HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540222_REGULAR2/22/54 I!ieiibers answering Rollcall were Child, Danens and %rickson; with Clerk Bank enter- ing the meeting shortly thereafter, as zecorded below. Hinutes 09 the Regular Iteeting of February 8, 1954, were approved, by motion ChiYd, seconded by Danens and carried. Deputy Clerk read !!Advertisement for Bids; Zoad Katerials, 11 published in Zdina- Uorningside Courier ad Construction Bulletin February 11 and 18; an ifidavit of publication for s.rilich was approved and ordered placed on file. that all bids received pursuant to this advertisement be referred to Assistant Zngineer Zikan for public opening in the Enginearts office, Danens and carried. (See l.riYutes, later in Neeting). Clerk Bank entered meeting at this tiiie. 1 t Child then moved Uotion seconded. by t &fidavits of Publication in Edin&Iorningside Courier Febw..ary 11 and 18, 1954, and of posting on or"ficia1 bulletin boards February 11, were produced, approyed, and ordered placed on file, for tlMotice of Hearings on Petitions to*Rezone; and ~IJIXU~~~ to said Notice,. Nayor Xrickson called, first, Public Becaring on petition of Lir. V.H. Jhdams for the Ttezoning from Open Development District to Comnity Store Districk, the '!East 96 Ft. of Lot 1, Block I, Stevens First Addno--fl, being located at 4101 I?. 50th Street. of February 3rd vas read. read a pe%ition in protest to this rezoning, signed by o>mers of some 22 neighbor- hg properties, listing six reasons for their objections. Plans for Shell Oil Company's expansion program were reviewed by thl: audience and Coumcil; and the Shell representative, and owner V.H. lidams both reminded the Council that taxes heve been paid on this proprLy at. *!comrciiil*t rate for a number of years; that the unimproved property is too small for construction of a dwelling, and that Council should d.101~ some use -Lo be made of it. Letter of protest; from l$rs, ClayLon Anderson, 5Ou& Halifax Avenue, was filed, and. summarized by Rayor Erickson. Dur5ng discussion Er. Thompson stated that petitioaers had not contacted neighbor- ing properby owners, as stated in Plannihg Commission minutes of Febyuary 3; that" neighbors had learned of t'nis petition only by accident.. Bank moved for postpone: nent of Council's decision on this matter at least until ne:& meeting, for further discussion with .Planning Commission. The- Planning Commission! s favorable recomendztion 1.f-r. P.H. Thompson, 50U Halifax ihreinue, presehted and Uotion seconded by Dmens ad carried. I Ne>* Public Hearing, pursuant to above named Wotice of Hearing:' was that on 'ihe petition of Ee; C.A. Samuelson for the Remniag to Community Stare District of Lots 5,6 and 7, Block 8, Tingdale Broyners Brookside. Planning Commission1 s recent favorable recommendation. There were no objections filed at tne Hpeing, apd no,,trritten objections had been received prior thereto. At %his tine it was pointed out that Lots 1 and 2 of this block were rezoned some time ago; that Lots 3 and 4 are omed by lk. Samuelson; and that he undoubted- ly wishes them rezoned also. the situation by letter, and thzt the matter be taken up again after hearing from him, was seconded by Bank and carried.. ' &,Ynager IWcchell read Child's motion, that I&=. Samuelson be advised of TJriYien recommendztions from the office were reviewed by the Council, ~ci-Vi? regard to insurance bids taken at the last meeting. Bank, moved that Workmen's Compensation Insurance be witien with Hardware 1.lU.tud.s of Stevcns Point, Wisconsin, f:5otion seconded by Danens and carried. E&t s motion, that Comprehensive, Fire and Theft policy be written with Hardware IJutuals of Stevens Point, T'iisconsin, in accordance with terms of their February 8th bid, was seconded by Dmens and carried. At the request of Nr. and 3bs. Selmar HaZla, the Council again reviewed Lhsir request for permit to build facing Eden Avenue, building to be combination storage garage a-nd "garden shop?I. Council asked that location of proposed buildislg be staked, %o make sure that it VKU. provide sufficient for IJoimzndale and provide setback from Eden irvenue. Planning Cohssion member Todd's objections to the Hala plan were reviewed in detail; xnd, because they pose .a legal problem, HI?. U.tchel1 was asked to secure opinion from Atiomey %Iindhorst. Child's motion, .%hat final decision be postponed to ne& meeting, for further study an possibility of rezoning that portion 02 the Hdla property to be used for garden shop, was seconded by Danens and carried, I 2/25/54 1.k. I.Iiller asked approval -bo build on the Ins P$ Fi;. of ht 13 and all of Lot L!+ except the Illy 16& Ft., E&na Park; -&is -bract being only 60-feet vide, whereas lots in Edinz Park were originjlly platted at 75-foot frontage. He explained that his Torrenz Title excepts Lhis'oiie lot, from the deed restrictions in the bdance of the plat; that this is the only tract in the block which does not already have a house on it. Nr. IKUsr vas told that he tmuld have to re-plat; and Child moved that this mtter be referred to Planning Commission for recommen- dation. Hotion seconded by Daxiens. Carried, 1 J Petition was filed for permit =Lo face house long my of lot on Lot 25, Rosendahlts Eha Righlands. Ikech 8, was seconded by Child and carried. Child's notion, acceptbg petition to face house long way of lot on Lot 15, Block I, Seeleyls First Addition to HavLhorne Park, and setting Public Heaing thereon for I.Ionday, ZIarch E;, was seconded by Danens and camied. I&. Davenport of lEnneapolis, ?Jor&field and Southern Railway Conp&y remest ed Council disposLtion or" petition r"i1ed February 8, for rezoning to Cornercia1 District certain property in Section 8, Tmmhip 116 H., Range 2LT.f. Codssion3s favorzble recommendation of February 17 was reviewed, and Bank moved, scheduling2ublic Hearing on petition for 1-Ionday, I.flarch 8. Child and carried. &. LEIS IKiler requested infomation abut the proposed crossitom highmy; askjng ribether buildhg pcmits are bejng issued in this general neighborhood. He ~ras Momed that highray is merely in plznning' stage and'that building. permits are being issued. l.ka- 33nxz.t iianson asked for reconsideration of old petition for T.Iatellmain E&&ension in Bernard Flace between Ti. 56th and 8.56th Streets; said exbension to connect rwitth Ij.5.6th Street main, from M,56th Street will be sufficient to serve %his' street; and he moved, scheduling Public Hexring on petition for Nonday, lhrch 22, at 7:3 P.& Damns and carried. TheGfollo7,5ng written reports ?rere reviewed, approved, and ordered placed on f iLe: BulZc*s motion, setting Publi; Hearing on petition for Eonday, . . Planning I-lotion seconded by *. - Chaimn of Public Utilities, Child, eqlained that pressure lJo'cion seconded by c I 1; Rural Hmnepin Couaty Nursing District's report for Januar?. 2. - Park Eoardts February loth notification of re-appointnext of the foXLuwbg nabers tp office: - A6 Chairman-Hemann H. Strschmer; as PlaPning ComSssion representative- ITfilian N. Lewis; as Secretary to Board and Be creation Direct or-Hotra rd IJ. I ferriqcin. 3. &. Police Departlnent report for 7January.. Report of Annual Xeeting of Kennepin County Relief Boafl, by .- ROE. Olson. Report; of Citizens Co;Pnit-i;ee on bvernment Revision having bsen 2iled hamng been filed witli? the Council, Child offered the follot&ns Resolukion and not-ed its adoption: -Ii3SOLUTIOiil Oia REmIpT OF REF'OXT BY ?Zw, this Council'has connissioned the Citizens' Cormittee on CITI~.:S 1 co~zmrn ox GOVERGZGT imvmoIr Government Bevision to study the advisability of a change in fom of local governnen-L and to make recom-aen&tions to the Council; ad X-, this Goamittee has made a most detailed ad complete study of the various forins of government available to -&is nunicipality, and the advantages and disadvantages*of each such form, and has filed with the Council the findings of its study, and its recoqmendations, Village of E&na tender to the CiLiBens' Committee on Government comprehensive report filed with the Council, aJld the Councills appreciation for the fdrness wd impa?&iality r shown by the Committee in arri-93- at its recome9dation. MGi, Sf%REFORE, BE J!T RI3SOLVSD that the Tillage Council of the Bevision, and to each nmber thereof, this Council~s thanks for the I IXotion for adoption of the Resolution vas on "nol.l-cjll there Bank, a;re; and drickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. vere four ayes and no nays, as 20llor.r~: 7 At this the some discussion vas had by Council with regard to rekurn of ta-for- feited lands, Don-usable for park purposes, to the Sta%e of I-iinnesota; znd Bdc offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 2/22/54 I33 E BZSOLVED bg %he Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. .it is hereby found and determined that on the 10th day of ll~ugust, 195L,, the Sts.te.of ITinneso-La conveyed to -the Village or" Edina the follo~ving described tax forfeited lands for use as public parks and pkygrounds: Lots One (11, Two (2), Three (3), ftTineteen (SS), Twenty (20), Twenty-one (21) , Twenty-two (221, Tvrenty-"cnree- (23) and Twenty- four (24), Block Eight (8), Fairfax Addition to _Village of Edina. 2. it is Zound necessary and expedient and in the best hterests of the Village of Edina uld its inhabitants, that the contemplated use of the herein- before listed lots md,-i;racts of land included in said conveyance for public parks and playgrounds purposes be abandoned, and the same is hereby abandoned. I 3. The Idfayor and Clerk of this Village are hereby authorized and directed to convey the property listed in Paragraph 1 hereof back to the State of ftinnesota, and said officials shall execute such conveyance herewith, in form approved by the A%torney General. Kotion for adoption of -the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were Tour ayes and no nays, as follows: ye; Danens, aye; Bank, aye; and %rickson, aye; and the Slesolutio Bxdc then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: R.SSOLUTJBN DZi!~~iDTiXG TOTAL &%OUBITS THAT- -t$OUiXl U. BEEN ASSESSED ACXEJST CmTf?li\s MSl -t-- - *bak~lT 42 THE Til23 OF-D~~'BG~~IZ~~LTIO?J BY TEE VImkE COm$CZ OF THE NIOUIJTS TO E3 BS33SZl FOLWimJG SCIIGDULE: kitJD.DI.FlECTIiJG 72133 VmGE.CmNIZ TO PFiEPAEE AI.r ABST&IGI! S1IO;JZT;SG TX3 D3CBIPTIOI\s OF EACH P&Y.XL OF LQJD 'FORFEZlXD TO TEE STATE FOR P~CJB oz TAX FOTGXTGD UDS IF sucz FROPZRTBS ~m am smacr TO THE IJATmS OF TEjI IU€'EO~*XSS IJ&-DXl IZJ THE 2JON-P&YLEGT OF TAXES .AID THE %Xi.'& fl~1OlJiYT TYXC TI0UI.B. HAW BXEN ASSZ5SZD .MGII~IST XLCH P~B~L IF ri IW BBPJ SUBJGCT TO ASSESS-ZXT: m DIRECTDIG SA33 VIEr~m CWI-TO CmTIFY THAT S&JE TO TEE COUHTY liuDEO'52 PlJBSUAiJT TO THE PEQViSiOI'ILS OF CNETER L4X3 QF IhmQESmA _.. - BE IT RESOLVED by -the Village Council of the Village of Edina, IEnnesota: TJHEEBAS, .at the time of the determination by the Village Council of the Village of Edina of the total amc?unts of money to be assessed in the proceedings of the improvements listed below, certak parcels of land had been forfeited to the state and were -therefore not subject to assessment: VLllage Council does hereby determine that each-of the parcels of land 4ereh- after described would have been assessed the atnounts set opposi-be each such described parcel, if such parcel had not been tax-forfeited lands and therefore no-l; subject to assessmeit, and the Village Gmncil does hereby deterinine that each of said parcels bas been benefited in an amount equal to and in excess of ITOW, TEZ~FO~, Puirsuant to Chapter , Laws of l.%innesota , the the amount set opFosite each of said parcels: BXCK On, F~lPE'AX ADDEION sanitary Sewer $34 (Lateral) 0 Storm Sewer $19- - TTatemazn 5-24 (~runk) TTxbemain $38 (Lateral) . Grad7hg C-42 - 0 -. 'Sanitary Sewer X53 (Mt ercept-or I I zot 2 SanitarySewer E-1 Sanitary Sewer $34 .. Storm Sewer #19 _- 'E.Ja.t;emain #24 (Trunk) %Tatemah #38 (Lateral) Grading C-42 - Sanitary Sewer #53 (Interceptor) Lo% 3 - - _II IPr incipal 9129 . 64 I 192.25 lOl.U, . 38.16 21t, 27 115.11 : g.00 ' $132.50 ~ 196.50 - 103 4.1 39.00 2x9 .OO -u7.65 51.00 Sane as Lot 2 P 2/22/5lr. 106 l;ot 19 Sanitary SerJ-er ELI. (Trunk) $132.50 Stom Sever #19 103.a tfatemain 5::51 ll1.00 Grading C-35 53.65 Sanitary Semr $53 (Iht erceptor) !.jl.oo Lot 20 Same as Lot 19 -0t-21 Sane as Lot 19 ht 22 Sane as Lot 19 Lot 23 Sane as Lot 19 Lot 24 - Sanitay Ser.mr i3-1 (Trunk) $129 . $8 Stom Sewer $19 I 101.36 108.81 Watermin Gradbg C-35 52.59 SanLtary Sever $53 (Interceptor) a.00 The Village Clerk is hereby directed to make an abstract showihg the descriition of each pace1 of land forfeited to the state for non-payment of taxes at the the oT the detemninxtion by the Village Council of the amounts - to be assessed in these pi.oceedbgs, and showing, in accordance with this resolution, the. total m0m-t that would have been assessed against each such parcel of land if i-b had been subject to assessment. The said Village Clerk shall certify such abstract to the County Auditor or" Hennepin County for presentation to the Board or" County Commissioners of Hennepin County, I4otion $or adoption of the Reqolution was seconded there were fom ayes and no nap, as follo~rs: sye; and Erichon, asTe; and the Resolution was s, snd on RollcaTU. Danens, aye; Bank, TTmage Clerk - Won-Conservation List Bo, 36%C," dated February 16, l954., irzs preseiited Tor Council considezxi5.on, * &nager 1st &ell recommended that tlhis list be ref erred to the Park Board ber"orz my action by the Council, seconded by ;?-3znE; ad carried. Child so moved. Eo-Lion I Petition was filed for Tifatemain in Z:filli~,~,ed~ord,H~~erso~ ad OxTord A-vez~ues , IJmager Iiitchell recommded that ITcwing be scheduled for Iigrch 8, together rd%h hearing on Ezternzin for Xotel. Chzd moved thLt Pet.ition be not accepted at this tbe, and th& %he Yillage Xanager be asked to set a aceting 'uzt~~em the petii5oners niid %he Wdic ULili-iies Comittee. carried. posed water& bprovex~~~t is excluded the cost to Vne reztainhg property o~xiers xd3. be excessive. scheduled r"or I-Iarch 8, b3 re-scheduled for.I.Tarch 22, ad thzt above wied petition be heard at thzt tine. iTo-bion seconded by Bmk and Then Ilr. iii-bcheU eqlained %hat if the Hankerson portion DP the pro- Child 'ihen moved -?,hat Public I-Icaing on Tlatermxin Tor Xotel, Kotion seconded by Damns and cai*ieCi, Office then reported that the fees charged Tor si@ pernits are not s~"fici~~t to cover inspection, billing, 1mAling of psrmits, 'uodkeeping, etc. '-blizt the matter of sign permits be referred to khe Ordinances md Legisla-kion Cornnittee for study, vith office to present report report to them as to costs'; tras seconded by Drunens snd carried. Child's ixobion, llnager IE.tchell rej..orted i.rithdrav.ra1 of a sigmtu-re on Ylze pebi-bn filed last year, for the Elacktopping of V.Rth St. between Xerxes ad York Avmu-e, lcavhg signature of only 25% of omers on petition. public hearing scheduled for Tbrch 8, and Vnat petition be denied, was secondkd by Dams and carried. Agreement bet.r:.e?n FIoivard E. Shzug'hnessy and the Village, saving -the Village from any obli&iio_rl to !'improve or ni&crbain in any mimer the public road dedicated along the east side of llShaughnessyts Fii-st Addition" until an additional 30-foot right-qf-way shall have, been acquired, motion, ,directing Ikyor aid Clerk to sign agreenent for Village, was seconded I by Child and carried, lhnager Ui-bchell then presented. Final Plat of Shaugkmessy' s First &dd.ition, Uiis plat having beea held up by the Cou.ncil pending agreenen%,explaie@ dbove. E&'s motion that Final Flat of %haughnessy's First Additionff be accepted., vrzs seconded by Child and czmied. -. Child's motion, Ynat Council cavrcel I was reviewed,by the Codncil. Eankf s I I .. Iknager l-1i-h chellg s report of nobification froa Kinncapolis Ctas Coiqpzny -Lhzt Gas return on interruptible gas service for New Vilhge Hall has been reduced 4-09rj per 1$.CaF., was received and ordered placed on Tile, The mt'ler of a Check Signer was discussed, Kan-zger IEtchell Iic~5.ng reported that the cos% of the machine is some $220; that Attoriey IJindhors'i s-LzbeS its use is legal, Council took no action, consensus 02 opinion .being to wait unkil volume is greater before considerztion of this purchase. IIaager I-Etchell*s report, that libe hssell Lund 15Ll hstsll concrete curb on 492 Street as soon as weather permits, to przvmt cars from movkg out beyond -tho gu-hteer line; tliat contract has already been awarded, v~s received and ordered placed on file, I-Ianzgek Nitchell' s report that Edililstt s contract protects the Tillage from having -bo assum any part of the cost of 12laneapoli.s' pumping water from sewer at meter- ing st&tion near 62nd. Street and 26th lkvenue; -.that Attorney l;rindhorst has so invoimed Richfield but has received no reply, was discussed 9nd ordered t.0 be filed. lib. HitcheU. reported that he hzs secured three bids for sur"3icient steel shelving to supply half of the basment vault for the New Villaga E&l; the lowest of these bids being ffom Generd Fire Proofing Coi-npany--$298.70. inasnvch as there are rmy records &ich can now be moved Zrom -?he Vilbge Tool- house and stored in this vad.tD Badrts motion, au-thoridng purchase of steel shelving -Tor basement vzult, at price,,of $298.70, was seconded by Child and carried . .- 0 He recommtended purchase, Ihnnger Xikchell. reported to the Coum5l that it is becoming apparent to the Xngineering Depzbment that certain Public Bearings should be rescheduled, for the purpose of coordinating .these projects. mith other contiguous areas needing the same type of improvements; and that the Council should now scheciule Heclrings on other petitions, for which no Heaings have as yet been set. Me asked the follo-criiig action: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 6. 9. Re-scheduling of ITewirng on Sanitary Sewer in VdLey View Ridge and Valley View Slope, from lhrch 8 to April 12. Scheduling Hearing on Sanitary Sewer in Sroohiew AveDrbetween 61st ad Scheduling of Hearing for tJaterm5n Mension in Valley View Extension to Sou.VIda2-e for April 12. Re-Scheduling of Hearing for Sanitary Sever in Ti"% Oaks" from April 26 to April 12. Scheduling of Hearbg on Curb and kiter in Xerxes kvmue between f.JD55th and U.56-Lh Ss, for Ifarch 22. Scheduling of Hewing on Stom Sewer at 60th md Chowen area for April i2. Scheduling of Hearing (on Council's om mobion) for S;mi"itaw i Sewer in Fxirfax-Avenue between 11. 5Gth a-id.lJ. 58$ Streets. Be-scheduling of Heaing on Blzcktoppbg for Brookview Heighs First &%ina from I.Iarch E: to June 14. &+sche&l&g of Hezing on Blac'licopphg for IdyiTjOOd Addition from 62nd s'cs. lor April- 12. &rch 8 to June 14. r Child's motion that proposed Pu'dic Hezings be scheduled; or re-scheauled in" accordame with recomndctions of- Village lianager, aid subject to- further rcport as to cost and feasibility of l$jOrk, was seconded by Der1q.s and carried. 2/22/54 3anager I.3tchell reported that some of the lots at 57th and Frmce, and wiiich r:.ould serve as an excellent dra3hage ba.sin, are 1iox-r tax delbcfuent. Ro-bion by Child for referral Lo next meting for Turther study, was secocded by &mk and carried. Plzmxhg Comaission's recornendation for mmdment to Zoning Ordhance so as to requLre developers $0 furnish drainage facilities before plats can be accepted by CounciL was reviewed. Ordinances and Lsgislatign Committee for study, was seconded by Dmc;ls and csrried. Child's motion, tba$ 'this matter be refemed to Planning Co;?lmission's recomadabion against psuni-t to aL10r.r dri&g range on Eormandz3-e Road, s!xd2i of 70th Street, WAS discussed. applica-Lion Zor driving rage be denied,vras seconded by Bmk .ad carried. WU.ic i'iorks Comnitteets rccommdation Tor bids on a new 3-xayd Street Sweeper, rrith bids to be taken w5th, and rrithout, tmd-in on old sweeper, ?as reviewed. 1 Daens' notion, that bids for Street Sweeper be talcen I.!iarch 22, in accordaxe with Comiaittee's recomen&tions, was seconded by Child and carried. lhzger ZEt &ell' s report, that .Attorney TdbcUhorst has no-tified Xa~e-~~~aesota Corqany thzt the .TLLlaEe rill demand immediate 'completion of contract Zor WouLhdale?l well, setting i'ortn the following terns: - (a) The-TTilhgc 1511 noi; pqr for .the 21;" pipe since it is defective, (b) The Tillage r5U pay for 20Ir pipe, providing it can be plzded 'tlwough 24': pipe ad proiicied it rriU be vertical. and give good ircll, and tnat Yne Company co till begin ~;arclr as of this date, was ordered placed on -f&lee C&ir?nul Child of public Utilities Comdttee recommended hzdiate installation of talring 03 bids on trds ~d.l as 03 Ibrch 22. Ihxger IZtcheU. reported in detail as Lo several improvemint projects for abich Public Hearbgs had been tentxbively scheduled for Xar'ch S; and C-md ol"fered the foUowing Eesolution and mvsd its adoption: Child's motion, that - I additional r.rell at %he site of the nevr water toms. He aoved, directing KoLion secofided by Dm-ens and carried. RZ3ILbTDJ PBOVIDIKG FOiZ PUBLIC €Ef&ETGS l, The Tilkge Xngbeer, having suGtted to the Council B prelmary repor4 as to -the feasibility of the proposed hpmvments described in the Form of lTotice of Heahg set for-th belovr, and as to the estimted cost of such bpmvacds, saLd report is hereby approved ad directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Vilkge HzU, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed ~pmvem.nts. The Clerk is hsreby au%hocized and directed to czuss notice or" the time, place and puqose of said meetins to be published in %he officid. newspaper once a week for tm successive r:eel.;s, the se$ond of which publications is to be not less than ti7ree days froa date of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- stanti&ly the follornig forin: 2. This Council shrrll meet on HonCay, I-Iwch 8, at 7:30 PJI., in the Zdba 3. ItOfIUE OF l-Ei@aGGS $19,772 91 -. 50",07a.40 f' $4,617.00 1 COIJSTWCTIOiJ OF STlQKNRD 8,mGE Ck :$jD GWy& ;& FOL~J~: 8. 9. 10. 331 17iidsor he. between_Hi&tmy No. 100 md Richond L3ne '.? 9 , 151.70 $1,626.75 W774. 74 in I.!. 56th St. betwecxn Vooddde and Kellogg iives . In Richoid Drive between Highway No, 100 and Eichmond Circle; and in Xichmond Circle. . The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of said praposed hpr*ovGQe;n'cs For Proposed hprove;rlent No, 1 - Lots 3 to 9, inclusive, South Concord Ldb.,. Sots l,2,;1 2nd 12, Slock 1; Lot 2, Block 2; and Lot 3, Block' 2, aU k Virginia live. Addn.; md the Norkh 270 Pt. of the EasO Ft. OS tile W,5OLRods of the Sn/4 of SKL/4 of Sec. 19,T.28, %24 lying Its, of Valley View Road. For Proposed bprovewnt No. 2 - All lots- and -bracts of l.md in Grandoiew Plateau Ld&a;.Lots 1 ko 12,inclusive, Block 9, and Lots 13 to 20, inclusive, Block 1 Brookside Heights Addn. - For Proposed Jinprovement ?To, 3 - All lots and tracts of lmd in Vd.1e-y TTietv Ridge Addition, and all lots and tracts of lad abwbting Concord be, on the Vest, between Tf.62nd qd 3J.63rdlSts. For each 02 ?reposed I;iproyments 4 to 10, inclusive - All lots aid trac-ix of had a'mycing the street proposed to be inp-mved, are as I"o1lows: Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, aad on Fi01lcd.L ye; Dmeris, aye; Bank, Bb?. E. C, Stow Siled petition for Stom Sewer in.BrooMe~r Hei&.f;s 2nd Addition, stating $haA% because OS the Highway 'Departnentts rather indefinite plans for Eoirnmd.ale Xoad, it is 5qossible for him to pxwxi.de drainage facili-iiies for his new subdivision at this tim. Child's motion, that matter be referred to the hblic Xorks and ?iiblicAUtilities Cormittees for study a2d report at nexb meeting. The mather 01 Fire Insurance Zor 'cle Village Toolhouse and Garage was brought before the Council;. coverage in amount of $l.&OOO eqiring on Xwch 8. motion, that present insurerers be asked to provide 30-day bider, and- thxb . Council -bake bids Ilarch 22 %or this coverage, was seconded by Child and carried. Ginager Xitchell reported in detail -the natter of negotiations XnLh the Firs Departncnt concerning compensation; that -the Depaztment is wXLing to exempt grass fires fron their reguest for a ilcalllr basis of reimbursesent; that -i;'ne foll.o~&ng rates have been tentatively, agreed upon by Pire Chie2 IEtzel, hst. Chid I.IciJdlis, and Iknager 1,Iit chell: Fire Chief As st. Chief Firmen Yearly Sd~ry $100.00 $7 5.00 Hone %te per -cdl+$iour 5.003:- , 1!..00-:: $ 3.00%- . - Uo'cion seconded bx Danens and carried. ,. Bankrs Rake for fighting fires/Hour 2 a00 -1075 - le75 Per Drill or meeting at-i;ended , 2 ,oo 1-75 LUO Standby for TIatt i.ierfeld/fiour 1.00 1.00 1.00 -:'Phe defiletion of a call being the fighthg of fire for any length of tble up to tv:o hours duration,v&th all time over two hours at the hourly rate ShokIa above. A. 1rcdLit pa--bains "GO dl Tires eixept grass, brush or ~~ood iires. hourly rates as sl~o~m above for fighting fires uri-11 be used, On grass, brush or woods fires, no call is &lowed, and Ber-Lfr's idubion, tll?cl,t I.hager IE-b chell' s reconmiendation be accepted, aid %ha-t the abovs schedule be -bhe rake schedule €or the Edina Volunteer Fire Department for the December 1, 1953 to November 30, 1954, was seconded by child and Cariied. Ikncger Xitchell- reported that Civ3-1 Defense Direcbor Pden is rewesting that Council meet in-the ne= fukure with I&?. 7k.lly ifalskead. ing -Lhc purpose of the meeting were requested before Cou.ncil makes date 'com&tment. Xanclgar 1.EbcheLl reported that developsr Stow is m-xious to eqedite vate~mnab construc'cion in Brookview H-eights 2nd P,dd;,tion.- Child! s nubion, that petition for Tkterrpin in Eroolrvi-evr Kei&ts 2nd Midition be accepted, Lbt Public Hearing and Taking of Bids -thereon be teitatively scheduled for kpril 12, pencling furtiler report by Villa,E;e Engineer, was seconded by Danem and carried. Further details concern- 410 2/22/5$ [Xe. ErKL Frank's petition foi? Se:;.cr md Vater 5.n Valley Vier.r Terrace Q&pd Ad& ps presented, .together rL%h Iks l-E-bchelll s recornendation %hat action thereon ber -deferred ktg Fiml Plat is,Ziled. BanL,!s notion, accepting petX%ion 'mt deferrhg action m%il zppmval 02 Find Platpas seconded by Chrild and capied. up bF Tillage .Ai;torney IFhdhoxst, an3 zqyesable -to the Coapwy, setting Zorth certain ~6cpireaents to be met by the Conpany in conducking excavating operz.tions on the Delaney piropai-ly, lhagor I-tiirtcheU asked khat the tmrd llcErtfl bz changed to the phxyse, IIdirt, said and in ths contract. He also Teported that . one portiqn of the propsrtx is arecdy terrl. feet below gpade; and thzt if e;ccamtoP -i&shes to rmove any mxterkls from this portion, the proposed bond set 2or"h 5.n * the contract yiI.1 be decidedly small to Sarmtee filling -to grade. The mtter of. kdsing leks at the propxed excavation was also one or" the things 1.k. Eitciiell asked be cleared up bzzore contract is signed. with regard. to -l;hese deteils; and Attorney Vindhorst was contacted 15th reference to 1.k. $3.t&-sU!a sug&estiops, Lzter in the evming, after Kr, ::iridhorsTtts advice on this mtter, ChiJd's Imoti.on, %hat lkyor ad Clerk be aubhorized to sign contract, on behalf oZ Lhe Vmge, with TEllian V. Temy 32::cavakizg Coqwy in accordance- with Torn appmved by Village Lktorney; . and- khat uwn presentation of signed agreemnt and psrfomance band, also to be approved by Village Attorney, psdt Tor e:;camtion be granted -I;o.I.Xa, TT, Terry Eccau-ating Go. ~5.thou-i; J"urYner zct5op 'Dr the Council, tms seconded by Bank. and unanimously cmied. * Ofzice reporkd -iAla-L the new proposed systcm of 1.Tachine. 3ookkeephg T;ill require presentakion of bills to the bookkeepers not later thm the fA?dmsday bnf cI ore - Council I*Iee-ting, for p3Tnen-t at Ynat netting. Bankfs uokion, -Lh& %he TUla.se Bookkeepers be instructed to pay no bills which are not preserrbed to thezt 202 paameni; by "ne %dnesday before the current Council I-lee-bing, vas sewnded by $-Xk. Davis," AYiomey for lh. Terry Zxc. Co., presented draft of sa agreecent made - Considerable discussion was kd . st Ci&LCi ad ~~nimously cari-ied. i.Edl.a.nd Uztional Bak* s letter of Pebmary 12, calling Council* s attention to the lot7 yield to 'De received fawn government hvestmats ai; the pre5~3-b the, was discussed at so38 length. recornendations E& ne:& neetb-g; with ofzice asked to prepare schedule 02 moneys at-3ilzble 2or invcstuent at-this tiue. Ci?ildt s motion, &pprox*ig pqmeiyb 03 l%ll;?ge Payroll, aou.n% $10,336.S7, and Licpoq Store Pzyroll, amvnt $702.02, for priod February 16:to 28, hclcl;L-zFse, as rscordcd Lg detail iU RpoU Ledge$; ad Zor approml 02 'the folloT;r1og Clz&ns, was seconded by 3a& znd camied: &i-ii%er referred tu Finmice Committee for . - 10.458 10497 3.0463 t 1.96 9.45 4.00 25.30 27.01 11.51;- s. 32 77 o 62 43 52 9.00 S.25 159.25 12.50 1,2i)1;-.03 59,000 00 71.29 1,210*1€3 4.50 6,25 42.30 14-5.33 - .. I 2.92 104.55 10.4 57 304.66 104.56 lOL,.G3 1O&69 101:.70 10492 10.497 1forthei.n States Power Go. IEnn.. Fire Ex%. Co. Lmericzn Linen Coo Xdinz-lbIorningside Courier I Delegaard. Tool Co. Kos SOM Oils, Inc. iiori;i St3r Ifotor Pats Rihm IZotor Go. Tvkn City Bol-ii B SuFply Edina fire Oil Coo Dzhlberg Ei-os. u.9. Supply corn Paper-Cdmenson Go. - Lasf Bros., Xnc. Fhestone Stores Stmdard Uni-l; Parts Co. FIoodhead Co. Xeinhard Bros , Chas, Olson Co, ~uburbm Cnev. Coo ht ernational Hmvester Go . I %I, I-I. Ziegler Cp. Bob'' s Brookside Service N.Uo Bel1 Yela Co. +- P0-c.m &: Country iidwe. e. i.lplSa GES Corn It 11 I Young Fuel Co. i;Sor%iern States Power Corn Berg Famhzm . Japs-Olson Cod Badger IXeter IXg. Go. Cailbridge Brick Go? Eugene E, Thomas Northhtrestern Sell Tela Co . Town E Country Zdwe. 3 39.17 2e50 5000 9.00 29.55 42.33 35.29 1.71 10.15 6.00 63.24 1.63 63. 58 253.11 194 a 00 61,36 7s . 17 6.64 11.35 27 . 60 - 14.a 50 70 e 91 271.36 4-45-32 112 58 rs.30 3.64 Citjy Treasurer, City of Xpls. Japs-Olson-Corn ~ _. .. ITorthern States Power Coo Lyon Ckemicds Go. Anheuser-Busch, 'Inc. Bovman Distributing Company Clauseii & Sons, bc. American Linen Supply .Co . Coca Cola- Bot-blbg Corilpany Distillers Distributi-ng Company Cmada Dry Severages 0.Tf.Droney Severage Coxpmy Tub Brothers Comcany Famous Brands, Tint. Gluek Brewing Corfipany Gold I3edal Beverage Company Kuether Didxibut-ing Coiqpany IEnneCtpolis Brewing Company Pzbs'c Erewing Corxpmy Rex Distributiing Coupany Royal Beverage Distributing Company Schlitz Brewhg Company Seven-Up Bottling Corqany Tillage of Edina Bertelson Bro-Lhers Griggs, Cooper & COXF~~Y Zd. Pdllips & Sons Company . Val. B jomson, Pres, , P.3.R.A. 1-Er-m. Hospitjl Serv5ce Assn, liidland Ifatioml Bank Iforthern Stztes Power Coupany Xd. Phillips G Sons Company I1 It I1 It ft 72.08 527 14 8.90 &20 26 4?9.78. 31-25 61.90 1.5.00 21 . 61 1,403 50 4, 7x5. 76 426 27 2 ip7 1-3 . 50 $225 e 7 5 2.72.04 562 . 96 11, €to 42.48 2,CU S5 129.10 342*07 2, hi6 . 24 343. 93 111a49 39.00 65.73 536. 52 219.4-2 120 s4 19 04 19.28 71.92 50,000 .OO 12.98 1,074 79 -> 7 2 35.69 66 . 80 8.25 181 . 83 41.25 2,583.86 I 1 2/22/54 J 11mager IEtcheU. asked for clarification of Council action or" January 25, regarding lilanizole repairs., .3ank1s motion, that Council clarify its action or" January 125; Fiat it shall be the duty of the Streeti Departnent to nat;e con- tinuous check or' dl holes, prot-mdhg manhole covers and ciA5 basbs, other obs%ivcJ&xis and ham-& in the Pillage streets; -?,hat YG s3dl be tneir respnsibSit~ to repair 'chose which they can repah- and to report others to I.Imager lritchell for his decision as to whether repairs shall be made by othws, vas seconded bj Child ad carried. i Petition by Biltnore Kotor Hotel, Inc., i'or the Bezoniw to Comitg Store Dis-tridc 02 Ti*acts B and C of Registered Land Survey $10. 7, vas referred 50 the Planninf Gomission for recormendation, by motion Bank, secmded by Child and camied . L-b tinis time, Asst. Zngr. Zikan returned with opened bids covsring Sand, Grzvel, 2ock, ad BYhminous Haterizls, as per exhibits attached; md Daens uoved tht bids be referred -LO Villsge Ehgjneer for recomend&ion at next, mee-bing, RoLion sewnded by &k and carried. I 'Enere being no furvier business to come bzfore the Council at -LbLs %ire, Ex&. moved for ad journnent . Kotion seconded by Damns -ad carried. ileeting joumed and P?ooddale Avenuz, Woodrich Cons'c e Ca J.A, Danens go Bid Ho Bfd Mo Bid No Bid igo Bid No Bid 2010 1.5s No Bid No Bid le45 No Btd 2,lO. 1,60 a033 0095 No Bid No Bid No BPd No Bid 0065 Oe4-0 oa64 0,go No Bid 0035 0,35 No Bid 0.25 30 Bid No Bid EJo Bid 1.40 LOO NO Bid 1050 OD 80 No Bid No Bid 0,30 0.50 No, Bid Om80 No Bid