HomeMy WebLinkAbout19531123_REGULARam 4 IC -%- c C \ Deputy Clerk repdrEed that an exchange is *now in effect for those 2-1/8$ U.S. Treasury Bonds maturing December 1, being $131,000; that the Bank is advising an-exchange for that part of the investments which can be re-invested for long term; sale of those investments which we tjould ordinarily &low to mature December 1. Bank's motion, authorizing Xanager Nitchell to sell $131,000 investments, re-investing those funds which will not be needed immediately, and reporting November 23, w& seconded by Child and carried. There behg no further business to come before this Special Meeting, Danens moved for adjournment. ETotion seconded by B P -. .--_ . -., &3nberS anSWering Rollcall &re bed, Danens -and Bank, trith Trustee Bredesen and 14ayor Erickson.-coming later, as recorded be$otr. Acting Mayor Child presided- until Nayor @icksonl s arrival. The Ninu5es of Council Meetings of November 9 and 16 were approved as subdtted, by motion Danens, seconded by Bank and carried. Mr. Child ihen announced that the C6uncil would accept; bids on ChZorimtion Bquipment, in confomance with Advertisement for Bids published in Edina- Iforningside Courier and Constxxiction BulletinNovcsnber 12 and 19. presented Affidavib of Publication for said notice of Hearing, t.rhich ttere approved and ordered placed on file. Sealed bids from Bverson P@g. Coo and'tfallace & giemtin Coo, Inc. were referred to the Assistant Village Engineer 2o.r public opening in the Engineests Office, by motion Bank, seconded by Danens and carried. Thekat-ber of award of bids taken NovemQer 16, cor Park Board Tqck was referred to next regular meeting, by motion Bank, seconded by Danens and carried, 4:- 9 -% bter in the evening, Chairman Strachauer of the Park .Board strongly recommended atiard of bid tonight, inasmuch as the Board will be needing the truck shorw, for skating rink work. Bids kre reviewed by the Council, being as follows: DAHLBaG BROS. WOODWD BROS. miJ, rnVESTER HOPKNS ~~?l~~OLIS MI"EAP0LI;S 1950 Ford F-350 8 Cyl. 13011 . . . , r Clerk B& Wheelbase, equipped with - accessories and Rosco Botary (Alto Ford F-250 V8 ll&i Ikeelbase, equipped ~1s above) $5,016,69 Iqtl. R-140 (&) ,13O1I TJheeL (No bid on Brush) Ifr. Strachauer reminded the Council of its promise to provide some .$4,000 for this.. Park Fund. $fotion seconded by Danens .qd carried, Board Truck be awarded to Dahlberg Bras.., at their bid of $2,029.65. by Danens and carried. Acting Nayor Child then announced Fkblis Hearing on iroposed Vatexmain and Well for Grandvietf Plateau. Elerk Bank presentea Affidavit of Publication in Edina-Xorning- side Courier November 12 and 19, 1953, 7qhich 7vas approved as to form and ordered placed on file. ~, Child then annoimced that the petitioners for 'chis imp-mvamt have asked that certain assessable areas be withdrawn from this petition, and that under the circumstances it seems to continue this hearing until the first meet%?% in January. Affidadts of PubLication, in Edina-Norningside Courier and Construction Bulletin govember 12 and 19, for IIAdvertisement for Bids-Watermain and Well.," were presented by Clerk, approved as to-form and ordered placed .in file. because the outcome of tonightrs Public Hearing on this project, bids be returned to bidders unopened. Efotion seconded by Danens and carried. Brush $2,029.65 $5, 0% 78 .base . .. $33 177 94 project,- and stated he believes the Board can provide the extra $1,000 from the Bank moved that Council's earlier action of this evening be rescinded. Park Bank then moved that the bid for the Notion seconded Danens so moved. Motion seconded by Bark and carried. Bank then moved that MexL Public Hearing was that on the proposed Grading and Gravelling of that Alley lying- between %7illiam and Hankerson Avenue and between W, fist and W. 52nd Streets. Affidavits of pUblication of f'Notice_ of Hearing" in EdQ-a-Ifomingside Courier .;;as presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Nr. Zikan =/23/53 48presented an Estimate of Cost in the amount of $1,502.!50, or $1.25 per assessable foot. Attorney Volk, representing Uessrs. Richard Johnson and A.G. Bogen, asked that this project be eqedited. It vas &rought out in discussion that developer Bogen had sold !%foot lots in this =ea, necessitating rear entrance to garages. Also, it was presented that actual construction work could not begin until spring-which will give Hr. Ralph Overliolt sufficient time to movq his house off the right-of-way. to Decanh.er l.4. l4okLon seconded by Danms and carried. Clerk Bank then presented Affidavit of Publication of Wotice of Hearing" in Edim-llomingside Courier November 12 wd 19, for propssed Grading and Gravelling of the alley betveen Be&€ard and tJil.lim Avenues and between W.%st and 5.1.52nd Streetso Nr. Zikan presented an Estimate of Cost in amount of $1,203.00 or $1.00 per assessable foot for this project. that it is not the policy to improve dleys unless it is found absolutely necessary for ingress and egrees, because of maintenance and snow ploxhg problem. Bankmoved for indefinite postponement of Hearing, upon notice that only 50% of. properties Were signed for on petition. Notion seconded by Danens and camied. Petitioners were then asked to secure further signatures, if possible. (See minutes or" later' Wmeeting) Trustee Bredesen arrived at this time, Hr. Everett Bailey asked for a yearts continuance 02 permit to, conduct Sunday bingo grimes at the American Legion Ball. pennit be continued for six months. Xr, Ton Fleming inquired about storm"sewer difficulkies in Parkmod bolls 3rd Addition -sad sumoundjng area. No action taken. &. John R6rdel1, 5825 Drew, presented claim for $'75000 paid to plumber Tom Xotzko for extra expenses 'allegedly incurred in locating, sewer connection on measurements given by Village, r-Ti-ihin six inches of measdrement given, dthough four feet short of curb line. He eqlained that the plumber had located his diggers at the side 6f measurenent given, rather than at center; that 'if his men had dug in the usually accepted manner, the pipe xould have been located without this trouble. No ackiian taken, pending talk by Er. VoekiLcr with 1-k. Motzko, Kr. P.J. Cressy of Northern States Power Company presented propsed new frmchise, requested by the Company as an aid + financing a ~160,000,000 construction pro- gram in this general area. Letter by Village Attorney Thdhorst, *setting forth the various points in question, was reviewed, being, narqely: ' Bank moved for codimance of Public Hearing on this project Council announced to petitioners - 5. After someediscussion, Bank moved that lirotion seconded by Daens and carrLed, c Public Utilities Supt. Ben Woehler explained that line was 1. Proposed franchise does not reserve to the Council the right to regulate rates, but provides, in substance, that rates charged shall not bB in excess of those charged in Ninneapolis unless Village imposes sollie special tax or fee on power company, 2. Clause which provides- fort limitation of prates to those charged in 1-m- apolis contains an exception which arises in event thzt Village imposes * Lax on power company;- butr franchise is not reciprocal in that it does not provide that Edina shall have lower rate than Iiinneapolis in event &that City imposes such tax on power company. 3. Proposed franchise does not reserve to Village any fees or other &-ages for use of streets, nor does it specifically refer to power of Village to impose any tax such as franchise or gross earnings tax on company,. After franchise is granted, Council id11 hhve lost any power to impose a fee for use of streets for -duration of+ franchise. Consicierable discussiomvms had as to the regalation of rates and taxes; and Bank offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council waive second reading thereof and sdopt as read this.evening. A33 OXDDJlW(=E GRfQITICnG PEF64ISSIOX TO. NORTiiEIZN STAW FOI!BR COUPA33,' A "XESOTA CO~OUTIOX, ITS SUCCISSQRS &Q ASSIGNS, TO 3EEcT, .I.IJSTALI;, HXLiEXB, OPiBAm, €tEP&&, dM> IKIXUIN, IEJ T€%-9IL$A@ OF EDINA* -EmESOTA, - TlUI~~S~*~SIO~~~ LtM?i3 AUD AH 33LECmIC* DISTRXBJTION SYS- - INCLUDJNG. NECESSARY FOGS, .POIXI LINES, - BASTS, . EXES, Cm, &G@GY iNT0. ARJ .TH@OUGH THE VlXGA(%, , AND -TO- USE-THE -SmS,.-mYS. AND PUBLIC:, T@*V&4& COUwn; OF TG-V&G% Ok-kD~A, HEI\Tl\hEPDT COUNTY, ORDAINS ks FOW;OI.JS: * c - - ORDI!W?CE NO. 24.5 FIXTURFX AND APPURTE&T&JCES, FOR -B@.FURNSHING-OF ZBCTRIC E~GY To ~m ViWm AND ITS mgqxqms, GROpS.OF_SAm VIi&UB MIR SUCH-PURPOSB: , -- -I drw, m TRANSHITTING EUCTRIC .- .- - I -- . _- -- ., I ---- - . ~ I. I -. . .-- ... *I 11/23/53 49 Section 10 That there be and hereby is granted to Northern States Poller ComPmY, a Minnesota CWPOratiOn, its successors and assigns, hereinafter r@ferredn to 3s "(3.ompanF", dm5ng -the period of twenty (20) years fy\om the date hereof, the right and pri%ilege of erecting, hstalling, enlarging, operatbg, rewiring, and mdnt&*g, on, over, under, and across the streets, alleys, and public grounds of said Village electric transmission l*es and an electric distribution systa, including zI-1 poles, pole lines, masts, %&res, cables, - lwps, trransfomers, and other fixtures and appurtenmees usudly, conveniently, or necessafily used in connection therewith, for the purpose of trans~tting and fmisbg eleptric energy for light, heat, power, and other purposes for public and privase use in and to sa5d Village and the inhabitants thereof, and othbrs, and for the puqose of transmitting into and through said Village such electric energy, prodded that. such-transmission lines and electric distribution system shall be so located as in no way to interfere with the safety and convenience of ordjvlamy travel along and oyer said streets and alleys, and provided that Company, in the erection, installation, enlargement, operation, repair, and maintenance 'of such poles, pole lines, masts, wires, cables, lamps, transformers, and o%her fixtures and appuste- nances, shall be subjeck to such reasonable regulations as may be imposed by the Company agrees to maintain and operate efficienZ1y its electric systun iri the Village daring: the term hereof, to provide adequate service to its present customers and to make reasonable exbensions of its -lines for the purpose of serxhg new customers when the revenue therefrom justifies the expense to Company of making the necessary extension, Because the Village limits as now constituted are within the Xinneapolis Netropolitan Area, Company agrees that the rates for electric service %herein shall be reasonable and shall not exceed the Compayts standard schedule of rates and minjmvm charges effective in the City of l~neapcrlis. of the imposition of locall license fees, taxes on earnings or other similar" Village charges or regulations, the Company shall then have the right to revise its electric rates to effsek any res211.tant increase in the cost of doing business. and authority to trim dlltrees and shrubs in the streets, alleys, and public grounds of said Village interfering 14th the proper erection, installation, enlargement, operation, repair, and maintenance of any poles, pole lines, masts, wires, cables& lamps, transformerd, or any other fixbures or appurtenances, installed in pursuance of the authority hereby granted, provided that Company shall save said Village haraless from any liability in the premiseso times to the police power of the Village and shall not unnecessarily or unreasonably obstruct the use of or injure any strFet, avenue, or alley,-and shall, upon the completion of any construction or repair, restore all streets, avenues, and alleys of the Village which shall be opened by it for any underground conduit of' 5%her facility of the Company to 8s nearlythe sane order and condition as they were before the excavation vJas made as is reasonably possible, and shall maintain, repair, and keep in good condition for a period of three (3) months all portions of said streets, avenues, and alleys disturbed by it or its,agents; provided that the three-mon-bh period shall be computed from the time of the closing of the excavatzon; but in case of frost before the three-month period has expired, the sme sha1 continue For the stated period after the frost leaves the ground. obstruction or excavation of any street, alley, park, boulevard, bridge or other public place, or any failure to properly fill and maintain such street, alley, *. park, bgulevard, bridge or other public place dter written notice demanding removal or repair, as the case may be, shall be taken care 03" by the Valage and the cost thereof shdl be charged against the Company and may be deducted from any payments due it from the Village. Nothing in tXs Ordinance contained shall be construea as giving to Company any exclusive privilege in, on, over, under, or across the streets, alleys, or public grounds of said Village. Company shall have full right and authority to assigLto my person, persons, firm, or corporation all the rights conferred upon it by this Ordinance, provided that the assignee of such rights, by acceptbg such,assiment, Company shall, if it accepts this Ordinance and the ri&tP hereby grated, file a vfritten acceptance of %he franchise-rights hereby grated T*Tith the Village Cle& VJith ninety (90) days from the date Of Village 13ouncLi.. c Section 2. However, in the event Section 3. There is also granted to Company during the tern hereof, per&ssion . Section 4* r The Company shall exercise its privileges hereunder subject at a3.J * hy Secbion 5. Section 6. become subject to the terms and provisions of this Ordinance. Section 7. Publication of this P Ordinance. r.. Section 8, This Ordinance shall be in full force and effedt frofa and after - its passage and publication, as provided by law. hereby repegled. - Section 9. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are I j!Je:Ct matter on the agenda vas Public Hearing on petition of 1-k. Enoch Strard fcrs pernit to construct three double dwellings on the ltEo 264.5 E%, of Tf03,46,5 Ft, of Lot 19, Auditoorts Subdivision No. 172+3928, 3932, and 3936 tf,.l+qth St. Clerk Bank presented Affidavit of Public&ion for Notice of Hewing, which'tns approved and ordered placed on file. . hasmuch as there were no objections, Danens moved that petition be granted. Rotion seconded by Bank and carried, Then, Xayor Pro Tan Child called for Public Hearing on petition of Itr. Roy Peter- son for permit to face house wrong way of lot, Lo$ 4, Replat of Block 42 Vales View Slope, facing said house on Virginia &ne rather than on Concord Avenue. Ufidavit of Notice of Hearing, mailed to ovmers of surrounding properties, waE presented by Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. 14.r. Peter- ' son explained that the houses in Vjrginia Avenue Addition are $acing Virginia Lane, and that his plat is simply run ex%ension of-the Virginia ilvenue plat. There were no objeckions, and Bank moved that petition be grated, seconded by Danens and carried, z i Notion Nr. Hosmer Brown, represating I&* Learn, 5901 OaKLawn Avenue, presented a claim in the amount 02 $361.00, covering additional costs paid by Xr. Learn to Johnmn Bros. Plumbing Coqxmy because of extra work involved in connecting Xr, Learnrs home r.rit,h, the sanitary sewer, A representative of the Plumbing Company explained thst - 1, The house connection+from 0aklar.m &venue is not in to the curb. 2. The Oaklam. sewer is too shallow to serve 59Ql. 3. Kuch mrk was done in attempt- ing to locate the connection, and then to serve the barn home from the front, before the Company was notified by the Village that home could be served by a connection from the trunk sevrer in the alley, between a &jOO.OO estimate made Xr* Learn by ithe company and the actual 886l.00 billed him. Bredesen moved that this matter be referred to the Engineer,xith request for reporb at next meeting, said infomation to include report as to the seprer assessments made against this lot. carrigd. Claim presented was the difference Notion seconded by Dmens and ?'k* JeWY Bason, 5900 France Avenue, and a ifelegation 02 Some ten or fifteen other residents in the mediate neighborhood, asked disposition of 8 petition filed SWtmber 28, for Storm Sewer h this area; stating now under water because Of the recent rain, and -that traffic is using the of soae of the petitioners in order to procceed, method of taPOrW reT_ief has been recommended bs Ilr, l.fj-tchen--yrhich, @t, &&eer Zihn ewlained, was simply to open a drainage ditch through easements &i-Ven for drainage puTposes, This did not meet with the appma of the delegation, becwse of the dpger to children involved, I3ankts motion, that this matter be referred to I.%nager 1E.tChel.l and Public Works Cohttee for indication as to limits of water shed, so that petition for improvment may conth simtures of 51% of ovmp affected by btprovement, was seconded by Danms and carried, Gordon Therndl Sscussed with Council Preliminary Plat of "Leslie TeWace,11 eTP1-g the reason for the curkd streets, After some discussion, Bank moved that the Preliminzry Plat be referred.to the Planning Commission with the infor- mation that,CouncU has considered curves and--that if they are acceptable to coomrissLon they are acceptable to Council. Notion seconded by Bredesen m-d carried. 1.k. Gust Erickson of Glacier Sad and Gravel Company was present to ask Councilts disposition of pstition filed some the ago for Vacation of the Plat, ItHarriet . Park". Village Attorney 'IJindhorst informed Nrm Erickson that a petition for plat vacation musk be-mde to the Hennepin County District Court, under Section 505.15 of 1.iinnesota Statutes. Bmkmoved that it is the sense of thh CouncWthat 5% vm. not oppose the vacation of the plat of Hpriet Park. Bredesen and carried. L 1.k. If, I$. Xolan, 4218 Sunnyside Road, appeased in support; of a lekter inquiring about Council. disposition of plans to purchase the old Como-Hop- Streetcar Bi@t-of-rray, Discussion was had as to the proposed hi&r.;ay dong the old Como- Hop- Streetcar Right-of-'Tay, wi%h Clerk Bank repoAbg on a recent eeting at Hop-, Ihere it yas tentatively proposed %hat Edina should bear some $60,000 of the tot& $150,000 cost of land acquisition. interested in the acquisition of right-of-Pmy for. iltl emreSS-uV dong the coma- ~~~&ln~ Streetcar ~ght-of-.~{ay be adeed that khe Village Of Edina has 'no ht;erest, fimncidly or othem&se, and is opposed to creation of a madt.raY of this nature on this ri&t-of-~my. France avenue is DeLegation uras told that a SIotion-seconded by Ehnk moved that the people Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Ora '.complaint vas received fron two neighbors, against Officer Robert mdberry' s conducting a commercial trucking business from his home at 3% 3Ionroe Avenue. . Bredesen's motion, that this complaint be referred to &Imager N$tcheU. for b-vesttigation and that if there is a violation Officer. Lindberry be advised to cease operations, was seconded by Bank and carried. Attorney Hosmer Brol:n asked about the status of the proposed Valley View Road project and was informed of the present wait for State and County disposition. 11/3/53 presen,t. I I &fayor* jkickson .entered the meeting at this time, making a full gqo& of members 1 Nr. Lein explained that he has now graded dxford Avenue through from I?. %stt St. to the Lop of the l&ll,' expending some $336.00 in.so doing. He asked- if affected property owners would be liable for payraents on the gGading project' dom the hjl1 to the South and was infomed that if the street' is graded to V.52lld Street, all property omers bekween 5lst and 52nd must share in the cost. .The Public Works CommWiee will inspect in the field and make recornendation. . * B'~ai-Abram Cemetery asso ciationb request for temporary use of dedicated madtmy betpreen the Cemetery &d Country, Club Floral Compmyts property, *for access of matter be referred to "ZWiLic Works Codttee,and Cemetery Assoc&&ion be notsied to take no action mtu after.-report is recdived. carried. Motion made"a2ter report of strenuous objection by IBss Docken of Country Club Floral Cdmpar3y; and by two other adjoining residents.. Era James N. Barden*~'claia in amount of $4&.43 was presented, for er;tras parid to Edina-Southwest Bl-ihbing and Heating C~npany for work incurred b f-g a curb box at 5828 1.9boddale Avenue. claim in amount of $29.43, .and Child so moved, Motion*'seconded by Danens and carried. Letter from State Hj&way Departaent, notifying Council of the reduction h speed lMt of Normindale Road, from 50 MPH to 40 ?iPH*tqas reviewed. Childts motion, th& the Hayoe be -asked to write. .a. direct letter to the Governor and to Commissioner Hoffnkkin, thanking them for their cooperation and telling them of the great improvednt h safety anditions since this speed reduetion, was seconded by Bank and earried. Twin City Rapdi Transit Company's November 9th request for approval of their proposed "Conversion Como-Oak-Herriet carline and elimination of France Avenue Shuttle Bus extension"into_Edina, and also Brookside rail line im$dina" was discussed at some length. It was brought out that, at one time,-Companr officials had aqxessBd a willingness to exbend the line on Brookside -to hterlachen Blvd. City Bapid Transit Co&pany with regard to their earlier, proposal, before Council gives approval to- present proposal, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, >bo Roy H. Peterson's'applicati-on for an 8tx20t sign'to advertisd Valley View Ridge was denied by,mbtion Bank, seconded by Bredesen and carried3 after review of Captain XcGaryfs r"econ5aendation that size does not conform with Ordinance limits. Edina Commercial Club" s application for flternporiWTpr pole for Christmas Tree li&ts at Edina Pure Dil corner was reviewed. this pole has been Ltstalled--that it is a steel post, emased in concrete. Maages I!Etchel1. insfmctkd to consult with applicant as to %emporaryf1 status. 3i.r. D.E. Nelson's pet%tion for change in name of *ITracy Avenueft *back to Olinger Road. Building,Supt . Voehler recommended against,such change because of - resultant; diffic@tie"s-p&th house numbers. Child moved for denial of petition. Ho'cion seconded by Bfedesen and carried. Petition was filed f6r the Bladdopping of a21 streets in VdFley View Blope Addition. be tentatively sched6led for first regular meeting in April, 1954, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, ' It 'zms noted that tMs subdivision is considerablexdistmpe from &%her sanikaq SetlTer or xgatemain a+, present time, Child* s+motion, that pe'citlons be accepted, but that Council set"no date for Hearings,,tras seconded by Danens and carried. *, 1Ceith-L. cay.lsonbs lgtter in protest to fftkough Stop si^" On 57th and Beard iqas read, and {fas referred to the Public-Safety COd*tek for re~~@n-- dation, by motion Cfiild, seconded by Dan.ps md-carried- Repod was mde of the rbquast of &. Carl 8, Kdh, for quit clah deed from the Village, to cor&& ermr k legal descri@ion of ProPdY $onveYed to village some years &go for roa,dway, Child's motion, that request be grated> and -i;hat Village &$orn& be prepared-to draft proper deed for reconveymce Of property tos. ~brth, was seconded by Damns and c~~~5.ed. bulldOm3r into c"eme$eV property,tuas read and reviewed, Child moved that Notion seconded by Danens and Utilities Supt . 't-ioe?il.er recornended allolqhg n - b"3 0 m .te P 4 m BaWs motion, directing Ranager EEtchezZ. to mite Twin I I " n Hanager Mitchell reported that -r * 7 .?* ChiLdrs mckion, that petitiom be accepted and that PLlblic Hearing. - *c Petitions for smitey S&Br and watermain j.n- ttIdylvmod1' Addition were filed. *P I The matter of disposition of licensed dogs allowed to mn at Large on the school grounds was brought before the Council at the request of Village dog catcher. Child's motion, that this matter be referred to Public Safety Committee for recommendation, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. 11/23/53 Hr, Harold E. Stockess application for permit to construct a s&n at hTr Cor, of Stocke & Harmon's Concord. Terrace was approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Child and carried, after Captain EScGaryls reporb on said sign was reviewed, 52 1 Cmdts motion, for payment of Village Payroll, amount $9,643.. 51, and Equor Store,Papoll, amount $655.32, for pe"riod Novenber 16 to 30, as recorded in detail- in Papoll, and,for payment of the following Claims, was seconded by Bredgsen apd carsed: 9863 Glacier S&d EC Gravel. 8 186.83 " FUND 7 CW-1 iKL TO: ANOTJNT - 9864 Ear1 Sevall- 176.46 i 9865 Ne 11, Bell Telephone llSOA3 9866 heridan Linen 7.75 9861 Reinhard '&os 4068 9868 CZw "reas., City of Qls. 3823 9869 3k&-w:~ E Krafft, I&g & Raugland 807.95 9872 L3ple Signs ..a 51.25 9870 E, 0. Field Go, - 18,781,60 9871 Dicg Palen 4.00 9873 J. R. Goan, Postmaster Y) 018 151.00 19 a8 24 6.95 9894 Clmcy Drugs, Inc. 2.48 9899 H. &-Rogers !3-,08 9900 I f.'liller DaV5s Go. 419.40 9874 Beridson Bros. 9894 N, S, Pover Coo 9895 Sel-lhr Pis t, F 9904 Iiiquor Fuad 503621,41 9905 General 2850 9906 C. 0. Field Co. 4ll68l.@2 99a Khe Sarnew Appliances 62 0 23 99x5 Richard E. Sonnenberg 27.00 9916 Shelby J, Tennis ? 27 e00 99x7 Richard E, Olson 5ex3 9918 S. R, 13itehell 25000 9919 S. R, Eitchell 83.75 9920 Robe& 0, Padson * 5.00 George Thcmpson 32.83 708o34 9926 9923 Giq1.or Fund 9924 Edina Fi2ernent s Re3jef 6,946*65 9943 u, 02 m-0 9,00 9944 Jay Robertson 22.50 9s51 Sexer Rental Fund 11 104*3;7 9952 P01,R.Fund 49864.72 9953 tiorking Capital 21,412~8 , 9956 Sever Pist, ~ 5q.19 9957 Sever Gist. #13 3b. 79 9959 Cons-kuction &d 43 956.37 8G4, WLo6 c r . 99.54 Joint Sewer Xst. #3. . 1% 34 9955 Joint Semr Dis t, #8 34.79 c 9958 n 3Jater UaTn #l 86.91 GE3IEW.L FUW 9862 9863 9864 9898 9899 9901 9912 9932 9933 9934 9935 9936 t 9937 9938 9939 99ko 9pbz 9942 9944 9945 9946 3947 9949 E. 0. I4artirison Glacier Sand eC Gravel Z:arl SeT.mI.3. ToXtz, YLzd & Day, Inc, H. A. Rogers Go. Adler Steel Froducts 00, G. 1.1. Orr Eng, Go. Qrfei B T.biani €helps Erake Pfeirf er Cons to Sfeiffer Excavating Coa OVrien Const. Go, Peber Lwitzti Copt, Co, I Bart Carlone Bart Carlone Bart Carlone Terry's Excavating Co, Terry* s Bcayating Go. Jay Robertson Eiquor Fund P.IJte Fund General Fund I General Fund c I? ? .. 2,723 s 79 3,468e.54 6,696,81 1 ? l. t I k 11/23/53 I t 53 CLIITi'lI NO, TO: 'r KW, Bell Telphone P 9864 American Lirlen 9880 9881 Kasson Oils; Inc. 9882 Mpls. Gas 9833 Leef Bros * 9884 u. S. Suppl$ coo 9885 Delegard Todl Go, 9887 ' Ifiite Notor TO, 9888 Pahlberg Brk 9885, Xalkerson Sdles, Inc. 9890 l$inO €1, ZeigEer 9 891 Warner Hardtfare Co. 9893 N. S. ?ower'Go. 9907 Rehm %tor (20, ' 9908 9909 Astleford B@&prnent Go, 9910 9911 "6;farfner Coo Reinhard Brcis, ' Bob * s Brookgide Service 9841 9886 H. Re T07ll Coo *". @has. A. 016on & Sons Suburban Ch&b F. 9925 IrJ. E, L~EI Coo N. W, Bell Telephone Gladys Killer, City Treas. 9865 9875 , 9876 - 'I1la'cerons Co, 9877 Central. Supply 9892 'Badger iqeler lag. Coo 9893 N, S. Power Co. Kger Davis Coa 9900 ; 9911 " Wmer Go, 99227 ' General Fund ANOUNT c 98 78 9879 Pale Green Goe Farkan Stationery,$upply I N, S, Power Co. c Helen B, Naldron Fred Emmert Iks. E. H, Adam Nrs. Richard- fiemer Loren 0, Young Midland National Bank: 1 c- i --- General Fund .- \ 9893 9927 9928 9929 9930 9?31 5835 9921 2*0Om P. I, R, FUPD $3 2000 9913 9948 9963 Dors ey, Cohan,Barker ,Sc ott & Barber Construction Fund Ridland National Bank 285,000,oo 68,8L7.26 Nr, Bruce Yund Dorsey,Cohan, Barker ,Scott & Barber General Fund 9902 993.3 9950 Dorsey, Cohan,Barker, Scott & Barber I Edland Itational Bank 9913 99 43 9903 Tlidland Mational Bank Cors ey, C ohan, Bake, Sc o t-t & Barber Anheuser-Busqh, Iiic, Bowman Distributing Conpany Canada Dry Ginger Ale Clausen .& Sons, Ince G oca-C, ola €3 o%tlihg Company Dis -billers Pis -br ibu ting Company 0. 1% Droney Beverage Company. Ghek Brew5ng Company Gold Medal Beverage Company Kiuether Distributing Gonpany NclCesson & Robbins Massolt Bottling Company .e 9913 L280b ( L2807 L2809 L2 810 ~283.l 52812 2.2813 228a L2816 ~2819 J12822 L2823 L2815; 32818 L2820 Ti2821 22824 22825 - -- I%ller-DaviB Company IEnncapolis 'Brexing Company Pabst Sales 7hrqany Ed. PhillkLpS &Sons Company Rex Dis'cribdting Corpany Royal BevorSge Coqpany Schlitz Breking Company Seven-Up Bo-Etling Coqaqy Ehnesota Hcispital Service Association Xidland Iktfonal Bank of Npls. IT.& Bjornsoil, TTeaS. P.E.R,A, Northern St Ates Power Company Ifidland I?atfonal Bank Bin Brothe2s Company Famous Brads Inca Griggs, Coop"er 9i Coripany The lat-kondll Cash Register Company Es tXLers fis tribukjng Company Famous Brands Inc, * Johnsoil Compmy P 1,173 05 322.16 J81,43 9086 ' 101.36 47.n ' 94.32 * 7*55 156.85 '72.56 40056 49; 871.67 224.10 * 732d3 6,151.71 lI0020 580.93 717630 81.84 1. I c. .. 1. .I * *. 1 Bredesen moved for confirmation by the Council of investments purchased November 18, in the foUor.ring amounts: ,* For Uquor Fund - $50;000 U.S. Trea+& Bilfs, Nabring 1/28/53 - $49,871.67 . -11 San.Sewer $13, 1,000 .- 11 , 11 XI 'I 2/18/53 , 996.50 '1 #53- XljOOO !! !! t' 2/18/53 10,961.94 -11 f or,exchange, of $28,000* Z-l{€@-U.S . Tqeasury,.Not es due *December 1, 1953, for 1-7/8;% IIotes due,December 15, -1954, for the following funds: $6,000; Sewer Nom 20, $X,OOO; Ifatemain No, 3, $1,000; Ifatepa No.. 4, $1,500; Uatermain No. 5, $2,500; Ilateqqains Nos. 7 and 8, $2,500; Tla'cermain No. 9, *" %,OOO; Joint .Sever TJo.-X,- $10,500; Sewer No, 13, $1,000; sewer Nom 8, $1,000, and for *he sale of 841,000.U.S. Treasury Notes maturing December 1, 1953, as follows: Sanitary Sewer No. 53, $39,000; Sanitaxy Sewer Ho. 8, $1,000; Sanitarg Sewer Uo. 19, $500; Joint Seyer No. 1, $jOO-this conbination trans- action being disposition of some $131,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds maturing Report was then made of additional funds available for investmnt; and Bredesen moved for confirmation of 9963 of November 23, for purchase of the follor.ring From Southdale Fund Gonstruction - $38,000-U.S?1 Bilk maturing 1/28/54 From Sauthdale Fund !onstruction - &5,OO&U.S. Bills 12/17/53 Erom 1953 Construction Fund - $30,000-U.S. Bills !! 12/17/53 Erom Ssuthdale Fund Gonstruction -$120,000-U.S. Bills t' 2/25/54 From Southdale Sinlrjllg Fund -, 12,000-U.S. Bills !! 2/25/54 Eron 1953 3hpmve.Coast. Fund - 2l,OOO-U.S. Bills !! 2/25/5k Sevrer Rent&, . December 1. Kotion seconded by Child and cqried. I. .. n I investments, check being in mount of $283,267.56: .., ?%om i953 Improve.Skg. Fund - 18,000-U.S. Bills !! 2/25/5& Xotion seconded by Child and carried. &, IIindhorst, the Village Attorney, reported that he had reviewed the minutes of the meetings of Septenbq 10, l9=, and September 22, 1952, concerning the agrement of the Village to assume one-half of the cost of the work of grading Glengarry Parhay where*that street runs equally between Village aimed property and privately-ovmed property; that Harold Rm Rosendahl had submitted a statement to the Village in the sum 03 $822.00 representing the Villagets share of this work; that 1.k. Hitchell. had reviewed the work and had concluded that the reasonable value of the-services rendered to the 'TiXLlage were not less than $822.00. *I&. TXndhorst-furkher stated that the Village vas liable to Nr. Rosendahl for the reasonable value of the services rendered, even though the mount M*'checbill is in excess of $500.00 and there has been no public public advert2senent for bids. It further appeared that at the time of the arrangment in 19% and.1952, it,was uncertdin wheL;her the cost of the work to the 'Tiillage trould be in excess of $5OOeOO. by CNd, ad carried, the claim of Xr. Rosendahl for $822,00,-representing the cost to the Village of grading Glengarry-,Pa.rkway vrhere.'-that street runs equally between Village owned property and privately owned property, was allowed in fUl3.m The mtter of replacement of Hugh Dignen's trousers, damaged bezrond repair in tne grsss fire of last month, was discussed. 0Zl"icer Digzlen Tor damage to his trousers. carried,. Discussion yras had as to a possible anendmen% to the PeExmIlel Oldht?l-lce with regard to the of vacationsj period of work before vacations are al$tJed, B& noved khat this matter be referred to the kiinances and L$$sktion for report at ned neetiog. . r. c f On motion of Bredesen, seconded "r, . Bank moved that Council reimburse No$ion seconded by Bredesen and * &Iotion seconded by Cud and carried,, 55 11/23/53 Further discussion was had on the possible trimming of the lmge trees in the Cowtry Club Bistrict, Nr, Wtchell reporting on a survey taken by Park Board Supt. Zirk, and that my trees are at a statexhere they r.Tiu sureay be severely damaged in the event of another wind storm, was discussed at some length. Bank then offered the follovcng Resolukion and Assessment procedure moved its adoption: I .7 PROFOSE13 TREE ,TRWmG DIFROWB,ENT, RESOLUTION P~OV~DING FOR PUBLIC WLNG . BE IT EtESOIJBD by the Coq.qil-of .the-Vil&age.of Ediza: . . .lo .The Tillage Engineer, having submitted to the Council. a preliminary report as.-to the feasibi1i.Q- of the proposed Tree Trimming li-ppmvement described in the Fom of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as &.the estimated cost of such improvement, said. report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, 2, This Council shall meet on-Honday, December U, 1953, at 7&0 P.N., in the Codmunity Room of the Edina-gorningside High Xchool to consider,h pu'alj-c hearing the views of all persons interesged in said proposed improve- rnent . c r tine, place ayld purpose of said meeting to be published in the official news- paper once a, week for -two successive weeks, the second of whjch publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the followbg,fomr 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause-notice of the c- IP NOTICZ OF HZXRmG ?. c PROPOSED. TREE TRl2IklXG IHPRQVBm\E * NOTICE IS HBIEBYL~$~@ .tha$ .the-.%dina Village .Council will meet at the Commjnitg Room+of- the.Edina-Norningside High School, 5701 Nomandale- Road, on*Nonday, @caber U, -1953,-.a-b 7:30 Po% , to-consider the proposed @npir>vement of a11 streets between tgc50th Street and sunnysi.de Road, bokh inclusive, and be-heen Arden Avenue. ,and Nopandale Boad, both Lnclusive, by the general trimming and prunbg of boulevard trees-therep, under authority granted by Laws of Minnesota 1953, Chapter 398. The cost of said jmprovement is estimated by the fillage Engineer to be 85,000. . The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said imp&vemen-b includes aJI lots and tracts of land within the abve named are?, 14otion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on RollcaU n there were five ayes and no-.nays, as Danens, aye; Bank, aye; md .. Nayor Bank then offered. the following Rdsolution and moved its adoption: RESOLliTiON PSPEOTINSG EUNS IWD SP2CZFXCATIOHS FOE P@?FOPD - T@--TR-mEN$. gm VlBIijQR , AI@ -DSREC$II!Ig The plans and specifications for the prcposed Tree Trin&ng h@rovement . . ADVXRTI~T FOR,BIDS., . . . , , I. BE IT EB0LVI;;D by the Village Council .of .$he _Village of_Edina: set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids Tom,. heretofore prepared by the Village Zngineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hergby approved, Courier and the Construction Bulletin the foUowing notice for bids" for said MOTICB IS €EZEBY GIV3N that t&e+Edaa Village Council ~5.3.1 deet at the Edina TTilla$e.HaUA ~4&ILlf, 50th Street, IJonday, Decexber 14, 1953, at 9:30 P.%, and will at said tue and place opqn and consider sealed bids for the general trjmming and pMuling of boulevard-trees. Workmust be done as described and specified in plzns and speci- fications f6r said improveinent on file ;in the offipe ofthe Village Clerk, Bids nust be submitted on basis of Gash payment for work. NO bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the 'Village Clerk in amount of ten percen% of mount of bid. .lo 2, The Clgrk shall cause to be published twiGe in the Edina-Horningside hpm vement : c AD"EFLTISS:SNT FOR BIDS . T€@Z-TRZvEB$G. - . I BY ORDER OF THE Vmm CQul\fcIL, _. .. I ---. ~ ~. .., BVATB C, BAN<, Clerk _.-* -- * Village of *Edina 56 11/23/53 Report vas made by Public Utilities Sup%, on method of pucchasing water meters, 1 Hanager Hitchell reported that the fire pump on the jeep is worn ou%, and needs either replaceanent or major repirs immediately, of repairs or tradein on fire pp for jeep be leftto,discretion of Vilkige Ifanager, providing cost is less than $%O,OO, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, I-hager IEt chell reported that the architects have reqgested that the Council allow an extra of $22500 on the New Village Hall, €or another roof drain. motion that exbra be allowed was seconded by Bredesen and carried. A. tklis the Xr, Eiresz, petitioner for the Grading and Gravelling of that Alley lying beheen T.lilliam and Bedford and between 11. ast and IT. 52nd Streets returned the petition, !@th the comment that sippatures. thereon do. "represent more than 50% of properties because one ovmer ovms l$ lots. periding investigation of titles on two lots in question, by motion Child, seconded Report accepted, bu$ no actLon taken, - / Childts motion, that the matter Bank's Hatter of improvement delayed, by Danens and carried, ... A% .this the bids taken this evening for Chlorination equipment were presented, being as follo-rrs: T1mCZ & TIERNAN COD, INC., Ne-trark,-N.J. - -. 1,- -Type SilsqGIZ Visible Vacuum Automatic Stark-Stop Solution ElERSON I-iLiiWAVlG COxPCmA'i'IOIiT, Chicago, Ill, Feed Chlorinator and .accessories $1,9S9,00 2, llechanical' Diaphragm Type Chlorinator- $1,61&,00 1. . .Sterelator Ghlorinator$3eries 1900 Semi-Auiomatic &1,548,00 . bblic Utiltties Sup%, Voehler recommended puqchase of the Type SASVGTI Chlorinator gmd accessopies from ITd,lace & Tiernan, expla-g that this is the onlr equipmenb which meets specificat-ion, Rental Agrement basis. PIanager-1-Etchell reported tha% there are some twenty old bicycles reposing in the Village Tool House, havSlg b.een picked up by the Police Department and remainkg unclaimed Tor years. 5.2 this actkon is legal. The recommendation of hst & Bnsi, Auditors, for purchase of an elecbz5.c bookkeepihg and bUl5.ng machine for the Village office was reviewed and discussed at some length. Xotion seconded by Child and carried, He asked that ewipent be purchased on their Trial- Bank so moved, 'Efotion seconded by Child and carried, Bank raoved that bicycles be- donated to some r.sodihy cause Hotion seconded by Child and carried, Bank moved for advertisement for bids to be taken Decmber Ue Ehriager I-EtcheLl reported that he has received informal bids for the purchase of the old Reo snow plow, which has been standing in the toolhouse, unused, for some years; the highest bid being $'75.00. Childts motion, that Ihnager l.litcheU. be instructed to sell plow to best, bidder, yas seconded by Bredesen and carried, Iknager IEtchell presented three brick-style samples for the meter house at 75th and Xerxes. was seconded b~ Child-and carried, Assistant %@ne& Zikan presented Village check in amount of $469.52, issued in January of 1953 to Harry Krech, contractor, for final payment on Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 47. He explained that I&, Krech cannot be located; that there are several outstanding bills against Child's motion- that check be cancelled, as suggested by Village Attorney, was seconded .by Bredesen and carried, I Office reported the need of a r$&O,OoO advance on the October Tax Settlement. Bredesen moved authorization of (j50,OoO advance on October Tw Settlement, -e Xotion seconded by Bank and carried. Bredesen moved €or adjournmmt. adjourned at l2:30 A.Ii,, Tuesday,- Noveaber Bredesen's motion, that meter house bricking be the red-and-white, for this project, Xotion seconded *by Child and carried, Lfeetirg Village Clerk