HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540426_REGULAR: 1~~ OF THE mGITLAR MEETINc OF THE
5, : - EDINA_VIf+GE-HALL -. . .
AsRIfi 269-1954> .&' 7230- Pa?&, AT-TKE
. e.. -* * __.--_ - hnbers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson.
Pursua& to llAdvei&ement for iids-Curb & Gutter, Grading & Gravelling,
black bop ping,^ published in Edina-Norqingside Courier and Construction Bulletin
April 15 and 22, 1954, Affidavit of Publication for which yas read by Clerk,
3ppmved as to form and-ordered placed on file, the following bids were referred,
by motion Danens, seconded by Bredesen and carried, €0 the Assistant Village
Engineer for public opening in the Engbeerts office. +C** Later in the evening, bids were presented and found to bemas follows:
(I I?. 5&h St..., , -We60th. St., . XerxesAveo I ..Nooddale Aveo
* Wooddde to Wooddale to We55th St. 4f060th St .
Kellogg Ave. Kello to tJo56th Sto to Wo61st Sto Henderson & Lee
Victor Carlson & Sons - 1,636.00 1,613.50 1,731.40 1,522000. . $e $ 1J40.40 I b 3,590000
Terry Bros., %c.
Ashwarhh & Son Coo
Terry Bros,, hc.
Ash;mr%h & Sons Go.
Earl A. Sewall
Blacktop Service
kshwa;.sc;h-& Son Co,
I. . ... ..
Danens then'moved, referring bids to Village Engineer for report and recommendation
at next meeting. gotion seconded by Bredesen-and carried.
Child moved for approval of mutes of Xeetings of April 12 and 13, r1954, as sub-
mitted. Motion seconded by Danens and carried.
Clerk Sa& then submitted rJNotice of Hewing-hpmvements,tl published h Edim-
Morningside Courier April 15 and 22, 1954, Affidavit of Publication for which was
approved and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said Notice,-Nayor Erickson caled
Public Hedings, and Council' s actions-were as follows:
Manager- Mitchell?s .Estimate of Spst was_$2,268-.-QQy or- $&.13_per- assessable .foot.
Uessrs. D.T.fiapp, 6001 KeIlogg-Ave., an$ R,H. Hawkinson, 5945 Kellogg Ave., objected
on factor of. cost, and asked tha$ assessment. be. re-apportioned among ~~inland1~ lots.
There were no written objections (See'Resolution, later in Meet5ng, approving project.) . 2. BLACKTOWmG OF XERlEES A.uEl BETWEEN W.56TH AND-FI.58TH STREETS. Manager
Mitchell!s. Estjmate-of -Cost,wasi~~,482.~,fo_l;l 42.90, per"-assessab&e foot. I&. Sherman, 5600 Xerxes Avepe, complained about the drainage; and Mr, Etchell stated that
drainage will be corrected insofar as possible at time of b1ackt;opping.
was had on Mhheapozis' plans for improvements of East side of street, with aud5ence
being of opinion that'Edina should take no action until such time as the City
proceeded. There was no -&e in the audience in favor. of pmject at this time, and
Child moved Tor abandonment of project, Motion seconded by Danens and carried.
It was suggested by Council that an Oilkg petition be presented, with the unde-
standing that Edina will oil at the time that Minneapolis oils.
of the,Publ.@ -Utilities ,Cogt&t+,ee-~ounced that engineerwg c@l?ges .will make
necessa9 a. postpon&enk:of &iis Hearing.
Hearing to Monday, Hay 10, Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
BENTON AYE. BIBWEXH 'w5fl6,AND TRACY. Am.. -wager Mi.t&ell gave Estim;ltes of Cost
in mounts ofl@,07 .wd 81g.25. Beg assessable foot ior this project, exp1a-g * tht it is qqcgssarg to &.%her skiPt a swamp-area on two sides, or to go through it;
that the swamp is not a dedica€a street; but that saething.&&th&ssible if i
, dedication could be secured,-in order that access .t;O all properties concerned &uLd be had by shirting the swamp on only one side. Child's motion, that,Public He-rlg
h 1 ~fi?+innd +o Mnnrlnv Mav 74, was seconded by Danens and carried.
3. Chairman Cad
He moved for continuance of Public
Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE 332 RESOLK5D by the Council_of.the;V$&l.age-of Ed-, liWesota, that this
Gounci&.here%ofore caused notice of hearing to be duly pubtished on the
Grading and Gravelling of B.60kh St. betwyn Oaklawn and WoadddLe &veaues, and
at the hearing held at the-=tine aqd place specified in sad notice.the Council
has duly considered the views of dl persons Uerested, and being fully advised
of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction
of said improvement; that said hproveaent is hereby designated and shall be
referdd to in all subsecp*.t pmceedings as Street &provanat No. C-56; and
the area to be specidly assessed therefor shqll include all lots and tracts of
land abutting said street. ...
Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there were fiye ayes and no-.qap,
.. ':. Nayor
_- It was then noted that Notice of Hearing for pro Sect appmved on April 12 was
W.58th Street between Oaklawn and Braokuiew Avenues. rather than .iust,WLack-
.€- incorrefct;, that it should hqve read 'fBla+cktopping &nd Curb and Gutter** in
topping1!. Bank's motion, ,that Coqncih. jnSti$utq Fu6lic Hearing l&y 10,. 1954, on its, own mtion, for Blackbo~ping and Curb ,and .@tter in W.58t;h Jtreet between
O*lawn and Brookview Avenues, ,was .seconded bz Br@esen d".una@qusly carried.
The matter of the BilGore Notor Hoke1 Corporation's petition for the Rezoning
to Community Store District of Tracts B-and C, Registered Land Survey No. 7 me
once agdn before the Council, Public Hearing having been contiqued from April 12.
Child moved that action be postponed indefinitely. Notion secondend by
fzeport was made that Committee of Council has investigated in the field the
survey-of the ,propertx diqh Hdlla-NurseSg has requested be rezoned to Commity
>tore District ,(the actual de.f;ailed ,legal 4escripti;on of said property &avj.ng
,been in xpesticm at hUic Hearing of Apil 12). Bank then offered the follorJing
OEdinqnce, movingth& Council waive second Tea- and adopt Ordinance as read:
--*-_ CO?WNW @%, DIVRICT- . . . . I -
Section-1. _Section 5,. .Compu@~ Store District, _of .Or@mqce *No. 261 of the
re&ed ordinances of the Vi&lage of Ecjina, as amended, is hereby further amended
by adding at the end of pwagraph leaf said Section 5 additional sub paragraph as
fallows: - (z) Southerly line of Eden Prairie Road with Easterly line of State Highway go, 100; tho Northeastegly along said Southerly line of Eden Prairie
Road Four and Eleven Hundredths (4.U Ft.j to pt, of beginning; tho
at right angles and Southeasterly 70 R,; .the Northeasterly parallel
&th Eden Prabie Rqd XI0 Ft, 5 th, at righi angles and Nortlpesterly
7O,F.t,; the, Southwesterly and along the Southerly line of Eden Prairie
Road for a distance of 200.Ft. to point of beginning and lying pa-fitly *
in Governmwt Lo% 5, Sec. 28, T, 117, R, 21 and partly in the ?il/2 of
Sgction 2. This Ordinance shall be -e b-&ll force and effect from an+ after
THE --@-OF. EDINA BY. E@&L@H~G.~DD~Iou.&
That tract of land commencing at tge point of intersection of the
- 5f3./4 of Sec. 18, T.28, R.24. . .
its passage according to. law.
Notion for adoption of the Ordinance as re
call there were five ayes and no nap, as fo
; Bank, aye; and Erickson, we; a
The following Petitions for Improvements were filed, with Bank moveing their
acceptance and-the scheduling of Publ3.c ka?5.ngs at the discretion of the
Village Engineer. Hotion seconded by Danens and carried:
1. Smitary Sewer in Benton Ave. between.EghYray No. lq and Eastview Drive.
2. ITatermdS- Same as Abovee
3. ,s_anitary Sewer ,in Chowen Ave., ~.6i;t to Vo62nd StL 4. Qiling-X-r.6Oth St., _Code to Tin&dLe;tJ;60th SL , Code to 100 fi=1ro; Code,
(and Eastxt5.m Dr. between Bm9n and Tingdale
- - .- -'
1 .- t.r,6Oth St, SO 136 Go No
5. &ling-@.59bh St,, Tingdale to &de. 1- -
- E7 k/26/54 6, B1ackf;oppizlgOIntersection Kent P3.. and Wxrwick Pl.=with Triangle postion
- to be filled and sodded,. 7. Sanitary Sewer-Brookview Ave. between W.62nd ani W.63d St. b) e
$. Watermain-Sane zs Above. -
9. 10. Sanjtary Sewer & Waterm&n- Shqwooti Am. 7- 62-gd .td 63rd.
At .this time, Asst. J3ng.r. Gilbert, who had been offidatin5 at the Opening of Bids:
taken this evening, reported that *the ,bid of kdmirdl Construction Company for Curb -
and Gutter had been submitted at 7:55 POI$, which was 60 late to have been acceptedi
Bredesents motion, that bid be reje&ed,.was seconded by Child and carried.
SarGary Sewer-W.bi$h St., Code he. ?to Hansen IEdl;- '
A complajnt from Mr. August Denk, and pan anonymous comication, both in regard
to the dog nuisance i.~ Edina, were received, noted and ordered placed on file.
Rural Hennepin County Nursing Distridts report for Nmch wds reviewed and ordered
@aced. on file. -'
Hamepin County Agricultural Society's request for a contribution in support of
the Hennepin County Fair was Seviewed, it being noted that Council has den5ed this
repst in the past. Bredesen's motion that request be med was seconded by Dmens
and carried.
Notice of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission's order to the Eimeapo3;is Street
Railway CompanJr to continue-!'Student Fares11 unt~il aaer Spring Quarter at the
University, was noted and ordered placed on file.
Twin City Rapid Transit Campany's request for written appmval of conversion of
Corn-Hopkip streetcar line to bus was received. Discussion was had as toea
tentative proposal., of some time ago, to extend the line South on BrooksLde Am.
to bterlachen Blvd. It was noted that the Company's reqgest for .conversion+
included a statement that such extiension is not possible at this time.
offered the following Resolution and moved its adopfiion: .- REsOLmION APPRZWIXG C0NVE;RsION
BE; IT RESOLVED by the V~~ge_Cou~cil.o~~.the_V~ge of Wna, Hennepin County,
Minneso$aAIthat approve is hereby given for conversion of the Cono-Xerxes-France
streehr kine to bus; the route of said bus, in Bdina, to be on.W.&th St,,
beginning at Brookside Avenue, thence easterly to-the htersectign of the north
Village Wts and the southern line of Section 7.
MotLon for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Eollcall there
Bank then
were five ayes and no nsys, as follows:
Erickson, aye; and the
,. ,.
The following Applications for Plumbers' Licenses were qp&ved by motion Child, seconded by Dqens and carried,_for period to April l:, 1955:
Veter?as bf yoreign ~Gst request for Ihyor's-Pmciamtion heclaring %y 20 as
Official Poppy Dqy &the Village was discussed.
requested-proclamation, was seconded by Danens and. carried.
Childfs motion, for appmval. 02 Food License for Dariwipt, kc., 5001Vemon Am.,
for period to Sprfi 1, 1955, was-second-ed by Danens and carried.
The-following &plications for'New Sign Licenses mere approved by motion Child,
seconded by Danens and carried; locations having been inspededpd qpmved tyS
Stein Plumbing'&" Heating Go,, 9212 Lpdale Aye. So.
Borman-.Plbg. & Htg. Coo, @IC. 9737 Lyndale Ave. So.
Bank's motion, authoz5zing
Asst. to &., ROE, Olson:
I. First Z&na State-Bank.- 4flt$t - $?.Side of Bug. llFirst E&a Bankn
11. ~ 1' ~
_. +. Hq.212-Vrasp.ir Property ffF~rman Ford*'. Gorder &ens - $*%I? 3933 W.50th St. . !!Corder &inensff
Norm Cleaners 4&1&L71 3909 Wo50th St. ?!Nom Cleaners!!.
She Cons%. Coo 4'&* -, .55 XQ.Cy.Rd,#l$ on Hwy 169,Wil.nut %age!!. Bettiqa Shakespeare 6XLfj.r 3931. Wo 50th Sto 11Bgttina Shakespeare1'
Santa Claus %own 452~4'~ .9 Ei.©_0n Cy.Rd.#l8 !Santa Claus Town". -
Edina Card &. Gift Shop 4!,kl.61 5004 France Ave. -So, - YEdina Card Shop", *
4!a8! &ooi,Bldg.HaTifax& 50th ?Shell" - *
ffanner _Company -
11,Efina Beauty Sdon 4!.xYr. 3903 W. 9th St. (hang,) !!l$dba-Beauty Salon"
12.Boranf.Builders, Inc. 6!x65 &%rice Ave. & Grimes Lane !!Boran's Edina-.knortl
I3,Zipoy-,Wolfe, In&. nZipoy4lolf e Food" - -
Eirst Gdina State Bank - l!.&O1- Attached.tO Front of Bldg. !!- 2, Naegele Adv. :Coo - 55~8'~ Cy.Rd,#l8-1/2 NLNo Of n- .. L
30!?x30!. W.Side Bldg-$215 Eden !!Wanner CO." . L
10._Shell oil coo
3O!.x&l 494$ France Ave. So, -
. _. . -. Plpno&ht~. 16. Socony Vacuum Oh Coo 5'&'
17, Edina Gift Efartj . 3!d.5f Tipsedina GiR NaytJ925 W.50th ETipsedina Gift- 5354 Fiance Ave. So. ?Nobilgasll
tart" , . .. - *.. .e .. .. - Request of 382. Lyall J. Olson,
with froa 7-.to 13-foot setback; his house-Qav5ng been constructed before change in
ordinance prohibiting garages on comer lots to have less than 20-foot setback.
Building Inspector Weehlert s recommendation for permission to construct garage having
no less than 13-foot setback was read, and Bank moved that Hr, lfoehlerts
recommendation be accepted. Hotion seconded by Danens and carr&e& -.
Pork he. So., for permit to cmstruct garage
Notffication of Board of Review Xeeting to be held Thursday, July 8, 1954, was
submitted and ordered placed on file.
Park Board Nhutes of Special Neeting of April 15, 1954, were reviared and *ordered
Village Attorneykdhorstts opinion tihat the Village is not obligated to rehd
for garbage colle-eion s6ce paid in advancebut not received-that this is a
matter between seller and purchaser of property-was reviewed and discussed at
some length. Bankts motion, that it be the policy of the Council that Garbage Collection Semice,be billed six months in advance with no-refunds allowed, and
that bus be printed "No Refunds11d was seconded by Danens and unaqimously carried.
MrO i;lindhorst's ipinio; also included a statement--"if the Council decides that,
!.rith&n certain areas, aZ1 properky miners must be served by the Village so that
the cost of service (garbage collection) can be kept at a minrimum, such a policy detemination also wuld be pmper and the property owner could not compel the .
Pillage to permit him to elect to be served by a private operator1*. The matter of
licensing kbage Collectors was referred to the Ordinances and hgislation
Committee for action, by motion Bank, seconded byeDanas and carried,
Nanager f.ri.t;chell %hen presentea plans and estimate; of cost on several projects, on
yhich he- recommended that Council schedule Public Hearings, and Child offered the
following Resolution and moved its adoption;
placed OIL file. 1
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council. of- the,Village.-o$ -Edina:
~ . -1.- -The -Tiillage Engineer, having -submitted to the Council a prelimli.nsrg repork
as to the.feasibility of the proposed Znpmvements described in the Form of Notice
of He&g set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said
reporbis hereby approved and directed to be-placed on file in the office of the
Village Clerk,
2, This Council shall. meet on Honday, Nay 10, 19%, at 7:30 Po&, in the Edina
ViUage Hall, to consider in pub2i.c hearings- the views pf an,persons interested in
said proposed improvesnents. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the the,
place and. purpose of said meeting to be published in the official. newspaper once a
week for tm successive weeks, the second of which pubLications is to be not less
than three dqys from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially
the '-following form: - I
NOTICE IS HEREEX GIVEN that the.Ediq Y~ge-.Co~-~l-r.rill_meet at the Village Ml
on. Xondag,. K~JT. 10,. 1954, at 7:30 FOE., to consider the foUotSing proposed bpmve-
rnmts, to be constructed under the authority gr&ed by l.l[innesota L~PIS of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of such improvanmts is estimated by the VLmge
1, ~l,@&opp- and Curb and Guttei in If.58th St. between
2. Blackbopping of tJindsor-Avenue betwe-& F&&ond Lane and . Code Avenue, and of Kent Place.bet~reen,~~indsor Ave. 1 and
3. &b qd Gutter in I&dsor Avenie, behiin Rieoh Lane
4.. -&b and Gutter in Chowen. be,. betvxeq IL59Qand lT060a
5. Construction of village Hatermain and Aptpurt~~ce~ b
EST-TD COST EngSieer as set forth below: tr
.Oddawn and Brookview Avenues 1r $ + 2; &io 89
Kent &re. [I 8 6,799.68 ,
ad Code Avenue, qd in Keqt Place, Windsor Aveb tow Kent $ 3,464.30 8 39758.80
St,Johris Avenue betivzeeqJl.60th St, and Valley View Xd.
'and .in valley view ~d. fqm st,Johs ~ve. to a more or-less, E. of-.St;Johns .Am 3 11 - 8 7,02LW
6, Construction of -Village Vatenwin and &W&enaces in _Brookview Ave. between tJ.62nd and 11~6&th StS. I " kl.l.35k2~oo
PA96 fie
* v. x - ..
The area proposed to be asse&ed'for the cos5 of proposed improvaents Nos. 1,
2,3,4 and 6, above, includes all lots and tracts of land abuttingkhe streets to
be hproved.
, I
I The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of proposed impmvaent NO. 5,
above, includes all lot; in Blocks 1 and 2, Valley View Terrace 3rd Addn.
EVIUJ) C-.. BANIC, Viliage Clerk
Vil.lagg of -Edina.
Motion for adoption of gesolution was'*seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye;. Chi
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Rpohxtion was
aye; Danens, aye; Bank,
v. Masor ,.
Park Board Chairmanfsr April 26th request for immediate action to improve the
tlWooddjLe Park!' was,dis&ssed, the total estimated cost of impmvaents being $6,637.00.- Manager Mitchell advocated taking bLds on a portion of this work
by 10. Child's motion, that ELl.age Mmager be authorieed So advertise for
bLds for those.improvem&ts wuch are not contenplated for construction by
Village day labor, said bids to be taken May 10, was seconded by Bank and carried.
Manager Mtchell reprtgd the Park Board's request" for a "meeting with the Council for further discussion in the Boarcl's long range land acquisition program. - Child's
motion that, if it is aeeeable with the Board, the Council meet with them at 300
P'M., Wednesday, M&y 5, yas seconded by Bredesen and carried.
&nag& NitchqJ.l~s reco@nendation for an increase in engineering charges made
agahst Special Assessment projects, from the present 8% (6% engineering and
2$ cleric@) to 10% (s;% engineering and 2% clerical.) was redewed, but no action
taken. ,- --I - n
%mger I@tchell requested mthority to advertise for bids for the razihg *of the
old Village H&l. Child's motion that bids be taken Nay 10 wa's seconded by Bd
and Carrie-d..
I?i.%h regad 60 ihe Oiling of W.7Oth Street by the County, &. Danens reported that
Chairman Bank of Public Safety Committee mved for installation of aWatch Out for
Childrenft. sics at W.484h St. and Eutledge Ave. and on Harrison Ave*.-between 3rd
Str and Woney Ave, Mqtion seconded by Brgdesen and carried.
Ihager EI.tcheU*recok&ded delaying the planne"d Open House until afker the
concrete steps and walk, and the new furniture, have*been installed. Child moved
%bat planq for the %y qst formal opening of the New Village Hall be atiaridoned
and that no further date be set until we are better prepared for the opening.
Blotion seconded by Danens and carried.
Xt was consensus of 'opi&on that Nanager Mitchell will pr6sent recommendations for
Village Hdl furniture $0 the Council on $fay 10, &I oder that bids for same may
Bank's motion, that Vilhge Nanager be authorized to advertise for bids to be
*&en May 10, on front $bps -grid sidewalk for New Village Hall, was seconded by
Bredesen and carried+
Manager Nitchell requested Council's disposition of llEkbrasu as follows for new Village Hall:
of a partition b&veen auditorium windows and accordian $oar, at $131.00; and @33$.00 for two end gates at counter. As 'to the first item,"it was suggested
that I@. Etchell consult with the Gas Company to see if there is any' cheaper solution to ventilation problem. 3tt wag decided that pa&ition*could be deferred
for the time being, and, that price,quoted for gates is too high. "
mmger Mi.t &ell recommided the re-scheduling of/the following projects scheduled
for May 10:
pqtition is expected. No agtiont+en, pending receipt of said petitzon.
be taken May 24. *.
$94.00 for ins tallation of 5kllipl Stabilizer"; construction
public heaEings on * "
' Blacktopping for Grandview Plateau - to Monday, June 14.
Sarritary Sewer - Parrlelz, W.62nd St., Rm, et&. _- to Monday, 'May 24.
storm Sewer - Above district 0 to Monday, 24.
Bredesenl s motion, $hat Council act in accordance with Ma-pger ' s recomendations,
P was seconded by Danens .and carried. .. r
Dr. Svfendseen presented sketch of "Annex to Biltmore Motel" to illustrate their
plan for -use of Tracts .B and Cy Registered Land Survey NO.^^, if this pmperty
1 is rezoned. No @ion taken. , -. ..
1-60 4/26/5lc
Bank moved for payment of Village Payroll, amount '$10,288.79 and Liquor Store 1 Payrull, *amount $554.55, bpth for periods April 16, to 30, 19%, as recorded in
J detail in the PayroU. ledger, and for payment of the following clainis. l:.fotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
L304.Z &@.can Linen Supply Company
ll8. 36
L3042 Weuser-bch, ..kc. ~ L3043 Canada Dry Beverages
L3046 Glausen & Sons, fnc. 802.16
FWD - cmt NO. TO= AEIOrn
@. ._ l.Lm '. * . ZO3.U.
L304.4 Bowman Distiributing Company 123.48 L3045 Coca-Cola Bottling Compaw 40oOO
L3047 0.E. DroneJr Beverage Conpany LP60 5k W48 Gluek .Braving Companr 219.95 L349 Kuether Distrilgting Company 91.49 L3050 &ssolt Bottling Company 16.95 L3051 3Ed-Vest. Vine Company, Inc. 451.40 L3052 $Enngapolis Brp&ng Company 728. 66
L3053 Rex Distributing Company 221.29 ,
L3054 Royal Beverage Digtributing Company 3 5.46 Lll531 Seven-Up Bott;Lbg Company . 77.28 m532 Pabst Breshg Corn- 258.19
Lll534 Schlitq Brewing Cornpany IO5 85 U533 l$i.nnesota Hospit@. Service Assn. 8.25 ZU.536 pal. B jornson, Pres. ~ P.E.R.A. (retirement) 69.27 Lll.537 Nidland National Bank .(dtWeld-taxes) , 191.75
m538 Farmers & Hechanics Bauk 1% 00 XU539 Horthern States Power Company 42.08 Lll.540 Ed. Phillips &'sons Comwy 286.00 L1154l. Griggs, Cooper & Company. 1,4840 85 ~UOR nrpm
=I533 Petty Cash - 17.81 I "
15.75 '62043.33 mm-IzENTdL
10663 Northern States Poker Co, @ . +--Gn- - -
ZLl542 Northwestern Bel1 -Telephone Co . -
I GARBAGE 10711 11. J, Dor& 20 55
10712 &s. Edward S. E.;ulcaby 2.55 -5;lO
- PoIoR;
10663 Northern Staies'PorJer Co. ix.. $5.39
10709 Geo. r Anderson ' f? f 3.76
lono Robe& Heidbrink P 72.2- ._
1952 IWROVEo
10649 10663
10715 10716
10717 10718
1071Sr 10720
10723 10724
10725 10726
10733 10734
10738 10739
Northwestern Bell Telephone Coo
Northern Stat& Power Coo ~
Bonstead Electric & Mfg. Go.
Ifallace & Tiernan, &IC.
J3adge-g Xeter Wg. Co.
R.J. lh-garl
H.R. Ton Go.- s
American kipen Co.
Northwestern Bell Tel. Co.
Northern States Power CQ.
Relegaard .Tool Co. ..
D.A. Lubricants_Co.
Firestone Stores-
3cnt ernatioqal Harvester
Leef Bros.
General. Trading Coo
Service-Tool & Eqyipent Go.
standard. Spring ~ Co .
Kh, Ht Zeigler Coo
Teco, bcr
soland IIotorg, Inc.
Standarg Unit Parts
Hopkins Notor Sales
f'Talen Ra,$i-o & Elektric Go.'
Rebrd Bro%hePs -
Subsban GheFolet; COD
Npls. Gas *Go.
Suburb? Electric Coo
Chas. Olson & Soh-
- U.S. Supply coo ~
L- Br~lin & COO, QCe
4 & w Coo. 02 -0
Kossow ow
10649 10650
106 53
10655 10656
10657 10658
10659 10660
10664 '
10674 I_
10677 , 10678
16779 ' 16680
10693 1P694
10695 10696
10682 '
Miller-Dafis Go .
American Linen Go.
Northwestern Bell Telephone Go.
Ed, Ryan, Sheriff
Clerk of Xunicipal Court
H.Godfrey' Nelson -I
Eplsm City Treasure;
State of %firm. Printinn Division 1 American Legion. Post #i71.
John V. Cahill ._
HaGeiger Sales
Paper Supply Co .
Schaub -Office S9pply Coo
Crook & Hanley.
Northwaskern Reproduction Cor
Northern States Power Go.
Npls. Star & Tribune -
kleigh Smith.
Bob Ludgate
H.A. -Rogers Co.
Geq. Thompson
Dietrick Lumber Coo
Village 02 Edina, Kater Dept.
Clancy Drugs, kc.-- -
Carlbom .Harness Store
BrOTrn Clothing coo
t.jillizapson staq cor w. Fire Extinguisher COm
Hi.nn. Ebe Equipment Co.
Edward. Een Sheman
L.V. Niller-
C.A. Johnstone
J. _Rush
A1,V. Huber
Phillip. Bacon 9.J. Tennis
R.C. Sonnaberg
Alfred B. Johnson
Kenneth If. .Johnson
Ronald JI Oren
Ernest S.1. Hansen
C .Wi. g.arlson
Wm., C. Carlson
.I Harm C. Hansen
Chris Mitzel
John A. DeMuth
Nler Brush Go.
Einnesota Supply
15aOO- 154aOO
22. TO
10.00 .
360% 7.50 2.28
. 34.65 386.7 5
35.00 X.48 , J3*39 17 a.64
20. 93
d 1.24 *
e 8.75 5.35 17.00
6.75 110.10
89.00 '
72aOO ut-. 00
. 7.00 168.88
- -. . Midwest Conference of Bldg. Inspection
Republic Creosoting .
Fred W, Hedley & Sons
Roe engald-Cooper
Glacier Sand & Gravel Co.
Carrie' s ~ *- C. 0. Eield Co.
McEgaq & Kkaft & Lang & Raugland
Justus Luniber ha - -.
42.55 59.48 269.86
159383.30 605.64 GENERAL FUND
I 36.85 $20,639.a -
. ... ..-.
Nr. R.E. Olson presented a report ewlaining repairs needed for conversion of the
IKLl~ce house into library--these repairs totalling some $5,000.
that a Codttee of the Council be appointed to meet with,&. Olson and-Miss Young, to ddtermine what repair? are needed immediately, vas seconded-by Child and carried.
Ilk, Ralph Hays, 7515 County Road #le, reguested peMnit to remove grave3 from a
hill on his property, -to bring it,to surrounding grade.
matter be referred to Village Engineer and PUblSc Works Committee for report at next meeting, was seconded by Bredesen and -carried.
Appl5cation was made for permit to Build a garage idthin two feet of the lot line a% 5008 Summit Avenue. Child's motion, that pedt be granted subject to written
approval of neighbors on-both .sides os" residence, was seconded by Danens and .) carried.
Bank's motion,
Ohildss motion, that "the
4/26/54 I*wor *ickson presented request for aPPrOEd Of appointment of three delegated from the Youth Council &o the Governor's Conference to be held 1-fw 7 and '8; Bredesmts
motion, that three delegates be appointed, and that registration fees be. paid, was seconded by Bank and carried.
The oomplaint wf R,O. FKLhoit,6200 Belmore he, that he had been assessed to much
for his propeAy -,Lots 6,7 and 8, Block 7 and Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 8, I-Tadel-
ssohn Addition - for Sanitary Sewer. Improvanent,No, 53, because propeAy has been
assessed as ahttbg Sttel Street and this street has been vacated. Office reported that I%?. lfilhoitts complaint is justified, and that a cant-ion of
%6~.00 principal As In order. its adoption: c
Bank offered the following Resolution and moved
- - - --. 8 .sANa&x..sBm~NQ*- 53
(Lots 6,2,8,BL 7, ,and 3,4,5,Bl;'8 .. Ikndelssohn Addition)
c .- .
IMEREBS, it has been determined that the Special. Assessment levied for Sanitary
SeW?r_@pmvement ITo. 53 against Lots 6, 7 and 8,"Block 7 and Lots 3,4 gd 5, Ble
8, Hendelssohn Ada-tion, is incorrect and should bB adjusted in conformancewi%h
the balance of thepassessments levied, and
IIHEEiUS it has been determined that the amoizllt of said Special Assessment against
said properties should be adjusted as per the following+schedule:
Parcel No. Int . .- Block I.
3300 7.7 ,100.00 No Bendit gi.nus 100.00 3350 8.7 100b00 No Benefit r.linUs 100.00 3600 3'8 100.00 No Benefit i-xnus ~OO.OO 36% 4*8 100,00 No Benefit T:linusII 100.00
8 100.00 6 85.00 $&tnls l$.OO 3700 5
NOX, THEREFORE, I33 -IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of .E&=,
Heyepin--Caqty,, l.IiPneso$a,_-that the assessment levied against the above named
parcels of pr0pert;y be, and hereby are, corrected in accordance with the above named schedule. .*
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Hennepin County Auditor and Treasurer be advised
of said -Frrec$ion,xd requested. to correct their records accordin&y.*
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by DFens, and on Boneall
there were five ayes and no-nqys, as follows:
I --. -' 3250 * T =..7 ~1oo;Oo $150.06 - Flus $5wki'
'm gTEZv N~US $$36!.00
; Child, aye; Danens,
I &yor
Developer E.C. Stow pleaded with the Council for inmediate construction of
trillage Watermain Extehion in Brookv&ew Heights 2nd Addition, &ch discussion
was had on this mat%er; the Council pointing out to 1%. Stow the facts that
Final Plat has not yet been filed (to which
delayed filing to save being taxed, this yea^-, on platted property), %hat the
property is still aU. in one ormership and it 4s difficult to sell-bonds in such
a case (to vhich NP. Stow replied that he has sold all but sme seventeen lots,
to some five or six: contractors), and that the streets are not yet. graded (to whbh
IIr. Stow stated he believes there is little work to be done, and the Village should
do part of it). After further discussion, Ba& moved that I-hager atchell be
'a~thorised to-advptise for bids to be taken Nay 24, for construction of Vatemin
in Brookvj.ew Heights 2nd Additgon, subject to E&. Stow's complying with qceptions
and actudly filing Final.Plat on or before Hay 10; wi%h opening of bids to be
contbgerrt upon 3fr; Stotr's*-presenting to the Council before Hay 24, petitions for
mtefmain in this subdivision signed by purchasers of property in Brookview
Heights 2nd Addition which will exceed 75% of the total number of lots in this
subdivision.. Eotion was seconded by Child and carried.
7.k. Stow asked' that; Council make arr&gements to have examinations for Driverst Licenses conducted at the Village Hall, explaining that applicants must go.
to St.Paul or to Chaska or Shakopes for their tests, Ialanager I-EtcheU was asked-
to jgestigate thLs matter y5th the Highway Departmmt to see what such a
sedce .cJill enta, by motion Bank,. seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Office reported that it trill soon be necessary to issue Improgement Bonds to
cover those contracts already atranled, and Bankts motion, authorizw bond issue
of approA*tely $100,000, to finance imprwements, was seco@od by Bredesen and
Utilities apt. I.Joema asked for authority to adverbise for bids for 8" I'ktedYL
from Tgooddae wi&ertovJer site to Frooddale Avenue.
be taken Hay 10, has seconded by Bank and Carried. .
Stow replied that he has purposely
Bredesen's motion, tht bids
. I-'--- ' .I * * s: