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l*leeting was convened at the Hiih-Schooi, pursuant to due-ali &a nitice by the
?apr. Xmbers present irere Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson.
Hinutes of the Regular Meeting of November 23, were'approved as submitted, by motion Bank, seconded Danens and carried,
1.hyor Erickson t'nen announced Azblic Hearings as follovls:
10 continuation Of October 26th FubIic Hearing on petation .of Fizst Edha State &nk for resoning certen property-Vest of Halifax Avenue to
CommLty Store District ,
Public Heasing on Edina Zoning Ordinanae kendment, r.rkick?-vould create rrPakbgl! District w3.thi.n the qea bounded by France Avenue, W.Bth St.,
ihe East-line of Block 4, South 1rJhi.t;e Oaks Addition, ad a I&e parall&
with and 135 Ft South of Tlj,4qth ,St;: ~
Clerk Bank presented Affidav5ts plf Fublication and Posting of the latter Notice
of Hearing in 2dhs-I.lorningside Courier and on three official bulletin boards;
which affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file.
1.14.. Bank reviewed for the audience the 'various controversial aspects of the
petition and proposed zonirzg amendment, stating that the Council nust consrder
all views and wrk for the best interest of the Village as a whole; that the-
Council. has met with the various groups proposing and opposing these developmentzi;
and that a plan, fairly satisfactom to all. concerned, has notr been worked out.
€ie then turned the meethg over to Village Attorney X:I%ndhorst, vho explained the
proposal. for rezoning the Wallace property West of Ha$ifaxkvenue, as fol10r.s~:
1. The rezoning to Cormpity Store DistrAct a tract of land, directly Vest- of the ten-foot Ifbuffer Stripzf at the West side of Halifax Avenue; said
tract haxkg a USfoot frontage on lJ.2Oth St. and a depth of 150 feet.
directly Uest of ,H&ifaxAvenue; tract *lBll.[ 00 abut the-property $0 be
rezoned for CommunLty Store District, ad,to ex%end 130 feet North of
the 1forth line of said+Cmdty Store District, and to exknd 265 feet
Vest of the West line of Halifax Avenue; and Tract IIC" to be an area
265' wide and 181.3 feet deep, exbending Vest. from the Vest line of
Halifax Avenue and directly North of Tract Wr, to the south line of that
tract on which multiple dweQings are. being, canstructed,
Dedication by the property oimers to the Village of a fifty-foot wide
1!i?ark11 tract at the IJest side of the t1Parking" District, extending for
the entire length of..Tracts W1 and YP--3U,3 Feet, and lying betlreen
the IIParking*l District and tbe,East loi lines of Block 4, South lW%e
Oaks Addit ion. .
Dedication by the property owners to the Village of a tract of land a%
the Irest line of the Ildlace property, exbending UO feet East of the
West..line of Lot 62, Auditorts Subdivision No. 172 and Block 4, South
I-jWte I. Oaks Addition, rgand 150,,feet North of W.50th S4x'ee.l;; this tract
containing the old Wallace home, and extending North of the South line of
the 50-foot tlParkfr &rack and the South line of Tract I1B1I. Dedication bx. the-properby owners .to the Village of a-3Q-foot strip,
lying betv$een the Communi'cy Store District and the ITdLIace home site,
and dending North to the South line of Tract IW*;.~hich prope&y is to
be used for a public driveway, as exit from the,l!Parkingtt Dktrice; with
6, Dedication by the Village ba,* to fomner owners,*hd-Kmse, of that
ten-foot strip at the llest side of Halifax Avenue-rrhich fomerly served
as a buffer strip. 7, section of a fence at *the back lot line of-the properties facing $iWle
1,k. tJ-&dhorst eqlained that the conveyance of the net1 5O-foo.t; strip for park
property include a restriction thst PrOperty CmriOt be u3ed for Other prpses
exc+ Block Four, and
Lots n,&Jve thpqgh TT.reni;y-One, Block Three$ SoUte lmte oaks Addition, and Lots TMdy-me and Si&y-two, Auditort s Subcp.vision NO0 -172. -
2, The remeg to llParkinglt District ?;!io tracts of land--8fB'1 and 1f[3ft >
I 3.
- 5.
right-hand turns only, onto lJ.5Oth Street* -.
consent of 75% of the owners of btS One through
12/14/53 59
Section 1. Section 2 of Ordinance Ho. 261 of the Revised Ordiri_ances '
02 the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby fur'Cher mended to read as follo~~s:
WETION 2. DistrTcts Established
Wor the .purpose of 'this -ordinance. the Village of Zana is
_-*, ... 1. Open Development Dis$x!ict.
2. Automobile Parking District. 3. Community Store District. 4. Commercial. gistrict . 5. Begiond Shopping District .
Y!2hese districts and their boundaries are hereby established.
No buildingor premises shall be shall be erected or used for any
purposes that does not comply with the use, height and area regulation
of the district in which such building or premises . . . *" . ' . ,.,y+, >** .(;:?'' * " 5' -;.::.,:: 3&&xo& 'af ' ()rdK&G
,;,,, ~ I - -- .* I' W,' J. .' t Sebtiod 2; I TKe 3%Zlo irl - '
shall be, and. are hereby, renumbered as follows:. Section 4, Community Store
District, shall be renunbered Section 5; Section 5,. Commercial District, shall
ba renumbered Section 6; Section 6, Regional Shopping District, .sliall be
renumbered Section 7; Section 7, Defknitions, - sbal.1 be .renumbered Section 8;
and Section .8, Administration, shall be renumbered Section 9.
Section 3.
adding thereto a new Section 4. as follows:
Sed Ordinance No. 261, as amended, is hereby amended by - - llSlkTIOiI 4: Automobile Parking District
1. Boundaries of Automobile Parking District. The Automobile
Pai.kinn District is established as follotss: .I -
Begin. on Soline of Lot 36, Aud.Subd,.*l72, &O Ft, E. of SI$ Cor. thereof; tho
No parallel with W.1h.e of Lot 36 a dist, of 150 Ft, to actual pte of beginning of
tract to be described; th.3:,'. parallel with S.1h.e of Lots 36 & 37 a dist. of 255 Ft.;
th. N. parallel with ??. line of Lot 37 a dist. of 130 Ft.; tho E, parallel with S,
line of Lots 36 & 37 a dist. of 2-55 Ft.; the S. parallel with W.bne of Lot 36 a
dist. of l3O Ft. to actual pt, of begin, of tract described, and
Begin, at a pt. located 40 Ft. E, and 280 Ft. N. of SV Core of Lot 36,
Auditorts SLubd. 172; the If, 255 Ft, parallel to S. line of said Lot 36; th, N.
parallel to M. line of said Lot 36 a dist, of 1&25 Ft,; tho E, parallel to S,
line of Lot 36 a dist. of 255 Ft,; th.' S. 181,25 Ft. to pt. of begin.
2. Specific Uses Permitted in District. Property located in an
fidtornobile Parking District may be used for the purpose of prodding adequate
street-level aut6mobile parking faciltties, with or without parking f eesz for
adjacent or nearby properties, whether commercial, educational, charitable,
religious, socisl, medical, yesidenbid or municipal, or any combinabion thereof.
Al.1 vses permitted in the Open Development District shall be permitted in the
Autohobile Parking DistricL,
Notion for adoption of Ordinance vas seconded by Bredesen and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Emk, aye; and $rickson, aye; and the
m-r\T.*m- /
e- Clerk Bmk then offered the ;Folloid.ng Ordinance and moved its adoption:
. Section.1, Sec-kion- 5$ Comqity.St6re Districts, of ,Ordinance No. 261
of the revised ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further
mended by adding a% the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 5 an additional sub-
paragraph, as f oflows:
(x) The South n$nety:tvm (92) feet of Vest forty (40) feet of Lot 36,
AudiLorts Subdivision No. 172 and t-he South ninety-tvm (921 feet
of the East seventy (70) feet of Lot 37, liuditorfs Subdivision
No. 172, Hennepin County, fikhnesota
Hotion for adoption of Ordinance was seconded by Bredesen, and on RollcdLL there
t.lc3jce five ayes and no nays, as follows:
0; and Zricksoii, aye; and the
Vil-1a.m Clerk
the as sGd tract shalL by further action of the Village Council be used for
librae puqoses, the Village Treasurer shall collect the rent paid by the
tenants of the present .structure thereon, and shall pay the same over -l;o the
Edba Board of Park Comissioners, for the purpose of purchasing trees and
shrubs to be plfznted on s&d tract md on the tract dessribea in paragraph 1
of this resolution,
tKs msolution, the Hapr and Clerk of the Village are hereby zuthorized and
ciirccted to execute and deliver, iri .exchange for sdd desds, %he convepcc Lo
the Ihnd-Ikuse Coxmany of a tract of land 10 feet xide, described as follotrs:
3. Upon receipt of the deeds described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of
- The If. 10 Pt. of the I?, 150 Ft. of the E. 172 FT. of the S. 1/2 of.Lot 36, Aud,
Subd. No. 172.
P z
Kotion €or adoption of the Xesolution was
there were five ayes and no -nays, as follo
Bank -then offered thq follovirig Resolution and moved its adoption:
~ -* .. Pw1I; PROPERTY
E8 IT' B,ESO';vED by the VXLlagtt.Cp~c5.l of the Viilage of Edka that
fence sh&l be erec$ed of suitiible size and m-berials begjnning a-t a poh% appro>fL-
ma-bely 135 feet east of the east line of I.laple Road on the north line of :.Test .%th
Street, thence north in a line parallel to Naple Road approm5ely 461.03 feet,
to a point appr0xImtd.y 135 feet south of the south line of Nest 49th Street and 135 feet east of the east line of liaple Road. The Village &Eager and Engineer
is hereby authorized and directed $0 seqke cost estima'ces for the erection of
such fence, and to contract therefor. If the cost of the work is such as to
require that the contract be amrded to.the lowest responsible bidder, said
Village I,lanag(x and Engineer shall prepare necessary plans and specifications
and aCtverbise for construction bids .
H6tion for adoption 'was seconded by Bredesen, and on Xollcall "there were five Bredesen, aye; ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and Zrickson, aye; and the. Resolution aye; Bank,
V3age Clerk ,
Child then moved for cancallation of that portion of the Public Hearing T&ich
concerned the proposed Rezoning of the property East of Halifax Avaue. Xotion
was seconded" by Danens and carriedb
At this time, Attorney Karl H, Govell, representing lao and Iks, Leo Nolw, 'and
61 12/14/53 appearbg confused by the proceedings, I1dems;nded1t to know whether the Council
was conducting Public Hearkg 9n proposed "parking district amendmentlf for the
entire district, The Council's last action, cailcelling that part of Bearing
concerning the properties East of Halifax henue,uras explained,
then filed with each member of the Council a copy of a written lfNotice of
Objection to Proposed Ordinance,I* signed by J.Leo and Lucille E. Nolan, owners
Buts motion, that Council dispense with second readings of two Ordinance
Amendments adopted this evening, and adopt such Ordinances as read, was secondea
by Bredesen; and on rollcall vote, there were five ayss and no nays, as follows:
was adopted.
Bank then moved, instru9ting the Cierk to postpone publication of said Ordinances
until such time as all contingencies on T.J'nich they were adopted have been met.
Motion seconded by Bredesen and unanimously carried.
1-k. Covell
.. * s (r- of d' property East of Halifax Avenue. ~ ...
I Bredesenj ayg? ChPld, as; Danens; aye; Bank, aye; and Xrickson, aye; and motion
Nayor. Ericksoq then =mnounced Public Hewing on Proposed Tree Triwning linpr(jve"-"S
-men*, (I purs&nt *to "Notice of Hearing,![ published, in Edina4forningside Courier on Qecmber 3 and 10, l353; said Hearing being on the proposed trjmming of all
boulevard trees between 7250th Street and Sunnyside Road,- inclusive and between
Arden Avenue and Edgebroog Place, inclusive; and indiugqg that portion ofc
Sqnnyside %ad running Vest. to the BelGline,
of Publication of Notice of Hearing, which was-appmved as to form and ordered
placed on fve. Nanager Nitchell gave as his Estimate of Cost, $,15 per front
foot, %or all propert;ies in this area, regardless ox whether or not such
properties had boulevard trees.
by the Council. on the grounds that all properties in the area are benefited from
improvement to boulevard trees; that $he owner across the street, or abutting,
properties .r.zhich do have trees are benefited equally t.rith ovmers of such trees.
There were questions as to assessments for corner lots; and the audience was
advised that such properties vrould be assessed on front footage only, Two
geiit2emen in the audience objected on the grounds that they have had their
boulevard trees trimmed recently at their own expense, after repeated rewests
to the Village for such sersrice; that they should not be penalized because
others have neglected this work.
owners wish to have their own trixqers work on their trees, A suggestion was
made that the Coyncil use the J1Sidewalk hprovement1l method of recpirjng this
work to be done by owners.
offered the following Resolution and raoved its adoption:
3- ...
~ +
Clerk Bank presented Affidavik
This method of proposed assessment was explained
Another objection was on the grounds that
Aft,er further elqlai?a"cion to the iudience, Bank
BB I" FLZSOLw%D by the CouncXL,ol^. th.e-.yillage. of -EdLna, Hinnesota, that this -- Counci& heretofore caused notice of 'hparjng to be duly published on the proposed
impmvenent consisting of the Trimming of all Boulevard Trees between lJ,50kh
Street and Suylizyside Road, inclusive, and between Arden Avenue and Edgebrook
Place, inclusive; and.,including that portion of Sunnyside Eoad running Eest to
the-Beltline, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said
notice the Council has duly considered the views of all prsons'interested, ad
being fully advised of the pertinent facjcs does hereby determine to'proceea
with the consttuction of said improveEexk; and the area to be specially
assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and
fronting upon the streets in vhich said improvaent is to be constructed,
ayes and no-*nays, as fo11
and Erickson, aye; and th
d, aye; Dmem,
Child then moved for adjournment of Heeting to Vfilage Hall.
Danens and carried.
n'c 9:OO P.M., Neetin$ was reconvene$, at Vihage Hall, with all menbers present.
&yor Erickson then called ContinuatLon of $oveniber 23rd Hearing on proposed
Grading and Gravelling of that Alley between f.Tillian and Hankerson Avenues and-
between If. Sst and Child moved Zor another continuance of 'his
Hearing $0 Iionday, January 25,
Notion seconded by
Neeting adjourned at 8:kO P.M.
52nd Streets. Motion seconded by Bank and carried.
Hayor Erickson asked for Council action on the proposed Grading and Gravelling
of Ynzt Alley between Ifilliam and Bedford Avenues and between 8. Zst and Ifa 52nd Streets; said Hearing having been continued from Movanber 23. It was reported
by Office that a check of property title has been made and that .petition has
signatures- of ovmers of 52% of property,
Resolution and moved its adoption:
Bank then offered the J,"oUovdng
62 J WDG E-i?amZfl ItTc). C-5 3E I'i: ZTiSOLTm] by the Counci& of*.the Village of Edina, 3desota, that this Council
heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve-
ment consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of that Alley lying between s.Is_LLiam
and Bedford Avenues and between IT. Slst rand W. 52nd Streets, and at the hear&ng held
at the time and place specified i$ said notAce the-Council has duly considered the
views 03 all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts,
does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of saLd improvement; and
the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of
land abutting upan the alley in which said jmprovanent is to be co6stqc-6edo
&Io%ion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danms, and on RolIxal.1 there
were five wes and no nays, as follows:
B&, aye; ad ErLckson, we; and the Resolution;yt72r0 ,
Viflsge Clerk
Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; Danms, aye;
-* 1
Attorney-Eiosmer Brown zppeared for Council's decision on t& c1ai.n of US client,
P;k. 'Le-, 5901 OaUavm Avenue, 3.n amount a€ $361.00, presented at meeting 03
'Movaber 23. l-lanager Xitchell reviewed for Council Utilities Supt. S'ToeUerls recommendation that LIP. Lean be allowed $lO?.OO, for the actud street connection.
%fro Brown asked that. he be allowed to present this proposal to his client, and
Child offered a motion that Council approve this cl& in mount of $tO7.OO
providing it is pcceptable tq ].ire Lzarn. Xlotion seconded by Bank and carriedo
I!&, Rojr Peterson explained to the Council his reasons for asking Tor a pernit to
erect 8'axZOt sign at Iiortheast corner of St,Johns Avenue and r.,62nd Street,
BredeSen mved,for approval of sign pernit. -Ho$ion seconded by ?anens and
1-hager Etchell presented for Council inspection Final Plat of Roy €3. Peterson's
Vd.ley View Ridge,
to make a thorough check &nd comparjson iAth Preliminary,
of Final. Plat of Valley View Ridge" subject to thorough check by &@neering
Departmen$, submission of *perfomaanCe bond for gravelling of roads, and signature
02 Planing Commission.
T.ko E. C. Stow appeared before the Council to complain that, because of alleged
errors by the Village &@neering Deparbnent, he is now faced with an expenditure
of %housands of dollarstx for thG gravelling of his roads
sufficient cover for watarmairls. A*Hr. Peterson, property owner in Stowls Brook-
view Heights, &so conplained, stating that kis driveway is now some two.,feet
above the stgeet level.
had not been proprly graded by the developer at the time or" watermain wnstmction.
A rather heated argument developed; and when it became apparent that nothing could
be settled at the Beeking, I.Iayor Erickson suggested a meeting of the CoplcLl, l~k.
3-Stchell,Cand Er, SLOW, on the grounds, in order that an inspection might be made.
Ileeting scheduled for Sahrday, December 18, at 2:15 Pol€.
Bank then offered the following Resolution and mobd its adoption:
explaining that "Ehgineering Deparb?n.mt has got yet-had time
Bank moved approval
Rotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
order to effect
&nager $Etchell stated that BrookvLew Heights streets
FOG- S!EU&" i3~3OVIl*ZQ..IjO. T-1 @ill -WU"E2*mtG
rADVlZiX!3Z-@E 3'08 BIDS .
j33 IT €ClBOLm by the Villzge Coupc5&..of tha-TT.j3lage of: Edina: 1, .The plan&.and specSications for Street Zqpmyement Eo. T-1 herqbfore .
prepared by the Village Ihgineer and now op file in the office of the Village
Clerk are hereby .approved.
side Courier ad the Construction klletin the followhg notice for bids for said
2, The Clerkts ackion in .causing to be published twice in the Ediha-Xorning-
improvement is hereby approxd and confirmed: -
3!€@.3$ *'i!RI"G . , . ".. - * -._.
1@3TICZ IS -iXZB,XFi GIVB4 that the Edina Village Council w5ll meet at the
E& TTillage.&ll, 4801 8. 5Qth Sreet, P.fonday, December 14, 1953, at ?:a P&I,,
and r.Jill at saLd time and-glace open and consider sealed bids Tor the genera
trimming and pruning of boulevard trees.
for said ;im_DrovmenL on file in the office of the-Village Clerk.
submitted on the basis of cash payment for wrk.
unless seded and filsd uith undersigned before the of said meetillg and accom-
panied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the V-ge
Clerk in amount of 'ten pzrcent of amount of bid.
Vork must be done as described and specified in plans and specifica"cons Bids mu$ be
No bids vrill be. considered
BY ELDER OF THE VI-LUGS COUNCIL,' .. . ., - .. *-- .I , EULD C. BQX, Village Clerk
'FiXLage of Edka
13/14/53 63 3. hereby adopted as the te-ds and conditions of award of the contract for said
Each and all of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bidseare
c I c
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall.
there were five ayes and no .nays, as follows:
Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, we; -
Hayor . ..
Clerk Bank then presented Affidavits of Publica'cion, in Edina-Xorningside Courier
and Construction Bulletin,_December 3 a& 10, 1953, for the following:
~ -1. 2. Accounting Haahine ,
Tree Trimming (Street hpovement No. T-1)
€kwW~~.$-antl. Gravelling of Concord Avenue between Southgiew Lane and IT
VaSler View Ed., (C-95 & 36) Affidavits of F'ublication were approved as to form and ordered placed-on file; I
and %& moved-that sealed bids be referred to Assistant Engineer Zikan for
public opening in Village Zngineerrs office and-report later in evening.
evening, I&. Zikan Teported bids to be as follows:
llotion seconded by Child and carriedc iF % %+ %- -3 %- 36 3:- 45 '' n Later in the .. sTm-a@; . STrn m?.-
Gopher State Tree Service
Wight Tree Service
Hubert s. Tree-Service
Vets Tree Seryice
United Treq Service
Ostvig Tree Service
Holts Nursery
NationdL &ash Register Go.
I, , 325,OO Desk "
G5,@75*00 .
Remington Band Co. $4,783.24 -. Child th'en'moved for referral of bids to Village Blanager for furth& report -at
ne& meeting. Hotion seconded by Dwens and carried.
Nr. L. H. Schwaktz, 4925 b, Swmyslope Road, representing Adath Yeshurun Cemekery,
pleaded for the opening of the East-West road between the cemetery and Coqntry
Club Floral Company; stating that the Floral. Company has used the ri&tlof-way
as a dumping ground and as a garden; that the-Cmetery Association needs this
roadrray for access into the back of its property.
t&th the Council later in the week, for inspection at the scene.
Nr. Schwartz was asked to rnee.l;
Wr.- IELliam C. Kelly, representative for a group of residents in %he neighborhood
of Valley View Road, was present to support his December 11th petition that he
and lk. Robert E. Wenretta, another representative for the same group, beinformed of any Wtters perf..aining to a change in the road pattern for this neighborhood.
He stated he would wait for any developments at this present meeting. (See
minutes of later in meeting).
Applicatiorsby Thorpe Bros., ihc. for construction of two 4x6' signs in Southdale, advehisements for the development, were approved by motion Child, seconded by -
Bredesen- and carried.
Child1s motion that Polijce Xeport €or November be referred to Public Safety
Comaiteee was seconded by Dqens and carried.
Petition was filed for Watermain in IKLliam and Bedford Avenues between Bberlachen
Road and I?. 52nd St, and- .in Hankerson .and. Oxford Avenues between W. 51st and W. 52nd
Streets* --Inasmuch as petition does not ccntain signatures of ovgers of 51% .of
properties, Child moved that petition be tabled, for further signatures.
seconded by Danens and carried.
Petition was filed by ?ad E. Olsen & Son, owners, for connection of Lot 4, Xdina
Terrace (5201 V.48th Street), -@th the Sanitary Lateral Sewsr in Brookside Avenue;
and fqr assessment for said,connection, .rather than paynent by Consuierts -_
Deposit, was filed.
Xonday, January 11, 1954, ,was seconded by Child--and carried.
Request of 192. N.J,S%one, 5917 N0i~~dd-e Road, for permit to construct a sign
advedisjxig f%lover .Lane" Addition, tms referred back to petitioner with request
fowl 'additional informa%ian, by motion Child, seconded by Bank and carried.
Bankrs motion, scheduleng Public Hearing on petition for
1.b- John E, Bloo~~b~&~s request for pernit to construct 5x3' sign at Rortheast
comer of Idylwood Drive and Blake Road, advertising subdivision, TELS honored
by motion hk, seconded by Child and carried,
Clerk Bank reported that he has been served with Sumqons and Complaint in the
matter of the claim of $340m09 filed heretofore by I-Iaxene Bm Carstas,
moved for referral to Village Attorney for actio;.
and carried,
Child I Hotion seconded by bedesen
The clain of 1.Ti.s. Jordis Bd3any for damages suffered to her car in transporting
Yillage bdlot box back to the Village Hall after Decder ah election vas
referred 'co the Village Attoriey €or his opinion as to Village liability, by
mot2on Bank, seconded by- Bredesen and carried.
Application of Gaylord IC. Fenns, 1901 Lake1 Avenue, for Plumbing License, was -
approvcd subject to approvd by Building bspector Woehler, by motion Bank, I
seconded by Child and carried.
Rural Hennepin County Nursing District report for Novaber, 1953, was briefly
The matter of the Sanitary Sewer Contract for Sew& hpmvement No, 47, with
Harry d. Ikech, cab again before the Counc+-with the information that Red
17ing Sewer Pipe Corporatior; has a cl&g for $479.31 for material furnished in
connection yith this contract Itatter was referred to Village Attorney TEndhorst,
by motion Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried,
Pmk Board Enutes, for ZIeeti.& of Hovaber 5,%$$e$@&f%e& and ordered placed
on Tile; as was Park Board Chairman Strachauerts letter concerning expiration
of his three-yse term.as of Decenber 31,
Xaager iZ.tchell recornended khat Council take no action with regard to width
03 right-of-way as concerns future road Btterp, *til first meeting in January,
rewjiewed and ordered placed on .filem I
c .-
Hr. 3Etcheil then bresented a Resolution, which he recommend %hat the Co&icil
adopt, in order that a study might be made of the best route for a cross-town
highway; this being a resolution requesting the State to designate a Pertain
road pattern 2s a itstate did Road" for the purpose of securing State funds for
this study, 3Tessrs. '5.Jilliam Irelly and Robert Hamatta objected-to the Council's
adopting such a Resolution onthe grounds that the RinneapoUs Planning Copmission
has already mzde--an exbensive study concerning a proposed cross-tom route; that
present ,poposed study r.riU simply be a review of 14inneapolisr old study; tha"c,
such 'a study will divsrt State funds from other State projects; that Richfield
businessmen strongly object to any diversion of a cross-tovm route away from
66th Street; that plans are now being made to widen 78th Street; and that Valley
View Rozd residents will. be damaged bx a cross-tom route along this residential
road,- mer I*&, Ba& had exglained to the objectors that the Council mst act
in the best intierests of the entire Village to secure the best Flamed route
possible Tor the ever-increasing traffic in tMs locality, he offered the.
following Besolukion and moved its adoption::
BZ IT &SOLVED by %he Council of the Village-of Edina, IEmesota, that a rewest
be nadg .to- we Xtinnesota State Department of Highways that. a road beginning near
the junction of Trunk Highray No. 100 and County Road NO. 39 in the Village of
Zdina, and thence running easterly along Veley View Road to '1.3,62nd Street; thence
dong Tfe62nd Street tp France Avenue; thence along Fzance Avgue to IT.6Oth Street;
thence--&ong 1~~60th Street to Xerxes Avenue, be designated as a St9te Aid Road.
Hotion for adoption or" Resolution was-duly on Rollcalf
aye; Danas, there were five ayes and no nays, as d Dickson, aye; and adopted.
Vmge Clerk -
e &ilders presented Final Plat of l%yridale Build&s lsing -between
grade Xerxe.s Avenue; and Ibnager 14itchel.l suggested that they be allowed to use the
dirt from ITm'74th Street to fill. Xerxes Avenue. Child moved for acceptzkce of Final
Plat subject to developers' grading of roads in acwcrdance v&th 1.ianager I.Iitchellrs
recommendations. Uotion seconded by Bredesen and carried,
Chairman Strachauer reported that the Park Board has yk8lded to public request for
an additional. ska-bing rink on the lKLlpond; that additional f&ds oP some' $l25OO
.E.rill be needed to operate it, Council asked that Board t~et until after Jmuary I,
:or request for addi%ion$. funds, in order that Council mi&% have more information
as ko anticipated costs of skating rink operation $or balance of ye@-',
and f.ira7&h Streets on Xerses Avenue. They indicated-their -tillingness to
I&. Iqoehler repored requests for the flooding of small skating rinks for’
neighborhood areas; citing requests for connections to hydrants, loa of
hoses, etc.
work, at a fee, if the members wished to do SO.
lit chell, Voehler, and Nitse’l be authorfz&d’ tb work out ill? arrangement whereby
the Fire D-epartment can flood rinks; but that the Department be instructed that,
in na instance are they to loan fire hoses to individuals for their private use,
was seconded by Wedesen and carfiedo
Xan~ger~l&chell reported thk Iforthem State; Power Company has ieauested
pwmission to install a.tempors.ry transformer on Interlachen Blvd., just East of Tailyq tracks, in order to provide sufficient.power to meet demand,
Bredesen moved for approval of request.
Village Attorqey Sfindhorst f s opinion, that impounded bicycles cannot be
disposed of except by ad-verbised public sde was reported by Hanager Nitchell,
Bankrs motion, that Pir, Ifitchell be athorized to conduct an auction on
unclsimed bicycles in the manner required by law, was seconded by Danens and
Discussion was had regarding the employment of Hr. ,Harold Gilbert as an Engineer
for .the Village. Bank’s motion, approving employment of 14r. Gilbert; establish-
ing his Position Classification at No.4OD; and setting his beginning salary at
$5l&OO. per month, with employment to begin January 1, 1954, vas seconded by
Child and ,carriedo
He asked if the*Fire Department could be authorized to do such
Child’s motion, that Messrs.
Hotion seconded by Child and carried,
Diskssiooa vias had as to the proposal of $fro Emil Fronk to dedicate four lots
forspark pwposes; stating that the park goard does not wish to accept them.
He informed the Council that ovmership of these lots by the Village would aid
in alleviating a serious drainage situation in the area of 60th and St,Johns,
“fatter laid over to Janua-ry U, for Zurther information from Nr, Mitchell with
regard to the relationship of these lots to those lots now ovmed by the Village
and which-are now considered for return to State. .
It was reported that Night Police Dispatcher, Em, S. Heydt has been in the
hospital since November 30;_that his earned si-ck leave, under Village Personnel
Ordinance5 was used up before he became ill in November. A€ter considerable discussion, .Bank moved that it go into the record that the matter of additional.
sick leave with pay for Offieer En. S. Heydt was considered by the Council and
that it was denied because of the Council*s reluctance to-establish a precedent
in non-confo-rmance rdth Personnel Ordinance. Notion seconded by Bredesen md
carried. --
Bredesen then moved for approval of the following Payrolls, all as recorded in
d&il in payroll ledger, and-for payment of the Claims listed below, Xotion
seconded by Danens and carried:
Village Payroll - Period &2/1-12/15, Xnc., i953 - Amount $8,963.52
Village Payroll - ?eriod 12/15-12/31,Inc., g953 - Amount $9,284,84
Liquor Store Payroll - - 12/1-12/15, kc,, 1953 - Amount $1,230.22
Liquor Store Payroll - - 12/16-12/31,hc., 1953-- &omt $ 655.32
Edina Volunteer Fire Dept. - Amount $3,745.00 - - 11/30/52-11/30/53 -
- TO: - &ouNT
Anheuser-Busch, bc, 313 94
Automatic. Warm Gorp. 25.50
Bournan Dis-tributing Company 245.00
Canada Dry Ginger Ale, kc. 154.42
Clausen.& Sons, hc. . 8@Z,06
Coca Cola Bottling Company 53 . 76
Distillers Distributing Go, 1,032,80-
O.M,Droney Beverage Go. ~ 360.40
Gluek Brewing Company 135.87
Griggs, Cooper .&- Company 3,253 94
IfcKesson & Bobbins 2,446 0x9
Nassolt Bot$ling Company 27.910
Nid-Tfest Vine Company 467.15-
Mime apolis Brewing Co . 76
Kuether Distributing Company 75.85
Northwestern Be21 Tel, Coo 3.4.60
Pabst Sales Company 223.82
Ed. Phillips & Sons Go. 482.66
I0 It dl 11 977.39
Rex Distributing, Company 192, 37
$chlitz Brewing Company 59 59
Seven-Up. Bottling Company 96.40
17 00
Village of Edina 7.36 Village of Edina,Gen. F’und
(Continued on Ned Page)
66 u/l4;53
I.linneso-ta Hospital Service Assn. $ - 8.25
IZLdland Bank (withheld taxes) 154.95 Bd. Bjornson, Pres. P.E.E.Ao ?LO4
Fanners & 2.Iechanics Bank.-*(S?rgs) 15oOO
American Ehen Supply Coo I l.l.80
Griggs, Cooper St Company e 5,327 4? Ed. PHlips Er Sons Coo 8,319.20
First gatl. ~anl;
First Natl. Bank
~5836 North-restern Natl. Bank
P5837 Iforthtrestern T.Tatl. -Bank
Y5839 Northwest ern Natl . Bank
3347 First Natl. 3~3.r-d~
S5842 Northwestern Natl. Bank
Y5&0 Zorthwest ern IJatl . Bank
Y5843 Northwestern Natl. SVlk z
Y584.4 ilorthtrestexn €Jatl. Bank
10185 Arthur K, Petersen %
10035 First laiL Bank . ? , 6,428,76
First IJatl. Bd 8 3,729030
11 I1 ir 4 9,937.28
10033 10034
Suburban Hem. Cy. Belief Bd.
*- 10032 Northwestern Natl. Bank . $16,033.95
c ..
100 52
10054 10064 10072
10079 loom
10174 10176
10062 10064
10066 10067
.. .. .-. Town 0: Coun'cry Hdwe. 3 2,76
KueUer Co . I 86.74
-3Ipls. E; St.&uis Ry. Co, 12.44
Gateway Transfer Go . - - 2.50
-Town & Country Hdwe. 50%
-Bdger Ileter ?Ug. Coo 2,080.71
CoLnstruc%ion Bulletin 37.20
I( Courier 9090
Bart Cztxlone 157.40
Northwestern Bell Tel. Go. 13.85
Petty Cash '* - c .9L
I.lifler-Davis Coo L c 37.25
Young Fuel Coo 36.61
W.S. Dailey Coo c 10.66
aergerson-Casvrell 307 20
Pfeiffer C&st CO. 234.58
gdina Taxi coo * 64.00
Town B. Country Hdwe. 1 3.37
Vj..ll.age _of Edinz-Generdl, Fund 1,500.00
TTarner Hdwe 8.45
Hopkbs Recreation Codpsion 5.00
Buedlinger Iiursery (. 156.80 S.J, Etherford Co, 4 20
iirdyce &Pray - c 27 e00 Homrd Eerriman c 300.00
Grandview Hdwe . 3435
Construction Bulletin c 10.40 Xdillz-f.orningside Caurier 6030
Petty Cash 30
ww53 TO:
Pfeiffer Const. Co,
Geo. 4, t;fillson
Eidem. & Hous er
Ess Bros.
HOB. Johnston Culvert Co.
Edina .Taxi Coo
H.A. Eogers Coo
E~rl Sewall ~ c
G.H. Qrr. Eng. Coo
Construction Bulletin
Edina-Norning si de Courier
Peter Lametti Co. -
Q'BrieVl Coi?st._Co. - Bat Carlone
Pfeiffer const , -eo . e
$3, Nwt@xion . -
Dekaney Bros.
Uorthwes-l;ern Bell Tel, Co .
Pe%ty Cash ~ c
f3urroughs Corp. "
Victor Carlson & Son
Peter Lametti Canst; Co,
Orfei Et 3fariani r
{.A, Danens & Son
Ashworth Et Son c
Ashworth & Son
13shPiorth Et Son
100~~ 100.49
100 50 10062 10063
10074 10075 10079 10080 10091 10092
10093 10094 10095 10101
10104 10170
10184 10186
10039 10040
100.44 10046
10055 10056
100 58
100 59 10073
10097 10098
10076 10096
10015 10016
10018 10019
10021 .
10022 -
1002 5 10026 10027
10028 10029 10030
10037 10038
10060 10061
% 494090
r 17.25
118. 75
10; 50
24 73 32. 54 219 . 56
28.80 36.00- 6, 9LC6.18*
513 020 n
6.92 90 000
14. 97 23.00
43152.80 27, 631.25 1,842.66
1 t 785o18
iiim, PireIb, CO.- 10 91
Standard Spring Go.- 24 46
?amberg Brosa 1 14.42
Delegard Tool Go, 14.95
Epls. Iron Stop c 9.75 1f.E. Lahr Co. c 3.00
jfestern Windshield eo, 4-0 27 &: W Co,, Inc. m 38.05
?oh's Brookside SerAce 4m.00
Paper-Calmenson I r 16.34 H.R. Toll Co. 1 1.86
Chas, , Olson & Sons * 27 96
Kosso~~-UiLs, IGc. * 74.07
Grandview Hdwe. Coo- - 28.75
U.S. Supply coo 6.00
y~m. H. Ziegler cO. - 104.38
1. Suburban Chev. Co. * 103 72
Eeinhardt %Bras. . - 42 81
Standard Unit Parts 8. 93
G.R. Hansemann_Co.- 100.36
Petty Cash . - 9.60
Northrestern Bell lel. Co, 18.40
kerican Zben Coo- 5.00
lfoodhead Co. ~ - 51.25
$@ls . Gas *Co . 129.35 Leef Bms. c 3.05
Win, J. XcKeand I 10.00 '
H.Godfmy. i\Telson - 15.00
Ed Ryan, Sheriff, Henn. Cy, 25.50
BobJudgate 31 50
Jay.' s Cameras li 6.30
Harold R. -RosendaM- , 822 000
Crown Iron Korks- - 26 . 00
Republic Creosokkg Co . 50.08
Chris N&tzel 3 000
S, J, Tennis 4.00
J.A. Rush ~r 3 000
Itinn. Safety ApplAances Co 77 * 62
S. W. Geirrick 16.50
€&gh Dignen 12. 85
Alfred B, Johnson ., 4.00
Anderson Bros. - 5.98
E~mn.-Hosp. Service Awn. 7.55
ToI,~ &. Country Bdwe, ~
. 66
Pfeif fer Const .. Ci, 42.75
p$innesota_Fire Ex%. Cos - 5.50
games iq. Barden 29.43
Glacier Sand & GFavei COO 135.56
Berg & Parnham CO. 5.70
(&nerd mnd - Continued Next Page
i *-
/ (General Fund - Continued) (, 10063 10064
10074 10077
10083 10084 10085 10086 loom
10088 10089
10103 10104 10105
10108 10109
10115 10336
10120 lorn
10122 10123
lOJ.24 lOs25 10126 10127
10128 10129
10133 10135
10137 10138 10139
lOl40 low
103-43 lorn lOl45 101-46
lOU9 10150
10157 10158
Preliminary Plat for *'Parkwood kolls Fifth Additiontt was presented, together
vith report pf Plyning Commis$ont s approva3..
of Preliminary Plat "L. r was seconded bJr Child did carried.
Bank moved to direct the 'Village Attorney to draft an anendme& to Zoning
Ordinance, requiriqg developers. to provide drainage €or their developments,
in accordance with recommendations of Village &ngineer, filing bond with the
Village to assure that this work be done, before acceptance of Final Plat.
Xo-tion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Child?; motion, recommehing that no fuj$her building pedts be issued in
Commpity Store District until. owner c& provide adequake parking in addition
to the area already provided, was seconded by Bank and carrired, Bank then
moved that the Council, on its otm motion, schedule a Public Nearing fqr
January XI., 19.54, on an amendment to the Zoning Ordinapce vrhich will require
additional pmkirng space to be furnished before building in the Community
Stoge District.
ayes and no nays,. as follows:
aye; and Xrickson, aye; and $he. motion was un&ously carried.
Bank! s motion, for approval
Xotion seconded by Child, and on RollcaJJ there were five
Bredesen, qe; Child, aye; Danens, aye; Bank,
I At this the it was called to the Council's attention that the tWotice of
Hearing" on the FirstJ3dina Bank's petition for rezoning did not cover all
the property rezoned this evening by the Council.
new petition, covering the rezoning of the property. described below:
The Bank presented a
rrBegirmin.g on the South line of Lot 36, 40 feet East of the
Squtliwest corner thereof j %hence.. IJorth parallel with the $Jest
line of Lot 36 ,a' distance of 1.50 feet; thence Uest pmallel.
with the-South line of Lots 36 and 37 a distance of 135 feet;
thence South parallel wiqh the Vest line of said Lot 37 a
distance of 150 feet.to the Souhh line of said Lo% 37; thdnce
East &Long said South line o? Lots 37 and 36 a distance of
135 feet to the point or" begirming, together with an adjacent "
10 foot strip qirectly to the East of the above described
property, all being in Auditor's Subdivision Mob 172".
Village ir'ctorney recommended -that a,.new hearing be had for this new pdtition,
and Bank moved, scheduling Fublic Hearing on petition for Nonda;y, Jmky 11,
carried. . I_ . c
. 1954, at 7:30 P,Ei., at the Village. Hall, Blotion seconded by Bredesen and
I&. Nitchell reported-that difficulty has been experienced in securing clear
records fromthe Court House concerning right-of-way of street - W.49Lh Stme%,
just ?Jest of France Avenue; this matter being considered as a pa@- of the plat
of Engch Sward's Addition.
dedication inasmuch as the sttree% to the J$egt-or". this plat is only 40 feet
wide, Xatter referred back to Planning Gomission.
He suggested that the Council approve a 20-foot
' Child's' motion, that office be authorized to issue payroll checks for last
have of December on December 18 vas seconded by Danms and carried.
luka l;E+bchell repor'cedc that the so-called l%esporary*r pole for Christmas
decorations at 50th and Halifax Avenue was never meant to be temporary.
Bank movedthat perinit for pole be granted provided pole is painted;
permit to be in force-until such time as Council considers it necessary to
hare pol& removed, Ihtion seconded by Child and carried.
The matter of Pederson Brps. Dairrts late filing of exception to Sanitary
Sewer Tmprovement Eor 53 was again .consideyed, with Bank moving that Council.
give due consideration to this filing in view of -ex%enu-ating circumstances
wkich +prevented filing on time.
bmger. iiitchell reported that the Tublic Utilities Committee recommend-s an
early public hezing on petition for Storm %we? in Eormts Edim &nor
WIG ceconded bv Danens and carried.
Eotion seconded by Child and cawied.
Bank's notion, s eheduling F'ublic Hearing for first .meeting h Xarch
T.ianager l.TitcheL reported that he is now in need of sone time ofl, inasmuch as
lis only tine off this yaar was +qxm-L at Reserve cmp; that, if 'it is agreeable
with the Council, he rrill be atehome, and..available Por meetings and conferences,
but will take time away from the office betwecn ON and the nex% regular meeting.
Bdts motion that in view of the overtime IJr. Hitchell has given,his request
be granted, vas seconded by Child and carried.
There being no further business -to come before the Council at this time, Bredesen
moved for .zdjoment. Kotion seconded by Child and carried.
.. I
6ffiee repoded ViJ-lage Attorney Ifindhorst s verbal memorandm concerning
difficulties i:rith the proposed ney Zonfng Ordinance Amendment requiring addi-
tionzl parking facilities in CommurQty Store Districts. Childts motion, ,that
Cowncil. rescind its action of the ULtn, *scheduling Public Bearing on this pro-
posed new Ordinance for Janusry ll; and that further action be delayed until
Attorney I;iindhorstts witten openion is received, was seconded by Danens and
carriede __
Iknorandum was had fron Attorney l-findhorst coiicerning drainage problems and
netrly developed areas. I-ktter laid aver to first meeting in January, 195k0
It vas noted that the Auditorst vork is made easier if all receipts fron; the
County Treasurer's office ars in our hands by the end of the year; and Bank
moved directing Tillage Treasurer to 'secure balance of November tax settlemnt
before January 1. Eotion seconded by Danas dnd carried,
The matter of temporary financing for general fund operations and New Village
Hall construction was discussed; and Ihyor Erickson, with consent of those
present, appointed as a standing mmmittee of the Council., 1.lessrs. Bank, Child
and Erickson--comittee to be called Committee on Finances.
Bank then moved, authorizing contribution of $75,000 from Equor Dispensary Fund
$0 &nerd Fund for construction of PTew Village Hall. %lotion seconded by Danem
I and carried.
Bank's motion, authorizing payment of the following claims, including transf ers
of funds, TELS seconded by-Danens and carriid:
CMIII NO, TO" klmm -
VQlage of Zdina-Construction E'dd $542-52 . 10215 * It I1 11 28I&&o = - 10207 -
io216 NIT Koulding 8 Picture-Frame Co, 10 73
10217 !&.&I City Testing 8: Ehgr. Coo 196.50
10539 '10228 2023% !! ITorSng Czpi.tal. Fund - 26025.57
10200 Village ol" %dim - P.1.R. Fund 20228.@4
10226 !! Genera Fund 16178.52
I! General Fund 3609.00
10231 1' General Fund ll812.51 10230
10232 !! 1951 Imp. 2nd Series Fund 438.38
Vmage of Edina Construction Fund 2206 . 12
11 ll If ill 292e59 f2sx!x& 'IrcJrJD
1 -
10225 tr TTorking Capital Fund 179.25
!! 1952 linpmvement Fund 2896.05 cal3TBu~TmlJ EUI*TD
10235 . I! ' T&ciag Capital Fund 2648.50 8573991Q05 . 10233 , -. .
Village of Edina-General Fund 906 97 SEZR €XJT&
If - ITorking Capital Fund 100 Qoo $ 1,006.97.-