HomeMy WebLinkAbout19531228_SPECIAL90 T.ianager l.TitcheL reported that he is now in need of sone time ofl, inasmuch as lis only tine off this yaar was +qxm-L at Reserve cmp; that, if 'it is agreeable with the Council, he rrill be atehome, and..available Por meetings and conferences, but will take time away from the office betwecn ON and the nex% regular meeting. Bdts motion that in view of the overtime IJr. Hitchell has given,his request be granted, vas seconded by Child and carried. There being no further business -to come before the Council at this time, Bredesen moved for .zdjoment. Kotion seconded by Child and carried. .. I 6ffiee repoded ViJ-lage Attorney Ifindhorst s verbal memorandm concerning difficulties i:rith the proposed ney Zonfng Ordinance Amendment requiring addi- tionzl parking facilities in CommurQty Store Districts. Childts motion, ,that Cowncil. rescind its action of the ULtn, *scheduling Public Bearing on this pro- posed new Ordinance for Janusry ll; and that further action be delayed until Attorney I;iindhorstts witten openion is received, was seconded by Danens and carriede __ Iknorandum was had fron Attorney l-findhorst coiicerning drainage problems and netrly developed areas. I-ktter laid aver to first meeting in January, 195k0 It vas noted that the Auditorst vork is made easier if all receipts fron; the County Treasurer's office ars in our hands by the end of the year; and Bank moved directing Tillage Treasurer to 'secure balance of November tax settlemnt before January 1. Eotion seconded by Danas dnd carried, The matter of temporary financing for general fund operations and New Village Hall construction was discussed; and Ihyor Erickson, with consent of those present, appointed as a standing mmmittee of the Council., 1.lessrs. Bank, Child and Erickson--comittee to be called Committee on Finances. Bank then moved, authorizing contribution of $75,000 from Equor Dispensary Fund $0 &nerd Fund for construction of PTew Village Hall. %lotion seconded by Danem I and carried. Bank's motion, authorizing payment of the following claims, including transf ers of funds, TELS seconded by-Danens and carriid: CMIII NO, TO" klmm - VQlage of Zdina-Construction E'dd $542-52 . 10215 * It I1 11 28I&&o = - 10207 - io216 NIT Koulding 8 Picture-Frame Co, 10 73 10217 !&.&I City Testing 8: Ehgr. Coo 196.50 10539 '10228 2023% !! ITorSng Czpi.tal. Fund - 26025.57 10200 Village ol" %dim - P.1.R. Fund 20228.@4 10226 !! Genera Fund 16178.52 I! General Fund 3609.00 10231 1' General Fund ll812.51 10230 10232 !! 1951 Imp. 2nd Series Fund 438.38 FKCO Vmage of Edina Construction Fund 2206 . 12 11 ll If ill 292e59 f2sx!x& 'IrcJrJD &2,088.43 1 - 10225 tr TTorking Capital Fund 179.25 !! 1952 linpmvement Fund 2896.05 cal3TBu~TmlJ EUI*TD 10235 . I! ' T&ciag Capital Fund 2648.50 8573991Q05 . 10233 , -. . 3.0204 10237 10206 10218 10222 10223 Village of Edina-General Fund 906 97 SEZR €XJT& If - ITorking Capital Fund 100 Qoo $ 1,006.97.- 12/28/53 tJ.:~~I.I. #2 mm S4qaSEm FUND 6 s&~s~,m g1.3 FUND Y5850 * Village of Edina-1950 b-pr.lst & 3rd . $ LO$ Y5850 e fF -1950 Impr.1st & 3rd $3 o 19 Y5851 'f -1951 Irnpr.2st Series , 1.73 -$ 4~92- * a5852 Y5853 "B:'rLlage of Edina-Construction Fund Village of %dins-Construction Fund 10196 Village of -5dina-Construction hd $9,2&5.33 P.I.R.cSkg. Fund #l- - 32.45 10201 tr 10202 c !! Pt1.€5 Skg. Fund $2 * 250 05 10203 ?' 3.l.q. Skg. Fund #3 10 38 Peder,&iickels en 169 0 33 10210 - 10211 Village of EdinG-Construction Fund 6.36 10212 II P,I,R, Skg, Fund $42 16,687.50 6,720 . 00 10213 1' 11 $3 102l.4 9 !! if1 21,700000 P,I;Tz. FUND 10229 !! 4onstruction Fund 5,691, 59 $60267.99 . $1503 . 8 5 S&$.SEZB #8 &D $8900 .OO c c I- - * __ _- ,. PPXS FUND $.7.250*00. Tillage of Edina-lag. Capital Fund - 1950 lXFEAXZ+ UT 1950 IIPliOv"e 28D Z0236 1OlP7 ?illage of Edina-y950 Tmjprove.-2nd Series 8 139.21 it P.i,R. Fund 1.16 $ 31.31 103.98 10199 10224 Village if Sdina-Goistruction Fund &45,000,00. Village of Edir~a-1951~ hprove.-lst Series 30.15 $ovTmIm T.PROvE 1952 IHEam-* 10234 Peder Xi ckels en 5 611.69 1953 BP3rn. 10234 Peder Xi. ckds en - $ I 192.63 10209 Village of Xdina-Construction find $ 60,OO L2857 L2S58 L2sf 59 %bin Brothers CQmpany c- - 669.15 1951 IKP2OYE. zpsI3. Distillers Distrib'uting Coo 243.69 : 2628.52 I1 TI 11 22860 Famous Brands, inc. 40 98 o 20 L2861 a;Ynn Johnson Company 67.50 1,2862 "Ed-West Wine Company, Lnc . 523 50 ~2864 Nortljern ?$ate? Pdwer Company 42q3.1 1,2865 Old Peoria CompGy, Inc. r369.88 ~2866 Zd, Phillips Et Sons Go. 104.01 L2869 Xd. Phillips & SoAs Coxpany 2l2.90 L28Y0 NorthtGstern Bell Telephone Conpany ZL,. 60 LIQUOR FUNb Urn1 Village of Edina, Genera 'Fund 750OOoOO $87162.74 . Discussion was then had concerning award of bids taken December 14 on electric accounting machine. a complicated billing procedure; 'chat Nations2 Cash ReGster, although bidding higher thm Emin&on-R&d, wLl1 be the better machine for municipal type vmrk, Bank moved. for' award--of bfd on electric accounking machine to National Cash Register Company at their bid price of $4,550.00. lbtion seconded by Dmsns and carried. There being no further businesi to come before this special meeting, 6hild moved cfor adjourment, L2867 Undgpo od Corporation 13.50 1,2868 Griggs, Cooper & Company 3375.18 Report was had that the Remingtofi-Rand machine tdll npcessitate Hotion seconded by Dznens a