HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540519_SPECIALI@. George Hotre's prelriminary plat vas presented, together with the Planning
Commission's Ray 12th reconmendatich for apgroval. Child moved for approval
of Prelhinaxy Plat. klotion seconded by Danens qd carried.7
Efanager Uitchefi reported on the mattep of reim$ursement $05 Hessrs. ,George
Thompson and Don Pedersont George, an &spector, doing temporary work as an
inskmient Nan," and Don, 8 Rodman-Cman, wor-$ing tmporarrily as an,
beyond their regular classification.
granted, with the stipulation that the. tvo,men understandr the basis, of this
I&. $Etchell then asked for authoriiy to employ an experienced Instkment &Ian
no qualified m& is willing to work 6n $ temporary basis. I Child's motion, that . Bo IiIitchell be authorized to employ an experienced Instrument Man at-$361.00
per Wnth, on a permaneat basis, wa~~seconded by Bank and .carried.
a. "$Etchelf reported" on the matter of unkthorised excavation in the'alley
betyeen ITilliam and Hankerson Avenues and between IJ.T,Slst turd W.52nd Streets,
by J.A. &mens and Son.
in thfiir . exc&vatLon; and that representatives of Biltmore Notor Hot el Corp.
have apologized for this error, agreeing to do anything the Village wishes,
in order to rectify it,
There being no further business to come*before the CouncXL; Child moved for
adjournment. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and ca * . Xeeting adjourned at
U:3O A.H., Tuesday, Hay 18,
( P-
He. asked-authority to reimburse these men at 6334.00 per month
for George, and $309 per Nonth of Dog, durir$ the time they are working cc Bank's motion that1 the reqyesl; be
tfmporary wage increase. 1
on a permanent basis, stating that while many applications had been received,
He also reported that the-Company is_-now fi&Eng
No a9tion taken.
E.zAy 19,. 19!&, ,AT 7230 P&L, AT .THE .. -
XDINA-VII@GE- HALL . . , .. - *-- -* "
Pursuant to due call and notice the meeting vas convened at 7:30 P.f%, in the
Vi-llage Hall, with members Bredesen, Child and Bank answexGng~BollcaJ.1, for
the purpose of granting the request of Police Desk Dispatcher and Custodian
l?Sl.,iam S. Heydt for a Hearing on his d$sinissal from public service.
Attorney -Strong regresent ed T.lr. Heydt, and Village Attorney Windhorst and
Asst. VilJage Attorney Windhorst. represented the Village.
I ...
Officers Kenneth Grandee and Bert Xerfeld, Hildi& Dahl and ITilliam S. Heydt,
and Police Captak NcGarg were all head by the Council with regard to the
police matter of Bkq 5; tape-recordings being made.
Ers. A.F. Plotnidkg, 5525 Kellogg Avenue, presented letter ask& that Council
reconsider..its dismissal action of *May 10, C"
Nayor Pro-Tem Chad then annokced that ophions fromethe audience would not
be heard unless 35?. Heydt s Attorney, or the
and Bank moved that Hearing be adjou
c I