HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540308_ADJOURNED3/15/54
I UI!,3^ OF il- 3DJODY1d_;D P OZTION OF Th
1.1:"6CH.8TH IL- ING -OF lti�_.MTTI 1h..V_ i,IdJGE CO'jjU -IL,
1.0I1D LY, 11RCH 15, 1954, AT 0:30 P. :1-, fT-
flembers answe-ring Rollcall were Bredesen, Child and Erid -,son, with Clerk Bank
eom nE later as recorded below.
` r
I£ana.ger Iitchell presented plan for council table for New Village Hall. Batter
laid over to ne.Lt regular meeting.
113n.ager Iitchell reported that a disease is killing boulevard trees, especially
in the Country Club District. He presentee,: figures as to cost. Trustee
Bradesen recoL, -mi s .ded -that spraying be done on a special assezz. -rent basis; aid
matter was laird over to another meeting.
IIr. .Bank entered- meeting at this- time. '
I? . Mitchell presented tabulation of bids on sand and, gravel, taken '-- i--11
He reported that on Torpedo Sand, Edina Sand and Gravel_ Corapan.y is tha low
bidder; but that Street CoLimissiones Jonas reports that the sand they furnish
is actually 'iplaster ", sand; is usually too fine for our use. He' recon- a'azded
that we try out this, pro duct, with the privilege of purchasing from Glacier
Sand and Gravel Company if Edinat s product proves unsatisfactory. Child moved
for award of bid on Torpedo Sand.to low bidder, Edina Sand and Gravel Company,
with authorization to- i£un.ager Kit, chell to pu-rcha se r rom Gla tier Sand and Gravel
Coripany if necessary., notion seconded by Bredesen a-ad carried.
Y" On Pit Run Gravel Iir; Iii tchell recommended award of 'bid to low bidder i;. G.
ti✓ s
Astleford Company. Bradesen so moved. notion seconded' by Bank and carried.
For the fiat Itaterial,' IL?. Kitchell recomncnded award to low bidder, J.A.
Danons and Son. Bank- so moved. %lotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
As to Stabilized Iiaterial, If . itchell reported that Edina Sand and Gravel
Company's bid is lour, but that the long haul from their pit four miles south
of Shakopee will more than. offset the difference in bids. lie recomrianded that
bid be wv.ravded to K. G. .zstleford Connpany. Motion by Bank, awarding bid to
II..G. Astleford Comp: ny, was seconded by Bredesen end carried.
ll,:ncger 1 tchef l made further report on proposed watermain for Grc,.ndview Plateau
and surrounding area. Childts motion, that proposed Public Heanrin�g on this
improvement, scheduled for April 12, be postponed until April 26. Motion
seconded by Bank, anal' unanimously carried.
ITanager Kitchell made a report on the petitions now filed for Sanitary Sewer,
which trill be served from a trunk senvrer to the 11orthmrest- portion of Edina from
the present Richfield -Edina Interceptor. He reviewed for Council the difficulty
with the 'T'West 1 inn.earolis Heit ntstt oz,ne-rs, zrho have brought their troubles to
the Council many times; and recommended that the Council conduct a IIec -ring, on
its o•crn motion, for the entire diagonal trunk, plus the- laterals for which
petitions have been received. Childs s motion, that 'Council p-rep'are' to conduct
a Public Hecring on proposed diagonal sanitary sewer trunk on Kay 3, at the
Village Hz-11; and that Public Hearings for all petitioned laterals connecting
to this proposed trunk be re- scheduled for 1-la-,T 3; all pending further and more
detailed report from 1`•lanager Kitchell, was seconded by Bank and unanimously
carried. '
Manager Kitchell then" stated that an additional field crew would be necessary to
make surveys for this' proposed trunk, and Bank moved that" 11,mager be' authorized
to employ a field creir to complete survey.. Notion seconded by Bredesen and
blank moved` that Council issue to Richard G. Palen an appointment as Official
Police Photographer for Village. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Report was made on status of insurance covering injured Volunteer rir•eman,
Katthew J. Kerfeld - -v no will receive 1;%35.00 per Creek f rom T orlanens Compensation
and . ;25.00 per week from Fire Fighter's policy. It was reported that he is
now being paid by the Village through l -larch 31, using fifteen days t sick leave
and -three days' vacation. It was consensus of opinion that Village payment to
Ili . i£efeld should cease after 1£arch 31, until such time as he is able to return
to work. inLamuch as the two policies trill almost equal his Village wage.
Bredesents motion that Robert Christy be re- employed as a Police Officer beginning
.':pri 1 l:, .iras seconded by Bank and carried.
Manager Kitchell -reported t_mt clam filed by Marjorie B. and ;siren B. Koreen and
Christine Barg, total �a2, 500, for damages to car, and personal injuries suffered then
their automobile ran into a raised manhole, has been settled out of court for t.�346.87.
Bank's motion, approving payment of claim in amount of 0346.87, was seconded by
Bredesen and carried.
Tanager ?'itchell reported that certain eouipm.ent and materials are needed for the
maintenance of the new village hall. Banks s notion, that Village 1-lanager be authorized:
to .purchase required r=terials for janitor work in the new village hall, liras seconded
by Bredesen and carried.
Mr. b itchelI asked authorizing motion, to enable him to employ Engineering Crew
overtime. He 'cited work load as cause. Child's notion, that Village tiana,ger be
authorized to use h-.s otm judgement and, under..pr open economy, to approve overtime
work for engineering crew. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Bredesen's motion, for payment of Village Payroll, mount : 10,077.80,
Store Payroll, amount ;.)689-52., for period !-larch 16 through. 31, 1954,
in detail in Pay-Loll ledger, and for payment of the follov ng Claims,
by Child and carried:
C�_IMII ,1O.
John A. Deluth
:�2�' 31.50
Transport Clearings
10537 -
Iinnesoba Fire :t.' Co.
Fle:. 'Rock Co.
Thompson liner Co.
H.1. Roprs Co.
iyorthrrestern Bell Telephone Co.
-American Idnen Co..
underrrood_ Corp.
Iz esota. 'losnital Service
Fred D. Melrose
lbern H. �Ioffner
10561 x
Robert F. Fitwizumns
s 32.00
T'oi-m L Country Hdwe.
Edina. lorningside Courier
Ikark Hurd i- :rapping Co.
lal.ler Davis Co.
cervices Egpipment
%Fobile Radio Eng., Inc.
H.,I. Rogers Col
F,dina -IZorn ngsi de . Courier `
l il.ler -Dav s Co.
I'uberts.Tree Service
10546 -
P4i1m irotor Co.
Goodyear Sc;ntice Stores
Leef Brothers
T La City Dolt & Supply Co.f
3.64 .
10550 `
U.S. Supply Co. ,
IL, . II. Zeigler Co.
Hartzelll rIotor Co. `
H011rard Stiff
Kpls. Gas Co. '
Nort.- ruesteina cell Telephone Co.
American Linn. Co.
Chas. Olson. �: Sons, Inc,
Hardv.sre iiuLuals
H.R. 'Doll Co.
S -a,nd�;rd Unit Parts Co.
Suburban Ciiev. Co.
i•L-iLlar Davis Co.
Direct Ser-vice Oil Co.
Thermal Co., -Tn.c.
Wallace t: Tiernan Co.
7.1 Bell Telephone Co.
Tot-,n '. Country Hdwe. ,
Biller -Davis Co.
Berg 2.. Farnhm-
Cambridge Brick Co.
10567 General Fund (loan)
and LiOuor
as recorded
was seconded
FUI 10
C�Jiv'Sl liCIOI3
•:!6.29 -
t 849.11
J 55-00. .,
S Ui'1L
4 75,000.00
CL ADD 110. TO:
10'51.1 Paper Calmdnsen Co.
;12.00 P.lilii -Ml 1m
10574 I. -alley Davis Co.
L2987 Annaus er -Bus cn Inc.
����16 , i
.. 5 5
L29€8 Bowman Distributing Company
1,2939 Canada Dry Ginger .ale, Inc.
L2990 Cl'aus/
etn C, . Sons; Inc, '.
' 840.x.2
=2991 Coca -Cola BoJzng Company.
47.4b -
r r
12992 O.K. Droney Beverage Company
L2993 The Bdina T%rningside Courier
L2994 Famous Dr,�Ln ds, . Lnc.
569.66 . .
L2995 Gluey Brewfang Co:npariy
L2996 Kuether• Distributing Company
L2997 , 1 a.ssolt Bottling Company
L2998 Biller -Davis Company
- 1.50
L2999 Ianneapolis Brei,ring Company
704.37 '
L3000 Old Peoria Ccr any, Tne.
L3001 F.c ,tbst Sales Company
1,3002 Rex Distributing Compen.y
L3003 Royal Beverage Distributing Company 51.54
L300h. Schlitz Brewin.g.Com_panny
58.10 .
L3005 Seven. -UFO. Bottling Co pony
L3006 Thoma's Moore & Company
L3007 Young Fuel Coriypany
L3008 ilidland Hational Bank (Withheld
Tares) 1 a5.b8
L3009 Binh.. Hospital Service..Zssn.
L3010 Val. Bjornson., .Tres. PyBoReAe .
L3011 Distillers Dis'ributi.ng Co_:apany
L3013 Griggs, Cooper company
L301t;. Old Feo is Company, Inc. c.
E '256.'x-5 LI -UOII F UIdD
1,3015 act. ' Phillips & Sons Company
$60.02 U0,411-72.
11• yor Ericl. son opaaad discussion_ on recent
report filed by Park Board requesting
election for .mend . issue. - :ire - suggested the
f olloi ng: 1 - That Council e :_Press its
thcalk's to Citizens Corvai.ttee and Park Board for report. 2; That Council suggest
a vote on a smaller bond issue, covwring'A.
Purchase of twenty or thirty acres of
land; Be Tmprove.nent of present facilities;
and C. Possibly a part timc or-full
time recreation director. 3. That Council
-recoruaend that future Council re-
appraise park needs -and then- consider advisability
of. bond issue (there being some
:v 6o, 000 available- f: om Id quor- Store - profits
each year., if Council iifishes to
appropriate funds nor said purpose). Discussion ti,r-.s had as to possible construction
of "distric'c31 sty tieing pools, rather than of
one large, cen-Lurail pool, and o_'Y ice
was _requested to secure opinion from attorney
Windhorst on legality of Special
assessment -for such ;Laproveraent.
The following applications for Plumbers Licenses
for year APr7 1, 1954 - +o 1pril 1,
1957, were approved, by motion Child, seconded by Lang: and carried:
Robert -17-1. -B hnoxam- a ... - - - - - - -
- 5316 PLallogg Ave.
Earl F.
.2901 .- L�TndGle - *:.ve..So.
0. Bergerson & Son
5013 France .eve. ;roe
:--mold Bing Plbg. & Ht-g..
4945 Upton !'five. So.
Bjorlmlan Bros. Co..
708.So.,� 10th Eta.
Llaylocl: Plbg.
7'731 -4th Ave. So.
I3,II. yowl,
511-East _ Lclke St.
Gabriel Burr= P lDg. &. Ht L. Co.
2209 Johnson St. i1j.E.
Robert J. Carlson
6020 Drew .ve, woe
` . hi. Carlsorr Plbg. -& Htg. Ca.
2100 -10th :.ve. So.
Cla,r k-e P1bg.. _c:; i3t; . ; . Inc.
2.53 Plymouth'- Bldge
Dahlberg & Karkhoff Plbg. & Htg. Coe
2010 Emerson Ave. No.
Edina Southwest . Plbg, & Heating . Co. - - ..
5501 France ".ve. So.
Grand Plbg. & Heating Co. =
3809 Grand Ave.
Harris giros. Plbg, Cos
Gust Hoglund �: Co.
217 ':Test Labe Ste
6532 eIest Lure St.
Hughes Heat-in,.g.4� & Plbg. Co.
33r0� Ziast IaIze St.—
A. J. laingelhu t� '
. 5320 Lyndn.le :L'Lve s ' So. - .
O.Fa Ii61111 'Co-,
100$ liarquette ves
Lowe Plbg. Ce,. t
x.252 Nicollet Ave*
Iiorblora Flbga e heating Co. -
3742 Chicago !Lve.
Northside Plbg. & Heating Co.
1715 Plymouth -five, No
' 1161-vin Be Sagar.
5902 Normandale P,.oa,d
Shoppe Plbg. &, Heai;i.-ri.g Coe
2117 So. Lyndale.:
H.O. Soderlin Plbg. & Mg. Co.
3731 Chicago Ave.
B.S. Stiles & Son
6449 Girard "ve. So.
H.B. Stone Plbg. Co.
2101 t�Test -67th St.
Twin City Plbg. C-c Htg.• Co.
2919 Bloomington
Joseph Haiwehan. (er:-.es Plbg. &. Htg.).
4949 Xences Ave. SO-
A.J. Deters-'
3149 Swduer : ve.
Benjamin Farr.
7624 Plyraouth Ive. No.
Johnson Bros. Plbg.-Co.
4820 Excelsior Blvd.
Bredesen then moved for approval of the following two licenses, for period .��pri1 1,
1954 to April 1, 1955, and motion was seconded by Bank land carried:
Egekvi'st Baheries, 5033 "Idi -non Ave. Food license
Edina Pure Oil, 50tin and Halifax Cigarette Id cerise
3 -1r. Sltchell then reported that,. as to the Curb and Gutter project for I- indsor Five.,
publicly heard and approved on I -larch S, the Natice of Bearing included only that
portion of i indsor ,avenue batvreen Normlandale Road and Ricimond L`:ine, vrinereas it
is the desire of the_ovniers in the balance or the 5000 dock to have curb and
gutter installed as fe-r as. Kent. He recommended that the Council conduct a public
hearing on the balance of .the project as of April 12. Bredesen offered the fol I oz.-
ing Resolution and moved its adoption: h
BE is RE3301WED by the Council. _ of the Village Village of Edina:
1. The Village fnneer, hazr_ng submitted to the Council a preliminary report
as to the,feasibilityo2 the proposed Curb and Gutter Improvement described in the
Form. of Uoti ce of Hoaring set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such
improvement, said r.oport is hereby approved.
2. this Council shall nzet on Kond ay, April 12, 1954, at 7:30, P.K., in she
Community Roon of the High School, 5701 iIormandal,e Road,
.. 1P to consider- in public hearing the vi eves of all par sons interested
in said proposed improvemont.
3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time,
place a-Lid purpose of said ineeti4g to be published in the official nevrspapar once
a week for two successiva vreex.s, the second of which publication is ,to be not
less than three day4 f-roia date of said meetinc_;, which notice shall be in suo-
stantially the follov.inG foam:
SSOiTC."u IS R BY GIV1T that the Edina. Village, Council frill meet at the
Sr. latchell reported that petition has been filed for an extension of the Sanitary
Sevier proposed on 4I, n'zerson avenue, from IT. 51st St. to Interlachen Blvd.. He
recommended that Nearing therSon be scheduled for ISond.ay, April 12. Child. offered
the folloAng Resolution and iioved its adoinion:
Fi,OPt EJ ,� urIT Ri'.S t li c�v- MI .
BE IT B+�O -JVZD by the Council or .the Village of : rdina:. .
. 1. _ The _Village : ag:uneer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report
as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sevier Improvement described in the
Form of Notice of Healing set fforth below, anal as to the estimated.cost of such
improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in
the office of the Village Clerk.
2. This Council shall .meet on Ilond.ay, April 12, 1954, at 7:30 P-11., in the
Community Room of the F,dL-ia?SOrnin�;side High School, to consider in public hearing
the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement.
3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of uhe time,
place annd,purpose of said meeting to be published in the official. newspaper once
a vreek for tyro successive t, I.s, the second of vrhieh publications is to be not
less than three days from date of said meetin , famish notice shall be in sub-
stantially the following form:.
NC TICS IS x-iB' EBY GI T tha: tine Edina .Village Council trill meet at the
Community Room of the High School,, 5701 Normandale Road, on
16nday, April 12, 1954, at 7:30 P.11., to. consider the foll.ovring proposed i SpLbve-
mer_t, to; be constructed under the authority granted by Iiinnosota Laws of 1953,
Chapter 39 .` Tt?e appro:a to cost of such improvement is estimated by t'_�?e Vill -lage
Engineer as set forth below:
Construction of Sanitary Sevier and appurtenances
in I l erson *:venue, from 11. 51st St., to a pt.
100. Ft., more-or less, North thereof 579.96
The area proposed to be assessed for cost of said proposed impmveaent
includes Lots lO and 11, Bloch 1, and Lots 13 and 14, Block 2, Brookside Heights
EVAID C. B.USI%L, Village Clerk
Village of -Edina '
Kotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredebwr aye; Child, aye; Bar L,
aye; and Ericicson, aye; and the resolution zras dI to
Village Clerk
3 -1r. Sltchell then reported that,. as to the Curb and Gutter project for I- indsor Five.,
publicly heard and approved on I -larch S, the Natice of Bearing included only that
portion of i indsor ,avenue batvreen Normlandale Road and Ricimond L`:ine, vrinereas it
is the desire of the_ovniers in the balance or the 5000 dock to have curb and
gutter installed as fe-r as. Kent. He recommended that the Council conduct a public
hearing on the balance of .the project as of April 12. Bredesen offered the fol I oz.-
ing Resolution and moved its adoption: h
BE is RE3301WED by the Council. _ of the Village Village of Edina:
1. The Village fnneer, hazr_ng submitted to the Council a preliminary report
as to the,feasibilityo2 the proposed Curb and Gutter Improvement described in the
Form. of Uoti ce of Hoaring set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such
improvement, said r.oport is hereby approved.
2. this Council shall nzet on Kond ay, April 12, 1954, at 7:30, P.K., in she
Community Roon of the High School, 5701 iIormandal,e Road,
.. 1P to consider- in public hearing the vi eves of all par sons interested
in said proposed improvemont.
3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time,
place a-Lid purpose of said ineeti4g to be published in the official nevrspapar once
a week for two successiva vreex.s, the second of which publication is ,to be not
less than three day4 f-roia date of said meetinc_;, which notice shall be in suo-
stantially the follov.inG foam:
SSOiTC."u IS R BY GIV1T that the Edina. Village, Council frill meet at the
Corii aunity Room of the Zdina- M�"rningsi de High School, 5701 Houma Jndale a oad, on
Nonday, .'ip"ril 12, 1954, at 7:30 P.N., to consider the proposed impr:ovc iOnt of
Jindsor ;.venue between Richmond L :tie and Dent by construction of Standard �
Village Curb and Gutter therein, _ to be constructed under the authority granted
by I'Muiasota' Lajas of 1953, Chapter 395. The approldxnate cost of such iraprove --
ment is estimated by the Village Engineer. to be I)l,375.32.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed inprovement
includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the street to be :improved.
E ILD C. ;SINK, Village Clerk
Village of Mina
Motion for adoption of the Resolution uas seconded by Bank and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as f ollous : 1"r d se � -'dya; Child, aye;
Bank, aye; anal E- ciekson, aye; and the R esolutt_ `tjr�,s pted.
V _I age Clerk
siona.ger 11itrhQll then recommended that Public Hearings, previously scheduled for
proposed. Storm. Sezrers in the Borar_ts Edina, I.1an.or area and the 60th and Chowen
areati, for March 22nd, be postponed-until April 12. He presented plans, speci-
fixations and Estimates of Cost for these projects, recom-nending that Council
ta1ke bids on the evening of the Hearings, in order that construction mir4t be
ez.pedited. Some discussion was had as to the serious drainage condition ex-i sting
in the Bora.nt s. Edina Manor area.; and Child offered the follorIing Resolution and
moved its adoption:
/Im, RE30D)TE01NJ MOV.L := FUR, PU.31LIC I ± I G
PROP032D STO1 ,11 Sam 10iLO J:�1 1 T.
M L 11 i; 3OLV D by the Council of the Village o i .ydina:
The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council -a preliminary
report as to the feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer Ti:rarovcment described
in the Form of Notice of Hearing set -forth below, .and as to the estiiizwted cost
of such irmprovement, -said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed
on file in the office of the Village Clerk-.
2. This Council shall maet on %ionciay, pril 12, 1954, at 7:30 PJI., in
the CoiTlrauni ty Room of the Zdina Norn7.i2Lcl�side Hirh - ;school., to consider_ in public
hearing thy: views of all persons. interested in said proposed imp ovaiiant.
3. The Clerk -is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the
time, place and purpose of said meetint to be published in the o ficiul no-us-
paper once n ;'leek for two Successive weeks, the second of i, %licit publications is
to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, izhi.ch notice shall be
iiZ ouustantially the following 'form.:
ITCT.1 ICE, OF :t IMMITG 01,11- r
The Edina, Village Council -ai.11 meet at the Cganunity stoom of the Ed i na .11xorninrside
Higiz School, 5701 Noriundale Road, �I pr i l 12, 1954, at 7:30,P.77 .5 to
consider the folloz- ng proposed jzprovement to be constructed under the authority
granted by Iiinnaoota. Laws of .1953, Chapter 390". The appr off rate cost of such
i iaprovt nont is estimated by the Village Engineer to be 31_3, 591.26.
1. Construction of Village Storm. Sewer and Appurtenances from a point at
the intersection of Grimes Lane with Hali.fwz Avenue; th. Southwesterly
across Halifa:r Avenue and •through Lots 5 and 6, Block 2, Boren's Edina
i; vizor, to Village -o=ed property. _
2. Construction of Vil laeo Storrs? Serer and Lppurtenn7rices from a. point .in
France _venue Za:st of the South Lot Line of Lot L, Bloch 4, Loran's
it! ina '1'!anor; th. .Test and SouthZ• U [!Cl "'Oa5 llJtS •1 gild 5, 22 and 23,
i 310 Gk Iti., Boran Is Edina Ilia n.or, to Grimes Lvmue; _th. Northwesterly in
Gi'iiaes -Lvenue to H,-.l if=-, .1venue; the Southwesterly i:a ,11'a-lif = " -Venue
to the South lot line of Lot S, Llock 2, Boran.ts Edina. Iiknor; th.
Northwesterly across Lot a_u and 9, Borants Edina 1- n.or, to 'Villa le-
oi,aied property. _ t
The area proposed to be assessed for .the above named i:.lpr overeat includes all
lots tend tracts of land ti:=i thin the following described boundaries: 113oJx rl i ng
at ab point 60 :feet Nort°a of the intersection of - .T.60th Street ;mid France xe.;
the Easterly oq Feet; th. Northerly and parallel to France 1-venue to center Of,
Lot 51, '�uditorts Subdj..vision, ;-',-'-312; th. Easterly-to ,a, point 220 feet froya
centerliiia of Fvance Ave.; th. ITortherly1mad - parallel to„Fra-ace :.ve. to ;youth
line of Lot 504 the ITesterly to Southwest coy -ner thereof; th. Northerly along
t s ;pub No. 312 to centerline of I- - %th St.; th.
!Toot line o-`' Lot 5v, audi.to r .� .
YTesterly clong centerline of 1%. 8th St. to a point 70 Feet :east Qf c,
of Halite;: eve.; the 3ou1't1Vi °ly, distant 8b feet :Test o:,° and parallel to ;li<li ar
.vo., f:. °o -a Lot Z th"rouji. Lot.19, Block 2, Borants EdLial 1 -, nor to a 1�oint. 5q
fvet South of South line of ?fi,60th Street; th. B.- sterl -y i,nd parallel to IT.60th
Street to a point 133 :feet ;Test of centerline of F -r�nce ,ve.; -th. Northerly to
Nor'bh last corner of Lot 115 Block 4, Borant s Edina, Ila_nor; th. Easterly to
Carr, tcrJ_ine of the point of beginning.tj
E ALD 0. B: FK.7 Village Clerk
Village of emu_ , a, 1. inn.
notion . fo�r adoption of Resoliruion was seconded by. BmIc, %�-;�Zl' - n R01-1-cal I taere were
CUP,— lid ye; ye; an
four ayes and no nays,, as follo-ws: Bredesen, zW`e;- B a x -d
Dciakson_, aye; Gnd the Resolution was ado,&,ed.,
Village Clerk
Child then offered the folloi;inlg, 12esolution and moved its adoption:
nxopo=' 3rf0,.L-
1T i-CSOLUD by the Pouncil of the VilJagq of Edina
' * 1. The Village Encineer, htwvi nd
ng submitted to the Council a prelin t raolt
as to the, f easibilit:-,, of the proposed Storm Sewer Improvx=t described in the '-Lioxm
of ITotice of Haaring set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improve-
ment, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the ofJ'-Mca
of the Village Clerk.
2. This Council shall meet on Nonday, Lpril 12, 1954, at 7:30 P-1:1., in Une
Commmi:iuy Room of the "Xina-Morningside Hic,,h Sch6ol., to consider in public hearing
the views of,ail parsons interestod in said proposed improve-ne-n-ts.
3. The Clex z is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time.,
place a-Lid purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newsp� per once
a -reek for two successive weeks, -Zhe second of which I publications is to be not less
than three days from date of said meeting, which notice s1z,11 be in substantially
th.e follo-win's f0aM:
1107L ICZ OF F 2PTG Oil
The Edina Village Council u.-ill meet ate the -Co.-,vaunity Room of the DdLia -:11orning side
la, 5701 =zadale "Road, on ULox-r-'cy., April 12�, 1954, at 7'3 P.1".., to
-High School .,.0 1
consider the follouine proposed inprovan-eixtu to be constructed under the authority
granted by Laws of 1953, .Chapter 390'. The appro;±=- te cost of such
improvement_ is estimated by thy: Village rmGineer to be 4 ?43,,493-76.
Construction of Village Stoimi Sewer,and Appurtenances com--,ancing at th. e
intersection of ,1bbott "!venue a-ad 11,60th Street; th. 1-Test to Chowen
th. South on C1--owen rive. to 'U.61st-, St. ; th. 1,76-st on ,7. -61st St. to 1EUTing
Lve.; th. con tLiued '..:esterly across easement to Prance live.; -,-,h. South
on France ,eve. to a point 440 Pt., more or less, -North of 11.62-nd St.; -
Uh-- 7'*Testerly oil easema-at 713.34 Feet, to lake.
The area proposed to be assessed for tho,cost of said improvement includes all lots
and tracts of land 'within the follouing described boundaries:
"Be,-_inning at point 200 Fc.,at North of Section Connera 19,20,29 cz 30 (France -'ve.
and 1-T.62nd St.); `U-h. Easterly 300 feet to 1•'est line of "MAng Ave. w.tended; th.
Southerly on D4LYig 1,jre. e -xtuended, to 1T.62_ ad d St.; th. T.'asterl-y-to Beard Ave.
elftue�nded; thi• 14-6r'uh-500 feet; th. 12jast 600 feet., raore or leso, to center of alley
line e:etended, between,-Lbbott and Ze h Wives.; th. Hlortherly along sai4 extuended
alley through centerline of Lot 12, Block 6, Harriet 1lianor P-nd .11iddition; -'U-h.
Easterly 75 feet; th. Zortt;hraxly through lots 9 to , 1, Block 6., Harriet 11enor
2nd AddiJbion, to centerline of 17059th St.; th. Westerly on center's of U.59th
St. to a point 60 feet 1olest of Tlest line of Abbott Ave.; th. South � and parallel
to Al&ott -'ve. to point - on 11orth li-na of lot 0', Block 5., 131arriet •anor grid
Addition; th. 11lest to jlorthwes� corner of- Lot 8;, th. South to East-'Jest Wiley
between fi:bbott and Beard Avenues; th. West_ along said alley to center of Beard
Avenue; th. Uorth 50 feet; th. 'rest 100 feet; th. Horth on line 100 feet ,Test of
and parallel to centerline of BPard ;-ve. to center of U-58,h St.; th. "Jest to
centerline -of Chmien Lve. ; th. Southerly to point opposite site South line of Lot 29,-
th. � corner of Lot 29; 'h. South
Audi1bor's Subdivision 312; ' . Uesterly to Southi,:est U
to South line of Lot 22, Auditor's Subdivision 1,1o. 312; th. '""eeb 58 feet; th.
South I
100 feet East of zaid pax�,Alel to centerline of'Drew Ave.., to South line
off Lot 19,-,luditor's Subdivizion 11o.'312; th. :lest to Southwest corner of Lot 42,
Auditor's Subdivision No. .3,12; th. South through center of Lots 43,44.,,45 and 46,
to a point. in Lot 4,7, Auditor Is Subdivision 110 - 312 on the north Lot Line of
lot 49, extended; th. 77aSt on.11orth line of Lot 419 ei:tonded to a point 80 feet
East of- centerline of Franc-- live., th. Sotech-parallel to centerline of France
1-ve., to a point in Lot 40', w,u or's Subdivision No. 312 which is 60 feet Horth.
of center-line of 11.60th Street; th. .7•,'est to centerline of France llvt.; th. Uest
along north line of Lot 11., Blo d:-. 4, �oran I s Edina Haiaor, to the NortIrlest ,
corner of said lot; the South cnd 100 feet-T.Test of and Parallel to centerlihe
of France .1ve. to a point 200 feet North of T7062nd St..; th. 100,feet East to
point of beginning*-11 EV;MD C..&UM, Village Clerk
Village of Edina.
Notion for adoption of Resolution wds seconded by Daffl,,.? M�-d on Rollcall there mere
four ayes-and no nays, as follovis: Bredesen., aye; Ld I -,,,e- Bm-ik, aye; and
-son al! uas adopted. Zrich and-the Resolution
z- III I
Z&� jor
VI.age Clerk
Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
MOL13TIO1.1 .Prl.OVrJG P111NIS MD 53F20IFIC:MI07113 FOR
P ROFOSED STOR%1 S.t1.�.r:,i� T L� P�OZ� 1Ta 4111D DIl�P,CT1WG
BE 7I' POSOLV-M by the Village Council of the_ Village of Edina:
1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Storm aetrer Improvements
set forth. in the foLot� ng dvertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by
the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are
hereby uparovcd..
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published ti ics in the E61nh - !:orningaide,
Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice -for bids for said
improve.-ale nic, 3
STOfiTri SE;'r�.S
NOrM2 IS 1 =213ir GM that the Edina Village Council will meet at the
Community _Ck'oom of the Edina. Morningside HiLh School, 5701 1uos"mi,-xida:le 1•4ocd,
1.1irin�; - -POlis 10, 1'ti rim., Monday, April 12, _ 195k,-, at 7:30 P.1-1., a.nd will at said
ti:ae and place open and consider sealed bids for the. fo:� 1owing:
1. Construction of Village Storm Seiver and :",ppurtenances coruaenc?ng at
intersection of !i'.ob0'tt live. and :T.6£�t11 St.; the :To 10 C11014en :1ve.; th. 7. On
Chowen ivo. to 1 ,61st St.; th. 1T. on 1U. 61st St. to Zi�rin Ave.; th. continued
Westerly across easement to France Bch. S. on France =eve. to a pt. 1;.1;.0 Fit.
more or less, North of "iT.621id St.; th. ,,Tly on easement 713.34 Fot., to lathe. -
2. A. Construction of 'Tillage Storm Sewer and Appurtenances from a point
at intersection of Grimes Lane with ilalifa Ave.; th. S1 °T]y across Hal ifax.�ive.
and thx� ough Lots 5 and 6, Bl. 2, .Borant s Edina i anor, to Vill age- oxrned property.
B. . Construction of Village Stogy Sci-,,er aiad 1- 0- Durtena aces from a pt.
La France ,lr•e. El. of the S. Lot .Line of Lot 4, Bl. 5, Borant s 23 i na. 117 anor; the
U. and 3:7 across Lots 4 and 5, 22 and 23, Bl. 4, Bo-rants Eidnw 1.1anor, to Grimes
iiirC'.; L "ll. !MjT in_Gr12IleS -,Uee t0 Hallfc^'isiUee; th. r�7I'.��1 '!n iii ifs i4U0. t0 S.
lot line of Lot 8, 31. 2, Boran t s Edina, Manor; th. N;.dly across lots S and 9,
Eor, n t s cdiiz Manor to Village- o-vaaed ;property.
Bidder may bid on either or both projects.
T.ork must be done as described and specified in plans a.nd
said iu grove; <hect on Nile in the office of the Village Clerk and
receipt of deposit of 4`15.00 per plan. Bids must be submitted o
payraent for work. No bids trill be � considered unless sealed and
undersi,,;;.Zed before tLzae of said meeting and accompanied by crush
bond, or certifi;d check payable to Village Clerk- in amount of
specifications for
available upon
n basis of cash
filed i.dth
deposit,. bid
ten percent of
D i dders please note: If bids are to be moiled, they should be mailed to Edina
Village Mall, 4801 1T.50th Street, 1Jizmeapolis 10, :Mm.
The Council reserves the right to -reject any or all bids.
EV :L0 C. B91i1, Village Clert:
Village of _ _diva
3. E--ch and all of the terms of the foreLoing advertisement for? 'aids are
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said
improves Bent .
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by, Bredesen and on Rollcal.l
,here wore Four ayes and no _nays, as follows: Bredesen, ^y,, Gilild, aye; B-M16,
aye; and -ricicoon., a-;ra; and the Resolution was a' to .
Vi age Clav"T .
T•_- :)n.ager 11itchell reported at length on the urgent need for construction of the
;Jatermain along Valley View road Extended, as previously approved as a part of
TTater1-11ain and Sanitary Sewer. Improvement No. 65. He e-- _plashed that this is
necessary for a 'tie between the new Southdale well now under construction and
the balance ol: the ViLa,ge water system. Child offered the following resolution
and moved its adoption:
TIS a ,?!' F O =t BIDS.
BE IT =SOLVM .by the Village Counc 1, of the. Villag e of Edina:
1. The plains and specifications for the proposed lulatermain 1uprovement set
forth in the following :sdvertisezaent for Bids form., heretofore prepared by the
Village En4inca-r and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published thrice in the Edina Korningside
Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said
1.3 5
136- 3/15/54
ADMT13 al,= F02' BID3
� , TAM � a iM L.:PA"OVM.MT
110TICE IS =Y GIMU", thant the Edina Village Council trill meet at the
Village Hall, 4SO! *I•T. 50th St., Monday 3 at
., IIAY'3, ',, 1954 at 7:30 P.E., and will
at said time and place open and consider sea:'Led bids for the follotring, I.Tater-
main Improvement:
Construction Of Village -Uaterrzain and Ljopurtonmees from W.69th St. and -
France Ave., th. IT. on France. Ave. A to J.66th St.; the 11. on -,,-*'*66th St. to
Valley View 22. Ms tended; th. 1,T.ay on VOLloy View Rd. Eai tended to a Pt. 400 Ft.,
more or less, South of ';T.61&:'u'h St.; th. angling ITUly to Brook�iei•.r Ive,and 11.64th
St.; th. -to Valey View Rd. Mtzended; th. on Valley View .13d. Mtended and Valley
View Road, to S•.Johns .1yee
I ork must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for
said im provement on file in office of Village Clerk and av=-lable upon receipt
of deposit of ',,?'IO.CO. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment fo-r i,ork.
Ho bids -vrLll be considered unless.'sea-ed and filed td:tuh undersigmed before time
of said meeting and accor,-ipanied by cash ,deposit, bid bond, or certified check
payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten .pbreent of bid.
The Council reserves the right .toreject any or all bids.
EMD C..BANKK, .Village .Clerk
Village of Mina
3. 'Rach and all of the terms of -41ie foregoing aldvertisem&nt for bias are
hereby adopted as the terazi and conditions of avrard of the coil-tract for said
•iotion for adoption of esolution was seconded by Bank., and on Roll-call there
were four eyes and no naq8., as follows: , Bredes-en "rall,"dhild aye; Ban'•.I aye;
and Zric]kcson, aye; and the Res(ilution uas- adop nf,
V=g-e Clark'
11r. 10tch-ell reportcd that necessax-j detailed plans and ot*hw information 1',lill not
be ready for Public Hear_LnZs on the folloi-fLng projects scheduled for April 12;
1. Grading and Geavallin.--, - ;%60th St., -,.,.-,00ddale to Oaklaim.
2. BlacIztoppin6 - Virginia _Itre.., V.View Road to N.62nd St.
3. Blacktopoinz - Ashcroft .eve. betueen V.View Rod and 11. 62nd St. (in V.Viow Slope) .
He suggested that Public 1-,caings be scheduled for Monday, .1pril. 26. Child so
moved. Iio-Gion seconded by Bredesen and carried__.
1-2r. 1itchall, then rcminded Council that Public Hearing has not yet been set for the
Biac]xftopping ol' Zeen%es Ave. between U- 56th and W-58tuh Sts. He suggested,11,pril 26
a 'h L U Il -
s -u- a date 'or 'his M_--cxinc. BaxiIcl s Lmtion,, accepting Nanar gor 11i tchal I t s
recoy.ziendat,ioa, T.-,,qs seconded-by Child and carried.
11r. litchell, asked that Public Hearing on Watermain for St.Johns Avenue between
- 6oth St. and Val I ey View road, scheduled for April 26, be .re -set for 11-onday,
.J,Q U J.
Kay 10. Child so noved. 11oition seconded by Dredesen and carried.
There being no -further 'busineso to coi-ae before the Council at this tL^e, 3redeser-
moved for adjourmeiA. Kotion seconded by Bank- qpAecarried.
77- Village Clerk