HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530921_SPECIALFirst zuatter on the agenda, as called by Mayor Erickson, was Public Hearhg on Proposed Assessment for Street Improvement No. El-Paving, Curb and.&tter 5.n France Avenue between W.49th Streek and North $'&Uag9 Wts, and between lfo51sf and W.54th Streets. &fidad$ of Publication for "Notice of Assessment Hearing" in the Edin@fomingside Courier w@s submitted by Clerk, approved as to fom, ~ and ordered placed on file, mager Ei.tcheU*s iPm@ysis of Assessment was as follows: Total Cos% of Curb Gd Gutter - $2,464,00, as against 3,OtM.Ol Assess- able frpt. feet, _for $.@ per assessable front foot. 'sot&, Cost of Paving, @&7k0.30, Less- CoutZjSy Share, $12, 923r73--Tota3. Net Cost to -vilXage, -$58,$16,57. gost to ComWty_S.l;ore Distric.fr - @,5,81 per hsessable Front Foot; Cost to Tesidentia prope3$ies, $5.27 per Assessable Foot, with the Village Gpera3. Fund beming 2/3 of the l;ota2 cost-of paving for residentiaf.properties-- Qeneral Fund to pay $lo.!%, and residenkial properby owners to be assessed $5.27 per asdessable front, foot, 3k0 Harry Davis, 4&2 France Avenue, objected tq the assessment, on the grounds %-&at assessment should be spread against propertr owners not abutting the street, inasmuch as this is a through artery for Sit1 Ediaa traffic. Xt wks explained thak the Village '9s no% authorized to operate under the 3SlweU.Law; a!nd that the CoUncil_has attenpted to 'eqpalize the assess- ment fos abutthg,property owners bJr permitting the General. Fund to assume most of the cost. Mr. C.33, hderson, 4709 pleadow Road, objected on grounds that his properby backs-up to-Franee Avenue and, therefore, should not be assessed for this hprovement. He-was told thak assessment has been made in accordance wjth the usual assessment procedure in this Village, Audience was also informed tha% the Zssessment they are now bearing for-a paved street is little more than that now being assessed most property owners for Blacktoppj.ng. There were my bq-&zies as to actual mount of assessment ger lot, but no. further objections, and Hayor Erickson announced that Public Hearing was closed. (See KinUtes of hqor Brickson then caled Public HearG on Proposed'-bsessment for Sanitasy Sewer fmprovement No. 53==Richfield-EdSna htsrceptorsr Clerk Bank sgbmitted Ufidavit of Publication for llNotice,of Assessment Hearing,tf which had appeared in the Edina-Morningside CourAer. placed on filg. 14auager leEtchell exglabed in detail the method of assessment, this being as follows: $L,OO per fqnt ?oot on Platted Propert;y,,/tdth.$l50 maximum _. , except on those platted parcels over two-acres % area and fronting upon two streets- in which case said lots will be assessed for full front footage onboth streets. $35.00 per-acre on unplatted property, with deduction, on acreage basis, for lakes,and ponds shown as such on VUage half-section plats. Credit for Assessnent made for Outlet to Trunk isewer No, &lo E&, IEtchel3. explain@ that the area proposed to be assessed for this Bichfield- j3din-a Xnterceptor Sewer-includes @& loLS and tracts of land not being-_assessed for the original outlet into Mjnneaplis; and that a one andlone-half mU.l con- struction levy is being made against the entire Village to assufne part ofthe cost, in order that those who have already paid @r their original outlet may assume some portion of the cost of the present outlet and thus be assured an outlet in case the preseot contra& with Rhneapolis Is not renewed. There were many objections from the audience, to the method of assessment;cmost of them being from the owners of unplatted properties; who stated that they are farmers, do not intend to plat their properties, and thus feel that the assess- ment As excessive, especially as they do not expect to obtab any use of the sewer for a nunber of years. last year, saying that it cannot-._be determined by the Council, in advance, as Lo just what unplatted properties will soon be platted. &k. Bobert Short, 5205 Mirror Lake Drive, hqpired as to whether Council had give% cormideration 'co those areas in which it would be inpracticdl to ever a apeas in the Villagq can be. connected, Amp, shordg 6entative plans for Trunk Sewers throughout the Village, was shoy and explaj-ned. . &, Shor* inquired as to the.-legaJity of the assessment and was informed by pk, John ITindhorst that in his opinion the Councf3 has the legal right to levy the sssesgment as computed. The utter of the proposed Assessment for 3outhdale 1-Q reviewed, with counciJ, "usage" basis, paying 13.9% of the total assessable COst-whiCh is Wnsiderably gore tm they t.Jould be asked to pay On . - I I Later in Evening, for further r action by Council). -.. -. <-6 This yas approved as to $om and ordered and Preliminary Plats Lo 2, 3. Wager %Etchell cited the my plat$ filed just this, " - connect to the sewer, Manager Nitchell sta'ced, in reply, that in his opj-@on ' the auaence that.-the Southda3.e PrOPeZ'tieS are being a acreage-fnnt fOo*age r &my PELS made as to the possibility of Vharging a Itconnection &=gel' ' future, as W?htted Properties $rs 3Mhd md setqr,connections are me, Attorney IEndhorst stated that, the Statb Law makes no provision at the time for s-uch connection charges. present Several property owners asked to be allorued to j%.e IIexceptionsIr, to acquaint the Council with that park of their property under water; and I.&. tTh&Orst, after giving a resume or" the State Law concerning the filing of objections and appeas ag&% assessments, advised the Council to accept these exceptians mtil I-Ionday, September 28, for consideration at that time. 3kmr ErLckson then amouncted the dlosing of the Public Hearing, addsing the AafWq that all =eP$ionS received by the Council at or before the Councn i{eeting of l*fOndW, September 28, 1953, would be cmsidered,by the Council before Bredegen-then moved for adsoumat of meeting to Village Hal. 1.lotj.on seconded bY %nus m4 -criedo Heeking a4 High School adjourned at lO:O5 P.1.~. At lor15 Po&, the meeting was *reconvened a$ the Village Hail, '1dtc Bredesqn, ~ Daney, Be and Erickson present. 3ksrs. kchard Pien and L.H. Forster presented a petition asking that the Grading wd Gravelling of Garrison Lane and Wooddale Avenue be fieshed this fdl if possible; that the ,Comcfi once agaig ask for-bids qpn $his project. Bankg s motion, that Council re-advertise for bids for the Grading and Gravel%g of Garrison Lane-and 'IZooddale Avenue, with bids to be $&en September 28, was seconded by Damns-and carried. I-iro-Bank*s motion included the clause that *@. stabilization =%be furnished later' and bids,to be taken are to be for *grading,and gravellingt As a result of the recent Rimesdta Hi&way.Depart~ent reco&&daiion ;gainst the use of State funds for installation of semaphores at Normandale &-ad and S0uthvier.r Lane; and as a result of the infom+L meeting held by-the Counci& with thg School Board this evening, Bank moved that Council advertise for bids for a manuallp controlled Traffic Signdl ,for installation at NonnandaXe Road and Southview he, witb the understanding that the Edina-Homingside School District will pay fifty percent of the cost thereof. Hotion s-econded by Dqnens and carried. The matter of a drainage ditch d&cussed at the ekningts informal meeting with the School Board was reviewed by the Council, and Bank qoved that the Village Eanager be authorized to hire equipmer$ and dw labor for the-digging of a drainage I- ditch and instdlation of culvert in Concord Avenue between 592 and 58th Streets, all in accordance with specifications. prepred by-the @@neering Depart~nent. Xotion seconded by Danens and carried. Bank then moved for later consider&ion bx-the Council of the proper amount to be designated to be ped by the School District for this improvanent. ltotion seconded by Danens and carried. 1 mager Eikchell explained to the Coun& that an underground telephone cable is ~OVJ loeated in the center of Beard-Avenue between 'IJ.6Oth and V.6Zst Streets; that because of the depth of the proposed sewer line he*recommen&--loaating it at twelve feet Vest of.the centerline; locating the vraterue some ten to twelve feet-ht of the c-qnterline of the street. sewer and water lines in Beard Avenue between W.bOth and I.J.6Lst Streets, in accord with Pillage Engineer's recommendations, rvas seconded by Danens and carried. The n&ter of-the Fhh. Pia% of %Jonas Ad&tionll came before the CouncU.. After some considerable discussion as $0 the deviation from general. platting proc$~m, here, Bredesen-moved for approval of Final Plat. &tion seconded by Bank and 'wried. ReaetT wits had of the public hearing held earlier this evening on the proposed assesat& for Street Improvement No. El; and Bank offered the foUoFLng Resolution ~e .. the- levying -of the assessmen%. *- 4. P ody. 1-. -L Bank's motion, that Council appmve relocation of J. .- )I .. I and moved its adoption: -. ~IXTIOX AI)OP!I'~G AND C0NFJR"G ASS&SXEXT! E'Ft STREZX IES@OIQ3m ,No. G1.y .PAVRGS. CURB, .AND.GuTTEIR IN 3"X Am . I BE: n RWOLLVED by the vilLage.Cotgca o$ th? .Vaage-.of Edina, l.fi~=sota, as fo"ifows: . -. 1.%,,IZU-is hereby found, determined and declared *bat the propos~d ~~SeSment fW Sire& Bprovaent No. El has been properly calculated in accordance with the pp01 yisions,of mesot+ .Statutes Section 41~~4.41.; that notice has been published, as re@red-.by law, t@t this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said pmposed-assessment as might be necessary, and to adopt *he Same by resolution; that said pmposed assessment has at all times since its fillng'been open for public jnspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enmerated .jln the respective assessment WAS and fS SPeCi@Y benefited bY the con- &,mction 6f the jmproments for which such assessment 2s hxded bithe ~Ou.nt set opposite the disbription of each such lot, piece and Pwca of land* respec'imwo .. ' 9/2aJ53 2661 2. The am&nts so set out are hereby levied against the remective lots. -e pieces and parcels 02 Jand describe4 in said assessment, and said-proposed assessment is hereby adogit,e$ and confiqned as the proper specid assessmen% for said jmprovement. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accmhg on the full aowt thereof fmn tbe to time unpaid, at the rate of five perpent per. annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent With general. taxes upon the prope&y described therein and all thereof. The total amount of such assessment shall be payable in ewal anra;udt Sls.Callments exbending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments, together with Merest on the entire assesment from the date hereof to August 15, 1954, to be payablelwith general taxes for ,the year 1953, and one af thE remaining knst-enk, with one yearts interest on that and all subsequent Fnsta;Z.Imes?ts, to be payable with generatt,,taxes for the yws 1954 through 1962, collectible in the respective ensuing years. owner of wy lot, piece or parce3, of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any instalhat thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued inteqest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to %he Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County &&tor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. Auditor a, certjified duplicate of said assessment, with each then unpaid -tall- ment and interest set forth separately, t9 be exbended upon the proper %axlists of *the County, and the County Auditor shaU thereafter cause said assessments to be co_l.lected in the manner provided by law. Said duplicate shall be desig- nated as the %bsessment Boll for Street linprovqent No. %J.,l~ and all mounts collected in respect 02 tge assesqents therein contained-shall be sUarly desigpated by.the jJounty 2reasurec and remitted e0 the Village Treasurer, and by hsn credi-ted to he Sinking F.md Account ,of the I352-First Serbs Improvement &tion for ahapt& 0% tie Eelolution was ieconded by Danfns; and on Ro3JLo6L1 3. Prior to cedification af the assessment to the County Auditor, the . 4, The clerk shall, as soon-as nay-be, prepare and transmit to the OouXrty - Rand. * -- c there were four ayes and no,,nqys, .as Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and ,the P* . ,.* ~ , , .. Mayor. . . ,.. .. %., . Considerable discussion was ha regard to tke,pmposed budget for $he year 3.954, The matter of appr ons for the l?ew .Village HaXl was discussed, with Tmstee. Bredesen advocatbg that bonds be sold for payment of consC_mction. As orighally. contemplated, the budget ktic4pated contributions af $75,000 . from the Liquor Dispensary Fund during 1954, as pa& payment for consjtmction; and possible reduction 02 GF;neral-Fund surplus, tqgether @th appropr&atLona for 195.4, for %he balance of the cost. Sqrplus over @lOO,OOO *be *transferred for .payment of the construction: costs of th& New V-age Hall, was seconded by Bank and-carried. Of$ice'was asked to investigate possibility and legality of sellhg a bond issue for the balance of %he cost. No hrther action taken on budget. Bfr. E, W, Oredson, President of First $kina State Bank, presbnted the €3&kts petition for the Regoning from Open Peve3.opqrit D$st?5.ct to Commity S&OPQ District that property bo& as,- ttSouth 92 feet .6f Vest forty feet of ..Lot 36, Auditorts Subdivision Ho. 1'72 and Sguth ninety-two feet of Zast 70 feet-of ht 37, ,,Auditorf s Subdivision No. 172, accepted, and tbat.,Council hold a public. heaxing thereon on Elonday, October 26, 1953, was seconded by Danens and carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting, Dznens moved for adjournment. lotion seconded by Bredesen and Danenst,mtion, that General. Gd Bankt s mo'tion, that*+pe%ition be c -3 I t ..- __ 1 .. ..