HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540111_REGULAR.-- Dl. -* - I-Iembers ansyering Rollcall irere Bredesen, Ckjld, -Danens, Bank and EricZ:&ono 1-butes of Reblar heting- of December U+, 1753, xiere approved as suwkted, by Firs% nat-ler on the agenda ins Public Hewing on Fropsed Ordinance hending Zoning Ordinaxe, to rezone a portion of the I'lallace property Tor F;ii.st Zdina State BankoP Clerk Bznk presented Affida6t of Publication in Edina-Korningside Courier Decaber 30,1953 and January 7, 1954, +d of Posting Decenber 29--Wotice of Hearingr1; which liffidavits pre approved as to foxp and ordered placed on file. There were no objeqbions filed from the floor,-+dnno mitten objections had been filed prior to %he Hearing. Child offered the-following Ordinance, lnoving that Council vai-ve second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as mad: O'rwiIb%tCE XOe 261-7 4 0 ITotion B~lc~ seconded by Cmd.and carried. - AY~ banmrm .KERDING THZ m~m~ ORDIIJKGE OF 'JWE ~LLiGX OF .EDDJA E?Y-XSTJ~~&~$~~IRG &tJ .XDDQIOUAL COGkTm S!i!OE DISTRICT I.1 e'. "I THE vmga CGUXCIL OF m, m~m OF 'EDI~~A; ' IEGGXSOTA; -mDibs: * _.._ - -<*** .. . -- - I, .-- .- - _- Sectbn 1, Section 5, Comuniiy Store District, of Ordinance tlo. 261 of the revised ordinaces of the Village of Zdina, as at&nded, is hereby fwther mended by- adding at the end of paragrap@ 1 of said Section 5 an additional sub- paragraph, as f o3lor.r;: *%eginning on the South line .of Lot 36, 40 feet East of the (y) Southrest comer thereof; thence North par-ael with the Tfest line of Lot 36 a distance of 150 feet; thence Vest bardlel with the South line of Lots 36 and 37 a distance of- 135 feet; thence., Sputh + prallel with %he ?:est Line of said Z0.i; 37 a distance of 150:fe;t to the South line of said Lot 37; thence &st albng said South fine of.lots 37 and 36 a distance of 135 feet -bo the point or" begbing, all being in Auditosls Subdivision No, 172.11 1 "cere were Nex% Public Hearing was bad on the petition (;f Paul E. Olson G Son, otmers of Lot 4, Eha Terrace (5201 Mo4&h Street) for p.9mi.t to connect said lot to Lateral Sewer on lh-ookside Avenue and to.be asseped'therefor at the same rate as assessments levied for otner lots in this Lateral Sewer DistTict.* Affida~t of hblic&ion of *IBotice of Hearing" in Edina-iforningside Courier was read by Clerk, approved as-to fom and ordered placed on file, I&mager -&tchell reported that the assessment cost. per front foot for this District is $3.0.05;. orighd. assessmnt being levied for ten years-that it is.proposed to lev this supple- mentary assessment for nine years, to expire with original. objections to this plan, and no written objections had been filed ppior to the Hearing. Bank offered the following Resolution and noved its adoflion: There were no WOLU!UON ABOFTllcTG AISD COI:lsiE*XDJG MSZSSPBJT fduoFls: - _- -- ment fo; the Connection or" Lot 4, Xdina Terrace to Lateral Sewer hprovaent ifo. 36, has been praperly calculated in accordance with- the provisions of 13-inssota Statutes Section b12.442.; t'lat notice has been duly published, asTequired bT law, that this Council rro-dd meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessment as might be necessary, and to adopk the same by resolution; that said proposed assessment has at all times since its Tiling been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all. interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in tie respective assessment was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for which such assessment is levied 5n the mount set opposite the description or" said lot, said assessment, ad said proposed assessment is hereby adopted and confined as the proper spscial assessment for said hpmvement. The assessment against said 103, together wi&h tke interest accruing on the full amount thereof frorii the to I 1. It is hezeby found, determined and Sdeclared that the proposed assess- 2, The anount so set out is hereby levied against the lot described in Ull/SrC time unpxid, at the rate of five percent per arkm from the date of this resolution, shall be a liren cuffcurrent with general taxes upon the properby described therein and all thereof. The total. amount of sua assessment shdl be payable in equal annual inst&Llments exbending over a period of nine years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to August 15, 1955, to be payable with the general. taxes for the year 1954, and one of the raining installments, xith one year's ineterest on that and all subsequent instalhents, to be payable vri'ch general taxes for the years11955 through 1962, collectible in the respective- ensu-hg years . Prior to certification of &he assessment to the County Auditor*, the owner of said lot assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurrer and there- after such payment my be made 75th accrued kterest, to the Cpunty Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Tillage Clerk and County hditor, and the assessment or instsillment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the booksCof the County Auditor. The Clerk shql, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor. a cytified duplicate of said assessment Installment and-intereat set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the Oounty, and the Couaty Auditor shdl thereafter case said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law, be des$@zted as I'R0I-I for Supplematmy Assessment to Sanitary Lateral. Sewer 370. 36, and all aqounts coQqcked in respect OS the assessments therein con- tained &all be similarly designated bX the County Treasurer and remitted to the 'TTiGge Treasurer and by him credited-to the Sinkbg Fund kccouat of the 1951-2nd Series Improvement Fund, Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Ro$lcall there 3. 4, ivith each then unpaid- Said duplicate shall were five ayes and no nays, as d Brickson, aye; ,. Nayor &yor Erickson announced Continuation of November 23rd E'ublic Hear&g r"or Proposed ?latermain a-d Well for Grandview- Ph-beau, and lfanager Et chell announced 'chat dthhqugh an additiqnal petition has bFea received, this addikional petition does not contain sufficient siflatures to make the required !3$. for continaance of Public Hearing to Eonday, 14arch 8. Bredesen and carried. Child moved Notion seconded by President Gene Oredson of First Edina State Bank tendered the Ebnkts conbribution of $500.00, for-paTyment of part of the costs of tKe proposed $ree plmting on the. 50-foot buffer strip at the Vest side 'of the T;r63_lace proprty. Bredesen moved for acceptace of this gifg with the stipulation that it be put h-bo a reserve for said proposed tree planting. Hotion seconded by Bank and carried,, IYrayor Erickson thmked T.'fr, Oredson and the. Eenk for this contribution. Ihnager Xitchell* s detailed-report; covering bids taken December l.4 for Tree Trimming (Street..hprovment No, T-1) was reviewed; the three low bids being given consideration, Ifr- Nitchell recomenaed award of bids to Huber Tree Service at t;10,30 per Tree for trimming; $20.00 for topping; and $65:00 for removal, inasmuch as lox bidder Gopher Stake Tree Service muld give no demonstration, and second-low biddert 8 TJOrk was not completely satisf actorye Bank's motion, that bid for Street Improvement No. T-1 be amrded to Huber TreeIService at bid prices, in accordance with rcecomendation by Village lfmager, vias seconded by Danens and carried. Petitions, srgned by dohn E. Cardare138, 513. Valley View €toad, for Sanitary Sewers to serve the following properties: and IJ,1/2 of GoVt Lot I, %ec. 32-ll7-21 Child tS motion, scheduling Fublic ,fleming on pe;Gitions for i-Iond@T, ilpril 12, pending additional .report by 3nngi;neer TEtchell, was secmded by Bank and carried. Claim of Hoglund SL Conpany, in amount of .$68,2f, for replacilig corporation cock at 3200 1~60th Street, was filed. for allotzrance of claim in amount of-only $19.46, because of the fact that plumber began 'chis vmrk without authorization from the Village, was made. motion for allowm-ce of claim in amount of $19.46, was seconded .- Edina Civic and Bprovement Association! s "Fire Protection Report1' was filed rrith the CounciLand vas referred to PuELic Safety Committee for study and reporI;, by motion Cwld, seconded by Bredesen-ad carried, Village kttorney Ib.;dhdhorst' s meQorandm concerfiing. the Council* s proposed re-zoning E, 300 Ft. of the S1/4 of fill/Lp- 0-2 .Set, 32-117-21 Public, Utilities Supt. Woehlerts reoomendztion by Danens,carriedo E Child's #, 1/11/54 74 F in Codty Store Districts to require additional parking, Because of the mmy xatters to be considered, Bredesen moved for referral of opinion and attached nremorapdum to the Village Planning Commission ad to the Ordinance Committee for further study and report to Council. Notion seconded by Child and carried. Child then moved directing khager RitcheU to contact the Planning Commission xdth idea of Jojnt Pl=nning Commission-Council Xeeting, for- discussion of many mutual problew. I-Iotion seconded by Bredesen, Council and Commission were invited to tho home of Clerk Bank on Zizonday, Jauary 18, for this proposed e meeting, 1.2, IE&horst*s opinion, suggesting that Council conduct a Public Heasing/be€ore accepting Tina Plats, rather than to rewire developer to prnish his mm dra5nage faceties, vas $iscussed at sone lagthe ahild moved that the Village Zngineer be instmcted to opera-be with the recommended procedure for Storm Sewers in mind when cocsidering prelinimrgr plats, and to insist that street grades-be established before approval of preliminary plats, Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. on Storm Sewers ~ I .. B?. SeVe BjorkJ-und, Vice President of 'Edina Highlands Cqra%ion, was present to recp-est refund of $1,67842 for the Corporation; this being the over-assesmexb for the Blach-toppjng of Ems. Highlands streets. Village Attorneyts opinion was reviemd, he being of the opinion that tine Village can legally pursue one of two courses-- I, Eecpire that the Corporation secure a Court Order for refund; 2. require the Corporation to post bond, saving VKLlage hermless from having to make- duplicate regund to present owner of properby, The Corporation suggested that a rerhd of 31,366-28 be made now, with $311e?4 to.be held as surety for my request for duplicate refund, Because the difficulty concerning refund seemed to zrize. over a legality technicality about lrownershiplf of the refund, Bredesen moved thst refund or" $1,000 be made to 33dina Highlads Corporation, developer of Edina Highlandsj and that the balance of ,$@78.02 be held subject plo any dlaias. Gotion seconded by Bank and unanimously carried. I&, Bjorklund requestedthat a substitute notion be entered, to the effect that if Edina Highlmds Corporation secures waivers from.al1 present ovners in Edina IIigKLands the entire refund r.rill be made. so moved, Xotion seconded by Bank and carried, GhiZd Considerable discussion was had by the Council on the reqluest or" the Rolling Grem Association, kCe, for continuance of Council's temporary pozicy of delamg issuance of permits in Rolling Green unt5-l after approvaL by Association. brought.to Council*s at3ention that the only function of the Council-, insor"ar as building pelplits is concerned, is to enforce the Euilding and-zoning Codes; that restrictive building clauses jn -private developments cannot possibly be policed by the Council because of the endless detail involved; that this last is a matter for the owners in the ,developamt; and that any applicant flrz can force the CounciL to issue a building perinit providing plans md speciZications are in accordance with Ehildbg and Zonhg codes. Danens' motion, that letter be filed, was seconded by Child and carried,. Clerk Bank suggested that IXanager Ititchell vrite la. l.iullin, explaining the Coucil's position in this matt-er. 1.linutes of Special I:Teekng of Park Board, held Decmber 28, were revieved and ordered it was placed on fire. 1 reported the Park Board's request for a Special Xeeting of Council, Comittee of 21, and Dr, Fitzgemld, on Vednesday, January 13, Council signified un&hous attendance.. . .I XSotifica2ion from G21e Orr Engineering Company, *that Grf eF Q Eirki and Fnelps- Drake Company have conpleted i;oFk on the Richfield-Edina Wierceptor Sewers, was I reviewed and ordered placed on f ile, -. - The I"olllovring applitxtions for Sign permits were received* and noted, together v&th XcGary arid Olson recommtdations for approval,, be approTred, was seconded by Danens and carried:. Bank' s motion, that applicztions A I Heyers Outdoor Adverkisigii lkc. 'E.Teyters Outdour AdverbLsing, kc. - On NW Cor. Cahill Eoad and Highway 5 4 ifordcpist Sign Co, Temporary sign advex-bising lots for sale = Lot 1, On FmTe mSmisek pmpsrtg at Corner of II Ca$iU ad, and €Is. $5 - .Advert$sing: ltCrons+rom Heatingf1., I- .kdmrtising f!Sealy E%ittress Co.9 Comer I{oodd&e and Crestcm Eoad. Police DepqrtEen't' -request for i$k&hg &th Public Safety Committee before OJanuaq 18 ygs read; Jqith Cha&man Bank asking that su_ci.l a meeting be scheduled for 3~45 'i'fednesday, January 13, if possible. E" Police Department Report for December, 1953: was noted and ordered placed on file, Petition was frled-i'or the Bgcktopping of streets in Grandview Plateau. ?or acceptance of pe$ition,for Public Hezing %y 10, pending further report by Engineer, Chizd nroved I IZotion seconded bj Ekedesen wd cwfied. 1/11/54 75 Notification from Dorsey,Colman,Bar~er,Scott SC Barber that the Bonnie Jo ifelson case has been settledrout of court, the Village share being $2,000, Letter was ordered- to be placed on file, and office instructed to issue checks in accord with Attorney's instructions. iknager Hit chell ;resented the following Preliminary Plats, all hadng the approval of the Planning Commission at its January 6th Xieeting: Carl N.. Hansen's Prelhninary Plat, .Varkvmod Ki~olls 5th Addnm Roy Peterson's .Preliminary Plgb, TtThe Oaks". . Thosm I-iccauley' s Preliminaxy Plat,oS subdivision of proGerty South of State. Highway $169 and. East of County Road 18, Childt's motion, that Council postpone approval of PreMary Plats until sub- Mission of street profiles, <in line with earlier action this evenbg concerning dra+age ?facilities for new developments. Xotion seconded by Sank znd carried. 3kinageT IIit chell prssented Preliminaq Plat of "Ahnert ' s Addition, with Planning Commission's recomendation for approval, no drainage problern, here, Bank moved for acceptance of Prelimhary Plat, Rotion se-conded by Child and carried. Preliminary/Plat of 1'Hc@dont s Addition" was presented, with 1: eport of Plamdng Commission approval as both,Preliminary and Final Plat. ~ Er. IEtchell reported that this is simply a gubdivision of one large lot in Xormapdde Addition; thst there are no new streets and no drainage problems, and recommended that Council approve as both Preliminary and Final., Danens and carri-ed. 1. 2. 3. together Inasrtruch as there is and Final Bank so moved, Kotion seconded by Bank then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: R33OLU"ION DBImATING DEPOSITORY hereby is, designased- as .an of ficfal depository for the Public Funds of the Special Assessments and Poor Fund.s 02 the Village of Edina for the calendar year 3-954. . e I'iotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and 0"n Rollcall .there were $ive ayes and no.,nays, as aye; Bank, iaye; and Erickson, aye; -I- Piayor Bank offered the Zollowing Resol&ion and moved its adoption: E35OLUTION ,WFROViING ASSIGl7432IT OF . .. SZCWT@$- LDX.J Oz . EDZD TBDWm NATI0HA.L BkqK OF Ki2JiiIUPOLTs R33QLVED, that the Village Comr$.l,of - the-Village,pf,Egna approve the assignment; by its depository, the Ifidland National Bank of IGnneapolis of $75,000 Federal Lmd Bank Consolidated 2-1/4$ Bonds due February I, 1955/53, as good and sufficient collaterd for Village of Edina Fublic Funds deposited in the said depository, Xotioncfor adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on E01lca;LL there were five ayes and no-nays, as fol rickson, aye; and the Resolution Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIavmOizY ~OLUTIO~ Treasurer. or C1erk:or Deputy Clerk of the Village be, and they Kayor Pro-Tem, hereby- areJ author- * Ezed to ac%"f$r this Village in the transaction o,T any bankin'g business 35th %Ed- land National Bank of Xinneapolis (herehafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the'name of this Village from timc to the and until written notice 'to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Bayor or Xayor Pro-Tem, Village Clerk or Deputy Village Clerk, and. Village Treasurer. The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and psy any check against such account &ich is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, an3r officer or officers or" the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks, ' 6- 1/11/54 dotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Eredesen, and on rollcdl were five ayes and no nays, as *. TiTlage Clerk there aye; Bank then offered the folloT:ing Besolution and moved its adoption: . ~SOLUi'IOi~ DESIGWIlqG DBOSnOTZY ' (F-RST EDIifk STATE BANK) BE IT EE33Y ZtIBOLm that .the. First _Edjr?a -%ate I Bank, Eldina, s?Iinne sota,, mtlnorized to-.do a-.bank-ing business in 'IEmesota, be and hereby is, desiwa-bed as official depository of the Public Funds, of the G3neral9 Ecpipnent, Rent&, Sewer RenW, Garbage Collection Tlg;t;ertrozl.ks, Xquor, Pemanent linprovenent Revol*g, Permanent &provenrent Revolving Debt Service, and all Pemanent In;propment Funds of the Yilhge of Edkq, Cou'nky of Kennepin, i-iinnesoka, for the calendar year BZ B FIBTER. EmLm, that this desigation is subject to the right of 1954, __ said Tillage of Z@qa to znodify, vacate, and revoke same according to law, Xotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Breddsen, and on Rollcall there were Tive zxes and no rigs, cis follows: a3re; .Dilllens, aye; nd Zrickson, aye; and the Resolution was And Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: I?.l%3o~WfI0;3 ~PPEOVIKG ASSmGma OF . c . .- sgcmn@s" IN. LqJ- gz €OED . FIRST.EDDJA STATE BAM . - 32 I!f mOL93, that the ViUage..Council-o$ the-Village of EcEna approve the assi,mment bs.its depository, the First 3dina State Bank of %&a, Rhnesota, of the fo3lor.r;_ng, as good wd sufficieilt collateral for. the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: - t U.S, -- Treasury SeroB BQte ,1-3/4% Due 12-15-55 Il;ro,ooo U .Sed, Treasuxg Bonds 2-3/8$ Rue 6-15-58 240,qoo * .Ao Treasury Bonds 2-1/4$ Due 6-15-62 200,000 yo? _T-seasurg 2-3/$$ Due 6-15-58 '4, ~00,000 - Tobal Vi'50,OOO Zotioi for adoption of the Besolution was seconded by Bredesen, and. on Rollcall there were five aqes and no nays, .as r"o~lor.rs: &nk, aye; and Brickson, a2e; and the Resolution Bredesen, ye; Dmem, aye; r Bznk then offered the f.ol.lot.ring Resolution and moved its adoption: t SIGNATORY RZSOLm XCJisI FIk"T EKLNA ST&%. BfNK BE IT WOLJTED, that the persons .holding officE as l-hyur, 1kq.or Pro-Tan, Treasurer, or Clerk or Deputy Clerk of this VjJ-lage be, and %hey hereby are, author- ihed to act Tor this Village in the transaction of any bml;ing business trith First "Ldina State Bank of Xdha, IZnnesota, (hereinaf-ber referred to a? the sank), such au'caority tncluWg authority on beha of or in the name of this Village from the to tine and until written notice to the contrary to the bank, to sign checks against szLd account, which checks shall be signed by the Ihyor or liaror Pro-Tm, Village Clerk or Deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer. The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay an3 check against such accomt which is sigzed as above zuthorized, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, induding the signer or signers of the check. gotion $or adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall c there Trere five ayes and n~.~nqs, as folloxs: . aye; and Zpickson, aye; and the _- &yor I 1/11/54 77 I:fanager BEtcheU. asked for Council decision on matters of purchases of QaDrunko- meter" and JIEadarfr for Edina Police Cepartment. mtters be referred to the Public Safety Commihtes for recommendation to Council. Bredesen so-moved, Motion seconded by Child ad carried. He recornended that these The mtter 02 puachase of a new cash register for -the Zicgor Store was tabled to a later date. Iknager IEtchell reported verbally to the Council- on the pi-ogress being made on planning for proposed cross-town highax. He suggested that a field trip be made with Council and members of Plannhg Commission on Saturday morning at 1O:OO LIL Heeting definitely scheduled. - Trustee Child reported that the County Library AssociatZon has asked f.fcrs. Vincent about disposi-bion being made of-the Walllace property; Cnat the Library is receiving complainks from IJiornhgside, and that they aren't swe that they tdsh to close the 3forningsFd.e Branch; that Yley would like some comnication from -this Council. as -bo when property will be available for Library purpo~es. Child then moved directing Nr. TJIi.tchel1 to inform the Hennepin County Library Board the status of the new Ziibrwy project. carried. - Dianager 'Uitchell reported that Roy Peterson has presented a petit5on for Grading and Gravelling of Concord Avenue abstting Valley View Slope Adclition; that he is able to secure only 5O,%.of properties on petibion, as the people across the street are uninterested in the improvement. Peterson be asked to secure additional signatures if at all possible, Nanager I,Etchell reported that C.J, Danens of J.X. Ilanens & Son has offered to break up the concrete retaining wdl-at the 10-foot.buffer strip just $lest of Halifax &venue, and will haul this concrete to the Tillage site at 50th and l?oodda,le, in exchmge'for the dirt on this ten feet. Discussion waskd as to advantageious use for'this broken concrete, it being thought advisable to use a% l,.eas'c part of &t along the creek. Child's motion, that disposition of the concrete retajning wz1Z be left to the-discretion of the Village 14anager inasmuch as he knows the Council's wishes in this mstter, was seconded by Bredesen and carried,- Hotion seconded by Bank and Council recomended that 1.k. .- ?Tanager IEtchell reported that the Southdale Trunk, Sewer is. now largely compl-eted; their being the cut &der 70th St. and the CU% under France, aiid ;I 60O-foot gap yet to complete; "cat the cc?ntractor wishes to delay ivo& un"cilit'nk3. spi5ng because of ba& water conditions in this area. No action %aken, ?-Tanager iEtchel1 asked permission to have Tillage Road Crew (u&th some tempo- rary help) shovel sid'ewalks and assess cost to thoBe owners who will not sliovel their om rvall&. He eqlained that complaints -have been received, especially from the eeople who must use the 50th Street walks. discussion, Bank movGd that the recommendations of the Sdkmger be adopted only insofar as comm6rcial properties are concerned. Idiotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. After some e Discussion was then had as to miscellaneous problems in the business district; I~fiichell reporting that cars h the various park5r-g lots are parking in such a way that thei5 bumpers exbend into 492 Street and are a hazard to motorigts parking thGre, and Er. Stow complawng 02 the icy condition of the sidewalk at the Stanchfield alley. Bredesen moved thzt ViJ113ge knager be ins'cructed to write parkdng lot owners, and Nr. Stanchfield, instructing than t,o eliminate these haiards to public safeky. kfotion seconded by Bank and carried. Bredesknl s motion, approving Village Payroll in amount of $9,962.56 and Liquor Store,Payroll, anmunt $1,4.75.47, for period January 1 to 25, 1954, and Overtime for December, 1953, and for payment of the Pollowhg Claihs, vas seconded by. Child and caGried: 102 52 10253 10254 10255 10257 102 58 102 56 TO: Noqthern States Power co. -. 10250 IZortherG States Power Go* 10251 >linneap+.s Cas Coo . 10247 102@ 10249 10259 10260 10261 10263 10263 10264 10265 1026s 10269 10266 10267 10270 10272 10273 1027.4 10275 10293 10242 1024-3 11244 2.0245 loa6 loa7 U287 10288 10289 10290 10291 19292 10294 10295 10296 10297 10298 10299 2.0300 l02LS 10276 2.0277 3.0278 10279 10280 10281 10282 10283 10284 10285 10286- 10249 1024.9 10271 - ~5660 1032I.l 2872 =e4 =s?5 ~26% Z2877 L2878 =G9- i2880 -z286l. L2882 I2883 .63.00 51.35 1167.52 123.48 210.00 Road md Bridge Dep-t,Henn. Cy, 217; 60 &me Visible Record, &IC. (3 - 15.50 F.H. Geiger Sales Co.. 30.00 Kobas 11jxdoi.r Shade Co. a Zsonard Beniberg, Postmaster 10 000 Shar.r-:.aU:er Co, 14 22 Jack Zzeeredith 8.12 Gw, Thorz- 1 oson t 38.64 Fred Jonas 8.19 Don Psderson 13.93 - Center for Construction Study-U of If 5 000 1.65 Cr City Treasurer-CLty of Kp&s. 63.00 herican Legion Post $4'71-Hous2ng Poundtn 260 .OO Richard X. Olson- 4-7.4-6 GZ%Xi'& WXD C.O. Field Co. 28623.75 :,j309&0,81 . Village of Eha John Bacon, JT. Zade StrouL . Kerrill S-im,nson Elmer Stolte Tom Xelaon Fred DaxLs Wce iiatus my I&.&Ld I~+X~~.~CLII. Ardpe Lapray Dunhail Supply Go. Uillzge of Zdha I Northern States Power Co, iukbur 3:. Petersen Suburban Hemepin County SOH, EOW~ 'iiwnber COO .. 100 000 5.06 z fa c c 1/11/54 FOND CGrnkI NO. 210: JJLIOUNT E2884 3dt Phillips & Sons Company 1816.42 . A, U885 Shell Qil Compny 36.84 Lz%% Van Paper Supply Company 81 6 60 ~23~7 Victpr r"idding Machine Cowpany 2.50 -. il28G8 Ray DjnWelter-Oil Burner Serv. 21.30 LICUO3 FUI.SD ~2389 GriggsJ. Cooper & Company- I- 5911. 54 I $11645.85 . Itamger Ifitchell recommendeG and reported Park Board' s recommendation for, return of certain unuseable park propetties- to the State of lfmesota; and Child ofyered the following Tlesolution and moved its adoption: mOLmicxq FOR DEDICt3TLoI\s BACK TO , f STAT& PF .XLEfBOTl- OF" TU PQH?EmD BE IT EZSOLVED' by the Village .Council of the Village of Edina: 10 . It..iS _hereby fmnd -cis?d determined that on the dates set forth be107q Lots 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 13; Lots 4 and 7, Lot l4, Block 3.4, Clevelandls Sub. 02 Blocks 2,3y4,13y14 an: 15, bt 20, Block 3, Cleveland's Sub. of'Blocks 2,3,&,13,L!+ and 15, " , i$ID$ ,. the State.of Ihesota conveyed to the Village of Edina the follotrbg described tax forfeited lands for use as public parks and playgrounds: Elock l.4, Clevelandts Sub. of Blocks 2,3,&,13,l4 and 35, ha Abbot% Park - as of July 11, 2949 - Deed No. 84570: . Erma Abbot% Park -_ as of February 8, 1949 - Deed Ndo 62m6 Emma kbbott Park - as of August 16, 1950 - Deed. No. 89120. It is found neces'sary and expedient and in the bast interests of the Village 02 Sdina and its inhabitants, that the contemplated use of the herein- before listed iots and tracts of land hcluded in said conveyances for public parks and playgrounds purposes be abandoned, and the sane is hereby abandoned. to convey.the property listed in Paragraph 1 hereof back to the State of IThnesota, and said officials sbaU. execute such conveyance herewith, in forin approved by the Attorney General. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcdl there were Zive ayes and i?o.-nays, as 2. 3. The Xayor and Clerk of this Village are hereby authorized and directed aye; and Erickson, aye; and the The matter of Special &Assessgents €or Tax Forfeited Properties being returned to the State of Xiesota-then came before the Council._ Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RKSQLUTION DICBX?,I*mfING TOTAL B4CJUNTS THAT IJDUW _I-IIIvE BEZH ASSSm AGAIJ.VST cf"l?sLTI1TN PARCj3E.3 OY T@, ?ORFXTgXI +jj2~iS -$?:,SUCHcP20P.EETIi$341.ifiD BB\JcSU@JXp~-TO.. ASsZSSTEZit' AT -TaATT IXE OF- D-tATIOE-gg--Tm, VTLL&GIZ. CUUifCIL .OF. TH@ &J@JHTS TO BE: J%%ZS$gD $N kB-J.&TT&S+ (.lF. THJZ 'lJ-PXX52.@aS- WWD- XB- 'f'Ifl FOLL6T%&NG SGIj3Q-g; .-&~ .DL%CT.B$G. T?g ViLiAGE. CjXLK -To P@EP&RE ,&I fZiSTRIICT SHO?Iii!G TW -D~.R~T~OlJ QF--@!CB PARC@ -OF, -&D i?OwJ.TX?.+TO_T@_ ST&X TOE NOH-P.4Z.me OF T&W. &SD .T@-~OTJ"-~&iOUijT T@-T FJQUI. H@X. EdEq-A3S$E8Efi .. AG&$3T %ACE P&XXL E? iT, W. SUi.@Ci?, TQ @SXS5iXEI!p; DI@ECTIJJC; TEE3 .P3OVB1a$S,GFjF. CH,!WZER - ,. LA73 OF UiW330TA . BE, IT Sl$X&VXQ by the tTillage CounciL-of the Village of %dins, 3Ennesota: . ,S.JI$Xl?,&3, .at the the of the determination by the V5llage Council of *the Village of-Ed~-a of the total amounts of money to be assessed in the proceedings of the improvenents listed below, certain parcels of laad had been forfeited to the state and were therefore not subject to assessment: itTcIz.J, FI-BmOm, Pursuant to Chapter , Laws of.lG-nnesota , the Village- .Council -do.es hereby determine that each- of tho parcels of land herein- after described would have been assessed the i?ri?ri?rts set opposite each such described parcel, il" such parcel had not been tax-forfeited lands and therefore not subject to assessment, and the Tillage Council does hereby deteraim that each of szid parcels has been benefited in an amount equal to and in e;ccegs of the mount set opposite each of said parcels: LOT-6, Block 13, Cleyeland's Subdivision of Enma ,i:,bbott Park-(Blocl.;s 2,3,4,13,u& End 15) SAID 7EU;,4GS CDFKTO -CERTIFx TNT Q.@E-TO TtE-CQUi!$!Y ,livi?QOB PUj<SU&\T TO Sewer Dist.z% Trunk - $67.50 . ~ outlet .Chge.to TSD#l- ..50,00 9620 50 - c e Sewer Dist.$36 503.00 7- I#P 20, Block 3; 13,%,15,16,1'7,18~ - 19, and. 20, Block 13; LOTS 4 and 7, 310ck l& - EXCH Cleveland* s Subdivision- of Blocks 2,3,4,13y ad 15, Zma Abbott ?ark Ser.:er Pist.#$ Td $67450 Chge to TSD%l 50600 Ti-1 'I 4 l/ll/51t LOT U, Block U, Cleveland's Subdivision of Blocks -2J,4,13,l4 and 15, "ma Abbot% Park $0 San.Sewer $36 Trunk -" $126.50 The Village Clerk is hereby directed to rmke an abstract showing the de- scription of each parcel of lmdpforfeited -to the state Zor noa-psperrb 02 taxes at the time of Yne detedxtion bythe Village Council of the anourits to be assessed in these proceedings, z_~d sho~Ang, in accordance vith "chis resolution, the total munt that vould have been assessed against each such parcel of land if it had been subject Lo-assessment. The said Village Clerk shall certify such abslract to the County Audi-ior of Iieiinepin County for presentation to the Board of County Codssioners of h'ennepin Countr Izotion for adoption of the Resolution and was seconded' by Dmens, and on Rollcall there were five wes and no. nays, as a3e; Bd, aye; and Xrickson, aye; and the ATTIST : 1 i-iagor Vfllage Clerk GaTJor 3ridkson asked for Council confirnation of his appointment of Trustee Child BS KqTor Pro Tern for l9!&, and Bredesen offered the follovchg %solution and moved iLGs a$op"Lion: IC. , WOLUTIOIJ "APl'OINTIXG TWYos1 r PBO %?El: .T;yIR vlZi3.m FOB. 195.4. E3 ?l! FZOW'ED that $red S. Child he *zppointed !I@r Pro !I!= of %he Villzge of Zdina.qor the calendar Tear"1954. c I-Tokion for adoption of Resolution TEE seconded by Danens, and on RollcrzU there werelour ayes arid one pot voting, with Erickson, aye; and Child not vo'iing; Piuage Clerk Rayor Brickon asked for confirmtion of his Cormnittee appo5.ntmcnts for year, and Bank then offered the following Besolution and moired i-ts adoptioE: TE3OIJJTiOrJ IETABLTSHBJG WX-3-XT'DX * &3SIGE:mES FOB TB'3.. COUr?Cn 14EX%E.S Fm = THE -am 19%:- BE IT EtiSOLk %hat Cokttee iissif7unen"Ls for the mernbers of the Edina Village Counc5l for--th+xear 19% shall be as foUotrs: co:.zIITiT'm ox OrnDJrnCrn Am rnISLDIoi\T - Cb.Z.rn% Ql PUBLIC UTILITIZS - ei.mmi3 ON mB&IC smx IUrn IrnFMX - cili.z.mm ON PUBLIC :ToN:s - . Eiredesen, --Chairman; I Child and-Danens .Child, Chairman; . Bank. and Danens . Bdc, Chairman; Bredesen .and-Ericltson . Danens , Chlrmaq; .Bqk and Child COmiTrn Oil FDI~~C~S -. Kotion for adoption of Resolution were Zive ayes and no nqs, as follows: .Bank, _c'lairnan; _Child and X&!cson I' 4 bby or Bank offered the foXlo.r:ling Resolution, confirming I~Jo~ Ericksonq-s recomaded appoinkents: REiOLUTI~J APFOII*X Ii?G VILUUE XTi!OFi+?l3Y, .fLSSISTAGT V@L!lG?3.&ITOIi!l3Y, CIZFE OF COURT AXD.YI~Cl3 WTH OFFIG8 B3 IT 5230Lm tkt appointments .be.nade and-salaries established as herein- after. set. fo-rth, said appointees to serve for the year 1954 and until their successors zre duly appointed and qualified: JO~UZ tr, TE.ncIhorst Village Qtorney $125.00 ~ Pe% er ZIinicksr . there tfere fivs ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, 'aye-; Child, %re; Dmens, aye; wk, aye; and Zj5.ckson, aye; and the R$solutioff!uIaS &pptede, OFFiCE OF:, S&BY mi3 I.;o, Curtis &, Boy Asst .Village Jttorney $100,00 Dr.Xmre11 IL-Cmpbell . Village H,ed.th Officer $&O .oo Clerk OS: I.;Unici@. Court $160 .OO iJot5on for adopLion of Besolution urns seconded by Dmena, and on i?.oUcall ,\ -' ' ' \ , vI-1 !\ I",fyL *!<L4- :€ &gor 1 " E Childts motion, that Council advertise for year's supply of gasoline and diesel fuel for Village 3q~pment, tdth bidder to furnish tanks and hoses for diesel fuel, bids to be taken January 25, was seconded by Danem and carried. Danens' motion, thzt Village take bids as soon as practicable for yearts supply of Sand, Gravel and Rock, was seconded by Child and carriedo . Bank's motion, that $he Village lfanager be-authorized to check with undeyisi'cer of insurance on old village hall, and with present insurer of new village hall, with regard to fire insurance for both buildings; and to negotiate for bids on other small policies now eqiring, was seconded by Breaesen and carried. was ordered to notify underwriter of insurance for !%illage hall cmtents*t that some of the furniture has been moved to the Grange IJall. Divi.1 Defense Director Palen requested permission to charge costs of converting two-way 3endix.mobile rgidio to Hennepin County Sheriff s frequency, for emergency service; this radio installation being in his otq private automobile, and hving been purchased at his own personal expense. would be appro,dmately $50.00, and could be borne from Civil DEfense funds. Childt s motion for approvd. of e:qe-xdi.ture Zrom Civil. Defense -funds, was seconded by Damns and carried. Of2Lce - - He stated that cost of conversion c - Rotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded bhild, #and on Rollcdl there were five ayes ad no nays, as follows: aye; and ,qrickson, aye; and the Resolution wp--.ad&G .I 1 / I _r Bredesen, aye; Childdye; DaneCs, aye; Barik, ' Bank then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RzSOLbTIOH IBTABLBE'JNG Sfi'm OF THO@, $I33CTEI). OFFICD&S lj@l$~. S.KJ@&m STkm sT,%T~E .OR VILMGZ O-Wi%I$CZ €&rnJJrn AL2REkDY BEEg-$STl@&ISE*BY ~ IQ TZSOLVED .%ha& %he salaTies_, of -3lecsed Villzge OSficials be established n. as follows, ,fo~- &he yeax 1954: Salary per No. Reu.ben F. $rickson, Eayor Gvdd C, Bmk, Clerk Fred-S. Child, Trustee 60.00 $80 000 ' 80.00 60 .OO 60,OO 125.00 Joseph A, Dznens, Trustee Arthur C,Bredesen, , Jr. , Trustee Donald S, Wris, Judge-l&micipd Cou& Irving C.Zverson-Special Jcdge ir 25.00 per Keek or .- Job J. Ijuggan, Treasurer 50 000 - e I l.OO.00 per l~onth, ma, 1.fotion for there were five 82 1/slf5k adoption or" Resolution was semnded bj Bredeaen, aid on Rollcdl __ ayes and no nays, es follows: and Erickson, aye; and the Reso$qti, 4" n I::&' adopted, ' Bredes n,fl,Te; Child, a.p; Darrens, 1 Bank then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: AxzsoLt;Tiar APPC)E~~X E:ECW~ OFFICZR . WJA& kim.vm~~ C:~TGZJEB - . RZSOLm, that Sidney R. -3;itchell .is ,hereby- appointed as Executive 0r"ficer act fQnager-for the Tillage Council. of the Villagb of "Rkina and all of its comittees, and Village Znaneer ?or the Village of Zciina. RiBOLlED, fwtlner, that he shall have charge of and direct all the mini- steri.@. functions ad activities in charge of each Comittee in its absence. EESOLJED, further, tha-b,nothing herein contained shall be OF is to be constpled- as a delegation of legislative or discretionary adritinistrative povrer of the Village council. . ?F .t.zobioz L were f2ve ayes and no nqs, as follows: Bank, aye; and Zrickson, are; and the fer adoption of Resolution was seconded by on Rollcall therg ap; Danens, zye; ' ?-layor Petition a.ras filed for Sanitzry Sever and ITatemzin in Hiifax he from T.I. 54th Street to TToodland Circle. Wofic Heq-ings for Konday, &pril,l2, pending further report by Engineer IEtchell, yas seconded by Danens and carried. Child1 s motion- -accepting petitions and schedu&ing -Joseph Xkan --Gretchen Alden --Bernice Johnson 4mra fikight +lelene. j.iozis +:are0 P-eterson -iLllie- Berry -5jnnie Bemis -;tearme Link -Ruth Herrmanson +tichard E. Olson -&,rold Gilbert -Fred Jonas +lobe& Obemeyer -Ja& Xeredith -Gee . Thompson Tonald Pedersen -John E.. Olson -Ben I'jbeh&er -Ray T!yberg Roberts -+tobe+ Ludgate +LLoyd SicGary -Bil&.ng Djhl 5iensg Xrobleslri -Bert Kerf eld --Kim. V. HofZr~n -George Eiu'cler " -4bbert kdberry 'ilugh Dignen Xen Gradell qerm Smith 'En. S, Heydt 4arG Jonas -€'-eter Dablgren -E, J .Lierfeld -Solan Tracy Deputy Clerk 3243' 406 . 00 Seputy Treas. & Ilach.Optr. 26-33 ' 309.00 Spcial Jissess. C1, 244 286.00 ,Utili%ies C1. & Hach.Oplr. a4 254aOO Clerk-Typist . 15-3 201.00 Get;., to Hgr. 20-D 235.00 Acctg. Clerk 17-D 2oq,oo Clerk-Typist 153 201 000 Asst. to Kgr. - 375.00 Asst. Engr. 40-D %4t,OO Asst. &gr. 354 422.00 Clerk-Typist 17-D 209 e 00 lhst-rumant 1.ia.n 29-F 361.00 Drafts= 26-17. 321.03 C hziman-I& po 26-I? 7 3~,00 Chainman . 24-3 286.00 Chainman 24-3 2S6.OO Bldg,ksp. @ Utilities Sup%. . 38-2 494*03 i~st.Bldg.kspo 8: Plbg.Insp. 31-F 39OeOO %ter Dept. 8 Sewer l&zimt. (Rctj-ring 3/15/54) +ter Dept e & Sewer Uaint.. 23-z 275.0 Cjt. of PoLice 334 406.00 Patrohan 29-F g61.00 Patrolman 29-F 361.00 Patrolnan 29-F 36r.co Patrolman 29-R .334.00 Patrolua 294 334.00 Pztrohan - 29-G 321.03 Patrolman * 29-B 309 a 00 Patrolnan 29-43 39.00 Patrolman 29-B . 309.00 Custodian '* e- 53 003 & Night Dispatcher 20-F 25k.03 Ih chine Opr . 28-F 347 CO Truck Driver 2PF 309 m00 Truck Driver 25-p 309.00 Street Supt. * 33-3 406.03 83 4ayne Tracy -John P. Blake 4has . ~ Johnson --IWter .Poltiski -tJ.ameSc l-ic$ellis -;lacob Shmak -Joseph )Tatole '-I , Qscar Belsorx -Leslie V. Eiller --Ralph. Hanco ck -1larvin Hzncock - -Tim, Zirk -Henrx Tranum ~XLvin Gilsrud -Tcank Ktppley --Harry Casey -Lois Nein --Chris Nattson Extra Clerks I CmSIFICilTiON KachTne_Opr.. . . . . E Utility Each.0pr-J-leavy Ne char& c TmGk Driver Truck Driver Laborer Laborer, Parks Laborer Truck Driver 3;aborer TmEk Driver Park Foreman Park, Iqaint. Faborer Xgr., Liquor Store Asst. ?$go If tt Acct.Cl. !! !! Salesman, I I! Liquor Store - RANGE NO. -- 1 28-F . 28-E 294 29-F 25-2 c 25-F c 24-33 20-F 244 25-F 24-23 25-l? - 284 24-D 2k-@ 361.00 309.00 36z.00 286.00, 309.00 254.00 - 297.00 I 309.60 286.00 309.00 309.00 275.00 264*00 525.00 321.00 217 .oo 264.00 le40 &e I4otion .for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, was had on this Resolution, with Trustee Danens advocating additional compensation for one laborere-h Danens left Neeting before vote could be tzken. Erickson, aye; and the Eesolution was gdopted. Considerable discussion On Rolled1 there were Xour ayes and .no nays, as- follows: Nayor ._ 1% was recoriinlended "chat the VLLlage accept for arstreet purposes" Xh?. &mar Johnson' s deed for the Southeasterly portion of ,Lot 41, Rolling,Green--this being astrip some thir%y-fZV3 feet wide a,nd 208,feet lopg, abu"cting Bpmod ?$e& . Xanager 1E.tchell recommended settlanent of Orfei EL I%rimi.* s $1,638.00 Claim for &%ras for Sanitary Sewer fiprovement No. 36, in the amownt of $S80,00, rather than take the m&&er "co.6ourL. Child's motion, that settlement be made in accordance with Blanager Eiitchell' s recommendation, was seconded by Bredesen , and carried. Public Utilities Supt, 'i;Zoe@ler reminded the CounciL that a serious water shortage yill result ne& sumiier.pnless additional wells are put into use before that time. He asked that Zngineering TiJork be in%tiated for tie-in of Southdale well to. balance of system. work on proposed tie-in of SDuthdale %ell on basis of Valley View Road extended, with temporary connection at France qi-d We62nd St., was seconded bx Bredesen and Bank's motion, that Engineer be instructed to begin carried . -* There being no furtner businsss to come before the Council at t'ais time, Child moved for adjourmient. Xotion seconded by Bredesen. ad camied. I'reet@g adjourned at ll:55 POL . -- _-