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Hanager T43tcheU. reported that there are several. peat fires burning novr, started
byethe large grass fire of some two veeks ago,
large s~mp areas, far I"r0m water; that it is practicaJ-ly an impossibility to
.extinguish them, 3knager PEtcheU was instructed to have warning signs put up in the area, to prevent accidents insofar as possible.
&, Bredesen suggested that a program of winter tree-trimming be bitiated, with
costs to 'be assessed against owners of benefited properties.
cussion as to method of bidding, assessing, etc., lJlBnager Uitchell was directed
to antact tree trimming firms for expert advtce as to how. to handle this proposed
3fanager %Etchell reported that Council 5s not receiving bids on grading and
gravelling-that no bids were received O~tob~r,~26;;,orr either the Garpison he
or the Josephine Avenue Grading and Grayelling-pm jects; and that the only..bid
received September 28, for Xerxes between TJ.66th and 1?,6gt;h Sts. is much too
fiigh, Child! s motion, that sponsors of Gavison &me. -and Josephine Avenue
improvqents,be notified that no bids have been received and that Council.
believes it impractical. to re-advertise for bids before spring, vas seconded
by Danens and carried,
Bredesanls motion, that Council reject the bid received September 2S, for the
Gradingand Gravelling of Xerxes Avenue between 91.66th and IT,6&ih Streets, was
seconded by Batik and carried.
f.fanager BiitcheU asked that Council take action on bids received October 26 for
Storm Sewer in 60th and Chowen area. Bredesen moved for rejection of bids,
trotion seconded by Bank and carried, .
He explained that these are
After much dis-
.. Fjredesen then mved for adjournment. Notion seconded by Child and carried.
Eieeting adjourned at 10 : 55 P.14, - ..
XOW&BER-9, -19539 .AT-7:3Q-J?J-I., .JJT TdE C . I- . . . ..- m11a v'sT;TJLGI;: iyLLe- , .. .....__ .*I_(
Henhers answering Bollcall were chili, Danens, Bank and Erickson; trith 3radesen
coming later, as recorded,
First matter on the agenda insethe taking of bids.
affidavits of Publication in Edina-Nornfiigside Courier and Construction Bulletin,
' October 29 and, Novaiber 5, for '?Advertisement for Bids,!' €or the following; which
affidavits were approved as to fom and ordered placed on file,
Pa,rk hard; Traffic Lights for Southvj-ew Lane; Grader and Gravel, Concord Avenue,
Trustee Bredesen entered the meeting at this tiaie.
Clerk Bredesen presented
- Truck forr
Bank moved that" bids received this evening be referred to the Assistant Village
Engineer for public opening in the Village Engineerrs Office. -3fotion seconded
S&*s notion, for approval of the Ilinutes of the Nee-bings of Septe;abw 21 and 28,
October 5, 12 and 26, ,and November 2, 1953, was seconded by Child and carried.
At this time &yor j3ridkson amohced the Continuation of %he October 12th Public
Hearing on the proposed Ifatemain Smprovement in the Nelody Knolls area and,
South +hereof
ties iyr the area. xas filed, as was a petition, signed by R.C.SonnerQberg and
Hmry C, Hansen,' r.rithdrawing Ifelody Lane and Relody Lake Drive properties from orighal pet$ki.on for watermain improvement, Child*s motion, that Public
Nezring on proposed ITatemain Improvement for NelodF Knolls area be. continued
inder"initely, with the understaqfing that Council v&ll notify affected property
ovrners of the date to be set €or continued-hearing, vas seconded by Danens and
* by_Child &d carried. ..
Petition,. protesting improvement, signed by owners 02 39 proper-
Public Hearing was then called on proposed change of street name for St, Johns Avenue in Stocke E3C Hansonts Concord Terrace, Clerk Bank presented copy of
'_'Notice of HearingI~ mailed to affected property ovmps, which Notice was
approved and ordered placed on file, dation €or change to 1*FairfaX" Avenue was' reviewed. There were no mj.tten
objections, and no objections-were filed from the floor.
follovning Ord-ce and moved its adoption, with second reading to be mived:
Building aspector Woehler's recornen- .
ChiLd offered the
11/9/53 35
- ,
AN ~~~~-c~ @mmG VILLAGE OF EDIIJA Oi2DIN&tCE NfT, 164, .mIm,. $LN.ORI~NUCE 1tm.m W&~G
C +.-. .. - __.I ." I - .- _._ OF_@T1\J'A- *.
? - -.
VIIJkCS3 CW€K?fL OF TI-IE: VIU& OF EDm;iB, lmm&, DO= mm &J P
I . .:** (I-.. _I - .. FOI;Ix1ws:- * ,.
~ -- %@.On 10 6I'dinanCe ROO 164 of the village is &&by =ended by
adding after Sectian 16, the folXoturiug:
and bet.treen-vest Woodland Road and Fairfax Avenue, is bereby renamed
passage and publicatiog according< to law.
Notion for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
. '170 "St.Johns Avenue" lyhg in I!Stocke & Hanson's Concord Terrace,fr
?hi$ Ord&ance shall be in-effect from and'after its
- FAIRFAX ATi3. -?
. -Section 2.
-Hearing on Assessments for Improvemeqts,ft published in Edina44orningside
Courier October 8 and 15, 1953, for all the following improvements except
Watema2n Bprovement No. 50; 'and Affidavit of Fublicakion for Wotice of
Hearing on. Assessmeat for- Improvement, It published in Wina-Morningside
Courier October 15 and 22, .for 7Jatermai.n hprovement No. 50. These- two
affidavits of publication were approved as to form and ordered placed on
file. Council then proceeded to conduct Hearings and take action as
recorded below: c
1. STREmf 23E'ROVamn NO, A=-&- Blacktoppinp of Yvonne Terrace. Nanager
Nit chell?_a Tabulation -of Pssessment showed Total Assessable. Cost .to be
$2,429.62, as against 2,265.07 Asses.sable Feet, for $1.07 per Assessable
Fron-b Foot.
had bean filed prior to the Hearing, (See, lath in meeting, for Besolution
-2. STmT DPROVlQfEXT HL'A-31 - GEbXNG, Gravelling and Stacbikhed Base
on @rookview Avenue ,between W.6lst and,V062nd Streets.
Tabulation of *Assessment showed .Total Assessable Cost to be $3,064.51, as
against l,190.$4 Assessable Feet, for p2.57 per Assessable Foot. There were
no objections at the Hearing, and no written objections had-been filed prior
to the 2iewing. (See,. later in meeting, for Resolution Approving Assessment).
IJlitcheU~t-s ZlabuJ.ation.of Assessment showed Tot& Assessaue Cost to be
.$5,332.00, as against 1,352 Assessable Feet, for $3.94 per Assessable Foot.
There wre no objections at the Hearing, and r?o dtten Objections had .been
filed prior to the Hearing, (See, later in meeting, for Resolution Approving
Assessment). 4. - SmT lXE%O&Bi\i"r NU. 'A-36 - BlacktoGping of 'Efoodend Drive, lfmager
Mitchell! s Tabulation of: Assessment showed Tot& Assessable Cost to be
$4,163.22 as against 931.37 Assetirabls Feet,, for $4.47 per Assessable Faot.
There were no objectLons at the Hearing, and no- mitten, objections had been
filed prior to the Hearing, (See-, later- in meeting, for Resolution AppoVjng
Assessment) .
-c 5. %looddae and St,. Johns Avenues e
Feet, for $5.06 per Assessable Foot.
and no tmktten object;ions had been filed prior to the Hearjng. (See, later &P
meeting, for Resolution Approving Assessment) . 6. STmT DPROl!EiYB?T NO. B-lfj Construction of Standard Villane Curb
and GutteE b,St.Andretrs Avenue .between hkedew Drive and Southvievr Lane.
$fanager &Et che&l! s Tabulation of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost to be @j,lo7,&) as against 1,466.66 Assessable Feet, for $3048 Per Assessable Ii'oot*
There were no objections at the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See, Lateg in meeting, for Resolution ApproVing
Clerk Bank presented &@davit -of Publication for "Notice of
There no objections a% the Hearing? and,no witten objections
Approving Assessinent) . .c
kager Hit chellts
3. SmT DPEOVE2ENT NU, A-34 - BlacHoppink of Dever Drive. -&nager r
STm IMPEOV&PiEl?P .NO. i-43. - Blacktopping of Lakeview Drive between
&nagel: .HtcheUt s Tabulation ,of Assessment
There were no objections at %he Heasbg, - showed T&al hssessable Cost .to be $5,918.00, as,agahst 1,169.50 Assessable
Assessient) . 7. STRED ll4PROWm NO, 6.9 - Gridin; and GraveZJcing'of York Avenue
. hetween, W. 57th .and W. 59th Streets. Msanager Etchell-' s Tabulation of &se&iment
showed Total Pssessable Cost to be $1,609.96 as against 2,738.06 Assessable
Feet, for s.59 per Assessable Foot.. There were no objections at the Hearing,
and no witten objections had been filed prior to the Heaing.
neeling, for Resolution Approving Assessment) . (See, laker 5r
36 ll/9/53
8. STR.El3.F D.D?ROVBIBhT NO. CXQ & C-28 - Grading and Gravelling of Zenith Avenue
between W. 58th and lL60th Streets. Hanager 14it chellt s Tabulation of Assessmat showed Total Assessa%le Cost to be $1,458.93 as agaj.rist 2,353.12 Assessable Feet,
or 3.62 per Assessable Foot., There.r.rere no objections at the Hearing, and no
written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See, later in meeting,
for Resolution Approving Assessment)
W.59th and W.6Oth Street. Nanager 1.Litchellrs Tabulation of Assessment showed
Total Assessable Cost to be $2,793.53 as against 1,359.u Assessable Feet, for
G2.U per Assessable Foot. There were no objections at thg Hearing, and no
written objections had beentfiled prior to the Hearing. (See, laterein meetihg,
for Resolution Approving Assessment) .
lo.-- Sw D-D?EO~~~ NO. E30 -.Grading, Gravelling and Stabilized Base,
Uoodcrest Drive from 11, 55th to 11, 55% Street;. Nanager 1.iit che31's Tabulation of
Assessment.shoved Total. Assessable Cost tg be $1,4l0.03, as against 677.9 Assess-
able Feet, for $2.08 per Assessable Foot. There irere no objections at the Hearing, and no written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing.
meeting, for ResoLution Approving Assessment) ,
11. Sm IfPROVEIBIQ ,NO, G39 - Grading and Gravelling of the 'North-South
Alley betGeen. Beard and Abbott Avenues and beheen If. 58th and W. 59th Streets.
lhagel: Blitchell's Tabulation of Assessment showed Total. Assessable Cost to be
3k65.25 as against 1,194,2,!+ Assessable Feet, for 0.39 pzr-Assessable Foot. A
delegation of three protested against the condition of the alley, saying that
there are YLarge rocks" in it. They were informed that this,as a maintenance
problem, TU be corrected from General Fund moneys and not assessed. There
were no objections to the Assessment, and no r.rritten ob.iections had been filed
9. - Grading and GravdUing of York Avenue between
(See, later 3x1 .
prior to the Heasing, - (See, later & meetbg for Reso1;tion Approving Assessment) .
12. STm IHP€Wi3~IT XO. E42 - Grading and Grayelling o2,Ashcrof-t Avenue
between. U.5&h and W.60i;h Streets. Nanager Hitchell'1 s Tahulation of Assessmat
showed Tot& Assessable Cost to be $5,629.84 against 2,395.68, for $2.35 per
assessable Foot. Therq weqe no objections at the Hearinq, and no mitten objectiohs
had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See, later in meeting, for Resolution
Approving Assessment). -
in Wndsor. Avenup .fmm Code Avenue to Hansen Road. Xaqager Hitchell* s Tabulation
of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost to -be $12,675.29 as against 1,656.90
Assessable Feet, for $7.65 peer Assespzble Foot. (See,la$er For Resolutioq Apgrov5ng) -
in PhQbrook-Lar_le. -1-Ianager Itit chel3.ts Tabu'iatjon of Assesqent showed Total Assess-
able Cost to be $10,052.46, as against $2,695.03 Assessable F,eet, for $3.73 per
Assessable Foot. Hr. Gust Johnson was present, -to. inquire as to method of asseas-
ment; iras bfomed that all.1pts abutting ;Philbrook we were being assessed,
whether or no$ tfiey Paced this street. There were no Objections a% the Hearing,
and no written obje-ctions had been filed.pfior to the Hearing,
meeting, for Resolution Approving Assessment) .
15. XATEFil-WJ RX€'BOVBXElE NO. WC - In lfoo$dale and Fairfax Avenue. from W.6Oth
to 1~.6&st Street. _$anager I.litchell's Analysis of Asses.gnent showed a Total,
Assessable Cost of $9,400,56 for Lateral Iisin, against 2,385.93 Assessablet Fee;,
for $3.9k. per Assessable Foot fw-laterQs, plus 8.78 per Apsessable Foot far ,
connection to Trunk Watermin No, 24-Total per Assessable poot, $4.72,
were no objections a6 the Hearing, arid no written objections had been filed prior
to the Hearing. (See, later in meeting, for Resolution Approving Assesspent). 16. TJLWvW If4€BOVBEKC NO. 50 - In Brookview Avenue betifeen Tl.5Sth and-W.5Yth
Streets. 1-imager 1ki.t chell.1 s Tabulation of Assessment skowed Total Assessable Cost
to be &,8&30 for Lateral, as against &,196.$4 Assessabxe Feet, for $4.02 per
Assessable Foot for Lateral, plus 8.78 per Assessable Foot for Connection to Tm;jk
Watemnain Na, 24--Total per Assessable Foot, $4.80.
three present, to question method of assessment; but there were no dojections, and
no written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See, later 3.n neekLpg,
Tor Resolution Approving Bssessment) .
E.Sanager-lEtchell! E.. Fabulation of Assessment showed Total Assessable Co,st to be
$6,672.53 as against -'j'70.50 Assessable Feet, for $8066 per Assessable Foot, To'cd;
8.25 per Assessable Foot being a connection charge to the trunk main constructed
by1-k. Peder 1.lickelsen.
objecf;ions had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See, later in meeting, for Resolution
13. S-ILNITARY SEVER.S~~ENT NO. 45 .- Construction of sanitary Lateral. ~evier
I 3.4. SAWf'ARX SEXER J"FiDVE*TEtT NO. 49 - Construction of Sanitary Later& Sewer
(See,,latpr in
There was a delegation of
lyO FlATEREUN IW.R,OV~~E NO. 53 - In Xerxes Avenue between TL5Ekh and Il.5gi;h Sbs.
There were no objections to the Assessment, and no r%@teR
Appro-cring Assessment) . I
18, +m,~mq D.PROVB.EI~T No. % - ,In- Halifax Avenue eehrqen 8.60th Strecf;c and
Grimes- .Avenue.
men% shotred To&%sessable Cost to b? $2,317.95, of vfach $319.72 represents
per front foot connection charge, and $1,998.23 being $4.50 per Assess%ble Foot for
been filed prior to the Hearago e c
Childtthen offered the follovring Resolution and,moved its adoption:
- fax Avenue Nddit ion) . 2bager Hit &ell' s Tabulation or" Assess-
There Trere no objections at the Hearing, -ana no written objections gad
*I *c
BZ IT EESOLm -.by the Village Council of the Viluge of Edina, itlirmesota, as
follows: p ~ ,
1. It is hereby found, deter?nined and declared that the proposed assessments for SAWITARY SEWER DIPROIE~BRTS NOS. 45 AND 49; IIA~MI\T ~~p"nov~
I.fENTS 4.4, 50, 53 - @JD - 54; .and. STREEX X~~ROI?EXENTS NOS. A-24, .-A-34, . &n, A-36, A-41, B-15, C-9, -Cy19 & 28, C-20,. Cy39 .and C-42, and each 02 them have
been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of wesota Staths
Section 412.W; that notice has been duly published, as requiskd by lalf3 that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon dl objections, if any, to mend
said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by -
resolution; that said proposed assessments have at aZ1t;imes since theb filing
been open for public inspection, ad opportunity has beim given to all interested
persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieFes and parcels
of land enumerated -in the respective assessments was af?d is specially benefited -
by the constructLon or" the bprovements for which such assessmqt is levied in the
amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land,
respectively .
lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and
said proposed assessments are hereby adopted-and confirmed as the proper specid
assessments for said hpyovements, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the- interest-accruing on the full mount thereof
from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annu from the date
of this resolution shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property
described therein and all thereof.
The total amount of each assessment for Sanitary Sewer and Watermain hprove-
ments. shall be payable in equal anaual installmeniis exbending over a period of*ten
years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assess-
ment, from %he date hereof to August 15, 1954, to be pazable with general taxes
for the year 1953, and one of the remaining installments, with one yearts interes'c
on that and a11 subsecpent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the
years 1954 through 1962, collectible in the respective ensuing years.
The total amount of each assessment for Street Improvements Nos. A-24, ~Z-34~ A-36, A-.4l, B-15 and C-30 shall be papble in-equal annual. instaLlments extending
over a-period of five,years, the first of said installments, kogether r&th c
interest onethe entire assessment from the date hereof to August 15, 1954, to be
payable with general taxes for the year 1953, and one of the remaining install-
ments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent h-stallments, to be
payable with general .taxes for the years- 1954; 1955, 1956 and.1957, collectible
in the respective ensuing years.
Jinprcovements Nos. A-311C-9,
C-19 & 28, C-25, C-39 and C-42 shall be payable in equal annual instalhents
extending over a period of three ykarsj the fcrst of said installments, together
udthrhterest on the entire assessment from the date hereor" to August 15, l951&, to
be payable with general taxes for the year 1953,-and one of the remaining install-
ments,. with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be
payable with general .taxes for the years 1954 and 1955, collectible in %he
respect5ve ensuing years c n
otmer of any lot, pie'ce or parcel of land assessed hereby-may pay the.Whole of such
assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Xfilage Treasurer
and thereafter such papnent may be made with accrued interest, to the County
Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installr;lents.thereof be.prep&d
to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and Comky
Audit^or, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on $he
4. _The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the
Cqunty Auditor, a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid
instauent and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper
tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said
assessmhts to be-collected in the manner provided 'dy law. - Said duplicate .shdl be designated as the P~Assessment Roll for' ~~itEEy Sewer bprovments Nos* 45 and
49, %Tatemin Improveqnts Nos. 4&, 50 A-31 3, A-34, 8-36, &a, &15, C-9, C-19 & 28, C-25, *c-30, c-39 Wd c3-422 and aXL
womts collected in respect of the assessments therein COntained Sh_a;ll be
SimjhpJly design&& by the COI.,I&Y Treasurer and remitted to the village Treasurer
and by ~~r Street appovement No. C-9, to the Sinking find AFcount of the 1951
2. The anounts so set out are hereby levied against the resp"etlve
The total amount of each assessmen6 for Street
3. Trior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the
' books of the County Auditor.
53,.=d 5k; Street .f~PrOv~entS NOS*
credited to the fOnOV&ng sinking Fund ~ccourlts:
apr0vmen-k Fund, First Series. ~ -.-
w9/53 38 For Street Ihprovement NOS. A-31, A-34, A-36, A-L3, C-19 6: 28, C-25, C-30,
Sanitary Sewer Improvements Nos. 45 and 49, and 'TrTatermain hprovements Nos. 44
and 50, to the Sirkiag Fund Account of the 1952 @provement Fund.
ments Nos. 53.ana 54, to the SinkFng Fund Account of the1923 Impmvement Fund.
Hotion for adoption of the ResolGtion wassecbnded by Danms, and on Rollckl
For Street hpmvements Nos. A-24, B-15, C-39 and C-4.2, and Vatermain Improve-
there were five ayes and no. nays, as
Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and Bickson,
6, Irpr Vmage Clerk
3&. Robe& l?Uette!s request for permit to construct garage vrithin two. feet of
rem--lot %e at 5821 Fairfax Avenue, in order that large oak might be saved, was
reviewed, Written assent of the neighbor to the south of the TJillette residence
was submittqd, and Child moved that permit be granted for garage not less than
two feet from rear lot line. Notion seconded by Dapens and carried.
3k. &och Swardts preliminary plat for ltSubdivision of East 264.5 Ft. of ?-Test 346.5 Ft. of Lo% 19, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172," was presented, together with
Planning Commission' s -Novzniber 4th recommendation fw approval. Nr. Smrd pias present to request permit for construction of three double dwellings ia this .
subdivision. Bank's notion, scheduling public hearing on petition for double
dFreUings for fJonday, November 23, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried. Child
nomd for approval of Preliminary Plat. Ifotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
The application of Ralph Hays, Routk $1, Hopkins, for permit to construct Hilk
?arlor and Elk House on farn in Section 7, was approved by motion Bank, seconded
by Bredesen and carried.
k large delegation was present, to discuss the priposed tzidening of Valley View
Road. >fayor Erickson explained that nothing is fomna3J.y before the Council. for
Solzsideration as yet; that when formal, application is made there will be a public
hearing before any action is taken,
Kirkland, stated that this office had 3stopped Re. Yhland from building near the
simply informe$, I&. KirUand of pihat he knew about the situation at the present
tipe; that he @id no$ tell him to cease his building operalions.
I&. Ned Page, 5924 Faiyfax Avenue, asked to be allowed to present his letter
suggesting several. changes in Village Wangerous Liquids*' Ordinance, No. 101.
was explained that Xr, Page has been aaked to secure a permit for his 5OO-gsJlon
underground.storage tank, in trhich he stores gasolhe. 142. Page, stating he had
been Mormed by.&st, to IIanager, Ib, R.E. Olson, that warrant would issue unless
he applied Tor permit by Friday, November 6, -asked $hat Council take no action on . his tmk until consideration has been given to amendments to Ordinance.
stated he has in his possession a list of LOO other violators-of the Village Or-ce and Tzants ju treated alike. Bredesents motion, that letter be'accepted
+d $hat it be referred to the Village Btorney $or report at the nexzb meethg,
was seconded by Danens and carried.. -
An attorney, respresenting builder, Jack
I-Imager 3Iitche31 corrected this sta%ement by saying thzt he had
He also
Report was made that the trailer house at 5800 SLJohns Avenue has now been moved
out. No action taken.
A representative for 17. R. Olson, requested disposition of Hr. Olson's *claim for
damages, aount $100.00. Isfipager Nitchell explained that this claim is a result
of street operations; that in widening the stree5 it is usuall;y necessary to cut
the sod. Bank's motion, that claim be denied, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Hessrs. Crear and Guttman were present to discuss the Southdale roads program.
3€anager 3Etchell asked to amnge a meeting later in thern week, with proper o'fficisits,
I-hager Bitchell reported that Planning CommissLon has approved Lyndzle Builders!
preliminary plat on the West side of Xerxes and lying bekween W.75th and W,76th ..
Streets, with Zive lots. Bankts mo%ion, that prelbbary plat be approved, and
that public hearings for Lyndale Builders' petitions for Grading and Gravelling,
and for Sanitaxy Sewers for first meting..% February, 1954, was seconded by
It was rewrted that Nordquist Sign Company has sewed written signaktres of
the four residents idthin 500 feet of their proposed sign at 70th and IJooCidd-e,
assenting to their sign.
by Bredesen and carried.
Application of Thorpe Bros., for Y3outhdale" sign to be erected at Northeast 'corner
of 66th and France vas presented,.v@bh police department notation that it should be set back at least 50 feet from street. Bankis motion, for approval of sfgn if
erected 50 feet back from street right-of-wa;p, was seconded by Bredesen, carried.
for further discussion as to plans. * 0
Child and carried. - .- I
Bank moved for approval 0; sign permit. I-Iotion seconded
11/9/53 39
I - c I Petiitions were filed for Sanitary Sewer and Watermain, as folloxvs:
For Sanitary Sewer in @t.Johns Avenue betyreen Valley View Rd. and W.63rd St.
- and in bshcroft Ave., between St. Johns Ave...and W.63rd St. Lp @omord Ave, , between W.62nd and IL63rd St.
in W.62nd SY. between StmJOhns and Concord
Wa5ermain '
Child's motion,. that petitions be accepted and that public hearings be scheduled
for f;brst regular meeting in Narch, 1954, was seconded by Bredesen and carried,
S%einer & Koppelmanfs request,for xdthdrawal, o'f petition for grading and
gravelling. of Jackson Avenue beheen Bplmore Lane and 3ELoney Avenue, wak
that considerable engbeering expense has been incurred in surveys, etc,
Bredesenrs aotion, that petition be withdrawn on condition that engineering
expenses,are reimbursed -t;O the Village by petitioners, wzs seconded by Child
-and carried.
Village Attorney's opinion was given, to the effect that the Village mst
advertise for bids for chlorination eqipment.
take bids on this equipment as of November 23, 1953, wa's seconded by ?anens
and carried.
I Counc5.I. was reminded that this project has been approved by C0unciJ.j
ChZldts motLon, that Council
142, George &io ,tJjlLson's application for the position of custodian for the new
village hall 73s received. Child's motion, that application be accepted as having first precedent when this position is open, was seconded by Bank and
carried. .
I&. C) A. Samuelson*s petition for the rezding of Lots 1,2,5,6 and 7, Block e,
Tingdale Bm so Brookside Addit ion' to commercial zoning was noted and was referred
to the Planning. Commission for recommendation, by motion Bredesen, seconded by
Bank and carried, -
Police-Report for October was reviewed and ordered placed on file.
it this-tbne Nkm Zikan returned with bids opened this evening, which r.refe found
to be as follows: - -_ mm LIGHTS GRADING AND
n Lehn Electric Coo, hoka ~$2,&)7m00-. --. - "-.**
Woodheald. Company (Ford)-.. I -with Rosco Brush - , 5,090.?8 NOBIDS *
Extra pressure Detector, 295.00
DaPLberg Brothers, Inc, (Eord) -vJjth Rosco Brush &5;029;65
Alt * 5,016.69 ~. 8.-
IntLHarvester CO. (bt .) -without BmSh 3 177 94
ifanager Mitchell reported-that Lehn's bid for Traffic Lights is below estimate; 6
that Lehn is andous to secure award tonigh% Lf bid is-to be awarded, in order
that construction m5.gh.t start before frost is in the ground. Bank movedthat bid
be afvarded to Lehn Xlectric Company subject to notification to. and acquiescense by
the School Board, q€otiofi seconded by Danens and carried,
Bredesen then moved for referral 09 Truck bids to Village Manager and Park Bohrd
for report at next regular meeting. .Motion seconded by 3ank and carried.
Nr. MiLcheU, presented Final Plat of Swedlund and Hill's tl~d-ley Parkff, which had rete-ived the qualified approva of the Planning Commission as of November 4. &.
Etchell explained that some of the qua&ificatioqs of the Commission have already
been net by the developers; that he t&U see khat the rest are complied tdth
before plat is delivered Tor record,
heliminary plat of WaJ-ley View Ridge" by Roy Peterson was presented, together yith Planning Commissiont s appro@. of ,Novqber_ kth, Bankt s motion, that Council.
approye prel-ary plat,,of tfValley View Ridge" was seconded by Child and carrked.
Preliminary Plat entitled rfLesl.ie Terrace%, by ThernelZ Constru ction Company, was
extensions of streets already platted, this plat vms referred back to the Planning
Commission; tJith instructions tfiat they redew plat as to width of corner Sots and
placements of streets, by motion Bank, seconded by Bredesen and carried,
Ifp. Leo I?olan was in, 'req6esting tha% the Council cooperate with him in his request for pedtto cons"cct a clinic on his property at 49bh and France.
that- this matter must be brought before the Planning Commission for their
recommendat ions .-
Bank moved approval of Final Plat of ttVal.ley
Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried, -
e_ ,.
Because of theJoeation of the streets-which do not form-emct ..
He was told
40 11/9/53
3hager N.ktchell reported the Planning Cormnissionls recommendation for denial of
the petition of the Terry Company for permit to grade the Delaney farm; this
recommendat2on havihg been given Novenber hth, on grousds that the land, as it
now is,. would be more valuable tlan after it' 2s graded, and C?at this muld
resolve itself 5ato ano%her gravel' pit operati'on, Bredesents motion, for denial.
It was then reported that the request of Nk, and 14rs. Seher Halla, for permit
to construct a "garden shop!', garage, etc, on tfiBfr property atrEden Avenue and
Highway No. loo, had received the Planning Connn;ission1 s recommendation for denial,
Child's motion, that the Planning Comiissionls recommendation be approved and that
H&Lla!s request be denied, was seconded by Danens and carried,
&nager Ritchell reported the action of the Planning Commission ih tabling !IRe-plat .of Lot 31, Roujng Green" penaing approving letter by the Rolling Green hssQciation,
Child's motion, that the.Council notify the Rolling Green hsociation that this
Corncis_ considers it no longer obligatory to.-notify them before issuance of
approml for building permits,in Rolling Green, was seconded by Danens and carried,
Hatter of Re-plat of Lot 31, RoUing Green was referred back to the Commission
with WomDation as to Council hction:
Final Plat of '%felody YaoUs Third Addktiontt was presented, having received the
qualified appraval of the Planning Commission on November ktfi.
for qprova;l of FbSL Plat..of zlNelody Knolls Third Addition!' was seconded by
Bpedesen and carried, - * c\
After revrietr of the Planning Commission's November 4th recomenqation for denial
of the petition of DSkcy'Leck for perinj.t to excavate h5.l.I at Southwest corner of
70th and France, Bank moved for denial of said petition, 1.fotion secofided by
Bredesen and carried.
of the Terry Companyts pe%ition, was" seconded bf Danens bd..carried,e I
Childts motion rr
Xessrs. Danens, Bank and IfitcheU were asked to attend the meeting at Hop&s,
Fridzy, Novmber 13, for discussion on plans for the old street car right-of-way
road to Hopkbs.
Chairman Bank of the Public Safety Committee reported that the Co&ttee feels
I&. Robe& Christy wi&L simply have to wait until a vacancy exists €or re-anploy-
ment .- to the Police Department, inasmuch as he was given no promises at the tine
he asked for-leave. .
Bank stated that the Public Safety'Codttee has asked 2Ce. Ifitchell to mite
IJilllian V, Hoffhan, Offiker, ,of the .Committee's decision"in the matter of
recent request for reclassification; that the,Committee feels that he does
understand the ordipnee completely.
Bank reported on letter received from I-&, Howard Husch, commending two police
offecers for thehourtesy to l&s. Husch,
I&, Bank reportdthat the Committee has recommended against allowing 1.k. Olson,
m enployee of St. Stepheq Church, to park in Edina Court,
Child's motion, that the suggestions of the Public Safety Cormittee's report be
accepted, yas seconded by Danens and carried.
The natter of 1.k. Holeen's request for pennit to grade and gravel Oxford Avenue beheen, 5lst and 52nd Streets, in front of those lots vhich he o7ms and at his -
own expense, vras brought before the Council, Hr. liitchell recornended that this
grading be allowed; cost vkU be approximately $230, petittion be granted, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. .
3k. Child reported that there have been difficulties in securing firm setback on
hterlachen Blvd.; that one owner, who has built 58 feet back from the lot line,
is perturbed be.cause new housesm have been planned for a foTty-foot setback; that
a graduated setback has been decided upon for this particular block, ranging
fron 58 feet to 40 feet. &. Child reported the problem of Ek, Philip Bdley in attewting to plat his
property on Bernard Place, inasmuch as-his house is located on the property in
such a way as to prohibit larger than 75-foo6 lots.
time as plzt is before Council.
Bank's motion, for payment of Vilbge Payroll, amount $9,352.01 and Uquor Sore Pappll, amount $1,279.&, and for payment of the follovhg claims, was seconded
by Bredesen and carried:
Child's motion, that
No action taken until. such
9835 9816
9817 9818
9819 9820
9821 9822
9823 9824 9825 9826
9827. 9859
9832 9833.
9833 9831!. 9835
9836 .'
9837 9838 9839
9841 9842
9843 9844 9845 9846
9848 9849 9850 9853 9852
Young Fuel CO.,
F. H. Geiger Sales Coa
John A, Demuth'
John A. Demuth'
Robert A. €'htl$ps'
Astlef ord Equipment
Republic Creosoti4
PEm. Hosp, getvice Assn,
J, A, Danens &Son, Inc.
'I'tJin City Testing
Richards €El Go.
Don Pederson ,
Fred 5. Jonas ~
Jack Heredity
Geo: Thompson
Edina Norningside Courier
3 043
5. A, Danens & Son 1,661*75 1
Ttrin City TestLng 77 *so
Richards Qil 222.78
Geo, A. IJillson 18,oo
Construction Bulletin 51060
Edina 14orningside Courier UPa70
Geo, E. Ryan
Standard Unit Parts
Edina Pure Oil Co.
D, A. Lubricant
A. & 9?. C0.t of Ni.m-,
IoJaterous Go e
Pratts Ekpress Co.
Badger Meter Mfg, COe
Suburban Hem, Coo Relief 256.81
YES, Herman Sclimrzkoff
W, A. Cordingly
Theodor I?, Thomson
C, M., Bieman
Geo. H, Johnston
Ih,- Id. Lewis
Richard.. Mhitten
Donald Ferris
J. T"lil1er c
R. L. Martin
hwrence Idhalen
Pks. A, T, Hansord
Graham 5. Cross
Mrs. Fred Wendorf
P, H, ?helps a. Po- If, Baden
Art IC. Peterson
W, Bo Ott
3 a00
?. 3.40 18 .25
9853 Poucher Prhting Se Lithographing 182s5O
9855 foucher Printing & Lithographing 35.50 -
9853 Poucher Printing 8.c Lithographing 78.85
9853 ?oucher Printing & Lithographing 188 ,oo
9854 First National B ank of Mpls. 6, 015000
.e c
GENERAL FUND @ ,08 6 , 61
POOR FUND 8 256.81
lg5l-s~oI~rD smm
$6,015 . 00
WYh3 TO: -
American Unen Supply Company
Carpenter. Paper Eompany
Dis%5l.l.ers Distributing Company min Brothers. Conpaw
Farmers 13 Nechzrl9cs Savings Bank
Griggs, Cooper & Conzpw
Gr5ggs3 Cooper &Co~~aay
'flcKesson & Robbins
PEd-fiTes t Vine C ompa~y, Tnc .
5Em. Form Printbg Service
Old Peoria Compa~y, Inca
Ed. PhilUps & Sons Com,any
State of KZIXI, -IXquor Control Commissioner- 1.00 UQUCR FUlD
ILIanager 3Etchell rsported on EsiZmates of Cost, and FeasibLlity of work for the
tvm Alley-GracEng projects cor @ich public hearings were tentativelg scheduled
for Qovernber 230
adoption: Danens thep offered the following Resolution and moved its
BZ 71T 'RESOLTIQI bs, the Coun@.J of ,the~Village,o~-.~:dina,as follows: . . .lt .The.Vi&ge Zngineer, having submitted to this Council a preliminary
report as.to the feasibilitg of the proposed Grading and Gravelling improvements
described in the form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, md as to the
estimated cost of such inproyeznents, said report is heyeby approved and directed
to be placed in file in the pffice of the Village Clerk.
1953,. at 7:30 P.T.I., to consider in public hearing the views of all persons
interested , in said proposed bprovenent .
time, place qd purpose of said meeting to be published
paper once a week for tm successive weeks, the second of said publications to
be not less than three days from date of sa5.d meeting, vhich nokice shall be in
substantiall3 the following form:
NOTICE E HEizEBY GIIEN that .the Edjna,Village CquncilL will meet at the Village
Hall zt .~:30uP.1L, .Norday, Novmber 23, 1953, at 7:30 P.N. , to consider the
foUoT,ring .jmpgmanents to be, constructed under the .authority granted, bx BEanesota
La-t.rs of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of each hpmyment is estimated
by the Village ihgineer as 3i&lov.rs:
2. This, Cour-cil sh&l wet at the Village Hall op Monday,. Novembip 23,
t 3. The Clerk is hereby. authorized and directed to. cause notiae of the
the official news-
t. - . Est. Cpst.
Grading and Gravelling of that XlGy lying between Bedford
and I.Til_lian Avenues and betv~en-lT. 5lst and TJ, 52nd Sreets ~31,;P3-.po
Gra&g and Gravelag of that key lmg between-lKLliam
and Hankerson Avenues and beheen i.T.5Lst and W. 52nd .Streets
The area proposed to be assksed for the costtiof said improvments hcfudes all
lots and tracts of land abutting the dleys to be impmved, . .. ,
Hiition for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and op Rollcall
there were five ayes and no--nays,
aye; Bank, aye; and Ericksa, we; as
lage Clerk - .
4 c
&lager 3EtcheXi.t~ report on the Estimated Cost 02 the proposed Vaternah &prove-
ment to serve Grandview Plateau, on the route and the proposed assessment district;
and Ghild offered the 30llo1ving Resolution and moved its adoption: JESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC UING -~
'$E; IT RESOLVED-by the Council. of. the .VQlage_of Ediqa: . . l... . .The :YXUage Engineer, having .submitted to the Council a preliminary report
ai to the.feasibility of the proposed Watemnain Improvement described in the Form
of Notice of Heaxing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improve-
ment, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the
office of the Village Clerk,
2. This Council shall meet on Monday,
consider in public hearing the Views~ of all
November 23, 1953,
persons interested
at 7t30 P.M., to
in sqid proposed
w9/53- $3
3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official news-
paper, once a week-for kwo successive weeks, the second of trhich-pub9icati6ns . .
to be not iess than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall
be in substantially the following fom:
MX'Im I3 HEFtZBY GW-that the Edina Vil&ge CouncilurUlmeet Nonday,
November_23,--~953,.a.t, 7:30 PONO, at the Village Hall, and will at said time
and place consider the $allowing improvement, to.be constructed under authority
granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approkinate cost of such improvement is estimated by the Village Engineer to be $%,~,5.62,
at the intersection of Edenmoor Street and Sherwood Road; tho North to East
right-of-way line of U.S. Highplar #169; tho -Northwesterly and perpendicular
to the centerline of Highway 120 feet to point "Att, tho Northeasterly and
parallel to U.S. Highway #169 to W.52nd Street; ,th. 1dest"to Grandview Lane;
tho South to. '6.J.53rd Stree%; tho East to a point 80 I!$. WeSt of the centerline
of U.S. Highway #169; tho Northeasterly and parall61 t6-U.S. Highway #169 to
point 1fAU; Also,. commencing at intersection of Grandview Lane. and IT, 53rd Street;
tho W'est,150 Ft.; tho North 100 Ft. to well,
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of this improvemen% includes all
lots and tracts of land within the following boundaries:
Wommencing at Centerline of U.S. Hi&way #169 and W.52nd St.
extended; th. West to theJTest line of Begord Avenue eAended; tho South
708 Ft.; tho Zast to centexline of said. Highway; th. in a Northeasterly
direction &Long centerline of said Highway to point of beghing, but less
Street right-of-%ay ana U.S. Highway right-of-~ay,~~
Construction of Water Well and Aunphouse in Grandview Plateau Addition,
Construction of Village Watemh Extension and Appurt&nances, comizencing
Notion for adoption of the'Resolution was Eaecohded by Danens, and on Rollcdl
there were five ayes and no nays,
aye; Bank, we; and Erickson, aye;
. ,. . I-Iayor .
Child then o2fered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . RESQLT-TIOc\s APPROVING PLANS BM, SPECIli'ICPiTIONS
'BE: IT RESOLVED by the VQ-f;age ,C~;Wic&of the,:Village: of E$ina: _.
. .1. _The plans and _specificatXons for the^ propcjsed watermqin set forth in
the following kdG6rtisement 'for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village
isHed twice i.q the Edina44orningside
t h6 Village Glerk are hereby approved.
following notice of bids for the
la@. .Council willmeet >ionday, EJovember
age Hall and will at said time and
on bf Water Well in Grandview Plateau,
EP' ;!at ei&ain Xxtensibn- -and .Appurtenances as follows :
ectian tof Edenmoor Street -and Shmrood Road; tho NoSth
' to 'East right-of-way line oC U% 'Bighvay #l@; 'ch. NorthwesterQ and perpen-
VJ.52nd Stfeet; th; West to Grandview Lane; tho 50 a point 80 Ft, Nest oT-centerline of U,S,
nd par*a;ilel to U.Sr Highway $169 to point '!Att;
&d specified" in plans &d specifications on file
Bids must be submitted on basis of cash papent
dicular to centerline of ELi$way 20 feet,.-to point t1Agt; tho Nortneasterly and
pardTe1, to U.S. Iiigiik-ay
South to M.53rd Stscet
Highway, $169; tho No
Also, comma cing . at
Ft,; tho IJorth
Work gust be do & office of %he for vrork. No bids will b-e coniidered unless* sealed and fi'led with undersigned
before tjme of said meetingrand accompanied by cash depos$t, bid bond, or
certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amouvit of
on of Grandvie%r Lane and W.53rdSt.; tho I?, 1%. - .
.. . -- _. ..t ErdR"iD C, BfiNf, Village Clerk -. - 4 Village of-Edina
3. Each and a11 of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids are
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said
1,fotion for adoption of the Resolution wils seconded by DmenS, and on Rollcall
there vrere five ayes and no nays, as follows:
improvement . C
Bredesen, aye; Child, aye;
H =/9/53 anens, aye; Sank, aye; and Erickson, aye; an&-tjhd3spluti
Uillage Clerk 1
Further discussion was had as to proposed change in t.mter rates, and Chad
offered the follopbg Ordinance, and moved that Council waive second reading
and adopt Ordbance as-read:
c ORDIimNGE NO. 2113-2
CSectbn-lo. Subsection- (a) .of-Section 3. of Ordinance No, ~ of: the Vfilage
THE GXJNC~ 0F"TI-B nVGE QF,?@DJA, Z@@IXS~A, OgKf.&$:.,. .
followisg rates per* 100 cubic feet r
.f .
of'E&na, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follovm:
(a) IJater consumed will be charged on the basis of m&er readings at the - Net '0 Gh 5s
n r 20$
= *19$
* 189 a$
First 3,000 cu, ft. - Next 3,500 CU. ft.
Excess over 6,500 CU. ft.
The gross rakes. shall apply unless the bill is pa.ia within the discount .
period, in which case the net rates shall apply, Water consumed-'in the district
described as the %st side of Beard Avenue from 54th Street-to FiillPr Street -
and both sides of kbbott Place. from 54th Street to Beard Avenue-trill be charged
at the rate of 30$ per 100 cubic feet gross, or 273. per 100 cubic feet if paid
within the discount period. The aforementioned excepted district is served
v&th water purchaGed by the Village fhm the City of Xmeapolis, and the
Council has dhly considered all pertinent facts and finds that the higher rate
is fair and reasonable.
Tine above rates shall go into- effect as of January 1, 19%.
Section 2. This ordinanc& shdl be in full.force and effect from and
after -its passage and publication.
'Xotion for adoption of Ordinance as read was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall
there were five wes and no nws, as Child, axe; Danens, , aye; and Erickson, aye;
f Hayor
Clerk B&k presented thq foXLowing list of Xlection Judges and Clerks for the
Uillage Election of: Tuesdyay, December 8, 1953, appinting them by motion:
DISTRICT NO. 1 - Judges, .lhes. 3kurene B. NevKLle; &rim IC. Yddder,
Elemor >I.%. Irizarry; Clerks, I@es. Emha C, Peterson, kella B. Vebber. *
worth, ,3Ja-g_L,.-Powers; ,Clerk&,, lkles,. Rolland &feed, J.L Parker. .
Cle&9s;_ls&es. Helen Pakuer, Joyce Lace, -
%ISUans;- Clerks, Virginia Beard, Patricia f.lurray, -
i-iesterberg; _Clerks, Eries Roy Norman, Evert, A, Carlson. ' -
.- Clerks, .Xqes. E. IT. Spencer, E... Lm'NOdlb~
Taylor; Clerks, -l.%ues . Glenn Hall; Philip lwttakerc
S, Hofi;, Clerks, lhes. .Ida Bm Strong,' John Van Cap.
Elizabeth*.Chaney; Clerks, I-hes. Ethel S. Wc, EeWqf- ?tei.lr*
Kessler; , clerks, Eries. .Albert 'Ba;ldtrin, Peter &+Sen*
Johnson; ~ Clerks, lhes. Edgm Blanch, .Gordon Hackborn*
Bagley; -Clerks, Jhes, Phillip Harhhorne, Eleanor Oren.
Bank's mot5,on was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Bredesen offered tlie 'following Resblution' and moved its adoption:
* DIgZCT NO. 2 --Judges,. Nines.. Hakjori? S, Rossiter, Clarice Am Hollbgs-
DISTRXCT I@. 3 - Judges, i@es. Ida L, Sath, Ruth 11.m Zipor, Ruth VOW;
DISTRICT NO, 4 - Judges, Nines. Dora Schauss, Florince-Hallberg, Edward
DLSTRICT XO. 5 - Judges, Kinest Eleanor. E. hdson, CeU. Delaey, Sigrid
DBTRICT NO. 6 - Judges, Nines. O,I\T, we, Roy I.;yhrc, LLtAs E, Jones;
DISJFLXCT NOoa -7 7 Judges, 14iues._ Nellie Strate, l.l;z,rg. Ema ITUlson, George
DISTXCT NO. 8,- Judges; Nines, Gertzy.de Ebe; PatrLda S&%sburg, Erma
. DISTBICT 80, 9 - Judges;-?mes. Camille Ko&Un, v*@ii Doykghes; l*hrY
DETmCT J?O, 10- udg~s,'Unes. 14abel..T~I, TKLlson, JTarZm Ci Bdleg, GOT,
DLsmICT NO, U- Judges, jlfaes. Jor.$is Balmy, Hazel ST.ranson, Hiram
DBWCT 140. 12- Judges,, Ihes. Edith Maste, Elizabeth-IC. Covnick, Nildred
.- -
~$$~o~vrn@.*FqnrqpD,TTAj,fOE! TAXES WFPd - - . -I.JITH 1953 @Qm P~oP~Y-TkxEs .'.-
I-, the Vfihge CbOuncil of the-VUage.-of.mha has, by Resolgtion
adopt*gd Noyaber 6, 1947, levied a special ad va~0~~ kx for the Ewent Of
principal and interest of its Pemanent bpmvment Rewlvjng series Decmber, $947; said ad.-valorem tax the m!Wt of 4)23,100*00 bebg
coUe&ible p&th and as a part of other generd. property
Oi3r %he new 7.951; md
in said valage
45 u/9/53
0- i 'I.-, the Village Cduncil of the Village of Edina, has, by Resolution
August 9, 194€$ levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of principa3. and
interest of its Permment hprovement Tievolving Fund Bond &sue of l9&S; said ad
valorem tax in the mmnt of $17,EIOOaO~ brting collectible with and as a part of
the general property taxes in.said Village forthe-year 1953; and
I-, the Village Council. of the VQlage of Edina has, by Resolution
adopted June 27, 1949, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of prin-
cipal and interest of its Permanent Improvement Zevolving Fund Bond Issue of.1949,
said ad valorem tax in the- arnount of .$$7,100,00 being collectible with and as a
part of other general property taxes in said Village for the year 1953; and
%-AS, Ninnesota Statutes, Section 475.26, permits the cancellation of
said levies-providing moneys are on hand for payment of principal. and interest
for said bond issues; and*it has been detemningd by-this Council that the re-
NOIJ2 TEEFEFOE+E, EB I!i' RESOLJIBD by the Village Council of the Village of
Edina that. those" ad valorem_t+c. levies made by Resolutions of this Village
Council adopted November 6, 1947, August 9, 19@, and June 27, 1949, in the
a;moun+s of $23,100a00, $l?,8OOe0O, and $&"71100a00, respectively, and collect-
bile with and as a part.of other genera& property taxes in said village for the
year 1953, be and hereby are cancelled,
sota,. be. authorized. -and- directed to cancel %he above described ad valorem tax
levies and to delete said levies from taxes to be spread for the year 1953,
* quired moneys are on hand for the payment of said principal and interest, .
E3E TT F'URTHBR RBOLVZD that the County Audit& of Hennepin County, Mjnne-
r Uotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on RollcaU.
there were five ayes and no-*nays, as
Danem, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson,
Bredesen 'then moved for adjournment.
Neeting adjourned at 10:50 Pa%
._ .
f .. .I I ... . ** . . -?- ' Pursuant to &e call and notice by the gayor, the ?!&ding was convened at the
Auditorium of the Fdina-Morningside High School, at 7:30 Pa?&, to consider:
Petition by EQa Commercial Club, for Munic+pal-Parking Lot at 50th and France Ecusiness District,
Petition of 'S;und-Ykuse, Inca, for permit to const&&, fouk double dwellings on-the !Worth 535 Fta-of phe Vest 40 Fta of Lot 36, and
North 135 Ft, of Qt 37, an-in Aud5tort.s Subdi~s5.0~ Nom l72".
Pegition of First-Edina State Be, for .rezoning from Open Develop
men% District to Co?prnmi$yp S$ore Districe the Wouth 92 Ft. .of Vest
40 Fta of In% 36, and South 92 Ft, of East 70 Fta of Lot-37, Audit0 r * s Subdivision No a 172. ~
Other mjscellaqpus matters as,re&rhed below,
- .
Nwor Eriikson opened the meeting by announcing to the audience--estimated at
some 250 persons-that those v&sh;ing to be heard on the question of the 14unicLpal
Parking Lot would be heard immediately; that each side would be given 50 minutes
to state-its case and ten &Utes $n* rebuttal; that, inasmuch as the proponents
had been heard first at the Hearing of October 26, the opponents would be given
first chance to speak at this,present HeZPinga
Aktorney Kaxxl Ha Covell., in lxis opening address in opposition to the project,
stated that there is a grave chanps that the Village as a wllole WOUM be obligated
for part of the cost of the project (even though the proponents do not wish this)
because - 1, -
raised by a juqa
by Court, if it is de.ternjned that properties are not benefited to dent of
assessment a
Wa E.B.RouZier, 4904 Naple Road, stated, "There is no parking nor traffic
problem vrhich this project will tend to solve^? 'He was supported bjr DPa Pjelstad,
vrho reported his visit to the parking lots on Saturday last, finding thm.only
sparsely occupied, and by Mr. Peter Thompson, who explained that the new lot
behind National Tea Store had been used very little on that daya
rmove property- from %he tax rolls;-*and loss in tax. revenue vdll then be spread
over dl of the taxpayers of the Village.
Cost of property condemnatkon as estimated by proponents my be
2. Assessments against commercial properties my be reduced
m. James La Pause,4835 Naple Road, told the group that, !'This project 1611