HomeMy WebLinkAbout19531026_ADJOURNED32 31/2/53 IdBWKES OF THE ADJOURNED PoIlTION OF THE FEGULAR ' OCTOEW$ 26, 1953 .IEE3?.KG OF.-THE EDDJA VIUm- __ . COUNCIL, mm KONDAY, . NO~~ZB~B -2, ~953, AT. 7t30 P.1.r. , .a .an THZ.EDINA VaW HAfi;L ."..* . -,. c c -. I.lembers answering Pallcall were 'Chiid, Danens, Bank and Erickson. Bredesen arrived later, as recorded *below, Letter was received from Nomandale Community Service Council, endorsjng 14'zyoor Ericksonls %rzfficI* letter %o the Governor, wqs read by the Couyrcil, and, was ' ordered placed on file, The Rural Hennepin County Nursing District's report for Septenber was received and ordered placed on file, Nordquist Sign Companyls notification that they have received consent of owners r.rithin five hundred feet of their pmposed sign at 70th and Vooddale rms reviewed, Bdcts motion, that this cormunication be referred back to lk, R.E. Olson, with direction to inform the Sign Company of the Councilrs policy b..this matter, vas seconded by Child and carried. Ernst and &nst*s communication with reference to audit engagement for the year 1953 was submitted. to audit the books of _the Tillage of Edina for the calendar year 1753, was seconded by Danens and unanimously carried. The matter of the scheduled public hearing on the proposed vacation of itn alley between 'i.lilliam and Hankerson Avenues and between If. 5lst and V.52nd Streets was brought, before the CouncU, with Village Attorney T{indhorstt s- -opMon. Child1 s motion, that Council rescind its action schedulingpublic hearing on proposed, vacation, was seconded by Bank and carried, c * Child's motion, that' the firm of Ernst & Ernst be engaged c At this time, petition was presented for the Grading and Gravelling of an alley between Bedford and tfilliam Avenues and between W.5lst and W.52nd Streets, Child than moved that the Coyu5.l accept the ab0-y named petition, -and that petition filed in July for-the Grading and Gravelling of the alley betwkcn KLliaG and Hankerson Avenues between If, Slst and I?. 52nd Streets, scheduling public hearings on both_projec%s for NoGday, November 23, :1953, &*7:30 P,TL, pending further report by f.lr. lEtchel.& as to costs, feasibility of vrork,-etc. Hotion secontled by Bank and carried, W, NitcheU. stated that it is now too 1afA;to take bids on this work, but th& Hearing mi&& be held now, vith work scheduled for spring. Trustee Bredesen entered' the meeting at this the. . 1.2~. Xitchelf vas directed to have bad holes on Bro~mdale bridge repaired just as soon as possible, as a safetymeasure. Application of James H, Statts, 4307 Fairviey Avenue, Hopkbs, for Plumberrs License for the .period ending April 1, 195.4: v~as 'submitbed. t Bankrs. motkon, that application be approved subject to approval by Building Supt.. Tfoebler, was' t seconded by Child and carried, .- SQor Erickson reported the request of the Edina Youth Commission for a change of name for their organization, to IIEdina Youth council,^* because of the con- fusion which is nov experienced with thdr. orgaazation and the Youth Conser- =%ion Cormnission; dso their request for appointment of two teen-age repra- sentatiyes to the organriziation. two yotrth representatives by the High School body. name of the Edina YouCh Commission be changed to Wdina Youth Council, and granting authorization to the Nayor to name two teen-agers to the Youth Council, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Discussion vas had about nomination of the Bankts mofAdn, that the I- Discussion was had as to proposed water rates change, with adoption of rates delayed to next, regular-meeting. Public Utilities Supt . Xoehler once again reported.on chlorination. Csd .moved, Wedesq seconded, and motion carried, that Building Inspector be instxticted to secure a written opjnion from the Village At$orney, to present to the Council at their next regular meeting, as tp whether or not advertisement for bids for chlorination equipat is necessaryo I-&. Voehler reported request for permit to build on South side of Bterlachen Blvd,--Tacing house the long pray of the lot, He ejrplened that, on these small lots in the Brookside Heights area it is almost impossible to construct a modern durell5ng and still maintain the proper setbacks, Child moved direction to the Building Inspector to delay issuance of permit untg Council knows more about the project. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carriedt Nr. t'loehler then recommended that Council require corner lots on new plats to be at least 30 feet trider than inside lots, to Dreclude future difficulty with setbacks. i xL'21/53 33 Manager &Etchell brought before the Council the matter of Workmen* s Compensation Coverage (and the lack thereof in cytain instances) for Fgremen and-Policemen. He reported - That firemen and policeman are covered when but only when said demonstrations are within the geographjc LMts of the Village. 2. That firemen are portected when fighting fires in other municipalities, = but only if the Village Council has authorized such action by a 5/7 vote. 3. That policemen &e covered %hen qutside the Village, only if in the act of pursuing an alleged wrongdoer or crrimjnal--and possibly only if said wrongdoer or cr*al.instigated his act within the limits of this Village. P.Tuch discussion followed this report, with Child offering the following Resolution and moving i%s adoption: i 1. Civil Defense demonstrations, I. FtESOZljTION AUTHORIZING AND DaECTmG TIEE EDIIUL- VOLNV&ZEEl. FX@$ DEPA3Tl%Xl! _TO AZD. , FIRES I OWSIZlE:.THE NUNTCTpktJTP - enter.ed-i@o a Reciprocal. Fire Service Agreement wikh %he muplcipa2itiies oP FLcMieZd, St .Louis Park, Goldel? Valley, Hopkins and Bloomington, Ninnesota; wd i $4,' said aKreement bin& the fi&e fighting agencies 08 each munb cipaliki-to-aid in fighting fires in each of the othe? participating comunities, MOP?, Y&mFOm, BE IZI RESOLVED, that the nembers of the Edjna Volunteer Fire Degarbmnt -md the 33ma Police Departmen$ are hereby authoriied and directed to aLd the mnicipali$ies of .Richfielg, St.Louis Park, Golden Valley, Hopkins and Bloomington in the-*fighting of fires ogtside this muni,cippdity, in accordance with the provisiong of sad Reciprocal Fire OTHER i@NJCTp&IT~S XbJ. T@ FIWINCI;..OF' , I l4HEEk3, the Counca .of - the ,Village of .Xd%a, .ithinesota, has, heretofore, Service Agreement. nC -7 lkotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays,-+as follows: Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Reso , aye;..Danens, aye; under the Village Workments Corapensation policy. Notion seconded by Bank and carried. "- *., Efamger Mtchell was iriformally directed to check once &gaiS; with the Hardware E4utuals Company as to coverage {or police officers. &one discussion was had oncthe mtter of making Valley View Road, from Nomandale, East,-a 100-foot rght-of-way. 152. Child reported on a'iaeetLng held with County, City and SouthdaLp officials, at-which such widening had been suggested; with the Village to pay cost of righ$-of-way acquisitLon and the County %he cost.of building and maintaining a four-lwe through way to Rornand33e. e. Xtchell reported that there are several new houses now uncler construction, which would have to be moved; thpt he bellieves cost of right-of-Twwould be very expensive to the Village. provide -for a two-foot divider, a&h 5: unt&L further- report .is received from the County; and it was sugges%ed that 3ir. Ei.tcheX1 inform the Planning Commi'ssion bf the Council1S present twng as Lo Valley View Road. .-No fome action taken. - ,/I Suggestion was made th the present 66-foot %ht-of-~w -rsould 22-foot lams at eiZher side, and N-fOOt e boulsvards. Xanager Mitchell recommended that Counc3.l withhold fha3 action, -I Manager Wtchell then told the Council that the Normandale &theran Church has inquired as- to the Roi@bQity df a future grade -separaeion,a'k this corner, Inasmuch as the church is now ready to build its supeP structure. was taken, inasmuch ,as there lare now no plans Tor such a grade separation and Council cannot determine what the future holds for this intersection, &. EEtchell informed the Council that the State's'plans for Nomandale, tentatively approved at the meeting of October 26, are again being revised to include service roads; that revised plans will be Bubmitted at a later date. Mo action - No action taken Bank's motion, that Manager Mitchell"be directed to idom the Planning Commission of the exbent of the.-Coun&il:,s knowledge concernbg plans for a-highway dong the old Hopkins Streetcar righbof-way, c was Seconded by Bredesen and carried. t < 34 wz/53 Hanager T43tcheU. reported that there are several. peat fires burning novr, started byethe large grass fire of some two veeks ago, large s~mp areas, far I"r0m water; that it is practicaJ-ly an impossibility to .extinguish them, 3knager PEtcheU was instructed to have warning signs put up in the area, to prevent accidents insofar as possible. &, Bredesen suggested that a program of winter tree-trimming be bitiated, with costs to 'be assessed against owners of benefited properties. cussion as to method of bidding, assessing, etc., lJlBnager Uitchell was directed to antact tree trimming firms for expert advtce as to how. to handle this proposed improveaent. 3fanager %Etchell reported that Council 5s not receiving bids on grading and gravelling-that no bids were received O~tob~r,~26;;,orr either the Garpison he or the Josephine Avenue Grading and Grayelling-pm jects; and that the only..bid received September 28, for Xerxes between TJ.66th and 1?,6gt;h Sts. is much too fiigh, Child! s motion, that sponsors of Gavison &me. -and Josephine Avenue improvqents,be notified that no bids have been received and that Council. believes it impractical. to re-advertise for bids before spring, vas seconded by Danens and carried, Bredesanls motion, that Council reject the bid received September 2S, for the Gradingand Gravelling of Xerxes Avenue between 91.66th and IT,6&ih Streets, was seconded by Batik and carried. f.fanager BiitcheU asked that Council take action on bids received October 26 for Storm Sewer in 60th and Chowen area. Bredesen moved for rejection of bids, trotion seconded by Bank and carried, . He explained that these are .- After much dis- .. .. Fjredesen then mved for adjournment. Notion seconded by Child and carried. Eieeting adjourned at 10 : 55 P.14, - .. *. r. C I - 3mS OF THE FifEXUR l-WING OF TiiE EDIHA pI_IwIGE. COUNCILa q. NONDAY,,. XOW&BER-9, -19539 .AT-7:3Q-J?J-I., .JJT TdE C . I- . . . ..- m11a v'sT;TJLGI;: iyLLe- , .. .....__ .*I_( Henhers answering Bollcall were chili, Danens, Bank and Erickson; trith 3radesen coming later, as recorded, First matter on the agenda insethe taking of bids. affidavits of Publication in Edina-Nornfiigside Courier and Construction Bulletin, ' October 29 and, Novaiber 5, for '?Advertisement for Bids,!' €or the following; which affidavits were approved as to fom and ordered placed on file, Pa,rk hard; Traffic Lights for Southvj-ew Lane; Grader and Gravel, Concord Avenue, Trustee Bredesen entered the meeting at this tiaie. Clerk Bredesen presented - Truck forr 'I Bank moved that" bids received this evening be referred to the Assistant Village Engineer for public opening in the Village Engineerrs Office. -3fotion seconded S&*s notion, for approval of the Ilinutes of the Nee-bings of Septe;abw 21 and 28, October 5, 12 and 26, ,and November 2, 1953, was seconded by Child and carried. At this time &yor j3ridkson amohced the Continuation of %he October 12th Public Hearing on the proposed Ifatemain Smprovement in the Nelody Knolls area and, South +hereof ties iyr the area. xas filed, as was a petition, signed by R.C.SonnerQberg and Hmry C, Hansen,' r.rithdrawing Ifelody Lane and Relody Lake Drive properties from orighal pet$ki.on for watermain improvement, Child*s motion, that Public Nezring on proposed ITatemain Improvement for NelodF Knolls area be. continued inder"initely, with the understaqfing that Council v&ll notify affected property ovrners of the date to be set €or continued-hearing, vas seconded by Danens and carried, * by_Child &d carried. .. 5 '.. Petition,. protesting improvement, signed by owners 02 39 proper- Public Hearing was then called on proposed change of street name for St, Johns Avenue in Stocke E3C Hansonts Concord Terrace, Clerk Bank presented copy of '_'Notice of HearingI~ mailed to affected property ovmps, which Notice was approved and ordered placed on file, dation €or change to 1*FairfaX" Avenue was' reviewed. There were no mj.tten objections, and no objections-were filed from the floor. follovning Ord-ce and moved its adoption, with second reading to be mived: Building aspector Woehler's recornen- . ChiLd offered the