HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540510_ADJOURNED. -_ -- .. -* - . hbers answering Roll.cal.1 v&e Bredesen, Child, Danens, Sank and -Erickson. A Drunkometer demonstration was vcltnessed by all meanbers of the CouncFL, in the police office, E i A-btorney Curtis Roy summarized for the Council the matter of WilUam Sa Heydt's revest for a hearing on dismiSSa3_a Wednesday, by 19, 1954, 'in the Council Chqnbers, i~th a letter being vpitten-to Mr. Heydt acknowledging his request and adhsing him that we are acceptking his represen- f;ativet in this matter even though it is outside the spirit and word of the ordinance. Notion seconded by Bank and carried, Clerk read report of the Village Attorney that Virginia Burnett's suit against Chris C. Lee and Sons, amount $15,600, has been tentatively settled out of court in a totd amount-of $1,100, $100 of tJhich will be paid by the Village and the balance by Lee. Bank!s motion that settlement be accepted was seconded by Bredesen and carried. _. &a Ben Parks' petition for permit to construct double bungalows on lots 2 to 6, inclusive, Block 1, Golf Terrace Heights First Addition, was reviewed. motion, th& matter be referred to Village Plangiqg Commission was seconded by Resolution of the Edina Civic & Improvment Association, approving the recommen- dation of the Citizens' Committee on Government Rqvision, and pledging support to adoption of-optional Plan By was read and ordered placed on file. Bredesen moved that HearQg be set for 7:30, c Child's Bank and carried, _- c Notification by League of &esota Nmicipalities that State League Convention trill be held at &orhead on June 9 to 12, was reviewed aqd,ordered placed on file, The complaint of &km VmXa Conatray, 5323 Halifax Avenue, that his water bill is too high, was reviewed... Letter written &a Conayay April 20th was reviewed in d&il and supported by Public Utilities SUPta I?oehler. I&, Conawayts request for settlement be denied-,- Notion seconded by Child and carried, The following applications for Plumbers' Licenses weye presented, having been Bredesen moved that approved by Building Supt. Woeh&er: .- Ralph HuLtgren, 5428 Nicollet.kve. Bruce Plumbing Corn, 4747 Twin Ues Ave. N, Bredesen moved that applications be- approved, carried. Notion seconded by Child and Office reported that Auditors want a resolution declaring the full and true vduation of the Library property, with land and building separated, Child movedthat Council ask Village Assessor to &e an appraisal, and to agree to his appraisal as the value of said land and building, Bredesen and carried, Discussion was had as to the transfer of funds from the' General Fund to the 'Park Fwd to equal a 2-mill levy for palnk fund for year payable 1953.- The Council was appraised of the fact that they had tentatively proinised the Fark Board some &,OOO in this regard, General Fund to the Park Fund in lieu of the, deficiency of maximum 2-mill levy for taxes payable in. 1953, was seconded by Bredesen and was unanimously carried. . &tion seconded by Bank's motion, that,%,OOO be transferred from the Petition requesting that %omething be done to slow down East and West bound * traffic on Sunnysi.de Road, particularly at the intersection of &den Ave. and 8 Sunnyside Road with regard to traffic traveling from the West and turwg South - onto Arden1t was discussed at some length, Tnsta;Llation of I1SlowChildren'* signs. was discarded as having no result, as was plan for police car patrol, moved that Police Department be instructed to have a plain cJ.othes man,.tri.th b&oculars,. patrol .this area for speeders and careless drivers. by Danens and Carfiedm Report of 1Jhneapol.i.s Park Boardts request for cancellation of Sanitary Sewer Znprovement NO, 53 Assessment on.,a small tract of land which they otm, just North of Rolling Green (Principal Amount, $58-05) was made, and disasseda that Park Board be- advised that Village Council cannot cancel this assessment, ingsmpch as Village park properties are being assessed. Motiofl seconded by.Child 1 and carried, . &a Mitchell reported receipt from Ninneapoliscf a !!Total Revised Cost of $425,963.27," for Sewer No, 53, in contrast to Estimated Cost of #3YJ,OOOa Child's motion, that Minneapolis force account be audited by Edina auditors, was seconded by Bank and carried, Bank Motion seconded Bank moved 5/17/54 14' 'Petition of Victor 2. Adams, for the rezoning to "Automobile Parking Districtit of the mall tract of lapd behind'the Shell Station at 9th and &lifax, .was discussed. Child's motion, that petition be accepted butethat &axing be delayed until after consultation with Tillage Attorney, was seconded by. Bank and carried. c Office reported two errors in assessing Sanitary Sewer Impro'pemmt Go. 53, mde because vacated streets had not been shoqm on the-plats . faom which assessments were made. Deputy Clerk stated that corrections are necessary at once, and Bank offered the foXLoz.dng Resolution and moved its adoption: I -* RES0T;UTION CcEiREXTING SpECa ASSESSWS - * .~AmT@r.sEI.JER-No. -33 . I - I '(Ids 9,1O,Ble'7; &,2,Bl,8, Nend&ohn,&d -Parcels 1100,1200,~~illard~s Sub.of Bl.17 - Elendelssohn) . TmW, it has been detemined that the Special. Assessment levied for Sanitary Sewer-fmprovment .. _-.. No. 53 against the followhg lots and tracts of lad is incorrect qnd should be aajusted'in conformance with the balance of the assessments levied,and _* said -pFperbies should be adjusted as per the f ollotsing .s cheduLe: Parcel No.- -I& it has been determined that the amount of sa&d Specid. Assessment agaivlst 3mE~sOEN ADDN, ASSESSED FOR SHOULD BE NET ADJUSmNT *-.: -*. . *. -- . . .Block . 3400 .. -9- -7 @ia.oo No .Benefit *-gioi.h 34% 10 7 $101.00 $m.oo Plus 50.00 . - 15.00 - 101.00 $&04*00 rgZ37.00 - 926?.OO . 86.00 .- 1. 8 ~lOl.00 2 8 $5101.00 No Benefit 1200 ,581.00 $1242.00 $331.00 $331.00 S662.00 IJmT, mmm, BS IT WOLPED, by the Village Council of the Village' of Edina, Ewepin .Caw$y,. l-mesota,. that the assessmen$ levied against the above named parcels of property be, and hereby are, corrected in accordance with the above achedule. PP , BE IT FUR'SHZR RESOLVED that the-Hennepin4ounty Auditor and Treasurer be advised of said correcteon-and repested to correct their records accordingly. Xotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Bredesen, and on Rolldl 1 there were five ayes and no-nays, as wayox ViUage Clerk * Iknager lktchell presented F-1 Plat of Valley View Ridge 2nd Addition. He called Council's Bttention to fact that t.gntatLvg plans for trcross-torm highway" show it running directly -through the proposed plat. *Nr, Hitchell stated that, - because there is no legal action Council can take to prevent developer from platting, he recommends approval q&ject to additiona of measurqnen'fis. so moved. &tion seconded by (fhild and carried. I&. Nitche~ presentdd Final Plat of School Manor, and also of Ilarion Gardens. He referred Council to severaJ. exceptions to approval set forth by Planning Commission at their meeting of Nay 12; i.e; A. $pproval of street dedication by School Board for these tiacts and the Bo Street profiles and cross-sections (for &ion Gardens) C. Grading and Gravelling of streets (for 3Iarion Gdens)- D. Linen copy of plat and two paper prints (for Harion Gardens) E. Complete engineering check and approval (for bkrion Gardens). Bank I - Sundquist tract. I&. 'Roy Peterson, otlner of School Ifanor, stated that the School Board is >filling to dedicate.*fifteen feet for traveled. right-of-vrm; that they vish So keep the "boulevard" for their own use. &rion Gardens be approved subject to exceptions ,set fofih by Plannfng Commission. Eotion seconded by Danens and carried. Final Ph% of .1lLake'Pamela Additionl1 vas approved Subject to thorough engineering check,-by mtio? Bank, seconded by Child and carried. Bank moved that Final Plats of School &nor and c " L C R.E. Olson, Asst. to 3I&r., presented plan for Council table and sr.rivel chairs. B&.?s-.motion, that new plan'be approved, to gether with four additional swivel chairs, after Village Ranager contacts I&. Donald Burris for his recommendations. Eotion seconded by Danens and carried. Bredesen then moved that VSlagk lknager be authorized to advertise for bids for office furn5.ture. ~ . Notion seconded b~ Child and carried. &. E.C. Stow reminded Council that his proposed Storm Sewer pmject cannot go forward without plans by the State Highway Department. .He asked that Council hold hearing and assess this storm sewer, holding hearing, now, and completing construction at such time as Highway Department plans can be ascertained, reminded &. Stow that he had. promised to furnish a bond for construction of this ment, as-g them wht their plans-are for Storm Sever instaQation in the . Brookview Heights area, and telling them we .muld_ like their answer promptly, was seconded by Child and carried. It was consensus of opinion that Council demand a bond from I&, Stow for construction of stomn sewer. Council Bredesents motion, that Council send letter to the State Highway Depart- 1 project. Nr. Stow reported that grading will begin in Brookview Heights 2nd Addition on Hay 11, being about a ten-day project. &. %Etchell reminded Council that a bond for gravelling should be filed after completion of grading; that if project is not completed at time plat is accepted, there should be a bond for both gravelling and the balance of the grading. with the Council in prohibiting apy watermain construction until after streets are I Mk. Stow stated that he was in perfect agreement to grade, .- plr. Stow and &. Mitchell presented Stow's preliminary plat for property East of State Highway No...lOO and South of We'j'Oth Street, shotring four entrances onto Nomandale Road. Highway Department .for these four entrances,. plans were being made for a service drive, with at least two, and perhaps three, of the entrances onto the service drive. ments wi%h the Highway Department, It was stated that, while Hk. Stow must get permission from the Bank moved acceptance df Preliminary Plat tsubject to -favora@e axrange- Notion seconded by Child and carried, ITr. Stow asked for meeting with Public Utilities Commit'see concerning petition for Sanitary Sewer for this property, a tmnk sewer through large uhimproved and unplatted areas, no definite action was taken on Nr. Stods request. Because such service involves construction of Nr. P,J.Freyts request for an allowance in his Sanitary Sewer and Ifatemain and, Storm Sewer Assessments, in the per-front-foot Fount of.the front.-footage he has dedicated $0 the Village for Storm Sewer, was discussed at some length. Bank moved that the relief be granted and that this amount be assessed against. the storm sewer iraprovenent for which the property was dedicated, all subject to engineering check and a check with the Village Attorney. Motion seconded by Child and carried. Dr. E.F. Allis' request for pennit to construct gas service station on Lot U, Block 1, Valley View Terrace 3rd Addition (&ready zoned Community Store) was reviewed, with lknager Mitchell rcgnmending that Dr. Jlllis be advised ta set his building back sufficiently far to take care of .the.possible widening of Valley Vim Road to a full 66 feet. allowed to approve pem-it subject to location of building layoutts meeting the requirements of the Village Engineer. Notion seconded by Bank and carried. . Child moved that the Building Inspector be Petition for Vacation of Alley in Block 10, lest Minneapolis Heights Addition vas read. held Nonda;y, June 14, was seconded by Bank and carried. Request from the Park, Board for pe-t' to employ additional personnel was read and discussed. suggestion that %he decision as to personnel is the Park Board';, and the reminder that they are operating on a tight budget, yas seconded by Child and carried. Bredesen's motion, that. petition be accepted and that Publsc Hearing be * Bank's. motion, that receipt of letter be aclcnowledged, with the The following applications for licenses were approvedl by motion Bank, seconqed br Child and carried: I Knight Hardyare, 4404 Valley View Rd. - Cigarette License - to 4/1/55 Knight Hardware 11 tt 11 - -. 11- - Food License- --to h/Z/55 I q- .- m Protests against the yellow curb paint on Arden Avenue, r&€ten by HessYs. J.N. McClure and Thurber Day, 4513 and 45ll Arden, were read, discussed, m-d ordered placed on file. - Suggestions filed by St.Peters Ev&gelAcd- Church, for trdfic control on France Avenue, were referred to. the hQlfc h Safety Committee5 I by motion Bredesen, seconded The reguest of kr. Ralph Hays, for permit to level a hill on Ms pmpedy, was discussed at some length.. Child's motion, that Wager Mitchell be instructed to notify-Nr. Hays that he does notXteed permit unless he goes belovj a fixed gade and that Mitchell give him s&d grade, was seconded by Danens and carried. by Child and carried. - If -* 180 5/17/54 1-Ianager B3.t cheU. presented the foUor&g recommendations of the Public Safety Committee: "* n Thas Council adver$ise $or bids for new police cy to be taken June 14; with altgrnate bids to be requested in aadi%ion to light car, said \ alternates to call for bids on Buick Century, Nercury and Oldmobile 2. Approval of National Tea Company to improve entrance to parking lot, and - other changes, as follows: 1. .I -88 Class. A. B. Second entrance East-of Haifax to be Wk-Right*Turns Onlylr. Gm Oa 5Okh St., the first driveway East of Halife he, b be used for First entrance South of 50th Street to-be "21 or Out'l, providing that the driveway be widened to a 20-fpot m$nirmun. nIn-Right Turns c).tiLyn. * 3. Eegarding 50th Street -crosswdk signals, change of Wa&=<faitft sips to ged and Green so that there is no question as to when pedestrians are to yait and Then they are to walk. 4. Installation of Stop Signs at 58th and Beard,' stopping 58th St. traffic at Beard Ave., in accordance with petition presented. 5. Suggestion by Er, Lehn regarding protection for fire trucks leaving new Fire Station and traveling to 50th Street on Eden Avenue. Bredesen moved that the above recomendqtions be <ppproved by the Council. Rotion seconded by Bank and carried. Request-of &. and Rrs. Lm Cm Sarles, 4600 Cascade Lane, for hard rail post instiallation Srom Highway No. 100, along the turn on hura Avenue, was referred to the public Works Committee for investigation and action,-by motion Child, seconded by Dagens aqd carried, t Xr. I-Etchell reported that Village T~U necessarily b& employ@ng machine labor this, summer, and asked permission to advertise for bids for same? Bredesen moved that Village Zhager be directed to advertise 205 bids for equipment rental, with bids to be taken June a. Xotion seconded by Bank and carried. Er. Oscar Grant-Is request for permit to excavate black dirt' from his properby . on Cahill Iload ims referred to the Public Works Committee for investigation, by motion Brddesen, seconded. by Child md caq$.ed. . Manager- &Et chell reported that licenses for Brown Derby are still being held up, pending their compliance with various ordinances. to fo1lcrr.T this up with Brmm Derby in order that they might receive licenses -- I Captain XcGarg rewested by June 1. 1 Bank's motion, that Village 3hager be authorized to mZte Hinneapolis for No U ,Turn signs at T.s.492 Str-eet, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. As to the Countyts request for Village participa$ion in cost of Oiling W.7Oth Street, 3frr Danens reported that a resident has contacted the State -yay Department with regard to jurisdktion, and that ke t~52.X have furtiher report to offer Council, soon. $bo &Etchell asked authorization to have Wnay & Krafff;, Land & Raugland, draft; plans for employees' lunchroom and washrooms in the. basement of the new VilILage hall, Bank so 'moved. , Eot&on seconded by Danens and carried, vqth Bredesen opposed, Bank moved for approd of the following sign license applkcations, and motion was seconded by Bredesen and carried: Greguson's Bursery 2x41 Hwy.$169 near Eden Greguson Nursery 3Uer Hdwe I!+.&!. 53&6,France Ave, Shen~-TEU.hms Pts. Grandview D.S. Stn. a3Qt 5000 .Ve,mon (attached bldg.)Direct Service Highway Display-& Adv. Cor 8x5s.. _Mttyts Notel DdLe Gree6 Go. 4x41, 7ad .a,nd Normandale Dale Green Go. jj&im Eedica2 Center (2) 12x6?. 3939 X.5oth Stm (Front) &fedicaL Cater Edina Ihdical center 2~6 3939 ?{.50th St. (Driveway) Physicians Surgeons Red &gic (Heinz Co,) NatLonal Tea Go. e 1 t I .7 3E.JG.Cy.R.#18 on $169 4.~201 3928 W.Wh .St. Anbuhl, Inc. hbuql,e Tnc. .a 2&36 3939 ?[*5&h @* (Rear) t List of Drs. 10x4' 4x5 . SPICorm~Oth at France Creston .Hills CymRd.#lB & Sec.Line. t!&iginator-J* 2!&O !. - 3940 50th gt* - Eoves. - Haves 53th .St;, 3r.317' _, New Rainbow Cafe. t 3945. JF.50th .St* . * Nation& Tea Go. IO&!. 3945 i.l.Wh St* * camel - clancy Drug, Inc. 2x2s. 3948 :f.50th st. clancy Drug IWte Investment Co. Pederson Dairy 11x6 V.,Shape Sign - Hove &onpany . NatLAdT. CO Hove company, BIC. l'X13O' H3240 l[.$fjiMth 23%. Hove Company 21.~55 3940 T.Jm5Oth st* 2 >ti..t<.-of ~p~s .osr;=L69 A . (Ciskovsky proper$Y) .- I Edina Barber Shop 516" 5012 France Ave. Barber pole White Investment Co. 31x3' NTd CorOW.7Ot~ & Wooddale Cres-Eon Hills 3. J. Johnson 4!*x4? L.-Jones" propertyzl69 Johnson be-Caste Standard Oil Coo * 5'lr7' Hwy,#l69-175'1 N.of inter. -. 4 -* Xoncret e Steps -7 A .with Eden &ad ' Standard 021 bo, 5'217' Hwy.#169 & Eden - ba J, T@nag -3!,x3! &29,V0View Rd. (hng) . Nolan's Golf Terr.Cafe 3!35' No1anl.s C+lf Terr.Cafe 6r.a' .. No1anI.s Golf TerrSafe 5!.x1! 3926 W.5Oth St. (back) L Hartzell Motor Go, 3!. Diameter4936 France Ave, So. __. Edina 3fobj.l Se-ce 4!,x5' 5117 Highway 169 W.R.Bliss, Qc, 2!.x5!. 3924 U.50th St. (Rear) Hallquist &:Haverb ' 5!x7?: Concord Ave. - - s & H Const.. Co. 6!2&!. Blake Rd, between'-Jeff .Lane s & H Const. GO. W.R.Bliss, Inc. 3?.&?. 3924 t.So 50th St 3926 ~~.$th St.- (front) 3926 T;1;5Oth St. (back) - ,% A .. - & Kamar Dr. .* - 6 Kaymas Dr. at Eden Prairie Rd, Std. Oil Go. Std. (3il Coo Hamm's Beer Jewelers' 'Cafe Bakery Coca Cola Seven-Up Chrysl.er-Plymouth Socony Vacuum Oil W,R. Bliss Ha&lquist & Haverly s ~t H Const. GO. & H Const. Co. .1 . ,. The matter of fire extinguishers for the iew village hall was'-referred to the Public Safety Comtnittee, by motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried. -. kanager'2atchell presented and explained a sketch of pkposed Planting and had- scaping for new village hall grounds, planned by Hessrs. Ralph: Johnson and Karold Utley. bids for landscaping new. village hall grounds. &lotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. " Utilities Supt. Woehler requested pemission to impose Sprinuing Regulations for the months beginning Eay 15, including additional regulations of **no sprink2ing from 4:30 P.31. to 7:OO P.M. Permission granted. - Rr. Eicheil. reported &.';rom-McCauley~s remest for rezoning of his property at the Southeast corner of Trunk .aghway gl.69 and County Road #18, together with Planning Commission's May 12th. decision that hearing should -be held on this patter. in August. Preliminary and Find Plat of Qr. Donatellets Terrace" was presented, with Planning Codssionls thy 12th.,appr~d. Bredesen moved for appmvall accord yith Planning Commissiont s recommendations, Notion seconded by Bank apd carried. Final- Plat of nickel sen'^ Wak View Addition1iwas brought to Council! s attention, having. received Planning Commissiont s approvd subject to dedication .of easement for turnaround OK for opening street to Valley View lRoad. Bank's motion, that plat be approved in zccordance with Plaxqhg Codss&onl s recommendation, was, seconded by Bredesen and carried, I e Preliminzry Plat or" Ettner's & Wing*s Addition was presented. recommended approval subject to.;dedication for streeti. Bredesen so. moved. Seconded by Bank and carried. I >bo Yftchell presented 'Kr. F. Klodt's Preliminary of property lying between Shervrood and Normandale and between X.62nd and W.63rd StEeets, together with Planning- Commissionts &fay 12th recomgendation that public hearing be held. After some revieTJ of the plat, Child moved for its rejection. and carried. Bank moved that Mr, Xitchell be authorized to draw plans and advertisie for c c .. * Bredesen's .motion, that Public Hearing be scheduled for second meeting Motion seconded by Bagk dsfd carried. . &. Hitchell -I I Notion seceded-by Bredesen Dwens moved for approval oftl$dina Bel-Air VI1 Final Plat. Motion seconded by Bank and carried. -.e . I!&. PEtchell presented a Preliminary Plat of the 0. Hintz and T. Xelson properby, which had been approved &y 12th as a-preliminary by. the Planning Commission. Child's motion for approval of Preliminary Plat was seconded by Danens and carried. - .. ttGaasedelen,t3 a preliminary plat, was presented by Fk. Ifitchell, with Planning Commission~s,May 32th approval. Bank moved that Public. Hearing be sett-on this proposed plat, for first meeting in June. Kotion--secondsd by Bredesen and carried. - Raether's Preliminary Plat was approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried, after detembation of Planning Codssion's May 12th approval.- -. Prelwnary Plat of lrSchvrantes k&litiontt &s approved subject to thorough engineer- 5ng check, by motion2$redesen, seconded-by Child and carried. I@. George Hotre's prelriminary plat vas presented, together with the Planning Commission's Ray 12th reconmendatich for apgroval. Child moved for approval of Prelhinaxy Plat. klotion seconded by Danens qd carried.7 Efanager Uitchefi reported on the mattep of reim$ursement $05 Hessrs. ,George Thompson and Don Pedersont George, an &spector, doing temporary work as an inskmient Nan," and Don, 8 Rodman-Cman, wor-$ing tmporarrily as an, Inspect'or. beyond their regular classification. granted, with the stipulation that the. tvo,men understandr the basis, of this I&. $Etchell then asked for authoriiy to employ an experienced Instkment &Ian no qualified m& is willing to work 6n $ temporary basis. I Child's motion, that . Bo IiIitchell be authorized to employ an experienced Instrument Man at-$361.00 per Wnth, on a permaneat basis, wa~~seconded by Bank and .carried. a. "$Etchelf reported" on the matter of unkthorised excavation in the'alley betyeen ITilliam and Hankerson Avenues and between IJ.T,Slst turd W.52nd Streets, by J.A. &mens and Son. in thfiir . exc&vatLon; and that representatives of Biltmore Notor Hot el Corp. have apologized for this error, agreeing to do anything the Village wishes, in order to rectify it, There being no further business to come*before the CouncXL; Child moved for adjournment. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and ca * . Xeeting adjourned at U:3O A.H., Tuesday, Hay 18, ( P- He. asked-authority to reimburse these men at 6334.00 per month for George, and $309 per Nonth of Dog, durir$ the time they are working cc Bank's motion that1 the reqyesl; be I tfmporary wage increase. 1 on a permanent basis, stating that while many applications had been received, 1 F* 1. He also reported that the-Company is_-now fi&Eng No a9tion taken. 1- c I*== OF WCIKL "i!II?G OF THE EDINB lIIU@ COl?lCIL,. HEtD 14?JNES?AY, E.zAy 19,. 19!&, ,AT 7230 P&L, AT .THE .. - I 1 XDINA-VII@GE- HALL . . , .. - *-- -* " Pursuant to due call and notice the meeting vas convened at 7:30 P.f%, in the Vi-llage Hall, with members Bredesen, Child and Bank answexGng~BollcaJ.1, for the purpose of granting the request of Police Desk Dispatcher and Custodian l?Sl.,iam S. Heydt for a Hearing on his d$sinissal from public service. Attorney -Strong regresent ed T.lr. Heydt, and Village Attorney Windhorst and Asst. VilJage Attorney Windhorst. represented the Village. I ... . Officers Kenneth Grandee and Bert Xerfeld, Hildi& Dahl and ITilliam S. Heydt, and Police Captak NcGarg were all head by the Council with regard to the police matter of Bkq 5; tape-recordings being made. Ers. A.F. Plotnidkg, 5525 Kellogg Avenue, presented letter ask& that Council reconsider..its dismissal action of *May 10, C" Nayor Pro-Tem Chad then annokced that ophions fromethe audience would not be heard unless 35?. Heydt s Attorney, or the and Bank moved that Hearing be adjou carried. P c I !