HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540412_REGULAR4/32/54 c First matter on'the agenda &I the'opening'of sever&. bids, as Ested'belaw, psuat to Advertisepnen%s for Bids published in Edina-Xomhgside Courier and Constmdion Bulletin Zrpril 1 and e, 19% Clerk read Affidavits of Publication for said ad=* fismwt,_which were approved as to form and placed on fue. Child then'moved that? the followiag bids be referred to the &st. Engineer for public opening, except that the two Stom Sewer bids be held untilcoutcome of tonightls hearings is asce&ajned. Ihtion was %ecgded by Danms and carried, c * c IO Storm Sewer -fdr 60th and Ghowen Area. 25 Storm Sew fdr Bora's E-a &nor Area. 3. S&taFy Sewer=Fa&rfax &e., lL%th to W.5@ St. 5. Sanitary seweM3ehard Place. * 7. $anitary $wer-WoWoodlagd Rd; Con-Frd Sved Fairfax Ave. 8, Sanitary Zjewer-x..Gpt;h St, gnd &rnell &e. ., * 9: l$atermain-W.W6o@a,nd w. and Fgirfax Aye, C* *" 4. Sanitary Sswer-HaIifax Lane __ .. I 6. Sanitary Sewer-Xekces, W.75th to 1?,76th St. e* 4. 10. JfatemaGHaifax ~an9. 11. J[atemain-W056th St.,Bernard ilace, e&. Enutes of amendment to Xarch"8 Ehutes, Page 123, to read n8ank1s motion, that Council's action of Feb.pary"22, "to advertise for bids formstre& Sweeper, berrescinded, was seconded bJr Bredesgn and carried.t* Hotion for appqmd. agd anendment by Bank, seconded by Child hd carried. -or E=ri&s& the6 cdled Public Hearing on Proposed Storm Sewer to*serve Boran's. Edina Ihor area and a Smay area East of France Avenug, purFant to "Notice of .. Hearing1* published in Edina4Xorningside Courier April 1 and 8, affidavit for which publicaf;ion was read br Clerk, approved Manager Etchell's Estimate of Cost was #X3,59L26 as against 739,000 assessafie square feet, for,$.Ql8& per assessable square fook. 3f2.4?.E0 Carlson, 5937 (frimes Ave., objected to, pa-g any portion of the cost of &dag pace kve. &.JOE. Richards,3904 &hes Lane, spoke in favor of the two projects,in Brants Edina !-or, but ob jectea toc assessment for draining Frauce, suggesting. that .County bear this cost. He wa$ informed that County will stand no drainage expense for; County roads. 3€rJ.T.cHiggin,3913 If. 58th St., suggested that project be divided into four different &&inage distri-@s--was informed by W, Utchell that re- engineering of the pro ject will add %o engineering costs. materially, &. Ralph Johnson, 5813 France, reviewed the matter of changes of grade in France A?., stating he believes five tracts of laad East of France should not ,be included in the dis%ri& because their water shed drains North; but that owners Will be willing to be inelnded in assessment district. if it is found that water shed drains into project. Mr, Jack Boran, developer of the property, and several others, opined that the GQU~CU had been negligent in not orderathis project in several years ago, 3Zessrs.- W.P.VanHercke, 5820 mifax Ave., and R.C.Strornberg, 5809 HaUfax Ave., spoke in fa-yr of the project.. At the-end of more than an hour's discussion, fkyor Erickson asked for a show of hands as to opiniorSs on project. Two objeeed tompaying cost for any drainage relief. Ten favored drainage relief but division of drainage area. FUteen voted for plan as proposed. Bank then offered the foU&g Resolution and moved its adoption: of-Earch 8, ls-and 22, 195.4, were approved as submitted, with 1 - *r a ." to fop and ordered placed on*file, RESOLUTION ORDEXING D@ROIEHEXT STOBE S3NEFt J3@RO~4EN!C NO, 2&. BE IT RESOLm by the Cotg~cil. $:the .y&XJage-of: .E@na, .lEnnesota, that this Council here$qfore.caused notice of hearing to be duu published on the proposed improvennent -consisting of the ktersection of Grime3 Lane igth HWax A=.; tho Southwesterly across Halifax Ave. and thwugh kf;s 5 and 6, Block 2, Boran's-Edlna -or, to V'ge France Ave, E, of the So Lot -_of Lot k, 3lock_5, 30ran's Edina Manor; th. 11. and SW across Lots 4 and 5, 22 and 23, Block 4, Boran!s Edina Mor, to Grimes.. Ave.;_-th, Nb&y-in Grimes Ave, to Haifax he,; tho W3.y S. Lot Lbe-pf Lot-8, Block 2, Brants 9, Boran*s Edirra Manor, to Village-owned property, and. at the hearing held at the time and place specified 6 said notice the Council bas duly considered the views of afl persons interested, and being full;g adyksed of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvexnent; that said Smprovement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subseqtent proceedings as Storm Sewer bpovaent No, 24; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include the foUovrlng pmpefiyt 1, Constraction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances from a point at - omed pr~perty. --- 2. Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances from a point in Wifax Ave. to the Manor;_& Mfly across_l;ots a. 8 and d 39 &/12/54 wBegixming at pt. 60 3%. No of intersection of W.60i;h St, and France Ave.; tho Ely $0 Ft,;'th. Nlpand parallel. to France &re. to-center of Lot 51, Auditor's Subdivision-#312; tho Ely to a,pt, 220 Ft; from centerline of France he,; tho Nly and pardle!, to France Ave, to S. fie-of Lot 58; tho my to SW corner thereof; th. Nly along W, lbe of I& 58, Auditorts Sub. e $312 to +centerline of W.fi8th St,; tho- along centerline of W. 58th St, to a pt, 70 Ft, W, of centerline of HalifG AGe.; tho Sly, distan.t-.80 Fto-Wo of and parae1 to Halifax Ave,, from Lot, 1 through &ot 19, BL 2, Borau1.s-Edina. hor to a pt.~ 50 Ft. S.-of So line-of If.60th St,; tho Ely and parallel to W.bOth St, to a ptc. 133 Ft, g. of centerline of France Ave.;-tho Nly to NW qor, of Lot 11, Bl, 4, Boran!.s Edina &nor; tho By to centerline of Frqe Ave,; the point of Motion for adoption of Resolukon was seconded by Child, and on Rolldl there , 'I - . . were four ayesvand no n-gs, as follows: and Erfckson, aye; and the Resolution Masor ..* ,.,.. *... krsaant *to lJNotSce of Hearing on Proposed Storm Sewer Improvement,'* published in Edina-Monzingsiae Courier April-1 and 8, -1954, ..affidavit of which publication was-read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Mayor Erickson called Public Hearing an Storm Sewer to serve the W.bOth Street and Chowen area. Mi.. EitjleU showed Vu-GPsph slide showing proposed route-of sewer; giving as ~ his Estimate of Cost, $34,617.& for a smr from Chowen Ave, and W.60th St., Ifesterly and Southwesterly to VUage-owned property West - of France Avenue; this project being-assessable again-st 2,378,308 Square Feet, for $.Ol46 per Square Foot. He then presented an Estimate of Cost for sewer on W.&h St. fwm Abbott to Chowen Ave., at $8,876.52, assessable-against only 15l.,'$XI Sqare Feet, -for $.0285 per1Scpare F~ot. He recommended combination of the tm ,projects, for a $otal cost of $43,493.76,. or $,0172 per assessable sqyare foot. Dr, ttlendeU &ill, 5801 Chowen Avenue, requested information as to reason for reduction in Estimates dqring the lapse of time between this Hearing and the one held last fall. Mr, atchell explained that some lateral sewers have been cut from the project3 that there are three water holes in this trunk sewer district which will not be draiued without laterals; that benefited proper%y owners rnusf bear the addition& cost of these lateral sewers; also3 that Village had been able to deduct estimated cost of property acquisition because of dedicat5on by Roy Peterson. One 'owner raninded Council of large petition filed ;Last fall, agaLnst $his pro jec.t;. Mr. Adolph Dahl, -6157 France Ave., inquired about pothole on his property at apEro@matelg.,Ewing Ave,+,extended; and was told that its eventual drainage depends somewhat en the-developnent of the property adjacent thereto, but that it is doubtful that the presently proposed project will. drain this property without addition of a lateral. unless it would drain his property, nowe . Child offered the following Resolution r He protested. paying assessment for trunk and moved its adoption: - msoI;uTroN ORD-G DPRW.E"T STOKEl S3&TfB JEPFiOVE2BN!T NO. 25. BE E BESOLVED by the,Co~c~.,.~f.the-~V~age of Edina, Xlnnesota, that this Counci& heretofore.caused n9tice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: Constru-ction of .Village storm Sewer'and Appurtenances commencing at the in.l;ersect%ozr of Abbobt Avenue Fd X.60th-Street; tho. Vest to Chowen Ave.; tho South on Choyen Ave, to tT,blst~St.; tb. West on I[.;61st Stz to Bwing Ave, i tho continued Westerly--across_easeaent- to France Ave,; tho South on' fiance Ave, to a ~t, 4.40 Ft., more or less, NaAh ofeW.62nd St.; tho Westierly og easement 723.34 Wr, to lake and at the bearing held at the the and place specified in said notice *the Comcs1 has duly considered the views of all. persons interested, and being fully ad@sed of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of e said improvement; tha't said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent pmceedings as Storm Sewer Improvement No, .25r and the area to be speci.aX2.y assessed therefor shgll include all lots and tracts of land Within the following described boundaries: W@ming 4t point 200 Ft, N, of Section Corners 19,20,29 & 30 (France Ave, and W.62nd St,); tho 'Ely m,Fb..to W4~e of @xhg Ave. &ended; th, Sly O@ Swing Ave, ex&ended, to_W062nd St,; th, Ely to Beard Aye, extended; the N, W -0; tho E. boo Ft., more or less,-to center of alley lwe extended, between Abbott and Zenith Aves.; th; Illy along said extended alley throu& centerline of Lot 12, B1. 6, Harriet &mor 2nd Addn,; th. Ely 75 Ft,; th. Nly through Lots %to I, B1.6, Harriet. Miinor 2nd Addn, to centerline of-W.59.f;h St,; tho lay on centerline of. W, 59th St, to a pt, 60 Ft, -1L of 3?, line of Abbott Ave,; tho So and pardlel to Abbot% &e. to pt. on No +e of_*bt 8, B1.-5, Hwriet uOr-2nd Adhe; tho 11. $0 Nf @re of bt 8; th,* So to ElJ..Alley between..bbott and Beard Aves.; tho r?; don, said alley to center of Beqd_A~e.;~th. N 50 3%; tho W. lOO-Ft,; tho N.q on line 100EFt. W. of and parallel to cent,&-e of ,Beard Ave. to center of M0!5%h St,; tho W, to c-$nterXixe of Chowen Ave,; +tho Sly to- pt. opposite S line of 3Lot 29, I .. 4/=/515. 140 "f hditor*s Bubbdivtsion 312; tho Wly- tb SW corner of ht 29; tho S to S line of ~ 1 Lot 22, .B;ugitbrt s Subdivision 3.12; the-]f** S ??to; tho S. 100 Ft, E of and parael -)to centeree of Drew kve., to S line*og Lot 19, Auditqrts Suhdivisfon 312; th, I? to SI cor. of Lot.42, Audltor~s:Subdivision,312; the S twough center of lots 43* 44, *45 and &,,to a pt, in &t 47, hditorts Sub@vi@on 312 Qn the I? Lot Line of Lot 49, e&ended;* tho K on P lfrre of &t 49 @ended to a pt. 80 Ft. 3- of centerwe of France Ave.; i the S wr@lej. to centerline of France Ave. to a pt. j.n Lot 48, hfitor's Subdivisiog 312 which,is 69 Ft. N pf centerlige of V.60th St.;,th, W to centerline-of France .8.ve.;.th. 1 along& we of Lot U, EL. 4, Bor+ts Edina.- &nor, to the blW wr._of said lpt; the,$. and 100 Ft. W of. and parallel.to centerlink of France Am, $0 a pt. 200 Ft. N of W.62nd St.; tho 100,Ft. E to pt. of beginning.*' Notion for- adoption of Resol&.on wss-seconded by Dine - d"on Rollcal3. there yere four:ayes.and no nap, as follow: Child, ; and the Resolution wqs adopted. . , . . . . , *. . &~r- . .., ... Clerk Bar$ then read Affidavit of Puhlication for "Notice of Hearags on 'Jimprove- mats,!! published in ~jdina-Morning.Side courier Aprgl 1 and 8,. 19%; which.affi- davit yas approved as ,to f om and order@ place$ on file-=Notice awerhg some I sixteen proposed improvements. Ppblic Hearings were held in the order listed in No%ice. and action-was taken as recorded below: bIHG BNI). GRAvEI;LING OF &KCON A'. BETfJEEN NO. 55l.6 BENTON Am.. AM) TRACY AXE. .@yiger.lfit ghell re$oqgagxkd. &ha$ hblic .He@ng .be postponed tm&S .Ag~il 26, tp &ve weering Deparbmq%_time to study practicability of cut$% Tracy Avenue down. Chfld,so moved. Notion seconded by Bank: and GBADm.AmD GRA.hG OF PHII&.OOK W I3E!3~'WbODD~'A... AItb kWH ST. Wger ~I~~ch~*s,~stimate..of..Eosf ~~9s;@,339*2Q-~as +agaQwt .2,?98.9 . .-.. -: .. * 11 Gsessabie Fro&,Feet, for $2.99 per Assessahle Foot, objections from the floor, and no wristen objections h& been filed with Clerk (See Resolution of later in eve-, approving project). CURB AMD f3UTiZR IN l?.SIDE OF XEBXES Amo BIEHEEX If.55TH AND W.56TH =Bo. I&agg&tche~!s ,Estimate ,of_Cost .was .$l36-W,20_;as .aga$nst.,600,12 -.. Bsessabze Fmnt,FeeC5 for $2,81 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections fftom the floor, and no wrigten objections had been filed with CQrk. l&s. ?Test spoke in favor of immediate'constmction. (gee @igaggrJ@.tche$l.! s Esti=$e .qf,Cost. was ,@,499.20 as-agabst. 3,197r24 Assessabse Front,Feet, for $2.92 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the floor, +nd no writtep objections had been filed with Clerk, (See Resolution of later iq evening, approving project). CURB AM) GvltTER 3X W.60TH STFEE2 BliJpI.JEEN li1ooDDAIX AND IBIUlGG AVES, --age J@tcheSf s .Estimatg..of-Cost. ~s+~ql, $1'?,70 as ,against 530 ,Assess- ;able Frogt Feet, ,for $2.86 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the flsor, and PO written gbjections had been'filed with Clerk. (See Resolution of later in evening, approving pro ject). CURB AND GUTlER IN RICHMOND DRIVE BEXI= RICHE.IOM) LANE AND C~E AVE. ?%age.I: J%%c&Ws W&@ie Q$@S~WR #2aW.o@.as-agabst ,&,Q%.tc9 tfssessable Front,Feet, for( $2.7& per 4sspssable Foot. &so DOE. Warts, . p17 Richmoqd DxLve,, objected $0 cuqb,abutt%g ha- property; .and M3r. 3Etche1 xecomqended OanittZng Lbt 1, Block 3 and Lot l, Block 4 from this prs ject-these being the west two lots, both &ring large fGontaie, Child's motion, omitting from pmposed project Lo$ 1, Block 3 and Lat I, $Uock,k, Richmond Ells Addition9 was seconded by Bank and carried. .(see Beso&ution of. hter_in evening, approving project) . maggr ,%E$ shell '! s Estiqate, o&Cost-~~s-$L, 375.32 for. #3&. per Assessable Foot. &sc Pi& ,!b+cker,5053 FT@dsor, owner of I;ot a, .Block 1, _t?estchester Ekolls,_and oqer.of Lot 20, Block 1, both protested mmtmction.- &s. md Anderson,5lOO Windsor, owner of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, protested @at was informed tha& her 8pmperby is not induded i;n this Hearing. Cbild'qmotion, omitting f2on pmposed projeqt Lot? 20 and 21,' Block I, gestchester Icnolls, was secqnded by Bank and pried. f3LAcMtOPPING OF IL5sTH ST. BE;T@ZN OAKLQWN ANo,13R~KVIE3~A~o Hanage~2~tchell,,explaiqed %hat ,b.ecause,of .$he +g. ste-es- sade he 'is .- afraid that blackbop will wash unless curb and gutter is constructed. He eave as his Estimate ofXost, for Blacktop QnlsJ $1096 pa Assessable Foot; z carried. . There were no I Resolution of. hter in evening,. ,approving project) . ,-'I GUFB AND GUTTZR Iw IlOODDAIZ BEX" lIo6crrH AND W061ST STS'o I- CURB AND GU3!TER TN WINDSOR AVENUE FRON RICHMOND I$NE TQ KENT. (See Re&iLutidn of -- later in evening, approving balance of project), Y. *:or Blaclrt;op_with Blacktop &rb, $&58,p& hsessable Foot; Ifor Blacktap *with. Concrete curb. and Gutter, $4.92 per Assessable Fkt, %&tal $2,8tc70@-- this latter be@g his recommendation,. *There were n6,objeckions from the audience, and noJwriCten objection had been filed prior to Hearing. (See * - --. Besolution of later in. evening, appro- balwce of project) . *D c -. 10. 12. .. d 3.4. * 4/12/!% BLACKTOPPING OF STJOHNS AVENUE IETWEEN Wo59H'AND Wo6aH BS, 1411 Maoager_~tchel'lts EsfAgate :of_Cost.,was 4$1,825.20 .as against..l,lfl.& Assess- able front feet, ,for $1.52 per Assessable Foot. &. Jacobs, 5917 St;. Johns Ave., wished to make sure surface would be .protected; .was informed street would be posted for minjnmm loads. He complained ofvgrade change, etc., and was asked to consult with Village Zngineer at later date.. * There were no other objections, and no atten objections had been filed prior to Hearing. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEXFR AND JPPURTENANCES IN HBTKERSON Am, FROX - W,WT ST, TO ET. 100. FTO ; XORE OR IZSS, . NORTH THEREOF.. wager Elitchell's Estiqate..of, _- Cost .was .~5?9.96,,o~,~6.4~,per .Assessable 3rbnt Foot. &. ML$chelJ. 'explained that petition for this inpmvement has been signed-by only one lot owner, whereas four lots will be assessed. At tha€ time of Ids 13 and l&, Block 2, Brookside Heights Addn., spoke in fawr of the project, making a total of 3. out of 4 lots represeated. There were no objections from the floor, and no wsi.t;ten objections had been filed mior (See -Resolution or" later iU evening, appro- balance of project). McA Dougall,omer - to-Hearing. (See Resolutick of later in evening, approving balance o? projeet). CONSTRUCTION-OF SANITARY SEWR AN33 B'PURTBJUNCES I" FAIRFAX AXEL ED14 Wa58TH I sz1, TO PI'. X95 3". ; ,MOl% OR .lXSS, ,SOUTH T€IEBQE', .Managez,McheXL.!-s .E&imate of .Cost.-was ,461, jj54.93,aS .ag+s$ .3$j7.44 Assessable Feet, for $3.9L.per Assessable Foot. Mps. Virginia Beard,* owner of- Zot -20, Block. 5, Fairfax 4ddn0, inquired as ta what properties would be assessed for this projec'b; exglaining that she believes one or" the lots. included in this proposed - assessment is akeady connected 'co the seweF; that perhaps sewer line need not be extiended as far as contemplated. Child's motion, that before contract is awarded check be made to see whether Qts 4, Block 6, and 21, Block 5, Fairfax Addno have already been assessed-+for lateral assessment, was seconded by Bank and carried. (See Resolution of later in 'evening, approving project). CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SmBR AND +APPuEiTENAN~ -I@ HALIF.. LANE FROM SOLINE OF .sOUTHR'IDGE ADDN. ,TO PI!. -67!5-lTC*, .PIQRE..oEl 3SSS. sS.m THEREOF: AND .IN &AS@BN!C ~~~~~~~IMPS 3-D .4, ''SZYYAN.CBEMY To EZSTmG 24.'' TFKJNK MAD4 AT.M'HAHA -0 &?gigel: Ut GheV?s.-Estigate-of &&,was @,&%.&8. as against -1,426.71. assess-. . able feet, for $5,0Q Plus, per @sessabl'e Front Foot. There were no objections at the Hearing,,arid no written objections had been filed prior to Hearing. (See Resolution of- later in evening, approvhg project) WNSTRUCTION OF Vm WE- AND LlpPuRTEANANCES IN ~-Il?AX LkE HEWEEN W054TH'ST. AND,tJDODLAND .CIRCLEo, ?@n&gey.14&tche&lIs EstWte,of Cost; .was-, I . 7,782048 .ag agqir1Si3.2,026~7Z ,Ass.essable Feet, for *$3.€& per hsessable Foot, $us $25 per Assessable Foot Connection Charge, for a totd of -&009 per Assessable Foot. Mr. NatX Johnson, 54l2 Halifax.&ne, protested to the -improvement ,for Southridge3< stating that the owners, of this property are in agreement on this view. W. Johnson washformed that 5mpmvpent had been planned to form a KLooptf in the system, thus insuring better se-ce for all concerned, but he rem&ned adamant in his .opposition. Childt s motion, that improvement exelude Southridge Addition, was seconded br Danens and carried. (See Resolution of Q%er in evening, approving balance of .project). BETIJEEN OAKLAWN AND,FRANCE. Am,: IN..FWCE AVE, . BEX" ,Wo62M3 .AND W.60TH. STS.: AM) IN HAL13AXsAVE. BIEWBN W.60TH ST, BND FRANCE AVE.. Nanageg Mitchell*s Est5qate.of .Cosk.ms @3~'7l2.20,as,against. 5,192.6~-Asse~sable Fe$, for $6030. per Assessable Foot. ,No objections were filed at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing, (See Resolution of hter in evening, approving project) . AND .IN GBD??E..sT,. EElI@EN CODE .Am, .AXD l3BNARD PUCZ, Manager. Xitche&l* s. . . . Estimate-:oS _Cost was. -$&, ~61,64~.ag~nst..~,39ti.66.,$ssessable Feet, for $6.10 pW Assessawe Foot, plus $l.U per Assessable Foot Trunk Charge, for $7.24 per Assessable Foot, Total. There were no objections filed at the Hearing, and no written abjections had. been filed prior to Hemingo (See ResolukLon approving project, laten in evening). CONSTRUCTION CF VILLAGE WAT- 33DENSION Ab Al?klRkENANC~-~~Wo7~H ST", 2ND .ADDN.: .IN SEEVICE RD, .BL;oNci_tJ;SIDE:DF Sum. Hwy,100 FROM DUGGAN PUZA TO Et cha!-s--Es$&te of -Cost was . #6Qrl03,Os as again.@. 10,102,4;1 Assessable Feet, with $5.95 per LssessaUe Feet. Mr. Stow, ,developer of Brookview Hts. 2nd $dditiop, inqu*ed as to arrangaents for repamat to him f6r connedtion charges by persons on *South side of tL70th St. He was infomed that this" Is difficult to work out because he wil& not be owner of property at time of ' connection charges. Trustee Ghild suggested that Coungil delaf*aPPhval of 'this project pending. agreement on this matter, but I&. Stow e-lained he is most dous to have construction begin and is ublu to take his chances dn the fairness of the Council. There were no objections filed at the Head% and rn wri%ten objections had been filed prior €hereto. (See Resoluti'on . CONSTRUCTION OF VILZAQ3 WATERMAIN FXCENSION APPURTENANGXS Dl W062M) STo CONSTRUCTION OF VST;LAGE wmm E~CPENSIION AND APP~~TEX~~NCES m BERNARD PLAE BETWEh;N*Wo56TH3To,BWD GROl%E.STo: IN.CODE: AVEo .BE" GROVE STo ~~~Wo~'7TH ST. E'FDM.-SEELYICE .Rae ALONG .W,SIDE OF STATE HUYol.00 .TO W;I;INE, OF BROOK VIEW.^ Wo7OTH.ST.: ,IN DA"S ,DR. SO.., FRDM,DUGGAN PLBZA. TO W~~ OF .SUBDIVISION: I AWD IN 3lEhDUV RIDGE ,So, FROM .DUGCAN .PW .TO WoLINE- OF SUBDIVISIONo . WFW + . approving project) e -- -- r? t 4/Wm 1142 DisEussfon was. 'hat as to thi BlacWoppLg of 1L 58th St. betwein !OaMawn and Brook- * view Avenues,, with &pager lG$chelJ stkngly .advocating the concgete curb and gutter; and B& moved that :Ccuncil approve this project, induding Construction of ConcreQe Curb ad Gutter,_and Blacktopping, .at total estimated cost of $4092 per assessable foot., Notion seconded by Child and carried. Child then offered the--followjng Resolutiin and moved its adopt2ont gE S2 EESOLm iy the CounciJ,of.the Vmge of .@d@a, &nqesota, ihat .this Counc& heretofoge-,causqd notices of hearing to be day publis&ed on the impmvemnts listed below; and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views o$ all persons interested, and being $ully advised of the pertinent facta does hereby determine to proceed with the construction ofthe improvements as spacmed; that said impmvmmts are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: Grading and Gravelling of PUbrook he between Wooddale Ave. Constr?r_&ion qf Standard Yhage 'Curb and Guttei &I ILSide of IlEsOLUTION OFDERING IbPROVEBBNTS 4. MAEIE.OF If@ROV% . - . - . + , . ..-: . c.r . aizd 1Jo 58th-S'to . , . Str.Improve 8o.C-55 Xerxes Ave.betyem W.55th and S.56th Sts,, n I1 f1 No.%2l Ave. between IT,@th and W.61s.t Sts, lr a konstruct&on of Stan@ Village-Curb qd Gutter in %ob&; .- -0 Cogstmetion of-i.i;aadard Vglage Cub and Gutter in ti.6Oth St. 6onstrudipin of Standard Xillage Curb and ktter in kchmond .-, .cI between Woodda&e and Ke;Llogg Aves. n It n .. ~ Drive between €Jichmond &ne and_Code Ave.; shall b2 approved as WonstruCEign of Standard Village Qurb and Gutter in Bicbqond Mve between Richmond Lane Fd the Xast Lot Lines gI Lot I, ,Block 3 and Igt 2, Block 4, Richno@ Us .&dnO1' ,and *.shall becohe a part and exkension of t@t project; known a4- . between Richoqd Lane aqd Xent; _shall be. approved as ?Constryetion ir 11 -- Construction of Standard Village curlj ,and Gutter in Wbdsor Avei ? -. I of Sand@ Village Carb and Gutter in Richmond DrLve,between R.ic@ond Lane and W. -kt Line of Lot 22, Block l1 Westchester @oUs Addn," and shall become a parti and..extension of that - shall Lbe appm-Fd as tBhcktopp.ing of %5&h St. between Oaklarm and Brookview~Aves. , Snduding .Constqctioq of gro ject_knom as 1 I1 I1 ' .- Bladdopping of W05t3th St. between ,Oaklawn and Broo~ew 4ve.; % .. l2 * con&ete Curb and Gutter." It tt !!E Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appgrbenances *$+ Hankerson li .. Blacktopping of St,Johns Am. between lfO5%ih and 11.6Qth S$s. Ave, from T.T,5lst dt. to a&. 100-Ft..more or lessg North -. ?t A. N0.B-20 - thereof; approved-and t6 become &,integra2 part of Sanit&y Sewer No.66 SanZtary Sewer NO:& Constructiorn of Sanitary Sewer and Appartenances in Fairfax -% - .. , Am; -from Wf5&h St. to-a pt. 19!ji_Ft., mre or less, South Cchstzwction of Sani%ay Sewer and Appurttenances 'in Halifax _. 'Lane frrtm So.Qne of Soqthridge A4dn. to a pt. 675. Ft,, more or less, South thereof; and in Easement through bts 3 anda4 of Preliu@ayy Plat called T3ylyan Cree&!, from &&%fax Lane _'in HiiLifax We behew W.54tb S$. and Woodland Cbcle; shafl and Appurtenancss in Hdlirax Laqe bebe-, Woodland Cifcle and %utW Lot Line of Soubhridge Addn. tt Cogst2uctioaof Village Waterma@ Extension &d Ap&enances in TL62nd St. bekwea Oaklawn and France Aves.;, in France Ave-.betwen W.62nd andLll.60th St. ; ,and b- Halif ax Aye. bdween W.&&h St. and Bance Ave. Coistrirotion of V-ge Idatema@ Zxbension and Ap&enances _. in B.ernard €lace betmen W.56th and Grove Sts.; in Code Ave. betwieen Groye St. and W.*sth St.; and in GFve St, bqtween Code kve. and gernard Place Construction of Yillage. Ifate& Extension and Appuz"bnaces ~ id lL70th %.fern Serfice Rd. along %Side of State IIwg,100 ?&S&de of State Hwy.100,fron Duggan Plaza to tJ.7Oth St.; 2n galens Dr. 4So., from Duggan Plaza to_'ZXLine of Sub&?&sion; and in &adow Ridge SO., frog Duggan Plaza %a 1r.Line of . $hWeof.* _. '. - to jjkisting 241*-Trunk Sewer,@ong EQmehaha Creek . be spproved,as*~f.lonstnxct~~ of Village jfatemiqExtension - Sanitary Sewer No.& Constguction of YUage Fatemain Ex&ension and Appurtenances ~ .* - ~ -- Watermain Iap.No. 69 __ Vatermain kp.No. 70 ~ -_ r " fuTat&in Bnp.No. 71 __ * to W.liue of Brookyiew €ItsB 2nd Ad&-*; -in Sew Rd, along Snbdivision. _. - c .- I- llaterroain Imp.No. 72 .. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of each of Street mmvanents Nos+ &63, A-64, B-2Q,3-18yB-21,B-22yB-23 and C-55, SdtW sewer -0vaenkS NOS* 67 =d,&3, and w&e~*Sinprovemen't; No. 69, ingludes a 1OtS.md tracts o$ land abutting the Po-@ion of the street to.-be aPmmd* Th =ea pmposed to be assessed for cost of Watermain &provament No. 70 5ndLUdeS I. .. 143 4/12/5& all lots and tracts of land abutting Mifax Ave. from No me of "The Oa~~l Subdivision to France Ave.; and all lots and tracts of la& ahtting' Fr=ce,$ve. from W.60th to 1L62nd st.; all lots and trdcts of .land abutting the NoAh Side of W.62nd St.- b-etween France Ave. and Park Place; and all lots and tracts of lad abugting South side ofX62nd-St. from-Frange Ave. to 0-m Ave., except I;ot 1, Peterson's 2nd Addn. _- The are2 proposed to be assessed for cost of Watermain Improvement NO, 71 baudes all lots and tracts of land in Xelody Knolls 3rd Addition. The area proposed to be assessed for cbst of l%t&n lhpmvement No. 72 includes all lots and kracts of land in Brookview Heists 2nd Addition, &cept hts-16 through 25, mock 3, and Lots 1 through 8, Block 4; and that pnplatted property lying in Set.. % 'PwP. ll6 B, Re 21 W, lmg 400 Ft. on W.70th St. and 400. Ft. on Danens . Motion'for adoption of Resolution 'was seconded by Bank, and on RollcU there mre .. - I 4 (i Drive South and owned by Job J. Duggan, four ayes and no nays, as follows: ;FliiEd, + .. .. ,. .. &YQ3? ,. . Ik. Kar17W. Makela, 322 Van Buren Avenue, presented petition for Sanitary Sewer in the foXLo!-ing streets: -f e 1. Tyler Avenue, between B&ore-Lane and Maloney Avenue. " 2. Harrison Avenue, between Edina=Hopkins Boundary-and Maloney Avenue. 3. YanI3uren Avenue, between 33dina-Hopkins Boundary and Maloney Avenue. 4. Monroe Avenue, between Edina-Hopkins Boundary and Woney Avenue-. 50 Mkdison- Avenue, between .Edina~Hopkins. Boundary and Maloney Avenue. Mr. Makela cited $he urgent need for sewer in this area because of concentration of population on small buildinglots, and soil conditions which make continued use of cesspools almost impossible. I. Setting forth need for sanitary sewer, and fact that City of Hopkins can furnish' said sewer to the area irk need, Nr. hkela then presented 'tPetitSon for Detachment from the Village of Edina and Ame&ion to the City of Hopws of West, Minneapolis Heights and the West-I.4.l Ft. of Block Sixteen Mendelssohn now platt-ed as Skeiner & Koppelplantp Figy't Addition and. all of Block 1, Hendelssohn.lf Glmk Bank moved that petitions for-Sanitary Sewer and for biachment and Annexation be accepted and that Public Hearings-be set at a time to be.determined when the engineer is able to sgcure fignres as to cost of SaniAary Sewer. Motion second.ed by Child and carried. Mrs. Robert Endberry, 314 Eonroe Avenue, t'hen presented petition against Detachment from Wna and Annexation to Hopkiqs, said petition being sieed by 22 owners of some 115 lots. _Bank's motion, that this petition be accepted and be considered aC the proposed public hearing on this matter, was seconded by Danens and carried. In accordance with Wotice of Hearings on Pe%itions to Rezone;*: *published in Edina- Norningside Courier,April 1 and 8, and posted on offici@ bulletin boards, Wor Erickson called Hea;rings on the following petitions, after the reading of BffFdaVit of Publication: . the following- descpibed. poprty:- :-!Commencing+ at the. pt I, of ,intersection of the Southerly line of Eden Prairie lid. with Easterly ljyle OF State Highway~,No,lOO; th. Northeasterly along sad Southerly line of Eden Prairie Road 210 Ft.5 tho at right tangles Soutjheasterly 80 R.; tho Southwesterly parallel with Eden Prairie Rosd 233.37 Ft., mwe or less, to Easterly line of State Highway-No. 100; tho Northerly along said Eisterly line of highway to pt. of begizlning and lag partly in Govt. Lot 5,Sec.28,T.l17,R.21, and parbly in t'J1/2 of sw1/4 of SeCo1%To28, R.24 &9k9 Eden AvTue). Wgsr Mitchell-stated he believes that description of property covers too large an. area; that building should be moved back some 25 feet to the East. Child's motion, that Council approve rezoning in principle but subject to another meeting of Committee to make sure as to exact location of propefiy to be rezoned, was seconded by Danens and carried. DISTRLCT5 ..Traqts..B- and,C, ,Reg&stered .Land SurTer No. *7 (5109 -tos.5108 .- ._. u91p-~dde, Road) .. Bank's motion, to contigue this Hearing until April 26, was second4 by,Danens and carried. 3. p~g!nIoN OF C, A, 'SAt4UEISON FOR REZONING TO coI4klN~Y STOm DISTRICT, &ts3J14, 5,6 wd -7s _BlO~k-~$~T~gdale~~Brothers..Br~okside.~~~tiO~~ (5199 and 5113 Hip&way 169; m,5104 and 5108 Old Hopkins Road. WeS. Id* Bucket* and Job Bates protested the enCrOaChment. Of COmWtY Store DistriCt upn residential property. was seconded by Bank and carried. * .. d., - r I * 9 .' 4 -. 1. PETITION OF HALLA NURSERY FOR REZONIBG TO COMMUNXTP sma msmm 2. PETmION OF BIL'J!MOFiE MCYEOR HOTEL. INC. FOR REZONING TO COM4UNTfP STCIRE: Child's motion, that Hearing be continued to May 24, I 144 4/12/54 Hanager Xitchellts recommendation fir award of bid taken &rch 22, on Pick-up Truck for Water Department, was reviewed. Bank's motion, that coqtract fw &rnishing truck be awarded to Dahlberg Brothess, for Ford trucg, pomt $1,467.35.. Hotion Childts motion,mthat bid taken >larch 22 for Sanitary Sewer No. 66 (Grandview Plateau +rea) ..be awarileg to low bidder,-.Hoe;lund and gompany, yas seconded by Danens and carried. b .. Considerable dip.msion was had as to award of bid on Ifell No, 6 (at site of new yater tower) Child's motion, that bid be awarded to &eys f.Je3.l Drilling Company at their base bid of,@9,380.00,. with stipulation that; Premip excess of 2,000 C@.s.,per Rinute; Pen-aty tp apply for-.less thap 1250 0d.p. per linute, was seconded by Bank and carried. Utjlities apt. Woehler instructed to negotiate with Company and to refer matter to Public Utilities Committee 5.n case contract could not be complete$-on this basis.*, Ifessrs. Kenneth Suhdquist and'Roy 1;. PeterLon askFd Council disposition of BO Sundcpi&*s eareer request for the opening of a roe abutting his property and that of School District No. 1.7, to &€end School Board >feet* on-the ath, to report that Council, and Planning Commission-are in. favor. of opening up the street in fmmt of: Elk. Sundquist's property. l4okion seconded by Ehnk and carried. r. Er. S.C. &geson, 4528 Cleveiand Ave,, returned Petition for Opening, Grabg, Grav&lbg and Oil Base, _Gleveland_Avenue between-Division Street and Hollywood Road. CWd moved khat petition be-accepted but that Public Hearing be delayecd until Eng$.neering Department has had time to study. Notion bsconded by Danens' National Tea Companyr s representative supported written petitkon for permission to: 1. %Eden H+ifaxEntrance to Parking Lot by three feet, making it 38 feet wide *. 2. To make Wester& entrance on 50th St. an "Entrance orily". 3. To make Easterly entrance on 50th e. an !!@it Only'rt,with right-turn sign, Bank's. motion that petition be accepted sub ject-to Check with the Public Safety Coninittee and Captain of Police. Hotion seconded by Ghild and carj5.ed. . &. Rpbert E. ktledge presented petition for permi% to operate lumber and building materials yard on the HIW3 pmperty near State &&way No. 5, rqcently rezoned Commercia, and 'to move- onto this property-an office hading XQ~~LZ~ wood st-cture with 7*kLZ' leanto, for tool storage. *. -. - secopded by Tx Ch5&d,and carried. )I t I* i not to. apply in, C - Cud moved for authorization to Eanager l&%chell &d cqked. .. XP. &,I?, Grave13-and provide drahage for Griffit Street between Belmose Lane and Sprnce %ad. Bank's motion, that Public Hearing-on petition be. seheduxed for Ifonday, t* 24,- wasseconded by ChQd and carried. ?he hour being late, and'it being apparant that Council could qt finish con- siqeration of business this evening, Bank moved for adj'ournment of meetTing to 7:30 P.lL, Tuesday, April 13. Motion seconded by C d and carried. Meeting adjou-p@ at U:&5 P,lLq re-pre=sent;;d pekition denied last year, for permit to Grade, 1" , f&dLA . I* - . . . . . . . . . Village Clerk .. c '" * c t XI C I *" . Z- c Ii * i . *. . II I: , * ..I * D