HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540524_REGULAR1-83 5/24/54 3- OF THE REGUWR liEEPING OF THE EDW VILUGE. COUNCIL, HELD NXDAY,_-lfAY 24, 19%, A!C 7~30 Pol.., AT. . - . _. .,THE EDINA TTIUGE HALL. . ... -- .. lknbers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, -Child, Danens, hank and Erickson. Minutes of Xeetings of Iby 10 and 17 were approved as subkthed, by motion Child, second6d .by D-aens and carried. Clerk read Affidavits of Publication for Advertjsements for Bids published in Edina- Kornhgside Courier and Constmction Bulletin Hay 13 and 2-0, 1954,, which Affidavits were apprpved as to form and ordered placed on file. bids received in response to said advertisements be referred to $he Assistant Village Engineer for public opening in the Ehgineer!s Ofgice. Notion seconded by Child ad carried. 9 .1'F -1% * Later in the evening, Assistant Engineer Gilbert returned vrith the opened bids., which were found to be as follows:: Bredesenthen moved that the ? CURB AND GUTTER S'!%EET ij!4PROW33. l$lXBEX IHPRO@L STm DPROVE. 'w~ ( $7,342085 NO.Bd8 - a -c N0,%20. . NO.B& Richmond Dr.-Circ), *3,4@*00 L. J. NcNulty ,4,74!+* 50 .8,193.?5 Victor Carlson & Sons 5,183.00 6,625075 3,5=@'.00 G. A. Carlson IJilliam V. Terry Peter Lametti Const. Coo Bart Carlone Phelps Drake Coo Lametti.& Son, Inc. Orfei & Mariani.& Sons Barbarossa & Son, kc. 3Jolff Const. Go, . L.l-i*NcNulty, WC. \ Keys t.sell Drilling Coo Crane Company FairBanks, Norse & Go, Fadden Pump Coo Layne-IWn. Coo 6,422.72 7,758.00 5,436 0 00 Bredesen's motion that bids on Curb and Gutter and Watermain projects be referred to Village Engineer for study and report at next meeting, was seconded by Child and carried. L Utilities Supt. Woehler requested immediate award on the Pump if possible; and +t was noted that cqmpletion date on the Ileys bid is 15 days, whereas the'low bidder will require 60 dws for completion, Because of the water pressure emergency and the urgency of putting pump into operakion hediately, Bank moved that bid be awarded to Keys ??ell Drilling Go. Motion seconded by Child and carried. Continuation of May Loth Public Hearing on proposed Watermain In Brookview Avenue between T.J.62nd and W.64th- Streets was had (this being a portion of the trunk line connecting the Southdale well with the Village water system>* &. Child explained 'the Village Attorneyis opinion, and those persons present left the public meeting to confer further with the Attorney concerning relative assessments and connection charges. (See Ninutes of later in meeting, approving Improvement). Clerk then read Affidavit of Publication for Wroposed Sbatermain Improvement,1t published in Edina-Morningsidg Courier May l3,wd 20, 3954, which. Affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed or) file. Manager Ifitchell. gave as his Estimate of Cost for tkis main, $15,047.12, or $1.00 per front foot for Trunk charge and $6.20 for Lateral--this being .a 12t1 Blain in IKlIiam Avenue between tf.52nd and t.r.5lst Streets, and 6l* mains in YJ.5lst Street between William and Hankerson Avenues. written, and Child offered the following Rgsolution and moved its adoption: ~ RESOLUT10NJI"DING flEsOLUTION - OBDEEUNG S~JATEEU~~N IfPRO%Ebm NO073 BE IT aESOLvEtD by the Coqcil.of the VQlage of Edina, RLunesota, that tlis Council heretofore- caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the follopd*g proposed There were no objections to this hprovhent, efther oral or improvement: Constrqction of Village Watermain kbension and Appurtenances in William Avenue between W.52nd and W.5lst Sts. and in V.flst St. between WiUiam -- . .. and Hankerson Ayes. __ Val54 .n *‘ard at the hearings held at the the and place specified in said nokice the council considered the views of all persons interested, and being fa- ad~sed of has the Pefibent facts does &ereby determine &o proceed with the construction of said ~P~v~ent; that Said bProVeILlent shall, and hereby does, become integra of l’bh?m aProvaent shall be as follows: W.I. lots and tracts of land fronting on Hankerson, P?illiam Bedford, ad chrfo-rd Avenues between i.T,!jl.st and W,52nd Streets; on Grandviepi Lane betpreen 3J; 52nd and 11. 53rd Streets;. all lots and tracts of land on South side of z:J; 52nd st, between lT%lJ-iam and Hankerson Avenues; all lots and tracts of land on TJest side of serTlice drive between Wm52nd and I.l.53rd Streets; d1 lots and tracts of land on South side of W~53rd Stm between Grandvim7 Lane and SerTlice Drive; and dX lots and tracts of land fronting on DotJning Street, Shemmod Road’to 225 ft, East; on Edemoor Stm, Shemnod Rdm to l.47 Ft, I?est;. on Shenqod Rd,, Irest side; &tion for adoption of Resolution vas seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there and %he ’Resolution vas adopted, 73, and.the area to be specialw assessed therefor HQ~vT~ Itom 169. to-a ptm 330.8 ??$: South“. xere four ayes and no nap, as and Bank, aye; %yor Brickson having .. -1 Rayor I &yor Pro Tem Child next called Public Hearings on several. proposed improvement projects, pursuant .to Wotice of. Hearings, Improvements,” published in Edina- Xorningside Courier &y 13 and 20, for notice, t?dch vas approved as to-form and ordered placed on file; and in conformance with said Notice, the following pblfc hearings were held and action taken “as recorded below: D Clerk Bank subniitted,Affidavit of Publication 1, OEHG - Richvmod.;Drive and Shemood Road -_, ... 3, 811 Streds in LaBuqna Vista-:and induding C, Wm.60th St;, Code Ave, to Tingdals Ave, ; and * . T.3,6t$th Street - . 1~60th St., -Code-Ave, to. 100 Ft,- TtJ,; and 0 %&th St. to 136,Ft. N. * - ’ D, Tt,T9th St;, Tingdale Ave, to Code Ave, *. 33. @bur St,, Haloney live, to One B1. SO, F, Concord Ave., V,6Oth_St. to V.View Road Xanager LEtchellls EstWte of Cost yas l5& per Assessable Foot for all propsrties abut’cing proposed Oiling Projects. There were nq objections, either or& or written, to any of the prpjects but that on Arthur Street between %Xoney Avenue and One Block South, 142. Gould explained that the petition filed ~ras.primarily to initiate a;n+estimate’of cost by the Village Engineer on a project which mulld include the necessary grading, but which would not widen the street. eqlained that any grading would add to the cost of the project, and petitidner requested that Village Engineer be directed to consult with property owners in the field before any action is taken by the CounciZ. Bank’s motion, for continuance of Public Hearing on Oiling of Arthur St., l-fdoney Avenue t? One Block South, until sych time as VUage lbgineer-has had time to study further,. was seconded by Dams and carried, && then of3ered the followbg Resolution and moved its adoption: BE TT -0L’OD by the Council of the,Village*of ma, Uesota, that this Counci&- heretofore” caused notices of hearing to be duly published on the Wpmve- merits listed belo-r.r, and at the hearings held at the time Place specified 5-n said notice the Comcfi has duly considered the VieWS of persons interested, and being fully a&~sed of the pertinent facts does hereby debme .to Proceed v&th the const,ruction of said hprOVaentS; that Said improv~ents are designated ad &a;U be referred to RPm X2tchell WOLUTION 0RDF;RING STREE;T B!E’BO’E@@NTs OILING - NOS. 0-57,TO 0-6cL,lNCe all subsequent Procee&I%s as follows: NAME OF lN?ROVB*BNT oiling - Richi.rood Dr, and Shemood Rdo fmm fliavray I~O, 169 to Richmod Drive 0a-g - AU. Streets in Muena Vista, and 0-g - ?f,both St., Code to Tindale; and Gi-7 -I - N068th St .. e58 q&th St Code to 100 FL NO; and Code Ave, :’1~60th St, to -136 Ft. e59 0-60 - 1~~59th st.,”Tingdal.e Ave. to Code AVe* ofiifig - Concord Ave,, W.60th Sto to vovietr-Rd* 0-61 and the =ea to be specialg.assessed therefor Sh@l- include all lots and tracts of lad abutting the streets to be improved* c m f 185 2. GRADING AND GRAVELLING of Griffit St., Belmore he to Spruce Road (at . petitioner ? s expense). Nr . Et chell cintmduced- developef . hpe, who explained his proposal, to cut .the- road through, but not to do any&%gLot 5, the corner lot-thus eliminating necessity of installing a drain. Hayor Eriekson returned during this discussion, The otmer of Lot 6 stated that the road will load his drahfield; and after some discussion, Mk., Hitchell recommended that this matter be referred to the Public Works Committee, with report to be made at tFe next regular meetsng, .P-mensl motion, continuing Public Hearing to June l.4, for report by F@blic Works Committee, was seconded by Child and carried. 3. COI!JSmUCTIoN OF SANITXRY SlGEFL in W,62nd St,, P-eJJ, to Shemrood, ad in Rym Ave., 1f.62nd St, to 330.,Ft, North. .-%ager Mitchell's Estimate of Cost v~as.~$4,6U,OO for $5.63 per Assessable Foot for the lateral, .plus $2.65 per assessable foot for the Trunk, for $8.28 Total. I&, -George Ettner, pmtested the layout of the project because of the street turn-around involved, and Bredesen moved that Public Hearing be 6ntinued until the next regular meeting. Motion second& by-Bank and carried. 0 Mr. Mitchell explained that onl~ one pzoperty owner is involved; that he has. petitioned for service; that Estimated Cost is $3.88 per Assessable Foot for Lateral, $2,6L for Trurik, for $6.52 Total. There were no-objections, either ordl or vritten, and Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOL9ED by-the eouncil of the,VijJ.age--o$ Erjina, Ninnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed hpro&meni consisting of Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Bernard Place between W.56th St. and Grove St., and at the hearing held at the time and place speci- fied in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the-pertinent Tach does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent prhceedings as Sanitq Sewer Improvement No. 61; and the area to be specially assesse'd therefor is hereby*amended to incl,ude ffAll lots and tracts of land abutting Bernard Place between W.56th St, and Grove St, including the North 300 feet on the West side of Bernard Place but excepting the North 175 feet on the East side of Bernard Place.rt Motion for adGption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcali. there Bernard Place from 4. " CO63TRUCTION OF SANITAhY S~~ in/l?,56$h St, , to 300 Ft, South thereof. RESOLUTIOE LIEENDING moLyrrou 0RDERING.SANTIARY SENR NO. 61 - L I 5. CONSTRUCTION OF TILLA~ T.fATEEEe.sAIN E&R3NSION AND APPmTE"CES IN Parnell &re,-from W.62nd Street .to Valey. _View 8oad,--, Before giving Estimate of .Cost, Manager mt.cheU. explained that Petition for main does not cover the area North of a point 3ll Ft, Hort;h of W.62nd Street; that main has been been planned in this manner to effect a loop and thus assure water prpsure. Mr, Ettner protested heatedly, and lbager 1Lti.t chell suggested that Council continue present Hemhg and then, on its own motion set a Hearing on the balance of the project, Child moved th-& Public Hearing be conthued to a date to be determined by the Village Engineer, and that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee for €urther study and recommendation, Motion seconded by. Bank and carried, 60 - CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON GRADING AND GRPLV"G or Benton hvenue between No. 5 96 -and Tracy Asenue. Jfanager REt chell. explained. that the lowest estimate obtainable, by grawg street on South side of slough, only, comes to $7.30 per Assessable Foot. He recommended against the project, because of the excessive cost. Bredesen and carried, .. The next matter on the agenda vas Public Hearing on Petition of C,A, Samuelson for the Rezoning to Community Store District of hts. 3,4,5,6 and 7, Block 8, Tingddse Brothers Brookside Addition, this Hearing having been continued to I this date from April 26. Committee of Council reported that they had been over the property; that it seems addsable to remne, inasmuch as the proper2;y is no% suitable, now, for residential building. - Bank's motion, that project be abandoned, was seconded by Danens offered the following Ordinance, i 5/24/54 mnving that the Council waive second reading and adopt Ordinance as read: 0R.DINANCE NO, 261-10 AN CiRDDW$CB B-qG Tm ZOIUXG OEtDINAH(3E OF TKE VIU;4@ .OF EDIi'@ BY .EESTARUSHIEJG ADDlTIONfi CO@-iUNITY i , STORE DISTRICT . _. . TlE VITA= COUNCIL OF THE VILI;I1GE OF EDDJA, ."EjO!i!A - ~Ollows : (4 LPLS - r. - Section 2. its passage and Sec$ion-1. Section 5, ComqnZnity: Store'District, _of Ordinance No. 261 of the reks-ed ordinances of the VilJage of E-a, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 5 additional sub-paragraph, its -* 3,4,5,6 and 7, Block €3, Tingda3.e &.others Brookside Addition. publication according to law. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect frcm and after Notion for adoption of Ordinance as read was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as foUows: Bitedggew aye; Child, aye; Danens, i. E Ifanaager 1E.tchel.l recommended award of bids taken May 3, on Tmzllk Sqater E.Iain from 69th and France. to Valley View Road and St. Johns Avenue, to second-lmr bidder, Peter Lametti Const. Co.; statipg that this .is a large and difficht project; that he is unfamilia with the work of the low bidder, Wolff Construction Co,, whereas Peter Lametti Construction Coo, whose bid is oKLy $89.00 higher than that of Wolff, has done satisfactory work in EEna for some time. Danens moved that recopnnendation of Village E4anager be accepted, Xotion seconded by Bank, Before vote could be taken on notion, 1Yr;r. DeGraff Wolff of 'Lfolff Construction Co;, spoke in behalf of the Company, stating that he could furssh evidence of satisfactory work on large projects in other connumities; that he is certain that his company could perform the work in a manner*satisfactory to the Village. Elk, Pifitchell reminded Council that considerable grading may have to be done in connection with this project; that TTolffls equLpment bids are higher tha those of Lamettio I&. IfolffIs ptttorney asked that Council act in accordance with established policy of awarding. bid to tllowest responsible biddert1. Hotion, and second thereto, were withdrawn by Danens and Bank, respectively. be delayed for a few days until further investigation can be made. by Damns and carried. Aw&d of contract for Xaoval of Old Village Hall, on bids taken Eky 10, 1954, vias postponed, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Child and carried. Ha,na&er >Etchell reported on bid taken Eby 10, for Concrete Steps and Ifalk, Curb and Gutter for New Village Hall; bid having contained an amount of $314.00 for railing. Bredesenmoved that bid be awarded to Victor Carlson 6c Sons, at price of $1,00O,,'to include all items bid except metal railing. Hotion seconded by Child and carried. Child then moved that mrd of contract Xbtion seconded . We. L,E. Godstein of the Scavengers Association reported to Council the City of I-meapolisl April. l4th ruling that scavengers could not dump suburban setage iato ~bneapolis! sewer. Edha cesspool contents. to dump contents of Edina cesspools into Edina sewer at a point designated by ITessrs. Etchell and Voehler until such time as Council can make further hvesti-, gation and formulate .gn ordinance governing said dumping; that they do so tempo- rarily only, with permits to be issued by office, at fee of $1.00 per cesspool, was seconded by Bredesen Wd carried. Ik. Kenneth J. Smdquist reporbed to the Council that he has been unable to interest the School Bard in dedicating road rQht-of-way for access to his property, which he novr-vrishes to develop. Mr. Sundquist cited the tax burden on his propmty, and asked that Cohcil initiate condemna,tion proceedings. to 0btaj.n this right-of-tray. Bredesen' s motion, that Attorney IEndhorst be authorized to initiate condemnation proceedings for the required right-of-way, was seconded by Child and carried, - 3ks. Parsons presented a petition, signed by over 300 persons in the neighborhood of the Como-Hopkins Stkeetcar Line, requesting that bus be allowed to travel on lJ.&th Street to Brookside 'Avenue. Bank moved that petition bd accepted and that Council write a letter to the Twin City Rapid Transit Company sbthg receipt of petition and adfiesing that Council definitely favors bus service along W.&th Street tq Brook& Avenue, in accordaxice with i$s Besolution adopted April 26, 1954; also, that this Codcfi agah reqest Tr& City Rapid Transit Company to ext;ad sajld bus service South on Brookside Avenue from W.44th. Street to Inter- lachen Blvd, 3btion seconded by Bredesen and Bnanimously carried. He asked that Edina make arrangements for a sewage dump for Child's motion, that members of .the Association be allowed c- r 5/24/54 Petition was received, signed by nineteen rksidents in the neighborhood of K54th Street, asking that bus be re-routed as follows: "Beginning at 15.50th e Street and France Avenue South, thence south on France Avenue to West 62nd Street, thence west on West 62nd Street to Wooddale &enue, thence no&h on Uooddale Avenue to West--jOth Street; thence .east on W.50th Street to France &venue1'. Bank's motion, that -petition be accepted aqd that .request be made to the-street Railway Company to study this situation and advise us of their conclusions, r@s seconded by Child and carried. Messrs. Oren So I%acConnell,6001 Fairfax Avenue, "and C.E. Hedcalf, 6000 Fairfa Avenue, supported %heir written objections as to an alleged Ilunfdr assessment" for Street hpovement No. C-23-the Grading; and Gravelling of St.Johns Avenue from 12i,59th to W.6Oth Street and of N.@th Street from St,Johns Ave. out that the great portion of work was done on 5t.Johns Avenue and should be assessed accordingly. and street as one"project,_was reviewed, as were the proceedings of the Improvement and Assessment Hearings. i?dessrs. MacConnell and XedcaLf stated that two properties had been elinbated fr;dm t2ie asses&ent Poll which should have been included thereon; and they were informed that this error will be corrected but that, inasmuch as petiti6ners approved of the method of assessment, nothing could be done to remedy it. The follor.n'ng Petitions for Inpro%men-Es were filed, with Bredeben moving that petitions- be accepted and "that Public Hearings be scheduled at the discretion of the Village Engineer. --Motion. seconded by CMld and 'carried. 1. Opening, Grading &d -Gravelling of Doncaster Way between -Ayfishire 2. Grading and Gravelling, Shmmod Avenue between U.63rd and lf.64th Sts. 7 3. Oiling, Valley View Road-between tJ.46th and W.48th %so /' . ., 4. Oiling, Benton Avenue between Tingdale and Code Avenues. 5. Oil*g, If, 59th St. between Wooddale and F&rfax Avenues. J 6. Grading,.-Jefferson Avenue beetween Belmore Lane and Spruce Place. jr 7. Blacktopping, W. 56th Street between Code Avenue and .Bernard Place. If/ 9. Sanitary Sewer- -in Valley View Road between Parnell -&ve. and fjighway 100. J' 9. Curb 2nd-Gutter j.n Wooddale Avque between j'J.59th and W.6Oth Stso/' LO. ,Curb and Gutter in Tlooddale Avenue between t.f,5&h and %!.59bh Sts, i& 11. Curb and ktter in Richmond Drive from Stub -Rd. to Code {%.Side); and in Code Avenue, Richmond Dr. to Windsor (W.side); and in JTindsor Avenue, Code to One Lot West (N..Side). J. Blacktopping, Code Avenue. between Richmond bkve and Vindsor Avenue. Oiling, V.6Oth Street Between 100 Ft. W. of .Code he.- .and Bewrd Place. Sadtary Sewer in all streets. in Marion Gardens. Water Main .to serve j;Ot 11, Block 1, Brookside Heights Addnod Curb and Gutter in Oaklawn A%enue' between ~7.6I.s% and T'J.62nd Sts. (agabst) v' Oiling, J$. 5E&h St ., France Avenue to Pwlbrook hne. &termen in Oxford Avenue from W. 52nd to 1L 5lSt Sts. (ad to aterlachen) Oiling, tdindsor Avenue between Hansen Road and Bailroad. V'" - to a point 135 Ft. East of Fairfax-. T, Messrs-.- XacConnell and Xedcalf pointed rr Petition, which called for the.work on both avenue Blvd. &id North line *of Bdina Highlands.') ~ - ,. -. J E. 13. 14.. Water in a13, streets in Marion Gaqdens, J 15. 16. w. 18. W.6Oth St., Wooddale to Fairfax Ave., 0W*g0 J . - 19. 20, 21. @ling, Belmore Lane between Blake Road and Harrison Ave.V , . ,, 22. J &fro LeS &de&& pres&ted plan for dwelling'in his new %!ghwood Addition, requesting pemit to build below "grade provided by Ordinance. because of the terrain of the lot a prohibitive amount of fill. would be required to build in accordance with regulations, and that site would be spoiled for the type of house planned. e. Anderson stated that the builder is proposing to stand the cost of the expense of lowering the sewer in this addition7-2.Jhich would be necessary to accommodate him at this proposed loivep buildhig level... Bank moved that pemnit be granted, providing that proper safeguards as to, liability for additional sewer expense, to be approved by Building Inspector, Village Xanager, and Public UtLlities Committee, I be met. Child and carried. At this time a degasion from Oaklam Avenue between W.6lst and W.62nd Street asked Council procedure on the matter of the petition-fjled against proposed curb and gutter, stating that some persons i.rho had fomerly filed petition fog the improvement had now changed their minds; that petition was now 5+50 for and agsinst. Council stated that Hearing would be Md on petition, and that differences of opinion could be ironed out at the Hearing; advising proponents to contact their neighbors beforehand, if possible, to secure as much UnmWty as possible on proposed project. He-stated that, I'lotfon seconded by L. Petitlion vras filed, by resident at 5220 W. 56th Street, for ztSlow-Childrenlt signs, and for street lights. Referred to Publ.&c Safety Committee, .by motion Child, seconded by Bank and carried, 5/24/54 188 Public Health Nursing Report for April, 1954, was submitted and ordered placed on file, . Ik, l!l'ervinmC. Dillner's report on the attendance of-three delegates fron the Youth Council to the Governor's Conference vias submitted and ordered placed'on file, Applications for Cigarette and Food Xcenses for the Wnneapolis Biltmore Notor Hotel were presented, and were appmked by motion Bank, seconded by Brdesen and carried, for year to April 1, 1955, with the understanding that food license apply for vending machiries and possible "continental breakfastW only, * Petition for Stop Signs at PI, 56th St, .and a.Tooddale-Avenu6 vas filed, and was referred to pUbli.6 Safety Committee f6r rep\ort, by qotion Bank, seconded by Bredesen and.- carried, F Police Report for April tras submitted and ordered placed on file, Petition of U. Gross, 7033-1st Ave, So., for t'he Rezoning to Coxinnunity Store pistrict of the following property, was filed: . 1lAll that part of Lot 2, Aud, Subd, No. 196 described as follows: Be-ing at a pt,- in a line parallel with and 134 Ft. E, 6f the No line of said Lot 2; said pt. being inte2sected br lbe running from pt. on 8. line of said Lot 2 dist, 221.6 Ft, N. of the 31 Cor. thereof to a-pt, on SEly line of sed 3tot dlst, 225 Ft, 1Ely.of saic Sq Cor.; th. N. .along said pasallel line a distance of 1% Ft,; Lh. sEl;p to pt. on SEly line of said I& dfs-t. 375 Ft, NEly from- StJ cor, thereof; th. SVly 150 Ft. ; tho hKLy to pt. of ' ? Bank*s-cmtion, that Public Hearing 6e scheduled for Ronday, June l4, w&s seconded by Bredesen znd carried, C' * " It was reported by Office that Drs, Tin$cam and Sborov now wish to have Public Hearing on @eir petition to remne corner at 49th and Frarice for clinic, Mayor Wickson rGported more recent information to the effect .that these gentlenen intepd to build elsewbere, and there was no action taken. Several s5gi licenses came befoGe the Council for approval; i&th 1.k. E. C, Stow objecting to erection of two signs on corner of lL70bh Street and Normandale, stating that these signs axe -&thin 500 feet of dwellings. 7 Nr. Olson and Police Department be instructed tB give very careful check to all sign applications before presenting thea to * Council for approval. Notion seconded by Child and cpried. Bank then moyed approval of the*following c applications, subject to check to make 6ure they fulfill Ordinance-requirements: Ho.ote&Cleaners ~ 3944.W.4~ Street (atop bldg.) Hoot eg .Cleanerg Hooken Cleaners 394.4 34% Street (siae,Bldg.)' 3x6! Hooten Cleaners Edina Realty Coo - ' Bank moved that am: LOCATION - w>VZEiTIsER. - Edina Redty Co. - 5x3! Don's Cafe 5348 -&ance &re, 3x2 ? Don's cafe - 5010 France AGe. 2btion':seconded by Child and cqfied. I ipplication of Amexkcan Legion Edina Post #47L, for permit to construct llt6ttx3' sign on the roof of the automatic ice-house on IJ.4.% Street was presented,.. - - .. togetheq 16th Hr, Olson's report that this sign. -is in Violation of Ordinance (Sec, 4(g). Bankts motion that sign be rejected, was seconded by Bredesen and, carried. Uanager Xi..%chell requested authorization for two extras to the Southddle contract- one for $5&"?00 for connection to pumphouse, and #l,L$5,00 for mains for additional lots,* Danens' motion, that extpas be allorred, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. 3T.r. E, C. Stow, in accordance with instmc%ions from the Council, presented petition signed by several contract purchasers of lots in Brookxierr Heights 2nd Addition, requestLng vmtermains. I&, Stow asked for Council decision on 7$-fOOt easement on W049& Street, which he offered to sell for $2,500. comer of If&% Street and France lLvenue to eliminate a bad drainage condition. Child's motion, that matter .be postponed until kEnutes can be checked TLth regard to this dedication, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Nr, Stow advocated the eonstkction of a trunk main from his ~rrell' to connect w2th Village water smtem, as an aid in maintag p??essure. No action taken. Dis'cussion was had as to additional der facili.i;ies, with Bank moving that public Utilities Committee be directed to consider the erection of. a million-g&loqtank and additional vreUs as soon as Waterworks Fund wiXl permit, I4otion seconded by Bredesen and carried. .. m.. P He advocated construction ox a catch basin at the t t. 71 89 5/24/51& lkm Curt Roy stated that, insofar as he can see, there will be no saving effected on Drunkomoter with regard to chernistts services, because Edina lvlunicipal Judges have consistently refused to allow drunkometer evidence to be presented without chemist's testimony., Council asked that this matter be thoroughly investigated before action on purchase of drunkometer, -.- i Petition was presented, signed by thirteen residents of Arden and Bruce Avenues, requesting that CouncilT&nsider its lky 10th action, dismissing tlilliam- S , Heydt, Discussion ensued, and Bank offered the following Resolution and qoved its adoption: of Edina, ldwesota adopted a resolution dismissing William S, He~t from his position as police desk dispatcher and custocfiaq in she municipd. service of the Village of Edina, effective at noon on Wednesday, July 12, 1954, unless he shotitd resign prior to that time: and pmm, The pounds for said-dismissal was that on the 5th day of Nay, 1954, said ?illiam Sm Heydt did violate ,a lawful regulation and/or order of the Police DepaFtment of the Village of Edina by engaging in conduct unbecoming an officer, to uit: ., RF;SOLUTIOE 1 lmw, On the 10th d-g.of 1954, the V$llage Council of the Village I I) hitfating physical violence kth and against . another police officer while on duty and while on Village property; and lmm, kt the request of said,Wlliam S. Heydt a public hearing befor;.e T~~, the evidence produced at said hearing established the following the Valage Council-of the Village of Edina, Xi.nnesota was held on Wednesday, lifas 19, 1954; and fr - Pobts: __ __ __ 1, That on the 5th day of %y, 1954, William S, Heydt did initiate physical violence with and against another police officer while on duty and while on village property; and , That said conduct did constitute conduct unbecoming and officer, NOW, TKEREFORE, BE IT RESOLWD By the Village Council of Edina, P$Emesota, 2. 1 that the dis~@ssal .of said Villi@ .S. .Heydt be and it is hereby sustained. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen,*and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no-*nays, as followsi: and Erickson, aye; and %he Re Bred Notification by Northern States Pourer Company was made that Agreement effective January 1,1950 trill expire January 1, 1955 but will remain in force for another five years unless Nobice by.Vil1age is made before November 30, 1954 that Village wishes Agreement terminated. Northern States Power Conipanyts request for approval of electric serdce for testing new Village well at .Water Tower site, was reported; and Bank offered the f ollovring Resolution and moved its. adoption: Notice ordered placed on file, ' Rj?,SOLUTIOIT FOR ELEXTIUC SE3VICE FOR T"STINc; 1EI;T: AT *WATZR. TOIER SITE ImREAS, the Village-of E@a$ Ibesota, mq~rss electric service for the purpose-of testing the new Village well now under construction one block East of Highway NO, 100 South of 5@h St., extended, and 't.IHER"rlAs, in order to make electric service available at the location of sad nev! well, it t.ri3.l be necessary for NprZchern States Power Company to provide c8pa.city for the operation of a ZOO Horse Poiyer 3 pwse 240 vblt mo%or, NOW, TmFORE, be it and it is hereby resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Blinnesota, that in consideration of Northern States Power Companyts providing capacity as aforesaid, the Village of Edina shall pay to said Companx the sum of $200.00 (representing the estimated "in and out" cost of malbng such capacity available upon a temporary basis), subject to the con- dition that said sum is to be paid to said Commy only in the event that the Village of Edina, ;*&thin 60 days after testing, does not estabxsh said well as an additional pmping station and does not include electric service for said station under that certain Municipal Water Punping COntract between l'h''bhem States Popjer ~ompany and the Village of Edilla Dated July 28, 1947, Xotion for adoption of Resolution was-seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five, ayes and no nays, as follows: B and Bickson, aye; and the Reso -/ Tillage Clerk 5/21t/5.4 Nanager EEtchell reported that the Vfilage of Richfield has already obtained an audit of IEnneapolis~ force account covering construction of IEnneapolis portion of Richfield-Edina Interceptor Sewer, said audit by State Public Examiners. Bredesen's motion, that Em offer to share,cost with Richfield and thus eliminate the expense of two audits of the same records, PELS seconded by Bank and carried. $90 i Resignation of Itr. -James R. Ritchay, from his membership on the Park Board, was read, Bredesent s motion, -that Council accept resignation with regret, was , seconded by Danens and carried. Recommendations for appointment of Mk, 11. C. Stevenson, 422 Edina Boulevard, as a member of the Park Board for the %*ired term of f4r. Ritchay were read and dismssed. ' a member of the Edina Board of Park Commissioners, for the-mexpired tern of $fro Ritchay, was seconded by Bapk and carried. The &tter of petition of Victor H, and Florence $1. Adams, for rezoning of that property behind the Shell Station, 50th and Halifax,_from Open Development to ltkutomobile Parking District,I1 came once again before the Council, After soae discussion &nk moved for scheduling of Public Hearing for-Honday, June 2-4, 19%. Pfotioc seconded by Child and careed. . &. P,f. Freyfs recpest for abatement of Sanitary Sewer and llatermain assessment in return-for .a stom sewer easement which reduces .the front ,footage of his property, was discussed at some length. of the distances involved in easement as against front footage be.made before any action is taken, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. As to abatenent of special assessments, E&. Whdhorstls witten opinion dated '$by 2L, 1954, was read, to the effect that papent for: easement should be in amount of special assessments levied against properby to be dedicated. mcjtion, that'policy be adopted of paying for future easements in an amount equal to sp'ecial assessments against that property to be dedicated, was seconded by Dartens and carried, c Bredesen!~ motion, for appointment of I-&. 1F.C. Stexenson as t ChLLdts motion, that an investigation Eknkts _. Attohey Mindhorstls opinion dated Hay 21, with regard to the straightening of Ed& &venue-to the*effect that the Council has the power to establish a public street on Village-otmed prope&y--ms read and discussed. Bank's motion, thst Village Engineer be directed to stake out proposed change of Eden Avenue off W.SOth Street, and that meeting be arranged v&th officers of the Country Club @-Lh regard to said proposed change, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Attorney TJindhorstts letter of Iby 24, transmitting draft of "Dangerous Liquids andEu>l Oils Ordinance AnendmerW, and setting forth in detail the pertinent points of this amendtnebt, was read and discussed at some length. offered the foUoxing Ordbance, mming that Council vaiue second reading and adopt Ardinance as read: Bredesen - ORDINANCE NO. 101.1 ' &k ORDINANm lNi3ljDING ORDTNANCE NO. 101 OF T€B_vII;Lc1GE OF XU-, SGULATING THE STORAGE-@JD HAi'i'LING 0F.DANGEROUS ..-_ 3ection.l.~ Section-2.of Ordinance No. 101 of the-VilJage, entitled .. LIQUIDS. &ID, FUEL OIL83 THE VILL4G.B COUNCII; OF THE VTW! OF .EDl$A, ,EmSOTh, CEDKCNS: .. !'An Ordimqce Begulating the Storage and Handling of Dangerous Licpids and Fuel lr@ection 2, Limitations on Storage. person to have more than one gallon of .Class I liqyids in any dwelling, six gdlons in any other building and ten gallons outside any builcting; or more than five gallons of any Ulass I1 liqnids in any dwelling, or ten gallons in any other building, or tventy-five gallons outside any building; or more than twenty-five gallons of Class TI1 Liquids inside any building or fifty gallons outside any building, except that larger atuounts of dangerous liquids than those stated in this section may be kept in the Village subject to the following restrictions: J& the unplatted portions of the Village, if kept 5x1 tanks as specified +n Sections 6 or 7 hereof; or In the platted portions of the Village, in retail storage only;,if,kept in tanks as specified in Section 7 hereof; or In all portions of the Village, if kept Tor domestic use as fuel*for-heating, cooking, and similar uses and if kept in standard commercial tanks dGsigned for storage of the liquid contained thereinOtf Sections 3 and 5 of said Ordinance No. 1Olare hereby Section U of said Ordinance No. 101 is hereby amended is hereby amended to read as follows: - 1% shall be unlawful for any ?X(ZL) *I(b) "(c> Section 2. Section 3. repealed. - to read as follows: L- 5/24/54 %5ection 11. Inspection, The chief of the fire department shall inspect all installations of tanks and other equipment designed to handle dangerous liquids before the sane are placed in operation, and no person shall use any installation, or cover or cause my such installation to be covered from view, before the same has been inspected,lr n Section 4. This ordinance shall be effective forthwith upon its passage and publication, 191 Notion for adoption of %dinance as read was seconded b~ Bank, and on Rollcall - there were five ayes and-no nap, as follows: Bre Child, axe; Danens, "1. The Village Clerk preseited a proposed form of notice of advertisement for bids for the purchase of $175,000 Tmprovaent Bonds to be isFed for the pcrpose of financing local iaproveqents for which contracts have been awarded inLthe current year, Said form of notjce was examined and approved and the Clerk was authorized and directed to cause the same to be published in the offhal newspaper and in the Commercial. Vest, at_lfi.nneapolis, IGmesota, calling f6T sealed bids to be submitted to the Clerk and to be opened by the Council at its meeting on June l4, 1954, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Child and carried, Bank's motion, authorizing Village Treasurer to secure Xarch Tax Settlement from the County Treasurer, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. . bager 3litchell presenied Estimate of Cost and Plans, and reported on the feasi- bility of constructing 12% Watermain in _William Avenue between $1. 51st Street and kt erlachen Blvd, J and GhQd offered the- -following Resolution q-d moved its adoption: BE IT EESOLXED by the Council-of the-ViAlage of-senar report as to the feasibility of the proposed Uatemain hprovment described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below,* and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be b1a"cd on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Edina ViLlage, Hall, to ,consider in p9blic hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in" the official newspaper once a vreek for two successLve weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days frrm date of sed meeting, which notice shall be in substmtially the f ollming form: NCEIm OF ~~~G~~~-N~~~~~ NOTICE IS HEREBY Gq .Ah+ -the-l$Gna Village. Councs yill.. meet at the ViUage Hd.1 on-qondax., June.14, 1954, at 7:30 P.PL, to consider the follot.J;ing Proposed hprovment, to be constructed under the authority granted bylhesota &ws of 1953, Chapter 398. RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC €EXRiNG ~ PROPOSED MA- I@?ROV$kZiW, . The Village Xngineer, having-submitted to the Council a preliminary . 1,. "* 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, June 14, 1954, at 7:30 P.K., in the 3. The Clerk is hereby authorbed and directed to cause notice of the time, I" The approximate cost of such Smprovaent is estimated by the VilGge Engineer as seP, forth below: Construction of 12" %Iatermain in Villiam Avenue between . . . : . _. W.5lst Street and Xnterlachen Blvd, 1lCommencing on the Sou%h line of W,5lst StEeet, on the Vest line of Block 5, Brookside.Hei.ghts, th. East along &id South l&e to East line of Hankerson Jive.; th. North to South line 0% Lot 10, B1. ls Brookside Heights;-th. East to East line B1. 1, B-mokside Heights; th. Iorth rto South- line Lots 1 & 2, Bl. 1.; th. 'EJest on Eas%-TiTest Alley line of -Blks-, 2,3,L, and 5, Brosksilde Heights to- Vest line B1. 5; th, Soukh OM Vest line Bl.. 5 to South line or" W.sLst St., the point of beginning. __ Piotion for adoption of -Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: $7,668.00 The agea proposed to be.assessed for the cost of said proposed i?nprovement is as follora : B d Zrickson, aye; and the Reso -3 n 192 5/24/54 dredesen' s motion, approving payment of Village Pay2Cill, amount $10,531.48 and Eiquor Store Payroll, amount $554.55, for period 1.b~ 16 to 31, all as recordea in detail iq the Payroll Ledger, and payment of the following Claims, was seconded I by Child and carried: - GT. Totten, County Treasurery 10784 10785 10786 10786 10788 107% . 1079% 10792 10'793 10794 10795 10796 10'797 10798 10799 10800 10801 10802 10803 10804 10805 10806 loso? 1 10808 10809 10810 108l.l 10812 10821 10840 108'4.l 10843 10844 10845 10846 10847 1034e 10849 LO850 10776 10777 10778 10779 10780 10781 10782 10783 10784 10785 107e 10788 10786 10789 10791 10792 10793 l0@15 10816 1081'7, 10818 10819 10820 3.0822. 10822 .) 10823 108% 10825 10826 10827 10828 10829 Construction Bulletin 1.T.G. iistleforcl Edina-Horningside Courier J.A. Danens & Son ~~.TT. Reproduction Co . To~p & Country Hdwe. Northern States Pomr Go. N.V. BelL Telephone Co. American Linen Co. H.A. Rogers Coo- City Treasurer, City of Npls. Ed. Ryan, Sheriff of Henn. Cy. Admce Floor Xachine Coo Robert Ludgate p.irs. L. Berry Barbeau Supply Co. R.A. l.&ers Co. 1~5XLler-Davis Go . Paper supply GO. 3ertelson Bros. Sel-Nor Dist. Co. George Thompson Don Pederson John- Olson Dick Salen, Photographs John 8. DGXUth Tlanner Go . Republic' Creosoting Coo T-!pls. Gas Go. Richard E. Olson American Public Vorks Assn. Richard E. Sonnenberg James I.TcNeU5.s %;enneth 8. Johnson C. &. Jo.btone ~h. -Do .Carlson 8. Huber Toe Bush LV,. IEller Peter beetti Const. Lanetti & Sons . Orfei & &Iariani Hoglund SC Co. J.A. Danens & Son Idgetti eC Sons. Metti & Sons Layne-Ennesot a Construction Bullet Sn R.G. Astleford Edina-lforningside Courier J.A. D.aens & Son N.B. Beproduction do. Tob 8: Country Hdwe. Northern States Power Go. N.?f. Bell _Telephone Go. American Linen Coo lini H'. Zeigler Coo Paul. Blake Reinhard Bros. @t,ernationa;L Harvester CO Direct Serd"ce Coo I.rcAndrews Coo Xp3.s. Gas Coo !h&n City Bolt Sr Supply cob V.S. supply Go. Suburban Chev. Coo Service Tool & Eqpipent CO. Leef Bros. - 'IZ0ssor.r Oils Delegard Tool COO I). A. Lubricants COO ." d I 5/24/54 TO: Gee. A. Tokten, Counky Treasurer Construction hlletin . Edina-Norningsfde Courier Tom & Country Hdwe. Northern States. Power Go. N.t.J. Bel1 ,Tela Coo DahJberg Bros . Badger Me%er FTg: Go. * Mueller Coo Lyon Chemicals Go. Bonstead Zlectric & Wg. Coo Kpls. Water Works Dept . Addressograph-Phltigraph co . - *. '. 10790 Northern States Power Coo 1-93 *. 10784 Construction Bullet& '* lkc 40 10786 Zdina-Norningside Courier 10790 Northem States Power Go. 2.00 1079.4 HOB. Rogers Co. - 16.83 10830 Z.A. Butler --Dale Green 10831 Warper Hdwe. . 8.10 1 1.50 5.86 PAELKS FUND 7. 10832 Rutherford Garden Supplkes' 210.00 $ - -1 : ,258.69 -- - 19~-am SERIES 10813 NOW. Natl. Bank 19635.33 $32,681.58: - - lO8l.4 First Natl. Bank 31 j 046 0 25 Bm0T-T FUND .-I * 1952 ~~~O~~E~W wv 10842 Fred Rogers $ 93.22 8 $260 30 ,260.08 u553 &hatser-Busch, Inc. IJ.1554 Bowinan Distributing Co . m555 Canada Dry Ginger Ale, kc. I@,% U1556 Clausen.& Sons, Znc. -c 1,125. 16 u557 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. 64.00 U.1558 O.M. Droney Beverage Go. 521.47 IJ-1559 Gluek ,Brewing Company- 194.19 321560 Kuether Distributing Company 221.22 - U.1561 Hassolt Bottling CompFy 19.56 ~562 Iheapolis Brewing Comp&y 1,Ol..4.26 60.18 U563 Royal Beverage Compagy K~1565 Seven-Up Bottling. Company Ll1566 Rex Distributing Company 216.85 L c 80.32 La1567 Distillers Distributing Compariy 2,125.15 U.1568 Ebin Brothers Company ~ 1,485 11 ~11569 Famous Brands, kc. 1,651.81 U1570 Village. of Edina 3.55 LU.571 I Val. 3jornson, Pres. P.E.R.A. 6604.8 IJ.1572 Kdland Na;tiona& Bank- ~" -_ 1% 90 L11574 Pabst Brewing .Compmy ~ 295.19 A U.1573 MLnn. Hospital Service Assn. 8.25 53 021 11. $0 U-1575 315.07 XJ-15'76 2,393 33 L11577 UI.578 McKesson & Robbins, Schlitz Brewing Company Jaerican Linen Supply Company . Gfiggs, Cooper & Company W-1579 Ed. Phillips & Sons Coo 242.43 LIQUOR FUND Ll1580 Northern States *Fotuer Company 4'7012 #13,0%*@5 ipplication for Plwnber' s License, by Anderson Plumbing Company, Tfapata, was approved sub ject.-to appEovaI by Utilities Supt ., by modS.on Bredesen, seconded by Child and carried. - Ihager P45tchell presented and explained Assessment Rolls for severd improvement projects now completed, and Bredesen offered the fol&owing Resolution and moved its adoption: -. IZESOIJJTION PROVIDING FOB SPECIAL . - * &SEsSLEF @@mG - sID.qw RBPAIR __ NO. S-1 ,. BE IT H3SOT;VED by the Council of the Tillage of Edina, as follows: 1, ,The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper-amomt to be speciLly assessed-for SIDZW&K REPAIR NO, S-1 against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within the-district affected by s~d improvement, and said proposed assessment having been filed w5th the Clerk, the same are hereby approved, and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in his office and open to public inspection pending hezring thereon as herein provided. 5/24/54 I94 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assessments, and the Clerk is hereby directed to came notice of the time, place and purpose of ' said meeting to be published in the official newspaper at least 9 days prior to said meeting, which notice" shall be in substantially the following form: 'NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESS-mm __ * . FOR SXDBTALK XiPAIfi &-1 . MOTICZ IS HEREBY QW? that the CounciJiof the-ViJlage of=Edina ~fl3. meet at the ffillage.Hall--on Xonday, Juhe 25, -1954, at 7:30 o'clock P.E., to hear and mss upon all. objections, if any, to the proposed assessment forcSidmKLk Repair, which assessment is now on" file in the office of the Village.Clerk and open to public inspection. The area to be assessed trill consist of the following lots and tracts of land: . Audit&s Subdivision #172 Part of Lo€s 36 & 37, lPuditort s Subdivision #319 - Lot39 - Lots 2L.and 33. -. F Browndale Park Lots 10 and 11, Block 9 Lot 9, Blo$k e . Country Club District, Brown SectLon Lot 16, Block.1 Lots 2 and 23, Block 4 Lots 5,6,10 and 16, Block 5 Lots 12, 16 and 19, Block 7 hts 4, 8, and 10, Block 8 Lots 5 and 9, Block 9 Lot 3, Block 10 Lot 10, Block ll Lots 1,5.,13,U,l6,2l and 24, Block 12 Lot 18, Block l4 Re-Arr.. of N Part of Blocli. 16, c Lot 4, Block 15 Countw Club District, Br&m Section Parcel ~lOU-l?& .of k%s "7 and 8 . Country Clab District, Fainmy Section Lots.3 and 5, .Block 1 - Lots 4,5,6 Gd.14, Block 2 hts 5 and 13, Block 3 Lots 7 md I&, Block 4 Lots 5,6,8,20,28 and 29, Block 5 Lots 3,12 and 1.4, Block 6 Lot 7, Block 7 , Lot 9, Block 8 ht 21 and part; of.Lot 22, Block 8 Lots 5,13,1L, and 20, Block 9 - Lots 7,ll,27 and 28, Block10 Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5, Block ll Lot 8 and part of ht 7, Block U, Lot 11, Block U - Lot 36 and part of Lot- 17, Block 11 Part of lots 27 and-28,- Blockt 33. Part of ht 28 and all of 29, Block 11 &ots 5,6,ad 10, Block 12 Lot ll and part of Zot 12, Block 12 Part of Lots U,15 and 16, Block 12 &ot 19% Block 12 Lot 6, Block;Ile 1 Stevens First Addition Part .af Lots 2 and 3, Block 2 Thielents Brookside , and Lot 15* TWte Oaks Addition __ Lots 1,2,4,16 and 17 !I08003 Fti. 02 ht *3+ Block 2 Lots 2,3~7.,9,13 and parzl Of l.49 Assessment for Sidewalk &ll be payable infive equal consecutive annual install- ments extended over a period of five yeas, the first of said installments to be papble with taxes for the year 1951, collectible in 1955, vdth interest on the entire assessment at the Gate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to'August If;, 1955. added interest at the sa&, rate for one year. on aXL unpaid installnrents. The owner of any property assessed for the above Iinprovment may pw the whole of assessment without interest to the Village Trea-mer, on or before October 10, 195&, and may thereafter :make such payment, with accrued interest to the County To each subsequent instalherit will be Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VWGE COUNCIL. l3WlKD C, BANK, Village Clerk Bredesen then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of: Edina, as follows: . - -1, .The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper ,amount to be specidly assessed for SAKCTiiRY S~~ D*lPRW.~ NO. 55, TfAmdnIN D-E'EOVEZ~ NO. 56, ad STREET IIPEO~~S NC@,--C-43, -GL& A-26 & 4S3..A-52,A-!53,&55 ad. A-56, against the .respective lots, .pieces and parcels of land within the district affected by each of said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the sane are hereby approved, and said Clerk shd.1 keep the same on file in his office and open to' public inspection pending hearing thereon as herein pro'Pided. This Council shd1 meet at the time and place specified in the $om of notice hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assessments, and the Clerk is hereby directed to &use notice of the time, place and purpose of saLd RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSZSSI*W -I . .HEA;RINGs . .. .. 2. 5/24/54 meeting, which notice shall be in substantidly the following Tom: *. FOR. l3IPEOmbWS NOTICE IS HEElEBY GTVXN, that the Cogrpxil. of the Village of E&na r.riu meet at the Village.Hd.1 -on Nond,;Ey, June 28th, 1954, at 7:30 .o'clock P.N., to hear and pass upon all. objectipns, if any, to the proposed assessments $or the following improve- ments, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection:- - 1. %Tatemin #56 - ConstSuction of Village Watermain and appurtenances in the .. following-Streets in Brookview Heights First Addition: i NOTICE Or;' HE2iRlXGS ON ASSJ3S-S e I 1. Ridgeview Drive; 2. Warsen Avenue; -3. Naomi Drive; 4. Danens Drive North; 5. %Xeadow Ridge; 6. ihggan Plaza; 7. Ff.66th Street between-Ridgeview Drive and Naomi Deve; 8, Normandae Road fro-m the NE cor. of Brookview Heights First Addition to West 70th Street; 9. 2. Sanitarg Sewer #55 - Ln Concord Grove ~ddition except Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 3 and Contprd Avenue from W. 58th Street to W. 59th Street. - 3. Grading ad Gravelling C-43 - West Wh Street between Wooddale Avenue and 4. Grading and Gravelling c-44 - John Street between &l.oney Avenue and Turn-Around. 5. Blacktopping A-26 & A-48 - Ewing hwue from 31.57Ch to 1PJ.6Oth Street., 6. Blacktopping A-52 - Chowen Avenue-between West 58th and.t"fest 59th Street. 7. Blacktopping A-53 - F?oodland Lane from Woodland Circle to Dead End. - 8. Blacktopping A-55 - zenith Avenue from vest 9th to West 60th Street. 9. Blacktopping A-56 -- Woodland Circle and_ >$est 56th Street between France ~ &venue and West lrine of Colonial Grove Addition and West 56th Street between Circle Drive. Concord Avenue. .. - - park Place -+d a point 175 feet East thereof. -. issessments for Sanitary Sewer &d Watermain hprovements will be payable in ten equal, consecutive, annual-installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments'to be pqyable with taxes for the year 19% I collectible in 1955, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of t%e resolution levying the assessment .ti0 August 15, 1955. each subsequent installment r&11 be added interest at the same pate for one year on all unpaid instalhmts. tive annual installrnmts extending mer a period of three years, the first of said instdhmts to be pwable idth taxes for %he year 1954, collectible in 1955, with interest on the entire asses6ment at'the rate of 5% per annm from the date ofnthe resolution levying the assessment to August 15, 1955. tci.11 be added interest at the same rate for one year onall unpaid j.nstallments. .- To Assessments for Grading and Gravelling will be payable in three equal consecu-- To each subsequent installment Assessments for Blackbopping will be payable in five equal consecutLve annual year 1954, collectible in 1955, vdth interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to August 15,1955. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. the whole of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer, on or before October 10, 2954, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest, to .the County Treasurer. pieces and parcels of land fronting and abutting on the portions of the streets in which said jmproveaents are made. t installments extending over a period of five years to be payable with taxes for the The owner of any property assessed for any of the above knprovfanents may pay The area to be assessed for the above named improvements includes dl lots, BY ORDER OF THE VILUB COUNCIL. EVJ! C. BANK, Village Clerk nays, a; follows: Bredesen, e;. Danens, aye; Bank,. 14.r. Mitchell then presented addl-t4.ona.l Assessment Eolls, on which he recdmended that Fublic Hearings be held Juls 12; qd Bredesen-offered the followkg Resolution " and moved its adoption: I -- PBULUTIOI~ PROVII)IXG FOR SFECUX ASSESSBUT - .. ,-HEfiRINm I .- XP €?&SOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows: - .. ~, . 1. .The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amount to be specidly assessed for SAJSZTABY SEHEFi lXt?ROvEBNTS NG3. 56, 57, 38 and 59, hnd for X'ATIZE!IUnJ TIPROYE3~?TS NOS.. 58, 59& 60, 61,--62-md 63, against the respective lots, Rieces_and.parcels_of_land within the district affected by each of said improvemen%s, and said proposed assessments having been filed rvith the Clerk, the same are hereby approved, and said Clerk shall keep the same on file in his office and open to public inspection pending hearing thereon as herein provided. 196 , 5/%/54 2. This Council shall meet at the form of notice. hereinafter contained to pass { the Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice said meeting to be published in the official time and place specified in the upon said proposed assessments, and of the time, place and purpose of newspaper at least 30 days prior to -- said meting, which notice shall be in substantially the follor.&ng form: j!JC@ICE: IS HEREBY GXTEN, that %he CounciJ of. the Pillage of Edina 1.rill meet at the Village. Hall .on Uonday, July U, 1954, at 7:30 or clock P.X., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for the following improvenents, .;zkich assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: NOTICE OF HEARINGS ON ASSESSl*IDES ,- - . . Em E-SPrnrn-rnTS . i. Sanitak Sewer $56 *, Constructioq 0"f Sanitary kter& Sewer and Appytekces 2. Sanitary Sewer $67 - Construction of Sanit-qy bteral Sewer and Appurtenances 3. Sanitary Sever $93 - $onsf;ructioq of -Sanit.ary ht?rd. Sewer and Appurtenances - 4. Sanitary Sewer .$59 - Construction of -3anitary lateral Sewer and Appurtenances - ~ 5. Watepaiq $58 -.Constpction OK Village IJater&ain and Appurtenances as follovrs: - .- 1. ,In Concord he. from existing line leading to T.sell Site to Valley View Ed. f 2. In 1?.6Oth St. between Concord and Parnell kves. in Beard Avenue from TTest 60th Street to tfest,61st, Street. in NoTmndde Cqurt and Lots E and F +in Registered Land Survey @28. in Vest 49th Street from Ffestbrook Lane to Wqana he. in Ashcroft Avenue from Vdley View Road to West 6Znd Street. - 3. 4. In ~arnell- Avenue between W.6Oth St. and Valey Vi& Ed. In Xjrginia-Ave. between lJ9.f%h St. and Valley Viev Rd. 6. Watermain #59 - Coastruction of Village Ifatemain and Avenue from Vest 60th Street tq 520 feet South. 7. i-iatermain $68 - Constmction of Village 'Iplatermain and 3Jormandale Court and Lots E and F in Registered Land 8. Tiatemin g61 - Construction of Village Watermain-and %49th Street from Vestbrook Lane to R.&vrana Lane. 9. iniaternain #62 - Construction of Village !.latermin and I. VaLley View Rd. between Concord he.. and Parnell Apppt enances Appurtenances Survey #228. Appurtenances Appurtenances Ave. -_ 2. 3. Virginia Lane between Virginia he. and Concord Ave. Virginia he, between Valley Vieyr Rd. and.Vest 62nd Street. 10, - T'fatemain #63 - Construction of Village Vatemain and- Appcrtenances _- 1. Vdley View €& from Ashcroft Ave. 9 St.Johns he. 2. Ashcroft he. from Valley View-Rd. to U.62nd St. 3. St.Johns hve. from Valley View Rd. to 1;1.62nd St. Assessment for- equ&,=consecutive, first of said instal ._ in Beard in in in: in: Sanitary Sewer and Wafjermain- LEnprovements vrilJ.. be payable in ten annual inst~lments~.e~ending.over a period of ten years, the henks to be payable with taxes for the year 19% collectible in 1955, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to itugxit 15, 1955. ..To each subsequent hst&lment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments . vmole of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurkr, on or before October 10, 1954, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest, to the County TEeasurer . pieces and parcels of land fronting and abutting on the portions of the streets in which said improvements are made. The oimer or" any property assessed for any of the above improvements may pay the The area to be assessed for the above named jmprovenents includes a31 lots, BY OBDER OF 2I-E VLLLkm CCitJNCIL. 3V&D C. BANK, Village Clerk n -. -. Notion for the adoption o€ the were five ayes and no nays, Bank,- aye; and Erickson, aye; as -1) Village Clerk Review WZ-S had of the proposed TTaterma5.n hprovement in Brookview Avenue between T?.62nd and ~64th Streets, and qhild offered the following Resolution -and moved its adoption: c Ei3SOLUTIOl$ ORDEllING 31II310mnhn T.TATm.II'I7N 2lEiKJVZ-BJT NO. 65. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the. Village. of .Edina, r.linnesota, that tbis Council heretozore-cause; notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Construction of Village Ifatemain and Appurtenances in Brookview Avenue between IF.62nd and S.64.th Streets, andpat the hearing held at the time and place specified in sdd notice the Council has duly considered the views of all'plrsons interested, and being fully &vised of the psr$inept facts, does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of szid impmvement; that said improvement may be most economically constructed if consolidated and joined as one project with the improve- ment heretofore ordered which has been desigpated as Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Improvement 1To. 65, which improvement includes a trur@ Iratemain extending dong the street above described and capable of being connected r"or laterdl house service abutting on said street; and the proceedings for each of s&d kprovements are 5/24/54 are accordingly consolidated;& .such proceedings shall be conducted in all respects as if originally instituted as one proceeding. Notion for'adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye;.CNl& aye; Danens. aye: Bank. Clerk's resignation from membership in the Public Vorks Committee, effective immediately, was read. &Iayor Erickson, with consent of Council, appointed I&. Bredesen as member ,of %his Committee to replace &. Bank. There being no further business to come before the Council, Bredesen moved for adjournment. Notion seconded by Child and carried. Neeting adjourned at llt45 P.N. - HINUTES OF TIE SPECIAL MEETIXG OF THE ED3NA VIUGE COUNCIL, HEID l@@XESD.AY3 JUIi 2, 1954, AT S:Q3.P&, . I AT-Tm EDII!TA-vJXLAGE Hllllt .-- . -- f. - , .- Pursuant to due call and notice, Council met at Village Hall at fi:QO P,&; June.2, for Special Session. 1-fembers ansyering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens and Bank. Nayor Pro Tem Child presjrded. __ Xanager &Etch611 notified Council of planning meeting for Cross-Tovm Eghway, to be held on Thursday, June 3, at the Court House--2:OO P.N. Nr, Xfitchell asked Council to take"action, if possible; on the platting of Valley View Slope, which will be directly'in the area to be used someday for right-of-way for* CrossiTovm Highway, if tentative plms are fol~os~ed. Council took no action for the reason that it is impossible, legally, to prohibit platting on the vague highway plans presented to date, I&. mtchell presented Tabulations for Bids taken Nay-2&, on Watermain projects. *He recommended aprarding bid for "Watermain Improvement No , 73 (Grandview Plateau area) to low bidder, Bart Car1one;at $29,242.80, to Bart Carlone in accordance withMhnager1s recommendation, Motion seconded - by Danens and caEried. _I * Bank moved for aimrd of contra& 342, &Etchell explained that Bart Carlone is also low bidder on the 8" Watermain. between Water Tower Site and Wooddale Avenue, recommended that contract be awarded to him at his bid price of &Z3579,5€J. Bank's motion for award of contract to Bart Carlone in accordance with Ilknagerrs recommendation, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. ,* Considerable discussion PELS had as to award of contract on the Trunk Ifatemain, vtlich is part of Watermain ad Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 65--in Valley View I Road Wended, etc. %ring discussion several. recommendations were made by Xanager PdEtchell and the Public Utilities Committee. recommendations of Nanager and Pub1ic"Utilities Committee, and that award of. . contract be made to low bidder,-lfolff Construction Company, was seconded by Danens and carried, _. fhnager Hitchell then reporked that much work is yet to be accomplished on the streets of Brookview Heights 2nd Addition before construction of that watermain can be begun, Stow complies tdth recommendations previously set forth, was seconded by Bank and carried. to Brookside Offer to sell Streetcar right-of-way East of Headowbrook Golf Cour$e/for $15,000 was presented. Although formal action was not taken it was consensus of opinion that Council is not interested. Assk. Village Attorney Curtis Roy asked Council1 s opinion on fifteen-minute "Coffee Break)' -under consideration by the Fact Binding Cod$sion. HaM s - ' motion,' that Nr, Roy be advised that Council is not in favor of Coffee Break.for any outside workers, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Bank's motion, that Council accept recommendation of Public Works Codttee and .adve&ise+ for bids for net? dmp !mck, with trade-in on old $mck, w~S Seconded by Bredesen and carried. Bank's motion, that Council accept Bredesenl s motion, ~ that no action be taken on bids until EJ~.