HomeMy WebLinkAbout19530928_REGULARI. - _.."_ ~ ._-- &nbers Present were Bredesen, kd, Danens, && and &yj&SOn.
knUtes of the Regular 3hthgS Of &&st 1Mk.and ath, 1953, were approved a
SuMtted, bY motion Bank, seconded-by Danens and carried.
31 accordance s-tw se~@ ~WOV~ent,NOo 53--Rich@.eld-Zdba htercpptor Sever, had l.ionday, Septmber-21, l-hwr Eriekson caXled.%Zor the fwg 09 all mitten- exceptions and
qbjections; and in accordance with this call several. such trsre filed with the
Council (as listed in the folloxhg Resolution). Bank moved that mitten objections and excefiions filed to this date be-accepted,,thatthey be investigated and findings
be determined by the Vmage Council at the earliest possible date. Xotion seconded
by Danens and carried. Child then offeredthe fo3lowing Resolution andmoved its adoption:
EE 33' RESOLVED by the VUge Comci& of&he VQlage- of,E@na, Xinnesota, as
. -
ments for..SANnARY SEXER D@ROVEP.IENT NO. 53, with the exception of the assessments
Proposed %%be. levied..a@ast-th-ose. lo$s as to which .r.lritten ob Sections have been presented and are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk, on which no action
is taken'at this the,- namely:
kkCU'S action at kb1i.c Hearing on &oposed Assegment for
f 0lloWiJ: -- ___ .
1.. It is hereby found, determined and declared that each &d all of 'the assess-
A. S~/Z of N2/5 02 ~$8 of sE.ll/lc - Sec. 3l,"%vp~%L 21, - Pageaa fl
Bo Sl/3 of ~3/5 of !?5/8 of S~p/4 - gec. 31, ~wp. Q79B.21- Pave- ~r
That Part of See;. 31, Typ,.. U7, I$. 21, Worn. kn.2 ft. E. of fil Gor. of SE1/2; tho S.1668 Ft.--to center of Eden Prairie Rd.; th0-m~ along same 297 I%.; tho N.16.85.5 ft. to pt. on N.lj.ne
of. sE1/2 disk. 295 ft. E. from beginning; tho If. to beginning
exc,_rd.; &sa that p& of Sec, 31, cTwp. 117,.-RO2l, Corn. at
NI.l Cor. of SEL/2; th. E. 471~5/6 Bo;. th. South-parallel with . If.. line of @l/Z a distance of 1668 fX. to-center of Eden Prairrie
Ed.; tho SQy along center of said road on 1T.line of Sl/4--
Do &/2 of N%l. / 4 of m/4, Sec. 30, Twp. U7 W., R. 21 No - SchaeferJ
E. kdian HQls Addition - 12 Objections, To Unplatted Property, not legally described by objector,
1- in See. 31, TIQ. 117, Ro 21 6. Property located on France Axenue between lf.76th St. -
7 ,and South Village limits, not legally desc-+bed bJr
objector I-IcCauley ~b
H. tfC0mm. at If.3./4 Cor.; tho S. a0 ft;. along Bo l&0
. $hereof; tho SElx 902.3 ft, along a line eg to a
. pt. in E. 1inF of NI.Jl/k of an/4 ~ist.W fi. S. frQm
ME Cor. thereof; th-.- No par, rdth.1.J; line thereof to
centerline of Hwg.; tho SKlf*alongsaid centerUb to
begia.lf(No Seci5on Given)-.- 6021 Highvw NO, 169
Three areas of land tota33ng 177 acres located in .
South 3/& Of SeCo 7, %pb 116, Bo 23
dist. 20J&3 -10 fto; th. No 2015/310 fto t0-beg-o - G~SS J
- ostmaf
Ciskovsky J
I. Block 30, fbndelssobn Adajtion . Prescott J
Mve been properly calailated in acwrdancg with the provisions of EGnnesota
Statutes Section 4l2.44.l; that notice has been duly published, as required by
law, that-this CouncU would meet tb hear and pass upon all objebtions, if any,
tb amend said'proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the
same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their
fmg been open for public inspection, and opporb&ty has been given to all
interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces
ad parcels of land enmerated in the respective assessments was ad..is specially
benefited by the construction of the improvement for which such assessment is
levied in the amount set opposite the descdption of each such lot, piece and
parcel of land, respectively.
2. The monks so set out am hereby levied against the respective lots,
pieces aad pacas of land described in said assesment, and said propsed assess-
ment is hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessment for said improvement. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with
%he interest accruing on the fill amount thereof from the to time mpaid, at
the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a
lien concumat I&th general taxes upon the propefiy described %herein ad aL1 thereof, The total amount of each such SSSeSSment SW be Payable in eqal -tdbats extending over a period 6f Twenty years, the first of said
hstamts, together with interest on the entire assessment
hereto to August; 15, 1954, to be payable with generd taxes for the Ye@ 1953,
and one of-the remaining installments, &th one years kIb??est on %hat and a
subsequent -&&dbats, to be pWb3.e Idth gaerd taxes forthe years l9!%
through 1972, collectible in the respeCtiVe ensuing Pus*
the date
'9/%/53 263 3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the Countyjluditor, the oivner.dof any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole
of such assessment or any installment thereof-without interest to the Village
Treasurer and thereafger such pynent may be made with aocrued interest, to I
the County Treasurer; ,provided that if any assessments or instaZ3men.t;s thereof
be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall1 promptly notify the Village Clerk
and County Auditor,. and the assessment or instmen% so prepaid shall be
cancelled on the -books of the County Auditor. .. 4. The Clerk shall, as soon as qay be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a. certified duplicate of said assessment, with each- then unpaid
h-sta$lment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper
tax lists of the County9 and the County Audibr shall therea~er cause said
assessnent to be cpllected in the.mnner.provid6d bylaw. Said duplicate shall
be designated as the $fAssessment Roll for,SANZTARY SENE3 D4@UEZ~ NO. 53,
and all amounts coUeDted in respect of the- assessments*.thege&. con$airzed shall
be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and retted to the Village
Treasurer and by him crediked the Sinking Fund Account of the 1953 Joiht
Sewer Xmprovement Fund.
6n the assessment$, fqx. ths,fo&lowing propertjies, as to which writken objections
have been presented and are now on file in the offace of the Village Clerk,
.K. N.l/2 of &t 9, hditorrs Subdivision No. 396
Lo MtS 6,738 and 9,'Gay.d~ Park = ksen 8. vnplatted PropeAF 5.n See, 9, TFJP. 116, R.Zl,
5. $Wl/4 of lWl/4, and swl/k of Sec. 31, T.(.;I;.28,
$0. 24 - Chapan
0, g.60 E. 0fV%l/4 of k%k. 31, Twp.l17,R121
P. Vegi+ at pt. 888 F$ S. of Noline ox NEL/4
h OT Sec.3O,Twp,28Ns, B,241?, .and 255.8 Ft,. -E. of If. Ene.of said @2./4~- th.N. and pa=. $0 I?. line of said NEI[b 563.7 ft. more or,less,
to oenterlim of .Garrison We; th.SEly along
centerline of Garrison Lane to its @tersection
with line drawn par. to-and 340.8 .ft. IL of
W.line of said W1/4; th& tilong said par.
.,I line to pt. 888..$t. S, of*X.line of said NEl/4;
5. 333 33 FURTHER RE3O&b, that-this Co&cil-.take no action at thss the
- Hume
- not legely described - Hanwen
- @ne -
- Forstpr th. I?. 85 ft. to pt._of begin. ..,
Pfotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens; *and on Rollcdu
there were five ayes and no-pays, as foUowsr aye; Child, aye; Damns,
x- _. Clerk Sa& then su3mitted AffidaVii;s of Publication for *fAdvertisement for Bids,"
pbljshed in Edina-Momingtjide Coucier a@- Constructlofi l3ulJ.etin September 3.7 and W, 1953, for-the f-est four ingrovenents l+sted below; and published September 24, only, for the last &nprovemmtw lisked; which affidavits were' appropd as to
fom and ordered placed on file:
1. Grading and Gravelling oT-H&ifax Lane be%ween.Wf.5kth Street and Woodland
2;' Grading. and Gravelling of kerxes &wue bgtween k.66th 'and W.68th'Streets. 3. Grading and Gravelling- of J;tcksonmA9anue between- Belmore me and Rfaloney Avenue,
4. Construction *of Village Wated. &ension and &purteslakes in Cbneord
5, Grading and Gravelling o$ ZTooddsle he. from _valley View Road to-Garrison Lahe, and Gapison Lane fro-n Noodda$e Avenue $0 and jncludhg Turn=araund.
-Terrace from Con.?& &que to St.Johns Avenue, &i in St.dohns &venue
from Concord Terrace $0 Tit.58bh st. .. *
Bank then moved that bids,be referred to Assistant Village &gineer for pubUc openbig in Village EnEjneerls Office. Xo$i.on seconded by C@ld and carried,
IWager Hitchell. reported that-all bids-received _Sep.teaber 'l.4, for Fuel Oil
are ident;ical; that Young Fuel. Company, Xd.ina, has been supplyingthe Village kaJz for a number of. years.. ,C@ld?s motion, for award of contract for Fuel
Oil for village use to Young Fuel Company, .was seconded by Danens and carried.
&nager ~tchelZts repo&, th& th; bid of C.O.Fkeld Company, mount &3,120.00--
the onl, bid recsived September l.4 for thelrenodelbg,of the U~or S$ore--Ls
under estimate,pwas reyiewed.
be authorized was seconded by Danens and oarried.
Wager MitcheXlts recomenda&m for awa& of &xitract for Grosswaltk Sim&S 5.n
50th & France business district to Lehn Slectric Compwy, only bidder,,.at @Z,4qO, was accepted and award so made, by aotion Banks seconded by Bredesen, carr;ied;
Bredesepts motion that bid be accepted and work
zr 9/28/53 -
I ~klE%e~ &dhZ!. repofied that no bids had been received September
Street kP'OmentS IhSo h-28 ad A429 Blacktoppbg of Fairfax Avenue between
110 !%h a$ Vo 59th Street, ad Ifoodcrest Drive, respectively.
believes it. -5s now-too lste to- re-advertise, this year. Bankts mo.e;ion, that Council delay until 1954 to advertise for bids for the above ttzo projects, I.~S
seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Public Hearing on Proposed T'latemab bpmvement in St.Johns Avenue betpreen
Concord. Terrace an!! I?. 58th street was. called. Clerk presented Mf~aVit of publication of Notice of Hetpring, as published in 3dina-T.Tornkgside Courier,
Septaber 17 and a, 1953, tshich Motice vas appro-d as to form and ordered
placed on file. I.kmager,Xitchellts Estbte of Cost ivas given as $1,636.20. There.r.rere no objections from the,.floor, and no trritten objections, had been
filed prior to the Hewing, Bank offeredthe following ResoluUon and moved its adoptionr
BE IT RESOLVED by the Counc~._o~-,the.V~~ge~of Edina, JEnnesota, that this Councq-herekfore caused notice of hearing to be duly published, in accordance
with provisions of Chapter 398, Hrmesota, Laws 1953, on the proposed improve-
ient consisting of Construction of Village'lfatermain and Appurtenances in Con-
cord Terrace between Concord Avenue- -and St .. JoHnsn Avenue; and that Hearhg
was held at the time and place specified-in said notip, at which time and
place the Council duly considered the views of all persons interested; that
this CouncQ has also caused notice of hearing to be duly published, in accord-
ance yith provisions of Chapter 398, hesota bws 1953, on the proposed
improvement consisting of Construction of Village Ifatemain and Appustenances
in StJohns Avenue be%ween.Concord Terrace ,.anddT. !@h Street;; ad at -the*hhearing
helg at the time and place specified in-said no&ice the Councilnhas duly,con-
sidered the views of all persons interested, adsbeing f@ly.advised of the
pertinent facts does hereby detemine to proceed with the construction of a
tmtermain improvement consisting of theXonstruction of Village Vatmain and
Appurtenances in Concord Terrace between-Concord Avenue and St.Johns Avenue and
&n St.Johns Avenue between Goncord Terrace and lJ.fi&h Streets; that said impmve-
xien$ is hereby designated and shall. be .ref erred. to *in all subsequent proceedings
as Ifatemain Improvement No. 66, and the area;proposed to be assessed for the
cost of said inprovement incZudes dil lots-ad tracts of land abuttingthe streets
to be improved. *
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution tvas seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
Bank, aye; and Ekickson, aye; and the Resolutio
He_ stated he
yere five ayes and no nqirs,._as follows:
AT!BST: -.
Bredese , aye; Danas, we;
.. . ..
bop Brickson then announced Continuation of Public Hearing held Septembkr l4, on
proposed Sanitary Sewer in W.48th Street betwep Tormes Road and France Avenue,
Nanager I.Iitchell*s_Estimate-pf cos$ was $1,544.53, or $11.u per front foot. bb
EtcbU. explained that this high cost is due to the fgct that some of the lot?
>&ich I.rould ordinarily be served cannot be assessed; the lots on the North sige
of the street being platted Zo face East and I.'eqb; and one lot being too shallow to receive €aXL fmn the basemat. Ik. IJilXe~, sponsor of pdition, asked to,
go on record as being still in favor-of ~roject. %k. George Hdsty, 4'717
leadow Road, stating that he would have. to pay considerable extra charge for a
connect&on fromthe side of his lot, said that if $Ire eonmiller, 3913 W.@th bt. is in favor, .he will go along with the project.
objected. These neighbors were asked to -adJourn and discuss the matter privately;
and after this discussion, &. Hardisty asked that pmject be abandoned d?ss Council can see fit to spread assessment over at leas% four lots. Cbildls motion
that project be abandoned was seconded by Dmens and carried.
I.mor Bickson then announced Public Hearhgs on Proposed Assessnents for some thirteen different .improvements. Clerk Bank presented Affidavit of Fublication
for tlNotice of Hearing on Assessmeqts forcImprovements,!t pubEshed in Ens- &wgside Courier August_27 and September 3: 1953, wuch Notice approved
.. as^to fom qd ordered placed on file. PubUc Hemgs were then conducted and
Council action taken, as recorded beloW:..
&d iTiy&h-Streets.. &s.iJsable Cost at $3,230080 as against 1,201004 Assessable Feet, for $20~9 per
assessable foot, There were no objections fromthe floor, and 110 mitten objections had been filed prior to Hem-, (see, lahr in meeting, for Resolution
'2, ST~ ~.p~()m.my~. No, Curb and Gutter in Chor.rzn..Avaue betma
W, P mh ,a1d_l.1.5&h Streets. Hanager 1st char S hdYSis_of Assesment showed
However, I&. Kroaler
z I .*
1,- ~.pmm.ma NO, &u+- Curb and Gutter ia Beard Avenue between W057th I4anager IlXtcheQWs AnalYsis of bs.essmmt showed Total __
.. a. ,
9/23/53 365 Total &EX3ssable
for G2.W Wr fro& foot.
objections had been filed prior to the Hearbgo (See, later Resolution Approving . )
i'ie 5%b 3W&~~060!?h~-~$redX%
$2.66 per front foot. There were no objections from-the floor, ,and na objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See, later in meeting, for
Resolution Approving). '40 SmT m.mq'f NO; B-17 - Gwb and Gutter in Townes Bad b;t&en
c-4%h..a??d -3r&%h- S%~@.@S.. I Manager mt chellt s Analysis, of Assessment showed
TO*& Assessable COS6 to be'$3,454.6$ as against 1,212.17 Assessable Front
Feet, $or $2.85 per front fa0.t. There were no objections from the flQor, and no mitten, & jections had been filed prior to the-Heaxirrg. (See, hter in
meeting, for Resolution ,PLpprovi,ng). e
' 5. Sw 'WR@.@3XlBT_NO. C-22,- Grading &d Gravelling if the' Alley between '
Id. 59th and-W. 6@& ,st.reet sd ketween York and Xerxes &venues. Nanager Itit che3lt s &alpis of.&sesqeht showed Total Assessable+-Cost to be &!+95.46 as against
1,415.60 Assessable Feet, for #.35 pgr assessable foot. I&-. Roberts, 5905 York, complained about the,qudii,t;y of the work. E There were-no objegtions offered as
to the assessment; and no mitten objections lad been filed$ prior to the Hearing.
(See, later in meeting, for Resolution ;8pprOving).
ietween. 5~5h .ggd.,~f. a poht A35 feet East -02 F$rfax Avenue. IfIanageg MXtchellts_Analysis_of
Assessnient showed-TotaJ Bssbssablg Gost' 'to- be $7,320.73 as,ag&nst 1,789,91
Assessable Feet, fgr $4.09 per Asseqsable Foot. I&. Hawkinson, 5945 Fairfax. I $venue, objected to pa@ng for @oth sides ctf his eomer lot, and was informed
that this manner of assesment is usual procedure in Edina. (See, later in
meeting, for Resolutior, Approving).
Beard and_&bb&$.-Avenues akd between-lf. 59th and W%th Streetis. Mwager Mitchell# s
dnalys9s of Rssesgment showed Total. Assessable Cost at $924.09, as against
Z,4UO6O Assessable Feet, for #.65 per Assessable Foot., There were three
objwtions filed as ho the method of -assessment; the owners. of the lots abutting
both sides of the T-XUeT objecting to paying for both side6and back footages.
CWd*s motion, that_Council delay action on this assessment until Monday,
October 5, for future,-investigation and report, .. seconded by Pmens and
., carried.
8. STREXT IfPROlJEEEW NO. 634 Grading, Gravelling and Stabhized Base -
All. StreStF ia- BOT=) y._Zdip, '&mor. Hanager Ifit cheU.8 s halwis of Assessment
show5d Tot& Cost at,,$19,266.&? as ag&st 6,194.99 Assessable Feet, _for !&e11
pek Assessable Foot. ,There,were objections to the fact that lmge trucks, had
been-permitted to drive over these streets, Immeaately after construction,
damaging the streets. Objectors were informed that main!benance of street is
a Yillage Genera Fuld Pbligation; that they will not be assqssed again folr,
m.a&&nance fqork. ',There- were thern no objections to the assessment, and no
written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See, __ later An meeting,
for Resolution Approving). I
aslh.Ap~e~~ce~~.~-~d"?IpooS-Street between Edenmoor ,b Richond Hills. 2nd &kh
and Shemood Road.
at $I.,318,32,--as aga-wt. 300..2 &sespab&e Zront Fees, for $4.39 per ksessable
Foot;. There were no objections-from the floor, and no wri$ten objections had
been filed prior to the He&ng, (See, later in meeting, for Resolution Appqo*g)r 10, I~ATBE@~IN IMFB,OVZ$~T NO. ,!+9_- Constsuction of Village ?[atemain Extension -,
dnd ApptwQqances7 inPh.Qbroo& Lane. _Ehager WtcheW s b%YSis of ~ssess~nt
shoed b!otal Cost at #10,236;50, as again& 2,695.03 Assessable Feet, _for
&,273.74 as Cost of Constmction for ktera3s, or $&07 pes Assessable Foot for 2,695.03 Assessable Feet; and #.7S per,Assessable Foot for 2,&93093 feet, for
Connection Charge to,%&&emaiIl, Improvetn9nt NO. 24 Tmnk Nain. There were no
objections from the f&oor, and 'no written Objections had-.been filed prior to
the Hearing. {Wee, later in meeting, fop Resblution AppmvMg) O
li... 'tTmfv IMPIOWM NO, % - Constmotion of-village Xatermain'Exlcension
and .flp3?;;lrte~~ces_.in_Collmrd.-~ve~~e fpm SOU~hview w-e to a EObt 454.5,
South thereof. Pbger l\lrj-tchgllts Analysgs of &ssessment showed Total Assessable
Gost Lo be &,340.99 as .against J.,9&.25 hsessable Front Feet, for $2.21 per
Assessable Foot; 'with the Village share of construction to .be $16,380.66, for
constmciion of. 1611 feeder--line plus difference in cost between 12gr line actualy
wnstructed and 6"Jine necessary to seme abutting properties. -There qre no
objedions from the floor, and no written objections had been filed prior to
the Hearing. (See, later
12.. ~JA~W WRoWbi NO, 55 - consgruction of-ViUage ?fate=b Extension
qnd. Apgurt-ey+qes- .j~~Ash~~oft,~venue between ~060th st* *d V.#-le~ View-Boad and
in v&& view bad between .$shcroft and COnC_qrd h'eQUeS. &W€Pr !@tch@lrs
to be $3,528000 as ag&nst 1,260 &$sessable Front Feet,
There were no objections from the floor, ad no*
meethg, for
"3. s~~,.~@~~~ No0 B-16 * Curb' and E;uttei in &dag Avmue betweem. *
mnager ,HitcheU~ s hlysis of- &sesaent showed
4- Total AssesZable Cost at &,P3.20 as against 2,520 Assessable Front Feet, for
60 STRZET IPPEO~~ MQ.-,G-23 - Grading and fsravellling of St.Johns kvenue
hJ$breets and of W.bOt,h St. between St.Johns Bvgnue and
9. STREET INPROmNT_NO, C-29,-7 Grkding and Gravellhg ailthat Alley between
was ,.-
9 ~~~~~~~~~ NO. 48 * Constsuction of vi.&ige %Tatexmain xxipnsion
Ewager Nii@hellts analys&s of Assesqen€ showed Tots Cost
meeting, for Resolution Bpprodg).
*' - - : ". - -,,. .: *
L. -- -1 c
9@6 9/28/53 haysis of Assessment skowed Totdl Asssssablp Cogt to be $8;00~.25 8s aga,inst
1,-*86 Assessable Front Fee&, for $4066 per hsessablp Foot.
objectio~ f& the floor, ,and nOalT&tten objections had been filed prior to the Hear*. @ee, later in mee%ing, for Eesolution Appoving). ' 13. f"llw*m n@Romm no* fl - cons~ruction of TJilnzage Ifate- &&ension
and Apytu&enm.=sB &+.xerqs AFnue fqn IT. 57th to W05€&h Stre2t. &Wger E-Etehd.3.t s
hlpis oi Assessment showed TOW. Assegsable Cqst $0 be $3,125.65 as agast
430.53 'Assessable ,Front Feet, for %"726 per Assessable Fr&t Foot. There were no objections €Ton 'the rfloor, and-no written-ob jections had been filed pfior to
the Hearing.
f-hyor rickso on was ca~aiaaay from lsfeeting at this timi.
Chrild offered the following Resolution -and moved its aNptionr:
There *Ere no
K%-SmW F@i@rnrnS Nos.. B-u, 334, -B=l$,
HEmS NOS. 4gi-49, 5l,35, .m. 57
~ * . C43a ~ &3&, f.JATERUW DIPROVE .. BE IT REsOLm by the Village .CQU~CJI .of .the .Village ,of Edina, B-esota, as ~
frOUOV@.~__ - ___ . I 1.. It is hereby forand, ditermined and declared that the pmpoied assessmkts
$Or ~~ ff.IFROmfWfs NgS* &-U, JW.4, B-16, &17, C-22, C-23, Wd C-3&, *,ad
37w*%k!. qgm:B!as %N%: 4% 49,. 51, .%, and 57, aqd each of them, _have bean ~mper2-x. c&e.@at@ .Jyt accordance with the provisions of Nhnesota Statutes
Sectton Wok!&; that notice bs been duly published, as Sewired bx law, that
$hAs CouncXL vmuld meet to hear and pass uponAllibjections, if any, to ameGd
said proposed assessments as might be-necessary, and to adopt the same-by.
resolution; that saidiproposed assessmen@ have at all times since $heir filing
been open fgr publ5.c rlnspec$$Lon, and opportunity has been given to dl interested
persons to pres=$ their objectiop; and that each of thg lots, pieces and
parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments vas and is specially
benefited by the constkction of the hpmvements for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and
2. The amowts so set ou$ are hereby levied agknst the respective lot;,
p5eces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said pmposed assessments are bereby adopted and co&@m& as the proper special
assessments for scrid impmvennents, respectively. The aisessment against e&ch lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on-the full amount
thereof from the to time unpaid, at Che rate of five perceni; per anma frqm the
date or" this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general *axes upon the
property described therein and all thereof. The total amount of each such
apsessment for %met Smprovements Nos. C-22 and C-23 shall be pq-able i& ecpal
annual instaUngnts exbending over a per4od of: thzee pars, 1 the first of said
instalhents, together with interest on the entire gssessment from the data
hereor" to AugUst 15, 3954, to be pa$a,ble with general tks €or the year 1953,
and oge of-the remaining inst&lmen.ts, with one year's interkt on that and dl
subseqgent-instalbents, to be payable with general. faxes for the years 1954 arid
1955,-collecti'Dle in the respective ensuing years.
such assessmept for Street Jhprovanents Nos. E(..ll, %L$, €3-16, E-1'7, and C-34
SW be payable fn equal annual. instalwents. extending over a heriod of five
years, the first of said instalhents, together with +teres& on the entire
assessment from the date hereof to August 15, 195&* to be papble with genera - taxes for the year 1953, and one of-,the remdnhg Inskd-hetlts, w5th one ye&,s
interest on that and &.I subsequent instalhents, to be papbXe v6th genera
taxes for the years 1954 through 1957, coUectibI.e ,in the resp"ectt;ive ensuhg
years. The total amount of each ,such assessment for TJatedri &@veinen%-
Nos. 48,.49, a, 55 and,57 shall be payable in %qual annudl tristalUents
extending over a perhd of ten years, the first qf said installments, together
&th Merest on the entjke assessment fmrncthe date hereof to hUgUst 15, 1954,
to be payable with general taes <or the yea 1?53,* and one of the raw
hta3lme;nts, with one yearts h$erest on that and dll'subsequent instd-ilats,
fo be pqable Fsithcgenerdl taxes for the yews $954 tbough 1962, m'llectibls
5x1 the respective ensuing years. I Prior to ceptification of the assessments to the Cou%y Auditor, the
opmer of ~y lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby r?ay pay-the whole of
such assessment or any installment thereof vithout interest tothe Village
Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be mad; with accrued interest, to-the
Gaunt$ Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or instalhats thereof be Ere@d,to the Village Treasurer, he shall prpmptly notify *he Vmage Clerk
and County Auditor, and the assesment or instalhen% so prep-&d Shdl be
cancelled 09 the boob af the County Auditorr
comty &ditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, viith each then upaid
imt&Lpent and .interest set forth sepmately, to be exkded UPn the Proper tax lists of the county, and the County Auditon: shall tkiereaf%r Case Said
asgessments to be cone&sd in the manner provided by law. said dUP~Caters~l
be designated as the VAssessnent Roll for Street BPmvaatS Nos. &-51J
33-16, SlT, G22, C-23, C-29, and-lfatedq Improvements Nos. 48,49,%,55. and 579 ad a1 aQU&S coJ&&ed in respe-qt of the assessments therein,contaked sha
parcel of Imd, respectively. -
The totr&. amount of each
* I
' 3.
4. The Clwk shall,, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the
9/28/53 267 be similayly designated by the eCotm$y Treasurer and -raitted to the T'illage -
Treasurer 'and by *
. From Street Improve6ents Noor (2-22, C-23, and C-34, and Watermairi. @provemends
NOS. 48* 49 and 5l, to the Sinkhg Fuqd Account -of the 1922 First Series
Improvement Fui~d. -- - . From Stree% hprovements B&- B-14, 616 and B-17, and Matermaii Improvements
NOS.' 55.and 57, to* the Sinking Fund Account of the 1953 Fipt Series.hprovement~
Fund.' * .-
Gotion fop ado&& of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
crediged to the following Sinking Fund Bccouritsg
I It
** c
there were four ayes and no--nap,
Bank, aye; and Child, Aye; and the
. . , I ' . I., L .&qj?or . . ,
EIh Fuake Victorsen asked for pe&t to haild in llVictorsents Additionlt before
appraval of Find. Plat; stating that, there is stiu some woxk $0 be done on the
roads but that evegything else is ia order. Manager NitcheU, explained that
the Final Plate for the subdivision have not yet been-submktted to this office
or the Plapning Commission. Bank's motion that petition be denied was seconded
by Bredesen and carried. r*
Petitions byMessrs. Robert Hawkinson znd Luverne Loken, for permits to face
dwellings the long way of Lots 10, B1. &,and Lot-1, B1. 2, Virginia Ave. Addn.,
res$ectively, were reviewed-by Council.
Public Hearjngs oq said petitions for Nwday,,,October 12, at 7:3O P.Ejl,, was
Bankrs,motion, that Council schedule
seconded by Bredesen ad carried. -. . P ^. **
Petition was filed for Watexxain improveinent in B4rnard Place, Code Avenue,
14eloday be, and Neloday Lake Drive. $Wager Utchell. xeported on pr&iminary plans and specifications for this pro je.@, statjag -that project is feasible; that:
cost of ma& to be constructed, as set forth in the foiling notice, trill be
an estimated approximate of $7'4,746.80. Bank offered the following Resolutjion
and moved Ats adoption: .. RESOLFI$IN PRQVDING kR mL1C WEARIBG
€333 I!t RESOINED by. the- .Cc%gQ. :o$. Ithe.-Villa ge.e.gf-.Ednaz . .
1. _. ..The_Village &g%eer, having,submktted to the Council a preliminary report
as to the.feasibility_of the proposed Vatemain Improvqmt, described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, _gpd as to the estimated cost of such improve-
ment, said. report is ,hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office 02 the Village Clerk.
2. This Council. shall meet on Monday, October 26, 1953, at 7:30 P.N., to
consider in public hkaring the views--of dl persons interested in said..proposed
improvement. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directedto cause notice of the time,
piace and puqose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a
week for two SuccOssive weeks,:the second of ivhich publications to be not less thepz
three days from date of said meeting, which notice s'nall be Zn substantially the
following form:
01\T PROPIxjBD ?JAW*m 33il?BOmT.
b PIiOPO.FEf> _l~A'@I@$AIN. -0-
NOTIFE Is HFXlBY~.~~ ,that ,the .---Village Council wi3l meet at the VAllage Hd. at. 7:30 .P.N.~ -I!Iondm,. October 26, 1953, to consider the following knprovemenb,
to be coqtmcted under the-authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953,cChapter
398, The approximate cost of such improvaent Zs- es%imated,by the Village Engineer to be #74,746.80~
. Construct$on of 16" Village Watermain and Appurtenances begkkdng 150 feet
Vest of the Mater Foyer Site;. th, West along an easement to.HighJay N0.100,
tho under Highway No. 100, to junction with 12" vrater line. .
Constructio n of 12" Village Wa%ermain and appwtenances beginning at 16~36
Tee (Junction with,W I;ine)i 'tho South to Benton Avenue Cor Grove St.>; th.
West -on Benton Ave. t~ Tingd,alLe ..Ave. ; tho Mrth on-Tingdde Ave. to-Grpve .. St.; th..I?est on Grove St. to Hansen Road.
ConstructAoQ of 611 ViXLage 3?atema;lns-.and appurtenances in Bkard Place
between W.56th St, gnd Grove a,; 1'1elody Me Drive between. Grove Sb and
Nelody we; Heloday he betr;een Grove Si;, and, Helody Lake Drive.-
The area proposed to be-assessed for the cost of said bprovemmt includes
all lots and tracks of land wit- the foKlowing described boundaries: I%egi.nning
at N? Cor. of X1/2 of S.l/&'of 5eco33,Twp.Il7,R.22, which pt. is the,iqJ;ersection
of %[,,bOth St. Znd-Hansen Rd.; th.E.dlong the centerme of Hansen Rd. to itb
htersection With S. $/V line of I\ijpls., Northfield & Southern Ry.;-.th.my dong
s&,d South E/W line to a pt. which is the extiended centerline gf Dale Avenue in
Tomes First Edina Subdivision; tho So on the extended ca%erline.of Dale Avenue to
a pt. 09 a line parallel trith and 1&? Ft. S. of the centerline of %5bth St.; tho E.
on said ljne to a,pt. l.47 Ft. W. of the centerline of Bernard Pl.;_,thc %-and pma-
11el with the caterline of Beqard Pl., 1% Ft.; tho E. 3.47 3%. to the.centerline
"$8 9/28/53 of Bernard PI,; Vn, N, 125 Ft,; tho E, XLO Ft,; th, South 45 Ft.; th, E,' 70 Ft,;
%he N. 69.75 Ft,; th. E. to-the centerline Qf Code Ave.; tho So to the Korthernmost
Cor, af 'Lot *rZ", Registered Land Survey 80' 18q; %h; SEly along the NE lot lb-e of
saLd I;ot-JW< -con&Lnuing SELy dong the NE Lot Line of hts I ahd 2, Ifelodp KhoU
First-Addn,, and exbending to 8 pt. which is 753.8 Ft, SEly of th'e Northernmost Cor.
of Lot -fW, Registered Land Survey No. 180; th, l3.t 4,9,5-B,; th, 3EL.y to a pt,_ wMch
is 343. Et* ES-? of the Solline .of the N,1/2 of Sec. 33-U7=2l, and 27'Rods If, of the E, line,of said SectLon; th, S, to a pt. on Bhe 3, line of the N.1/2 *of sgid
Section vrktch is_978,5 3%. W. _of the E, line of said Section; th, E, 978.5 Ft, to the
3. ljne of said Section; th.., S. to centerline of IL60th St, exbended; th, T.T, on the
centerme of W@th St. to the interseckion of Hqsen Road, which is the ~0in.t;
of beginning. .. 9.
J3VAIiD C. BANK, Village Clerk
l@.l.age of-Edina
Iifotion for adop%Lon df the Resolution was seconded by bedesen, and on RollcU there
were four ayes and no nays,--as foUows: Bredes ens, aye; %a@, age; and
c I and the Resolution was adopbed.
.. ..... ..
The foU&ing petitions were filed, and Bank moved that petitions be accepted and
Public Hearings on eane be scheduled for, first reaar Council. fireeting in l%&&,19%
pending. further report by yjllage Engineer as to.cost, feasibXl$%y of work, etc.
Xok3on sebnded by Danens .agd wried: ..
Pe%i-bgon for Stom-Sevrer in Bor&cs Edini &mor
CJouncil, 'Bredesen moved for refergal ~ to hblh ~Eorks Committee for hvestigation and
report; at. earliest possible the, Notion,seconded by Danens and carried.
Petition w filed for Curb and Gutter in the 5000 Block on PEndsor Avenue.
Bredesen's motion, that-petition be accepted, and that Publi-c Hearing on sane be
scheduled for first rc$ular Council Neet2ng in lkrch, 125&!, was seconded by Danens
Petition-for Bfacktopping - Xer%Fs &e., PL56th to 'T.J,5&h St.
ZeWiLon for Blacktopping - 8.57t;h st., Yqrk Ave, to Xerxes Ave.
filed;--and afker review by
and carried., .- "-
Public Heath 'Mursing DistrLct report for Honth o€ August, 1953, was submitted, noted,
&titioa was filed for the Oiling of Ashcroft Avenue between TL59th and W.60th St.*
psb3.tioners asking that this petition. be Considered on an %nergencytt ba3is. Iwager '
3EtcheU. pcpmmended that because-of the kteness of the season, .this petition-be
laid over until next; yearr Bank moved that VUge Ekiager be instructed to oil street at his discretion; then offered the follordng Resolugion and moved i%s adoption=.
gid ordered placed on file. .(I *
BE I!F EESoLvED bs the Council .# .the:V.llage, og Ed&z:-. . ~ . ,. . .. . . l-q . The , .I* Pillage Engineer, havin&-submi.tted. $0 thq Council a preliminary report as
to the feasib-iJity of the proposed Oiling TmprovemenC descfibed 5.n the forn of Notice of
Hearing set forth below, and as to $he esthated cos$ of such impmvaent, said-report;
is hereby approved and directed to be placed on fila in the o€fice of the Village Clerk.
2. This Council shall @eet at the Village Hal on Xondq, October l2, 1953, at 7;30 P.H., to consider in public he&ng.$he views of all persons interested in said
The Clerk is hereby authorLzed and directed to cause notice of the time5
place an&.pqose of saidmeetingto be published in the official nbrspaper once a
week for two successive weeks, the second of which puU2caSioas to be not less than
thTee days from date of said meeting, which notice shdll be in substan.t;idlly the
- 3.
following forin: c NOTICE OF HEARm ON *
1 PrnPOsED STRFIET B*rnrnrn
c - . NCEIkE IS HERIBX GI~.,~h~~,the,.~ina,Vi~a~elCouncil will meet at the
ViUage Hall, at ?:$I. F-tlsb, Ero~day, Octobes_12, 1953, to wnsider the improvement of
Ashcroft. .- A-&-me'b@iwe-w T.I.5.H;h and I-.&h Streets by 0-g; sixid bpmvaent to be
constructed under the authority greed by_f-.linnesota &ws of 1953, Chapter 3980 The
@proximate cost of such hprovement is est-wted by .the Village Engbeer to be %-H.OO,
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost os said hpmvaent hclvdes
a;ll lotis and tracts of land abutting upon the street proposed to be improved. EVAI;D C. BANK, Village Clerk
" I
I+&. Bankgs motion, and his
and' on Rplloall on Resolution, %here were
aye; +k, qe; and ChXLd, aye;
t= .-. I . ', ,l.&yc+r . .
\/ ' 9/2Ef/53 269 Application for Plumberrs Ecense for period to April 1, 1954, was filed by
Midvrest Plmbing-.Company, 1922 If.7gt;h St,, Richfield; said application havtng
~ been approved by 3@ilding Inspe.ctor Woehler.. Bankls motion, that Plumberrs
License be granted, was seconded by Bredesen and cwried.
&yor Erickson returned to meeting at this time, and resumed the Chair, Hayor
Pro-Tam Child having presided in his absence.
Ib. Willette, 5823. Fairfax, asked for perinit to construat his garage with the
fivezfoot 1Mt from his rear lot line, He explained that it will be necessary
Lo destroy a large old oak if he keeps oukxl.de thep lbt with his construction,
Bank's motion, that his request be referred to lfessrs WiieIiler and IEtchell for
investigation and report at next regular meeting, was _seconded by Bredesen and
143% E. J. Bailey presentedthe written request of American Legion, Edina Post
NO+ 47% for Pedt to operate a Bingo Game a% the+bgion EU, 49oS, MenJlvenue,
each Sunday, from 7200 Po%, to l1tOO P.M., from Qc%ober 11, 1953, for a tsyelve-
month pe~od, Discpsion-.was had as tg the best tjimes to hold these Bingo games, durbg which 3k. Bailey informed the Council that thorough investigation had been
made by the Legion; that it had been dete-ed that"Sunday would be the most
advan6ageous"the because of the events schedule for the balance of the week.
Bredesents motion, that permit for Bingo Game at Legion €Ell, on Sundays, for a
6O-day period begbning October lI,: 1953, be granked; with the unaerstanding that
€=%her hbestigation wi&l be made by"Ugion to determine-possibility of another
day for this game, was seconded by Danew and carried.
Efanager Ititchell reported that &. E. C, Stow is 'anxious to have Counc'il
affirmtion of iiitent to oril streets 3..~ Brookview Heights First Addition, in
order that FHA maly be so notified, ChZldts motion, that Kanager+Xitchell be directed to _give W. Scow a letter showing Councilt s intent to oil in Brookview
Heights Fist Addition, was seconded by-. Danens' and carried.
Report was ha4 from Deputy Clerk, advising the loan of fthds to the ConstructicSn
$50,000; from Generzlr'Fund, am0Un.l;. $35,000; unW. such time *w-+€unds are received
from sale of 1953 Bipravement Bonds, ln order that 'cotitractors may be pajd on the;
and Bredesen rnoved.that recommended loans to the ^Construction Fund be authorized.
- md, frord-the Liquor" Dispensary hd, amount $40,000; from PIR Fund, amount
Xotion seconded by Bank and carried. -x ..
&,nager F!itcheU,s written report, dated this date, ori the status of the Curb and
Gutter project in Lakeview Drive; with 'Barnes-Nattison @etLtiozling Court to rexieve
them of responsibllity 'of remo-tiing and replacigg defective curb and_wishing to
credit Village 26th $523.00; and with Village Attorney filing a counter-claim for
$2l&OO--difference bdtween $7'37.00, Wch is 20% of total contract, and $523.00
proffered settlement by contFactor, was revLewed,at length by Council, No action,
&Imager Nitchellts mitten 'reporb to the effect that a consideiable saving would
be effected, urider the OCiginal contract bid by Orfei and NarZard for the Trunk
Sewer for Southdale-due to change. in aLigment 9pon si&.pgt .of utility easements
by Glacier -Sand and Gravel Compariy--was noted with hterest by Council.
taken. - .. *
Report, dated September 24, 11953, from the Hopkins Becreation Commission, and
concerning the*sale of ~tSwiraning Stfckerstl for the Ghady Oak Beach, was submitted,
No action
Goted, and ordered placqd on file. al - ..
Pianager lEt chell. then presented final plans and specifications for Street &prove-
gent UQ.. C-52Lthe Grading and Gravelling of Josephine Avenue between W,65$h and W.66tb Stxyeetja, recommending that bids be ,taken thereon on October 12,-*in order that work may be done this fall; i% possible. Child oftereg the follofdng Besolution ,- and moved its adoption:.. -. ~OL~IOPJ ~pmrn~ PLANS AND smcmcmrms
.% F@$m .2g.??RO~JT~BP% c-52sw2 .QEq?G
, .'ADlERTm*EN!F FOR BIDS .. .. ..
EE 3CT RESOLVED by the .Village .Cougcil=,of ;the :37"11&agB of Ediria: .. I - prepared by the TfiZlage Engineer and now g.1~ in,-the of fLce_of -the Village Clerk
are hereby approved.
and the Const+ct;ion B ulletin $he following notice of'bids for the Construction of
said itnprovemey-.t :
1953, at 7:30 P,I-f., to open and consider sealed bids for the Grading and GraveLUng
of Josephiqe Averrue beFween t.l,65th and V.66th StreeSts. .
for's&d Qprovaent on file in office of Vfilage Clerk. Bids*mus'c be submitted on
. , l-., , .The--plazls and-specificztions for STW INPIt~~~ NO. C-52, heretofore
2. The Clerk shag- cause to b& published 4~3.ce iSr the 33dina-Nom&gside Courier
Ths E&a Village Council,Wj_l& meet,at,the Village Hall, Nonday, October 12,
3Jork must be done as describe-d and specified in plans and specXicat%ons*
537.0 9/a3/53 basis of oesh payment for-trork. No bids i&Ll be consideredruriLess sealed and filed !with undersigned before the'of "said meeting and acqompanied by" cash deposit, bid bond,
certified check pqable to Village ClFrk in mount of ten percent of amount or" bid.
e -.~ _-_ - ,... --- _I.- EVATS C. BANK, Village Clerk
villagg Of-Xdins, 3. Each-and all of these terns of the foregohg advertisemtkt for bids are
hereby adopsed as the terms and conditichs of award of the contract for said
imlprovement .
&tion ?Or adoption of the Resolution was sednded by Danens, a& on allcall there
Fre five Wes and no nays,.nas follows:
We; and Erickson, aye; and the age; Bank,
.* r -7 . .... .. . . Eayor
I. %-
ogkaphs of the ViKge, mde by,hrd
Council t&h &. Xitchell,, who stated
that order could wait until 1954, when next photos muld be taken from the air by
Hurd. Present brder was then rejected, by common consent and without formal. action.
Xanager-1,Ii.t chell presentbd written recomenaat5.on, dated this date, * for construction
by -. Day Ubr, of Storm Sewer Improvement No.'23. He cited as his reason, the lateness of the seasonylxich mkes it inpractica3. %o advertise for ?ids for this
r.Tork; and the necessity of havi6g work completed before next spring. Danens offered
the following 3esolution and moved its adoption:
-. RESOLmION AUTHORIZI$lG CONS!PRUCTXQN BT-Km WRR W@..Q@GTXGN ,OFn. f~:_?@gqg".: - .qTqy.-gp..qmo& ,, ~ NO. 23.
3333 23' BE3OLvED br the Go&& .of .the..VQJ.age of Edina, as follot.ist . . , 12,, +The.,'fiillage Engineer has heretofore subqitted to this Coqcil plans and
specific&tions and an estimate of sost for Storm Sewer Znprovemegt No, 2%-regrading
and blacktopping-of k&ersection at 'Tkmick .Place #and Kent Avenue, renoval of tvm ~
ex&s%bg catch basirrs, and cons%rucb&on of f$d new &+h basins-from r.rf?ich it .
ap$ears audit is hereby detemined that the total. cost of said improvement rdl be
less'thari 85,000; therefore, this Council is authorized by law and does hereby
determine $0 purchase directly the-materials for &id impr0vemen.t and complete the
and directed to supervise the work on seid improvement, and upon completion thereof,
also to submit a detailed reporb, certified by Mm, and file the same with the
TfiJlage Clerk; showbg in general the complete cost .* of the wkk, and specific_dly
the folf?wing:
[b)$ Materials furnished for the project, and the cost of the Bqms thereof.
(0) Cost of labor, cost of equipent hired, and supervisory cost,
same by esnplopent of day labor. 1
2. The Village Engineer, beirig a Re,&tered B&neer, is hereby authorized
* (a) * Fi~ql-Costs of the various units of tmrk'done.
Said repoe shdLl also contain a cerbificate by said'kgineer that I the wrk vas
done according to plans and specifications thereofor. I
Xotion for adoption of Resofution was seconded by'ChSLd; and on Rollcall there Gere
._ five ayes and no nays, as follows:' Bredesen, aye; , aye; and the Resolufjion was adopted.
aye; Bank, aye; -
I ,,I I. *. , "11 Hayor -. . ..I ,. . .
$=ape &itchell, in a mitten inquiry to the Council, asked the CouncKL*s positibn'
-* as to the 60th Street and Chowen Stom Sher p;oblem. * He presented a new EHf;imate
of Cost,, at a lower figure than that foqnerly estimated; explaining that a&2. possible
sho@-cuts had been investigated for the construcb5on of a drainage system adequate
to aledate this problem.
Child then offered the folloksing Resolution and moved its adoption: - l3EOZUTIO3l rmovIDING FO3 PUJ3LIC €3E%B7NG
He adwisgd construction before winter, if possible. .
*- 9N ,P~OPO~~.~TO~.~.S~~-~~~~R~~~~~ .APPROV~G c
!jqgq @.g sP$cg@&T.QE!s -EQ~"%.Q,- we@G%:rn. * ,AND .SjmamG ADXERTISB*W .FOR BIDS *.
BE IT ~OLVED by the Coun8Q ,of..t~~.V~~e,gf,Edina, .as_fo&lols:. . .
as to the. feasibility-of the proposed Stoa Sewer Xmproyement described in the form
of Notice of Rearing set forthbelow, qd as-to the est,bated cost of such hprovement,
saa report' is hereby approved and diriicted 30 be placed on file in e.. the office of the Vill;age Clerk..
7~30 Po&9 to &nsider in public hearing,the VieIJS Of
proposed ii;iprovement .
. . I.*+ _ThelTUlage %&eel', ha-g--suhmitti3d+6*the COUnCa a pr@maW
2. *This Council shall meet at the Village Hall on*l.fonday, October L2, 1953, at person? interested in said
' -
3. The Clerk is hereby authorized 9/26/53 ayid directedto cause notice of the tbe, 376
place and puqose'of "said neeting to be published in the official newspaper once
a week for two successive weeks, the second of said publications to be not less. -
than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shaU be in subsbti&ly
the following form:
The Edina at 7:X Po&, to consider the following proppsed improveqent; to be constructed
wde? the Futhority granted by MXmesota Zaws of 1953, Chapter 398s The appro*- mate cost of such hfirovement is esthtted by the Village Engineer to.be $65,ooO.OO,
Construction of "Village Storm Sewer and Appurtjenances comencing at the *tersection of 'Abbott Jyenue and Ff.bOth_Street; tho West to Chowen Ave,;
th, South on Chdyen Avet to We61st-.St,; th, West on %[,-6lst St. to Ewing
Ave.; th, contihed l:Jesterlx7across_easement- $0 Fran-Ge Ave,; th, South
on France Ave. €0 a pint 480 Ft, North of %62hd St,; $ha Westerly on
easement 713.34"Feet, to lake. ~
Council. ,@u. .~~@$$ $he_.YU&age 'Hall, Monday, October 12, 1953,
The area proposed to'he assessed for th'e cost of said &pmvemr& includes all
lots and tracts.of lbd wi%hin the following descjribed boundaries:.
"Beginnhg at point 200 Feet North of Section Comers 19,20,29 & 30 (France Ave. and tL62nd st.); th,'Easterly 300 feet-to West_Zine of Xhing-Ave, exbended; th.
Southerly on Ewing Ab, extended, to %,62nd St,; tho Ea,sterly_to Beard Ave.
extended; tho Worth_%O feet; th, East 600 feet, more-or less, to. center of alley
line extended, .betweb Abbott and Zen2th Aves.; th, Northerly along said extended
alley through centeriine of Zot 32, Block-6, Harriet Manor 2nd Addition; th.
Easterly 75 feet; t& Northerly through lots 9 to 1, Block 6, Hwriet &nor
2nd Addition, to een?erline of W,59th St,; th, Westerly on' centerlisre of W,59th
St, $0 a point 60 .f&t West of !(est lqe of Abbott Ave,; th, gouth and pa-rflel
to Abbott Ave, to po*knt%,on North line of I&_@, Block 5;"Harriet &nor 2nd
Addition; th, West to Northwest corner of,Lot 8;. th, South- to East-West Alley
between Abbott-"and Bkard &venues; th, West,a,long said-alley to- center of -Beard
Avenue; th, North 50' feet; th, West 100 feet; th, North on line LOO feet West of
and parallel to centgrline of Beard five. to ceni;'er of W, 58th St,; tho* 17es5 to
centerline of Chowen" Ape,; th.. Southerly to point opposite SoGh line p.f Lot 29,
Auditorts Subdivisio*n_312; tho 27esterly to Southest corner-of ht 29; th. South
+o Southeast corner. :of zlbt 24, &ditor''s Subdivision Not, 312; th, Vest 58 feet;
th...South, LOO feet Xast of and_parallel $0 centerlinp of Drew Ave-,., to South line
of Lot 19, Auditor($aSubdivision No, 312; th, Vest to Southwest-comer of Zot Lc2,
Auditorts Subdivis$oin*No. 312; th. South through center of lots 43=,4!~,45 and 46,
$0 a poJslt .in Lot 4f, &uditorts Subdivision No, 312 on the North Ut Line of Lot 49,
extended; tho Vest on North ljne-of Zot 49 extchded to a' point %:feet East of
centerline of Franc; Ave,; th, South,pardlel to centerzine of France Aye,, to a
point in Lot 48, &di?orts Subdivision No. 312, 60 feet North OX centerline 02
w.60th Street; th, lfest $0 centerline of France Ave,; th, West along North line .. of Lot 11, Block 4, borants Edina Emor, -bo the Northwest corner of satd lot; the
Souf;h and 1W feet %est o$ and par+llel to centeFline of France Ave., to a pobt
200 feet North of Y.162nd St,; tho 130 feet East to pobk af: be@gning,*r: .. c EVAU C. BANK, Village'Clerk -
4. The plans ind specifications for sdid prdposed xStorm Sewer bprovement,
heretqfore prepared,by the Villa& Xngjneer and now on file in-the office of the
Village Clerk are herebi approved, .- 5. _The Clerk ?hall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Norningside
Courier and tee Con@ru?tion Bulletin the foll6wing notice for bids for the
construction of saig improvemsnt z
. I
*' .* VjJlag? oXJklha
October E!!, 1953, a$-*7:30 Pol$., to open and consiaer sealed bids forAthe Con-
stmct9on of YillagF S$omn-SeiJer and Appurtenances commencing at the htersection
of Abbott Ave-.. and y,@th St,; th, West to Cho6en he.; tho South on Chowen to 1~,61st stl; th. Wes5 on'Z.f,6lst St. -$os Ewing,Ave.; t;h. continyed Westerly across
easement to Frange $ve,j.th. Sogth on France_Ave, to a point 480Ft.lN0rth of
-* for sad ~provmen$ oqfile in office of Village Clerk, Bids must be subnitted
on basis 0% cash payperrb, for work. No bids wiU be consibred uiless sealed and
filed ldth undersaed pefore time o$ said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit,
bid bond, or certiP$e&I;check payable to Village Clerk in smounk 0% ten percent of
wmt of bide ...
The Edina:Villa.ge CouracQ2~&Lme$ .at the Village Hall; Nonday,
%,62nd St,; tih, %es$erly on easement 7&3& Feet, b*lak73. .. .- Ifork --st% be done as described and ,specif%ed 53. plws and specifications
I - .P * .I BY OFiD~ :F VIWE COUNCIL, ._ EV' C, BANK, VUlage Clerk
villagg bff.,'Wna - *-**--*I-- -%.'--l.*r--? +.*...-*
6, Each and 'of the terms of th; forggouig ad*ertis&ent for bids are
hereby adopted as $he terms and conditiions of award Of the cOnt3.aCt for SaAd
improvement. were five qyes and no
,..,. *,.>..*.
3r;desen moved for approval of Vilkge Payrou, amoun% $X0,04?.40, and =quo$ Store
Papol, amount 8655.32, for period Sepkember 16 to 30," 1953, as skteh.in detail in
Danens and carried.
( "the Pqyroll Zzdger, and for payment of $he folaor.ri@ Chinxi. %%ion seconded by
-9597 < 9598
959s f 9600
9620 9626
9621 9628
9629 9630 - '
1 9631 9635 96M 9641
9648 9649 9650 9651
9652 9653 9654 9655 9656
9657 9658 9659 _- 9660 9661
TOt -
city Trkas.$ city of Q~S~
I, E, Geiger Sales Co, IN, Ryan, Sheriff of Hemepin Co,
h%ernational Harvester
&let@ Smith
Crowq Rubber .S&p
Jog Rush L, v. 3E1Xer
Kenneth a.~; ~oinson
Ed. Ben Sherman
lEichard Somenberg
Cris Ibf$tzeL
'Ernest Hansea
C, A, Johns-Gone
Phillip Bacon
James HcNeUis
Gur%is 9.1, Hol-t;er
SeX-X$or Pist. Co. '
Rosenrirald Cpoper
K!Uer Davis Cb.=
Underwood Go.
Zyle Signs, Inc.
Review Publications
N.V. Bell Telephone Coi
Tom & Country hardware .
Mor.tihern States Fower
Glaeser Sand & Gravel
Dick Palen Bdios
Anemcan &en
Tsxh City-Testing & Ehg;
BerEelson rjros.
Pred Jonas.
Jack Neredi%h
John Olson
+qrge Thompson
Iforris Sex
Butler Sad Co.
Dale Green Co*
I-Bnnesota Hosp. Serv. Assnr
Paul Blake
~onstruction -4
Sa J. T~s .
Richards uiz Cq. 1
H. A? Rogers
N. 13; BeU,Telephone Go.
Ric+ar& a3 eo. Glacier Sad & Gravel
Dick Palen, &%otos
E, L Rogers
13. E; Goulter
E&a Sand & Gravel
Tr.rin City Testing & Engo
Tolta, -g*& Day I
ToLtz, ELng i?t Pay'
O*Erien Const. .Cor
Hazer Cor&%, Co. '
Bart Carlone
Bart-Carlone -
Ashworth & Son
AshmrEh et Son
Ashvorth & Son
Ashrmrth & Son
Wet%i & Sons
Peter Zame-i;.t;i Const, Cow*
Pet= Lametti Cons%. Coo
&fei & Itkriani
Orfei & Rariani
@fei & 1.lariani
@*lorn -
9/28/53 273
9663 9664
9568 9569
9570 9571 9572 9533 9574 9575 9576 957 7 9578
9579 9580 958a. 9582 9583 9584 9585 9586
' 9588 9589 9590
9625 9632 9633
BeXpst Drake
Village .of Richf ield
Village of .. Richfield *
Einneapolis Gas Go. Hormd- Stiff * .f-
Ih, Hog Zeigler
u, so Supply Coo
Staxdard Unit l?artS
Rihm Motor:Cor
International Harvester w
Lief Bros. Znc.
Goodyem Service Stores
Firestone Stores
PdWberg Bros , Trice
P, A. Xubrlcant Bo & B.Seat Cover Go.
Weer Rim & Idheel Coo
Steele Sign Service
Pfpls. Iron Store
7J. Eo Ial~
Suburban Chevrolet
Delegzrd-Tool Cor
Chas. Olson & Sons, Inc. A &Til Go, of Kim..
Kasson Qils Ihc.
Service Tool eC Equipment Co.
Edha Pure Oil Service 5
EJ.IT, Bell Telephone Go.
Northern States Power
American Wnen Co.
' Reinhard Bros.
,* . L€Wmk$i& Service
13.47 78'99
5.00 4m
18.30 28.05 599.80
Underwood Cor 21.36 479.78 13 .8S 8096
9623 Town & Country Hardware 7LJJ-
9616 9619 Badger Meter Mfg. Go8
9620 962~ Robert Sheedy .
9624 9665 I- Bob McCrea
NOW. Bell Telephone Cob
Northern States Power 798.65 ' WATER nrnvD &5*12 8 1,@8,83 =
9622 S. 5. Rutherford 1.55 $b ~ L55 *
9624 Northern States Power - 6.56 8 6.56 -
Constmciion FLUXI * - ~o,ooo*oo P.I*B.FUND*
10,000.00 ~)60,000~00 9670 9668 P,I.R, Bond Skg, Fund
9446 S,So#53 jinprovement Fund --
&nheuser-IXisch, Inc , - .4O5*36 .
* . 213.58
603 a48
.L 1 434,Ol - - -.2,66LSZ;
2702 Gluek Brewing Company 312 e84 2703 Gold- E4edal Beverage Conpaw --i . 63.92
KueKher Distributing Company 23L20 2705 Nasso3.t B ottling Company fh +I 24e06
IkKesson & Robbing 500*74
2707 I$idwesk %&he company, kc,- 1- - 4'7LOS 2708 lheapolis Brexing Cor =&182,89 tr
2709 1EnneapoE.s City Club Ristr, Co, - e 342.08
-. - 536.07 -- 2710
94eM 2?u- 2712 Se?en4Jp Bottling Compar?y r
Cmada Dz!y Ginger Ale, Xnc.
Coca-Cola Bottling Gompany
Distillers DistribWi5ng Go.
CLM, &oney.Beverage Go+.
68.80 I
2700 2703. Famous Brands Inc. I ~
Pabst Sales Company - 5731.33, c
Ed, Phillips & SO~ CO,
c b 7 - --.
To: -
9f 28/53
Shelly I)is-h?ibu@ng Company
Rex 13is tributing Company
Rop.3 Bemrsge Distr, Go,
Ckwen ec sons
Val, BjornSonJ &ease of (PEEN)
T-Ecm, HospU Service Assfn, -
Iiiid3an.d Na-t-ional Bank of IQaS,
Xorthern S”catr?s Pox+rer Company
Distillers Dis tyibu%ixa Comnpany
Griggs, Cooper i& Company
016 Peoria Cornpaq, Inc.
Nor-&ves’cern Bell Telephone Coo
Griggs, Cooper eC Company
Tillage 02 Edina
l-faagw Hit cheU. presentid Analyses of Assessment, ’and Assessmen? Rolls for severdt
improvement pro jeds now- complete, which were e-ed by the Vilhge Council. offered the following Resolution and moved its. adoption:
- .I . .WmGS , ,. ..
FA3 IT RESOLVED br the Copcfl of the Village*,of Edina, as foJlo.rv?r. ~
specially assessed-fg S&I’P&RY SE!!ER I3dPROVEM3NTS NOS.-& and 49, TIm.UIN
.. (!-lSa C-25, C:30, E39 and_C&.2, ag&s$. the-respectip pieces and parcds
of land wit- the distect affected b;p- each of sat$ improveqents, and said proposed
assessments having been gifed with the Clerk, the same ?e hereby approved, and said
Clerk shall keep the saq on file in his office and open to public inspection pending
hearing thereon as hereip provided.
2. This Counc$l. shall meet, at the time qd place specified in the form of
notice hereinafter contained to pass upon sa5d proposed assessmentsd and the Clerk is
hereby dhected to cause-notice of the time, piace and purpose of’said meeting to be
published in the offici@ newspaper at least 30 days pior to said meeting, dxi,.ch
notice shall be in substptially the following €om;
NfEICE IS HE32EBY GI” that the Counci.&of.the.V~Uage of Edina ~rill meet at the
Vmage.Ijall-on Nonday, Uovenber 9, 1953, at 7;30 P.N., to-hear qd,pass upon dl
objections, if apy, to the proposed assessments €or the €oLlotring tmprovements,
Vihich assessments are now on file in %he office of the Village Clerk and open to
public inspection:
and Appwemces in IEndsor Avenue between Code Ave, and Hayion Road.
arid ippurijenances jn Philbrook Lane,
and Appur&enances ~IL t1ooddaJ.e Avenue betpeen tf.60th and !f06lst streets and in
Fairfax Ave, between ${.60th St. and Wooddale Ave.
in Brookdew &venue.betireen If, 58th and W. 59th Sts,
in If. 58th- Street between York and Xerxe~ Avenues, and in Xerxes- -Avenue between
f-T,5&h -. and_II.flth Sts, -- 5. 17a&e-_Impravemept No. ~Slr-Co&truction of V‘qe TIa$e+ Exbension
and $pp@-enances in FJ.bOth St. in Halifax Ave. Ad&. -6, Street fmprovement No, A=%--Blackbopp5qg of Xmnne, Terrace. 7. Street rinproveraent No. ;?-314rading, Gravelling and.Stabil.iz:ed Base-- .
8, Street hg-ovaent No. &-%--Devey Drive.
9. Street Improvemnt No. &36--1700d Eqd Drive,
10, Street Bprovment ;NO. Slo-gmstruction pf st;and~rrd Vfifage curb and
-JJ. Street Improvanent 110. A-4ly-3hcktopphg of hkepiey Drive between II’JoodddLe
12.. Street Inprovepent No. &-9--Grading and Gravelling of York Avenue h&men
.. -, - I - lo,- -The Clerk gnd Engineer having calculated the proper” amount to be
IMPR3YB’EB!PS NOS* 44, 53 ad_!&, -+@-,S~--QPN~~S NOS0 A&$,+*.A-313 -R-34, A-36,
I. Sa,nitaryCSewer hprovement No. 4!j--Gonstruction of S&tq Lateral Sewer
2. Sanitary Seygr Improvement No. 49-+3onstruction of S+.ary Later&-Sewer
-3. 1ratemai.n hpmvement NO. U-Constrictjon of VilxagG Irate- xxtension
3-A.TIatermSCtn kRroveme$ No. 5Q--Constr~ctio~ of Vjilage (7atemna5.n Extension
. 4.. * %~kmagin hprovme@ No. 53--Constru@ion of Village @i$epain 3Zxbension -
Brookvkw-Avenue, ITo61st to lI,6*d St. --
ktter in St,hdrews Avenue between Lakeview Driva and +SouthvietJ hne.
and SLJohns Avenue.
-- -
ILfl~ki and B.595h Sts. .
13. Street Improvment No. C-lg & 28-?Grading and Gravelling of Zenith Avenue - detveen TI. $&h and- K60tih 3k.s U. Street Dpovaeqt No. -C-B5--GcadinL and Gravdlim of York- Avenue -b ehreen ., 17.59th and S.I.60th.Sts. +
15. Street Improvanent No, G3(E-Grading,and Gravelling and ?tabi%.zed Base--
TJoodcrest .Drive, - *
fjeard and Abbot% Avenues and between We5&h and TL59t;h Sts.
. 170 street Tmprovement No. C-42-Grading .. and m* Gravelling of Ashcro€% Am.
betpreen TT05€%h and ‘I.T.6Oth Sts.
16, Street Znprovaen’t; ko. d-3b-Grading and Gravelling of that filey between
., .
The area proposedto be assessed 9/28/53 for each ofthe above named improvements 275
consis.t;s of all the lots, pieces and parcels of land abutt$ng said specified
hprovementaij except that the area proposed to be assessed for Watermain
hprovment No. 53 includes onlythose tracts of land abutting Xerxes Avenue
between W.S$th and W.57th Sts. .. ZVAZD C. BIWK,- ViIlage Clerk
gJlagq of @kina
Notion for adoption of the Resolution'was-seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
/2iZ-&-. .. -- I/! 4- J.. < Ad
. . . ._. . . . . . . .e. .&yop., '. . ~, , . , .
.I at this time Assistant Engjneer Zikan returned with bids taken this evening,
which were found to be as follows:
E.J. Astleford Co.
Peter, Zmetti Cqnst.Co. 85,3460 50
Terry Exc. Co., .5,731.00 hetti & Sons ' f. 53 777 50
Bart Cdrlone 53796.00
OtBrien Const, 00. 53S69.25
- hiscussion was had as to possible award-of bids, tonight, for the lHalifax Xane
project, with a Smau delegation headed by Bb. We&ch asking that mrk be
expedzted before frost. Tmstee Danens stated that he feels the bid is high;
but on review of the Engineerls Estimate it was found that low bidder 9s not
out of line,
@hikits kotion, for referrax of renaf&g bids to Village Engineer for report
at next regular mee$ing, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Let-iier from Esnst & Emst; Auditbrs, rkpesting.CouncS. policy as to certa5n
interfund transfers,-was read and discussed at some length.
detailed discussion was with regard to the status of the Waterworks Bevenue
Fund b relation to the demands for new wells aud towers;--with'the necessity
~f raising water rates imminent and the fact that current revenues; although
good, cannot finance added needed cons%ruction. Chfldt s motion, authorizing
contribution frornthe Village General Fund to the.Watemmrks Revenue Fund in
an mount sufficient to pay the "cost of the feeder-plain to the Concord Avenue
we11 and tower, anount some $16,800, was seconded by Bank and carried.
. ALSO, in connection with Ernst & Ernstts request for &icy, 'child movedthat
the General Fund contribute an amount sufficient to pay special. assessmenki
on park properties for the year 1953 to the Park hhd; that the mattes of a
contribution for these special assessments on park properties be considered on a year-to-yeax basis.
Danens then moved for award of bid to low bidder, Pfe3ffer Const.
GO., at $3,775.80. Notion seconded by Child and carried. *
Jh this connec%ion
Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
The matter of the practic&.ty of machine bookkeeping for the administration
office was discussed at some length. Bank's motion, authorizing a survey by
Ernst and Zrnst as to bookkeeping procedurps, res seconded by Child and
carried. .,
Letter was received from the Dayton Company td-bh regard $0 the IpeAgrading of
France Avenue from 'G\T.69th to %7&h Street, &. EitchesJ. recommended asking
%he County to lay out it new gxade and present..Lt tp the T3J.lage Council for
approval. Bank's motion, that Manager I!ELtchell be authorljzed to-consult with
the Hennepin County Highway Depgrtnept .as to reLgrading *- in the above location,
was seconded by Child and carr;ied.
With regard- to &gineerbg Income, Manager mtchell reported that the EngineeJring
Department 4s Iqsing-money on sma1.1. .projects; making it prodit -on large-pro jects,
by charging a unif0l.m k3$ for Enghe*ering and Clerical work. Banlcts motion,
directing 'fhnagerto draw up a sXiding scale to cover engbeering-and dlerical.
work on improvment projects, n- was seconded bybredesen and carried.
Mayor Zrickson presented, for Council approval, a letter to Governor C. Elmer
Anderson, shathg Edina' s coopration in the Governor' s Safety FIeek, and _asking in turn that the Governpr intercede for this codty @ its effo&s to have
Beltline speeds reduced. Bredesen moved for approvdl of letter. Plotbn
seconded by Child and carrj.ed. I
The recent death of l-k, Earl C. Sharpe, fomer Hayor of
and Bank offered the- follordng Resolution and moved its
the Vmage was reported,
%lHEEEAS, "Ihrl C, Sharpe se~ed.gs,~.~~or.,of'the Viilage of Edina for six years,
3-, .Earl C, Sharpe has been-a capable qnd conscientious leader in the
Xi! RISOLVEXl by the ViUage Gouncil of the WLLage of Zdina, that this
d&ng which time the growth of this Beage greatly .increased the duties and
responsib&tkies of the I-kyos, and
developqm$_of many._imprOvgnents .r%nich make this comnauu 'ty. a better place 5n which to reside.
Council conver,tq.th-e fdx of Earl C, Sharpe itsc-expression.-of sorrow at the
loss of a pubLic spirited friend-of the y~umnity,
X033on fop adoption of the Resolution was secondedby Child, and on RoUcaz1 there
yere five ayes and no nays,-.as
3ank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the
_I I .I .. ..
Chzjrman-of Civil Defense, Richard E, Falea,'was :present to submit to the Coupcil
his r&pes% of some $15,00O-_for Civs pefense purposes in &he year L954; the
greater miount of which is to take advaatage of opportunkties offezed br the
State Tor -purchase of mdg signals and other equipment. Bsnkrs motion, that
?Fewest be3 accepted for consideration by Council Budget Committee, was seconded
by Bredesen and carried. 1* - r
At this time Child moved for adjourrusent;. Hotion seconded by Bredesen arid carried6
f.ieeting adjoumed at ut55 POX.
.. * u -.
rnrnA.yaL4rn. CO~CrII, HEgD .&rn@&,.
OCTO~~E. 5,,.1~52, ~ff.7~30 P.M. _AT_THE
.-* . -. =)mA-En- - I w.
I _-. _* .--_ . _..-
Pursuant to due cdLl and notice by the Nayor, the Meeting was convened at the Village Ball at 7:30 P.N. Ifembers answering RoJlcU, were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bar& -. and Erickp~,-.' E. f
Affidavits were presented showkg publication in the Edina-Eorningside CourLer and
.in the Commercial Hest of notice of sale of $365,000 35nprovement Bonds of 1953;
$6,000 @pr"Oement- -Bonds 02 1951, Series 1-a;. @7!59000. 'iiaprovement Bonds of 1951,
Series 2-a $nd $$250,000 Southdale Improvenjent Bonds, First Series, sealed b5ds for
yhich were directed by the Council.to be opened and considered at this meeting,
Said afadavits were examined, found sat;isfackory and directed to be placed on
file in the office ofthe Olerk, and upon motion dulymade, seconded and carried
the terms 2nd provisions of each of said bond issues, as set forth in sdd
published noti6e of sale, were approved, ratified and confimed,
The Clerk then reported that two sealqd bids had bean received pursuant to said
notice prior to the the of this meeting, whfch bids were thereupon opened and
publiclyread and considered, and the highest and best 'bid of each bidder for each
of said issues was found to be as fol3.0~~~.
lkne and Address of .Bidder
I @65,000 kprovaent Bonds of 1952
2.ianager of Bidding Account kterest Rate or Rates Frdm
$4.l2.00 Noythwestern.National Bank, Npls.) . . I *-
First National Bank, Hpl-s., 1 &i * *
and Associates .
g.J.PresCot* & coo ) 2.75% on'l.laturities 1&-1959,Inc;. ) 3,oog on Naturities 1960-1965,kc. 8 46.00
) PlusAddl.Coupons on all, at rate K&qayldCoqany
JUPW & 3hd~ Pahe,?.lebber,Jackson & C&iS ) Of I$+ frO~-3/1/1954 to 3/1/1955 -. (Av,Net I& 300?%?182%)
) (Av,Net Intk 2,88129kfi - ..
.. *