HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540308_REGULAR3/8%54 IITJUTES OF TEED RE z R i ING OF TIM, i;DI1d1: ViLL10 COUItiC�Z, I-=- D 17-101ICAY, MARCH 8, 1954, AT 7 :30 F -14, AT.T1-2 D iTA, V.u.IAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Bank and Erickson. Danl.'s motion, that Minutes of lleating. of February 22, 1954, be approved as sub - mihted, was seconded by Child and carded. 1Iayor Erickson announced the taking of bids on Cash Register for Liquor Store. Clerk read y;ffidavi.t of Publication for "Ldvertisement for ;ids'r apppsaring in Fd .na: ,ioinin,,side Courier and Construction Bulletin February 28_and I•iar ch 4. Barilc then moved for referral of bids to Asst. Village Engineer for public opening in Engineer's Office. Notion seconded by Child and carried. Later in the evening.isst. Engineer Zilcan presented opened bids, as follows: ' TWI AL -I"S S T,tZ- .tZE -.IN 1152 P AT19111 I, CASH MEGINER CO. - ?l, 520.. 00 5 25.00 '-'1.,495-00 lbw O.To IM I•usCHIh1. CO. 1,102.05 .62.05 %?1,040.00 DiscusAon zras had as to .trade -in value offered. Bank moved that award be made to Uatio&l Cas'i! Register CoLzpa.ny at =,,',l.,520, zrithout trade -in. Ixotion seconded by. Bredesen and carried. 1 °I-anager Mitchell :reported on Sand, Gravel end Rock bids taken February 22; state, that utroot Commissioner Jonas wishes additional time for study, before recornmending awards. hatter laid over to meeting of April 12. d. Hanager Mitchell recom wended award of Oil and Tarr bids ta.'_cen February 22, as •c follows: { Delivered to Loaded on ,Loaded in 11RE and Point in Edina Ba�nt. Tank Ct r 2c E ,-e, at Plant Edina Team Or Pit Track TO 1C ms's 3 OIL OXINUIY: I 15,000 Galons IiC,`l. Oil .1025 0099 .0975 10,000 Gallons 1' CT =2 .1025 .099 .0975 55,000 Gallons %2C :3 .1025 .099 •0975 5,000 Gallons SC "l .0925 .059 TO f PUDTIIC 01203 'MU C011- 12,1Y: 10,000. C�:_I lons} RTA", to -d17 .1600 .1525 TO :1':',s�Zl� :l.�'i 1�.l.11.li•!UL3` VLl'.2221, 10, 000 . GLI.lons RS#2 to $S# .1075 P,3 -2 .1025 RS -2 .1055 U.3-2 .1126 ss -1 .1075 SS -1 .1117 SS -1 TO BWX1 O SERVICE 500 Tons steady 122: Tar, 5.75 5.00 r 500 Tons ready .._spha.lt 5.60 4. S5 Kr. Ki'cchell e::rol^ined that the above are low bidders, vrith esccelltian of Blt. clftop ,eryice Co:wpany; that .Earl Sewall is low bidder on ready 12Lc products, but that Street Com:sioUoner Jonas believes the materials he furnishes are too course for patching. - Bank's motion, that bids_, on road oil, tar and -ready mi_:. products be auasrded in accordance with Kanager's recomrizendations, eras seconded by Child ward cc r ri e . 1k3yor Erickson then announces cancellati,-n of ,proposed Public Hea-ring on petition 'Go face house l.onC wadi of lot on Lot 25, l osendahIts Edina,- �iighlands, for reason that petition has been irithdravrn. : Lx, this tine Continuation of February 22nd Public *Heari.ng on petition of V.H.1.da:.ns for rezoning to Community Store District of, the property used by Shell Oil Company at 50th end Halifax was had. -Facts of petition were revi.evsad by audience, -and I Thompson., naiohbor, once again objected. Ilr. Jaames Pause added his objections, on the ground that so-(.ae members of the Council had co fitted themselves to a policy of l:Lai1ujng Commzn.ity Store District at 50th and France to its present boundaries. O:rraer-Jd*3ns started. that he has been paying tico_nra- ci�l" tastes on a�11 J the ;�roi rt or sr =gars, even though Shell Oil Company has leased only pat of it. l ,yror Erickson stated that, because of informal cor.Tinitment made at time of Pj•opzrty" rezoni_nZ, he feels obligated to vote against the project.- lb?. Child tool issue, on grounds that Planning Comin; s lion has recor? . ?ended rezoning to "leg i lize" operations. Clerk Lank suggested a compromise, if possible; out neighbors were . adamnt ;against further encroachment of Cow- 7w -nity ;More District. Bredesen's motion, that petition for Rezoning be denied, eras seconded by Bank and carried. I1e1-,Iu Public Hearing conclucted was that on the petition of 1'Ii_ ui,. - apolis, Northfield and Southern i = ilzaay for the Rezoning to Conultercial District of a tract of land - ii�ru ediately Uest of their -ri ffat -of-way and North of State Hi l ua.y !To. 5. Plaivaing Copwii.ssi.on's recor_imandati.on favoring rezoning was read, after Clerk had presented `..ffidaviits .of Publication in Edina - orningside Courier rebrua.ry 28 and Ka:rch h 113 f14 3/8/54 There were no written objections to this proposed Cor=m ercia al Zoning, cold no irritten objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. Child offered the follovring Ordinance, moving that Council -waive second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as read: 11,, //�� tt--tt 7 ff�� _af�TtiDry'rscu z1ro�._27}b'�ly�8;y-�•- p+ �'S �.7 .U:,r V %.V.�lV• 7CB 1.11.!TDI1 �.G T11-19 r' I'I AJG O t"DET:;., TGL �,/l TIE �t'1'LILZM Or EM-11A BY , 5TABL!SHU.'G ADDllM-. i , C01L DISTRICT. TIM VUL1,iGL =111CIT. Oi 1.12 yiL1A0, OF BDIUA .3i1�r� 0`1`Fi, Oi�iDiLizS: Section 1. Section 6, Corrcial District, of Ordinance No. 261 of the revised ordinances of the Village _of Edina, as amended, _is hereby further aa:tmded by adding at the end of purapraph 1 of said Section 6, additional sub-paragraph, as follows: . (3) "A tract of laird in the Southeast t?ua eber of the Southeast zivarter of Section. S, _Toms'_jlip 116 North, Range 21 :,est, Hennepin County, Mnnaaota, and described as folloi,s: Beeirininp, at a point on the masterly right of . -tmy line of the {iirnLapolis Korthfi elc3 c": Southern Raili:ay which point bears North 50 -471 Last, true bearing, ,� dist nee of 1367,6 ft. "'rom a point in-the South line of said Section S, 1112,9 ft, .'Test of the Southeast corner of said Section; thence from said point of be- Inning Sou'i,h LA-0 -271 ,best a distance of 120.1 ft. to a point- 80 ft, westerly at r?_ght anglas from.said r-i OU of way, line; thence south 50 -47t est, parall el t:-?'ch and 0 ft. from said right of fray line a, dista, ce of about 6c�D ft. more or less to the easterly' line of traveled highway across said ;;uarter C.uuarter; Chance in a southeasterly direction along the easterly i�-a line o_" said highy to the above na�raed riSau of way line; thence North 50 -471 Last along said right of may line about 900 ft. more or less to place of beginning and conbai=nin.g an area of 1.45 acres more or less." Section 2. This Ordinance ohall be in effect from and after its passage and publication according to lair. 1 otion for adoption of the Ordihatbe i was seconded by Bank, raid on Follcal l there were four -- es and no nays, ,as follows: Bredeseiz, ay ak Cbi.ld, aye; Ban's, c; e; and Eric' - son, ,fie; and the Ordinance i'ras adopted. 41 ATI'MST: A --i Mayor Virago Clerk I•f a,yor Lric.'Lon then wa rmounced Public He!xing on petition to face house Ion,-, tray • of lot, Lot 15, Seeleyi s First 11:ddition (5464 lamer -: :em Avenue) . u , Spi]e:a, pet:iti�nrr, e olair_ed thzt facin� house on 1 erxes would cause change in plan wili.ch mould be inconvenient for him; that he had not yet brought his plan in to the building inspector. Because Council could not understand how uniform set- bac'_:s could be Tod nta ned in facing house on 11. 55th Street on this s._2•alI lot, _ Child moved that matter be referred to : uilding Inspector for further. investigation. 1' -otion seconded by -,, k ' 1�rslrY and caxriecz, 'S7 "or' �s`iclzson then amounted Public c Hearings on Improv '7ents, pursuant to «1'Totice of Hearing," published in L-�zaa'-1 rnit� side Courier Februa'��,�r X2.8 and 1.Ia:��ch La. - Z1f fi davit of Publication of said 11o`irice was tendered bar Cl oz1:, approvad as to foam and ordered place"" on Nile. 1•�:.yo'r then announced that Hcarings irould by held in the order of the Notice; that Council would aCG on all improv. %7i tabus at the end of the Hearings. Proceedings were as follows: l0 PJIT,IC H✓iL�l: ,G 0:T SA-11r i2 L.' 3L S '.' ti ;allD �SP�tTLt 'r?.1s :C`LS ii1 iT.6' 60th St. between Concord and Parnell. Avanues; in Parnel? *xenue between " %63th St. and 270 Ft. South; (or to Va1.ley View Road) . i anLger+ :idtchell �_rescnted three '.estimates of Cost, as folloi:3: L For 'I ° :.L3r th ui�• �nl'� — �i,1��50 }; '!Or '; .36 per Assessable Foot Late_ , 1 C11-urge, bolus =;;2065 for Con: ection to Trunk 2-1; Total, z %7.0:. per Asse,:,sa =ule Foot. ✓. For both .:.60t7h St. and Paxnell Ava'_mc to Valley, Vi Gil T '.oz^, O. - �,?5,03�,05 as t 1,119.23 % - -s de Feet (e,x1udiri�= 240 i,. on :;rst side of Parnell c�.�a...l.nS .. v.Je.�s+t:/. i.. u :1veo f "1 "Ol'1 �iS:rES:lef!t) - 15.21 per 115SeS5''b1E FOOL Lateral Chwr ge, plu5 ?2o t75 for Connection to Trunh -1; Total,�37.56 per Asse , sable Foot, C. 'For both U. 60th it, and. P,a -nc11 ivenue to V'11ey Vial! l o, u - %5, c,05 as ,`ai;?st 1,359.23 "'Ose o- ble Feot (including 2L;.0 t. on ,.est side Of Parnell 2 � 1' District) - 1)111.30 per Lsse ,sable Foot L._,,ter 13vEo .e1 ...."-.+sL's::,i:2ut _ i, D_St "1'1c'G 'l Cf1arge, plus ;,2.65 for Cmvia tiai� to -u 1: P,-1; 1ota1, =10.95 Per Assessable root. He reco amended that the crfi,ir e project be cJnstruec ad at- t"ALs to tile, and that the ;Test side of Pcxnell x�ve;nue be included in the ass`z- szLimt. There wart; no objections :i.ram- Able floor, and no i- xitten objections had be .m recd i ved pi'''! or to the Has'ring. (See 1- ;inutes, later in lloet_ng, for ',- �-�solution at?i :a n€ ) . 2. -, T �- • --. —_ _//••tt 'Y r+ qq t-r-7 -`�-r f7-' -''�-y ',• nre- r-T. ��'+ �-•. T `_ . �-.. PCT- _,.w.�, 1•�.S:.l.:..l:i C:1 Y.,li.1.i,Y�YkL1. L.ilil.4YlL, ,J:..,..:tl, ; D :Y�L ld�. T- l"x...,�.,ES in FiiE -hlcGJ !'o. .169-212 OE"ft'rami- i711Ct171L�, :'dv�. �,nd .1.5�i1d Lit,.; vLrece Dri'��e be-G[.een ;�,52i1c? Lit, :ps`��r�A Wit.; 't :F.53rd i-t. be4i'Ie :a S rvice: Dr. and Gre1i deli !LXle; eti'- rF 52nd i ild .'r 53rd Wita. 'y .52nd wt'. bstireen xiesl .e'l son Gs'� n Ccsi ± ETI 3::°'_2 � i7' � . ' Cif ` .. . ..} � ^' fi �" l � l A ,:a `r' he be'ui• --on t% 51st azid 11U. .52 -nd �O'C's. �,n_ ._..___zr�.. :�..s.; old �a:n�Yvrson 1.�`a. 1 r L 1 3/8/54 115 I% n,- ger :Mitchell submitted several F,stimates of Cost, as follows : A. Sewer to serve G-2andview 176tel only - �8,195e31 as against 547 ,isoessable Feet for ;15.00 per Assessable Foot. (Highway ITo. 169, and Service Drive, only) . B. .:;ewer to serve Grandview I•lotel and Grandview Plateau - (Deep Cut) as apainst 2,177 Assessable Feet, for 18.30 per Assessable I'`oot. C. 13v +rer to serve Grandsri.etr Hotel, Grandview Plateau and Iiad- ikeroon live. ;,21,395.07 JJJ as a -aLiot 3 227 1" ssess�.ble Feet for 5 per h <<t6e6 r ��ssessab_e Foot. s D. Serer - Sayae as C, but .,Rh Deep Cut - i„i22,170 51 s - 3,227 ,s } O G:J G`t::..L 1�J �I , 22 rlus�.,�;�ao_e meat, for >6.90 per Assessable soot. J e �i.l'i t.t:r - Or. Hu�'I.IC.er son ;' ivenue alone - ;)1,,151.00 as aCai.nst 1,050 .1, 00essable Feet, .LOT 0.95 per Assessable "200t. F. Setter - Same as L, bui, 1,6ibh Shallow Cut - ; ;�17 ;2 ,2.00 as aga .:nst 2,177 Assessable Feet, for :7.95 per :issessc.ble Foot. - .11 Est-+ sates being �rithout ?'run? .Charge. IIr. Iii_tchell recommended that the entire project be. constructed, incluc4i ng Hwnllerson venue and specifying the shallow sezrer. There were no objections froze the audience, and no 'tr i ;'den objections had been received. pri or to the Haari n!-. (See I nuts of lm later in Koetinv, for Reoolut1 011 ?, lei Ovi ng) . 3. FU'MIC I; ;;R71aG 011 11121 Sr is -�iT� ;SID Ii PUF�T u:CF; La St.Johns Ave. from IT. 62nd St. to a pt. 2L O Ft, more. or less,. South OZ Ashcroft Ive. ; 1.1.62 -nd St. between i:t.Johns and Concord ;sves.; Ashcroft :sveo beta -:.�an SG.Jol -ms :%ve. cone, 'IT.63r_d `'`7t., Te63Y'd v'L, 'Datwei;n :iSI1Cr Oj't and {i0i1C4rd i veSo ; and C, 3:l Cord Lore. 'Oett'reOn ITe `2nek c,,nd I1.63rd Sts. `ar,_ lrr ei 1L�ClO �cP cS iry !St12G' e Cost � 9,772 -91 as ��: n=t 3, �cr' b le J� j .NaS Foot, for :;5. u1 per Assessable Foot. ir. :eryL I; 'hit.. presented ,, petition, siL,ned by owners of all prroperty: s on the. blast side of Concord Avenue betrTeen 62nd and 63rd it., ovotostin.,g a ;-a.List assessment for thei.r propart l aa.smuch as they all have new wells; but - developer tioy Peterson, petitioner. for the improvement, presented proof that at 7:00 P.14. this evening he had purchased one of the lots in this block, thus obta.:i_nind,51`l'. of the property to be benefited. I-Ire Il.''nite, -ramar'rinc that the blew wThen he was beaten, t still as',-,ed to have protest go on -record. There were .no other objections, and no written objections had been received to the Hearing. (:')ee Ii.nutes of later in Heeting, for 'R esolu cion approving) . 4. PILML IC 0I: BL: ISTOPPEIG OF ZEYY H AITE. == IT-57TH IHD IT.58TH STS. I.T anoger 11 tchell gave as hi s. Fs'cimate of COS'c l2,8^13.1 ; -0 as against 1,461.30. assessable Feet, for � ;;1.92 per , ssessable Foot. There were no objections from the floor, and no rfritten. objections had been -received prior to the Hearing. (See 1ZLnutes of later in Iloct-i nc, for resolution approving) . 5. PUBLIC I=::' yli,IG Oil BL=IChTOPPING_OF IT.58TH STET 8,�; L11-I :1O °ODDArr LIM O;IiI,VIN �IZTLa. I.lni1 ;,ger Mitchell Is Estimate Of Cost was 2,182.14!as a ;� * not 1,124;20 Assesz6ble Feet, for f;'>1.b6 per Assessable Foot.. There were no objections frori the floor, and, no written, objections had been raceived .prior to the Hearinc. (See Kmutes of later in Keetizac, for Itiesolution approving) . 6. PUB-,IC EI, J IIsG ON BIAG- T:TOPPIEIG - OF ci'00 JID 0LID _ B ,1 111 ±3 "DC-7D U3 jai D 3I-4OIKIf J s YZZ. T 3.. I anager Iiitchell's .13sti ate .of Cost_ was "rC,075.L,0 as against 1,4,013.92 K�ssessable Feet, for Y .01 per Lssessable Foot.. Kr. Olson, Ho. 24 : oodia.nd .E.oaa, objected heatedly because or the drainage; ifnich, I r. 11itchell stated; would be corrected to a great es -tenc as part of t e blackcopp:Ing project. Trio others in the audience spoke in favor of the project, and it was determined that the petition therefor has been sinned by appro:�dr abe?y- 69 of the ozWners. There zrL:ca no o=cher ob jc;cti oils. (See ilinutes of later i-rl s�ieeting, for Resolution approving) . 7. C TIM -5 GIR �, � �ti ADD BLIC T P. -PTIiG OF =-R:713 1 =LV Z 'j ,. -I ETi '�T. 6W. .I; i1. iT"'L�.L c� ' o` � b � 166 S. i'iadaager 1iitChell'S. Estimate Of t;flSt %ra1s 617.0-0 as against 1,191.2 Assessable Feet, for ;?300$ per Assessable Foote There were several, objections _rorz the audience to proposed. B1acl tuopping, inasmuch, as utilities are still not in the street; and some asl <ed about the i•Tidth of the traveled roadway. 1-1e. 11icchell recoLr,aended a 1,O -foot roadway, inasmuch as it is this width South or these tiro blocks. After some discussion, Council agreed to abandon the, proposed BlacIdbopping and to substitute Oiling therefor-which, audience was told, should cut cost to around ";12.00 per front foot. There was discussion about a joint Richfield--Edina project on the grading, but I L,. 1 Kitchell recommended ar-ainst this, unless agreement could be reached at once. (See Iiinutes of later in Yzim- r Koetin.g, for Resolution approving GradinC, Gravelling and ' Oilidl� e Ox 'IISTRUC OIT O C . RB ID GUTTt�UT i 1.710 1 .03F�al u. FU$zIC i; sI HIGH "..-,AY II0..100 i,I'vM x ICB110It1� iii . Ian =.ger Izi tchellt s .Lst !ate of Cost was X5,151.70 as ai r -d t 1, 639.55 Assessable Beet, for �3.11r per �issessable Foot. There mere no objections at the Hearing, and no written objections had been r ecoived prior to the Hearing. (See ILLautes of later in Meeting, for resolution appro- v' --ng) • 9. PUL-LIC I-EIRING GIa CONSTRUCTION OF CURB AID GU S1: �� L-1 '41. 58TH STS=T =711-201111 ITOODDI Ai`dll 1E1s0CG AVu•IU.e,S. Manager 11i_tchell's F,sti.iate Of Cost macs j7.,420.50.as_e- Eakast 505.6 Assessable_ Feet, for !?2.81 per JIssessable Foot. There were no objections _.t the Hearing, and no Smitten objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See linuces of lacer in %ieetinu, for Resolution approving). 10. tPUL;?,IC Ii�2k-R=G� O COITST UCTION OF CUPwB 1 *0D GUlr2M LI ,II C %G "tiD DrCTV �; uLl iu ICI i�ICIFT %s IiOa .100 Id3D SIC 1 +CIS DI�IUE: '� '. 111 'ICTIS. i.D C CIZ. Tanager ilitchell's L,stimate of Cost was given as 8,6,774.74, .as against 2,360.1 Assesoable Feet, for 02007 per .11s ses sable Foot, There were no object -Lons at the HearinL °, end _no written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. Trustee Child then offered the folloiring Resolution and moved its adoption: 116 3 514 RESOLUTION 01DIMMIG 7TRG"V2-1.1M11TS SAI,MARY SMM5 UATMUMT, CURB LIM GUT-TM,,, "OPPET BVICRI IG AIM OMI.G BE 1'11 PZ-31OLVED by the Council. of tha. Villase, of. Edina, that this Council heretofore- caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed imi, -prove, a-ents: 1. Construction of Sly, MiEff IMMU-L SL 'JAR 10) JTP=L-1T1-,','0CES` 111 17.60th Street beti-men Concord and Parnell Aves., and Parnell *.ve. bet-ween 11.60th Street- rind Valley View Rd. 2. Construction of XOMAU -TWIERAL SMM Al"M APPUR TIER 33 in High- .ray lo. , 169 -2-12 betweerr SuLwdt Ave. and, U. 52nd St. Service Drive betvezn '.1.52nd and T%53rd St. 1.1.53rd St. between Service Dr. and Grandview Lane C -ra q 1 Aveon ".52nd and W-53rd St5.- ndviei Lane be 4 U.52nd St.. bets: ,nn Hankerson and 1-41lian, Axes. Hankerson Ave. beti•,,een ".51st and 11.5 2nd Sts. 3. Construction of -,IA�T EE'Z' 2=11SIUIT AND APPIRITZ-1-111T in St.johns Ave. frox"T.62nd St. to a 13t. 240 Ft., more or, less., South of L.-shcroft. U.62n-d St, betty en St.-Johns and Concord Wives. Ashcroft Ave. between St.johns Ave. and T.T. 63rd St. d St. between Lshcroft caid Concord Aves. doncol?d ,'-xe. beti,,een 1,T.62n-d- and W.63rd St. 57t11 to T. .5 4o BIA012 OPPEM - Zenith .40 U &"uh St. -5-. -B:UiC--7tOP1PII,.-,G - -';To 5c-,'L-,h St., Wooddale, to Oakla-vm lxe. 6. 3UC-1UOPP1I-.,G - !•,Toodland Road, Brook eve. to "."boddale inre. .cvi eTy _ G111:1VZT1=TG UM 3rXI,"TOFP!:TG - Xer,%es Ave. , 'r,17.6,r:,�At'h to u. 66th St. 7. GMT, -IG.1 O. C-P,3. -IL-Tij MaT in Lindsor Ave. between 1!i[J-iv:a7y !To. 100 arid -Richnoad Lane. 9. C, U? L D GUTT:E-R in W-58th St. bretween llboafdale and Kellogg Aves. 10. OUTZ131 A0, GUTTER,in Ucimond Drive between HiEh-,uray No. 100 and 7ulichuond Circle; and in -Riclziond- circle; and at the h--arings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has `duly considered the 'views of all persons interested, and being fully adirisad of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to -proceed urith the construction of said im- iwit provem us; that said improvements are hereby dezi,,nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceadin-s as follmis: L I'Llilz OF -7117-7zovm 1. S.AE-1,122TU S-Z"MR (on Streets Listed sted Xbove) S-LI.SM-M E.I.J. 1:10. 64 2.- SIUTT-Zaff SaM,,. (on Streets Listed Above) iup. im. 66 3. (on Stro-Us Listed Above nx. 1.-0. 68 4. BLAW=EUG - Zeni:1,11- -1ve., U.57'uh to !T-55th St. S L.µ P- . -0. A-60 5a 31,,IM�OOPPEIG - 11-5:nth St.; 1-looddale to Oaklai-m "'va. ST. 1=1 ET. I O. A-61 6: L.IGL; 7OPPL7 G - "Uoodl,=-d Road., Brookview Ave. to Nooddale Ave. sim, 21 -62 7. C;rjAD-i !G, -G17W,-T31=1,-i 11D BL. MTOPPEIG - -Xerxes ilve. .u.68th to 11.66-1uh 3-'-U . _, shall be named as follows: GRLADEL,iG I 1,.-D GRAV70T &Z-2- - 66th to 67th STIR E.-Tv. 1,10. C-47 G-?M Z,.- G A, 1!D GP, ,�!T 13 LL 1:, ',C1 - : e r xe s Ave ;.67th to 6 8 S L h S` 1' L2. I:0- C-4$ these two projects having been approved b t- As Council. June 8 1953) BL.X-KTOPPr17,G - !,erxes kve.., 11.68'th,to 11.66th St.., shall be ch-m-i ed to OTLEIG T and. shall be referred to as 311= 1 E E-Y- ITO. 0-56- 0. CUB AND GUTTMIR in ',-T-Lradsor Ave. between Hi_rhvmly 11o. 100 ,end "Richmond Lane SU , -12 IiT . I'M. B-18 9. CMB i3:-.D1 GUZ2ER in W.5: h St. I betwoen Uooddale and Kellogg Avas. S T,-1 L. 72 U.T. NO. B-19 10. Cum julD C-U--T2P,, in - c3amond Drive betwoon HiLhway 11o.100 &.--Id Riclmond Circle., and in Ricimond Circle ST.7L�T -T -, J B-20 and the areas to be special-ly assessed therefor shail be as. follows: ,X- s i sive, Souir, Con r For SM17,M*T1.Y S�T-M, 11 !T0. 64 - Lot 3 to 9., i:nc--u h co d Addn.,. Lots 1,2,11 alld 12,, Block 1; Lots 2 and 3, Block 2., all in Virgi--aia -Lve ,�.ddi--j.; and the North 270 Ft. of the B. 80 Ft, O:C the �,T* 1;0 Rods of the ST:111/4 oi of Sec. 1% T. 285 R�. 2b,. lying 1-1. of Vi ew Road. .L Sec. land L C For S.C- a a -a -rand- �TJ2,'Z S-.Tj�j L�Fj�,�7% UZ:T M. 66 1 lots and tracts o-1 ai n 10 va.el-T pl�.tem ..,*Iddn.; Lots .1 to 1-92, inclusive lock 9, cl- d lots 1-3 to 20* L clisive., U , B � n 'L I Bloch 1. in Brookside YOiCaus kddn. 7 For TZ. L 1:0. 68 SLU lots and tracts 01" la Ind in IrcileY Vie'vT 11idge ddn., anti. Ll lots -nd.tracts o end abutti, Go co r i` - . o1 i tree r e s t between I.T.62nd armed ,r.63rd Sts. 4 racts o-" 3-and For each of the bzLZ=e Of -Llaa im�provzr-�aryus - All lots LU'd abuttins the street')proposed to be laproved. t notion for adoption of the -Re-solution was soconded by Bredesen, tnd on Roll-call as follows: Brede�6-'rq�-,Ye; Child., aye; Bank, L 9 there ware 'Our ayes znid no nn:yz, aye; and 31icic son aye; cind the !Losolution Was afO;o AT-EIST, P'T- Miyor 11'j--liage Clerk 3/8/54 I1r. ,Berger son presented petition for Grading, Graveling and Oil in of Cleveland Avenue betrean Hollywood Road and Division Street, stating that his property is worthless for either rental or construction until access is provided. It was determined that petition contained signatures of only nine of twenty four lots; and 7Ltc11el1 -recommended that Council delay action until sponoor secures ci gna:tures of at least 51% of ov.ners, inasmuch as t _is mill be a, very e :;par- i.ve project. Oirners of lots at corner of Cleveland and HollyTrood Road protested ircrprovaaent, stating that it would be more of detriment tham asset to their pro,.crtits. Child's motion, that petition be rejected at this time, was seconded by Bredessn and carried. I17 Representative of Grandview 1.11 ,rl.et spoke in favor o•t epplicavtion for illuminated "I3ur�lsty Ilu�zpty" stun to be installed on roof of market. Bredesen's notioii., that z pplic�.tion be_s, }p-roved su'a ject to Police Department approval, was seconded by Child. ;anr carried. Petition iris filed against Cross -Tovrn Highway at 63rd Street. Trustee Child, after reraaxki ng that Council can do nothing on this matter at the present time br: c,,..uoe t- his is only in plaxniinr; stage, moved that petition be accepted and filed. ,otion seconded. by Bcnk and carried. The .:olloZin.g petitions for Rezoning were filed: • 1. Petition of 1"alla ilurser-y -for Rezoning to Community Store Dishict that part ofitheir land lyd--ri ; in the Northwest corner, 880 ft. of vrhich is bounded by IliL :hwa;r 100 on the ",est and 210 ft. bounded by Eden live. on the 1S6r'th. 2. Petition of Biltm.ore Kotor Hotel, Inc. for Rezoning to Community Store District Tracts B and C of Registered band Survey No. 7, on 10 Co ne-r of Nox-mandale and Eden. 3. Petition of C. .'_',-,-­Samuelson for Rezoning to CoIITIlUz ity Store District Lets and 7, Block 8, Tingdale Bros. Brookside Addition. _ Planning Commission recommendations.were reviewed; and Child's`m.oti6n, that petitions be accepted and that Public Hearings be held on same as of J1pri1 12, was seconded by Bank and carried. The folloi.,xig improvement petitions were filed, together with L•iitchell's recoraasadations that Public Hearings be scheduled for Yonda:y, A. ii 12: 1. Petition for Grading and Graveling-60th St., Wooddale to .I.ellogg. 2. Petition for Curb and Cutter -60th St., T•;%oddale to Fiellogg. 3. Petition for Curb and Cutter I•iooddale, 60th to 61st. St. 4. Petition for ?la.cktopping- Virginia _1ve., V.Vi(av Rd. to 17.62nd St. 5. Petition for Blacktopping -ef. 58th ;t. , BrookVLe-u to 0a? z1Gnra. B'ask's_ motion, t11zt petitions be accepted a,,nd that Public Hearings be set for IIon,.'A y, April 12, was seconded by Child and carried. Petition was filed requesting 4 -way stop at 54th and France. Ba;nk's notion referring petition to Public Safety Committee for study and recommendation was seconded by Child and carried. The application of 11r. John Salt unan dba Woodlake Forest Products, 7700 Newton �1ve. So., for permit to ,sel firewood, was approved subject to I-r. Saltzman's subLittinL, w6i8ht slips to Police Department, after each dayts sales, by motion Child, seconded by Bank and•carried. Biltmore 116tor hotel Corpo-ration's application for permit to install O.:6' sign. between I•fotei_ and Service Road was approved, by motion Child, seconded .by .Batik ,and carried. The iollo: ring petitions for Sanitary Sewer viere filed: 1. In Drookview Height-s First addition. 2. In Drookvieii Heights 2nd Addition. 3. In wedlund and hill's Valley Park (Jeffrey Lane and Ikaynier Drive) Deco se the above areas are not contiguous frith trunk. sewer, Child m6ved that petitions be accepted and referred to the Public Utilities Cor:E_Littee for further study. 1•iotion seconded by Bank and carried. Petition was filed for construction of Curb and Gutter in Richmond Drive between Richnond Circle and Code - kvenue. Child's notion, that petition be` accepted, ca-id that Public Hearing be tentatively scheduled for Monday, * pri l 12,' zras seconded by Bank and carried. Bank's motion, for approval of the i:ollotring application for Outdoor Advertisiizg Sig -n .Pernuts, vr,-.s seconded by Dredesen and carried: Brede, Inc. - 5'u >�' - 1.6 111. ,, . Jct. Hys. 100 �d 169, on I'169` - " rovrn Photo ". Dr ede Inc. - 10t :25'- 2.7 iii . W. Jct. Hys. 100 Gild 169, oil 7-,169- "Dylw� , Hottel". Wo Photo 1 Y,81 _ 1°z Olinger Rd. on -ilU/ 9 'rJelch Photo". iyu_ch - 1;..1 � .2 Iii. . a. ILppli cation by Edina Community Lutheran Church for pe3mlit to install three directional si�zs was referred. to Public Safety Committee by motion lank, seconded by B-radesen and carried. iM Eg&,wist BFheries, L-qc. Is protest araiiist opa-rations batirc-;.n Earch 17 and April 1, to inform applicants that Council cannot in their case. 3/8/54 A CL k;6.00 license fee for the tuo treelks-I eras revie7ued. Council instructed office .establish precedent by alloir,,inL e_ zcegtuion ComplaLint of Jznes Grzeslw-Aalc, 4600 11eadow road, that the lot nex-tu to him is loi-; lying, fills with water, z:nd is a hazard to children., i-,as reviewed. Attorney Uindhorst was d-Lf acted to write con, plaincmt concerning this matter, by motion Child, seconded by 3-redesen zxnd carried. The reco--mendation of 11unicipal judre Eiwris, that 11r. Janes Johnston, a graduate attorney, be employed as Clark of Court at k,",150 par ' month b--,,,Iw-ing April 1, Tas approved' by motion Bank, seconded by Bredescn, and carried. Of:',-'ice reported receipt of applications, proper fees, and a.pprovcl of Police Dept., for the folloi-:1ng licenses for the period 11pril 1, 1954 to April 1, 1955: -P `,- :TMU3: B.M ME 4 LF',UOR I FOOD CIG.UMTE 017-SlM. 011%_S1JZ 071!-S;jz-1 PLIXIiL B01.111 IM ;J--=: Alifin.L3gion Housing C-nd" n 4900 Eden eve. Brauerts 5�­'.)100 Store 7 3905 t,. 50th St Er Derby Cafe {off 3915 11. 50th St. 1 1 3 Cehill Grocery 5432 TT- 70th St. Clancy Drug Co. 3948 17. 50th St. 1 1 Correll-Is Dairy Store 3907 U1,54th Ot. Country Club 1-ce Cram 5036'France Ave. 1 Don's Lunch 53 w France L-ve. 1 1 1 1 Ed.I.na Country Club 1701 1'450 -h 3-j"t. 1 1 EdLria T zzzi Cb. 5145 Eden Ave. Edina Theater Corp. 3911 w.50-c"fL,21t--s F allay caner Candy 5000 Grance ,Lve. 1 Garner - Food 1,-a2ka t 1,3,80 3-rookside Lva. 1 1 i Grand-�ew Cafe 500 2 Vernon �'Iva. 1 1 Grandviei.,- '11ar'Lzetu 9033 Vernon -',-ve- 5 Czr,F_T1dir_x,aw Direct I Service 5000 Vernon f Gregg Pharnzey 495k Grance 1 P4ar cy 5008 Veraon :xva* 1 1 Hac'..-emmullcr 111'zat :2.-L, 4048 Fraace ,Ws. I .Hasty Tas-,LT Cafe no 07 ,'L 50th St. i 3, 1 �91.2 France Lva. 1 11ove Co., inc. 7 V 39kO `i-50th �'-Dt- I Later1cchest County -j Club .02-00 tnterlacInn, ]3lvd 1 1 1,,cclailan's Grocel-j 5501 .5Lth %31"t Nacticnu,l Tea Co. U 13'-' ­j- I _3?%,,5 .101, 'C'n _,� L'. 1 1 IT-olan's Golf Ter iz ce Cafe 3926 "T. 50VII St. - 1 1 Purity Dairy Store 5018 France ;1va. 1 O 1 rA 4cott Stores ;1' '. 3o,o6 aTe 50-en 'sAG. Trisler's Grocery 51,.05 Fa Dance Village Lin 39LO Fa, rice 'Too`,_&le G:iocary 4429 V.Iiev: 11%.d. l& Cabs 1 Theater I E "I - :ipoy-14761fe., Inc. 4940" Prance Lve. 3/8/54 7 J'S � .1', =­ " - I LIQUOR FOOD CIG TE QFj"--&'jZ- pZj,T3.'LLL ==TT4 TA:M'2: 'O'T T-ILT: 1.19 z-ad that the folloTninE, applications for Plumbers .Licenses have been received,, for U Y ar 41:)ril 1., 19 • 4 to April 1, 1955, together -Ath proper fees aiad bonds, and', have bacii ap-roved by Utilities Supt. 7,loehler: Castle Plurifoin,v Co. 142 E. 38th•St., Kpls. T.D. Gustafson Co. 3206 Bloomington, !,ifjls. Raymond E. Haeg ' 20L;0 L. •intlesota river Rd., 11,pls. 20 Humboldt P-lunfoing Co. 1307 N. rTashington Ave., 1 1_01s. Lake '*trarz-;t PlbS. Co. ­4732 !Ticbllet Ave. 1-M-.1s, TM-mea_polis PlbE. Co. 1420 Kiicolldt z1va.' 1pls. R'.J. I-a-a Co. 100 E.14,th St., 1,431s. 3 J.-V,�cClure Co. 2601 Stevens -..I 117p1s. 8 7 -1ols Co-. Nic.'L 318 Bldrs. Mich. 331d.E., 11'.Lpls. Goorge G.Penny PYbg. 1533, N. lilac Drive M Spetz lz': JEJOrZ P-P,)&. Co. 6021 lgndcle Ave., "S., 1.2-ols. 19 Louis U'luEla'a-Ti• 1h-15 U. ? TasshinEbon .1ve., ilpls. Bolden-portar Co. 65 IT. 17th St., Kpls. Henry Harsm Plbry. Co. 97W Humboldt ,'--ve. S., 14',ols. 20 Clare Hordwa-l. 1715 Chi cag-o Ave., 1.2pis. Bradesen's Yaotion that Plumbers Licenses be approved, and that baleinces of applic-_,:_'Uions be approved subject to approval of promises by State Board of Haalth and Insurance CohLaij,;ionerts Office. 1•16tion I . seconded by 3,&nk.said carried. Village ':ttorneyl s letter, iiith regard to new uses for Tax Forl'bited Lands, i-zas read, .:nd 3m- k, offered 'U- he fol I oi,.,ing Resolution and moved its adoption: M ELSJOLUTION DETEMIMEM TFMT OTIMI PUB?LIC, US 17, SHLLL ED OF CZRT!= .T M ,,Aa ArRZITI D LAIrDS BE 12 =M]D' by the. Village Council of Villaze of 3dfna: That Pursuant to •ZLma6sota Statutes, 191.1-9, 6'ection 2882.01, 31fodi-trision 1., as aaiendedl the ST;:L:2 & =7Z.,j3TA.,, as trustee under lam(iesota Statutes, 1949, 0'ection 281.25., on tho 10'h dz:,y of .!iu,".st, 1945, 07. Conve7 e-- L, d to Village of Edina, a r.,,overmuental subdivision, by State Deed No. 53089, certain lands, -of i.fhich the lands her eLaafter described cre z:, portion, to be used for public pa-rh and pla-,vrcground. puxposes: Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block- 10., 1[R_,,!rfa:., Hennepin County, K-iLanesotall, D in L U �'MMS, it is-found to be necessary a-rid the best interests of the Village of Edina and its inhabitants that other public use shall be made of the horeinbefor'e described lands than the public use for which it eras originally conveyed to Village of Edina by the State of 11innesota, The Mayor and Cleri" of Village of Edina ,:,re hereby authorized and clirected-.tolm-di,,e-appli.cati.on pursuant to 11innesota Statutes, 19 9, Section 282.01, Subdivision- 1,, as amended, on belaf of Village of Edina to the Co 5sioner of T'ayzation of the State of 1-1inneota for approval of a new use of the hercinbefore deocribed tazx forfeited lands on a form approved by the, attorney general, such new use to be for drainaCe purposes and more specifically as a natural stoiT-a drLinage area for the surround-inr, residential property. 7" 1�.otioii for adoption of the foregoing v--solution was' seconded by Child, amd on Rollcc-11 there i,,rere -four ayes and no nays, as follo-TS: Bredesen, a Child, aye; Ba IZ-1. aye; and 3riclwon, aye, and the Resolution -vas adopted 110yor ViYl_-uo clerk Pa.rh Board 12Lnutes o'L Februal-i 4 were reviewad snd ordered placed on file. r= _1 Virginia ,uest for cost oil Storm Sewer on Valley View Road, I?IrSinia �,.venua, and Virg nia LE,nel si,,,,-Laed by -five residents, eras `refer red to 'Public Utilities C=,Attee by motion Child, socanded by 3redeson and carried. Civil Defense Director Palen Is request for meeting of Council i.dth Walter Halstead .for d--'Ls cussion of llinneapolis 1111tual Aid Civ-i 1 Def onse Plcal-ring -eras, _revilewod. Office directed to inform 11r. Palen that meeting_vill not be possible in near future because of busy schedule md necessity of mei_,wersl being out of city. Chc�.ix-uaa -3redesen of Ordinances 'CoLimiittee suggested an amend.-Lient to "Dog" Ordinance, reciairin., a :15-00 iaypounding fee; and Village Lttorney 11indhorst tras. au-thori zed a -nd directed to draft said a)iei-idmeiYb for presentation to Council at its ne�dc regal= meeting. 120 3/6/54 k 3an1z, offered the 'Loll o;rIal- resolution e id moved its adoption: Rs�OLLsI0I3' ISUuUEZ2 ;�!.1!.t,� -TI. O:JUIelI: ED:r�D DE M 1=0ULD, That the contract submitted by the Suburban Hennepin. County Relief . Board of tha County of Hennepin for the acm3-nistration auld super- vision of poor. relief in the Village of Edina be accepted and approved: end --� TT ^11 I- MOLVED That the Lu f l Fi1LZlir ei.�ru , u,L Lhe proper Oii�.Cei'S Of said Village Of Edina be directed to execute said contract in duplicate and iihen e..ecuted to return one of said contracts to the Suburban' Hennepin, County Relief Board. ?lotion for adoption o_° �esolut: on rrus seconded by Bredesen, and on =,ere four ayes and no nags, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; Erickson., eye; and the Resoluti.ori ryas adopted. �� l�-TEST : Y W/, IIIay or V gage Clark Ro lcal there _Ben._, aye; and 12P. Clayton Hiller presented his PrelimiiLry and Final Plat for subdivision of lot in Block 1, Edina Park; phis ha.iring been conditionally approved by the Planning Commission at their 1a.st heating. Iltborney Jindho rat' hav--ing approved legality of plat, Child moved approval of Preliminar-j and Final P1ts. lotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. , Discussion r:a.s had on tine amount of business before the Council; aad Ghild, moved than an Adjourned KeetinC_ be held Ronday, ITarch 15, at 8 :30 P.M. Ilotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. The natter of approval of the Harry Iirech & Sons contract for Sanitary Sewer 1-r provemant Ko. 1;7 came aCUn before. the Council, with littorney Uindho-rst t s Opinion that 3wrork should be accepted 'cut final payment withheld. Child's notion, .accepting work of Harry Ilrech, Llc Sons for Sanitary Sewer Improvement Iuo. 1,7, and directing Village Engineer to mate final payment therefor as soon as proof has mean received that sub- contractors have been paid, was seconded by Bank aaid carried. The natter of an ordinance controlling the cutting of hard surfaced roads, for sewer, crater and gas installations, as suggested by Trustee Dansns, was brought before the Council by meager 11i.tchell. After some discussion as,to present method of handling repsi.-rs, natter of ordinance was referred to Ordinances and Legislation Committee for study ' and report, by' mo -bion Child, seconded by Bank and carried. Considerable discussion was had by the Council with regard to County Luditorts anon - conservation and for sale land" List 368 -C, February 16, 1954. It S-ras noted that this list contains several lots previously dedicated by the State to the Village for Park and Playground, and then re- conveyed by the Village back to the State in 1953 as being abandoned for said use: said lots being mots 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12 and 22, Block 15, and Dots I.,2.,3.,4,,5,,6.,7,,18,19,,20_,21., and 22, Block 18, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, and Lot 24, Block 24, Fairfax*. Addition. Manager Ii.tchelly presented Raster Plan of proposed parkaxediately contiguous to these properties; requesting that, L possible, the Council apply once again to the State for their use for Pars, and Playground. (See Resolution later) Nennager Kitchell brouE-,kru to Council's attention List 368-Cts inclusion of Lots 10, 11,12,13, anal 14, Block #, Drookline .First Addition; which he recommended that the Council aelquire for SLOi*n Drainage B� sin, if possible; in order to save e. ioense of an eipensive storm serer project. (See Resolution later). Village Attorney ; :Ladhorst advised the Council as to the procedure for placing undesired lots on-sal e in order that they might be returned to the tax rolls; and a7 so as to procedure for acquiring those lots desired for Village use; and Child offered the folloi•.'ing Resolution and moved its adoption: PESOZti'MON DESI'CITATING TAX D 1 L!,. �MT IXTDS 16 tf %IOiJ -CJII ,'iVtiTl0i +ltt 1111D FOR SMOI IR , ,.'IS, the Village Council of the Village _of Edina, Hennepin County, %Iinnesota, has received from the County ,editor of Hennepin County, 11i.nnesota, a list of lands in said village which became the property of tine State of Minnesota under the proviaions of law declaring; the forfeiture of lands to the State for non - payment of tares, which said list has been designated as List 1136: -C", February 16, 1954; and each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been classified by the Bo,:Xd of County Commissioners of Hennepin County, I•iinnesota. as non - conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said .Board of County Corini.ssioners; 3/8/5• IYOII, T11=2011M, BE IT RESOLSiE,-D, By said Village Council, acting pursuant to iiinnesota Statutes for 1919, Section 282.01, Subd. 1, that the said clasoi= ica-'cion by said Board of County Commissioners of each parcel of land described in said list as non-conservation - land be and the same is hereby approved and that the sale of each such parcel of land be and the same is hereby approved. The question was on the adoption o1' the resolution, and the roll 'being called, there were four Yeas and no hays, as follows: Child, aye; Bredesen, aye; Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adop ted. M"TEST: ,Iayor Vi lage Clerk Clerk Barik then offered the iollotring Resolution and :moved its- adoption: PMOOLU'TION FOR OF TMEr- FOR r-PED LAND, FOR PAR N, PURPOSES BE P EMSOLVED by the_Edina- Village. Council, that Village Attorney be authorized and directed to file Nlppli cation by Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance o Tw.- Forfeited Lands, for the following properties conta?°ned in Hennepin County ,suditorts List tt368 -C", February 16, 1954, said properties to be used by the Village of Edina for park purposes: Lots 1,2,3.4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1� and 22, Block 15; Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,18,19,20,21, and 22, Block 18; Lots 3 and 4. Block 1; � Lot 24, Block 24; all being in "Fairfay:, Hennepin County, I- amesota" . ' BE IT FUT-irIT �P RZ30LVED5 that the Kayor and Clerk of this Village be authorized and directed_to .sign said application on behalf of the Village of °-� Edina. I'Io-ion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Child; and on Rollcall there were four a`res and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; C ryl' aye; Lan) ;, aye; and Ericl;so , aye; and the Resolution -;ras. adopted ✓t _ y Ka or Village Clerk 11nd Cl =irk Bank offered the follotd.ng Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR AC;?UISITIOI OF TLX FORIM22D LAND 2 FOR D RFsS.iIAC -.1+,' Pt ;:Li OM's BE IT r OLVED by the Edina .Village; Council, that Village rictorney be authorized and. directed to pile ttApplication by Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance of Ta7-Forf'eited Lards," for the followdng prroperties- concained in Hennepin County Auditor's List 11368 -C ", February 16, 1954, said properties to be used by the Village of Edina for sioxm drainage purposes: Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 4, Brookline First addition I BE IT F=2 -0, L .RssuOLVED , that the I'Iayor and Clerk of this Village be authorized and, directed- to . si_m said application on behalf of the Village of Edina. Iloti.on for adoption of Resolution was seconded. by Child; and on RolIcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: - Bredesen, aye;, old ale; Bamh, aye; mid Erick- n, aye; and the Resolution was , adopte IiTT�`1' • �7 t Vi lage Clerk ;'nd Clerk Bank offered the folI o -Ang resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION Ds i =INIG TOTAL 1= iOUMIS TI11T Wo uLD_H ti�1 B i3 Aa,S SSLU t G +HST Cui�.1 iP] P12 13 OFT f .z Fj'�-Y1'i"�Z1E .3 I '(NCH �j. Zk-LT •ZS i�r.T -t T T 1 n -aE�t,' 1,LT.� T T TIM" l}�. 1ti..�L.1i �•f1LJ{J � 1.uD_ J2S!'Ji7� 1!: �7U V11 11�OP�,r��.�..t,� H�� B�� SUBJECT �.O a���,�y�1,-,1I1 �'�1 l I-� L -7 OF _D.E`l.�wit14S:L1IOil BY TT;E VILLWE COU1iCSL.OF TF :�.:''IOUlF203 TO :Bu ASSESSED Ill TM 1: ;iT' -2Z20 0:" . THE_ TIIPr,0V M-TS- IIA.I ED III TIC FOLLOTMIG ME, DUM: MID DMOTDIG TIE, VILLMI CIBF,22', TO PRuPIM JAN 10STRACT SHO1 �tIG_TH3,, DESCRIPTION OF.MCH PARCEL OF L u' 1)_ FOR ITFD TO TT HE ST21T E FOR ,IJON- PAY%1�,iIT OF. TAI A D- TITE'' "TOTAL 1110M .. �SIi'_�l' .'TOTJTJ cL+= .��1�, i' ''J ASS,1,3 u JGrMJS`T, EACH P�SRCEL sue. IT Hi;D B=T, SUBJ.ECI TO. jLs Sa ;:�: JAI,D DMCTING SAID Vl.�,L',.GE_CLERIC-TO CMTI Y THM. SATM TO.TIE COUII ^1Y t.UDilO-c Piri�:>IT i 1`�` 10 1HE- P?,,OVISIOUS_ OF CH f,PIM. L. i'"5 OF i�i:ll'TJi;-.SOTIA BE iT I,;F,36L11 -OD by the Village Council of the Village of .Edina, Mixmesota: 121' 122 3/6"V54, , U' a I � rte at the t--L.-, o ` the deternineL ion of the Village Council of the Village of Edina of the total imotjnts of money to be assessed in the 1,roceedings of the improvetments I isted below, certain parcels of land had been forfeited to the state and i,.­ere t-hereffore not subject to assessment: 11T0-I1.7 Tz"Z311=0_-M, Pursuant to Chapter Laws of 11iruiasota the Village Council does hereby determine thatu each of the parcels of land hereinafter L described -uould have been assessed the amounts set', opposite each such described parcel, if zach -parcel had not bz�en tax forfeited lands and therefore not subject to assessment, and the Villa&e Council does hereby determine that each of said parcels has been benefited in an amount equal to and in excess of the amount set opposite each of said parcels: 1. That part of the .03. 5 ft. of 1,1-est 1/2 of North 11L,,. of SI.1/4 of ]ME111,, lying between the E. and 'I,'--st lines of Lot 9, Colonial L G ro ve ­ddiuion e:tende d North - Section 19, 'A,-p. 28., R. 24 NO 410'32413SIM7113 2. Com, encing at the MT corner of the S. 1,90 ft. of Lot thence E. to ITIC corner thereof, thence Uorth to a point 100 9t. S. from S. line of lot 1^1 thence Uest parallel -udth the S. line of Lot 13 and the sz-ne e;ctanded to the".4lest. line of Lot U�, the nce S. to beginning -,Auditorls, S-Lfbdi-vri3ion To. 172 NO A StS Ift� 7S 3. Lot 4., Auditor's Subdivision ITo. 319 1:0 4. Lot 39, Colonial Grove -ad addition 1110 113=11ZHITS The Village Cllr Ilz.is hereby directed to make an abstract sho,.,ing- the de- scription of each parcel of I&nd forfeited to the st:Ae o? non-pa-ymeiTtu of taz,-cs at the time of the determination by the Village Council of the --amounts to be assessed La t?.tese proceedings, &nd shoe nine, in accordance with this resolution, the total. amount that uould have been assessed against each such parcel of land if it had been subject to assessm, ant. The said Village Clerh, shall certify such abstract to the County auditor of Hennepin County for presentn:bion to the Board of County ComnAssi avers ,of Hennepin County. Not-ion for ado c.ti on of the 'IZ'esolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there i-.-ere four ayes and no nays, as f olloi..,s.- Bredeben,",-PJ4 "bhild, aye; Bank, aye; and-Eri&::son, zyv; and the Resolution was a! d iZ AY.'HZ5T: .-I I 1 4 1 L Mayor VJ6­11age Clerk l•iana,g:er Ia:tchell then brought Council's attention to fact that the Council has dedicated back to the ;-tale certain yeoparties imaerb ately adjacent to some of those lazi.-ids which the Council has now acted to re-acquire, if, possible, because of the proposed pa3:011c. He suggested that the Council malke application to the State for re-acquisition of these lots, also. Bank offered the follov-Inc Resolution and hiaved its adoption: MSOLUTIMIT FOR AC;_'TJISj2iJC7jT OF TAX LANDS FOR .PLM-L Purposm BE IT RESUOED by the MJ-na. Village Council,. that Village 111r,`Corney be authorized and directed to file "Application by Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance of T,--x--Forfeited Lands' - 1, for the folloving, properties: Lots 8.,9,10.,ll and 12., Block-1; Lots 1.,2,3,4.,5,,6 and 7-, Block 24; all in tlFairfaz, Hennepin County, Minnesota"- BE-IPT FbRTH =M rZ, z-OLITO) that the Mayor M-d Clerk be authorized and directed to si E-a said application on behal -7 of the Village of Edina. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by and d on Rollcal I �, P,�Pn aye; Child, aye; Bank, there -were four ayes and no_ nays, as foLlows: Br aye; _�;riclkzson, cya; and the Resolution vas a IYULI(�ql !d ILT S� kl, 11,qyor ;�a-lage Clerk 3/8/5- Manager flit chell reminded the Council that the rnp— ri,; '- l _ eu 1�0 " e - zs u.cgen L1y :.n need of Sanitary Sewer Service; that Ijotel. cannot open without it. He presentod detailed plans and specifications for this sewer, and Child offered the folloTring Resolution and moved its adoption: 1ESOLUiIO11 I -PPrMVildG PUINS IND SM C1�C.TiJUIS FOR PROPCOED SAidlT il; Y. S ai F 1� i T! T . itl0. 66 AuTD , j D]RECTMIG ADV.,: RTISL 3IN FOR BIDS [ B IT r EjOLVJD by the Village Council : of the -Village of :Edina: 1, 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Sanitary Sewer Improve;,lent Wo. 663"heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in.the Office of the Village Clerk a,.-re' hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published ti-rice in the Edina 1Iorningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the folloteing notice for bids for said improvement: , ADV"�,; 1IS=T FOR BIDS S ITITIl Y. =-. EE t.. - i11MICE IS Fir LBY GIVEN that :fthe Edina, Village Council will meet at the Edina Viilage.Hall, 1;501.1-1.50th Street, Ronday, Sarch 22, 1954., at 7:30 P.I.I., and will at said brae and place omen and consider sealed bids for con - stiu c'ti on of the following: 91t VCP Sanitary 4evrer, and Appurtenances, in the following Streets: Highway No. 169 -212 between Sununit Ave. and ?r-52nd St. Service Drive between 1i. 52nd , and W. 53rd Sts, 1-1-53rd St. between Service Dr. and Grandview Lane. Grandview Lane between ?J.52--ad and 7,1.53rd Sts, IT. 52nd St. _ betvreen Highway No. 169 _and 17illiara Ave. Hankerson rive. between W.52nd and W.51st St. ?Mork roust be done a s- described and specified in plans and speci- fications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. B ids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for vrork. No bids vri.11 be considered unless sealed and filed $ii-th undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. BY GILIDM, OF TF1 , VIMIGE COUNCIL. - - _ EVrUD C. Bk'i%M, Clerk Village of Edina 3. Each end all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for -said Laproveraent. Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bre there were four ayes and no nays, as follovrs: Bre Bann, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolu;c) I� t11T�T• ._ " illage Clerk en, and on Rol I call a y ; ChiM, aye; ; peed. ` Discussion wa,s had as to report of Citizens Committee on Revision -of Government, which advocates that the voters be presented with the question of changing present form to ='Optional Plan B ". Bann moved that this question be put to a vote at the September Prixtary L`lection. Liotion seconded by Child axed unanimously carried. Council ne :.t reviewed Park .Board's report and request for ballot on 0250,000/ ; 500,000 bond issue to finance acquisition of park properties, svriminr pool, etc. Bredesen moved that vote on proposed bond issue be scheduled for Septerber Primary Election. Iiotion lost for want of a second. Child's motion, that Council take no action on this matter at present time but.that it be reconsidered at the regular meeting of April 26, was seconded by Bank and - carried; Ilan.ager I.iitchell discussed problem of Sanitary Sewer in Xer :tes Avenue between I.1.75th .:nd 1-1.76th Streets vri-th A to-rney Windhorst, wn.o advised that Edina go ahead vrith arran.gaments for sewer and = negotiate vrith Richfield later. Manager Mitchell reviewed for Council the ratter of the petition filed by L.C. Stour for Storm Sevier in Brookvievi Heights 2nd ;fddition; stating that Council must decide on.act7on, nova, in order that i•Ir. Stow's plat can go on file; that State Hi„hway problems complicate Stow's efforts to install storm sewer himself. It eras_ consensus of opinion that developer be required to post bond for storm sewer before, plat is approved. ilana-ger Kitchell presented Deputy Clerk's report as to financial- condition of General. Fund, which calls attention tof act that Village Kall must be paid for before receipt of June Tara Settlement, leaving very little cash for ca:epitLl outlay items such as Village Hall fu-r=ni�tur e and -Lis tunes, unless Council wishes to delay p1; -nent until later in the year. Childt s motion:, that Council's action of February 22, to advertise for bids for Street:Svreeper, be -rescinded... arotion seconded by Bank mad carried. Bredesen moved that Village ilanager bo zx- - thori.sed to rapairs on old Sweeper at cost of app-ro:� mately �?' '500.00. 12otion secoaded by Bank mad carried. 124 3/8/54 I- imager 1 ehel I j re-001t, that four ex'tra manholes are necessary for the Southdale Sanitary Sewer, to prevent sewer in ourved straets from being laid beAeath curb lines, eras reviewed. CI d moved for installation of e:iztra manholes u ,,200 per Chit a' manhole. Doti on seconded by Bredesen and carried. llanLger "Titchall reported that his engineering crew has b-en depleted by illness and reserve duty. He asked euthorization to hire draftsman, instrument man, caid chairjwn until such time as porm-r nor rtu employees are able to return to work. * Ch-ildt s motion., that Manager Ilitchell be authorized to employ temporary enoLneering`help as required until return of permanent employees, i,.ms seconded by Bank and carried. Ranager 1.11tdhell recommended approval of %-)110 extra for moving two unit heaters at Neir Village Hall. BwLkls motion, that extra b4uproved., was seconded by 16redesen and carried. 1.1r. 1-litchell reported Public Utilities Supt. is requisition for 3/L; -ion Picl,-Up Truck --,^or rater Zapartmant. Bar 2kls motion, that Council adlaricise for bids in accordance i•;ith spaacificcc :tons to.be submitted by Public Utilities DeparbnLent; taking bids larch 22., was seconded by Child and carried. Supt. 'Toebler ea.-plained that Present ta-ucl: is app roidr—Ately seven years old; that trade-in value will be very little; that track- could be used by Ilechanic Paul Blalm'for his various errands. Opinion of Council was that old 'pick­,up tnrck should not be traded in. "Position Class -ilicat ions" ha-ting been reviewed at length, ede --d t Er s a n Ya ova a ha t Position Classifications as they now stand be submitted to Dqpaebme�at Headi c-nd posied for perusal by employees. - 116tion'second,ed b� Bank and carried. 11-nager 11711 chel I presented s m-ples of three different t, ,-.03s of steel chairs to be used in the auditorium of the New Village 11-11all., recommending that Council Purchase 100 of the type -vilaich can be fastened toLether in groups of four, at cost of % 4 "! 1 .50 per chair. Banlets motion, that Ilan&Gar 1.1itchell be authorized to purchase 100 steel cl-ia:irs from Unneapolis School Supply, as per sample subyal:'uted, uas seconded by Bredesen =-d carried. I Manager • &-hell presented petitions for Sanitary Sei..rer and -"Iater on St.johns Ave. beti,.Teen 00 th St. and 11,- View Road. lie recommended that No rings be held April 12 but, after revitaw of Hem-wings already scheduled for 1pril 12., Child moved that be tentctively scheduled for April 26. Notion se6j3 -ded by Bank and carried. Kanagar Kitchell re-viewed 11r. Gcortm, Willsont s appl I cation for position as Custodian of Iles Vil-IL)ge Hall. Child' ' s motion, that George TBIlson be e` T,,'.)loyed as Custodian at ),2_50.00 par month, beginning April 1, iras seconded by Bm&.c and carried. Bank, moved, authorizing Village sa ge lknager to employ "Ir. 'i.`111-son, as needed, beutiaan noll and _.prig 1. Lotion seconded by Child .and carried.. t 1-2r. Ba-rek advocated installation of vertical vanetial blinds in the !T-aw Village Hall, because of the sajing to be effected in cleaninr m.d maintenance. 1"Irs I-litchell stated that contract had already been awarded by Ganaral Contractor for the other t7.pe, blinds; that vertical blinds will mean an e.,,&ura cost. Me. Kitchel I ,to contact aalesman,, to ascertain difference in cost. Report by office, on funds av4ilalble for investmait, vrs reviewed by Council. Bank moved., authorizing purchase of the fonoi.,ing invastmeidGs: ,,x90.1000 U.S. Govt. Bills maturing June 10,, 1954. v ` �25,000 U.-. Govt. Certificates-2. -)er 15, 1954. 0 -5/8,��4, maturing Sept,:--,*L "35A00 U.G. Govt. Certificates-1-7/85, maturing Dece:aber 15, 1954. ,�36,OCO U.S. Govt. IvTotes-1-1/2%, maturing lZarch, 1955 said investmen1rs to -be made from Special _'assessment and Improvenmt Fund Sinki ng Funds, and from OparatJan,- accounts of Ifater-urorks., Sw.,;er Rental, Garbage and Poor Funds accordance with schedule presented. Motion seconded by Child and carried. Funds, in Bank the4 moved., authorizing office to make pra-call of Village Spacial Issessna;at and ih: rovement Fund bonds as recomia&aded in report of February 24. 1--rotio n seconded by Child and carried. I-Itter of m,-Zring loan from P.I.R. Fund to General Fand was discussed-, with office reporting that P.1.134 Fund ' could save interest by callinE bonds of its own issue vriA,h funds on h=-,d,, rather thaxi malting loan to General Fund. Attorney Tlindliorstts opinion, that 10M, from P.I.IR. Fund to Gmeral Fund is legal, was reviewed. Child moved., authorizing loan lof,,R5.,000 from P.E.R. Fund to General Fund, with General I-e '0 T ? * Fund ' any loss.of, interest. Kotion,seconded by Bank Fund to reimburse L 6-0-6 fob and carried. M 3/8/54 11 25 Couizcil reviewed insurance report, showing some nine Fire and - ,.x-be -nded Covera e policies expiring between present time and July 1, 1954, as :jell as the tiro - "Bu,ilders iisk't policies on the New Village Hall, expiring June 25. It was recomn&nded thLt Council take bids on all policies,. taking rids on.as many as possible on a 5- 1,,roq pre -paid basis. Bankts motion, that Council advertise for bids on all eleven policies,) securing binders on the four policies expiring before July 1, was seconded by Child and carried. Child moved for payment of Tillage Pa roll, amount 49,694.40 and Liquor Store Payroll, ar,2ount ..1,301.50, for period Tlarch 1 to March 15, 1954, as recorded in detail in Pay-roll Ledger,, and for payment of the f ollov ing Claims: CLIMI NO. TO: _ AIMU111T FUi•TD ' r-t n ri- • - 10564 - I;Iicland National Bank 10564 Midlen.d National Bank 10564 Midland Natimial Bank 10564 Midland National Bank 10564 11idland National Bank 10564 Midland National Bank 10564 iiidland National Bank 10502 First Natl. Bank 10564 Illidla.nd Natl. Bank 10564 TIidland Natl. Bank 10564 Kidland Natl. Bank 10564 Iiidland Natl. Bank 10503 Howard L. Scott 10504 A.12. Drukenbred, 10505 ,Irthur 0. I- "arkeson 10506 Arthur i =. Petersen 10564 I- adland. Natl. Bank 10564 3.'5865 10564 10528 10529 10 530 10 531 10 532 10 533 10 564 10501 10521 L2970 L?971 L?972 L2973 L2974 L2975 L2976 L2977 L2978 L2979 L2901 L2980 L29v3 L290T-, L2985 L29s, 6 40,915.20 10,221.04 v5.10 4.25 3.40 2,040.00 4,986.98 Midland Natl. Bank Suburban Henn. Cy. belief Bd. 276.43 Kid-land ITatl; Bank 061.10 195.0 FINsl "?16,955-M- 1950 SBCUND SM. El'. 029,047.69 1951 SECOND SM. ET. �.�22, 262.60 1952 FU03T SER. Ti:P. 997.40 1.953 L1 OjTI �S 4,111., 210.20 ` S id.S a kTO. 53 It-P. X15,999.40 SOUTHDI _ i` 1E. -1PY LV * 1`v! S a 9,143.84 Pm- Sm. Ftim h ;21,136.24 PIR SM. FUIM #2 "715,109.71 PIR SNG. FUND ,3 6,075.89 SPBCIiI, A.332 - i i-TS FIT DIS s"n 1, 001.86 G!2BAG , COMECTIONT 7,039.73• SM ER. P6 AL FUND ?7 6,056.51 POOR F MITD 5, 337.53 Young Fuel Co. 66.07 Victor .Blend Products 5.91 Bart Ca-rlone 250.00 Lyon Chemicals 35.25 Badger I•Ieter Kfg. Co. 479.78 U of 11 Center of Continuation Study 5.00 %'Tt1 :`,TGcMS FUND `III Bland Natl. Lank 19,947.93 :720,795.95 Toltz, Xing' & Day 325.37 C %TSTFUCTIOIv ILIUM Northeast tieproducti on Co. 11.00 ^ ?,� 3.7.2 5 Famous Brands, Inc. 30.96 Kid-West vine Co_rtpany; Inc. 176.05 'Bertelson Bros. 1.05 I3orthwestern Bell Telephone Co. 15.75 ' 'Automatic 10-arm Cor -poration 20.50 :cterica,n Linen Supply Company 11.00 National Cash Register Company 17.05' Carpenter _Paper Cor2pany_ 15.59 IIchesson & iobbins 2,791-40 Griggs, Cooper Cz' Company 7,395.17 ' ^Uid= lest urine Carpany, Inc. 41b•49 ud. Phillips &.Sons Company 5,531.59 _Lynh.aohnson Company 1,366.4 Distillers Distributing Coy- .apany 3,393.44- 3bij. Brothers Company 131.16 L.IC UOR, ITUi:]D Farmers Q'. Mechanics Bank 15.00 - . *,�215 662.77 C 126 3/8/54 CLM. 110.: TO: ZM -OVITT FUIM 10507 !Ipls. Cktt j Treasurer v!7050. Benton Lve. aid Tracy _.ve. 10508 H. Godfrey Kelson 15-00 10509 Raymond laagner 10.00 3. 10510 .c d. Ryan, Sheriff of Hzmm. Cy. 25.5o4 of Zer,-:es Ive. betwaeza '.79,55th Laid u. 56th 10511 Croon L Hanley 15-30 10512 F.H. Gaiger Sales Co. 15-00 5. 10513 Jack K-eredith 2.94 betuwacn, Uboddalle and Kellogg Aves. 10514 Fred Jonas 3'01 10515 H.D. Ga-lbert 4:20 7. 10516 Don Pederson 4.;13 Blaektopp-LiE of St.Joluis Ave. between I% 59th and 1-7.60th Sts. 10517. Rydeen-Nerauilt 112-41 10518 George i*,-. *11-11son 18.00 10. 10519 Hardware 1_-utunl s 2,622.63 Lane from South line of Southridge, IdCh. to a pt-. 675 Ft., 10520 Aetna Life ins. Co. 164x.50 10521 2.eproduction. Co. 5.76 10522 'Uent-inr'uh Foiv4n Co. 80.18 10523 Construction Bulletin 13.20 10524 Burroughs AIdding I•I*Lchine Co. 271-38 10525 , Ilunicipal Zwipaedc, CO. 57-00 10526 Clifford L. Tierney 125-00 10527 ' C. 0. Field Co. 14,946.39 10528 ' Younjs, fuel Co. 32-05 10529 Victor Blind Products 15-93 MILM-AL MID 10533 U of '11 Center for Continuation Study 7 26.00 C;18.,603.01 Clerk Bank spoke of the coi-nmittee being formed in the Southwest ILrea of the city, to provide for bus service. He roved that the Kayor be authorized to ask the Edina Civic and limprovenent Associatioft to ,'name a cor-amittee to meet -i-dth other committees conce-Tning.t1he bus situation, in this area. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 11,mager 11itehall presented preliminary plans rand Estimates of Cost on several con - struction projects, recomiend-ing that Council conduct Public Hearings t1laereon. on April 12. After some review, Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RMONTION PHOVIDEIG FO RZ PTIMIC OIT PjM:P032D E,2ZOZIZ:I_,T BE, M' RMOMM by the Council o e3illage.of,2dina: 1. The Village Engineer, ha-uring sub,:d:UUed to the Council a preliba*n*ary report as to the, foasibil I ty of the pro)psed im, rovanents described in the form of Nlotice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvauent, said report is hereby approved and dir'ected to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on I•Ionday., April 12., 1954, at 7:30 P.I•-T., in the Edina Horningside High School, at 7:30 P.M., - to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed impmvaients. 3. -The -Clerk, is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and. purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a waak for tuo successive i%rezhs, I the second of which publications is to be not 'less than three daYs from dace of said neetinS., which notice shall be in substantially the following foie: MU03,07 i:ii:1-14 E ;GS 0_111 E-M-IMULIMS 111TOTICZ is I:-;IIIZBY GINMAIT timat the Edina Village Council will m;et at the Com-Unity Room, of the Zdina�IbrninSside High SchOO13 5701 Yoxm andale Road., on April 12, 1954, at 7 :30 to consider the folloidnC proposed improvements,, to be con- structed under the authority granted by K-Umcsotc. La-vis of 1953, Chapter 398. The ap.prol-iriate cost of such improvements is estimated_ by the Village Mlghlaeer as set forth balow: ;1 LJ .b;j*j:.LIIIkI:I:"U UUI)T 1. Grad-ing'anal Gravellin.- of Be&on Ave. between No. 5516 Benton Lve. aid Tracy _.ve. ;16,,213.50 2. Grading and GravellinZ_ of Philbrook Lano between Eooddale 511. U I .Lve. and 'IT. rz,_'_h St. �'% 8 V ,359-20 3. Construction of Standard Village Curb cnd Gutter in U.Side of Zer,-:es Ive. betwaeza '.79,55th Laid u. 56th 1.,687.20 4. Construction of Standard Village Curb and Cutter in 1,16oddale, Ilve. bauueen 17.60th and T-- 61St Sts. %� 3,499-20 5. Construction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter in U.60th L betuwacn, Uboddalle and Kellogg Aves. C3 1,517-70 6. -St. Construction of Stand xd Village Curb and Gitter* in Richmond Drive_ bet-uaen Richmond Lane and Code sIva. 2.,8,45-80 7. BlacIopping of 1�9_, 58th St. between. Oaklaun and Zrookvriew Lves. 1,494-45 8. Blaektopp-LiE of St.Joluis Ave. between I% 59th and 1-7.60th Sts. 1,025.20 9. Const-ruxtio� Of Se-upr and Dppurtenexices in Vcdrfw,: 'less,, Avenue, from I.T,-'�th St, to a yu. 195 Ft., more or South Q 1 554: -.93 10. Construction of Sanktuary Sewer and lqopuitenances in 11-A_ifa:.c Lane from South line of Southridge, IdCh. to a pt-. 675 Ft., more or less, South t-'Aer�3of; and in Basement through Lots 3 and 4 of Preliminary Plat called "Sylvan Crea::U, frQLi Halifw.c Lane to *R-fLst:Lri& 24" Trunk Sewer :41 onE,; 12.1-aiehaha- Creek� 1 0 34-48 7,13 ;1 LJ C C� G The area proposed to be assessed for cost of proposed improvement numbered 9,_ above, includes all lots and tracts of 1a id abutting that portion of the street to be iriproved. , The area proposed to be assessed for cost of 1proposed improveman'e nurtbared 10, above, includes all property .abutting Halify. Lane from mouth line of Southridge Jiddn. to Nos �h line of Colonial Grove 3rd Addn, The area proposed to be assessed for cost of proposed improvement numbered 11, above, includes all property abutting Hal i.f ax za,ne front U. L". tI U. to it. line of Colonial Grove 3rd Addn. The area proposed to be assessed for cost of proposed improvement numbered 12, above, includes all lots and tracts of land abutting Halifay- Ave. from H.line of n`li:e Owksi' Subdiv lion to France y.ve.; all lots and tracts of _ land abut�ing France &ve., from ,T.60th St. to ;T.62nd St.; and all lots and tracts of lend abutting the North Side of W.62nd St. between France .ive. and Park Place; and all lots and tracts of land abutting South side IT.62nd St. from France Ave. to - Oahlwtrn ve., eycept Lot 1, Petersont s 2nd Addn.. _ The area ,proposed to be assessed for cost of proposed improvement numbered 13, above, includes all lots and tracts of lend in Kelody Fmolls 3-rd _�;_ddn. 127, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of proposed improvement numbered 1-4, above, includes all lots and tracts of land in Brookview Heights 2nd :..ddition, e. Mept Lots 16 through, 25, Block 3, and Lots 1, through C, Block 4; and that unplatted property lying in Sec. 4, 11%v-p._,116 Iv, R. 21, lying 1001 on IT.70th St. end 100 Ft. on Danens Drive So., and, otrned by John J. Duggan. FVl-iLD C. BIUM, Village Clerk Village of Edina Kotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Child., and on '17L 11 there were four ayes sand no nays, as follows: Bank, ayes bp,_ es en, aye; Child, aye; and. yri.clI' con, &'ye., and the Resolution t•1as. adopt . Mayor Village Clerk I2anager I- atchell then presented detailed plans and specifications on several projects; recomending that, in some cases, Council arrange to t;^ke bids the hi ht of the Public Hearing on the proposed iliaproveuent, to expedite construc- tion.. .after review of plans, .Child offered the following Resoluti on and moved its a,ddption: R ,a0LUT1.0I1 APPOVING PLANS ri'JD SPECiFICA92IOI'ITS FOR P 2POSED Si2I0MMITS AND D=CTIUG AD- VEFTISMI I FOR. BIDS. BE IT F 33OLVED by the Village Council. of . the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Iq rovements set forth in the following advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village ngineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published tirzice in the ,ding I orningsi.de Courier mid the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvalonts: 3/8/54 11. Construction of Village I'Taterma.Lin E ;�tension and Appurtenances in Halifa <: Lane between U.54th St. and I'Toodland Circle V 757C2.48 12. Construction of Village ;Tate-rua,in Extension and appurtenances in IT.62nd St. between Oakl.ativrn and- France Ave.; in France Ave. betvreen U.62nd St. and :•1.60th St.; and in Halifa« Ave. bett.-reen :•T.60th St.. and France Ave. .`.233,712.20 13. Construction of Village IJatermain Eztuaanoion and Apurtenwnces in Bernard Place betwoen W.56th St. and Grove St.; in Code kve. between Grove St.- and 11.57th St.; ,4nd in Grove Ste P between Code Ilve. and Bernard Place 314, 561.6i� 14. Construction of ,Village I�ratermain u-easion and Appurtenances in 1 .70th St. from Service Rd. along 4.Side of State I-%-rye100 to ;';.line of Brookview Hts. Zid AddnI in Service Rd. along 3-T.Side of State Hwy. 100, from.Du;; an Plaza to :1-70th St.,. in Danens Dr. So., from Dugan Plaza to I•T.Li ne , of Subdivision; _card in _Ileadozrr Ridge So.. from Duggan Plaza to :'T.LLne of Subdivision. ':60,103.08 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of each of proposed #provements numbered 1 through S, above, includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets to be .cproved. , The area proposed to be assessed for cost of proposed improvement numbered 9,_ above, includes all lots and tracts of 1a id abutting that portion of the street to be iriproved. , The area proposed to be assessed for cost of 1proposed improveman'e nurtbared 10, above, includes all property .abutting Halify. Lane from mouth line of Southridge Jiddn. to Nos �h line of Colonial Grove 3rd Addn, The area proposed to be assessed for cost of proposed improvement numbered 11, above, includes all property abutting Hal i.f ax za,ne front U. L". tI U. to it. line of Colonial Grove 3rd Addn. The area proposed to be assessed for cost of proposed improvement numbered 12, above, includes all lots and tracts of land abutting Halifay- Ave. from H.line of n`li:e Owksi' Subdiv lion to France y.ve.; all lots and tracts of _ land abut�ing France &ve., from ,T.60th St. to ;T.62nd St.; and all lots and tracts of lend abutting the North Side of W.62nd St. between France .ive. and Park Place; and all lots and tracts of land abutting South side IT.62nd St. from France Ave. to - Oahlwtrn ve., eycept Lot 1, Petersont s 2nd Addn.. _ The area ,proposed to be assessed for cost of proposed improvement numbered 13, above, includes all lots and tracts of lend in Kelody Fmolls 3-rd _�;_ddn. 127, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of proposed improvement numbered 1-4, above, includes all lots and tracts of land in Brookview Heights 2nd :..ddition, e. Mept Lots 16 through, 25, Block 3, and Lots 1, through C, Block 4; and that unplatted property lying in Sec. 4, 11%v-p._,116 Iv, R. 21, lying 1001 on IT.70th St. end 100 Ft. on Danens Drive So., and, otrned by John J. Duggan. FVl-iLD C. BIUM, Village Clerk Village of Edina Kotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Child., and on '17L 11 there were four ayes sand no nays, as follows: Bank, ayes bp,_ es en, aye; Child, aye; and. yri.clI' con, &'ye., and the Resolution t•1as. adopt . Mayor Village Clerk I2anager I- atchell then presented detailed plans and specifications on several projects; recomending that, in some cases, Council arrange to t;^ke bids the hi ht of the Public Hearing on the proposed iliaproveuent, to expedite construc- tion.. .after review of plans, .Child offered the following Resoluti on and moved its a,ddption: R ,a0LUT1.0I1 APPOVING PLANS ri'JD SPECiFICA92IOI'ITS FOR P 2POSED Si2I0MMITS AND D=CTIUG AD- VEFTISMI I FOR. BIDS. BE IT F 33OLVED by the Village Council. of . the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Iq rovements set forth in the following advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village ngineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published tirzice in the ,ding I orningsi.de Courier mid the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvalonts: 128 3/8/54 AIDV_3RTISXMrT FOa 13-LDS SMIMATII 327,`M, IUWID IS, NOTICE IS MIMEBY GIVMT tha:6 the Edina Village Council gill >meet at 'he CommanityRoom of the Edina-' 1."orningside high School., 5701 Nomandale Road., 11inne- apolis 1-0, IZnn. at 7:3 P I., K'ondayi- Iipril 12 1951 ,. and i.rLl-1 at said twime and '0 place open and consider sealed bids for.the follo-v.-Ing improvements: 1. Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in Fairfaic Avenue between W-58`th and 17.58��, -Stra-A (195 14"u., more or less, SI.- of U-58th St.) - 2. Construction ' of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in I-1alifax. Lane from South line of Southridge Iddh. to approxi:-ately 675 Ft. S. thereof. 3. Construction of Sanitax-j Sewer and Iippurtenances in Bernard -Place between U-56th St. ound Grove St. (S.S. 1110.61). 4. Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in Zer.-tes Ava. between 3l-75th and •-76th -3ts. (S.S. Ro. 62) 1� 5. Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtanms-ces in the f ollol-ning Sts. U.'Ryodland Rd. belareen Concord and IrTooddale, Wives. Concord ve. beaiaen Concord Terrace and I.Tood1cnd Rd. Fairfax: ,Lve.' beti,.,acn -U."'Tooril md Ed. aid P�- 360 Ft-.,, more or less, thereof (S. S. xq. .63) Ir 6. Construction of_San:I:'uu-1-y Sewer and Ixpurtenances in the follouring Sts.: _N.60th St. between Concord and Parnel—I kvres. Paxnell lose. between 141.60th St., and pt.-270 Ft., more or less, S. thereof (s.s. xo. 6k,) 7. Construction of Village Uaterm=-In and .appurtenances in the following Sts.: U.-IToodland Ed. between 1•:ooddale and Concord Aws. FsIrfax Ave. batuoen IT.-.,looMmad 13A.'and 11-58-Uh St. (TU 1, 1* 1 j'r'6 7 8. Construction of Village I.Taterot ail nand Appurtenances in Ha-ifw-:_1.7me between IT .1.5k,th St. and IToodland Circle. 9. Construction of VL-11112re Watermain and JI.ppurtenances in follouring Sts.: 'Bernard P_I:�ce betwe--a-I 'J.5'61'uh 3t. and Grove St. Grove St. between Bernard Place and Code Ave. Code Ave. between Grove St. and IT. 57th St. Bidder may bid on any or all projects. 'Jork must be done as described and specified -in plans and specifications for said m*provement on file in the office ce of the Village Clerk and available upon receipt of deposit of '?5-00 per plan. Bids must be submitted oil bwsis of cash payment, for work. No bids grill loa considerdd unless sealed and filed i-.,ith wrider- si ed before time of said meeting end accompanied by cash dbposit., bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Cleric in -amount of ten percent of bid. Bidders please vote: If bids are to be mailed, they should be mailed to Eldina- Village Fall, 1:801 U. 50th St.., 11inneapolis 10., I-am. The Council 'reserves -the riSIT to reject any or all bids. EV;LD 0. -BlIMIZi, U-1-lage Clerk Village of Edina 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertiseme7cat for bids are hereby adopted as the ter;-,1z and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. for adoption of Flesolwtuion�i-ras seconded by Bredesen_,,,!Md on Raollcall there mere four P-7-es and no nays., as follows: Bredesen -ye- 3anic, eye; and LI Eri cson3 area and the Resolution was adopted.- Kayor it e Clerk. It being evident that all busixiess before the Council could not be finished this evening, 3redesen moved for,a,djoux-ment to 11onday, 1.1-arch 15., 1954, at 8: 30 P.Ikcrj in accordance with pra-viour, notion. Notion seconded ank and carried. I-Iseting adjourned at 11:25 P-11. Villa ge Clork