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0- i 'I.-, the Village Cduncil of the Village of Edina, has, by Resolution
August 9, 194€$ levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of principa3. and
interest of its Permment hprovement Tievolving Fund Bond &sue of l9&S; said ad
valorem tax in the mmnt of $17,EIOOaO~ brting collectible with and as a part of
the general property taxes in.said Village forthe-year 1953; and
I-, the Village Council. of the VQlage of Edina has, by Resolution
adopted June 27, 1949, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of prin-
cipal and interest of its Permanent Improvement Zevolving Fund Bond Issue of.1949,
said ad valorem tax in the- arnount of .$$7,100,00 being collectible with and as a
part of other general property taxes in said Village for the year 1953; and
%-AS, Ninnesota Statutes, Section 475.26, permits the cancellation of
said levies-providing moneys are on hand for payment of principal. and interest
for said bond issues; and*it has been detemningd by-this Council that the re-
NOIJ2 TEEFEFOE+E, EB I!i' RESOLJIBD by the Village Council of the Village of
Edina that. those" ad valorem_t+c. levies made by Resolutions of this Village
Council adopted November 6, 1947, August 9, 19@, and June 27, 1949, in the
a;moun+s of $23,100a00, $l?,8OOe0O, and $&"71100a00, respectively, and collect-
bile with and as a part.of other genera& property taxes in said village for the
year 1953, be and hereby are cancelled,
sota,. be. authorized. -and- directed to cancel %he above described ad valorem tax
levies and to delete said levies from taxes to be spread for the year 1953,
* quired moneys are on hand for the payment of said principal and interest, .
E3E TT F'URTHBR RBOLVZD that the County Audit& of Hennepin County, Mjnne-
r Uotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on RollcaU.
there were five ayes and no-*nays, as
Danem, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson,
Bredesen 'then moved for adjournment.
Neeting adjourned at 10:50 Pa%
._ .
f .. .I I ... . ** . . -?- ' Pursuant to &e call and notice by the gayor, the ?!&ding was convened at the
Auditorium of the Fdina-Morningside High School, at 7:30 Pa?&, to consider:
Petition by EQa Commercial Club, for Munic+pal-Parking Lot at 50th and France Ecusiness District,
Petition of 'S;und-Ykuse, Inca, for permit to const&&, fouk double dwellings on-the !Worth 535 Fta-of phe Vest 40 Fta of Lot 36, and
North 135 Ft, of Qt 37, an-in Aud5tort.s Subdi~s5.0~ Nom l72".
Pegition of First-Edina State Be, for .rezoning from Open Develop
men% District to Co?prnmi$yp S$ore Districe the Wouth 92 Ft. .of Vest
40 Fta of In% 36, and South 92 Ft, of East 70 Fta of Lot-37, Audit0 r * s Subdivision No a 172. ~
Other mjscellaqpus matters as,re&rhed below,
- .
Nwor Eriikson opened the meeting by announcing to the audience--estimated at
some 250 persons-that those v&sh;ing to be heard on the question of the 14unicLpal
Parking Lot would be heard immediately; that each side would be given 50 minutes
to state-its case and ten &Utes $n* rebuttal; that, inasmuch as the proponents
had been heard first at the Hearing of October 26, the opponents would be given
first chance to speak at this,present HeZPinga
Aktorney Kaxxl Ha Covell., in lxis opening address in opposition to the project,
stated that there is a grave chanps that the Village as a wllole WOUM be obligated
for part of the cost of the project (even though the proponents do not wish this)
because - 1, -
raised by a juqa
by Court, if it is de.ternjned that properties are not benefited to dent of
assessment a
Wa E.B.RouZier, 4904 Naple Road, stated, "There is no parking nor traffic
problem vrhich this project will tend to solve^? 'He was supported bjr DPa Pjelstad,
vrho reported his visit to the parking lots on Saturday last, finding thm.only
sparsely occupied, and by Mr. Peter Thompson, who explained that the new lot
behind National Tea Store had been used very little on that daya
rmove property- from %he tax rolls;-*and loss in tax. revenue vdll then be spread
over dl of the taxpayers of the Village.
Cost of property condemnatkon as estimated by proponents my be
2. Assessments against commercial properties my be reduced
m. James La Pause,4835 Naple Road, told the group that, !'This project 1611
ww.53 46 Attorney Fryberger, representing Dr. Harry Jensen, reminded the ComciL that this project involves the tzking of considerable of the ?Tallace prope~y
for pmking and the rezoning or" the South portion of the property for the
First Xdina State Bank. He reminded the Council that a previous Councjl had established a ten-Toot buffer strip at the East side of this property and con-
structed a retaining ~d1, therep He stated that Itthis Council has no mora right to go beyond this retaining wall~1.
points 0
ments of October 26 as to the advantages of the proposed Parking Lot, stating in
cooelusion that if the project is to cost the general taaqayers, the proponents
do not-wish the improvement. Nr. Law, Planning Consultant, eqlained plan of project.
Attorney Fred Clausen, in rebuttd. for the'opponents, stzted tht - 1.
Project appears to be too elaborate, at a time when all are trying to cut costs;
2, consideration by thelOouncil; 3.
Proposed plan does not solve the parking problems of all merchants in the district,
namely those Zacing France Avenue.
At this 'time Village Attorney Xindhorst asked for, and was given an oppor-
-. Slides and photographs were shown-by the opposition to emphasize their
Attorney Homer Brown, speaking for the proponents, reiterated his state-
I P1a-i is wnfuspledrbecause it involves three separate, individual problems for
Cosijs are likely to berconfkcatory; and, 4.
tunity to defend himself against de-Fgatory rem& made previously by. Attorney
Karl H. CoveLI; and I&. Ckild moved tbat this Council explain to this audience
%hat %he _Council has entire confi,denc@ELlage Attorney lfindhorst and his
endeavors _for the Village, 3fotion seconded by Bredesen .and unanimously carried,
1h-. Child then briefed the audience on the action necessary for the approval of
the proposed parking lot project; stating that a Resolution, carried by a vote
of four members of the Council, was needed. He stated that
the matter to a vote he wished-to offer a RESDLWION AUTHORIZING EJNICIPAL PARKING order to bring
-. ZMt BS PETITIOL~, Xotion was lost for um.&-of. a. second. - ~. . . . , - .- - .. -_ &_* -* *_ _f Bank then moved, directing Building Inspector to issueepemits for four double
bungalows on the Rorth 135 Ft. of the West 40 FL of Lot 36 and North 135 Ft. of
Lot 37, Auditorts Subdivision No. 1172,-.providing other reqyirements and pertinent
ordinances are adhered to. $lotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Bank then moved that the Public Hearing on the Bank's petition for Rezoning be
continued Sa: December a,- and that the Council, on its om motion, set it Public
Hearing at the same time to consider the matter of rezoning the balance o$ the
WLlace property for parking only, except for an adequate buffer strip on the
T{est side; azld also to consider the matter of rezoning all that area South, and
also North of 4% Streek which is now used for parking, as well as additional
property to be awlable for parking on the North side of 49$ Street-to be
rezoned for parking only. Notion seconded by Child and carried.
Upon a question by Xr. Robert; Short, aspto whether the matter of rezoning the
3KLlace propert~ had been delayed by the Couneil until after the Village Slection
o€ December 8, for political purposes, Nr..Bwk answered a definite lWotl; and
Hxnager litchell presented leker from Nr. 1r.G. IUett, Assistant Traffic
Engineer for the State Hightray Department, enclosing an agreement for Traffic-
Control Signals at ktersection.of T.H. #lo0 and-Valley View €toad: the Village
to pay one-half the. cost of- installation; and full cost of Wtenance and
electric power for operation.
Bvlk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Pfayor Erickson announced the Public Hearings at an end. --
He recommended ratification of agreement, and
SIG4W,-ECTJON. OF. T.H. #lo0 AND VWY - . , = rnTE0D. . --
BE IT ?BSOLVET) that the WLLage_snter into an agreement with the State
o€ Eiinneso%a,.Department of Highways for the purpose of Inska-nation of Traffic-
Control Signals at Intersection of T.H, #lo0 and Valley View Road.
I373 IT FWTm RESOLVED that. the &yor and Clerk be and they hereby
are authorized to emcute such -agreement.
and on Rollcall
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was
there were five ayes and no .nays, as
aye; and Barik, aye; and Bickson, ?ATTEST : A6. a . ' Nayor