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There being no fbrther business to come before the Council at this time;
Child moved for adjournment. Notion s
Neetirig adjourned at ll:15 P.M.
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. -- ..- - .. ."- Pursuant to due caJ.1 and notics by the Mayor, the Eeetingwas convened at 7:30
PO&, in the auditorium of the New Village Hall, @embers present were Bredesen,
Chiad, Danens, Bank and Erickson.
Clerk Bank read kfidav3.t of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier and
Construction Bul&etin April $-and 15, 1954, for *fAdvertisenent -for Bids-Watermai6
Improvement,'?. and, purpant to said advertisement, bids were taken on the
Construction of Village Watermain qd Appurtenances from W.69th St. and
France Ave.; th,N. on Fr.+ce Ave. to t.J,66th St.; tho W. on ~~66th St, to
Valley View Rd. Wbnded; tho -"ly on--TaUey-View Rd.--Exbended to a pt.
4-00 Ft., more or less, South of-J$.64th St.; tho angling Nfny to Brookview -Ave, .and W.64th St.; th, to Taller View-Rd. &tended; th.-pn Valley View
Rd, Bxtended and_Vallley View- -Rd. to- _St Johns >Ave.
Baqk moved that bids be referred to Asst. .Engineer for public opening in Village
Engineer's Office, and motion was se_conded_by Bredesen and carried. 9 15. '%-:%
Later in+the evening the bids were returned and were founc to be as follows:
follorKing: -
- OtBrien Const. Go. ?$69917O.17
$$.Pal Dredging Coo .83,m7*30
I@I.~. Terry Exc. Coo 69,362 0 OO
I. Phelps-Drake Go. - 63,092000
Barbarossa & Son 71,1;70.20
Nolf Const. Go. 62 336. 40
Peter -Lametti Const. Go. 62, @ 5 0 20
F. Norettini, kc, 6 62,592.80
Lametti& Son . 66,7@3,00 I
and Child moved that bids be referred to Village Engineer for re6omndation at the next regular meeting. Pllotion seconded by Danens and carried.
wor Erickson then called Pubiic Hearing on llT& and Lateral Sewer," this
Hearing being conducted on gt proposed dittgonal,Tnmk Sewr beg-g at W.69th
St. and Valley View Rd. extended, thence in a generally Northwesterly direction
across the Village to,the alley between Harrison and Tyler Avenues and the
North corporate lwts of the Village; and bteral Sewers 3.q West Nhneapolfs. Heights Addition. Clerk Bank presented affidavit of PublicatAon for "Notice of
Hearing-Trunk and Lateral.. Sanitary Sewer," published $n Edina-%rningsi.de
Courier April 22 and 29, 12%, which was approved as to form and ordered placed
on file.- A large map, showing the route' of the proposed trunk sewer, and the
proposed assessment district, was shown to the audience; and Wger NttcheU.
presented Vu-Graph Slides, as follows, explaining them in detail:
Tot-d. Estimated.Cost o$ Trunk Sewer from
69th and France to North.Village Limits
between Harrison and Tyler -, $ 523,955.OO
District is composed of:
Council to decide on method of,assessment. .
1,050 Acres (Unplatted) and
l93,OOO Uneal-Feet (Platted)
Assessment per Acre Assessment per Front Foot
. ... . 4 2.44 -
Proposed Trunk Sewer -
Connection to Sanitary
$ 2.17
$ 2.00 p 1.88 $3 1.625
TOTAL TRUNK CHARGES , Per Acre Per Front Foot $.loo 8 2.17 . -1 - Sewer #65 . 16 + OS9
Total Trunk Charge - 35" 9 l44c -&- Now Paying for -&chfield Interc&tor -
Cost'-Per Year over 20 Year Pe@.od'-,. $ '7.25 per Acre/Year
Front.-Foot Cost - Assume 70' Lot
. -
9ll.76 per &o%/Year
3'EPlus 58 Intarest
.. .
Total Es$imated Cost (Streets Petitioned For)
. &dison,Nmroe,VanEQren,Harrison, %loney,to 3rd;
Assessable &ea1 Feet . (Tyler,, Belmore Lane $0 ,kLoney) ' 9,800
Later& Cos% per assessable foot - - 86.85
8 66,952.40
- - Lateral Cost - $6.85 Tnurk Cost -
Total,including Trunk & Lateral 9lO.zl Estimated -
ht Sizes Afainst Assessment -
.%?6 (assume $lOO/Acre)
(Total Assessment including Trunk and Lateral) + . - ... Per Year
461; Lot x 81O.U equals' $ 469.66 . " 8 23.4W s?. Lot x 310.21 *' 8 !jl.0.!50 * - , 25.5*
705 Lot x @.0.21 !! 8 W.70 . 35.7q
#. __ +- -?Plus 5% Interest
(Recomiend Assessruent I be. spread over 20 year period.)
-t 't N.a$or Bricks& then opened the Hearing to questions fmm the floor. L
3.k. Le& E. Jones, 5717 So. Blalce Road, asked why his property had been included in
the proposed assessment district when, in his opbion, it could be served by a sewer
along Nine-3ELe Creek, inasnrud as the property a3.l drained in that direction. He was informed that the Engineers have studied the topography, and that his properky can be served By the proposed "diagona31f line.
Hi?. Hary Hayall of Skgline I>r&m, wanted to know why the sewer was designed to
take. care of the owners of unplatted properties when there are so many built-up
properties without service. &. Ifitchell ewlained that Skyline is in the assess-
ment district for this proposed trunk; %ha% S@tine will be served by laterals.
Er. Johq Person asked several questions, which Bwor Erickson ruled were no%
After this time there were man$ questions concerning the mute, the assessment
district, and the cost. The Council vas asked whether -it had attempbed to negotiate .
with Hopkins concerning sewer'service for the West Enneapolis Heights area, and
audience was informed that the Council. has recgived an inconclusive and qualified
reply from Hopk5n.s. .t
3Wor Erickson asked for a show df hands, at which timerMr. Robert Short objected
$0 Nayorts request. A rather"heated discussion ensued as to-.whether or not such
a ppll should be taken; and upon final determination by the Council that a show of
hands ms in order, it was determined that the audiencewas &n favor of the trunk sewer in a ratio of about two to one. There were no oral objections to the lateral
serrJer, semr$.'having spoken in favor of it to relieve the bad cesspool condi%ion;
and no w6tten objections had been received prior to the Hemingo
-or Eriekson announced the closing of the Hearing at 9:l!j P.N., and Child moved for adjournment of meeting. E4otion seconded. by Danep qd carried.
t -. w -,
pertinent--to this Hewing, *.
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