HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540412_ADJOURNEDSAN.SB& NO. 63
WoW~od&wd .Bdo ; +
. -.. -9 .. -. - .-- Members answering BOil.c&l were Child, -Danas, Bank and'Erickson.
St 0 I
r . . i
.- 'kTm IkPoN0.71
Bemam$,€'la.ce; - .
Grove St.;
Code Ave. 1 TCrPAL BIDS
* _, _- - .
Bank's moiion that, bontracts for the above Sktary Sewkr and Wat&n Projects be
.awarded to Lametti & Sons, Inc,, subject to_confimtion of bid prices br Engineering
Department,, Notion seconded by Child and carried.
Child m,vsd for approval of Final Plat as per recogmendations by Village Engineer-
that all engipeering reqpirements be met before plat is signed. Motion seconded by
Bank and carried.
The matter of request by Shell OiL Company for the rezoning to Cdty Store of
that portion of the Adams-prope@y at 50th and Halifax on which-service station is
now located came before the Council, with Attorney Windhorst's opinion. Bankts
motion that Public, Hearing be scheduled fog May lO,.yas secwded by Child. and,
carried. -I
Utilities Supt. FToeh&er reported tha: petitioner for pedt $0 build house long way
of lot on &at 15& B1, 1, Seeleylp 1st Ad&, has decid6d to fqce house "on Xerxes 6
Application by ,a. Grises; ,for .pen& 'to hag .rubbish, wgs discussed. Child' s
motion, that pe.&t be granted untfi such time as Ordinances and G&sI&ion,
Codttee drafts regulatory ordinance, and with pzyvision that truck shall be
covered at all'times, was seconded by Dancms and carried.
Carl Hansen was present for ippmval. of Final Plat of Parkwood Knolls 4th Addition,
Avenue; that no further agbion by Council is necessEkYo -_
Hinates of Keetings of Eark Board; held kch 4 "and April 1, J95.4, were redewed
and ordered placed on file. .
ltr. Floyd L. Eggins* petition for abakment of Sanital'y Sewer $33 Special Assess-
ment-on 30,feet of his property dedicated for street purposes subsequent to-few-
ing of assessment, was reviewedr Cbildts motion, that this matter be set ahead *
for report at next regular meeting, was,seconded by Danens and carried.
Fire Chief Etzel presented his reasons for reqqestsng a revision in rates for manbers of Mina Volunteer Fire'Department; requesting that Council adopt the following as
pearly ~~iiaz+ ~200.00. .". $= *.)..I .,.
Rates pw kfour for all filces , $3.00 $2075 $2:50 "
Rates per &ill or meeting" ,2000 * * ,1075 = '1.00
Rate per hour for stand-by
for Xatt Eerfeld 1.00 1.00 1.00
her SOW discussion, Bark moved for qpmval of the above pay skhedule for the
Volunteer Fire Department, retroactive to December 1, 1953. Eotion seconded by
Banens and-carried, with understanding that yearly salary for. Chief and Asst,
Chief include all normdL inspections. a
Request by Board of Henn6pk County Commissioners far Council appointment of Edina
representati+e on Cod*tee to study.,ways and means of-forming county park on
We Minne%onkap was dTiscu'ssed, * lbyor Erickson, * with-consent of Council, appointed ,
I&, Wph Sohas'on to thxs cdtt:ee
Peticion fir Stop Signs on FT,58th St, at Beard Avenue was reviewed and referred to
.D c
Fire Chief Fire Chief * Fireman
* I "-
#. -e
* BUic Safeky-Go*tte& forrepor%_. ' * --
Police Reports-for February and 3W&, 195hr were discussed z an$ ordered placed on . -
c * -I
gh2.0 -
Public Health Wursing report for February, 1954, was reviewed and ordered placed
on file,
Discussion was had on YMinance No, 33-1" drafted byvillage Attorney in accordance
kith' Counc5.X'~ 'instruc@on for increase 5a iinpouhding Fees. Cwd offered the * ~ follor?ing Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second.reading &ereof and
adopt Ordjqance as read:
-, * 0 * -*
. -
P * ORDINANCE NO. 33-1 AN Ol3D~~E.&W~G ORD~~ NO, 33 OF
*. . ' Sec$j.on-l..:- Pec$ton of-OgdwgieF .Noi 33.of,the,VQ&age, _entit.led nAn Ordinance
I;i&shg and Regglating Dogs, _Providing -for Impounding Dogs, and Prescribing a
Section-8, Eeda~tion. Any dog may be redeemed from the po&d by the owner kith& the time or period.stated in section 7 by paying to the clerk the license
fee for the current year, an impounding fee of $5000, and a fee of $1.00 fop each
tlay the dog is 'confined 5s the pound as the cost; of feeding. If the dog impounded
has a license tag for the current year, at the time it is taken.up, the license fee
mentioned in the preceding sentence shall not be paid by the o~.111er.*~
publication according to law. e *
Fwg=&T?*oz ED&, m?Jww4, .I .
t - @;-PR~V@@~G:POR ~OQDINGJBGS, .@ 1 f
Penalty for0 Violation,*l is hereky amended to- read as fo"llows: .*
Section 2, This ordinance shall be in effect from and- after it;s passage and
Eotion for waiver of second reading and for
Dmirins, and on Bolldl there were four ayes and
Danens, aye; Be, aye and Erickson, aye; and
Child, aye;
,., . . i Hayor . . ...-
Vilhge,.Clerk. . . . 1 . ...
1) t
The fo&l&ing Applications for Sign License Pennits were presented, having been
approved by Asst. to I@?., Olsor): - E
on 11.- Side of *Frapce Ave: betweea-W0-60f;h & W062nd
+e ttThe Oaks Addnost
0,Pf. Spande for Sign .2 3q. ST'T+of Olinger goad on Highway 169 - tYiiunset Hotelt1.
Dale Sign Coo for 61x6s on V.-Side-Highway-No. 100. at 75th St.- !!-set lTotelFf,
€by Hz Peterson
Dale-8j.b Coo for 8td6' on R6nshr Property, Highway No. 169 - 2Hoigaard 4-g C0.n
Haegeze My. bo, forl81&t S&. on T,F.&XcCauley Hwg. No, 169 -
2St.Paul Housetr
Eotiorr fqyappryal of sign,permits wasmadg by Child, seconded by,@&! and cambd;
The following improvement petitions were presented; and Bank's motion that petitions
be accepted, w5th Hearings to be determined later, was seconded by Child and carried:
1. Grading & Gravelling of Brookview Ave. , W, 58th to W, 59th St.
2. Blacktopping of Ashcroft Ave. , 21. mh to:J4.59th St... 3. Blacktopping of Windsor Aye., Richmond --e to .Code Ave., and of Kent Place, /
4. B1acki;opping of St;Jo@x be., W.58th to '1.7.59th-St. 5. Oiling - All roads in Ldsmna Vista.
60 Constmct$on of Sanitmy Sewer .in Brookview Ave.; W.62nd to W.64th St. 7. Construction of, Sanitae- Sewer in Benton Avez beliween Hapon ,ad. and
Tracy &e. ; in Glengarry Parkwep between Northwood and. Ayrshire Blvd. ; I:
and in- Chantrey Rd. between Northwood and Apshire .BlVd,
8, Construction'of Sanitary Sewer in Countryside Addno. 9. Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Pasnell Ave._between W.61st and W.62nd
Sts.; 2n fiT.62nd St, be%we$n Parnelz and Sherwood Aves.; -in Ryan Ave.
-between s.~;62nd aqd W.61st Sts.
LI. Construction of Village gatemain $xtension in Chantrey Rd., Hw. #169 to
12. Construction of Sanitarykewer in above street.. 13. Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Nomandale Developat Gorp's area,
u. Construction of Village Witexmain Extension & Brookxiw ive., Ih62nd to
15. &rb and Gutter
16, Grading, Gravellhg-and Dr@.nage_- Allex betwegn W.56th and W.57th Sts.
17. Surfacing of--Dead-End Street-in Richond Hills Ad-&-2nd. (at-own e$ense>, 18. Oiling Sherwood Road between Hwg, 169 and. Richwod Drive, ,.
19. Construction of Village Watermain Extension in Brookview Heights pd Addno
20, Construction of Sanitary--Sewer for-unplatted pmperty on %7@h St., under
option to E.C. S$OW.
21. Curb and Gutter-in Windsor Atre., Richmond Lane to Code Ave., and-in .Kent
Place., W'dsor Aye-.- to Kqnt Ave.-.
22. Edenmoor-Street, -Richwood Driye to SherwoG Road-Grading, Gravel-g. & Oiling.
23. Construction of V&llage Watermain B&ension
Rd. & %th St., No to jection of Sherwood Rd. +nd State--hw. #169; tho
Eortherly Gong State Hwy, 169 to Nterseqtion of Hyy 169.pd 52nd St. and
Hankerson Ave.
Concord he, to St.Johns Ave.
i i Windsor Ave. to'Hent Ave, --
<Om Construction of Viuage Watermain &&ension in,above named streets.
I . ApshZre Bl~do -.
7601 Nomandale Rd.
Vo64th Sto .I.
qd between Xerxes ad York Aves.
Chow& Ave., W.59th St, to 1?.60th St.
Shemod Rd. from Sherwood .
24, Grading and Gravhling. Concord he., W.62nd to W.64th St. and W.&th St.,
25. Grading +rid Grav@lipg Toyer Street, %ooddale to St.Johs. -
and Sborov, for the rezoning to CoGty Store
*- " . Petition, signed by Doctors District of W.80 Ft, .of Lot 20, Auditorts Subdivision No. 172, was filed and discussed.
No further action-taken,-other than directions to office to ascertain present
intentions of petitioners.
Request for permit to operate a bus display of garage materiali, filed by Kaplan,
Edelman & Kaplan, was rqjected by common consent of council, as violating !rSolidting
Report was made on operations of Brown Derby Cafe. BankCs motion, that Captain of r
Police be instructed to check Brown Derby for*ordice,violations, and that Brown
Derby be given until June 1 to. complJr y5th license regulations, was seconded by
Danens and carried. .
Child's motion, approving the followjag ljcenses, for the year April 1, 1954 to
AprilJ, 1955, was seconded by Bank and carried: .
- BOY hhx3on & &0,2k16 Aveo N* Edward Lo Peters,3036+31st Ave. So.
OrdinanCS'I. e.
-* *.
Virgil Lo Beck,4.426 Shady Oak Rd;,.
Kenneth, H.. ,Gilbert, 5940 Columbus Ave.
Bo Hovde.Plbg. & Htg.,1721, W, Lake-SC.
Elidwest Plbg. 8~ Hego co0,1922 't.r,7&h St.
Efbneapolis Plbg. Co.,Ua NiCoUet Aye.
Bernard P. Mooney, -2816 SoHarriet
Tom Mot&o Plbg. & Htg,
Ijichfield Plbg. Coo, 764.2 Lyndale So.
RaJ-ph Rose- Plbg. & Htsr,&Oll &pWg
So. Side Plbg. Co,,. l.400 Si Wash.
Std, .Plbg, & Appl. C0.,8015 Mtka Blxd.
Stateyide Plbg & Htg.C0.,2200 FTo66th St.
Superior Plbg.& Htgo,2520 Ned.Zake Dr. %men F.@wenson,6625 Norgan Aye. So.
Samuel B, EUott ( Ellio$t's 3tandard Service, 169 Eden lave. - Cigarette License ' .
S,S, Adair, Jr., (Edina Texaco-Stn), 540 France Ave~
- .
Carl bo 'Olson & CQqmY, 906-4%h he0N.E. wd & QetZ Plbg.,5820 Logan Ave, SO, a the above-being Plumbing Licenses; and the foUoWipg - Cigarette License
-. Off-sale Beer - 0n-SqI.e Beer - PinQal.1 Machin6 - Bowling Alleys (16)
John Dorek (Edina-Recreabion .Centex) , %30 ,France Ave. - Food -
* T - - - tjigarette -
Discussion was
Sanitary Sewer i Resolution and
had as' to $Late Highway Deparbment rec&rements for permit to construct
along state hi&r~ right-of-way; and Bank offered the foUoking
moved its idoption: *-
RESOWON FOR CE OF STATE HIGHRAY NO0 100. VILLAGE.SANlTARy SBBR. IbIFTiUmo .66 that the Vwge CouncL pf <thq ViQagg202.Ediga, Hennepin County, Qnneso$q,..does hereby comply w&th hesota State H5ghway Department requirements
for construction peat; and that, -in connection dth pedt for 9-inch smitary
sewer from appro-%e StatLonp679-80 to Station 687-60 (from approximtely summit .
Avenue to approldmately-l?.51st St.) does hereby assume all responsibility for
backfilling,+finishing and mai.@aining of trench on trunk highww right-of-way in
a mariner satisfactory to CIH. NAtthies, District Nahtenance Engineer, for period of
not to exceed 60 days after. completion of constru,ction of said 9-hch sanitary sewer.
there were
.... *.* .. ' Nqyor . .. I V5,Zkge .Clerk, * . . . I , . . .... .
DisCUsSik Was had as -to repah 02 sidewdLk in Brookside Avenue. I&-, Olson reported that the Sdtw Sewer contractor had been blamed for breaking up- a ~rt of this
e, and-&, Daneqs suggested that he be rewired to replace it. It was then bmught tO-.Gauncilts attention %hat plans were in the offing for the changng of
the street @ght-of=my; that this is the reason why work was not done last gem.
14-ger Hitchell was hstmcted to contact sidewalk contractor of last year, to see-
whether he will still do this work d the old price, by motion Cud, seconded lys >
Bank and carried,
Petition was filed for permit to construct dwellings the long way of .the lot on
Lot I, Block 2, and Lnt -7, Block I., Paul l?hd Chrishpher AdditLon. Bank's motion -
%hat pe$ition be accepted and Hearings be-pet for iHonday,
htter of need for ad&tional chairs -for the auditorium in the New V5Uage Ha33 was
discussed at some lengbh. Bank's motion, that Village Engineer be gathorized to
purchase 100 chairs, at prices received previously, was-seconded by Ohifd and
carried. -.- b I*
Arrangements for Open House for New Village €I&l were reviewed. Date tentatively
set was Friday, Ihy 21, 7:OO to 1O:OO P.1.I. It w& suggested that.Asst. to Pfgr.,
ROE.' Olson be a -ydttee.of one on arrwements; that &so Arthur-Peterson be
Discussion was had on petition filed last evening for Sanitary Sewer in the West
Etinneapolis Heights area. Child* s motion, that Hanager Etchel& be directed. -to
consul% with. proper authorities in Hopkins, as tp possibijity of securing sewer
connectioa for this territom, was seconded by Bank and carried. &. ROE. Olson reported on the old matter of underground storage of gasoline.
Bank!%s-mo$ion, that Ordinances dDmmittee be instructed to draft an ordinance prohibiting storage of gasoline-in platted areas over a minimum specified amount
(25 gallons), was seconded by Danens and wried.
Haepb County Highway Departmentts offer to ?hmLsh aggregate and construct
bituminous surface of I$? thickness and 24 ft. wideth on that portion 03 State
&d Road 60. & re-graded in l9%, providing Village will ibrnish bitumen -m-3,* +
'y~as $s.cussed at some length. 33ecawe of danger of estab-hbga precdat fon
Vwe participation 5.n construction of County Road,. it was suggested that a meeting be held *$,h Gount;y Kighway offiuals before firm decision is made.
a. &Bo Olson, As&.-t~ &%imager, rep&ed on matter of spra*g for *tcottolly qXe sCap Wfiicb Qs ibfesting trees in the area. He presated 4luotations on
mrk, suggqsting thakaprayhg equLpmt be purchased and that work be done .by
Vaage ere-, for the reasons that this equipnent can be used -for mosqUit0 sprag as well, .and contract costs for work and equipment are very hi& Banlr's
motion, that Village Zjlanager be authorized to purchase spramg equipment- as .. outlixled by Olson, was .seconded by Danens and carried.
ChiZdls mtion, for qpmvd. of V&age-Pvoll, mount $9,w5.54 and Xquor Store payrou, mount $1,336.29, for pe.riod ApriL l$ %O 15, hclusive, and for Payment of the fonokring,Claims, was seconded by IhienS and carried:: &*IOUN!i!
10, was. seconded by
I Child &d carried, .. *
* -
r .. cuntagted as to the serving of .coffee and doughhts. . L ..
- -
c 9 t ** -n *
1953 mwms CLBlElNOo -. - . .. * .
C&tx Auditor . $19.95. * - --* .^.
10585 Cbunty bditor
10585 Cotkty Auditor
10585 County &iditor
-;,.. . .. . .
10585 County Auditor*
10565 County Auditol;
County hditor
Richard-Bo De&y
1 -.
aountg huditor
dounty Auator*
10585 10623
Petty Cash
Northern States Power Coo
Zephyr Wes, In2. .-.
Gerald B. Fitzgersild
%no Bo Stramme'
Howard $errimaii
Howard verriman
county Auditor
Whur KO Petersen
Northe& Siates Power Coo
hburb& Henno'Cyo Relief Bd.
County Aucji.tor* __ -
, 10587 10591 10628 10629
l063Q 10631 10632
10585 10635
30 60 29042.40
3 040 lo00
, . , . . . . .
.- 10591
10 587 10588
10591 10593 10594 10620 10621
10622 10636
10367 10638
- -. Japs Olson GO.
Petty-Cash ~ '
Edina-~ornings~de Courier .
Construction B;lletin
Review Publicahons
Northe- State; Power Coo
Tom & Count~y~Hcjwe.
ILS. Dqley Cot.
Yogng .Fuel Cqo ~
Cyclone Fence go.
WaIacs-Tiernaq, &c. wry Wilson
Noel Johnson -
Robert SchaaJ.
%b NcCrea
Petty baah
Review .Publica%ions
NoeDherg States Power Coo'
Tom & Coqtry Hdwe.
Fred Lo -Gray, Ins.
, €Ienno-~y. Bioler Inspector
Wutual. _General Agency
Hdwe. Mutual Casualty Coo
Petty Cash
@dina-Morningside Courier
Constrgction Bulletin
k$i.nneapolis Postmaster Toltz, 'King gC Day
Hubert s. Tree Service
Japs Olson Coo
Petty,-Cash -
l@ina-l$oomingside Courier
qeview .Publications
Northeq Sates Power COO
Tam & Coqntry H@mo
General _Fireproofing COO
C.0, Field Coo .. &.go .Williams Co.
Black-,Top Serv&ce COO
Eana Pure .OTl COO_
Americ-gn Naph Pumps, InC.
Edward Ben Sheqan
.I .
. (Continued Next Page)
.. .
10587 10590 10592
10593 lQ624
10626 10625
10587 10588
10589 10633 10634 10643
10 588
10590 10592
10593 10595 10596
c 10597 10588 10599 10600 10601
10602 .
10606 a
10611 -
- TO:
E&- Johnstone
L.V. Hiller
Ernest Hansen
Ernest Hansen
Chis 3itziel
Geo. A. Willson
Minnehaha Grange #398
Geo. E. Thompson -
Don E. Pederson
Adler Steel prorlucts
ljkrchagt Calculators
10632 Ci%y Tie-rer, City of Xpls. 10613 * . 11 11 n n
fh. J. EcKeand I.. .\ a$
* Ed. Bym,,Sh&.ff of Ha. Cy.
James A. HgrriU
Raymond Wagner *
grown Rubber Stamp Coo
Geo. Az Willson-
Lehn EZectr5.c Cb.
Lehn Electric CO.
* Lehn Electric (3.
Ebin Brothers C6mpany
* Fpnous Brands,;3hc0
&Kesson & Bobbins
Morthern Ststes" Power Company
gortkwestgrn Bel!, Tel._Coo
Ed. Phillips & Sons Go.
* Ifidwest Wine Coqany-
Construc&ion wetin
Griggs, Cooper & Company
Carpenter Paper * c&pany
DisiAllers-Dis+&ibuting Company
Bin Brothers Cdmpany ~
Famous Brands, Inc.
Griggs,. Cooper & Compary~
Lynn Johnson Collapq~y
EcKesson & Robbins 3W. Form @-in€ing Service
Old Pearia CompaQ, Wc.
kd.PfiilLips *& Sdns coo
van._i;aper supp~ company
VXU-ge of*Zdina ~
Victor Adding NAchine Coo
C.0, Field-Cmw
Young-Fuel coo *
* The Yowg Fuel. Company-
;one discussio~ wk the; haa as to employment, and BAk offered the following
Resolution and moved its adoption: -. RESOLUTION APPOINTING !f!B&oRpJrY OOMMflfTEE
BE J!P EESOLVED by the Village,CouncQ ._of the-.-Vgage of,E-@naa$iqnesota, as follows:
. . ..&.-It.-& hereby found; determined, and declared that the questions
0% civil service Caverbge for employeW of the police department
in this Village vitally affects the interests of the Village and
its inhabitants ana its employees; that the wage and salary
structure of all. dkpartments of the village governmerib presents:
similar important questions; and that the determination of such
questions requises'thomugh study by cpalified persons and
-ation of co@lex factua3. situations.
2. For the better st&y 02 snch questions and for the ptzrposes of - reporting thdr recommendations thereon, this Council hereby
appoints the folloking persons to serve as a 'Eemporary Committee
to undertake the s"o1ution of such questions, and to report their
findings and recorhendations to this CounciL at the earliest
opportunity: -. *
P ..
U .. Q* ... /
Nbtion for adoption of Resolutson was seconded by Danensf and on RoUcaU there were and Erickson,
' lfayor: . ... .I
of cost
.A. 4 31 ' c
Mitchell presentpd.ee'limrinary Plans, Assessment District, ,and Estimate
_on proposed Diagona?, Trunk Sewer, and Xatera2.s to .seme #est, IQneapolis
and Nendelssohn Additions; Fd Child offered the foQoying RepoAutipn .
and moved itF adopt$on: _- I
PROFOSh ShnTl3XRY TEluNIcJUD 3kYiXR&SEI.;IER D$PR,O-TS. *e BB IT WL~ brg~e_~ou~cil,.of .the,.g~age-ol:_Ed~a:*,..-_ - ,I
* -. . . l.,,.-Thg.,Village Xngineer, h.wipg-submktted to the Council a prel&inary
rppprt a@. to the, feasibility of the proposed Sanitary, TQI& and Laterals Server
Improvements described: in the- fora of notice gf hearing se$ forth below, and
as to $he estimated cost of such impmmvements, said report is hereby approved
an@ direc$ed to be placed on file in-the office o$ the Village Clerk, . TWs. Council shall meet on Xonday, May- 3, 1954, at 7:30 P.&, in the
Edina Villa@. Hall, to consider in public hearings $he vie9 of a&Lq persons
The, Clerk, ip herpby authgrized- and directed to cause notice of the
time, plage.and purpose of said mpeting to be published in* th? official news-
paper once a week for tp successive weeks, the second of *ich publications
is to.be no$ less %ban thqee dayy from date of said meet$ng, Fhhh notice
shall be, in substantiallyc the following foqn:
+ 2,
.d ~ interested in .said proposed impmvaents. CL 3.
- SAkITrnY sFG;IEiz. . -, .
' NOTiCE IS IkRI3BY GIVEN that the Emc&na.lJiJ.agq-$ouncil will meet at %he Village
W-on.ljondar3 Nay-3, 1954, at 7t30 P.;;E,, to consider %he following groposed
improvements, to bg constructed uqdFr-.the authority grantsd by Ehnesota Laws
of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate. cost of such 'improvements- is estiyated
by, the ,Village ;Engineer, as set forth below: ~
and Vd.ley_:View.:Rdc e s&egded;. tho. .~~,-~,Valle~-~~i@~v~~do ,ext*efided to a ~PPTO~O
-400 Ft. S, of 16.64th St,; th, NWly--&ong 1qke to a pt.-_lOO Ft, E, of Garrison Lane;
th, Pay on Garrison we and Gapison Lane extended, to StJohns Ave,; th, S, on St.
Johns Ave, to W.&th..St,; th, W, in W,64+ih St, to Parries Ave.; th. N, in Parnell
Ave,-*to No line Lot 42 B1, 8, Nomapdale Addn,; thr Wly 150 F'L; the No t0-N. line
ht 5, B1, 3, Normandah Addn,; th, W. on said line extended-to Sherwood Ave,; th, No on Sherwood Ave, to N, line Lot 4=- B1, 5, Normandale; th. It, on said line to 37,
line S$ate HighLray 100; the NKly 40 to Valley View Rd,; th, @y and Wly around .and
between sZoFtghs on God. ,Lot T, SIKL/4 of .SKL/4, .Sec.-33, Twp. -&l?, Eo 21, to pk on
t MI?&$ Railway RIW approx 350 F.t. S.., OC W,60&h St,; th, NW to Sly pt,-.of line between &ots 68 and @,.yarden Acres; th. my along S. &be to W,&e 'of bt 47, Marden Acres;
th, Nly on said line to_Benton Ave$-; tho "ly to pt. 1@. Ft, 33, of Tracy Ave. on So line of Lot 46, Garden kcres; tho N. to Grove St.; th, W,,on Grove St, tomTracy he,;
tho No on Tracy &e. to-pt, 160 Ft, N, of Grove St.; th, Wly 400 Ft, to STJ. side of
Hawkes Lake; th,_Nly and Wly around said lqke to-Highwqy go, 169; -tho FnJr-and Nly
along Dundee Roag-exttended to Ayrshire Blvd. extended; tho El. on Ayrs-we Blvd, to
Glengarry PkwJT; th, Nly on Glengarry Pkwy, to Mirror Lakes ?r. and-Interlachen Blvd,
th, Wly on-Interlachen Blvd, to intergeetion with Blake Rd.; th. Nay along Sly- line
of lakes on.lots 28, 2.9- & 30, Kende1ssohn Subdivision, to approx, -Mtersection of
Watehan Ave, and Arthur- St, ; tho NE%ty to alley between Harrison & Tyler Aves. at
Maloney .I Aye.; tho Ijly along said mey to N, Corporate Limits;
he.,. $est. .Ninn.eapol.~s..He&&ks,. q&.BhGkS .!. to.32,-.l&c,, ,Nendelssohn..
The arga proposed to be' assessed for- the cost of the- Sanitaq, Tmnk Sewer and
appurtenances includes all lots and tracts of land wishin the foUow&ng described
boundaries : I
Creston H5l.l~; tho N, to Dunberry Lane and along C.enterline-of B1, 6 to N, line of
Lo$ 9; th. Wly on said line to Creston Dr.; th. on Creston Dr, to Balfane Rd.; th,
kly on S,lige of =/4 of StJZlk_Sec, 30,TO28,X.24, to Kline of said NEl/4.0f SAl/4;
th, Nlyson said W.line to lf0.66th,St,; thAl.y on W,66th--St, to cen.t;er Block 1'7,- .
Normandale 2nd Addn,; th, N, on centerline B1.17-to W,65th St,; th,?Lon W,6th St. to
center B1, 10, gomandale 2nd Ad&.; th, N,. to W.64th St.; th,tf, on-3?,64th St, to
centerline B1, 6, Normandale ad Ad_dn.; th, N. on centerline of said-B1.6 to W,63rd
St,; th, W.on W,63rd St, and Valley View Rd, to pt. 500 FL EO of MN&S R/W; tho N.
+o Soline. Sec. 33,T.l17,R.~;-~thh.'W. to MN&S .Rh; tho So to Oenterline-BZ0.-5, Valley
Viey.Heigh$s; th, Wly on *rear Xot--lZne sais Bl.,- 5 to Westridge Blvd,; fh, -Nly on
l?estridge Blvd. tqS,line Lot 12, BL 3, Valley View Heigh€s; th, W, on said line to
rear line of lots, 3.3; th, Sly and NWly--on rear 1ot.lines said B1.3, .Eo Soline of B1. 4, Countryside; th,.E. on said Une .to--E&ine Lot 3,B1,4; tho H, on said line to .
Ridgeway Rd.; th, N, -on E,line L?t 6,Bl.5, Countryside; th, NWly on rear lot mes
B1, 5, to Highland. Rd,; th, NEly on rear liqe lot~-1,2,3,4~B~~~. 6, countryside t6 5.
line 1.Jwden Acres; th.1ll.y along said Soline to centerline at 15, Warden Bcres;'th,
N, oqcenter&ine lots 15,U and 13; tf?, I$, on Soline &ot l.2, kTardeg Acres and on said
line daded to Olinger Rd,; tho N, to Et. 2OCJ Ft. S. of E-W-ckterline Sec. 32,
T.U7,'f1,21; th, 11, to W,l@e s@d Sec,; tho N, ta Hwy.169-212; thX0 on cwterline
See. 31, to SW, cpr, of..SEl/& of NEl/4, See, 31; th, NO on W*line $&d Sm14 of NEL/L,
to pt. 300 Ftpe S, of NW_cor; th.-%(.'parqllel to Niline to-&.-3oo F.t,S, of arkw wood
Lane extended, in the SEl/& -. of "l/4 -. Sec. 31; tho Nly on Parkwood &me extended, to
BSTIMATED COST - $523,955.00
ESTDW!BD COST - $255,178,00
1fBeginniqg 6n W,70th St, at a pL-29 t?, of Wooddale he, on Soline ofBL 5,
Parkwood Rd,; th,NEly along 1XI.y line Lot 9 and 'Lots 4,3,2,1, 131.3, Parkwood Hnolls
2nd Addn,-_to pb. 100 Ft,l'lly Gauder Circle on my line bt 1,Bl.l; tho to Soline
Sec.30,T,ll?,R02l; th,Nl.thrqugh centerline of E1/2 of sT;J1/L, said Sec. 30, -to E-IT
centerline Sec. 30; tho %Lon Elf centerline Sec. 30 to County Rd.18; tho No on
County Rd, 18"to 3rd St,;. th,-E..- on No Corporate limits-line to E.line Sec,29,T0-fi'7,
R,a; tho So on E,line of Sec. -29 and Sec, 32,T.ll.'J,I2.21, to IL56th St, Extended; tho
By to &?e Rg.; tho So to-pt,. 300 Ft, -So of lL56th st,; tho$,- to ILline Bls.3 & 4,
Xelody Kno&ls 3rd Mclql; tho So to Grove St,;-.th, E, .on Grove St, to centerline B1, 2,
Xelody Knolls 3rd Addn,; tho No on said line to pt. 300 fi, S,_of 'f'JO5hth St;,; tLEo
and pardlels to ILfi6th St. to Illy line, Stow's Yvonne Terrace; tho .Xlr and Sly dLong
said tTly line and lily Line BL-2, Norman@ale,.Ct, and Sly to Solhe of said B1. 2; th,E.
along-said Soline to Nomandale Rd,; thd, to_S.line @chool property; thoEolOO BO;
tho So and garme1 to Momandale Ed, to_S.line of MQ/4 of sFJ1/4, Sec.19,T.28,Bo21c;
th.E.544 Ft,; th,S. to V.62nd St,;~_th.'E, on W.62nd S3, to ce&erli.n? B1. 2,
BUey View Slope; tho $io on said centerbe.Bl. 2,-to Valley View Rd.; th,Niy on
ljly 'line B1._1, Vdlley View Terrace 2nd Addn,. to'IL60th St,; th,E, on V06Oth St. to
3:ay line of lots--in Bl, -2, VaUey View Terrace; th,Sly on said ?i&y line E& 2 ,and
IJLy to Fairfax he.;. tho Ely on Fa-$?fax&ve, to %rooddale Ave,; tho So on Wooddale
Ave, to,VUey view Rd,; tho SEly on VaUey View--Rd, to W962nd St.;-th,E,~pn PL62nd
St, to centerwe B1, 23, Fefax; tho- No on centerline ?lo 23 and 18, to lG&h St.;
tho E, on K6Oth S$,"to centerline B1, 17; tho So on cerrterline Bl, 17, to.t.T,61st-Sto;
tho on r.Z,6_lSt St,-to Park Pl.; tho So on Park Pl, to pt. 100 I%.. no of lfo6ad St,; -tho s, on P-qk Pl,_to Pt,-100 F.t;. No 0f_'~r,62nd St,; tho E. and parallel to !?.62nd St0 to
'@y -e of-lots ip The Oaks Subdivision; tl~,.N, ahd-NIJly to Soline of HalifaX-Ave. Ifddn,; tho E, to Ewing Aye,; tho S, on Bring Ape, exLended 400 Ft,; tho. E, 200 Bo;
tho S, to Pl.64th St. eidjendedj th, W, Gong W964th St, and IJ06l&h St, extended, ,to
M-S centerline See. 30,T.28,R024; tho So on centerwe Seco..30, to_%L?0th S~O; tho
lf,"-on W07C%h St, to pt.. 250 e. IT0 of t7ooddale Ave., to-pt, of beei#ningofr-
The a& proposed to be aSse&redfor the cost oi Sanitary Later& Sewer aid AppuAe-
hances -inciludes7 all lots 'illlc1 tracts of land abutting the s.t;reets to be irupmved.
).- f
c v-ge Cl&
YiiLlage of Edina - J.
BbtZsn for *adoptLon of %he Resolution there were
. four ayes and no mys, as follows: XM.ld, aye; and Bichon,
pb. .E&ror . , . . * .. .
Resolution was adoptFd._
. ... ..
lbger 6itchel.l then presented plans and-estjmakes of cost for certain other
inpmv~rrt project$, redomending that Hearings therefar be scheduled for Nonday,
April 26, Bank offered the foUowing Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE Tl BESULJBD by tEe Council of +the,VQ&age- Of-E+q: -
-, 1-. _The,Yillage Engineer, having submitted $0 the Council a preliminary report
as to the. fea-ebility-of the proposed BnproveaenLs described in the Form of Notice
of Hearing se% fortli below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, sa-id
report is hereby appmved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the
Village Clerk, This Council shn meet on Eionday, April 26, 1954, at 7:30 P.IL, in the
Ed*a V'lage Hall., to consider in public hegings the views of $3 persons interested
3; The Clerk is 'hereby authorized and directed to cause notice o.f,the time,
place and.pqose of said meeting to *be published in the official newspaper once a
week: for two successive weeks, the second of Tach pubScations is to be not less
th& three days from date of sdd meeeing, which notice *shall be in substantially
the following <f om: *
NCgICE IS HEREBY GbEN that' %he.Ed&+ ,VjAl&ge &ouncQ,.wU. neet at ih village hl.l
~p.gO@.&r,.-&g. 26,3954, at ?:30 P,3L, to consider the follohg, propqsed improve-
ments, to Bg corjstructed under the authority granted by3.Emesota Iaws of 1953,
Chapter 398, Tfie approximate cost of such improvements $s estimated-by the Village
* -
in szia pfiposed %~provements. CI
b .* e"
Enginees as set"forth below: * EsmmcosT
" 3., Canstruction-of -Villag6_Vatayin 3x$asioq .and &~~~nCes
1, Grading and GPav&lling'of lf,&h St,; Oaklawn to Wooddale
in the folloiking Streets:- - Sherrvood Rd., Edenmoor.St, to Hi&Wy No. 169 -
* 1{.53rd St.?, Hi&way Grossing to Gradem we *
17 52nd St:, Grandiqffxvle to"€Wkerson Ave.
_$2,268,OQ -. -
2, Blacktopping, of Xerxes Ave-.., TI0 56th*St, Co If, 58th- -St, Ss3,&.gZo99
Hankersqn Ave,, "H, 52n& St;, to IJ, %st so+ .$33,180084* a
1 -. .* t *
L. 11 P 53 4/13/54
The area proposedto be assessed forthe cost of said proposed improv~ents is
as follows:
For the cost of each of proposed improvements 1 and. 2 listed above, all lots
&d tracts of land abutting the street to be &proved,
For the cost of proposed improvement 3 listed above, all lots and tracts of laud fronting on Hankerson, William, Bedford and Oxford Avwues between W.fjlst
and If. 5&d Streets, on Grand-Gew Lane. between W. 5ad and-W.53rd Streets;-
lots. *and tracts of land on South side of W0 52nd St. between William and Hankerson
Aves.; all. lots and tracts of land on Hest side of Service Drive between W.52nd
and Wb53rd Streets; all lots and tract-s of land on South side of IJ.53rd' St.
b.etween Graz?dv;iew Lane and? Service Drive; and all lots and tracts -of land
fronting on Dovag Street, .Shemod to 225 Ft. East; on Edenmoor St;, Shemvood Rd, .to a47 Ft. West; on Sheqood Rd., West side, Highway No. 169 to a*
pto 330o8.R. Southo, __
YWage Clark b Village of Edina
Motion for adoption of Besolution was seconded by Dimens, and on Rollcall there
Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was @opted.
were four aye and no n-gs, as follows: aye;--Bank, aye; and
,. .... .Map?
Manager &tcheU. then p6esented detailed plans and specifications for sevebal
approved, projects, recommending that bids be taken April 26, to expedite early
completion of work. Danens offered the following ResolutLon and moved its
.. VEEETISEMEDTT FOR, BIDS. . .. BE IT RESOLVED by the Vj.Uage_.Cpuncil.,of the Yillage of Edina:
~ . ,lk.- _The_plans and- -specifications for the-proposed Improvfments set forth in
the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village
Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shaU cause to be published-twice the Biina-&rningside
Courier and the Construction Bulletin the follotring notice for bids for said
improvements: ~
NOTICE IS HEFEW GIVIQJ .that*,thhe XdinaLYj.l&ge Coun3g-kll meet at the Edina Village H@lA 4,!+c301. W,pth .StTeet, Xonday, &prQ 26, 1954, at 7:30 P+, and will at said
%time and plgce open and consider sealed bids for the follo)umg::
B. jf,bOth st., Wooddale 4ve. to Kellogg-Ave.
Do Wooddale Ave.>- W.6Oth St. to W.6lst St.
, Josephine-.Ave,, :lfB.65th. St. -$o-W06&h "SSO . ,
$3, Xerxes Ave., 1S;Mth St. .to tJ.b@h-St* C, North-South Alley between lt.-jl.st agd lL52nd Sts. and between William and
3, dRL1D3sJG AND mvG AND OI%hG of W.59t'h St, between Tingdale &d Code Aves.
4, GRJVELLING ,ON&Y,.-of ,Con~ord_B~e. ,. between South View Lane and valley view
A. -Faigfax-Aye. 9. IL60th-St. to. l@ddale &309
B. Zenith, Aye. W..-5$h St0 to Dpd - C. Zenith &e., >f.57th to 1105&h S~O
D. St,Johns heo,- SG59th to If060th sto
A. .V.&th_St, 1Jo@d&e &e. ,to &e&logg -.
bo Xerxes AveO,J?.55th St. to FL56th St. e ~ ..
. ,
Hankerson Aves, -
Bidder %y bid on-any or all Projects.
Work be- d0n-e as described and specified in pbS and SPeclfications for s&d
*rovaent on file in the office of the V.illage Clerk.
basis of cash pymen't; for work. with undersigned before time of sad meeting and accompanied bY Cash deposit, bid
bond, or c&Bied &e& payable to the Village CleEk in mount of ten percent Of
amount of bid, _.
Bids must be ~xuWX~~ on
No bids *ll be considered Unless sealed and $ilea
I" EVD C. BANK, Clerk
Vi-ge of,ma
3, ~~~h ad of the terms of-the foregoing advertisement for bids are
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions Of award of the contract for said
improvement. .
1.5 4 4/13/54
Xotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded
( four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; aye; and Erickson, ' aye; and the Resolution was adopb5d.-
Hayor: .- . * . , ...
Village Clerk c .
UtUties &pt. Ifoehler recommended that Robert Ludgate, who is training to take
the place 6f Sam.-Rorberts, be increased to_Classification No, 2SD, $321.00 per lilonth,
as of April 1. C&ildts mtbn, t@t Mi., Ifoehler*s recomqlation be approved and that &8gaate_be re-classified, was sesonded by Dana= and carried, e
Iblayor-Erickson left the meeting at this, time and NaAr Pro Tan Chifd presided for '
Manager 1,Iitchell reported request by Don Pederson, Engineering Department, for one
weekts leave of absence without pay, recogmending tbt this be allowed, Bank so moved. Seconded by Danens. and carried. L
ZZnager ktcheL1 asked for approval for hrchase of Vu-Graph =chine at a cost of
some $4~.00, Bank's motion, for approwit, for purchase of Vu-Graph and screen, was
seconded by Damns and carried.
Prelhinary Plat of "Edina Ridget!, by Jack Boran, was approved by motion Danens,
-, seconded Ban& and cqried, +ring received Planning Commission's appr0val.Apri.l 7.
h.eliminarg Pbt .of uSylv& Creek" a compo&e of those subdikded properties
&ong Halifq Lane, %s approved subject to provision of easement for utilities
and dedication-of balance of street, by motion Danens, seconded by Bank and carried,
Preljminary PSs by Roy H. Peterson and Kenneth'Sundquist, located adjacent to
School propegty at 3x.6oth Street, were approved subject to dedication of street
right-of-ways by School Boqd, as recommended by Planning Conrmission, Notion br
the b-ce of the meeting. -. -'
- Bulk, secunded by_Danens. and carried, - -.
0 PLat of "Cornelius Addition" br Roy H.' Peterson, was approved subject 30 dedication of W&lots A,C aqd D*I fol; park purpoges, by motion Bank, secmded
by Danens and carried. *- .-
I1Ed.j.r~ Bel-& VI Prelimina ry Plat of %ckims*l was presented, Bank mved for approval. %lotion
seconded byflanens and carried,
lianager ISEt chell presented, llRe-Plat of Richpond Hills, 3rd Ad+.tf Bank moyed
approved, subject to check lq El?gineeeg DFjpartment. Xot@n seconded by Danens '
and carried.. - - .
Preliminary Plat of tThsendahlts 2nd id&. {to Edina H$ghlandstl was filed, B&k
moved for approval of.,preliminary plag, sgbject t9 deletion of $.le$: >lotion
seconded by Danens and carried, D t
Final hat of Valley View Terrace 3rd,Additio@* was*presmt~d. It was noted that
severa& carner,&ots present. a problem as $0 facing of dpllingsi .Danens moved
that plat be approved subject $0 Engine@.ng Dep-ent check, andlihat on this particular plat developer indicate mection dwellings are t oa f ace. Blotion
PreMary Plat, "Oakview Addition1; was approved' iy motion Bank, seconded by
Daneris md for appmd. or" Fina;l Plat oi UQkents 2pi Mdi%i<ntt.' :lIo%ion
3lanager Nitc&LI asked appraval of two Exbras 0; contract for Southdale Sewer;
g396.80 for added depth; 85ZL.88, for extension to serve Lots 1 and 2, B1. 1, Bank moved for approval of exkas as listed, EXotion seconded by Danens and
carried, *. .
Danens then moved for adjournment. No%ion seconde
adjourned at l2CL5, Vednesday, April. 3.4.
seconded by Bank and carried. * '. *
ganens and cpied.- * ell rm
seconded by Bank and carried., c *.I -
c c
a. --.
el c ..
.- *