HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540208_REGULAR93 ;3ml;*s notion awarding bids to low bidder Direct dervice Oil Company was sec'onded by Daeas. not voting. Eotion lost. I Voite vas Bad< and Danens, we;- Child, nay; and Zrickson Child then movedthat gasoline be tes-bed as to quality, in order thzt Council / may more fully determine equality of bids, Iiotion seconded by Bank and car?ied, Child moved that Diesel Fuel Oil bid be awarded to KOSSOIU 0il.Coapany. Notion seconded by Bank and carried. 1 Bank -then moved for zdjourment, Eeeting was adjourned at 12:lO aA&e, Tuesday, January 26, XotLon seconded by Child. and carried. IEnutes of the Regular Xeetjng of January 25, were- approved as mbmitted, by motion Dmens, seconded by Bank.and carried. I Clerk" presented Affidavii of $ublication in Edina-Zlorningside Courier for ltAdvertiseinent for Bids-Insurance,tf published Januzry 28 and February 4, which was approved as to, form and qrdered placed on file. Bmk moved for referral of all bids received pursuant to this ,*dvertisement to the ksst. Later in %he evening Asst. Engineer Liken presented the following opened bids, these being the only bids received: FLEX! OF CAE3 Ai!D TBUCIIS Village &gineer for publ-Jc ope&g in the &gheerts Office, SC -3 -2 -2 3: - T~lORIm3i$ * s (COiZfTiEmJSnX I pi.PaJsIT ION Fm.& Tmm) Ha,rdwtr e I4utu d. s (Premium) itianual Rates - Less Bqerience Cr, (226) $548,46-Deposi-L €'rem. Less Dividend (1%;) 82,27-Zst .Dividend (Est, Gost-~4,22$?o&) $466 .l9-Zst Jet Cost and said bids were referred to TilJage Gngineer for investigation and repori; at nexb regular meeting. PUblLc Hearing was called on the Petition of COIL Katter for permit to. consti-uct a single dwelling on kt 24, Block 9,. Fairfax Addition (5901 Concord Avenue) Clerk read copy of itSotice of Hear.&g mailed to neighboring property owners. 1.iaiager I%.tchell presented sketch shmdng the locations of the neichboriw houses; and B1d.g. kspeGtor FToeliLer' s recornendation agajnst allowance of permit was reviewed. mitten objections had been received prior thereto. Damns* motion, tha'c permit be granted providing proper setbacks we maintained, was seconded by facing said dwelling.on 2.1. 5%h Street rather than on Concord Avenue. There Fpre no-.objections voFced at the Hearing; and no ' Bank and carried, liqror Pro "em Child then called Public Hearings on Sdta-ry Sewer and :laternin Improvements, pursuznt to Wotice of Hearing, It published in 3dina-llori-iingsi.de Courier January 28 and February 4, 19.54. This Kotice was presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, stated in Motice, as per record below: Hearings were held in order 1, On Proposed Qanitaiy Sewer Ekension and -3ppurl;enances in Bernard Place between V,56th St. and Grove St, - Uanager 14itchel.l. presented Vu-Graph Slide- .showing route of proposed sewer; giving as Estimc?,,te of Cost $7,LCL4,20 as against 1921.24 % Assessable Feet, for $3.86 per Assessable Foot for Latera&; &LO9 for connection to District Sewer; $1.00 for connection-lo Trunk--for Total. of $5.95 psr-assessable. foot There were no objections fromthe audience, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. improvement be expedited. I@. Hsrry Hansen was present to ask that the (See Resolution Approving, later in I.feeting) 94 r I 2, On Proposed San2.taq Sever &&ension and Appurtenances in Xeri:es Ave. I betTieen V.75th and Xe76th Sts. Xanager i'3.tcheU.f~ $stbate of Cost wis $4,372.17 as agqimst 596 Assessable Feet, for $7.34 per a'ssessable foi- hterzl construction; this Lateral being connected directly to the Bichfield-ECna Interceptor-line. There vere no Objections at the Hearing, ad no objections, had been. received par to the Hearing. (See Resolution Approwing, later in I'ieeting). *' 8. ''- 48 -*' - -" n Ityndale Bilders Co~panyt s Pepresentatives reminded Council that unless Richfield is approached, now, concerning this project, there will necessmily have tocbe t~m sewer lines in Xerxes hm-me someday, Richfield. be approached as to a joint lateral sever; and, that if this could not be accomplished, that Richfield residents be asked to g6 in on a futqe connectioq basis. .Asst. "ihgineer Zikan eqlained sewage netering difficulties; and fknager 1Et cheU. was btru cted to confer with Pichfield officials concerning a possible joint pro jsct. They asked that -+ 3* On Pmposed Sanitmy Sever Extension and Appurtenances in the follodng streets : i:f. lloodland Ed; between Concord and Wooddale kves. Concord heo between Concord Terrace .and IIoodland Izd. Fairfax Lve, betweon :f.?.Todhnd 8d. and pt. 360 Ftp more or l-iaager I.Etche1l's Zstkte of Cost, Total $U,S3?.66 as agajnst 2,732.69 Bssesszble Feet, ..for $4.33 pr llssessablc Foot Lateral charge, tzas read. Thwe were no objections ,and no -3.rritten objections h2d been received prior to the Heming. (See Eesolution Approvh~, later in I-Iseting). 4. On Proposed lTatm&n Skension and Appurtenances in the following streets: TI'. Xoodland Rd. between Vooddale and Concord Aves . Fair-fax Ave. between 17.Voodland Ed. and W. 58th 5t . Ihsger Wicheflfs Zstbate ox Cost was $12,760.74 as against 3,055018 [issesszble Feet, for $4.16 per Assessable Foot plus 6.78 per &sessz;ble Fpot for connection to Trunk main, for Total of $4.96 per Assessable zoot. There trsrg no objections raised at the Hearing, and no written objections had bzen received *mior Ynerebo. _less, S.E. thereof, .. -p C' c Bredesen then offered the following Eesolution and moved. its adoption: i7ay 24th I-leetbg - Page 185) BE IT FZSOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, IGxmesota, that this Council beretofore- caused aotices of hearing t,o be duly published on the f olloxing proposed irnpmveiients: - - r (&kndmen% to Resolu-bLon €@SOLU3!I OX ORBmTG IEiP?DVE*iXPIS Ordering Sayr,Ser.ier Ib . 61 2n SAi?@-&RU .SEj@-i. gPBolB.~~?s im3. 61, .62, and. 63; ,?J&p-W'J. ZJE3OVZ- I I,EiE NO. 67, . . . 1. 2., Smitary Sewer 3:chension and Appurtenances in Xerxes he. betmen 3* SiKlitary.Sev:er %&ension and Appurtenances in Bernard Place betmen V.'7'$%h md TIT.76th Sts. c +initary Seyer %&ension and &purtenances in the foUovrhg Streets: :'f.Xoodlagd Ed. between Concord ad Zooddale Lves. Cog cord he, between Coccord Terrace ad IJoodland Bd. Fairkx live. betveen I+T.l.looclland Bd. and pt. 360 Ft.. more or less, . S.E. thereofa T'f,Tb-i;h Sto and Grove Sto - 4. s.JBtqazin zctension ab: Xppurtenaiices in the ~"o~ovkg Streets: lJ.'i;roodland 8d. between Tooddale and Goncord Lyes . &&*fxc he.. between lr'.~~oodland Tcd. and I7.5ah St. e and at the.heaTings held at ti?e-,t+e and place specSied in said notice the Council has duly considered the devis of all persons interested, and being fully advised of Cne pertinent facts eoes hereby detemine to proceed with the construction of said hpmvments; that s&d iqrovenents are hereby desigated and shdl be referred to in dl subsequent proceedings as followi: lJ.&:E OF 33.pfJ)li zi.m : t 30. L Above Szpitgry,S~.c;.er TTo.. 61 - IJo, 2 ilbove Saitaqr Sewer Bo. 62 Sanitaq Sewer Bo. 63 Bo. 3 Ehve Eo. 4 &ove Satemain bpmveumt Bo. 67 . arrd the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: For Smitaq 3ewer lb. 61 - 1U.l lots ad tracts of land abu$tix Bernard Place lots and tracts of land abutting Xerxes lmnw betyreen r.r.56th 5%. and Grove-St. except the North 300 feet on the ?Test sjde of Benlard Flzce and tine Eoxth 175 feet on themEast side of Bernard Place. betyeen fj,75$,fi and 11.76th St, on the TJest. For ~zdkaqr SeV:er Bo. 62 - . c _. .. .. 95 2/8/54 For Sanitary Sewer I\To. 63 - All lots and tracts of land within the folloting described boundaries: - trComm. at Centerline of- S.J.l~oodlm-d Ed. and t!ooddale he.; th. IT. 216 Ft.; tho N. to IG Cor, of Lclt 12, ,Bl, 1, Paul Uind Chiristopheq Addn; the We along the J!J. line of Lots 12,11,10,9 62-8, Block 1, Paul ITind Christopher &ddn. and the N, Lot he of Lots 9,8,7,6,5 2: 4, 81. 2, Paul Thd Chrostopher Addn, Addn.; th? South 200.35 Ft.; th. IT. 1&5 Ft, to Centerline,of Concord Lve.; "150 Ft.; th. N. to 31 Cor. of.l;ot 4, Bl, 1; Stocke-Hanson's Concord Terrace; Jcho E. dong South I;ot Lime of,Lots h<,5,6,7,S,9,1OYll,l2 C: 13, Bl. 1, Stodce- Hmsonts Concord Terrace to I'M Cor. of Lot LL, Bl. 1, Stocke-Hawonts Concord Terrace; Lh. S. Lo ,511 Cor, of $qt 14, El. 1, Stocke-Hmson's Concord Terrace; the 3. along S. Lot Grines of Lot U!., Bl. 1 ad Lot 6, Bl, 2; tho X, 160 Ft, -Lo SIT Cor, of Lot 3,-31. 2, i3tocke-H~son~s Concord Terrace; th. E, to Center- line .of 2ooddale Ave,; 'ch. N. to point .of,.beginning.*' following described boundaries:- Wooddale Lve,; .tilo W. 216 Ft,; .th, It, to Nr; Cor. of Ld 12, -31. I, Paul ?find C$ristopher Addn.; th. W. along the H. line of Lots 12,llY10,9 6 8,. B1. 1 and the PI. line of Lots--9,8,7,6,5 & 4, 31. 2, Paul Yind Christopher Zddn. to th? IW Cor. of Lot i+, B1, 2, Paul tfkd Christopher Adcin.; tho S, to SI Cor, of Lo& 4, 31. 1, Stock-HansoEts Cgncord Terrace; th. E. along,the S.-lLne of Lots r&,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 & ~3, 131. 1,. Stocke-Hason's Conm-d Terrace to I@[ Coi-, of Lot lib, B1, I, Stocke-Hansonfs Concord Terrace; tho S. to 31 Cor. of bt lk9 B1. 1; th. E. ,-to DTT Cor. of bt I, B1. 2, Concord Grove Add&'; th. Sly along W, line of E0t.s 1,2, and 3, Bl, 2, to s?.? Cor. of Lot? 3, Elle 2, Coincord Grove Addn.; the Sly along So line of Lot 3, ,elm 2 Lot 6, Sl. 3, to SE Cor, of Lot 6, B1. 3, Conco,rd Gmye Addn,; iJ1y along E. line ol" Lots 6,7 & -8,-Bl, 3, Concord Grove Addn, and along E. line of Lots 6 0 2, Bl, 2, Stodce-Hason's Concord Terrace to SW Cor. of Lot 3, B1.-2; th. E. along S, line of Lot,3, Bl. 2, -Lo 3ood.dale .&ve.; th, So to pto of to IRCri Cor.,of Lot 4, B1, 2, Paul Vind Christopher I th. So along Concord .he, to Conq-rd Terrace; th. E. along Concord Terrace - Tor 1fate-niqi.n Improvment Ito, 67 - All lots and tracts-of land within the Worn. at Centerline of V.t~oodLa,nd Xd. and ~ beginnb-g, -* Xotion for adoption of Resolution was seGonded by Danens, and on Rollcall there ; Danms, aye; Bank, we;- Xotion for adoption of Resolution was seGonded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no mys, as follows: Bredesqlgd; Danms, aye; Bank, we; I Petitions Tor Sanitary Sewer and llateriilain $or "The Oaks11 and Zor 6155 France 1jve. were filed. be scheduled for April 26, The fOlh&g appiications for Outdoor Advzrtising Sigas were filed, together i~i-blfl approval -;;herefor by Police Captain IyTcGaq- and Asst, to I&, E.3. Olson: Daneas moved for acc-e@xince of petitions ad for Public Nearing to I.iotion seconded by Bredesen and cari?iedc C - -. _. .. Rormzndale Ed. - Ldv. - 'The Stow Coot1 "* .i c r' - . Nqrmmdzle Bd, - AdvP - "The Stow Coofl - Adv. - !'The Stow Co,!' 1, Poi- dgn, ?:bod, 6t-f 2. 3.' For Sia, %ood, l$td.Or, on &ow Tract-Office I& 0 5, at SI[ Cor. Duggan Plaza end For S3gn, :?ood, 5tuS.21, at 1irt.j Cor. DuggF Plaza and For Sign, t[ood-V SWpea5fx7*, atll/2 IuE. 3$ of Foi- Sign, Xood-V Shape 5'$7!, a% 1/2 EL- I\T% * t - *- Elake Rd. on Hy. 169 - Zion Sign- Adv, - ilCrea.!!ette CO.~~ CyOXd.;ft&8 on Hr,, 169 - Zion Sign- Adv, - 1r6rearfiette Cootr 6. FOi* Sip, kod - 5tfi2t,* at 1/2 IZi. SIT of : " BI&e .Ede on Hy, 167 -- Lion Sign- Ldv, -" 1rXwsl?a12 SLO&S~~~ Bredesen 'moved for approval of licenses expiring,r%.pril 1, 195k0 Det$led 2epor-L by Liquor Commission was >&ad by 14P, Bredesen, increasing profits , . complimented Einager IEppley on his fine management and reques-bed a <:50.00 per month raise for him, recommended purchase of another cash register, ad suggested the sealing 04 the wine cellar stairway an-d the - installation of a belt conveyor. for purchase of cash register, on specifications prepared by Xanager f;&ppley, end for thhe sealing of *bhe stairway and installation of belt conveyor. seconded by Danens and carried, Discu8sion was had on proposed salary increase for l-imiger I<ippley, inasnzucg as he received an-increase of $25,00 on Janu&y 1. iiimager IzippZey an increase, of $25#00 .p& month effective Febmwy 1, in view of the profits Liquor Store has made and excellent management it has received-. seconded by Bredcsen and carried. iWxLon seconded . by Dmens and carried, *. This report cited Bredesen then moved for advertissmeqt for bids &lotion Bank mo+ed. that the Council grant Hokion 96 2/8/54 It was brought to Councilts attenkion thzt fonrd- acceptace had not been la&e 02 -the dedicatioa for street ..ri&di-of-way between the proprtg of Fbst Z*a S-Late Bank and proposed Library, Bank ofzered the follothg Resolution ad Moved its adoption: .. .. F. msomrox IICCEP~Y~CG mmmoiv -FOR STBET PWZmB. , . BE TTL' lE3XXSBD by the Village Council..o$ .the. V$llage of Bdim; IErmsota,; that accepkwce.. s@ll be, and hereby is, rmde of the following, *.dedication by Lund4kuse, Inc., for street and utXlity purposes: . "That pa& of 10% 37, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 described as follows: * Beginning 'on $he South. line -of Lot 36, hditort s Subdivision Uo. 172, 40. feet East of the Southwes't comertthereof; th.,West along the South line ofosctid lnts 36 cqd 37 a dAstmce of 135 feet to actual point of beghnhg- -of tract-of land to be descebed; th. ITorbh parallel with the Vest line of said Lot 37 a distance of -150 feet; th. Vest parallel wiCh .the. .South line of said Lot 3'7 a distace or" 30 €eet; th..- Sout'n pal-allel with the Vest line oE s&d Lot 37 a dbtance of 1% feet; %he East along the South line of said Lot 37 -a distzrce or" 30 feet to the pohb 02 begi-nnfng.~l ~ -- i.iotLon for adoption of ths Eesolut-ion was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nqrs, as 1 'WDage Clerk - there were four ayes and no nsrs, as follow: The application of Bay 27; Slcelton GO., Lic., for perm2-b to excavate appm>-&ztel;y ten acres in the area -of ZCorla: Avenue South between ?~76th -and .V878th Streets vas filed. Re. Ray Slcelton spake in suppork of his applicdtion; s>ai;i.ng that the grades he has -submitted -to the Village i.laneger are accurately tied in uith 'government surveys; that he irishes merely to take out fill as needed; and that it Fs his intention to plat at a later date,, does not agree with 1km Skelton that the property is not exczvated below street level, He-&so spoke of the hazardous cordition of an overhanging bank. After some further discussion, I&. IEtchell recornendad that Skelton be allowed 30 continue opzrations until, Wdic 7:orlcs Committee has had %ime to investigate, providing that overhang hagard is. satisfactorily taken care of, and providing cut is no nearer than six feet above the grade of Xerxes Avenue. motion, that Skelton be psmitted to continue operations unt5-l report is received from the Public Xorks Committee, hazardous condition having been called to his attention, was seconded by Bank and carriedo Petition of V.H. "Adas for the rezoning fron Open Dsvelopaent District to Commni%y Store District of "The Xast 96 2%. of Lo% 1, Block 1, Stevens First Addn. except Ely:5 Ft, conveyed to Village of 3ha Zor highmy pwposes and also subjec'c -bo certain highmy easement over the KLy 7 Ft, OB scid Lot 1 except East 5 Ft. thereof psnted to Hennepin Countylr, 't;as'read; KiAs beLng the p%opzrty at 1&01 V,50th Street, used by Shell Oil Coinpany for 3-ears as z gasoline station, but -never rezoned. recombendation was reported By I.l;anager I.;it chell, 50U hlifax Avenue, eqresscd themselves as opposed -bo slfich rezonjmg. Discussion was had as to a time for Hearing. Vuge &borney liindhorst vas askd if , Ln his bpihion, the Bouncil nay hold a, legs meeting on %>is nel&, regularly scheduled date,pi;'nis behg :.Tashh&onts Birthday, rhoid 2Ls regu.lar me%+ig on February 22, Ibtion seconded bsp Danens and carnied. Bd then moved, scheduling Public Nearing on V.H. lid- petj'ijon for Rezoning for T-londar, February 22, 19%, at 7230 ?.If. liotion seconded by Bredesen ad carriedo -. Lkmager lritchell stated that he Bredesenfs Planning Comzdssiont 8 affixma-bive la. nd Xrs. PeXL Thompson, ?I upon 1.k . lTjadhorst 1 s affirma%ive opinion, Bank' moved %&it Council. - e i4r. Arnold 1. Rauglandrs replsr to Council; Resolution adopted Jm<aq: 25, vias submitted and Tias ordered placed on file. ~. Eiayor ?&ickson en-bered the Xeeting at "cis time, and presided for the bdznce of the evening. Petition PBS filed for the exbension of Bznton kivenue fmm appiioxim.tely iao. 551-6, approsciaately 760 R. ?:est to intersect TracJr Avenue was placed on Sile. Kmager l-Xkchell recomaded- *scheduling Hewing for i.Ionday, IIarch 22, wd Bank so noved, Petition as fUed for Sanitary Sewer Zh&ension along the Tkst side of IEgIiway >lo8 169, to serw Grandv5ew iXotel. 32. Xitchell suggested- that Public Hewing be tentatively scheduled for Xonday, ilarch 8, seonded by Ckild ad carried. Iiotion seconded by Danens and carried6 and Bank so moved, . Eotion I 2/8/54 6 -I Robert Lindbery, 314 Xonroe Avenue, accompanied bJr a delegatioi?, presented petition a&inst secession from 33dina and merger with H0p-s. I&s. bdbew s-LaAed that the persons on-her petition w5sh to continue to live b Esna and would object very much to annerktion to Hopkins. petisioners that this Council has pot received formal petition for decsssion as yet, and t$kt there r.ril% be a Public Hearing on the matter &ter recei-pt of such petition. Petition i5as retuped t9 Pks* Lindbeq in orde2 that she ~&t lfayor Erickson informed sewre more names 0% it. I lkttorney Hosmer Brown and E. C. Stow presented Final Plat of ifBrookview Heights 2nd Addition.1t Nanager Eitahell explsined that 3k. Stow ill deed Lot 3 (bordering the Du-ggan.pmperty) to the Village for Streat Purposes; that Pkaning Commission has reqyested approval by the Village Attorney of the instrument of dedication; -that the Commission has recommended appmvzl subject to a, thorough check by the EngQieering Department and Planning Consultant ICe, Zikan e-uplained that plat deviations hzve .been found upon engineering check-that there are two different gmd-es shown on each of two $ixeets, Re asked for drainage easemeiit at Southerly wi've of Danens Drive, . the corner property, i&ich,Hr, Stow has given to a Church, there will be definite need for it stom sewer; and Pk. Stow, about to present petition $or Storm Sever in the development, e,xplained that the Highray Department1 s plans will necessarily hzve a bearing on any storm sewer plmnjng he might do, and that he does not yet know what steps -the Highway Department intends to take, recommended appmval of the Final Plat of IfErookvievr Heights 2nd &.dditionll sub j ect to the following stipulations : Kr. l@.tchelk e,qlained that, upon filling of I Mwger Et.tchel1 - Affirmative recornendation fpm the Village Attorney on iransfer of Lot 3 to the Village for street purposes. Performance Bond from I&. Stow on completion of drainage facilities at Church Place and Rabun Drive and placing of storm sewer qproxhately between Logs 10 and 11, Block 7, from Damns Drive to Creek. Performance Bond f or comgLetion of grading before watemin construction and of gravelling after said watemin mnstruction. 1, ~ 2, 3e 4. A thorough engineering check. Btunk moved €02 acceptance of FinA. Plat subject to the stipulations set forth by Irianager I$iLchell. 1.k. Sto~ presented petition for Watermain in Brookdew Iiei&tss 2nd Addi'cion. Cmdts mnotion that ptition be accepted and. that Fu'llic Hesing be scheduled- for i.Tondqr, ;:pi51 12, was seconded by Danens and carried. ZIotion semnded by Bredesen and carried, I Xi?. Stow"requested Council opinion on PrelI'Lmini;7,ry plat of Broohview heights 3rd Addition. and that this looks Lo be a sabisfactory prelinhary plat, but that 32r. Stow has not yet submitted street profiles in line with CouncilL1s new storm sewer .policy, Bank moved that plat be approved as preliminarj-plat subject to compliance with exceptions noted by Planning Commission at -their meeting of February 3. I4otion secon.ded bg Eredesen, ad carriede fknager l&t chell explained that the Endneering Depa,rtment has checked c . The matter of Orest Sparide's application for permit to build on -Hi& East 70 Ft. of Lot 16 and tY.10 Ft, of Lot 17, Block 4, Brookview Heights 1st Lddition cane before the Coqcil, with Building Supt Voehlert s negative rec;ommendation. Ilka* Iloehler eaxplained that a house has been built ox1 Lot k7> Block &; and that taking <en feet from it will reduce it below platted size. -Eke Siow explained that %he osmer of Lot 17, Block 4 does not need the plattedr80 feet because he has a basement garage and his house is only 50 feet wide. Bank moved for denial of application for permit, 12re snd Iiks. Selmer Hdla and their attorney presented plans for construction of a corhintztion garage and-shop facing Eden Avenue; a change in their plans ol" last year vdlich called for a building facing iJognand.8J.e Eoad. discussion Bank moved for referral to Flaming Co@ssion for stddy and reconrimidation. Hotion secolrded by Child and carried. I@. Jack KirkiLand, accompanied by a delegation of home owners in tlEorzn's %ma I~Ianor" asked for relief from bad water condition in this area. eqlained-that Re. Kirkland has blocked drinage ditch and that this makes bad matters worse. which no one spoke in favor of the project-was made for the audience. replied that the cost of the project as set forth at that time was too high for their acceptanceo Audience was told that a new public hearing FJL& sch-eduled for E-londqr3 Xarch 22; and whsn someone asked for temporary relief, Child moved that tilis matter be given investigation and attention as to any possi%le improvernente Notion seconded by Danens and carried. Hotion seconded by Child and carried. After cohsiderable r 1:k. TiIi"cche1l Review of earlier storm seprer proceeegs for this area--in Delegation 98 2/8/54 I&. li. I;. Davenpoi."c of IEnmapolis, Northfield and Southern Railvra2r T~S present to sqpporb his coapr?nyrs petition for the rezoning to Comereid Dis-Liaict the- Zollowing descfloed -prcrpar'~y: as-follows: bears 3 50~47' X, true bearing, a dist. -of 1367.6 R. from pt. in S. line of said Sec. 8, 1112.9 E%. 3. of SE Cor. of said 3ec.; tn. from sed pt. of beginning 44°-27t If a dist. of 128.1 Ft. to pt. &I So Illy at piat anSles 3rom sdd R/SJ line; -bbo S. 9- 47' 11, parallel with and 60 FL from said Il/U line a fist. *or" abut 6N FG. more or less to Ely line of traveled highway across sed CJuarter L:uz&er; tho in a SEly directkn along my line of saia fiigmay to a'uovs naed line; tho 11 9- 47' 3. along said B/ti 1b.e about 900 R. more or less to @ace of beginning and conta2nbg an area 02 1.45 acres sore or lesso*I Kr. Davenport e:@ained that this properby is located betrreen the Bailroad riglnt-d-vray xnd CaW Zmd, and just Eorth of State Hi&iray Xo. 5. motion that petition be referred -to Planning Coinmission for recomaidation and report YJZS seconded by Bredesen md .parried. 1.2. Emce Timd pmsented sketch for subditision 02 that property l~hg between the. Beltline md Thgdde Avenue and Xest of Uieme;rerts pmd; szid sketch shot&g 7j-foot lots. mer if he petitioned for w,-Lemin. should be satisfactory, ,. "A tract, of land in the SX!./4 of Bl/4 of Sec.8, evq.116 Iii., Bo a?J. described Begtnning at a pt. on the XLy R,h line of I4QS Fkihray which pto - Childts I-&. _Yund asked .if it would be passrole to plzt 5.a t'nis Council infornrilly agraed -?hat this 99 2/w54 Eir. Ralph €Iardacker&s €$eliminarJr ?la% of Wubdivision of Lots 1,2,3 and &, Block 5, i~Jomandale4.&i%ion, was. presented, with i4~. 1.r;itchell e@.arining ' that this represents..a div;,sion of one 95fOOt and three 50-foot lots into one 65-foot and three 60-foot lots; that the Planning Comrrrission has approved it because owner can legally build upon TO-foot lots and this subdivision is an improvement over present platting. Bank moved for approvzl as pre- liminary plat . Holf . IXot ion seconded by Sredesen and carrLed. Location-63rd and Roy Peterson's Final Flat of "The Oaks11 was submitted, together with Planning Com&xlonls qualified tippi.QvaJ, of February 3. Plat be approved subject to completion of exceptions shown by Planning Commission. Tir. C, li. Smuelsonts petition for the Rezoning to CoIiummi'cy Store District of Lots-2,5,6 and 7, Block 8, Tingdale Brothers Brookside Addition was presented, with Xanager Nit chell' s reninder that this propzrty is loca-bed - t-iithin th& area recommaded Some time ago by the Planning Commission for a Community Store District. Child's motion that petition be accepted and that Public Hesring be scheduled for iConday, February 22, was seconded by Danens and carried. Bredesen's motion thas Final Kotion seconded by Danms and. carriedo - ihnager IE'G chell presented Preliminary Plat of llParlaood Knolls 5th Addition. Bank moved for acceptance of preliminary plat subject to subrdssion of bond for grading and gravelling. ifanager Ilit chell consulted with .the Council concerning the following proposed llextrasl! for the new village hall: - - Notion seconded by Danens ad carried, 1.- Double Hydmnt on cattvd.k, in Fire Station, for filling fire truck 2. 3, tanks - &zra charge, $225.00, Six boat hangers in Fire Station ceiling - Extra charge, ~$"eOO. Removal and relocation of txco unit heaters in Fire Truck garage; these having been-erroneously placed directly in front of Fire headquarbers window, not allowing adequate vision into fire station. I&. I$i.tchell exylained that this was due to an error in the mechanical section of architec-bural firm. &bra charge, $llOo Bankt s motion, that first two extra charges be appmved, in accordance with - mnagerl s recommendation, vms seconded by Child and carried. Child 'chcn moved tha,t 1.k. Flitchell be directed to consult with the architects for a further eqlanatiop as to why they think removal. and relocation of unit heaters is the responsibility of the Village inasmuch as the architects made the error. .*- I-Iotion seconded by Danens and carried. Ibnager ZIitcheU e2Tlained that the Zngineering Department and Ol'fice trill once again be overloaded unless Council takes steps to put a deadline on petitions for special assessments improvements to be conpleted this year, Bank's niotiofi, tiat petitions for work to be completed in 1954 be accepted only-until June 1; that all later petitions be laid over for work in 1955, was seconded by Child and carried. Detailed report was made in connection with 3bb. Peter Dahlgren's for- clarifi- cation of the frsick leave11 clause in the Village. Personnel Ordinance, moved that Ri..Dahlgren be notflied that no replision in -the Ordinance is in order, aid that .all Tillage employees be notified of their sick leave rights and of the accumulation of sick leave under the Ordinance. liotion seconded by Bank ad carriedo . The matter of proposed Grading and Gravelling of that alley lying between fTillim .and Hankerson Avenues and between W, 51st and I?, 52nd Streets came once again before the Council, with Child of fer-ing the following Resolution and moving its adoption: BE: IT R,ZSOLJED by the Council..of the Village of-Edina, I.iinilesota, this Council hore%o-fore- caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the follovhg Bredesen FG3SOLUT ION 02DZRLiJG Ii~OVEICI~T GRliDLifG.. IKPi32XXENT iJ0. C-54 . jmpmvemcnt : I Gqading and Gravelling of thai; Alley betme-n ;Jillian and Hankerson Avenues and between I.j.5lst and V.52nd Streets . .. and at the hearing held at the--time and place specified in said no-Lice the Council has duly considered the views &of all persons interested, afld being fully advised of -the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with %he const-ruction of said impmvement; that said improvpunat is hereby desig- nated and shdl be *referred. to in d.1 subsequen6 proceedings as Grading Improvement ih. C-54; and the area to be specially assqssed therefor sha;L1- be and include all lots and tracts 09 land abutting 'chat alley to be*impmvedo iiotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded bjr Danens, and on EollcaL1 . I there were five. apes and no nays, as aye; B&c, aye; and Zriclison, are; PiKkge Czerk Plms and specifications for this project having been revievred and found to be satisf actory, Child then offered the follovring Resolution and moved its adoption: +4;;3OLWJCEJ APBOVDJG PLUS fiJ13,rD SFECIFICilTI@iJS F 02 PaOFOSED -S-yr J?P3lV'.ZE~T- 11001 C-5& &ID D-mCTIlrTG' ADrnRTXrnEI~E FOR Bas . . BZ 2X R3SOLVED by the Village Council .of.-the .Village-,ori".E&i.m: . 1. forth in the follov.ing Advertisemnt for Bids form, heretofore'prepaed b$ the - Tillage approved. 1 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the X;dina-l.Iorrrhgside Courier and the Constmetion Bulletin the foUo?ling notice for bids for s&d improvmen'c : The plans and specifications for the proposed Grading flin,Drovmmt set and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby iDWELTI3ZX-E FOR BIDS G&IDIXG SmWSE NO. C-54 WTICE IS EZZBY GIDJ khat -t~e Edka Village Ccwncil ~5.11 neet at the -7. saznapVXLlage.N&l, 4801 T.T. 50th Skrcct, IIonday, Iktr 24, 1954, at 7:30 P.X.~., and at said tiae aid plz-ce open md consider seded bids for the follorring: Grading and Gravelling of that Alley lying betmen 3illian and HdLerson Avenues an& betveen Y. %;;t and If. 5ad Streets. TJorl; nust be done as described t;nG specified in plans and spzcifi- cations for said improvement on file in the office of t'ne Village Clerk. must be submitted on basis 02 cash Ipapwnt for mrk. . UO bLds T.I"L11 be ansidered unless seded ad Siled with undersigned before the of said meting and accoqanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amovmt of ten percent of mount of bid. Bids - - BY OBG3 OF DZ, ll2XL.G~ CO'inJCEL. . - EVALD C. BGK, Clerk . ..- - .-- - _. - ViUtiSe of 3dina 3. herebF adopted as tne terns and conditions of award of the amtract for sSd 5nprovexent. ?.Potion for &@ion of -the Resolution was vrere five qes 2nd no nqs, as follom: Each and all of the terns of the foregoing adve&isenmt for. bids are' Bredesen and ;=rickson, ap; and the $esolution I Chai-rman of hbfic ;:arks Gonixittee, Banens, suggested that VLllage advertise for bids for Sa$, Gravel ad Rock xi; once, in order %hat Street CorJmissioner ~ght h0r.r prhere to pmchase. by fknk ad carried. Chzirman of Public Safety Codttee, Bank, presented the Sollotring re-comenda-Lions of the Conmittee: t He aoved that bids be talren February 22. I-iotion seconaed 1. 2. 3. 4e 50 60 7. Zns-LafLation of SLup Sign on Eden iivenue at Edina Taxi. Cornpans entrance. %tch-Out-:or-Children Signs on Zenith flivmue between 11.5Sth and TT. 59th; three sips on each side of T?,5+h Street betireen France cad. Xerxes, End lr30-ZXle*f signs on Ti.5Sth Street at .locations ko be desipxbed by Police Captain XcGay to s& up meeting for deaonstration of Drunkometer as soon as possible. Captain XcGar;. to check 76th Sate Health DepaPment for Womtioiz as to the licensing of milk: trucks @r. Barr). Instastion of'ITo-U--Fifurn~l sign at 11.492 Street and France Avenue piw~d5ng . ueapolis i.5ll-peidt. - 5,Jzt ch-0ut-for-C1fl&en Signs and tvo. -"30-2-:;ile~I Signs, to be installEd at locations designated by ?oUce Capt~in on V.7Qth Street betireen ilorszanddie and France Avenues. __ Sdaries and ?rages TOT ~irc Bepartnent: 1, 2. 3. captain. - . - r. For Fire Clef - :)lo0 pzr Yeas; &OO per Call, up to firat tin hours of Tire fighting; $LOO par hour after first two hou.rso For Assistant Fire Chief - $75 per year; $LOO per Cd.1, up to first tvo hours of fire fichting; $1.75 per how aP"er first ttio &ours. Fore Firexen - &.OO per Call, up to first tm hours of fire ZiEhting; &, 50 per hour, after first two hours. 4, For Drills - <:$lo0O per drill, CIdt s niotion, that Azblic Safet;. Cornitbee recormcadations be accepted, vritii the e;rcep%ion of :Joe 7, on which decidion is to be delayed until the aatker of reim'uurse- ment for fightbg grass fires is settled, was saconded b;. Danens and carriedo ; 2/6/54 4 01 Child moved for papnent of* Village Payroll, amount $9,855.01, and Liau&-Store Payroll, mount $1,242.38, for period Febi-uary 11 to Z$, as recorded-k detail in Pap-oll Ledger, and for payment of the follotJing Claims: CL1L.i IKl, 3 10407 l04-0S 10409 ao4-I-0 1041s 10412 10413 lO&lL+ 104l-5 10416 101!.17 10418 lO4J-9 10420 104.26 10433 3.0434 10398 104.31, 10432 fib397 10399 lOI!l.OO 10401 SO403 10402 Bdi Ryan, Sherirff of Hennepin Cy. Stat? Board of Registration Don Pederson . Jack Iieredith I Fred Jonas George Thompson. George A. Willson Glz@js UiI&er, Rpls City Treasurer Transport Clearings of Twin Cities ikbiond. Free Protection Assn. John Dd-iu-bh Grisvmld Signal Go. Twin City Saw and Service Ziorrell B Hichols IIcGravr-Hill Book Co. into dssn. of Fire Chiefs Toltz, ring & Day Construction Eulletin 1 Delaney Bros Gladys 1KL3.erY Iipls. City Treasurer Bates Electric Service . Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. First IkiJcl. Bank of I-ipls. 10404.. , First Natl. Bank of I-Tpls. 10405 10406 .Lynn Chemicals Xorthmdcern NatLonal Bai of Zipls ~5862 lOU1 10422 104.23 101>24 1042 5 104.26 10427 10428 10429 10430 US63 r5&54 10390 10391 10392 10393 10394 10395 10396 .. Iethur K, Petersen , IEdvest' Au&.o-&ual Grandview Hdwe.. Richfield Lumber Go. J.A. Danens G Son liorell & iichols Chas. Olson eC Sons Dahlberg &os. . Thelma B.. Relson Crarfier Electric Co. First Xatl. Banlc-of Ziplso First Natl. Bank of 14pls. iEJ iTatl. Bank of Xpls. I1 I1 11 11 c , 17.20 1.62 6,23 80 33 11.13 4.GO 21.00 340 . 00 6038 4000 + 15.00 223,oo 1% 50 4-03 0 17 6.24 .21.00 1,251.45 Suburban Henn. Cy. Relief Bd, B 357.35 3.10 4. s- 40.40 30.00 238.00 52. 50 5 y 029 6 5 25.00 272003 90.23 11,061.72 I02 - -. cza; 130: TO: - ~2926 GarperrLer Paper Conpny J.2. CoanyL Postimster Distillers Distributing Company j ZE U927 Farmers G Ikchanics Bank 1292s Griggs, Cooper h Coslpmy u929 Griggs, Coopsr & Company u930 GcKesson 2 Eobbins - U931 IZd-Vest f.rine Co?rpany U932 IaUer-Da-vis Corqanr L2933 u934 3d. Phillips G Sons-Coqmny u935 Ed. Phillips Sons-Coxpny ~2936 Sa.ni$ary Products Conpy =937 ?fan Pa;per- Supply Company U938 VillageofEdha - u939 The Young Fuel Con-mny L2940 Eotion seconded-by Bredesen and carried. 13orthv:estern Bd1 Telephone Co . Old Peoria .Compmy, - Inc. 3,506.20 * * 31.15 The matter of gasoline bids amrd came ne;& before the-Council, with a-reprt by Kanager IZtchell, of gasoline for testing purposes. Xotion lost for want of a second. After some considerable heated discussion-r.jithin the Council., Bredesen moved for avmrd of bid to low bidder, Direct Oil Service Company--Gra.ndvier.r DhecL Service Station, at their bid; Child's motLonPr%8at the two bidders -be asked to subinit samples Xotion sewnded-by Bank and motion carricd, with Child voting Xzg, IEth regard to Lqme-i.iinnesota Company's reqest for change in mll spsciXic-' auons * for Southdale ~ml1. Discussion was had as to Public Utilities report; and Banlc moved that the Public Utilities Committee's suggested compromise vith Layne- mmxesota Coapaq be accepted, -and that Village Attorney be directed to advise the Company as Zollo~rs: --. I, The casing which is now in place to-a 15O-fook depth and. has ruptured is of no value to the-Village; therefore, this 24-11 pipe is to be provided Contzactor is authorized to hstall 20t1 pipe inside 24" pipe at price of 2&11-pipe, providing lhe is straight and a good well viUage will. insist upon imnedinte completion of antract. by Lape-Xnnesota to-the Village. I* 2. 3. resv3.te --. c I I-Ioixion seconded by Child and carried, The mtter o$ the Park Board's recent request for a grant of some t>l,500 for ska,ting rjnk operations VJ~S reviewed by the Council. priation for sl;;tting rinks be ;i%thdravm because of the shorbness of the skating season. Bredesen then noved for adjouqaent. adjourned at 12:lO A.X., Tuesday, February 9. Childrs motion %ha.% proposed zippro- Xotion seconded by Ba@c tsnd carried. *. f