9523 clancy Drmgs
Victor Carlson & Sons, ace
Toltz, King tk Day .,
Tr.rjn 0i-Q- Testiag & Eng. Zab.
9w 935 9546 9%7 Terry Excavating CP, 998 Ashwor%h &Son
Aslnmth eC Son
Ashworth eC Son 9549
9550 9551 Dehey Brothers 9552 I?m. V, Terry CO, 9553 Petsr &metti Construction Coo 9554 Pfesffer Constmetion Cor
9562 Terry Excavating Cor
9563 Pfeiffer Constrmction Go. 9566 Victor Carlson & Sons
Rural Hem, Go. Phrsing Committee
Suburban Hem, Go. Relief Board
95% 9534 9535
9536 9537 9533 9539
9540 9543-
c &wries Sporting Goods
Grandvie17 Hasdtme
Gager !s Handicraft
Echfield Luaiber Coo
Savory's Greenhouse
G, Be Elitzgerald
Ni&+rest Badge &t Hoveltq Go.
Howard Nerriman
Halt's Nursery
c T.Janner Coo
3.71 8.75
' 50,oo
FUND - CWI HCle TO: AMOT3NT *re Construction Bulletin ' 3- -1
John Ktytor - 396.60
!'bqport Clearings of %'win Cities '4.33 9526 9527 9528 Central Supply Go. 99A
9529 Badger Neter Mfg, Coo 479.78 9530 Edba Korningside Courier 7.20
9533 Ben Woeh?er I
Zyle Nyberg 17.60 9551 9564
9506 Otto saka 4.25 9501 E, J. Thorns 5.60
Mrs. 8. Ur5s Larson 4.25 5.50 9508 9509 Jack 'D. Stone-
95x0 Glen C. M6rritt 3.40
N~s. A. C. Bode 3.h.o 953J-
9532 Je J, Sinlorn 3.40 $ 2,06%OO 9531
WA'ZER FUND Grandview Hadware.
PeLavley Brothers $ J,204060
, Art Petersen 29035.20 Qarbage Fund
U*80 n* L2676 hekican &ea, company a677 Griggs, Cooper & Company 19.68
Automatic Alarm Corporatioh I 25.9
22084 22679 Carpen$er Paper Cow&
2680 Distillers Distributing Co, 2,009*47
69.00 L2681 3%in Brothers Com&my L2682 &in Brothers Coqany 13622.72
I2683 FEUIIOILS Brands DE, 1, 235.99
L26BL FWOUS Brads I~c. I 3S6&- 1,2685 Griggs, Cooper. & Company 883.09
~2686 Griggs, Cooper & Company 2,825069
322687 MCKesson & Bobbins- 303 *LS
~2688 Northwestern Ben Telephone Conpaby J-4.60
~2689 Old Peoria- Company, 'Lnc. 204.90
~2690 Ed, mmps &Sons company 551040 - L2691 Ed. Phillips &Sons Company 62.95 12692 Republic Carlaading & Dis %r .Co.Inc. 3.43.
J-2693 Van Paper Supply Company 28 051 IJXQUOR m
L2694 Griggs, Cooper & Com&ny 1,829.62 $ 12,081.43
Discussion was had as to $he necessiiq for Blacktopping Yvonne Terrace by day labor,
inasmuch as We Village has received no bids for sane, and Ws petition has been
In the files a Xong -t;Tme. Bank offeredtfie following Resolutfon and moved its
.NO. A-&.. BE IT RE3OL'(rEs by the VilZ&e-Council of the Villahe -of Edina, ' as follows:
1, !Fhq Viaage Engine& has fieretofore submiited to the-Councfl plqs and
I specifLcations and an estjmate of cost for Street Znprovement No. A-24-the Black-
topping of Yvonne Terraceufrom which it appears a& it is hereby determined that
total cost of said improvement will be less than $5,000; therefore, this Council
3s authorized by law and does hereby det&&e toypurchase directly the materials
for satd improvement and complete the same by employment of day labor. The Village Engineer, bbing a Registered Engineer, is hereby authorized
ad d%recLed to supervise the work on said Improvement, and upon completion thereof,
also to subdt a detailed report, csert5fied by him, and file the same Wjth the
Village Cleyk, showing in general the complete cost of the work, and specifically
the following f
(a) Final Costs of the various 6% of bork done.
(b) NaterLals furnished for the project, an6 the cost of each item thereof,
(c) Cost of labor, cost of equipment Ued, and supervisory cosL
Sa3.d report shall a-ko contain a certificate by said Zngineer that the tmrk was
done according to plans and specjficat5ons'therefor.
Ifokim for adoption o$ ResoluMoa was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were
four ayes and no nays, as foWows: Child, aye; Panens , aye; and Erickson,
aye; and. the Resolution ps adopted.
I.&. George Christopher' s Final Pht, entitled *!Paul Wind Christopher Addition;"
Xanager EEt cheU repor%ed,sewi- exceptions lisgpd by. the Planning Comnission, for
dorrection before Final Appro~6.l.~ Bank moved for appro@. of Final Plat, subject
to correction of exceptions liGted,. and signature by Planning Commission. Rotion
Xessrs. Earl-C. Sharpe, Jr. ana Harold 0. Bakke were present to request that
permit be greted for dwelling'on ht 28, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, pending
approval of Find Plat of1!B&bSharpe Addition,ll,whi,ch is a subdivision of Lots
28 and 29, AuditorAs Subdj~risi6n~No. 196, Child,moved that repest for permit be
granted, b&t that PO $&her pbmits be greted for this Addition until after
approval of Final Plat. Ibtion seconded by Bank and carried. BIr. NitcheXL having preoiously reportea the appmvU by the Planning Commission of the Preliminary
Plat of Wakke-Sharpe Addition;r1 Child mpved for approval by Counci& of this
seconded by Child and carried." I
FreMqry Plat. Hotion secohded by Danens and carried. ..
li)iscussion &s had by the Cmnbil on the matter of the several recent requests
for permits before appro+ of"F5nal Plat, with Hr. EtitcheU. recomading against
appmvaf of such requests. Ba& mbvep that it be the policy of this Council, henceforth; thkt requests for building permits before approval of Final PXat
Finaf Plat of IIGrandview Plate&u,lr was presented, having been approved by the
plwg Commission as of-Sept"dsr 2. Bankts motion, that Council approve zbaf Plat of %randview Plate"m,tl was s.econ#ed by Child and-carried.
Gessrs, Strachker and 1Ieh.nak &re present to r&d the Council. that the Park
ward hag been promised. sone $&,OOe> jn funds as a graut from the General Fund to
cover the.discrepancy between,& niakirrmm 2-miu, levy for the year 1953, and the
$16,200 levy made. Talk was kiad about the Park Bard's use of these exbra funds,
and lk. Strachauer asked that Park Board be_aXLowed to purchase a truck, inas-
much-as the old truck which htid been loaned by the street deptirtnent is now tldeadlr.
After some discussion, Bank m'%ed that Council advertise for bids for truck and ,.
accessories suitable for Park Board use,. specifications to be determined by I
Board and Bo Uitchecll ;.-witki the old Reo tmck to' be traded An. E-lotion
Final Plat 02 Wou%hdale First' Addition,l' t&s 'being the residentid. portion of
the Sogth4ale development, vas" present ed,for approval, having received Planning
Connaission approval. Septeder *2. %hild's motion, that Final Plat of IISouthdale
First Additiontr be approved subject to pubmission and approva& of bond-for
grading and gravelling. Rotion seconded by Bank and carried.
Discussion was had as to present Counc5.L Policy of requiring developers to file
a petition for Blackbopping, at the time ?f presentation of Final Plat for approval..
Village Pbger. explained that %his policy was adopted to insure Qitiation of
procedure for this improvement; and, also to satisfy FHA, which requires such
petition before approving loans. Village &ttorney Kndhorst explained that,
purely from a leg& standpoint, such petitgond are not necessary for initiation
of Blacktopping procedure; and that, in his opinion, they would have no legal
standing unles's-Council acted upon them vd.th5.n a reasonable length of the.
Hanager I-Etchell-asked for clarification by the Village AttWney of Chapter 2 (f)
of the Village Building Ordinancello, 51. Hr. PT+d.horst-explained detail thas
buildkgs canno%*be bee without a pe&t;-tha> anyone beginning construction is
liable for a fee double the mount of the regular fee. 3fanager 1.Etchel.l complained
that several buildings are now under conskruction without permits; that gmdes -
have not been obtained for same; and that setbacks have not been checked; that
some contractors are habitual viola.f;ors of this building ordinance.
connection, Chapter 4, Section 33, 'Penalty for Violations!', Was disarssed.
Bank's motion, that V.ge I.lanager&e instructed to have %he Police Departmexlt
enforge the Building--Ordinance" for all known violators, was sepnded by Child
and carried..
1wWger E.li.tchell reported that the Street' Commissioner had oiled IT. 59th Street
between Jttzm~ Fairfax and I'looddale' Avenues-on the morning after the CouncS had
taken action ta delay this_.improvement until n& year; that 1.k. Jonas had not kpovm of Council action at the time. Bank moved that Council_.action of August 24,
delamg Oiling of 11.59th Street between Fairfax and Ifgoddale Avenues un$ia. 19% be reschged, and t-+t Coqcil now authorize said .jmPpvement. Motion seconded
by Child and carried. ~
$&ger Btchell reported, concerning the Blacktopping petition presented tonight
for Broo-mew Heights First Addition, that 3k. Stow, developer, wants streets oaed,
if possible, this year; with charges to be lpade-against the proposed Blacktopping project. Childts motion, that Hearing on the 0il;ing of Brookview Heights First-
Addition be set,for Honday, October 26, 1953, 79s seconded by Bank. and car~ied.
be denied. Xotion seconded by " Child and carried. -
't L
seconded by Ch@d and carried.' ...
I In this
ai57 -sc -7 9IWB-- I*
Xt was reported that fhe Grange HaLX has asked for $l25,OO per month pen%al from
Septmber 15 until such tjne as VUlage offices move out of the basement; that
$hey are finding heat Etnd light bills to be excessive, Child moved'that Grange Hall kent be increased $25.00 per month frm September 1%. Motion seconded by. ~
Danens and carried,
Flannlng Commission recommendations aga,inst the gr&ing of Ere W,H, Lundbergts
request for the rezoning to Conmuxity Store Distrht cestain-.proy?erties lyhg,.~
along Highway No, 169--&t 3&, Townshig ll7, *Re 21, were reviewed. Bank mpved that request be denied... Notion, seconded by Child and carried.
Assistant Engineer Zikan returned opened, tabatid bids to the Council, and
said bids were four@ to be as follows::
r -- c
Orfei & Harid-, St, Paul , -
@eter Lagetti, Ste Fag1
c #helpsyDrake Go., $&meapolis
u39 531.36 gF. Horettiqni, qt, Faa J.32,73%95 -'Sa.l&ly Const, Gg, 3-42?, 937 eo0 &.So Groves Oonst, 40. 2493 91% 50
k,@metiti .& $on, St ,"-Patit I
lfanag$?r.miteheU yeported that full right-of-way for this sewer line has not yet
.. been \ acqubed, and that,*because the VUlage has been attempting to eqedite this
projec2, the State Board' of Health app_ro& has not been received. Cud moved that bid be ayarded to Orfei,& &ria& low bidder, a% $lll,783.16, @th the
uncerstanding thatwork_wLLl no& beghi until r9ght-of-t.Fay is acquired and State
Board of: Health appmm.3 is received. Efotion seconded b$ Bank and carried,
P&&r Lametti, St, Paul &40,612,96. . . . v"$561%&. $W,952.6J.d
SAIiTDAiiY SBrn %atrEBiIS\T n€r?, TOTAL ,m- .. . . .-.
@et%i & Sons, ..st,_Paul +45,6?5*27 52% 5O * 97,198777
Phelps-Dree Cooj Itinneapo1i.s &8,l.43,20 ,lc8,94.7 95 97,069.15
&€Wty .& Eorettixgii St , Paul 52,658.08 !%,056*00 106,7l4o08
Bqt Carloge, St, Paul- ~63,401030 v49,u9.7 5 112,5%005
ijeGra~f-=\~~~f, *meapolis &9,927025 &2,804*00 132,7310 25
Orfei & %Zani3 St, Paul ns, 545.lS d8,355 000 U3,W.U
tbager @IitcheU reco@nen.ded award of: both bids to Peter Lametti, St, Paul, low
bidder on total of the two projects. Child's motiog, tha% bids be-awagded to
Feter Wetti, Ln accordance with Vfilgge E@&eer's recommendation, and with
Fderskmding that work be delayed_-un"cil, zqproval af State Board of Health is
received, was seconded by Bank and,carrie&
+i8, rig) .p (AI:) , , (Orid #61 (AX%
&mager.KitchelJ qxpla5ged that Alternate Bids were made on the basis of a change Street Grade, ad recommended previously. by the Public Works Cormnittee. He
rec@mended that bids be awarded to low bidder, Bag% Carlone, on basis of .
Altesnake Bids. Child's motion, that bids for Sanitqy Sewer hprovaent No. 58
and Watermain 3inppvement No. 61 be awarded on basis of: @%ernate Bid, at @ta*l.
of &,452.85, was seconded-by Danens and carried.
,- SMnhRY mm SUE& sa?k . If- mb
Bart Carlone, St, Pad 31QQ702Rr * * 2,u50 8 ,~@2,$4Q.g $2947.20 '
$?in, V. Terq, $t,Lg&s Park t 2,897040 t 2,249.05 ,2,348,50 ,2,282*00
I .i mm !io STALLA AT ION OF
#3,3-2Q.90, &A
C, 0, Field GO., WnneapoLis Le& Electrig ComEany, Anoka &bW Bid1 $114$*00
hasnntch as there was only one b&d @n eacb of the above r~~?d PWLbct, Child
moved for referr&, to Village Hamger for comparison with Estimates, ad for
recommendation at nd-pleeting,, Motion seconded by Danens _and earriedr
(MY B%d) ,.*-< hA-, ' .* , .*. -; .
Bids refe&ed*to Village l&ma&r dr secomend&on a~Inex% meeting, by motion
Dznens, seconded by Child. .and carried.
k, Zikan reporbed t6at no bids'had been received for - Street Tmprovement No, 8-28 - Blacktopping of Fairfax, 5&h to 59th St.
Street Improvesnent go. 4-42 - Blacktbpping of Xoodcrest Drive,
Street Improvement No. C-33 - Grading,Gravelag - Garrison he & W6oddde.
I .. - I. NO ac$ion was taken, ..
E58 9/ut/53 Nanager Htchell reported %he Planning CoIlnnission*s Septeniber 2nd approval of I&.
C. If, Bmsl reqpest for vacation of Nor$h-South stub-street on Yvonne Terrace.
Bank's. motion, that Public Hearing be sche@led for Honday, October 32, at 7r3O
P.l.f., was seconded bx CMd and carried. .. D
&so Beardrs prelimitla3?.$ plat, called IIThe Elmst', being a subdivision of one lot
into' six, was presented, having received Pl-g Commission approval on September
2nd. Notion by Bank, for approval of Preliminary Plat, was seconded by Cud and
Xr. J.L.A. Anderson's Final Plat, being a re-arrangenent of Block 23, Nendelssohn,
as approyed-by notion Child,-Seconded by Danens and carried;. this plat- having
received approval of the Pl+g Commission: on September 2nd.
.+* .* f
1. carried, c
The B.E.Hansen-H.~~~.Stocke~prelimin~ry plat of the Kate 'ITind property was apprQved
by m@on.Ghild, se_conded by Danens and carried; this plat having received the
September 2nd approval of the .Planning Cormnission. &. hy Peterson was iresent to request'*final. apphvdl of his. Re-Plat of Block 4,
Valley V&m Slope Addition, Planning CommiSsionC s recommendatioq.of September 2nd
7~s reeewed; Br.* T.fiGchellts verification of acwacy was given, and Child moved
for approval. of I+Plat of,Block 4, Valley View Slope Addition. = ?.Totion seconded
by Danens and cavi-gd. I. _- "e -c
Zfr. John E, Anderson*s Addition to Edina I-lfigfilands, being a Fbal Plat, was
presented- for approval, together with Planning Commission1 s rscomqdatioq for
approval pending sat%sfaction of engineerbig reguirements, Child moved for
approval of Final Plat of Wohn E, Anderson's Addition to &@a on same cdnditians imposed by,Plam$g,,Commission2 Hotion seconded by J3ank and
carried. * ..
Final Plat of Wonas Addition? was. presented for Council approval, Eanager
litckiell'eqlained that this had not yet Fbeeq seen by the Planning Commission.
Bankfs mdtion, for referral of plat to Planning Uommission-for ,thee recommen-
Purskt"to instructions by +he Council, oas to a survey of other rcommunlties
ldth*regard to departftmxbal. jurisdiction- of storm sewer maintenance, W. >Et chell
repoaed'that he he had checked with sever&, neighboring comn@..ies; ,. thatj in
St.Lou~s Park and Robbinsdale the Sewer Deparbment has this responsibility;
that, in Cglumbia Heights and Hutch@son $he S%reet Department cleans the storm
sewers; ?hat Hopkins doesn't .clean its sewerq; and that 5x1 Richfield the Street
Department now does the xozk but that they are planning to set up a-SeTcer_
Deprtment, soon, for these operations;, There was no action taken bx the
Council, the matter being left with E&. N2tcheU. for deparbmental direction.
dati6ns was seconded by Child and carried. * - rr Qc
c-. .Petition i$as presented for the cons&uct&m o;f Curb and Gutter in Richmond Drive,
together &th a letter asking that this wrk .be_done immed5,ately after Blacktopping.
kasrmrch as the Blacktopping project is being delayed until 195&, pending Pepart
by properby owners as to their negotiations with Pearson Bros., Bank moved that
p%ztion be accepted but that PubIAc Hembg be dglayed until sp5ing of 19!j.!1..
lZot5on seconded by Child and c~aried., . 0
Bank then moved thag V:iJlage Hamger be directed to".tvrite the sponsors of the
petitims received toeght but laid over until L95&., Sxp1-g the'ackion'of
the Council. Notion -secondad by Child and carried.
Xmaier kk$uheil. suggested advertising' for bids for sever& Grad%g and GrapeZ3ing
projects ~rhicb have heretofore been approved, and Danens moved, dbecting that Council t-ake bids on the following projects on Xondw, September 28: '
. Grading and Gravelling of Halifax Zane between JT.54th-Street & Woodland Circle.
Grading and Gravelling of Xerxes Avenue betwe@- $I066th .and ILb&h Streets.
mading and Gravelling of Jackson Avenue between,Belmore me and Ilmoney
Avenue,. -
1 Not&on was secondFd by Bank &d carried. '1 r
&xx&og was had as to sal6 of bonds on all hprov&ent projects for which
contracts have been awarded 'to date, as well as bonds to cbmplete' the financing
of several projects which have m oyer contract. Bank moved for sale, October. 5, 1953, of the following bonds: r?
$365,000 Bprovrmq% Bonds of 1953
I [B), 8 6,000 Znprovement Bonds of 1951, Series 1-a $.75,000 hprovernent Bonds .of .Us,. Sertie? 2-a
n (D) $250,000 Southdale Xmprovement Eonds, Fir?% SerZes *. Eotion.seconded by Child and carried. .
The hour being very-late, Danens moved for ad
and carried. Heeting adjourned at 12t25
ent. 1.ro.f;ion s